Newspaper Page Text
NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING CITIES. An Eastern Man Drops Dead at the Raymond Hotel. t , flttany Indications of Prosperity Noted at Santa Ana. Kodlands Notes—Redondo Snipping Ar rivals and Departures—Death of John Martin at Pomona. Pasadena, Feb. 24.—A new feature baa been added to the already multiple attractione in the Throop polytechnic, in the shape of eemi-monthly oratorical exercises. It is the intention to have presented at theee occasions papers upon the different branches of study engaging the attention of tbe students, prepared by the echolars themselves and read be fore the aaeembly. The exercieee this morning were of a moßt interesting character, many of the papers read being explainod by charts and the actual performance of the ex periments before the school. The first paper was a descriptive article, entitled A Trip to Mt. Wilson, by Mice Fanny Hall, written in a clear and interesting style. Over-work and Under-reet wae the Bubject of a moat sensible and well-written paper by Mr. Bobert Allen, followed by an instru mental aolo hy Miss Vina Barker, in her usual excellent style. Mies Haines read a paper on Biology, presenting thia in teresting aubject in a most intelligent manner. A Belection from Byron waa next read by Mice Sada Keeae, following which Mr. George Doty presented the cloaing paper, upon that ever faecinating Bubject, Chemistry, illustrated by num erous interesting and instructive experi ments. The paper itself was a splendid production, and did its author much credit. dropped dead. A very earl event marred tho feetivi ties at the Raymond hotel last evening. Mr. Thomae Footer of Utica, N. V., one of tbe recent arrivals, was taken with heart failure while conversing with a party of friends, and falling to the floor died almost immediately, never speak ing a work after the attack. Bey. A. M. Merrain of this city ia a cousin of the deceased, and was calling upon him at the time he was stricken. The services of Dr. Meylert were at once called np but without avail, although every attempt waß made to bring back life. Mr. Foater waß in his 72d year, highly respected by all who knew him and hia death will prove a great shock to his many friends and relativea in the east. The body will be aent eaat on tomor row's overland for interment. WILSON SCHOOL EXERCISES. Very interesting and entertaining ex ercises were held at Wilson high echool this afternoon in commemoration of Washington's birthday. The pro gramme rendered in an excellent man ner waa ac followe: Chorus, Let the Hills and Vales Resound, Essay, St. Cecilia—Mabel Prentiss. Violin aud piano—Ada Palmatecr, Ethel Pixley. Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works—Tenth year. SAsay, "oJ«— Qraoe Lungley. man. — ■ -■ - - - - - Guitar dnct—Maud Jones, Lizzie Welngarth. Violin solo—Harold Simpson, Reading—Mary Farcy. Essay, Patriotic Holidays—Charles Coleman, Esßay, The American Flag—Jennie Sheaf, Vocal solo—Alice Eaton, Reading—Lou Freeman. Piano solo—lna Goodwin. Drama, The Trnth Teller—Eleventh sear. Chorus—Annex Maid. PRESBYTERIAN SOCIAL. The Young People's Christian En deavor eociety of the Firet Preebyterian church gave an afternoon Bocial in the chnrch parlors yesterday, which was well attended. Befreahmenta were served during the afternoon, and an ex cellent musical and literary programme rendered, consisting of a vocal duet by Misses McKellar and Young; recitation, Mrs. Yonng; vocal solo, Miaß Eaton; eaßay, Miae Ida Mellißh; vocal solo, Misa McKellar; duet, Harold Simpson and Mias Pearl Wickens. NOTES. A newly-born is announced at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ed Ward. Both the Terminal and Santa Fe re port a rushing local business. There is a movement againet Colorado Btreet paving that should be voted down. The poppy fields north of town prove a very popular resort for the eastern tourists these fine daya. The marriage of Mr. John K.Vlier and Mies Laurie E. Thurman is announced for Thursday evening, March 9tb, at 8 p. m. John Dillon, in A Model Husband, is booked at the opera houae Wednesday evening, March lat. Seata will be on eale Monday at Sueaaerott'e. A team belonging to N. C. Carter of Sierra Madre, attached to a light buggy, got away from their driver this evening, came tearing down Fair Oake, crashed into a buggy belonging to Mr. Lippin cott, breaking a wheel, and ended by overturning the carriage they were at tached to and Bmaahiog it up generally. Preeident Keyes of Throop university delivered the second of hie eerieß of lec tures upon Conatitutional Governments at the Univerealiet church this evening, to a good sized audience. There is talk of tendering a banquet to Prof. T. S. C. Lowe, by the citizena of Pasadena, aoon to be recognized in a Sublic way by the work which he haa een carrying on in our midßt, in the Pasadena and Mt. Wilson railroad en terprise. It ia certainly to be hoped tbat thia idea will be carried out, for tbe pub lic Bpirit that has been manifest by thiß gentleman abundantly deeervea thia honor. A slight change in time on the Santa Fe will occur next Sunday. A new train will be put on, leaving here at 12 :E8 for j Pasadena Briefs. Pasadena office of the Herald, No. 16 West Colorado street. Advertisements and subscrip tions received. 1 ST NICHOLAS, half Mock from terminus of tSc Los Angeles, I'usailena and Glendale rail way. Rates $5 to if 7 per week. Miss 1 Mc- Lain, proprietor. MORGAN'S LIVERY AND BOARDING STA BLE, rear of poslufflce. safe and stylish turn outs at reasonable prices. Telephone 00 COOK & ECKOZA, general blacksmlthing, ho, 15 Union street. G. S. MAYHEW, real estate broker, 20' !, West Colorado street. Loans and investments M'DONALI), BROOKS & CO., real estate loans and houses for rent. Bargains in houses and ranches. 7 Last Colorado street, ARTHUR H. PALMER, D. D. & Dental rooms, Eldridge building, Pasadena. HOTEL GREEN Klectrlc lights, steam heat ed, hot and cold water, elevator, and all mod ern improvements. THE PAINTER HOTEL, Fair Oaks and Washington; first-class family hotel LOS ANGELES HOTEL, cor. Colorado street ' and Delanccy avenue; transients, *] and SI to per day; tirst-elass. P. Klein, proprietor; KERCKHOFF-CUZNEK Mill and LumberCo cor. Broadway and Kansas street, ■"■"*<>■• Azusa; the 1:55 train now only running to Azusa will go through to San Bernar dino. An additional train between San Bernardino and Loa Angelea will leave here, west-bound, at 7:17 p. m. The 3:47, west-bound, will leave at 3:30. All other trains will run aa usual. POMONA. The Death or John Martin—News Notes and Personals. Pomona, Feb. 24.—After all, death's summons haa come to claim the spirit of John Martin. A few months ago strong in all the vigor of young man hood, John Martin now lies dead, the victim of an unfortunate accident —the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of another person—the Bad de tails of which are only too familiar to everyone. Bravely did he battle for life'a prom ise of returning strength, but alas, after nearly three months had passed by, pneumonia made its inroads felt, and tbe severe attack of short duration ended bis career. Hia deatn occurred yea terday at 1:10 a. m. John Martin ie the eldest son of ex-Superviaor W. T. Martin. The national colore are dieplaysd at half-mast above Armory ball, N. G. C, and a military funeral will be tendered out of reepect to the deceased, aa he was a member of company D. The funeral services will take place at the family -residence, corner of Fifth Btreet and Towne avenue, tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 p. m. RESOLUTIONS OF SORROW. Resolutions of sorrow have been ten dered the bereaved family of Mre. Bry ant, by the Good Templars' lodge to which ehe belonged, upon the death of a aecond daughter within the past two weeka, of typhoid pneumonia, Mias Belle'a death occurring Tueaday night. NOTES. Mr. Allen and daughter and son and wife, who have been guests of Keller's hotal for some little time pact, left today for a short stay in San Diego before re turning to their home in Illinois. Cer tain whispers have it that a popular young Bociety gentleman bad to use hia smelling salts, a menthol pencil, aud wept thereby, when the announcement of Miss Allen's departure waß made. The large plate glass to be used in the Odd Fellows' building iB being put in today. Mr. and Mrß. O.J. Brown are in Lob Angelea today. Mias Zanie Eads is ill. Mr. Ed Thomas waa a traveler to Loa Angelee. Mr. W. S. Newton ia down in the An gel city. Mies Clara Broughton ia spending the day in the city of angele. The Lorelei quartette gave a concert under the auspices of the Epworth league at the Firat M. E. church thia evening. Misses Bertha Agnes Penning, Winifred R. Hunt, Alice Eaton and Edith Gardner of Lob Angelea were as sisted by Pomona's beet talent. SANTA ANA. The Real Estate Market Active—A Di vorce Case Knded. Santa Ana, Feb. 24,—Several impor tant Bales of property in this county are in negotiation, one the sale of a business block in this city, the consideration be ing $22,000, It is evident that confidence has been restored in this county and , „ lxiauu are those of parties who are buying here for the purpose of making their homes in this county. Probably no part of this county is im proving as rapidly as the northwestern, the impetus in this section being given it by the beet sugar factory. Since the first day of January of the present year 207 real estate transfers are reported for the Anaheim district. In Santa Ana, too, there are encour aging signs of progress. Four months ago there were 00 or 70 vacant dwellings here, and today it would be difficult to find any really desirable houßes that can be rented. The vacant business houses are also filling up, three having been rented during the past week. Building operations, while not exten sive, are in the right direction. Not lees than a dozen new dwelling houses are in course of construction here at the present time. John Avis is to have a plateglass front put into hia building on Fourth street, and will also make other improvements, the whole coating not leea than $3000. During the week ending laat Wednea doy, 48 deeda were filed for record, the consideration given being $44,799.92, an increase over the preceding week of nearly $15,000. There were aiao filed for record 61 miscellaneous papers. Or ange county has struck the proper pace, and from now on prosperous times will be the order. TM BRENOT CABE. The eeneational Brenot caae, which haa for aome time past been on the su perior court trial calendar, was con cluded today, bo far as the chargea are concerned, and all that remaina now to Bever the marriage bonds are a few legal pointa, which will be heard on the 3d of March. Mr. Brenot waa the plaintiff in the action and aeked that he be released from marriage from hia wife, charging her with bo gravean offense aa adultery. Mra. Brenot brought in a croaa-com plaint againet her husband, charging him with cruelty. She aucceeafully proved her allegation, and showed to the court that her better half did not treat her aa a loving husband ahould. The court found the allegations in both com plainta true. Both partiea are well known here, and have alwayß been con aidered aa reapectable people. They have not been married long, Mre. Brenot being a young woman of many personal charmu. They were well-to-do, owning conaiderable property in thia county. THE WORLD'S FAIR EXHIBIT. The center of attraction these days tl the world's fair exhibit in the Lacy building a. All day long large crowds visited the exhibition rooms and many came over from Anaheim and Fullerton today. The exhibit iB being added to daily, and come of the contribution are worthy of mention. B, Handy of Or ange brought in 27 boxes of dried fruits that are especially fine and form an in tereating part of the display. Mrs. Ray Billingeley of Villa Park, haa contributed aome silkworm cocoona, and many other additions have been made. When boxed and ready for shipment, tbe ex hibit will require two care. It ia in tended to commence'boxing early next week, and but a few days yet remain to view the display. A GREAT HUNT. The Santa Ana Gun club, accompanied by AI Sanders of Loa Angeles and Super visor York of thia city, returned last night from a two days' hunt in the hille ■•When pain and anguish wrinrr the hrow A ministering angel tnou"-Bromo-Sci,zer. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1893. back of Capistrano. They had a great time and succeeded in killing 40 dozen quail. The Santa Ana Gun club hae regular hunts, and among the membera are aome expert shots. J. A. Jones is the chief cook, and one of the beat, and the club is made up of come of the moat agreeable gentlemen in Santa Ana. NOTES. Geo. Peterß, Geo. Pesßon and two New York tourists left today for a hunt in the bills back of Oceanßide. Misa Minna Boper, one of Santa Ana's favorite young ladles, ia visiting in Lob Angeles. The operetta Bed Riding Hood waa presented to large audience in Spur geon'e opera house tonight. Mra. Geo. Briggs and family leave in the morning for Phconix, Ariz,, where they will in the future reeide. Mißa Olie Houae, who haa been visit ing friends here, haa returned to her home, in Napa county. Judge Tubba hae returned from an extended eastern trip. The Earl Fruit company shipped three carloads of oranges east today. Frank Patteraon of Riverside will be down next week with hia string of fast horses, which he will train for the eea son of 1803 upon the Santa Ana race track. SANTA MONICA. A Sewer Bond Election Called—Local •Units. Santa Monica, Feb. 24. —The ques tion of sewering the town haa become a living iaaue here by tbe paaaage of the ordinance by the city fathers calling for an election on March 21 et to vote on the queßtion of bonding the town for $40,000 for the purpose of building sewers. There ia not a single inhabitant but what believes that sewers of some kind are a neceeeity, if not now, in the im mediate future. But the questions with many are, Where should the main eewer run ? What about constructing laterals ? The size, etc., of the sewera and the queetion of a water eupply are all be coming important factors, and aa a re sult there are many different clane. What the outcome of all the talk will be time only can tell, but at the prseent writing it looks decidedly dubious for the bonda, because of the neceeeity of having a two-thirda vote. The telephone company some time since asked for a franchise to erect poles, etc., in the town, which tbe trustees agreed to grant, provided tbey would place one instrument in the city hall for tbe uee of city officials on strictly city buainesa, whereupon the company with drew its application for a franchise. Since it hae asked for a permit to come from the town limits to the center of town, and on Thursday laet the board of trustees held a special meeting to act upon the matter, and wieely refused to act or grant tbe request until the com pany ehould reciprocate. NOTSB. Charlie Tidball entertained a large circle of friende at the Arcadia on Thurs day evening, which proved to be a most enjoyable social affair. All present en joyed themselves to the top notch of so cial life. Madame Andreaa, the bird trainer and magician, gives an exhibition at Steere'e opera house on Saturday evening. .Toe Sunderland of Kingsbaker Broth ers enjoyed Thursday at the beach. C. F. A. Last spent yeaterday at the seaside town visiting friends. The Santa Monica football club took l\ - t- -_ l . A . 1.4. r wu W«.o!l --ington'a birthday by a score of 40 to 0. REDONDO. Shipping Arrivals and Departures—Local Affairs. Redondo Beach, Feb. 24.—The ateam er Bonita, Captain Green, from the north, got into Redondo port laat even ing at 8:40, baying been Bomewhat de layed at way porta. The Bonita landed 160 tons here, and proceeded south at 1 o'clock a.m. The echooner Jeaßie Miner, Captain Whitney, dropped anchor in this port at 2 p.m. yesterday. Her cargo consisted of 300,000 feet of redwood lumber from Eureka, consigned to Clark & Bryson, Bedondo. The schooner Halcyon, Captain Rice, reached thia port at 5 p.m. yeßterday. She ia freighted with 313,000 feet of red wood lumber from Eureka, and con signed to Willamette Lumber company, Redondo. The ateamer Eureka, Captain Leland, from the north, rounded into thia port, and berthed at Redondo wharf at 2;30 p. m. today, landing 118 tone of mer chandise and 25 passengers. She will proceed south thia evening. The Bteam tug Warrior arrived early thia morning from San Pedro, ordered here for duty in the absence of the Bteam tug Pelican, still up for repairs. The yacht Oregon, Captain Gent, sailed into port this a. m. direct from San Clemente. Captain Gent reports the crew of the Hetty etill on that island making good progress in the col lection of abalone shells, and all in good health. Mr. J. A. Williamß, representing the Washington Manufacturing company of San Francisco, was in Redondo yeater day. Sir. M. H. Andrewa and wife of Ban gor, Me., are among the arrivalß at tbe Redondo. Mr. Andrews is leader of one of the beat known orchestras in New England. Mr. J, C. Morria of Los Angelea ie among the guests at Martin Villa, look ing after real estate interests in Re dondo. Arrivala at the Hotel Bedondo are: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bedding, Master Gustar Hermo, San Francisco; Mr. and Mre. S. 8. Toppan, Mr. and Mra. O. A. Weaver, child and maid, Waßter John Weaver, Mr. and Mre. A. Bilford, Chicago; F. W. Chase, Clay F. W. Cares Consnmptiou, Coughs, Croup. Sore Throat* Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh'u Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.—a J cents. SHILOH'S ViTALIZER. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Term., enys: "Shiloh's Vitaliier'HAVED MY LIFE.' 1 comiderit thebeAtnmalyforadebilitattdtjirttm I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Klduey trouble it eicals. Price 76 otg. SHJLOHV%CATAKRr. Havo you Catarrh ? Try this Kemetly. It will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 60 cte. Itiia Injector lor its successful treatment ia furniehed free. Remember, Shiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. He ld wholesiile hy HAAS, BARTJCK A CO., and retail by lrugglsts. , 12-14 ly fIBIIIBS Jlmrphlne Cared In la Palmer, Mre. M. E. Smith, Freeman G. Teed, Mre. M. De Szigetby, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrß. W. D. Fox, Wisconsin; Mr. and Mre. Clinton Kerby, A. D. Smith, Mies A. K. Smith, Misa M. C. Smith, Cincinnati; Mrs. Parkinson, De troit ;R. B. Curry, Portland; Jno. L. Trualow, Santa Barbara; C. S. Joelin, Mra. S. B. Joalyn, Troy, N. V.; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Andrews, Bangor, Me.; Henry Seizor, jr., Mrs. H. Seizor, Mre, L. A. Cowd, Mre. L. A. Peck, Bridge port, Conn.; Mrs. Helen O. Hill, New Haven, Conn.; Mra. M. H. Mason, Mre. Chas. N. Pied, Brooklyn, N. V.; Henry Hill and daughter, Minneapolia; Mrß. H G. Beopte, Mra. Patteraon, Dun kirk, N. V.; W. H. Chriatopher, New York. REDLANDS. News Notes from the Infant Wonder City. Redlands, Feb. 24.—Riverside people played Zingara at the academy thia even ing. A special train brought a lot of tbe residents of that town to ace the presentation here. A fire caused by hot aahea piled against the laundry did a small amount of damage at Frank E. Brown'a place. John P. St. John appears at the academy of music Saturday evening. Mrs. William Grow Haward of San Bernardino is visiting her brother, O. J. Barrett, of this city. The dance at the guard armory laat evening was a success in every way. Over 50 couplea were preeent. The music, lead by Prof. Frank B. Gunther, wae very fine. The latest dances were included in the numbere. Upon the recommendation of Measra. Andrews and Tuttle the Oriental arroyo will be conducted under the sidewalk on the north Bide of State from Church etreet to the Little Rsaervoir Cafion ditch. This will aid in tbe improve ment of the lota fronting that part. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sanders have gone to Moreno to spend a week on their ranch. William P. Harrison of the San Fran cisco Hotel Gazette waa in town yester day. C. England has returned to Philadel phia. H. Biggin is in Pomona on business. Tbe Hargreaves block ia to be an orna mental structure. Elaborate atone trim mings will decorate the front. Next Tuesday the Ladies' Aid society of the Firat Presbyterian church will give an apron social and conundrum supper at Y. M. C. A. ball. The supper will be eerved at 4:30 p. m. Tbe masonry ior the bridge over the Morey arroyo on Brookeide avenue is completer], and the structure will be rushed rapidly. Mr. and Mra. J. E. Kelaey of San Franciaco are gueeta of John Mcintosh. Mre. P. H. Dreiser was ont riding yes terday, and her ultimate and entire re covery ia quite probable. The hardware firm of Byrne & Drew eucceeds Westbrook & Byrne. Mr. Weal brook retiree partly on account of ill health. The new firm make a good team. J. A. Byrne hae in tbe old firm made many friende, and Mr. Fred Drew is an experienced young hardware man. Both are San Bernardino county boya of ample means, and members of the beat fam ilies. Gustav de Lsveaux, idiosyncratic sur veyor, arrested for disturbing the peace, withdrew hie plea of not guilty and de mand for a jury trial. He then pleaded gnilty, and at the same time he made affidavit that he reserved the right to proaecute the marahal for false arrest. He waa fined $0. The Maccabeea were detained co long at Riverside that they had no time to spend at Redlande. Mrs. W. T. Holiday, with her family, joins Mr. Holiday at Moreno. Their residence here will be occupied by A. Ilumphreye. Zingara was played by a company of Riverside amateurs at the academy of music here laat night. The perform ance waa quite good. Mr. Yeakle ia especially capable. Men of all professions and trades, ministers, lawyers, merchants and mechanics, ail unite in indorsing Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the old reliable cure for all bronchial and pulmonary troubles as the best household remedy in the market. Sudden Chances of Weather cause Throat Diseases. There is no moro effectual remedy ior Doughs, ''olds, etc.. than Biiown's Bronchial Tkochks. .Sold mil» in boxes. Pries 2. r > cents. FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL. REPORT OF THE If M LIFE MM I, OFFICE: 346 AND 348 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JANUARY 1, 1593. This Is the only Company holding; an Official Certificate of Examination of recent date from the State Insurance Department. The Assets, Accounts, and Surplus to policy holders have been certified to under the seal of the State by the Insurance Superintendent ASSETS. Real Estate $12,531,010 75 Slocks and Bonds SS 1180,177 51 Bonds and Mortgages 24 288.7 5 51 Loanssecnred by collaterals 3,01(1,000 00 Premtum Loans 1,096,850 C 3 Cash in Office and in Banks and Trust Companies ' 4,201,2-3 OS Interest aud Rents due aud Rccrued 071,810 14 Net amount of uncollected and deferred premiums 3 ,805,870 37 Total Assets $137,4,99,198 99 LIABILITIES. Reserve, or value of outstanding policies $110 070,888 00 Other liabilities 1,618,80* 89 Total Liabilities 77T... $120,094,250 89 Surplus, be!n * tno s»mo amount which will be shown to bo tbe Company's Surplus by the annual report of the New York state Insurance department as ot „„, „ „.„ December 31, 1802 * $16,804,948 10 INCOME. Total Premium Income $25,040,113 03 Inteiest, Bents, etc 5,896,470 91) Total Income $30,930,590 83 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid $ 7,806,589 29 Endowments raid 1,114,301 09 Annuities Div'dends. Surrender Values, etc 4,054,121 0> Total paid policy holders $13,903,012 33 Commissions 4,178,310 60 Ag»ucy Expenses, Physicians' Fees, Advertising and Printing.... 1,851.246 18 axes, Salaries, and other expenses 1,629.715 65 Total Disbursements $21,854i,290 76 Number o' Policies issued during 1802, 66,259. New Insurance, 8)173,605,070 Total number of Policies In force January 1,1893, x~ i ,oo». Amount at Bisk, 8(689,»43,6i!9. NOTE AS TO STATEMENT. The abova statement correspondslu all ro»p»cts with the official report of the Company, ns it will be published by the State insurance Department. No asset! nop acceptable under tne law of the State, or the regulation* of the Department, aro included, and the SURPLUS <$10 BM -048 10) IS THE EXACT fIUM THAT WILL BE SHOWN BY THE SUPERINTENDENT'S AN NL'AL aKPOK'X 1 * JOHN A. M'CALL, President. HENRY TUCK, Vice President. A. G. HAWES, Manager for Pacific Coast, 10l Sanßome St., San Kreincisco. z-usm CHAS. A. M'LANE, Cashier. THAT DOUBLE TRACK. The Board of Public Work! Bit In Judg ment Thereon. The board of public works met at 2 p. m. Also present Councilman Rhodes and Innes. Tbe Alameda etreet ordinance came up for codeideration. The matter of occupy- ngg Hannon's lane came up, when it waa aaid that if any lane or cross street waa occupied by the company it would have to pay for the same and ex pected to do 80. Mr. R. J. Collins eaid that if the road went along Hannon's lane they would certainly have to pay for it, and the in dication were that they were about to do ao. The supreme conrt bad already de cided that it waß her property. Mr. Muir Baid the company had a title to that lane, having purchased the same of ex-Councilman Alford. lie called on Mr. Alford to corroborate what he eaid. Mr. Alford eaid tbe litigation bad been for the purpose of preventing Mre. Han non from closing him up. The decisions of the courts practically enjoined any body from closing euch lane. Mr. hunt said he could not ccc where in Mrs. Hannon was damaged ; tbat Bhe had a frontage of 1000 feet on Urange ave nue ; and that it waß impossible to cloße her out of her right of egress. If the worst came to the worat the company could move Mrs. Hannon'a house to an other portion of her land. Mrs. Hannon —You could move my house and my barne, but how could you move my well? Mr. Strohm —We have heard all we want on tbe question of thia lane. We are now prepared to hear other matterß of fact in connection with thiß proposi tion. Mr. Muir—Thia property ia not a pub lie highway, gentlemen, it belonga to the Southern Pacific company, who have bought and paid for it. Mr. McQarry wanted to know if the company desired to eatabliah a atation at Ninth atreet, and if the prohibitory rate of 15 eenta per paaeenger waß to be maintained in the event of auch atation being erected ? Mr. Muir aaid that the lv cent rate waa prohibitory, and made bo on pur pose. It cost time to stop and start traina and, in matters of this sort, time was money. There being no more testimony or ar gument on either aide, the board took the matter under advisement (to report on Saturday) and the meeting tben ad journed. DEATH ON THE PALE HORSE. The Revival Services Last Night, at Simpson Church. The largeet audience of the week gathered last night in Simpson taberna cle. The singing waa hearty, the praying waa earneat and the apeaking waa vigor ous. Major Ormaby of lowa Bang the invitation, Will You Be Saved Tonight, with telling effect; and the ecripturea were read by Evangelist DividgePage. Miaa Updergraff ecrg a melting eolo, attaching the chorua, Steal Away to Jeeue, which she rendered with wonder ful effect. She haa a moat beautiful voice, tbe aweetneas of which charmed the vast throng. The Bey. Isaac Naylor preached, tak ing aa hia eubject Death on tbe Pale Horee. Thia waß undoubtedly the moat powerful appeal he haa yet delivered, and hia audience lietened with the deep eat attention to hie energetic diecouree. He pictured moot vividly the certainty of death, and urged his hearera to be prepared for it. The altar aervice wbb then entered upon, the communion raila being crowded with penitents. There will be no meetings today. To morrow (Sunday) the Quaker evangelist will preach in the morning and Evan gelist Isaac Naylor at night. Astonishing Fact. Bnsi'ECTßp by Com pa kati vki.y Few.—Thlngß that emliody the most truth are frequently among tue last to be realized. Incredible as it may seem ohm iv four have a weak or diseased heart, the early symptoms of which are, short breath, oppression, faint and hungry spells, fluttering , pain in Jeft side, smothering, swol len ankles, dropsy, wind in stomach, etc.. Levi Logan, Buchanan, Mich, suilered from heart disease 30 years. Two bottles «,f Br, Miles' Heart cure cured him. "Tho eil'ects of your New Heart Cure is wonlorful."—Mrs. "Eva Dreiser, McGregor, la. This favorite remedy Is sol • by C. H. Haute, 177 North Spring, on a guarantee. Get the doctor's book. New aud Startling Fact, free. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. firings comfort and improvement ana lends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tbe many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products tt the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met, with tho approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weaken ing them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Byrup of Figa is for sale by all drug lists in 50c and f 1 bottles, bnt it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any anbstitute if offered, BANK OF AMERICA, TORMRRLY LO3 ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Block. Capital stock paid up $300,000. •m im. JOHN E. PLtTER President ROBT. S. BAKER Vice-President GEO. H. STEWART Cashier DIBICTOBS. Jotham Bixby, Chas. Forman, L.T. Garnsey, Lewellyn Bixby, R. s. Baker, John E. Plater, Geo. H. Btewart. QALIFORNIA BANK. Cor. Broadway and Second St.. Los Angeles. Pnb»cribp.i capital $500,000 Paid up capital 300,000 Surplus 20,000 J. Frankenfleld Presi'ent Ham Lewis Vice-President J. W. Winner C.shier John G. Mossiu Assistant Cashier niRBCTORS. . Frankenfleld, G. W. Hughes, Sam Lewis, J. C Kays, E. W. rones. L. B. Newlen, Hervey Lindley. K. F. LoUceioh. Simon Maier, General banking and exchange business trausacted. THE UNIVERSITY BANK OF Ln9 ANGELEB southeast corner Fir,l and Sroadway Capital stock paid up $100 000 rurp as 60,000 R M. WIDNEY President 1) O MILTIMORW Vloe Presldeut GEO. L. ARNOLD Cashier DIRBCTORS, R. M. Widney, D. O. Miltimoro, 8 W. Little, 0. M. Wells, Jonn McArthur, U. A. Waruer, L. J. P. Morrill. General banking bnsluets and loans ou first class real estate solicited. Buy aud sell first class slocks, bonriN and warrants Parties wish ing to invest In first-class securities on either long or short time cau be accommodated. JfIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGBLKa. CAPITAL STOCK $200 000 SURPLUS 290,000 J M ELLIOTT President J. D. BICKNKLL Vice President J. H. BRALY Cashier G. .1 a i i- l Assistant Cashier Directors-J. M. Elliott. J. D. Bicknell, 8. H. Mott, H Mabur. ,J. D. Hooker, D. McGarry, Wm G. Ktrckhoff. ju I 'pHE CITY BANK, J. 37 South Spring street. CvriTAL Stock $300,000 A. D. Chit.dresb President John 8. Park Cashier DIRECTORS. W.T.Childress, Polndcxto-Dunn, J >. Schallert, X B Crandall, John S. Park, R. G. i.unt, A.D Childress. General banking. Fire and burglar proof safe deposit boxes rented at from $J i ■ $20 per an »■ m BANKING HOPSES. Security Savings Bank, Capital $200,000. NO. 143 SOUTH MAIN BTREET, LOS ANGELES, OAL. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. P. N. MYERS PRESIDENT ISAIAS W. HELLMAN, Preßidont Nevada Bank, Han Francisco: President Farmer--, and Mer chants' Bank, Los Augeles. ANDREW J. BOWNE President Fo irth National Bank, Grand Rapids, Mich HW. H SILLS! *N Vice-Preßldeut Farmers and Merchants' Bank, Angeled li L- V.VSV.TuV-•"• •Vice-President ap In?i'i5 G Capitalist, Lo. Angelas A, c KUdttKo Physician lot Angeles MAURIOK H. HBLLMAN Of Hellman, Waideck & Co., Wholesale btatiouers,' Los Angele*. V a axtV. 01 Gr *ves, O'Me Veny & rfhaukUnd. Attorneys, Los Angles t\t/ ,Jr£r&T&2° 0f Graves, O'Alelveuv «& tthankiand, Attorney*, Los Angelea i A IFS £m£P M Capitalist, Boston J. F.SARTORI Cashier; also Vice-President First National Bank, Monrovia, Cal FIVHS CENT HMXJSWIiSX PAID ON rpHE NOTICE OP THE PUBLIC Is called to tbe faot that this bank has tne largeit paid-up _L eanital an i surplus combined of any siviags bauk iv southern California, and only loans money on approved real estate security; that anion* .ts stockuold-<rs are some of the oldest aud mos. responsible citizens of the community; tli-a uu ethe stale lair the i»nvate estates of its stockholders are pro rata liable for the total iuJ-rbedness of thu bank. These facts, wiih care exercised in making loans in-mre a safe d-ip isttury for s+vlug accounts. Mchooi teacherfi, clerks mechanics, emp oyes in factories and shop*, lab -rers, etc., w-U flud it convenient to make de posit* in unall amounts. Children's Havings dei-o-i 9 received iv Bums ol 5 cents and upward. >em it tune s nv*y hy draft. , tr \y 6l s t-argo Co's ex res .. 5-2 6 1 ■ — ' BSbI — * -Los Angeles Savings Bank, NO 338 Nortli Main Street. CAPITAL STOCK $lr>o.inn auiti> L-us ao'boo H. W, HELLMAN, President. J *. PLATER, Vice-President, W. M. CASWELL, Cashier. . „, DIRECTORS: I. W. HELLMAN, B. S. BAK HR. H. W. HELLMAN, - . ~ J. *. PLATES, I. W. HELLMAN, JR., 8-5 » paid on deposits Money to loan on first class real estate Cjerixian-Arrierica,n {saving's Bank:, 114 SOUTH MAIN STREET, IOS ANGELES, CAL. CAPITAL. PAID IN GOLD, - - 85100,000.00. Interest compounded quarterly to depositors at the rate ol 5 per cent on term and 3.6 m pel cent on ordinary deposits. E. N. MCDONALD, Pres't, DR. JOSEPH KURTZ and 8. W. LUITWBILER. Vloe-Pres'ts. VICTOR PONET, Treasurer. M. N AVEKY, oec'y P. F. SC SUMAC HER, Asst. Seo'y DIRECTORS: E. N. McDonald, H. W. Stoli., Joseph Kubti, M. N. Aviry. 8. A. Prruss, Conrad Hafbh, W. M. Shsldon, b. W. Luitweilss, Victor Ponet, C.N. Flint, Ibaac H. Johnson. Open every Saturday evening for depnai ts.^sKa O L-ISI4 ODMT INTEHJ£6T PAID ON DEPOSITS. Main Street Savings Bank and Trust Company, CAPITAL,, - - $300,000. 4ftS S. MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL.—— The design of this institution is to afford a safe depository for the earnings of all person, who are desirous o£ placing their money where it will be free from accident, and at the same time be earning for them a fair rate of Interest. Deposits will be received in sums ol from tl to itsooo. Working men and women should deposit at least $1 per week from their wages Tuis will form a nucleus that will ultimately enable you to purchase a home or begin business Chil dren can purchase ft-ceni stamps in all parts of th 9 city and county It Is the beat education ; ou can have in saving and caring for money. J. B. LANKER3HIH, CHAS. FORMAK, J, V, WACHTEL President, Vice President, Casiler MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTQAQEB. 3 LOa ANGELES NATIONAL BANK, U. 8. DEPOSITORY Col. First and Spring streets. Capital $500,000 surplus 52,80* Total _ $552,500 Seorge H. Bonebrake President W. G. Cochran Vie* President v. C Howes Cashier £. w. Co*. Aast. Cashier prjaasfosa, Col H. H. Markham. Perry M. Oreen, Warren Glllelen, L P. Crawford, C. A. Marrlner, Geo. H. Bonebrake, W. a. Cochran, F. C. Howe*. No Interest Paid on Deposits. Exchange for tale on all the principal citiea of tne United States and Europe. ■pHE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA, Corner of Spring: and Second street*, LOS ANGELIB. CAU Capital paid up 9250,000 J. M. C. Marble President O. H.Churchill Vice President A. Hadley Asst. Cashier BOARD Or DIRBCTORS. Dr. W. L Graves, E. F. C. Klokke, 0. T. John son, W. Hadle- , K. N. McDonald, M. H. ohar raan, Fred Eaton, John Wollsklll, Thos. R. Bard. 10 31 DRUNKENNESS Or tho iuifiuor UahM Positively Cored , by iMaUiinlnlerlnir I>r. llalne** 4Jol«l«>n Specific. It op.n b" given In a cup of coffee or tea, or in food, without tfef knowledge ol t he patient- It is absolutely iißrmletiß, and will effect a permanent and speedy suro, whether the patient la a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreak. It haa been given in thousands pf cades, and in every instance a perfect ours has fol lowed. It nt-vcr Fall*. The system once Impregnated with the becomes an utter impobHlbility Tor the liquor appetito to exist. UOLIIEN KPECTFIO CO., PropYs, Claelnxatl. •* •iB-pasa book of carticularh free. To be bad of *• F. VV. BRADN & Co.,f Druggiß 8. 11. GKitMAIN, j Lob A use leg, CaL CLARK & BRYSON, (Successors to Clark & Humphreys) Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DEALERS Office, West Second St., Bnrdick block. Yardß at Redondo and Los Angeles. 1-18 If A.LEOFRED, Graduate ol Laval and McGill, Minings Engineer. Head oillce, liuecoc; branch office, Montreal. Canada. 12-20 ly inject! m Gnaraetse Cora fos OootaTbosa, Ctrrrmln OTeet, Pira nJuffincarsor SfcricMirwasd long stand ing natively ourod from sto 1* days. Bold by Dnif gtetT rVd only by 80CT1KKV C^IFOIWU Anict "' ggggg i Kerekhoff-Cuzner ' nil AND LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE AND BBTAIL Lalß Office: LOS ANGELES. Wholesale Yard at SAN PEDRO. Branch Yards—Pomona, Pasadena, Lamanda, '.rasa, Burbank. Planing Mills—Los Augeles ' Pomona. Cargoes furnished to ordqr. WELLINGTON COAL CRESCENT COAL Dlamouds In Winter Time. A. H. LAPHAM, DEALER I* COAL, WOOD, HAY and GRAIN WHOLES" LB AND RETAIL, Charcoal, Kindling and Fuel of all kinds. Mill Feed a specialty. 343 S. Broadway. 21U 3m Los Angeles, Cat. ~GLASS & LONG, Blast Boot Manufactarers AND GENERAL BOOKBINBIBS. N. W. Cor. Temple and New High Sts. 12-7 Telephone 838. 1 n WAGON~MATERIAL, HARD WOODS, IRON, STEEL, Horseshoes and Hails, Blacksmith's Coal, Tools, Etc. JOHN WIGMOBJC, 117, 119 and 121 South Loa Angeles Street, C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist & Chemist, 222 N. Main St., Los Angelea. Prescriptions carefully compounded day ol nimit. • m 22 tf