2 from Ohio haa never had the power to dictate terms to me, as a Democrat. He may have dictated them to tbe presi dent, to the committee to a majority of tbe Democrats on this aide, but he can not dictate to me." Again quoting from Gorman's speech, Morgan read a sentence as to Sherman laying down the conditions. "He lay ing down conditions to the Democracy," Baid Gorman contemptuously. "What la the Democratic party worth to itself or to the country, or to posterity, when the senator from Ohio bas tbe key to the situation and can lav down conditions to it? What is your majority here worth (addressing the Democratic senators), thus trifled with; thus deceived; thus overrun and finally banded over to the tender mercies of tbe senator from Ohio?" Morgan said he had signed the pro posed compromise, and had done so in order to have peace and fraternity in the Democratic party. "Commit suicide," said Morgan with much bitterness, "because you cannot get a chance to live on fair and even terms with your neighbors. INTERESTED SPECTATORS. As the hour oi 2 o'clock approached, at which time Voorheea on Saturday expressed the hope that the vote on the passage of the bill would be had, many repreeentativea entered the chamber and found seats on tbe sofas iv tbe rear of the senatorial cbairß. NOTHING TO LOOK TO. Morgan concluded his written re marks at 2:40. He left the subject, be aaid, with tbe knowledge tbat the die was caet. The senate, house and presi dent had determined that the pending measure should prevail. There was nothing now to look to, so far bb ho could see, but some vague promises made in the senate which were entirely incapable of being realized. DESOLATION OF THE WEST. Vest followed Morgan. lie expreeeed sympathy with the people of the eilver Btates, and said no czar or kaieer would desolate an insurrectionary province as congress was abont to desolate tte silver Btates of the west. THE RESPONSIBILITY. Cockrell (Democrat of Missouri) Baid •t the last election the tarill' qneeticn and not the financial queetion was pressed to the frcnt and tbe Democratic party Becured a victory. Now that the election was over, tariff was lost sight of, and the senior eenator from New York (Hili) was beheld pitching to the front on the silver question. Cockrell re viewed at great length the history of the repeal bill in the bouse and senate. The bill was to paBB, eaid be. It had been taken out of the hands of the Democracy, and the Republican Beua tors bad to be coneulted before any thing could be done, and the Republi can party would be infinite y more responsible for unconditional repeal than the Democratic party. if the re peal of tbe Sherman law failed to restore prosperity, the Republican party must bear the responsibility. Carey, Republican, of Wyoming, de fended bis position on the repeal bill. He then referred to the speech of Wol cott, Saturday, in which be eaid he was advißed that Wyoming desired repeal, and that tbe eenator from Minnesota (Washburn) had made a proffer of the vote of the senator from Wyoming, and bis authority was notquestioned. Carey resented this statement, and made some sharp personal references to Wolcott. Iv conclusion Carey eaid he ehould vote for unconditional repeal, although he favored a compromise. CAREY GETH A ROASTING. Wolcott replied in an equally caustic manner. He read a statement made some time ago in which Washburn stated that Carey had told bim he wouid vote for unconditional repeal. "At the time tbat statement was made," said Wolcott, "the senator from Wyoming eat quietly in hia eeat and from tbat day until this has seen fit to give no utter ance upon the subject. Here, appar ently, Btood this young commonwealth, with ite people unanimously in favor of fr«e end unlimited coinage of silver represented in this body by a eenator who not only Baid no word nor permitted a eenator from an adjoining Btate to de fine bis pOßition. If the eenator from Wyoming ia content with his position I have no objection to make. I leave tiim to hie conetituente." Carey having eaid in his remarks that Wolcott otrove alter effect and changed hie costume with each Bpeech, etc., Wolcott replied hotly : "There are some men to whom clean linen is an offense." He regretted the senator from Wyoming was one of them. He apologized to tbe senate for stooping to such a personal ailueion, and eaid there ia a Spanish proverb that fits the caee: "It ie a waste of lather to ehave an aBB." QALI.ERIK3 CALLED TO ORDER. This provoked great laughter in the : galleries, and the vice-preaideut ad monished the occupants. Carey replied in a warm manner, charged Wolcott with abandoning his party in the ia»t Campaign, and aaid the trouble with Wolcott and his people had bean that they attempted to interfere in the affairs of his (Carey's) people, instead of loos ing after their own. He (Carey) had a letter from a reputable citizen ot Color- | ado, saying that if be voted against free j coinage the influsnce and money of that state would be uaed to ruin him. Carey ' blbo quoted from a manazine article on Bilver a sentence about r trade by which the Benatore from the Bilver atatea voted against the force bill in return for vo'.ea to be cast ior free coinage. Harriß (Dem.) of Tennessee hotly branded this statement about his posi tion as false. He eaid he considered it dishonorable for a senator to use aueh terms with reference lo a colleague. Teller also asserted that the statement was false, and declared that Carey knew it to be false. Butler (Dem.) of South Carolina called upon Mauderaon ol Nebraska, who called him to order several days ago for words spoken in debate with Hill, to ca.ll Carey to order. Manderaon replied: "The senator from South Carolina is so pugilistic in his tendencies that I leave this bght to bim." Waßhhurn cbaract»rized the statement tbat he had proffered Carey's vote as absurd. Dubois regretted tbat Carey did not represent iiis people, but knew the een ator waa following his conscience in do ing what he thought waß right. Pasco called for the reauiug of his substitute of which notice wae given Sat urday. Stewart offered an amendment reduc ing the gold in gold coins 25 per cent, but accepted a negative verdict without calling for the yeas and nays. A SLIGHT IXTEItHCI'TION. Pasco yielded, while Gray presented a report on the Chinese extension bill. White asked that it be made a special order for Wednesday. Objection wm made and tbe bill went to tbe calendar. Pasco offered bis amendment for free coinage of silver, with a seigniorage charge to be based upon tbe market price of silver. Defeated on roll call, 20 yeas, 47 nays. TUB CLOSING SPEECHES. Jones of Nevada resumed bis speech, begun several days ago. The demoneti zation of eilver, be said, waß but a part of the scheme of the banks of the great money centers, who also wanted a mo ' nopoly of the issue of money. They i Will now demand the issue of $200,000, --! 000 in bonds, believing the distress oi ' the country will become so great as to j result in a contraction that the govern ment will be unable to resiet. In hia opinion, instead of issuing bonds to re lieve the currency famine, the govern ment should isßue greenbacks. In conclusion Jones said this was not the doom of eilver, as come imagine; it was only the beginning of tbe tight. Pelfer and Hariis spoke briefly against the bill, and Stewart closed the long debate with a few remarks in a similar vein. At 7:20 the vice-president put the question on tbe engrossment of tbe amendment and third reading of tbe bi.l, which waa agreed to without division. THE FINAL VOTE. A vote waa then taken on the paeeage of the bill aa amended. The vote resulted.: 43 yeas and 32 nays. The bill aa amended passed. The vote fol. Iowa: YEAS. A lil rich, Brtee, Canary, Camden, Carer, Cuilom, Davis, Dixon, Dolph, Faulkner, Krye, oaliinger, Gibson, Gorman, Criy, Hale, H.iwiev, Siigttlns, Hill, Hou, Huuton, Lindsay, Lodge, McMillan, Mcrha son. Mamtcrson, M lis, Mitchell (Wi*.), Morrill, Murphy, Plat-, Proctor, o.uay, Ransom, Sherman, smith, .-quire, • Siockuridgr, Turpi-. Vilan, Voorheei, Wasubuiu, White (Louisiana)— Total, 43, NAYS. Allen. Bale, Berry, Blackburn, Butier, Call, Cameron, Cockrell, Coke, Daniel, Doubole, George, Harris, Irby, Jones (of Ark), Joutsfol N'cvad), Kyle, Martin, PasCO. Pcffer, I'erkins. PeiMgrew, Powers, l'ugh, Hoach, Snoup, Stewart, Teller, Vance, Vent, Walthall, Wolcott.—Total, 32. The following paira were announced— the first-named would have voted in the affirmative: Allen with Mitchell of Oregon; Chandler with White of Cali fornia; Wilson with Colquitt; Gordon with Morgan; Palmer with Hans brough. On motion of Voorheea the senate then adjourned until noon tomorrow. ; 111)1 SE FKOI'KKDIMOS. The Anti-Catholic Subject Brought Up Agaf d. Washington, Oct. 30.—At the opening of the session of the houee today Hun ter of Illinois obtained unanimous con sent for the consideration of a resolu tion declaring that the house beard with aatoniehment and profound sorrow of the violent death of Carter 11. Harri son, mayor of Chicago, and a former member of tbe house; that the resolu tion be published in the record and an engroßeed copy transmitted to the iam ily of the deceased. Passed. Weadock of Michigan then presented a resolution and a memorial to which he spoke last Friday, relating alleged frauds of the American Protective Asso ciation in the eighth district of Michi gan, involving the right oi Linton to his Beat. Hopkins renewed his point of order tbat the memorial was not privileged. The speaker held tbat the oueation, involving as it did a member's right to his eeat, wae privileged. Linton gave notice that he would in the near future ask to be heard in his own defense. On motion of Springer, by unanimous consent, tbe bouse recommitted to tbe committee on banking and currency tbe resolution asking the secretary of the treasury to furnieh information as to the operation of the state banking sys tem. Fithian reported favorably hia bill ad mitting foreign-built ships owned wholly by United States citizens to American register. Several minor bills passed. Gates called up the naturalization bill, but the morning hour expired without action, and the debate on the bank ruptcy bill, the Bpecial order, was re sumed. Broderick ol Kansas antagonized the bill and Ralph of Massachusetts sup ported it. Culberson of Texas, chairman of the judiciary committee, spoke in opposi tion, and after a brief Bpeech by Ding ley the house adjourned. BOUND BY F3A ItFUL OATHS. What Memhera of 'lie American Pro toctlT« Association Are Sworn To. Washington, Oct. 30. —Too memorial which Weadock wanted read in the hoiiße today about tiie Americau Pro tective association comes from Voumans, member oi the last bouse from the Eighth Michigan district, who was de feated by William S. Linton. It de clares that Linton and his supporters represented that Voumans was a Roman Catholic and that the pope controlled ins vote while iv congress. The Ameri can Protective association, a copy of whose oaths ac companies, tiie memorial, binds its nifc'bers to do anyting iv their power to overthrow Raman Catholic church followers. Exhibits of letters aud cir culars sent out by the officers of the \ met ican Protective association are at tached to the memorial. Tbey all 1 . .-. 11 ie the same hostility to Roman Catholics, anil call upon "ali true and toyal Protestants" to vote for Linton. Thy alleged oatbl which accompany the memorial are very binding. No. 1 is Bectetive, iv which the candidate declares hi is not tiie spy of any thai logical institution and especially oi the c church. Among other oaths, No. ;1, which is taken on a dagger, binds ihe candidate to eecrecy; commits him to support the government; makes it obligatory to keep church and state separate, renounce all foreign poweis. Iv No. 4 the candidate swearß warfare against ignorance and and to use his utmost power to strike the ehackits and chains of blind obedience to the Roman Catholic church from the Hampered and burdened conscience of a priest ridden and church op pressed people. This oath goes on a! great length againet Catholics and in closing takes a political turn, the candi date Bweariua he will not countenance the nomination in any caucus or con vention of a Roman Catholic for any olliee in the gift, of the American people, and will vote only for Ptotestiuta. Should there be two Ca;uol:c8 for the same office, be wiil erase both names from the ticket. The remainder of the oaths are elab LOS ANGELES HERALDt TUESDAY" MORNING OCTOBER <*!, 1893. orations of thfs, binding the candidate to do everything in hia power to keep Catholics out of office, oppose all their efforts to obtain control of schools, etc, Oath No. 5 winds up: "I denounce the i pope, his priests and emissaries and the I diabolical work of the Roman Catholic ! church and ite pope. Amen, amen, j amen." CANDIDATES FOR STATEHOOD. The Administration Not ln a Hurry to Admit the Territories. Washington, Oct. 30.—The house com mittee on territories has been busy sev eral weeks perfecting a bill for the ad mission of Utah. ft is thought the ad ministration has not wished to ccc tbe admission of territories preeeed just now. The fact tbat ail tbe men who would come to the senate and the house from the proposed new states would be silver men has caused the promoters of the statehood movement to pause. In order to get around any such diffi culty as this Delogate Joseph of New Mexico, has proposed to have the bill admitting his territory changed bo that the admission will not become opera tive until 1895. For Utah, Arizona and New Mexico It ia propoeed to grant them double the amount of land granted the laet territoriee to be admitted. The reason for this is that these grants are made for tbe purpose of establishing funds ior various state institutions, and it is claimed tbe lands which the three territories now knockingat tbedoor, will receive, are mostly, if not entirely, arid, and fit for nothing until tbey bave been made valuable by a costly system of ir rigation. The last cix etatea admitted received as grantß for various state in etitutione about 500,000 acres of land each. The thfee territoriee asking for admission think they will need at leaet 1,000,000 acrea each. THE SHERMAN ACT. A Stateineut or the Operations Under the Lan. Washington, Oct. 30.—Senator Sher man haa received from Secretary C»r liele a reply to a letter of hie concerning tbe seigniorage now in the treasury. The secretary save of tbe treasury notes is sued under the Sherman act 152,395,840 have, upon the demand of the holders, been redeemed in gold, and $2,224,192 in eilver dollare. The secretary's letter shows that the seigniorage in tne treas ury, carried under tbe Sherman act, amounts to $<>,970,098. The silver bull ion on hand October let amounted to 137,666,867 fine ounces, costing $124, --661,428. With the probable purchases of October, Carlisle thinks there will be 139,Gb<),257 ouncea of silver bullion in the treasury November Ist. the cost of which will be $125,888,929, and the coinage value $180,320,008, giving a seig niorage of $54,431,080. CHINESE EXTENSION. The Senate Expected to Pa*s the Mc creary Bill Without Delay. Washington, Oct. 30. —It id generally understood that the eenate will pass the Chinese exteneion bill while the bouse ia coneidering the eilver repeal bill. Several Pacific coaßt men eaid if the eenate should amend the bill, as bae been euggested, by striking out all tbe amendments making it simp'y an ex tension of six months, a quorum would be needed in the house to pass the amended bill. The California members do not purpose to give up what they would gain in extension with thb amendments they proposed, and which the houee accepted. SPANISH KKVJKKSES Camed l>r Underrating the Fighting Qualities or the Moors. Madrid, Oct. 30. —The Spanish re verses at Melilla were due to the mis take of Gen. Margalio in under-rating the hostility and fighting powers of tbe Arabs. At a cabinet council Sunday, which wae snmmoned by the queen re gent heraelf, her majesty said she consid ered the time bad arrived to appeal to the patriotism of ell Spaniards for sacri fices to defend Spanish honor at Melilla. She asked tbat all tbe information in regard to affairs there be published and none concealed. In the meantime the Wadraz infantry regiment formed in tbe courtyard of tbe San Francisco bar racks, ready to start for Mellila, and at the close of the council tbe queen and her children, accompanied by a number of noblemen and generals, drove to the barracks and reviewed the regiment. News received tonight, which was brought to Malaga by steamer owing to tbe fact that the cable is interrupted, says tbe Moors returned today with the determination of reconstructing tbe trenches 600 yards from Camellos, not withstanding a heavy fire by the Span ish troops. Official figures show tbat the Spanish losses in the recent engage ment'were 12 killed and 50 injured. BEST BHKR IN THK WORLD. The Anheuser-Busoh Company Won the Championship Cup. Chicago, Oct. 30. —The championship cup of the world for beer, for which not only all the great American brewers, but those of tbe famous European brew ing cities of Munich and Nuremburg, were in keen competition, has been car ried od by the Anheuser-Busch Brew ing company of St. Louis, they having received the highest number of awards arid scored the highest points. They were especially commended for the ab solute purity of their beer, as a pure malt and hop product, without corn or corn products. This makes the An heuser-Buech company the champion brewers of the world. Roots of ail trees draw large quanti ties of moisture from the soil, which is discharged into the air through the leaves. It i? estimated that on oak tree with 700,000 leaves would give off some thing like 700 tons of water during the five months it carries its foliage. In British India the number of persons adhering to the sects of the ancient Brakmanic religions belief is estimated at 211.000,000. There are 7.000.000 Budd hists, 90.000 Parsees. 57,000,000 Moham medans and 9,000,000 of the ancient pa gans or nut ure worshipers. There was recently given in Denmark a concert that may be regarded as abso lutely unique as regards the instruments used. The instruments included twi. horns from the bronze age, which art believed to he at least 2,500 years old. The drinking of salt water is said L be a perfect cure for seasickness, thoug. it makes t.he patient very miserable for I few minute* after he takes tiie euro. No headache with TUTFS LIVER PILL?. YO TAMBIEN'S EDGE TAKEN OFF. Clifford an Easy Winner of the Triangular Race. The Favorite in the Pool Box Got Badly Beaten. Lamplighter Simply was Not In It—En tries for Today at the Bay District Track—Johnson Breaks Four Bike Beeords. By tbe Associated Press. Chicago, Oct. .10.—Clifford won eaßily at Hawthorne this afternoon in the sweepßtake mile and a quarter race, in which be, Yo Tambieu and Lamplighter fought for an $8000 prize. Fully 10,000 people were present and Yo Tambien waa the popular favorite. The odda were 3 to 5 on Y'o Tambien, 8 to 5 on Clifford and 10 to lon Lamplighter. It took nearly 20 minutes to get the horses started, for Yo Tambien acted badly. After tbe start she took tbe lead, but as the horses neared the half. Clifford began to gain and aa they passed that mark be and Yo Tambien were neck and neck, with Lamplighter ciear out of it. When the stretch wae reached Clifford was two lengths ahead of the mare and at tbe finish waa 15 lengths ahead, with Lamp lighter 20 lengthß further back. He finished in 2:0!) :1 . 1 . Yo Tambien's friends say ber edge was taken off by Saturday'a race, and had the big race been run then the result would have been different. AT BAY DISTRICT TRACK. Tbe Entries and W«iehts for Tuesday's Races. San Francisco, Oct. 30.—Following are the entries for tomorrow's races: Five furlongs. 2-year-olds—Cora J., 104; Happy Band, 101; Centurion, 112; Sands F'ornian, 94; Polaski, 107; Pre mium Filly, 98 ; Rose Clark, 101. One mile, all ages—Swift Sure, 100; Revolver, 124; Monowai, 103; Prize, 104 : Reno, 114 ; Clacquer, 108. Seven-eighths of a mile, 3-year-olds and upward—Nicademus, 119; Para ; matta, 122; Charger, 119; Abi P., 119. Three-quarters of a mile, all ages- Champagne, 110; Giadiator, 106; Motto, 109; St. Croix, 110: Morton, 110: Rain drop, 106; Last, 110; Al batross, 99; Roman, 110; Ida Glenn, 103; Oinero, 106; Crawford, 101; San Felipe, 99. One miio and 70 yards, all ages- Happy Day, 119; Hathaway, 97; Mono i wai, 98; Swift Sure, 95; Peecador, 122; Duke Stevens, 98 ; Claymore, 104; San | Jacinto, 88. BROKE FOUR RECORDS. John 9. Johnson's Feats on a Bicycle at Independence, la. Indkpendenos, Ib. Oct. 30.—John S, Johnson made lonr new world's records | today as follows, a Flying start, quarter mile in 25 2-5 seconds. Flying start, half mile ln 55 seconds. Flying start, one third mile in 36 1-5 , cecouds. I Standing start, quarter mile in 29 ' seconds. Cumberland Park Races. Nashviu.ii, Term., Oct. 30.— Track fast. Seven furlonga—Sir Peyton won, In terior second, Little Annie third; time, 1:23. Five and one-half furlong—Marble Rock won, Foot Runner second, Deceit third ; time, 1:08. Mile—George Beck won, Peabody sec ond, Lady Day tbrrd ; time, 1:41 Jf. Four and' one-halt furlongs—Snuttle won, Rachel McAllisler second, The Broker third; time .So 3 .,. t'■ , I I' TT rive mnuuKD — nuicuto a, w«j,>, Evear second, Selina third; time, 1:02' 4 . Seven furlongs—Prettiwit won, Somer set second, Arthur G. third; time 1:29. areas LuuiSm -v Light* Those who were at the bicyclers'rest on the Playstead qnring a part of last evening witnessed g mcst peculiar aud beautiful sight. A huge decayed treo bad succumbed to foe gale, and sudden ly at its uprooting and fracture tbe ground oil around ] t blazed up in lnmi nous phosphorescent light. The trees and shrubbery all about were filled wit h gem like shining parades of the flying phos phorus charged j decayed wood. There were lumps of It lying around bigger than tlio famoifs Kohinoor, and as a scene it really linked us though a dia mond mine hudpnddenly been unearthed by the uprooting* of the treo. Many peo ple took specimens home with them, which all nigh] remained luminous, but this morning tie luminosity had almost entirely passu I away. The scientific reason for all of this can probably be explained by ihe theory of decay, but the sight was jno that it is not likely those who witnessed it will ever in a lifetime agail behold.—Boston Tran script. J A I.flnig Lived Family. Probably the last of the oldest family in Now Jersey passed away in the village of Asbury, Warren county, last week. Her name was Margaret Bigler, aged 98 years. Her father, John Bigler, was 98 when he died in 1850. Her mother died in 1835, aged 91. She had three sisters- Polly, who died in 1891. aged 100; Eliza beth, wi.'i rlied in 1885, aged 92. and Catherine, who passed away in 1879, aged 81. Margaret leaves an estate val ued at $20,00%— Philadelphia Press. Maine's White Whale. Fisher folk ou the islands in Cascobay, Maine, ure greatly interested over a wonderful while whale reported its cruis ing about that vicinity. Several fisher men aro positivo they have seen tho strange animal at different times in tbe past two or three weeks, and others are inclined to think they have, but are hardly willing to swear to it.—Lewiston Journal. The Hop Crop. Washington's hop crop this year isone of the largest and finest ever known. It V estimated at about 60,000 bales. Ger many reports the shortest hop crop for half a century, and while the Washing ton farmers are not rejoicing in the Ger man hopgrower's misfortune they tbiul: it an especially fine season for American hops.—Exchange. BASE BALL. Notes and Gossip About tbe Dames aud Players. Speaking of baseball in general the Philadelphia Sporting Life says: No club presented as many "colts" as Baltimore, and the success attained by come ol the youngsters led many other teams to supplant the effete old blood with fresh, agile aud ambitious material. Unquestionably the greatest finds of the season are Reitz of Baltimore, Lange of Chicago and Peits of St. Louis. Lange and Peitz are all-around players of marked ability. The work of the Oriole second base man, when it is remembered tbat this is his first season, is really wonderful, and stampa him bb the most promising of all the young infielders. He covers a large amount of ground, is very quick and can throw from any position or while on the run with astonishing ac- curacy. In i'eitz, Yon der Ahe haa an all-round player of much promise and a catcher excelled by very few. He is also quite a reliable hitter, fair baae runner and pos sessed of remarkable endurance. •When Anson signed Lange he thought he had the star player of California, and he waa not far from right. He waa tried at first in the out Held, but waa painfully slow and uncertain, but as tbe eeaßon wore on he began to demonstrate his versatility and value, catching finely, covering second base very well for an outfielder, and batting both hard and timely. These were the most conspicuous suc ceaaea, but there are a number of other youngßlera who came into marked prom inence. Quite a number of good out fielders entered the league, atruck the faat gait Bet for them and promise to equal the best of the old guard. Frank of St. Louis was formerly a Southern league pitcher, but showed such ability with the stick that he was played in tbe outfield regularly. He baa continued his strong hitting in the league and haa fielded far above tbe average. He is also quite a fair base runner. Possibly no new man ever showed ac much promise with the stick as young Bannon, who played a brilliant engage ment with St. Louis until he waß seri ously injured. Bannon is also possessed of pitching ability. He has been aigned by Boston for next season, and thus will bave a chance to develop in the best school baseball can boast of. Stafford bag Bhown the New Yorkers that he cau bat, Held, throw aud run bases like a veteran, and can till an in field position or pitch in an emergency. In Turner, the Staten Island boy, Harry Wright has captured a man who can hit the ball bo hard and often that he is apt to supplant Sam Thompson. Coa ley of St. Louis also gives good promise. Treadway went to Baltimore from California with tbe reputation of being a great hitter. It took just one month to demonstrate that Tread could not hit a little bit, but it remained for him to furnish the Bensation of the season. Never iv the anuals of baseball has such throwing from tbe outtield been seen. Treadway throws from deep outfield to third or home with lightning speed and wonderful accuracy ; indeed, lie throws from the outtield like an infielder throws acroßß the diamond. So often has he thrown out base runners that few at tempt to run when he has the ball within moderate distance of the plate. Baltimore has a jewel in Clarke, who waß not given mucti work this year be cause Robinson wished to go in every day. Tbe Californian is quick, handles all sorts of wild pitching aud is a model backstop. If played regularly he would be the best throwing catcher in the league. He is a fair batter, but ou the bases ia slow. Never has the air been so full of ex ploded pitching phenomeua. Few, in deed wero the aurvivorß of the onslaught which the new pitching rules made on t tie pitchers. Two men alone seem to have been able to stand the strain and show promise of better things—th»y are Menalee and Parrott. Menafee has a cool head, good curves, and wonderful cnange oi pace. He is also c good bat ter and outfielder. Parrott, the erratic contortionist from Cincinnati, is neither handsome nor graceful out is very ell'eetive. He (rives a preliminary song and dance before deliver.ng the ball and that seems to queer the batßman. "Please, sir, will you ji-rotn* G cents?" "Give you 5 cephiT echoed the young man in surprise, for bis applicant was a pretty, refined looking little girl of about 10 summers, whose clothing looked as though she were a child of fortune, not of want. "Yes, sir. I want it to pay my car fare with. I lost tho nickel mamma gave me." Of course the'young man gladly gave the girl tho desired 5 cents, and she fairly beamed upon him. The incident happened at Broad and Chest nut street. >fot long after the young oian was waiting for a ear on Walnut street, and it so happened that he waa thinking of the pretty face of the child. "Well," mused ho to himself, "Pia glad I happened to be there in time. Some parents are awfully carclesa of their children, though. Think of the little thing having to ask for money. It's a shame!" There came a slight pull at his coat sleeve. Then a sweet, weak voice that seemed familiar said, "Pleaso, sir, will you give me 5 cents?" The young man turned asif stung. He could hardly believe his own eyes. "You see, sir" —began the sweet voice again. "Yes, I know all about it. You lost tho money your mother gave you for car fare." It never phased the little one. She smiled divinely and nns-.v red, "Yes, how didj'ou guess it?" But the young mar. haa caught a passing car, and the look on hia face set several of the passenger.-, wondering.—Philadelphia Press. She Loved Him. Single Man (to himself)—l am sure that darling little an* 1 loves me. She takes me into her confidence and tells mo all her troubles. Same Man (some years later) —Con- sarn it all! From morning till night, and night till morning, when I'm home, I hear nothing but tales about the serv ants, the butcher, the butler, the tanker, tho candlestick maker and all the rest of 'em.—New York Weekly. Not to Ite Considered. Mrs. Chugwater (after an unusually spirited engagement) —Josiah, if we can't got along in peace, we'd better separate. Mr. Chugwater (shaking his head mournfully)—lt wouldn't !ielp maiie.. any, Saniantha. I can tel: you rig..l now you'd never get another man that would endure your cooking as meekly as I do. —Chicago Tribune. For Btclt, nervous and neuralgic headache use The 'ure curt—Bromo-deltzcr. A Wonderful TlMewerplxig Autfimnton. One of the most wonderful timekeep ers known to the horologist was made in London about 1(10 years ago and sent by tho president of the East India com pany as a Rift to the emperor of China. Tho enso was made in tho form of a chariot, in which wiir st ated the figure of a woman. This figure was of pure ivory and gold and Hat with her right hand resting upon a tiny clock fastened to the side of tho vehicle. A part of the wheels whioh kept hack of tho flight of time were hidden in the body of a tiny bird, which h.'td seemingly just alighted npon tho lady's finger. Above was a canopy so arranged as to conceal a silver bell. This boll was fit ted with a miniature hammer of the samo motal, and although it appeared to have no connection With the clock regu larly struck tlio hours and could be made to repeat by touching a diamond button on tho lady's bodice. In the char iot at tho ivory ludy's feet there was a golden figure of a dog, anil above and in front wore two birds apparently flying before the chariot. This beautiful orna ment was made almost entirely of gold and was elaborately decorated with pre cious stones.—St. Louis Republic. Hls;li ICxplosives. There are certain explosives of high power which, when heated, burn quietly if freely exposed, or if confined explode only at thp sput where iieat is applied without the whole mas* taking part in tho explosion. Nitroglycerol, dynamite, gun cotton, picric arid and tho new German military powder arc examples. This is said to he became they are bad conductors of their own explosive wave. If, however, tlio samo substances are subjected to a violent shock by the ex plosion in their midst of initial charges of mercury fulminate, tho shock scorns to affect all the molecules of the explo sive at once, and the whole mass of tho latter explodes with enormous violence. —New York Sun. The Tearl Oyster. Very few people are awaro that the pearl oyster is not in any way like the oysters which we eat. It. is of an entire ly different species, and us a matter of fact the shells of the to called pearl oys ters are of far moroTalne to those en gaged in pearl fishing than the pearl*. There are extensive pearl fisheries in the gulf of California, and some of the finest pearls have been taken from those wa ters. In 1881 one pearl— a black one was sold for $10,000, and every year since that time many pearls have been taken from the beds in the California gulf valued at over $7,500 each.—Chica go Herald. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all DniggUts on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chert Shiloh'e Poroua Plaster will give great satisfaction. —35 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZBR. Mrs. T. 8. HRWiiinB,Ch!iUniiooij:t,Tenn.,f>ayBJ "N/iiloh's VitaUxvr 1 SAVED MY hIFE> 1 crmnutcr it thebfUremcclyfnratlf' iUlatedxtiKlfm I erer lised." For IlyspenMa, Uver or JxiJney trouble It ozoels. Price ,5 ct3. SH I LO rTS/Cc ATA RR H Et tr* ftn r- n\r Have you Catarrh ? Try tbis llemeciy. It will positively relieve and Cure you. IVico Mlcts This Injector lor its succsfwinl trvatinen.'. is furnished free. Remember,Shiloh s licincdiea are sold on a guarantee, to Hive eatlsiaetion. Sold Wholesale hy HAAS, 3ARTJCH * CO,, and retail by drugKlsis. liM* lyr IiCMISGS MY SPECIALTY # \ 5 IS FITTING -- - § £ THE FOOT • |g fe ; ro 0 Lj* Z Comfort Combined With | 01 Style. Have a Full Line of t/3 Shoes, Made of the Best Se- | Vu lected Leather, and Maun- i G H H ►-j faclitred Expressly For Me : jj. S by Keliable Shoemakers, m 2 OS O a 3 S FOR FOOT-F()!!M SHOES. pj S FOR SHOES THAT DON'T ! W Ul H 05 I HURT THE FEET, l" CALL ON CDMMINGS, 120 s. sPHLNCt ST. gP\ T FREE I i" 'Pi _i" ,v,n toy follow V*l "iffeienia Free Kcrnedy «3/ tliat will |~,siiiv, iy euro -V \. / ~ - a — \ Hons, Lost Wan hood, A \ . y 1 Varicocele. Nervous De al ill- \}}z bully, nnd supply tone f/A —*—L. r * aud . B,reu ? th to tha Gen g&a fefctrniivo (;111.0.X10 ! iuhkasKk of NUN, no matter liow t i i plicated or who hai hilled. Our diagnosis ! sbeetwid Ooiill lumial Hook lor men, exp'ain- I Ins wl\ tiio ihiiinU ■ *ri ri" • t get mired will be ■ HeutlrAio. iiiiiolcHtioii, ami Is ii« bailMlautort !ns a peripiial luinrvlew. (lures K"'.rsnte»d lv I curable \i»"n. J3>r-All hu»lne»»sacredly con fldctitlalA 1/oh AiiKi-.les oßga 183 Booth Ma a ! si. OrSo* hours, '■> to 4; gundsys, 10 to le. Painless Dentistry Finn Gold FOUR* ii.own sad Und^-i ' ; All Operations WITW Wit utttiffln TOR ALL KIND-! <>;•' GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, Cutlery, Ammunition, All Kinds ol Sporting (roods, Flsbtnit I'ask c, Bataoo i Kudu, Busobsll", Mil s and CHoves. Uop4irlus en,t chosu Bonne oj aiiotßtiu't a bpetilAlly, UUet&ttie'jd or uiuajy refauaUd, U.SLOri'BRKKdK, 7-lii ly 1811 N. Mala si.. Tcm;.lu bloc*, "perry, mott & co.s" ILUM B ER YARDS AND PLANING MILLS, i 816 Coaiiasr.ial ; treat, Los Angeles, c*4.