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2 TRANSACTIONS IN WALL STREET. Bears Make Another Raid on Railroad Stocks. Sew England the Principal Point of Attack. northern Peelfio and Industrials Alio Depressed—A Receivership for the New England Road Minted At. B7 the Associated Press. Nsw York, Feb. 24.—A decidedly bearish sentiment existed in Wall etreet this morning, bnt the day developed a material change in this respect, and while resistance was given to the de clines in the leading weak stocks, the market as a whole showed a disposition to break away from the influence of these stocks, as their movements were the resnlt of a special cause and not justified by the general situation. The outgo of gold for tomorrow was rednced to a mere nominal sum, and money waß decidedly easier than for some time be fore the holidays. While little attention was paid to tbese infinences, they evi dently had fnll effect, and weak, feverish and unsettled speculation changed into strong trading. Feeling at the opening was very un easy. The liquidation in New England waß believed to be by no means com plete, and hints that the Beading was in a crippled condition threatened to make it a heavy load. There were broad hints of onsting McLeod from the receivership. Even Northern Pacific was threatened with a receivership, and thongh insiders most emphatically de nied the possibility of snch a thing, liquidation in its stock continued. The market opened excited and very active, Belling being largely by shorts. The losses at the start ranged np to 1%, Western Union leading. Whisky, su gar, cordage and lead were subjected to specially heavy pressure among indus trials, and New England and Northern Pacific among railroads. Heading was stubbornly held and comparatively Quiet. Cordage broke 5 ! „, sugar 4',,, New England Distillers North ern Pacific preferred 2. The last-named afterwards recovered all the loss and more; distillers nearly recovered; the others made partial rallies. At 11 o'clock the market was active and firm •t a rally. After 11 offerings of stocks became very free, and prices, as a general thing, retired to abont the lowest point. Sugar was especially pressed for sale in the belief that the sales of the last few days bad been by a pool, and the price dropped to 111%. New England went to 31 ' 4 , againat 37 last evening. Coalers were strong, however, rising 1%@2. At noon the market waa active and firm; slightly above the opening. After being driven down to tt&, New England rallied 1 per cent. Demand for Beading became urgent and ad vanced 2, from 29%. Lackawanna gained 4%, at 147; Delaware and Hud eon, 3}£, to 127>8. The appearance of White in tbe sugar crowd reversed the course of the stock and a rally of 3 per cent, to 114>£, followed. Cordage sym pathized with a like advance to 00, while the strength of the rally disap peared toward 2 p. m., as the covering of shorts slacked away, and prices again receded from the highest point. The market at 2:15 was still active and again heavy, with railroads aa a rule at close to the beat, but with the leading weak stocks only a slight gain over the lowest. Stocks were active and steady in the last hour. Sugar advanced 1 per cent more. The market cloeed active and firm. Notwithstanding the denial of the ru mors about New England, the decline waa not checked and the stock closed weak. The only other prominent fea ture of the market dealings waa sugar. The belief was general that the liquida tion in progress waa for the account of the pool, and a decline of nearly 5 per cent to waa established in the fore noon. This was recovered in the after noon. The general list showed a firm temper and fractional advances were the rule. Boston, Feb. 24.—The officers of the New York and New England railroad say they know nothing of any application for a receivership and believe the report ia false. They say there is no ground for it, as the company haa no debt it cannot pay. CLEARING HOUSE REPORTS. A Week's Record of Business Done Through Banks of the Country. New York, Feb. 24.—Following ia a record of the volume of business trans acted throngh the clearing houses of the principal cities of tbe United States for the week ending Thursday: Per ot. Per ct. Clearings. Incr'se Decr'se Hew York $741,849,058 13.6 Chicago 86,148,608 2.8 Boston 103,726,527 37.3 Philadelphia... 76,061,163 S.B Bt. Louis 21,114,339 .... .... Ban Francisco.. 11,226,607 .... 3.8 Baltimore 13,331,241 .... 11.2 Pittsburg 12,413,752 .... 6 9 Cincinnati 13,762.750 5.6 New Orleans... 10,430,025 .... 3.1 Minneapolis... 6,293,867 .... 14.3 Omaha 6,696,000 5.7 lienver. 4,585,635 12.5 Bt. Paul 4,003,601 .... 11.7 Portland, Ore.. 1.688,712 11.1 Bait Lake City. 1,538,000 3.2 Seattle 870,000 .... 1.4 Tacoma 940,000 30.4 Los Angeles..,. 882,000 4.5 Helena 870.600 Spokane 864.200 Great Falls 241.000 Galveston 4,951,956 .... 12.5 Total for leading citiea of the United States for the week ended February 23d, $1,215,938,075; an increase of 12.2 per cent aa compared with tbe same week of last year. The Lancashire Strike Broken. London, Feb. 24. —There was a break today in the Lancashire cotton spinning strike when a quarter of a million spindles resumed operations at a reduc tion of 2'Z per cent in wages. This is a compromise, the operatives fighting against a reduction and the masters in sisting on a 5 per cent rednction. It Took Tronble, but Ha Got It. About two or three months ago I pur chased from you a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Bemedy, put up in Dea Moines, la. Such good results were ob tained Irom its use that I enclose $1 and silk that you send me two bottles by ex press.— J. A. BcRrvKN, 18 East Fif teenth street, New York city. To. H. B. Lane, druggist, Peekskill, N. Y. Mr. Scriven ia president of one of the largest shirt factories in New York, and widely known in busineaa circles. When tronbled with a cold give this remedy s trial and, like Mr. Scriven, you will want it when again in need of auch a medicine; 50 cent bottles for sale by C. F. Heinzeman, 222 North Main Btreet. druggist. BAD GOVERNMENT IN SAMOA. Bobert Loui* Stevenson Denounces the Tripartita Regime. Auckland, Feb. 24. — Bobert Louis Stevenson arrived here today on hie way to Sydney. In an interview he repeated hia strictures upon the Samoan officials. He condemned the regulations made by the British commissioners for the pres ervation of order. Theae regulations, Stevenson said, were especially directed against himself. Stevenson deprecated the disarming of the natives, who, he said, ought not to be left utterly defense less. The sole remedy for the present uneatiafactorinesa of Samoan affaire, he thinke, ie the annexation of the islands by some great power. NOT A BEGGAB. Governor McKinley Will Not Accept Public Subscriptions. Watkrbury,Conn., Feb. 24. —Thomas Ketly of the West Side Savings bank, who telegraphed an offer of financial aid to Governor McKinley, received a reply irom Treasurer Herrick of the Society of Savinge of Cleveland, saying: "I desire to thank you for the governor for your moat generous proposition, but it would not be beet to take public subscriptions, aB tbe governor aaya be ia 'no beggar.' " Herrick adda: "McKinley'e iriende may do something, but it will have to be done without his knowledge." WILL SURELY FIGHT. THE CORBBTT-MITCHELL MATCH PRACTICALLY ARRANGED, An Agreement Reached That Is Satis factory to Principals and Backers, Stakes Deposited in Dave Blaaohard's Hands. Nsw York, Feb. 24.—While it ia not definitely known if Corbett and Mitchell have eigned articles for a fight, it is known that a match haß been made tbat is satisfactory to principals and backers. Brady, who is acting for Corbett, and Mitchell have already come to an agree ment, and it ia very probable articlea were either signed yeaterday or today. Brady has already deposited $10,000 with Dave Blanchard. Mitchell Bent a representative to Boston with Brady to post his $10,000 Btake. Mitchell was not reluctant in saying that the fight wonld surely and positively occur in December unless something now un known should prevent the meeting. "It is time," eaid Mitchell, "that Bra dy and I came to a final settlement. I have not the remotest doubt the match will take place, and either Corbett or I will be the champion of the world be fore many months. I cannot say if arti clea of agreement have been signed. I have some regard for American prisons, and it would not do for me to say I have already signed or intend to do co." Brady will go to Canada within a few daye and co will Mitchell. It may be that Mitchell and Brady eigned a formal agreement to meet in Canada. When questioned on the point and asked what will be the object of his going to Can ada, Mitchell eaid: "Only for a pleas ure trip. Baird and I will make a short tour of the states and Canada. We will leave here on Monday and will prob ably reach Canada on Tuesday or Wednesday, The trip ia for no other reason." THEIR APPEAL REJECTED. De Lesieps et al. Must Stand Trial In the Assize Court. Paris, Feb. 24.—The court of cassa tion today annonnced a decision reject ing the appeal heard yesterday of I Charlea de Lesseps, Marina Fontane and J Sans Leroy from the indictments. The trial of Charlea de Lessepa and hie fel low defendanta will therefore proceed in the assize court. Lewelllng Reorganizing the Militia. Chicago, Feb. 24.—A special from Topeka, Kan., Bays: Governor Lewel ling has fully decided to reorganize the Kansas militia. Ordera bave been is sued removing all dieloyal line and staff officers and to replace them with men who will obey the governor's ordere. In addition to the national guard the gov ernor ia causing to be reorganized the industrial legion, the inner circle of the Alliance, having a military character. A Switch-Tenders' Strike. Chicago, Feb. 24. — The strike of switch-tenders on the Chicago and West ern Indiana ia practically over, the com pany putting in new men, and the em ployees of other branches of the service will not go out. At 11 o'clock tonight eight men, supposed to be etrikere, as saulted George Cuddebach, one of the new men, beating him eeverely. Several shots were fired, but nobody hurt. No arreets were made. Tbe Mohammedan Missionary. New York, Feb. 24.—Alexander Bus sell Webb ie here. He is the American Mohammedan whom wealthy Mueael mane of India cent to introduce the faith of Islam among the civilized Ohriatians of the weet. The Mohammedans hope and expect to eetablieh their religion in the United States. Bich Mohammedana of Bombay guaranteed $150,000 for the purpose of erecting a mosque in Amer ica. The Moravia's Rough Exparlanee. Halifax, Feb. 24.—The Hamburg- American line steamer Moravia, 17 days out from Hamburg with 120 passengers bound to New York, put in here this morning, short of coal and damaged. She had a rough experience in tbe re cent gales, received considerable damage and lost part of her propeller blades. The Bering Bea Court. Pabis, Feb. 24.—The members of the court of arbitration regarding the Bering sea met today and signed the minutes of yeaterday'a proceedings. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not affected with any disease, bnt that the system aimply needs cleaneing, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, aa a costive condition ie easily cured by ueing Syrup of Fige. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Company. Typhus In a Jail. Jamaica, L. 1., Feb. 24.—Sheriff Nor ton of Queens county reported thie morning to the board of supervisors that aix new caaee of typhna fever were die covered among tbe prisoners in the jail at Long Island City since last night. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on a new principle—regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery, or. Miles' pills speedily cure biliousness, bad tastes, torpid liver, piles, con stlpstlon. Unequalled for men, women and children, Smallest, mildest, lurestl AO doses 25c. Samples iree. 0. H. Hance, 177 North Spring. _________ [ Use Qsemam Family Boar, I » LOS ANGELES HERALTS: SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1893. THE NEXT SECRETARY OF STATE. Gresham Has an Interview With John W. Foster. Later He Goes to Lakewood as the Guest of Cleveland. Other Distinguished Callers on the Fresidont-Eleot—Henry T. Thur ber to Be Cleveland's Pri vate Secretary. By the Associated Press.] New York, Feb. 24.—The next aecre retary of state, Walter Q. Gresham, called on the late secretary of state, John W. the Fifth-avenne ho tel thia afternoon. They remained in conference about an hour. Afterwards Foster said that what transpired waß of no importance. He denied that the Bering sea question waa touched upon and said tbe meeting was of a pnrely friendly nature. Judge Greeham said he would go to Lakewood tonight where be expected to meet Cleveland and some members of the new cabinet. THE GUEST OF CLEVELAND. Gresham Arrived at Lakewood—Carlisle and Other Callers. Lakewood, N. J., Feb. 24.—Judge Walter Q. Gresham arrived in Lakewood at 5:30 p. nr., today, and was driven to the Cleveland cottage. He will be Cleveland's gueat until tomorrow after noon, when he will leave and go back to Chicago. Hon. John G. Carlisle will arrive from Washington tomorrow morning, and will talk over matters connected with the incoming administration, but there will be no formal cabinet conference. Col. John F. Dickinson, secretary of the world's Columbian commission, and Bradley T. Smalley, member of the na tional commission, called on Cleveland thia afternoon and arranged for the pre sentation of an elaborately engraved in vitation to open tbe world's fair on May Ist. Mr. Cleveland appointed March 6th, at 1 p. m., as the time when he would receive tbe committee bearing the invitation. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. Henry T. Thnrber of Detroit Gets Dan Lamont's Old Job. Lakewood, N. J., Feb. 24.—Cleveland has appointed Henry T. Tfiurber of De troit, Mich., to be hia private secretary. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 24.—Henry T. Thurber, whoee appointment as private secretary to President-elect Cleveland is announced, ia a member of the law firm of Dickinaon, Thurber & Stevenaon of thia city. The offer of the private sec retaryship came to Thurber by a tele gram and was a complete surprise. He baa announced that he will accept the position. Thnrber haa been associated with Don M. Dickinson for 18 yeara, be ginning as a etudent. THE VICE-PRESIDENT-ELECT. Arrangements Completed for His Jour ney to Washington. Bloomington, 111., Feb. 24. —The ar rangements are now complete for Vice- Preeident-Elect Stevenaon's trip to Washington. He will be the guest of the Illinois Democratic club of thia city, which has chartered a special train to run from here to Chicago via the Chi cago aud Alton, thence to Washington over the Baltimore and Ohio. Beßidea Stevenson and family, Mr. and Mre. James S. Ewing and a number of other friends will travel in a private car. In the other cars of the train will be 100 members of the Illinois club, with their ladiea. A representative of the Associ ated Press will accompany the train. It leaves Bloomington at 8 o'clock next Monday morning, and ia echeduled to arrive at Waahington Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. _ The Montana Senatorship. Helena, Mont., Feb. 24. —The aena torial ballot today reaulted: Mantle, 31; Clark, 25; Dixon, 8; others scattering. THE TREASURY SITUATION. A Deelded Improvement Over Its Beoent Condition. Washington, Feb. 24. —The treasury aituation ahowa a decided improvement today. Advlcee received show that the export of gold at New York for tomor row will reach only $500,000. Here it was expected that $1,000,000 would be required to meet the de mands for foreign shipment. Thia taken in connection with the fact tbat in the face of the gold agitation, the government haa increased ita gold hold ings by $143,000, has inspired confidence and led to the belief among the treasury officials that the tide haa changed. With the $500,000 of gold to be exported tomorrow, subtracted from tbe free gold held in the treas ury, a net balance will be left of more than $3,800,000. The receipts alao in crease over the expenditures and the close of the month will show the ledger almost balanced despite the fact that more than $14,000,000 is required for pension payments. THE BELIGMANB LEFT. Ban Francisco Capitalists Bid In the Donohne Boad. i San Bafael, Cal., Feb. 24.—Forty-two thousand aharea of stock, a controlling interest in the San Francisco and North i Pacifio railroad, extending from San ; Francisco to Ukiah, were Bold in open ' conrt today. Bidding was very spirited, starting in at $10 a share by the Selig mans of New York, and rose by small i jumps to $20.25 a share, and at that fig t ure was sold to Sidney B. Smith, a San s Francisco attorney, representing a San > Francisco ayndioate headed by A, W. i Foster, • local stock broker. The Los Angeles connty world's fair committee held a short meeting yeater day morning. Boutine bneineee was transacted. In consequence of having received nq definite information ac to the date for the shipment of the exhib its to Chicago, the committe was unable to complete any definite arrangements in that respect. Out of respect to the memory of J. A. Bidwell, who dropped dead at San Bernardino on Thursday, the meeting was adjourned. Mr. Bid well waa the chairman of the minea and mining committee oi tbe California atate world's fair commission, and had he lived would have been sent to Chicago during the Columbian fair. He waa a valuable man, and the committee can ill affard to loae him. CAPRIVI'S BIRTHDAY. The Kaiser Presents the chancellor a Sword of Honor. Berlin, Feb. 24.—Thia being the | 62d birthday of Chancellor Yon Caprivi, the kaiser firet called at the chancellor's residence to congratulate him. The kaiaer addressed the chancellor in terms of warm eateem and expressed the wish that his life might be epared for many yeare. Then hia majeety personally presented to the chancellor a aword of honor, gold-hilted and splendidly in crusted with precious Btones. The gift is regarded as significant, in view of the alarming reasons which Caprivi held out for the paaaage of the army bill. LIBERALS ELATED. Gladstone's Home Rule Bill Endorsed at the Polls. London, Feb. 24.—A parliamentary election waa held in Galeshead today to 611 the vacancy caused by the elevation of Walter Henry James to the peerage. William Allen, Liberal, waa returned by an increased majority over the last election. The Liberals have recaptured Circen cester, Lawson, Liberal, having been elected over Master, Conßervative. The election coming after introducing the home rale bill is regarded aa significant. A BATTLE TO THE DEATH DAL HAWKINS POUNDS A SWEDE INTO UNCONSCIOUSNESS. Fatal Consequences Feared—The Affair Occurred In a San Francisco Prize Blng—Hawkins and His Seconds Arrested. San Fbancibco, Feb. 24.—The termin ation of a bantam-weight fight between Dal Hawkins and Billy Miller, a Swede, before the Pacific club tonight, wae the arrest of Hawkins, for apparently fatal injuries inflicted upon Miller. Jack Hicks, "Spider" Kelley and Joe Soto, Hawkin'e seconds, and Jim McGran, who waa behind hia opponent, were alao taken in custody. The fight lasted 15 rounds and it waa early apparent that it could have but one reault—victory for Hawkins. Miller waa punished severely and grew weaker, each round. Hia seconds advised him to throw up the sponge, but he declined, delaring he was not Buffering greatly. Finally, in the 15th round, the Swede collapsed under a light blow and fell forward on hia face. He was counted out and when the usual time for resua eitation was reached, he failed to show eigne of consciousness. The patrol wagon was summoned and the proatrate fighter waa removed to the receiving hospital. Meanwhile officers took charge of Hawkins and his seconds. It waß believed Miller wae eufiering from concussion of the brain, and a fatal issue wsb expected. At 1180 a. m., however, reports are tbat Miller ia recovering con sciousness and there is a better chance for hia recovery. No charge hae yet been made against Hawkins and his companions. Found Dead In Bed. Sas JOSE, Fob. SI. Aloxander Som erville, an old resident of thia county was found doad in bed this evening at hia home. He waa last Been alive Tues day evening when neighbors saw him return from the poet office. During the laet two days be was not seen around his house so 0. Hathaway, who resides near by, effected an entrance through a window and found Somerville dead in bed. A bottle of solution of cocoaine waa found in Mb bed, with the contents half gone. The deceased suffered from neuralgia, and it ia conjectured that he took an overdoae of the drug. He waß said to be quite wealthy. Three sons survive bim. Btate Horticultural Society. San Francisco, Feb. 24.—The State Horticultural society held ita monthly meeting here today. President B. M. Lelong presided. Edward F. Adama, general manager of the Santa Clara County Fruit exchange, sent a paper, which waa read, on fruit marketing. DiBCUBBion on thiH subject wae postponed till the next meeting, when Mr. Adams and Col. Philo E. Heraey of San Jose will addreae the meeting. A communi cation from President Lelong wae read reviewing the progreßß of legislation af fecting horticultural intereets. British Naval Circles Excited. London, Feb. 24.—A sensation bae been caused in naval circles by the non concurrence of the lorda of the admiralty in the acquittal of Vice Admiral Fairfax of the Britiah Mediterranean squadron and Commander David L. Dickson and Capt. A. P. Haatinge of the iron-clad battle Bbip Howe, of the same sqnadron, which was stranded on November 2d at the entrance of Ferrol harbor, Spain. Marine Intelligence. Hamburg, Feb. 24.—Arrived: Stim hoft, from New York. Southampton, Feb. 24.—Arrived: Elbe, from New York for Bremen. New York, Feb. 24.—Arrived: Vega, from Lisbon; Bolivia, from Glasgow. Not Preparing for a Strike. St. Louis. Feb. 24.—The local switch men say they have no grievances and are not preparing for a strike, either now or during the world'a fair. Unlike the Dutch Process @ No Alkalies Other Chemicals SS, r;Mi\ are used in the If 'f \ preparation of l.jly.BaartCt', Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times ihe strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily DIGESTED. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass THE SOLONS AT SACRAMENTO. Another Busy Day in the Leg islature. The Reassessment Bill Debated in the Senate. Ousting: of the Railway Commission Again Deferred—County Division Bills Advanced in the Assembly. By the Associated Press. Sacramento, Feb. 24.—1n the senate this morning the resolution to remove tbe railroad commissioners went over until 3:30 this afternoon. Carpenter's substitute for the assem bly reassessment bill, submitted by tbe majority of the committee on corpora tions, and Seawall's minority eubatitute were both read. Carpenter moved to adopt the majority report. Seawall spoke at length in favor of the minority substitute which proposes to collect taxes from the railroads re assessed back as far as 1879. Carpen ter's bill levies a re-assessment back to 1884. The amount of the former ex ceeds the latter over $2,000,500. The or iginal bill provides for re-asseßsment since 1882. An urgency motion wae made by Ostrom to adopt the minority report. Seawall said he had no animosity to the railroad companies of the state and waa willing to concede the great good they have done in developing the state, but in the matter of the payment of taxes the railroads had not done their duty and had not complied with the laws. Carpenter said, in favor of the adop tion of his bill, that the minority sub stitute, if it became a law, would pro duce between $1,500,000, and $1,750,000. The minority substitue includes pen alties, costs and attorneys' fees. The supreme court has de cided that one company cannot be taxed. The minority bill seeks to re-enact laws which the supreme court of the United States haa decided unconetitutional. The court decided that the board of equalization had no right to assess a federal franchise, aa they had done, yet this minority bill would have thia franchise included. The assembly bill to prohibit prize fighting came up for Becond reading. It waa ordered to third reading by a vote' which indicates that it will be made a law. The reeolution to oust the railroad commissioners, which was the special order for 3:30, was made a special order for that time Monday. The vote on the reassessment substi tutes resulted in the adoption of the majority substitute by a vote of 22 to 18. In the senate tonight, among other bills passed were a bill to compel cor porations and persons engaged in bank ing to publish semi-annual statements, and Maher's bill relating to tbe fore closure of mortgages. The second read ing of billa followed. ASSEMBLY PROCEEDINGS. County Division ituis Passed to Third Sacramento, Feb. 24.—1n the assem bly today the bill exempting fruit tree s and vines from taxation passed. The committee on ways and means reported favorably the senate bill mak ing an appropriation for the Southern California ineane asylum. Flnlayson's bill providing a general scheme for holding primary elections was taken up and discnssed. At the afternoon session Bagdale's bill to prohibit merchants, newspapers, etc., from offering prizes to their patrons wae killed. The bill introduced in the senate by McGovern and in the seßembly by Hen drickson, to authorize suits against the state and regulating procedure therein, was finally passed. The bill tp creste Rivereide county was ordered to third reading and further consideration made a special order for tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Tbe Madera county bill was alao ordered to third reading and made a special order for 11:30 tomorrow. The San Antonio bill next came up. Finlayson offered an amendment to the effect that the precincts of Fnente, Azu sa and Covina should be left in Los An geles county. A recess waß taken till evening. The assembly spent nearly all the evening session in the second reading of bills. Executive Notes. Sacramento, Feb. 24. — Governor Markham baa pardoned from the Whit tier reform school, Henry Anderson, convicted in tbe superior court of San Bernardino, of burglary. The governor haa signed the bill which limits the time of etreet railway fran chises, also the bill that provides for the contingent expenses of the assem bly. Gresoen t City Bnees. ew Orleans, Feb. 24. —The track was fast. Six furlongs—Dolly Nobles won, Jim Dougherty second, Jim Reed third; time, 1: lii. Five and one-half furlongs—Julius Sax won, Dan Collins seconds Florist third; time, 1:085£. Three furlongs—Jib won, Twang sec ond, Mies Scott third; time, 0:38. Seven furlongs—Primero won, War plot second, Bee's Wing third; time, 1:29K- Fifteen-sixteenths of a mile—Lock port won, Constantino second, Nellie Pearl third; time, I:3s>£. A Hung Jury. Sacramento, Feb. 24. —The jury in the Palmer murder case retired last Tuesday night and is still out. The jury has stood eight to four from the first, but whether the majority is for conviction or acquittal cannot be learned. Tbe probability ia that the jury will be discharged tomorrow. At tbe former trial the jury disagreed. Stage Children tn Be Protected. New York, Feb. 24.—T0 tare some action to the reported statement of Com modore Eldridge T. Gerry that children are being brought up to a life of vice by being connected with the stage, a meet ing of the New York managers waa held thia afternoon. It agreed to take steps toward forming an association for the protection of stage children. The White Squadron. Fortress Monroe, Va.,Feb. 24.—Tht United Statee warehipa Baltimore. Charleston, San Francisco and York town arrived thie morning to take pari in the naval review in connection witl the opening of the world's fair. CLEOPATRA'S RIVAL. Chios Bradway Has Her Seventh Elope ment. Miss Chios Bradway has run off again. This is her seventh eiopement. It was learned thia afternoon from a reliable source that Bhe left her home in Center ville about 8 o'clock last evening;, and came to Fresno, says the Expositor of that city of Thursday, and took the mid night train for Loa Angeles. The man she ran away with thia time ia Baid to be Ed Yonng. Brock Limbaugh accom panied the runawaya aa far ac Fresno aa a guard, and to take the horae and cart home. The outfit waß a borrowed one, the horse belonging to Fint Overhall and the cart to William McKaley. In this borrowed rig they all three came to Fresno, and Limbaugh took the horae and cart back. Thia ie the Beventh time the girl haa eloped, and ehe ie not quite 17 years old yet. She hae a mad desire for fame, and wante to rival and eurpaea Queen Cleo patra. She thinks ehe can do it by a large number of elopements. Her friends have tried hard lo break her of her foolishness, but in vain. She eloped once with Brook Limbaugh, and twice he haa gone with her and thoee who were running away with her. She evidently thinka Limbaugh a pretty fine young fellow. He goea along to protect her and her lovere, and then when he gets a good chance he runs off with her himßelf. It will probably not be long before she will be heard from again. WILSON BURNED OUT. His Home on Thirtieth Street Consumed Last Night. The honae of John Wilson, on Thirti eth and SanPedsy streets, was destroyed by fire at midnight laat night. Mr. and Mre. Wilßon were in bed asleep at tho time tbe house caught fire, and had a narrow escape. Mre. Wilson received some quite serioua burns before Bhe got out, and ehe wae taken to a neighbor's houee, where her injuries re ceived attention. The house, which was probably worth $4000, and all the contents were entirely conaumed. There was no insurance. How to Save Doctor Bills. [Chicago Daily Calumet.] Many a doctor's bill has been saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy. The name is a household word in many parts of the country. Chamberlain's medicines have an ex tensive sale in the world's fair city and many people testify to the merits of their different remedies. For sale by 0. F. Heinzeman, 222 North Main street, druggist. The Hollenbeck hotel has changed hands. Messrs. E. G. Fay Sc Son have sold their lease of the popular hostelry and the furniture. The purchaser is Mr. A. C. Bilicke, formerly of the Paci fic Ocean house, Santa Cruz, Cal. Mr. Bilirke is a hotel man of experience and will undoubtedly not only sustain the excellent reputation the Hollenl eck al ready has, but will add to it. Mr. Bil icke will take possession of the hotel on the Ist. The price which governed the transfer haft not been given. As she enters •womanhood, every young girl needs the wisest care. Troubles beginning then may make her whole life mis erable. But tho troubles that are to bo feared havo a positive remedy. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system, and regulates and promotes every proper function. It's a generous, support ing tonic, and a quieting, soothing nervine—a legitimate medicine, not a beverage, free from alcohol and injurious drugs. It corrects and cures, safely and surely, all thoso delicate derangements, weaknesses, and diseases peculiar to tho sex. A remedy that does cure is one that can be guaranteed. That's what the proprietors of " Favorite Prescription " think. If it doesn't give satisfaction, in every case for which it's recommended, they'll re fund the money. No other medicine for women is sold on such terms. Decide for yourself whether some thing elsp sold by the dealer, is likely to be "just as good" for you to buy. Honolulu and Kilauea! . Now that annexa ev *jy tIOQ Is assured, trav tb ff v £.elers are availing II ft T themselves of the // \i P**iviie»»je ot viEitlng 1 _f 1 Hawaii, tbe Paradise I J—MTiu // of the The Vv swialdi*' if splendid steamers of tho Ontniiin S'.L-iim <?f^Wß^s_f^/H^ s Htli l > Company null 4 r^3_Bt_Srl_l twice a mouth. Special rates to parties of six and over. Illuc trated printed matter furnished en application to C. H. WHITE, or H. B 8108, Ticket Agent 8. P. Co., Agt Oceanic 8. 6. Co., Buraiok Block. 124 Wf st Becond st 1215 tf ■ Stimson Mill Co., Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS PUGir SOUND PiNB and HUMBOLDT REDWOOD. Office and yard, comer Third street and Santa Fe avenue, Los Angeles. Tel. 04. i2-ii l y XSTABLISHKD 1880. TID Pfll l IMC OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN, UK. uULLINo With the Loa Angeles Optical Institute, 1 25 South spring street. Lob Angclov Byes examined free. Artificial eyes lnsert&|, Lenses ground to oiA»r ou premises. OccullsW prescriptions correctly filled. 0-8 «n» Southern Pacific Gompanj IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME FEBRUARY 2, 1893. Trains leave and are due to arrive at LOSANGELES (ARCADE DEPOT). Filth atreet, dally, aa follows; Leave For destination. Arr. From 8:30 a. m Banning AlO:loa,aq A4::iOp.m Banning 4-OOp.mj 8 30 a. m Colton lOlOa.mi 10:30 a. in Colton 400p ml 4 30p.m Colton 615pm) 8 30 a. m Doming aud Bast 4 OOp.av 8:30a.m —£1 Paso and Bast 4 00pm AS:lsp.m Chino A8:50«.m 8:30 a.m Chino 10:10a.m 4:30 p.m Chino 6:15p.m i>:'jr>a. m. Long Beach & Ban Pedro 8 loa m All! :40pm. -ian Pedro it Long Beach All:s(>a.m 5:00 p.m. Long Beach & San Pedro 4:lspm 200 p.m Ogden and Bast,2d clasß 7-30 am 10:40 p.m. Ogden and Bast,lst class 12 30p m 10:40 p.m Portland. Or 7:3oam 8:30 a. m Riverside 10;10a.m 10.30 a. m Riverside 4;oop'm 4:30 p. m Riverside o;lsp'm 8:30 a. m San Bernardino 10;10a.m 10:30 a. iv San Bernardino. — 4:oop.'m 4:30p.m San Bernardino 6:15p.m B:3oam Redlands 10:10 am 10:30 a. m Bedlands 4:00p.m 4:30 p.m Redlands 6:15p.m 2:00p.m San Fran, and sacram'to 7:30a.m 10:40 p.m. San Fran. andSacram'lo 12:30p.m A9:52a. ni Sania Ana and Anaheim 9-.04a.m 5:10 p.m. Santa Ana and Anaheim A4:o4p.n& 9:25 am. . Santa Barbara I:3opm 4 65 p.m Santa Barbara 9:10p.m 9;45a.m BantaMonlca AS;o9a.m Santa Monica 8:59a.m I:loa,in BantaMonlca 12:15p.m 5-.15p.m BantaMonlca 4:30p.m AG: 15 p.m. BantaMonlca Santa Monica Canon.. 512:15p.m 59:45 a. m . .Santa Monica Canon.. s4:3op.m sl:lOp. m, . .Bania Monica Gallon 4:52p.m Tnstln B:43a.nt A9:4oam Whittier. 8:43a.m 4:52 p.m. Whittier At:4np.n» Take Santa Monioa trains from Stn Fernandsi street, Naud's Junction, Commercial street. Arcade depot, Jefferson street (Wintnrop sta tion), Grand avenue, or University. For north: Arcade, Commercial street,Naud's Junction, San Fernando street. For east: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud's) Junction. For other branches: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud's Junction, Ban Fernando street. Local and through tlclcetß sold, baggage checked, Pullman steeping car reservations made, and general information given upon ap plicatiou to J. M. CBAWLKY, Asst. G Pas. Agl„ No 144 s. spring it., cor. Second. ciiABL-18 SKYLKK, Agent at depots, s Bundays only. A Sundays excepted. BICH'D GRAY. Gen. Traffic Mgr. T. H. GOODMAN, Gen'l Passenger Agt SOCTTIKRN CALIFORNIA RAILWAY COMPANY. ißantaFe route. IN EFFECT SUNDAY, JAN. 1, 1893, Leave. Arrive. * 5:15 p.m —Chicago Limited... * 7:50 a m * 7:ooam ...Overland Express * 6 35 p.m * B:15 a.m .Ban Diego Coast Line.. " 1:15 p.m * 430pm ..San Diego Coast Line.. • 6:50p.m * 7:00 ami r * 7:50 a.m * 0:00a.m I . ..San Bernardino... J * 9 55am * 4:00p.m f via Pasadena 1 t 1:25 p.m * s:lspm J I » 6:35 p.m * 700 am! ... Riverside via... j f 1:25 p.m * 9:00 ...San Bernardino... f 6:35 p.m '« Ber'dinovia Orange } '. * 7:00 a.m 1 Redlands, Mentone f , „.., " _ * 9:OOaV 1 ... and Highland...l . PsS am * 4 00 p.m f vii i I l *»P-«> * s.lsp.mjj Pasadena { oJS P- m f 6:05 a m > Redlands, Mentono ( *10:15 a m and Highland, via 5* 3:55 p.m * 4:3op,ni ) Orange & Riverside ( • 6:50 p.m 1 ( t 7:35 a.m * 0:00a.m ..Azusa, Paßadena.. t 8:43a.m * 1:25 p.m I and j • 9:55 a.m * 4:00p.m (.. intermediate 1 t 1.25 p.m t 5:25 pm I stations I ■ 4:17 p.m * 6:55 p.m J t ' 6:35 p.m 110:25 am Pasadena * 7 50 a.m * 5:15 p.m Pasadena )11:31a.m t 6:osa.rr Santa Ana t 8:50a.m * B:lsam Santa Ana |10:15a.m * riantaAna " 1:15 p.m * 4:30p.m Santa Ana k 6:50 p.m •10:15 a.m Redondo " 8:29 a.m * 4:o.>g>.m Redondo • 3:50p.m * 7:48 a.m... SantaMoulca. "10:00 a, m BantaMonlca * 9:43 a.m * 4:05 p.m r'anla Mouloa * 3:50 p.m Santa Monica |"6::i6p.m t 8-188 ».»! ! tll:00a.m Temecula via Orange . 1)10:1. f 8:15 a.m Escondido via Coast line;) 1:15 p.m •Daily. (Dailyexceptauuday. t-iundays only, K. VV. McGKS, City Pas. and T. Ag't. 129 N. Spring st., Los Angeles. ED. CHAMBERS, Ticket Agent. First-street Depot. Depot at foot of First street. 1 23 LOSINGELES TERMINAL LUILWaY. Los Angeles depots, east end of First street and Downey avoaue bridges. Leave Los Augeles lor Leave l'asauena for Pasadena. Lot Angeles. ) 6:35 a.m t 7:15 a.m - 7:10 a.m " 8:05 a.a * 8 00 a.m * 9:05 a.m * 9:00 a.m '10:35 am •10:30 a.m '12:00 ro •12:15 p.m * 1:05 p.m * 1:25 p m * '- :05 p.m * 2:25 p.m 4 05 p.m * 4:00 p.m * 5:25 p m * 5:20 p.m *,7:05 p.m * 6:20 p.m • 9:30 pm, 11:00 p.m »11:45 p.n> "Downey avenue leaving time 7 minutes later, Leave Los Angeles lor Leave Altadena lor Altadena. Los Angeles. •10:30 a.m l 1 a m * 4;00 p.m 5:00 p m All trains start from Flrststreetdepot. Leave Los Angeles for Leave Glendale for Lot Glendale. Angeles. t 6-45 a.m..'.' t 7:25 a.m 1 8:15 a.m X 9:05 a.m J 12:20 p.m • 1:18 P m * 6:25 p.m * 0:15 P m Leave Los Angeles for Leave East San Pedro Long Ileach and East for San Pedro. Los Angeles. •~9:45 a.m * 7:4,0 a.m 112:45 p.m t 1 a ' 2 i 5:15 p.m • 3:35 p.m Between East San Pedro and Long Beach, 10 minutes. m San Gabriel Valley Rapid Transit Railway MONROVIA DIVISION. Leave Los Angeles for Leave Monrovia for Los Monrovia. Angeles. t~7:55 a.m t g:s_ a-"* »ll:10 a.m * B:s* am * 2:55 p.m _1_* 5 . SJS * 5:23 pm * *:»<> P "> ■Dally. »Dally,except Sundays. iSunaaysonly. Stages meet the 8:00 a. m. and 12:15 p.m. trains at Pasadena for Mt Wilson on new traU. Passengers leaving Los Angeles on the 8 a.m. train for Wilson's peak can return toe same day Theater nights ihe 11 p.m. train will wait 20 minnfs altar the theater is out when later than '° pccFaFVates to excursion and picnic parties. Depots east end First street and Downey ay*, nue bridges. . . . _ General offices, First-street Depot. T. B. BURNETT, General Manager, Jy2-tf W. Wise UP, Gen. Passenger Agt, Redondo Railway. Winter Time Card No. 9. In Effect 5 a. 111. October 3, 1892. Los Angeles Depot, Corner Grand avenue and Jefferson street. Take Grand ay. cable or Main St. and Agri cultural Park horse cars. Trains Leave Trains Leave Los Angeles Bedondo for Redondo for Los Angeles. 8:00 a.m. daily 7:20 a m daily 9:00 a m. daily 9:10 a.m. daily 1:35 pm. dally 11:00 a.m. dally 5:00 p. m. daily 4:45 p.m. dally Running time between Los Angeles and Re dondo Beaoh, 50 minutes. City Ticket office at A. B. Greenwald's cigar store, corner First and Spring streets. GEO. J. AINSWOB.TH, J. N. SUTTON, President. Supt B. H. THOMPSON, V ice-President. J. M. Griffith, Pres't J. T. Griffith, V.-Pros.t T. E. Nichols, Secy and Treas, It. L. Chandler, Superintendent J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, LUMBER DEALERS And Manufacturers of DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, STAIRS* Mill Work of Every Description. 93» X A'am.da Street, Los Aageles.