Newspaper Page Text
2 POLITICAL AFFAIRS IN HAWAII. a Semewtat Calmer Peeling in the Mauds. The NoTfttioff Ineldflirt Dropped by the Government. Ciena HpN>rk«l« (IrMtM « Sensation by li. in»n.llnir the Immediate Pay ru«nt of »l>s 000 That I* Owing Him. By the Associated l'rets.l Honoi.ui.i', May 30.—(Via Han Fran cisco, per steamer Gaelic, June (!.—)Af fairs political bave quieted considerably during the past live days. The Nordhoff affair has been dropped by the pro visional government and though the usual number ot alarming rumors have been in circulation, the people have tailed to give them the customary credence. Olaus Spreckels created a mild sensa tion on May 2lHh by demanding the im mediate payment of $96,000 owed him by the government. The dispatches from Washington stat ing that Blount's report is undoubtedly against annexation, are believed by many people of both parties. Tbe an nexationists now e«y they will be satis fied with a protectorate insuring a relia ble government. The Royalists on tbe "contrary say that the claim they made ' all along that there would be no annex ation has been verified, and that the queen is to be reinstated. They say that Mr. Blount will report that she was removed from her throne by the power of the United States, through Minister Stevens, and that no other honorable course remains but to use that same power to put l.iliuokalani once mora at the head of tbe government. Claus Sprockets seems to be the most powerful antagonist the provisional government has at present, lie is making a vigorous campaign against annexation. It is generally admitted that the resignation of Minister of Finance Porter was due to the influence of Spreckels, in tbe hope that the gov ernment would be embarrassed. In stead, however, Vice-President 8. M. Damon, one ot the strongest men on the islands, has stopped into the breach, and on May "nth took charge ot the de partment of finance. On Monday Hpreokels notified the government that he wanted the immediate payment of (95,000 worth of demand noteß held by him. Without awaiting a reply, be left the same day to inspect a plantation in Hawaii. Minister Datuon stated that the government would bave no trouble in paying the debt. At thia time of the year the government finances are low, aa the taxes do not begin to come in until tall. On this acoount the govern ment is embarrassed to a certain extent. Mr. Bpreokela can sell the bonds he helds, if no other way can he found to satisfy him. For aome days the officers of the pro visional government have had under consideration instructions to be sent to Minister Thurston about tbe treaty of annexation. It has been decided to in struct Thurston to oak, among other things, that the control of the govern ment lands be left to the Hawaiian gov ernment to be disposed of under a law aimUar to the United Htataa homestead laws; also that tbe United Stateß take up the $1)00,000 Hawaiian silver coinage and recoin it into American money. The labor qOMStion waa also nwier discussion, and the policy of asking that the labor laws of .4-ha United States be suspended lor a period af five yeais, as regards their application to Hawaii, was talked of, when - news caam that Minister Blount would receive inatructiona to negotiate a treaty here. It had been in tended to send Thurston inatructiona on the steamer of June Ist, but tbe govern ment yeeterday decided to defer action. Minister ltiouut regards the sitnation as peaoeful and thinks that whatever tbe solution of the political problem, there will be no fighting or bloodshed. The announcement waa made that on Monday night, May 29th, a masa meet ing of Royaliett would be held. It was reported that the provisional govern ment would not permit tbe meeting and Monday nigbt waa looked forward to with interest by many. Monday after noon, however, notice waa aerjt oat that the meeting would not be held, as the news from Washington made it unneces sary. The annexationists, although no official notice had been given that any interference would be attempted, said that the Royalists wore afraid to meet. Oa May 29th, Hoa. J. S. Walker, for many yeara a prominent figure in Island politic*, died of aneurism. He came to Honolulu 30 yeara tco and was min ister of finance for six years under King Kalafcsm. The V. S. B. Boston loft for a week's target practice at Maui on May Sttta, and H. M. S. Hyacinths Will leave for Tahiti on Juno 3d. The Hyacinlhe ar rived here several months ago wfth or ders to remain only throe weeks, but the British commissioner requested ber cap tain to remain until tbe adnnraltr could be oommumcated with. < inters for ber departure arrived on the Gaelic May 29th. Today being Decoration day the G. A. R. post here, moat of the members of which are annexationists, will hold an elaborate celebration. I LI'VRI Wil l DICTKKMINATION. He Will Not lasne Batata lU( Recon vening Cnngritsp. Washington, June (J,—The Star says : President Cleveland's statement aa to the time when he proposed to call con gress together and tbe reasons which will lead him to do so, is clearly inter pretable as indicating a" determination on his part to continue using the gold reserve to the extent ueces?ary, and not to issue bonds. lie desires the full gravity of the situation to be apparent at the time ot the meeting ot congress, so the legislative branch of tbe govern ment shall have the duty pressed upon them of correcting the laws respecting finance. Another Notable Wedding. Chicago, June ti — Mre. Henry Field, widow of a wealthy capitalist of this city, waa quietly married at noon to Thomas Nelson Page, the well known southern writer, at the residence of the Hon. T. B. Bryan, at Elmhurst. Their future residence will be Washington. The New Austrian Currency. Vienna, June ti.—The Austrian and Hungarian ministers of finance have decided upon January 1, 1895, as the date for the introduction of the new currency. Dandruff. This annoyinß scalp trouble, which givea the hair and untidy appearance, ia cured by akookum root hair grower. All druggists. ANTI-THHST CONVENTION. A Hot I I. hi Over the Resolutions—The Katlloals Defeated' Chicago, June 0. —When Governor Nelson, of Minnesota, called tbe anti trust convention to order it was ex pected that the first fight of the session would begin, for it waa generally known that the Donnelly or radical faction had been beaten In the committee of resolu tions and would carry the liorht to the lioor ot the convention. Chairman R jsewater of the committee on resolu tions had no sooner read the preamble than Donnelly moved as a substitute a demand lor the government to purchase the anthracite coal lands. Henry I). Lloyd, of Chicago, wanted the bitumi nous coal lands alao purchased, and the light on tlioae two amendments lasted two hours, after which Rotewater moved the previous question and the committee report carried. The fight was kept up ail day. however, by theex i tremists, but they were outvoted at every turn. The resolutions adopted set forth at length the evils of the trust system as at present maintained, and call upon tbe convention to create a permanent asso ciation, to be known aa the Anti-Trust association of the United States,consisting of three representatives from each state and territory, also the organization of local anti-trust aseoeiations to aid in se curing uniform legislation and rigid exe cution of the laws. The resolutions declare that over capi talization of corporate property is largely responsible for the breaking down of credits and the financial diatresa now prevailing, and recommend stringent national and state legislation and super vision to limit the bonding of corporate property and tbe issue of stocks repre senting the aame to their actual value. It is recommended that each member of the convention nse all honorable means to secure the election to office, whether local, state or federal, of those only who are the exponents of thia anti trust sentiment. It is recommended also that tbe legislatures of the various states enact such legislation as will make it unlawful for any corporation to enter into any trust or combination det rimental to trade and commerce and in jurious to the public welfara. Tbe resolutions were not radical enough to suit the Donnelly-Weaver ele ment, and they gave notice of another meeting at the Palmer h< use tonight. Before the close of the Central hall meeting J, M. (juinn of the Butte (Mont.) Miner, offered a free coinage resolution, which parted by a small ma jority. The b>ltera to the number of 30, rep resenting 18 states, organized at the Palmer bouse. They are all Populists. General Weaver of lowa waj selected chairman. Ignatius Donnelly and others made speechefl, ami a resolution waa adopted calling on the tti metallic league to convene an industrial conven tion iv Chicago in tbe fall. I o\ AI, TO THK CHURCH. I>r. llrlt;t;« rut.lUhcn a Manifesto Eg- (Curding Hi Suspension. New Youk, J«ne 6 —The World will ear in tbe morning: The first accepter, expression of Briggt sines he was sus pended for heresy by tho general assem bly of the church is a letter which wil be published in tomorrow's New York Evangelist. In the letter Briggs says no one should feel obliged to retire from the Presbytorian church on account of the decision of the last assembly. lie says in part: "The ministry of the church has violated the constitution, and over riden the safe guards of Presbyterian law and precedent. The majority should rally and use every lawful method to undo the damage done to the fair fame of Presbytefian ism. Let no one leave tho ranks. Eel the bugle call resound from ocean to ocean ; let there be a rally in every pres bvtery of all who will stand by the con stitution and the law, which has come down to us from our fathers aa a prec ioue heritage. Eet each presbetry whose overtures have been so rudely bruahet aaide and scornfully treated, re-aaier ita position with greater determi nation before the next general assembly Eet the ay nod of New York assert it< constitutional rights against the genera assembly which has ao greatly en croached upon them. Let every pres by tery and synod which would maintain a graded system of courta, which haa un til the present day been the pride o Presbyterianlsm, overture the next aa sen-bly in the interests of orderly pro cedure. Let the conatitntionaliata in every presbytery awake to their their duty and overooms those minor) ties which have outvoted them during the recent yeara by scheming, planuini and working together for a predeter mined purpose. It ia high time al broad-minded men should organize ant work together for their own aafety, aa well as the honor of Preabytefianiam.' BANK WREVKIKB INDIOTKn. Kx-Oovernor C'haan of Indiana In Had Kokomo, Intl., June o.—The grand jury investigating the wrecked Paria- Dwiggina hank of Oreentown, found in dietments tonight against ex-Governor IraJ.Chaae, John W. Paris, director, and Lewis B. Welden, cashier. The ex governor ia charged with embezzlement and false pretense; Paris, with tlie same thing in live courts; Walden, with re ceiving money knowing thebauk was in solvent, and false pretenaas, Paris aud Y\ alden will be arrested tonight. A warrant has been issued for Chase who is now lecturing in West Virginia. The Whisky Trust Mortjcaffad. St. Loits, Jane ti.—A mortgage for 18,000,000 was tiled this afternoon in the recorder's office. It ia given by tbe Dis tilling and Cattle Feeding company of New York and Peoria, 111., to the Cen tral Trust company ot New York city. The company will issue 8000 bonds of $10,000 each at 0 per cent, payable semi annually. The money ia to be used in the payment of the .rebates authorized by the company. A Bicycle Record Broken, DrtTßoiT, Mich., June (i.—The world'a 25 mile record for bicycles was broken here today by Fred C. Graves, a profes sional wheelman. He made the run on Belle Isle in 1 hour 13 minutes 8 2 5 seconds. The Standard Oil Strike. Whiting, Ind., June 6.—The railroad engineers, firemen and switchmen work ing at the Standard Oil refinery, joined the strikerß today. The leadera now claim ttiat 1000 men of different trades are out. Lost. Once lost, it is difficult to restore the hair. Therefore be warned in time, lest you become bald. Skookum root hair grower stopa falling hair. Sold by drug fists. LOS ANGELES TTERALD. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 7. I><!)s. THE GREAT FINANCIAL UPHEAVAL Continued Runi on Chicago Havings Banks. The Baldwin Locomotive Works Forced to Assign. Three Hanks Close Honrs at Spokane, Wash Hunk Pallarea In Ohio, Indian*, Wisconsin and Other States. Br the Associated rresi.l Chicago, June 0, —In spite of the faot that the Illinois Trust & Savings Bank remained open till 3 o'clock this morn ing to give anxious depositors a chance to draw funds, a new line began to form before 8 o'clock this morning, and at 10 o'clock, tbe hour for opening, between 1200 and 1500 people were waiting at tha doors, with savings books, The crowd was several timet larger than at any time yesterday. The bank is considered absolutely sound, fts assets are figured up at over 128,000,000, and its stock holders are estimated to be worth in the aggregate fully $150,000,000. At other savings banks the runs which began yesterday seem to bave increased in size. During the time when the run on the Illinois Trust bank was hottest this afternoon, Philip D. Armour, the mil lionaire pork packer, sent out some of his clerks to bring into his office 100 or more of the excited depositors, mostly women. To these Mr. Ar mour made a brief speech, assuring them that the bank waa all right, and added that Armour A Co. will guarantee to each of them the full amount of their deposit, if any of J them were not satisfied with this let tbem speak np and he would Rivn them their money. Two women asked for the amount of their deposits, which were immediately paid in gold, while the remainder of the people went away satisfied. Washington, June o.—Comptroller Eckels "said to the Associated Press this morning that so far as he was advised no national bank in Chicago has been affected by yesterday's financial flurry. The clearing houae there stands ready to assist its members whenever necessary. The abstract of the condition of the Chicago national banks on the date of last call, shows a reserve of 29.45 per cent, 4.45 per cent above the legal requirement. The total resourcea are $160,801,804, a surplus of $11,510,700; undivided profits, $1,593,000. CAUGHT IN THE FLURRY. Three Bsnki at Hpokane, Wash., Close Their Hi'okanr, Wash., Jane 8. — Three banks closed their doors today. They have assets largely in excess of llabili ities and have been conducted with sound management. They were caught in the sudden whirl and flurry. The public suddenly became alarmed and the dlstanoe from money centers pre vented timely fortification. When the banking hours arrived this morning the Washington National and the Washing ton Savings banks, allied institutions, failed to open their doors. They had been subjected to a heavy run the day before, and although they had made arrangements for money it failed to arrive in time. Thia startled the public, and the run was started anew upon all the banks. By 1 o'clock it had almost entirely subsided, but relief came too late for the Citizens' National,which closed its doors at 2 o'clock. Other banks stood the strain with no visible signs of weakening, and since they have been strengthening themselves and the worst of the flurry is believed to be over, it Is generally believed that there will be no more auepensions. NO WORKING CAPITAL. Doors of tha Dellanoe, 0., Barings Bank Closed. Defiance, 0., June 6, —The doors of the Defiance Savings bank closed yester day afternoon just before the close of business. This waa done by Assignee Rolla H. Glaaton. Many atockholdera did not know that such a step waa in contemplation. The bank ia the young eat in town. Its assets are not less than $150,000 and its liabilities are stated to be $100,000. The failure is attributed to large loans made by the bank, which ties up some $127,000, leaving them a too narrow working capital. Andrew Saver, cashier, assigned his entire real and per sonal property, amounting to $100,000. Mr. Saver is intereeted in a number of local enterprises, all of which were in cluded in his assignment. Among them are the Defiance electric street railway, electric light plant and gaa works, the Citizens' opera house, valued at $50,000, besides considerable real estate and the Golden Rule dry goods bouse. FORCED TO ASSIGN. The Grant LmsmeUrs Works In the Hands of an Assignee. Chicago, June (>. —The Grant Loco motive works made a voluntary assign ment today with assets of $1,131,000 and liabilities only $110,000. The cause of embarrassment ia the faot that the com pany invested all its capital stock in its plant. It haa been working on a large order for locomotives and tied up a large amount of money in t'hem.aß they cannot be realized upon until delivered, and aa the company has been delayed by a strike which hae been on the past three months, and owim; furthermore to the stringency in the money market, the stockholders today decided that all parties intereeted would be better protectod by putting the prop erty of the company in the hands of an assignee. A Boston Capitalist in Hiding. Boston, June ti.—Hon. Moody Mer rill, for mauy yeara prominent aa a law yer, street railway president and legis lator, is mysteriously absent from the city. It ia stated hia affairs are in bad shape. Attachment suits aggregating nearly $200,000 have been begun against him. Merrill's private secretary, John F. Hooper, Bays there is nothing mysteri ous about hia abaence. Two weeks ago he said he was going away as the result of a conference with hie phyeician, and intended to keep hia destination a se cret. Tha secretary aays Merrill's finances are all right. Pork Packers in Difficulty. Wichita, Kan., June 6.—Aa a result of attachments sued out by St. Louis and Kanaaa City banks, the Francia Whittaker A Sona racking company was placed in the hands of a receiver late thia evening. No atatement ia yet obtainable. Tbe attachments aggregate *125,000. The plant here is valued at 1200,000. The firm baa done little businsas for some time, on account of tbe high prices of hogs, and the board of trade was preparing to sue them for breach of contract In failing to ma the plant to its full capacity, tbe contract still being in force. The land waa donatsd them by tbe city. Runs on Wisconsin Banks. Matitowoc, Wis., June 6.—The State bank of this city has failed. It had a oapital of $50,000; surplus, $10,000. The Manitowoc Savings bank is now experi encing a slight run. Reports from Ra cine aay a run la in progresa on the Manufacturers' National bank. At Madison tbe run on the First National has Increased. ( n her banks are having increased demands. Gone Into Liquidation. Nbw Yobk, June O.—A notice on the door of the defunct Canal Street bank this morning informed the clamoring crowd of depositors that the bank was in the possession of the superintendent of banks; that the bank had gone into liquidation, and that the depositors would be paid in full. An Indiana Bank Suspends. BaniroaD, md., June B.—Tha com munity waa startled thia morning when tbe Bedford bank failed to open ita doorß. Preaident Wiudanley explained that in consequence of recent heavy withdrawals of deposits, the bank was forced to auapend for a few days. It ia one of the oldest and most reliable banks in tha city. Boston Publishers Assign. Boston, Jnne 6.—Potter & Potter, pub lishers of the New England Magazine, tbe Yankee Blade, tbe Woman's Jour nal and other periodicals, have made an assignment. Liabilities, (75,000 to $100, --000. Tbe firm may resume. The failure ia due to losing business on the New England Magazine. Want the Sherman Law Repealed. St. Louis, June 6. —A circular to all correspondents has been issued jointly by all tbe state savings banks and trust companies in this city urging immediate aotion to secure the repeal of tbe Sher man silver law. A Marble Dealer Falls. Philadelphia, June 6.—Samuel F. Prince, owner of marble works here and quarries in Rutland, Vt,, failed. His liabilities are $100,000; nominal assets, $250,000. THH RUSSIAN TIIKATY. In Twenty Days It Will Be tbe Law of the Land. Washington, June 0. —The Rubbish extradition treaty, which has been the subject of negotiation between the two contracting parties more than six years, which has been amended again and again and which was threatened with defeat in its final stages, has at last been formally proclaimed and will henceforth be the law of the land until it ia super seded by another treaty. Ratifications were exchanged in St. Petersburg nearly two months ago, but because it was necessary to observe extraordinary pre cautions to secure the safe transmission of tbe document to the United States, the treaty was not received at the state department until a late day last week. The treaty is in the French language and it was neces sary to translate the document into Eng lish and make a very careful compari son between the translation and the original. This work was completed yesterday and today the president saw it for the first time when Secretary Uresbam carried it to tbe cabinet meet ing. All that remained to be done was an official proclamation and that was done this afternoon. The proclamation was dated yesterday and simply recited the provisions of the treaty, with the announcement that it will go into effect 20 days from date, that is to say June 24th. Interest centers on the sections mak ing attempts upon the heads of the gov ernments, or accessoryship to such at tempts, extraditable. These sections in the treaty, as officially promulgated, are precisely identical in language with the sectiona published in the Washington dispatches to the Associated Press April 22d last. It is asserted in official quart ers, in spite of all that has been said about the treaty, that it ia similar in scope to all extradition treaties nego tiated by the United States in recent years, although in practice it may be that the administration of the articlea will have a different result, in view of tbe essential difference between the judicial systems of the two countries, which in this case are supposed to be more than usually divergent. SOKZ CiflAl, DIKBCTORS. Ferdinand and Charles de T.nsseps Re elected to the Hoard. Paris, June 8. —A boisterous meeting of Suez canal shareholders was held to day. Darier, Peghoux, Wilson, Lamb, Ferdinand and Charles de Lesseps, the retiring directors, were relected. No effort was made to procure the removal of Charles de Lesseps now under sent ence to imprisonment for paying bribes to public officials from the Panama Canal company's treasury. M. Wadd ington, recently ambassaor to Great Britain; Prince Arenberg, Chevalier deß Brieves and Veraon Bey were elect ed to (ill the places of the directors who reeigned. THK ARKANSAS BANDITS). They Made <}ood Their Kacape With • 10,000 Booty. HouKiis, Ark., June o.—The bandits who successfully robbed the People's bank at Rentonvllle yesterday seemed to have made good their escape with the booty, amounting to about $10,000, They also robbed a store at Decatur and had a running fight with the sheriff's posse. While at Decatur tho leader was recognized as one of the notorious Starr brothers. Presidential Appointments. Washington, June 0. —The president made the following appointments to day : * Clinton C, Duncan, Georgia, Indian inspector. Henry C. Lott, Salt Lake City, mem ber of tiie board of registration and elec tions in the territory of Utah, vice Al vin Saunders reiigned. Frank Flynt, Georgia, principal clerk of surveys in the general land office. Forry Tariff Reduced. San Francisco, June o.—The South ern Pacific railroad today placed in ef fect a new freight tariff on ferries be tween this city and Oakland, reducing the former schedule CO to 75per cent, Fonnd, At the drug store, a valuable package, worth its weigth in gold. My hair has stopped falling and all dandruff has dis appeared since I found skookura root hair grower. Ask your drugguet about it. OFF TIE STAGE OF LIFE, IContinn "1 from first paae.l waa born in Fulham, England, Decem ber 9, 1801. Alter their return to Amer ica, Mrs. Booth, sinking under a sudden illness, died at Dorcheeter, Mass., Feb ruary 21, 1863. While in England, Booth appeared at the London Haymarket theater, enact ing Shylock, Sir Giles and Riobeliau. The latter part, with which almost as much as with Hamlet, his name is identified, he bad first assumed at Sac ramento, Oal., In July, 1888 Hia per formance of it waa much admired In London, and alio at Liverpool and Man cheater. On returning to America, Booth coon bacame manager of the Winter Garden theater, New York. Here Booth ap peared December 29, 1802, and with this home he waa associated until March 23, 1867, when it was deatroyed by fire. Here he effected magnificent prodtictiona of Hamlet, Othello, The Merchant of Ven ice, Richelieu and other plays, and ac complished the remarkable achievement of running Hamlet for 100 consecutive nighti, an exploit that waa commem orated by the public presentation to him, January 22, 1807, of a gold medal suitably inscribed, and offered in behalf of leading citizens of New York. Booth's brother-in-law, the celebrated comedian, John S, Clarke, was his part ner in the management of the Winter Garden, and they associated with themselves an old journalist and theatrical agent, William Stuart (real name, Edmund O'Elaherty) former ly of Galway, Ireland. Clarke A Booth were also associated in the management of tbe Walnut Street theater, Philadel phia, from the summer of 1803 till March, 1870, when the interest of the former was purchased by the latter. In April, 1865, an appalling tragedy (the asaasaination of President Lincoln by J. Wilkes Booth, Edwin's brother) compelled Edwin Booth to leave the stage, and it waa then hia wish and pur pose never to return to it; but business obligations constrained him, and he agaiu appeared at the Winter Garden, Januaty 3, 1866, as Hamlet, and waa re ceived with acclamation by a great au dience. April 8, 1868, the corner-stone was laid for Booth's theater, at the south east corner of Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue, New York, and February 3, 1869. Booth opened the new bouse with Romeo and Juliet, Romeo being played by himself and Juliet by Mine Mary MoVicker. This lady waa the daughter of Mra. Rnnnion, who became the wife of Jamee H, McVicker of Chi cago, a prominent actor and manager, and the child's name waa changed from Runnion to McVicker. Booth married her June 7, 1869, and she died in New York in 1881, leaving no children. Booth's theater had a moat successful career of 13 years. Its story, however, ended in May, 1882, when it was finally dosed, the last performance in it being Juliet, by Madame Modjeska. After this it was torn down and a block of stores built on its site. Booth's theater was managed by Edwin Booth until the spring of 1874, when it passed out of bis possession. His stock company at one time included Lawrence Barrett, Edwin L. Davenport, J. W. Wallack, jr., and many other noted actors. Booth's theater was almost invariably a prosperous house, but it was not economically managed, and for this rea son it eventually carried its owner into bankruptcy. Booth then began his PJlreer over again, and in the course of lime paid bis debts and earned another fortune. In 1876 he made a tour of the south, which was in fact a triumphal progress. Tbouaanda of spectators flocked to ace him in every city he visited. In San Francisco, where he acted for eight weeks, he drew upwards of $96,000. In 1880 and again in 1882 he visited Great Britain and acted with brilliant Buccess in London and other cities. Ho went to Germany in 1882, and was there received with extraordinary enthusiaam. In 1883 he returned home and resumed hie starring tours of America, since which time his career is fresh enough in the minds of tiie public not to need rehearsing. Fell Through a Bridge, Athens, Tex,, June 6.—The local southbound passenger train fall through a bridge near here tonight. No one was killed, but a number of persons were badly wounded. Death of .inline Balke. Cincinnati, 0., June 6.—Julius Balke,' pioneer billiard table manufacturer, died today, aged yearo. He was one of the founders of the Brunswick-Balke-Collen der company. Thurston's Credentials. Washington, June 6.—Mr. Thurston, the newly appointed Hawaiian minister, presented his credentials today at the state department. A Mark of Vulgarity. Vulgarity marks the man or woman who ia given to general backbiting and unreflecting slander—to tho glad propa gation of scandalous stories rospeoting pooplo of whom ho or ahe can know noth ing. It gives a certain sense of superi ority to be ablo to thus besmirch the ermmo of those who are set in high places and whoso moral influence de pends on their fair farao. If they are of such base material, what may not be pardoned to the confessedly coarser clay? —and are not tho lesser fry in their own small way superior to these grander fel lows? So think the vulgar minded re tailors of scandalous stories of tho great and prominent. Thoae, too, who bolitlle their friends and acquaintances come into tho tamo category.—London Queen. Increased Sound at Night. I would like to ask if you have ever noticed the acoustic phenomenon of greater audibility of sounds after night fall? Thero have been hundreds of at tempts to account for this singularity in tho mat tor of sounds, the theories being almost as numerous as the theorists themselves. The ancients noticed that the intensity of all sounds was increased at night and ascribed the phenomenon to various causes, some almost as absurd as the reasons CO assigned by certain mod ern scientists.—St. Louis Republic. A Deluded Hear. The story is told of a bear that mis took the humming noise of tho telegraph wires on high polos as coming from a nest of bees and clawed at the pole and tore away the stones at its base in the hopo of finding tho much coveted honey —Boston Journal of Commerce. Wall Paper at Cost. CloilnK out sale— Itekstrom it trasburg, 307 and :«o;> Boata Main street. VIMtlDg Oarda Krigrßvert At Laugtladler'n, 214 Wett Suond. Tel. 702. Tag Ills Fair at Night. A sight more beautiful than Jackson park nt night cannot Vk> conceived, so liberal is the nao of electric lamps and co artistically are they arranged. For illu minating tho rcroundß and entrances to tho buildings lamps to the nmnber of 1,550 art placed fit intervals of from 65 to 75 feet, except at tho estremo south eastern part of tho grounds, whore dis tances between somo of the posts are in creased to 125 feet. Around the main entrances to the principal buildings clus ters of lamps aro placed. The arc lamps imployed for exterior illumination are mpported on ornamental posts designed to receivo one, two or three lamps and, where expedient, have arm-supporting incandescent lamps of high candle power inclosed within colored glass lanternß that afford a richly decorative effect, sA problem of different character was pre sented when the question of aislo light ing with arc lamps camo up owing to the varied nature of tho exhibits, the character of tho inclosures, the height of showcases and proximity of supports. In the final allotment of lamps (in round numbers) 1,200 were assigned to the Manufactures building, GOO to tho Agricultural building and annex, 850 to the Transportation building proper; Horticultural building, 250; Mines find Mining, 200; the Fisheries, 50, and thu Illinois building 57. These are all sup plied with current by tho exposition company from the power plant, aa are also somo 250 arc lamps required in Ma chinery hall.—Chicago Times. An Aged Fine Before Columhns Came. Ever einco the days of the first set tlers in the Piko county backwoods of Pennsylvania a piiio treo known as tho "Great Pino" had been a landmark in Green township because of its great height, tho treo towering far above all the other trees in tho pine forest that then covered tho Pike county moun tains. In tho clearing awny of tho pino timber, which waa the main purpose of woodsmen for 60 years and more, thia lordly tree was left standing, and 80 yeara ago it became tho solo relic in all that region of the great primitive forest of pines, and since then has been famous throughout northern Pennsylvania as tho "last pino." Tho natives had always regarded the ancient tree with great veneration, but recently tho land on which it stood pass ed into the hands of alien owners, and ono day last week they had it cut down. The treo was found to bo 878 feet in height, and tho infallible record of tho rings of its stem showed its ago to bo 462 years, so that it was a rospectablo tree 63 yeara old when Columbuß discov ered America. It was perfectly sound from butt to tip and will cut $2,000 worth of lumber. —Pike County Dis patch. Excavations at Tunis. It is announced from Tunis that exca vations aro now being mado in tho famous two headed hill mentioned by Virgil, which hill is situated about eight milea from Tunis. Many interesting re mains have already been unearthed, and it is confidently hoped that better will follow. A temple of Baal Saturn, which has been almost entirely laid bare, is attract ing particularly tho attention of the French archaaologists because of its pe culiarly interesting statues and bas-re liefs. The building isisituated at an ele vation of over 1,000 feet, and this is an other proof that the Carthaginians practiced their religious ceremonies on hills. On all tlio statues of the gods to which the temple ia dedicated the numos Baal and Saturn aro found together, which would seem to indicate that to flatter their Roman conquerors the Carthagin ians had added to the name of their chief god that of tho highest Roman deity.— Chambers' Journal. The Pay of l^mbassadors. If present pay is inadequate for min isters, it is absurd for embassadors, and yet congress is not likely to increase sal aries. It has sanctioned a title author ized by the constitution, but is unwilling to pay for what the title calls. For sev eral years the fact has been recognized that only lioh men, or at least men who had something beyond their pay, could afford to accept the London, Paris or Berlin mission, Mr. Lowell and Mr, Phelps being exceptions. Tho raising of the grade to an embassadorship makes the obstacles to poor men all the greater. An impecunious embassador would bo ridiculous, and as the increased rank is practically of no benefit to tho country the sooner we return to tho old rank the better. Tho country will bo better rep resented by a self respecting minister than by an embassador who is tho object of universal commiseration because his meager salary compels him to live'in lodgings. —Harper's Weekly. A New Fashion Coming In. Those Now York youths who dearly love an earl havo received another shock. Hero is his lordship of Craven, who, though attendod by a valet skilled in all a body servant's accomplishments, jet shaves himsolf. Tho fact came out through a wound received in tho act of stropping. Now may the barbers who have been ac tmstomed to belather the Bhoru faces of our golden youth look out. If one who keeps a man profess to manipulate the Btool himself, how much less should he who pays for each operation indulge in tonsorial aid? To shuvo at home may bo expected to becomo a fashion among those who recently and suddenly devel oped a fancy for pink bosomed shirts and tho other peculiarities of a certain wardrobe. So habits as well as fashions ire made.—New York Evening Sun. Wealthy People Tired of it I'luiii Name, Residents of Dobba Ferry, N. V., uro tired of that euphonious title and in tend having the name changed. The aanre ia derived from tho fact that Jere miah Dobbs, a Swede, who was a fisher man and lived at Willow Point, near tho southern line of tho village, added to his meagor incomo prior to and during the revolution by ferrying occasional travel srs across tho Hudson, The Qnld llonorm. Washington, June 6. — Today the treasury department gained nearly $1, --000,000 in gold off Betting the amount taken yesterday for shipment. This makes the net treasury gold about $90, --000 JOO. We cc.l Ingrain Wall Paper 9c a roll. 237 B. Spring Ureut. Goes to School Monday. A Tory sensible lady out on Ninth street delayed sending her small son to tho public schools until he should be old enough to look after himself and has been teaching htm herself in order that he might not fall too far behind other boys of hia age. Yesterday morning Master Freddy came gravely up to hia mother for hia lesson. After the regular routine was ended his mother put a few leading questions: "Freddy, what is a yoar?" "Three hundred and sixty-five days." "What is a day?" "Twenty-four hours—and an hour is 60 minutes, and a minute ia 60 seconds." "What is an instant?" "An instant?" and Master Freddy knitted his downy brow a brief space whilo he thought. '*Oh, yes, I know, I know, mamma,. An instant is a hole in the ground." "A hole in the ground I" exclaimed hia mother, totally taken aback. "Why, how in the world do you make that outr "Why," declared Master Fred with de cision, aa he hurriedly opened hia read er, "this book says, 'John's dog fell down In an instantl'" Freddy will start to school Monday.— Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. The Elephant's Sense. Why an elephant should bo afraid of a mouse is a mystery. Some have doubted the generosity of the elephant because of his aversion to small animals, but none can doubt his intelligence. Buffon, notwithstanding hia idea of tho mere mechanism of animals, spoke of the elephant as at the same time a "mir acle of intelligence and a monster of matter." Ernest Menault happily re ferred to him as the animal that carried his nose in his hand. Hence the mar velous intelligence of his trunk. The senses of touch and smell co-operate. The norves which extend through his trunk aro so numerous that they equal in number all those distributed over the rest of the body. The elephant can keep perfect timo to music. He has tho ear perfectly organized, and the hearing iB extremely fine. The eye of the elephant is distinguished from that of other ani mals by the pathetic expression of senti ment. Take him all in all, naturalists agree that ho is the most intelligent of animals. And why should he bo afraid of a mouse? —New York Tribune. Improved Boats and Muscle. The boat with which the Oxford crew won tho great 'varsity race must have had a pneumatic tire. With better methods of training and improved sys tems of rowing the men of today havo unquestionably tho advantage of those of past years, but too much credit must not bo given where it is not due. The vast improvement in boats must not bo overlooked in considering the time of the race, Neither Harvard nor Yale has any thing to fear from Oxford or Cambridge provided a better boat can bo made here than that in which tho victorious Oxford crew rowed. It was the pneumatic tire and not Nancy Hanks that played havoc with Maud S.s record. Good horses make good jockeys, good sulkies make good horses, and good boats make good crews.—New York Tribune. Cure* CionsnmBt I on, Coughs, Cronp, Born Throrii. S id by all Druggists on a Guarantea. For a Lame Side, Back or Cliest Shiloh's Poroua Plaster will give great satisfaction, —95 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chatrjmooga,Tenn.,sayBt "ShUoh's VltaUzrr'SAVED MY LJTtt} 1 cmrtdfritthebctitrcTncdyfcirarlfblHkitf.dnmfem I ever ussd." For Uyopormla, Liver or Kidney trouble It excels. Price 75 eta. fcHILOHVlpATARRH Have you Catarrh ? Try this Remedy. ItwiU po-Jtiv()ly relievo and Cure you. Price fiOcta. This Injector for its eticooasful treatment is furnished free. Remember, Shiloh'a Bemedlea are sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. Sold wholesale by HAAS, BAEOCH A CO. and retail by druggists. 12-14 lyr Can a Woman Be Beautiful With a Sallow Complexion or a Rough Skin? Certainly notl THEN why not try a 1 remedy that will afsss-saVaaaavSavab make you beautiful? mmSs&SjS' nettie har vjffiffXM 'J?' KIHON'H Tefiii y Lola Miottz Crcm*, {3| f The SKIN FOOD and %W TISSUE BUILDER. J d isawondertul facial beantlfler.contalnlng Fa— 110 poisons, and reo- XXJj( <2. ommended by the * I "7 physicians. J . . J'i. *- 1 *. It removes all aljWfctttWtWwttft, rVUAlWroughness and dry k Tuita K»nM4*\ 6 ness of the skin, pre ' teotiTig it from the sun and wind and keeping it soft and smooth. Price 75 cents. Pot lasts three months. Mrs. Harrison's FACE FOtTDKR. It Is vury fins and adhesive, cannot Injure the most delicate skin, and I claim it to be pos itively imperceptible to the closest scrutiny. The pain of freckled and sunburnt skin, so an noylhg to many ladies, can be avoided by the free use of LOLA MONTBZ and this POW DKK. Three shades- White, Flash and ltronntte. Price, 60 cents. MRS. IIAKKISON'8 FACE BLEACH Is not a cosmetlo to hide defects, but a medical wash that scientifically removes all Freckles* Tun,Sunburn, Itlackhends, Moth Patches. Hallowuess and all other skin blemishes. Price 8)1. All of Mrs, Harrison's numerous prepar.vlons for sale by all druggists. MRS. DORA JOHNSON, Lady Agent for Los Angeles, Halrdres'ing and Manicuring Parlors, Rooms 41-42 Wilson Block, Spring street. For any special or complicated bleralshof the lace and form, write to MRS. NETTIE IIARKIRON, 26 Uesry street, San Francisco, Oal. Superfluous hair permanently removed. Water Pipe, Well Casing Iron Tanks and All Kinds Sheet Iron Work. J. F. H0LBR00K, Nos. 310 12-14 R queue It, Lot Angeles. 44am -ESTABLISHED 1886- DR. B. G COLLINS, OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN. With Los An geles Optical Instl ate, 125 South Spring street, iu Wagner's Klmberly, Los Angeles. EYES EXAMINED EREE. 0 u 6ra