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6 JJUn ADVERTISING. 4c # • Tbe most direct method of reaching the public and making known your * * WWW A WH N TTTTT RSSS W WW W AA NN N T H S ~ wWW W A A N N N T 8 SWWWW AA NNN T 8 siWWWW A A NNN T SSSS ft WW WW AAAA NNN T 8 fI WW WW A A N N N T 8 I W W A AN ; NN T 8 8 >fc W W A A N NN T SSSS ;ls through the classified ad columns of THE iHehald. It is cheap, brings quick returns, . and places the advertiser in direct communl ' cation with those he wishes to reach. trOOOI t A R SS R S RS R II FFFII KEBPDD \C OL 811 X It U b T> \0 L A A h SSo B SBo II FK II XX D D OCL AAA h S s 211 F II X D D <30C LLIXA A B SS S B SS S II I II l-.KF. DUD ,' A ODD I. KEETTTToSSo , AA D DL B T 2 8 ( AA DDL BK T B SS„ AAA DDI. X fan AADDD LLLI.KEK T °SS S Inserted in the columns of The Hebald at £ * : 6 CENTS PER LINE PER DAY. : $1.00 PER LINE PER MONTH. | Special rate 3 for a longer period. * Persons wanting situations, help, or wiahing to rent, buy or sell property will do well to 'advertise in The Hebald. I \*t" OFFICIAL CITY PAPER. BPKCIAL NOTICES. hereby certify that the bearer, Mr. Charles City, is absolutely and i-ermancntly blind. I •believe that any and all persons who render 'him aid in any way will help one who is worthy. (Signed) R. W. MILLER, M. 1). Los Angeles, Cel., Feb. 2, 18>,»3. Also signed by Mrs. E. L. Willey and A. B. .Davis, both of Los Angeles. Ladies and Gentlemen: J am a poor blind man, with two small children, and misfortune besides. I have been taken for a crazy man, and not for a blind man, by i>en.ons without principle: but 1 wish if there i. any law in Los Angeles that it would make any person come -and find the character of myself aud the pcr -eon who accuses me. CHAS. CITY. 2-8 7t A~ ~LPHONSO~B _ SMITH, THE PION I\E i( auctioneer, is again iv Los Angeles, and prepared to hold large real estate sales in any part of the city, county or Southern California. Also will hold furniture sales at residences or lv any part oi the county or Southern Califor nia. Also will hold general merchandise salee by catalogue in any part of the city, county or Southern California. Terms reasonable. Prompt and reliable service performed. Tbe highest references given. Call or address, Office 121 C. Broadway, Los Angeleß, Cal. 2-3 3m TXrTkS^S'sT'ANIShTtEXXSAND CHICKEN 1 * tamalos can be obtained at Second and Spring, Second and Main, First and Spring and Temple and Spring streets. Try them and he convinced that they have no equals. Only the Svery best of meats used; made with the greatest of care and cleanliness. The public are cor dially invited to inspect the manufacture of -them at 114 West Seventh street. 2-2 6m F. BLOPER. HOUSE MOVER, OFFICE • 112 Center Place. 1-15 tf H' CAN"bE~Oß tained at the following places; Spring and Second, First and Spring, junction Temple aud Spring, front of Gerraania saloon, Main street Our sign indicates our address, 618 Bellevue avenue. Don't he imposed upon by imitators. Buy the genuine article at tbe above locations. We are the originators of the genuine Texas, females in Los Angeles. 12-14 6m YPCT'iUTERS FOR SALE OR RENT; lerms easy: Paper, Carbon, Ribbons, etc.; lONGLEY & WAGNER. First and Spring. 11-24 tf ■VTOTICE—THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER J3 company will strictly enforce the follow ing rule: Tho hours for sprinkling are be tween 6 and 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 and 8 o'clock p. m. For a violation of the übove regulation : the water will be shtit off and a line of #2 will *be charged before water will be turned on again, H-17 if SOCIETY NOTICES. K NIGHTS OF lodges oi the order of Knights of Pythias In this city hold regular conventions as below : All residents and visiting Knights cordially welcomed. ©AMPBON, NO. 148—700 Downey avenue (E. I- os Angeles), Monday evening, J. K. Carson, ' C. C. AT PYTHIAN CASTLE, 11R»S 8. SPRING ST. GAUNTLET, NO. 120-Monday evening, J. J. Choate, C. C. TRICOLOR, NO. 06—Tuesday evening, George 1). Shaffer, ('. Cf IA FRATERNITE — Wednesday evening, F. Anxlonnette, C. C. - OLIVE, NO. 26—Thursday evening, Charles Stansbnrv, C. C. MARATHON, NO. 182—Friday evening, G. S. Adolph, C. C. BUREAU OF RELIEF—Every Wednesday cven hig until further notice. EDUCATIONAL. lA. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN (IX- Jm corporated). New studies. Entrance in chamber of commerce. L. E. Garden Bfaoleod, principal. Pasadena, Tuesdays and Fridays. TEACHERS' CLASS PREPARING FORCOUN ty examination. Positions for govern esses and teachers. S. Spring. 12-25 tl L" ~Os"aNGELEB~BUSINESS COLLEGE AND ENGLISH DRAINING SCHOOL. (Incorporated) 144 South Main st. Largest ana best equipped business training school on tlie coast. Thorough and practical courses in the commercial, shorthand, type writing, telegraphy, assaying, and all English branches. Large, aide and mature faculty of instructors. Day and evening sessions. Terms reasonable. Call at college office, or write for elegant catalogue. K. It. SHRAJSER, president; F. W. KELSEY, vice president; I. N. INRKEEI', secretary. 8-16 01 tf A STBURY SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING and Business Institute. Take elevator by People's store, Phillips black; send for cata logue. 10-12 12ui MRS. NANNIE CATCHING, TEACHER OF Piano, Voice Culture, Guitar and Bnnlo. ARDMOUR, Broadway and Sixth st. 0-21 tl WILLH A RTITZ, MIMICAL STUDIO, ROOM . 37 California hank building. 8-13 ly EXCURSIONS. ■gfffflfffljgsf VNE DA V BAYED BY TAKING ■■HMUSjfll I Santa Fe excursions to Kansas ■sWwHfciiy, St. Louis, i hicago, New York and Boston. Leave Los Angeles every Wednes day; personally conducted through to Chicago and Boston; family tourist sleeoers to Kansas City and Chicago daily; low rates and quickest time. Office, 121) N. Spring st. lyr Vl RE A T ~CF.NTRA L~ fIOU TE EXCURSIONS. UT Experienced conductors; through from l.os Angeles to Boston; only six days to New York or Boston; tourist cars. F. E. SHEARER, man ager. Office, 22.) South Bpring St., Los Angeles. 10-10 6m TC. JUDSON & CO.'S EXCURSIONS EAST • every Wednesday via Fait I,ake City and Denver. Tourist cars to Chicago and Boston. Manager In charge. Office, 212 8. Spring st. 6-1 tf PHILLIPB';EXCURSIONSVIA DENVER AND Rio Grande railway and the Great Rock Island route leave la* Angeles every Tuesday. Personally conducted through to Chicago and Boston. Office, No. 138 S. Spring st. 1 tf HOTELS. WHEN IN IXIB'ANGEMX^fI«TL^E - TO stop at is HOTEL BELI.EVUE TERRACE, corner Sixth and Pearl streets, it Is the only first-class family and tourist hotel in the city, with large beautiful lawns, • Uroad sunny porches, and all large, outside sunny rooms, with open grates, free baths und service A I. Bates—2s rooms, #7 per week ; 2 persons, .f i 4; 40 rooms, 89 per week; 2 persons,' Sift; 35 rooms, KlO per week; 2 persons, lpl7; 25 rooms, #12 per week; 2 persons $20. Special rates to monthly or permanent people. II- 20 3m MRS. C. W. STEWART, Propr. LBWKTT HOUSE —FCRN i.-m:U BOOMSj entirely new, single or en suite, bath rooms connected; sultuble (or housekeeping. 116 East First street, New Wilson block. 12-23 tf HOFFMAN HOUSE —AMERICAN PLANT"O2 outside rooms, superbly furnished; first class In everyway; I claim iB unexcelled; strangers invited; $1.50 to $2.50 per doy. T. W. BTKOBItIDGE. 11-ls'.Mm DYERS AND FINISHERS. street Best dyeing in the city. 1-13 tf METROPOLITAN STEAM DYE WORKS, 241 Franklin street, fine dyeing and clean ing; 1-13 tf BIGHTS, E«C^ HAZARD & TOWNSENDritOOM 9, DOWNEY block. Tel. 340, Los Angeles. 11-22 tf WANTID-BltP, P" agents, successors to Martin .v Co. and, Petty a Hummel. Hotel and house help de partment, 131 to 135 West First street, tele phone 509: ranch and miscellaneous depart ment, 207 West Second street, telephone 40, Los Angeles, Cal. Carefully selected help of all kinds promptly furnished. ■WtXnTED — GOOD NEWSPAPER CAR II riers; apply before 10 a. m. Sunday or Monday. CHRONICLE OFFICE, 114 W. First. 2-12-2t LADY IN EVERY LOCALITY M to write for me at home; $3 a day; no canvassing. Reply with stamp. MISS VERNA LANG DON, South ltend, Ind. 2-9 ISt TF YOU WANT HELP OF ANY KIND GO X to the Krae Employment Bureau, 240 New High st. Tel. 1183. 1-29 tl TIT ANTED—ALL~NEEDING HELP FREE Tf employment or any information, ad dress K. NITTF.NGF.R'B BUREAU, established 1880. Office, 319'j South Spring street; reel dence, 481 South Hope Street, corner Fifth I.os Angeles Cal. Telephone 113. 8-16 tf WANTED—SITUATIONS WANTED— SITUATION BY MIDDLE-AGED German, on ranch or at private place. Address JOHN FARMER, 90S Wilmington st. a-II 7t • , \I T ANTED—ALL KINDS OF FAMILY BEW " ing to do, at reom 13, No. 412 8. Hope 11net 1-10 tf WAN TUP—AQINTI. TO TV sell white enamel letters for window signs, also signs enamelled on iron ; big profits; send for illustrated price list. New York and Chi eugo Enamel Company, 46 ('lark st., Chicago. 2-5 sun 6t WANTISU—HIBVILLAIIBODS. HAVINuT MONEY VT to loan to give us ibeiraddress. GILBERT & GILBERT, Roum 9, UlsiU S. Spring St. 2-12 71. ANTED—A FEW CHILDREN TO board; none under 9W vesrs; good home; best of care; address OCEANSIDE HOME, Redondo Beach, Cal. 2-12 7t. "Vl -7 "ANTED—A GOODIiMRvTfoUTF. IN THIS VV city. Apply to NORTON A KENNEDY, 209 South Broadway. 2-12 tf -IV/aNTED"sECOND-HAND ONE-HORSE ft power" work with sweep; must be com plete for working. Address ENGINE, box 60, this ofticp, 2-10 7t FOB BEST-ROUBI9. CITY. 1 C. A. SUMNER & CO., 107 8. Broadway. 4-12 FOB RENT—ROOMS. TTIOR RENT— I" 1 for rent at the Weld, junction Spring, Main and Eighth sis., single or en suite; rates reasonable. Finest location in the city. 2-9 tf BUSINESS CHANCES'. ' $000, worth $1000, sec it; 30 room lodging hous, $2000; 22 room lodging house, $1000, 41 room lodging house, $2000, worth $3500. iJklik^fl- I '' ROOM HOUSE, FINE LOT, PICO epIUOU Heights. 118 N. Spring street. 2-12-3t ffl>7rtA BUYS HALF INTEREST IN OFFICE n? 1 f_/U business; half cash, balance quar terly. Address T, Herald office. 2-12-2t T?i OR~ 8 A LE—A C ASH-PAYING BtTSIN ESB- X I tbe best buy in this olty for small amount of cash required. 8. Spring. 2-12-2t Q» l AAA—SALOON—ONE OF THE BEST nT'xUUU and doing as good business as any in town; large stock ana fixtures j reasonable rent; first-class location. Price, $4000. Sa/IfUY- ONE 0F THK FINEST DELI- nt cacy stores in the cltyj on good street: doing first-class business; selling on account of sickness; price, $450. CUDDY & STOUGH TON, 206 N. Spring St. I~7OR BAI.E-—A~CLE"\"n STOCK OF GROCER . ies, well located on Spring street, with an established business. For further particulars call on HOWELL & CRAIG, 132 and 134 South Los Angeles st. 2-9 7t I^R~BALE— STOCK OF GROCERIES AND store fixtures; new goods; well located on South Spring street; business good: best of reasons for selling. Inquire of E. w. GUTH RIK, Abstract building. 1-21 lm FOR KXCHANGK. S&OOAA—EQUITY IN E. SECOND STREET nNfcllJU business income property, for house in southwest; mortgugc $1700. <fcQQ/HY-EQUITY IN MONROVIA RESI ♦iNnHmJ dence, for other property; mortgage $1100. Jj\/-iA-EQUITY IN DOWNEY AYE. BUSl nr'rlJ'Tl" ness income property, for other property; mostgage $2000. X AAA~ Ko . l ' n ' Y SEVENTH AND PEARL fiMtJaUVI/ for oilier city property. d» JAAA—2O ACRES, LANKERSHIM, HIOH- ly improved, for other property, clear. fi^rWvA—s-ROOM HOUSE ON WASHINGTON »I?t)lFvV ft- and 2 lots on Temple st. for house near in. II» A ACRES NEAR NEWIIALL, PARTIALLY IUU improved, for fIAA-5-ROOM HOUSE BOYLE HEIGHTS qPIOUU ior vacant lot near E, First at. JOHN H. COKE, 4 Brvson-Bonebrake blOck. 2-12 3t IpOft EXCHANGE—GOOD. CLEAR, COUNTY seat property in Kansas for horse and wagon or team. Address, KANSAS, box 50, Herald. 2-12 2t FOR EXCHANGE—CITY IIEfTOEttCV, 8.W., for typical 5-aore home convenient to city, and in bearing fruit. Address "HAWKBYB, Herald office. 2-11 5t « EXCHAN3E—6OO ACREft COWLEY F county, Kansas, to exchange for a small orchard, or for good land In Lot Angeles or San Diego county. Address W. A. SMITH. Dela ware, Ohio. 2-7 7t TTOrTeXCHANGE— A STOCK OF GROCEpT- V ies, building, lor, barn, etc. Only $15<M>. Will take a good cottage and lot in city for about $1000; balance cash or time. This will bear clot* Investigation. Apply, GILBERT Jt GILBERT, South Spring street. 2-5 7t TO houses and barns, etc., fronting Castle depot in St. Paul, Minn., together or separate, for city property or acreage. C. UROSMANN, room 14 Bry«on block. 2-3 tf FOR SALB-LIVK STOCK. LE^4(ThE X mules, just arrived; 20 head of the finest 5 and H-yei:r-old mares ever brouyht to town; their weight runs from 1100 to 14X0 pounds; anyone wishing a good te;im will do well by calling at the Farmers' Feed Yard, No. 242 Aliso street, Los Angeles. WM. COLAN, Prop. 2-9-th u-fri-mou-3t IjV>R SALE—A SPAN OF family horses; can be ridden or driven sin gle; reason lor selling, going away. MRS. NETTIE MUELLER, 530 S. llUnit. 2-11 7t I7VOR~SALE~GENTLEr~FRE~BH FAMILY ; cows, Jersey, Durham or Holstcin; install menttdan; incubators, new or second-hand; bulls ior service. NILES & CO., Ea*t Washing ton street and Maple avenue. 2-8 lm I~jVOR~BALE— J IST ARRIVED AT OLIVE~BTA~ 1 bles, the finest lotof family and road horses ever brought to this city. «28 8. OLIVE ST. 2-7 let OR~SALE-TWO GOOD HORSES WILL BE disposed of cheap, on time. Apply to M. TOMICH, Third bl, between Wall and Snu Pedro yfs. 2-5 tf FOR SALE—MI9CEL ANEOUS. 1 room house, with one year's lease, privil ege of more, best location in the city; rooms oil rented; full investigation solicited; iiere is a chance for a big bargain. Address FUR NITURE, box 20, Herald office. 2 9 tf 0R BALE^TiLACKSM ITH~AND CARRIAGE shop, with stock and tools; good reason for selling. Apply to M. W. STEEL, Santa Monica. 2-13-eod-12t ITAOB SAI-E-OLD PAPERS IN QCANTL 1 ties to suit, at this office. LOST AND FOUND. finder will leave them at GODFREY A MOORE'S drug store will be rewarded. 1-12 2t ABSTRACTS. BIiiTRACT INSURANCE COM pany of Los Angeles, northwest corner of Franklin and New High streets. m! 7 tf im C. STAPFER, CHrabPDIST, 211 W. First st., opposite Nftdeau hotel. 12-2-ttf LOS ANGELES HERALD; MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1891 FOR SALV-CITT PROPERTY. F>R SALE—RY THE PTRTLE REAL ES tate and Trust Co., 229 W. Second st, $700—4-room house near Washington and San Pedro, on the installment plan. tJtSlSO—Fine new 6-room cottage, southwest part of city, on corner lot; easy terms. #2200—<»-room modern cottage ou West Pico street. f2 100—5-room cottage, West Ninth street. 2300—7-room cottage on Georgia Bell, near PJco. #;,OOo— New B-room cottage on Bonsallo ave nue; only #500 cash, balance to suit. #4750—2-»tory 8-rooni house on Flower street. $T»<MXV-12-room residence on Lovelace aye. *tiT>oo—Finest 0-room house in the city, near Grand avenue. #450— LM in the I'rmston tract. ¥500— Lot near Hoover. ffOQ Tml on Twenty-second, between Grand avenuo and Flgueroa. ■3500—LMg6 lot on Hoover, near Adams. $1800— -Large lot on Grand avenue, near Ad am K. We have small and large ranches of every de scription. Call and examine our list. THE PIRTLE REAL EBTATE & TRUST CO., 229 West Second Street. — 2-12 lm JpOR SALE— C LOTS WITH 2 HOFPES ON AQAAA »J hills, bet. Second and Third. 4S MH ° CStSOX E. FIRST £ 2()000 X BRICK STORES ON SAN PEDRO, »> dose to First. ® IU Q HOUSES AND 100 LOT FRONT- ffl'M AAA 0 ing two streets, Seventh it Pearl SPZIUUvJ "-ROOM HOUSE, KURTZ STREET, db . ivm • / on histallments. 3p I iiUU OA-ROOM HOUSE W. SIXTH ; THIS Q> CAAA ZU Is a bargain. 3NMJUI ' 6 -ROOM HOUSE. FRONTING TWO tSOAAA streets, Park Grove. r-ROOM NEW HOUSE, JOHNSONdb. t l\fi tf street, East I,ns Angeles. tv6 ROOM HOUSES, NORTH fitQAAA _ Broadway. ©OUl'l' JQ-ROOM HOUSE, NORTH HOPE. ftQQQQ 2 B-ROOM HOUSES, GRAND. <j£ I'^OOO 1 12-ROOM HOUSE, S. BUNKER 1 Hill. Lots, acreago and other property for sale or exchange in all parts of Southern California, JOHN H. COKE, 4 Bryson-ilonebrake building. 2-12 3t HOUSE OF EIGHT I lUU rooms: hard finished; street sewered and graded: large lot, 60 foot front; a snap. Price, $170(X 4i'fMVl- HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS', BATH erlH/UU and every modern convenience; close in on electric car 1 ne; stable and drive way ; large lot. fit>)AAA—HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, ETC.; all necessary outbuildings; lot 50x160 to alley; lawn and flowers; near W eat lake park. Price, $2000, part cash. S')£AA— HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, BATH, etc.; beautifully decorated; on large corner lot on Pearl st.; part cash. fitlQ/IA—HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS, ETC.; nrMOUU large corner lot near Washington St., with barn and hedge, shade trees, etc. di*OtAA—HOUSE OF 8 ROOMB AND npOOvv every modern convenience; well, windmill and tank-; large lot on good corner lot; lawn and flowers; on West Eighteenth st. CUDDY Si BTOUOHTON, 200 N. Spring St., Temple block. 3-12 3t SsTOOKfi—BEAUTIFUL ITH fPOZOU all modern improvements, worth $5000; look at and you will buy. ejviOO j CABH ~"* ROOM HOUSE, LARGE aiOfsfs -8 R OOM COTTAGE, EASY TERMS, a bargain. S]if|A-li ROOM COTTAGE, ALL MODERN 3p 11UU improvements, fruit and flowers, one block from eleetrlc cars; a snap. fij-tQKA—S ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, It'tfU with piano; a bargain. fi'!la¥l- 9 ROOM RESIDENCE, NEAR 'T,HruU Main on Twenty-fifth street. GiO.XA— 7 ROOM HOUSE ON WALL STREET, ep*V«]U large lot; only $1500 cash. *->orA— BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, FURN • )~<Xr Ished; a snap, si ! \t hi CASH —ONE OF THE FINEST LOTS, nf} If II Ft I overlooking entire city, on car line; worth $3000. The Alexander Well tract, Eighth-Central avenue: lots from $225 to $700; $15 to $25 cash, $10 per month. No interest. Sale com mences at 9 a. m. Monday, February 18th, at NO. 118 N. SPRING STREET. 2-12-3t iyj ust be goTrrpTTjro.. fiS«)!tAA— 2 STORY 9-ROOM HOUSE ON Grand avenue, near Second; a de lightful home or Irst-Class investment; will always rent for $35 a month. ftl*Wi(i—o-KOOM HOUSE AND LARGE LOT f!M«i nn Turner street, within half a mile of First and Main. Small cash payment or good vacant lot ior first payment, balance $15 a month. a.>)--A— GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 r4F— i f>U beautiful corner lots on Magnolia avenue, close to Pico street ears; will make a beautiful home; on high grounds with mag nificent views. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 West First. 2-12 2t FOR BALE. $8850 —7-rOOTfI cottage, all modern Im provements; handsomely furnished; large lot, highly improved grounds; large 2-story barn. A snap. $400 cash, balance onp, two and three years, low interest, 5-room cottage; Myrtle avenue, Just off Pico; $1300, $3200—new house of 5 rooms, Bonnie Yrae; all modern improvements; $1000eash,balance in 3 years at 8 per cent. $500 cash—new 4-room cottage, on Boyle Heights. A bargain. $250 each-Lots in Phllbtn tract. See them. They are worth a thousand. t 225—Large lot. -8 tf 118 N. SPRING ST. yOR SALE, BARGAINS- Q 4 OAA" HOUSE 0F 7 ROOMS, X% BLOCKS rf tiiUU 3 street car lines; lot fronting on 3 streets; well of soft water, 2 kinds of city water; 4 varieties of oranges, 5 of peachc*; flowers; chicken yard. If you want a home in the city, 182 feet on Main and 212 on two other streets for half its value, look at this. 7~AA — FINEST HOME OF S LARGE C* i f f\)\t rooms on W. Seventh at. cable; mod ern improvements. i>a*)nn — MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE wJ*~\)\) near Adams, and half block car line. , BRODTHECK A McCONNELL, 2-12 3t 113 South Broadway. <3fcllkn —FOR SALE *p llt ill plan, house of seven rooms; hard finished and papered; on Leroy near Main street. wfe'.iKAA— ALSO A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE OF nNVH'U eight room*, on graded and sewered street, near Washington street railroad. M. P. SNYDER, 139 8. Broadway. 2-12 3t laOB SALE—B KACTIPII L COTTAGE, $100 1 cash, $20 monthly J no interest; mnst be sold. D. LA MONTE, 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t DON'T PAY RENT—SIOO CASH ; $20 MONTII iv; no interest, buys cosy home. DE LA MONTE, 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t aTtIEB~ITaVING CITY rROPERTY~FOR sale will Ami it to their advantage if they send me the particulars of what they have. I have buyers for bargains in real estate who will pay spot cash. Let me know what you have, full details, and yon may hear from me. I have no oilice, but the money to snap up any thing where there is a chance to make a turn. Address SPOT CASH, boat 605, city. 2-9 tf XX>R — S~aTE—TW~6-STOI*Y~R~-Tto6M ItOUSK F stable, 2507 South Flower Bt. POINDEX '! ER & LIST, 127 W. Second. 1-20 lm IHOR lof 10 rooms. No. 124 West Twentv-flfth street. OWNER, 2803 South Main. 1-17 tt A GOODREBI ' denee in a very desirable part of tho city; this iB a rare chance; must be sold; extra in ducements. Address R, Box 70, this ofnce.l-14tf IpOR SALK~FIRs¥-CIZr\SS LbcAIJTY; handsome one and one-half story cottage; eight rooms, marble mantels and grates, hot and cold water; boiler in kitchen, etc., etc. We offer this very desirable residence, in the midst of handsome improvements, for the ex traordlniarly low price of $3050 cash. Address, W. L. P., Box 505, city. 1-14 tf I7*OR THE MOST VALUABLE ' corner bust nous lots in the city. I offer for sale, at v very low price; most douirable lot in the city; a bargain. Address, W. L. P., Box 565. city. 1-14 tf I~p6R SALE—A NEAT NEW 5-ROOM COT -1 tage, with bathroom, closets, etc.; nice lot; only three minutes'walk from Arcade depot; price low and terms easy; Just the thing for a railroad man. Address W. L. P., Box 505, city. 1-14 tl OR SALE—SIOOO—N EW 5-ROoTfoOTTAGE Michigan avenue, between Mottand Picket streets: monthly payments. ALLISON BAR LOW, 227 West Second street, 1-29 tf NEW 1 house on McGarry street, near Ninth and Alameda; monthly payments, $15. ALLISON BARLOW, 227 West Second street. 1-12 tf Ys"A~BRicK BLOCK lon Second st.; 2 store* and 13 rooms; e*»y terms. See OWNER, room 78, Temple block. il-3 tf FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. JpOR SALE—CHEAP LOTS. & i OX" "ELENA AVENUE, BETWEEN W tZt) Saventh and Eighth. ON WINFIELD CITY CENTER fHJfcJU tract. sillAiWi— S AN PEDRO STREET, BETWEEN *T lUlFll Sixth and Seventh. $1(5 50~P 05 f 175 ' WKfcST S ' XTEEVTII « NEAR - Hl NKKIt HILL AND HOPE ' (i 0 1()K 37 LOTS CLOSE TO CARLE -nrD ( \J\f and within lVj miles of court house. WO.UUV--A VERY XI N'E Hl'SI N ESS CORNER 'T-UUU close in, 80x135. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 West First street. 2-12 It Tj*Oß"baLE— SPECIAL BARGAINS. 120 FEET T on Main street, with #1000 house, for .«5000. Think of It! Main street property at $88 a front foot. BUSINESS CORNER BETWEEN MAIN AND Ban Pedro streets, 80x1115, for #2000. TJMNE LOT ON BAN PEDRO STREET, RE r tween Sixth and Seventh streets, $1000, half cash. A BEAUTIFUL LOT ON BUNKER HILL, running through to Hope street, .60x145; the finest view in the city; close to electric cars; #2300. G. C. EDWARDS, 230 West First, 2-12 2t SALIwHOUSE~ON nOME ST., ONE 1 block north of Ellis college; 5 rooms, hard finish, pantry, closets, etc.; also good house and lot on Philadelphia st. Want cash offer for either of above. Address BARGAIN, Box 40, this office. 1-14 tf FOR HAIK lITY AND COUNTRY. l^cilflsAl^X^ JT acre tracts near Azusa, at #175 per acre, with water on Liberal terms. ALSO A FEW 5-ACRE TRACTS AT OR near Boyle Heights; cheap on liberal terms. -f A ACRES OF GOOD LAND 4 MILES I.U from Glendale; 0-room hard finish house; 2 acres of 6-year-old naval oranges, balance iv other fruits; abundnnec of witter; price, #2500, one-half cash, balance 2 years. ON GRAND AVENUE, NEAR PICO ! IS a house that we will sell for the remarka bly low price of #2000. GILBERT <fe GIL BERT, Room 9, 13834 S. Spring st. 2-12 3t. also t t city property, improved and unimproved, for sale, rent and exchange; give us a call. GILBERT & GILBERT, Room 9, No. 8. Spring st. 2-12 7t. FOR SALE—TOt T RISTfi FROM NEW YORK, Chicago, St. Paul And Muskegon Address be low. Other parties also can obtain reliable in formation as regards the Orange Belt and prop erty in the city desirable for homes and invest ment. W. M. WHITTEMORE, rooms 9 and 10, 114 S. Spring at. AAA PER ACRE—SNAP—CHOICE LA NT) AS dNnJ any in California; 115 acres adjoining town of Garden*; water In 15 feet; will soil whole or in 10 acre lots; commence selling Monday, February 6; if you Intend to buy land for a home or speculation examine thi*» prop erty at once and get your choice; must be sold to close up an estate. Further particulars apply JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 208 West First st 12-18tf FOR SALE-COUNTRY PROPERTY. jJtnJXj ranch; 2 acres fn 0-year-old navel oranges; 5 acres In fi-year-old prunes and apri cots; 1 acre assorted fruits and berries; good 2-story hard finished house; tine barn; water deeded; improvements cost $3500. Don't miss this. */»AAA BUYS A CHOICE 32-ACRE FOOT »!rOUvrU hill orange grove, with good house and barn ; deeded water; 7 acrvs in 10-year-old oranges, very fine; 1 acre in 10-year-old wal nuts- 2 acres in deciduous fruits; 2 acred in alfalfa. Look this up! AAA—l fio ACRES CHOICE DAMP tip LD.UUU land south of city; 320 acres solid to alfalfa, balance in grain; fair buildings; only $100 per acre. The best buy in California. v * H . AAA BUYS VL% ACRES SOLID TO 3MIMJUU full-bearing English walnuts; no finer grove in the state; pays 15 per cent year- ■ ly. Better and safer than bank stocks. Q KKfmd nUYS 10 ACRES SOLID TO NAVEL qptJUUU oranges, 2 years old, at Highlands; nothing finer at any price; house, barn and deeded water. To see is to buy I SfcOXAAFOR A FINE (i-ACRE IMPROVED ►\?Z»W n ) ranch in Engle Rock ; all out to bear ing fruit; 5-room hard-finished house; good windmill and tank: 3 miles from city limits. Let us show you this. AAA—2O ACRES SOLID TO CHOICE 3D | \f*\nß r navel oranges, 3 years old and in fine condition: plenty aecaca natct, m Nn famous Baldwin ranch. CAA FOR 150-ACRE CHOICE FRUIT fIPD i »4JUU ranch ; lOOacresin navel oranges and walnuts; one of the finest young orchards in the state. This place will compare favor ably with groves at doable the price, and will soon pay $12,000 to $15,000 i>er year. Remem ber the price is only $250 per acre. C&AAA-A CHOICE *10 ACRES AT GLEN nr*/' r\ I dale; fine orange and lemon land, with deeded water; on 5 years'time, with no payment down, to a responsible party that will plant trees. Oi'lOAA— A MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE, *rZZ\t\r with fine reception hall, baths, clos ets, elegant mantle, etc.; southwest part of city, near electric cars; fine lot, covered with shrubbery and lawn; cement walks; house cost $3000 to build. A snap. QM£AA nrYS 2 4-ROOM COTTAGES; IN nPlOlm good repair; 5-minuies' walk from corner Second and Spring sts.; with 4 lots; half block electric cars; street graded and sew ered. FOR EXCHANGE — 5-ROOM HARD-FlN ished cottage; corner lot on Third st., near Main; also, 7-rooin modern houso on W. Pico, near Main St.; both to exchange for good acreage. C&^AAA— 2 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGES, nNJUUU in desirable location; fine lawn ana shrubbery; rented for $30 per mouth; to ex change for vacant lots near Westlake park or southwest part of city. tf& A AAA—IHO-ACRE FOOTHILL FRUIT AND •P'HnJU grain ranch; 7 acres in good bear ing fruit; 60 acres In grain; good 0-room house, barn, windmill and tank; price $25 per acre; will exchange for city property worth $4000. AAA—32O ACRES FINE FRUIT LAND, fP UM ntU near Chatsworth Park; all now in grain; price $50 per acre; for good city or east ern property. SAN GABRIEL ORANGE LAND, DIRECTLY south of the Raymond Hotel. We are offer ing a limited amount of this choieo orange and lemon land, with deeded water under pressure, at the nominal price of $200 per acre, on liberal terms. There is nothing finer in this county; will set the land in 10-acro tracts to choice stock, and care for the same if desired, Contemplating purchasors should see this land at once, or you lose a golden oppor tunity. Prices will be advanced as soon as 300 acres are sold. Fine orange groves close to it are held at $1500 per acre. Get in on the ground floor and become Independent. Car riages from our office, NORTON & KENNEDY, 200 South Broadway. Telephone 388. 2-1 tf NORTON & KENNEDY, 209 S. Broadway. 2-5 tf WILL D. GOULD, OFFICE—ROOMS 82-85 Temple block, Los Angeles city, offers for sale $•100 per acre, 11 acres on Western avenue, West Los Angeles. $100 per acre, 17»£ acres, E U lot 6. block 43, Canal and Reservoir lands, half block from street railroad and Elysian Park, Los Angeles city. $400 per acre, 10»£ acres, Division B, lot 4, block 29, Canal and Reservoir lands, Los An geles city. $350 per acre, 10 acres at Long Beach, in prunes and olives, and bearing fig trees; very desl rable location. $200 per acre, four 10-aore lots, best of foot hill land, surrounded by fine improvements, water piped to land, near La Canada village, 10 miles north of Los Angeles city. $2000, live and one-half acres of bearing orchard, at base of mountain, one mile north of La Canada village; water piped on land. $2000, one lot on Pearl, near Fifth street. Block 15, Woolen Mill tract, east of Figueroa street, near center of Los Angeles; finest view in the city. Block 17, Woolen Mill tract, west side Fre mont avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Lots 17, 19 and 23, block A, Morris Vineyard tract. Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, block 11, Woolen Mill tract. 1000 acres valley and foothill land In North Pasadena and La Canada. 2-12-3t BALE— OA ACREB IN LICK TRACT, >_ MILE FROM ii\J city limits; $100 per acre. J» ACHES IN THE FROSTLESB BELT LICK O track; $1250. ACRES IN 18-VEAR-OLI) flpOlrVA/ oranges; house 5 rooms; part of tlie land In city limits; mile of street car line. aj/»KA/\—ACRES ON HOt'TI! MAIN ST., VUQUU IH miles of city limits; 2-story house of 7 rooms, barn, chicken yardH, oranges and other fruits. 11RODTBECK & MrCONNELL, 2-12 3t 113 South Broadway. FOR SALE—3OO,OOO ACRES OF CHOICE land in tho great raisin belt oi Kern coun ty; the safest investment in California. Ad dress BORAX, box 70. this office. 1-Utt FOR B4LIE—COUNTRT^ jP^C>PjBRT^F^ pOR SALE—OUR BEST BARGAINS I dfc^AAA— EOR A FULL BEARING OR •iNnrtrU chant with plenty of water, near Redlands; produced #300(1 last year, ft/|A—NIKE ACRES IN* 15-YEAR-OLD *IM LaUMU oranges, near Jefferson and Main; will pay 20 per cent and advance thrlbble In three years as choice residence lots. A«>«' PER ACRE—I6O ACRES NOW BEING in corn ; (lowing well; all fenced, house, rich level land, tine for fruit or alfalfa. A«)ijA/|- CHOICE TEN ACRES UNDER iNMH w Azusa old ditch, extra for oranges or garden. i£»£A-150 ACRES CORN AND ALFALFA rtr»lV land, fenced, water, half mile to depot. A large stock and grain ranch, fenced, good buildings, plenty water, Smiles to depot; a special bargain. JOHN F. HUMPHREYS & BON, 109 S. Broadway. 2-12-31 res es of tilla BLE~LA*N ft, M? with plenty of water for domestic pur poses; large house and barn; soil good for all deciduous fruits and grain; artesian water can be got at 450ieet; perfect title guaranteed; #3 per aero. 200 acres in Ex-Mission San Fernando ranch; #5 per acre. 40 acres 12 miles from this city, on S, F.R.R.; 0-room house, barn, corrals, etc.; 25 acres in alfalfa; plenty oi water to irrigate; perfect title; #150 per acre, half cash. 12 acres within 15 miles of city; 0 acres In Bartlett pears, 6 acres alfalfa; price, #2500, half cash. 17acres.lW miles east of center of Orange; plenty of water; house of 4 rooms. 5 acres bear ing apricots, 2 acres various fruits, 2 acres al falfa; all good land; 50 orango troes; price, •f3500, halt cash. A fine piece of government land, 12 miles from B. P. R. R.; relinquishment for #75. 160 acres of good land, government home stead; relinquishment for #100. A good claim of 160 acres of land, partly cleared; 5 miles from railroad; #150. & H. BUTTERFIELI), 2-11 2t S. Spring St., Room 1. F~~ OR BALE—LEMON LA~ND7~FINEST in state, plenty water; convenient to every thing. Bee it and you will buy it; #150 per acre; one-fourth cash; don't miss this; secure 10 acres before too late. DE LA MONTE. 101 South Broadway. 2-12 yt I TOR BALK—IM PROVED 150 ACRE rTnCH 1 one mile from Perris in beautiful Perris valley. Everything convenient; no frost; plenty water; grow anything; only #50 per acre. Bee it and you wilt buy it. DIE LA MONTE, 101 South Broadway. 2-12 3t AGRSS IMPROVED LAND * with fine residence and good water, with in 8 miles of the court house, Los Angeles; cheap and on favorable terms. Address ACR EH, P. O. box 565, city. 1-25 tf F _ OR~SALE—12 ACRES OF THE BEST laud in Los Angeles county; close to city limits; on the main drive to Pasadena; very great bargain. Address W. L. P., box 505, city. A-Utf- SALE—TWO ACRES WITH HARD ' finished house of four rooms and kitchen; windmill and tank-house; barn for five horses; all fenced; plenty of water; situated near city limits. Apply to 110 East First street, up stairs. 12-23tf $trjWV-BNA?, 40 ACRES IN AZUSA, ALL OvUU good land, no washes; about 12 acres in young trees; house, cistern, old water right, easy turms. Owner, 208 West First. 1-12 2t OR SALE—CHEAP. #100 BUYS GOVERN raent homestead location, near railway. $400 gets location 320 acres with flowing well. #150 buys timber claim location worth $4500. Ten thousand acres school and state lands, Choice locations, #4,50 to #35 an ncrje. Gov ernment plats furnished for all land offices, with field notes. Information free. Address, LAND, BOX 50, Herald 2-12 lt financial. I>\cifdTl<lyn . in any amounts on all kinds of personal property and collateral security, on pianos without removal, diamonds, Jewelry, sealskins, bicycles, carriages, libraries or any property of value; also on furniture, merchandise, etc., in warehouses; partial payments received; money without delay; private offices for consultation; will call if desired. W. E. DicGROOT, Manager, rooms 2, 3 and 4, No. 114 S. Spring St., opposite Nadeau hotel. 7-29 tf MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT low rate of interest; security must be first class. Address LOANS, Box 60, this oifice. l-Btf ONEY~TO LOAN ON COUNTRY AND city property; lowest rates. W. R. BURKE, notary public, 100 North Spring st. 8-13 (im ONEV r TO~LOAN O^DIA^tONDS, JEWEC ry, watches, pianos, sealskins, live stock, carriages, bicycles and all kindß of personal and collateral security. LEE BROS., 402 a Spring. IV VOCI IVTTirrinT T\VT LV, no commission, at prevailing rater) of inter est, see SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, 148 S. Main ;st. 8-1 tf MONEY TO LOAN—S2OO, $500, "SGOO, $750 at a low rate of interest on improved city real estate. Address FINANCIAL, box 810, Los Angeles city. 1-21 tf HAVE~fcW>OOTO LOAN ON A 1 SECTRITY at low rate of interest. Will loan e.s a whole or part of the above amount. Address SECUR ITY. this office. I J®iL_ 130 1NDEXTER & LIST, BROKERS, 127 W. . Second st., loan money on good security at reasonable rates. Farm loans a specially. If you wish to lend or borrow, call on us. 8-17 6m MONEY TO LoXn—A. R. FRASER <fc f7*D. Lftnterman, 139 S. Broadway. 8-17 (im stocks amd bonus. F*oWeXfol^saxe^ State Loan and Trust Co. National Bank of California. L. A. National Bank. City Bank. California Bank. PIRTLE REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 2-11 7t 220 W. Second St., PERSONAL. P^^E^RSC^A^Pa of! st ear ns, ASTROLO ger and clairvoyant medium, 127 South Broadway, between First and Second sts.2-13 lm PERSONAL— W." W. TAYLOR, LAWYER. 121J-JJ South Broadway, room 5. Probate ana insolvency law a specialty. Advice free. 7-231y 1} ERB0N AL^COFFEE FR^fIH~ROASTED ON . our Giant coffee roaster; Java and Mocha, 35c lb; Mountain coffee, 25c; gran, sugar, 18 lbs $1; brown sugar, 21 lbs $1; 6 lbs rolled oats or wheat, 25c; 4 lbs rice, 25c; germea, 20c; 3 pts starch, 25e: 5 lbs good tea, $1; mince meat, 5c lb; currant jelly, 10c lb; 5 lbs raisins, 25c; 3 lbs apricots, 25c; bacon, 15c; coal oil, 80c; brooms, 20c. "ECONOMIC" STORES, 305 South Spring. TTNCLE~SAM WINE CELLARS. E. FLEUR. U Wholesale and retail. Sonoma and Napa dry and sweet wines. Brandies, whiskys. 1-0 I) E R SONAL~RALPH~BR OS. —" GO LD BAR flour, $1.15; city flour, 85C; brown sugar, 20 lbs $1; granulated sugar, 8 lbs $1; white sugar, 18 lbs $1; 5 boxes sardines, 25c; 3 cans fruit, 50c; 50 bars; eastern gasoline, 80c, and coal oil, 80c: 2 lbs corned beef, 15e; lard, 10 lbs, $1.30; 5 lbs 05c; 601 South Spring st., corner Sixth. 12-2 tf A"OOODRICnrLT\VYER, 124 DEARBORN • street, Chicago, 111.; 38 years' experi ence; secrecy; special facilities in Beveral states; Goodrich on divorce, with laws of all states, in press. 11-16 ly MEDICAL PERSONAL B» make yourself beautiful you can do so at a very small expense. It is a preparation that is harmless. Best of recommcndatlonß from all parts of the country. I will be in Los Angeles only a short time. Will call and see you. Ad dress, MME. A. A. LORRAINE, postofflco box 565, city. 1-7 tf O THE LADIES OF LOS ANGELES: I WILL be in this city only a short time. No advance money. No fee desired unless yon aro perfectly satisfied. Address MME. ROULET, box 20, Herald office. 1-8 tf OR~iTaIIHEB"ONLY—THE PROPHYLACTIC Compound is the greatest medical discov ery of the age. Absolutely sure and mle. Every bottle guaranteed. Write to tho I'mphylatic Compound company, Fresno, Cal., for a de scriptive circular, which contains information that may save you years of suffering, and per haps your life. Circulars and the preparation can be obtained from all druggists. F. W. BRAUN & CO., distributing agents for South ern California. 7-10 DENTISTS. DR. DIKFEN BACHER, 8 Spring street, rooms 4 and 5' Teeth extracted and filled with |r,AJ t X out pain. 7-21 ly 1882—Established—1882. DR. L. W. WELLS, COR. OF SPRING AND First streetn, Wilßon block; take elevator. Gold crown and bridge work a specialty; teeth extracted without pain. Room 1 m 4 tf DAMS BROS., S. bet. Second and Third. Painless filling and extracting, 40c. and $1: crowns $5; set teeth, $0 to $10; established in L. A. City, 13 yrs. 12-8 s. spring st! Open Sunday and evenings by electric light DR. TOLHURST, DENTIST. N. SPRING st, rooms 2. 3 and 7. Painless extraction. ATTORNBTB. „„ w^w^„ A. W HUTTON. OI.TW WXXT.BORN. WELLBORN A HrTTON, ATTOBNEYe-AT law. Rooms HH »H'.j mill 89 Temple block, Los Angeles, Cal. 1-4 3m TAT""E" H UNTE X, ATToItNKYVVr-L Aw" tj Bryson-Bonebrake block. Telephone 523. Practice iv all the courts, state and federal. , 7-1 tf BEN' GOODRICH, LAWYER NO. 2 LAW building. 12S Temple street, near court house. Telephone 108. 7-0 tf DX. TBASK, ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, fFC • ton block, 207 New High street, Los An gelos. l-iii if LOS ANGELES CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC anil art; open all the year. MBS. EMILY .1. VALENTINE, president, coiner Broadway and Fifth street. 8-14 ly Banjo7by mTSsm.k. ASTiTuBY; B~antTo stringed taught, studio 51; take elevator by People's store, Phillips block. U-1S ly THE KAMMERMF.YER ORCHESTRA — First-class music furnished for balls, par ties, concerts, receptions and iilcnlcs. Violin, mandolin, etc., taught. Room SI, New Wil lurd block, south Spring street, l,os An ge'es. Cal. 111 1 1-1 y PHYSICIANS. CIEOROE Si J residence, 131 North spring street, office hours, Bto 12, ltos, tl to Bp. m. Tclci.linne 433. 11-311 Vfi'.S. DR. WELLS—OFFICES IN HER lvj brick block, 127 East Third street, between Main and Los Aiikclcr; diseases of Women, ner vous, rectal, sterility and genito-urinary dis eases; also electro therapeutics. 10 to 4, 7 to 8. nr.'s if HOMHOPATHIO PHYSICIANS. PW. piiTdT " ~ • Chronic, diseases, medical and surgical, Oflice and residence, 340 N. bichel street, Kast Lv» Angeles. 2-9 lm Sn7 "boynton, m~ d~ silsabes~6 F • children. Office and residence, s::5 s. Olive It oilleo hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to Ip. in. Telephone 87. 10-.) i[ architects. > ith • Broadway. 8-7 ly UROKRR J. REEVE, ARCIIITECt7~KSTA li- Ushed lor the past 10 years in Los Angeles. Rooms 7 and H (second floor), Workman Mock, .spring St., between Second ami Third. 1-25 1 y UONTRACIOKS AND BUILDERS. ONRA 1) Sell ERER, (Tli aN1TE, PlT!' M I N" ous and aspliall paving. 227 w. First st. B-l tf ' CONTRACTORS. TTfRANK C. YOUNG, CONTRACTOR, 43 WIL- X son Mock. S-lli ly AMUSEMENTS. NKW LOS AMOELSB TBKATER, H. c. Wyatt, Manager FOUR NIGHTS, COMMENCING Sunday February 12th A OLOBIOUB VISION OF SPLENDOR I If. B. Leavltt's Now and Hagut flcent Spectacu lar Production. aStj FLY ! Reorganlzsd In Europ»— Costumed by Ellas, London—Scenery by Mender, of New YorJt. 60 -PEOPLE—OO 30European Celebrities! See tne Great Alhambra Ballet! See the Sensational Quadrille! See th i Gavotte and Tarantella! Prices, $1, 750, 50c and 25c. Ssats now on sale, Box office open at 9 a.m. NKW LOS ANGELES TURATEIC, H, 0. Wyatt, Manager. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17-18 SATURDAY MATINEE. THE GREATEST OF ALL COMEDY SUCCESSES, OLE OLSON T r*ltW BVITUOI itbw crnoijkt^uia. AND ENTIRE NE V CAST! Including the National Hwadlsh Ladles' Quar tette from Stockholm. Regular prices—sl. 75c, 50c and 25c. Seats now on sale. Box office, open at 9 a.m. ANGELES THEATER, Monday Evening February UOth SECOND CONCERTS Consisting of a Grand Orchestra. DIRECTOR MR. A. J. BTAMM ASSISTED BY MRS. MODINI-WOOD, Poprsno. MR. MODINI-WOOD. Tenor. MB. HARLiSY E. HAMILTON, Violinist. Admission, including reserved seat, $1; Gal lery, 50c. gT. VINCBNT'S BALL. PROFESSOR BUCHANAN Invites the Ladles of Los Angeles to attend his : LECTURE TO LAD lES : Tuesday Fehranry 14th At 3 p.m., at St. Vincent's Hall, on THE WONDERS OF PSYCHO METRY. PABK THEATER, (Late Hazard's Pavilion). Our. Fifth and Olive sts. G. H. Saw van a Co., I Fssd, Coopkb, Proprle.ors. | ijfanager. Second week and grand success of the now Family Theater. Monday Evening February 13t'a And every evening duriup the week end Ratar day Mati»:ee— Elaborate production of tne great French Melodrama, : THE TWO ORPHANS I With Miss Georgia Woodthorpo as Louise, the Blind Girl. New and gororeous scenery and mechanical effectß. Jflaborate costumes. Orlgiral music, Popular prices of admission—lo, 20 and 30c. Doors open promptly at 7:16. Performance commences at 8:15. Box omce open at 10 a.m. dally. rjMJBNVEBKIN HAIL, I GRAND i : Minstrel Pcriormance THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, FEB. 13, 1693. FOa THE BENEFIT OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH FOND. Given by Members of St. P:inl's Choir, and as sisted by some of the butt loosl talent. FULL ORCHESTRA I Admission, 50c. Reserved seats, 750. On sale at Bartlutt's music Btore Monday, Feb. 13. gIAIK CITKUS KAIB, NEW PAVILION AT X- Covering Nearly an Acre, Opens Wednesday Morning, March 15, 1833. $3000! CASH — . PREMIUMS For premium lists, rules, Bpace for exhibits and privileges, apply to I. a WOOD. Secretary, Colton, Cal, SCALP HUNTER'S SUCCESS JOHN K. BNF.LL HAS HADE A FOB. TUNE OCT OF COYOTBS. Ho Was a Waiter la a S an Bernardino Hotel, Bnt Was a O oo* Shot and Has Scooped in Counties. John E. Snell, who has come to visit his sister and brother-in-law in Pomona, Bays the Trogresß, is well known here. He tells us that the law which pays a bounty of $5 on every scalp removed from the skull of a coyote in California, has been tbe source of all his present little fortune, and he is grieved at the probability that the law-makers at Sac ramento will repeal the statuko at thia session of the legislature. When the coyote bounty law went into effect, in March, 1891, John Shell was employed aa a waiter in a Ban Ber nardino hotel. He had a taste lor gun niug, and knew the mountains and tho favorite resorts of the coyote In South ern California like a book. So he started out early for coyote scalps. He has made a business of hunting and scalping the beasts ever since, but for soma months the fupply of coyotes has been so small, under the operation of the bounty law, that be has not made more than $80 or $1)0 a month, and that, with necessary large expenses, has made tbe net profit very small. Mr. Snell tells us that his two-years work in tho coyote scalp bußineeß has made him about $3700 richer. He has aiiot, trapped, poisoned and maimed coyotes in every county in California south of Visalia. He haß had two partners in the business at different times, but moat of the time has worked alone. He has tramped and ridden on horse back several thousand miles in qaeet of coyotes. He made the most money in scalps in San Diego county, and the next most in Ventura county. For the first six months in the occupation he got on an average of two scalps a day. Iv one day, in tbe Temescal mountains, he got 14 Bcalps, and in one week his receipts from bounties on scalps, de posited witb tbe clerk of Loa Angeles county, were over $160. But those were the palmy dayß of "the coyote acalp in dustry, and when the law went into ef fect. For the past 10 months the number of coyotes has been growing smaller fast, and for several days at a time Snell haa not so much aa seen one of the animals, and the few that re main have become so ecary and fearful of the presence of hunters that it now takes a crack rifle Bhot to lay one low. His gross receipts for scalps have been over $5000. CONLEY ARRESTED. Lodged in the City Prison on a Charge of Larceny. John Conley was arrested by Detect ive Bosqui yesterday and lodged in tbe central police station on the charge of petit larceny, in stealing an overcoat from W. K. Deal. Conley waa seen in the Downey block on Saturday afternoon by Officer Bean, under euepicioue circumstances, and when Mr. Deal reported his loss Conley was suspected. Detective Bosqui round Conley on Upper Main street yesterday proved to be tbe one missing. Oonloy is a cripple, having lost one arm. and claims to be partly paralyzed. He has several times of late applied at the police station for lodgings, It Took Trouble, but He Oot It. About two or three months ago I pur chased from you a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, put np in Deß Moines, la. Such good results were ob tained from its use that I enclose $1 and ask that you send me two bottles by ex press.—J. A. Scriven, 18 East Fif teenth street, New York city. To. H. H. Lane, druggist, Peekekill, N. Y. Mr. Scriven is president of one of the largest shirt factories in New York, and widely known in business circles. When troubled with a cold give this remedy a trial and, like Mr. Scriven, you will want it when again in need of such a medicine; 50 cent bottles for aale by C. F. Hejnzeman, 222 North Main street, druggist. Our Home Brew. Meier & Zobclein's Lager, freßh from ths brewery, on draught in all tlie principal sa, loons, delivered promptly in bottles or kegs* Office ami brewery, 444 Aliso st. Telephone 91. AUDSiaIXTS. Comer Main and Renucn* Streets. J. H. KENNED i. Bus. Managn THB FAVORITE AMUSEMENT RESORT 1 Reappearance of the Little Irish Queen, : MISS LULU M ARTEL. L- : Continued suecss ot the Female Impersona tor, MR. ARI HOL3TON. The Bard of Aramagh, MR. BILLY FINLEY The foremost of the gang, MS, A. J. Mi/ NIECE. Matinee every Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. (E-tJ—Look out for next week PEOPLE'S AMPHITHKATISB, Noith Main, near First street. Chas. A. Doyle, Business Manager. Prices, 10c, 20c aud 30c Performances Every Night. Matinees X very Day. Week Commencing Saturday, Fob. 11. NEW"™'S™NEW Q SHOWS IN ONE O (j 3tagel Ring! Aeriall—• O PATRONIZED BY THE MASSES. Two hours of solid amusement at merely nominal cost. Have you acen Giovanni's marvelous trained btrdsV _____ THB PALACE, Corner First and Spring streets. IF jiily and ladies' entrance on First It.) —THE— VENETIAN" LADIES' TROUBADOURS Will tender a concert overy day from 13 to 1:30 p.m. (duilug lanch hour]: alio a ! GRAND CONCERT EVERY EVJrIISQ j From 7:30 p.m. to 12 ra. The best commercial lunch In tho olty from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m , and from 5 to 7 p.m. A in ca-te from (i p.m to 12 nl 13-22 tl MEDIUMS. - CONSUL tations on business, love, marriage, dis ease, mineral locutions, life reading, etc.; take University electric car to Forwater avenue, ao west titrco Mocks to Vino str»>J; Ktw** hoist from corner of Fremont avepVs*.