Newspaper Page Text
8 NEWS NOTES. Weather Hunan. Report of observation t*k >a at Loa Angeles, February 6, 1803. Titne. jilt. Thor. SFI'mlWd rVOO a. m.'.mlo 45 BO NK >!00 p, m |30 11 54 85 I W Clear Mai. tern., 58- mm tern., 42, Rainfall past 24 hours, .00 Rainfall lor the season, 15.85. Forecast. Forecast for Southern California: Fair weather; slight changes in temperature; north easterly winds. John Walters, a Chicago vagrant, was sentenced to 10 days' imprisonment by Justice Seaman yesterday. Pat McGeachy was brought in from San Pedro yesterday under a sentence of 60 days in the county jail for va grancy. Officer Harris arrested three China men on a warrant yeßterday. These are three of the lottery players who escaped arrest during a raid on a lottery game last Friday evening. The legislative committees on hospi tals, and commerce and navigation, who have been inspecting points in Boutheru California, honored the Hkrald office with a call yesterday. The personnel of the visitors waß Dr. Mathews. Hons. J. M. McClure, A. C. Chipman, J. M. Markß, J. Brownlie, Edntond Godchaux, M. C. Giry, J. O'Keefe, William H. Carl eon and William J. Eoyce. Telegrams from Dr. T. M. Endlich, general manager of the Southern Cali fornia Smelting and Refining company, received yesterday, state be will leave Chicago today for home. Immediately npon his return contracts will be let for the fonndations and stone work for the buildings and the work of construction begun. World's Fair. . Are you going to the world's fair? If co, settle now the all important prob lem, where shall I atay and what will it coat? For circular letter giving in formation of special advantage to yon on these points, call on or address A. Phillips & Co., 138 South Spring street, Loa Angeles. Oyatera 50 cents a dozen any style. Hollenbeck Hotel cafe, 214 Second st. PERSONAL. J. L. Stanton is at the Hollenbeck. M. Welch, jr., of San Francisco is in Ihe city. G. T. Marsh of San Francisco is in the city. H. S. Hagan of New York is in the oity. D. H. Proctor of Peoria is at the Hol lenbeck. A. I. Jackson of New York ia at the Hollenbeck. Wm. Grant of San Francisco is at the Hollenbeck. E. F. Bogera of Santa Barbara is at tbe Hollenbeck. Mr. M. Harkino of Santa Monica is at the Hollenback. J. B. Forbes, a retired merchant of Fredonia .Chautauqua county, N. V., ia at the Nadeau. Dr. Stephen Bowers, editor and pro- Srietor of the Ventura Daily Observer, i visiting the city. Mr. J. M. Beck, one of the leading fire Insurance men oi. Sau Francisco, has been in the city for the past few days. Mr. J. J. Dwyer, the risinsr yoiinrr pol itician of San Francisco and one of the leading architects of the late Democratic upheaval-there, ie paying Los Angeles a visit. He is clear-cut and handsome, »nd looks like a leader of men. Hon. Marion Cannon, congressman elect, owing to business engagements, will be unable to he present at the ban quet, to be given Thursday next to Hon. Stephen M. White, but expects to be in tbe city Monday next and will remain several days. Mr. D. L. Dyas, late with Meaßrs. Mensßdorffer oi Sons, hatters of San Francisco, has connected himself with, the popular clothing and hat firm of Jacoby Bros, of this city, who are to be congratulated on securing the services of thia gentleman. Arrivals at Arcade depot hotel are: J. Grant, Ban Francisco; W. M. Mole, Sioux City, la.; W. T. Day, Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Holt, James Brun zell, Butte, Mont.; W. D. Pope, Bur lington, Vt.; William Hinck, St. Louis; Epward North, Newhall. Frank M. Covey, superintendent of the trotting horae department of the Palo Alto stock farm, owned by Senator Stanford, is registered at the Hollen beck. There are one or two disengaged trotting drivers in this city who are likely to return with Mr. Covey when he returns to the big farm inthe theßhadow of the tall pine. Mr. A. S. Dyer, mayor of Pipestone, Minn., and a party of 12 well-to-do citi zens of that town are at present doing Southern California, with a view to lo cating. Several of the party are accom panied by their wives and families. Among the number are Messrs. C. J. Cawley, L. H. Moore, H. W. George, John Gray and L. E. Hubbard. The latter iB a brother of E. S. Hubbard, who was instrumental in inducing the visitors in making tbe trip. All are de lighted with Southern California, and have expressed a determination to for sake the blizzard belt as Boon ac they can dispose of their interests in that section. Lost. Once lost, it is difficult to restore the hair. Therefore be warned in time, lest you become bald. Skookum root bair grower Btops falling hair. Sold by druggists. Ebinger's Restaurant. The finest in the city; the favorite of eastern tourists. Service unexcelled on the coast. Meals Berved a la carte. French dinners from 12 till 8 p. m. Ladies' parlor connected. We have been shown a very fine sample of navel orangeß which were grown by Mr. J. M. Warner of Tejunga. He intends putting them on exhibition •t the chamber of commerce. Do not allow yourself to be imposed on by the many novel schemes advertising new and un tried so-called cotiKh remedies; but stick to the phi reliable, Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, tbe un failing cure for all affections of the throat and chest. R. r>. List, notary public. Legal papers care fully drawn. 127 W. Second. Telephone lUS. Heng Ler'n Holiday Gonda. Chinese and Japanese curios, silk dress pat terns; ladies'embroidered silk handkerchiefs, two for 25 cents. .Manufactures ladies' under. Wear aud gents' furnishing goods. Also an ex tensive line of new holiday gods at very low Arices. Please call and inspect our stock he tore purchasing elsewhere. No. 505 North jiaiu street, near plaza. Visiting Cards Engraved At Langßtadter's, 214 West Second. Tel. 7G2. Wall paper, 237 S. Spring. Samples sent. . Butrgy robes and horse blankets, nt Foy's old f reualdc saddlery house, 315 jn. Los Angele* st. MEMORANDA. The quickest results are obtained by advertising in tha classified columns nf the Herald, nn the sixth page. Situa tions are offered daily; houses and rooms for rent, or wanted to rent; real estate bargains in city and country; chances tv buy almost everything at low prices; loßt and found articles aro ad vertised ; business chancer that afford an income for a email investment; per sonal notices: special noties; profes sional cards; announcements of money to loan and money wanted, and much besides. Hates are 5 cents a line per day, with lower rates by the month. $5.25 to San Diego and return. The Southern California railway will sell ex cursion tickets to San Diego February 6th to Hitb inclusive, good for return passage five days from date of sale. The $5 25 rate includes admission to the Junior world's fair exhibits. Trains leave Santa Fe depot at 8:15 a. in. and 4:30 p. m. daily. Practical farmers publish testimonials regarding the new forage plant offered by the Herald as a premium to mail subscribers only of the Daily and VVekkly Hkrald. This millet grows on very dry land and it is claimed that half of a 50x150 lot planted with it will aimoet support a cow. A subscription remittance and a request for the pre mium will bring it through the mail. Catalina island, a summer resort in winter. Ocean all around makes the climate many degrees warmer than on the main land. Never a frost. Bathing same as in summer. Avaion bouse open the year round. Flab right out of the water a specialty. Address Mrs. S. A, Wheeler, Avaion. The Shulti's Pipe company are highly pleased over the way subscriptions for stock are coming in. Investors of from $100 to $5000 should call early at 103 South Broadway and investigate this new pipe, as all the shares to be sold at 50 per cent will soon be taken. Illustrated lecture with beautiful col ored views of the world's fair as it will appear at Chicago can be seen tonight at the Lob Angelea business college, 114 South Main street. The old reliable Willamette lumber company, with yards at Redondo, have the largest variety in their line. Prices reasonable, wholesale and retail. Spe cial rates on carload lot". Office, 204 South Spring street; Charles Weir, manager. If you have any use or need of a screen, call on Sanborn, Vail & Co. They have a large assortment in all styles, sizes and finishes, in singles and three-folds, with fancy lining. Odd sizes and of all kinds made to order. 13.'! S. Spring etreet. The Hkiiai.d can be found in Ran Fran cisco at the Palace and Occidental hotel news stands; in Chicago at the Post office news stand; in Washington at the Washington news exchange; in Denver at Hamilton & Kendrick's. The Herald is the city official paper of Los Angeles. All notices aud ordinances by the council and street superintendent appear only in its col umns. Property owners should not fail to read these notices. Miniature engravings of celebrated pictures from European galleries can be had at Sanborn, Vail & Oo.'s, 133 South Spring street. These are fine goods, and make a very interesting collection. Call and see them. C. Groemann, auctioneer and gen eral broker. General merchandise bought for cash and haridla*i<uicommis sion. Booms 14 and 15 Bryson-Bone brake bleck, Second and Spring streets. Dr. Chas. de Szigethy is now located in the Bryson-Bonebrake block. Beeidence, Baker block. Office hours, 11:3U to 3:30. Sundayß and evenings by appointment. Office tel. 1056; residence tel. 1156. lUich's restaurant, 145 and 147 North Main street. Everything new and first class. Private apartments. Fresh fish, oyßters and game daily. Open all night. The Windermere, on Ocean avenue, Santa Monica, is a pleasant winter re sort, beautifully situated overlooking tbe Pacific ocean. Try our Sonoma Zinfandel wine at 50 cents per gallon. T. Vache & Co., cor. Commercial and Alameda stß. Tel. 309.- Dr. Price, M. B. C. V. S., veterinary surgeon, California etableß, 373 North Main street. Business punctually at tended to. Arrowhead Hot Springs, the famous winter resort for Southern California. 'Bus meets all day trains at Arrowhead station. Before you buy your lumber get figures from Clark & Bryson, v< bolesale and retail lumber dealers, 12S>£ West Second sireet. Dr. A. Z. Valla, physician and Bur geon. .Office and residence, 120 North Main, new McD. block. Telephone 254. We manufacture everything in the looking-glass line; all work guaranteed. H. Baphael & Co., 408,410 South Spring. Have your old mirrors resilvered as good aa new at H. Baphael & Co., 408, 410 South Spring. Dr. K. D. Wise, office 142> 2 North Main Btreet. Office hours from Bto 10 a. m, and 2tosp. m. Telephone 346. Dr. C. Edgar Smith, rupture, female, rectal diseases. Seventh and Main Btreets. Telephone 1031. Dr. Joseph Kurtz and Dr. Carl Kurfz, physicians and surgeons, have removed their offices to 147 South Main atreet. Dr. Tudor, dentist, removed to Hotel Bamona, Third and Spring sts. Crown and bridge work. Dr. Schifftnan, dentist, baa removed to 107>s North Main Btreet, Lichtenber ger block. Fine watch repairing a specialty. Con radi's, Spring and Franklin. Reasonable. R. Ct. Cunningham, dentist, rooms 1 and 2, Phillips block, N. Spring street. Dr. Hollingßworth, reopened dental office, 138> 4 South Spring street. Insure with A. C. Oolah, 147 Sonth Broadway. Dr. Lindley, 331K South Spring street. FOUND DEAD. Henry Downs' Demise In His Boom at a Hotel. Henry Downs died suddenly yeaterday in his room in the Hollenbeck hotel, from Bright's disease. He came to the city about a week ago, registering from San Francisco. Previous to his arrival here he had been at Arrowhead Hot springs several daya. At the hotel he complained of ill health, saying that he was consumptive. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning he ordered a glass of lemonade, but could not drink it. When the chambermaid entered his room about 12 o'clock, he was dead. He lay upon the bed as if he had died suddenly and without a straggle, Coroner Cates was notified, and tbe body was removed to the undertaking rooms of Garrett & Sampson. Sick headaches promptly enred by Brumu-sellzt r—loc a trial bottle/ LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 7, 1893. THREE FINAL DECISIONS. OPINIONS RECEIVED YBNTKRDAY VROM TUB SUPBBUB COURT. Young Robert Williams Appears Again. Court Notes — Some New Suits Which Were Filed Yestorday. An opinion was received affirming the judgment and order denying a new trial in the case of Martha H. Hayne, re spondent, vs. Angelica Hermann, ap pellant. It was an action to obtain a judgment that certain properly is held by the de fendant in trust for the plaintiff, and for a conveyance thereof. E. S. Her mann, the father of the defendant, in his lifetime, caused a certain tract of land in Los Angeles county, of which he was the owner, to be conveyed to the defendant, and also certain moneys and personal property to be paid to her. The court finds: ''That said money was paid to defendant, and note and deed delivered to her upon the express un derstanding and agreement tbat ehe would hold the same in trußt for Baid E. C. Hermann during tvs life, and for plaintiff and herself in equal propor tions after his death, and eaid defend ant accepted said money, note and deed, to hold in trust as aforesaid, and with out having paid any consideration there for." The supreme court finds this finding fully sustained by the evidence; tbat the claim that the conveyance wbb made to hinder, delay and defraud tbe credit ore of Hermann waa not sustained by the record. An opinion was also received affirming the judgment and order appealed from in the case of H. L. Drew, appellant, vs. Henry Cole et al., respondents. The judgment was from an order denying a new trial. The action was brought to enjoin defendants from constructing a bulkhead or embankment by which, it wae alleged, certain waters would be turned upon plaintiffs premises, to hia injury. The findings of tbe court upon all the issues were in favor of defend ants. The land was upon a subdivided portion of the San Bernardino ranch, northwesterly from the city of Redlands. The supreme court thinkß that the find ings cover all the material issues, and are fully justified by the evidence, and that the findings support the judgment. In denying a petition for settling a statement in the case of L. C. Tibbette and H. J. Hyatt, plaintiffs, vs. The Riv eraide Banking company and O. T. Dyer, defendants, the court sayß that the supreme court haß not the power, nor is its duty, to take the place of the judge of the lower court and perform tho duty of settling the statement. ROBERT WILLIAMS AGAIN. The Tonus; Borrrlar Tries to Blast the Officers Who Trapped ;Hlin. For a young crook Bobert Williams, the all-around young burglar, already convicted of one count upon 25 or 30 similar jobs, was put upon trial yester day before Judge Smith upon another count. The information charged him with stealing several articles of jewelry from the residence of J. A. Hazard, No. 213 Bosemont avenue. No attempt was made to preeent any laets by the defense in the case, which was conducted by Mr. Orfila. It was simply an attempt to keep out a confession made by the de fendant to the police officers, by which a large number of stolen articles of jew erly were recovered, most of them being found at the little jewelry store of Juan Castillon on Commercial etreet. The defendant took the stand in hia own defense and in a cool sort of way gave a narrative in his own way of the efforts of the officers to extract a con fession from him. He charged them with having held out inducements to him that if he confessed he would only be prosecuted on one or two counts, and that they afterwards went back on their promises. It was just such a story as a plausible rascal like Williams could con coct. By suppressing something here and adding a little there the hardened young criminal made the officers seem to have done something wrong, when the plain facts of the case are that Wil liams was caught in the act of burglariz ing a house on Pico Heights, was brought to the station where be made a clean breast of the whole affair by which articles stolen from numerous houses to the value of about $2000 were recovered. It was through him that Castillon was ar rested, and he afterwards declined to testify in any way that would injure him, thus being the main instrument in the disagreement of the juries in Oas tillon's two trials. To cap his ingenuity he yesterday invented the specious stories about the police detectives and their promises. Strange as it may seem in view of the history of the defendant and his admit ted guilt, for the confession was allowed to go in, the jury could not see it all one way. They went out shortly after 4 o'clock, and could not agree upon a verdict before Bupper. The jury was brought into court at 7:30 o'clock last night and announced that it would be impossible for them to agree. Judge Smith did not consider that they had tried hard enough and locked them up for the night. Court Notes. Herbert N. Waleß, a native of Great Britain, waa admitted to citizenship yesterday by Judge Wade. Thomas Howard was adjudged insane yesterday in Judge Wade's court, and committed to the asylum at Stockton. Judge Clark yesterday granted Mrs. Annie Yunkart a divorce from her hus band, Mr. Yunkart, on the ground of desertion. It was a default case. The plaintiff lives in San Pedro, and wbb deserted in Ban Diego over a year ago, To enjoy health one should have reg ular evacuations every twen y low hours. Tho evils, both mental nnd physical, resulting from HABITUAL CONSTIPATION are many and serious. For the care or this common trouble, Tutt's f*iver Pills havo spained a popularity uuj>ar* alleled. elegantly sugar eoatetk SOLD EVERYWHERE. A.LEOFRED, Graduate of Laval and McQill, Miriingr Engineer. Hoad office, Qaeoec; branch, Montreal, Canada. 12-20 ly her husband telling her to get out or he would slap her head off. The application of Emanuel Meth odist Episcopal church of Pasadena to mortgage property for $500 was granted yeaterday by Judge Clark. In the case of Dwyer va. Dwyer yes terday Judge Shaw dismiased the order to show cause and discharged the de fendant. A motion for the appointment of a receiver in the case of Harrison vs. Davis was denied by Judge Shaw yes terday. Judge Smith yoateiday overruled the demurrers in the caßea of embezzle ment against Claude L. Hill and set, them for trial, after he had entered a plea of not guilty, for March 4. The second trial of R. Frank Warner, charged with putting obstructions on the Santa Fe track, wae eet by Judge Smith yesterday for March 8. The judgment of the justice court was affirmed by Judge Smith in several Chinese gambling casea which have been pending for some time past. They were cases in which Ah Tai, Ah Gum, Ah Quong, Ah Fook, Ah Ben and Ah Ohm were defendants, and bad bean convicted and fined. An information waa filed yeaterday by the diatrict attorney charging Charlea Haynes with forgery. The act of which he is accused iB forging an order for $0.50 laet December in favor of VValter Scott upon Walter Carter. The defendant was arraigned, pleaded not guilty, was admitted to bail in the sum of $1000, and waa released on hia own recognizance. An information was filed by the dis trict attorney yesterday charging C. B. Holmes with forging a release to a mortgage. The information alleges that on August 12, 1891, with intent to de fraud Sanford Larrabee, Fred D. Thomas and Herbert F. Whiting, the defendant forged the release of a mortgage on lota Nos. 195, 196, 197, 198 and 230 in the Garbolino, Cooper and South and Porter tract; that the mortgage was one made by Holmes and Larrabee on July 19, 1889. In the United States district court yesterday a nolle prosequi was entered by the district attorney in the case of Henry Wagner, indicted aa implicated in smuggling in Santa Barbara county, and the defendant was discharged. New Suits. The following new suits were filed yeßterday in the county clerk's office: Charlea J. Fallon vs. Seymour and Johnßon company. Suit on a prornis sorv note for $1000. W. H. Holmeß vs. W. T. Harris and E. B. Dukeman. Suit to recover judg ment for $376 89 for goods and mer chandise delivered. Margaret E. Parkerva. Charles Ehren feld et al. Suit for foreclosure for $1500. FIRE With torturing, disfiguring eczemas, and every species of itching, burning, bleed ing, scaly, crusted, pimply and blotchy skin and scalp diseases are relieved in the majority of cases by a single appli cation, and speedily, permanently and economically cured by the Cuticura Remedies when the best physicians, hospitals and all other remedies fail. To those who have suffered long and hopelessly, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things hu man, the Ccticuka Remedies appeal with a force never before realized in the history of medicine. Every hope, every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. Their success haß excited the wonder and admiration of physicians and druggists, familiar with the marvelous cures daily effected by them. They have friends in every quar ter of the civilized world. People in every walk of life believe in them, use them and recommend them. They are in truth the greatest ekin cures, blood purifiers and humor remedies of modern times. Bale greater than the combined sales of all other skin and blood reme dies. Sold throughout the world. Price: CrricrtnA, 50c; Cutictjra Soap, 25c; Cuticura KKSOLVENT, $1.00. Prepared by Potter Drug and Chemical Cor poration, Boston. "All About the Skin-,- Scalp and Hair," 04 pages, 300 diseases, mailed free. C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist & Chemist, 222 N. Main St,, Loa Angeles. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or nUht. mii tf POPLE & WARDEN, * * Printers ** » 109 East Second Si, Los Angeles, CaL Wedding stationery, ball urograms, society cards and nigh-grade printing of every descrip tion, witte for aaxjilf* aad esUmaLea.U-1 lm "PLike •. hot biscuit and cakes, but they don't like me," is often heard. The liking would be mutual if the cook used Everything made with it agrees with those of weakest digestion. Cleveland's Absolutely the Best pay^ m YOUTH! WHEEE IS IT? You can not stop tho passing years. Foti can lookymva. Looking young, yon feel young. Mis Nettle Harrison's business Is to aid you by making articles guaranteed to bring beauty to fares wrinkled, pimpl', rough, frecsled and old MRS. 8 LAWRENCE, hair dresser and manicure, 353 South Spring street, Los An geles, sells them. ■ Prevents Wrinkles, Aping.Dry- LOLA |j£ Witlieriag of the Skin, I CREME Prcscr ™ {h _ 750 Per Pot, Ladles who wear sal- _rf^*«H low, sunken complex- XSF**J»iIV. ions, who annoy them- /T«^3fe^^», [elves aud friends *ith I'M jSe&f^S' nimples, rough, hairy /Jfl faces do not know that \ tbousandsof ladles owe *T their beauty to MKS. ySSk i 4 HARRIS JN'S toilet artl- teS* I cles. What they enjoy «y you can. *ts~ Every Article y^^^^r Scientifically mado < < Perfect harmless. Remem- * THRU. (VAli*U*V « ber tiie place, 353 South Spring Street, Log Angeles. MRS. S. LAWRENCE. For any special or complicated blemish of the face and' form, write MRB. NJBTTIK HAR RISON, 10 Geary street. Han Francisoo, Cal. cjuperlluous hair permanently removed. DISEASES OF MEN. WHITE'S PRIVATE DISPENSARY, 126 North Main Street, K .w^o»S3?ub)t The most successful Private Disease docto In ihe Btate. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strlcturo Seminal Weaknesa, Nervous Debility- Syphilis, Hkin ana Kidney diseases am Sexnal Weakness successfully treated. Mcd icines prepared In private laboratory, Both aexns 2onnult In confidence. Or. White ha> no hired F>ub3tltutos. You see the doctor only Dr. White is the only specialist in the Stau who exclusively treats private, nervous anti chronic diseases. Cures guaranteed in ah curable cases. Don't waste time with pateni medicines. If you have any s*xunl tronuU consult Dr. White. Scientific treatment Reasonable charges. —^^^^^^^^^ If You Havo Defective Eyes And value them, consult ns. No case of defec tive vision where glasses are required is too complicated for us. The correct adjustment of frames Is quite as important as the perfect fit ting of lenses, and the fcieutlflc fitting and making of glasses and frames is our only busi ness (specialty). Have satisfied others, will satisfy y,m\ We hbo electric power, and are the only house here that grinds glasses to order. Established 1892. 8. Q. MAR*)H(TTZ. Leading Scientific Opt! clan (specialist), IG7 North Spring St., opp. old courthouse. Don't forget the number. The Standard-BredS tuition, DICK RICHMOND, 17,640, Race Record, 2:23, Will stand for public service the season of 1803 at our farm, Los Nietos. Cal. Terms: $30 cash, or approved note, at time of service. AU mares bred by the season, with usual return privilege. All mares at owner's r sk, as we will not be responsible for accidents orescapcß. Good pasturage, or fed hay if de sired, at reasonable terms. d-w 1-1 2m SANCHEZ BROS,, Owners. BRIDGX WOBKi DENTIST Teeth filied and ex BET OF TEETH, 97 TO SlO. DR. I— if. FORD, Late with the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 118 S. Spring Si, Los Angeles Hours S a.m to S:3O p.m. jsyconsuitatlon free 9-28 6m I. T. MARTIN BSMBSJHSKv Hew and Second-Hand FURNITURE Carpets, Matting and tap-Prices low for cash, or will sell on in tallments. Tel. 984. P. O. box 921. 451 SOUTH BPRIN3 ST. WELLINGTON COAL CRESCENT COAL Diamonds In Winter Tims. A. H. LAPHAM. DKAi.EB IB COAL, WOOD, HAY and GRAIN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Charcoal. Kindling, and fuel oi all kinds. Mill feed a specialty. 843 8. Broadway. 1-18 lm Los Angeles, Cal. BARGAINS IN LOTS! Walnut Grove Tract—Central Avenue Electric Car Line. Cement Walks in front of every lot. Call at once. C. E. DAY & CO., I2T South Broadway, Los Angeles. California. AT AUCTION ! 1 Episcopal Church Tract, ON ORANGE, BIXEL, SIXTH AND ST. PAUL STREETS. Wednesday, Feb. 15th, at 10 O'Clock, on the Grounds. These lots are magnificently situated on elevated ground, nnd CLOSE TO SEVENTH STREET GABLE, ONE MILE FROM I'UiiTOFFICE. So puffing is necessary; they are simply the best iv the market, and such a chance to secure v bargain will hardly occur again. Terms, maps and fall particulars of C. A. SUMNER & CO., Auctioneers, IQT SOUTH BROADWAY. the'colbmbm FAIR EXCURSION CO. Incorporated for the Purpose of AJTurding 1 Its Certificate Holders Visiting" the World's Fair First-Class Accommoda tions at a Moderate Price. We control ami operate tho following h:tels: The Costello. Portland, Everett, and the Bos ton—all new, and equipped with all modern conveniences, and within rl.e minutes' walk of the north entrance. The Boston will be tha headquarters of the Grand Lodge of the 1. 0. 0. F. dur ing the Fair. THF FAIR WILL OPEN MAY 1, 1893. Our bookß close April 1,1503. Now is the tlrau to secure your accommodations and insure against exoibitant ratc3. Unused certificates redeemed in cash. RAIL-ROAD TRANSPORTATION Furnislied at lowetit prevailing rates on departure by any route. Parties of fifteen and upward can secure special earn to and from Cnlcago. The Liidcand Leather National IJank of Chicago, trn.Rtee for certificate holders. The Loa Angeles National Bank, collector for Southern California. For ran/s terms and full particulars call on or address 131 su-tu-thst2m \A/. H. QOUCHER, 220 S. Spring st, Los Angeles Theater building, General Agent for Southern California. ' |2| DR.LIEBIGCO. iM^Mfctt^. The staff of the Llebig World Disponsary are ' iho only surgeons m Los Angles porforratna; 1 ! >test operations required for a radical -MNw Of Stricture, Hydrocele, Varicocele, Pllos, Fls« jfF*3&'; lula and Rectal diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose, -ft Throat and Langs, diseases of the Digestive Or- jians.and diseases of women asrt children. Chrcnic Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Lnags IPsiFraff ' ucctßfilully treated by compressed air aud In- halation of atomized lioni*'* and powders. Ira yy --y^'S^^a^^&Sy J ' < - v mf ' M!lle ieliel f° r Catarrh, and irritation of the AND DEFORMITIES. Appliances for Runtnro, Curvature of tho '^^■TOffirfr^EpMr l flpluo, Clan Foot, anil ail delormlties, maun- ftactured by our own Instrument maker. h r ■» t Nervous Debility, Sexnal Weakness, Lossof Power, Gleet, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, RA Li l\l Spermatorrhea and all unnatural discharges of either sex treated with unfait- IVI I IM lug success. ConSdentlal book and bottle of German Invlgorator given free to lliL*IA prove Its merit; sure cure for special private aud nervous troubles. All our phyficianß constantly in I Address *r\D I ICBIf 7, Pfi I*3 S. MAIN 8T attendance from 9 a.m. toil p.m.t (In coufldence) Uf\. LltDlU Ot W„ LOS ANBBLB3. Wonderful Cures _jj f3Y — tr- DR. WONG f 713 South Main Street, Los Angeles, California. "Skillful euro lnoreasee .longevity to the \ "Ingeniously locating diseases through tha world." 1 pulse and excellent remedies are great bless- I lugs to the world." For seven months I was treated by five different doctorß, none ol whom stated what my dl» case was. Duriug tnat time I suffered terribly, and continued to fail until I became a skeleton. For the last three months I had to be dressed, fed, and have my water drawn. Finally my feet, limbs, hands snd face became swollen. I could not rise from a chair, aud could scarcely walk, and was obliged to have my water drawn from tlfteen to twenty times a day. My friends con sidered I would not last many days. I then—three months aso—commenced treating with Itr. Wong. The first dose of medicine completely relieved me, and since I have not been obliged to resort to artificial means for relieving my bladder. In five days I was able to dress and feed my self; in ten days the swelling had left me and 1 could walk as well as for years before. I now weigh as much as I ever did, and feel better than I have felt for fifteen years. lam 75 years old, and feel tiptop. Dr, Wong says I was afflicted with one of the fourteen kinds of kidney diseases. Rivera, Cal., August 29,1890. W. W. CHENEY. Hundreds of other testimonials are on fllo in the doctor's office which he has received from his numerous American patients, whom he has cured irom all manner of diseases. Large and commodious rooms for the accommodation of patients. Ooneulta tion Free. HIGHLY IMPROVED PAW Fll Pi Sill! Containing 62 acres of land, all in high state of cultivation; cottage house, hard-finished, of seven rooms, bath and kitchen, together with ■mall cottage of three rooms for laborers; about four acres in bearing Washington Navelß; 5 acreß English Walnuts; 6 acres Winter Ap ples ; two artesian wells; about 3000 feet service pipe and hydrants. Firßt-class corn, alfalfa and orange land; all fenced and cross-fenced, Apply at once to JOHN DOLLAND, ~T 0 114 N. Beaudry aye,. Los Angeles. Cal. Hancock Baqriingr, Wholesale and I<etnll Dealer In WELLINGTON LUMP COAL And Catalina Soapstone Wall Finish. This material Is Are proof, haa a beautiful tint, and can be washed without Injury. 130 W. Second street, Tel. 36. •:- Yard:-UBB N. Main stroat. Tel. 104