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RCQATS, PEFP" ii — ==zs=r ! Delightful rain; | MACKINTOSHES,! competitors pain. j % I RUBBER CLOTHING. I r= — 3 §| Now's the Time and Here's the Place to Buy. Latest Shapes, Newest Goods, Lowest Prices. I" CHICAGO WM 1 Chicago clothing cqj CHICAGO HUT j | Mackintoshes. OVERCOATS. Men's Suits. 1 One of the best makers, not desiring to carry /~\ WILL THIS WEEK BUY REGULAR ••»•••••* MMMMMtMM his stock over till next season, offered us the .» *N * C ) ( |( ■ $15 qualities. The weather has been A /~\ IS ALL WE ASK TH IS WEEK 1^ £ • "« »U« «*~* "von 11 CASH ' * "™ Md th = '"" M1 Udn " rf ' ™ d "CDI U £ sSi", l y a%lbTdo T vb g ,= 1 „ a r bought em and now we oner YUU gtock . g we mugt unload> and are nQW wil i ing to se n at a 1 0SS rather single-breasted Sacks or Cutaways. —^ ft": Your pick and choice, gentlemen, goes m £ 5 ,0.00 MACKINTOSHES FOR $6.00 "»» «"» *~ . " 3 E $~5 , MACKINTOSHES FOE. $8.00 <tfc ~ BUYS YOUR PICK AND CHOICE A 3 S£ qv-fj fTH If) l/l j from our regular $20 lines. Not a new £l way or Sack Suit, such as no tailor can fc. $15.00 MACKINTOSHES FOR MP iW.UU TT * style or shade is missing, and if you can beat in fit, style or finish for less than 4»*> " #35. Come see them. Try 'em on and — Men's and Boys' Rubber Coats and S'ickers for police, du P licate such ele S aut dress garments for less than a $ 5 -piece more money you , n bear us out in this honest state . -^J railroad or street wear at bed-rock prices. elsewhere, you can take ours for nothing. ment W I CHICAGO CLOTHING CO., | WM. B. DUNNNING, MANAGER, £E 126-127 NORTH SPRING ST. ' BLOCKS 3 PACIFIC COAST HAPPENINGS. Closing Arguments in the Hatch Trial. Damaging Testimony Against A. R. U. Strikers. Wild Htampeda of Boreas on an Oak land Ferryboat—Several People Serloatly Injared — Camp bell's Stale Train. By tbe AUuclkted l'ren. Woodland, Dbo. 6.—At no time dur ing tbe trial ol Hatch bas tha atten dance been so large as last night and today. Many people were unable to tain admission to the court room. Mr. Head's opening address for the prosecu tion ooonpied an hour and a halt in delivery. He began by reminding tha jrry tbat tbey bad a sworn duty to per oral and thoy sbonld discharge tbeir obligation to tbe people uninfluenced by eentiment or prejudice, but with an earnest desire to be governed wholly by tbe law and the facts in tbe case. He made a very close analysis of tbe testimony for the prosecution, present ing it in a logical and forcible manner. He a'ao pointed ont many inconsistencies and apparent contradictious in the testimony for tbe defense. Mr. Gaddia, in bis opening argument ior tbe defense, made an .earnest plea for the purpose of impressing tbe jury with a full sense ol the responsibility reit'ng npon tbem. He made an ex haustive review oi the testimony. The evidence ol every witnesa for tbe prose cution was dissected and tbe apparent weak points held np before the jury. Then the teatimony tending to establish an alibi was carefblly marshaled and every corroborating oircamatanoe dwelt upon at aome length. At 1:30 General Hart began tbe clos ing argument for the delenee. He waa in splendid voice and spoke with im passioned earnestneaa that frequently rose to the height of eloqnenoe. His denunciation of the railroad company was very bitter. He waa especially severe on tbe detectives aod railroad ettumors, branding them aa alavee and tools of a eoulleaa corporation tbat ia using its mighty power and influence to bound Melviu Hatch to tbe gallows. He charged tbat the proaecution waa nut by the people but by the Southern Pacific company, with not only hired lawyers but suborned perjury to swear away the life of an innocent man. He charged that the object is to make a Vie im of Hatch in order to terrorize the railto,id ercployeea and lessen the dangor of auotber strike. At 4 o'clock General Hart had not Concluded his argument anil tlte court ordered a receaa until 7 o'clock, when he resumed. Mr. Cook of the prosecution will not begin his argument until tomorrow. The case will not probably be given to tbe jury until late in the afternoon. Arrested for Manslaughter. Oaklanu, Deo. 6.—Tne conductor and tripman of tbe cable oar whioh collided Witb a train last nigbt were arrested to day and oberged with manslaughter for causing the death of Miaa Coataa. The men were released later on their own re cognisance. WITNESS REED. .Hs G!t*s Damn icing Testimony Against A. B. 11. Striker*. San Francisco, Deo. s.—During to day'a proceedings in the trial of Mayne and Oaaaidy, tha A. R. U. atrikera from Palo Alto, the most important witneae waa Frank G. Reed, an A. R. U. man from Redding, who waa one of the etriters wbo rode from Redding to Sacramento on the apecial train whioh bore Mrs. Stanford, during tbe beat of tbe strike. He told how, npon bia ar rival at Sacramento, be was given a gun and directed by the A. R. U. leaders to go to the Yolo bridge. On bis way he waa detained by a guard nntil ba gave the A. R. U. password. Then he-crossed the bridge to the atrikera' oamp, where he found a acore of A. R. TJ. men. They were armed. He asked tbem what they were going to do. "We are going to atop the first train tbat cornea along," waa tbe answer. Heed aaked bow tbey were going to do it. One man replied tbat they were go ing to pop the engineer, whereupon Reed replied that he wao not in it, and was curaed for hie refusal to atay. Reed then atarted baok toward Sacramento, and after going a little way threw bia gun over a fence into a paatnre. Reed, who Is again in the employ of tbe Sontbern Paoifio, gave similar teati mony againat Worden in tbe trial at Woodland. CAMPBELL'S MULE TRAIN. It Begins Active Competition With tha Southern Paclfle. San Francisco, Deo. s.—Freighter Campbell's 12-mule team left today for Fresno with 10 tons oi sugar, consigned by Wellman, Peck & Co., to tbeir Freano branob. Tha team will go by boat to Stockton and thence overland to Fresno. Wellman, Peck & Co. bave declared war against the Southern Pacific company. The manager of the firm eaid: "Tbia ia really the beginning of actual competition with the Southern Pacific. Thia firm will aend out as many mule teams aa we oan find nae for. We intend to Bend ont onr gooda by wagona to every point we can possibly reach in that man ner. We oan uae two such teams every week to carry angar alone to Freeno. Jn addition, we oan find uae for several other teams to aupply onr customers with canoed goods and groceries in gen eral. Campbell expects to rsaoh Fresno next Tuesday, and will at once com mence outfitting tne teams we require." New Southern Pacific Office. San Francisco, Deo. s.—The Southern Pacific company expects to be estab lished in its new offices, at -the corner of Montgomery and Market etreetß, by the end of next week. The purchasing, maintenance of way and the law de partments have already moved into the new building. It is announced that a new rule prohibiting the visiting of down town free lunch saloons by em ployees will be rigidly enforced. A Grocer Held Up. San Francisco, Dec. s.—Two men armed with piatole robbed Michael Roth late Tuesday night in hia grocery etore in the Mission. The robbery waa of the most daring description and had not Both complied with the demands of tbe men he would have been killed. After emptying the money drawer the men blindfolded the proprietor, led bim by a circnitona route te an unfrequented looality and releaaed bim. They then disappeared. LOS ANGELES HERALD THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1894. PACIFIC EXPRESS ROBBERS. Boj Bandlta Have a Long; t.rm of Im prlauninont Befnto Tlmm. This Dalles, Ors., Dec. s.—Otis Sav age, tbe yonng man who waa charged witb robbing the Paoifio Express ofllce here of $14,001) on October 13th, wae today found guilty by a jury in the state circuit oonrt. Klein, bia accomplice, pleaded guilty and turned state's evi dence. He will probably be sentenced at tbe samo time as Savage. Both are under 20 years of age and belonged to a gang of boya who bad been committing numerous robberies in thia vicinity and bed planned to hold np traina. On Oc tober 13th tbey entered the express offico while tbe agent was abaent for a few minutea and took $14,000 fon tbe treasure box. They were arrested about one week later, and all the money waa recorsred except $200. MOUNT RAINIER. An Expedition to Explors thd Trans formed I'enk. Skattlb, Wash, Deo. s.—For tbe pur pose of ascertaining the extent of tbe recent disturbances on Mount Rainier, the Post-Intelligencer haa decided to fit ont an exploration party to climb the mountaiu. The party, which will con sist of a representative of the paper and four othera, will be headed by Major E. S. Ingrabam, tbe well-known mountain climber. Tbey will be provided with Canadian anow shoes and each man will carry a pack of 60 pounds, while the life line will be utilized to haul tbe sled carrying the provisions, blankets, tent, two complete camera outfits, ato. FARMERS' ALLIANCE. Routine Bnsiness Transacted by tha Ntnte Convention. Oakland, Dec. s.—The aecond day'a session of the Farmers' Alliance has been largely devoted to routine business iv executive aeaaion. Tbe greater part of both aeaeiona waa devoted to tbe reading and discussion of a report by William S. Fawcett, ineuronoe eecretary of tbe alliance. The alliance will con tinue to issue certificates despite the state insurance oommiasioner. Presi dent J. L. Gilbert, in an address, aaid that every branob of agriculture iB de moralized and tbe foundations of the republio undermined by the preaent economic ayatem. A WILD STAMPEDE. A. 1.. Grega* I-'Jarurt by His Horij an an Oakland Ferryboat, San Francisco, Dec. 6— A. L Gregg of Oakland, late Fopnliat candidate for lieutenant-governor, was the cause of a wild stampede on an Oakland ferryboat this afternoon. Gregg took three young horses aboard the eteamer, where they became unmanageable and charged into the crowd of passengers on the lower deck. Gregg was ao badly injured tl a-, he had to be taken to the receivirg hos pital. A deckhand and a fireman, who tried to control the horaea, received se» rioua injuries, and a woman waa kicked ami badly hurt. The horaea were to be shipped to Stookton. Editor Flynn Held for Libel. San Francisco, Dec. s.—ln the police court tbia morning Judge Low held Thomas Flyno, editor of tbe Waap, to be tried before the anperior court on the charge of criminal libel, preferred by Arthur McEwen, A DISGUSTED LOBBYIST. Captain H «lry Shaltea tha San Franolioo Hoard of Bnp«rvliorf. San Francisco, Dec. s.—Captain J.J. Haley, wbo has been the Southern Pacific lobbyist before the board of super visors for tbe past 25 years, bas been retired. Although now 82years old be bas been vigorous and successful as a auperviaorial manipulator, Hs hae been known for years aa the 13th mem ber of the board of supervisors. Haley's explanation of hia retirement ia as fol lows : "I went out to tbe new olty ball," he aaid, "and had a talk with several mem bers of the board of supervisors in re gard to granting permission for the erection or trolley polea and wiree on Kearney etreet. A majority expressed themselves in favor of a such resolution or ordinance and one or two were so hot for it that they aaid tbey thought they could convert others to their views. Well, I auppoaed it was all right and expected tha reaolution to go through without any material opposition. Yon can judge of my surprise and indignation wben I wae informed that tbe resolu tion whicb I had prepared and that had been actually placed on the file had been withdrawn. The moment I heard of that I put on my bat went atraigbt to the corner of Fonrrh and Townsend streets and offered my resignation. I told them I never wanted to go near the supervisors again." TAILOR WANTS ALIMONY. A Novel Divorce Bait Instituted In Ban Fraaclaeo. San Francisco, Deo. s.—The novel spectacle ia presented in the superior courts of tbia city of a husband peti tioning for an order compelling hia wife to pay bim alimony. Emily Taylor haa brought euit against Timothy B. Taylor for divorce, -on the ground of oruelty of an unspecified char acter. Taylor answers that be ia old, sick and pour. He avera that before his marriage three yeara ago bia prevent wife, who professed to love bim, over came bis scruples on account of his finnncial disability by assuring him that she had sufficient to aupport both in luxury. All he baa now is his army pension of $12 a month, while bit wife possesses ample means. A Verdict for Damages. Carbon, Nev., Dec. s.—ln the case of Zion va. the Southern Pacific company for $6000 damages, the jury awarded plaintiff $1700 and the company wus given 20 dava to file a notice of appeal, /ion was ejected from one of the com pany's trains ou the ground that he waa ridiug on a scalper'e ticket, but the ticket waa proven genuine, hence the auit. Change of Name. BacbAMlNto, Dac. s.—The city boar l of education tonight decided to change the name of the Capital grammar school to the Harknese grammar school, out of compliment to Dr. H. VV. Harkness of San Francieco, wbo was once a schco' director in tbis city and did much to promote the cause of education. A Fatal Jambores. Stockton, Deo. s.—Laat night a farm hand named Leary, employed on a farm about S miles from tbia city, drank a quantity of carbolio acid and died ahortly afterwards in graat agony, lie bad been on a jamboree for the laat few daya and laat night he went to bia room greatly uud« the influence of liquor. AN INSURANCE WAR. Ono Pacific Ooait Dnlon Diiropttd. ltate Outtlns Will Follow. San Francisco, Dec. 6.—The Pacifio Insurance union, through, which the inanrance business of tbe Pacific coaat bas long been controlled, is again in danger of disruption. Arthur E. Ma gill, general agent of the Phoenix and the Home companies, wiUdrtw from the asaociation beoauee of what be called ita lax and lenient methods in treating members who have openly violated the rules of tbe union and defied ita power to regulate their busineaa in any way. Two secret meetings, botb of whioh were largely attended, were held today. It is understood committees were appointed to wait upon Mngill and endeavor to bring the two influential companies which he represents back into the fold. Magill is eaid to be de termined to remain out unless some action ahall be taken to discipline the violators of the nnion'a bylaws. Magill'o resignation means a very bit ter light, consequent upon his deter mination to cut ratea. The "non-inter couree" rule waa put Into effect against him at once. This rule ia in the nature of a boycott, and prevents all other in surance oompanios on the Pacific OOSII from accepting bUßineas through Ma gill's companies or sharing business in the lino of reinanrance witb either of his compauiee. Thia doea not cut the Home and the Phccoix off entirely, aa they can etill do buaineae direct with the inaured, but in the case of long linea, which are always broken up by reinsurance, the company will bave hard luck placing tbeir riske. Being untrammelod, Mr. Magill may now cut rates, and there may be a lively scram ble for business. In the matter of rate cutting, union members can take a hand, as one of the rules adopted only a few months ago permits a union member to cut tatea in order to secure a riat written by a non union number. In such caae the risk secured is divided up among the nnion members, thereby decreasing the indi vidual risk. A DEARTH OF HOUSES. N. w Stata Offloiala Will Hava to Skirm ish f<>r Uoaana. Sacramento, D;c. 5 —It looks as though there ia going to be come diffi culty in finding suitable reaidencea to rent for the incoming state officers. Several have written to frienda here to try and socure houses for tbem, bnt there is hardiy a vacant one to be hid. There are few unoccupied residences in the city, nnd these are small cottages. At leaßt ICO now residences have been built the past summer, bnt they are all occupied or engaged. Blew Out His Brains. Modksto, Dec. s.—lt is reported here that Andrew Lane, a wealthy rancher living near Knight's Ferry, commit ed suicide last uight. He stood beiore a looking glass and Dlew bis braina out with a revolver. Lane wae a bachelor 55 yeara of age. Election Certificates Withheld. Santa. Rosa, Cel., Dee.. 5.— The coun« ty clerk bas refused to issue election certificates to about 15 of the newly elected justicea of tbe peace and consta bles, tbey having failed to hie state ments of their election expenaes. The negligent officials talk of bringing auit in tbe tnperior court to teat the law. MARRIED A NEGRESS. A Bridegroom Haughty Handled by a Kentucky Hob. Paris, Ky., Dec. s.—Jake Howerton, nged 55, a white farmer near Paris, was married in thia city yesterday to Matilda Taylor, a negresa of thia city. Hower ton ia related to prominent Bourbon county families. Howerton and his bride were at the Kentucky Central depot at 11:45 today waiting for the train. Quite a crowd collected, enrioua to ace the couple, and some of the by etandera began to gny Howerton and hie negro bride. Howerton became en raged, drew a pistol and fired at the foremost of the crowd, the ball striking Butch CoughliD, an innocent apeotator, in the fleshy part of hia tight leg. Tbe crowd dosed in on Howerton andbrniaed him up ooneiderably. Howerton waa arrested and is now in jail. Ii you have rooms to rent try tbe Herald "want columns." They bring results. Oo to Eckstrom, 30f» S. Main Btreet, for good wall paper at the right price. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco, Locomotor Ataxia, Epilepsy, AND ALL DIB*ASSd OF THB SPINAL CORD FIND READY AMELIORATION FROM THE USE OF MEDULLINE, Tho Extract of the Spinal Cord of the Ox, prepared nndei the formula of DR. WM. A., HAMMOND, In his laboratory at Washington, D. C. DO EE, 5 dropi. PRICE, 2 drachms, $2.50 Columbia Chemical Co, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Bend for book. FOR SALE BY H. M. SALE £ 80N, 220 8. Spring at., Los Anuuies. AT WHO KtfiLE BY F. W. BR A-CO., 101 and 407 North Maiu St., Loa Angelea, Tlmniun Many ol our cusioruera IlirOWH date the commencement of choir recovery Irom P.,.(„!,„, rheumatism to the day vNUCIICj tneybiganto use Palno's Celery uompouud. Try It, AW(IV. C. F. HICINZBMAN. ■ 2311 N. Main at. B_ * h *(15 *ffi l tieliiid. Machines for OFFICE, aSS South' I Snritiir »t., and 718 E. Colorado at., Pas- WE WILL SELL AT Auction ieo LOTS -IN THE- Diamond St. Tract, Bounded on tbe sonth by West Firit it, •nd on the north by TeniDle at., and on the East by Hoover at., and on the weat by Keno at, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, At 10:30 a. m., on the, ground*. Temple itreet csra pass this tract. ONE t'Aßli ALL OVER THE (JITY. An a place for residence there is no healthier or more sightly position than thia, and with out doubt these lota are far ahead of any In tha c ;nter of the city where there is no view and only FOOL AIR AND CRAMPED HOMES— added to whicb a larger lot can now be bought for one lonrth the price, with the certainty of Its doubling in value within a year, and with Ihe advantage of FRESH BREEZED, FINE SCENERY AND PURE WATER. OIL EXPERTS claim that the Diamond St Tract la right in the oil belt, aud tbe wells on either aide prove this to be a fact. There ia a FORTUNE IN SIGHT in the oil Industry. Don't loae this opportunity of a lifetime to be rolling in wealth on a small outlay. These lots are to be sold to the iiighest bidder ON EAoY TEB.MB. For further particulars apply to a t SUMNER (S CO, Roal Estate and Insurance Agents and Auctioneers, 134 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal, AUCTION! AT SALESROOMS, 413 S. SPRING ST., On Thursday, Friday and Satur day, Dec. 6, 7, and 8, at 2 p. m. OF Elegant carved oak bedroom snits, brass en amled bedsteads, Brussels carpets; alao new Syrmua rugs, lace curtains, blankets, 00 boxes cigars, ladles' and misses' shoes, etc. CKB**Ladies are invited. C. M. STEVENS, Auctioneer. GRATEFUL—COMFORTIN G. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST—UPPER. "By a thorough know.edge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion aud nutrition, aud by a careful application of the lino properties ol well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps bas provided for our breakfast and supper a delicately llavored beverage which may save hb many heavy doeiom' bills. It is by the ju dicious use of such articles of diet that a con stitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to dis ease. Hundreds oi aubcle maladies are float ing around us, ready lo attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a latal Shalt by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."— Civil Service Gazette, Made Bimplv with boiling water or milk. ■Vil uii'v in half pound tins, By grocers, la beled thus: J ,lUES KPPS * UU., 1.i.1., Homoeopathic Cheualats, London, Kuglaud. tu-ihu-wky ■ cured in 31 to 60 daya by 11 Mujrlc Remedy, ■ E under guarantee, backed by iSoo.uuo capital. ■ j| Positive proofs and too page book, lllustrat- ■ H ed from life from people cured, free by mall. B g§ Wben Hot Springs and mercury fall, our ■ ■ Magic Remedy will cure. ■ 8