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TRAVELING IN A FOG. *N OLD BUS DRIVER TELLS GOME OF HIS EXPERIENCES. •rivets In London Streets Havo to Be ▼•ry Careful During ths Frequent BeitM of Foga—Od'd Accidents That Occur —the VMne or Street Lights. The fog came down on London last tvnok, and in early zriorning the fog sig nals wore exploding on the suburban tines. Talking of the fogs, an old bus Jtire. had an interesting chat with me Ihe other morning on my way from fcTamrnorsrmth. "these' Ore fogs is dreadful," ho said v Otm day I'm thinJrin of was a bad nn; I couldn't get tho 'osses to go at all, so L hrrned back at Piccadilly. But that leesnt pay; for if the company don't think—and they mostly don't think —it's thick enough to stop running the buses Ind you do stop without any official tell- Br you, they'll make you pay for the If of tho journey that you missed. I .ad to pay for that half journey from Piccadilly." "Hare you ever got on the wrong road through tho fog?" I asked. "Oh, yes; lots of time 3. I've often rnmed op a wfong street, but I'vo gen trally found my way again. But one time—about thro* years ago—l got quite lost. It was going from Hammersmith to Liverpool street. You could nave cut the fog, it was so thick. Wo passed Kensington and Knightsbridge all rig! .1 and then I got somewhero where 1 didti t know; my 'mate' behind looked about a bit, but he couldn't make out whero v.-c was, so we wont and asked a p'licomnn. He wae on point duty and told us we was in the park somewhere, but lie didn't know where. But I've made plenty of mistakes like that. Why, the first ran this morning I nearly went the wrong way. "New, look here," ho said, pointing to • street lamp that was glimmering quite close at hand, "th ose are the things that puzzle you. You think that's on the pavement and go sharp off to the right to miss it and yon find yonrself at the wrong side of the road with traffic on all tides of you and a policeman swearing and waiting to take yOur number for causing an obstruction. That's in the middle of tho road; it isn't on tho pave ment at all. I've often wished that big lamp at the corner of Hyde park far enough; it always balks mo." "Are there-".many accidents in foggy weather?" "I don't think thero are moro than in clear weather, for every one drives care ful—they have to do or they'd soon havo a smash. Sometimes, you know, a cab by will pull up sharp and your "pole" Will go through the back of his 'ker ridgo;' bit then them things always hap pens. The 'osses, top, gets frightened whon it gets eitrt thick, and they'll 'jib;' but they're often not so bad :is some of the passengers, who nudge you and pull yon and tell you to "please bo careful.' The fog doesn't hurt the 'osses much; it might give 'em a cold, but it's ns that suffers most. When there's a frost and a fog together it's awful. "I've often had my 'osses led. but we don't like any ono to touch our animals' haaAa Tt'» ti 11 .— m:.. men are always at that game, because they know we don't like it. But it's very bad when they fall down in a fog, for no one can see yon and it's quite likely that another bns will come sailing along right onto yon, but in all my experience I've only seen ono 'oss down in a fog, and he was shot. I'd sooner drive anywhere on ■Vthick night than np to Hatnmorsmith or Bayswater. You have tho park all along one sidoof the road, and you know how dark it is. I think Bayswater is the worst of the two. I onco drove a three 'oss metropolitan bus into the middle of a row of hansoms, but it's surprising what a little damage is sometimes done In a collision." "But how do you manage to find your way?" "Why, we grope," was the significant answer. "I think the best way is to got the left band wheal of your bus against the curb and 'let her grind.' You won't know what that is. Well, I mean keep ing alongside the pavement. Never mind tho wheels; they'll be all right. On some routes men go about with lan terns to guide you, but that's too slow work. I once went a journey when the conductor took cue of the lamps in bis band and ran along on the pavement to abow me bow fur I was off the curb, but all men haven't the same disposition, and I've had a conductor who wouldn't move oft tbe step to tell me which side of the road I was. Why, sometimes I can't see tbe whip I have in my hand, it's so thick. Some buses have bells, but I don't; they don't show you where you are—that's what you want to know. The fag's only good to tbe, 'pirates:' peo ple can't see which bus they're getting into, and a good many grutnblo when asked to pay tbe extra fare. But it doesn't do them very much good, for some folk aro frightened to ride in a fog —tbey think it's safer to walk." "Thank you, sir. Good morning."~ Pall Mall Budget. Bobbery In Northern China. In many districts of northern China Organized robbery is the regular winter employment of so large a proportion of the people that travelers are forced to •void these regions, it is said, Robbors proy upon the people of the country as well as upon travelers. In many places families are obliged to have ono membor Bit up all night with a light to discourage the thieves from attack, but the robbers are so well organised that in many in stances they beset and overpower the watchers.—Philadelphia Ledger. Ancient Bemalns. Thebes, Egypt, at the present time •resents ruins twenty-seven miles ir> cir tjuraferehce. The remains oi many of the buildings, such as columns, arches, etc., are of sacb gigantic size tbat no {mown modern machinery would be Bqual to the task of taking them down, to say nothing of putting them iv their Lionh j_ptflffla, J Lost. ?*■<- Once loat, it ia difficult to restore the hair. Therefore be warned in time, lest you become bald. Skookum root bair grower stops falling hair. Sold by druggists. _________ California Vlnagar Works, 655 Banning street, opposite soap factory, near Alameda and First streets, one-half block tram electric light works. IVORY CARVING IN AMERICA. flow the Art Has Been Introduced —Its Ancient Origin. [Special Correspondence.] New Yopk, Jan. a.—Six years ago ivory carving aa a domestic art wis unknown in the United States. All our spec'.:-tens came from China or Jnpan, or were Ugh priced antiques from Europe. Tod we have an American citizen with Stlfui ent genius to turn out a statuette of Ivoi y tot which Q. W. Vanderbilt has paid $5,000. F. B. KALDENIIEP.C. Ivory carving is a very old art, dattng credibly back to the carved ivory coffins oi the Chaldeans, while tho ivory throne of Bclomon, tha wise king, is described at length in the first book of Kings, and the beautiful carvings of the Ethiopians for Sesostris in tho form ot tribute, and tho wonderful work of the Assyrians and Egyptians arc fully attested by writers of those days, and specimens may be seen in the Central park and other museums. The Chinese worked in ivory from their earliest records, and the Japanese, Asiatic Indians and Etruscans, all left existing traces and specimens of a vary early data The llncst modern collections are in tho Green vaults at Dresden und the British museum. The Vatican at Rome has some very handsome specimens, whence came the very hand some priest's memorandum book now owned by Miss Caldwell, of this city, the work of which dates back to the period of Coriolanus, anil which waa presented to her by the pops three years ago. The method of working and producing a specimen is too full of detail to be de scribed at length, but it is worthy of note that, whore the carver in stone has men to rough out the crude block, leaving him only tho finishing details, the carver in ivory docs everything from first to lost with his own hands. The artist introducing ivory carving to prominence m this country is Fritz K. Kaldenberg, of this city. The statuette he aold to ti. W. Vanderbilt is a bust of Rem brandt, twelve' inches high and six in diameter. He has also executed a Venus of Milo for W. 11. Rockefeller, price 81,500, and is now working on a bust of Rosalind, having j*st finished a statuette of Mignon, the beautiful gypsy. Mr. Kaldenberg is an enthusiast in his art and says that close observation shows him that It will take a clever American carver five months to completo a work worth 55,000. A Japanese workman would be two years and it Chinese artist Beven years, end, most important of all, thu Amer loaik .-'-..,<.— .j.«V.tuf ~1 .rUl.'. ing a design, while the other two nations would only be able to copy an existing etatuo lino from line. The strength of these artists in ivory is purely mechanical, plod ding along in a mathematical manner which would drive a high strung, nervous, artistic American workman to the vergo of insanity. Tusks vary greatly in size, reaching in aomo cases ten feet in length and weighing 800 pounds each. Ivory is now worth tltraa to six dollars per pound, but will speedily become cheaper owing to the opening up of the interior of Africa and tho greater fa cilities tor transport. W. P. PoSD. Fishing Through the Ics. [Special Correspondence.] MIDDLKTOT.'H, Jan. 2.—With the freez ing of the lakes and streams in the Con necticut vtxltyr opens a profitable season for a large nHJober of men who make a business of flailing through the ice every winter. They catena pickerel and perch, and for them reosive frbu eight to ten cents a pound in the New York market. The fisherman cuts from 100 to 200 circu lar holes in the ice about twenty-live feet apart and a short distancs from the shore. Tho "gears" with which tho fish are caught consist cf a strip of flat board four inches wide and two feet long. Length wise in this board a slot is cut in which on a wiro axlo is hung an iron rod, to ono end of which is attached tbe fishing line. On the opposite end of the rod is a ball »f lead that plays bock and forth on tho red. On this end of the rod is a strip of red or white cloth. The hook is baited with a live minnow. The bOUd, with the rod and line, Is set up over the hoi* at nn angle of about 45 dens. To bold it in thia position tbe lower end of it is thrust into a hole cut in t he ice. Tlio Una is dropped through tbe circular hole, nnd tho fun begins. When :i fish take* tho bait and attempts to get away with it, the rod, to which the lino is attached, tips up, end tho lead ball slides down pastthe center nnd stops at tho axle holding it up, The rag floats ia the air, aiid, the Übherinau can see it at a distance of half a milo. By this signal he knows that there is n fif.h on tbo hook, mid he hurries to the line and hinds the game. The fishermen usually wear skates, and the attendance upon a string of lines, though it. may be a mile long, is comparatively an easy matter. It is not an uncommon occurrenco for n fisherman to in this way catch 300 pounds of fish in six ot ei#ht hours, and it is a poor market that doesn't net him ii£teen dollars for such v day's work. Thero Is another way that these men have of catching fish that is easier, quicker and usually more profitable. When tho leo is thin and transparent they go to that part of the lake or river where the water is shal low. There are usually threo or four men In tho party. Thoy carry heavy axes, and spreading out pound on the ice and walk slowly toward the shore. The noise thus croateddrlves the suckers Into tho shallow water, Where they lie close to the bottom. When the fish have been "rounded up" the rnerrSmrry over the ice, striking heavy blows with their axes. The concussion has tho effect of stunning the fish, and tbey rise to tho ice. Holes are out and the fish taken out. When sockerß are plenty it is no trick at all to take 500 pounds a day in this manner, and they sell readily at from four to six eenta a pound. H. C. KISDELL. t ( MllM' Nerve and Liver Pllli. Act on a new principle— regelating tbe liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves A new discovery. Dr. Miles' pills speedily cure blliou»ne«B, bad tastes, torpid liver, piles, con stipation. Unequalled for men, women and emldien. Rmallesr, mildest turegtl 50 dose* 25c. Samples iree. 0. H. Hance, 177 North Spring. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria^ LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1893. GIRLS AND HIGHWAYMEN. How the Yonne Women of Chicago Act In the Presence of Bobbers. The small girl is in hard luck just now. Every place sho turns somebody is ready to hurl somo horrible tale about robbers and masked highwaymen at her. It doesn't mako her feel very happy either. She runs over to a neighbor's houae for the one purposo of getting away from Brother Ned and tua dreadful stories, but her little heart droppoth down to the solos of her shoes whon she gets there, for the whole .family, with staring ryes and wide open mouths, are listen ing to the slow and sonorous voice of their venerable grandparent. He is right In tho middloof a newspaper article deal ing with the latest suburban murderer, whoso chief business in life appears to bs gathering np loose change from passing pedestrians. It is simply awful, and thero is scarcely a girl in this beautiful city of Lake Mich igan breezes that hasn't pictured herself as being robbed. One young woman says that during the robbing process she would be very calm —oh, so calm, just like a beauti ful morning in June. If a bold man should march np and demand her pock etbook tho brave maiden would romark with all the nonchalance imaginable, "Why, certainly, my good fellow, you are welcome to it, I'm sure." Then she would dive into tho voluminous depths of her jacket pocket and haul out a well worn wallet, carried for that especial purpose. No doubt this well planned sohemo would work beautifully, but when the girl had cause to display her ingenious Idea she forgot all about tho calm part, and just yelled, "llamma! M-a-a M-a-a-a!" and raced off. That wasn't a bad plan at all. Tho extensive tost of that girl's lung power filled tho highway man's heart with fear and trembling, and the probabilities are that he has re formed and started into a safer occupa tion. There is another girl who is celebrated for her honesty, and the most casual al lusion to a robber makes her hair stand on end. Her plan is to deliver all valu ables with as littlo loss of time as is pos sible and accompany the deal with trem bling hands and chattering teeth. Why tho trembling hands and chattering teeth are essontial to tho transfer ol property sho fails to explain. When a horrid old highwayman yells, "Your money or your life!" at her she'll just say: "Here's my purse; thero's $1.17 In it. Here's my watch. I haven't any rings—left theni on the washstand at homo. That's all I've got. (Jo awayl Go away!" And if ho still lingers, in the hopo of getting more plunder, sho would goream for a liolioeman, and of course the brae ooated officer would land on the sceno at. jpee and take the of fender off to jaU. She t&ight yell, "Po lice!" in tho first place, but it would up set her plans, and that wouldn't do at all. Another girl declared that she would depend on running to save her riches, but ono evening as the shadows were stealing softly down upon the busy world and tho fleet footed young woman was trotting along, peeping behind trees and into gloomy doorways, a burly col ored gentleman suddenly uppeared ahead of her. _ Somoiiow.-Or ijihnr slin. didn't think about running just then, and as Eho was about to pass her new brunette neighbor grabbed hold of ono Of her arms with all the assurance of a street car con ductor and quietly if not elegantly re marked, "Sco here, honey, I want yer inun; see?" She saw, tightened her hold on that littlo leather pttrso and tried to yell. The yell failed to materialize and amounted to nothing moro than a littlo feeble "O-o-oh!" that wouldn't really awaken a drowsy sparrow. The maid and the villain became in volved in a beautiful melodramatic scrap, and, strange to relate, the man got the worst of it. His fair opponent succeeded in jabbing about two inches of hatpin into ono of his arms, which made his colored highness howl and loosen his grasp. Then tho girl escaped and ran for dear life, Sho had to buy another hatpin, to be sure, but she still has hfft pockctbook, and is now posing as ono of tp» bravest girls on record. Major McClanghry might make a police woman out ef her. — Chicago News- Record. - - #>i |_____5 ■ ____Si 3 CJnres Consumption, Coughs, Oronp, Soro Threat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. Fcra Lame Side, Back or Chest Shlloh's Porous Plaster will give pjert satisfaction.—as cents, •HILOH'B WBTAUZER. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooß»_l'enn., raya: "ShOoft's Vitaltow'HAVßD MY LTFB? I iiV>cl>Mlrem£v fas adzWUtaiidmi*''™ I ever toed." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble It exoeis.Price tsois. , , SH?J!-Q H'SACATAT. R H Have you Ontarrhr Try tale Romedr. ItwM. positively relievo and Cure you. Price 60 cts. Tills Injector for iU sueoofpful treatment is furnished tree. Remember, Shiloh's Keaicdies are sola ou a guarantee to Give satisfaction. S'ld wholesale by HAAS, BAKUCE ACO., and retail by druggists. 12-14 ly I Mm MADE A WELL thk citiuT v__ r A I HINDOO REMEDY Xz r WWd*\&vl PBODUCES THS A.BOVB a f t / RESULTS In 80 DAYS. Cures tillX^hJL«_*_f Nervous Diseafios, Failing Memory, X_ 1 Y_r Parents, ?leepieHtmr's#_ls'ightly Emit*- sions.gires Tigor -'" to shrunken organ*, etc. earned by past abuses and quickly but surely restores Last Manhood in old OF young. LanUy carried in vent pocket. Price 01.00 a package. Six for §5.0U ■with a wrltten_iiarten(.cri to euro or inou«y refunded. Don't let any unprincipled druggist null you any kind of imltdthn. Insist on having IS l»APO—none othor. If ho has not got it,we will tiend it by mail upon receiptor 6 rice. Pamphlet in settled envelope, ireo. AddrcHS rlt-ntitl Medical Co., ott Pljmonth I'laec, ChlMfo, 111. SOLD by H. Germain, 133 South Spring St., LOS ANGEL£S, CAL., and othor Leading Druggisti Bitters \lw y Tho Great Mexican Remedy. \ Gives health and strength to tho Bezual Organs. D'pot 323 Va T ket street, Ban Tranclrar PROMPT RELIEF For biliousness, diarrhoea, nausea, and dizziness, take Ayer's Pills the best family medicine, purely vegetable, Every Dose Effective DX. K. O. \*jL:il' H i RKATMKKT. a tpeclflc lor Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Fit*. Nourn gla, Headache, rlervaos Pros -1 tntion caused by al oho! or tobacco, Wakeful- Less. Mental Dojrcs 'ion. Softening of Brain* causing lnmnlty, misery, decay, death, Prema ture Old Ago, Barrenness, Lost of Power In either i«t, impoteney, Leucorrhuea and all female Weaknesses, Involuntary Losses, Sper matorrhoea canned by overexertion of brain, : elf-abuse, Over inluigcnre. A month's treat* ment $1, 6 for 95, by imil We guarantee six br ies to en re. .Each order for 6 boxes, with $5, w'll fend written guarantee to refund if not cured. Guarantee itHced only by H. M. £ALG & SON, druggists, solo agents, 220 8. Spring Btteet, Los Angeles, Cal. ~ JAPANESE nSf c ure A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of Bupposltoriea, ointment in Capsules, also in Dvi and Pills; a Positive Core for External, Internal. Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles. This remedy hat never been known to fall. $1 per box, 6 lor $5; *cut by malt, vvhy suffer from this terrible dlsesso ween a written guarantee is positively given with 6 boxes. To refnud the mum,T if not cured. B<-nd stamp for free sample. Guar antee issued by C. F. HHINZEMAN, druggist, sole agent, IH N. Main it., Los Angeles, Cal. NOTICE OF BISSOLUTION OF CO FAKTNEKcSHIP. TnE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting under the iirm name of M. I-evy m Co composed of Michel Levy and Lesser Hirxh fchi, doing business in the city of Los Angeles, Los Angeles county, California, under such iirm name of M. Levy & Co., has been, this Ist flay "f February, 1803, dissolved by mutual consent. The said Lesser Hlrshfeld has sold all his Interest In said copartnership to the said Michel 1/vy, who will continue said bust aesl under the same name as heretofore, towit, the (inn name Of M. Levy <fc Co., and will col lect all Indebtedness due or to grow due to said former iiret, anil will pay all indebtedness due or to grow due from snid former firm. MICH BL LEVY. l.l>.J|:i< lIIRSIIFELD. Patcd, Los Angeles, Cal., Feb, 1, IS9O. &TAVR OF CAUKOttXIA I t'ountv of LM Angeles, j ' On this 4thilavof February, in the year A. 11. ISO:!, before me, Ksjh'l l'rager, a notary pub lic in and for said Los Angeles county, person ally appeared Michel Levy, Lesser Hlrshfeld, Known to me to be the persons described in, whose names are subscribed to, and who exe cuted the within instrument, and they hc knnw lodged to me that they executed tho same. Witness my hand and olheial seal, the day and year in this certificate first above witten. [Sail.] PAM'L PRAOER, Notary public. In and for Los Angeles county, state of Caliiorula. CERTIFICATE OF COPARTNER SHIP. mm TTIF. I'i-'IiEnUOWVH> ( T"~r CBIV J Hfytnat 1 am transacting business in the slate of California, and In the cfty of Los An ailes, l.w A wades conn I v, underdo firm name and Mvfe of M. Levy »t Co., and have my prin cipalplace Of business in said county of Los Angeles; that tlie names in full of the members of said copartnership arc Michel Levy, and that tho placo of residence of the said Michel Levy, who islhc sole and only person constituting Ihe said firm Of M. Levy i Co., is the city of Los Angeles, California. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and written tne place of my residence op posite to my name, this Ist day of February, 18IW. MICHEL LEVY, residence, 52(5 EL Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Statu of California, | 811 County of Los Angeles. | ~ On this -Ith tiav of r-Ybruary, In Ihe year A. 11. IH9IS, before me, Kam'l l'rager, a notary pub lic in und for said Los Angeles county, person ally appeared Michel Levy, known to me to be the' person described in, whose name is sub scribed to, and who executed the within in strument, and he me that he executed the same. Witness mv hand and official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. [SEAL.] SAM'L PRAGER, Notary Public, In and for Los Angeles county, California, 2-U mon-lt SUMMONS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Los Angeles, State of Califorais. Abel elevens, plaintiff, vs. Frances L. Mason, A. J. Ma;ou and 11. C. Kdgerly, defendants. Action brought in tho superior Court of I.os Angeles County, Statoof California, and the complaint filed in said County of Los Angeles, In tne office of clerk ol said huperlor Court Tho people of tho State of California send greeting to: Frances L. Mason, A. J. Mason and H. C. Eagerly, defendants. You are hereby required to appear In an ac tion brought against you by the above named plainiiil'iu tho Superior Court of tho County of Los Augeks, State of California, and to auswer thi complaint filed therein within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the ser vico on you of this snmraons— if served within this Couu'y: or, if served elsewhere, within thtity dsys, or judgment by default will be taken og.lustyou according to tho prayer of said complaint. The said ac ion is brought to obtain a docree of this court for the foreclosure of two certain mortgages described In tbe said complsint, conveying tho following described piemiseß situate in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, to wit: The east half of the east half of lot number seven (7), In seoiion thirty (30), according to tho msp of subdivisions of the fianeho Azusa de Duarte, in the County of Los Angeles. State of California, made by Frank Lscouvreur In July. 1872, reorded in bnokG, page SO ond 81, Miscellaneous Ricords of said County, the same containing ten (101 acres of laud. One of said mortgages being executed by the said Frances L. Masoit and a. J. Mason ou the 9ih dsy of July, 1891, recorded In book 301, page 188 of mortgages, to secure the piyment to plaintiff ol .fiiSOU.OO with interest at the rate of 10 par cent per annum, compounded quar terly; thaother executed by defendant 11. 0. Kdgerly to M W. Stimsou and assigned by him to plaintiff, executed on the 11th day of March 1b92, lecorded in book 325, page 151, of mortgages, to secure the payment ot S>ioo.oo with lnfrest at the rate of 12 per cent per ; nnuin, payable quarterly, and that the pre mises convei ed by said mortgages may be sold and the proceeds applied to tne payment of the amouuts f mnd due to plaintiff; and also to foreclose defendants' light of redemption to nine shares of the capital stock of the Duarie Mutual Irrigation and Canal Company, also pledged by said Edgerly as seourity. for said $800.00, and costs of suit; and for the appoint ment of a receiver; and also that the defend ants, and all persons claiming by, through or under them may be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, lieu, equity of redemption, aud ln:ercst in and to siid mortgaged premi ses, and said water stock, and for other and further relief. Reference is bad to tbe com plaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified thAt H you fall to appear and auswer the said complaint as above -eqnlred, the said plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief demanded in tbe said complaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the Superior Conrt of tho County of Los Angeles, Slate o* California, this 27th day of January, A. D. 1893. [bEALI T. H. WARD, Clerk, 1 By A. W. BEAVER, 2 13 Mon lOt Deputy Clerk. C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist & Chemist, 222 N. Main St,, Los Angetet. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or nlvht. m 22 tf CITY NOTICES, (NKW tJEKiKM.j AN ORDINANCE Of THK MAYOR AND I\. council of the city of Los Angeles, declar ing their intention to construct a sewer along Bsrtlett street and Pearl street. The mayor and council of the City of Los An geles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public interest and con vcnicnce require, and that it is the Intention of the city council of the city of Los Angeles to order the following work to be done, to-wlt: First. That a pablic sewer be constructed along Bartlett street, in said city, from a point opposite tbe center Hue of lot 11, block '{, West Rosas tract, to the center line of Pearl street; also along Pearl street from the center line of Bsrtlett street to the man-hole butit in the in terse c ion of Pearl street and Bellevue avenue and across all intersections of streets, together with holes, lamp boies and flush tanks. i he size of said sewer whall be eight inches in Internal diameter and be constructed of salt glazed vitrlSed pipe, brick, iron ana cement. All of which shall be constructed Ui accordance with the plans and profile on tile in the office of the city engineer and specifications on file in the office of the city clerk of the city of Los A neeles, said specif!cations being numbered 14. The cost of constructing said sewer shall be assessed against all lots and lands fronting upon the same. Sec 2. The street superintendent shall port notice of this work as required by law and shall cause said notice to b» published for six days in the Los Angeles Daily Herald. Sec. 3. The city cierk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for two days In the Los Angeles Daily Herald, and shall post the same conspicuously for two days on or near the chamber door of the council, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that tbe foreeoing ordinance was adopted by the council of the city of Loa Angeles at Its meeting of February 7th, A. D. 1893, by tbe followingrote: Ayes—Messrs. Campbell, Innes, Munson, Nickelt, Pessell, Rhodes and President Teed 17). Moot—None. C. A. LUCKENBACH, City clerk and ex-ofncio clerk of the council of the city of Los Angeles. Approved this 10th day of February, 1893, T. £. ROWAN, 212 2t Mayor. Ordinance No. 154*6. (NEW SERIES.) AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND council of the city of Los Angeles, declar lug their intention to improve a portion of Bsrtlett street. The mayor and council of the city of Los An geles do ordain aa follows: Section 1. That the public Interest and con venience require aad tbat lt is the Intention of the city council of the olty of Los Angeles to order the following work to be done, to-wlt: Ist. That said Bartlett street in said city, from the westeily line of Mon, real street to the easterly line of Deaudry avenue, Including all intersections of streets (excepting such portions of said street and intersections as are required by law to be kept in order nr repair by any per son or company having railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such portions as have al ready been rraded, graveled and accepted), be graded and graveled in accordance with the plans and profile on file in the office af the city engineer a d specifications on file in the office of the city clerk of the city of Los Angeles for graded and graveled street;, said spec 111 cations being numbered five. 2d. That a redwood curb be constructed alone each line of the roadway of said Bartlett street, lrom the westerly lino of Montreal street to the easterly line of Beaudry avenue (excepting along each portions of the line of sala roadway upon which a redwood, cement or granite curb has already bacn constructed and accepted), in accordance with specifications in the office of the city clerk of said olty for constructing red wood curbs Bsc. 2 The street superintendent shall post notice of thin work, as required by law, and shall cause said notice to be published for six days In the Los Angeles Daily Herai d. Bee. 3 The city clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and caune the same to hn published for two days in the Los Angeles Dally Hkkald, and shall post the same conspic uously for two d»ys on or near the eh imber door of the council and thereupon nnd there after it shall take c fleet and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoiug ordinance was adopted ivy tho council of the city of Ljs Angeles on the 7th d*y of February, 1893, by the following vote: Ayes—Hsmpbell, lune?, Munson.Nickoll, Pes sell, Rhodes, Strohm and President Xeed (3). Noes—none. C. A. LUCKENBACH, City clerk and ex-officio clerk of ihe council of tho city of Los Angeles. Aprr ved this 10th day of February, 1R93. 2-12 St T. JC. ROWAN, Mayor. Notice of the Filing of the Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Open and Straighten Maple ave nue, Between Fifth Street and the South City Boundary, In Compli ance With Ordinances Nos. 12H4 and 1344* (New Series), Together With the Plat oi the Assessment District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A certified ccpy of the report, assessment list and plat of the Commissioners appointed to as sess benefits and damages and to have gen eral supervision of the proposed work of open ing and straightening Maple avenue, between Filth ptrfet and the south city bound.ry, has been filed in the office of the undersigned. All sums levied and assessed in said assess ment list are due and payable immediately. The payment of said sums is to bo made to me, in my office, witbinthiity days from the first publication of this notice. All assessments not paid before the expira tion of said thirty days will be declared to be come delinquent, and tbeieafter five per cent, with tho cost of advertising, will be added thereto. Dated this 11th day of February, 1893. D. A. WATPON, Street, Superintendent. By A. I. Stewart, Deputy. a-11 14t Notice Inviting Proposals to Col lect and Dispose of Dead Animals SEALED PROPOSAL* WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday, February 20. 1893, to collect aud dispose of dead animals by cremation or other method satisfactory to the city council and board of health of the city of Los Angele§. Bidders will submit their own specifica tions. The carcasseß to be conveyed in covered vehicles to be approved by the board of health and city council. The contract to run ior a period of two (2) years from and after this date. A certified check to the order of the under signed for $50 must accompany each proposal as a %uarautee that Mr de? will enter Into a con tact if awarded to him in conformity with his bid. By order of tbe council of the city of Los An- Selee at its meeting of February 0,1893. -9 12t J. A. LITt;XENB>CH, City Jlerk. Notice for Publication of Time for Proving Will, Etc. IN 'THE SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF California, County of Los Angeleß—*s. In the matter of the estate of Joshua Sands, Notice is hereby given that Friday, the 24th day of February, <893, at 10 o'clocc a. m. of said day, at the court room of this court, de partment two thereof, in the city of Los An geles, county of Los Angeles, and state of Cal ifornia, has been appointed as the time and place for hearing the application of K.iza L. Hands, praying that a document now on file in this court, purporting to be tbe last will and testament of the said deceased, be admitted to probate, that letters testamentary be issued thereon to John S. Parks, at whloh time and place all persona interested therein may appear and content the name. Dated, February 11,1893. T. H. WARD, County Clerk. By C. W. Blake, Deputy. Burnett & Gibbon, attorneys for petitioner. 2-12 lOt ASSESSMENT NOTICE. THE 'SANTA MONICA WHARF AND TER minal Hallway company, a cor miration. Principal place of business, 204 South Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of tha directors, held on the 21st day of January. 1893, an assessment of one dollar per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corpora tion, payable to the secretary and treasurer of tha company at its office, 304 South Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. Any stock upon whloh this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 27th day of February, 1893, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and, unless payment is made before, will be sold on the 18th day of March, 1893, at 11 o'clock a. ra., at the office of the company, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of «ale. ARTHUR GAYFORD, Beoretary. Office of the company, No. 204 South Hprlng street, Loa Angeles, Cal. 1-30-Mou 4t PERRY, MOTT & CO.'S LUMBER YARDS AMD PLANING KILLS. 316 Comaerclal street, Los Angeler, Cal. NOTICE ! Of Sale of Proper tf for Delinquent Assessment to Pay the Expenses for the Opening of Sixteenth Street, trom Maple Avenue to Peru Street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, PURSUANT TO THE PBOVIMON3 Of THJtiTATk. utos of the State of California relative to the collection of assessments to par the expanse* ol opening, widening and extending of streets within municipalities, I, D. A. Watson, Street Superintendent of the city of Los Angeles, shall, on Monday, the 20th day of February, A.D.lava, at 10 o'clock a m ot said day. lv the office of the Street Superintendent, in the City Hsu, on Broadway, lv said city, sell at public auction, lor lawful money of tbe United States, all th« firoperty described in the following delinquent list attached to this notice, npon which tbs de- Inquent assessments described ln said list are a lien to pay said assessments, together with the cosis ana penalties accruing thereon, unless the said assessment shall have been paid bsfare said day of sale, together with the costs and penalties thereon. D. A. WATSON, Street Superintendent of the City of Los Angelas. Dated this rtth day of February, A. D. 181)3. I hereby wnify that the following is a true and correct delinquent list of all persoas and property owing as&esiments levied to pay tbe expenses of opening and extending Sixteenth street} from Maple avenue to Peru street, ln the elty of Los Angeles, which list contains the nasaesof the persons and the description of the property delinquent, together with the amount of the assessn ents, costs and penalties thereon, situated in the city of Los Angeles, State of CaUforala, and described as follows, to-wit: I ? OWNERS AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. I g g S t 21 i° la Is I 11 Mrs. S. Riley, Lt B, Consullo's sub DeCell Vineyard trt $25 00 81 25 f>oe 82" 75 78 A. Swanson, Lt 4». Clement trt 18 00 90 SO 19 40 80 Isabel Turner, Lt 48. Clement trt. 18 00 1)0 50 1» 40 81 A. Swanson, Lt 49, Clement trt 18 00 90 50 19 40 82 A. Swanson, M 50, Clement trt 18 00 90 50 19 40 811 A. Swanssn, Lt 61, Clement trt 18 00 90 50 19 40 80 Jean Ouyonochl, Lt 54, Clement trt 18 00 90 60 19 40 87 Jean Guyflnoehi, Lt 55 Clement trt 18 00 90 M 19 40 74 A. M ironi Lt 42, Clement trt 18 80 90 80 18 40 D. A. WATBOK, 2-9 6t. Street Superintendent of the City of Los Angeles. Ordinance No. 1543. (NEW SERIES.) AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTEN tIon of the mayor and council of the city of Los Angeles to change and establish the grade of the north side of Pennsylvania ave nue, from Lopez street to Bally street, and fix ing the limits or district to be assessed to pay the cost, damages and expenses thereof. The mayor aud council ol tho city of Lob An geles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it is the intention of the council of the city of Los Angeles to change and establish the grade of the north side ot Pennsylvania avenue, from Lopez street to Baily street, as follows: At the intersection of Loppz street the grade shall bs, as now c Üblisbed, 59 50 on the northeast corner; at the intersection of Baily street, 63.00 on the northwest and northeast corner; at the intersection of State street, as now, 65 00 on the northwest corner; and at all points between said designated points the grade shall be estaolished mo as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated points. Elevations are in feet and above city datum plaue. Sec. 2. The boundaries of the district to be affected by said change and to be assessed to pay the damages that may be awarded by rea son of such change of grade are hereby desig nated and established as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Penn sylvania avenue and Lopez street, thence east' erly along the northerly line of Pennsylvania avenue to the northwest corner of Pennsylva nia avenue aud State street, thence northerly along the westerly Hue of State street 148 feet to a point, thence westerly in a direct line to a point on tne easterly line of Lopez street, dis tant northerly 124 feet from tbe northeast cor ncr of Pennsylvania avenue and Lopez street, thence southerly along the easterly line of Lo pez street 124 feet to tho point of beginning, excepting therefrom any public street or alley that may lie within the above described dis trict. Sec. 3. The city clerk shall certify to the paeiageof this ordinance and cause the aauio to tie published fur ten days in the Los AngeloH Hekald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall taki effect aud be in forie. I hereby certify that the forogoiog ordinance was adopted by the council of the cltv of Los Angeles at its meeting of February 7, 189 i. C. A. LdCKENBACH, City Clerk. Approved this 10th day of February, 189 i. 2-3 lot T. E. ROWAN, Mayor. Ordinance No. 1549. (NEW 3ERIK3.) AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE IN tontion of the ma?or and council of tho city of Lob Angeles to change and establish the grade of Bally street, from Pennsylvania ave nue to New Jersey avenue, and fixing the lim its of the district to be WOT til ltd to pay the cost, in«»r. The mayor and council of the oity of Los An gelas dv ordain as follow*: Section 1. That it li tho intention of the council cf the city of Los Angeles to change and establish ilia grade of Bally street from Pennsylvania avenue to Now Jersey avenue, as follows: At the in ersaoUoft of Pennsylvania aveuue the grade shall be 63 00 on the north west and northeast comer, at the intersection of Michigan avenue 80 00 ou the southwent and southeast corner, and 81,50 on the north west and northeast coiner; at the intersection of New Jersey avenue 95.00 on the southwest and sou beast coiner. And at all points be tween said designated points the grade shall be established so aa to coLform to a straight line drawn between said designated points. Eleva tions are in feet and above city datum plane. Sec. 2. The boundaries of the district to be aflected by sUd change and to be assessed to pay the damages that may be awarded by reason of such change of grade are hereby designated and established as follows: Beginning at the t-outbeast corner of New Jersey avenue and Baily street, thence easterly along the south erly line cf New Jersey avenue 60 feet to a point, thence southerly on a line parallel with and 60 feet easterly of the easterly line of Bal ly street to a point on the northerly line of Pennsylvania avenue, thence westerly along the northerly line of Pennsylvania avenue to a point 50 feet westerly of the northwest corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Baily stTeet. thence northerly on a line parallel with and 50 feet westerly of the westerly line of Baily street to a point on the south rly line of New Jersey avenue, thence easterly along said southerly line to the point of beginning, excepting there from any public Btreet or alley that may lie within the above-described district. Sac. 3. The city clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and ahall cause tho same to be published for 10 days in the Los An geles Herald and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by tho council of thectv of Los Angeles at its meeting of February 7, 1893. C. A. LUCKENBACH, City Clerk. Approved thiß 10th day of February, 1893. 2-12 lOt T. E. ROWAN, Mayor. Ordinance No. 1542. (NEW SERIES ) AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE IN ten tlon of ihe mayor and council of tho c tyof Los Angelei to establlsa tne grade of Bo Hon street from Pearl street to Montreal street. The mayor and council of the city of Los An geles do ordain as follows: Pecllon 1. Tbat it is the lnteotion of tbe couucil of the city of Los Angeles to establish the grade of Boston atreet from Pearl street; to Montreal street as fo lows: At the intersection of Pearl street the grade shaH be as now ea ab lished, 76.00 on the nortb«aat and southeast corner, at a point 138 feet east from the north east corner of Pearl street 85.00 on tbe north side and a point at a right angle opoosite said point 84.00 on the south Bide at the inter -ec tion of Montreal street 86.00 on the northwest corner and 85 50 on the'southwest corner. And at all points between said designated points the grade shall be established so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said obsignated points. Elevations are in feet and above city datum plane. Section 2. The city olerk shall certify to the passage of this o'dinano* and shall cause tho samo to be published for ten days in the Los Angclei Hebald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the council ofthe city of Los Angeles at I s meeting of January 30. 1893. C. A. LHCKENBACH, Cl'y Cierk. Approved this 2d day of February, 1893 2-310t T. E. ROWAN. Mayor. Notice of the Filing of the Report of the Commissioners Appointed for the Widening of Pico Street, From Main Street to Figueroa Street, in Compliance With Ordinance No. 1347 (New Series), Together With the Plat of the Assessment District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE commissioners appointed to assess the ben efits and damages, and to have general super vision of the proposed work of widening Pico street, from Main street to Figueroa street, have filed in the office of the undersigned a report, together with a plat of the assessment district, All persons interested are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before Sat urday, the lllh day of March, 1893, why such report should not be confirmed by the council of the city of Los Angeles. AU objections must be in writing and filed with the clerk of said city council. All persons signing protests will attach there to their poßtofilce address. C. A. LUCKENBACH. City clerk and ex-ontcio clerk of the council of 2 -9 lOt th c ol i y of Los Angeles. Ordinance No. 1541. (NEW SERIES.) A N ORDINANCE DECLARING THE !«*• iV tention of the Mayor aad council of the city of Lor Angeles to ctiange and establish the * rude of Montreal atreet, from BeUevue eyenue toa point «0 feet south from the southwest corner of Boston street, and Using the limits of tne district to be assessed to pay tho cost, 1 ■ n - and expenses thereof. The mayor and council of the Olty of Lot Angeles do ordain as fellows: Section 1. That lt ia the intention of the council of the city of .Los Angeles to change and establish tae grade of Montreal street \ from Bellevue avenue to a point 90 feet south from the southwest corner of Boston street aa ■ follows: j At the Intersection of Bellovue avenue tho grade shall be, as now established, 87.20 on the southeast enrner and 89.25 on the south weßt corner; at a point 100 feet south of South- ft west corner of Bellevue avenue, in the west ■ side, 86.60, at the Intersection of Boston street, 86.00 on the northwest corner, aud 8?.20»t a point opposite said corner In tho M east Fide; 8f>.50 on the southwest corner, sad ■ J 86.00 at a point opposite said corner in the east side, both mentioned points being at ri*ht angir s opposite said corners; at a point 90 feet south of the southwest corner of Boston street, 87.00 In the west side and 88.50 in the east side at a point at a right angle opposite the last mentioned roint. And at all points be tween s*id designated points the grade t hall be H established so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated points. Elevations are in feet and above city datnm plane. 1 hbo, 2, The boundaries of the district to be j affiled by said change of grade and to be assessed to pay tbe damages tbat may be awarded by reason of such change of grade are \\ \ hereby designated and established as follows: I *] Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 25 I b'ocs3, fc»a-k tract, thence running southerly : * alo'ig the westerly line of Raid let 26 to the j southwest corner of s *id Iot?5, thence westerly f alone the southerly line of lots 24 and 23 blocs: Xft 3. Park tract, to tbe southwest corner of said i lot 23, thence southerly along tho easterly line £9 of lot 4 bioi X 3 Park tract, to the southeast j corner of mid lot 4, thence south-rly to the [m northeast corner of lot 17 block 2, Park tract, 1 tho cc southerly along tbe easterly line of amid . [} ■ Jot 17 to the southeast corner or said lot (7, * [I thence easterly along the northerly line of lots || 3 and 2 block 2, Park tract, to the northeast comer of said lot 2, thence southerly along the easterly Lne of said Lot 2 to the southeast corner of paid lot 2, thence In an easterly dTreo- tj| tien to the southwest corner of lotw6 b ! mtc 4, Pars tract, theuce aiong the southerly • oi ! B said Ir.t 6 to the southeast corner of said. •,«, .g theuce northerly along the easterly line of said I lot 6 to the northeast corner of said lot 6, thence easterly along the southerly line of lot ■ 7 bio k4. Park tract, to the southeast cor ner of said lot 7, th-mce northerly along the P <u..rk^-.\y uue oTiatB7 to 14, inclu*lv«vhV A, ! Park tract to the northeast curjyer of said io£ '■ 14, thence westerly to tbe soutneast corner ot lot 15 block 4, Park tract, thence noi . • y along the easterly line of lots 15 to 19, incus ive, block 4, Park tract; to the northeast corner of said lot 19, theuce westerly along the north erly line of said lot 19 to the nort >we*t corner of said lot 19, thence in a westerly direction to tho northean corner of lot 25 block 8, Park tiact, thence westerly along the dot iheriy line of said lot 25 to the northwest corner ol fl said In! 25, the point of beginning, excepting from the abore described district of asset*) i» ent all land included thoreln which is now part or psreel ot apublic street or alley. j Bee 3. Ihe city clerk shall certify to the I passage of this ordinance and shall cause the I same to be published for ten days In the Los I Angeles Hkiiald, *nd thereupon and there- i after it shall take effect and be in force. I I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance: j was adopted by the council of the olty of Log ' i I Angeies at its meeting of January 30, 1893. I U. A. LUCKENBACH, City Clerk. Approved thia 2d diy of February, 1893. J 2-3 lOt T. E. ROWAN, Mayor. j Notice Inviting Proposals to Con* struct Certain Sections of the Out- i fall Sewer from the City of Loa ' Angeles to the Pacific Ocean. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED O by the undersigned up to 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday, the 20th day of tfebruary, 1> 93, to fur ni- li all labor and material (except cement), and construct by sections the masonry portion of the outfall sewer from the city of Los Angeles to the Pacific ocean, of sectloni 4-A and 5-A. on the route through Hyde Park and Inglewood. as designated upon the maps, plans and profile, on tile m the office of the city engineer of tits city of Los Angeles. Bidders will bubmU propoEals separately for f each portion in bulk, including all excavations, back filling, mauholes, drops, tunnels, settling chambers, conduits, culverts and junctions, as indicated on plans, profiles and detail drawings on file iv th j office of the city engineer- All work tt be done in accordance with plan/ aud specifications adopted by the council of ths city of Los Angeles at its meeting of July 13, 1892, and on file in the office of the under' signed, and plans, profiles and detail drawing! I in the office of the city engineer. 1 A price per cubic yard shall also be named for any extra excavations that may be occa sioned by changes during the construction. All contracts will include a clause providing [ that no Chinese labor shall be employed upon A .J tne work, and that no material shall be used which has been manufactured by Chinese; also that eight (8) hours' labor shall constitute c day's work, and that the successful bidder will not contract for, receive or require more than eight (8) hours' labor for a day's work of any person employed upon said work, and that no Eerson shall be employed upon said work who as not resided within the county of Los An geles at least six (6) months previous to the jfc time of his employment. A certified check to tne order of the under signed amounting to 5 per cent of the gross bid ihal) accompany each proposal, as a guarantee that bidder will enter into a contractu awarded to him in conformity with his bid. Couucil reserves the right to reject any and all bids By order of the council of the city of Los An* gees at its meeting of February 7, 1893. 2 9 12t C. A. LdCKENBACH, City Clerk. Notice of the Filing; of the Report of the Commissioners Appointed for the Opening and Extending ot Lucas Avenue from Orange Street to Seventh Street, TN COMPLIANCE WITH ORDINANCE TO. X 1254 (new series), together with the plat ol ii the assessment district. Notice is hereby given that tbe commission ers appointed to assess the benefits and dam ages and to have general supervision of the proposed work of opening and extending Lucas avenue from Orange street to Seventh street, have filed in the office of the undersigned a re port, together with a plat of the assessment die trie t. j All persons interested are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before Mon day, tbe 6th day of March, 1893, why such re prrt should not be confirmed by the council of the i 1 - v of Los Angeles. All objections must be in writing, and filed with the clerk of the city council. All persons signing protest will attach there* P to their postoffice address. „, . O- A. LUCKENBACH, City Clerk and ex-officto Clerk of the Council of the City of Los Angeles. 2-3 lOt Baker Iron 950 TO 966 BDKNA VISTA ST., LOS ANGELES, OAL Adjoining tbe Southern Pacific grounds, SbbV enhoßPi:* 7-21 V