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6 ADVERTISING. He * • The most direct method of reaching tho ■ public and making known your * * WWW A NN N TTTTT SSSS W WW W AA NN N T 8 S W WW W A A NNN T S WWWW A A NNN T 8 WWWW A A NNN T SSSS VWWW A AAA NNN T 8 t WW WW AANNN T 8 {WW A AN N N T 8 8 I W W A AN NN T MM It through the classified ad columns of The Hkrald. It is cheap, brings quick returns, »nd places the advertiser in direct communi cation with those he wiirhes to reach. CCO L A R SS S S SS S II EPF II EEE DDD OOL AA D s -1 1 O L A A B SS„ 0 8S„ It FF II EE D D 0 OL AAA s 2 s 211 F II F. 0 \> OCULLLXA ASS SS II F 11 EKE ODD 1 A DDD L EKETTTTaSSa ■AA D DT. X T 2 0 AADDL KE T AAA DDL F. T . 2 A A DDD LLLLEEE T B SS B Inierted in the columns of Tite Herald at ■ 5 CENTS PER LINE PER DAY. • 5 $1.00 PER LINE PER MONTH. j ; Special rates for a longer period. ': * * Persons wanting situations, help, or wishing to rent, buy or sell property will do well to advertise iv The Herald. OFFICUL CITY PAPER. SPECIAL NOTICES. LP : imNS?rIIL~SMITII, THE PIONEER auctioneer, is again iv Los Angeles, ami prepared to hold large real estate sales in any part of the city, county or Southern California. Also will hold furniture sales at residences or In any part oi the county or Southern Califor nia. Also will hold general merchandise sales by catalogue in any part of tbe city, county or Southern California. Terms reasonable. Prompt and reliable service performed. The highest references given. Call or address, Ofllce 121 6 Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. 2-3 3m rak&sspanishTte'xasand chick;EN tamales can lie obtained at Second and Spring, Second and Main, First and Hpring and Temple and Spring streets. Try them and be Convinced that they have no equals. Only the very best of meats used; made with the greatest Of care aud cleauliness. The public are cor dially invited to inspect the manufacture of them at 114 West Seventh street. 2-2 dm F. SLOPES, lIOYsE~MOVER, OFFICE • 112 Center Place. 1-15 tf UNTER'S : TE\ Ys"~T A MAI. ES~C A N~BE (> B talned at the following places: Spring and Second, First snd Spring, junction Temple and Spring, front ni Germania saloon, Main street. Our sign Indicates Bvenuti. Don't bajmnosed mum by imilHtors, Buy the genuine article at the above locations. We are the originators ol thu genuine Texas tamales in Los Angelea. 12-14 Cm T~ YPEWRITEItS FOR SALE OR terms eusv; Pap:»r, Carbon, Ribbons, etc.: LONG LEY A WAGNER, First and SpFiug. 11-24 If NOTICE— THE LOS ANGELES. CITY WATER company will strictly enforce the follow ing rule: The hours for sprinkling nro be tween 6 and 8 o'clock a. in. and 6 and 8 o'clock p. m. For a violation of the above regulation the water will be shut off and a line ot $2 will be charged before water will be turned on ar-aiii. 8-17 tf SOCIETY NOTICES. I a. lodges of the order of Knights nf Pythias In this city hold regular conventions as below: All residents and visiting Knights cordially welcomed. £AMI-SON, NO. 145—700 Downey avenue (B. Los Angeles), Monday evening, J. K. Carson, AT" PYTHIAN CASTLE, 118U 8. SPRING ST. GAUNTLET, NO. 120— Monday evening, J. J. Choete, C. C. TRICOLOR, NO. 90—Tuesday evening, George B. Shaffer, C. Cf U. VV "fpr;vi Ti Inusc ir evening. F. Anxlonnette, C. C. OLIVE, NO. 26—Thursday evening, Charles Stanaburv, C. C. MARATHON, NO. 182-Friday evening, O. S. Adolpa, C. C. BUREAU OF RELIEF—Every Wednesday even ing until further noti<:f. WANTED—HELP. agents, successors to Martin As Co. and Petty & Hummel. Hotel and house help de partment, 131 to 135 West First stmt, tele pbone 509; ranch and miscellaneous depart ment, 207 West Second street, telephone 40 Los Angeles, Cel. Carefully selected help of all kinds promptly furnished. ANTED—A BARBEB~AT 424 N. MAIN street. 0.7 o t WANTED— TALENT OF AI„L KINDS~ TO be booked at the Los Angeles Amusement Bureau. Address S. A. MOODY, Hoffman House : .j.l 7 t IF YOU WANT HELP OF ANY KIMICO to the Free Employment Bureau, 240 New High st. Tel. 1153. 1-29 tf W ANT1 ' 1 ' LL~~n¥elilNC HELP ' FREE TT employment or any information, ad dress h. NITTENGER'B BUREAU, established 1880. Office, 319"J South Spring street; resi dence, 451 South Hone Street, comer Fifth Los Angeles Cal. Telephone 113. 8-16 tf WANTED—SITUATIONS. DfT A NTBD—SITUATION BY YOUNG UAH TT 18 years old; strong and willing to work; In a shipping linn; Is willing to start in at •mall wages. Address A. 8., box 60. 2-5 3t YT7ANTED-AI.L ICIN!IS OF FAMILY SEW- T» ing to do, ct room 13, No. 412 8. Hope ■j"*'- 1-10 tf ! WANTED--AGENTS. TC ANTE D—MESS RS. CHABLBB L. WBB- T T ster <fc Co. dasire the services of a strictly rlrst-class business man as suiiscription hook solicitor for the Stedman-Hutchinson "Library of American Literature.'' This advertisement is for you if you are a man of ability and sound judgment; if you know a good thing when you Bee it, and if you can take care oi a good busi ness when it is entrusted to you. Indifferent, Jialf-henrted, impr.'u n :ou'i ami destitute can vassers not wanted, nor those who are now so well off that the doubling of their income is not a consummation devoutly to be wished. Ex lr, r r";", c> . c ,." nrt c &Pltal not necessary. T. M. " iLI.IAMS, Manager, 67 Fifth avenue, New * urk "- 2-7 11 ESTATE. TITANTED-A NICELY LOCATED -VACANT w»!.i "°. 7 .° r 9 Tonm bouse, in Boyle Gnfeeir m » b»W<>- GILBERT & Gll.llr.ltT, 138}$ South Spring. 2-5 3t MRHKNT-HOrsiß. FOR RENT^HOUSESALL 7>V KRySErrCY C. A. SUMNER & CO., 107 S. Broadway-! s= __ a= 4-12 , FOB RENT—ROOMS. FOB RENT - LOVELY'SUNNY FRONT room, bath, gas;all new; $9.1024 S. FLOW x ' tSl '' 2-7 (it LOST AND PI)UND. fIOUND— crn avenue, one red yearling steer. Owner herewith notified to claim said steer and pay enarges therefor. K. D. LIST. 2-7 tf F OU NPT-\ f '^ v n.EMA.VS WATCH CHARM, with initials P. 8. J. The owner can have me same by proving property at this office. *" 3 Lost-fbom" cienega ranFii a few days ago, one 2 year old bay mare, white li"™!' '". , :" ne ' lrt i ;»'> brand. Finder will return Es^°» e 7'. < !Rfl J*»»hington st., and receive reward, ,f. t ASA MA YOU. 2-5 4t ATTORN KYB. 4 HUTT^itSvf^T .jteiAteJaL^^' 1 »T A Lv?,' SP'v 1 ??' ATTORNEY- AT-LAw" rj 1 ryson-Bonebrake bloak. Telephone 528 Practice In all the com ts, „„„- uu a lederS. 7-1 tt BEN GOODRICH, LAWYER NO. 2 LAW bmldluK 125 Temple atreet near court ""dse. Telephone 108. 7.(1 if Df, VP<QtTORNKY-AT.LAW. fvv. • tv " 207 New High street, lios An * t,us - 1-16 ,1 __JS°JWEI)PATIUO PHYSICIANS. S H h -,,/°™ T #' * dTdishasbTof O. children. Offico and renidcace, K35 S. Olive St. Office hours, 10 lo 12 a.ku. 2 to 4p. «. Telephone 87. , id-s) t f FOB SALE-CITY PROPERTY. "pOR SALK— fr-LOTS WITH 2 HOrSES ON fifcOAAA ») lulls, bet. Second and Third. 3P.H/v>V C URICK STORES ON SAN TEDRO, & 1 OAAA «) cloee to First. VJLtfUUU •> BOOMS AND 160 LOT FRONT- Q')innfk ».» Ing two sireet, Seventh a Pearl. ©ZIOUO K-BOOM linrsE, X CRTS STRXKT, Q\* nn/k O on rrotallmenta. HriZ'n' •Ml-ROOM HOUOt W. SIXTH; THIS A Kftnn is a bargain. $OUUU /•-ROOM HOI 'SK, FRONTING TWO J.ww U i 0 streets, I'ark Grove. WOUWJ r-IiOOM NKW !i( iI'SK, JOHNSON A i\f\ • I street, East Angeles. 3rl IVfll .)-« ROOM HOUSES, NORTH QnAM Z Broadway. VOUUU IQ-ROOM HOU6E, NORTH HOPE. <£<)()(){) (y 0-ROOM HOUSES, GRAND. $1*^(K)0 -| 12-ROOM' HOUSE, S. BUNKER 1 Hill. Lots, acreage and other property for sale or exchange in all parts of Southern California. JOHN H. COKE, 4 Brvsmi-lionebrake building. 2-5 3t SAKE— QI7A/WBUYS A BEAUTIFUL BOMS: nPIIUU house of six I 111 WW, hard finished and decorated, nice shade trees, nice lot, street graded nnd sewered; terms, $800 cash, balance Iwi 1 yea rs or longer; this place is located only eight minutes from the courthouse. Sill Kf\— HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS, HARD 1 i»H' nnished anil newly papered. "ti Leyoy street, near Main; will sell ou the in titaUancnt plan. SALE — SOME BEAUTIFUL HOUSES 1 and lot on Angeleno Heights, within five minutes' ride of the courthouse. fiUfXIV - BUYS A BEAUTIFUL LOT, 50X150, •pr\n' on Carroll avenue, Angeleno Heights. This is the cheapest lot in the city. JQQQ— FOB A FINE LOT IN THE ELLIS 2-5 lit M. P. SNYDER, 139 8. Broadway. BEAUTIr UX RESIDENCE LOT ON Temple street, close In, big bar gain. ai'JAA— BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE — $100 qT I.IUvJ cash, !f2O monthly, no interest. lilQ/tA-SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, Rr IOUU near Grand avenue; $300 cash, $20 monthly, no interest ed 1 TXA—SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, **H.)U Temple street; $300 cash, $20 monthly, no interest. £A FINE LOTS IN ROBINSON TRACT TO iJ\J be sold for $60 each; don't pay boom prices elsewhere, but buy in this tract and double your money in 30 days. 2-5 3t "I> 1C LA MoNTE, 101 S. Broadway. FOR SALE—TWO VALUABLE rIssIDENCESj both bought in on foreclosure and offered for debt and costs; one in Los Angeles, $10,000, worth $25,000 cash; one in Pasadena, build ings erected live years ago at a cost of $35,000 for house alone. Commission to any agent sell ing this property. GORDON & LONG, attor neys, llrysnn-Ilonebrake block. 12-8-sun-tu tf 1.108M 'aYe^oTrOOM - HOUSE, CLOSE"IN; 1 lot«OxlB5; gilt-edge: low figure; will take 1$ in Improved or unimproved property. 10-room house; best value for the money in this city; new and complete; not built to sell but for sale just tho same; best of reasons; lot 70x125; corner; price, including $400 worth of new furniture, etc., $6500; terms easy. 12 rooms; a dandy; lot 50x250; view im mense; location good; close to court house via cable; $2750. Loans to Buit; every convenience; fine cot tage and lot 151x150; less thnncostthe owner: must Xi 11. BEN E. WARD, CLAY tl CO., 138 South Spring street. 2-5 3t BROADWAY l-EiTpERTY — HcT FEET frontage (close in), at $200 a front foot; present inadequate improvements produce a rental to pay over 5 per cent. A magnificent business corner, close in, pres ent oM buildings bring in $000 a month; price $71,000. A line business block on Spring street, paying 6 per cent on purchase money, $50,000. Three pieces of close-in property on Main street for sale very cheap, o. C. EDWARDS, 230 W. Firat St. 1-3 cod 3t Tj^Oß - SALE—LOTS AT YOUR OWN FIGURES JV on Orange and Blxel sts. Auction Feb runry 15th. c. A. SUMNER & CO., 107 South Broadway. 2-5 3t B"0OM OR NO BOOM, WE HAVE THE cheapest desirable lot in the citv—s3so. Must be sold; come get it. F. H. PIiiPEE <5i CO., LWS B. Broadway. 2-7 2t •> HIG LOTS "AND AN 8-ROOiI MODERN • » cottage; bath, marble mantel anil stable. You can't duplicate it. $3500. F. 11. PIEPER & CO., 108 8. Broadway. 2-7 2t Capitalists, attention —we have business property paving 15 per cent for sale for 10 days. OVERTON & FIREY, Po mona. January 31, 1803. 2-3 5t IpOR SALE—f W6"VEBV HANDSOME BUILD ' inglotxon Eleventh street, west of Pearl, in a very desirable quarter of the city; size, 50 xl32Keach. Address FOR SALE, i>. o. box 5U5, city. 1-25 IfOtX SAI.F.-TWO-STORY 8-ROOM stable, 2507 South Flower st. I'OINDEX TER <St LIST, 127 W. Second. 1-20 lm ELEGANT HOUSE of 10 rooms. No. 124 West Twenty-fifth street. OWNER, 2803 South Main. 1-17 tf IVOR SALE-AT A BARGaIn-A GOODTtESI dence in a very desirable part of the city; this is a rare chance; must be sold; extra in ducements. Address R, Box7o, this otllce.l-14tf I-WR~SALK-HI)U3E~bN"~ HOME~BtT"ONE " block north of Ellis college; 5 rooms, hard finish, pantry, closets, etc.; also good house and lot on Philadelphia st. Want cash offer tor either ol nbove. Address BARGAIN, Box 40, this ollice. 1-14 tl IpO It SALE — FTRST-CLASS LOCALITY; handsome one and one-half story cottage; eight rooms, marble mantels and grates, hot and cold water; boiler in kitchen, etc., etc. We offi r this very desirable residence, in the miilsi uf handsome improvements, for the ex traordlnlarly low price of $3t>so cash. Address, W. L. P., Box 5U5, city. 1-14 tf T^OR - SALE— A NEAT NEW 5-ROOM COT- X tage, with bathroom, closets, etc.; nice lot; only three minutes'walk from Arcade depot; price low and terms easy; just the thing for a railroad man. Address W. L. P., Box 505. city 1-14 tf 1 |-i'l: SAL*!—ONE OF TIIE MOST VALUABLE J. corner business lots In the city. I offer for sale, at a very low price; roost desirable lot in 11 ny; a bargain. Address, \fc L. P., Box ws. prty. i-i4 tf I SOB SALE-1F1325-A NEW FIVE-ROOM house on MeGarry street, near Ninth and AlaiiM-da; monthly payments, $15, AI.LIStiN BAHI-OW, 227 West becond street. 1-12 tf IjWR fWRbbM COTTAGE Michigan avenue, between Mott and Ficket Ftreets; monthly payments. ALLISON HAR LOW , 227 West Second street. 1-29 tf T.IOR BUYS A BRICK BLOCK 1 on Second st.; 2 stores and 13 rooms; easy terms. See OWNER, room 7S, Temple block. 11-3 tf | IMB BALK-JUST ARRIVED AT OLIVE BTA bles, the finest lotof family and road horses ever brought to this city. t!2B S. OLIVE ST. r£ ist /CHOICE, PLUMP ANnTLEAN SEED RAR \J ley for sale. W. E. HUGHES, Bti Brvs™ b J°i; k : *g a ' TJOR SALE-TWO GOOD HORSES WILtTbE I disposed of cheap, on time. Apply to M. TOMICH, Tiiird st., between Wall and San Pedro sts. 2-5 tf BARGAIN-AFINE SPAN OF A family horses; can be ridden or driven sin gle; reason for selling, going away. MRS NETTIE MUELLER, 530 8. Hufat. 2-4 71 SALE—CHEAP, 4-ROOM HOUSES TO JV be moved; also store and 4 rooms; also 20 doors; wheeled cultivator, new; 1 large feed cutter; wiU take team work for last mentioned. Apply at tract, Kosidale aud Adams streets, ( HAS. VICTOR HALL. 1-19 tf I" 7108 SAI.E_OI.Ii PAPERS IN QUANTI- "es to suit, nt this ollite. AKCUITICTt. CB. BR<)WnTTr7iIITEC'I, 132~SOrTH • Broadway. 8-7 ly Bl Hi,ESS"j! REEVE, ARCHITECT, KSTAB lisbed for the post 10 years In Los Angeles. Rooms 7 and 8 (second floor), Workman block, - st., bi'tvct-n Second and Third. 1-25 ly I>Y«KB ANB FINISHKRS. JARISIAN DYE WORKS, 274 SOUTxPmAIN street. Best dyeing in the city. 1-13 tf VjI;TItOPOL7fT.N _ STEAM DYE WORKS, 241 >Tl Franklin street. Fine dyeing and clean ing. 1-13 tf MEDIUMS. V| lIS. ivl tationa on business, love, marriage, dis ease, mineral ligations, life reading, etc.; take University electric car to Forrester avenue, go west three blocks to Vine street, second houso i.'i :.t co'-ner of Fremont avenue. PATIENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ETC. AZARTrX^oivTsMlvrrw H moTDOw ney block. Tel. 340, Los Angles, 11-22 tf LOS ANGELES HEBALD, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1893. FOR BAtK-CITT ANl> COUNTRY. FwmnLL rfJiWHr ranch; 2 acres in B-year-old navel oranges; 5 acres in <J-veiir-old prunes and apri cot*; 1 acre assorted fruits and berrie>; good 2-atory hard finished house; fine barn; water deeded; improveLaents cost #3500. Don't miss this. nrYfl A CHOICE 12-ACRE FOOT- M I\t hill orange grove, with good house and barn; deeded water; 7 acres in 10>year-old oranges, very tine; 1 acre in 10-year-nld unl nuts; 2 acres in deciduous fruits; 2 acres in alfalfa. Look this upl <£l»<i rtfa/V- ACRES CHOICK DAMP land south of city; 120 acres solid to alfalfa, balance in grain: fair bnttdings; only $100 per acre. The best buy iv California. fkftfl BUYS 12>-i ACRES SOLID TO full-bearing English walnuts; no liner grove in the state; pays 15 per cent year ly. Better and safer than bank stocks. A BUYS 10 ACRES SOLTD TO VAVFL O»KW/TFornnges. 2 years old, at Highlands; nothing liner at any price; house, barn and deeded water. To see is to buy! sfeo^f.A FOR A FINK ""ACRE FAIPROVED ranch in Eagle Rock; all out to bear ing fruitj 5-room hard-finished house; good windmill and tank: 3 miles from city limits. Let us show you this. AAA—2O ACRES SOLID TO CHOICK tPIU»VUU navel oranges, 3 years old and In fino condition: plenty deedea water; iv the famous Baldwin ranch. q>o'* KAAFOR 150-ACRE CHOICE FRFIT <3PO ■ ••WfvF ranch; 100 acres in navel oranges and walnuts; one of the finest young orchards in the state.. This place will compare favor ably with groves at double the price, and will soon pay 912,000 to Jplo.OOO per yeai. Remem ber the price is only #250 per acre. A CHOICE 10 ACRES AT GLEN- dale; and lemon land, with deeded waterjWbn 5 years' time, with no payment down, to a responsible party that will plant trees. SOOAA— A MODERN 5-ROOM HOCSK, —with fine reception hull, baths, clos ets, elegant mantle, etc.; southwest part of city, near electric cars; fine lot, covered with shrubbery and lawn; cement walks; house Co6t $3000 to build. A snap. yl*l£?AA BUYS 2 4-KOOM COTTAGES; IN nPiOlrlF good repair; 5-minutcs' walk from corner Second and Spring sts.; with 4 lots; half block electric cars; street graded and sew ered. FOR EXCHANGE — 5-ROOM nARD-FlN ished cottage; corner lot on Third st., near Main; also, 7-room modern house on W. Pico near Main st.; both to exchange for good acreage. 2 <i-ROOM MODERN COTTAGES, in desirable location; finelawuand shrubbery; rented for $30 per month j to ex change for vacant lots near Westlake park or southwest part of city. Q. 4 AAA-100-ACRE FOOTOTLL FRUIT AND ftTTWIrV grain ranch; 7 acres in good bear ing fruit; 60 acres in grain; good fl-room house, barn, windmill and tank; price $25 per acre; will exchango for city property worth $4000. AAA —330 ACRES FINE FRI7IT LAND, LOtvUU near ( hatswortli Park'; all now in grain; price $50 per acre; for good city or east ern property. SAN GABRIEL ORANGE LAND, DIRECTLY south of the Raymond Hotel. We are offer ing a limited amount of this choice orf>np;e and lemon land, with deeded water under pressure, at the nominal price of $200 per acre, on liberal terms, There is nothing liner in this county; will set the land in 10-nero tracts to choice stock, and care for the same if desired.. Contemplating purchasers should see this land at once, or you lose a golden oppor tunity. Prices will be advanced as soon ns 300 acres are sold. Fine orange groves close to it are held at $1500 per acre. Get in on the ground floor and become independent. Car riages from our offlce. NORTON & X ENNEDY, 209 South Broadway. Telephone 3SB. 2-1 tf NORTON & KENNEDY, 209 ti. Broadway. 2-5 U jpOR SALE— vi XA -80 ACHES AT CTJCAMtTNGO STATION 9NHfon Che 8. I". li. H., south side ot track; 50 pearh trees and small house; perfect title; plenty of water can bo had; $50 per acre, half cash. S7AAA— NIt,H; ACRES, 2 MILES SOUTH Off lUlTUoity; house, barn, well, windmill, tank and 4 acres different kinds of fruit trees; 4 acres of this on Main st. Can be bought at $500 per acre. l»J-A—A GOOD GOVERNMENT CLAIM, 20 3P*T. H/uiiles from this city, in orange belt, and 15 inches of water; 160 acres of ,goocl land. Relinquished for $450. fi&'.JflAA— A SNAP—LARGE 9-ROOM HOUSE; dr«)U\>U2oo feet from Main; lot 50x125; bouse has 5 bedrooms, parlor, hall, dining room, summer and winter kitchens, bath room, bay window, 2 porches; Alpine cement plaster ing; full walls underneath; no piers; l storieß; large barn and outbuildings complete. S. H. BUTTERFIELD, Agent, _2-6 2t S. Spring St., Room 1. BETTS & SILENT— N. E. cor. Second st. and Broadway. OFFER TODAY: Lots in southwest part of city at from $200 to $400, on Installments. A tine 50-foot coruer lot on the hill, close to our office, $3000. 60x1600n west side of Broadway near Sev enth st., if 160 per foot. Business property close to our office, paving good interest on price asked, 3 handsome homes near cor. Adams and Fig ueroa sts., if'Booo, $15,000, $35,000; these nrc not on the general market. Orange groves near Dunrtc, Azusa nnd Co vina; 12 ucres in bearing, with line house, $10, -0O0; 20 acres, half in trees, nice house, etc., $8500. If you wish the genuine article, we have it. BETTS <fc SILENT, 2-5 3t Second ar.d Broadway. FOR SALE-TIEAUTIFI'L - ~OR~ANGE~ANr> other fruit farm of 10 acres, near Holly wood. Prise, 94500. GILBERT <t tiil.iiKKT, Room 9, 13SJ.J South Spring. 2-5 St FOR SALE— City property. Improved and unimproved lands. W.M. WIIITTEMOKE, rooms 9 and 10, 114 South Spring st. 2-'J 71 BUSINESS CHANCES. LUMBERMEN who desire to invest in a lumber enter prise on favorable basis, are invited to call at the offlce of W. E. HUGHES, rooms 86 ami 87, Bryson-Bonebrake building. 2-5 3t WANTED~A~YOI\\IfMAN WITH LARGE TT acquaintance and a few hundred dollars can bear of an A No. 1 business opening by calling upon BEN E. WARD, CLAY St CO,. 138 st. 2-5 3t A GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE FOR SALE—OR the location. Apply al 407 S. Spring st 2-4 4t X?OR PALE-LEASE A Nil*" FURNITURE OF J? St. James Hotel, Santa Monica; bent loco tion and lowest rent In town; doing a ttnod winter business; leased to December 8, 1895. l-siTt BUSINESS CHANCE—f6r~BALE—ONE OF the most beautiful homes in Los Angeles; 9 room house, closets, bath, tine cellar; gas ma chine, pas all througrr the house; handsome fixtures; house new and modern; 2-story burn, with a room in it for servant; large lot, corner. 00x310; lots of fruit; to auy party in search of a choice home in aselect neighborhood at price much below its value, I have but to say, see this place; owner will take an improved ranch in the San Oabriel or Son Francisco valleys in part pay; balance to suit, providing same is unincumbered: thia place is clear. Address BUSINESS, p. o. box SOS, city. 1 25 BUSINESS CHANCE—A NICE, CLEAN stock of general merchandise for sale on Main St., Loa Angeles; party wants to sell as he don't sabe the biz and had to take stock on account of loan; new and clean; horse and de livery wagon included; cheap for KASH. Ad dress AT ONCE, p. o. box 505 city. 1-25 BUSINESS CHANCE—FOR SU.E-DRUO store-central; pood stand; low rent; good prescription business as well as general trade' costs nothing to enquire into it; will take some property ai part pay. Address CHANCE, p. o. bok stis, city. 1.25 USJNESB CIIANCE-A NEW SCH EM E which throws everything else in tbe shade nnd paralyzes hard times—4o acres of line raisin land for $1000 cash, witb balance in five years; water abundant. Address ItAIRIN, p. o. box 565, city. 1-25 NOTICE— TIIE LEASE, FIXTURUS ANO stock of tiie Los Angelea Clothing com pany, No. 141 North Main etreet. oppoalte Western Union telegraph crtilee, is for sale at 75 cents on the dollar. For particulars, in quire on premise; . Rare chance to pet lino business, hart payment only required. Call immediately. 1-9 mi TjlOR SALE-STOCK OF GROCERIES AND -T store lixtures; new goods; well located on sonth Spring street; business good; heat <<t reasons for selling, inquire ol E." W. GUTH RIE, Abstract building. 1-21 lm T7WR SALK—RESTAURANT; FINE~£oCA- Ju- tion; large trade; good business opening; principals only, aud to them we can show first claps opening. BEN E. WARD, CLAY & CO., las South Spring street. 1-8 lm FOB BALK—COUNTRY PROPERTY. «2» | -^npXFINE^Sx9^fTK\ *I?I»lW acres; till fenced and eioea-tenoed; with several flowing wells and large slaughter house on the place. Near the railroad and only <i miles Irom the court house. Price $150 per acre. Oj»nA—SIX ACRES OF WASHINGTON qpUUU navel orange*, in splendid condition, with perfect water right; In the best orange section of this county; at only $000 pel acre. *,'.-■(»> C—FORTY ACRES OF THE FINEST OR r?'r*.») ange hind in iliis county; 15 acres Washington navel oranges; 3 acres of assorted fruits; 1000 budded navels; 5-room house, sta ble, corral, etc. Perfect water right with the land. This place is located in the finest orange and walnut producing section of the county or state, and undoubtedly ft great bargain. Only $425 per acre. A A—TWENTY-FIVE ACRES OF SPLEN qD l*t\J did land on Los Angeles st.. Anaheim; IS at res in 5-year-old soft-shell walnuts; bal ance oi land i*n vegetables; 10 shares of water stock with the place; only $140 per acre; will exchange. A<>OrVr~ TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND; 2- story 6-room house, barn,chicken house, windmill and tank; 3<M> n-sorted fruit trees. Price only $2200. CUDDY A iSTOI'U 11- TON, 200 N. Spring st., Temple block. W*>UfMY-A BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOUSE »Ir»'OUU find twit Hcres bearing fruit trees; barn, driveway and nil conveniences; on Los Robles avenue, Pa>adena. Prico $3*00; will exchange for city property. CUDDY & STOUGHTON, 200 N. Spring St., Temple block 2-7 lt FOR SALE—IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS 46,300 acres of the finest land for all pur poses ever offered for sale in one body in South ern California; this comprises 0 separate and distinct ranchos or Spanish grants all in one solid tract, and covers 72 square miles in ex tent; about one-third of the entire tract is in every way suited for giowing to the greatest perfection not only the orange, but any and all of the Choice and rare fruits and nuts that can be grown in a semi-tropical climate; the great er portion of the whole tract can be very profit ably cultivated for general farming and for stock raising any portion of the whole of it has no equal anywhere on the coast; at least 10, -000 acres.are worth today $100 per acre, whicli would amount to more than three times the price asked for the whole property; aside from this, there are over $12,000 worth of perman ent and valuable improvements on the place, and over 1500 head of graded stock, worth at least $45,000, which go with the land if sold as a whole; the whole 72 square miles are thor oughly well watered by over 100 living springs and numerous permanent streams; this mng nlficent property will be sold us a whole at the very low price of $7 per acre, which will in clude all the stock and improvements; any one or more of the 0 ranchos included herein will be sold separately if desired; the Santa-Fe rail road runs the whole length of the property and good, prosperous towns'in the Immediate vi cinity, and is only a short ride from Riverside, the world-renowned orange section of the United States; for further particulars call on or address NOLAN «fc SMITH, 223 West Second street. 2-5 3t J7OH SALE—A NICE LITTLE 3-ACRES~ 3 JV miles out, 25 minutes irom court house by railroad; in full bearing orchard; line soil and fine water; right at rnilroad station. 25 acres; fine water right; Colton terrace; the Lest lemon and orange land in Southern California; will pell or exchange for city prop erty. Can you see this? If yes, I can give you a good trade. 28 acres, Eagle Rock; a grand piece; belongs to an estate; must he .sold; 10 acres in navol oranges; In full bearing next year; worth 90000; price, must be sold. 58 acres, Eagle Rock; 30 acres improved; everr foot can be cultivated; iflo,ooo it wdl Bell part. REN E. WARD. CLAY & CO., 138 South Spring street. 2-5 3t FOR SALK— NEW~ YORK, Chicago, St. Pauliind Muskegon address be low. Other: parties also can obtain reliable in formation as regards the Orange Belt and prop* erlv in the city desirable for homes and invest ment. W. M. WHITTEMORE. rooms 0 and 10, 114 S. Spring st. ______ _. 2-7 7t I, lOR SALE— STOCK RANCH, . with corrals and buildings in good order, with plenty of Water and 150 acres in alfalfa; at a bargain. W. E. HUGHES. 2-5 3t SALE—IO ACRES"XO.I LAND; PARTLY improved; near the city; fine condition to plant to spring crop of potatoes and pay for the ranch. Price, BOO: terms, 8100 cash ; bal ance on time. GILBERT tt GILBERT, NO. 138J_ South Spring street. 2-5 7t angeles county, a ' good country hotel; near railroad depot; this w!U stand any amount of investigation; will trade part for few acres near city. Ad- Urttos, <VG», ibis olhue. 2-5 3t I'jyoir pale~or"exchani»e —01 acres 7 moist land, miles from Agricultural park: a very desirable piece of land for an a'fslfa ranch; will sell cheap or exchange for orange land. 12 choice lots in town of Santa Ana and Tus tin; will sell cheap or exchange for ranch property. 400 acres of the very best alfalfa land in Santa Ana valley; comfortable farmhouse and buildings; barn just built, cost #1200; bear ing apple and pear orchard; artesian water piped to house and barn; all fenced with board fencing; only 100 rods from good school: this property will make one of the Jincst dairy ranches in the state; a creamery bus just been established in Close proximity'; will sell at a sacrifice for cash. 10 acres, about two blocks from the center of Tustin, near Sunta Ana; about 300 bearing orange trees; 10 shares of water; beautifully located for a home; will sell cheap or ex change for city properly; it will pay you to Bee this property before you buy or exchange. Address G. J. W., 150, Herald. 1-25 * FOR SALE—CAPITALISTS, DON'T FAIL TO see this! A beautiful tract of 501 acres of hind, situated 3 miles west of the city limits; highly improved; offered at a great sacrifice. GILBERT & GILBERT, Room 0, 138' a South Spring. 2-5 7t LAND . with tine residence and good water, with in 8 miles cf tlio court house, Los Augeles; Cheap and on favorable terms. Address ACRES, P. 0. box su's, city. 1-25 tf SALE— 12 ACRES OF*THE REST land in Lns Angeles county; close to city limits; tin the main drive to Pasadena; very great bargain. Address W. L. P., box 585, city. 1-14 tf SALE—3OO,OOO AjtRES OF CHOICE X hind in tne great raisiirbelt of Kern coun ty; the safe:-: investment in California. Ad dress BORAX, box 70, this ollice. l-14tf SALE—A 10 J7 acres in the Lick tract; nlcclv improved. Price only !r';;uoo. Boon 0, 138}. South Spring. 2-5 3t IpOR SALE—TWO AORSO WITH HARD ' finished house of four moms and kitchen; windmill and lank-house; barn for five horses; all fenced; plenty of water; situated near city limits. Apply to 110 East First street, up stairs. 12-23tf fIfeSITPER ACRE-SNAP— OHOICE~LAND~AS ff)«AS any In ''alir'orniu; 115 acres adjoining town of Gardens; water in 15 feet; will sell Whole or In 10 acre lots; commence selling Monday,Vebruary 6] if you intend to buy land for a home or speculation examine this prop erty at once and get your choice; must be sold to oloae tip an estate. Further particulars apply JOHN L. PAVKOVH H, 208 West First st. 12-18tf S A LE-dN~~KER N~~O 01 T NT V, FOR PUR poses of colonization, 3842 44-100 acres of as good land as can be found In Kern county; no fancy prices. In all there is about six sec tions, three of which join each other. Like other acreage, all that is necessaiy is develop ment to make this land rank with some of the best iv Southern California, also in Tulare Onnty. I can offer 545t> 70-100 acres of softie of the best land in said county; some parts of this land have already been sold as high as £50 per acre. It is in the artesian belt section, and for purpoies of colonization no better land can be found. The land is all contiguous to the S. P. R. R., and is offered on the most favorable terms and at a low price to party or parties taking it all, or will offer it in section lots at equally low figures. For location, price.terms, etc., address OWNER, Box 30, Herald office. 1-14 tf OKNTISTS. DR. DIFFENBACHER, IVBft 8, Spring street, rooms 4 and 5, ■ 7-?i_ i\^> Teeth extracted and filled with out pain. 7-21 ly 1882—Er,tablished-18S2. DR. L. W. WELLS, COR. OF SPRING AND First streets, Wilson block; take elevator. Gold cr wn and bridge work a specialty; teeth extracted without pain. Room 1 m 4 tf A DAWS BROS., DENTISTS, 230 1 -. 8. BERING, bet. Second and Third. Fuank'ss filling and estrat ting, toe and #1; crowns !fi>; get teeth, $0 to if 10; established in L. A. City, 13 yrs. 12-8 FR VNK StIjVENS, if. Open Sunday and evenings by electric light. DX. TtiLHCRSTT DENTJS'i , 7IOH 1 si., rouni < \j, 3 and 7. I'anue;extraction. OI GEORGE 1L BEACIiTm. D., ?St ICE AND residence. 131 North spring st.eet. Office hours, Btu v, lio 0, otoB p. ra. Telephone 433. _ li-3tt MBA DR. WEIM-OmOKi IN HER brick bioelL 127 Kast. Third street, between Main and Los Angeles; discuses ol* women, ner vous, rectal, sterility and genito-nrinary dis eases; also uiectro tiierapcutits. Hours, 10 to 4, 7to 8. r ni2B tf FOR EXCHANGE. jMJrTE^CnANGE^ AOOAA-EQUITY IN E. SECOND STREET business income property, for house in southwest; mortgage $1700. &**<MUi—EQUITY 1N MONROVIA RESI ?NI.IUW dence, for other property; mortgage $1100. £ 1 aAA—EQUITY IN DOWNEY AYE. RUST 9tvUU ness income property, for other properly; mortgage $2000. . . , r i|AA—EQUITY SEVENTH AND PEARL 9XO*UUU for other city property. & JAIIA—'2O ACRES, LANKERSHIM, HIGH HTT\rI'v ly improved, for other property, clear. & *>AAA-5-ROOM HOUSE ON WASHINGTON epOUl nf st. and 2 lots on Temple st. for houso near in. I<»AACRES NEAR NEWITALL, PARTIALLY 10W improved, for city property. r*yi-5-ROOM HOUSE BOYLE HEIGHTS rjPliJvv fur vacant lot near E. First uU jonx n. coxe. 4 Brrton-Bonehraxe block. 2-5 3t fX>R EXCHANGE—SOO ACRES, COWLEY Jl county, Kansas, to exchange for a small orchard, or for good land in Los Angeles or San Diego county. Address W. A. SMITH, Dela ware, Ohio. - 2-7 7t_ T~ OEXCHANGE-160 ACRES OF Al WH RAT land in Kansas; 100 acres under cultiva tion, 3 acres orchard, good house, barn, several outhouses, good well; 1% miles from railroad depot; also 100 acres finest grass land, 20 acres under cultivation, in Nebraska, house, plenty of water, etc.; these properties are clear. I would like to exchange these for improved or unimproved acreage or* city property, together or separate. OWNER, 14 Bryson block. 2-7 tf OR~EXUHANGE—A STOCK OF ollOCEß~ ies, building, lot, barn, etc. Only $1500. Will take a good cottage and lot in city for about #1000; balance cash or time. This will bear close investigation. Apply, GILBERT <t GILBERT, 138£ South Spring street. 2-5 7t rjpO IX CIIA NGE—sls,ooo—6B LOTS, Tl I REE X houses and barns, etc., fronting Castle depot in St. Paul, Minn., together or separate, for city property or acreage, C. GROBMANN, room 14 Bryson block. 2-3 tf rFb EXCHANGE—FOR FIRST-CLASS EEsT- X deuce property in Los reasonable prices, the best of fruit lands, with first-class water right. The citrus fruits, raisins, grapes and apricots are in their home. Address P. 0. box 505, city. 1-25 TO JEXCHANGE—GOOD PROPERTY SERE and in eastern states, clear, for ranch in Los Angeles County, clear. Addresß RANCH, P. O. box 505, city. 1-25 Hpo V. X ( lIANGE—I4 ACRES, 1 MILE FROM X Florence, house 6 rooms, hard finish, 5 ar tesian wells, 2 small orchards, 30 acres in al falfa, 2 barns, fine chicken house and 2 incu bators, to exchange for city property. Address B. R. 5, box 80, Herald office. TO EXCHANGE—2Q ACRES M MILE FROM Btudebftker; house 8 rooms, barn for 4 horses; small granary; lSOfruit trees; all fenced and cross fenced; 2 wells and good water right, to exchange for house and lot in this city. Ad dress A. B. *\, box 30, Herald office. 1-36 6~EXCrHA^^ ney; moist land, house four rooms, good, large barn, carriage and tool house, chicken house, corral with living water in corner, 10 acres in corn, 13 acres in apple orchard, 13 acres iv alfalfa, balance in pasture; four cows giving milk, two cows dry, 12 head young cat tle, nine large Poland China hogs, 10 line pigs, one span horses and harness, two new plows. 1 cultivator, finn double drag, mowing machine and rake, chickens, dairy tools and other implements; 87 shares water stock, toex change for good fruit ranch. Address W. L. I., % V. 0. Box 505, city. 1-25 0 EX( lIANGE-$5OOO STOCK OF CROCK ery and glassware for house and lot, good chance for business; 24 acres in Anaheim, all in fruit, good house, barn and water right; three houses well rented on Olive street for house near Florence or Compton; 20acres near Santa Rosa for house and lot near city. Address W. L. P., P. O. Box 565, city. 1-25 IJiOR EXCHANGE—IO ACRES SIX MILES 1 from the courthouse on San Pedro St.; will exchange for house and lot west and north of Firat st. Will exchange nice house and lot on Pearl St., lot 70x175. for an improved 10 acre tract; price, $1,000. M. P. SNYDER, 139 S. Broadway. 2-5 3t EDUCATIONAL. j* corporated). New studies. Entrance in chamber of commerce. L. E. Garden Macleod, principal. Pasadena, Tuesdays and Fridays. OcTIOOL OF EXPRESSION—FULL COURSE k5 in elocution. For particulars cull on or ad dress by mail PROF. .TOH N M'CULLOUGII, Po tomac block, room 108. Evening classes; take elevator. 1-13 lm TEXci lERS* CLASS PREPARING FOR COUN~ ty examination. Positions for govern esses and teachers. 120}-£ S. Spring. 12-25 tf LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL. (Incorporated) 144 South Main st. Largest and best equipped business training pchool on the coast. Thorough and practical courses in the commercial, shorthand, type writing, telegraphy, assaying, and all English branches. Large, able and mature faculty of instructors. Day and evening sessions. Terms reasonable. Call at college office, or write for elegant catalogue. E. R. SH RADER, president; P. W. KELSEY, vice president; I. N. INSKEEP, secretary. 8-16 91 tf ASTBURY SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING aiul Business Institute. Take elevator by People's store, Phillips block; send for cata logue. 10-1212 m MRS. NANNIE CATCHING, TEACHER OF Piano, Voice Culture, Guitar and Ranio. ARDMOUR, Broadway and Sixth st. 0-24 tf wiixiiAßTrrz. musicalTstudio, room . 37 California bank building, B-13 ly sX££LsHilss: \SK DAY SAVED BY TAKING E^/^SvVni?■''"' : : 1 ! ' '' _£*X??r_!~S§« 1 'ity, St. Louis, Chicago, New York and Bostoti. Leave I/is Angeles every Wednes day; personally conducted through to Chicago ami Boston ; family tourist sleepers to Kansas City and Chicago daily; low rates and quickest time. Ollice, 129 N. spring st. lyr route excursions! VX Experienced condtictors; through from Los Angeles to Boston; only six days to New York or Boston; tourist cars. F. E. SHEARER, man ager. Office, 229 South Spring St., Los Angeles. 10-10 bin C. JIJDSON A EAST • every Wednesday via Salt Lake City antl Denver. Tourist cars to Chicago and Boston. Manager in charge. Ofllce, 212 S. Spring st. 6-1 tf I~}iiillips';excursions via Denver and Rio Grande railway and the Great Rock Island route leave Los Angeles every Tuesday. Personally conducted through to Chicago and Boston. Ofllce, No. 138 S. Spring st. Itf financial. P™a^iSi^xolvn"tompa!nT—loans money in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and collateral security, on pianos without removal, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins. bleyc.leß, carriages, libraries or any property ot value; also on furniture, merchandise, etc., in warehouses; partial payments received; money without delay; private offices for consultation; will call if desired. W. E. DkGROOT, Manager, rooms 2, 3 and 4, No. 114 S. Spring St., opposito Nadeau hotel. 7-29 tf ONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT low rate of interest; security must be first class. Address LOANS, Box 60, this office. l-Btf M' ~^!TeY — TCTUOAN AT any amount. M. P. SNYDER*. 139 South Broadway. 8-13 Om ONEY TO LOAN ON COUNTRY AND city property; lowest rates. W. R. BURKE, notary public, 109 North Spring st. 8-13 Urn ONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. JEWeC ry, watches, pianos, sealskins, live stock, carriages, bicycles and all kinds of personal and collateral security. LEE BROS., 402 a Spring. I~FVOU WANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAYS no commission, at prevailing rates of inter est, see SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, 148 S. Main st. 8-1 11 MONEY TO LOAN. $500, IftiOO, if7oo at a low rate of interest on improved city real estate. Address FINANCIAL, box 840, Los Angeles city. 1-21 tf I"HAVE>»6,OOO TO LOAN ON A 1 SECTRITY at low rate of interest. Will loan as v whole or part of tbe above amount. Address SKCUR- I'i'Y, Box 60, this ofllce. 1-8 tf ——: —. — MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE —MAIN STREET SAVINGS BANK, 4211 South Main street. 10-26 tf OINDEXTER A LIST, BR(^ERS, _ 127 W. Second st., loan money on good security at reasonable rates. Farm loans a specialty. If you wish to lend or borrow, call on us. 8-176 m ONEY TO LOAN—A. R. FRABER & F. to. Lanlerinan, 130 8. Broa'lway. 8-17 6Tr. PERSONAL. _ TAY! or, LAWYER. L 12114 SouthUiroadwnv, room ft. Probate-ind insolvency law a specialty. Advice free. 7-21ily ERSONB WHO WOI'LP INVEST IN A SAFE and profitable coloni/ation enterprise are requested to call at rooms 80 and 87, Bry son-Bonebrake block,and investigate the plans of a company just forming- W. B. 11 i'Olilio. 2-5 3t .1.""o»(CANE, PRO X sional nurse, 502 [South Broadway, I."- An geles, Cal. Telephone 990. l-18-14t 1 >ers6nawVoffee FRESH boasted ON 1 our Giant coffee roaster; Java and Mocha, 35c lb; Mountain coffee, 25c; gran, sugar, IS lbs $1; brown sugar, 21 lbs $1; ti lbs rolled oats or wheat, 25c; 4 lbs rice, 25c; perinea, 90c.j 3 pts starch, 25c ; 5 lbs good tea, $1; mi ore meat, 5c lb; currant jelly, 10c lb; 5 lbs raisins, 25c; 3 lbs apricots, 25c; bacon, 15c; coal oil, 80c; brooms, 20c. ''ECONOMIC" STORES 305 South Spring. , UNCLE SAM WINS CELLARS. E. FLEUR. Wholesale nnd retail. Sonoma nnd Napft dry and sweet wines. Brandies, whisky* 1-0 i'jERSO NAL- 1: A LPH " PROS. (JOIdPIUR J. flour, $1.15 ; city flour, 85c; brown sugar, 20 lbs $1; granulated sugar. 8 lbs SI; white sugar, 18 lbs $1; 5 boxes sardines, 25e; 3 cans fruit, 50c; 50 bars soap, $1; eastern gasoline, 80c. and coal oil, 80c: 2 Lbs corned beef, 15c; lard, 10 11)8, $1.30; 5 lbs Otic; 001 bomb Spring st., corner Sixth. 12-2 ti A~GOOPRICII,TawYiTr, 124~ BEARBORN • street, Chicago, 111.; 28 years' ex peri ence; secrecy; specinl facilities in several states; Goodrich un divorce, with laws Of all states, in press. , 11-10 ly MEDICAL PERSONALS." JIB6IEE TO X make yourself beautiful you cay do so at a very small' expense. It is a preparation that is harmless. Best of recommendations from all parts of the country. I will be in Los) Angeles only a short time. Will call and see you. Ad dress, MME. A. A. LORRAINE, postomce box 505, city. l-7jf o'the iTaThesofToTani7elks~ will bo in this city only a short time. No advance money. No fee desired unless you a."c perfectly satisfied. Address MME. ROULET, box 20, lleruld office. 1-8 tf TjVoR LADIES~ONLY—THE PRO PHYLA' IC X I Compound is the greatest medical discov ery of the age. Absolutely sure and safe. Every bottle guaranteed. Wriio to the ProphylatiC Compound company, Fresno, CaL, for a de scriptive circular, Which contains information that may save you years of sufferinc, and per liax>s your life. Circulars and tbe preparation can be obtained from all druggists. F. W. BRAUN & CO., distributing agents ior BoUth> cm California. 7-10 HOTELS. TTTHEN IN LO9 A NG ETEtCrTnTpLAf^ j T stop at Is HOTEL HKLLEVI'E TERRACE, corner Sixth aud Pearl streets. It is the only first-class family and tourist hotel in the city, with large beautiful lawns, broad sunny porches, and all largej outside sunny rooms, with open grates, tree baths and service A 1. Rates—2s rooms, 87 per week; 2 persons, $14; 40 rooms, $9 per week ; 2 persons, $15; 35 rooms, $10 per week; 2 persons,sl7; 25 rooms, $12 per week; 2 persons $20. Special rates to monthly or permanent people. 11-20 3m MRS. C. W. STEWART, Pypr. LEWETT HOUSE f-FUBNISHEB 4 BOOMS, entirely new, single or en suite, bath rooms connected; suitable for housekeeping. 110 East First street, New Wilson block. 12-23 tf HUFFMAN HOUSE—AMERICAN PLAN; 62 outside rooms, superbly furnished; first class in everyway; I elwm is unexcelled) Bt rangers invited; $1.50 to $2.50 per day. T. W. STP.oRRHK.E. 11-18 3n i MtTSTC\L. LOSANGELES CONSERVATORY or Ml'S?'' and art; open all the year. MRS. EMILY J. VALENTINE, president, corner Broadway and Fifth street. 8-14 ly AN JO, BY MISS M. E, ABTBUBYj 5 AND~6 stringed taught. Studio 51; take elevator by People's store, Phillips block. 11-12 ly HE KAMMERMEYEII orTuestra - First-class music furnished for balls, par ties, concerts, receptions and picnics. Violin, mandolin, etc., taught. Room 21, New Wil lard block, 32bJa South Spring street, Lofl An geles, CaL ' 10 14-ly CHIROPODIST. M"~R : W. First St., opposite Nadeau hotel. 12-2-1 li CONTRACTORS. t^rTnTTcTyTJc^ X 1 son block. 8-16 ly ABSTRACTS. BSTItXrT^A^IST^ pany of Los Angeles, northwest corner of Franklin and New H=gh -:lrceis. ml 7 tf CONTRACTORS AND RUXLDERS. pIONRAB SCHEKEIt, GRA N I TL, I'd'! I'M IN \J ous and asphalt paving. 227 W. First st. lM_tl GOODALL, PERKINB A CO., GENERAL Agents, Ban Francisco. Northern roues embrace Hues for Portland, Ore., Victoria, B. C and Paget Sound, Alaska, and all coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES. TIMB TABLS FOR FEBBUABY, 1893. LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO. For T Port Harford.... |8. 8. Corona. February 1,10, Santa Barbara... 1 10, 28, March 9. Redondo ■ Pan Pedro 8. 8. Santa Rosa. February 6, Newport 10 March 5. Ban uiego For 1 8, 8. Coos llay. February 8, Redondo 1 17, 2d, March 7. Ban Pedro and fS. 8. Buroka. February 4, 13, way ports J 22, March 3. LEAVE SAN I'EPRO AND BEDONDO, For 1 3. 8. Raula Rosa. F..-bruary"§7 1 17, 2U, March 7. San Diego lb. S. Corona, February 3,12, • j 21, March 8. For 1 8. 8. Hanta Rosa. February 1, Ban Francisco... 1, 10, lit. 28, March t>. Port Harford.... / 8. 6. Cor"n«, February 5, Mi Banta Barbara.. I 23. U.rchl. For 1 s. 8. Itureka, Febrnarj 7,10, San Francisco I 25, March 0. and (a. B. Ooo» Bay, February 2, way porta j 11, 20, March 1, Cars to connect with eteamers via San Pedro leave 8. P. R tt. depot. Fifth street, Loi An geles, at 9:25 o'clock a. m. Passengers per steamers Oorona and Santa Rosa, via Redondo, north bound, leave Santa Fe depot at 10:15 a. m.: or from Redondo rail way depot, ooruer Jefferson street and Uraud are., 9:00 a. m. Passengers per Eureka and Coos "Bay, via Re dondo, leavo banta Fe depot at 4:05 p. m. Plana of steamer's cibin at agent's office, where berths may bo seenrrd. The company reserve the right to change the steamer* or their days of sailing XHt—For passage or freight as above or for tickets to aud from ail important points iv Europe, apply to TV PAKIiIS. Agent, Offlce, Mo. 124 West Second St., Los Angeles. Honolulu and Kilaaea ! v HEALTH, DIVERSION «na if Jllljt F plb _ aSDEE ' vt jPaffifflr a Splendid Steamers twice a month. Bpeclal rates to parties of six and over. Illus trated printed matter furnished on application to C. H WHITE, or 11. B. RICH. Ticket A«ent, a. P. Co., Agt. Oceanic 8, °. Co., Burdlcl-Block. 12* West Second Bt. 121S FOB ANUEi.ES NATIONAL, BANK. j VS. 8. DEPOSITORY Cor, First and Spring streets. Capital $5 00,00 c iurplus , 62,50- T0ta1.... $552,600 Georgo H. Bonebrake President W. G. Cochran Vice President ". 0 Howea Cashier i. W. Coe. Aast. Cashier DIRECTORS. Col H. H. Markharu. Terry M Green, Warren GUlelen, L P. Crawford, 0. A. Marrtner, Geo. H. Bonebrake, W. G. Cochran, F. C. Howes. No Interest Paid on Deposits. Exchange for itile on all the principal cities of tne Onited states and Europe. AMUBEMBMTB. GRAND OPERA~Sloirjsj£ Under the direction of Al Hatmah. McLain a Lehman, Managers. ONE NIGHT OF FUN! Tuosday February T*h THB LITTLE SCSBEAM, —5i MAR I E HEATH«- And Hor Company of Jolly Players In a N,tw VEasios of that Delightful Musical Comedy, A TURKISH BATH. TUNJfD UP TO DATE. The Cleanest Comedy on ths Road—Pretty Girls —Clever Comedians — Delightful Music—Two and a half Hours oi Laughter. IWBeij the famous tensational Dancor fll rent Horn Jturope. Bale ol Boat* will b?gin Thursday morning February 2d. T>ARK UHS4TER, JL (Late Hazard's Pavilion). Cor. Fifth and Olivo st, 0. H. Sawtur & Co., | Fred, Coopeb, Proprietors. | Manngc, MONDAY EVENING, FSB. 0, And Every Evening During the Week, ail Saturday Matinee, BARTLBY CAMPBELIiI Tim.ling Drama, " SIBERIA,' WITH GEORGIB WOODTHOBPB j As Sara, the Jewess, Supported by a Compete titook Company, Admission, 10, 20 and 30c; boxes, 500. Box office open for sale of tickets from 1) a. m. Monday. J OS ANGELES THEATER. Thursday and Friday Feb. B&tO, At 7:15 p.m. Saturday Matinee, Feb. 11, at 2 p.m. THE NATIONAL PAGEANT For the Benefit of the News and Working Boys' Homo. Sinking! Danclngl Drama! Opera! Tableau! ELEVEN GREAT HI3TORICAL BCENBi 200 Artists! Gorgeous Bflectal Calcium Lights! Music—Orchetra. Reserveil seats, $1, 75, 50 and 25 cent: on salo on and after Feb. 2d at J. B. Urown'sllu- Bio store, 111 N. Sprmg Bt. PEOPLE'S AMPHITHEATER. North Main street, near First. CHAS. A. DOYLE, BusinessMgr. CONTINUED SUCOESSI Week commencing Saturday, February4th. First appearance of CAPTAIN BBAOB the Man-Plait. Attraction Extraordinary, the King oßlrd Trainers, 0. A. GIOVANNI, wllh bis rertrka. ble troupe of Trained Tropical Birds o.gor genus plumage, and almost tinman lntellignoe. This feature wob secured al greatexpeuse, First appearance of the IJnlvorsal Faorlte Ske:ch Duo, the HALL'S—Clarencb anbßas- SIE. 'Ihe performance will corxcludo with Dan Lester's Humotous Pautomimo, "The 'our LOVBRB." _ ' . Doors open at 1:30 and 7:30 pm. Pcryrra ft _ ices commence at 2:15 and 8:15 n.m. Prrces of admission, 10, 2u and 30 centa rruiK PALACE, X Corner First and Spring stteta. (Family and ladles' entrance on First i.) THE VENETIAN LADIES' TROUBfIDtURS Will tender a concert everyday from 12 to 1:30 p.m. (dutiug; I'tucb. hour): alsca I GRAND CONCERT EVERY EVENLG i From 7:30 p.m. to 12 m. The best commercial lunch-iil-rt.t S'.tftuJf -11 a.m. 11Ji 2 p.m., and from sto 7 p.m. A la carte from 0 p.m. to 12 m. 121 tl OKIOINAI. VIKNNA BUFFBIT, Corner Main and RequenaS_ts. J. H. KENNEDY, Bus. Miagar. THJC SHOW FOB THE PBOPLI A wonderful hit made by the great -. ("HOLSTON'Ir Re-engagement, for ore week longer; id tre meudoos success of the wondarfm MOrANIO FAMILY, in new gymnaßtic and aobatio feats. Unprecedented success of the little frorltes. the IaONTANIO TWINS, Masters Hay and Percy, in new sketches, introducing the great burlesque sparring act, The Irish comedian (par excellenc, Mr. BILLY FiNLEY. The happy son of Momus, Mr, A, . Mc- NlttCE. Matinee every Wednesday afternoo at 2 o'clock. jLSSt-Entlro new Bhow next week. 1117 3m T OS ANGSLBS BAFK DEPOSIT AND 'BUST 1 J COMPANY, with CITIZENS' BANK, 313 South Spring stret, Lob Angeles, Cat., Will remove to their new and elegant roens in stimson Block when completed. BrADCh office, Grand Opera House Blck, Pasadena, Cal. T. S. 0. LOWS Pretldeut T, w. BR ITHEETON Vice-Preideut A. P. WEbT fishier Buy aud sell all first-class securities. STOCKS WANTED in the Los Angeles, Pasa dena and other gas companies. First-class, well secured Gas, Water and Ball way bouds for sale. ffjJJ-Tlrae loans accepted, best of security given and liberal interest paid. 12-26 6m rr<HK UNIVERSITY BANK OF Lf)S ANGILB3 J. si-utheast corner Flr« and Broadway. Capital stock iuily paid up $100,000 turp.ns 00,000 R M. WIDNttY President D. O MU.TIM'JRB Vice President GEO. L. ARNOLD Cashier DIRECTOBB. B. M. Widney, D. O. Mlltlmoro, S. W. Little, C. M. Wells, John McArmur, C. A. Warner, L. 3. P.Morrill. General bunking business and loanß on first class real estate solicited. Buy and soil flrßt cla'-s stocks, bonds and warrants. Parties wish ing to invest in first-class securities on either iouß or short lime can be accommodated. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATION ALB ANK loi S. Spring street, Nadeau block. L. N. Breed President Wm. F. BosbysheU Vice-President O.N. Flint Cashier W. H. Holllday Assistant Cashier Capital paid In gold coin $200,000 -urplus and undivided profits 25,000 Authorized capital 500,000 DIRECTORS. L. N. Breed, H. T. Newell, Wm. H. Avery, Rllsb Holman, W. 11. Holllday, «. C. Bosby sheU, M. Hagan, Frank Rader, D. Remlok, Thos. Goss, William F. Bosbysholl. 7-1 tf ■JVIIE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA, Corner ol Spring and Second streets, . . LOB ANGUHiS, CAL. Capital paid up 9350,000 J. M. C. Marble! President t). H.Cuurchill Vice President A. Uadley Asst. Cashier BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Dr. W. L Graves, E. F. C. Klokke, O. T, John fo '.W. Hadle., E. N. McDonald, M: H. 3her raan, Fred Eaton, John Wolfskin, Thos. B. H ■ nl. 10 31 QALIFOBNIA BANK. Cor. Broadway and Second St.. Los Angeles. Subscribed capital $500,000 Paid up capital 300,000 Surplus 20,000 J. Frankenfield President Ham Lewis Vice-President J. W. Witmor Oißhler John G. Mo: .sin Alststant Cashier DIBItCTOXS. . Frankenfield, G. W. Hughes, Bam Lewis, J, 0 Kays, E. v 7. Jones. h. B. Newton, Hervey Lindley, K. F. Lotspelob. General bcutUng s_d sscijang* business traiutott— n-.4-4«s