Newspaper Page Text
8 NEWS NOTES. Weather Bureau. Report of observations taken at Los Angeles, .February 11. 1893. Wm. I n*. <Th» ißll'mWdlVtll 0:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m 111 OX. '47 «s NW * - Max. tern.. 72: mln urn.. 45. f Rainfall paat 24 liouri, 0 00. ff Rainfall For the season, 17.43. Forecast* V Forecast for Southern California: Fair Weather; warmer; winds shilling to southerly. f' The Olive and St. Vincent football i teams will play on the latter's grounds next Saturday. The opening of the athletic contests •t the Ostrich farm, Santa Monica, has been postponed until next Sunday, the 19th. H. Schwannecke, United States in ternal revenne inspector, with head quarters at San Pedro, is in the city for several days. Last night the Main-street amphi theater was crowded with people drawn there by tbe new bill of attractions an nounced. The performance was thor oughly enjoyed, as it is of a sort to suit popular fancy—gymnastic, aerial and vaudeville. Mra. Dr. John Davis of Cincinnati died suddenly yesterday after a long reickness, from which she was thought to be recovering. She has been the presi dent of the Woman's Home Missionary i society of the Methodist church for sev eral years, and was widely known over :the country. She was a sister-in-law of [T. J. Davis of this city. : Today being the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, special memorial services will 'be held this evening at 7:30 in the First Methodist church, on Broadway be tween Third and Fourth streets, under . the auspices of the local association of ' the military order of the Loyal Legion, and a lecture on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln will be given by Major J. A. Donnell. All are cordially invited to attend. The regular meeting of the Southern California Science association will be held in the Friday Morning club room, Bt. Vincent's hall, near Sixth and Hill etreets, on Tuesday, February 14tb, at 8 o'clock p.m. Ornithology will be the eubject of the evening, and a fine collec tion of birds and eggs will be exhibited. Papers will be read as follows: Seasonal Variations of Some Australian Birds, Capt. T. B, Merry; Bird Life in Califor nia and Europe, Dr. A. Davidson; Cali fornia Songsters, Dr. S. H. Weller. World's Pair. Are you going to the world's fair? If ao, settle now the all important prob lem, where shall I stay and what will it coat? For circular letter giving in formation of special advantage to you on these points, call on or address A. Phillips & Co., 138 South Spring street, Los Angelea. Oysters 50 cents a dozen any etyle. Hollenbeck Hotel cafe, 214 Second st. PERSONAL. E. A. Benefield of Long Beach waa in the city yesterday. M. C. Holman of Long Beach waa in the city yesterday. Mrs. C. Doech ia in San Francisco on a business trip, and will return during the week. Frank Wiggins, o! the chamber of commerce, and local manager of the world's fair exhibits, spent yesterday iv Santa Barbara. H. B. Snow, one of New York's most prominent business men, is in the city on pleasure end busineas combined, and ia stopping at the Hollenbeck. W. H. Stombs, formerly of Los An geles, has taken a position in the Union National bank of Chicago, and will make his future home in that city. Mr. E. C. Denio, the attorney, who has moved his office to Long Beach, was in the city yesterday. He reports tbat the construction of the wharf is at a standstill, but the rest of the material is on the way. The wharf is now out over a thousand feet, and will be completed in about aix weeks. JOS. P. ROWAN. A Popular Painter Who Has a TP oil- Earned Reputation. Six more newly-painted cars are soon to make their appearance on the cable road, which were neatly and handsome ly painted by the above-named gentle man. Mr. Rowan has done come excel lent work in his line since his advent in Los Angeles, and is an artist in his line. He has done work on all the street linns in Los Angeles and in every instance has invariably given the ntmost satisfaction. He has also done considerable painting for the Terminal and Redondo railroads, and has been master painter for the Southern Pacific company, which posi tion he held for 10 years, and is highly recommended by that company, which he left in 1885 to accept the position of master painter at the Mare Island navy yard. He received the highest praise in passing the examination as a practical man in his profession. He expecta to re turn to San Francisco shortly, which his many frienda in this section will regret. Sanitarian Refrigerator Co. Refrigeratora for manufacturing and domestic use, under the new system, patented January 17,1803. Refrigerator crates for shipping fruits and vegetables to eastern marketa. Refrigerators now In uae remodeled at small expense to this system. Office and factory, 329 South Los Angeles street. The W. C. Furrey Company, 169 to 165 North Spring street, leads all competitors in hardware, household goods, cooking utensils, cutlery, bar fix tures, rtoves, tinware and bar room fix tures. They are sole agents for this sec tion of tbe celebrated Weir stove, the best in the world. Inspect them before purchasing elsewhere. The St. Vincent's Baseball club would tike to receive a challenge from any club whose players are not over 19 years of ige. Manager's address, D. Larronde, 237 North Hope street. Tailing; Hair Produces baldness. It is cheaper to buy a bottle of skookum root hair grower than a wig; besides, wearing your own hair is more convenient. Ail druggists. R. D. List, notary public. Legal papers care fully drawn. 127 W. Second. Telephone 165. Insurance Notice. I beg to say to my friends and patrons that I am still in tns fire insurance business, and you need not listen to aoy statements to the con trary. Have transferred my agency to Scar borough & Co., ant I am connect**! with the new firm, and ask a continuation of former patronage to myself and the new firm. We represent the Lion of London and the National of Hartford. Ample a«sets at established rates. C. H. McNBLLY, Solicitor. SCARBOROUGH & CO., Resident Agents, 100 South Broadway. The Rest and Cheapest Tailoring done at 464 South Spring street. Alterations, dyeing and cleaning; misfit cloth ing bought; repairing neatly done. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1893. MEMORANDA. "Who ia that man going there?" re marked Smith. "Why, that ie Harry Green," answered Jim Brown. "Why, what makes each a change in his ap pearance?" asked Smith. "Because he has on a new suit just made by Nelgen. the tailor, of 116 North Spring street," responded Brown. "Well, I will go to Nelgen at once and order a new suit," Smith said, "for Harry Green has the neatest fitting suit I ever saw." And that is why Nelgen is doing such a lucra tive business, because he pleases every one both in price.and quality of goods. The quickest results are obtained by advertising in the classified columns of the Herald, on the sixth page. Situa tions are offered daily; bouses and rooms for rent, or wanted to rent; real estate bargains in city and country; chances to buy almost everything at low prices; lost and found articles are ad vertised ; business chances that afford an income for a small investment; per sonal notices; special notion; profes sional cards; announcements of money to loan and money wanted, and much besides. Rates are 5 cents a line per day, with lower rates by the month. Practical farmers publish testimonials regarding the new forage plant offered by the Herald as a premium to mail subscribers only of the Daily and Weekly Hebald. This millet grows on very dry land and it ie claimed that half of a 50x150 lot planted with it will almost support a cow. A subscription remittance and a request for the pre mium will bring it through the mail. Prof. Payne has issued invitations to his friends for a Valentine prize dmce tn be given at bis academy, corner Sixth and Broadway, on February 14th. There will be four prizes awarded by a vote of those present. Admission, gentleman and lady, $1; extra lady, 25 cents; ladies without escort, 25 cents ; spectat ors, 25 cente. Supper will be furnished free to all those attending. The Shuitis Pipe company are highly pleased over the way subscriptions for Btock are coming in. Investors of from $100 to $5000 should call early at 103 South Broadway and investigate this new pipe, ac all the shares to be Bold at 50 per cant will soon be taken. The music at the cathedral at 10 a. m. is Weber'B mass in G; at the offertory Aye Maria duet by Vincent Wallace, Mrs. Stanbury and Mrs. Gardner. Mr. William Forane will sing the tenor solos and direct. A. G. Gardner is the or ganist. The Herald can be found in San Fran cisco at the Palace and Occidental hotel news stands; in Chicago at tbe Post office news stand; in Washington at the Washington news exchange; in Denver at Hamilton & Kendrick'a. The Herald is the city official paper of Los Angeles. All notices aud ordinances by the council and street superintendent appear only in its col umns. Property owners should not fail to read these notices. Dr. 11 utchings, the pastor, will preach in First Congregational church, corner Sixth and Hill streets, at 11 o'clock a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Morning topic, Alone, Yet Not Alone; evening topic, Honored of God by Honoring God. C. Groamann, auctioneer and gen eral broker. General merchandise bought for cash and handled on commis sion. Rooms 14 and 15 Bryson-Bone brake bleck, Second and Spring streets. Parlor easels. Parlor easels. Get an easel for your picture at Sanborn, Vail & Co., 133 S. Spring street. Their line ia complete in white and gold, silver, brass. All kinds of wood easels. Dr. Chas. do Szigethy is now located in the Bryson-Bonebrake block. Residence, Baker block. Office hours, 11:30 to 3:30. Snndaye and evenings by appointment. Office tel. 1056; residence tel. 1156. Don't fail to go to tbe City of London, 211 S. Broadway, when you want any window shades, blankets, comforters, pillows, etc. The City of Pekin is safe, and bo will you be if you let the Willamette Lum ber company, 204 South Spring street, figure your lumber bill for you. See them. Attend the minstrel performance given by members of St. Paul's choir and local talent at Turnverein hall Monday, Feb ruary 13th. Choice fruit land, best of soil and best of water right, is now being offered by tbe Hornet Land company at $100 per acre, including water. Apoly at room 28, Baker block. One fare for the round trip on the Southern Pacific to all Southern Cali fornia points from Los Angeles every Sunday. Illich's restaurant, 145 and 147 North Main street. Everything new and first class. Private apartments. Fresh fish, oysters and game daily. Open all night. $2.05 for the round trip Sunday over the kite-Bhaped track of the Southern California railway (Santa Fe route). The Windermere, on Ocean avenue, Santa Monica, is a pleasant winter re sort, beautifully situated overlooking the Pacific ocean. Try our Sonoma Zinfandel wine at 50 cents per gallon. T. Vache & Co., cor. Commercial and Alameda sts. Tel. 309. Dr. Price, M. B.C. V. S., veterinary surgeon, California stables, 373 N. Main st. Business punctually attended to. Do not fail to attend the minstrel per formance at Turnverein hall Monday, February 13th. One fare for the round trip to all points on the Southern California rail way (Santa Fe route) Sunday. Arrowhead Hot Springs, the famous winter resort for Southern California. 'Bub meets all day trains at Arrowhead station. Before you buy your lumber get figures from Clark & Bryson, wholesale and retail lumber dealers, 123 % West Second street. Dr. A. Z. Valla, physician and Bur geon. Office and residence, 126 North Main, new McD. block. Telephone 284. We manufacture everything in the looking-glass line; all work guaranteed. H. Raphael & Co., 408,410 South Spring. Have your old mirrors reßilvered as good as new at H. Raphael & Co., 408, 410 South Spring. Dr. K. D. Wise, office 142>4 North Main street. Office hours from Bto 10 a. m. and 2to6p. m. Telephone 346. Dr. O. Edgar Smith, rnpture, female, rectal diseases. Seventh and Main streets. Telephone 1031. The scenery along the kite-shaped track is the finest in Southern Califor nia ; $2.05 for the round trip Sunday. Dr. Joseph Kurtz and Dr. Carl Kurtz, physicians and surgeons, have removed their offices to 147 South Main street. Dr. Tudor, dentist, removed to Hotel Ramona, Third and Spring eta. Crown and bridge work. Dr. Schiffman, dentist, has removed to 107 jo North Main street, Lichtenber ger block. Campbell's Indian and Mexican goods. See ad. K. (i. Cunningham, dentist, rooms 1 and 2, Phillips block, N. Spring street. Strongest of all pure cream of tartar powders.— See Latest U. S. Govt. Report. « o ' v IULD Powder r Absolutely the Best. * r It does more work and finer work than any other. MEMORANDA. The mamiaoth wharf at Santa Monica iB now out 4000 feet, 38 feet depth of water. Magnificent marine view ; beat fishing on the coaat. Sunday trains on the Southern Pacific run through, last train leaving end of wharf at 2 :S0 p. in., giving ample time in Santa Monica for a good fish dinner before returning to Los Angeles. Round trip, 50 cents. We extend to the ladies of Los An geles and vicinity a cordial invitation to attend our opening on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday of this week, when we will exhibit something unusually rare in art needle work and spring novelties. We also give to each pur chaser of $3 50 worth of Royal society silk an adjustable embroidery frame. Beemau & Hendee, 323 Sjuth Spring Btreet. Caledonian club will give a grand con cert and dancing exhibition on Wash ington's birthday in the new Los An geles theater, assisted by the eminent baritone, Harry E. Reeves, M. B.; also Mr. Samuel A. Moody, the popular and well known dramatic reader of Boston, assisted by other well known artists. The Original Vienna Buffet is without doubt the leading variety show of the city. Tbe performance is an extra good one. Johnny Kennedy, the popular manager, ia the boy who knowß how to cater to the public, and in consequence of hia good judgment, his favorite place of amusement, corner of North Main and Requena streets, is crowded every night. The Palace has for the attraction of its many patrons the ever-popular Vene tian Ladies' Troubadours, who win the large andiences every night with their mandolins. Papa Schurtz knows a good thing when he haß it, and that is why he retains this splendid aggregation of players. A grand mirißtrel entertainment will be given tomorrow evening at Turnver ein hall for the benefit of the choir fund of St. Paul's church. An excellent programme will be rendered and un doubtedly the event will be a grand suc cess. Tbe People's amphitheater gets their share of the public patronage. Read the attractions in the amusement column. They are giving a fine performance every afternoon and evening at 10, 20 and 30 cents. An extra bill the coming week; don't fail to see it. Sanborn, Vail & Co. carry a full and complete stock all styles of mirrors, framed and unframed, both plain and bevel, also a good assortment of fancy mirrors. 133 S. Spring street. Our 50 cents window shade has no equal in the city, and for 75 cents we sell the best quality shade made and hang them free of charge. City of Lon don, 211 S. Broadway. Professor Buchanan will deliver a lec ture to the ladies of Los Angeleß on Tues day evening, at St. Vincent's hall, on The Wonders of Psychometry. The Golden State Lodge, division 104 of the G. I. A. to the B. L. E. will give their second annual bail at Armory hall, Tuesday, February 14,1893. Admission, gentleman and ladies, $1. Prof. Payne will organize a class for beginners in dancing for ladies and gen tlemen Friday evening, March 3d, at Illinois hall, Sixth and Broadway. A full and complete line of artists' materials at Sanborn, Vail & Co., 133 8. Spring street. Oil, water color, china and crayon supplies complete and al ways in stock. All persons holding demands against the common school fund will please pre sent them to the city treasurer for pay ment. Fred H. Teale, city auditor. There are still a few pairs of blankets and a few comforters left from last week's sale at the City of London. Thay will be closed at cost. Unique Vg.'-:','.ra cards procured only at the Woman's Exchange, 223 South Broadway. Be sure and attend the minstrele.Turn verein hall, Monday evening, February 13th. Fine watch repairing a specialty. Con radi's, Spring and Franklin. Reasonable. Dr. Hollingeworth, reopened dental office, 138}$ South Spring street. Insure with A. 0. liolsh, 147 South Broadway. Dr. Lindley, 331J£ South Spring street. See W. P. Mcintosh's ad., Bth page. THEIR MUSfCALE. The Chaln-Gang Take Part In a Social Event. The chain-gang in the police station held an impromptu concert latt evening., Only their own "Bet" were invited to this very exclusive affair. The soiree consisted of vocal noise, after which tall stories were told of experiences in tramping through the country. There was no special occasion for this outburst of noise, only that it was Sat urday night—the eve of a holiday. OVER $14,000 IN SALES. That's the Resalt or Advertising in the Herald's Classified Columns. Messrs. Norton & Kennedy of 209 South Broadway, with excellent judg ment, advertise in tbe classified columns of the Herald, and as a result, like many others whose advertisements ap pear in this paper, they are reaping a harvest. During the past week the firm named sold directly from their ad vertisements in the Herald two lots, one residence and some acreage, aggre gating over $14,000. Others who adver tise in the classified columns state they get more benefit from this paper than any other daily paper published in this section. Look at tbe small advertise ments on page Bix of this morning's is sue. It shows a healthy aspect of the real estate market. Amateur Baseball. This afternoon at Athletic park the opening game of the Los Angeles Ama teur Baseball league will be played. The contending teams will be the Jacoby Bros, and the Tufts-Lyons. Tbe league is composed of four teams, three teams in the city and one in Redondo. Following are the names and posi tions of the players: Early catcher Bockwell Hart .pitcher Beutley .inerclo Ist base Brown Bufklik 8(1 ba:e McGrath Roberts 3d base Long Sm-th ar-ort stop Miller Sprecher light Be d Uartly Cooper centtr Held Arnold I Van Hood left field Leland A HOTEL MAN IN TROUBLE. Robert Parker of the Westminister Charged With Larceny. Robert H. Parker for the past two months has been behind the desk at the Westminister hotel, officiating as night clerk. He is now behind the bars of the city jail charged with larceny. Hs is charged with tho larceny of about $80 belonging to Mrs. Gorham of Santa Monica. On Thursday afternoon last, the manager of the hotel states, Mrß. Gorham handed to tbe chief clerk a nanndbag, in which were two pocket books. One of these contained $80. On her return the handbag wae handed to her. On that evening, about 8 o'clock, Mrs. Gorham went out to a recep tion and again handed to Chief Clerk J. H. Bohn her hand-satchel con taining the two pocketbooke, asking him to take care of it, Btating that she would call for it. The hand-bag was not pnt in the safe but laid on the desk, the top of which is enclosed by a rail ing. Soon afterwards, the night clerk came on duty, not having the key to the safe, the hand-bag remained on the desk. About 11 o'clock Mrs. Gorham re turned, when the bag wae given to her. Next morning about 8 o'clock she re ported to the office thatall of themoney, excepting $2 or $3 wae missing. Suspicion pointing to.Parker, tbe case was reported to Chief Glass, and Friday afternoou Detectiveß Benson, Auble and Chief Clerk Moffatt arrested him. The manager of the hotel states that several days ago Parker was suspected of the larceny of a rubber overcoat from the room of Mr. Haiue, a member of tbe Salt Lake excursion party. Tho officers found the coat at his room at No. 624 Grand avenue. He denied that be had stolen the coat. The manager also said that for some time he bad suspected Parker. About a week ago, a lady left her purse on a table in the reading room, after paying a bill of $3. He told Parker, he states, to take care of the purse until the lady called for it. She did not call until next day, and when Parker handed her the purse she claimed that $16 was missing. Parker came from Detroit, Mich., about two months ago, is a young man, a fine dresser and a high-flyer, but he denies taking the money, and the evi dence against him aa far as could be learned last night ia not at all conclu sive. NO SPOOKS YET. The Psychical Society Listens to Borne Addresses. The California branch of the Psychical society met last night, Judge Cheney in the chair; Miss Adelaide B. Hasse, sec retary. The chairmen of the eeveral commit tees outlined the work before them. Addresses were delivered by Judge Cheney, W. A. Spalding, Dr. Wise and Miss Hasse. After routine business the meeting ad journed. ' How to Save Dootor Bills. [Chicago Dally Calumet.] Many a doctor's bill has been saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The name is a household word in many parts of the country. Chamberlain's medicines have an ex tensive sale in the world's fair city and many people testify to tbe merits of their different remedies. For sale by C. F. Heinzeman, 222 North Main street, druggist. Eblnger's Restaurant. The finest in the city; the favorite of eastern tourists. Service unexcelled on the coast. Meals served ala carte. French dinnere from 12 till 8 p. m. Ladies' parlor connected. Undelivered telegrams at the Western Union Telegraph company's office, cor ner Main and Court streets, February 11th: James Clone, W. H. H. Hart, W. H. Parsons, Lee Lindsay, Mrs. Hattie Wenßinger Lewis. PRETTY FACES TO EL WHO USE LA FRECKIA Homely Faces Softened Into Great Beauty by La Freckla. OLD FACES Made young again by LA FRECKLA. La Freokla is tbe greatest, tbe most wonderfu aud the only cure in existence for freckles. LA FRECKLA is the latest (tensation among physicians aud chemists. Discovered by Mme. Yale and used by her until her beauty became bo wonderful that those who knew her before became afraid of her great and bewitching beauty. Mme. Yale at the age of 40 looked IS. Her complexion is so beautiful one has to go close to see she is a living being. Mme. Yale has placed La Freckla on the market. The women of the world may have the benefit of her secret and become as beautiful as this love ly Queen of Beauty, tiend 6 cents in stamps and Mme. Yale will send you free of charge her famous Beauty Book she has wrlUen to in struct women how to beoome beautiful. LA FREuKLA will be shipped you upon re ceipt of price, or sou may get it from your dmgeist. Mme. Yale's book instructs young 6lrU how to win a husband, and married ladies ow to retain their husbands' affections, and women of all ages how to bo beautifuL Price of La Freckla. $i PER BOTTLE. For sale by all first-class druggints. Address all orders and letters, MME. M. TALK, Beauty and Complexion specialist. MME. M. YALE'S tEIIPLI OS" BKAIITV, 140 STATE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL, or 37 WEST I-11-ll ST., N. Y. I HOT Ussliinnn aud v '£° r iclckly ro- LUjI nAnnliULI «••«••> Varicocele, night L.UUI s.irtltllWUU ij rmiMiuns, etc..surely cured by I MIA I'O. tho (Treat Himtou Remedy. Bold with written trn.rint.o of cure. Sample rent free. Address Orient.! Mcdlcul Co., SB rlyniouib. l'iure, Chicago, 111. MRS. A. MENDENHALL, Halrdressiiig and Manicure Parlors, 107 North Sifting street, room 23 Schumacher Dlock. Shampooing done at residences if desired. C. E. DAY & CO.'S -^SPECIALSK *9nnOT ACRES IN EAST SAN OA- ©q9f,-J,' OT NEAR FIRST-STREET CABLE: WaKIVU brief; small cash payment, l>uv in- 3p<>.i»J $15 per monlh. ' terest. Adjoining land held at $250 per acre. $lofM.llr, 1 J O,rK MTS COVERED WTTII >S*>?iAfi— 20 ACRES, WITH WATER, NEAR W I\J\JV fruit trees; one block from electric 'lT.«»J\'lr l'ullerton; set to figs 3 years; hali road. cash. This is a snap. .......... (J'---A--riNELY LOCATED LOTS ON THE G'TJWi-aO ACRES, HIGHLY IMPROVED; MU ' •>°x34o feet. ■D.JUUU oranges und grapes; good house, / n. r fop i piivumr.., . barn, etc. *" P^^AW^^* o^. ©qOK-GOODLOT. CLOSE IN, ON FIRST- pfiVi^V^ ®OZit street electric road; lays well; cannot vesiigation. thorough in be duplicated. © lf.fliY- 0N INSTALLMENTS, MCE FOUR 4-ROOM HOUSE, WELL BUILT; LOT 3M Ui» ' room house 3 blocks from nlara tFOUv 50x225; house cost $1000. large fruit trees; good locution. This isclose in,' C. E. DAY 8c CO., I2X South Broadway, Los Angeles, Cat W. P. M'INTOSH, Estate Agent, 144 S. MAIN ST., LOS ANGELES, CAL. HAS FOR SALE : The choicest 10 and 20 acre tracts of orange 4U acres ou Cypress avenue, Redlands, ad land at Redlands ou 10 years' time; only 10 joining tbe elegant residence of Isaac Foid, fier cent, cash down and no further payment with 315 orange trees in bearing: house worth or 10 years; only 6U per cent, interest; only 1 $2500: all for $(1000; ouly one-third cash, bal mile from the postomce. Price, $300 per acre, ance long time at per cent, net interest, including water piped to each tract, 40 acros adjoining the beautiful Mentone Orange land and orange trees at Mentone, nurseries, witu prossure water and necessary $260 to $350 per acre: from J<£ to X% miles first-ela*s budded orange trees to plant same, from both railroad depots. Terms, one-third $12,500. cash, balance in 5 years at 8 per cent per au- acres at Mentone, adjoining the ice fac num. try, with abaut one-third planted to 2-yeer-old Every tree guaranteed to live or be replaced buds: two-story house, pressure water; only at expense of company. Have experienced $5500. orbhardists to plant and care for land for ab- 160 acres I mile from Crafton station. 60 sent owno'S at $1.75 per acre a month until in acres of which is flue orange land, with fine bearing. No bud planted less thau i% feet spring on upper portion, for 100 per acre, tall. Tho orchards at Meutone have never Also 10-acre orange groves, planted one year, been injured by lrost, wind or fruit pests, from $320 to $400 per arr.\ A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS. NURSERY FOR SALE. ion -„■.,„,, ,» , i, . lOacres iv oranges aul nursery of 70,000 Kffcif. i?l x }£ ml, , e " from c ? n - budded oratice and lemon trees, all from 3 toS of n». R vi«2?s J^it.Vo^no 7 , m , iv , r * » ch £: s feet «»" the hesl location and finest nursery at of Bear valley water,with 0600 first-class Wash- lmmtonn All trees crown without, lugton navel orange trees to plant. Only SUIO ? v ™\°° 6 m Pr c«?$? ?000 WU? accent '/or P"«?V'»«? without the trees, Will sell "gSffi 5 cc .fai$i eacu°°Tho orchlrdTithiut half at same rate. the nursery is worth half of the price X Pfffifflf*£™ I .!*^,JtB2 A!s!> business and residence IoU iv Mentone, ? *«.?."if 1 *.?', O «KL 06; only 1A mllea where lots have advanced more than 20 p?r T?i ?Y HJsift« „ i ,x .. « cent, in past 30 day, on account of the cheap ni°"??h«' 11 \%?l l . a & X, mile from power for manufacturing and tho pure water Crafton »tation, cash, balance Jong « D d dry climate w*"P time. This price is 40 per cent, less than its city property sold and money loaned, present value. Apply to W. P. McINTOSH, 144 S. Main Street, L-OS ANGELES, CAL. l-25-eod-2m If Yon Have Defective Eyea And value them, consult us. No case of defec tive vision where glasses are required is too complicated for us. Tho correot adJUßtmeut of frames is quite as important as the perfoct fit ting of lenses, and the scientific fitting and making of glasses and frames is our only busi ness (specialty). Have satisfied others, will satisfy ynu. We use electric power, and are tno only house hero that grinds glasses to order. Established 1862. B. O. MAR9HUTZ, Leading Scientific Opti cian (specialist), 167 North Soring St., opp. old courthouse. Don't forget the number. AUCTWNT Furniture, Carpets, Etc., TUESDAY, FEB. 14, 1893, AT 10 A.M , the Entire Contents of the 8 room Cottage on Mission Road, third house north of Macy Street (residence of Capt. A. B. An derson)— COMPRISING: 1 Cheval set. 1 Antique Oak set. 2 Ash set", Beds and Bureaus, 1 Mahogany Folding Bod, fine upholstered Parlor Furniture, Divans and Settees, Kasy Chairs. Rattan and Willow Chairs and Rockers, 1 handsome Carved Oak Lady's Writing Dejk, 811k and Lace Curtains and Por tters, 1 handsome Carved Oak Extension Ta ble, Dlntng-room and Kitchen Kumituro, Cook ing Stove and Uteris Is, Refrigerator, Mnquette and Body Brussels Carpets; also one Solid Oak Carved Pool Table, witn Fiitures (cost $74.0). MATLOCK & REED, Auctioneer. £49 Take Allso-street cars. MRS. F. E. PHILLIPS' Ladies Toilet Parlors A com i >iCto llne °* Celebrated Co - mctics, Face Ton ra£s> Jffi'&L&'h. ■J2 Diade to order. Open Evenings. ROOMS 31 AND IiTwiLSON BLOCK, CORNER FIRST AND SPRING ST3. Take elevator on the Spring-street entrance. 2-5 Biin-lm Foreign Postage stumps. A.LEOFRE D, Graduate of Laval and HcGill, rVTinirigr Engfineer. Head office, Queoeo; branch office, Montreal, Canada. 12-20 ly C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist & Chemist, 222 N. Main St,, Los Angeles. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or nlrht. m 22 tf PERRY, MOTT & CO.'S LUMBER YARDS AND PLANINO MILLS. 310 Commercial street, Los Angeles, Cal. Notice for Publication of Time for Proving Will, Etc. IN - THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF California, County of Los Angeles—.s. In the matter of the estate of Joshua Sands, deceased. Notice is hereby given thst Friday, the 24th day of February, him, at 10 o'cloci a. m. of said day, at the court room of this court, de partment two thereof, in the city of Los An geles, county of Los Angeles, and state of Cal ifornia, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing the application of X.iza L. Sands, praying that a document now on file in this court, purporting to be tbe last will aud testamtut of the said deceaßid, be ntl muted to probate, that letters testamentary be issued thereon to John 8. Parks, at which time aud place all persous interested therein may appear and contest the same. Dated, February 11,1893 T. H. WARD, County Clerk. By C. W. hi.akk, Deputy. Burnett i Gibbon, attorneys for petitioner. 2-12 lot DISEASES OF MEN. DOCTOR WHITE'S PRIVATE DISPENSARY, 126 North Main Street, H ew ( McD±id b k Tho most successful Private Disease doctoi iv the state. Gonorrhea., Gleet. Btrlctnre, Seminal Weakness. Nervous Debility, Syphilis, Skin ana Kidney diseases and Sexual Weakness successfully treated. Med icines prepared in private laboratory. Both sexes consult in confidence. Dr. White ha» no hired substitutes. You see the doctor only. Dr. White is the only specialist in the Stat* who exclusively treats private, nervous and chronic diseases. Curos guaranteed In all durable cases. Don't waste time with patent mecllc'nes. If you have any sexaal trouole consult Dr. White. Scientific: treatment. Reasonable charges. Trad. Hbk|| I ALIFORNIA ■Hr A \kJURIOS I pS. 3 ' £etS Fr ° m Tulare * jjSjgL 3 Bottle-Nock Baskets fe, iwiitii Jfi Only house In the city that r carries a large slock of Itdian Blankets, Pottery and Hare Relies. Also a big stock of Mexican Zarapes. Onyx, Rag Figuris, Feather Curds and Gua dalajara Pottery. OFALa. PRECIOUS STONES AND JEWELRY. PAMPBELL'S pTOSITY QTOBE, V No. 325 vl s. Spring. *J2103m CLARK & BRYSON, (Successors to Clark & Humphreys) Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS Office, Went Pecond St., Burdick block. Yards at and Los Angeles. 118 ly Stimson Mill Co., Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS PUOST SOUND PINE and HUMBOLDT REDWOOD. , Office and yard, coiner Third street and Bants a Fe avenue, Los Angeles. Tel. 94. 12-11 X y NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT. HERE aiter all pursons wishing to have chlldrei admitted inio or discharged from the "Los An gelt-s Orphans' Home," must make application toth Ad ' lesion Comaltteo, at the Orphans' Home, torner Yale and Alpino streets, on fti days DHweenlbe r ours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. All persons wishing to adopt or indenture chlldreu. are requested to apply at the same time and plate. Perseus indebted to the society for board of chi tlren are uotiiied that payments must be made promptly, at the same time an" place. Such tersous ns do not regard this direction by March 1,1894, are not fled that the uoard of Manngers will Ie I at liberty to place their children in go.d p ivate homes. I Parents, relative. aud friends' visiting days are thj second and fourth Fridays of each, month. This rule most be strictly observed, i Los Angeles, Feb. 7,1893.