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2 interfered with by tbe Populists, if the Republicans would drop the legal pro ceedings against the Populists, and if the sheriff would disband his poEse; thie agreement to last till the ciose of the seseion of the legislature. The Re publicans are now considering the proposition. THE POPULISTS POWERLESS. Overwhelming odds Compel Them to Abandon the Field. Topika, Feb. 16., 10:45 a.m.—Sheriff Wilkinson is swearing in a posse of 1000 deputies, ostensibly to preserve peace, bat it ie generally believed to support the Republican position. A conflict may take place when the posse is put to work. The Populists have practically aban doned the field. They met in the base ment of the capitol and decided to make no farther attempt to gain an en trance to representative hall. The action of the sheriff in swearing in 1000 men made the odds so heavy against the Populists that they decided not to attempt to meet them. They de cided to hire • hall for the meetings of the Popalist honse. The governor, as commander-in-chief of the state troops, relieved Colonel Hughes of direct command of the troops bnt allowed him to retain the colonelcy of the Third regiment. The governor himself assumed command of the troops. As the result of a conference between Colonel Hughes and Sheriff Wilkinson, tbe latter haa announced that he will take charge of affairs and will raise the ■lege of the Republican house. The etate militia have decided to obey hia orders as peace officer. This, of course, has strengthened the Republican posi tion, as it gives the sheriff abont all the armed men in the city, including, as it does, the militia and his 1000 dep uties. It is not known what the Popu lists' next move will be, but they seem powerless. It was decided it wonld be dangerous to put fire arms into the bands of tbe sheriff's posse, so 500 baseball bats, all in town, were secured and given the men, the remainder being armed with •ticks. Governor Lewelling has ap pointed Lieutenant-Colonel Barker com mandant of the troops. THE GOVERNOR'S PROPOSITION Amended by the House nnd Sent Back to HiH Excellency. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 16. —The propo sition presented in the Republican house by Governor Levelling elicited a great deal of argument. After a lengthy debate, a proposition to the governor waa drafted. It proposed to dismiss ell the contempt proceedings heretofore in instituted ; that each house should arrest the clerk of the other houae on the charge of contempt; both partiea to ap £ly to the supreme court for writs of abeas corpus; both cases to be prose cuted oh the cole queation of the legality of the respective houses; the governor to dismiss the militia and provisional guard; the sheriff to dismiss all Special deputies; the Repub lican honae to have free and undisturbed possession of Representative hall, pend ing the decision of the supreme court. A committee* then appointed preaented the propsition to the governor in hia private office. He aaid he was not sat isfied with Borne of the legal points, and would not reply until tomorrow morn ing. In the meantime the Republicans would not he" molested, bat he advised them to adjourn. POPULIST PLANS. Action Taken to Checkmate Sheriff Wilkinson's Move. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 16.—The Populist house met thie afternoon in rooms down town and took action contemplating the checkmating of Sheriff Wilkinson's move, by passing an emergency bill em powering the governor to remove tbe sheriff of any county for cause and ap point bis successor forthwith. Specific "causes" are not stated. The bill will to to tbe senate in the morning. When that body paseee it the governor can re lieve Sheriff Wilkinson and disband hie posse unless the sheriff resists the ac tion on the ground that the bill was not passed by a legal house of representa tives. The sheriff said late tonight he would not give np the office without a ■trnggle. The Situation Unchanged. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 17.—At 1 o'clock thie (Friday) morning the situation re mains unchanged, save for tbe fact that a heavy snowfall set in soon after mid night and the militamen are experienc ing some of the pleasures of winter cam paigning. The Republicans, snugly en sconced in representative ball, are for the most part sleeping soundly. FOFCLISTS DUMFOUNDED. The Charter of the Sonth Carolina Farmers' Alliance Repealed. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 16.—The Popu lists were dumfounded when the Dem ocrats in the house, by a solid vote, passed a bill repealing the charter of tbe State Farmers' Alliance. It will proba bly pass the senate also. The bill is en titled: "An act for the relief of the stockholders of tbe State Alliance, a business agency." There is a fund of about $60,000, not a cent of which can be secured by those who contributed it, and it is openly charged that it ie about to be used in the interest of the People's party, the president of the state alliance, as well as its secretary and businees agent, being extreme members of that party. A receiver will be asked for im mediately. Most of tbe fund was con tributed by persons not now alliance men. A bill has been introduced to recharter tbe alliance to be reorganized solely in the farmers' interest. Tbe officers of the alliance will issue an ad dress to the members denying that the business fund is devoted to political Snrposes. The alliance 1b in etraits, aving lost three-fourths of its members, leaving only 25,000. Seventy-Five Convulsions. A Thrilling BxptsitiENca—There Is no one but at some period in life has an experience that stands out prominently beyond all others. Bach is the case of John B. Collins of Romeo, Mich., who says: "From Septembar to Jan nary, before using Nervine, I had at least 75 convulsions. After three mouths' use I have no more attacks. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine also cores nervous prostration, headache, poor memory, dizziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, etc , andbnilds up the body. Mrs. J. X Miller ot Valparaiso, Ind.. and 3. K. Taylor of Logans port, Ind., each gained 20 pounds of flesh by taking It. Sold •) C. H. Hance, 177 North Spring, oi a guarantee. Out the doctor's book, free. Heng Lee's Holiday Goods. Chinese and Japanese curios, silk dress pat terns; ladles' embroidered silk handkerchiefs, two for 25 cents. Manufacture" ladies' under, wear and gents' furnishing goods. Alix.nn ex tensive line of new holiday goods at very row prices. Please call and inspect our stook be fore purchasing eUewhere. No. 505 North Main street, near plaza. Visiting Cards Engraved At Langstadter's, 211 West Second. Tel. 762. PUGNACIOUS CONGRESSMEN. A Personal Collision on the Floor of the House. Turpin of Alabama Has a Scrap With Wangli of Indiana. Vest Gives Charley Foster and Senator Chandler Some Hard Raps In tne Senate—Other Doings at the Capital. By the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 16.—The feature in the houae today was a peraonal collision between Turpid of Alabama and Waugh of Indiana, which, however, was blood leae. Tbe bouse resumed, in committee of the whole, consideration of the pen sion appropriation bill. Tbe chair over ruled points of order raised against vari ous amendments recommended by the committee on appropriations, among them those relating to the transfer of the pension bureau to the war depart ment and to soldiers' widowa. Burrowa appealed from the decision about the transfer, but the chair was sustained, 103 to 63. After debate the amendment for the tranefer was disagreed to, 53 to 95. Other amendments were also defeated without division. . Then Tarsney referred to a epeech made come days ago by Morae of ■Massa chusetts, in which that gentleman stated that he (Tarsney) had referred to peneioners on the rolls ac ruffiana, thievea and acoundrela. Tarsney said he never need euch language, and pro ceeded to make some unpleasant re marks about men who falsified the words of their colleagues. Morse replied that he had not attrib uted any words to the gentleman that had not been uttered by him, so far as he (Morae) understood them. By thia time the houae fully expected a sensation, and the space around the speaker's desk wae crowded with mem bers. Then Morse, yielding to Turpin to ask a question, brought about a change in the principals in the trouble. Turpin inquired of tbe gentleman from Massachusetts If he wae aware that there etood today upon the penaion rolls an ex-soldier drawing $19 a month for total deafnesß, who was receiving a salary of $1800 a year and who was em ployed at the telephone. When aeked who this man wae, Turpin aaid be did not know whether the man was a Dem ocrat or a Republican, but in the light of his present surroundings he supposed he waa a Democrat, becauee he came from the doubtful state of Indiana. "I don't believe your etatement, un less you prove it," ahouted Waugh, ad vancing to tbe front. Turpin replied: "The mane name is William E, Davis." Waugh retorted that he did not be lieve the statement was true, whether Turpin had hia name or not. Turpin retorted that Waugh could not aay he waa a falsifier, and advanced rapidly toward him. Hooper of Indiana and others ruabed forward to separate the man, who were rapidly coming together, and the spsaker finally secured order. The bouse was in no temper to proceed with business, however, and aoon adjourned. IN THE SENATE. Vest Incidentally DUcoiaes the Hawaiian Annexation Treaty* Washington, Feb. 16. — The senate this morning took up the eundry civil bill. Vest, in a speech, alluded to the depleted condition of the treasury. He epoke of the secretary in Wall etreet begging like an Italian mendicant for gold from the banke to sustain tbe pub lic credit. He said it was openly avowed by some statesmen that their object was to tide over the next two weeks so as to leave the present disgraceful condi tion of financial affaire on the incoming administration of Mr. Cleveland. Whatever were Mr. Cleveland's faults as an administrative officer or pol itical leader, he left a net sur plus of $100,000,000 in tbe treasury. "The other day," continued Vest, "Mr. Chandler proposed legislation pro hibiting for 12 months immigration, because it was of a character to threaten the moral and political welfare of the country, and again because of the dan ger of cholera. Then almoet immedi ately thereafter, when the news that a Hawaiian commission had arrived in San Francisco was announced, Chandler rushed in with resolutions for the im mediate annexation of the Hawaiian islands with their 90,000 inhabitants, about 4000 of whom are whites, and with the institution of leprosy firmly estab lished. Now we are told there ie to be another continuing appropriation for the late queen of $20,000 a year, and a bounty for their sugar. It is singular that in all this furore of jingoism we hear nothing of the Hawaiian Commer cial company, as it is called—an im mense corporation, 60 per cent of whose assets consists of eugar plantations and stock which is owned almost exclusive ly by Claus Spreckels. Tbe stock today is selling at a nominal figure, but if an nexation takes place millions on mill ions will be put in the pockets of the men owning it." Gorman apostrophized the Demo cratic senators, telling them in a few weeks the responsibility would rest npon them, and they conld not evade it. By tbe Ist of July next they would ha,ve to meet the responsibility by increasing revenues. An amendment to reduce the appro priation for the Mississippi river was rejected. Tbe next amendment wag one re ducing the appropriation for the canal at the cascades of the Columbia river in Oregon from $1,410,000 to $869,000. Mitchell moved to amend tbe amend ment by making the amount $1,239,000. Agreed to—yeas 24, nays 20. A number of other river amendments were disposed of. The next reserved amendment was one striking out of the provision that no money be used for warrants, arrests or prosecutions under tbe internal revenue law, the words "or laws relating to the election of members of congress." This brought on a discussion concerning the merits and demerits of John Davenport, during which Frye alluded to William C. Whitney ac "an adviser of Mr. Cleve land, who bad been elected president by some strange insanity of the people." Voorhees and Hiscock had a brief per sonal spat, and then Hill took the floor. He opposed the amendment, and re plied to Hiscock's remarks in favor of Davenport. No action was taken on tbe amend ment. The conference report on the Califor nia debris commission bill was agreed to. Adjourned. . ■$ LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. THE NICARAGUA CANAL. Stewart Will Offer a Substitute tor the Pending Senate Bill. Washington, Feb. 16. —Senator Stew art gave notice today of a aubstitute to be offered by him to the Nicaragua canal bill. It authorizes the president to contract with the governments of Nica ragua and Costa Rica for a right of way for an interoceanic chip canal between tbe Atlantic and Pacific oceans on the route propoeed by the Maritime Canal company of Nicaragua, the canal to be constructed, equipped and put in opera tion within 10 years. It authorizes the president to negotiate with the canal company for the purchase of all its rights and property; also toisaue bonds, not exceeding $100,000,000 in amount and drawing interest of not over 3 per cent, not over $8,000,000 of which shall be paid to Nicaragua and Costa Rica and tbe canal company. Tbe secretary of war, through the engineer corpa and the army, ia to build, conatruct and equip the canal. WASHINGTON NOTES. A New Forest Reserve Formed In Cali fornia—other Items. Washington, Feb. 16.—President Har rison has issued a proclamation creating the Sierra foreat reaerve in the atate of California. The reservation comprises approximately 6000 square miles of the counties of Merced, Fresno, Tulare and Kern. The attorney general will prosecute sugar firms for refusing to aupply infor mation to the census bureau. Lieutenant Reynolds of the navy, who was rnn over by a cable car last night, died today. By direction of the president General Carr will be placed on the retired liet. A New Silver Plan. Washington, Feb. 16.—There is a new plan on foot to get a vote on the suspen sion of silver purchaaea. It coneieta in obtaining a epecial order from the com mittee on rules for the consideration of the Stewart free coinage bill, which paaaed the senate laat summer, and then moving a aubatitute euepending further purchases of bullion nnder the Sherman law, until tbe bullion now in tbe treasury can be coined. Spoken Without Authority. Washington, Feb. 16.—Ex-Senator Carlisle waa asked today what authority there waa for the etatement credited to him that one of hie firet official steps would be to issue bonds, and that thia would be followed by a special aesaion of congreas, at which the Sherman act would be repealed. He aaid he made no each statement to anyone. AMATEUR SKATERS, Johnson the Crack Cycler Defeats Cham pion Dooushas. Red Bank, N. J., Feb. 16.—The firat annual championebip meeting of the National Amateur Skating aaaociation was held here today. The ice waa in poor condition. Joe Donoghue, the amateur champion, was defeated in a 5-mile race by John S. Johnson of Min neapolis. Donoghue's frienda daclare he waa drugged. Johnson won it in 18 minutes 43 5 seconds. Donoghue fin ished eight yards behind. In the first race, one-fourth mile, Don oghue won easily in 301-5 aeconda. The second wae won by Howard Ma sher in 38 2 5. In tbe mile race Rud won in 4:10 2-5, with Donoghue a cloae second. The last event was a 10-mile race be tween Johnaon, Rudd and Hemmen. Johnson won, being more than a quarter of a mile in advance of Rudd who wae second, with Hemmen a mile and a half behind. Johnson's time was 40:25 25. RENEGADE KID. An Alleged Fight With His Band of Desperadoes. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 16.—The Times tonight ia in receipt of what seems re liable information that Kid and hia band of noted deeperadoea have been utterly routed. Only Eld himaelf escaped death or capture. The details of the capture are not at band, except that the gang went onto San Carloa reservation on a lark and waa betrayed into the hands of the police. Thia report, like many othere concerning this bloodthirety out law, may prove a fake. San Bernardino Brevities. San Bernardino, Feb. 16. —The mast ing of the world's fair committee today selected J. A. Bidwell, a well-known mining man, to represent the county's mineral exhibit at the world's fair. S. H. Slaught is meeting with success here in tbe formation of a company to manufacture textile fabrics from ramie fibre. A meeting of citizens will be held Saturday next to organize a com pany. The Etiwanda Water company filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk today. Capital stock, $500,000. Tbe purpose of the company ie to de velop water for a large tract of orange land near Etiwanda. Dr. Green's Fnneral. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 16.—The fnneral of Dr. Norvin Green, late president of the Western Union Telegraph company, took place in this city this morning. Two services were held—one at the family mansion; one at the Calvary Episcopal church; both were devoid of ostentation. Nearly all the directors of the company and half a hundred divi sion chiefs were present. The remains were interred in Cave Hill cemetery. Senator White Banqueted at Ban Diego. San Diego, Feb. 16. —The local Democ racy gave a banquet to Senator-elect Stephen M. White at the Florence hotel tonight. Many Republicans joined in welcoming him to the city, and were in cluded among the banqueters. An elab orate menu was provided, and the ad dress delivered by White at the close of the banquet was in a happy vein. It Took Troubla, bat Ho Got It. About two or three months ago I pur chased from you a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, put up in Dcs Moines, la. Such good results were ob tained from its use that I enclose $1 and ask that you send me two bottles by ex press.—J. A. Scriven, 18 East Fif teenth street, New York city. To. H. H. Lane, druggist, Peekskill. N. Y. Mr. Scriven ie president of one of the largest ehirt factories in New York, and widely known in business circles. When troubled with a cold give this remedy a trial and, like Mr. Scriven, you will want it when again in need of such a medicine; 50 cent bottles for sale by C. F. Heinzeman, 222 North Main street, druggist. Ton Are Invited To inspect the elegant line of goods now in etock at the W7 C. Fnrrey company, in their commodious new stores at 169 to 166 North Spring street, cole agents ior the world renowned Weir stove, plumbing and household goods. DOINGS AT THE STATE CAPITAL. The Governor Sends a Message to* the Legislature. He Counsels Rigid Economy in the State Appropriations. The Assembly Passes the Los Angeles Park Commission Bill—The Railroad Commissioner! to Be Ousted. By the Associated Press. Sacramemto, Feb. 16.—1n a message forwarded by Governor Markbam to the legislature thia afternoon he says in part: "Bills have been introduced in the legislature calling ior appropriations which, including the general appropria tion bill, will amount to $6,000,000. It ia my desire that every juat claim against the state and every appropriation for necessary expenses be allowed. It is well known that the time of past legis latures and of tbe board of examin ers haa been largely consumed in the examination of doubtful claims against the state. My atten tion has been called to senate bill No. 401 and aaeembly bill No. 374, which authorizeß suits against the state for all claims not allowed by tbe exam iners. I have carefully examined these bills and am of the opinion that if they are passed the interests of all legitimate claimants will be thereby promoted and the true interests of the state will be thoroughly guarded. "It is customary to insert a elauee in the general appropriation bill whereby oflicers and employees of tbe etate are , prohibited from creating a de ficiency in excees of the appropriations, except in caae of actual neceaaity and only then upon unanimoua conaent first obtained of the board of examiners. There should be a general law to the Bame intent. The inspection of the file shows that senate bill No. 502 and assembly bill No. 550 are intended to cover thia point. The state needa all the protection that such a law affords and I urge tbe pasaage of the meaauies mentioned above. "My attention haa been called to the fact that many hills have been intro duced, making appropriationa for vari ous purposes, exempting the aame from certain provisions of the political code, which means that immediately upon the paaaage of these hills by the legisla ture the state controller shall draw his warrant for the amount therein named and the state treaeurer shall pay the same, and that they shall not pass the scrutiny of the board of examiners. I look upon thia principle aa an exceed ingly vicious one and recommend your honorable bodies that no appropriation having this clause in the bill shonld re ceive your sanction. "At the laat eeaaion of the legielature a law waa passed providing for the pay ment of the sum of $5 out of the etate treasury for • -h coyote destroyed. No one at that time had an idea that it would prove such a burden on the tax payers of the state. Tbe laat quarterly report of the controller shows that thnre has been paid out during that quarter over $50,000 for coyote scalps. It is fair to presume that during the next two fiscal years the state will be called upon to pay out over $400,000, and the amount may reach half a million for this pur pose. I recommended in my message to your honorable bodies that the law be repealed. "Senate bill No. 5 haß already paased the senate and,is now before the aa eembly. This bill authorizes an' ap propriation of $300,000 for the erection of a public building in San Franciaco for the accommodation of the various Btate officers and employees located in that city. The idea of concentrating these offices in one building ia certainly worthy of favorable consideration. Firat, on account of the convenience to the people of the state, as it is almost impossible for anyone not very familiar with San Franciaco to expect to find all ' of them in much short of a week's time. Again the rent for this purpose is sim ply enormoua, aa it amounts to over $2000 per month. If the etate ia to pay $24,000 a year for rent it be comes a grave queation whether it ia an economical proposition or not. As a matter of convenience and economy there should be some relief. It aa occurred to me that with a moderate appropriation good and sufficient accom modations could be provided in the new building now being erected by the etate board of harbor commissioners. The location ia central, convenient aud eminently proper. One hundred thou sand dollars ought to be sufficient to provide accommodations for every purpose, with the possible exception of that of the supreme court of the state, the location of which ought to remain nearer the new city hall. I ask your very careful consideration to this propo sition. "In view of the fact that at least $11,000,000 will be required for the main tenance of the various state offices and in stitutions during the next two years and that at leaat $800,000 will be required to put several uncompleted public institu tions in condition for eucceaaful opera tion, and especially in view of the enor moua amount of appropriationa asked for, I do moat earnestly urge that the appropriations for the abaolute neces sities of the state should be the first con sideration and allowed before those of a general character." IN THE SENATE. Action Taken on a Number of Import ant Measures* Sacramento, Feb. 16. —In tbe senate today, tbe bill relating to tbe misrepre sentation by proprietors of newspapers as to their circulation, passed to third reading. The bill to cede the jurisdiction over the Pacific branch of'the national sol diers' home in Lob Angeles county was passed. The bill relating to the improvement of navigable streams passed. The passage of bills nnder tbe urgency rule was resumed. The Bsembly bill as to promote the purity of lections was among those passed. The Kings county bill was brought up and a motion to strike out the enacting clause carried. Goucher gave notice of a motion to reconsider. The bill to create the office of debris commissioner, to look after the expendi ure of the $250,000 appropriated by tbe State, passed by a vote of 30 to 5. Consideration of the concurrent reso lution to oust the railway commission er, was made a special order for tomor row. , Tbe bill to amend the county govern ment act passed. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." "Apollinaris is the leading dietetic Table Water." THE EXAMINER, JAN. 4, '93. "Banqueters find Apollinaris extremely palatable." N. Y. TIMES, JAN. 7, '93. ASSEMBLY PROCEEDINGS. The Los Angeles Park Commissioners Bill Passed. Sacramento, Feb. 16. —In the aaeem bly a number of bills were introduced, among them one by Carlson, creating government irrigation districts; by Tay lor, to create the county of Tehachipi out of portions of Kern and Los Angeles countiea; by Finlayson, providing that train-wrecking shall be a felony punish able by death or a minimum imprison ment of five yeara. A concurrent resolution waa offered by Carlson for the city of San Diego. Emeric'a game law bill passed. No tice of reconsideration was given. A motion to bring up the Madera county bill was defeated. An amendment was adopted allowing Miller and Leonhart $750 and $500, re epectively, for attorneys' fees in the contested election case. Notice of re- - consideration waa given. Qodchaux offered a substitute for the amendment identical with one offered by Gashford, which provides for the abolishment of the railroad commission and the establishment of a tariff sched ule. The bill to establish a naval battalion to be attached to the national guard paeaed by a vote of 60 to 9. The bill providing for a board of park commissioners for Loa Angelea passed. ALL TO BE OUSTED. Charges Against the Railroad Commlg- sloners Sustained. Sacramento, Feb. 16. —The special senate committee, appointed to investi gate the railroad commission, reported thie afternoon aa follows: We find that James W. Rea is and was incompetent to discharge the duties of the office of state railroad commission er, and that he is now and waa guilty of dereliction of duty aa such commission er ; and we further find that the evi dence fully auatains the allegations of said resolution, that said James W. Rea I waa and is giilty of dereliction of duty I aa euch commieaioner, aa defined by the conetitution. "We further find that because of a misconception and misunderstanding of tbe duties of said office, and want of knowledge of the business to be regu lated by said commission, that J. M. Litchfield was and is incompetent, al though he has no doubt tried to dis and tha V l i ln , e I cr?Brt& 1 W VIA HMMUI jh to the incompetency of aaid J. M. Litch field ia fully austained by the evidence herein. 1 "We further find that William Beck man, commiaßioner aforeeaid, made an honeat effort to acquaint himself with the duties of aaid office, and that he was actuated by good intentions, but because of hiß failure to make any effort to in veßtigate the general ratea of freighta and farce of the transportation com panies in this state; that he made no attempt to compel the transpor tation companies to adopt and keep a act of accounts in accordance with the power given said commission by the constitution, and that said Beckman declared in tbe thirteenth annual report of euch commission that hia duties bb such commission were Bolely of a judi cial nature, which declaration we hold to be at variance with the conetitution. We further find that the charge of in competency in said resolution against aaid Willian Beckman ie fully sustained by the evidence. From the foregoing the committee finds, as a conclusion, that said James W. Rea, J. M. Litchfield and William Beckman, commissioners as aforeaaid, and each of them should be removed from the office of commissioners as aioreaaid. Frank McGowan, Chairman. We concur in the report: J. H. Seawell, D. A. Ostrom, Guy 0. Earl. We dissent: E. C. Seymour, J. H. Mahoney. Senator Goucher did not sign the re port, not having heard the evidence. THE JOHNSON INQUIRY. Tbe Accused Assemblyman Testifies In His Own Defense* Sacramento, Feb. 16.—ABBemblyman Johneou began hie testimony tonight before the special committee which is investigating the charges against him. Hie Btory in effect was that when he called at John McKenzie's office in San Jose it was for the purpose oi settling a dispute they had on election day. Mc- Kenzie got to talking about the legisla ture and asked witness to do all be could against Senator Bailey who, he eaid, bad been a traitor to Rea. Johnson said Barrington took him to see Rea, and when he heard Barrington tell Rea that if he would let Johnson have $100 be would stand in with him at the legislature, he got up to leave the room. He did not promise to do anything for Rea, and left with Bar rington and got the money elsewhere. Johnson denied all the teetimony which Rea, Barrington and Edwards bad given regarding the occurrence, and made the sweeping statement that all evidence regarding his willingness to sell hie vote was false. Hart Must Pungle Up. San Francisco, Feb. 16.—Judge Levy today decided that Attorney-General Hart must pay the $18,000 of the state's money in his possession to the harbor commission fund. Hart bad refused to turn the money over to the state treas urer until the courts should decide which fund it should be credited to. " 'Brown's Bronchial Troches' are ex cellent for tbe relief of Hoarseness or Sore Throat. They are exceedingly effective."— Christian World, London, Eng. Cucamonga Wine Agency. We are now prepared to furnish families with fine old Cucamonga wines and brandy; also, line old northern dry wines. 313 North Slain street, Downey block. Telephone 5.10. Children Cry for_Pitcher T s JCastorlai THE SUPERVISORS. Some Important Matters Acted Upon Yesterday. The board of supervisors held a rather busy and important session yesterday. All five of the members were present, and Chairman Cook presided. WANT JOBS. A petition was presented by J. Ralph Dominguez and J. B. Woods asking their appointment as official court inter preters, at a salary of $125 per month, payable monthly. In their petition the | two applicants cite the fact that they are acquainted with the Spanish lan guage. The members of the board discussed the matter to some considerable extent. There was some doubt about the author ity of the supervisors to create the offices of court interpreters. Then, too. if the offices were made it was deemed advisable to have some one appointed who was a linguist and could speak Ger man and French as well. After some discussion it wae decided to refer the petition to a special commit tee of two consisting of Supervisors For rester .and Francisco. GOING TO FIX THE TABLE. Supervisor Forrester wbb directed to have the water table on the roof of the court house repaired, it being shown to the satisfaction of the board that it was in bad condition. • BIDS FOB SCHOOL BONDS. The following bids for $2200 worth of the school bonds o' Fairmount school district were opened: F. W. Devan, premium, $141; Louis Phillips, premi um, $109; R. G. Lunt, premium, $75- W. P. Webb, premium, $87; W. W. Cockins, premium, $136.50; Pirtle Real Estate company, premium, $65. The bonds are to bear 8 per cent inter est, and it will be noted that the compe tition for them was quite lively. The bid of F. W. Devan being the highest, it was accepted, and he receives the lot at a premium of $141, WANT A BRIDGE. The petition of W. R. Dodson, J. R. Durfee and others, asking that a bridge be constructed over Rio Juenda, a branch of the San Gabriel river, at Old Mission, in the El Monte district, waa on motion of Supervisor Hay referred to the finance committee. THEY MOST BE THEMSELVES PRESENT, wa r B h Vj£Ju"'Wfso , l. additional condition licenses on motion of Supervisor For reater, who is the parent of the resolu tion : Resolved, That in future no applica tion for a saloon license will be consid ered by this board unlesa the applicant for such license be preeent in person at the time of such consideration. J. B. McCoy, an indigent, was on motion of Supervisor Hanley allowed transportation to Freano. THE STORM WATER PROBLEM. A committee of the trustees of the city of Paeadena appeared before the board and made an address in relation to the atorm water flowing along the highway from North Paeadena to Paea dena city. The committee compriaed Messrs. Wade, Lukina and Clark. On motion of Supervisor Forreßter the board decided to viait tbe premises in company with the county surveyor on Friday, tbe 24th instant, to ascertain what relief could be given. The hearing of the petition to vacate Alpine avenue in the Alpine tract waa continued to February 2'*d. JAIL SUPPLIES ORDERED. The application of Sheriff John C. Cline for two dozen shirts, two dozen overalls and two dozen pairs of socks, supplies for the jail waa, on motion of Supervisor Hay, allowed. A JUSTICE RESIGNS. Juatice of the Peace W. Metcalf of El Monte townabip preaented hia resigna tion and it waa accepted. The petition of W. R. Dodson and 76 other residents of tbe townßhip asking that John A. McGirk be appointed aa the Bucceßeor of Judge Metcalf waa re ceived and read. On motion of Super visor Forrester it was allowed. Tbe board then adjourned until Satur day morning at 10 o'clock. ST. ANDREW'S BROTHERHOOD The Commission Which Will Arrive Here on Saturday. The general council of the Brother hood of St. Andrew, an organization in the Episcopal church for work among young men, has Bent a commission to the Pacific coast to work up interest in the brotherhood. The commission con sists of Mr. Silas Mcßee of Sewanee, Term,, second vice-president, and Mr, John W. Wood of New York, general secretary. The commission will arrive in thia city on Saturday next, and during its atay the following programme will be carried out: Saturday—Conference at St. Paul's church at 7 :80 p.m. for the city clergy and brotherhood men, and all men inter ested in tbe work. Sunday—Celebration of the holy com munion at St. Paula at 6:45 a.m., especially for brotherhood men, but all are invited, particularly men. At 8:30 a.m. the commiasion leaves for Pomona, returning at 4 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. Bervice at St. Paul's, to be attended by the clergy and congrega tions from all the city parishes (and from Paaadena. if possible). Thia eervice will probably be followed by a conference for all men interested in the work. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not affected with any diseane, but that the syatem simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition ie easily cured by ueing Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company. SPRING I, NOW COMES SPRING, AND WITH it warmth, moieture and decom position. [ These are the conditiona that aggra vate and intensify all forme of chronic diseases, and the time when acute cases cro developed. Health with poverty ie more to any man or woman than Gould's estate or Mr. Blame's popularity with sickness. Now is the time to commence and take a few months of treatment to put you in i that condition that shall insure you a healthy year, a constantly good appe tite, and that buoyancy of spirits that shall make the year prosperoua and happy for you. And, in order that each may have an opportunity at the medical services of our staff and company, WE WILL TREAT ALL ORDINARY CHRONIC AND ACUTE FORMS OF DISEASE FOR Five Dollars Per Month And also cases requiring a renovation of blood and general toning np for the coming warm season. The success of the ALTHI, or Cataplaemic, treatment in Consumption, Broils, Asthma, lanfiflr nnrl FiHrous Tumor . Is simply the wonder of even the hos pital skill that applies it; and for this treatment our chargee are but a little more than the cost of the material used. Thie Cataplaemic treatment ia new on tbe Pacific Coaat, and it ie to our inter eat to publiah its value by curing the cases to which it appliee aa quickly aa possible, and at the minimum cost to the patient. COME NOW, if yon want to avail yourselves of prices and terms not enjoyed anywhere elae. We could publiah an indefinite num ber of namea of prominent medical men and others in testimony of the une qualed value of this treatment, but enough haa already appeared in the col umns of these papers. Prof. R. N. Pool, of the Broadway San itarium, in Denver, Colo,, Bays: "I do not know what it will not cure. I know that it will cure all forme of chest con sumption, diseased mucous membranes, cancers and tumors, and inflammatory rheumatism." We can'cite you to all the evidence necessary here in the city. Our Latest Is the arrival of an EYE SURGEON, and whose specialty, is «that of diseases of the eye. He has had unusual hos pital advantages and clinical experience, and has a high degree of Bkill and dex terity in the use of inetruments and in medication of the eye. The following conditions successfully treated: Strabis mus, or Cross Eyea; Pterygium, Fleshy Growth, all growths or deformities, Granular Lids, Asthenpia or Weak Sight, and all tarsal and conjunctorial troubles. COME AND SEE US! You Cannot Fail of Satisfaction. CONSULTATION FREE. Altbi Medical Company, Successors to tho German and English Physioians, 808K SOUTH SPRING STREET. osTOffice hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; 7 to 8 p.m.