OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, November 30, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1893-11-30/ed-1/seq-8/

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A Joint Meeting on the Midwinter Fair
Which Did Mot Materialize.
President Freeman's Letter
of Explanation.
The intended joint meeting oi the
Merchants' association and the chamber
of commerce failed to materialize yes
terday afternoon. Tbe purpose of tbe
meeting was to have discussed the pro
ject of erecting a 150,000 building in
Los Angeles for the purpose of main
taining a permanent exhibit.
For some reason tbe association broke
off correspondence and did not meet
with the chamber, the meeting being
summarily adjourned.
When Mr. T. P. Stimeon called the
meeting to order at 2 o'clock it was ob
served that there were very few if any
members of tbe association present.
The reason, however, soon asserted it
self. The secretary, Mr. Willard, then
read tbe following lengthy communica
tion from Mr. Pan Freeman.
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 20, 1893.
To tbe joint committee of merchants, mid
winter (air directors and directors of tne
chamber oi commerce.
(isNTLEMBN: It will be impossible
for me to attend your meeting this al
ternoon, aa I have important business
to attend to out of the city. Several
gentlemen who have spoken to me
within the last few days had tbe er
roneous impression that I am opposed
to a citrus fair in Los Angeles during
tbe coming winter. As otbers doubtless
entertained the same views, I bave
thought it advisable to explain my
position to your committee.
lam not opposed to a citrus or floral
fair in this city, but will do all I can to
assist such an enterprise. But I con
aider the midwinter fair as of para
mount importance, and 1 think tbat
we should all work together until a
fine building and a magnificent exhibit
of our unparalled resources are secured
for the fair. There will be many
thousand people at the midwinter fair
who know but little about Southern
California, and if these people see no
display of our products, or a poor dis
play from this section of the state, they
will naturally infer that this is the
poorest part of California, and
they will think that it is not
worth while to visit us. If they are
looking for land they will surely go to
tuuse sections of the state making the
beat exhibits. If we wish to aid San
Francisco and the northern part of tbe
state, to our own detriment, wa, cannot
do ao in any better way than by-refusing;
to show the visitors to the midwinter
fair what we can produce in Los Angeles
county. If Los Angeles county is not
represented, and well represented, at
San Francisco, the displays of their pro
ducts by the fruit growers of,-the north
ern part of the state will have the effect
of turning tbe tide of immigration tbat
ie now coming here to tbait portion of
California, and millions of dollars that
would come here if we did cirr duty will
be diverted to the countries north of
San Francisco. I think it safe to say
that non-participation by Las Angeles in
the midwinter fair would reuult in a lose
to this county of $10,000,000 within tlie
next five years, and give ns a Bet back
irom which we would not«oon recover.
One thing ia certain, more strangers
will come to Loa Angeles if jloh Angeles
makes a good showing at the midwinter
fair than if we make no exhibit, bin
confine ourselves to a local fair here.
The stranger will say: "If the people
of Los Angeles dare not compete with
the other counties of the state they bave
not much to show, and it will be a
waste of time to go there." Tbis is a
natural inference for a stranger to
Therefore I say: Let us have both
fairs if we can raise tbe money ; let us
make a display at San Francisco that
will induce every man who sees it to
come here and see the country that pro
duces it. Sincerely yours,
D. Freeman.
Mr. Jevne asked whether any com
munication from the merchants' ex
change had been received.
Mr. Willard replied tbat it had been
received but had been withdrawn, as
they had decided not to meet tioday.
Mr. Jevne stated that at a meeting
held by the merchants' association the
previous evening they thought tbat the
call had been issued upon the strength
of a pereonal letter from one of its mem
bers which was not the voice of tbe ma
jority. He thought that the association
was quite ready to meet with the cham
Mr. Fred L. Alles then arose and
stated tbat inasmuch as the meeting
waa a joint one, and the association waa
not represented, he moved tbat they
adjourn, which was done.
Mr. Willard stated tbat he thought
the absence of representatives of the
association was due to a misunderstand
ing, and furthermore that they were not
in favor ol the $50,000 building at pres
The Weather Bureau's Report or Their
The local weather bureau furnißhes
the following for tbe week ending No
vember 27, 1893:
The temperature ranged below the
averages except on the 25tb, when a
slight excess occurred. Light showers
of rain fell Friday night, but generally
there was a deficiency in precipitation.
Night fogs prevailed in the coast dis
tricts followed by sunny days; the
weather elsewhere was mostly clear.
Several light fronts formed in the
northern districts, causing slight dam
age to tender vegetation and nursery
stock. Plowing is piogresaing in tbe
districts favored witu suiticient mois
ture by the late rains. Oranges are
coloriny finely and some shipments
have been made. Raisins are about all
in tbe packing houses except a few of
the late crop, which still remain in
The weather baa been cooler with in
dications of rain. Light frosts in the
lowlands nipped tender vegetation; in
tbe foothills (thermal bait) there Das
been no frost, and vegetation ia green.
Farmers need rain to set plows going.
Musick—Tnere waß a precipitation of
0,20 of an inch of rain on tlie 24th.
Bardedale — The weather has been
cool, clear and dry; young pasture
needs rain. Hudden frosts oi last week
hurt citrus nursery stock iv some locali
ties. Corn is about all in.
Lancaster—The weather of the past
weak waa unusually cool for this se&Bon
oi the year. It showered a little on the .
24tb. Plowing and seeding grain ie pro
gressing favorably; it is expected tbat
there will be a large increase over laet
year'B planting.
Colegrave—Very bright, pleasant
weather all the week. Lemons are
bearing enormously. Winter vegetables
never looked better; tbe <reather has
been most favorable to their growth.
Comptou— The days were warm and
the nights frosty the first part of the
week; the latter part had foggy morn
ings, favorable to growing crops. A
light rain fell the night of tbe 25th.
Duarte—A trace of rain fell Friday
night. The w6ek was for the most part
cool and cloudy. < iranges are coloring
Chino —Pasturage is making a rapid
growth. Plowing ior the next beet crop
commences next week ; the soil is in fine
Anaheim —Damp, foggy nights, fol
lowed by warm, sunny days. A large
area of land is being prepared for grain.
The first car of oranges left here during
the week.
Tuetin —The weather wae fine and
generally favorable for winter work.
Two and a half inches of rain has fallen
in this immediate vicinity this season,
and feed is growing well and plowing
for grain is progressing rapidly. The
walnut crop is mostly shipped ; quite a
quantity ol peanuts are yet on hand.
Eecondido —The ground is in fair con
dition for plowing and considerable
grain is being eon n. Raisins are nearly
ali in the houses and mostly packed,
though a few late ones are still in the
Bernardo—The wild oat crop is al
ready making its appearance and prom
ises a big yield of feed. Plows are being
brorght out and the work of turning
tbe soil will soon commence in earn
San Diego city—The rains have put
the soil in condition for cultivating,
Many farmers are breaking new ground
and are netting ready lor seeding grain.
The weather has been tine for outdoor
The Kud of the Kpleode or the High
School Children.
Some of the children who hissed the
board of education at their meeting
Monday night had tbe pleasure of meet
ing Piincipal Ca;es at the high school
yesterday morning.
While the superintendent and the
school board did not take any further
action after the meeting, still there has
been a great deal of consultation as to
tbe best policy to be pursued towards
the youngsters.
Tuesday afternoon Mr. Cates called
quite a number of the pupils to his room
and asked each one of them if he bad
been present at the meeting of the board.
There were various responses, about a
round dozen Baying that they bad been
at the meeting.
Yesterday morning theee pupils were
instructed to go to the principal's room.
When they assembled Prof. Cates gave
them a short lecture in which he called
their attention to the wrong they had
done themselves aud tbe school by hiss
ing the board oi education.
When he had finished the young peo
ple were sent back to their rooms, and
no intimations were given that they
would be further punished.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting tlie world's best products to
tbe needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced iv the
remedy. Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in tlie form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, -lie refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
spa permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 60c and 81 bonks, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co.only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well Informed, jrou will not
accept any substitute if offered.
J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and al! Pat- J
*ent business conducted ior modcr.-.te FEES. 5
'Cur Office is Opposite U. E. Patent office'
5 and v.c can secure i atent in icsi nine man those J
#remoteirpm Washlngi £
j tieud model, drawing <>r photo., with deacrip- *
Jtion. We uaviae, if patentable or not, free of!
{charge. Our fee not oue till natent is secured. $
* A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Patents, ' with*
Jcost fif same in the C. and furcigacountries',
# sent tree. Address. 4
t Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. t
211 New llich Street, Fulton Block,
Wear Eranklin St., ground lioor. Tel. 417.
V ■*} S,J?' c .7." 1 ree Remedy
rV-7 thnt will positively cure
j-sS C. oewlnal Weakness Erals
v i.!" 1 "-. 1-nst Manhood,
,\ \ t J- , \'"<'ocele, Nervous Do-
M V 1 f. <k b "' y. and supply tone
Mi to tbeGcn
£4?k — Kjrallve Organs of the
Oraoffe, LemonaDd OtherFioe Fruit Lands
I CAN FURNISH SO FAMILIES with 10 torei each, only 1 mile from center of Badlands,
with pure mountain water ln pipes at each piece, ami on y requlresloO ca<h down on each
10, and balance on tea years' time I can supply 10 acrea each to SO more persona at Mentone,
with flrai-ciaes Washington Navel, Mediterranean Sweet or Valencia Late Orange and Lisbon
I.emou trees: oaly require oae-third ,-esh down on land aad treea, balance can run 5 veers.
One variety of oranges grown at Mentone sold this year at $4 per boa, one variety at *8 SO per
box, and the crop now on the trees in already sold al same rate. Where else can you invest
your money to bring you aa great returns'.'
20 acres, half in Washing on Navels, 10 acres 1 mile from Badlands, all in
one-fourth in Mediterranean ~w. c \ bearing oranges 9 4,200
one-.ourth ln lemons, wlih pleuty 20 acres, oranges and olives, half mile
watar and only 1W miles Irom center from Mentons Hotel 12,000
of Redlands. Price. f 7,090 20 acres, Mentone Highlands, all in
(0 acres 11/*' milesl 1 /*'miles irom Redlands I'.O, bearing 15,000
a.l in bearing. Per acre t>oo 10 acres, oranges, good house and
Will divide lv 3 pieces: sain - price. eveiythluglu fine condition 5,000
1 new house, 10 large rooms and cor- 1 two-story house on Temple street,
Uriot on Hill street; ooiy S 5,500 only 10 minutes' wa k irom the
This is ttSOOO less than the a-mal value oj C^^h^
this property, aa the iot is Mil 10, wfcb good wi th iSS
tSSSSSt wWWt >U ' qUar ° SSS MfSXTutf 5,750
l house oi ti rooms, only ii lew doors ' ACANT BUILDINO LOTS.
from tbe most beautifui plnre in the 1 lot on Angeleno Heights, only $ 1,200
city, and not more thin 8 minutes' 1 10l in West Bonnie Biae, and the
walk from the court nous the iv c most d slrable now vacant 1,200
rlor of the house Is tiu'sued iv fancy 1 lot on Myrtle aye., near Pico, only ■ 800
wood. Pice for the present for the ! 1 ot, with good bam, on Court st 1,200
house and two lota 5,500 | 2 lots on Bellevue aye., each 1.000
I h»v* bouses and lots iv a.l parts of tbe city, although I only advertise a lew of the beat
bargains. Apply to
Trepidant and I en tin] Manager of tlie Barton and Mentone Land Cos..
144 south Main at, Loa Aneelea.
241 S. MAIN ST., ROOMS 1,3, O AND T.
Regular graduates, legally licensed, SPECIALISTS WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ln the
liva mt nt ot Chronic, Nervous, Bkin and blood Diseases. Consultation free and invited. A
irleudly talk or opinion coats you nothing. Medicine Bent by mail or expreaa every where,
pi rmr ly packed from ol*servatiou. Curabie diseases guaranteed. Where doubt exists it is
Ir inaiy stMed. Hours, 9to 3 and 7to 8 p. m. Sunday, 10 to 12.
MTTTPTT'OTTQ Oreranie Weakness, I * r '»'ps from inducretion, Kmbmw
IN£/I\. V UUiJ Kmlitin- llmniirv Indulgence, producing some of the fob
■»■»-»-'•*-»- railing JieillOry, | lowing effect*: Nervousness. Debility,
nT?DTT TTV Of Energy, I Dimness ot Sight Self Distrust, IWec
IJP> tt I Ia I I X PhvMieal liSsftaY tlvß Memory, Pimples on the Face,
mrT rT n «. • riljsicai Jjecay. | Aversion to the Society ol Females,
Loss of Ambition, l ack of Contidence. Gloominess, Despondency. Barrenness, Unfitness to
Marry, Melancholy, Dytpepsia. lost Manhood, Pains iv the Back, Varicocele, treated with sue
cese—aaieiy, privately.
T-»T f\r\T\ A TVTT"« CTT'TTVT Dlseares, all forms affecting Body. Noseor
tSI .IIIJIJ A \IJ kjlVliN Throat. Skin and Bones, Blotches, Erup
-I'ainful Swellings from whatever cause, treated by means of safe, time-tried remedies.
HTifl aud 1-vol!„« Joi .t.. snd Kli»uiualUui, tne H--uu of Klood Poison. CURED.
KIDNEY AND URraARY«~ p *»^«T iu^2
/.VAVII A-i .». J iviiiiixv -a. 8100a ~Tjrlne carefully treated
I'lirCTH AI. STKIt'TDKI Permanently Cored. Sort-feeling; bunch or earth-like
wnruia. Varicocele la curable.
ISC\WKT? HTD 1? A Tri/TinVrT 1 Persons ailing at a distance, by giving all symptoms
tIU IV!£. 1 JtxC A X IYIE/111 I can be successfully treated at home.
We have associated with usa SPECIALIST who cures diseases of the EYE,
CATARRH treated by our special method—the ONLY SUCCESSFUL
No instruments; no exposure of person; scientific treatment; perfect confi
ience; years of unlimited success.
Call on or address
Los Angeles Medical and Surgical Institute, 24i S. Main St
"Skilful cine increases longevity to the ' l-- uiously locating disease* through th
world." ; • »■ and excellent remedies are great bless
I ings to the world."
Four years ago my daughter, Verglnia Bell, was treated by Dr. Wong for what physician;
called hip disease, and hid pronounced incurable af or treating her ior eight years, nr. Wong's
diagnosis was that she was attlicted with one of the thirteen forms of cancer. His medicine
effected a permanent cure in seven months time. Two years ago my grandson became blind iv
one eye. Dr. Wong restored his sight in three (reeks' time. A. LASSWKLL,
Savannah, Cal
After I had been treated eleven years, by six different doctors, for consumption, and they
had Mated that I couldn't live two mouths, I tool: Dr. Wong's medicine and was cured ln seven
months. I enjoy excellent health, and weigh 170 pounds. MRS. A. M. AVELA,
IUI2 Brookliu aye , Los Angeles, Cal
PRIVATE, NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEABE3 OF MEN quickly cared without the Ui3
of poisons
4000 cures. Ten years iv Los Angeles.
DR. WONG, 713 South Main St., Los Angeles.
887-388-841 YOU I'll SPRING KTRKET.
Notice of Sale of Uoucls.
1 board oi director! ol Tiplon Irrigation dis
irtct, duN given and made on tlie 7m da; of
November, A. Il 1803.
Notice is hereby given that said bo*rd of
directors will sell to the highest and best bid
der tho second issue of bonds of sa d
irrigation district to the amount of $20,0 > >.
bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, on Ihe first
days of January and July of each year on the
piesentttion of the interest coupons at the
ofhce of the tiea-i-urer of said district.
Said iKiuds are issued by the board oi direc
tors of Tipton Irrigation district ln accordance
with and by tbe atltborilyof an act of the ieg
lslature of the alate of California entitled ' An
act to provide for the organization aud gov
ernment of irrigation districts and to provide
for ihe acquisition of water aud other properly
ai d lor the distribution of water thereby for
irrigation purposes," approved March 7, 1887.
Sealed proposals and bids for the purchase of
said bonds will be received by tbesaM board
of directors at their office In Tipton, couuiy of
Tulare, state of California, aud may be"ad
dressed to or left with G. Will Kliudcra. the
secretary of said board at Tipton, Cal, at any
time after the dale of this notice, and until 10
o'clock a. m on the Oth day oi Decemb?r, A. I).
1893, at which time and place tbe said aslo
will he made.
Bald bomls will b:i each of the denomination
ol yv.oo, aud will bo negotiable in ;orm and
will conform iv all respects to the requirements
of said act.
Thebiard ot directors reserves the right to
reject an r or all bids.
Bids musi be sealed and addressed to the sec
retary of said board, and indorsed; "Proposal.,
for Tipton Irrigation District Bonds."
Done by older of the boarJ of directora of
Tipton Irrigation district, November 7, 1803.
J. M. BOARD, President.
G. WILL KUNDIEA, Secretary. 11-17 23t
,lam Office: LOS AN9HLIS.
Wholesale Yard at SAW PEDRO.
P.ranch Yards—Pomona, Pasadena, Laxaanda,
Ansa. Burbank. Planing Mill*—Los Angeles
i ut Poisotif.. •• areoes furnished to order.
816 Commarglal atreet, Lot Aur.k-s, Cat
Ordinance No. 1921.
tIon of the mayor and council of the city
of Loa Augelca to change and cslublish tho
grade oi
from Fourth street to Fifth atreet, and fixing
the limits oi the district to be assessed to pay
the cost, damages and expenses thereof.
The mayor and council ol t.ie city of Los An
geles do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. That It is the intention of »he
council of the city of Los Angeles to change
and establish the'grade oi
from Fourth sireet to Fifth street as follows:
At the Intersection oii'ourtb street the grade
shall be 115.50 on the southeast corner and
11 s>.iuii,r: Ihe southwest corner; at a point 270
feet ■•■mil] from the southeast corner of
Fourth sir eel '.»:». «o on the east side and 04.00
on the west side; at a point 474 leet south
from the southeast comer of Fourth street
s:i.oj on the cast side; al the intersection of
Fifth streel US.OO on the northeast corner
and 45.00 on the northwest corner.
Mol at all points between said designated
points tho grade -hull be established so as to
conform to a straight line drawn between said
designated points.
Elevations are iv feet and above city datum
Skc. 2. The boundaries oi the district to be
affected by said ciiaugo of grade and to be as
sessed to pay the damages that maybe award,
cd by reason of such change of grade arc here,
by designated and established as follows:
Beginning al tho northeast corner of Fifth
street ami Grandavcuue: thence easterly along
the northerly line of Fifth street to the south
east corner of lot 11, block 107, Bcllevuo Ter
race tract; thence to tho northeast corner of
lot 7, block N, Molt trait: thence westerly
along the southerly line of Fourth street to the
northwest corner of lot 5, block M, of the Mott
tract; theuee to the present southwest corner
of lot 2, block lOS of the Bellevue Terrace
11 acl; thence east! rly along tho northerly line
of Fifth street to the northwest corner of Fifth
street and Grand avenue; Ihcnce across Grand
avenue to the point of beginning, excepting
therefrom any public street or alley that may
lie witli in the above described district.
Sec. :>. 'ihe city clerk shall certify to the
passage of tl.i ordinance and shall cause the
same to be published for ten days in the Los
Angelea Hf.bair, nnd thereupon and there
after ii shrill take effect and bo in force.
I hereby certify that the i&regoingordinance
was adopted by the council of the cltyof Lot,
Angeles at its meeting ol November 18. 1H93.
City Clerk.
Approved this 17thdayof November. IHW3.
tX-SX lot Mayor.
Ordinance No. 1922.
tton of the mayor and council of the cltv
of Loa Angelea to establish the grade of
From Sixth to Seventh street!, from Eighth to
Ninth atreet* and from the south line of O. W.
Child*' tract to Washington atreet.
The mayor and council of the city ol Loa
Angelea do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That it l> the intention of the
Council of the City of Los Angeles to estab
lish the grade of
From Sixth to Seventh streets, from Eighth to
Ninth streets and from the south line ol O. W,
Childs tract to Washington street aa follows;
a. From Sixth to Seventh atreeta: At the
intersection of Sixth street the grade shall he
9.85 on the southwest corner and 10.00 on the
southeast corner, at the intersection of Sev
enth sireet 19.90 on the northwest corner and
13.30 on Ihe northeast corner.
b. From Eighth to Ninth streets: At the
intersection of Eighth street the grade ahall
be 17.40 on the southwest and southeast cor
ner, at the Intersection of Ninth street 18.50
on the northwest and northeast corner.
c. From the south line of O. W. Childs' tract
to Washington street: At the intersection of
the south line of O. W. Childs' tract the grade
shall be 127.80 on both sides of Maple avenue,
at the intersection of Pico street 28.40 on Ihe
northwest and northeast corner, as.7o on the
southwest and southeast corner; at the Inter
section of Fourteenth street 30.40 on the north
west corner and 80.1,5 on the southwest corner:
at the Intersection of Fifteenth street 3a.40 on
the northwest and northeast corner and 32.70
on the southwest and southeast corner; at the
Intersection of sixteenth street 33.70 on the
northwest and northeast corner and 34.00 on
the southwest and southeast corner: at the
intersection of Seventeenth street 35.40 on Ihe
northwest corner and 35.70 on the southwest
corner; at the intersection of Washington
street 37.82 on the northwest cornerand 37.55
on the northeast corner.
And at all points between said designated
points the grade shall be established so as to
conform to a straight line drawn between said
designated points.
Elevations aro in Iceland below city datum
Sttc. a. Thecityclerk shall certify to tho pass-
SgSof this ordinance and shall cause the
same to be published for ten days, iv the Los
Angeles Herald, aud thereupon and thereafter
it shall take effect and be in force.
1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinaneo
was adopted by the council of the cltyof I.os
Angeles, at its meeting ot Nov. 13th, 1803.
City clerk.
Appproved this 17th day of November, 1893.
11-21 lOt Mayor
Ordinance No. 1929.
tlon of the mayor and council of the city
of Los Angeles to establish the grade of
From Eighth atreet to Ninth street.
The Mayor and Council of the City of Los An
geles do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That it is the intention of the
council of the city of Los Angeles to establish
the grade of
From Eighth street to Ninth street, as follows:
At the Intersection of Eighth street and said
alley the grade shall be 17.25 on the southwest
corner and 17.73 ou the southeast corner; at a
point 300 feet south of the south line of Eighth
street 10.00 on both sides of said alley; at the
intersection of Ninth and said alley 23.30 on
the northeast corner and 23 23 on the north
west corner.
And at all points between said designated
points the grade shall be established so as to
conform to a straight line drawn between said
designated points.
Elevations are in feet and above city datum
Sec. 2. The city clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and shall cause the
same to be published for ten days in the Los
Angelea Herali),and thereupon and thereafter
it shall take effect and be in force.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
was adopted by the council of the cltyof Los
Angeles, at its meeting of November 20th,
City Clerk.
Approved this 24th day of November, 1893.
11-20 lot Mayor.
Ordiuance No. 1919.
tention of the mayor and council of the
city of Los Angeles to establish the grade of
From a point 200 feet north of the north line
of Orange street to the north line of the Gal
pin tract.
The mayor and council of the city of Los An
geles do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That it is the intention of the
council of the city of Los Angeles to establish
the grade of
From a point 200 feet north of the north line
ot Orange street to the north line of theGalpin
tract as follows: At a point 200 feet north of
tlie north line of Orange street the grade shall
be 83.00 on both sides of Ixtomls street; at a
point in the east side 100 feet north from the
last-meniloued point 92.00, at a point 120
feet north from Ihe last-mentioned point
104.00 in the east side and 105.00 in the west
side; at the intersection of the north line of
the Galpln tract, 119.00 on th» cast side and
120.00 on the west side oi Loomis sireet.
And al all points between said designated
points the grade shall be established so as to
conform to a straight line drawn between said
designated points.
Elevations are in feet and above city datum
Sec. 2. The city clerk shall certify to the pass
age of this ordinance and shall cause the same
to be published for ten days ln the Los An
geles IIERAi.P, and thereupon and thereafter
it shall take effect and be in force.
1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
was adopted by the council of the city of i.os
Angeles at itsmeetingof November 13th, 1893.
City Clerk.
Approved this 17th day of November, 1893.
11-21-lOt Mayor.
Notice of Street Work.
on Monday, the 13th day of November, A.D.
1803, the council of the city ol Los Angeles
did, at its meeting on said day. adopt an ordi
nance of intention, numbered 1023 (new se
ries), to have the following work done, to-wlt:
That a cement sidewalk six feet in
width be constructed along the west side ol
From the southerly curb line of Seventh
street to the northerly curb line of Ninth
street (excepting such portions of said street
between said points along which a ce
ment or asphalt sidewalk has been constructed
and accepted), said sidewalk to be constructed
in accordance with specifications on tile In the
office of the city clerk, said specifications being
numbered twelve.
Reference is hereby made to the said ordi
nance of intention for further particulars.
Street Superintendent.
By F. C. Hannon, Deputy. 11-28 at
Notice to Depositors'.
1 herewith gives noilce mat it ia prepared
to pay on cemaud all depositors who have
given notice to withdraw their fund.', and
which notices expire durln/ the months ol
Novembei and December, 1833
By W. M. CAoWELL, Cashier. 11-21 lm
Notice to Depositors
1 Trust Company herewith gives uoilce that
it is prepared to pay on demzad all depoailors
who have given notice to withdraw their
lunds, and which notices expire during the
months of NovembTß'id Decemoor. 1893.
J. V. Wachtel, Cashier. 11-22 lm
Notice to Depositors.
iiornla Herewith gives notice hat it Is pre
pared to pay on demand alt depositor* who
nave given notice to withdraw their funds una
which notices expire during the mouths oi
November and December, 1803.
11.23 lm J. H. DRALKY, President.
Notice to Depositors.
1 herewith gives notice that it is preofred to
pay on demand all depositors who have given
notice to withdraw their funds, and which
notice expires during the months oi November
and December, 1893. MOSES N. AVERY.
11-23 lm Cashier.
Notice to Depositors.
I Trust company herewith give notice tnat
it is prepared to pay on demand ell depositors
who bave given notice to withdraw their
funds, and which notices expire durlni the
snout ia of Noreatfcer and Deoember, 1893.
IX-iii lm» I. jr. BAjiTQitj, Camlet.
Notice of Sale of Franchise.
council of th* city of Loa Angeles ho* re
ceived an application for a franchise for the
constructloir- aud operation of a street rail
way track over the route hereinafter desertlwd.
And that the said city council will, on ihe Ist
day of January, 18114, andup to H o'clock a.m.
of said day, receive and open sealed proposals
(or the purehaac of a franchise described tl
follows, towit:
(New Scries.)
An ordinance granting to and
assigns the right loconstruct and operate an
electric or horse car street railway along cer
tain streets of the city of l.os Angeles.
Tho Mayor aud Council of the city of Los
Angeles do ordain as follows:
Suction 1. That the right of way be and Is
hereby granted to and assigns,
over and along tho public streets of the city of
Los Angeles in this ordinance named, for the
period of thirty-five years from and after the
approval hereof, for the purpose of construct
ing, maintaining and operating a single or
double track electric or horse car street
railway thereon, together with the right
to construct all switches, turnouts,
power houses aud all other appliances,
propertlea, structurca and attachments that
may be necessary for the purposeof operating
saia road, and enabling It to be as cflicient as
the best electric or horse car roads | provided,
thai such road shall at all times be constructed,
maintained and operated according to th*
provisions of this ordinance.
The streets and portions of streets ovarwhlch
this right of way is granted are particularly
described as follows, 10-wlt: Commencing af
file southerly junction oi First and CuinniTngs
streets, thence southerly along Cummlngs
street to Sixth street; thence westerly along
Sixth street to Boyle avenue; thence southerly
along Boyle avenue to Stevenson avenue.
Together with the right to make the neces
sary curves and connections at street inter
sections; said (racks to be laid as nearly equi
distant from the center of the'stroets aa pos
sible, and as near each other as a proper regard
for safety will allow.
Provided, that in all cases where this fran
chise is granted over streets now occupied by
other lines of street railway owned by persons
or corporations whether named herciii or not,
that said and assigns
shall have the right to operate over
any aud all such tracks iv accordance
with and limited only by the statutes ol tho
state of California applicable thereto; and In
ease the gauge of the tracks of said other per
sons or corporations shall not conform to the
guageofthe tracks of the grantee herein, or
assigns then the said grantee, or assigns, shall
be permitted to lay a third rail over the dis
tance traversed bysaid two roads jointly.
Skc. 2. And the said grantee and assigns
shall use ln the construction of said road the
best material, including a rail weighing not
less than 18 pouuds per yard ior the first 8
years oi the life of this ordinance, and after
that time there shall be used upon said road
a rail weighing not less 10 pounds per yard,
and such as is used on llrst-class roads, which
rail shall lie satisfactory to the street super
intendent and board of public works, and
shall pave or macadamise the said road be
tween the rails, between the tracks aud for two
feet on each aide thereof, with the same matc
rirl used by the city, upon the streets over
which said road runs respectively, nnd keep the
same constantly In repair, Hush with the slreel
aud provided with suitable crossings; and
shall make the road bed conform at all tlmea
to the established grade of ihe streel; all re
pairs and grades to be made under the instruc
tions and to the satisfaction of the street su
perintendent of said city, ln case the said
grantee iails to comply with the instructions
given hy said officer for ten day after service
thereof upon the agent of grantee resident in
Los Angeles, he, the said officer, may
enter upon the road of said grantee
and do the work as ordered by
the council, said officer to keep an itemized
account of the cost of said work, which said
grantee by acceplanceof this franchise, hereby
agrees to'pey immediately upon Its presenta
tion to said grantee, a local agent, stationed in
Los Angeles.
Provided, further, that cars shall be run
over the road constructed under this franchise
during every day, unless prevented by the ele
Provided, further, that cars shall beoncrated
upon said line at intervals of not more than
3D minutes each way during the day time and
until 7 o'clock at night for the first two years
of the lifeof this franchise and after that'time
till 11 o'clock at night.
Provided, further, that Bald grantee, or as
signs, shall construct all necessery flumes and
culverts for Ihe free passage of water under the
tracks of said railway where the same nat
urally flows; and that all curves, aqueducts,
turnouts, switches, shall be constructed under
plans and specifications approved by the city
And it is understood that said grantee shall
have the right to excavate and remove por
tions of tlie street necessary to properly con
struct said road, and to erect needful appara
tus, boilers, engines, etc., to properly equip
and run the road.
It is understood further that the city, in
making the grant of tills franchise, expressly
reserves the right to pave, macadamize, renew
or sewer any of said streets, or to lay gas,
water or other pipes therein, such work to be
done so as to injure said road as little as pos
Provided, further, ihat the cars upon said
said road shall not lie allowed to stand on the
street intersections or on main streets ln such
a manner as to obstruct the use of said streets
by vehicles.
Sec. 3. That the rate of fare for any distance
along said road or its branches, one way, shall
not exceed five cents for one passenger, and
that persons under eighteen years of age who
attend the public schools id the city shall be
required to pay but half fare, provided said
pupils shall purchase their tickets lv quanti
ties of at least one dollar's worth at a time;
such tickets to be available only between the
hours of 8 a.m. and Ii p. m. in actual passage to
and from school; and said grantee, or assigns,
shall sell such tickets whenever requested lo
do so by a pupil w bo shall present a certificate
from a teacher, approved by the superintend
ent of schools of the city, that he or she is a
pupil of said schools.
And further, that said grantee, or assigns,
shall carry policemen and Bremen and latter
carriers free on said cars when on duty, suli
ject at all times to the rules oi the road.
Provided further, that the grantee, or as
signs, shall, on or before Deoember istb of
each year, pay to the city tax and license col
lector the annual license upo.i each car fixed
be the existing ordinances of said city.
Bf:c. 4. The above rights and privileges are
granted upon the express condition that work
upon said road shall be commenced within
four months, and the whole thereof completed
and In operation within 12 months from the
date of tlie approval of thisordinance; It being
understood that if said road be not fully .com
pleted and In operation within said time, then
this franchise shall be forfeited as to the por
tion thereof uncompleted and in case any por
tion of said road is unused and uuoperated with
reasonable service for six months, then that
part of the road shall become forfeited and be
come the property of the city.
Sec. 5. The said grantee or assigns Is hereby
required to tile a written acceptance of the
terms aud conditions hereof with the city clerk
of said city within 30 days after the passage of
thia ordinance, together wtth a bond oi not less
than $ .. for the faithful carrying out of the
terms of this franchise.
Bee. ti. The city clerk shall certify to the
passage of this ordinance and shall cause the
same to be published once in the l.os Angeles
Daily Hurai.d, and thereupon and thereafter
it shall take effect anil be in force
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance
waa adopted by ihe council of the city of Los
Angeles at its meeting oi
City Clerk.
Approved by mo this day of
Any person presenting sculcil proposals for
the purchase of said franchise shall inclose
therewith a certified check for 10 per cent oi
tlie amount bid by him for said franchise.
The purchaser of said franchise will lie re
quired to pay the full amount of ihepurohete
price therefor into t he city treasury of said city
before the publication oi Hie, ordinance grant
ing the same.
11-28 lot City Clerk.
Notice of Annual Meeting: of Mem
bers lor Election of Directors.
California, (a corporation , l.os Angeles,
Co. of Los Angeles, state of California.
Notice Is hereby given that the third annual
meeting oi the active members of the above
named corporation will be held at tlie city
court room oi the city of Lou Angeles, on \Ye.,t
Second street, In said city, on Monday, Ihe 4th
day of December, 1803, at li'alf past 7 o'clock
p. m„ ior tlie election of seven directors for the
ensuing year, and tho transaction oi such
other business as may come before them.
By order of the board of directors.
11-10 Bw J. M. UCINN. Secretary.
Application for Pardon.
in and lor the county of los Auguics, atate
ot California:
The undersigned hereby notifies you that it
Is his intention aud that he will aonly to iho
governor of the atate of California for a pardon
for Louis Ettlng. who was on the Oth day of
November, A. D. 1802, convicted of tne crime
of robbery ln the superior court o! Loi Ange
les county, and sentenced to fly* years In tne
atate prison at Ban Queutln.
Dated this 14th day ol November. A. D.
18113. H. ET7LING.
1115 lm
Notice of Public Work.
J on Monday. thoß'.h doyol Nov., A. D. l;<U.i
the Council ol the city ol Loa Auie'os du\ a
Its meeting ou sr.ld day, adopt an ordluanu-i oi
Intention, numbered lSIH) (now series), 4
have "ie following work done, to-wit:
To open and extend
into Bellevue avenue, and that It is tho Inter*
Con of said council to have said Improvement/
made and cerlaln imd taken lor said public UI«
which land is situated in tlie cltyof MM AM
Kelts and is described aa follow*, to w it: h(f
ginning al Ihe norlheast corner of the If. ,< A,
M. cemetery grounds, said corner bolus V
40 degrees 51 minutes east 278.87 fe*t jrOßt
the northeast corner of th* Los Angelesili'.gb
school lot: thenc* from said point ot begin,
nlngnoiih no degrees 18 minutes west 4d4.„*
t**l to,, point on th* northerly Una of the U.
O. H. M. cemetery grounds; th*nce north 4 d*- ,
gre*ss3 minutes west 17.U9 feet to a point;
on th* motherly lino of Uollevue avenue,
Ihence along said southerly line north ."ill de
grees 3 minutes west 110.7J feet to the nortli- ,
west corner of lot 7 of .Stevens' subdivision of
a portion of block II of th* Fort 11115 tract as
recorded In book 20, page 57, Miscellaneous
Records of f.os Angeles County: thence soulii I
4 degrees 53 minutes east 123.54 Icet In a .
point on the westerly line ot the U. O. X M.
cemetery grounds; thence south 50 degrees 1*
minutes east 4!K'..."l feet to a point on the
westerly line of Castelar streel; thence along ,
said westerly line ninth 40 degrees 61 minutes
e»sl 82.58 feet to the point of beginning.
BF.C 2 That the exterior boundaries ol lh*
district hereby declared benefited by said liv- ,
provemcnt and to be assessed to pay the cost, 1
damages and expenses thereof, are as follows: .
Beginning at the southwest corner ol Temple
street and Broadway, thenc* southerly along
the west lln* of Broadway to the southeast
comer of lot ii, block A, Mott tract: thejice
wosterly to the southwest corner of lot 12 of
said block A, thence northerly to lh* south
east corner of Hill and Temple atreeis, thence
northerly lo the southwest corner of lot 22,
block (i, Fort Hill tract: Ihence northerly
along the westerly lines of lot! 22 and 44 ot |
said block U, aud the prolongation of said
westerly line of said lot 44 to the southerly
line of Sand street; thence northerly to th*
southeast comer of lot D. of Castelar tracti
thenco northerly to the northwest cor
ner of lot 1, Castelar tract: thenoe
northerly on a lino parallel with and
114 feet west of west line of Castelar street to
a point 130 feet north of tho north line of 1,01
Angeies High School lot; thence north 50 de
grees 18 minutes west to a point on the east
line of Stevens' subdivision; thenc* north*,ly
to the southeast corner o( lot 7 of said Stevens
subdivision; thence to the northeast corner of
lot 12 of said Stevens' subdivision; thence In
tbe southeast corner ot said lot 12; Iheiico
along the southerly Hue of said Stevens'sub
division to the southwest corner of lot 111 ol
said subdivision, thence to the south
east corner of lot 23 of block 4,
Park tract, thence along the souther
ly line of lots 23 and 15 of said block 4 lo th*
8. W. corner of said lot 15, thence lo the point
of intersection of the center lines of Boston
and Montreal streets, thence northwesterly
along the center line of Boston street loth*
point of intersection of the center lines of Bos
ton and Centennial streets, thence northerly
to a point on the westerly line of Centennial
street 50 feet southerly Irom the southwest
corner of Bellevue avenue and Centennial
street, thence northwesterly on a line parallel
toandSO ieet southerly of the southerly line
of Bellevue avenue toa point on the easterly
line of Beaudrv avenue, Ihence westerly lo s.
E. corner of lot 18 of block 10, Park tract,
thence northwesterly to the 8. W. corner of
said lot 18, thence southwesterly to the 8. E.
corner ot lot 18 of said block 10, thence north
westerly to the B.W. corner of lot 18, block 11,
Park tract, thence to the B.E. corner of lot 14,
block 11, Park tract, thence northwesterly to
the B.W. corner of said lot 14, thence northerly
to the southerly comer oi lot 1, block 25,
Angeleno Heights, thence to the S.W. corner
of lot 18 of said block 25, thence westerly to
the southerly comer of lot 7, block 23, Ange
leno Heights, thence to the S.W. corner of said
lot 7, thence to tho southerly corner of lot 10
of said block 23, thence to the N.E. corner of
lot 13 of said block 23, thence to the southerly
corner of aald lot 13, thence to the easterly
corner of lot 35, block 24, Angeleno Heights,
thence to the southerly corner of said lot 35,
thence to the westerly corner of said lot 35,
thence westerly to a point on the easterly line
of Philbrook'a subdivision, said point being 50
feet northerly of the S.E. corner of lot 7 of said
subdivision, thence on a line iierallel with and
50 feet southerly of the southerly line of Belle
vue avenue to a point in the easterly line of
Lomitas street, thence northerly to the S.E.
corner of Lomitas street and Bellevue avenue,
thence easterly to the S.W. corner of lot 4,
block 14!*;, Angeleno Heights, thence to the
N.W. corner of said lot 4, thence to the N.E.
corner of lot 1 of said block 14U, ihence to the
N. W. corner of lot 2, block 18, Ang*leu»
Heights, thence to the N.E. corner of lot 1 of
saldblock 13, thence easterly 30 feet to the
center line of Kdceware Road, thence north
erly, easterly and southerly following the ceu
terlineoi Kdavware Road toa point therein
oppo-i.c the N.W. corner of lot 13, block 8,
Angeb no Heights, thence easterly to said N.W.
corner of said lot IS, thenc* to lb* N.E corner
of said lot 18, thence to the northerly corner
of lot I, block 23, Angeleno Heights, thence to
tho N.K. corner of lot 2 of said block 22,
thence to the N.E. corner of lot 10 block 27,
Angeleno Heights, thence to the B.E. corner of
lot I), block 28, Augeleno Heights, thence to
the N.K. corner of lot 18, block 33, Angeleno
Heights, thenc* to the N.W. corner of lot 7 of
said block 88, thence to the N.E. corner of lot
1 of said block 33, thence on a direct line to
tin' s.W. corner of lot 48' 4 , Victor Heights
tract, thence to the B.E. corner of Beaudry
avenue and Pearl street, thence along the
southerly aud westerly lines of Pearl street to
the N W." corner of I'earl and College streets,
thence 10 a point in the southerly line of Col
lege street, distant 110 feet easterly from th*
s. B, corner of College and Pearl streets, thence
southerly on a line parallel with and 110 (e*t
easterly of the easterly line of Pearl atreet to
a point in tho northerly line of New Depot
streel, thence lo the N.E. corner ol
lot 46, block 5. Beaudry tract Ne.
2, Ihence lo 8. E. corner of said lot 45,
theuee following the northerly lines of lots 44.
4i, 40, 88, 38, 85, 34, 32, 31 and 30 of said
block 5 to the NE corner of said 10l 30, thence
to the SE comer of said lot 30, thence to the
NX corner of lot 12 of block 5, West Rosas
trait, thence lo the NW comer of lot 11 of said
block 5, hence along the northerly lines of lota
11, 10, 7, 8, 3 and 2of said block sto tho NE
corner of said lot 2, ihence to the 8E corner of
said lot 2, thence to the NE corner of lot 8,
block 3, Beaudry tract No. 2, thence to the stt ,
corner of said lot 8, thonceto the NE corner of
10l II of said block 3. thence to the SE corner
of lot 10 of saldblock 3. thence to the SE cor
ner oi lot 12 of said block 3, thence along lh*
westerly liticof Cleveland street to a point on
the northerly line of lot 35, block 35$, Ord'a
survey, thence to the NE corner of said lot 5,
thence lo the 8E corner of said lot 25, thence
to the NE comer of lot 10, Farr's subdivision,
thence to the HE corner of lot 7 of Farr's sub
division, thence to the NW corner of Ord and
Yalo streets, thence to the NE corner of lot 13,
block 3,V$, Ord's survey, thence to the SE cor
ner of lot's Of said block 35'j, ihence to Ihe
SK corner of lot ti of said block 85W. Ihence to
the NW corner ol Teed sireet and BcMcvuo
avenue, ihcnce lo the 8W corner of Bellevue
avenue and Broadway, thence to the NW cor
ner of Rock street and Brnadwov, thence lo
the NE comer of lot Ii of block 1), Fort Hill
tract, t.icnce to the southeast comer of lot 12
of block 11 of said tract, thence to the sii cor
ner of 10l 5 of said block B, thence along l!i«
westerly line of Broadway to ihe place of bu<
ginning. Excepting tiicrmrotn Ille land lv
section 1 hereof described as tin land io be
taken for tho opening of said siroct, and ex.
ceptlng also any portion of a public st cet or
alley which isconlaiued within said district.
Rcferonco is hereby made lo thostiiior.il
nance oi intention for further particulars.
Sireet Superintendent.
By F. C. HAS'soy, Deputy. 11-20 lot
Ordinance No. 1920.
tention oit th* mayor and council of the
city of Los A s to establish tlie iTadc oi
from Beardry avenue to South Court.
The mayor and council of the oUyoi Uw An
geles do orda'n as follows:
BECTioa l. That it is the Intention ol tlie
council Of .AC elty of Lor. Angeles 10 citaMlail
the grade of
from Beaudry avenue to South Cour' as lol
lows; At the Intersection of Bound .-y atcuii*
the prado shall bo 7-1.00 on tlie northeast and
southeast comer; ut a point lit) feet eaal from
Ihe cant lino of Beaudry avenue, Ts.'JO ou both
sides of West btate street | at the Intersection
of South Court, 1)8.0J on the iio.ihwostarly
corner r.nd Oil.oo. In (he. south slue oi West
fcta'.e street at a point v:. v rlitl.l angle i.-iptv
site to said corrier; at a point in tin noulhalda
of West Ktata streel 400 feet east from Ihe
southeast corner of Beaudry avenue, 38.00,
And at all points between suid dealKnulcd
points the jr».lo (hall be established. SO aa 10
conform to a straight line drawn between said
designated points
Elevations are In Ice ann a'.eive city datum
Sac. 2. The city clerk slid; certify to the
passage of tht i ordinance and : hall cause tho
same to be published lor ten daya
in tho Los Aug les Hr.iiw.c, and there
upon and thereafter i: shall !..!;■ effect and
be in forte.
I hereby certify «k.tt the totegedni ovdlnanv*
was adopted by tl.. council of ihe oilj ».i .oS
A Lfelei at its ms.linv of November 3, l>'„3.
city ( le-k.
Approved this 1, th day ol November, I»'.'<l
* X. h. UOY, A.S.
11-21 lOt kUyufc

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