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10 their possession oi the valleys of the Hudson and the Mohawk, held the gates of the continent, and by subse quent addition of tbe conquered Tusca roras, became the Six Nations known to oar history, and which represented the highest type of the American Indian, membeis of which powerful races in the unbroken line oi deeoent abide in the state of New York today. This Indian exhibit will consist of a long row of wigwams and stockades, such as were nsed by tbe Iroquois nation. The bouses will be occupied by Indian families numbering about 30 persons. The con struction and material of these dwell ings and their surroundings will con form ac closely as possible to the style that prevailed in the fifteenth century. The project to create an architectural representation of old Vienna in Chicago now seems to be complete, the repre sentatives of the syndicate who will put it up reporting that their arrangements to that end have been completed. De signs for old Vienna of 200 years ago have been made. The design creates the impression of a part of an ancient city built up with great irregularity and presents old gable-end houses with frescoes and shields, and these open up • perspective to small, narrow streets. The council house, with outside stair case and covered way, stretches along the entire distance of the square, in the middle of which stands an ancient well. This must be seen to be really appre ciated. UNO. THE CITY'S FINANCES. Th* Report Adopted Yesterday by the Committee, v The city council's finance committee yesterday adopted the following report: Recommend that the reports of the city auditor showing the condition of the funds for week ending January 23, 1893, and February 6, 1893; report of water overseer on sales of water for the month of January, 1893; and the report of the city auditor on the water over fleer's report for seven days in the month of January, 1893, be filed. Recommend that the demand of L. H. Lyon for $25.35, J. M. Baldwin for $20, W. A. E. Noble for $15, J. T. Brown for $18, D. F. Donegan for $350, be denied. Recommend that petition No. 60 from 'A. Mecartney for a rebate of taxes be referred to the city attorney for his opinion on the same. In the matter of petition No. 75, from Helen M. Durgen, asking that tax sale certificate No. 49. to be found on page ,435, of volume 4 of tax sales, for the -year 1887-88, be cancelled, the cltv as sessor having reported to the committee that the statements therein set forth are correct, we recommend that said pe tition be granted, and that the city clerk %c ordered to mark said tax sale cer tificate No. 49, for tbe year 1887-88, can -celled and redeemed of record, the same being a doable of assessment No. 1493, nnknown owners. • In the matter of petition No. 99, of Maria Medran, asking that tax sale cer tificate No. 2727, for the year 1871-92, be ordered cancelled and redeemed of rec ord, upon the ground that the property therein described is) a doable assess ment, the city assessor having reported to the committee that the faeta therein* ■et forth are correct, we recommend that the city clerk be instructed to mark ■aid tax sale certificate No. 2727, to be 1 found in volume 9 of tax sales, at page 809, cancelled and redeemed of record. In the matter of petition No. 61 from 1 Max Harris, asking for the return to him on account of tax sale certificate No. 1890, for the year 1890-91, upon the ground that the property therein de scribed is doubly assessed,! and tho taxes already paid as shown by assess ment No. 119, the city assessor having reported to this committee that the ; statements therein contained are cor rect, we recommend that said tax sale certificate No. 1890 be marked cancelled and redeemed of record, and that upon the presentation of a proper demand up on the tax fund of 1890-91 the sum of $23.72 be returned to the petitioner. La the matter of petition No. 817, from N. P. Campbell, asking a return to him on account of certain tax sale certifi cates, which are alleged to be either er roneous or double, the city assessor hav ing reported to this committee that the facts therein contained are correct, we recommend that certificate No. 1110 for the year 1880-91, certificate No. 191 for the year 1898-90, certificate No. 443 for the same year, certificate No. 1243 for the year 1887-88, that certificate No. 743 for the year 1887-88, and certificate No. 746 for the year 1887-68 be marked can celled and redeemed of record, and that upon the presentation of proper demands the following sums be returned to the petitioner, to-wit: Certificate No. 1110, tax fund of 1890-91, $1.01; certificate No. 191, tax fund of 1889-90, $5.63; certifi cate No. 443, tax fund of 1889-90, $3.39; certificate No. 1243, tax fund of 1887 -88, $6.64; certificate No. 743, tax land of 1887-88, $2.52: certificate No. 746, tax fond of 1898-88, $2.82. CALIFORNIA BIRDS AND BOYS. Dr. Channlng Discourses About Them in a Boston Periodical. The Popular Science News (Boston) for February contains a letter from our townsman, Dr. William F. Charming, on Birds and Boys of California, sayß the Pasadena Star. The letter was sent to call attention to a communication re cently published in the Star from the pen of young Joe Grinnell, boh of Dr. •nd Mrs. Fordyce Grinnell, on Audu bon's Warbler. The Popular Science News publishes the communication ver batim, as well ac Dr. Channing's inter esting letter, which contains some valu able reflections concerning the birds, fruits and seasons of Southern Califor nia. The doctor concludes his letter ac follows: "I mast say a word about what per haps is oar best product, the rieinggen eratlon oi boys and girls, who I think are the finest physical specimens oi childhood and youth I have ever seen. This ii due largely to the outdoor life which we lead all the year round. Our schools also are nearly equal in physical training, as well as in other respects, to those of New England." A Great Blder Berry Bush. ' A novel exhibit has been furnished the local world's fair commission by J. W. Cooper, from bis Santa Rosa ranch. It is a section of the trunk of an elder berry stalk which measures 22 inches in diameter. It is as firm and solid as or dinary wood. There are other elder ■talks of still larger proportions than this one, some measuring 26 to 30 inches in diameter, but they are not suitable for exhibits on account of being more ■oft and pithy. The section will be set lip in the exhibit of this county, and will be quite a curiosity.—[Santa Bar bara Praia. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on a new prlnolple—regulating the liver, Stomach and bowels through the nerves. A eew discovery. Dr. Miles* pills speedily cure illonsness, bad tastes, torpid liver, piles, con stipation. Unequalled for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses 280. Samples lice. O. H. Bane*, 177 North spring. LOS ANGELES HERALD; SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1893. ABOUT THE NICARAGUA CANAL. The Question of the Govern- ment's Action. Some of the Features of the Bill Now Before the Senate. It Is Proposed to Give tbe Control of tbe Canal to tbe Federal Govern ment—Some Estimates of the Probable Business. The following statement haa been pre pared by the press committee appointed by'the recent national convention in New Orleans, which nnanimously de manded tbe prompt construction and government control of the Nicaragua canal; this committee has for chairman J. M. Eddy of Eureka, Cal., and J. W. Faulks of Cedar Rapids, la., ia secre tary: It is conceded on all sides that the Nicaragua canal is a commercial neces sity to the people of the United States, and tbat its construction and operation will do more to enhance the commer cial importance and increase tbe collec tive wealth of the states of the union than any measure now thought of. The newspapers of the United States, to whose effort more than to that of any other agency is due the wide-spread dis cussions of, and interest in, the project, are agreed on these propositions. If tbe canal ia not constructed by public or private energy in the United States, it will be done with the help of private or pnblic capital in other financial markets of the world. It does not need an ap peal to American patriotism to make manifest the desirability of its construc tion by the people of the United States. Upon the question whether the United States government should have any di rect relation to its construction, there iB not entire unanimity. When, how ever, all the facts are known, objection to such participation is, we think, un founded. These facts show that before the New Orleans convention the senti ment favorable to some sort of govern ment intervention had taken but im perfect form, and tbat tbia convention, composed of representative men from the various states, formulated the sug gestion which haß since been expressed in the amended bill recently reported to tbe senate by the committeo on foreign relations. The terms of this new measure envelop the government's re lation with such protection and safe guards that whatever objection existed to its participation in the project have now been fully met. Tbe new bill strips the present owners of the canal of all but less than one eighth of the ownership, and gives over the control to the federal government. Tbe men to whose efforts waa due the inception of the undertaking are thus rendered powerless and well-nigh voice lees. In return for a guarantee only of $100,000,000 or less of bonds, the United States takes $80,500,000,0r percent, of the canal company's stock, fully paid, and the government appoints 10 of the 15 directors. These 10 directors are to be non-partisan. Aa a consequence this arrangement gives the government four fifths of the canal company's entire as sets. Unlike the guarantee of the Pacific railroad bonds, in which the government neglected to provide for its own appoint ment of a majority of the directors, it at all timeo uuutruiD tuu ~-t3-j» It is not, for state reasons, the legal owner. It is in effect, if not theoretically, there fore, the owner of the canal, since the latter's destinies are within its entire keeping. If the interest which it guarantees is not paid, it will be tbe fault of its directors, and hence its own neglect, since being the majority of two-thirds of tbe canal company, their duty is to vote the company's money to meet tbe interest, and for Buch other purposes as may be neces sary. The delicate matter of a violation of the Olayton-Bulwer treaty, the Nica ragua treaty and the terms of the Nicaragua and Costa Rica concessions, are by this virtual control, without ownership In legal form, avoided. The government cannot own the canal, in a legal sense. The treaties between this country and Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and tbe concessions made by those re publics, require among other things that the concessions be the property of a cor poration. Iv this corporation Nicaragua and Coßta Rica must be represented on the directory by one director each. Any foreign government may hold a majority of the stock of the corporation or be otherwise represented, but tbe conces sion cannot pass from the corporation to a foreign government. This seems to us to dispose of several points which we see raieed in our exchanges. It is not properly understood that the citizens of the United States, and es pecially those of tbe couth and west, whose proximity makeß tbem specially interested, and not the canal company, are pressing the matter of government control. The latter occupies, so far as we are able to judge, an independent po sition. It has at no time directly or in directly asked government aid. It is doubtful Indeed whetherjthe terms of the amended bill are of any advantage to it, since if it were inclined to do so it could doubtless find in the money markets of Europe capital ready and willing to in vest in an undertaking which is surer of substantial returns than was the Suez canal at its inception. The people of the United StatOß, however, would re gard aB little less than a crime any movement looking to a denial to this country of the opportunity to conatruct and take the tremendous advantages of an enterprise whose geographical posi tion seems to entitle the United States to its acquirement as of natural right. We think tbe first promptings of patri otism should restrain recourse to foreign money centers, until it is at least found impossible to awake the people of this country to a realization of the full im portance of securing to itself a high way of such commercial and strategic morotet, The condition of government aid being the virtual ownership of the canal, it is therefore not a subsidy. It is not prob able that one dollar will ever be spent on the project by the United States. The chance of loss by the government is leduced to a most unlikely possibility. To cause government any financial loss the enterprise must fail. No one ap preciating the full significance of tbe unanimous and imperative demand throughout the world for the canal can seriously believe it will fail to pay when completed. Any accomplishment of en gineering science within a not excessive cost, which will bring New York and New Orleans 10,000 miles closer to San Francisco and the South American Pacific ports, would seem to justify al most any reasonable government aid. The passage of the bill now before con gress to secure federal control of the canal would give the United States the advantage over its European competit ors both in time and distance where it is now at a disadvantage. (The United states, Buffering as it does by palpable disadvantages of time and distance over its European competitors, no measure can be devised which will bring to it the benefits of this canal.) The coast wise trade of the United States passing through the canal is estimated at not less than 9,000,000 tons annually. At $1 per ton, which is about half the toll of the Suez canal, the revenue of, the Nicaragua canal would be $9,000,000 from this source alone. The interest on the bonds ia $3,000,000, and the cost of maintenance and operation is estimated at $1,000,000 annually. This leaves $5 000,000 annually for a sinking fund with which to pay off the bondß before they come due. It is not likely that there will be necessity for the issue of all of the $100,000,000 of bonds. The progress in applied mechanics has bo cheapened the cost of borings, dredg ing and excavations of late years that while engineers unsuspected of bias have definitely fixed the coat of the canal at not to exceed $87,000,0000, there is very good ground for believing that under economical management, coupled with the low rates of interest secured by fed eral indorsement, the cost would be nearer $50,000,000. If the committee were aßked from what source the greatest opposition to the construction of the Nicaragua canal proceeds, it would be obliged in truth to say the railroad interests, which seem to see in it a competition which will decrease the cost of transconti nental shipments and impair the size of their dividends. No Btronger illustra tion of the urgent necessity for the canal can be found than in tbe fact that the charges of the transcontinental rail roads are so excessive tbat a Council Bluffs, lowa, Bhioper found it cheaper to Bhip goods destined for San Francisco, to New York and thence by clipper around Cape Horn, 17,000 miles to the Golden Gate, rather than directly from Council Bluffs to San Francisco by the Pacific railroad. Tbe fact that the railroade are said to have a well-organized lobby at Washing ton, to fight the canal bill, gains added significance from this state of things, which ought to arouse tbe dormant en ergies of the commercial spirit of the United Statea. The failure oi tbe Panama canal and its effects on the Nicaragua project are viewed variously, but in our belief the most reasonable view is that which sees in the collapse an opportunity it were wisdom to embrace. To draw compari son between the French scandal and the Nicaragua undertaking, is to lose sight of the difference between the French and American national character, if it does not insult the integrity of the press of the country, as memberß of which we would be among the first to resent. The French government gave no aid to the Panama canal, except that it authorized lotteries, and it is alleged to have sup pressed an unfavorable report upon the work made by one of its engineers. Had it taken the precautions which the United State congress outline in the case of the Nicaragua canal, France would have been saved its present dißgrace. From the first the Panama scheme was corrupt and its principal victims being peasants of very moderate means, have raised the not unreasonable presumption that some, if not all, of its promoters knew of its fraudulent character. Cer tainly they were aware that skillful en gineers of America, England and Ger many pronounced the project utterly impracticable lor a less expenditure than a thousand million dollars. That ing, in the light of the uee of enormous sums of bribery and corruption. If it had no other result than to incite the United States government to extreme caution in dealing with the Nicaragua canal, the Panama leßeon would not be loßt ou us. The Panama route being now out of the question, the Nicaragua canal, sev eral hundred miles north of it, and hence more desirable from this nation's view, is demanded with an earnestness that cannot be ignored. It ia the only feasible way of obviating the long and expensive journey around Cape Horn. It will remove the great obßtacle now iv the way of domination by the United Statea of the trade of thia hemisphere. It will open the porta of India, China and Japan to commercial interchange with thia country, which muat result in immense pecuniary advantage to the citizens of the United States. It will stimulateinter-Btate exchange of prod ucts between the Atlantic and Pacific coaßt Btates, and will in every way tend to put thia country on an equal looting with England, which nobody doubta would like nothing better than to her self own and control tbe Nicaragua canal, if that were possibe. [Signed] Pbess Committee, New Orleans Nicaragua Canal Conven tion. J. M. Eddy, Chairman, Eureka, California. I. W. Faulkes, Secretary, Cedar Rapids, la, The Snowball Battle. Winter sport has now begnni Snowball battlos arogUie fun; Fast and thick the snow shot flyj Both sides for the vict'ry try. Tho besieged in snowy strife Battle fiercely for dear lifo; "Pis a most (rood natured fray, Friend and foe are but in play. When at last the battle's done. What's tho odds which side kas won? ] —Christian at Work. J 1 Victory I i Tns Greatest the Wobld Has Knowk,—To i many a man, stricken on tbe field ol battle, the cry of victory has fallen gratefully; but even more grateful to an individual Is a realizing sense that by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative t Nervine he has achieved a victory over any I nervous sHlioiion. such as prostration, Bick headache, poor memory, dizziness, sleepless -1 ness. neuralgia, hysteria, fits, dulloeis, sexual i debility, Irritability, convulsions, spinal irrita bility, at. Vitus dance, etc. Testimonials of thousands of such cures are Inposseßslon of the ■ Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. Kestora - tlve Nervine is 'old by C. H. Hance, the popu , lar druggist, 177 K. Soring strest, on a guaran tee. Ask for a book, free. Wall paper, 237 S. Spring. Samples sent. THE GOSPEL OF THE OLIVE. Points Abont the Cnltnre of the Poor Man's Tree. California Equal, if not Superior to, Italy for Olive Culture. The Trees Ban Be Grown on Cheap Land Without Irrigation—Their Produc tiveness—Larg-e Returns Can Be Belled Upon. The following paper on olive culture, by John 8. Calkins, of Pomona, Cal., was read at the meeting of the Southern California Farmers' institute, held at Rivera February 7th and Bth, 1893: There are so few bearing olive orch ards in California to eerve as object les sons, that even fruit growers do not know much about the profits of olive culture. In view of this, it might be well to consider the behavior of olive trees under what is generally supposed to be unfavorable conditions. I will allude to several cases: Mr. Henry H. Wheeler, a neighbor of mine, and a very reliable gentleman, writes to the Pomona Progress that he has about 400 Mission olive trees, 5 and 6 years old, planted 22 feet apart, occupying less than four and one-half acres; they bore this season 7638 pounds, which he sold at 5 cents per pound (less than 25 cents per gallon), which amounted to $381.90, or about $86 per acre. If he had made the olives into pickles himself, as grow ers here generally do, his returns at wholesale prices would have been about $344 per acre. The crop will increase from year to year until the trees are about 30 years of age, and continue in fruitage for more than 100 years. These treeß have not been irrigated since they were set out, and the fruit has never shriveled before It was gath ered. A mile or more from Mr. Wheeler's orchard, well up the mountain side, there is an abandoned place on which there are a number of 4 year-old olive trees growing without cultivation or irrigation; this year they bore fruit which ripened without shriv eling ; the soil is a stiff clay, and was so dry and hard -at the time the ripe fruit was on the trees that scarcely any im pression could be made upon it with a shovel. Several miles east of this place, near tbe mountains, is an olive tree which tbe owner told me had not been irrigated since he had owned it (some 11 years), but that every year it had borne a good crop of fruit. "Six years ago (says the Auburn Her ald) William Shillingsburg purchased an 80-acre tract of about the poorest land in the neighborhood, on one of the highest and dryest hill-tope near New castle, Placer county; he pulled up stumps, grubbed out brush, quarried rocks, reclaimed all mined-out land and filled up mining cuts; he has now, upon what was regarded the worst part of the 80, a bearing olive orchard which yielded this season 5000 gallons of olives; it is looated high above his irrigating ditch on red granite land, which looks bo parched and burnt as almost to cause one to believe that his Satanic majesty had for generations past used it for a &ridlron. No water other than the rain as ever touched the land, and the owner says he would run a man off with a gun if he found him fooling around b 'B J.rtiO-'.WAOi MaAajulX-. „ — — n of olive trees bearing well without irri- I gaticin. There are 50 olive trees along a roadside near Glendale, in this county, which averaged 288 pounds of olives to the tree this season; a fruit firm bought them at 3' 2 cents per pound and made them into pickles. The owner received lobb than 20 cents per gallon, but even at this low price his returns from each tree amounted to $10 08. If he had made the crop into pickles himself and sold at market rates, he would have received at least $40 per tree. I am not informed how old the trees are, or whether they have been irrigated. There are many thousands of acres of land through out California that are as well adapted to olive growing without irrigation as Mr. Wheeler's, which may be bought at $10 to $25 per acre. When it is seen what generous returns the olive yields on these cheap lands we may forecast how important the olive industry is des tined to become. Tbe outlook for a ready and profitable market for the product is most encourag ing, while our other fruits, in the main, must Beck a market in tbe east, where they come into competition with fruits raised there and elsewhere. We have for the olive a home market almost wholly unsupplied, except by the in ferior green pickled olives and spurious oil imported into the state from Europe in large quantities. Our pickled olives are becoming very popular, and the in creasing demand for them is unmis takable. Tbere can be no doubt that as soon as we have the goods in sufficient quantity they will displace the inferior oil and pickles imported here, not only in the markets of our own state, but in those of the entire country, and it may be confidently asserted tbat when our pure oil can be put upon the European markets side by side with the cotton seed mixture that now prevails there, that it will win and hold a permanent place even in those markets. The olive is eminently the poor man's tree; he can grow the fruit on cheap land and can make tbe oil and pickles at home by simple and cheap means, as has been done by many persons for years paat, the art being no more diffi cult to learn then the making of butter and cheese. If he prefers to sell his fruit from the tree there are already competing buyers, and their number will increase as the product increasee. As to varieties, the Mission is best known and has produced nearly all the oil and pickles of the state up to this time; but within a few years many new varieties have been imported from Eu rope. I have in my nurseries nearly 60 varieties. A number of them are in bearing in different parts of tbe state and are highly esteemed. Upon this point I will present the views of Mr. K. McLennan, foreman of the State Exper iment station at Pomona. He is a thor ough horticulturist and was for many years connected with the experiment station at Berkeley, Cal., where he had special opportunities for studying the different varieties of olives; his opin ion, therefore, on the subject, is of value. In a recently published let ter he Baid: "Over a year ago Professor 'Hilgard (director of the ex periment station of the University of California) made analysis oi 12 varieties of olives from Fresno, Santa Clara and Alameda comities, the same varieties being taken from each place; in each in stance theNevadillo bianco was superior to all others tested in both quality and ' quantity of oil; also in fruitage; the Mission came in for a good second, with Rubra and Pendulina following in the order named. At the same time and in the same tests the Manssanillo was found to be the best for pickling. Theae tests showed that tbe olives grown in the ir rigated districts of Fresno contained more water, less oil, and were inferior to those same sorts raised in other local ities without irrigation. It is safe to aay that the nevadillo ia a cure variety to plant for oil, as it ia a Btrong and vig orouß grower as well ao being adapted to more localities and kinds of soil than any of the other varietiea tested ; it alao resists the attacks of the black scale better than any of the others. For pickling, the Manzanillo is the beßt on account of its tine flavor, large size, and being a free stone: it is an early and heavy bearer, and gives pro mise of making a very good oil." In 1800 this country imported 803,984 gallons of alleged olive oil. In 1881 Cal ifornia produced 11,420 gallons of pure olive oil ; the annual output of Italian oil is valued at $120,000,000, which is more than the value of all the wheat ex ports of the United States for 1891. California has proved herself equal, if not superior, to Italy as an olive grow ing region. What, then, is to prevent her from reaping, in the near future, a portion of the rich rewards of olive cul ture enjoyed by that favored country? Fertilizers for Orchards. Tho annual application of fertilizars to many of the beat oranpe groves in Po mona valley haa become necessary. It has been necessary in the older grovea in Riverside for .seven or eight years, and the orange growers now who do not fertilize and who are not familiar with the principles of renewing tho soil are not going to keep up with the procession of progressive orchardists. The need of fertilizers is not always evident in the younger stages of citrus-trees growth, but the heavy tax which prolific bear ing brings upon the tree has demon strated its advisability. All sorts of fer tilizers have been experimented with, and all with benefit. The moat generally approved ie good sheep manure from the corrals, but the Bupply is nearly exhausted, and in creased coßt deters from its general use. The stableß are drawn upon for a supply, and the effect ia good, especially when it can be applied early and turned Under, so tbat it can rot from the effect of the winter rains. Put it in early and thick ly, get the benefit of the rains, even if it cannot at once be plowed under. If the rains fall gently, much of the best of it is absorbed in the soil and will rot sufficiently before the weeds of spring come, ao that the cultivator may be worked through it. It ia not deßirable to plow too frequently, as the constant cutting of tbe fibrous roota in tbe warm surface soil will often prevent heavy fruiting for a aeason. Artificial fertilizers have been quite generally used during the laat few yeara, and with the result in moat casea of in ducing a better ;?rowth and deepening the color of the foliage, and causing the trees to grow more regularly. Do not, however, let orcharda wait too long for manure, but give it to them before they manifeat a need of it in light-colored leaves and atunted growth. It is alwaya the grovea that have been most gener ously manured and cared for that give their owncra the handaomeat and most regular net returna.--[ Pomona Progress. The Citron of Commerce. Our people are not giving sufficient at tention to the citron of commerce. Good varieties are now being introduced into California, and orchards on a small scale are being planted. The treeß begin to a prontaoie one. a unu iv j_,ur .au las pays a good price for all tbe good citrons it can buy, and the prepared fruit put up by that firm sella at a higher price than is paid for the import ed article. Thus far the crop haa sold at about 40 cents a pound for tho prepared fruit. There ought to be more money in citrons at theße figures than there is in either oranges or lemona. The tree is tender and cannot stand much cold, but it will flourish in such places KB Kialto. —[Orange Belt. An Old Lemon Tree's Second Youth. The strange caee of a tree's discon tent, or eccentric and sudden change ot business, has just come to the notice of the Ojai. Twenty years ago Mr. Joseph Hobart, who has a thrifty fruit ranch in the Upper valley, among other stock purchased a lemon tree of Mr. Dana B, Clark, then a well-known Montecito nurseryman. The tree grew and bora fruit according to contract, but being in an unfavorable situation has been con siderably set back by irost. The main tree was cut away and young sprouts grew up some 15 feet and continued the lemon-producing business. Mow the marvel is that the newest sproutß from the old lemon tree aro this year bearing a good-sized crop oi navel oranges! The original lemon was probably grafted upon orange stock, and there may be nothing wonderful in nature allowing the germ of the orange to lie dormant for 20 years and then suddenly develop; but how is it that the tree is growing navel oranges when, if our information is correct, that particular kind of or ange was introduced leas than 20 years ago ? Mr. Hobart haa cut away the lemon producing branchea, and now proposes to have an orange tree ior a while. Store X.!{fht on It. The conversation had drifted to the "Where am I att" episode. "Naow, d'ye knaow," said tho English man, slightly perplexed, "that sounda quite odd to us. We should say, 'Where is my 'at?' "—Chicago Tribune. For Onco in Ills Life. First Disputant—Then I'm a liar? Second Ditto—On the contrary, my dear fellow, you have just spoken the truth.— Tit-Bits. Badly Off. "And what did the doctor say was really the matter with you?" "Well, miss, his very words was, 'You're a-suflerin from a guitar iv the stomach, with a great want of tone,' "—Judy. ADVICE ABOUT LEMON CULTURE. Up-to-Date Points About the Way to Succeed. How to Gather, Cure and Pack. the Fruit. The Way to Pick and Select the Lemon. The (luring; Process—Variety No* So Important as the Man ner of Handling, [BY I. R. TIIRRLKBLD.] As the acreage being set to lemons is steadily increasing a few general hints upon the subject of curing lemona may be of uae to the amateur lemon grower. Gathering the fruit ia the first step in the process of curing. Care should be taken to remove the fruit from the tree as soon as it is large enough without reference as to ita greenneaa, or rather its ripeneae. The fruit should be clipped—not pulled off —as it reaches proper size—about the size that will pass through a three-inch ring may be called the proper size. Care should be taken to clip the fruit at a uniform size and to handle it with caution to prevent bruising. After gathering, lemons should be placed in boxes, about the size of an ordinary apple box, and set in a cool dry place, there to remain aay. two or three days, when it should be carefully removed from the boxes and wrapped in tissue paper and care fully packed in lemon boxes (such aa are used for shipping lemona and or anges). Caro should be taken not to pack too closely or to pack the boxes too full. When they are carefully wrapped and packed ia the canes they should be put away in a cool dry place, placing these carefully packed cases in tiers, about five cases high and side by side—so, 60 or 100 boxea may be stacked together. When the casea are thus placed they should be covered with old sacks, horse blankets, or other ordinary covering, where they may be permitted to remain for say 15 or 20 days unmoleated. It may be well to remark that dryneae in curing lemons ia quite as essential, if not more so, than coolness; for if tbe temperature is low ered in any manner whatever by contact with dampness, lemons will rot before the chemical process of wilt ing, yellowing and absorption begins. The cases, after being packed, should be placed say halt an inch apart, so as to admit of the circulation of pure air, not forgetting that a draft of air should be avoided. After the iruit has remained in the cases, piled and covered as indi cated, for say 15 or 20 days, the grower in the meantime looking into some of tbe cases occasionally to ascertain what progress it iB making in the way of cur ing, the fruit Bhouldthen be unwrapped, unpacked and permitted to lie in the open air, —carefully avoiding a draft, — for an hour or two, when it should be carefully re-wrapped with new tissue paper and repacked into dry, clean cases and again piled and covered as before, and again permitted to remain in the casea for 20, 30, 60 or 00 days before be fore being placed upon the market. It may be well to say that in the re packing and recaaing if any of the lem ona are found not to have any assimila tion with the process of curing; if they show no signs of discoloration; are will worthless "stock,'and'a lew'such' in each box would condemn the whole lot. That uniformity in size is a very im portant factor in establishing the grade, and thereby the good name and market value of lemona grown and placed upon the market from Southern Califo.nia, and growers should look well to that point. Varieties are not so important as the clipping, assorting and handling. Some buyers prefer the Eureka, others the Lisbon and others again the Villa Franca; but all agree as to uniformity in size, great care in clipping and abso lute caution in handling the fruit, both in removing it irom the trf c, in placing it in cases and with watchfulness in its curing. Ii theae suggestions are carried out we believe that California cured lemons will command in the market as good prices aB foreign grown stock. Very many people in thia part of the country have not undertaken the cultivation of lemonß from the fact tbat they feared they would fail in curing them —unless they first provided themselves with double walled houses and cemented cellars, which they deemed necessary for the pnrpoae, and which they, many of them, were unable to do. We believe, from teata made, that while double wails and double roofs would be quite useful in the curing of lemons, curing can be done without theae, care in clipping and handling being more im portant than anything else. It is true double walls and roois would tend to re duce the temperature, but is not of so much importance as care in handling. Sudden Death ! That Stahtlinu News Hkaiinq—The pub lic is bocominu accustomed to the above head ing, but nevertheless 11 always cODveys a shook-. Boildeu death iv a vast majority ot cases re sults from heartilisiase. manifested oy any one or ■.overalof tho following symptoms: Short breath, palpitation, irregular pulse, wind In the stomach, pain lv side, shoulaer or arm, un der left shoulaer blade, between shoulders or in bowels, irregular or intermittent pulse, op pressed feeling iv chest, choking sensation, weak or hungry spells, dimeUt breath ig, swellinj of feet or ankles, dropsy. Dr. Miles New Heart euro speedily remedies all these. Sold by 11. H. Hance. 177 N. Spring street, on a guarantee, who will give you his elegant hook, free . gh Boils. \ BollflaccordlngtoDr.King, y'ft..J~-& ~pj> an eminent authority " ara generally connected with do* ' N ~<,> raogemcntsof tho liver and 'r. :. While tho older JsIsSBmKS'SS'" Barsnparillas contain potash which aggravates eruptions, Joy's is peculiarly n stomach and bowel corroctive, and is the only ono that is so. Its regulating influences causa boils to dry up and disappear almost Imme diately. A case in point. "I had bolls break out on my neck. Ono had burstcd. I took Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla and in a few days the other Soils had drf«i up. In tho spring of 1890 I took ono of the other Sarsapa rillos and tho result was a masß ol pimplos. llearlngthat Joy'swos lator and acted differently I used It this year with the above satißfactorjr results." j, Nkwmas, Alameda, Cal Formerly with tho "Altn California." S. F. Eobt. Walsh, with Wells Fargo & Co., and score* of other Sun Fjauciscans report tho same ci« perieuce. It avoids tho uso of tho lance JflW ? ® Vegetable 1J 1 As it is the only Sarsaparilla that pnrifles the blood without tho ugly potash eruptions, insist sn Joy's and don't bo talked Jfrfo taking another.