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.BARGAINS ■ COUNTRY PROPERTY 15 A > , SAFE IVESTMENT. READ :<*Urtlß HERALD'S BAROAINS. SEE SIXTH PAGE k ■ VOL. XXXIX. NO. l*9. MMi STYLES AM AIM —-SAND TH El* 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON HEAVY GOODS WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE SATURDAY, February 18, at 10 P.M. Mill IFN "bUJETT & CO. Crystal palace; 138-140-142 S. MAIN ST. .' mmg ' ASK FOR THE CELEBRATED & H. LAMPS!' W"~ '^SSSf'--' THE ONLY DOUBLE-CENTER DRIFT, ANJJ BEST LAMP IN THE WORLD. In Brillianty and Steadiness o! Light I! Excels All Others! ' JffiL IT DOES NOT SMOKE 0R SMELL ' IT IS SIMPLE AND WORKS PERFECT! «r«- A Large Variety of HANGING, BANQUET, V £S£S2*>* PIANO, and TABLE LAMPS at Our Establishment. MEYBERG BROS., Sole Agents. '■ * -T"T7TLLIAMSON BROS., having purchased fo Ttfft I W caeb, at a very large discount, the stock of 12 111, ♦ VV and ORGANS carried by W. T. DIU ? Somes, are offering the same at greatly reduced prices. ♦ These goods mußt be sold at once to make room for DAnGJIIIIQ ♦ NKW STOCK from the east. Intuadipa ffit»t>«MM -iK— t Williamson's Music Store, TllllllflO I X 32T SOUTH SPRING ST. rl Li IMi l«S I ? Largest atook of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, 1 lflllV/U 1 X Music Books, etc., in town. Standard and White >Zl5 lm X Sewing Machines and all Biipplies. 327 S. Springjj^. Free*. A. Salisbury -*T' DEALER IN WQQH GOAL, HAY, GRAIN AND CHABCOAL AND THE CELEBRATED WELLINGTON COAL No. 345 South Spring Street. Tel. 226, Hard to Beat! THAT'S exactly the case with our hats—they are hard to beat in any respect. They are hard to beat in appear ance, because they're the handsomest specimens of head wear ever seen in Los Angeles; a**—** they're hard to beat for wear be- fcifit j^BTV cause they're genuine, well made JssJ iAs»w and durable, and impossible to beat in price because they're 'LJv w^P** , "fNiVVI sold at such ridiculously low fig- r ures that such a wotd as "bar- v gain " doesn't half tell the story. When winter has got into the homestretch winter stocks must "SQgT ' 4£ ** <^ ' follow suit. Our hats must go on the heads of our customers ithat's where they belongs, and at prices that will please. THMONII HATTER MEN'S PDRNISHER ULUIUUIIL/ t 111 SOUTH SPUING SI. Bryson-Boiitbrakc Block. King's Royal Germetore Is a positive cure for Catarrh, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Asthma, Bowel, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, General Debility and all Germ Diseases. AS PLEASANT AS LEMONADE. PRICE. $1 PER BOTTLE Manufactured by KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER COMPANY Atlanta, Oa. |* I for coughs, colds, and all lung; troubles use— Crescent Halt We; It is pure and health ful. Sold only by all druggists. The Herald tM.D GODFREY, W. FIRST ST. FINE Tailor. 21S-3m LOS ANGELES: FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. HAWAII TO BE TAKEN IN. The President Strongly Urges Annexation. Text of the Treaty Negotiated Made Public. The Queen and Crown Princess to Be Pensioned for Life. Sngar Producers Not to Share the Bene ill h or Bho MoKlnley Bounty at the Outset—Ratification of the Treaty Probable. By the Associated Press. I Washington, Feb. 16.—The treaty of annexation concluded between Secretary of State Foster and the commissioners of the provisional government of Hawaii, together with a message from the presi dent and correspondence on the subject, transmitted to tho senate yesterday, was made public today. The president in his message says the provisional treaty does not attempt to deal in detail with the questions growing out of annexation. Tbe Hawaiian com missioners have consented to leave to the future and to the just and benevolent purposes of the United States the adjust ment of all such questions. The president Bays it has been the policy of the administration not only to respect but to encourage the continuance of the independent government of the Hawaiian islands, aa long as it afforded a suitable guarantee for the protection of life and property, and maintained the stability and strength that gave ade quate security against the domination of any other power. The overthrow of the monarchy was not in any way pro moted by this governments, but bad its origin in what eeema to have been a re actionary and revolutionary policy on tbe part of Queen Liliuokalani, which put in serious peril not only the large and preponderating interests of the United States in the is lands, bnt all foreign interests and indeed the decent administration of civil affairs and the peace of the islands. It was quite evident that the monarchy was effete and the government so weak and inadequate as to be a prey to de signing and unscrupulous persons. The restoration of the queen to the throne is undesirable, if not impossible, and un ———= nr^i. — " T r —~ <jiii,c« states will be accompanied by serious disaster and the disorganization of all business interests. The influence and interests of the United States in the islands must be in creased and not diminished. Only two courses are open; one, tbe establish ment of a protectorate by ■ the United Btateß, and tho other, annexation full and complete. The president thinks the latter course, which has been adopted in the treaty, will be highly promotive of the beet interests of the Hawaiian people and the only one that will adequately Becure the interests of the United Stateß. The interests are not wholly selfish. It is essential that none of the other great Dowere secure these islands. Such possession would not be consistent with our safety and the peace of the world. This view of the situation ia bo apparent and conclusive that no proteßt has been beard lrom any government against the proceed ings looking to annexation. "Every foreign representative at Hon olulu promptly acknowledged the pro visional government, and I think," Bays the president, "there is a general con currence in the opinion that the deposed queen ought not to be restored. "Prompt action upon the treaty is very desirable. If it meets the appro"al of the senate, peace and good order will be secured in the islands under the exist ing laws until such time as congress can provide by legislation a permanent form of government for tbe islands. Thin legislation should be, and I do not doubt will be, not only just to the natives and all other residents and citizens of the islands, bnt should be characterized by great liberality and high regard to the rights of all the people and all the for eigners domiciled there." PROVISIONS OF THE TREATY. A Synopsis or the Terms Upon Which Hawaii Seeks Annexation. Washington, Feb. 16.—The preamble to tbe Hawaiian treaty declares that the government of the United States and the provisional government of Hawaii, in view of the natural dependence of those islands upon the United States, their geographical proximity, the inti mate part taken by citizens of the United States in implanting the seed of Christian civilization, of the long con tinuance of exclusive reciprocal com mercial relations whereby mutual in terests have been developed, of the pre ponderant and permanent share thus acquired by the United States in the productions, industries and trade of said isle mis, and especially in view of the desiie expressed by said govern ment of Hawaii that those islands shall be incorporated into the United States as an integral part thereof and under their sovereignty, in order to provide for and assure the security and prosperity of said island, tbe high con tracting parties have determined to ac complish by treaty the object so im portant to their permanent welfare, and to thia end conferred full power upon their respective plenipotentiariee, who have agreed upon a treaty. In article 1 the government of Hawaii cedea from the date of the exchange of ratification to tbe United States abso lutely all righta of sovereignty of what soever kind in and over tbe Hawaiian islands and their dependencies, such islands henceforth to be an integral part of tbe territory of the United States. In the second article tbe Hawaiian government also transfers to the United Stateß absolute fee and ownership of all public, government or crown lands, public buildings, ports, harbors, fortifi cations, military or naval equipments, and all public property of every deaorip- Hon. The existing laws of the United States relative to public lands shall not apply to such lands in the Hawaiian islands, but congress shall enact special laws lor their man agement and disposition, provided that all revenue from tbe same, except such part as may be used or occupied for civil, military or naval purposes of the United States, or may be assigned to tbe use of the local government, be used solely for the benefit, of the inhabitants oi the Hawaiian islands for educational and other public purposes. Article 3 continues, until congress shall otherwise provide, the existing government and the Hawaiian laws are continued subject to the paramount authority of the United States. The president shall appoint a commissioner to reside in the islands, who shall have power to veto any act of said govern ment, and such act shall be void unless approved by the president. Congress shall within one year from the ratifica tion of the treaty enact the neceeeary legislation to extend to the Hawaiian islands the laws of the United States respecting duty upon imports, internal revenue, commerce and navigation, but until congress shall otherwise provide the existing commercial relations of the Hawaiian islands, both with the United States and foreign countries, shall con tinue, aa regards commerce with the rest of the United States and foreign countries. It is not to be bo construed as giving the islands power to enter into any new stipulation or agreement or have diplomatic intercourse with any foreign government. The consular rep resentatives of foreign governments now in Hawaii should be permitted to con tinue in the exercise of their functions until they receive exequaturs from the government of the United States. Article 4 prohibits further immigra tion of Chinese laborers into the Ha waiian islands, until congress shall oth erwise provide. Furthermore, Cbineße persons of the classes now or hereafter excluded by law from entering the United States, will not be permitted to come from the Hawaiian islands to tbe United States. In article 5 the United States assumes tbe existing public debt of the Hawaiian islands, with a proviso that the liabili ties shall in no case exceed $3,250,000. Article 6 agrees to pay the late Queen Liliuokalani an annual pension ot $20, --000 during life, and to pay to Princess Kaiuolani the lump aum of $150,000, provided they in good faith submit to the authority of the United States gov ernment and the local government of the islands. The remainder of the treaty deals with tbe details of tbe ratification, etc. SECRETARY FOSTER'S LETTER. The State Department Commends Mln !■*■■»' Action. Washington, Feb. 16.—1n his letter to the president, laying the Hawaiian treaty before him, Secretary of State Foster recapitulates the history of the recent events in the islands leading up to the revolution, the establishment of the provisional government, tbe appear ance of the commissioners at Washing ton, the negotiations resulting in the preparation of the treaty, and tbe estab lishment of a protectorate by Minister Stevens. Secretary Foster confirms the presi dent's statement that the revolution was entirely unexpected so far aa thie government was concerned. ' "At no time," he says, "had Stevens been in structed with regard to hia course in the event of a revolutionary uprising. The change was. in fact, abrupt andunlooked for by the United Stateß minister or the naval commander." , In regard to the protectorate, Foster says: "Instructionshave been sent tbe minister commending his action in so far as it lay within the purview of the standing instructions to the legation and the naval commanders of the United States in Hawaiian waters, and tended to co-operate with the administration of affairs by the provisional government, but disavowing any step in excess of such instructions whereby the authority and power of the United States might appear to have -been asserted to the im pairment of tbe independent sovereignty of the Hawaiian government by tbe as sumption of a formal protectorate." Foster Bays tbe provisions of the treaty reserve to congress the determin ation of all questions affecting the gov ernment of annexed territory, tbe citi zenship and elective franchise of the inhabitants, and all questions relating to the economical and politial status of the islands. In conclusion he says, pending the negotiations, he received assurances from representatives of the leading pow ers of the world in this city, and from our ministers abroad, convincing him that the incorporation of the Hawaiian islands into the union would be regarded by these powers with satisfaction or ready acquiescence. THE SUGAR BOUNTY. Hawaiian* Not to Benefit by It Unless Congress So Decrees. Wabhington, Feb. 16.—1t will be ob aerved that under the provisiona of tbe annexation treaty the augar producers of Hawaii will not participate in the bounty provided by the McKinley law unleaa congress should extend it to the island s. Accompanying the meesage and the treaty is the correspondence upon the subject between tbe two governments, tables giving full detaila aa to the area of territory proposed to be annexed, the public debt, public laws, annual allow ances to, and revenue of the late royal household, and statistics as to popula tion and revenues, commerce and other economic mattera relating to the islands, altogether a bulk of several hundred pages. HAWAIIAN COMMISSIONERS. Anxious to Carry the Ratified Treaty In Person to the Islands. Washington, Feb. 10.—The Hawaiian comniisaionera were joined laat night by Charles H. Cooke, who came flom Ha waii as a special messenger bearing im-, portant dispatches from the provisional government to the commissioners. The members of the commission desire to leave San Ftancisco for Honolulu on the steamer due to sail March 3d, and hope. • to have copies of the annexation treaty ratified by the senate to carry with them. Should their desire be fulfilled they will take to the islands the first in formation respecting tbe text oi the doc ument, _ PRATT'S PROTEST. An Hawaiian Who Objeots to the Cession of the Crown Lands. San Fbancisco, Feb. 16.— F. S. Pratt, Hawaiian consul-general in tbia city, to day wired to the president and senate of the United States a protest against the ratification of that part of the treaty of annexation which cedes to tbe United States government the crown lands of Hawaii. He represents hia wife, Ke kaanian, and other direct heirs of Hame hameha 111, and he claims these crown lands were set apart by Hamebameha out of his personal estate' for maintain ing the state and dignity of the Hawaiian sovereigns, and now that the sovereign haa been overthrown, the lands should revert to the heira of the original donor. WILL BE RATIFIED. Only 20 Senators Will Vote Against the Annexation of Hawaii. Washington, Feb. 16.—A careful can vass of the senate appears to indicate that the Hawaiian treaty will be rati fied with several voteß more than the necessary two-thirds to spare. The limit of the opposition ie put at 20 votes. The Ex-Queen's Emissaries. Chicago, Feb. 16.—Paul Neumann, a plenipotentiary from tbe ex-queen of Hawaii, passed through this city today with his colleagues on the way to Washington, where they will present their claims to the United States gov ernment. LONDON COMMENT. An Insinuation That Harrison Takes too Maoh for Granted. London, Feb. 16. —The Daily Chroni- Bays of the Hawaiian quession : "Mr. Harrison takes over much for granted when he declares that the lead ing powers of' the world acquiesce in the annexation of Hawaii by the United States." The Oaiiy News saya: "If the senate rejects Harrison's treaty the well-wish ers of the republic abroad will regard it as having escaped serious danger. The Americans have no advantage to gain which would counterbalance tbe perils of the republic beyond the seas." EX-CONVICT MITCHELL. A OOOt, RECEPTION GIVEN HIM AT NEW YORK. Plrat Hia Right to Land Waa Dlapnted, Then the Hotela Refuted Him Accommodations—He still Talks Bight. Nsw York, Feb. 16.—Charlie Mitchell, the English pugilist who arrived thie morning, was not allowed to land, being detained at quarantine on the ground that aa he ia an ex-convict his landing would be a violation of tbe law. Mitchell's lawyera applied to the United States court for a writ of habeaa corpus, claiming he was merely con victed of a misdemeanor, not of felony, and therefore not properly termed a convict. Mitchell obtained a writ compelling Colonel- Weber to produce him in court at 2p. m. today. After hearing the arguments of Mitchell's counsel, who argued that he had simply been sen tenced for assault, and was not a convict under the federal laws, Judge Andrews discharged Mitchell. The pugilist waa then aerved with a enmmoßß in a civil cult brought by John Norria of Springfield, 0., who claims $200 for piloting Mitchell through Louis iana after the .New Orleans fight in 1800. Corbett's manager, Brady, has depos ited a $10,000 check for a fight to a finish between Corbett and Mitchell, next De cember, before either the Crescent City or Olympic clubs of New Orleans, or tbe Coney Island Athletic club. He has also posted a $2500 forfeit for a match with Peter Jackson in case Mitchell does not accept. Mitchell and party met Brady in George Dickinson's office this afternoon and had a brief conversation, in which Mitchell promised to cover Corbett's $10,000 tomorrow. Mitchell had considerable trouble in securing hotel accommodation, a num ber of hotels refusing to receive him owing to his recent jail experience in London. Quarters were finally secured, however. He says if a match ia made he will go back to England to train and return here a week or two before the fight. In reply to Jackaon's.statement that be would not fight Corbett if the latter gave preference to Mitchell, Corbett to night telegraphed Brady that he would depoait as much aa $10,000 to fight Jack son aeven months after fighting Mit chell. The amount is entirely optional with Jackson. KAYMER FAINTED. Jack Frazier Wins a 20-Round Go at San Dlegro. San Diego, Feb. 16. —The Louis opera bouse was filled this evening with the sporting fraternity to witness a2O-round mill between Billy Kaymer of this city and jack Frazier of Los Angeles. Near tbe close of the eleventh round Kaymer suddenly fainted and did not recover for some minutes after time wbb called. Tbe referee gave the fight to Frazier. It was a contest for blood from first to last. Kaymer had everything his own way up to the sixth round, repeatedly knocking his opponent down with vicious blows directed for most part on the jaw. Expiated on the Gallows. Lexington, Mo., Feb. 16.—William McCoy, a negro, waa hanged for the murder of hia mistress, Mollie Magruder, today. He was pronounced dead in 16 minuteß. Successful men secure fine tailoring with pleasing fit from ii. A. Getz, 112 West Third etreet. GRIM PORTENTS OF WAR. Everything but Fighting in Progress in Kansas. Bellicose Preparations on a Big Scale at Topeka. The Situation Last Night Described as an Armed Truce. Republicans Still Holding; Representa tive Hall—The Governor Postpones Hostilities by Proposing; a Compromise. By the Associated Press. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 10 —The only thing needed to make war in Kansas ie fighting. The conditiona of war are all present. Opposing bodiea of armed men, eomething to fight about and a disposi tion to fight are all evident, but the war does not open. Bellicose preparations were carried on briskly by both aides all day, but the governor, by offering to compromise the difficulties keeping the two houses apart, tapered the crisis off into a very tame armed truce. A propo sition for a compromise was offered to to the Republican house. They finally amended it to euit their own ideas and returned it to the governor who announced that he would reply to morrow, and meantime an armed truce exists. This ia tbe situation late to night. Tbe whole city of Topeka appeared during the day to be under martial law. Troopß were marching and counter marching through the broad avenues of the city; men wearing yellow badges, bearing the inscription "Dep. Sheriff," were hnrrying to and fro; cannon were being dragged through the streets. Hun dreds of civilians arrived during tbe day from all over tbe etate. Many carried guns in cases; a few carried them under their overcoats, but more marched boldly from tbe station to the hotels with a rifle or shotgun flung nonchalantly over their shoulders. DISLOYALTY OF TnE MILITIA. The real sensation of the day waa the disloyalty of the etate troopa to the Commander-in-chief, the governor. He j twice ordered Colonel Hughes, the com mandant of the forces, to attack the Republican stronghold. The colonel declined and was relieved. Then the governor took personal command, and ordered that no provisions be allowed to pass tbe lines, but the order was dis regarded. Then Lieutenant Colonel Barker of the Third regiment was given command of tbe troops, but still tbe governor's orders were disobeyed. Finally Brigadier General Hettiger ar rived from Wichita and took command. He let it be-understood that tbe Repub licans had nothing to fear from him. This caused tbe governor great uneasi ness, and after a council with the Popu list lenders, a compromise proposition was offered the Republican house. THE SHERIFF'S INTERVENTION. The Republicans hit upon a plan thie morning to strengthen their position by bringing to their aid the authority of the sheriff, backed by a posse. The sheriff issued a proclamation and by noon fully 1000 men were sworn in. Not caring to take the risk of arming his recruits with firearms, the Bherilf decided to arm them with clubs. All Borts of cluba were pressed into use, from broomsticks to baseball bata. The sheriff announced that he would make no move until a fracture Of the peace actually occurred. He explained that hewouid regard an attempt to eject the Republicans (the legally constituted houße sb he regards it) a disturbance of tbe peace and would then interfere to maintain order. THE POPULISTS' FIGHTING FORCE. This action by the sheriff, taken in connection with the attitude assumed by the militia, deprived the Populietß of all their fighting support excepting that offered by three provisional companies of militia and some 50 assistant ser geants-at-arms. Meantime Populists began to arrive and tonight the Populists are strongly reinforced. The governor may organize these into provisional troops who can be depended upon to obey orders. It is not believed, how ever, that he will take BUch extraordi nary action. WHAT TODAY MAY BRING FORTH. The prospects for tomorrow are that the Populists will decline to accept the proposition of a compromise as amended by the Repbulicans. The general feel ing tonight is one of renewed uneasi ness, and predictions are freely made that tomorrow may see the long antici pated war inaugurated. PROGRESS OF THE SIEGE. Republicans Holding the Hall in Undis turbed Security. TorsKA, Kan., Feb. 16,-8 a. m.—The Republican bouse is still besieged in representative hall, and a force of state militia is still posted around the capitol. Colonel Hugheß has again refused to obey the governor'e order to eject the Republicans, and the only resource the governor haa besides the regular militia ia three companies of Populist provis ional troops. Should the governor or der them to eject the Republicans they wou'd doubtless attempt to do so. Colo nel Warner, who has planned the Re publican campaign, says of these provis ional troops : "They are the governor's pel lambs; we are wolves now, and would devour them if given an oppor tunity." The outlook at thia hour is belliger ent. The refusal of Colonel Hughes to obey the governor's orders haa balked the Populists' programme. The gover nor will make no statement of his plans for the day, but it is believed they in elude an order to tbe provisional troops to eject the Republicans from the rep resentative ball. Should that be done it will meet armed resiatence. The Populists had planned to assault : ;FORECAST PAIR WEATHER; SLIQHTLY WARMER; VARIABLE WINDS FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. WARfIER TODAY PRICE FIVE CENTS. the Republican stronghold at 3 o'clock this morning, hoping to take them by surprise. Colonel Hughes learned of the plan and informed tbe Republicans that they had nothing to fear from him. A little later he was summoned to the governor's office, the plan laid before) him and he was ordered to carry it oat. He positively refused, declaring he was there as a peace officer; that the Repub lican bouse was tbe only legal one and he would not interfere with it. Tho governor threatened to relieve him. He retorted that the regiment would dis band at the same time. This piece of insubordination, to gether with the fact that nearly all the commanders of the state troops are Republican, about decided tbe governor to place no more reliance on tbe militia. Among tbe arrivals today were about 400 armed Republicans, and 100 armed Populists. There was no Bleep for the imprisoned Republicans in representative ball. With the heat cut off they bad to organ ize pedestrian matches and other exer cises to keep up the circulation of the blood. At 4 o'clock half a dozen gaso line stoves were sent up to them by ropes, and the members gathered around them to get what little warmth they furnished, Sergeant-at-Arms Clevinger of the Republican bouse has arrived here with, L. C. Gunn, Democrat, under arrest for contempt for refusing to appear before the house elections committee. He seeks to test the legality of the Republi can organization. He appealed to tbe supreme court for a writ of habeas cor pus, and was released on ball till Priday. He claims that the Republican house la not a legal body, and on tbe court's de cision the BtatUß of that house will de pend. Tbe Republicans hope to stand off the Populists until a decision ior reached. NO OVERT ACTS. The Governor Unable to Execute His Orders. Topeea, Kan., Feb. 16, 9 a. m.—No overt action baa yet taken place, though Governor Lewelling still asserts posi tively that he will drive the Republi cans from the ball at the point of the bayonet. The Republicans assert with equal poBitiveness that they will resist ejection even to the use of arms. The sheriff still refuses to take a hand in the trouble. It is believed the governor will not dare to make an effort to drive out the Republicans with the present force of provisional troops, bnt they may be reinforced during the day by other provisional companies to be organized. Colonel Hughes will probably be relieved today, in which case all companies on the ground, which inclnde most of the state militia, will retire with him. The city is black and blue today— black with people come to "see the fun;" blue with troops. Every train arriving the past 12 hours brought troops and Republican and Populist volunteers, armed with all sorts of weapons, anxious to take a hand in the fight. The soldiers surrounded the capitol and guards are at every entrance to pre vent any one from entering without a pass from the governor, countersigned by the adjutant-general. The members of the legislature are no better off in this respect than common folks. Mrs. Lease managed to get in, bnt Mr. Lease spent several hours trying to follow his wife without success. The Populists have kindled fires in the Btreets to warm themselves by. Bat tery A of Wichita, with a Gatling gun and plenty of ammunition, guards the main approach to the capitol. Battery B of Topeka guarda the arsenal. Business is depressed. Men walk in groups. A single pedestrian is a rare eight. The hotel corridors Bwarm with men from all parts of the state to be on hand in case of an emergency. The troops sympathize mostly with the Republicans, so in spite of the adjutant-general's order not to allow food to be taken into the capitol, the soldiers conveniently fail to see well filled baskets of provisions hauled up to representative hall by means of ropes. The Wichita battery even went so far as to bring its Gatling on the ground unfit for use, one very esaential part of its mechanism having been removed. The captain of the battery appeared greatly surprised when his attention was called to the fact, and called his company up one by one and questioned them about it. All denied any knowledge of the circumstance, and the piece still frowns impotently at the supposititiousb/ in vading Eepublicans. THE BELEAGUERED STATESMEN. FroTialonn and Anna Easily Smuggled Into Their Stronghold. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 16.—The Stat has the only newspaper man inside the hall of the house ot representatives at Topeka. He gives an account of the pro ceedings on the inside, cent by wire direct from tbe hall. The membera left in Equada and got breakfaat this morn* ing, and returned each with provisions for the sergeants-at-arms, who could not leave, aa tbe guarda would not let them return. At 11 o'clock the sergeants-at arms appeared in the hail with their arms full of Winchester rifles, which they proceeded to stack up in handy places. Then came a lot of mail car riers, who cannot be kept out of the building, carrying a plentiful supply of provisions. Next a file of 24 men, armed with Winchesters, waa stationed at the head of tbe stairway, to prevent any unauthorized people from coming up, armed or unarmed. Shortly after noon a company of 30 men, with flags and rillee, appeared on the main stairway and announced themselves as tbe Lawrence guarda, come to assist their friends, the Republicans. It was coon discovered, however, that they were Populists, and they were driven away at tbe points of bayonets. At 11 o'clock tbe governor sent a mes sage saying he would give the membera just 15 minutes to vacate or he would drive them out at the point of tbe bayo net. Tbe message was received with derißive laughter. The besieged doubled the guard and waited, but the governor's forces failed to appear. At 2 o'clock this afternoon tbe gov ernor's private secretary appeared and submitted a proposition in writing from the governor to withdraw the militia and not allow the Republicans to be