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VOL. XLIII. NO. 86. 1A TX+y \ or T HAT ONE of ° urs - VV 11X11111 1 Decorated with stun- C 3 j ring Neckwear values. AA/ 7 i-nrlr*v)i7t A vast collection ° f VV iIIQOW I Men ' s Ties, worth 50, jj_ _ I 75c aud $1, closing out at 25c —and GOING, too! Have one with us. FiiEL AN OVERCOAT—wear one. Be happy with the new year. Look at values offered in Men's Suits at $10 and $12. Prices way below low tide. Progressive UNDERWEAR. MULLEN, BLUETT I CO., 101 NORTH SPUING STREET. 201 -203-205-207 &. 2Q9 W. FIRST ST. MJJSjreill „ SOUTII MATS ST., IHCTWKEN I'IRST A SECOND (FORMERLY ORASD OPERA HOUSE). LOS ANGELES' SOCIETY THEATER, In Conjunction With (he SAN FRANCHCO ORrHETJM. MATIN ' E TODAY, SATURD A V—-5e to an 7 part of the house; nhlld rel', 10-.', any no.l; gm ory, 10 ; sin vie box ana 'oho -oai", ftOc—to set. tho Greatest Know evjr p.e-euted in this ully. KVKKY A EXIST A STAR. i PBICYTIIOYET leOartiiy & Reynolds j GEO! EVANS \pATO. jJHOSSAS k WELCri_ ALICE RAYMOND. I BIG--"F0OR"-W6 • 1 Performance every ovouin*, including Sundai. Matinee lomoriow, Bundav. Kvealni price-: PnrquoUe, 'J*. slid SOOi fitmlly circle, 25'; gallery, lOci .lnirlH box and loije wer.t , 75e. £V THTBlwrf. PAVILION .Jll lilBUL 0 .,, .Z^J^ , vm i»»"r t. o.„ 1 to 5, 7:30 to 9:80. '>' Sin Sings Dances aad Talks to You ' "•/• - Agisted by Other Attractions. ....-VS^'^'Sa^ ADMISSION, - IB CENTS. » AGRICULTURAL PARK. RACES. RACES. RACES. SATURDAY, JAN. r>th, 1895. HORSEMEN'S NOVELTY MEETING. »wT!, ,c i m'l^*7 , Ti Hi! embr .'? cn ruiny interesting events, among them being a NoveHv Race (■;,,,* Vn'ol,"™"' l >a ' t l e ; r '" l °?. Kunnlng Races with well known baug:all P , Pony Raoei, ttond Kace, match between J THE CELEBRATED TROTTING DOG, NED, And a pony 13)* hards high. Races commence at 1:30r.m., sharp. mmim ADMISSION, 5Q CENTa LADIES PEER. jQHft OUR TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY. I HAT IV/K WE WISH YOU A IV I I 01 H appy New Year! [QfjJ BARTLETT BROS., 103 N. SPRING STREET. ♦♦»»»v6»»mnvv»»4»<>,«.«e«« * <> THE L.OS ANGELES J t Gas and Electric Fixture f % MA NUFACTURING CO. t 9 BDCCES3OHS TO MEYBERO * ♦ 1 f ♦ WI K^,rA M .S , , H,OW % I MAGNIFICENT LINE OF FIXTURES FA J™lf l * 2 s ' Ma,nst - ! *» OI A 1 Descriptions at a MACHINE SHOP, J $ VERY MUCH REDUCED PRICE. 13M33-135 S.Los Angeles st $ % A PEKSON AL CALL WILL EItPAY YOU * <> Oopper, Brass, Silver Metal Work in 2 ♦ AndNickelPlatina;, Brass and Iron. ♦ ******** »^>» , »»<»o^o»»«»o<io<>.»A»»o»»»»0»»» <> »»»»« )> f DR. LIEBIG Sl CO.'S WORLD'S DISPENSARY m fheoldest, moat aucoessful and reliable exou alve SPKOIAL DOCTORS FOR MEN O* tin Pacific Coast—oitnolished in Hau Franclaoo lot 1 l> y ' ; " r " *" d 8 years In Los Angles, Tnere are many Imitators but mm JB N0 E Q UA,,S As SPECIAL DOCTORS E/7M or men '* IjOS Angeloa. poor treated Iree from 10 to 13 %i* ,^s Trust Oalf.fhe Old—Tho Tried—Ths Tr» V# AaOk JK a£*S.? PtcMX ' MJBGKOS FROM THE SAN V*t'P yitAHOIbCO OFFIOES l> now tn charg., of U* ' r>i'. - ( LO* Angeles ofnees, so perhons living in .joa ii .. '■ 'i'/GJJ*2»3BfEKK3« Angelas can have the benefit ot ih- s.une treat f- ' TViwIIMMnTIT lIU menias !t they went to San Franelaco. f , Cousultatiou KRKB. Pereoaally or t , '•: DR. LIEBI3 & CO. cure aU NSRVO l'Hl {."• ' . -i-r*/'/' VATi: AN " CHRONIC DISEASES OF'MEM. p.. - V. «»• escu/ahle guaranteed, no matter h..w coi». i' :,; '&Cf%7i plicated ot who has failed. Our dUiinoalf £ '"' . " •• iMaBWBWHBagB ahelanrt conudontiat book for i«« sent (re*. s , ' . . •*'«• •:? > >?( *»- All liuaiueasaafr».tly coolldenllai. | ••' . A Fu'.or-V 10 tol - '''° * P-»'-and 7io S-M p.Bfc \ v ':^ 'Mi^K —'- 03 anoeles branch— 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET ffaraa, FOR MAN Bruises, Buimlasl, 1 AND BEAST,- tturjot&t*. , The Herald LOS ANGELES, SATURDAY MORNING. .JANUARY 5, 1895. NEWS OF THE MORNING. LOS ANOELES—The city council closes up the year'a business. A suit brought by Mrs. Dnnlelson against J. P. Yoakum brings up the City bunk failure. Misa Jeanne L. Jeantlt, administratrix of the estate ot Marin Beyon, makes serious allega tions against Mr. and Mrs. ARourre. Mr. Edward Hutchison continues his fight for the neglected intere ts of the Eighth ward The pr gramme for tut: races today at Agri cultural park. Mr. Millard's illness turns out to be pneu. monia. Home of the evidence given in the Peralto- Ueavis land tmit. The bank robbery at Ontario; full de'alls from the scono of the crime; tho arrest of two suspected men in this city. The tramp question assuming serious pro portions; the council authorizes Chief of To. lio* Glass to procure additional jail facilities and a work bouse; a symposium of ideas. Three more buigluries from tho list for yes terday. Colonel E. ff. Hewitt is dangerously ill with nervous prostration. NEIGHBORING CITIES—£-anta Ana—Deaths and funerali; installation of Odd Fellows. Uud.suds—Steps to prevent the spread of tuberculosis Pons of Veterans and Ladies Aid society at Pasadena, ho d joint installations. POINTERS FOB TODAY —Agricultural park — Knees 1 ::io p. m, Burbank Theater—Cinderella. WBATHKA FORECAST-Southern Califor nia: Local rnins tonight or Saturday. SAN FRANCISCO—I lie funeral of the late James ti. Euir look place yesterday. Charles M. Bhortiidge has purchased the Morning Call, paying 93U1>.(00 for it. Jockeys Cttrr and ( horn received bad falls at V o Bay I'lslrlct track. T. J. liobert of the American Railway union applied to the United states court and asked that a warrant for the arrest of C. P. Hunting ton bo issued." VIOLENT DEATHS—OnIy one life was lost at the burning o ; tho insane asylum at Anna, 111., so far as known. P. Putunin, a noted Arkansas moonshiner ond his nephew were fatally shot iv a battle with revenue officer. Ths Los Angeles freight duo in Oakland at 5:10 o'clock v.wu wr-.cked near A Unmount. The engineer and iireniftn wore killed. Three horse thieves were hanged by vigil antes in Oklahoma territory. One of tho wlngi of tho Insane asylum at Columbus burned. WASHINOi ON-The naval appropriation bill will provide for more battlo ships, A conference of Democrats on tho tariff law was l.eld. CRIME—The industry of smuggling and cattle across }he Mexican lino ls reviving. It is rumcred ihat scv ral .shooting scrapes will follow a conviction of Appelman, the al lcyed train wrecker. 'ihe riacramentu safety committee want to And * burghn* to hang. Wheatland m nrested'wltti trauips and rob beries are ot frei;uent occurrence. At Savannal,, Ua., George Jordan, a shot his wife and children and then suicidca. SlOUM—Railr. ad travel is interfered with by storm. Hood threatens [fonts Cruz. Whiteiaw's wrecking schooner Pamson was blown ashore and burned inside Point Bon ita. The storm and flood is gene ral throughout the fc'ac-amento valley?, extending south to Mont ere ami nor<h Colusa counties; tbe damage will be enormous. The storm Is general throughout Northern California and the rivers are lunning bank full. The trains on tho Oregon and California, wh leh have been blockaded by snow, got tl)rough yesterday. FOR, £I ON ■ Italian officers fought a duel near tiie frontier; ono Is dead and the other fatally injured. The report of tho assassination of Tausin Pasha, governor of Bitla's, Is denied. Severe eathquakes were experienced in Italian provinces. Business on the Tehauntepcc railway is boomin.?. ] Mount Popocatapetl In Mexico is reported to be smok ng. Kccnt earthquake shocks have created a panic in the City of Mexico. MISCELLANEOUS—A warehouse at Modesto and 750 tons of wheat were burned. Loss $15,000. Governor Stone of Missouri urges additional appropriations fur the National guard. A ltussian nihilist tells a story of suffering in Siberia. A new plot is being arranged to count Budd out. MARRIAGE LICENSES. H. J. Bartels, Los Angelea 33 Maygie I'reisendanz, Los Angeles 'J8 V. Klasfi, l.os Angeles 58 M. X: Thorp, Los Angelea. 53 TO THE DEATH. Flerc. Dntl Fought Botwoan Italian OOloar, OU tha Frontier. Nick, Jan. 4.—A desperate duel was fought between two Italian officers, Tojani and Vergori, near tbs French frontier. Tbe right lasted an boar, at tbn expiration of which time Vergori was killed by a cut in the rigbt side of the neck which severed tbe carotid artery. Tojani was so severely wounded that be ia not expected to survive the night. The Diphtheria Cure. Vienna, Jan. 4 — Official reports re ceived regarding the nee of anti-tozine in Trieste and Czernowutz show a large decrease in mortality from diphtheria. Tbe reports advice that tbe remedy be administered at tbs earliest possible moment. Order your snit early. H. A. Getsis crowded for fine tailoring at moderate prices. 112 West Third atreet. If you require medicines or a proscrip tion filled any hour of tbe nigbt tele phono Off & Vaughn, and wbatever is wanted will be delivered to any part oi Iho city without additional charge. Open ail night, 'Phone 401. Miner's breakfast cocoa served Euro pean style at Newberry's, Spring street. All invited. Open all nirrht, Off &. Vanghq'a drag •tore, corner Fourth and Spring streets. Goods delivered at all hour* oi the night. Hollenbeck hotel caiV. and grill room. Eastern aud Onlif jrnia oyaterg on obeli. Redlands oranges at Althoate Bros.' C. A. Bumni:r <fc Co.'c auction of lota : ay. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Modal and Diploma. A GRIPSACK FILLED WITH GOOD COIN. The Bobbery of. the Ontario State Bank. Cashier Stamm Locked in the Vault. SEVERAL MEN ARRESTED. Details of an Adroitly Eieouiod Crime. A Rnaldont or Ontario llad'y Bart by lha Robb -ra—ll-porta of Varloua Oap ture.a A most adroitly planned and oucceas fnlly conducted hank robbery ucourrnd yesterday morning at Oatario.' The aff,tir was characterized by a boldneSß horn of deiperolion, but despite tho skill shown br tho robbers, it was but a few houm before those believed to be tho perpetrators weri) under arreet. The bandits aoenred between $1000 and $5*,10J, ftesaulted severely Mr. R. P. Sibley, and locked Caj'uier Fiad Stamm in the vault. Tno men whom the police balieve to be the robbirs WO.; arrested List night and are in the cuy jail this morning. Their names are Edward Steadman and Frank Conway. Two other suspects are reported to have been arrested atßivoraide, and two mau anawaring tha robbera' description wore eaid to have passed through Olive, near Santa Ana, last evening. The complete details of the crime wiil be found tielo h : AT ONTARIO. The Story of tho ;K.,bborjr >eel tho Aa -autr. tin Mr. fclbloy. Special to The Herald. Ostahio, Jan. 4. —Tho good citizens ol Ontario were startled aboat noon today at the news that two bold robbers bad gone into the Ontario State bank half ac hour before and compelled tbe cashier to hand over all the gold in his poßsea einn. The news spread last through tbe town and every shotgun or rifle within reach was in the hands of citizens wbo were eager to pnrsue the villains who bad so andacionaly raided tbe bank. Tbe robbers, owing to the qnist and professional way in which tbey had planned the attack, had a long start and probably last horses. THE BOBBERY. The bank ia situated south of the Southern Paciflo railroad track, on Euclid avenue, and its windows are of stained glass, so tbat passers-by asnnot see the Interior of the offloe save when tbe door ia open. The robbers took ad vantage of thia state ot affairs and alippsd quietly into tbe bank without being observed by anyone on the etreet. One of them engaged the aole occupant of the office, Fred Stamm, tbe cashier, in conversation, while his pal ooveted tbs surprised banker with a revolver, and producing a gripsack ordered him to fill it up with all the gold in sight, or in the vault. His words were plain and pointed: "Chuck it all in this. You've had it long enough." MR. SIBLEY ATTACKED. The next move of tbe man after secur ing their plunder waa to throw the cashier into tbe vault, look the door on him, and turn to flee. Jnit aa they reaohed tbe door of the office, R. P. Sibley, of the canning factory entered and received on his head a blow from a sandbag. This weapon burst on coming in contact with Mr. Sibley, and it was thrown aside for a more serviceable instrument, and he reoeived a blow on tbe head from a revolver in the hand of one of the villains. This laid him out unoonsoious, with an ugly wonnd which tore off the the scalp and bared bis skull. THE ALARM GIVEN. After remaining in a state of atupor for about half an hour, Mr. Sibley recovered sufficiently to stagger out of the bank, leaving a track of blood on the way. He was observed by more than one person as he emerged from tbe bank and waß taken to the Southern Pacific hotel, where he received medical care. The alarm thua given drew sev eral citizens to tbe acene of the robbery aud immediate efforts ware made to ex tricate tbe cashier from hie uncomfort able prison. Mil. STAMM RELEASED, Mr. G. T. Stamm, president of tbe bank and father of tin cashier, being in Loa Angeles, and no one in town having the combination of tbe lock, Mr. J, P. Robertson, president o! tbe Citizens' bauk, made an attempt to learn the nucubets from the imprisoned cashier, and fortunately succeeded in catching the eecret ot the combination from the mnfflad tones wbicb reached bim from the dark interior of the vault. ran robber's appkarancb. Aa aonn as released Fred Stamm de scribed the appearanoe of Lie unwel come visitors. The larger man of the two is tall, closely approaching six feet, and appeared to be a little over middle age. Ho had a short growth ol black hair on hia lace. Tbe other man waa abort, with a stubby red moustache. THU MONEY SECURED. The amount oi money eeenred by tbo robbers is betwoon $4000 and $500J, and with this they walked off to a buggy conveniently near the office. They wore observed getting into their vehicle and driving down the avenue towards Kin con. On meeting J. Lansing Line of Rin con they left ths road, striking westward for Chino, but it wai discovered later on that tbey again took a eoutherly di rection, probably endeavoring to reach tbe Sen's. An* pass. THS HOUSE ItlltlCD IN POMONA. This aftsrnoau iutelligonee rnnched Ontario that tbo horse nnd huegv were The Ontario State Batik which was robbed yesterday. hired yesterday in Pomona for an in specting tour of Ontario's beantilnl or ange groves. Oa thsir rqtu.'n to Po mona the travolen told how much they admired the model colony, nnd again hirod the rig this morning to survey the town they so much admirod. Groupu of hunters have come in tbis afternoon without having cnught sight of the robbers. TWO MEN ARRESTED. The i'olice Think t'h.y Havo th. Rob ber. In Custody. The police laat eveuing arrested two men men whom they believe to be tbe robbers the Ontario bank. While some of the evidence is strong against the prisoners, nothing definite can be known as to their gnilt or innocence until tbe arrival tbie morning oi Oa?hi«.r Stamm. If tbe men are really tbe robbers Mr. Stamm will quickly identify them, Tbe store of tbe arrest in a curious one. Cashier Fred Stamm, who was locked up in the cash vault. [Fr<om a photograph by Steckcl.) Several years ago in an eastern city two burglars were "pards" in crime. Oae was Tom Morris and the other Edward Steadman. A robbery was committed, nnd Morris, through tbe testimony of his oham, he Claims, was sent to the Denitentiary (or four years. Steadman went free. Not long sines Morris was released, and as he had sworn vengeanoe against his erstwhile assooiate, bs decided to always keep a lookout for him. Tbey met once in Kansas, but Morris never got the desired opportunity to have hiu reveogo on Steadman. TQIS MEN MEET HEBE. Last week Morris landed in Lea An TWELVE PAGES. gele«. To hia great surprise, he says, lie ran across Steadman the fourth day alter hia arrival. He awaited his oppor tunity. Itcamoat last. Three nighta ago he followed bio alleged burglar friend to a certain place in thia city and says he saw him attempt to enter. Profiting by his knowledge, Mor ris wont at oucs to a police detoctive and gays him the whole story as above outlined. He. told how Steadman had conviotad bim in the east; bow ho, Steadman, had been wounded in Kanoao City whilo commit ting burglary, and under what circum stances f.iey both left. Morris prom ised the officers to do ever/thins in hia power to apprehendStoadmau, who wbb known us one of tbe cleverest of burg lars. "OHIO" FATTY. Those statements were given tho de tectives Thuruday night,' all ol which waa consumed in a search lor the fel low. Morri3 went with the officers, and they visited all placeo where they rrero likoly to b2 Ipund. Finally tho informant, who hiineeli is no spring chicken in crime, unburdoned himseit more folly, and eaid that Steadman had n partner who was assining him in his eiii.'a...einenta in this city. The partner, be eaid, waa Frank Conway, otherwise known as "I.iwa Wh'tusy," or ' Ohio Fatty." Tha officers searched all night and forird no clue. Yesterday it wsa learned they had gone out of tbe city. TUB TWO arSI'KCTBD. Tho news of tbe bank robbery was no more than received in this city, whew the officers suspected the two men whom Morris bad infarmed against. Officers were sent from both the sheriff's office and tho police department iv eoarch of tha robbers. It was at once suapocti'd that they were headed for this city, aud every avoDue of entrance was guarded by deputy sheriffs and de« teotives. About i o'olock word was sent to this city that two suspicions characters bad boarded the train a! Spadra, three miles this eide of I'omona, for Los Angeles. The dispatoh further stated tbat the officers at tbat place refused to arrest I the men without a warrant, and that ! detectives be sent oat to meet incoming Southern Pacific train No". 42, on which tbe men had taken passage. THE ARHKST IN TIIE CAE. Ohief Glass dispatched Detectives Au ble, Goodmau and Hawlsy and Officers Lennon and Argueiloto assist in appre hending ths men. Detective Bowler, of ths Southern Pacific company, was also a member of the party. Leunon and Arguello were stationed at the Naud depot, while the olher officers boardod an outgoing train and met train 42 at tbe switch near East Los Angeles park. They went into tho smoking car, aud about the first two men thoy saw were PRICE FIVE CENTS Steadman and Conway. The officer! were surprised, oi course, bat quietly told tbem they were nnder arrest. "Wlist's this about ?" inquired Stead man, oalmly. Conway wai more nervous, and before tbe train reached the city he became very excitable. Hi conld not ait still, and as he was ques tioned his faoe would take on • dis turbed and expectant look. stsadman'b watch. Just before the train reached the depot Steadman was noticod to tak" a watch from hie pocket and drop it >ti»«ri| behind the euat. Officer ArgiiulUi ci* the move end, after the priaouergot up, took the watch from it) hiding pU :». It afterward proved to be one tbat, tt.a police state, was stolen in thia city. The cfficera took the men to the polios station and thoroughly searched them. They answered in detail the daacripl.on ivou by the ex-convict, Morris, lbs night before, name and all. What made the identification more complete were tho bullet wounds of Steadman. iie also had a fresh wonr.d in the leg. Conway had a burglar'a knife, rises] for opening windows, and a revolver, and Steadman waa alio armed wi'.h a pistol. Both men were dressed ai laborers. Steadman had (33 ou his per- Hon aud hia partner had (25. THS MKN QDE9TIONED. An hour alter the arrest, the alleged robbem wore taken into jail, previous to which Chiei Glass had an interview with them in bis private office. Stead man would not say anything, but it ii thought that Conway was inclined tn bs talkative, and gave the chief and the officers n "tip." He ia a jolly young man, and would be just the peraoa io commit himself, while his friend ii of exactly the opposite disposition. CONWAY INTERVIEWED. Soon after the men were removed to jail, and placed in separate cells, a re porter ol The Herald had a talk witb tbem. Steadman waa first interviewed—that is, seen, for be would not talk. A aort of emile played around tbe corners of a wide, unainiable-locking mouth. His lace waa cold and unshaven. He is 5 lest II inohea in height and weighs 2.1 J pounds. When Conway was brought ont from bis cell he greeted the reporter with a handshake, but said that he wasn't glad to see him. "I met Steadman a few weeks ago in New Mexico," he eaid, "and name here witb him. I know nothing of his rec ord. As to the robbery—do I look like a robber?" aud a emile overspread the boyish face. He said nothing further, excepting that ho bad been to Pomona and that he bad no home. He ia 25 years of a->n, 5 leet 8 inches in height, weigh 183 pounds, baa blue eyea, a light mous tache and brown hair. cashikk stamm coming. Last night Cashier .Stamm was tela phoned lor a description of tbe men, and the one he gives tallies almost ex actly with the men under arrest. He aaid that he would come in from Ontario thia morning to identity the men. Tbe police officers have no hesitancy in Baying tbat they are the robbers, bat thia morning the matter will be defi nitely aettled if Cashier Stsmm's word proves true that he can identify them on aight. If they abould prove to be the thievos tbe police detectives should be given great credit for the capture. PRESIDENT STAMM. Tne H««d of th. Kt.lib.rt Bank Olv.a UI. Yesterday morning at 11:45 o'olook the employees in the Sonthern Paoifle ticket offioe, at Second and Spriag streets, were startled by hearing their telegraph operator suddenly exclaim: "The Ontario bank has been robbed." Additional news was rapidly flatbed into tbe office by E. T. McNeill, tbe Ontairo agent, and soon all were in pos session of the bare facts. A Herald representative dropped into the office and on to ths news. He learned additionally that G. T. Stamm, the president oi the bank, was in this city. Mr. Stamm was fonnd at ths corner ol First"and Spring streets abjut 1 o'olock. and ap to that time knew nothing ol the robbery. He was very much shocked at the news and immediately started with the reporter for the Southern Paciflo office to find if any additional facts had bssn reoeived. Nothing new was learned when he arrived there and he decided to wire for a full description of tbe robbers aad othsr dstails. Those in the office learning of his desire, placed tbtair own privets wire at hia dis« posal and P. H. Springer, the Sonthern Pacific contracting agent, at ones called ap Ontario. At laat, however, at 1:30 o'olock the following message was reoeived: "De scription of men —One, medium height, about 5 fast 11 inchsa, black hair, short growth of board; othsr, red hair, short mustache, about 5 feat 7 inches in height. They got between $4030 and $5000 in gold, currency and coin. Men left in tbe direction of Ohlno, driving a new buggy and a bay horse. All ssjr« rounding towna notified by telegraph." Mr. Stamm, accompanied by his wile, left Ontario oaths 7:30 morning train having important business to attend ts in this city. Us stated tbst his son Fred, in connection with hinuatf, was tbe only person engaged in tn * bank, and that consequently in his ab'euos bis son would be alone. Ht was also tCuntiaucJ on fourth »•«&]