OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, June 29, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1893-06-29/ed-1/seq-8/

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Weather llnrean.
Report of observations takou st Lot Angeles
7nne2B, 1893:
Ime. I Bur. jThenUFTm
0a. m. 29.no! 73 I 63
J p m. [29.82 71
Maximum temperature, 82.
Minimum temperature, 53.
Forecast for Southiru California: Fair
weather; stationary tomperatnre; westerly
Undelivered telegram at the Western
Union telegraph office, corner of Court
and Main streets. June 28. 1808, for
C. H. Elliott.
The Arcadia hotel, at Santa Monica,
will open with a grand ball Saturday
night, to be given by the new pro
prietor, Mr. S. Keinhart.
Commencing at 9a. m. today (Thurs
day) 'bnsiet will be in waiting at tbe
corner of Boyle avenue and First street,
to carry all those wishing to attend the
exercises at the Sistera ul. ... on Boyle
Mr. S. Zorbol sailed, for Paria from
New York on the 23d innt., on tho
steamer La Tottraino.
Joseph I). Bedding, the Southern
Pacific attorney, is dov\ n from Ban Fran
cisco and is stopping at tho Westmin
Mr. C. A. Bowers, superintendent of
agencies for the Manhattan Life Insur
ance company of Han Franciaco, is in
tho city on businoes.
H. A. Uarab, th* manßger of the E.
J. Baldwin estate, wbh in the city yes
terday. He states a healthy demand
for real «Btate prevails about Santa
Anita, and that the crops in the rugion
of the Punnta are in excellent condition,
the wheat crop being phenomenally
Mr. A. T. K. Farbi«h will irrive from
the north this morning accompanied
by his mother, Mrs, ,1. ,1. Furbish. As
Mr. Fnrbish is an invalid, they will rout
here only a few days before going to
Arrowhead hot springs. They will be
pleased to receive their friends at the
Hollenbeck daring their short stay.
Mr. Charles Victor Hall, the well
known real estate man. returned on
Tuesday from a trip to ihe east. He
spent three weeks in Chicago, and ho
speaks in glbwitiß terms of the fatr, but
is not so enthusiastic over Chicago
weather. He returned to tho coast via
the Northern Pacific, stopping for p. time
in the Puget sound country. He sayß
everything points toward Los Angeles.
Hot Weuther insnrnnco.
For twenty live cents y.iu can insure
yourself and family nKAimit any bad re
sults from an attack of bowel complaint
during the rammer. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Dinrrhn-a Remedy is
a certain cnre for these disease. It
costs but 26 cents. For Hale by C- F.
Heinzunian, druggist, 222 North Main
Getting K« dy for t!i« Konrth.
To take advantage of the half rates on
the Southern Pacit'c company to all
pointe; tlcketß so!r. Jnlv 3.1 and 4th,
good to return np to the slh. b'or points
north of Saugus and east of I'-anning,
tickets will be sold from the Ist to the
4th inclusive and be.good to return until
the tlth. This includes Santa Barbara
ltenutlful Oatiilhiß.
Bear in mind thai tho shortest line to
Catalina island is via the Sonthern Pa
cific, Ban Pedro branch. Reduced rates
Saturday and Sunday. Hotel Metro
pole, enlargod, opens Saturday, July Ist.
Fine orchestra. 1 hinting, bathing, fish
ing unsurpassed.
Forty lots at auction in the Knob Hill
tract, adjoining Westlako park, Satur
day, July Ist. The choicest property
ever offered at auction iv Bos Angeles.
Double your money Bure within a few
In every variety at the W. C. Fnrrey
company, 150-161-168 North Spring
street, opposite old court lioubo.
R. D. List, notary public. Legal papers rsre
luhy drawn. 187 w. Secand; telephone H>6.
Gr»n<t Combination hhlo
At auction of nigh bred trotting horacs at
Agricultural Park, June 28 th, at 10 a, m.,
Messrs. 0.8. Lock hart and J. W. Gardner
will otter their entire lot of stallions, mares
and young Stoat, In all about 80 head, repre
fioutlng tho blood through producing strains ol
tho following ffainoni tires:
Electioneer. 12.V, Nutwood, 1100; (ieo. Wlllces.
Bill; Antero, 2: 111/*; aioaaar, '. -US'; McKin
ney. 2:l2\j; Eclio Asnwood, public Ula),
Antero Button (can trot In '.: 110); Count
Himmont, Silkwood; 2:07.; Blackwood, Mam
brino, etc. etc.
This stock will be fold to Ihe bidder.
There aro many speedy yOOJlgitan and tney
will bo ahowa to harness- All aro sound,
kind, gentle and vi .: make superior roadsters.
No cnlli, bnt the enlire iot are lor fale Thia
la the finest.collection ever otlered in Southern
Calllornla at onellmi.
Come early an! see them Bpo nled before eal;
Sale positive at 10 a. n»„ ahurp. Terms, cash,
onles s otherwise arranged.
K. W. No Yes, O. 11. Lockhakt,
Auctioneer. .1. W. Uaiionkh.
East India Barb Ten Cure*
Constipation, bllloumeei and head-ache,
c eanses tne tyetem, atlmulatee the liver and
kidneys, makes new blood. Entirely vegeta
ble. Sample Ireo. 11. ii. SALE A BON, agents,
220 South Spring street.
United stat«>. 'Harbor.
J. K. Taylor has purchased tho above busi
ness at 302 South Sprlug Btrect. Fresh gam*,
flsh, shrimps, crabs, etc.,when In leaton, Mod
eratc prices. Good! delivered free.
Hida for iba Purehaae
Of tho lease, sale deposit vaults and bank na
ture* of the City Bank will be received by Otto
Brodtbeek, receiver, 131 Bouth Spring street,
l.nrirnst btook or fruit und \ esntablea.
Cherries, currents and aorlcoti, the beat In
tho market, at Altbouse llres.', 105 W. First
atteet. Telephone SOS.
Visiting Knzrared
At Langatedtor'i-, 214 t\ eat 1 el, 702.
One thousand dollars reward for any
tewing machine that will do as (Treat a
range of work, doing it ac easily if at
well, ns can !>•• done on the Advance
Davis, of Vertical Feed Davie sew
ing machine. For oarticnlart call at the
Davie office, 128 South Main ttrect.
Mr. 8, Keinhart, late proprietor of the
Arcnde Depot hotel of this city taket
pleasure in informing hit many jriend*
and ratront tbat ha has rented tbe
Arcadia hotel, Kanta Monica, and will
open the earao July lit, thoroughly
renovated end newly equipped.
Dr. Charles de Szigethy is now Incatid
in the Bryaon Bonebrake block. Keel
deuce Baker block. Office hours, 11 :30
to 3:30. Snndays and evenings by ap
pointment. Office telephone, 1156; resi
dence telephone, 1056.
Go to the (>riginal Bakery nnd Lnnch
and Oyster parlors, 113 West First
street, for aa excellent cap of coffee.
Try the Original. Open day and night.
Ladies' private rooms. Strawberry
Bhort cake a specialty.
<io to Khinger'.i rnstanrant; best
French dinner aud order honse in the
city. Everything, firtt-class. Attentive
white waiters. No Chinese employed.
1 'on't forgo: tbe place, southwest corner
Third and Spring.
Purine the absence of Capt. Emil
Harris ol the California Ktate Detective
Bureau, 10 Court street, at the world's
fair, his office will be nnder the manage
ment of Captain Moody and competent
(lave yon inspected the new line of
circle nnd oval frames at Lichtenberger'a
art emporium, 107 North Main streot?
They «re hoauties and all the rsge. You
should see the line diepUy oi tissue nov
Auction of inside property at Weat-
Inke park July let at 2p. m. Finest
property ever sold at anction in the city.
!~i\\o held on the property corner Sixth
and Alvarado streets; take electric cars.
Lawn tennis shoes, any size, 65c; car
pet slippf-s, men's or ladies', 36c; line
litrht men's shoes for the season, $2.50,
at the cheapest place on earth for boots
aud shoes, 118 East First street.
" U ami all others needing lumber,
would nay that we have reduced prices
arid should be pleased to give yon flguroa
on font 'lumber bill. Willamette L. Co.,
204 8. Kprinir.
Deposit you Mexican dollars and all
kinds of old silver at the silversmiths
and draw out new spoons, forks, etc.
Always open. Basement Times building.
Illich's restaurant, M 5 and 147 North
Main street. Everything new and first
class. Private apartments. Fresh fish,
oysters nnd game daily. Open all night.
Mrs. A. Msndenhall, hairdrosaing and
manicuring, 107 North Spring street,
rooms 24, 25 and 26, Schumacher block.
Shampooing done at residence if desired.
To save time, money and much Buffer
ing, take Ara'oian Headache Powders. It
is the best and safest remedy yet discov
ered for headache and neuralgia.
Littleboy's pharmacy is thoroughly
reliable. Prices have b?en reduced.
Take ytmr there to be
filled. No. oil S. Spring street.
Lumber, lumber, lumber, dirt cheap.
Who sells it dirt cheap? Why, we do.
Let m figure yoor bills. Clark & Bry
son, 12;J,'.j Weat second street.
Dr. Kebecca Lee Horsey has resumed
practice st 114 South Spring atreet,
rooms 6 and 6. Consultation hours, 1
to sp. m. Telephone 1227.
The only Koeley Institute in Southern
California iB at Riverside. The Los An
geles office is at rooms 64 and 65, Now
Wilson block.
Adams Bros., dentists, 239' i South
Spring street. Painless filling and ex
tracting. Best eets of teeth irom $6
to 410.
l or a good table wine order our Sonoma
Zitifandel at 50c per gal. T. Vache & Co.,
cor. Commercial and Alameda. Tel. 309,
Dr. Price, M. R. 0. V. 8.. veterinary
surgeon; fal fornln stable, 373 N. Main
Bt. Office tel., 48; residence tel., i 195.
Fine black elav diagonal suits, lor 60
days only, at *40 —former price, $55,
Korn A Kantrowitz, 214 South Broadway.
Dr. Joseph Kurtz and Dr. Carl Kurtz,
physicians and snrgeons, have removed
their offices to 147 South Main street.
Dr. A. SS. Valla, physician and surgeon.
Office and residence, 126 North Main,
new McDonald block ; telephone 284.
Put money in thy purse and get one of
Joe Poheim'a Clay worsted suits to order
for 180. 143 South Spring street.
Dr. X 1». Wise, office 22(1 South Spring
street. Office hours from Btolo a. m.
and 2tosp. m. Telephone 340.
Go to Arrowhead Hot Springs for your
summer outing. The famous mountain
resort of Southern California.
Going to move. Selling ont cheap.
Now is the time to buy. C. G. Packard
floral Co., 340 S. Broadway.
Cr.ll and sse the elegant suits Joe
Poheim the tailor is making for $20.
148 Sonth Spring street.
Senour's lloor paint tlries hard over
night. U. R. Bowers it Sonß, agents,
420 South Spring street.
A fine line of gasolines stoves, ice ceam
freezere snd refrigerators at Paul's, 130
South Main street.
If you want an excellent piece of prime
roast beef, go to Louis Streuber, 138 N.
Main st. Tel. 100.
G. F. McLellan, notary, conveyancer,
insurance, real eßtate. No. 200 South
11 educed rn.t.es to Catalina Island Satnr
dtw aud Sunday. £tt railroad time
Ladies' Turkish baths, 230 South
Main street; open week dayß only.
S. Conrndi, watch repairing and
diamond setting. Spring and Franklin.
H. C. Rover, MP. Offices, 230 Sonth
Main street: hours, 10 to 4.
Dr. Melligsa C. Gideon is located at
65<; S. Hill.
Insure with A. C. Golsh, 147 Sonth
Half Fries.
In Kohler A Froliling tract 68 lots,
$">. r >o, $000 and $680. Sold in 1887 at
$1100 to $1300. Terras one-fourth cash,
balance three years, interest 7'.j per
cont. Streets graded, graveled and
curbed: cement sidewalks and water
laid. Call and ccc it. Free carriage.
W. J. Fisher, 227 W. Second street.
l r onmt.
At the drug etore, a valuable pacV-apo,
worth its weigth in gold. My hair has
stopped falling and all dandrnl't has dis-
Hppeared since I found skookr.m root hair
grower. Ask ycur drnggust about it.
H. E. Rorohcri. A. J. X, Furbish, Mrs. J. J.
Furbish B. B. Parsons, (). tv. Bcrv, B J Cnn-
Rei, O. F. Kuencor, F. A. Tapgarrt, B. W Smith,
r.ri-.iiK Ilubnard, jr., A. Geberdldjt, San Frau-
J. I. Tlßrnov, Abe Marshall, H N. Smith.
Now York: W. s. £onlo,Ka*t I'alrneid, Vt.: Miss
Aunle Marahall, Mrs. B. P. Marshall, Gardens:
A. v. Weiss, Pomona: Jacori Miller. Kansas
Olty: J. W. Anderson, Sacramento: F. Pico, San
Jaoluto; N.K. Tevis, Philadelphia: Mrs. Can
ady «nd dauirhter, Portland: R. Shaw, Mollis
ter: J H. nay, Jr., J. K. Flshbuiu, c O. A.
Ljrakbara, Ban Diego: Leo Seheben. St. Louis;
1 E. Langley, Riverstflt:. ltd Mather, Rodluuds:
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jawon, Guldens.
The Last Home Series ot the
Half Season.
The Angel* Take an Old-Fashioned
Fitehers' Battle.
rannlnsr Pitched a Good Game, bnt
Borchers Dlrl Kven Better — The
Game by Klsotrle Light.
Baseball Notes.
G. Washington Borchers—tbat may
not be his full front handle, bnt he
pitched as good a game of baseball yes
terday as has been seen on tho local
diamond for many a day, and a great
deal better game than even the father of
his conntry conld have put up. It was
more than a peculiar same. Let it he
written in big round hand that only one
Pirate walked the plank toward firat
base. Occasionally Borchera can pitch
a shut-out game and give a dozen or
more of hia opponents first base on
wildness of all kinds. Bnt yesterday—
jast think of it! Only one.
Fanning also did well. Laat weok he
only pitched about five gamee, two of
them last Sunday, but he cavorted
around the rubber yesterday afternoon
just as though he had only had work
enongh to keep his muecles hard, and
pitched winning ball for any common
gamp. Aud then ho did not lose hia
own game. A few large and juicy bun
gles paved the way for runs that should
never have been scored. Then a couple
ol hits would be put in evidence, with
the result aa hereinbefore, etc.
The Firalea started the run-getting in
their first venture. Manno»au got a
base on halls, and Sweeney hit through
Glenalvin. A passed ball advanced
them a base each, uud Whitehead sacri
ficed in the fi-Bt run. Klopf sent in the
second one with a clean base hit to left
The Angels' got one of these back in
their next turn at bet. Lytle walked tn
first and etole second. Lohman hit one
to phort that wm too hot to handle, and
before the ball was returned from center
field Lytle had crossed the plate.
In the fourth the Angels tied up the
score. Lytle was forced ot second by
Lohman, who waa sent to the plate on
Borchers'a beautitul triple into the left
Stockton again took tho lead in the
fifth. Hpeer fouud a double, end scored
on Fanning'e single down the left foul
And then the Angela again tied it np.
Hnlen took second while Fannin* was
tagging GlenaWin at third. Lohman
placed a neat double in light field on
which Hnlen tallied.
Thesevcnth inning saw the Angela in
the lead for the first time. McCanley
was given a life at firat on Sweeney's
bad ran IT. Sunday sacrificed him on a
little hit and Hutchinson boat out a
little tap down by first base. Glenalvin
then gave Mannaeau a chase after a
double tbat scored the two runners
ahead of him.
This ended the run-getting for the rest
of the afternoon.
Tne following ia the score:
LOS AN - .E1.15.
AB. Ft. E.H.Sn.PO. A. T.
Wright, of 5 O O O A 1 0
Metlanley, lb 5 1 O 013 O 0
Sunday, r. f 1! O O O 1 1 O
Hutchinson, s. s 5 1 2 O 1 2 1
Olenalv n, 2b 0 0 2 1 2 2 1
Lytle, 1. 1 110 12 0 0
Uult'tl, 3D 4 10 0 10 0
I.olimrn, c 4 1 a 1 4 0 O
Borcaors, p 3 0 2 0 0 3 0
Totals 34 6 S 8 27 12 2
AB. K. 8.n.5.n.r0. A. I .
Mannasan, ef 3 1 0 0 ft O 1
P. Sweeney, lb 4 1 0 0 fe O 1
Whitehead, 3b 8 0 2 1 3 2 0
Klopf, 2b 8 0 1 1 2 4 0
Roberts, I. f 4 0 1 0 1 0 0
Peepl-s, ss 4 0 I 0 0 2 0
Lawrence, r. t 8 0 0 0 2 0 0
Spoer. c 4 110 5 10
Fanning, p 8 0 1 0 1 0 O
Total 31 3 7 227 9 3
LosAngeleß 0 1010120 o—s
llato hits » 2010220 o—B
Btockton 2 0 O 0 1 0 O 0 o—3
Hase hits 1 1002101 1— 7
gamed runs-Los Angeles, 1; Stockton, 1.
Throe-base hlts-Borokcrs.
Two-base hits—Peoples, Speer, Lohman, Glen
Haorlflco hits—Whitehead, Lawrence, Lytle,
Klopf, Snnday.
First baso on errors—Los Angeles, 2: Stock
tan. 2.
First hue ou called balls—Los Angeles, 3;
Stockton, 1.
Left on bases—Los Angeles, 8; Btockton, 5.
Struck ou'—ny borchers, 2; by Fanning, 4.
First haße on hit by pltcbet—Borchers, Sun
Double plays—Wright to Glenalvin, Sunday
to Hutchinson.
PassHti halls —Lohman. 1,
Tlmeol game—l hr. 30 m.
Umpire—James McDonald,
t-corcr—J. 8. Bancroft
Itoma of Interest About the National
Ladies' day tomorrow.
Knell and Harper will pitch.
Sunday looms up quite large in the
right field.
Preparations are now nnder way for
the game by electric light on Sunday
night. It promises to bo a most enjoy
able novelty. Full announcements will
appear later.
Lytle covered his new position in the
left tield yesterday with great fluency.
Hulen looked natural back at third
base, and Hutchinson seemed at home
iv short.
The finish of the first half of the
championship Reason is indeed fast and
furious. San Francisco seems to have a
strong pull for second place, while
''tockten has a mortal cinch on the last
place. But it is neck and neck with the
leaders, and the winner will not have
more than a short head the best of it.
Of course the Ancels will come in first.
The University BasehsH club will play
a game on the Fonrth of .1 uly at River
side, against the nine of that city. An
interesting contest is expected to result
from the meeting of there two strong
The Strikers Still In Luck.
San Francisco, June 28.—At the
riedmont grounds this afternoon tbe
Oakland team defeated the San Francisco
club by a score of 7 to 3. Griffiths
pitched a strong, steady game against
the San Francisco's and the latter fonnd
it troublesome to place their hits. On
the other hand Oakland hit the corvee
of Balsz when runners were on bases
and earned four ot their runs.
Once lost, it is difficult to restore the
hair. Therefore be warned in timo, lest
you become bald, Skookum root hair
grower stopß falling hair. Sold by drug
Wall paper, white back, l cents n roll, nt Cni
etpe Wei Fnper House, '.'(7 80-ith Spring.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Pr>V\| Baking
He Oett In Bin Work on the Yesterday
News was dull yesterday, and sensa
tions at a discount; there was no
financial scare for the "Evening Dis
tress" to avert, and a forgery a week old
was the latest news obtainable.
A solemn council was held, and after
due deliberation the reporter who fills
the "imagination" detail was sent for
and acqnainted with the state of affaire.
Ten minutes later a hurried collection
was made and the "imagination" re
porter started out with a new lead pencil
in his vest pocket and fixed determina
tion in his eye.
Seeking a secluded spot the cbild of
genius labored for threa hours and
brought forth tne following, which be
ing carefully conveyed to the Evening
Distress office and received with accla
mation, was set up in big typo.
Fiction: "At IS .16 o'clock a lot of fire
works exploded in a small store on the
corner of Fitth and Wall streets, and
the Italian girl "/ho keeps the place was
h&dly burned nnd suffocated. At the
time of going to press it was not ex
pected she would recover,
The person injured is Miss StoHhoff,
the 13-year-old daughter of S. Stollbou".
The explosion is due to an alcohol
Facts: At IT:30 yesterday aftornon
Miss StoDoff, the 14-year-old daughter of
11. Stolloff, waa amusing herself by
strikingmatchi'S and carelessly throwing
tho heated ends on the iloor. One of
the half-burnt pieces of wood fell on a
bundle of fireworks, which immediately
exploded. The girl promptly fainted,
while her mother with a bucket of
water put ont t ho blaze.
Ten minutes afterwards the girl, who,
according to the Evening Diatreos, "ia
not expected to recover," was laughing
over her fright and thinking about
There was no lamp erplotron, nobody
was hurt, it happened three hours ear
lier than stated by the Evening Distress,
the girl's name was not StoHtioft', the is
German and not Italian, she does not
keep the store and she is not 13 years
old. In other respects theßistress's ac
count is correct.
It is stated that aft--; the severe strain
the "imagination 7 ' reporter experienced
in giving birth to this latest effort a
heck was procured by his admiring
confreres, and the sufferer conveyed to
the ball game, Where he gradually re
Jadgo McKinley Decides an Important
Judge McKinley filed a short opinion
in the case of the Southern California
Manufacturing company vs. Todd, where
he denied a motion to dissolve a restrain
ing order, preventing Todd from inter
fering with the management ot the busi
ness oi the company.
Tho defendant was manager of tho
company, and the board of directors re
moved him. He astwi that the restrain
ing order be dissolved on the ground
that an injnuction Would not be proper
because tho effect would be to prevent
the exercise of a private odice by the
person in possession against the inhibi
tion of section 3423, civil code, aud that
he had not been legally removed.
.The court, in discussing these proposi
tions, rays that if it be conceded that
the sffice of msnager is one within the
provisions of tho notion referred to, he
considers that the construction of the
section is to be made upon the same
principles as the rule sustained by au
thorities oi other states, of which it is
but a conoiee statement, that equity
will not ijterfere to determine the legal
ity o! an election of corporate officers,
licit that rule does not deprive equity of
any power to afford relief where there
are other grounds that justify its inter
ference, even if it should be necessary
to determine incidentally the ve.lidity of
Brings comfort nnd improvement nnd
tends to personal enjoyment when
rigl tly used. The who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
lax-live principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrnp of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It lias given satisfaction to millions find
met, with the approval of the medical
profession because it acts on tin; Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substanco.
Syrnp of Fiea is for pale by all drug
gists in 50c and 31 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co.only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name. Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Water PFpe, WellCasiug,
Kos. 310-12-14. Reonena St.,
LOS ANGHLTts, CAL. 4-4 3m
an election. That proviaion simply
means that anch an action cannot be
maintained for the purpose of determ
ining the validity of an election or o."
ousting the person in possession of an
If, however, the court says, a person
in possession of an office threatens to,
and will unless restrained, commit
wrongs for which there will be no re
dress in law and which will work ir
reparable then equity will inter
fere to protect the party whose rights
are affected.
If such is not the correct construction
of this rule, the property righta of a
corporation would be at tho mercy of
any person who might obtain posaeaeion
of an office as managing agent.
The court, alter quoting from authori
ties at aome length, aavs that ac Todd
took part in thf> meeting at which Pack
ard was elected president, he cannot now
dispute ita validity, but that even if he
could, that the meeting of May 26th waa
dnly called. The motion to dissolve the
restraining order is denied.
In cases where dandruff, scalp diseases, fall
ing and grayno-s of the hair appear, do not ne
glict them, tut apply a proper remedy and
tonic like Mall's Hr.lr Eenower.
Dodgcrß, books and window cards distrib
uted, campbea Hill Posting company, 110.
ICatt Second f-treet.
H Direct f|
|| Importation. |*
XX The Largest and Most Com- Jx
plcte L,ine in the City.
— AT THE -
|| Lowest Prices. ||
Remember, they are directly ft
*a irr>portcd. <•.«,
Is n
No Middlemen's Profits.
Opp. the Nadeau. ft
|| Goods Delivered Free. H
Canning: of Fruit made an agreea
ble and delightful task. No more
boiling and no more spoiling.
Saves sugar, saves fruit, saves
breakage of jars, saves time and
labor lost by the old method.
Try it on your berries, and you will
Burely use it on your later fruits.
If you cannot get it at your grocer's
send to
H . J El V N El,
Los Angeles, Cal.
5 .23 3m
426.428 South Spring St.,
Want to Luy all kinds oJ
In large or email lots. See us before you sell.
Leave your order at tbe store and oar buyer
tviil call on you.
$3.50 JkL $15.00
4.00 mV\ 17.50
4.50 / IM 20.00
5.00 \ WM 22.50
3.50 11 T 25.00
6.00 WM 27.50
413 S. SPRING St.,
Just below Fourth St. 6-0 ly
From $7.50 Up. Fine Porcelain
goles Optical Institute. 12S South Spring
dtrnet. in Wsenci's Kimberly, Los Angeles.
U-8 dm
But It Is a Fact, Nevertheless, that
165 N. Spring St., Opp. Old Court House,
To be Found in the City.
i. .„._ .i..,. 1^ ~*~. - ——— — 1 ~- .—* i. ~*
mm « jßt eases, euch as Weak Memory, Lobs of Brain Power. HcnrtiK-he, Wakefulnrns
9 Yj w?» Lout Manhood. Nightly X missions, NerTOUßness.alldralnsand losa of powei
W £mWm\ 'nCf nsof eltUerpflXcau«o(n:yovcr«'xeialoD,^oulhriilei'r»ri»,
c *fßfVf | cxcflsnlvo nee of tohacco, opium orßtluiulantTvhich to liitlrnilty, Con
■HYOtosl: ■Jfth"iirnrM"n "rTnanltr Can be carried in vert pocket. <$l per box, Of or $3,
TllMiiTrii lm «ft PVir#B]ff h v niall prepaid, with a StC order t. t jive it wili'oii kuu rur.teo to enn
l|wA*W*sMßWßsws*«*B™oor refund tins moiiev. Circular free. Sold by a!l Auk for It,
bEFQREAf.DAFTERUSiN6.noother. Address X fell YE BECBCO., Masonic Temple. Cl'icago.lll
For Sale in Los Angeles, Cal., by GODFREY & MOORE, Druggists, 103 South
Spring street,
mmmgm john h. f. peck,
j I Dry Air Refrigerators,
T. O. Box 654. STATION C. 8-10 rim
Containing 62 seres of land, all in high state of cultivation ; cottage
house, hard-finished, of seven rooms, bath and kitchen, together with
small cottage of three rooms for laborers; about four acres in bearing
Washington Navels; 5 acres English Walnuts; 5 acres Winter Ap
ples; two artesian wells; about 3000 feet service pipe and hydrants.
First-class corn, alfalfa and orange land; all fenced and cross-fenced.
Apply at once to
a-io-a 114 N. Beaudry aye.. Los Angeles, Cal.
337, 339, 341 S. SPRING ST.
Jj* Best Appointed Hotel in
American and European Plans.
128 3STOETH IM:.A.i:r>r ST.
. J£ Kidney and Blad
/ Oiseases,
Acute and Chronic
Organal Weakness
Sexual Indiffer
«.nce ol Both
Hy] Blood and Skin
Promptly and Per
manently Cured
DB. WHITE Is the oldest and most aucceaslnl
Private, NervOua and Chronlo Disease Special
ist on the coast All Fkin and Blood Diseases
promptly cured without mercury. Irmotcncy,
Seminal Weakness, Varicocele, Syphilis, Gon
oirhcea, Gleel. Nervous Debility, Kidney and
Bladder Disease , solentlflcally treated and pei
manently cured. No Surgical Stan" (?) lake
methods emp ced. No hired r ubstltutes.
The afflicted may write in slriot confidence.
Letters answered In piain envelope. Medicines
sent secure from exposure. Address.
128 N. Main at., Now McDonald Block,
a a tf Los Angelos, Cal.
Ocean Front Lots
Saturday, My 8,1893,
At 11:80 a.m. on the grounds,
These lots are situated In the block fronting
theocean, Immediately south ot and adjoloing
the hotel, aud are now ofl'ured for sale lor the
first time.
No more desirable location for residences In
any reaort than in this block at Redondo, the
Los Angeles seaport Everything that monoy
and entorprlse tan do is Ijelug dote by tho
Beach oinpsuy to more se the natural advan
lagesof the place, and i a < costly nature of the
Improvements fully testifies how popular tho
resort ia becoming. No atoms on this block
will be allowd, only residence* ol a good
quality, aud tho lots will soou be at a premium,
for Kedondo today Is doing more than lis
share of Los Ango'ea shipping, aud Is doubtless
destined to become a vety larg i ami busy sea
port, combined with the most fa.vorlte seaside
resort, having rapid and cheap transportation,
combined with liberal treatment.
Trains leave (.rami avenue depot at 10:30
TERMR—One-third caih, balanos in one or
two years, at SJ4 por cent interoat, with 5 per
cent discount 011 defetied payments lor all
For lurthor partlculari apply to
Bpecial Agents for Kedondo Beach Co.
107 South Broadway,
0-20 lit LOS ANGELES.

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