Newspaper Page Text
CHINA'S OVERTURES FOR PEACE A Special Envoy to Be Sent to Tokio. Tne Way Smoothed by the American Minister. Maaaanre of Christiana In Corea-Japan's Ambition to B* tba England uf tha East — Inordinate Self-Balaam. By ths Aasoelated Press. Ohm Foo, Deo. 6.—The Taung Li Yemen haa decided to eend a apecial ambassador to Tokio, fully authorized to negotiate a treaty of peace. Tbia ia the reault of an intimation from United Statea Minieter Den by that he and the United States minister to Japan have prepared the way ior direct communica tion between China and Japan. < kurino calls on gricsham. j Washington, Dec. (J.—Japanese Min ister Kurino was among Secretary (Bresham's callers today. It is believed (through the efforts of tbe American ministers, primary arrangements bave seen effected opening a way to a speedy adjustment ol terms of peace between duly accredited representatives of China i»nd Japan, which will include fixing tjhe amount of indemnity and other de tiails that could not be properly arranged ill *hs preliminary negotiations. I christians massacred in corea. { Lyons, France, Dec (i,—The Missions Cethollquea haa received a letter from Mgr. Mutel, addra/ised from Seoul, the capital of Corea, announcing tbat all the French missionaries in Corea, after great Hardships, have succeeded in reaching Seoul. The letter adds that all the Christian villages in Corea have beeu pillaged and burned, and that numbers ot native Christians have been mac ssored. ENGLAND OF THE EAST. Jap*,n'i Ambitious Designs—She Needs a Sound Threshing. New Yons, Pec. 6.—The steamshipa Energia and Strathlevon, from China ana Japan, leaving Yokohama on Sep tember 3d, via Shanghai and Foo Chow, bave arrived here. Captain Cormiek of the Strathlevon and Captain Saw of the Energia aaid tbat they had not seen much of the fighting, bnt that in the different porta where they had anchored they bad lota of chancoa to observe the ieeling between the two countries. "Why," eaid Cormiek, "you never caw a country have aoch a large bump of self-esteem aa Japan recently de veloped. "They are very fond of calling them selves the 'England of the east.' One Japanese gentlemen whom I met in Yokohama wae talking to me about tbe future of Japan and he got down a map and pointed out to me the faot that Japan was in the same relative position to Asia that England is to Europe, and then ho eaid : 'Japan's influence may be felt throughout Asia, as England's is throughout Europe. Possibly we may haTe some interest in Europe, none can tell.' "I'll tell yon what, if Japan conquers China, as she most certainly will, the United Stales or England will have to give Japan a real good whipping before tbere will be any living on the same earih with her. "Another Japanese whom I met wae very confident that Japan would some day be tbe greatest nation on eartb. He was a passenger on my ship and was go iDg from Yokohama to Kakodate, and one uigbt while we were standing on deck together I ask him who would win tho war. "'Why, Japan of course,' he an swered. " 'What will Japan do after the war?' I aaked. " 'Oh, tbere is a oountry of gold to the lontb. Japan may want that.' "He meant Australia, and I asked him wbst England would be doing while Japan took Australia. '"I don't think Japan cares what England wguld do,'be answered and I bad to rnu off and look bard at the com pass for fsar of langhing in his face. "The Chinese are not saying as much as tbey were the last time I visited their ports. Thoy are divided into two fac tions—one in favor of old Li Hung Chang, and tbe other very much op poaed to him. "I think, though, that he has done as well as could be expected with the stud tbat he haa at command. I aaw one of bia regiments over tbere, and it waa one of tbe iunnieat things I ever saw. The soldiers all looked like living akeletona, and tbey were armed with aniokersneea and other flintlock muskets. The armor tbey had on was of a cheap tin that I could have made a hole in with a tooth pick." An Effective Warning. The train was just roady to start for Boston when a detective from Superin tendent Byrnes' offico got on one of the smoking cars and said, "Bo careful, gentlemen; I bolieve there are a couple of sharpers inside." "Good gracious 1" exolaimod a very stylish looking gentleman, preparing to got out. "I'd uo idoa there woro such people here. I'm suro I shall get out." Another, who was sitting in a seat opposite, exclaimed: "I havo a largo sum of money with me, nnd I have no wish to lose it," whereupon ho, too, got out. "All right, gentlemen," the officer calmly remarked; "they aro both gone now."—Millard J. Bloomer in Fnrimn Lifo. Joseph Bonaparte. Joseph Bonaparte fled to i after the hundred days and bi homo in Philadelphia, whore I In winter, nnd a mansion in N sey, where ho passed his snmmi was much liked in this coun could not make up his mind here, so roturned to Europe, h profit by the changes of goven Frai y. He was always disn aud found himself an unwelco: in every country save Engla finally secured permission to Italy and died in Florence ii Exchange. Taken and Taken. She—T bate < o havo a photof en. He—-Woll, you don't have t She—H'iw can I help myse it here on the table, and now He—Oh, ah (—Detroit Froc GOTHAM'S CORRUPT POLICEMEN They Even i.nvi.ii Blackmail oa Prli«- Flght«rs. New York, Dec. o.—Frank W. Sanger was the first witness before the Lexow committee today. Ha stated tbat he ia the manager of the Madison Square garden. Since he haa held that posi tion tbere have been rive boxing ex hibitions there. The witneaa testifled that on tbejnigbt of the Oorbett-Mitohell match, William Brady, Oorbett's man ager, came to bim aud drew $250 from tbe box office to pay the polioe to allow the exhibition to go on. "At whose demand did Mr. Brady pay tbe money?" "I understand it was Oaptain Scbmltt berger'e. The money was charged to Mr. Brady's personal account." William A. Brady was then called and denied the story. He aaid be drew about 70 per cent of tbat amount and gave it to the stage manager, Benjamin Sherwood, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of tbe show. "Well, Mr. Sanger has sworn tbatyon crew $250 to pay Captain Scbmltt berger," said Mr. Goff. "Did he per jure himself wben he swore to that?" At first Brady refused to acswor tbis queation, but subsequently said Sanger's statement was substantially true. Mr. Brady denied that he paid any money to tbe police for c.n exhibition after Corbett had defeated Sullivan. He gave the stage manager a preaent of $50 bnt did not know what he did with it. "And you will awear that yon never paid over to auy other any mossy to bs given to the police?" "I will." The anbject of the French ball was next taken up. The ofheera denied, however, having paid money for police protection. Some of the former officers of the ball and aome of the attachea end employees told different tales, how ever. The Lexow committee dipped into all the naughtiness of the French ball and come of the country membeis of the committee seemed mnch shocked at the accounts given, but these state ments were emphatically denied by the officials of the society which has ths French balls in charge. According to their statementa there waa no high kicking, and the ball would compare favorably with any of tbe social eventa given by any fraternal, benevolent or charitable organization of New York city. Frederick Gallagher was the first wit neaa after the receaa. Ilia teatimony re lated to the proposed six-round bout about whioh Brady testified in tbe morning. Gallagher stated that the reason Mitchell had backed out was tbat he objected to allowing tbe police one-third of tbe receipts of the perform ance. "Ia it not generally understood," aaked Mr. Goff, "among the eportlng fraternity, that in order to allow a bout to come off it is necessary to settle with the police?" "Yea, it is." The next five witnesses wsre attaches of tbe French society in this city. Their testimony was conflicting, some main taining that money was paid the police for protection and others that none was ever paid. Mrs. Annie Newetole, a widow, testi fied tbat she paid $18 a month to De tectives Brennan and McCormack. Tbey told hr if ahe paid $200 down and $20 a month abe conld ae!l what she pleaoed and wben ahe pleased. She had given diamonds to Aldsrman Clancy for aafe keeping and never got tbem back again. At the close of the examination Mr. Goff asked for an adjournment until next Tuesday to prepare for his next witneaa. WEIGH WITH THEIR EYEB. Expert Dealers In Live Stock Do Not Often Use Scales. The dealors in live stook who buy And sell the thousands of cattle, hogs and sheep which are daily handled at the Bourbon stockyards must be expert in guessing tho weight of a live animal at a glance. In conversation with a well known stockman a few days ago he ex plained why this is necessary: "It would be impossible to weigh the cattle in many cases because of the im mense labor involved and the length of time, it would take, while the market prioe, which is subject to constant fluc tuations, might easily vary from ita highest to its lowest limit while we were weighing the animals in one of our big scales. For instance, today, which has been the biggest day of the year thus far, there havo been received at tho Bourbon yards over 2,400 head of cattle and about 6,000 hogs. Suppose we had to drivo all of those upon the scales to ascertain thoir weight? There are dozens of old stock men who can in speot a herd of animals and form an es timate of their average weight which will be readily accepted by purchasers as the basis of a trade. "Iv a test oaso which was made some timo since a man who has had a life long experience in buying and selling a hord of cattle, after inspecting a herd of 500 animals, guessed their average woight within ono-third of a pound of the actual figuro ascertained by weigh ing the cattlo individually. The feat was accomplished by Mr. Ben D. Offutt of this oounty and is not so extraordina ry as it appears, because similar in stances of oxpert 'guessing' occur here every day."—Louisville Courier-Jour nal. For a Sweet Breath* Don't expect to have clean teeth or a sweet breath whilo there is a tinge of ho tongue. It is an unmistak mco of indigestion. Drink sour , eat ripe fruit and green vege r purgatives, exeroise freely, ;y of water internalVy and ex nnd keep up the treatment un outh is clean, healthy and red. things aro suggested to ooun o unpleasant breath resulting ad tooth, wine or garlic soented Cinnamon, mint, creams, orris >yes, mastio rosin and spruce ill disguise somo odors. Ten tinoture of myrrh in a glass of will sweeten and refresh the A teaspoonful of spirits of cam peppermint in tho samo gargle ig tho very best antiseptics, and rops of myrrh and camphor in ter aro rocommended in oase of iroat tvoublo or any slight indis n which may affect the breath.— elnhia.Times. 'ice's Cream Baking Powder I Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco. LOS ANGELES HERALD J FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1894, A BADLY MIXED BOXING MATCH The Maber-Jolinson Contest at New Orleans. A Magnificent Fizzle From a Fistic Standpoint. Deelarsd a Draw at tha End of Twenty- Flva Bounds — Bay District Baoaa—Uaaaral Sport- Ins Bventa. By the Associated Prose. Nbw Orleans, Dec. 6.—The Johnson- Maber contest took place in the Olympic club arena tonight in the presence of the largest audience tbat ever assembled In the club on a prize fight occasion. The urse was $1500, of whicb $200 waa to go to tbe loser. Ths fight from start to finish waa a mixture of boxing, wieatling and talk ing, with mors than the usual abuse by the tongue, which the prinoipala gave each other. Eaoh lick seemed to be ac companied by a curse, and in the twen ty fourth round the men were wrestling co fiercely that the referee had to sepa rate them. From a scientific point of view the af fair waa a magnificent fizzle, and the ring in which the men fought was plowed up to auch an extent aa to make tbe andience believe the men bad been fight ing a week. Maber was taller than his opponent and should have won the battle, though he seemed to lack tbe physical force necessary to do SO. In tbe twenty-fifth round, Maber be ing forced down in the clinch, took sev eral seconds on tbe floor, and, after rising, the men wrestled a bit more. At the end of the twenty-fifth round Referee Duffy's deoision declaring the fight a draw was rseeived with rounds of ap plause. BAY DISTRICT RACES. Results of Yesterday's Eventa and Ea. trlea for Today. Ban Francisco, Deo. 6. —Two ont of five was the beat the talent conld do to* day in the rain and mud. They called the first two racea, but after that were all at aea. Blue Banner, an 8 to 5 favorite in the third rase, threw bia jockey before the start and ran three and a quarter milea before be waa atopped. Alter that ha waa left at the poat. Rey el Santa Anita found the mud too much for him in the Paoifio Union atakes and finished aecond to Gilead. Six furlongs, Belling—Wandering Nun won, Pnryear aecond, JimNorveli third; time, 1:23. Five furlonga, 2-year-olda—Pat Mur phy woa, St. Ceciliaaeoond, Circe third; time, 1:06%. Seven furlonga, selling—Whiteatone won, Normandie second, McLigut third; time, 1:25%. I'acitia Union stakes, mile and one ei»hth —Gilead won, Rey el Santa Anita eeeond, Oakland third; time, 2:07 , - 3 . One mile, handicarj—Sir Reel won, Zobair second, Quirt tnird; time, 1:51%. ENTRIES FOR TODAY. Following ara the entries for tomor row's raeea: Tbree-qnartera of a mile, selling, maidena—Headflower 76, J. O. O. 85, Lochinvar 105, Keene Foxball 93, Pat riot 96, Major Ban 103, My Sweetheart, 91. Seven-eighths of a mile, selling— Cad mus 108, Tartarian Oi), Thornhill 102, Enthusiast 99, Charmer 99, Jack Rich elieu 102, Watterson 102, Sligo 09. Five-eighths of a mile, selling—C. M. C. 102, Rioardo 102, Gold Bug 116, Nor le* ÜB, Lottie D. 111. Clacquer 106, George F. Smith 113, Silver State 98, Joe Cotton 103, Sallie Calvert 84. Five eighths of a mile, Belling—Sir Leginald 105, Jake Allen 106, Sam Brown 106, Little Frank 103, Gordius 106, Red Bird 98, Three Forks 98, Mor ven 98, Hanford 84. One mile, Belling—Realization 97, Florenoe Diokey 86, Belfast 05, My Lock 103, Red Pat 90, Melanita 05, Hy Dy 95, Braw Scot 103, Democrat 95. Eastern and San Francisco Races. Tha Metropolitan Turf olub, 126 Weat Second atreet. Entrance also on Center place. Dorkee & Fitzgerald, proprietors. The Roby (Ind.) and San Franoisco races are now being posted. Direct wire to room. Full description given of each event and traok odds laid. Eastern racea begin at 12 m. Loa Angeles time. Entries pat up every evening. A book made on all sporting events of import ance. SALISBURY FINED. Final Section of the National Trotting; Beard or Kevlew. New Yobk, Deo. 6.—At the final ses sion of tha board of review today the Saliebury-Fleetwood tangle and the Hare-Detroit Driving clnb muddle were decided. Nothing in the judgment of the board oooarred to authorize or justify the re moval of the mare .Expressive from the ground* before tbe conclusion of the race; but in view of the offense, which partially grew ont of a lax and uncer tian administration of the turf law by tbe association, the expulsion is re moved and a fine of $100 imposed, Salis bury to be suspended until it ie paid. In tbe Detroit Driving olub case against H. 8. Lewis, the latter was sus tained. One of the last oases decided was a matter referred by tbe Pacific driving board of appeals. Tbe case waa styled George B. Polhemua againat the San Mateo and Santa Clara County Agri cultural association. No. 5, of San Joae, Cal. The difficulty arose from a proteated decision of raoe judges. In a dead heat Laura M. was diatanced. The judgea allowed her to start in another heat. The case waa tried by the board of appeals, which de cided the judgea had erred in allowing Laura M. to atart in tbe raoe alter be ing deolared distanced. Tbe board of review today affirmed thia decision. Schaeler Again Defeated. Chicago, Dec. 0 —For the fourth time Ives has outclassed Bcbaefer, running 600, while hie opponent gathered up 388. The total score is now: Ives. 2400: Bcbaeier, 1431. Ives broke the balk line reoord of 331 points tonight, and laier made a ran of 359. Aside from this one reoord oi Ives, Bcbaeier played the bet ter game. He bad a gocd lead and was putting np a strong game, when Ives settled matters by making hie big run. Corbett Not Dismayed. Memphis, Term,, Deo. (3.—Champion Corbett, when shown tbe dispatch irom Jacksonville stating tbat the oity coun cil bad repealed the ordinance permit ting glove contests, said it would hays no effect on bia coming fight with Fltz- Simmons. "The Duval Athletic club," hs said, "haa deposited $5000 as a guarantee of good faith and I do not anticipate any interference on the part of the authori ties." MARKED DOGS' EYES. An Explanation Wanted of the Presence of These Tan Spots. Con any of your readers explain the meaning of the tan spots seen so com monly over tho eyes in black and tan dogs of most breeds? When in Melbourne last year, I went carefully over all the dogs in a show with one of the stewards, and we found the spots in all tho black and tan ter riers, foxhounds, deerhounds, collies, lurchers, etc., but I could get no infor mation regarding them from the ex perts. In some of the highly bred toy dogs, as the small black and tan terriers, I found ou inquiry that these spots, for merly so very conspicuous, were being brod out and had nearly disappeared. Their persistenoo through so many strongly markod varieties, except those of lato dato, is singular, for there is fairly good proof that when first domes ticated the dog was red or brown, like tho pariah, diugo, etc. As Tar as I cau see, we do not find the spots white on "a black or dark ground, nor yet black or dark on a white or light ground. My explanation is that they have arisen as a permanent marking after the dogs "sported"' to black under dornostication and have boon preserved and developed through natural selection. Possibly thoy are pro tective and simnlate oyes. Ono morning, just at dawn, I had oc casion to go out into the garden, and while stooping to examine some flowers, near a fence partly covered with creep ers, I suddenly saw an animal's head looking through, and what seemed to be two seemingly large and ferocious black eyes glared at me. Suspecting that a black leopard was about to spring over, I started hack, clapped my hands and shouted. To my relief, however, I saw a tail wag and found that the spec tator was a oooly's dog I knew very well aud which recognized me. The use of tho tan spots—in this oaso at least—then occurred to me. May it not be that the spots thus servo a protective purpose and have of ten saved tho lives of dogs (black dogs) from their enemies, the smaller felines, such as the clouded leopard, etc. ? Per haps tho matter is not new, but if it is it seems worth looking into. I have several dogs about here now with black bodios and heads. The tan spots, rather pale, are of the size of a shilling. I have shot one, keeping the skin of the head as a curiosity.—S. E. Peal in Nature. "Tako It Alsy." Ono cannot travel in Ireland withont perceiving that tho bo many horsepower and perpetual catching of trains theory of life is not one that is accepted by the Irish people, and I do not think it ever will be. Their religion, their traditions, their chief occupations, their tempera ment, all of which I suppose are closely allied, aro opposed to it. The saying, "Takoitaisy, and if you can't take it aisy take it as aisy as you can," doubtless represents their theory of life, and, for my part, if it were a question either of dialectics or of mor als, I would sooner havo to defend that view of existence than the so many horsepower one. So far from a wise man getting all he oan out of himself iv one direction, he will, it sooms to me, rig idly and carefully abstain from doing so in the interests of that ontholio and harmonious development which requires that he should get a little out of him self in every direction. One wouid not like to assert that the bulk of the Irish people are "harmo niously dovclopod." But neither, if I may be permitted to say so, are the ] English or the Scotch people, and as | in reality all three probably err by lob sided activity or lobsided inactivity, it still remains to be seen whether too much perpetual catching of trains or too much taking it "aisy" is, on tho whole, tbe wiser course and tho less insane in terpretation of the purport and uses of life.—Blackwood's Magazine. It Beats Acting*. They had just emerged from the tele phono exchange where they were em ployed. "Sometimes," said one of them, "I think that I would like to be famous; that I would like to go on the stage and act or on the lecture plaform. Then, again, I think not.'' "I think not all the time, "was the positively spoken rejoinder. "Still it must be nice to play upon the emotions of the multitude." "Of course it is. That's what makes it so jolly in the telephone exohange. When wo talk sweetly to some man through the phone, I can tell by tho way he coos back that ho is smirking in tho most absurd manner. And if I want to make him angry I can tell him the line's busy and ring in his ear. I tell you, my dear, when it comes to playing on tbe emotions of the multitude Sarah Bernhardt will have to givo extra mati nees if she wants to surpass ns in op portunity. " —Kate Field's Washington. The Donkey Vanished. In general we may say that the don keys belong to a vanishing state of hu man culturo, to the timo before carriage ways existed. Now that civilization goes on wheels they seem likely to have an ever decreasing value. A century ago they wero almost everywhere in common use. At tho present timo thero are probably millions of people in the United States to whom the animal is known only by description. In a word, tho creoturo marks a stage in tho de velopment of our industries which is passing away as rapidly as that in which the spinning wheel and tho hand loom played a part. —Professor N. S. Shaler in bcribner's. A pupil of the late Professor Helm holtz relates that when his master had discovered the velocity of nerve currents by the aid of electrio measurements Alexander yon Humboldt remarked to Dv Bois-Beymond, "Then nerve cur rents move only three times as fast as the Orinoco."_ — ' v . BETWEEN THE SHOWERS. Ben md blossom, blomorn nnd beet Oh, but life iv all flower to rsy spirit and met Givo us timo for exploring. For ooming end going, Por winning nnd Sti ring, For feeling and knowing. Ob, tho wonderful life! Oh, the magical flower I Give us timo, give uf power, And wo'll count disappointment ond sorrow ond pain But a shower of rain I Ben and blossom, blossom and heel What is earth but a bell upon God's starry tree? Givo us time to dip ln it. To do our endeavor. Alan, ln a minute It closes forever! But, oh, joy, for tho tree has a myriad Buch flowero! They are his, they arc ours, And each lues wo shall count in the light of new giun But a shower of ruin I —Via* Briss in New York Ledger. HE CUT THE HOPE. Thoy shako thoir hoads with unpleasant significance at Zcrmatt if you ask them about Gaspord Lafarguo and what befell him. For ono thingUaspnrd was a Chain ounix guide, and Chainounix guides aro no moro popular in the Zormatt valley than on tho Obcrland. For tho rest—but that Is tho story I havo to tell. An English tourist, who has no other connection with the story, brought Gas pard to Zcrmatt, much against his will, in tho beginning of July. Before July was over Gaspard hud made up his inlnd that the longer ho staid at Zorrnatt tho better ho should be pleased. It was all through tho laughing eyes of Nannette, the pretty French chambermaid at tho Mont Corvin. Sho at any rate had no prejudice, against the guldo who came from Chainounix and mado lovo so much moro romantically than their brothers of German speaking Switzerland. So sho and Gaspard had their romance and formed their plans to mako each other happy. "Nannette," ho told her one day, ''when the summer is over I shall have saved 1,500 francs." "And I, Gaspard, shall have a dot of 600 francs." "And I haven rich uncle, Nannette. 110 also will lend me a little money, and to gether we will tako a littlo hotel—suoh a pretty little hotel that 1 know of close to Chainounix. All tho gentlemen I have climbed with will come to stay there, and I will still be a guldo, and you shall look after the house, and wo will always bo happy—oh, bo happy!" So they planned it, and after his em ployer had gone back to England Gaspard found it hard to tear himself away from Zermatt. The other guides were jcalou3 of him. What business had ho in Zermatt, they asked, doing work that by rights belonged to them? And some of them —the younger and unmarried men—were joalous of him in another senso, declaring loudly that a Chomounlx man had no right to make love to a Zorniatt girl. All that tbey could say, therefore, to prejudloo tourists against Gaspard Lafargue they did. But Gaspard was a man of provod prowess among tho mountains, and ho found engagements. One tourist in particular took him out with him continually. Ho was an Eng lishman. His name was Richards, and he was an amateur. It all roso through a certain sporting offer that Gaspard had made to Mr. Rich ards ou the afternoon on which he walked into Zcrmatt from St. Niklaus. Gaspard accosted him, as is tho habit of tho guides, showing him his book of testimonials, and proposed that they should make an ascent together. Harry Richards stood tulking with him, nnd tho names of many peuks wore mcntiouod. The Zlnal Rothhorn was suggested as n good one to begin with. There was only one objection to It. "Ono wants two guides for that," Harry Richards said, "and two guides are more than I can afford." "You can mako the Zlnal Rothhorn from Zermatt with only one guide, monsieur," Gaspard answered. The Englishman expressed surprise. Tbe guidebook said differently. Gaspard renewed his offer: "Yes, monslour, I will take you up the Zlnal Rothhorn by myself, and you sholl not pay mo a centime unless we get to the top. 1 ' Decidedly it was a sporting offer, for it was made in uttor ignorance of tho Eng lishman's olimblng powers and rested only on tho rash generalization that all Eng lishmen who climb at all climb well. Moreover, there is a certain awkward rock traverse on the Zlnal Rothhorn, where an inexpericnoed climber may easily como to grief and bring his companion to grief with him. Tho offer, howevor, was ao cepted and the top of the mountain duly reached, and afterward Harry Richards took Gaspard Lafargue with him on all his more difficult excursions. But it Is only with one of those excur sions—the last of thorn —that this story it specially concerned. It was in the English traveler's mind, if tho weather should bo favorable, to climb Monto Rosa, a toilsome expedition and to a party of less than three more than a lit tle perilous. But it Is an expedition that they never undertook, though they fixed a day for it. In the course of a preliminary walk, to make a rocoimolssance of ths routo, tho Inevitable happened, for, as all tho world knows, two men cannot gc alono on a snow masked glacior without the risk of accident. There is no need to make a long story of the excursion. In truth, there is hardly anything to bo told about it. They recou noltored, for It wins a dull, gray day, with clouds and mist drifting hither and thith er and a dark sky continually threaten ing snow. And ut last the moment camo when high up on the Monto Rosa glacier tho English traveler slipped through v snow bridge into a crevasse, and his guide held him dangling by tho ropo and could not pull him out of it. Gaspard Lafarguo could just sustain the woight, and that was all. His companion's struggles to releaso himself nearly pulled him off his feet. Dropping on one knee, that he might tho better bear the strain, ho shouted such directions as he could. "Can you reach the sido of tho crovasse with your ice ax, monsiour?" hrs called. But Harry Richards could not. The wall nearest to him was hollowed llko an arch, and ho could not so much as touch it. "And tho crovosso is deep, monsiourf" "I can't see tha bottom of it." A pause and then— "I think I can hold you, monsieur, if you will drop your ax and climb up the rope." But tbo rope was slippery from trailing tho snow and In parts glazed with ice. It was iinposslblo to get such a grip on it us a man must have If he would climb hand over hand, and thus the last way e£ safety failed. Thero was a fresh pause while both the French guide and tbo English tourist looked death in the face and racked their brains ln vniu for some device by which the imminent end might ho averted. Ev erything was still. Tho clouds wero black ering, tho snow bad begun to fall, and thero was no chance that any one would bring them help. Then tho voice of tho Englishman was heard calling from tho chasm: "Gaspard!" "Yes, monsieur." "Cut the rope, Gaspard." "I must not, monsieur: I mufitriat. rt is tho unwritten but roost stringont rulo of mountain climbing. A man may cut tho ropsj to savo a friend, but not to savo himself. But Hurry Richards, hang ing in the crevasse, was not bound by rules, lie called again: "Gaspard!" "Yes, monsiour." "You cannot tnvo me, Gaspard?" "I fear riot, monsieur." "Then cut the ropo. I oan't cut it my self becuuso my knlfo has been jerked out of my pocket. Cut It for me." Then there waa a silence—a silenco as of tho grave—whilo Gaspard Lafarguo bat tled with himself, lie was no coward. All tho Swiss guttles are bravo, and he was among tho bravest of them. At Chnui ounlx and ut Courniuyr.ur tliero still lin ger stirring stories of his pluck. Ho had stood in just such peril as thisonco before. The watch ho carried In his pocket had been givon to him by an English Alpinist whose life ho bad suved at hideous danger to his own. He had been covered with glory for his courago in the columns of The Alpine Journal. And ho hud been bravo without thought of glory, merely because it waH his duty as a mountuin guide. Now, too, lio could he ns bravo as ever, but for a single tlionglit—the thought of Nahnotto, With tlm Inugbing eyes, waiting (or htm at the Mont Cervln und wonder ing why ho did not come. Through tho mist and tlio snow ho seemed to see tho smilo of mingled love and pride with which blio always welcomed him back aft er his perilous excursions. Again he pic tures her anxiety deepening into terror ns tho hour grew later and he did not return; her sobs, bitter and Inconsolable, when tho search party found the bodios and told her of his end. "Never to sco Nannette againl Never to sco Nannette again!" Ho snld the words softly over to himself, and tbey unmanned him. Tho thought was more than he could bear. Straining every mnsclo to save himself from being drawn, oven now at tbo last moment into the icy cavern, he pulled tho knife out of his pocket with his left hand and opened it with his teoth. "For Nannette's sake,"ho murmured as ho drew tho blade across the strands. The strain ceased, and ho was freo, und theu afresh thought began to trouble him. Tho first sense of reliof only lusted for a moment. The sip of brandy that he took to revive his circulation hardly prolonged the momorit.nnd thon ho wns overwhelmed with the inevitable horror at the thing he had done, for a brave man who plays tho coward, or who merely does what tho con vention of his class has settled to be cow ardly, must needs pay for It afterward. Gaspard remembered tlio case of Peter Tangwaldor. Tlicy hounded Poter out of Zernintt on the mero suspicion—tho un just suspicion, as most think—of having cut the rope. But in his own caso, as Gas pard know, it would not bo a suspicion, but a certolnty. Thero wero the proofs resting nt thu bottom of tho orevasse, where they must presently bo found, but where ho could not descend to tamper with them. They did not love him, thoso Zormatt guides, and what a handle ho had given them! Ho pictured his homo coming and his reception, the question what he had done with the herr, the inevitable answer that ho hud left him on tho mountain, tlio search that he himself would be expected to direct, the awful discovery of tho truth. How tlicy would look at bim and scorn him! What etorlcs thoy would spread of him—stories that Nannette perhaps would bo the llt'.-t to hear! Yes, that was the worst thought of all. How could he face Nannette again with that shame behind him? And how could Nannette go on lov ing him when this tale ran riot in tlio vil lage and ho could not deny it? Setter surely never to see her at all tlinn to sco her feeling lit only for hor contempt! So his thoughts run ns ho stood half dazed amid the blinding snow. "No, no," ho said; "i cannot go back. Ido not dure to go buck. Better to dio hero nlono whilo no one knows." Then ho crept up to tlio edge of tho crcvaFse and crouched there. Ho felt no impulse to throw himself Into it. A muti does not seek n violent death when a calm and peaceful death can bo attained as eas ily. But he throw himself down upon the very verge of tho frozen gulf where his herr luy buried, and the cold stiffened out his limbs, and the snowflukes fell on him nnd formed his canopy. And so ho lnj when old Christian Sumnicrmatter, whe led tho search party, stumbled on his bod; and saw tho cut ropo and understood. Yot, though ho understood, old Chris tian did not speak, for Christian, though ho liked uot tho men of Chamouuix, re spected both tho faith of the living and tlio memory of tho dead, and Nannette of the Mont Cervln never knew how Gaspard Lafarguo bad shamed himself before ho died.—Philadelphia Press, A" RUN-DOWN," who complains of k llL ' ;ac ' K , 1 ' headache, feeling is pretty sure \ to he suffering from J' some irregularity or '-SgSlflHk \BT special functions of womanhood. Very fijMt A often womb troubles MjU/V. \j set the nerves wild with affright and as a result the woman suf fers from sleeplessness, nervousness, nerv ous prostration, faintness and dizziness, irritability and indigestion. In all cases of irregularity or suspended monthly function and in all those nervous diseases depend ing upon local causes. Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription will restore you to perfect health. Instead of the exhaustion and feeling of weight and dragging down in the abdomen, you feel fresh and strong. For young girls who suffer from irregularities, for the hard-working woman who suffers from catarrhal inflammation of the lining membranes causing a constant drain upon the system, there is no prescription used by any physician which can equal in re sults Dr. Pierces. For over thirty years Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physi cian to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. V., has used his Favorite Prescription " in the diseases of women which had long been his spe cialty and in fully ninety-eight per cent, of all cases, it has permanently cured. Mrs. John M. Conki.i.v, of Patterson. Putnam Co., N. V., writes: "lam enjoying perfect health, jdftfffl*ytrWs69mx and nave been since 1 took the Inst bottle of Doctor mmw^~ mrmr f&Jk Pierces Favorite Prescrip- fj? \Wk tion. I took five bottles IJr QM of it. Never expected to R <y? be any better when I com B ,«£Btofc "2esv fm luenced taking it, but J '-SSS ! P ?Sk W thank Clod, 1 can sny that n ' / ty lam glad it reached my \ ,-rfl4£*\- f home. I had falling of \ j the womb, and flowing \ / caused by mi-.carri;»-*e, V ' S/,\ and was very weak when KSi."^' : '^f'.'/ Vs.. I commenced taking your medicines. 1 was cured by taking five bottles in Vc nil-two of the Favorite ... lr . „'„„..„ Prescnption' and three Mrs. Co.nklin. of the ' Ooldfn Med'cal Discovery.' " «t»aaKiMa«SK^^ plood msmm gj cured In 20 to tiO daya by a Ma.trie Remedy, Kj H undor euArantee, backed bj capital. Bj m Positive proofs and 100 page book, lllustrut- 0 9 «d from life from people cured, free by mail, m jgj When Hot Springs and mercury fall, our ■ ■ Maclc llemody will cure, & j COOK REMEDY CO., CHICAGO, iLL.j Brings com foi t a;.sl improvement ant] tendu to ueiy.-if'l enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live hot"; % ter than others and enjoy life more, witb, j lews expenditure, by more promptaHß adapting tho world's best products t*Jg| the needs of physical being, will attesff' the value to health of tho pure liqufH laxative principles embraced in tfl|H remedy, Syrup of Firra. j Its excellence is due to its in tlio form most acceptable and ant to the taste, the refreshing and tr.~ beneficial properties of a perfect ativc; effectually cleansing the sysi dispelling colds, headaches and fe> nnd permanently curing constipat; It has g'.ven satisfaction to millions i met with the approval of the medic profession because it acts on the Kid« neys, L!>e;' and Bowels without weak* ;ning tiiem and ii is perfectly free front every objectionable substance. Syrupof Figs ia for sale by all drug* gists in 50c and SI bottles, but it is man ufactured by tho California Fig Syrupi»j|! Co.only, whose name is printed on everjpjjj oackage, also the name, Syrupof Figs, ; Ind being well informed, you will BOS};'*/ lecept any substitute if offered. .1, |i fltaatna Many of our customers IIIfOWQ date the commeucemeat of their recovery from ,1,,, rheumatism to the day Mas ITuICuCS t: ■'■>• h **™ 10 "'<> P«lne'a "V Celery compound. Try lb SH fIWIV. C. F. HEINZEMAN, <« J a. Main at. > ip^l^i^n^ OT HERD ISEASES (TItKP ON BAMKTEBIB. cmTTrniM; SOUVENIR VINTAGES. Gold Medal Paris Exposition 188S HIGHEST award wherever EXBIBITIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. CREcTA BLANCA la altuated a few miles I 'mi li of the ma of ;.i vcrinure, Alameda couuty. It wa' specially sel.'Ct.d on account of soil and climatic conditions wliicn geva promise of the hlgiiest possl ble excellence Iv wine* of the Sauteruo aud Claret types. No mlstalre was made In this, seUO'-ioo, for today CRESTA BLANCA wines compare 1 ivorably with the tinent vintages ol Franco and are served to the guraia uf all the leailiug hotels, restaurant! and club, on the Pacific Coast. Only a limited quantity la made annually. • | No exocrine is spared iv the malting and car* of the wine, and when ready for consumption they aro carefully bottled. Parties order ni? tuese wines <.honld see that the wordn CRESTA BLANCA are on every bott'e. A new brand ot wine has lately, been tint on the market and is being sold aa Cresta BHacaor We'more'a wines. Such wines ahould be refused 11 Cresta Bianca wines are ordered. A fac-slmlie of a labal on the gcua lac wine ia CHAS. A. WETJVIORE, Jill Pine St., San Franclico. CRESTA : BLANCA PRICE LIST. In order to meet the requirements of th* times a reduction in prices has beeu made. SAUTERNE TYPES. 1 doz. 2 d $i. Quarts Pints Pauterne Souvenir *„•?,?, *,7, Haul Sauterne Souvenir 900 10 00 Chateau Yquem Souvenir— 11.00 Ii.OU CLARET TYPES. Table d'Hoto Souvenir $r> .10 $0.50 St. Jullen Souvenir 7.00 8 no Maigaux bouveulr 8.00 0.00 H. J. WOOLLaCOTT, 124 and 126 North Spring: Street, Agent for Loa Angeles county. 11-leodlm Wholesale. Retail tBABA * CO., JAPANESE GOODS For the Bo!', lays. Chinaware, Bronx*. Lac quer Ware, Sheila, Pap it • Napkins, Bamboo An. AU latcit Htylo ot band were 3 US. Spring-St. 12-2!) wad-tii-?nn parislan^illin MISS E. C. COLLINS invites the ladlus t» examine hor new and elegant doe of ml. llnery goods, just received Iron. -New tori. Imported IIa ; a and Bonnetaand the largestahd finest teueral millinery sloe it eve.- .U.piayed m the cl'y. Pricea reasonable anci satislictloa guaranteed. 209 S. Broadway, Y.M. C. A. Build*-. United"states La.vk o/kick, | Los ANOKLra. Cel., Nov. 27, 1, -04 j TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:- NOTICE 13 hereby given thai the Soutlien ruciso Railroad company (Main Line), has tiled to - this office a list ot lnnda ah ualed 1 tn-'town rhips described 1 clow, and has spiled lor a patent for said auds: thai ilie 11.1 is open to the nubile for inspection, nod a copy llier. of. by descriptive subdivisions, has been , osted iv a convenient piece in tbis nine* foi Ihe In spection oi all persons IntoroitcJ. and the P 'U'ithUi' n tli«" next sixty- days, lollowltig tt* date of this notl. c. proles:- or cat- ta again* tho claim ol tin-company to any t t'i oi sub division described In the ll»t. pa , '••' »« that the same 1" m«re ialuado b : v. incral than agiienltural purposes, tt re. euro* and noted for report to the Oeue i Onice at Washington. 1). wit: supplemental List 22. List No. 2i. selections made „ 18H7 Township U N.. Range 23 W.. >. B. M. Township 12 N„ Ran e«2 }} -. U. U. Toivnship 12 N., Rauge3B W., B. B M. T. J. BOLTON. Bei i'*»r. S-lOt E.NOCU KNWHT, ItAKeiMB, 8