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6 ADVERTISING. } The moat direct method of reaching tho public and making known your 3(1.. $ WWW a WJ N TTTTT 88SS W WW W AA M N T B 8 W WW W A A K5 J 8 WWW W A A KNN T 8 WWWW A A N N N T SSSB ■WW WW AAAA N N N T g WW WW A A N N N T 8 ■W W A AN UN T 8 S W W A A N NN T KSSS Is through the classified ad columns of The Herald. It is cheap, brings quick rcturos, and places the advertiser In direct communi tatlon with those he wishes to reach. COOL A s SSo ,SS~ II HFFII KRKPDD ci oil aa § s S sn F ii I D n O L A A B S8„ B SS M II WIIKK I> r> 0 01 AAA a 2 v 211 F II X D T> 000 LLLLA A B SS S B SS B II V II KEE DM) A I)DD L KEKITTToSSo AA D DI, E T 2 AA D T> L KB T °SSo AAA DDL R T 8 2 A ADDD LLLLEKE T Inserted in the columns of The Hebald at • 5 CENTS PER LINE TER PAY. $1.00 PER LINE PER MONTH. Special rateß for a longer period. : '* * Persons wanting situations, help, or wishing to rent, buy or sell property will do well to . advertise in The Herald. OFFICIAL CITY TAPER. i CHURCH NOTICES. T~7oHN r T7w : RC]t (EPISCOPAL) COR ner Adams and Figucroa sts—Celebration of ."the Holy Eucharist at Ba. m. Morning service and sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday school at .1 p. 'm. Full choral evensong and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Churchmen visiting Los Angeles arc cordially lnviited to St. John's. Take Grand avenue cable to Adams street and walk one block west to Figucroa. Seats free. Vested Choir. Rev. B. W. R. Taylor, rector. CHRIST CHURCH, EPISCOPAL—CORNER Flower and Pico streets; Alfred 8. ( lark, rector; residence, 1510 South Flower street. Sunday services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Holy communion first and third Sundays of the month. Sunday school,!) :4fl a. m. Litar.y ser vice Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:30 a. m. Ser vices on saint and holy days, 10:30 a. m. Seals free. Strangers are cordially invitted to all 'services. Eleotrlo cars to Pico Heights or Uni versity station pass the church: Grand avenue J cable cars pass two short Mocks east, aud Spring and Washington street horse cars one block 1 west of church. Your card left with any of the ' church officers will insure a call from the rec tor. FIRBT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CORNER Second and Broadway—Preaching, II and 7:30 p.m., by Rev. Burt Estes Howard. Sunday-school, 0:30 a.m. Y. P. S. C. E., 0 :20 S.m. Prayer meeting every noon and Thurs ays, 7 ils p.m. fin-sneers cordially in- Tlted. lt_ iMMANUEI. FRESRYTKRIAN CHURCH, corner Tenth and Pearl streets—The pastor, cv. W. J. Chichester. D. D., will prcnrh at It a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Y. P. C. E. at 0:30 p.m. Everybody welcome. It HE PEOPLE'S CHURCH (NONSECTARLAN) Illinois hall—Rev. J. H. 'Phillips, pastor. Morning subject: Prayer, Profitless and Proflt able. Evening subject: 1 rue Liberalism. Sun day-school at 12:30. Good music Everybody invited. LOS ANGELES HOLINESS TABERNACLE. Fourth street, between Spring and Brady - Noted evangelist today, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Seats iree; no collection. It CHURCH OF THE UNITY—CORNER HILL and Third Bts. Rev. J. 8. Thomson, pas tou. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. Sabbath school 0:30 a. m. Snbjeet Sunday morning: Competition and Co-operation. There will be no service in the evening. HE NEWnfHURCH—TEMPERANci~TEM pIe; 3 p. m. Sermon by Dr. Samui! Worcester: Fear Not Little Flock. All are welcome. NGLISH LUTHERAN CH7^cTI~EIGHTH and Flower sts. Rev. 51. H. Stlne will preach at 11 a. m., on Christ tho Preacher. Subject for evening service at 7:30: Jesus at Jericho. All are welcome. S~T. OLIVE STREET, HE tween Fifth and Sixth sts. Rev. George Franklin Bugbee, rector. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday service 11 n. m. Sunday school, 0:45 a. m. St. Andrew's Mission service 3 p. in. Sunday school after service. ONC.RESB OF SPIRIT!"ALISTS~ANI) THlNK ers—Prof. W. M. Lockwood will speak nt Forester's hall Sunday at 2:30 p. m. upon Would You Be Born an Adam, a Materialist or aProgrcsslvo Spirit? At 7:30 p. m. The Di vergence Between Phrenology ami Psychome try Illustrated. Admission, io cents. S~ inRITUALIBTF"ANDINVESTI(rATORS~\T tend the spiritual meetings held today In Grand Opera-house hall, 110 South Main street. 2:30 p.m., Conference, spirit anil p.ehometie tests by Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. Read and others. 7:30 p.m., short lecture by John Brigga. Sub ject: Mcdiumship, Its Use ami abuse. Tespj by Mrs. Baldridge. Exellent inusir. lt_ SPECIAL. KOTICES. A hereby certify that the hearer, Mr. Charles City, is absolutely and permanently blind. 1 believe that any and all persons who render nim aid In any way will help one who is worthy. (Signed) R. W. MILLER, M. D. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 2, 1893. Also signed by Mrs. E. L. Willey and A. E. Davis, both of Los Angeles. Ladies and Gkstj.emen: I am a poor blind man, with two small children, und misfortune besides. I have been taken for a crazy man, and not for a blind man, by persons without principle; but 1 wish if there is any law in Los Angeles that it would make any person come and find the character of myself andthepor aon who accuses me. CHA6. CITY. 2-S 7t LAD lEsi ATTEN flO NI ~T BY MY ~N E W method for treating the face; will remove wrinkles, tan, freckles and other blemishes; you can learn this method and how to make the preparations In one lesson. This is worthy of investigation. MRS. READ, Room 23, 410 K. Main St. 2-12 It LPHONBO B. SMITH, THE PIONEER . auctioneer. Is again in Los Angeles, and prepared to hold large real estate sales in any part of the city, county or Southera California. Also will hold furniture sales at residences or in any part of the county or Southern Califor nia. Also will hold general merchandise sales by catalogue in any part of the city, county or Southern California. Terms reasonable. Prompt and reliable service performed. The highest references given. Call or address, Office 121 E. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. 2-3 3m RAKE' 8 SPA NI SH,TEXAB AND CHICK EN tamales can be obtained at Second and Spring, Second and Main, First and Spring and Temple and Spring streets. Try thorn and he convinced that they have no equals. Only the yery best of meats used; made with the greatest Of care and cleanliness. The public are cor dially Invited to inspect the manufacture of them at 114 Weßt Seventh street. 2-2 Urn F. BLOPER, HOUSE - MOVER, OFFICE . 112 Center Place. 1-15 tf HUNTER'S TEXAS TAMALES OAN~IiE OB talned at the following places: Spring and Second, First and Spring, Junction Temple and Spring, front of Germania saloon, Main street. Our sign indicates our address, (US Bellevue avenue. Don't be imposed upon by imitators. Buy the genuine article at the above locations. We are the originators oi the genuine Texas tamales In I.os Angeles. 12-14 dm YF'E\VRTfERB F< IR SALE OR RENT; terms easy; Paper, Carbon, Ribbons, etc.; LONOLEY ,v WAGNER, First and Spring. 11-24 tf ■VTOTICE—THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER Xl aompany will strictly enforce the follow ing rule: The hours for sprinkling are be tween li and 8 o'clock a. m. aud 0 and 8 o'clock m. For a violation of the above regulation ha water will be shut off and a fine of ¥2 will be charged beforo water will be turned on again. s-i7tf SOCIETY NOTICES. 1 p\ - THTAs^^i£~vTiTrol-s JV lodges of the order of Knights of Pythias In this city hold regular conventions as below: All residents and visiting Knights cordially welcomed. SAMPSON, NO. 148V700 Downey avenue (E. Los Angeles), Monday evening, J. K. Carson, C. C. AT PYTHIAN CASTLE, 118U 8. SPRING BT. GAUNTLET, NO. 120—Monday evening, J. J. Choate, C. C. MUCol.olt, NO. DO—Tuesday evening, George B. Shaffer, C. C.t LA FRATERNITE — Wednesday evening, F. Anxlonnette, C. C. OLIVE, NO. 26—Thursday evening, Charles Stanstmry, C C, MARATHON, NO. 182-Friday evening, G. 8. Adolph, c. c. BUREAU OF RELIEF—Every Wednesday even ing until further notice. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1893. WANTKD-HIIiP. P-~ETTy7hrMMKL~S~~CO., EMPLOYMENT agents, successors to Martin & Co, and, Petty & Hummel. Hotel and house help de partment, 131 to 133 West First street, tele phone 509: ranch aud miscellaneous depart ment, 307 West Second street, telephone 40, Los Angeles, Cal. Carefully selected help oi all kinds promptly furnished. AXTTNTEi) - GOOD NEWSPAPER CAR TV rters; apulv before 10 a. m. Sunday or Monday. CHRONICLE OFFICE, 114 W. First. _2-12-2t TJVANTED— A ITdTinTsVErVIOCALITY TV to write for me at home; $3 a day; no canvassing. Renlv with stamp. MISS VLRNA LANGDON, South Bend, Ind. 2-9 18t Sri7T\ r TEP-8W87T68 AMiELKsI)rsTRI>T W TELEGRAPH COMPANY, 347 North Main sjreet. 2-10 3t IF 'YOU WANT HELP OF ANY KIND GO to the Free Employment Bureau, 240 New High st. Tat. 118* 1-29 tf TT7ANTED —AftL NEEDING HELP FREE Vv employment or any information, art dress E. MTTF.NGER'B BUREAU, established 1880. Office, South Spring street; rest dence, 451 South Hope Street, corner Fifth Los Angeles Cal. Telephone 113. 8-10 tt WANTED—SITUATIONS MIDDLE-AOEP TV German, on ranch or at private place. Address JOHN FARMER, 205 Wilmington St. 8-11 ?t —ALL KINDS OF FAMILY PEW TT log to do, at room 13, No. 412 S. Hone street. 1-10 tf WANTID-KEII EBTATK, two lots as tay- TT ment on flve-roomed cottage near Bel mont and First streets. Crown Hills. Price $1475. Apply 320 West First alreet. 2-12 It tVAXISh—AGENTS. SELLING 3nO Lightning Plaster and plating jewelry, watches, tableware, etc. Plates the linost of Jewelry as good as new on all kinds, of metal wit li gold, silver or nickel. No experience. No cap ital. Every hous" has goods needing plating. H. K. DELSO & CO., Columbus, 0. 1-S sun LSI TXT ANTED—BA LESM E N *AN D _ DE A LER ST( I T > sell white enamel letters for window signs, also signs enamelled on iron; big profits; send for illustrate* price list. New York and Chi cago Enamel Company, 4H Clark St., Chicago. 2-5 sun (It WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. HAVING* 3*ONEY TT to loan to give us theiraddress. GILBERT & GILBERT, Room ft, UBK S. Spring St. 2-12 7t. TT7ANTED —A FEW CHILDREN TO TT board; none under 2'ivears; good home; best of care: address OCEANSIDE HOME, Redondo Beach, Cal. 2-12 7t. TITANTED-A GOOD DAIRY ROUTE IN THIS W city. Apply to NORTON <Si KENNEDY, 209 South Broadway. 2-12 tf TV-ANTED ONE-HORSK TT power work with sweep; must be com plete for working. Address ENGINE, box 80, this office, 2-107t FOX RENT—HOUSES. I~7H)R AIXOVErTtHE CITY. } C. A. SUMNER i CO., 107 S. Broadway. -1-12 FOR KENT-ROOMS. ' for rent at the Weld, junction Spring, Main and Eighth sts., single or en suite; rates reasonable. Finest location in the city. 2-0 tf RENT — LOVELY SUNNY FRONT ' room, bath, gas; all now; $9. 1024 S. FLOW ER ST. 2-7 (it BUSINESS CHANOK4. I^R^AL.K^lo^r7>~O^ JT *iioo, worth $1000, see m BO room lodging nous, $2iX>o; 22 room lodging house, .$ l(hß>, 41 room lodging house, $2000, worth •3000. SfclliMV-u KOOM HOUSE, FINE LOT, PICO ►MIWU Heights. 118 N. Spring street. 3-12-3t S«7KA BUYS HALF INTEREBT IN~ OFFIW & I <l\t business; half sash, balance quar terly. Adds-css T, Herald office. 2-12-2t l?OR~ SAIJ^A~CASH-PAYING — BUBINESS: P the best buy in this city for small amount ol cash required. 405 1 s. spring. 2-12-2t <2 i 7\n^SALOON—ONE OF THE BEST BJ7 TTvßrv and dotng as good business as any In town; large stock and fixtures: reasonable rent; liiDt-elusa locution. Trice. $4000. | 'fl-(WE OF THE FINEST DELI- cacv stores In tho city: on good street; doing nrat-class business; selling on account i,f sickness: ] rice, #450. CUDDY STOL'GII TON, 20t> N. Spring St. 170R SALE—A GOOD, PAYLN~G REST.- 1 ■' ! rani cheap. Appiv at 407 s. spring st. 2-11 2t anted-would"buy paying t.odg iug house or partnership with a suitable party. CASH, room 9, St. Charles hotel. 2-10 3t READ YOU LOOKING~FOR A snap? I want a man with smull capital ; l>est manufacturing business on this coast; tills may mean v fortune to >ou. Address Q., ibis office. 2-10 3t I" pOIfSALE-A CLEAN STOCK OF GROCER -1 ics, well located on Spring street, with an established business. For further particulars call on HOWELL & CRAIG, 132 and 134 South I.os Angeles st. 2-9 7t fj-OR SALE—STOCK OF GROCER lES~AND A? store fixtures; new goods; well located on South Spring street; business good; best of reasons for selling. Inquire of E. W. GUTH RIE, Abstract building, 1-21 lm _£OR EXCHANGE. UOR EXCHANGE- ' ~~~~~ ©ODAA-EQUITY IN E. SECOND STREET VtjDUU business income property, for house in southwest; inorrgage .fl7OO. (JOfKU V-EQUITY IN MONROVIA RESI- deuce, for other property; mortgage $1100. O i AAA—EQUITY IN DOWNEY AYE. BTJSI VTIiInI ness income property, for other property; mortgage $2000. Lgl C AA/»— EtjUITY SEVENTH AND PEARL Wl»J«lA/U for other city property. StflAA— 20 ACRES, LANKERSHIM, HIGH tUUU ly improved, for other property, clear. A qAAA—S-ROOM HOUSE ON WASHINGTON st. and 2 lots on Temple st. for house near in. -tftfl ACRES NEAR NEWIIALL, PARTIALLY ll)U improved, for city property, fill CAA—S-ROOM HOUSE BOYLE HEIGHTS Vfor vacant lot near E. First st. JOHN H. COKE, 4 Brvson-Bonobrake block. 2-12 3t EXCHANGE—GOOD CLEAR, COUNTY Jl seat property In Kansas for horse and wagon or team. Address, KANSAS, box 50, Herald. 2-12 2t TTtOR EXCHANGE—PBOPEBTY in BOOTH JL? eastern part of Kansas for Los Angeles prop erty, city or acreage, inquire 8119 South Grand avenue. 1-29 3 Suns F-or exchange—what have - you~~to exchange for building lots on car line, Buttle, worths 2 00 to $375 each? Will pay some cash. Address, "EXCHANGE," liox 4(1, Herald office 2-12 It dkjfWV-WK WANT IK EIOTA«QE~FQbTa 4p4UU&ne residence lot in the i'hilbiu tract, with cement walks, water piped, sewer laid, electric lights; 20 minutes walk of the business center and 2 electric car lines. t(!400; $150 to $250 cash, the. balance in 3 years. Secure our new map. See ad page 3. It To exch7vno£—for "acreage w ; rr*HiN 10 miles of city, house of 5 rooms with 2 lots, barn, chicken bouse, lawn nnd shrubbery; 15 minutes' walk from Spring and Second streets. Apply to OWNER, 200 S. Spring. 2-12-lt EXCHANGE-CITY REBIDENCE7s.w7, \ for typical 5-ucre liomc convenient to city, and in bearing fruit. Address "HAWKEYK," Herald office. 2-11 51 TjV>lt EXCHANGE—SOO ACRES, COWLEY X 1 county, Kansas, to exchange for a small orchard, or for good land In Los Angeles or Sau Diego county. Address W. A. SMITH, Una ware, Ohio. 2-7 7t FOREXCHANQE— A STOCK OF GROCER ies, building, lot, barn, etc. Only $1500. Will tnke a good cottage and lot in city for about $1000; balance sash or time. This will besr c lose Investigation. Apply, GILBERT Jt GILBERT, 138'- 3 South Spring street. 2-5 7t TO EXCHANGE—SISjoOO— GO LOTsTtHREE houses and barns, etc., fronting Castle depot In St. Paul, Minn., together or separate, for city property or acreage. C. GROSMANN, room 14 llryso.i block. «Mi tf cmmtpoDisr. CHIROwfIST, 211 W. First st.. opposite Nadoa-. ,otoi. 12-24 tf FOR SALE-CITY PROPERTY. SALE— r LOTS WITH 2 HOUSES ON fifcOAAA .) hills, bet. Second and Third. dT.WUU 5-ROOM HOUSES ON E. FIRST r BRICK STORES ON SAN PEDRO, i 1 «> close to First. fIPUUIH.I Q HOUSES AND 100 LOT FRONT- fi£i)l/VVI «} lng two streets, Seventh .4 Pearl 3pZIUUt I r-ROOM HOUSE, KURTZ STREET, A 1 * lA/ i ,r on installments. 2Q-ROOM HOUSE W. SIXTH ; THIS r^YQ^| 6-ROOM HOUSE, FRONTING TWO (Vq/\Ai\ streets, Park Grove. 3?.H>tM' r-ROOM NEW HOUSE, JOHNSON,Ji -t -t rvrv ,) street, East lAt Angeles. O-d ROOM HOUSES, NORTH Z Brondw ny. 3P OU" Fl I IQ-HOOM HOUSE, NORTH HOPE. 2 0-ROOM HOUSES, GRAND. $I*^ooo , 12-ROOM HOUSE, 8. BUNKER 1 Hill. Lots, acreage and other property for sale or exchange in all parts of Southern California. JOHN 11. COKE, 4Bryson-Bonebrake building. 2-12 3t CSI7AA— BEAUTIFUL HOUSE OF EIGHT Ivy rooms; hard tlntshed; street sewered and graded; largo lot, 00 foot front; a snap. Price, $1700. (2i"nAA- HorsE OF 0 ROOMS; BATH ?TUUI"' and every modern convenience; close In on electric car 1 ne; stable and drive way; large lot. >2')AAA— HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS, ETC; "In—Ulrv all necessary outbuildings; lot 50x100 to alley; lawn and flowers; near \Y cst lake park. Price, $2000, part cash. &*/4' A —HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, BATH, HT-iiOUtF etc.; beautifully decorated; on large comer lot on Pearl St.; part cash. lilCnA - HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS, ETC.: OlOvU large corner lot near Washington st., with barn and hedge, fehade trees, etc. ttQKAAr- house of 8 rooms and 3N)»)UU every modern convenience; well, windmill and tank ; large lot on good cornet lot ; lawn and flowers; on West Eighteenth st. CUDDY & BTOUGHTON, 200 N. Spring St., Temple block. 2-12 3t RESIDENCE, WITH OU all modern improvements, worth $5000; look at and you will buy. «S"<iA CASH-4 ROOM HOUSE, LARGE ff»«)UU lot. i OiYA-3 ROOM COTTAGE, EASY TERMS, !p I.MAf a bargain. (3i 1 1 AA - *' ROOM COTTAGE, ALL MODERN qpl LUy improvements, fruit and flowers, one block from electric cars; a snsp. atOraV- 5 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, ffl Ls/sjU with piano; ft bargain. ROOM RESIDENCE, NEAR >!NHWU Main on Twenty-fifth street. t»«»r A-7 ROOM HOUSE ON WALL STREET, large lot; only $1501) cash. S OQCA— BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, FURN -rTtIcVX/ Jshed; a snap. Oil K£Yt\ CASH-ONE OF THE FINEST LOTS, Sjj LOUU overlooking entire city, on car line; worth $3000. The Alexander Well tract, Eighth-Central avenue; lots from $225 to $700; $15 to $25 cash, $10 per month. No interest. Sale com mences at 9 a. in. Monday, February 13th, at NO. 118 N. SPRING STREET. 2-12-3t F~ ■OH; SALE. $3850—7-room cottage, all modern Im provements; handsomely furnished; largo lot, highly improved grounds; large 2-story barn. A snap. ;:100 cash, bolanco one, two and three years, low interest, 5-room cottage; Myrtle avenue, just off Pico; $1300. $3200—new house of 5 rooms, Bonnie Yrae; all modern Improvements; $1000 cash, balance in 3 years at S per cent. $500 cash—new 4-room cottage, on Boyle Heights. A bargain. $250 each—Lots in Philbin traot. Sec them. They arc worlh a thousand. $i2s—Large lot 2-8 tf 118 N. SPRING ST. ■pOR~6ALE, BARGAINS v - ; OAA—HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, itf BLOCKS ?P*xa.U'" 3 stroet car lines; lot fronting on 3 streets; well of soft water, 2 kindtiof city water; 4 varieties of oranges, 5 of peaches; flowers; chicken yard. If you want a home in the city, 182 feet on Main and 212 on two other streets Cot half its value, look at litis. <2>*7\(\l\ — FINEST HOME OF 8 LARGE w I tJvnj rooms on W. Seventh st. cable; mull ein improvements. e.).)IU| — MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE \r\J near Adams, ond half block car line. BRODTBECK A MoCONNELL, 2-12 3t 113 South Broadway. ffl»)\A ETJTB Aslooo LOT IX THE PHILBIN tract; easy terms; long time; close to business center. See ad. page 3. It 0 I I KA—FOR SALE ON TH E _ INST A LLMENT BP I I»/U plan, house of seven rooms; hard finished and papered; on Leroy near Male street ALSO A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE OF eight rooms, on graded and Bewereti street, near Wasliington street railroad. M. P. SNYDER, 130 S. Broadway. 2-12 3t OR~SALE—-BEAUTIF U L $100 JT cush, $20 monthly; no interest; must be sold. D. LA MONTE, 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t ■pvON'T PAY BENT—SIOO CASH; $20 MONTH kJ tv; no interest, buys cosy home. DE LA MONTE, 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t iOAA—FINEST ARE 3N)ifU lots on Pico St., closo to electric cars; $150 to $250 down, tlie btilonce in 3 year... ORIDER & DOW. See ad page 3. It N INSTALLMENTrMVE HAVE SEVERAI, houses on Installments and small pay ments in different parts of the cltv; buy "a house and save rent. AKEY", BUNCH & CO., 118 S. Broadway. 2-12 li O~N INSTALLMENTS —WE HAVE - SOME line lots close in; easy walking distance of business; varying in price from $250to$30i>. Only $15 down and $10 per month ; no interest. A KEY, BUNCH <Si CO., 118 8. Broadway. It ©1 AA WILL DOUBLE FOR YOU INSIDE~OF one year; no risks; you may regret not having purchased a lot in the Philbin tract wortli $1500. To see thorn is to buy. See ad. pages. It PARTIES HAVING CITY PROPERTY FOR sale will And it to their advantage if they send me the particulars of what they have. I have buyers for bargains in real estate who will pay spot cash. Let me know what you have, full details, and you may hear from me. 1 have no oillce, but the money to snap up anv thiug where there is a chance to make a torn. Address SPOT CASH, box 505, city. 2-9 tf Q1 iV^A" III ' y¥T"sTsoo~i"i6use~~an 1 > tw < > r:?IU»/tf lots; house of 0 rooms, 4 chicken houses, corrals, cow shed and burn; this is on Sixteenth street, southwest; only $375 cash, ond $100 semi-annual'y, or $17 monthly. Must sell this week. Apply at once, 320 W. FIRST BT.J 2-11 2t FOR SALE-TWO-STORY 8-ROOM~HOUSE, stable, 2507 So.uh Flower St. POINDEX TER & LIST, 127 W. Second. 1-20 lm IJV)R SA HOUSE of 10 rooms. No. 124 Woßt Twenty-fifth strcet.JVWNER, 2803 South Main. 1-17 tt TM'R SALE—AT A BARGAIN—A GOOD BStSI JT dunce In a very desirable part of ihc cltv; this is a rare chance; must be sold; extra in ducements. Address R, Box7o, this o(Ilee.l-14tf I7IOR BALE—HOUSE O.N~HOME — . block north of Ellis college; 5 rooms, hard finish, pantry, closets, etc.; also good house and lot on Philadelphia st. Want cosh offer for either ol above. Address BARGAIN, Box 40, this office. 1-14 tf ©•JAA-$ 150"TO $280 CA~Sh7THE BALANCE •Pi >UU in 3 years, buys a $900 to $2000 lot; this is v sure investment; you will double your money In 0 months with only $130 to $250 in vested. URIDEK & DOW, Sole Agents. See ad page 3. It SALE-FIRST-CLASS LOCALITY; JT handtiome otic and one-half story cottage; eight rooms, marble mantols and grates, not and cold water; holler in kitchen, etc., etc. Wo offer this very desirable residence, in the midst ol handsome improvements, for tho cx traoriliniarly low price of $3050 cash. Address, W. L. I., Box 505, city. 1-14 tf I^o hTsale^-a - neat new tage, with bathroom, closets, etc ; nice lot; only three minutes'walk from Arcade depot; price low and terms easy: just the thing for a railroad man. Address W. L. P., Box 505, city. 1-14 tf <8£ { AA-$9OO CLOSE TO 2 nr-Hrv/electric roads; 15 minutes walk of the business center. GUIDER & DOW. See ad uagoß; It T7IOR SALE-SIOOO—NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE X Mlciiigan avenue, between Mottand Fleket streets; montlily payments. ALLISON BAR IA)\\, -Z-ll V, est Second street. 1-29 tf JTtOR SALE $1325-A _ ~NEW "FIVE-ROOM bouse on Mi-liarry street, near Ninth and Alameda; monthly payments, $15. ALLISON BARLOW, 227 West Second street. 1-12 tf I-uii BALE TWO VALUABLE RESIDENCES; JT both bought in on foreclosure and offered for debt and costs; ono in Los Angeles, $10,000, worth $25,00(1 cash; one in Pasadena, build ings erected five years ago at a cost of $35,(MM) for house alone. Commission to any agent sell ing this property. GORDON A LONG, attor neys, Bryson-Bonobrake block. 12-8-sun-tu tf FOR~SALii:SSOOO BUYS A liIi!CK~BLOCK on Second st.; 2 Bteres and 13 rooms; easy terms, tee OWNER, room 78, Temple block. ii-3 it FOR BALK—CITY PROPERTY. FOR SALE— BY THE PIRTLF, REAL Es tate and Trust Co.. 220 W. second st. ?700—4-room houso near Washington and San Pedro, on the Installment plan. $2154)— Fine new 6-room cottage, southwest part of city, on corner lot; easy terms. $2200—1t-rooiu modern cottage ou West Pico street. $2100—5-room cottage, West Ninth street. $2300—7-rooni cottage on Guorgiu Bell, near Pico. $3000—New 0-room cottage on Bonsallo ave nue; only $500 cash, balance to suit. $-1750—2-story 8-room house on Flower street. i&OQO— 12-room residence on Lovelaco aye. $0500—Finest 9-room house in the city, near Grand avenue. $450—Lot in the Urmston tract. *Soo—Lot near Hoover. $900—Lot on Twenty-second, between Grand avenue and Figueroa. 52500S 2500—Large lot on Hoover, near Adams. 1800 —Largo lot on Grand avenue, near Ad ams. We have small and large ranches of every de scription. Call and examine our list. THE PIRTLE REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 229 West Second Street. 4£Q7Pi— PAYMENT BUYS TODAY MY BlX qr»> Itj room nicely papered house, barn, chicken houses, fences, etc., corner lot 80x140. Price $1050: worth $1500. Why the house is Insured for $700. Will sell cow and chickens. Apply today. Must sell. Take Blue Line horse cars out West Washington street to Clara street, up Clnra street, the third house, Rich ardson's place. 2-12 It OR~PALE—A PIECE OF BUSINESS FROP erty on Ix>s Angeles street, between First and Requena streets. OWNER, 525 8. Pearl street. It J^OR~SALE— CHEAP LOTS. ~~ &,,»>«»—HELENA AVENUE, BETWEEN ivti, »> Seventh and Eighth. ijr>'Ji)o"° N t WINFIE " ) CITY CENTE R G* 1 <W^A— SAN I'EDRO STREET, BETWEEN ffl lUUU Sixth nnrt seventh. *5? —105x175,WEST SIXTEENTH, NEAR W LOOU Pearl. ©2300"f 8^. NKEB HILL AND HOPE ' 60 & Q'TAA—FOR 37 LOTS CLOSE TO CABLE s!r*> i UV and within VZ miles of courthouse. fif«>iVUV-A VERY FINE BUSINESS CORNER JI/UU close in, 80x135. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 West First street. 2-12 2t iyj ust be sold r^rTa d».)rXA/\— 2 STORY' 9-ROOM HOUSE ON 3p.£»JUU Grand nvenue, near Second; a de lightful home or first-class investment; will always rent for $35 a month. <£ l')flfl- <i - ROOM HOUSE AND LARGE LOT IfwUU on Turner street, within half a mile of First and Main. Small cash payment or good vacant lot for first payment, balance $15 a month. i»»^rrrn— GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 3P.j4.jU beautiful corner lots on Magnolia avenue, close to Pico street cars; will make a beautiful home; on high grounds with mag nificent views. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 West First. 2-12 2t Ti*OR~SALE—SPECIAL BARGAINS. 120 FEET V on Main street, with $1000 house, for $5000. Think of It! Main street property at $33 a front foot. BUSINESS CORNER BETWEEN MAIN AND Ban Pedro streets, 80x135, for $2000. IjMNE LOT ON SAN PEDRO STREET, BE -1 tween Sixth and Seventh streets, $1000, half cash. 4 BEAUTIFUL LOT ON BUNKER HILL, j'v running through to Hope street, 60x145; the tlnest view in the city; close to electric ears; $2300. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 West First. 2-12 St FOR SALE-ONE~OF THE~MOST VALUABLE corner business lots in the city. I offer for sale, at a very low price; most desirable lot in the city; a bargain. Address, W. L. P., Box 505. city. 1-14 tf FOR 8 ALB—CITY AND COUNTbV. F" sales are being made. Price and quality of soil unsurpassed. Inquire at 209 South Broadway, city. / > RE AT INDUCEMENTS—LAND AND LOCA * Tl* tion unsurpassed. The Garey tract is the place. Inquire at 209 South Broadway, city. BEAUTIFUL SCENERY —RICH SOIL—FINE location. Free from wind and killing frosts. The home of the orange and lemon, inquire at 209 South Broadway, city. ORANGE AND LEMON LAND —WITH abundant water, at $200 per acre. Nicely located. Inquire for Garev tract, 200 South Broadway, city. CONGER & EARLLY. 2-12 It , |?OR SALE—A NUMRER OF FINE 10* ! acre tracts near Azusa, at $175 per acre, with water on liberal terms. \ LSO A FEW 5-ACRE TRACTS AT OR J\. near Boyle Heights; cheap on liberal terms. ia ACRES; OF GOOD LAND 4 MILES .1.1/ from Glendale; 6-room hard finish house; 2 acres of 0-year-old naval oranges, balance In other fruits; abundance of water; price, $2500, one-half cash, balance 2 years. f\N GRAND AVENUE, NEAR PICO! IS I ' a house that we will sell for the remark/t -blv low price of $2000. GILBERT & GIL BERT, Room 9, S. Spring st. 2-12 3t. m*~J A A JUST~BEFOR~E~THE~NEW BOOM— w "tUU The world's fair, our new packing honse, big smelter, iron manufactory, to say nothing of the deep-sea harbor—and just after we get a United States seator, we are going to offer 90 lots in the Philbin tract, regardless of value. See ad. page 3. It TJfTE HAVE CHOICE ACREAGE, ALSO TV city property, improved and unimproved, for sale, rent and exchange; give us a call. GILBERT & GILBERT, Room 9, No. 8. Spring at 2-12 7t. CARH » THE BALANCE IN 3~^ T EARS, ©XtXfbuyj fine lots close to tho business cen ter. GRIDER & DOW. See ad page 3. It COB SALE—IF YOU WANT ~A HOME I or property improved or unimproved for investment or "speculation, don't wait until the knowing ones pick un the cheap properties, and then pay a higher price. See mv list. W. M. WHITTEMORE, Rooms 9 and io, 114 8. Spring st. 2-12 It. |>'OR SALE—IF YOU WANT TRUE I* orange orchards, income and growing, in Duarte, Monrovia, Ontario, Redlands and Anaheim, or deciduous lands, see my list. W. M. WHITTEMORE, Rooms 9 and 10, 114 S. Spring st. 2-12 It. FROM NEW~~YORK, Chicago, St. Paul and Muskegon address be low. Other parties also can obtain reliable in formation as regards tho Orange Belt and prnp ertv In the city desirable for homes and invest ment. W. M. WHITTEMORE, rooms 9 and 10, 114 S. Spring st. 2-7 7t QioSi BUYS A FINE BUILDING LOT~IN "Philbin tract": these lots havo been held at from $000 to $2000, but we have secured them so as to sell them at from $250 to $700; small cash payment down, the balance ;; years. Don't fall to see GRIDER & DOW'S ad on page 3. It &AA rER ACRE—SNAP—CHOICE LAND~AS rIP»'U any in California; 115 acres adjoining town of Gardens; water in 15 feet; will sell whole or in 10 acre lots; commence selling Monday, February 0; if you Intend to buy land for a home or speculation examine thin prop erty at once and get your choice; must be sold to close up an estate. Further particulars apply JOHN l . PAVKOVICII, 208 West First st. _ 12-18tf FOB B A LIE—LIVE STOCK. 61*sArjii^ family horses; can be ridden or driven sin gle ; reason for tolling, going away. M RB. NETTIE MUELLER, 530 S. Hill st. 2-11 7t liOR SALE — GEN XL X, FRE B H F AMILY 1 cows, Jersey, Durham or Ilolsteln; install ment plan; incubators, new or second-hand; bulls for service. NILES A CO., East Washing ton street and Maple avenue. 2-8 lm I "OR BA LE-.T IST Alt RIV E VEST A -1 bles, the finest lotof family and road horses ever brought to this city. 028 S. OLIVE ST. 2-715t OR SALE—TWO GOOD lIORSER WILL BE disposed of cheap, on time. Apply to M. TOMICH, Third St., between Wall and San Pedro sis, 2-5 tf FOX HA LB—MIICELANEOUB. OF A 25 -1 room house, with one year's lease, privil ege of more. Boat location in the city; rooms all rented; full investigation solicited; here is a chance for a big bargain. Address FUR NITURE, box 20, Herald office. 2 9 tf IVOR SALE—OLD PAPERS IN QUANTI" -1 ties to wuit, at this office. LOST AND POUND. LOST— GOOD* RI^IM^D^^ I ECTACLES. IF findor will leave them at GODFREY -t MOORK'S drug store will be rewarded. 1-12 2t L" OST—TWO SMALL BAY~HORBEB, ONE with white spot in forehead; when lost one had on a haltor and the other had a ropo around his neck. A reward will be paid for the return of the horses to MR. RIVERA'S PLACE, West end of Jefferson street. 2-10 3l _JP(>R HA LB— OOVNTKI I'KOPKRTT^ 4 f )filVl BUYS A 10 - ACRE FOOTHILL 3rZ»)inj ranch; 2 acres in d-year-old navel oranges; 5 acres in 0-vear-ohl prunes and apri cots; 1 acre assorted fruits and berries; good 2-story hard finished house; lino barn; water deeded: Improvements cost 88500. Don't miss this. ffinn/lA BUYS A CHOICE 12-ACRE FOOT- bill orange grove, with good bonso and barn ; deeded water; 7 acre *in 10-yesr-old oranges, very tine; 1 acre in 10-year-ohl wal nuts- 2 acres in deciduous fruits; 2 acres in alfalfa. Look this up I $If> AAA—I»O ACRES CHOIOF, DAMP 3?IU»tJUU land south of eitv; 1-JO acres solid to alfalfa, balanco In grain;" fair buildings; only $100 per acre. The best buy In California. <fclA AAA ,U YK IS H! ACRES SOLID TO fIPIU.UVHf full-beaiing English walnuts; no finer grove in the state ; pays 15 per cent year ly. Better and safer than hank stocks. fl'E/lA BUYS 10 ACRES SOLID TO NAVEL 90uv\J oranges, 9 years oTS, at Highlands; nothing finer at any price; house, barn and deeded water. To see is to buy! OiirnAFOß A FINE 0-ACRE IMPROVED ranch in Eagle Rook; e.ll out to hear ing fruit; 5-room hard-finished house; good windmill and tank; ;t miles from city limits. Let us show you this. OIA fIAA~- n ACRES SOLID TO CHOICE vAVsUUv navel oranges, 3 years old and in fine condition; plenty deeded water; in tho famous Baldwin ranch. fttorf CAA FOR 190-ACRE CHOICE FRUIT •UN) I ••Hn" ranch; lOOacrestn navel oranges and walnuts; one of the finest young orchards in the state. This place will compare favor ably with groves at double the price, and will soon pay 113,000 in 815,000 per year. Remem ber tile price is only $250 per acre. a/W|-A CHOICE 10 ACRES AT OLEN qr\R/U dale; line orange and lemon hind, with deeded water; on 5 years'lime, with no payment down, to a responsible party that will plaut trees. <£OOAA- A MODERN 5-P.OOM ROUSE, fIpZZUU with line reception hall, haths, clos ets, elegant manlle, etc.; southwest part of city, near electric cars; fine lot, covered with shrubbery nnd lawn; cement walks; house cost $3000 to build. A snap. ffilj>OA BUYS 2 4-ROO.M COTTAGES; IN sPIOVU good repair; B-mlnutes' walk from corner Second and Spring sts.; wiiii 4 lots; half block electric cors; street graded and sew ered. IX>R EXCHANGE — 5-ROOM HARD-FlN ished cottage; corner lot on Third st., near Main; also, 7-room modern house on \V. Pico, near Main st,; both to exchange for good acreage. SCAAA— 2 0-ROOM MODERN COTTAGES, OUUU in desirable location; line lawn ond shrubbery; rented for $30 per month; to ex change for vacant lots near West lake park or southwest part of city. fife 4 AAA— 160-ACRE FOOTHILL FRUTT AND npT:\RWI grain ranch; 7 acres in good near lug fruit; 60 acres in grain; good 0-roora house, barn, windmill and tank; price $25 per acre; will exchange for city property worth $4000. Qilfi AAA~ -320 ACRES FINE FRUIT LAND, ID*UUU near Chatsworth l J ark; all now in grain; price $50 per acre; for good city or east ern property. SAN GABRIEL ORANGE LAND, DIRECTLY south of the Raymond Hotel. We are offer ing a limited amount of this choice orange and lemon land, with deeded water uuder the nominal price of MOO per acre, on liberal terms. There is nothing finer in this county; will set the land in 10-ucre tracts to choice stock, and care for the same if desired. Contemplating purchasers should sec this land at once, or you lot-e a golden oppor tunity. Prices will no advanced as soon as 300 acres are sold. Fine orange groves close to It are held at $1500 per acre. Get in on the ground floor and become independent. Car riages from our office. NORTON.v KENNEDY, 209 South Broadway. Telephone 389. 2-1 tf NORTON & KENNEDY, 200 S. Broadway. 2-5 tf TI7ILL D. GOULD, VV Temple block, Los Angeles city, offers for sale $100 per acre, 11 acres on Western avenue, West liOa Angeles. $400 per acre, 17 l a ' acres, E W lot 0. bloc!: 43, Canal and Reservoir lands, halt" block from street railroad and Elysian Park, Los Angeles city. $400 per acre, 10£ acres, Division It, lot 4, block 20, Canal and Reservoir lands, Los An geles city. $350 per acre, 10 acres at Long Beach, in prunes and olives, and bearing ilg trees; very desirable location. $200 per acre, four 10-acro lots, best of foot hill land, surrounded by fine improvements, water piped to land, near La Canada village, 10 miles north of Los Angeles city. $2000, Jive and one-half acres of bearing orchard, at base of mountain, one. mile north of La Canada village; water piped on land. 9SOOO. one lot on Pearl, near Fifth street. Block 15, Woolen Mill tract, vaet of Figucroa street, near center Ol Los Angeles; finest view in the city. Block 17, Woolen Mill tract, west side Fre mont avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Lots 17, 19 and 23, block A, Morris Vineyard tract. Lots 10, 17, 18, 19 and 20, block 11, Woolen Mill tract. 1000 acres valley and foothill land in North Pasadena and La Canada. 2-12-3t po"R~~BTLE^UR^BEST~BARGAINBI db*;AAA-~FOR A FULL BEARING OR rPfH/UU chard with plenty of water, near Redlands; produced $;iooo last year, AAA—NINE ACRES IN 15-YEAR-OLD nPI J«UUU oranges, nesr.leiTersou and Main; will pay 20 per cent and imvaneo tlirlbble in three ye%rs as choice residence lots. fifcOJt* I'ER ACRE—IOO ACRES NOW BEING qpVV/plauted in corn; flowing well; all fenced, house, rich level land, tine for fruit or alfi 1 fn. Q* «>i w i.' fc — CHOICE TEN ACREB UN DER qpOUyU Azusa old ditch, extra for oranges or garden. &r~fV-150 ACRES CORN AND ALFALFA 3?tJU land, fenced, water, half mile to depot. A large stock and grain ranch, fenced, good buildings, plenty water, 3 miles to depot; a special bargain. JOHN F. HUMPHREYS *fc SON, 100 S. Broadway. 2-12-31 T?0B OF TILLABLE LAND, Ij with plenty of water for domestic pur poses; large house and barn; soil good for all deciduous fruits and grain; artesian water can be got at 450 feet; perfect title guaranteed; $5 per acre. 200 acres in Ex-Mission San Fernando run eh; $5 per acre. 40 acres 12 miles from this city, on S. P.R.R.; 6-rooin house, barn, corrals, etc.; 25 acres in alfalfa; plenty of water to irrigate; perfect title; $150 per acre, half cash. 12 acres within 15 miles of city; 6 acres in Bartlett pears, 0 acres alfalfa j price, $2500, half cash. 17 acres 1W miles east of center of Orange;. filenty of wafer; house of 4 rooms, 5 acres bear ng apricots, 2 acres various fruits, 2 acres al falfa; all good lattd; 50 orange trees; price, $3500, half cash. A fine piece of government land, 12 miles from S. P. R. R.; relinquishment for $75. 100 acres of good lund, government home stead; relinquishment toroXoo. A good claim of 100 acres of land, partly cleared; 5 miles from railroad; $150. S. 11. Bin liltl'lKLD, 2-11 2t 124)1, S. Spring St., Room 1. ■jpOR~SAI,E- nfi ACRES IN LICK TRACT, % MILE FROM: £i\J city limits; $100 per acre, r ACRES IN THE FROSTLESS BELT LICK O track; $1250. tifcQAAA — TEN ACRES IN 18-YEAR-OLD epOUUy oranges; house 5 rooms; part of the land in city limits; % mile of street car line. ACRES ON SOUTH MAIN ST., OPOUUU 1% miles of city limits; 2-story house of 7 roomy, barn, chicken yards, oranges and other fruits. BRODTBECK & McCONNELL, 2-12 3t 113 South Broadway. F~ 0R~BALE—23"~ACRES"bE1 WEEN ADAMS and Jefferson streets, West of University. OWNER, 525 S. Pearl street. It I^R~BALE— LEMON~LAND 7 fTnEST IN ' state, plenty water; convenient to every thing. See ft and you will buy it; $150 per acre; one-fourth cash; don't miss this; secure 10 acres before too late. DE LA MONTE. 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t BALjPIMPROVED 100 ACRE RANCH 1 one mile from Ferris in .beautiful Perris valley. Everything convenient; no frost; plenty water; grow anything; only $50 per acre. See it and you will buy it. DE LA MONTE, 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t FOR BALE—4O ~ACREB IMPROVED LAND with tine residence aud good water, with in 8 miles of the court house, Los Angeles; Cheap and on favorable terms. Address ICRES, P. 0. box 505, city. 1-25 ti ACRES OF THE BEST 1 land in Los Angeles county; close to city limits; on tho mam drive to Pasadena; very great bargain. Address W. L. P., box 506, city. 1-14 tf 17U3R SALE-300,000 ACRES OF CHOICE " land in the great raisin belt of Kern coun ty; the Fittest investment In California. Ad dress BORAX, box 70, litis office. l-14tf ACRES WITH HA RD flnished house of four rooms and kitchen; windmill and tank-house; barn for five horses; all fenced; plenty of water; Bituated near city limits. Apply to 110 East First street, up stairs 12-231 i FOB BALE-COCIITttT PROPERTY. lon a^f/ I *^^*^^ <t\r\r 5 miles from railroad; 20 acres vlnevard 70 acres alfalfa; house, barn and good wate right; fftO pur acre. A KEY, BUNCH ACQ 118 8. Broadway. 2-12 It ALfAEr, lOUland, Jh' miles from railroad; house, barn and orchard; good water right Price only $20 per acre. AKEY, BUNCH & CO. 118 S. Broadway. 3-13 It Q~ACRES—A BEAUTIFUL PLACE NEXr~THE 0 city, with Rood house and barn, all to full bearing oranges, mostly budded varieties crop now ou the trees will pay a net profit of" SO per cent on the price. Easy terms akkv BUNCH 4 CO., 1188. Broadway. 2-13 ft ALL~TO Z\f full bearing orange and walnut trees large crop now on the trees. This place nays DYer 10 per cent per year on the price: will be sold for less than its value. AKEY ' BtTNnr i is s. Broadway. '3-13 It I^OR _ BALE—FOOTiriLL FROSTLEfe"XXSD 1 four miles east of Azusa 40 acres $4000 one-fourth cash or will take lots or house - bal ance four years. West First street, 5 \( U^n~ SNAP - 40 ACRES IN AZUfIA, ALL ffl?il\/\M/ good land, no washes; about 13 acres In young trees; house, cistern, old water right, easy terms. Owner, 308 West Firat. ORBALE— C^EAPT"SIOO BUYS GOVERN merit homestead location, near railway, $400 gets location 320 acres with flowing well, 9150 buys timber claim location worth $4500. Tin thousand acres school and state lands. Choice locations, $4.50 to $35 an acre. Oov* eminent plats furnished for all land offices, with field notes. Information free. Address, LAM), BOX 50, Herald office. 3-lgJt personal. South Broadway, room 5. Probate and Insolvency law a specialty. Advice Jree. 7-231y ]> ERSON ON our Ginnl coffee roaster; Java and Mocha, 35c lb; Mountain coffee, 250; gran, sugar, 18 lbs 11; brown sugar, 31 lbs sftl; 0 lbs rolled oats or wheat. 2*50; 4 lbs rice, 35c; germea, 30c; 3 Its stl ron, 26ci 5 lbs good tea, if 1; mince meat. 5c lb; currs.nt jelly, 10c lb; 5 lbs raisins, 25c; 3 lha spricots, 25c; hanon, 35e; e.oal oil, 80c: brooms, 'Joe. "ECONOMIC" STORES, 305 South Spring. - UNCL E"8AM WINE C ELLAKS. E. FLEUR. Wholesale and retail. Sonoma and Napa dry and sweet wines. Brandies, whiskys. 1-0 TJERBON AL— RALPH BROB~GOLD BAR I Hour, $1.15; city flour, 85c; brown sugar, 20 lbssl; granulated sugar. 8 lbssl; whlto sugar, 18 lbs $1; 5 boxes sardines, 35c; Scans fruit, 50c; 50 bars soup, $1; eastern gasoline, 80c, and coal oil, 80c; 3 lbs corned beef, 15c; lard, 10 lbs. #1.80; 5 IbsUsu; 001 South Spring st., corner Sixth. 12-2 tf A G0ODRICH, LAW YER ~Y24T~DEAREORN • Btreet, Chicago, 111.; 28 years' experi ence; secrecy: special facilities in several states | Goodrich on divorce, with laws of all states, in press. 11-10 ly MEDICAL VV. KSON A Lg* tSel^^L^MHF^^ A muke yourself beautiful you can do so at a very small expense. It is a preparation that is harmless. Best of recommendations from all parts of the country. I will be In Los Angeles only a short time. Will cull and see you. Ad dress, MME. A. A. LORRAINE, postofflce box 505, city. 1-7 tf ATTENTION, LADIES I—"EMMA M BUST DB veloper Wtll enlarge your bust 5 inches. Guaranteed. Sen led Instructions2c,or 24-pngo illustrated catalogue. Oc by mall. EMMA TOI LET BAZAR, Huston, Mass 1-8-sun 1 3t npb'THß LA 1 H Es OF LOS ANGELEsTi WILL I bo in tltis city only a short time. No advance money. No fee desired unless you aro perfectly satisfied. Address MME. ROULET, box 20, Herald office. 1-8 tf LADIES ONLY—THB PROPHYLACTIC X Compound is the greatest medical discov ery of the ape. Absolutely sure and safe. Every bottle guaranteed. Write to the Prophylatio Compound company, Fresno, Cal.. for a de scriptive clrculur, which contains information ti' it mr.y save you years of suffering, and per haps your life. Circulars and the preparation can be obtained from all druggists. F. W. liliAl'N ,<tt t 0., distributing agents for South cm CaUtnrma. 7-10 fwajtoiax. TjJIfCIFIC LOAN COMPANY—LOANS MONEY I in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and trilateral seeuriiv, on pianos Without removal, diamonds, jewelry,sealskins, bicycles, carriages, ltlirarics or any property of value; also on Inrnllure, merchandise, etc., In warehouses; partial payments received; money without delay; private offices for consultation; ■. ill cull if desired. W. K. DkUROOT, Manager, Tooms 2, 3 and 4, No. 114 S. Spring St., opposite Nadean hotel. 7-20 tf MONEY TO LOAN IN BUJIB TO BTJrT At low rate of Interest; sec.uritv must be first class. Address LOANS, Box 00, this office. 1-8U MONEY TO LOAN "AT B""pER~~CENT"; ANY aniount M. P. SNYDER, 139 South Broadway. 8-13 0m •\n ONEY - TO LOAN ON COUNTRY AND |Vt cilv property; lowest rates. W. R. BURKE, notary public, 109 North Spring st. 8-13 6m TIJOXLY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, JMWStr l\l ry, watches, pianos, sealskins, live stock, hicvcies anil all kinds of personal ana collateral security. LEX BROS., 403 & Spring. tF YO U~W ANT MONEY WITHOUT DELAY, J no commission, nt prevailing rates of inter est, see SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, 148 8. Main st. 8-1 tf MOMYTO I-'JAN MONEY TO LOAN—S2OO, $500, <KIOO, $750 ' at a low rate of interest on improved city real estate. Address FINANCIAL, box 840, Los Angeles city. 1-21 tf I' HAVE lpso7oobTO LOAN ON A 1 BECTRITY at low rate of interest. Will loan as a wjiole or part of the above amount. Address SECUR ITY, Box 60, this office. 1-8 tf "IJOINDEXTER" & LIST, BROKERS, 127 W. X Second St., loan money on good security at reasonable rates. Farm loans a specialty. It you wisii to lend or borrow, call on us. 8-17 6m MOM BY TO LOAN—a7~R. FRABER &F. D. Lantcrman, 139 S. Broadway. 8-17 (im STOCKS AND IiONDS. OFFER FOR SALE— State Loan ami Trust Co. National Bank of California. L. A. National Bank, city Bank. CHlifot nia Rank. I'll: II.X REAL ESTATE * TRUBT CO., 2-11 71 329 W. Second St. DENTISTS. DR. DIFFENBACHER, 119)4 S. . gpring street, rooms 4 and 5, - ki-'* ' T ">'lli extracted and filled with •TtCJ out pain. 7-21 ly , 1882-Estahßshed—lBB2. DR. T„ VV. WELLS, COR. OF SPRING AND | First streets, Wilson blo'.'k; tako elevator. , Gold crown and bridge work a specialty; teeth extracted without pun. Room 1 m 4 tf DAMSBROS., WENTi S. SPRING. . bet. Second and Third. Painless filling and extracting, 40c and $1; crownsss; set teeth, $6 to $10; established in L. A. City, 13 yrs. 12-8 X7UANK~OTEVEXB7~ia»* a SPRING ST. J: Open Sunday and evenings by electric light D~~ R. TOLHtJRST, DENTIST, N. SPRING st.. rooms 2, 3 and 7. Painless extraction. ATTORNKTS^ ~aTw lIUTTOtt. OLIN WELLBORN. UrELLBORN & HUTTON, AITORNEYS-AT- W law. Rooms B*, 88)4 and 89 Temple block, Ix)s Angeles, Cal. 1-4 3m Yay~e'. iiunteii," _ Tttorney-at^la"w7 f J Bryson-Bonebruke block. Telephone 828. Practice in all the courts, state and federal. 7-1 tf BiS no. 2 law building, 125 Templo street, near court house. Telephone 108. 7-0 tf TSf~kr~TRASK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FUL. . J J. ton block, 207 New High 6treet, Los An geles. 1-16 M HOIIBOFATHIO PHTBICIANB. pild. . • Chronic diseases, medical and surgical. Office and residence, 319 N. Siehel street, East Los Angeles. _2-9 lm - cf~H. "boynt<:'n~m" X, diseases OF , ~. children. Office and residence, 835 a | i 'live st. Oillec hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 Jf» m. TelepjMmc_K7. | "fr 9 ",, ARCHITECTS. rT~ITTrROWNWLRCHITECT, 132 SOUTH >' Broadway. 8-7 ly_ j BURGESfTf REEVE, ARCHITECT, ESTAB* M lllhcd for the pust 10 years In Los Angele* J Rooms 7 and 8 (second floor), Workman bloc*, J Spring "t., between Second and Third. l-251f i » ABSTRACT AND TITLE INSURANCE COM- ! ]iany of Los Angeles, northwest corner «f I Franklin an ! »w High streets. ™