OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, June 18, 1893, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1893-06-18/ed-1/seq-14/

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W«n*n m CTitraar* A Pl»rfc» 'V.iwavi's
SnrrmM—A Sl«»irf rtt m >.s.
IWrn. HotterV:Mm«T*«Hrilm4M
Hlfrts for the ttoin..
The death of Miss f •efitlaTovrvsend of
typhus fwviT in the !io*Tiitnl
waaavwrysad ewsnt. Misa Torma*nd
Wn* tha genarnl eeerrtary of th* Orris"
IMendly society. Her life tw/f |j**n
giwrn up to good work.
laat December. and Mhw ToTTiscrvJ hn,)
nurwd lier :MWi<l«mtaly Itrrflig > lour;
illnes* tnrbmdinft owr two years, it
added to th* *vrln««w of Mls« TtiW iiajfliiT 1
liewtb that h*r tir<>th*r, wlto ia motor if
00* of th* l*njt*»rt*nt chnn-hna in At
lantic City, md h*r «4rt*r w -m not jier
mitturl tn see her dirrlrig her 'act boora.
■fhla may bar* Iwrfl .-i■wfsw >md r»»*on
able precotlHotl of the iwidi'- il ifflcrT of
the health board, hot ll imm to us tn
havf boen (•arrytng quaMtftttie rtrlea 1
Httl* too far liter" -s no rtxasofl why,
under pw»p*r prrrtatition*. a -sltor to 1
patient sink with typhus "tit should
catrh th* dlnsnaa orrv -'u>r" tbsai thar* "
any maaofi why" nttenylant* and attend
ing pbvwlHansvfhorild catch t
Mi«* TowTtseiirP* Jiaarti independent
of the loaa'of her hhsmelvs* .mduu-f il
life, is a puhit* r~t iwcona* H 1" * '
known ttow aba <vMitruct*d the dla*ia*. ;
About 10 day* ,iffo r ii'o ror)1 •■
hwrpifal to rtomplain 'f • i-tnlu p
toma the* might haw B««l the earlll il
a bad cold. Sh/» wua taken into tii»> boa
pHal for troatrnent, and in a few da>*H
nnmis+akubln tyiihtis fp\vr made
pear Mica. She was r*fiorr«l to rtie fliv
endde hospitnl on North Brothf-r land,
and tho plrrs*ri*tis who ling
her had wry lltth' hope & t»r i*soo-
Before Misa 'fowrisend \r ■ stirtak v
down Mho waa living at SI. A ■>• • hull
at «8 West TwaUrtWh rMMK ,' >\. is
tha headqnarter-i of :h'- 3o*t*ty t •■ ha
Horn* Stndyof tha Holy Seriptares 1
thoogh the rnmaining lnitmtea oP tills
how* were carefully wafobed, noun if
them developed typhus Then ras Id
true* of typhna at h*r home, nor i-vh
Miss Tosmaond known to have bo «i 111
any houaa wheua thi>re hitjj lion an on
doubted caaa of typhus fever.- NT 'tv
York Sun.
Women fn MMMMM
Tber* s**m fo bo aa many women cut
at work in Chicago ;is there ore women
etnying at homo in Brooklyn. ?on ••m
--not buy anytblng ontaideof the gin ;>iills
without finding a girl clerk to serve you
and a girl cashier to rake your money, \r
both together. Tf you ride on tha'al* '
va'od, you hoy y.vir ticket of a woman
When you get a stamp at Che ftotftofflbft,
it is a girl wbo *orv<>s yon. The clerkH
in tbe netvpiper offfoes Mrs M ••)! to he :
girls aa men. At the hendqunrteri 6f
the World's fair and in all the deport- .
moot offices girls ***m in the majoi Ity
Thn.hum of their voices and IfhO SWisli of
their tkirts fill tho air. They are also in
tho public offloe* in tbe city hftll. In all
tho hotels, down in tho lobbies, crowded
with men and rank with tobacco smoke,
the newsstands, flower stands, telegraph
counters, jewelry stands, theater and
railroad ticket stands nnd telephone
offices -all are mnnaged by girls, The i
word girladsuaed advisodly. Women of
88 or over aro few besirie tho ~f
from 17 tn if, wbo are .serving rhe public.
tt is a qweer a*oaa*ioo ?or a man In a I
hotel «o eHW rttfD "oorne vn" in riVtponsS 't
to m knock (fit Ma do6f, and to sco a> l
pretty, ladylike girl walk in with the t ■
murk. "Yon are the mnn I am to do
stenographic work for, I suppose."
If the kingdom coming for women is
one of varied industry, in.leponrlenc*
and tbo right to work an h tt 1 is tee j
men, then Chicago is the hnolena and
starting point. A New Yorker who has
hved har* for a year or more was naked
what he thought of the revolution.
"It is good for tho women," said ho. !
"bnt it is hard for tho men. The worn- j
*n have more liberty, mora money and '
more ability to take mre of themselves
in all the emergencies of hfo. They aim
at marriage the some as other women do
or should, bnt they hnv- time nnd op
portnnity to wait and wed shrewdly,
so shrewdly often that t think Chicago
will found a new race of hetngs sharper '
In trade than the Hebrews, liorn of sharp
mothers who hare cho?en sharp hus
bands, Bnt it is hard on the men. The
romance is leaving the romantic ser. |
The physical charms remain', but men
tally and morally the women who deal
with the pnWio grow angobtr, selfish ;
and mercenary." — Chicago Cor. N«\v
York Swn.
A Proi-Vf aooeesa.
Something more than 30 years ntrn
Miss .fennie Stevens enforod the govern
ment service at Washington as a depart,
ment clerk, for 9i years She pursued
the weary round of her work. At the
end of that time she lost her position. '.
She was no longer young, and as ihe Waa
Famihar with no sort of work farfe that
which she had boen doing for so many
yoar< she found herielf wifhonf means
of support As a recreation after tier
hettra .f wr«.k she had taken aomo lea- |
none in pen painting on velvet. As she
was ytremely f,-, n d of work of this <r,-
she made np her mind thst she would
try to aecrtr* a few pupils, fn display
ing h*r wrirk for thla purpose she met I
woman who saw thst she had talent '
snd who told rter thst she was wasti- (
her time in painting \-lth a iien on vel- 1
vet, snd thnt sh* should fik* her colors. 1
brushes and « piece of matting and se*
what she could do iv the way of deco
rative work.
Sh* acted on thia suggestion, nnd for '
two years kept body and soul together '
by teaching while she taught N-raelf. '
AI the cud i<t that thee she had gained
na toh, and withal some recognition aa j
m artist. She decided to try lit jrtih
be, r--ogniHon and paifllfld ttir- • \A>
tares for the exhibition of the fcoyal In- |
ititute of Painters at Piccadilly, f, n
don. A th<ci=f'!/l pictures war* •"•nt to
the committee of aftista ill New Zerk,
and nrufiTig the (0 sele, t U rl as represents- '
fate 01 Af't»ft'-i .ver • the tlitee nb
nrltted by Mie-< ?t< .- tis Not oulylhia, '
tat for one (If her dw f , T ative words she
•eceive.d a pr'rs In teorrey and frrr sn-
Ttber a diploma While she lirs been :
rncceaaful in both , , 1 water colors
(he exoela in purMy '""T.-ttive work.
Aa It agpeelally f.,| \ n painting
•pastry. Bern* of mi.. .• atorlts
ate e-xWbited in tbe Womaai's buflding
it 1... A" .rl-l'H f«ir and form an inter
eatitiir bowing of what a woman may
achieve ma wholly new I In* of work
■fter lie luta pafleed her fortieth birth
day.—Chicago Poa*.
The Matter of» "anHaMe" Dress.
A great deal ia being said and written
just now on the xubjeet of tmitabladreaa
for a trustiice* woman, and ont of th*
maaa of Titrgrwtlona something admlm
bla is lioond to com*. But women are
oueer 'Wttle kttttle," :rtid wo bare yet to
I use ana wbo shall admit that* i* any dif
•■er.Tice her employment and
the idleness of her neighbor. The mo
ment women am separnfod from <wh
other try 'his question "t droaa, or "a
Ire**,'' 'hKt moment that lreaa, howtrt-ru
snltahle, liecomaa an iinpoeaibiHty and
no 10.-ieer desirable in their iwea.
Modern » imen vith all their lieested
independence, wdl 1 mrri-r :vlopt to attiro
hat itupllea dlaes llstinctirm or tbe idea
of mitnpbmry laws. Y.rt Ihe need for an
Ideal dnw rrrowii apace. Tha SMMmt*
,mnc" if rich 'troiuen. theinereaaad cost
of all fuehlonable dnw, throw ont wome
n of n-tlued fasten ,md small means
quite aa mnch OS d dehAra the Ofiiliiary
workbiir w■unen ftTirn A-.-nriug comfiirt
dile, bcr-o(uhig uid roll made Olotbe
It is the femililtm inntfuct to ' look
pretty" at .my but how will it evw
tie beaten into 11 girl's heed that when
"he ascka Her ihdng in th" field with men
thla datural crvjtieXr/ must lie abaW
doner! and !t"r aim oonc*nlmt.!d in th*
enih» r 'vor to look "suitable" iusteadf
if a woman is ;flfted with a trim,
natty tlguro, a nent foot and anlrlh, the
sniteMo brtshi"?s . I rear, which is short in
skirt in I severely simple in style, will
: not disfigure her nor tWnd to lessen iier
j physical .ittractivonaaa, Bnt unhappily
I tho majority aro not buflr 'bat way.
j Then 00, they see con span tly. b«fhre
flwun yiiemviT they :{o the most lompt
! trig adonimnita. other women groomed
ami foi ied at the rate of thottWtttdn per
aiinuni. "id heir hearts swell with 11
aense of injustice to their sex, and they
lon-f for vn imitation if tbey cannot ha va
:),,. aval BMCtM rferald.
ytr*. Palmef Wltlt Hf*r r>li»un«tls On.
Th"n' *re probably not, mnny American
women who would euro to invito compar
ison by placing their gertu beside ihe
glittering atvay of ths (9walUM empress,
but there is :tt least on* fb CHicapje who
could do so sntUiugly, sure if not of out
shining, ivri ainly of riot belne; outshone.
This woman is Mr*. Poiter Palmer.
At the tMriouß hnlls she attended last
winter tf i-H. Palmer s diamonda were the
envy and n!miration of oyoyy woman
who saw h"r in .ill their dag>
*linir flilmider. ft is safe to say that
memlv>r.t of tho foreign legation who
bo Wed 1 ovor he* Stntd) band at the dedi
cation haTl last October will ner*r for
get tba alchiro she made, tt is donhtful
if even Rurop'-mi court a could produce
ao brilliant nnd bcantil'al an ensemble.
On mi eh occaaiona Mrs. Calmer weara
a diadem of large diamonds finely
mutched and exquisite in dolor?; This
almost encircles hW neiul, a id each
pniiii of vho IftWfeonS coronet ia tipped
*i<h a largo and costly pearl. Disposed
abont her -orsturo Are I Wo ropes of dia
monds, which aro Reneraily caught up
ny .1 l-,eautifiil brooc!) of diamonda and
anpphires. Leaser omanionis in the
shape of stars, crescent* find Circlets ai'e
pinned to the front of a#t oodlce, and at
her eors hour lar.ro oearla.—Clncsr»o
mmA _
, do. ft'i'iitniid n'-fin X
Aft tbo inf riMi-i noon honrs of Raster
Week Mr i. CUvoland received lietween
fin SoO ladies e-ioh time, standing
alone by the door of the red parlor, and
birely having a chance for a word wivh
;hoso whom she kfiew as the procession
of stranger 1 streamed , n- To those who
havo not seer, .Vfrs. i- l iiririg
the four years etr.ee she loft the White
fl'.-iie she seems to have changed. :n ap
pearance, bnt for the better. She is
stouter skid matronly in every way. The
simple manner of AVeEsing her hair ia
vastly becoming, and the pure white
colorless eomplo-nou ,-.dda a refinement
and distinction to her face. No one has
been more maligned by f.ho sunlight
rhnn Mrs. Cleveland, and the new pho
tographs that have been 6KI sale this
spring are tho reverse of flattering.
More of the photographs taken jnst aPbu
her wedding are seen nnd sold here than
of the prints from negatives made at
Lakewivid last winter. There is aa much
charm and cordiality in her manner aa
eveT. with more dignity and repose than
before tho simplicity, directness and
ense of a woman fnliy at home, aware of
and qnal to the requiremenfs of her po
airion. —Washington Netter.
Pr*se„t Rnte* For VTeorntog.
Lighter rat-* for monrnrntt prevail at
present than hn-m been fn vogue foT
many years. As in tho keeping of f,cnf,
the ohsf rv.inee of a time of strict seeraV
sion is sr.ftened greatly from its former
austere character. Possibly the Burial
Reform ».«srxjinfion has had something to
do with this. On* of its objeeta It to
discournge tbe wearing of crape and
psrtionlwly of crape veils. Eccentrici
ties will floirish, howev r. in individnsl
ruses. A young girl. ,jr.st in her teens,
wns met the other d:?y whose short frock
was of rfontbasin* trttfnnried heavily with
crape, while a crupe veil fell from the
back of h*r round lint to the hem of her
gown. Nun's veiling is more employed
svary y»sr to take the place of the ngly.
nriwhi-desore* rid perishablenlfemativ*.
Cloths, nnd ftVi: frattorht, to closely in
timate crape are f.n!istit.utad for It in
dress trimmings.— Philadelphia Press.
r-i-t lons'.i» ISonnet. Way Si> Jii-ipscre-i*.
A new danger seems to threat* | faah
i'.Tial-il* w-.rrien frtitu an nrti"l« of their
toilet which haa hitherto !>eenronsideTed
eomparatl -- 1 ,» harmless- the honiiat. At
an afternoon reception th* otii«r daya
lady entered looking vary pale. Shebad
be«Ti the '/ictim of a rrrrKnis accident.
1 .., F ,,t„.j,, r }, rT r , lT ,p„ |,it, h«r head
Mlthi floor end felt a sharp pain.
Then, feeling something trickling down
hr „),,, fonnd t/i h*T horror
th-'t If wsf blood. Stopping at a drug
store, she bad the flash wonnd atanched.
VfM found that the weapon waa a
sharp jeweled pin which stood npTigM
In her brihbet, > rid now tbe wearers of
- dainty bits of lace aud steel orna
ments hove warning toonrry their heads
low at th* peril of their lires.— Clncin
A .'I l nq-iirsr.
The <lr,< er,'« Starne.
XI. ■ queen bas unveiled in Kensington
garden* the statue of herself by bar
laughter, PHneeas Latri**. the ccag of
which haa been latYi.yed try local «ab
•erlption. Th* Prlnoea* Lonise, who ie
■ srnlptor of otm aidesable merit, r*>
oelved ifISW for th* work and inabrted nn
the «m» term* m a prvrfesirtonal would
urn lemanded—via, filfto down 'in ac
cepting the ewmmlasirm. £9nn when'the
work wag half done and £200 on it* com
pletion. Tiie princes* ia popnlar, -o that
nn one grudges her the money, -xoept
perhaps aonfa struggling sculptor who
might have obtained the job had not a
prln**** been jornpetltor.— London Irf*.
W.iiaea itwl Matlii In "lO^ai-n.
An orchestra of (M women players ia
taking part in theconoerts of th* <>ilntn-
Man festival and perform* with th* great
Sousa hand the nam* high olaaa oompo
sition* played by th* Boston Symphony.
Tiie dramatic overture at the dedicatory
exerHeea of tli* Woman* building wae
written by a woman, Miss HVance* lilli
cott 'f London. Tn* "Jubilate" for
mired voice* and orchestra wn* written
by Mm. Beach of Beaton, and at ho
great nsHgiou* concert at the close of
IM roman'a congress mnMc written by
wom*n only will be sung by women,
with tosalbly m few men's, voicea iv the
ohoir. —Bxchange.
Hi i mm MM Arm So* Too o, ,«•«.
f '"lv Hnrlx-rton, writing to deny that
Hhe ia the originator of the Short Skirt
league, obaervoa that a Imsa Aye inch**
from the ground ia not by any means ao
ahort ,m some p*opl« imagine, aa it cornea
to tho top of the instep, and therefore ta
not abort enough to enable the wearer to
walk abont in muddy weather without
lisvinir no liold it up a little. "Many
ladies," eh* adds, 'havo been wearing
their walking dreeaea quite as sliort aa
Oil" for the last year in London, and
find they attract no attention whatever,
but can got altotit with much loss fa
Snnon Won by Girt Student*.
Tlio Univpmity of St. Andrew's, which
o>io year afro opened its gates to women,
lias now published tho result a of tbo first
sessional exnmtnation in which women
have taken port. As yet the woman
stndente are very fow. but they have se
cured the second place in English litera
ture, the first in Latin, the first in Ro
man history, 'ho fourteenth in Greek
and the sovomtb, the twelfth and the
fifteenth in first mathematics. As the
slagses consist of 70 or fill student* each,
honor of being among tho first 13 or 18
ia of some value.
Th* Secret at I nation.
A pretty wonmn said the other day:
"■When will women learn that suggost
ivenefts and net display is Uio greatest at- '
tractivencss thoy can have for men?
Why, it is tho very kernel of fascina
tion. An arm covered with a flowing
sleeve that just -fives glimpses of it oc
casionally ia far more beautiful than an
arm bared to the shoulder. A sens* of
mystery- indefinite, if you like. My
diMt>; it's the stuff all coquettes are
nvule of. Take the word of a daughter
of Eve for it."—Now York Commercial
fialnly Violet Trimmings.
Speaking of violet, I know of one April
bride wbo bail the tiny ribbons of all her
lingerie in violet, and each set of which ,
was tied by itself witb a wider ribbon of '
the same color. i?seh chiffonier drswe*
was lined with' a sachet of violet silk
filled with f 'iir-tntine crrl*. ",Tn»t j
dren-Mft"--that seems to he admiring
#omikn's most sa rlefaotory expression for
tb-tso «o*r':,,* HfeIMNgNQM. -"Exchange.
!t'S»t ro On Wish »o f*i<l Rlnrk Dro.ii.
Blnck dVeaaes make over heaivrifnlly
hy using th* giiroel skirt and nsing the
!»ft over pieces for a cross-way flounce
he.vlo i with a small roll of bright col
ored velvet. No matter how old fash
ioned the hn*q:ie may be it can be cut in
to a low necked 1 lodiee, a square in front
and SJ point tiehind.
Mrs. .fnana NesJ of California, on a
salary of $10,000, haa h**n placed in
charge of the woman's department of
insurance by two leading companies of
New York. FW position empowers her
to organize and enlarge the work in the
Paeit'ie coast states.
A bright woman, Mrs. Mary ,1. Bnrke
of Rowley, M isa.. ha* invented a won
derfully good. Adjustable ventilator for
windows Which dfics away with the dan
ger of drafts while khoronghly purifying
To b« eorreK nothing on one's mantel
should •match anything else, nor shonld
tbe dock stand in its old place in the
exact renter. It seems absurd tbat there
should bo a fashion in such matters, but
there is.
A novel written by Mr*, flenry Ward
f>'.eh*r over a quarter of a century ago
;*nd kept, a secret even from Mr. Beeeh
er is entitled "Light Out of Darkness"
and is a story of the civil war.
AfteT a re'-enf Australian wedding the
gnosts shov.'-.'M thn h-ippy pair with
rose petals until tho bride was literally
covered with Ihe frsgr.mt leavets as she
sat in Hn earriat'e.
Minuets are to be in favor this season,
and their rhythmic motion Is appropri
ate to the ernMn! gowns '.f the srimmer
OtSltf Ulfih OSnaer. I'«i Aapl/.
It IssomsTvhn t hard to find suitable of
ficer* of the army nnd n-.vy to oewnfry
the places of military end naval attaches
to tht United ftt-atea log.sfu.Tis In foreign
countries. To snti'sfay torily fnlftll th*
duties of tbes* posts pl*nty of money is
an essential reqttiaiM. A man attecbed 1
In snch a capacity to tho embassy at
Pane 01 s.i London needa a private for
tune t • kopp np with the social require
ments of Iho situation. Ho must move
in th" most richly gilded swim and must
meot nil s'.rts of nnosuAl nipertees. It is
eipiV'.f*<W.f him that h* shnll live like a
gentleman 0/ rank and wealth, her 11.'
ih* nt'vtios at th* l«gs>H'.tis of other na- 1
tions are rich and nohl* \
A clear orideTßtnndint; of tbeso f-.,rta I
would tho ritirnhor of spplicafiolM
for loeae plices are sent, in Iry
young ofTlfj-ri U> the depart mr ots of war
and 11 ivy at TVashington. Tliey de«ir
tbe spi.ioinctrienta for the sake of I
sgTeenblcnrss of th* di.fies arid the so '
el»l prestige helfmging to them, not real J
\r.irig thai thoy could not beop i ( j, appear 1
arte"* der on their pay alone.- "
V worth a amtraa a aox. |
: lissrilor-jij Liver, tie.:
»They Act Like Mark on tf)* Vital Organs,,
5 Kegnlstlng tb* Serrttlec, restoring long]
X nt Complexion 'ringing lack In Keen,
% iirige ot Apfsrtfte, end ..rousing with ihe| i
i MStBUOOF HIAlTtr-'lie whole physical, ;
/mergy of the human frame. These P-.n.i ,
are adsrhtert by thousands, in at) classes of, |
Society, [orgeat Sale ia the World.
aOvareii with s Tart»l*« * Bri»tt» Oaatltig. ', >
I Of altdruagkiM. I'rtce 3* centt a Box. , '
f IHTItIITII- *' ■ '"mmmimm '
Onilnanre No. 1733.
—• (NBW >HRI«S.)
/A. practice of medl'itte, snrgery, dentistry
and Mbarma*y, and the ueddilug "' drugs and
1 intOi' lnea, anrl pgrirlalng tor he registration
,t physician,*, iiiret. in. dentist" and pharma
(dattin the city of Lot Aopcle.
1 ' Themayoi and council of :be city ot Los An.
gelcsdoordttiiM follow.:
Bbctiosi I. it U tiTi-by iloutsr'jd unlawful
for »iij physician, entgton lrnilst or pharma
cist tn prsettc>> or carry on Mr or her -,u*lne,s*
in he city of ixs Angeles until he or she shall
I have regiaten l with iha beslth officer of he
o ty In a register Icent by htm for that purpose.
;o uteri.n. snr-.c..n 1»ntl»t or pharmacist
.ball o* allowed to • glster JD'e** he or .be
al all have obtained a ifcente frnui one of tbe
rasn-etlve i-)«n1»i il examlners-of the at* te of
.lac. 2. It ib all na inlewtnl for any pernio
toaell or peddle or. rwuse t* bouse or ur»oa
tbe pnbllo .ti-.-fi. >f .aid irhv auy medicine* or
drug* unless such irMI rttafl flrit have regis
tered with be lesltti officer of aalu nlly bla
j name aiidsddrets ami furnished said health
officer w-ih a inratile md the formula of .aid
drugs or inediflnes nnd received irom him a
permit tn .ell or peddle the f*me. Provided,
; tint thla section una I not apply to traveling
•e/letwen dealing dlrectl- witn phyelolan* or
drutglst. : hi. -itv
B»c 3. I lia iicaith officer shall provide a
suitable • irlster wllhiu which to register ibe
unmet, add )>....-., .int.. of graduation nnrt'dates
j of ltes-me of pity.lc'au., surgeons, dentist*and
' pbanaso.ts, and for thn registration of ped-
Hers uf ding* and medicines, and .hall upon
the r*gl.'i-:tiig of any person aa In ihla ordi
nance rcq.ul od, |pm to <inld oer;on a certifi
cate of the fact of each legistrntmn, and In the
o»*e ot peddlera a p'-rmlt ,n in this ordluanoß
MB, t any person who shall violate any of
the provisions of ibis ordinance .ha 1 be
.loemed gul ty of a v aud upon
j conviction th< p»of :1c 11 be punished by nn
-1 prlsonment in ihe clt« ' ill lot -r. pcdlne titty
daya or by tine not exceeding "ie hundred
lolliirs, orsball aiinVr Hoth «uch dne aud im
Hurt. H. Ordinance Wo HHO 'new series), ap
prov <1 April JO, 1 9!l!i. i« h -reby mpnf.lea.
sue. il Tho elt) c'etltnh illoortify to the paa
sago of till, ordlunii'c and osii.e it
tit tie published once i . the Loa Aiiceles
Il*tt.v Ramai.n. and thereupon and ihere
• shall take effect and be in force.
I lien-he oortify tint too foregoing ordinance
w-ssdooted hy the onnncll of the city of Lea
sue*loa, at it meeting of June l'J'b, A. D.
City Clark,
spnroved this Kltii day of June, 19(13
<J-irf.lt v. B. HOWaN, Wavar.
Tar Spriutrs AHphait CnmpaQy, Los
Aiitrules, Oal.
i i.v la delinquent ipon thn following de
flcrlbed stock, on hCCount of as«essnient levUd
onilielOth day of April, IAXi. the aevaral
amounts sot onpoaite tbe names of the. respect
he jhareholdeir, .ta followi:
No. of No of
Name. flert. Shsrja Ain't,
OrroW. rihllds 5 100 flO 00
OnroW. Child. 40 35.10 aho iH»
Andrew Million . (13 aROO 2SO 01
Jhnncey l„ a/atrous. <»i 17:5 177 t>o
! Cbancey b. Wslrom, 07 8030 BrtJ do
And in aecoriianc-) with Ibw. no many shiros
lot diich parcel of stoe-k aa may bi neceiaary
1 will h,«old at puhlio auction, on Che 10th day
Sf JnqS, IS9l}, ii-.twecn tnc noun of m 10)
and eleven 11 i'/ it. at , at the omoe of
the company, No 111-ouili Broatlway, in the
city of l-ov Angela*) Cal., to p*y d.iliiiqnoiu aa>
sessment tbeieon, to eet ii-'T wlfh co«t of edv-ir
t.tsln» an ! expen.es of naie
Da »d tnia i»tn day of sfay. 1 193
5- *l til C it. t. « D <Tttß. s cretary.
ay order if the ao.yi of ntMctera. the sbava
sale -a heresy eontt.iued until Wednoaday, tha
31st, liny oi June, 19.13.
6- 8 tsW «Ai.. f. HftTNT«R Secretary.
Notice fi>r Poblieation of Time for
Proving 1 Wilt, etc.
Irn rnt mattkr cut trs asTtTB c>? p.
| I J. .-'lyna, iecaiteo.
In coe .mp : -.*ior court In and for che county of
I.e. Angeles, ata'B of Ci'lifornia—No, 198, Da
paitment 2.
Nonce Is hereby giv?n that Tneadav. the
■20th day of .tune, iB«3. at lOo'olock «. m. of
said dnv. it the con t room of thia court, de
piirtment two thereof, in th i city of Los * -i..».
;Io , coun-v of ois Angelea. and state of Ca Ifor
ni». h.s h«»n appointed a ihe time and place
for nearing the of J. R. Loirte,
' pray! n r that a document now on die in rb.n
court, nnrpot Hug 10 ne the laat will and t»st..
ment of the s-u-1 leoeased, be admitted to pro
hate, i hir'erter? teatameninry b i issued there
on co rira.st whloh time and plaen a'l persons
Interested ttujrata Stay appear aad contest the
hired June «eh. 180-t.
I, H YARD, County Clerk.
By ■'; w Bus:*, liepnty
Attorney for petitioner.
Date r.f drat pnbll .atioa, Jane Bth, 1,893,
fi 3 I3t
PROpi-ntr.s ro-R frfL, ro«ia« and
STRAW--FTen-lqiisrters inpftrtmrtni of Mi
/onn. otTtcn of ihe chief Qiiaitei-maater, 1/ia
Angels., Cal., June 17.1893 — tealed proposnl.
lln ir plicate w n »c reealved at thla otoe and
lactn • r.ffi:>o of the Qnnrcerm-ister sr e.\ch of ehe
piws h ,ow named nn 11 11 ,':' c e-'ii a, m., UOth
! merldmn time, on .fuy 18. 1893, aad iflen
cp nerl in tne pi-*smee of atcending bfd-lers,
for fo-ni.hlne rnel. t .rtgeand straw at Porta
Apache, Bowie, Qfaor,. Hnaehncs, A. T . 8«n
Carlo, and a hippie fiarra'ks, A. T , ?orts Bay
ard. Marcv, Suar-a sod Wingate, N X., Lot
Aageieaand <*n fuegd Barnek., Cat, dnring
die flacal y-'sr ending June 30th, 181 M. Pref
erence gii"n to article* of domestic prodnc
t on sn J maniifaotore, condit.o. sof price and
■'I is.: rv r.sin* eeaal, snfd such prf ferenee «iv.*n
to articles of Atoejicau arednetion ami m.ien
f ictive produced on the Pacific, dasr to the
tent r.f th- cen.nirip i'-m feqnirad ty the prto
He arrvie-t therr, rinatetsis for quantities i ...
man the <.hoi, reo,oiri*d, or for delivery at
points other than those named, wi; l be enter
f'lied. npeciiicaitoiM, general m.-tmctiens to
blcderss-d r,iank form* of prop ««i wil tn
furnished r.n application here or at thi offices
tit the resfieciiva po<t quarterm*at-rs. K. fs.
ATWOOD, Major and Chiaf Qoartarrnaater.
B T7 «t
Notira to Whom It, May Concern.
I In ir to law of onredeemed go d. ivr r,
tilled case and nic«ei watches, diarn .-,i and
•told ear-rmsa r,r«ast-pin«, ring., .iee»c hnturas,
collar button... silverware, sold headed canes
and nrehrei a. clocka, »nitar«, mandolins,
violins, hanj is, pistols, »nn», r.fl«s, opera and
Said gia.s . me ehanm hires snd Mger hold
ers. otercjS'. coats, panes and veais.vall.es,
frnnfcs hof,a<, isddles, .nrveynrs' instruments,
drums sr,,i mrisleal Initrnmeura. nnd all gnods
ps vned sltli me If mat Jniy 1, lrff'2, to Jaunsry
1. 189.1, at 143 Sorth Main .sreet
Ia B COHS, fawnhroker
Tl. KrTLINO, AnetioJietr 3-24 6m
Notice of Application for Dlaaolntlnn.
vroTir ir fa nen«BY oifßis that this
Is gmlerton LandsndTm t compaay has had
■ sd in this t» irt Its applies tlon f if flltaalatloa,
and tha-, the s.me wiil he heard hefr,re deeart
tentit No. it of the snt.arlor cowt of the com .
et 1/n am' ieion lhs 3dth day of June. 18*3,
at 10 n c t."< a m. ol aaid day. or a* aonn Ihore
altyr as coun.ei rati by hesfti.
r. it WA i f/, connty r lark.
VI n Vhit rssto-sa. Deputy. B 24 .'III
Property Owners Take Notice.
I itiat the «»ml ann iat inatalnant of intsres
(.ll .11 bond, issued for street Irnprov'-rricni will
be due sn I payshleoi Friday.the inlrlleth day ot
June, ISstff. if Interest la oat paid st that
time yi nr property will hi aobjeet to sal* the
same as for taxas a>
8 J. BTfOftbT**.*,
n 4 sun 4t City Treasurer.
Ordinance So. 1723.
(NBW -i.'I'.IBS. i
-2V tentloa of the mayor and council of tbe
city of ~o* ingalea to \ hange and eatabllslr he
irradeof Lb* tuteriertloa of " nns.lvanla and
Michigan avenues and ixing tbe limits of the
illtltei to oa asa< aaed to pay thecoat. damages
and eipenaea thereaf
The mayor and council at the dly ot Lo« An
jeleado ordain aa follow*:
- r.f-new l. Tbat it is t.e Intention of the
mnncll of theratyof '.am vugele. to uhange
,n l .-stahllih the jtrade of tbe intersection of
Pennsylvania and Michigan avenues as fol
At tbe luttraeotlon oi Michigan avenue and
Pennsylvania .venue ion grade shell be
■hange* .wag- MtgKlLtfed -41 iWlon the north.
, west aad soothw> at ssrners and 85..Ml un ihe
nortbsast and nontbeart oruers; ihe grade itt
themteraectlonsef lecmnlsvemif and Mich
igan svesao*. Hehanrtla .treet and Michigan
avenne. Orbsndla street and Pennaylvanl*
avenne and liearoev xtieet aud Pennaylvanl*
avanue Khali be aa now established.
And at all points ,etween -aid dea'gnsted
points the grade .hall he estabished an at ,o
oonform loaatralgbt line lrawn ujtwoen aaid
ti-'ignatel points.
Uleratlnnsaro In feet and above elty datura
tnec. 2. Tbebonndarlei of the dlttrict to be
' affected by nald t'hau&e aad to be sweated to
my the damaaret :hat may be awarded by rea
nr,u of such change of wide are Hereby (leslg
iMetl ,nd .-stab nbed as niliim: Uegliming
at ihe southwe.t i orner of -tehuyler street nnd
Kearney slreet, thence westerly along the
Kootherly Hue of Kstsrner street to the north
west. i'-rner of lot 18, block 9 of the Mount
i Pleasant tract, thence aonthurly to the aonth
west cerner of lot 2 of said hloek 8, thence
sonthf-rly to the northwest corner of lot 14 of a
anbdli-isioo of block Tof he Mount I'ieaaant
tract, tlienee sentherlv to the southwest oorner
of lot 10 of asidrubdlvlalon, 1 hence easterly to
theaontheast eornerof ssld lot 10. Jience uofth
eaatorlv t« the sontherty corner of nloek fj of
the Monut Pleasant traot, thence uortheaater.'y
to the easterly corner of said Dlock TT, thence
northerly to th» koatheast corner of lot lof
olock 1* of tbo Mount Pleasant tract, thence
iiortherlv to the northeast corner of lot 17 of
said ilock Pon the southerly line of Kearney
street, ihenee westerly along the sontherlv iine
of Kearney etreet to the point of beginning,
excepting .herefrom any pnbllc street or alley
, tbat may lie witbln the above described tis-
I trlct.
o»C. 3; The olty o'erk >hall certify to the
passage of thla ordinance and nlmll -.use Ibe
same to he published for ten lavs n the Loa An
geles ilxiiAi.n. and thereupon iiud therealter it
sbail takio.**cr;tand bein fore,
I hereby osrtlfy that the foregoing ordinance
waa adopted nytUeoonnoll of ibe oltyol Loa
Angelea ut Ita meeting of June S, 1893,
City Clerk.
Approved this 9th dsy of Juno, 1893.
«-13 lOt Mayor.
Ordlnanen No. 17J7.
tention of tbe mayor ami council of the
city or Lo* augt-les to estsblish the grade of
rfants fa avenne irom f/irat street to Short
The mayor and oooucll of the al y of Los
Augeles do ordain ns follows:
9SCTIOK 1. That it is the intention of tho
council of the city of l.os Angeles to QStatillab
tbe grade of Santa P« nvenue from jflrst street
to 9hnit as follows:
At ihe loierseetlnn of fflrat street the grade
shall be 7 08 feet ab vo tho city datum plane
on ihe southeast coruer and 7.34 feet above the
datum plane en the southwest co uer; at the
uten-ootlon of rfeoond street 8.30 feet above
thndauim plane on the nor'hwest corner end
,1.90 feet above the datum plane on the south
west corner; at tbe iuterneetlou of Third aireet
1.10 feet above the datum ptnne on tbe north
west coraor and 3 70 feet above the dat m
plane on he soutbw st corner; at the hatch see
tlou of Bteveniton avenue 0 .10 feet below the
datum plane on tbe northwest aud northeast
corners and 1.00 foot below the datum plane
ib ihe southwest and southeast corners: at the
Intersection of Short street 2 50 feet o low tbe
'atum plane on th noithwest 00-uer and 3.00
bet below the datum plane on the northeast
corner, nnd at all point) between said deslg
i listed points ih i grade thall he est.bllsbed so
' as to oosform to s straight line drawn hetweon
. said designated poluts
8»c. 3. Tho city clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and shall cause tbe
seme'to he published for ten days in the Log
Angeles • -i and thereupon and there
after it shall take effect aud b i iv force.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordi
nmice was adopted by the council of tbe cliv of
Loa Augeles at its meeting of June 5,1893.
City Clerk.
A pproved ihla 9tb dsy of Jnne, i 893.
813 Ut T. B. aIOWAS, Mayor.
Sotica of the Filinnr of the iteport of
the (ommiHHionevs Appointed for
the Oponinar of Risrhth Street, from
Moore Street to Lincoln riaee, in
ComDiiance with Ordinance Num
ber 1430, ("New Series}, Together
with the Plat of the ABsessnient
Xs titled copy or the report, assessment Hat
and plat of the eommisuouer. appolnteil to
assess henedts and deroatroa and co have gen
eral, supervision of the ptoposed work of open
ing Eighth street, from Moore street to Lincoln
P.ace, has Lien filed in the office of tbe undar
All aums levied and assessed in sstl assess
ment hat are dne and parable imaiedin.el?.
The payment of said sum la to be mads to me,
in my office, within thlity days from the first
publication of this notice
AH assessments not paid before the expira
tion of aaid thirty days will be declared Co be
come delinquent, and thereafter per cent
with the co t of advertising, will be added
Dated this 13th day of June. A. D., 1893.
Street superintendent.
By A. L Bt«wast,
Deputy. 8-13 lOt
Proposals for Oonnty Supplies.
t / of Los Angelas county, stati of California,
J'ine 13tb, 1993.
Notice * hereby given thst scaled proposals
will be received by th* eonnty si> to ll o'clock,
a. m. of June 2fltn, 1893, for furnishing sop
plies for one year commencing June 27t0,
1993. as follows:
1 fresh lyesd for 'he county hospital
2 Tea for the county hoipltal, court house
and lav.
A ourtlflsd check must accompany each bid :
lo tha snm of $100
The hoard reaervea the right to reject any and
all Mds.
By order of the hoard of supervisors.
T. ft. WARD.
County clerk and eg-officlo clerk of the board
of supervl.ors.
By W fe. Whi deputy. 8-14 lOt
Notice Inviting; Proposals to ffnrnish
Meat for ( ity Prison.
17 by tne undersigned, iio to 11 o'clock a. m.
of Monday, fone 28th. 1893, to furnl.h the cfty
prison ,v Ith rneac, both fresh and stlc, for one
year from and after th* dsie of eoatr-ct.
A c*rtif!f.d cn< ck to the order of tha under
signed for s>o must accompany each proposal
as a gnarunc- c .hat, the hi ocr will enter into a
contract If awarded to him.
Conncil reserve* the right to reject any and
all bids
By order 'if tho council of 'he city of Los An
gelh* at, its meeting of June 12th, 1893.
C. A. LL*Ci<B.\ T BA'.ir.
8 l»8t City Clerk.
Stockholders' MfPtinsf.
f-oTris! sro':gfror.rip;afl or ths los a»-
J geiet 8 vlng* Bans: Notice is hereby
give., tnu the annus: meeting of th* stock
Solders of the Los Angeles 9avlr.»i tank will
be he 9 I i the pariors of the fsrmors and
Msrchsnts' Bank, Id th* City sol County of
Los / ngeie., 9 ate of California, on Monday,
Jnly 31, 1893, al 3:30 e'elook p. tn., lot the
pnrp'Seof ci. cting Dirsciors for tbe en.nlng (
year, n d for such other business as may prop- :
»rly rome before th* msetln?.
• ll 231 W. M, CAaWBI.L, Cashier.
v> ango fi City W»t-r tompauy plant, are
bfrebr nn-lfled th-.t If they permit any build
ing or street oont-acof to us* water from their
hydrants, uuless snch contrsctora show spar
mi t f-nr,, ibis 'empany, th -ir wster will he shot
off without further note c, and » penalty will
bs char.co for such Infraction of ths regaia
tlon. tiefot* water will again h-. tn* on.
tj 10 em ,
Notice frf Application lor Dissoliiflon. '
II Callffri-nia Investment Company haa had i
filed In-hi iniirfit. application for dissolution,
and 'list, ths same will he beard before depart
mant No. 4 of tn* superior o'irtrt of the e.ounly t
o' I re A ngflles on the 20th day of June, Isu I,
st 10 n rio k a.m of .aid day, or as soon th,r*- <
*ft*r as counsel can he 1.-arU.
i. If. WARD. Oirjnty Clerk.
By W. II Wnirrannus, fiepnty. 8 24 3H I
Notice of Public Work.
XrOTTCE is HKP.BIJY iiven that on
..S Mondar. tne JOth day of May, A. Ur, lHOrj,
r the connctl of tbet-lty .r..*t Auacls* did, at it*
g meeting on «ald day, adopt an ordinsnc ef ln
, tentlon, numb-r 1711, luewaarir*) to have the
r following work done, to-wttt
> Beginning at the Intersection of 'he can' :r
lineol Tw-ntr'blrdatreat wlthtbe tn,- rl i*
. ol Ptower street urodhead from aouth of i sen
v: I, lid street: tbsnee along the center line ol
. Twenty-third itreet so art h ol degrees ;osee
p ends east 30.01 feat to a point: tbtnee north 28
I deagus 84 idliiiu** east itosijl last to a.point
. ; ia tbe produced northerly line of Twentieth
street, aaid point being north 01 degrees 30
I mlnntes wot 2 5 feet from tbe northeast corner
9 of Twentieth street and Plower street: thence
. uorth'Ol degrees3o mluiite* wo,t no.<i2 feet to
, ap tru- thence south 2a degrees 54 minnte.
I west SKJB '.11 feel to a point iv tbe oenier line of
Twontr-thlrd street: thence along the center
i Joe.ifTwenlv-thira street vmth ill letrrees 30
, minute* essi 30.01 feet to the point ol heglu
, | ulng; -ni 'tiling therelrom any land therein
contained which 1* now part and parcel ol any
public street or alley.
Baje. 2. That the exterior boundaries al the
Unties whn li i* hereby declared to be bene
fllted by satil inprnremi nt and to lie assessed
to iiay the cost, damage* and expenses tber&for,
area*follows, to-wit: lleglnniug at the north
, ■ we*t corner ol lot 12. Edgar's subdivision
, thence -outtcrly to ihe aoutbwe*t corner ol
. ' said lot 12: thence southerly to a pelut in the
■ontherly line of lot 17 of -aid anaai's subdl-
I vision, distant 108.83 feet weaterfy fiom ihe
voutheast coruer ol aaid iot 17; thence south
, eriytoihe northwest corner of lot 10of the
Myrtell -utidt vision ol the Hteudck tract: thence
loutherly a ong the westerly iines of said lot
10 and iot 0 of tbe said Myrtell KUbdtvlaion to
I J the 'lontbweirt corner of said lot 9; thence
southerly to the northwest corner of lot 11,
; block 1. of the Plater's mbdivi.sion of the Mes
- Blck tract; ihence south* rlv along the westerly
ilnesof said lot 11 and lot IB to tbe southwest
corner of iot 12, block I, in said Plater's subdi
vision: thence somberly to the northest coruer
ol lot il, • ink 2, in aaid Plats-Pa subdivision:
tbe-nce southerly io southwest corner of said lot
8: tbonce sontherly along tbe westerly line of
lot 88 of the Longstreet tract to the southwest
oorner ol said lot 88: thence southerly to a
, point in the uo'tberly line of Int 18, Longstreet
i tract, distant 120 feet westerly from the north
. esst corner of said lot lßt thence southerly tn a
point iv I lie -ontherly line ol lot 31 ot said
Long»treet traot, distant 120 feet westerly from
-.he southeast corner n! said lot 31: thence ea*t
eriy along tho southerly line ofwssid lot 31 to
tho northwest corner ol lot 34 of tbe asld Long
stre t tract; In-nee southerly along ihe
westerly line of said lot 34 to tbe
8. W. corner ol aaid lot 34; thence
naaterly along thn sontherly line ot said
said lot 34 io the 8. B. corner ot said iot 34.
In "ice ■ssteriy to the 9. W. oorner of ot 03 of
satd Longstreet tract thanee easterly along .be
somberly line ol said lot 93 to the 3. B. corner
thereof; thence northerly along the easle.-lv
ilneuf said lot 93 to the M. 8. corner ol salii
lot 03: thence osstnrlv along the sontherly line
of lot 17 ol the iturtx, Mackev <s tilll subdivis
ion ol the Long*treet tract to a point
120 feet distant easterly from the 8.
W. comer ol said iot 17. thence north
erly o a point tn tbe northerly line j
lineol iot 1 of aaid Knits, Maegey .v ■ ;ill snh- j
division ol ibs Longutrert iract I*2o leet ill«tant
eastenv from the ». W. coruer ol said lot 1.
thence northerly to the 8. B. corner ol lot 811
ol ihe Lougstree' tract; thence northur.y
along tne easterly line of said iot -<2 to tho N.
'E. cottiero! said lot 82: thence westerly along
I the northerly line ol aaid lot 83 io the 8. K.
earner of lot 9, blocl' 2, ol Plater's subdivision
ol tbe Mesdck tract: thence northerly along
the easterly Hue of said lot If to the N.B. corner
ol said lot 9; thence nonherlv to ths 8 E- cor
ner of lot 18, block 1, ol said Plater's subdivla
ion of thu Mennlok tract; thence northerly along
the easterly line ol said lot 18 snd lot 17, block
1, of said Plater's subdivision, to the N B. cor
unrof said lot 17: thence northerly tn the 8. it.
corner ol said iot 17 In the JfyrteJl subdivision
of tbe Messlck tract: thence northerly slona tho
ensterlv Unci of ssid lot 17, and lot 18 ol the
Myrtell subdivision of tbe Messlok tract to tbe
; N.B. center of said lot 18 ol the said Myttel;
subdlvtHlon of the Messtck tract; thence north
i erly to a point in the south line of Twentieth
atreet, distant 120 feet easterly from tbe esst
line of Flower street; thence northerly to i
point in the southerly line of Washington
street, distant 120 feet easterly from the east
lineol Flower atreet; tbence westerly along the
' southerly Hue of Washington street taa the
j point of b< ginning, excepting therefroawsnv'
land tbeirelu contained which la now part aud
: parcel of any public street or alley and except
iug also thn land In section 1 ol tbl* ordinance
1 de-ctihed a* the land to he taken for tbe open
■ Ing and extending of said street.
sac. 3 ordinance No. 1843 ,new seriaas md
; nil other ordinance* in aoutllot herewith are
hereby repealed.
Refersnce is tterehy made to the said ordi
nance of intention tor tanner particulars.
Street Superintendent
By A. I. STrwABT.
Deputy 8-14 lot
Notice of Pnblic Work.
Meudsv tho 29th day of May, A. ii. 180l\.
the council sT as* stty of Lo* angelea did. v
.ta m-jetiug on said day. aoopt an oruiuanc" oi
In etpion. number 1712, (new series) to have
th'j follo-j-ing work done, to-wlt:
Sogluuing at a point on tne northerly line of
[ First street, said 1 point being the southeast cor
l nur of lor t of tbe subdivision of the garden of
.1. Mnraf. as recorded in book 10, paga 8. mia
j cellaneotis records of Los Angeles oounty.
) ihence .vesterly along the non.norly line of First
I street 50 feet to the southwest corner of said
lot 4:' hence northerly along the said westerly
: line of said ..>_ 4 7.13 Use' to a point on tbe new
i line of First street: thence eaaierly to a potnt
m tne euster'.v line of snid lot 4, said point he
i ing 8.81 fee lortherly from the southeast cor
! nerofsa d lot 4; tnettci southerly along the
easterly lino of *ald lot 4 8 81 leet to the point
! of beginning should be taken for the wldeuing
] of First street in said alty.
inc. I That the exterior boundaries of the
: dlsirict which is hereby declared co be bene
i ft ted by said improvement aud to be assessed
j io pay the cost, damages aud expense* thereof,
; are as follows to-wit: Beginning st a point ou
tne east line of Lo* Angeiej street 10 feet north
i eriy from the northerly Une of First street as
i shown by a map adopted by the city council at
it* meeting of December idea, 1888, and now
on iil« in the office of the city clerk of aaid city,
said point being also the sonebweat corner of
: the Valla block: tbence easterly and on a iine
' parallel with said new line of First street, a*
shown by said map. to a point ou tha westerly
line of Vine street: thence easterly and on a
j line parallel with said northerly line of First
i street, and 10 feet distant therefrom, to the
westerly line of Alameda street; thence south
-1 erly along the weiterly Una of A.ameda street
'to a point 10 feet distant southerly rom the
southerly line of said new line of First street
and 10 (net distant therefrom .t tbe easterly
llni of 3an Pedro *tre»t: thence northerly to
ih.i somnwest eoraer cf the Van . block: tbence
northerly to the point of beginning; excepting
therefrom the lead to be taken for the opening
of aaid street, as In section I ol this ordinance
1 ,«<- r i'-, ~i, and excepting also any portion ol
land within aaid district which la apart of
public street or alley.
as*' 3. Ordinance No. 1888. (new series) and
all other o dinance* la conflict herewith, are
hereby repealed.
Reference I* hereby made to the said ordi
nance of intention lor further particulars.
By A. I. st«wi«t, StreetSuperlntendent
Deanty. 8-14-10t
Ordinance No. 172*.
tencion of the mayor and council of the
city of Loa Angeles to eatahilsh the grade of
Trenton itreet, from Pico *tceet to Eleventh
The mayor snd council of the city of Los An
geles d • ordain as follows:
SsrTL.N 1 That it Is the Intention of the
crmrm.ll of the city of Lo* Angels* to establish
the guide of Trenlon street, from Pico street lo
Eleventh street as follows
At the intersection of Pico atreet the grade
shs'l b: 28.84 on the northeast corner and
29 17 on the northwest comer, at a point f>6o
feet, northerly from the north lineol Pico street,
27 50 on the east aide and 27.80 on
the we«t aide; at tbe intersection of
Eleventh atreet, 23 40on the southeast corner
snd 23 88 on the *inthwe*t corner. And at
sll points between said designated points the
grsdc shall he eatablUhed so a* to conform to
a straight line drawn between aaid deaignated
Elevation* are In feet and below city datum
plane. ; -
r re. 2. Tbe city clerk ihall certify !<•> the
pa-.age of this ordinance, and shall cause
the sasteto be published lor ten day* in the Loa
Angeles nsßai.n, and tvereopon and thereafter
it shall take effect and be In force.
I aarehy certify tbat ihe foregoing ordinance
«sa srlovted by the r.inndi of tne city of
Lea Angeie* at Ita meeting of June 5, lion.
Approved this 9th day of June, IxBS
T. B. RoWaB,
8-13 lOt Mayor.
Teachers's Examination. -
sminsr.ion of t, -acher* will be held in tbe
****mt<ly room of tbe normal tcinooi bwtidlng.
corner Orsnd aysuneand Xl th street, beginning
Wednesday, Juue 28th, *r. 9;30 o'emck *, m.
All applicants for certificate* us,on sxsmlna-
Hasj must be r reaent at tho beginning ol the
esammstlon. No r,-, e will tie permuted to ) ,ln
the class .Iter 10 o'clock a. m. on Wcdoe.d r.
AC teachers desiring certificates renewed will
fits lb t- application*, with the lee ol two dol
lars '#2) with the secretary ol theConntyßoard
of X lucallon not later than aa'urd y, Jane
By ord«r ol the County Beard of Education
8 9 231 W. 0. SEAMAN, Becretaiy
Ordinance No. 17J1.
* .V. council <>f to* city ol Lo» Angelas, order
' ing renal a work to he done on Brest aueei.
6 rhe iaayor«nd councli of I he city of ILos Ac
's h-a do ordain aa follow*:
' stfTioK 1. That the <'ouno.il ol the. cltj
oi Loa .augeie* teems il to ba required by the
j public tniereat and < onYenitnce, aad hereuy
orden tbe follow!nc alreat wort to be doaeau
, corrtlui to the speclSeailoa* oiuaioed IB ita
, ordinance No. 1047, towit:
r Pint-I'hat said Brent atreet a said city,
J from the southerly curb Hoe ol Tata pie
' treel otna northeaaterly line of Lake SSore
[ avenne, inoluoing all intersection* ol sweats
i excepting; -neb portions oi ..aid street and ln
te'seetloas as ere required by law to be kept la
■ I order or repair t.y any pefsaa or '-ompsay hay
. iug railroad traeka thereon, also excepting
. inch ttlons in have already been grsdeil and
, gravr. ■'. »t,d accept co), be graded aadgrav
' cied in ccordanes with the in.s and i-rodi*
| on til in the office of the city engineer and
■specifications on tile in tht office of the city
k of the city of t>oa < ngeles far
n ye ci -tn -ts, .-aid (specifications being num
.' ' oercd Aye.
Second - That a redwood emb be constructed
atone etch line of (he roadway ol said Brent
-tn rotn he somberly enrb line oi Temple
i.| street ta tbe northeasterly line ol Lake .shore
L avenue excepting along such portions
[) of the line of said roadway upon which a
redwood, <rauit» or cement carb has already
instructed and accepted] in accordance
with spei ideations in tbe office of tha city
, clerk of -aid city for contlrnetlnt ranwood
, enrhs.
■'uirth—That a public newer be coitafjacted
. along said ilrem atreet from a point t-Bjh*lte
the northerlir line of lot twenty-one <21)jf). W.
King's: subdivision, to the Arroyo de los tie yea
newe . now constructed at ths intersection ol
Brent street uud Lakeehore avenue and across
all Intersections of streets excepting along
such portions upon which a public
sewer haa been conatrncted and ae
' ted), together with manbslea. lannhoies
i I and iliuh tanks Tbe size of said sewer shall be:
Bight (H)inchej ininternaldlameter.andbeoon
\ i stmcteo of salt glared vltnfled pipe, brick. Iron
I and cement. All of which shall oe constructed
in accordance with the plans and prorlleou die
i in tbe office of the city engineer and speeittcia-
I ilnna on lite lv the office ol tbe oily ales fe, aaid
spactflcatlrmt lielng uurabered fourteen.
The coat of constructing aaid sewer shall he
| assessed against all lota and lands fronting
I upon the name.
Baa. 2. rheirityangiueerliarlngoatimated tbat
the total cost of said improvement will be greater
than one dollar per front ioot along each line
of saiu atreet. including '.he cost ol lnterseo-
Lloae, it la hereby determined. In pursuance of
an act of tbe legislature ol the state of Cali
fornia, apnroved February 27,1898, that bend*
-null ns lasueu to res-resent the cost oi said im
provement, riald isondaihau. ba aerial, extenn
ing over a period ol 10 years, an oven propor
tion ol which shall he payable anuuallj on the
second Jay ol January ol each year, alter their
, date until the whole nre paid, and to bun-in
> leres tat tbe rate ol 7 per cent per annum, pay
able semi-annuallv on the second days of lanu
; ary and July ol each and every rear.
Bsc. 3. Tbe city clerk Is hereby directed to
; publish a notice ol asld work, inviting sealed
proposals, for hid* for tiolng aaid work, and re
ferring to the specifications posted or on tile,
for two days, in '.be Los Angeles Hbrai.o, a
dally newspaper published and circulated in
i thie city, hereby designated for that purpose.
H-tid notice sball require a certified check or a
tiond, cither, as prescribed by law, and for
au nmonnt not less than 10 per cent ol the ag
gregate of the proposal. lie Is also directed to
post said notice with specifications conspicu
ously for five day* on or near the council .-ham
per door.
SRc. 3. The city clerk shall certify to tbe
pannage of tbl* ordinance and shall cause the
same to be published lor two day* in tbe lass
Angelea Bekai.o. and thereupon and thereafter
It sball take enact and be in force.
I bereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
wa* adopted by the council ol the city ol Las
Angeles at its meeting oi June 12, A. ii. 18981
1 by the following vote:
Ayes—Messrs. Campbell, Innes, Mil: a n
Nickell, abode*, -ilrohm, aud President tVori
C. A. LUi X NIIM lt.
City Clerk and ex-ofßciu olera of Use co .
of theci y of Los ange'es.
Approved thl* ltiib lay of June, I J o:t
8-18 2t T. B. aOW.YN, >.Is>o-.
Ordinance No. 17;J0.
(NEW si*ttlga..
i 4 n ohdinamob oi' thu mayou and
a"V council of tho city •»! Loa Augelei. aaa ar
< ing their intention to improve a portion -•(
Hellman street.
The mayor snd council of the city ol
gules -lo atduiu as follow*:
-:- 'H i. That ilie public l.iterost an I
venlence require, and that it is the i r on: ,
ol the ity council of tne city of Lou tags •-.
order thefolsowiag work to he done, to w.i:
First—That salii Hellman slreet fja aWttihtv
from tbe south curb line of Downey even -a iv
: the north curb lineof slawfe. na street, itiuoiiin.
I ail intarsections of streets,! excepting such por
tions of aaid streei aud iuiecassetiujin as atsi i -
lulr-rt by law to be kept in order or repair by
any person or company having railroad onsen*
thereon, and ai*o excepting such portion* ns
have already been graded, graveled and ac
cepted,! he graded and graveled in
accordance with the plans snd profile
on file in the office of [he city ensineer
I and sped (canons on file in the office af the
> city clerk of the city of Los Angeles for
i graveled street*, aaid specifications being num.
he red live.
-econd—That a red wood etirh he constructed
along each line ol the roadway of said Beliman
stree' from the south curb line ol Downey
avenue co the north curb line of Hawkins street,
! (excepting! aioug such portions of cue
I line of M.ld roadway upon which a red woo ',
graaire or cement cm b has already bests c.»i
•tructed anu in accordance wlib
speciilcatiou* in tne office ol r,lie city clerk of
, said city for constructing cement ctsbs,
Bbc. 2. The street superintendent shall post
notice ol this work as required by law, and
■hall cause said notice co he published for six
J daya in tbe Los Angeles Dm r l-t naai.c,
cue. 3. The cttyclerk shall ce'tify to the pas
sage of thia ordinance and shall cause the tame
to be published for cwo day* in the Lo* Angelea
i Daily Hskald, and shall post tbe tame con
gplcunuiiy for twodays on or aear tbe chamber
j door of the councii. aad thereupon and there
after it shall take effect and he ia force,
r hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
; was adopted by the council ol the city o.' Los
Angeles on the 12th day of June A. D. 1393.
by the followtng vote:
Ays*-Messrs. ltines, Munsnn, Nickell,
Rhodes, 8 rohm an.l President Teed—(B).
1 City olerk and ex offlclo clerk of the coun :1I of
the city of Los Angeles.
A ppro-'ed thla 16th dsy of June, 1893.
8-18 »t T. B BuWal'. Msyor.
Ordinance So. 17.12.
tIon of the mayor snd council of the city
of Los Angeies to »tahllsh the grade of Chicago
sireet, from 3,evenson avenue to Eourtb
The Mayor au l ','ouncll of tha city of Los Aa
! gelea do ordain aa follows:
ger.TioM 1. That it la ths IntenMon of
the connc.il of the City of Los Anaele*
to establish the grade of Cbfeago street from
Scenenson avenue to Fourth street a* follow.:
At tne Internee lon of the easterly line of
Chicago street with the norther,y U&e of
Mtev-iiison avenne snd of tbe westerly line of
Chicago "t-eec with tbe easterly lineol Boyle
avenue the g ade shall be as now estatVtlsh.d,
" '0 ai a point lv the west side of Chicsgo
street 880 feet northerly from the sat men
-1 t'.oued Intersection rointSS.Sj and tbe *-,me
| at a rolnt in 'he east side at a right angle oppo-
I site thereto: at a point 100 feet Sorts from the
i last irent.loned point 70 iO on both aide*; at a
I point II 0 feet north Irom tbe last men io r-d
point f>9 80011 both sides: at a point lfsf> feet
north from the last mentioned point 87.sV> on
belli sides, at a point 320 feei north fern ihe
last mentioned point 50.00 on both sidsat ata
point. HOO feec north from the last atenrttoned
point SXOOOS both sides: at the Intersect oa
of Fonrth stre-t ehe «.-adc sha.l be as now es
tablished. 37.000n the sontawe*tcorner and
38. OJ on the aouthea-t eoraer. And
st all po:r.ts between said dsslg
nated points tne grade shall he estsb
lished so as to ennform to s straight Una drawn
[..between sai l de ignited point*.
E (.ration* are i a feet and above citf .datum
Bsc. 2. The city clerk «hall certify to the
pasasge of this o-cinancj and shall cause tbe
tame to be published fcr tan dsy* lo the
tos Angeles Rustus, and thereupon and
thereafter It shail ake efTeosand be ia torse
i h'reby oer.lty that the loregoing ordinance
wasadop'ed by the council of ihr, t.lir of Loi
Ai'ge. es.at Its meeting of Jnoe 12th, 1893.
C A. i.l' k'EMBAt.H.CItv CISJk.
Approved this 16th day of June, 1893
* iH 1(K T. B. BO WAB. Mayor.
Av)>lle<ttlon to Sell Real Estate.
Methodist Bpiicopal Church South, of Lo*
Angels*, i aliform*, has applied lor authority
tint r.":rt. m property on Olive «'rect,
kn wn as ll c Diu'rlci Parsonage, and daser.bed
as Is) tin ning at s point in ths east lias ol olive
Mree 1801 • : south of Klertntb street, tbsnce
sou'b nlo v. 'l ive .tree! aity-three feet, tnenoe
we'teily i, t.w ■, n ptrallaf lines parallel to
Eleventh street IMS feet, snd that hea'ing ol
•aid peill en . set for June 23d, 1893, at 10 a.
ni., •', (ore Dcpartmeat Three of tbl* court at
Ibe conn hou»e in the city ol Lo* Ansel k.
T. H WaBD.
County Clerk and Xx offlcioOlerk ol saldcoart.
BjIA. W. rtkavKK, Deputy. 6;i7 5t

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