Newspaper Page Text
NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING CITIES A Fire at San Bernardino De stroys a Mill. The Proceedings Yesterday of Pas adena's City Trustees. JClslnore Notes— Redlands Happenings. Bedondo Matters—Happenings In Varlons Parts of Arizona. San Bernardino, Feb. s.—Saturday evening a special train arrived in thiß city from Santa Ana, Orange, Anaheim and Norwalk, bringing a delegation of the Knights of Maccabees. They were at once conducted to the A. O. IT. W. hall by General Diatrict Organizer J, M. Emerine. The foundation of this organization comes from that ancient race, the Mac cabees, who existed 200 yearß before the Christian era, and has for its legend the exploits of Judaa Maceabteua, who liveß in history as one of the Btrong est military leaders the nation has heard of; a man of quiet thought and etrong nerve. Therefore it ia a semi military order. Major N. 8. Boynton oi Fort Huron, Michigan, is known as the father and founder of the eociety. The order seems very well liked, as SO members have been initiated at tbe start and it ie safe to say tbat ere long it will be double that number. The tent will be known as Arrownead, No. 12. Gentlemen in all trades except those dealing in liquor will be allowed to join tbe order. After the business bad been all transacted, all eat down to an elegant banquet. At 2:30 a. m. the visitors bid their friends adieu, and started for home on their epecial at 3 a. m. FIRE. Another mysterioue fire sprang up laat evening at 10:45, and upon investi gation provedjto be the City flour mill. The cause of the Are ia unknown, The firemen worked like heroes, but to no avail, as the structure was a frame one and had a good start. There waa quite a lot of flour and barley in store which went up in flames. The mill waa well known as the old Mathews mill, and was built in 1873. It waa at present owned by A. Frederick, and leased to E. M. Depew. It is a total loss. NOTES. The Democratic central committee will meet at Judge Knox' office, Feb. Bth, at 10 a. m. Jesse Buck, who was arrested on the charge of assaulting the 4-year-old . daughter of W. N. Kellar, has given bonds in tbe sum of $500. Mrs. J. K. Schaffer, of Grapeland, is in the city on a visit to her husband. Dr. D. j. Evanß, who haa been at the point of death, ia improving rapidly. Mr. Louia Wolfe is lying quite ill at hiß home on Fourth street. The race which took place at the Court Btreet rink Saturday night waa won by Robert Roy, he having won two out of three heats. Who will bo our next postmaster 'I ia the unsolved question. The Kaleidoscope, which is working for the interest of the people, is endeav oring to find out who is the guilty party connected with the Third etreet paving contract. In ita laat iasue it published an open letter to C. C. Haskell, editor of the Times-Index, reading tbe riot act to that gentleman; also scoring tbe city attorney for leaving out a clause in the specifications. According to the way they read now the property owners have to pay for the etreet work when com pleted ; otherwise they would have had 10 years in which to pay the same. The farmers are rejoicing over the rain, and the prospects are that they will harvest a good crop. There has been a drizzling rain falling all tbe morning, but ita indications point tbat we will receive more than we bargained for. James Booth, sheriff of this county, was presented with a gold badge on Sat urday afternoon by hiß staff of deputies. It is a handsome piece of workmanship and was made by our leading jeweler, George Jordan. On the top of the badge is the word "sheriff," and across the bottom is the word "county." In the center is the monogram "S. B." On the back of the badge is inscribed: "Presented to James P. Booth by his deputies." William Keever made the presentation speech and the sheriff re sponded in a few well chosen remarks. REDLANDS. News Notes from the Infant Wonder City. Redlands, Feb. 6.—Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Kerr of San Bernardino are guests at the Baker. William Winter, dramatic critic and art connoisseur of New York, haß par chased ranch property here. The Y. M. C. A. building on Btate Btreet has been sold to I. Mitchell ior $7500. The purchaser owns much busi ness property here and the investment is significant as showing that owners are satisfied with rents and proßpects here. Child & Poundßtoue have the con tract for the Hargreavea block, to be built on Orange street. It will be ono story but quite ornamental. The San Bernardino county ministers' league convened at the Presbyterian church in this city at 10 a. m. today. Plane for George W. Meade's two new buildings are being energetically pushed. Bida have been opened. One will cost $4500, the other, the Arcade, $15,000. Mr. A. A. Courteney'a cottage on Highland avenue will be in old colonial Btyle. John P. St. John will speak here again on Saturday, February 25th, at the academy. The dancing class opens at the Aca demy of Music tomorrow evening. James Ernisse has the contract for Eainting and finishing the high school uilding. Sunday was a cloudy day with Bymp- Completely Uprooted. How many remedies there aro which merely relieve without uprooting disease. The con trast with sterling medlclnee which such pal liatives afford not only enhinces tho dignity ol the former but aorvea to emphaalza the lolly ol employing hail-way measures when thorough snes are available A marked instance of this the effect, on the one hand, of Hostetter'a Htom ach Bitters in cases of chills and lever and bil ious remittent, and ou tha other of ordinary remedies in maladies ol thia typo. By the Bit ters, malarial complaints in every atage and of Ihe most malignant type, are completely con quered and lofe their h jld upon tbe system, l'hey are rarely, if ever, dislodged by the or dinary tesonrces of medicine, although their ■vmptoms may unquestionably be mitigated through aueh rneana. The same holds good of indigestion, biliousness, kidney complaint, rheumatiam, nervouaneas and debility. By the jHUers they are cured when many remedie- Toms of rain. It don't seem to be any effort to rain nowadays. A gold watcb waa stolen from John Mack Friday night. A new grocery firm will occupy the store vacated by Miss Foote. Byron Van Leuven has been chosen physical director of the Y. M. C. A. at Atlanta, Ha., and will-accept the call. Rev. A. J. Wells preached to a crowded congregation on The New Day and Simpler Church Organization yes terday. The Redlands guard will have another jinks on Thursday, the 17th. Mr. E. A. Pardee, an old and efficient employee, has been appointed secretary of the Bear Valley Irrigation company, vice G. E. Harpharn. Work is being rapidly carried on on the Trueedell-McLain building, over the z»nja, on the east side of Orauge street. Tne Fraternal Aid association was organized here on Friday evening, with a charter membership of 50. The fol lowing officers were elected: Past presi dent, T. Hardway; president, George F. Jeseon ; vice-president, Mrs. W. E. Sih ley; secretary, E. H. Lockhart; treas urer, 11. A. Horton; medical examiners, Drs. Hill and Keck; chaplain, Rev. J. D. Rumeey; guide, Mrs. G. D. Adams; observer, Richard Walton; trustees, George D. Holton, George D. Adams, J. W. Chambers. PASADENA. The Proceedings Yesterday of the City Trustees. Pasadena, Feb. 6. —The board of city trustees met in regular session at 3 o'clock thiß afternoon, all members pres ent. All bills were referred to the com mittee without reading. A reaolution of intention to grade Lob Robles avenue from the Santa Fe track to Villa Btreet was passed. On motion it was decided to meet next Saturday to consider a license ordinance. The city attorney submitted a report on the license matter asking that he be given definite inetructiona aa to the kinds of business that were to be charged license. It waa decided to take up the ques tion of water rates for Hushing sewers at next meeting, and the clerk was in structed to notify the secretaries of the different companies to be present at that time. The report of the auditing and finance committee, recommending payment of billa to the amount of $2501.02, was ac cepted and warrants ordered drawn for the same. President Weed and Councilmen Clarke and Lukenß were appointed a committee to visit the board of supervi sors and have Borne understanding in re gard to protecting the city from northern storm water. Councilman Cox reported that an order could be produced from the court if necessary allowing the McLain estate to lease the property üßed as a city pound for a term of five yearß. A petition was received from North Los Robles property owners asking that the streets be graded. Placed on file. A petition was granted Raking that a grade be established on Colorado street between Orange Grove and Vernon. A petition asking that Raymond avenue, from Painter to Villa street, be graded. Specifications for grading,curbing and guttering Palmetto Btreet were sub mitted by City Engineer Ohadwick and accepted. A resolution of intention to grade Ray mond avenue from Painter to Villa was passed. Superintendent of Streets C. C. Brown wbb allowed a clerk, at a salary of $12 per month. On motion the opening of bids for con structing a cement sidewalk on South Maringo waß continued one week. A communication from the secretary of the W. C. T. U. was received, calling attention to the non-action of the board upon a petition presented by that body come time ago asking that cigar stands be closed on Sunday. The paper was ordered filed. Reports of city recorder, tax collector, poundmaster and marshal were received and referred to committees, after which tbe board adjourned. ELECTION OK HANK DIItECTOItS. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the San Gabriel Valley bank was held thia morning. The meeting was presided over by President F. O. Bolt, who submitted a report of the condition of the bank and itß earnings during the paßt year. The report showed a most prosperous state of affairs, aud after it had been read the stockholders passed resolutions approving the year'a work and expressing confidence in the present officials. The Eemi-annual dividend of 7 per cent waß declared ready for distribution, but the shareholders by a unanimous vote decided to allow it to remain in the treasury. The following board of directors waa unanimously elected: F. C. Bolt, C. S. Crißty, Ilarrv O, Allen, S. Washburn, J. W. Hugus, Webster Wotkyna, AY. S. Wright. At a subsequent meeting of the newly elected board of trustees the officers of the bank for tha coming year were elected, as follows: Frank O. Bolt, president; Sherman Washburn, vice-president; George B. Post, secre tory and cashier. WANTSD —A LICENSE ORDINANCE, That Pasadena ia badly in want of a license ordinance was recoguized by the city council at today's meeting, when thoy called a special session to consider the matter. The proaent city ordinance iB deficient in many ways. The case of the merry go-round people is an excellentexnmple. The ordinance provides a tax of $50 per day for a circua, with lesser amounta for side Bhow attachments, but faile entire ly to cover the ground in the case cited, and aa a consequence the merry-go round people are so much ahead of the city. It ia believed that a well regulated ordinance levying a email tax on the !' • *(!':■: Itrlaf*. Pasa-lc-tin office of Hits Herald, Kb. 16 West Colorado street. Advertisements and suhscrii> tions received. ST. NICHOLAS, half block from terminus of the Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale rail way. Rates ffS to $7 per week. .Miss I. Mc- Lain, proprietor. MORGAN'S LIVERY ANO BOARDING sta ble, rear of postoffice. safe and stylish turn outs at reasonable prices. Telephone 50. 0. GARIBALDI, dealer in wines, liquors, ci gars and tobacco, also canned goods. Last Col orado street, cor. OhMtuUt avenue. COOK & ECKOZA, general blaeksmithing, No. 15 Union street. ti. H."MAYHEW, real estate broker, HOW West Colorado street. Loans and investments. M'DONA Lit, BlttlllKS ,t CO., real estate, loans and house- for rent. Bargain* in houses and ranches, 7 Bast Colorado street. ARTHUR H. PALMER, D, I>. 8. Dental rooms, Eldrldgo building, Pasadena, MERCANTILE LUNCH HOUSE, 32 South Fair Oak, avenue. Meals at all hours. HOTEL GREEN—Electric lights, steam heat ed, hot and cold water, elevator, and all mod em improvements. THE PAINTKK HOTEL. Fair Oaks and Washington; first-class family hotel. LOB ANGELES HOTEL, cor. Colorado street and Dclancey avenue; transients, $1 per tiny; first-class. I. Klein, proprietor. KERCKHOFF-CUZNER Mill and Lumber Co., cor. Jtroauwuy aud Kuusus street. LOS ANGEI.ES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1893. THE TIMES, LONDON, say* o, Apollinaris "Its popularity is chiefly due to its irreproachable character." various departments of trade, and at tbe same time protecting our merchants from fakirs of every description, will meet with tbe approval of our business men generally. MOma* Mr. Chas. Meek opened hie new drug store on East Colorado street thiß morn ing. The store iahandßomely appointed and a decided ornament to east Colo rado street. Interesting memorial serviceß were held at the M. K. Church yesterday afternoon in memory of Mary Allen Mert. The meeting wbb well attended, most the ministers of the city partici pating. A Turkish Bath by Marie Heath and her company will be the attraction at the opera house Thursday evening the 9th. Seats are now on sale at Sues serott's. The case of the young man arrested last Friday evening for resisting an officer waa on before Justice Merriam today. The death of Misa Lillian Patterson occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. T. Patteraon, yeßterday of typhoid fever. Several members of the family have been down with tbe disease, and the caae is a particularly sad one. A big 70 ton Santa Fe engine got off the track this morning in the Kerckhoff yards and caused coneiderable delay before it could be put back on the rails. Mr. F. Buck minster, proprietor of the Colombia restaurant, 58 East Colorado street, has associated with him Mr. Charles White, late chef of the Cliff house, San Francieco, and reopened the restaurant, serving strictly first-class meals at the popular price of 25 cents. James Thompson, the smooth bogus check passer who defrauded Miss Idonia McLain out of $15 some time ago, was up before Justice Merriam this after noon on a second charge of defrauding, his sentence in the county jail having just expired on the first charge- The man plead notguilty, and hia case waa set for trial by jury. Prof. Warton James began a series of three illustrated lectures at the opera house this evening, taking as his subject The Paradise of The San Gabriel. On Tuesday- evening Wheeling Through Europe will be given, and on Wednes day The Laud of The Pharaohs. The professor is president of the Chicago Lecturers' association, and comes with high recommendations. POMONA. News and Foraonal Notes from That Thriving Place. Pomona, Feb. 6.—Mre. Asa Haft" has been confined to the house for the paat week witb a severe attack of la grippe. Mrs. M. B. Wright returned from Los Angelea today. Mrs. Switzer of San Bernardino came down today from a visit with her mother, Mre. Gamhain. Mrs. Oharlea Clark haa been confined at her home since Sunday with the pre vailing la grippe. A cute passenger, who rode in the ex press car, waa on today's west bound overland. It wbb a baby burro direct from Arizona, and it waa the center of attraction while the train Btopped. The American Bakery'a new delivery wagon came out thia morning. It's a beauty. Rev. Benrau ia cut again after a tussle with la grippe. Scarlet fever haa made itß appearance in our city. Mr. Estill, of Kentucky, left with a car of horses laet night. Chas. Hutchiaon haa reaumed hia dntiee as clerk with Cohn Bros, after a few daya with a severe cold. Mr. W. I. Thomas, one of Fresno's representative' real estate men, ia in Pomona for a few daya' visit. Mr. Montgomery, of Sedalia, Mo., a California eight eeer, ia stopping here for a brief viait. Mra. S. H. Androus is home again from Sacramento, where ehe has been visiting her husband, Assemblyman Au droue. Mr. R. Lookwood, successor to J. Har dy, photograph studio, has had a new display case for photographs made and displays it today for the first time. Pomona people are anxiously awaiting eny new developments in the county division affairs, and the hopes or. a great many are at a high point of expectancy. The Pomona college boys of Claremont have formed a football team. REDONDO. Amateur mariners Have a Spill—Ma rine Notes. Redoxdo Beach, Feb. ti. —Robert Haw kins (colored) and Daniel Koiglt, hav ing purchased a new boat of Bennett, the boat bulkier, started out early this morning on a pleasure and fi-jhing expe dition in their lately acquired craft. As fishing proved at a discount, theee merry men returned fo port at about 2 p.m. today, when, striking tbe Burf, presto! the new and boautilul boat tailed to do her duty and incontinently flopped over, spilling Messrs. Hawkins and Knight. Their tish and a new pair of brogans be longing to Knight, worth fll, were the only losses reported. The steamer Eureka, Captain Leland, arrived this afternoon at 4 o'clock with 103 tons of merchandise and 27 paßsen gers for Redondo. By a disustch to Superintendent Perry of Redondo wharf, the atcamabip Santa Ana will bring in tomorrow 162 tonß of merchandise and 38 passengers for this port. At the Redondo are 0. A. Porte and wife, Cincinnati, 0., A. R. Cottman, Cbino; C. W. Partins, Chino; W. A. Springer, Boston; Misa Hambright, New York; Thomas Dermot Ship, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. St. Aubinß, San Francisco; Mies Marie Hall, De troit; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Holmes, Hood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures where othor preparations fail. It possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself. Constipation and all t -oubles with the diges tive organs aud the liver, are cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled as a dluuer pill. Alseda, Mich.. J. P. Harrington, Erie, Pa.; Mr. Greeley and wife, Ames, la. j J. R. Smith, Denver; T. Wiaton Brown, Philadelphia, and family, lady and two children; Rev. J. Uaborne and i.ife, Toronto, Can. Arrivals at the Ocean View house— John Williams, Loa Angeles; Stephen Treat, Anaheim; W. W. Alman, San Diego; Sam Semms, San Pedro. ELSINORE. liooal News Happenings —A Teachers' Excursion. Elsinore, Cal., Feb. 0. —This section of San Diego county haa been blessed with about seven inchea of rainfall; hence farmers are encouraged, and everything is assuming a more prosper ous appearance. Mr. J. C. Dalgliah of the firm of Hud- Bon & Dalgliah, left this morning for a week's visit to Perris, San Bernardino, Riverside and other local points. Mr. F. H. Heald has opened an aeaay office, and ia now preparing to teat the quality of Elainore mineral. Rev. Chafe, the Methodist evangelist, is conducting a aeries of meetings in this place, with excellent success, the number of conversions during the past week being 12. On Saturday the teachers of Elsinore viaited Perris to attend the association. The teachers of northern San Diego county were well represented at the in stitute, there being teachers from Win cheater, Menifee, Marrieta, San Jacinto and Elainore. The eubjecta diacuseed were Hietory and Geography, and the teachers generally entered the discussion of the methods with coneiderable earn estness. Among those who were either on the programme or took part in the general discussion were J. W. Summers of Elsinore, Williams of Perris, Carpen ter of Winchester and Dr. Plummer of San Jacinto. The citizens of Perria prepared a most enjoyable dinner. ARIZONA. News Notes from the Ban-Kissed Territory. [Yuma Sentinel, Feb. 4th.] Lewman Gaskill and sons have moved their great herd of cattle from San Yaa bell down to Lake Maqueta. There are now more than 25,000 head of cattle in the valley of the Colorado, the great dea ert, ao called, and yet it is not one-half occupied. J. H. Gilmour visited the date palms at Hall Hanlon's on Saturday, and was more than surprised at their wonderful development and the large amount of fruit they bear. Mr. Hanlon presented him with half a dozen fine trees, three of which were more than five feet in height. Donald Campbell, coneulting engineer of the Colorado canal, arrived in town Tuesday. Mr. Campbell, with Engineer Rockwood and Will McLabron as guide, left on Thursday to go over the proposed line of the canal from Hall Hanlon's via Crook's and Seven Wells, and acroea the meaa down to the end of the surveyed line. They will probably return tomor row or Monday. [Kingman Miner Feb. 4th.] George Koeter, foreman of the Horn Silver, White Hills, is Backing 100 sacks per day, and he informß ub that in a few days the G. A. R. mine will sack at least 150 and perhaps 200 sacks per day. The strike of R. T. Root and John Kriner mentioned in laet week's issue turns out to be much richer than was reported. The ledge is over eight feet in width aud averages over $100 in gold per ton. Several picked specimens as sayed away up in the thousands, and if the ore goes down any depth these gentlemen have an. immense fortune assured. Nineteen lota of ore were run through the sampler thia week, altogether about 30 tone, aome of which run over $1,000 per ton. [Tombstone rrospector, Feb. 3.[ One hundred and forty cars of Sonora oranges will be chipped eaat this year, Thia io a conservative estimate. About half thiß number have already gone through Nogalea and are forwarded over the Santa Fe to Now York and Chicago. Herrera & McCltire chipped a train load of cattle yesterday to Colton, where they will be pastured and fattened for market. Resolutions of Borrow* At the laet meeting of the News and Working Boys' Home society, held Feb ruary Ist, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That, as a society, we deep ly deplore the great loss we have sus tained in the death of our co-worker, Mrs. M. F. Woodward, whose ability and efficiency have contributed so much to the succeee and prosperity of the News and Working Boys' home. Resolved, That, while as a board of managers, and individually, we shall mise her refined and cultured compan ionship—her words of cheer and en couragement in the performance of oar duties and undertakings, we feel as sured that she has passed into eternal reßt and joy. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be cent to the daily papers for publication, and tbat a copy be alao furnished to tbe family, in token of the high respect and sincere affection with which Mre. Woodward has always been regarded by the members of tbe Newa and Working Boys' Home society. Mas. M. S. Johnston, Miss F. E. Bennett, Committee. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hsir Renewer has restored gray hair to its original color and pre vented baldness iv thousands of cases. It will do so lo you. For Cough' and Throat Disorders use Bbown'b Bronchial Troches. "Have never changed my mind respejtlng them, except I think better of that which I began by thinking well of. Jim!- Heury Ward Bacher. Euld only in boxes. Our Home Brew. Mater A Zobelein's Lager, fresh from the brewery, on draught in all the principal sa loons, delivered promptly in bottles or kegs, cilice and brewery, 444'A1150 st. Telephone 01. EXTENDED ONE MONTH. The $5 Rate Holds Good Until March ist. Dr. De Monco and Associates Continue Their Grand Offer to the Public. Their Reasons for So Doing-. Deaf and Blind—Their Mail Treat ment—Remember, Owing to tbe inclemency of the weather and the urgent request of many persona who wished to take advantage of the $5-a month rate for all diseases, but were unable to do so during the allotted time, Dr. De Monco and associates have decided to extend their $5 rate for one month more, or until March Ist, thus giving all ample opportunity, and favor ing none. All patients applying for treatment before March lat will be treated for *5 a month, and all medicines furnished free, each month's treatment Including medicines, to coat 8)3 un til cured. The 85 per month rate not only an- Elles to the treatment of Catarrh, oth local and constitutional, but to all diseases as well. DEAF AND BLIND Was tha Painful Condition of Miss Han nah 'keen. "I had been deaf and at times nearly blind," said Miss Hannah S&een, In conversation with the reporter In regard to her case. Miss Skeen is an Intelligent young lady, and any one can see at a glance that she means Jnst what she says when speaking of hei remarkable recovery at the hands of Dr. De Monco and associates. MISB HANNAH SKBBN, OASIS, UTAH. "I suffered untold misery with pains over my eyes snd blinding; headaches. The pain was so intense I would oe obliged to walk the floor half the night before I could rest with any de gree of comfort. What sleep I obtained did not refreßh me. I felt all tired out when I arose in the morning, in fact I felt tired all the time. I seemed to have no ambition. "My nose would stop up aud larse lumps would form in my nostrils. The mucus would drop back Into my throat, causing a constant hawking and spitting, which was very diagree able. My throat bscame irritated and sore. Vt hen eattug, the lood did not taste natural Riding iv an elevator always made me very sick. '•My hearing had become so badly affected that my friends would be obligee to ihout in a loud voice to make me heßr. and then I could only distinguish an indistinct sound. The roar ing and buszing noises in my ears were almost unbearable. •'I consulted a physician, but he did not seem to understand my case. Patent medicines I gave up long ago, aud there seemed to be no relief for me. At last I was advised by my friends to place myself under treatment of Dr. De Monco and associates. I did so, and am most happy to state that my rapid recovery under their skillful oare was a complete surprise, as I had given up all hopes of over being benefited. My eyes are strong and well and my hearing restored. Ail my other former annoying symptons have left me. I can not express my feeling strong enough in the praise of Dr. De Monco aud associates' method of treating chronic diseases and the succeßS they attained in my case. I would advise all persons suffer ing from chronic troubles to at once place their case with these specialists." No burning-, no cautery, no caustic, no nitrate of silver used. A new, suc cessful and painless system of treat ment formulated from years of ex perience. The old, painful and unsuc cessful methods must give place to the new. THEIR MAIL TREATMENT In addition to their office treatment, and for the benefit of those who cannot visit them, they havo "question blanks" which they will send to you upor application by mail. Be sure to answer each question carefully, for npon this depends the success of their treatment. Medicines will ba promptly shipped to your address. Inclose 4 cents with application for blank, REMEMBER, Permanency, Education, Experience, Honesty, and Skill Is the Foundation on Which They Build. The De Monco Medical Institute, Located Permanently In the Newell and Kader Building, Booms ft, 4, 6, 8 and 10, 121). SOUTH BROADWAY, LOS ANGELES. DR. DE MONCO AND ASSOCIATES. SPECIALTIES: Catarrh and all diseases ot tne Bar, Eye, Throat and Lungs, Nervous Dis eases, Skin Diseases, Chronic Diseases. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 11 a, m„ 2 to 8 p. m. 7 to 3 ,30 p. m.; Sunday; 9 tpll a. m. OFFICIAL DRAWING j or TBE Gran Loteria Juarez. SINGLE NUMBER, CLASS "X," Drawn at Cludad Jnnrez, formerly Paso del Norte, Mexico, on FBBBUAKY 1, 1893. KO. PRIZE. NO. I'HIZK. |NO. I'KI/.E. 162.... 30 20,181... 30 37.782 ... 29 627.. . 20 20,186. .. 30 37,803.... 20 801.... 20 20,301.... 50 37,890.... 30 824... 20 20,304... 80!37,892.... 30 945... 20 20,436... 20137,941 .. 30 981... 20 20,439...; 600 20,470 ... 30138,052 ... 80 1,211... 50 20,495 ... 3038,359 ... 30 1,207... 20 20,518.... 20 38,424... 20 1,457.... 20 30,527.... 60 38,492... 30 1,464... 3020529.... 20 38,518... 20 1,668.... 5U 20,644 ... 100 38,444 ... 20 1,711... 20 20,741.... 20138,674.... 30 1,757... 80 x 0,850... 20138,686.... 50 1,800... SO 38,718.... 20 1,925.... 80 21,109.... 20138,782... 30 1,906.... 30 21,147... 30 ! 38,882.... 50 1.948.... 8021,182 ... 2038,994... 80 21,219.... 30 2,349... 20 21,344... 2039,115... 20 2,352. .. 200 21,599.... 50.19,270 ... 20 2.482.... 2021,630.... 2039,246... 50 2,556... 30 21,688... 2039,558... 80 2,644... 50 21,025... 20 39,576... 30 2.682.... 80 39 653 ... 20 2,778.... 3022,041.... 80>3'M»zU. ... 20 2,832... 40 22,149.... 20139,939... 30 2,888 ... 20 22,187.... 50 2,980 ... 88 22,469 ... 20)40,020 .... 20 22,531.... 2040.054... 30 3,028.... 3022,541.... 3040,077.... 20 3,155... 20 22,697... 2040,337.... 20 3,387.... 20 22,022.... 20140,432.... 30 3,415.... 30 22,681.... 20 40,459... 20 3,455... 3022,768.... 20 40,599.... 20 3,687 ...3000 22,856.... 50 40,063 ... 20 22,931.... 50140,918.... 20 4,049... 20 22948.... SO 4,068... 20 22,971-... 20k1,U0... 30 4,069... 20 22,986.... 20141,328.... 30 4,124.... 60 11,334... 30 4,133.... 6023,033.... 2041,355 ... 20 4,153.... 280 33,409.... 20141,381.... SO 4,242... 20 23,434... 30141,410 20 4,288... 50 23,490... 80 41,679.... 30 4,316.... 30 23,496.... 6041,634... 60 4,388... 20 23,585... 20 41,737... 20 4,459 ... 2023,805... 20 41.870.... 200 4,465... 80 41,955... 20 4,500.... 20 24,103... 50 41,987.... 30 4,545 ... 20 24,107 .. 30 4,546... 2024,126.... 8042,047.... 30 4,593... 5024,826... 3042,077.... 30 4,688... 20 24,870... 20 42,090.... 20 4,757.... 20 24,373... 3042.163.... 30 4,794.... 60 24,405... 20 42,462... 20 4,831.... 50 24,483 ... 30 42,494 ... 200 24,633.... 30 42,527.... 30 5,010.... 20 24,792... 60 42,579... 20 5,051.... 30 24.H00... 2042,616.... 20 5,055.... 8024,908 ... 200 42,835.... 30 5 078 ... 20 42,892.... 100 5.084.... 2025,0*4.... 30 42,962. ...1000 5,095.... 30 25,048 ... 20 5,125.... 2025,114.... 3043,083... 20 5,198.... 2025,134... 2043,117... 20 6,240... 2025,348... 2043,132... 20 5,354 ... 100 25,444 ... 50143,308.... 20 6,41/2.... 30 25,458... 3043,324... 20 6 460... 30 25,535... 20 43,401... 60 5,502.... 2025,771... 20 43,463 ... 200 5,517.... 100 26,826 ... 51 43,555.... 20 6,543.... 20 25,014 ... 20 43,595 ... 20 5,772.... 20 20,039.... 30-13,639 ... 50 5,783 ... 30 43,694 ... 30 6,798... 2026,068.... 3048,749... 20 5,873... 20 26,149... 30 43,762.... 20 5,937... 20 26,198... 20 48,881.... 20 5,952.... 2926,458... 30 43,928.... 20 26.484.... 20 6,053... 20 26,530.... 20 44,048.... 30 6.113... 50 26,537... 80 44,110.... 50 0,118.... 40 26,556 ... 2044,125 ... 20 0,272... 3026,573... 3044,183.... 30 6.436 ... 3026,729.... 10044273.... 30 6 458... 100 26 838... 20 44,293... 20 U,M7.... 30 28,989... 50 44,299.... 30 6,727.... 60 44,318 ... 30 6,807... 20 27,103.... 20 44,384... 30 6,828... 20 27.117... 20 44,460.... 20 6,914... 2027,186.... 30|4*,407.... 20 27,249.... 2044.492 ... 20 7,002... 30 27,500.... 30144 079... 20 7,087.... 20 27.535 ... 20114,598 ... 80 7,081... 2027.553 ... 30 44,610.... 20 7,237... OU H7.625.... 20 44,666.... 30 7.412 ... 20 27,717 ... 30 44,846 ... -20 7,515... 2027,930... 6044,877.... 50 7,630... 20 7,577... 3928,045... 20 45,273... 80 7,969... 20 28,096... 30 15,402... 20 7,970 ... 6028,108 ... 2945,458 ... 80 28.163 ~, 2045,609 ... 20 8,100.... 30 23,163... 50 44,669... 30 8,178.... 20 28,259... 30 45,730.... 20 8,200 ... 20028,307.... 20 8,371... 30 28,329... 8046 102... 80 8,390.... 8028,478.... 2n 40.227.... 20 8,608.... 30 23.625 ... 20 46,230 ... 20 8,875.... 30 28.695... 30 46,987.... 20 8,999.... 8023,7(1).... 3046.298... 20 28.758... 3046,505.... 80 9,053... 80 28,793.... 30 46.662... 20 9,066.... 80 38,831.... 30)40.667... 30 9,152 ... 2(0 28,883.,- 3046,721 ... 20 9,319... 20 Wt 46,963... 20 9,344 .. 20 29,463.. T. 20 9,372... 20 29,630... 20 47,073... SO 9,378... 2029,805.... 2047,148.... 20 9,432.... 2029,861 ... 2047,268... 20 9,724.... 3029,893.... 30147,302.... 30 6,909... 20 47,412... 50 9,977 ... 20 30,013 ... 30 47,"'42.... 80 30,033... 20 47,870 ... 20 10,106... 30 30,123... 5047,968... 20 10,116 ... 2030, 60 ... 30 10,324 ... 3030.562 ... 2(148,100 ... 20 10,501... 20 30.671... 2048.259.... 30 10,571 ... 30 39,682... 20 48,607... 30 10,623.... 2030,748... 3048,649... 40 10,812.... 20 30,' T 54.... 20 46.701.... 50 10,825... 30 30,770... 30 48,748.... 30 30,815 ... 2048,802.... 20 11,111.... 20 30,«'00.... 2048,949 ... 30 11,267.... 30 30.905... 60 11,397... 2030,939... 3049,050... 20 11,533... 80 49 213.... 30 11,542... 36 31,098.... 50 49 229... 20 11,720 ... 30 31,110.... 800 49,467.... 60 11,989... 20 31,151... 30 49,489... 20 11, 997 ... 2031,183.... 2049,630 ... 60 31,242... 2049 778... 20 12,247... 50 31,247... 30149,966.... 30 111, 473.... .20131,387.... 20 12,516... 30)31.431.... 3050,028.... 30 12,545.... 20131,445.32,00(160.030... 30 12,630 ... 2031,477 ... 2050,693.... 20 12.".00.... 3031.486 ... 50 ! 50,130 80 12,800... 100:31,580.... 20 50.220... 39 12,850.... 30131,602.... 20 59,372.... 30 31588.. . 20 30,610 30 13,043... 2031.622.... 20 50.051.... 30 13,161.... 20 31,798... 20 50,644... 20 13,240 ... 30 31,819.... 100 50.741... 20 13,394.... 29 50.887.... 20 13,416.... 20132,045 ... 20 13697... 100 32,093.... 2051,068.... 20 13,635... 20 32,316.... 20 51,153... 39 13,719... 10032,369 5031 375.... 20 32,376.... 30151,617.... 30 14,061... 2032.379.... 5051,702... 20 11,266... 20 33.408.... 2051,929.... 29 14,305 ... 16038,778 ... 2(. 14,312.... 20 32,799 .. 30 52,090.... 50 14,427.... 20 32,800.... 20 52,182... 20 14,444... 20 32,870... 20 52,187.... 30 14,693... 29 52,241.... 30 33,037.... 30 52,337... 60 15,400.... 30 33,968... 60 52,496.... 80 15,522... 20 33,113.... 20 52 796... SO 15,524 ... 20 33,199 ... 30:52,813 ... 80 15,590.... 3033,410.... 20 15.593 ... 20 33,515.... 20 53,006.... 20 15,655.... 3633 512... 2()5-i,M6.... 50 15.714.... 30133,582.... 20 53,27.1... 50 15,-37....: 30 33,598.... 30153105 ... 20 33.730... 30|53 605.... 30 16,173 ... 20 33,787 ... 20,53,615 ... 39 16,311... 20 33,842... 20153,907... 30 16 480 ... 30 33 954 ... 3053.945..„ 30 16,498... 8033,982... 2053,973... 80 16,620 20 53,998 ... 30 16,818.... 2031,045.... 30) 10,865... 20 34,577.... 30)54 002.... 80 10,009.... 3034630 ... 20154.453 ... 80 16,821.... 2034,743... 8064,525... 20 34,925.... 20i54,095.... 20 17,054 ... 8034.964 ... 30164,883 ... 20 17,219 ... 20134,976.... 20 54 964.... 80 17,267 ... 30 61,969 ... 39 17,313 ... 20)35,002.... 30 17,354.... 3035074... 50 55,080.... 100 17,568... 2035,117... 20 5,148... 20 17,651... 20)35,151 ... 20 55,256.... 20 17,780... 20,35,186... 20 05,372... 20 17,795... 20:85,285.... 20 55,102.... 30 17,898... 20 35,108.... 2) 55,419... 29 3\412.... 3055,513.... 80 18 014... 50!U5,439.... 20 55,533.... 80 18,068... 8035,902.... 20 55,624.... 20 18,168... 30)33,969.... 2055,826.... 30 18,170.... 20| 18,218... 2036,070... 2056,015.... 20 18,230 ... 5036096 ... 2056.021... 20 18,280... 20|36,176.... 80 66,635... 20 18,334... 30)36,465.... 20 56 227.... 80 18,371.... 3036,583... 30 56,118.... 80 18,471... 50136,394 ... 20 56,421... 60 18,490... 3036,676... 2056,432.... 30 18 625 ... 801n6,826 ... 80 "6,498. .. 20 18,668... 30 36,894... 20 56,507... 80 86,898.... 2056,552 ... 30 19,050 ... 3036,985 ... 2056,617 ... 20 19,073 ... 8 ' 56,884.... 20 19,088... 2037,111.... 2056,729.... 50 19,190.... 30 37,116.... 80 56 795..,.. 20 19,281 .. 3037,164... 3056,865.... 80 19,881 . . 20 37,262.... 20' 19,523 ... 3037,603 ... 30157,195.... 20 19653... »0 37,606.... 2ti57,212.... 20 19,714.... 5037,657.... 3057,277... 20 19,826... 3037,689.... 2057,538... 20 19,956.... 20 37,717.... 2O 1 1>7,601... 39 ] 3 "w " =5 "0. PRIZB.iKO. rBIZI.IXO. PRIZE. 57,699... 20 70,001...". 50 86,010 ... SO 57.731.... 20:70 640.... 30 86,028 20 57,968.... 20170 723... 20 80,509.... 90 70,846.... 20 80,650... 80 58017.... 30 70,880.... 20 80,695.... ft 58,087.... 30 70 951.... 20 88.728.... SO 58,128.... 50 86.870... 3w 58,145.... 20 71,271... 30 86,925.... 80 58,155.. .8000 71,355 ... SO 58,326... 2071,518... 20 87,004.... 30 58,406.... 60 71,700 .. 20 87,064 ... BO 58.585... 30 71 712 . 80 87,074... 20 58,717... 30 7t,951!... 30187.101.... 30 58,735.... 2071,969.... 8087,184.... 90 58,737.... 20 87,267.... 80 58,760... 20 72,075 .. 20 87,294... 30 58,775 ... 2072253... 30 87,396.... 30 53,900.... 2072.265 . *">187,443 ... ft 58,930.... 6072,43*;. 5057,532... 20 58,944... 30 72 461 30 87,094.... *0 72,475... 50 87,849.... SO 59,018 ... 2072,6-12.... 50 " 59.032.... 20 72,825... 2088,100.... JO 59,046... 30 72,835.... 20 88,278.... WO 59,052... 30 72,"52.... 30 88,438.... SO 68,168... 2072,879.... 20 88,439.... BO 59,667.... 30 72,941.... 60 88,603.... SO 59,768 ... 20 72,965 ... 500 88,565.... 30 69,801... 2072,977 .. 3088,635.... BO 69,958.... 20 88,645.... 80 73,000... 2088,815... 30 60,000 .„ 20 73,039 ... 30 88,848.... 30 00,091... 20 73,040 50 60,339 ... 30 73,081.... 100 89,010.... 30 60,573.... 2073,125... 5089,099... 80 60,636... 20173,267.... 20 89,179.... 30 60,(158... 3073,280... 2089,433 ... 80 60,719.... 20 73,388... 20 89,581.... 80 60,841.... 30 73.481.... 30 89,702 ... 80 60,716... 3073,617... 5089,773.... 80 60,901... 30 73,638... 20 89,919.... 80 60.989.... 50 73.639... 20 ' 50.986.... 20 73,686 ... 50 90.111.... SO 73,827... 2090,334.J0 61,127... 30 73,859 ... 20 90.361... 30 61,211.... 30 73,871.... 30 90,373... 80 61,251.... 20 90,423.... SO 61,421 ... 2074.109... 2090,449... 30 61,435... 3071,282.... 20 90,514.... 80 61456... 80 74,370... 20 90,536.... SO 61,651... 2074,451.... 20 90,564... 80 61,757... 2071,583... 20 90,667... 100 01,8)3.... 2074.641 ... 2090,765*.. 80 61,844.... 3074,758.... 2090,918... SO 01,848.... 2074,913 ... 20 90,954 ... 80 61,983.... 3074,881.... 3090,978.— SO 62,077... 30 75,016.... 2091,215.... SO 62.082 ... 2075,089 ... 30 91,225 ... SO 62,174.... 10075 178.... 6091,209 ... 100 62,275..., 50 75,282.... 50 91,575... SO 62,387.... 60 75,405.... 20 91,638... 30 62,416... 30 75 *21.... 30 91,666.... 80 62,519-— 100 75 492.... 80 91,765... SO 62,649.... 20 75,503... 30 91,829.... SO 62,680... 30 75,640... 30 91.845.... SO 62,755... 50 75,639... 20 91,909.... SO 62,773.... 20 75,740... 3091,918.... SO 62,975... 5975,743... 8091,929... 80 76,802... 20 91,974.... SO 03,037.... 20 75,814.... 2001 63,083.... 2075,835... 20192,007.... 80> 63,269.... 20 |92,016... SO 63,281 ... 30 76.033.... 30192,089..- 80 63,415... 2076044... 2092,202.... 80 63.515... 3076075.... 2092,244... 80 03,465.... 20 76,281.... 30 92,278... 80 63,46!*.... 20 76,499.... 20 92,368.... SO 03,575.... 20 76,514.... 50 92,309.... SO 63,631... 20 76,756.... 30 92,528 ... 20 63,670... 3076,789.... 3092.009.... 80 63,85 i.... 20 76,816.... 80 93,637.... 80 63,791.... 2076891.... 2092,655.... SO 63,814... 20 76,968.... 80 92,853.... 80 63,877.... 30 63,980.... 30 77,092... 20 93,003..., 30 77,238.... 30 93,041.... SO 64,090.... 20 77,422... 5093,156.... 30> 64,191... 3077,577... 5093.175... SO 64,205 ... 20 77,742. ... 20 93,837.... 80 64,292... 20 93,407.... 30 64 453 ... 20 78,091.... 20 93,454 ... BO 04,733.... 3078,129.... 3093.671.... 88" 61,736.... 20 78,157... 30 64,987.... 20 73,180... 20 94,003.... 30 78,273.... 50 94.080... 80 65,078... 20 78501).... 30 94,113.... 30 65,085 ... 8078,537 ... 3094,197..„ SO 65,088.... 20 78,623... 3091,269... 20 65,119... 30 78,652.... 30 94,285.... 30 65,155.... 30 78,667.... 8094,369.... 30 65,161... 20 78,754... 20 94,393.... 30 65,182.... 20 78,879... 20 94,415.... 20 65,403.... 100 78,916.... 30 94,863.... SO 65,438 ... 30 94,679.... SO 15 671... '20 79,236.... 6094,685.... 80 65,730... 20 79,240.... 30 94,754.... SO 65,800... 30 79,790.... 20 94,758... 90 65,914... 20 79,855.... 30 94,812.... SO 65,905.... 30 79,975... 2094,868. .„ SO 94,888 ... SO 66,000... 2080,199... 2094,919..« 80 66,097... 20 80,348..., 20 66,134.... 20 30,447... 2005,079... BO 66,164.... 50 30,535... 20 95,068.80 66,358... 20 30,540... 20 96,152.... 80 60 400.... sio>«»,a»o ... aow.iroa.... 20 66.488 ... 20 95,245.... 30 66,00.3.... 30 81,063.... 100 30 68,6*0.... 6081,148.... 2095,761.... 20 66,670.... 30 81,470 2095,876.... 80 66,698... 2081,706... 2095,931... 80 66,788.... 80 81,992.... 560 20 96,004.... 30 82,233... 30 96,031.... SO 67,029...., 100 82,400 ... 20 96,118.... 30 67,175.... 20 32,437.... 20 96,131.... 30 6..353 ... 110 32,666.... 2096,278.... SO 67,428.... 30 82.730... 2096,469.... 80 67,473... 30 82,755... 2096,471.... SO 67,615... 20 82.785.... 30 96,516... 50 67,.76 .. 20 32,870.... 20 96,748... 80 67,917.... 20 82904.... 3098,781... 80 67.957... 3082,946... 3096,903... 50 67958.... 30 96,920... 80 67,964... 30 33,003.... 20 83,093.... 20 97,136.... 80 68,005... 20 33,182... 2097,146.... 80 68,009... 2083.209... 3097,162.... 50 63,015... 2083.273... 3097,182... 20 68,205... 60 83,285.... 30 97,202.... 90 68,217.... 30 88,410.... 30 97,364.... 30 68.279.... 20 33,549... 20 97,449... SO 68,4 1 ... 5688,615... 2097,557.... 80 68.577.... 2 ; j183,«-.'8.... 3097,592.... 80 68583.... 30.83 702.... 10 97,719.... 80 6*,655.... 20 83,919... 20 97,735.... 80 68,682.... 30183936.... 30 97,765.... 80 63,728 30|53i941.... 30 97,837... 30 03,890.... 20j 58.919.... 30 84.050.... 30 98,078.... 80 84.191.... 2093,082.... 80 69.029.... 20 84,206.... 20 98,094 ... 20 69,851 ... 20 34,100.... 2098,348... 30 6 •-;:.•! ... 30;54,3.'13.... 2098,480.... 50 69414.... 30.54.8U4.... 20989*1.... 80 60,4611.... 2031,098 2098,987.... 80 69,(161.... So| 69,670... 40 35,001.... 3099,100... SO 69,863... 21.' 135,199.... 8099,154... SO 85,200.... 3(199,155.... 80 70,014... 80 35,313... 20 99 692... SO 70.072.... 3u 5;>.338 ... 2099,722 ... 30 70 241.... 20 85,339.... 20 99.762.... 20 702)7... 20 '85,463.... 2099,766... SO 70,414... 80 85.653.... 20 99,816.... SO 70542.... 20185,970..:. 3099,855.... 50 70,593... 20 85 981 ... 20 99,915 .. 20 Approximation Prizes. 150 numbers (rom 31,370t031,520 Inclusive, b-'iuE 75 numbers on each side of the number drawing ihe capital prize ol $32,000, $30.00. 150 numbers trom 58,030 t058,230 inclusive, being 75 numbers ou each tide of the number drawing the second capital prize of $3000, * 2 150 numbers from 3622 to 3772 inclusive, being 75 numbers on each of the number draw lng the third capital prize of $3000, $20. :i;".t numbers ending with 45, being the last two Upures of thu number drawing the capital priz-of *;t'.',ooo,*lo 00 999 number.- ending with 55, being the last :iw> number drawing the second prize of *3000, $10.00. No. 31,445 draws capital prize of $32,000; sold in Washiugton, 1). 0., and Detroit, Mich. No. 58,155 draws second capital prise ot $S000: sold in Me'ida, Yucatan. No. 3097 draws third capital prise of $3000! sold in Chicago, 111., »nd Baltimore, Md. No. 42,962 dra *s fourth prize of $1000; sold In Chattanooga, Tcnn. Nos. 81,992, 72.965 and 20,439 draw each $500: sold in Topeka, Kan., New York olty and New Haven, Uun. The undersigned having supervised the Sin gle Number Drawing of the (Iran Loterta Juarez, hereby certify that the above are tha numbers drawn from lite 100.000 placed in the wheel, with the prizes corresponding to them. Witness our hands at C. Juarez, Mexico, on the above day and date. JOU.N s. KOBBY, Commissioner. B. SAI.AZAK, lulerventor. Tho work of sendim: tho official lists to every correspondent begins immediately after iho drawing, tud coutiuues day and night until completed. Should auy of onr patron* ex* perience auy delay In receiviue them. It If owlug io their names being among tho laat OS the list. late Loan and Trust C§< OF LOS ANQBLKS. Bnbscribed Canital $1,000,000 Capital Paid Up 700,000 BANKING ROOM, OORNSIR SMI AND BECOND STREETS, BHYSOIf. BONEBRAKE Bl6cK. OFFICERS AND DIRBCTOSS. w h h vkl£y n,sb - •i»Vt i ?^"3«»s W. H. PERRY 2d Vice-President A. E. FLETCHER Caaala? J. F. TOWELL. .Secretary andQoneral'Mawsjr, George H. Bonebrako, W. Q. 11. J. Woollaoott, Wm. H Crocker. O. T. Johnson, San Franolnoa. Judge W. P. Gardiner, A. A. We act aa trustees for corporations and estates Loau money on flrst-class real estate and col laterals. Keep choice securities for sale, tali deposit boxes lor rent. Applications forloaa received from borrowers la person or by mall.