Newspaper Page Text
10 LAST WEEK Of the CLEARANCE SALE I FURNITURE, CARPETS, Etc. 3a£. S. HLLEN, 332 and 334 South Spring Street. fjjnUf I We have been "sawing wood"—the buzz of the saw has been rapid and steady—but IIU if ! WC haVC concluded to P ut on more steam next week - Ju st for an extr a spurt. niiUliDCn 01 ITO I Com P risin S four carloads - M arrived, of the new "curly birch "—elegant UnilnijUi ul llu ! " styk ' sy " des ' gn ' A fuU to kin mahogany ' oak and birdse >' c DilTll fill QW TC I LuxuriouS couches and eas y d»ait*-*priCes CUT IN TWO. Say nothing of I ntlLUll Ul 10 ! C ° mPlete ° f sideboards - extension tables, quaint and tasty inlaid rock -11 PT DIIT HAT I CHOT I St ° Ck ° f Axminster ' Moc l uette . Body Brussels, Tapestry HS Mill NI IHa and In «: rain Car Pets, Mattings, rugs and linoleums in the city, made lIUJ, UUI HUI LLII/J1 i and laid by expert carpet people. ALL MUST GO! Get Prices Elsewhere and Then Come to Us! Take a Peep at Our Windows! FOR SALE-CITY PROPERTY. -pOfi BALE GRIDER m DOW, \ REAL ESTATE —AND— INVESTMEN T BHOKFRS, ice,'.; South Broadway, ESTABLISHED 18SL —CITY LOTS.— |35 down and |10 a month without Interest will hoy a fin© lot on a graded street with cement walks, 15 minutes ride from tbe business center. Price only flso. Bee this. |350 will buy a 50-foot lot on Fourteeentb street, set to bearing fruits, half a blo?k from the electric cars. This must lie sold within a week. See tbis. ftjoo will buy a tine lot on Pico st., half a block from electric cars. ffiOS, choice lot on Adams st. New residence, to cost 13.500, going up on adjoining lot; one block from electric cars. Price only Mho. fljoo, fine building lot on Santee st., between Fifteenth and Sixteenth sts. This lot is 200 feet deep. Adjoining lots held at $1500. GRIDER & DOW, 109 1-2 S. Broadway. 19 & m 7 m Z{\ BUYS 8 1-2 ACRES OF EX R A FINE «Jp s *y\J land, location unsurpassed, no frosts or fogs, 9 shares of water, 1-2 acre in hi nek berries which produced 2 tons Inst year; 1-2 mile from and store ■ t he best bargain out. CIJfT fTO-LOVELY COUNTRY HOB!E. ONE «TP ti fJ%J sere Hue land, 5-room house, barn, plenty of ■water, close to depot, store, postofllceand church, 30 minutes drive from city. f2oo per acre will buy 40 acres just outside the city on the south, adjoining lands held at ?300 to •400 per acre. Buy this and double your money Inside of 12 months. This belongs to a non-resi deni, and must he sold. f450 per acre will buy 20 acres just south of the city, a little west of the University car line. Can subdivide and sell in lots for three times the price asked. 56500—10 #cres. set solid to hearing lemons and oranges. Bine residence, large gruunds set to choice platos, shrubs aud climbing vines. Here all kinds of tropical vines thrive In winter; abso lutely no fnnst. This place Is only 16 minutes' drive from itw business center. GRIDER A T>OW, 10 10»! 3 s. liroadway. OR SALE—A CHOICE fl-B* )O>i" SUBURBAN residence, on corner, wii h-JS acres land, with lawns, shrubs, flowers, fruits of nil kinds, drive house and barn, cement walk and everything com plete, and will be sold at a great bargain; south west. 5, lOor 15 acres of good alfalfa land, 2 miles from electric cars, southwest, very cheap for 30 days only; part cash. EDWARD FRASER, 21t> South Broadway. 18 JfiOß SALE— 11000—Lot on Maple avenue, near Tenth Bt. ■700—Lot on Ocean avenue. SttOO— Lot on Ronnie Brae st. I*so-Lot on Bryant avenue. Urnistnn tract. £500--Lot on Grand avenue, onrner. ERNEST G. TAYLOR, ■ 214 N. Spring st. T~BE MOST COMPLETE TRA< TIX EVERY respect that was ever put on this market is Clark & Bryai Figueroa Street Tract, corner Jefferson and Flgu -oa street*. The lots are broad and deep, the soil mellow and sweet and the location is more thau complete, for the price of flOOOon these lots. i; -|710R SALE—NICE HOME, ft-BOOMS, UV X 1 West Ninth st. Modern. Street Improved, cement wai Ita and curb. Jlouse fronts south, Large lot. House has hot and cold wuter,-hath' ftaotry, closet, rtf. Prettily furnished. Will geii t complete f0r45000. LEONARD MERRILL, 120 B. Broad way. ' -7 OUT OF 112 LOTS VH Tll E~T^LArIT^^RYiVN tjact. t here are only fi low-price lots left ; they are nn Tenth, at San Pedro at., for only $500; tbe sml, location Ktid surroundings aro line, and this Is your last opportunity for auy such lot at ibis price thev must be sold this week. Terms to suit' C LARK <fc BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. IF YOU WISH >AN ELEGANT AND COM plete 8-rooni, 2-story home in a swell part of the cay. see the second place north of Tenth, on the Sent side of Bonnie Brae st. Its a beauty that is not only attractive in itself, hut In price as well. CLARK A- BRYAN. 127 W. Third St. 17 XT! OR SALE Ott LEASE—A LA ROE PIKCE X of land in the heHrt of the city, bounded by two streets and two railroads, nearly two ai res, *t a great bargain. It is the most available location in the city for manufacturing or warehouse pur poses. CLARK A BRYAN, 127 West Third st. 17 I F YOU*"WANT A SWELL LOT IN THE swell part of the city, for only £1000, and be In the swim the balance of your days, secure it In Clark <fe Bryan's Figueroa Street Tract, corner Jef ferson and Figueroa sts. 17 CIPECIAL BARGAIN-12000 WILL TAKE A tine fi-room cottage on Downey aye.; hard fin ish and decorated. Lot 55x140 to alley. Fine fruits, flowers, etc.; a bargain. W. P. LARKIN A CO., llnS. Broadway. 17 1108 KALE—IF YOU WANT A NICE, CLOSE in home on a lot 60x165, on the clean side too. 800 021 South (Hive and let CLARK A BRYAN Ij7 West Third street, hear from you. 17 LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING* FEBRUARY 17, 1893. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE i& fJ\J\J with lot 100x125, closo to electric cars, price for a few days 6500 011 easy terms. ¥2.500 will buy a brand new 7-room residence; fine reception hall, winding stairway; large double parlors; elegant mantel and grate; large penny and closets; piped for hot and cold water; marble washstand; patent water-closets; house finished in yellow pine throughout; cement walk. Lot 60x150, within one block of electric cars; Mtreet graded and graveled ; cement curbs and walk. See this at once. Only 92-500 on easy terms. 14500 w ill buy a tine home of 12 rooms; all mod ern conveniences, finished In red cedar, elegant reception hall and stairway, double parlors, two tine mantels nud grates; corner lot, tooxioi), Orand avenue, yard set to palms and choice flowers; owner compelled to sell. See this at once, only about lo minutes from the business center* GRLDER A DOW, 109*2 South Broadway. 19 FOR SALE—A VERY FINE 100 FEET ON the hills near Temple-st. cable for|4oo; cheap est in the oity. HUBBARD A LOVE, 228 W. Fourth st. FOR SALE-TWO BUSINESS LOTS; STREETS graded and sewered. Price 51700. Also in acres l2mllesfrom this city; living water; flOOO'; owner. Must be sold in ten days. Address C, box «0, this office. 19 FOR SALE—THIS IS A BA~ROAIN. 12,000: A corner close in. Fine view, dose to cable cars. Roth streets graded. First-class location. Buy this and make money. WM. F. BOSBY SIIKI.L, IIK S. Broadway. »0 PROPERTY. FOR BALE CHEAP-LANDS Near this city, only $126 per acre; elegant sub- Irrigated orchards in first-clnss condition. Also unimproved laud in tracts to suit. |63 to R75 per acre. Buy now nnd double your money before twelve months. McKOON A JACKSON, "34 "Wet First street. •*» FOR SALB-MISCEI^A\EOUS. I NOB SALE—THIS NEW HOME SEWING Machine Company offer for the uext3i)dnvs the following bargains- Whites, Standards, Auto- ] irortlo. Btngars, Domestics, Davis. Households, etc., from Sl2 to lis, on payments oi ,1 per week <H'J S. Spring st. Branch. UE. Colorado, I'asadena. 8-2 , . FOR SAI.K-AN ELEGANT NEW UPRIGHT piano; will take hoard and room In part ex ohange. Address .1., box sn, this office. 'Jj-tf "IjlOR BALK—POOS GAB ENGINE. 12 H; P. V Good us new. Call or address THOS. S. DOWSE, Planing -Mill, Ontario. Cal. 18 IftOß SALE—FULLY EQUIPPED PRINTING office; Rood business. Address PRINTER. P. O. Box -183. | ' IJiOR SALE on KX<-iiAXOK--non» BICYCLE torn buggy or carringe. Address F, Box m, this office. 17 FOR SALE or.D POSTAGE "STAMPS' cheap. T., box 26, this office. I SOB BALE—OLD PAPERS IN QUANTITIES, to suit, ut tills office. FOlt SALE—FARM WAGON. 419 CRESCENT aye. ,7 FORSA LEyLIVE STOCK. FO R s Al.l l A NI) EX('5 A NO E—FI NE SING LE and double drivers, buggies and harness. B. F. BACON, rear 50S S. Broadway. j-3-tf TTtoll SALE—A ■ FINE ' LARGE TEAM OF ± horses, new wagon nnd harness for sale cheap. Inquire at 225 W. First st. ]a FRED in N" ER~ HA S~o"ltN AMENTAX AND deciduous fruit trees, largo vurlety; 212 \V. Fourth st. Call or write. FOR SALE—OOSPER FILLY, 4 YEARS OLD good roadster. Southeast corner of Clinton and \ ermonV avenue. 13 TTIOR H A I.E.— BKADTIFUL, pIsBIGREED J. spaniels; all prices;.call at 1229 Tennessee st. VI ; TflOR SALE-THOROCOHBItED JERSEY .1 cow; fresh soon, loir, s. Main. 17 W9SI. A 'V," SEX BA~NCHHW». E. c . JIRESSMA KINO. Mjiowel'L d^lssmaking ! teaches ladies to become Competent cuUtni I ana titters: patterns, ut to order.. 7U3.', S. Broad- | LADIES THAT I.IKE "TO WEAR FIRST- ! class fitting ilresses cnll at 12t S. Main tt WOLTKK ' r ° m ** M11!4- "TO'-TKN BUR& | RkAL 1 BELL A SAiUclll. lUCAL i J°ißJ?llß*S*» < 'W , i money loaned ut « per cent. ~M4 w. xnirAst. 12-7 tf J A wonderful" c.irr Harry 11. Yt alte, the clairvoyant of clairvoy ants, nnd ihe greatest Independent slate-wrltlng medium In the wide, Wide World—that answers sealed messages while In a dead trance. If you are going to see a medium, why not see the lies!.* I am Harry H. Waive, the medium who keeps his parlorß full of anxious ones, nnd sends all away with amazement and gladness, without having to offer free tests, chionios or prize packages as an inducement. What yon get for nothing Is worth nothing, Do the dead return- Come and be cod | vinced hy the wonderlul medium, wjio by his Odd , given gift, can see clalrvoyantly, and locates stolen article, lost and mislaid will,, deeds, treasuries etc.; tells you how to get them back again. By my wonderful gift I can hear clalrvoyantly the names of those that come to see me, and c names of those tbat Interest them. WHO IS A MEDIUM FOR? „,„f "° ,r . ""' "orrowlng and suffering, to bring gladness 10 your disheartened type, and to «In sinful child, to remove vice and sin away from their path and to make them sober, steady hones and good. Ah. father, and mother, .you hay? tried every other way and failed, now try the old a Vos'?e'«rm^"'.', r *», through a i.od fearing medium. I am the one that teTls those working girls the name of their company. I can tell her who loves her truly and who Is looking for her. 1 can tell her the name of the nan who would marry her and make her a good huVbanr! I 2S,i? U K h JS *t aKae °< lb* scsundr« who would bring her to sorrow. I tan the widows the self-same thjng. I tell them the names of their late Husband and what she had betterdo and better not to do. and same to you widowers. I am the great Harry 11. Waltc who th^b?h™hK^2L Ye, .. < S S come "5 liear " .it what their husband does with their money, i can tell you what your Divine chances are before vo, say a word to me, whether you should[forgive or sepnrat- ran tell you when your life and hus hand will die. and death i, a better soparaierthan fo"\°, r „' : r, C "" r ': , >, ""- v > I "'° n " 'ive'to bless ,ne tZr u£* h„ e rH""' , LT"" h " h '" l - 1»m l »* cou,,seb,r lor the hard-working men and women, whose aces are ground by oppression, whose heart U un'f™'l,^ har ,. |~' ' k - medlun'ishlp'l, fo" he in fortunate. Come to me. and I win Show yon where you can get a little Joy and be te, fly will tell you how your luck can be .hanged and how long you will have to live "li 'I? W.Tta'K. - v °," «" •>'•<■ lam Hnrrv 11. « aite.lhe adviser of huslne,, men and women who have got their all In a venture hoping to pro I'TJ"" '"i 0 " ' l " P "- 1 «*U you about' he ase. will, deed mortgage, partnership, etc. I will tell you about your location, or If a change Is necessary. Why hesitate if you are perplexed" «nt" vo me and find help, come ye who iuft>r •nd get help. Come ye lover, and win your Idol, tome ye businessmen and he advised. Come ye ;!, n .h^'a ear ,'-'" 1 wh ,T s ; * n " com - v " disconsolate husbands. ( ome all that are In trouble, no matter w hat kind, t ome and learn to bless this wonderful amazing, convincing slate-writing medium. The only one In the oity that doe, not accept money in advance. You do not pay a cent unle,, vou'nre fully satisfied. Could anything be fairer : ' 17a, not this honesty upon the face of it? Parlors at 8M South Broadway, near Fourth st.; quiet and' re tired. Hours from 9 a.m. to 8p m. Al] matters strictly confidential. People being out of town send stamp for free advice, bnt ask no questions P. s— Those who are writing the undersigned threatening letters, save your stamps. Inm here to stay. lam honest, ray charge, are advertised JS voluntary If there Is full satisfaction, otherw Ise 1 REE. If at any time a person Is dissatisfied, if ihey will rail. I will refund what they gave me I am tbe only medium that ever dared' lo advertise such a thing, and lo fudge from letters received someone must feel hurt at this way of doing busi ness, f expect the lirst month io meet every traud, fakir aud fool In the community, and the soiree is about over. If thero be any more In town call quick, so I can finish Ihe job and let honest people have a chance. HARRY 11. WAITF. The creates! Medium on Earth, 3">2 8. Rroudway. ARRIVED - HARRY H. WAITE, THE V Clairvoyant of Clairvoyants aud the OXI,Y Independent slate willing medium In the oity, that answers sealed messages while In *v dead trance, tells if your lover ls true or false, who to trust and who to watch, tells your lucky mouth, week or day. gives advice on all matters of Im portance, such as business, love affairs, marriages divorces, law suits, etc. Locates lost or stolen goods, reunites tbe separated, brings speedy marriage re moves stumbling blocks and bad luck of all kinds, lfyouflnd with all your nature's gifts that you cannot succeed, go al once to this wonderful man and Hurl out ihe cause of your bad luck. Remem her he tells you all you wish to know and does not ask you a solitary question, nor do you pay a cent unless you are fully satisfied, but If you are satis fied he then charges you Is tills not honest? Now do not delay, but go at once nnd see this medi um. If you nre going to see a medium.why not see the greatest on earth? He has taken parlors at 352 S. Broadway, where he will give private slttlngsdullv. Hour, from H to «. I. s. People living out of city send stump for free advise, but ask no quos Hons. I>ROF. LEE—DO TIIE HEAD RETURN? IF you doubt, come and be convinced by Prof. Lee, the alatc-wrlting medium; messages given from your loved ones written on slates cleaned hy yourself and held In your own hands; sealed mes sages answered while lv n dead trance; a medium by the gift of tlod. PROF. LEE. 242 1-2 s. Broad way; parlors 12 und IS. •>.•s■, MRS. l'EftCY-lOS E. FIFTH ST., CLAIR \ oynnt, healing and developing; sittings 81; circle, Monday, Thuraduy and Saturday evening,, Soc; also Tuesday and Friday, 2:3u, Wo. 2.2S FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE—very choice fruit and alfalfa laud within 15 miles of court house for city property. Land unincumbered. Will as sume on choice property. This Is your opportu nity, as the land wHI b.->sr close Investigation. OOSPER. SMITH * CANNON, 421 Stimson block. is JSOR EXCHANGE--BY 171. NEWERF— SBooo—Fine foothill income ranch al San Dimas, for elty house or houses. 96000— Nice home, close In ; want Income foothill ranch; North Ontario preferred. 14000—Nice home, all furnished, with good barn : nicely located, southwest; wont good-paying in come fruit ranch. |600O— Chicago lots, well located; want s stock of merchandise. |4000—San Diego city houses, rented; want Los Angeles county or city property. J4oOo—lBo acres, Tulare county, good land, for property down thia way. 5100,000 worth of choice vacant fruit lands, Rfver e county, la tracts to suit any trade. •200,000 worth of Riverside and South Riverside orange and lemon groves, for Chicago, Kansas City and Los Angeles city income. 9Bsoo—Los Angeles city and Ran Diego city prop erty for St. liOuts city or auhurban property. •13,000—Fine fruit and grain ranch near Fresno for good Eastern farm. 94500—Hotel at Wilbur. Washington, for South ern California property. |i3,soo—US-sere farm, Solano county, weU im proved, near Elmira, town and railroad Junction; want improved ranch In Southern California or St. Louis city or suburban property. 16000—Sioux City, Towa, lots for good alfalfa land in Los Angeles county. 97000—Fine foothill fruit land, some Improve ments, for Chicago or Minneapolis Income. Also numerous other exchanges. Lint your good property with me. L. L. NEW ERF, 220 S. Spring st. Rooms 19 and 20, StOWOll block. 17 *Y7M>R EX. CHANGE OR Sa LE BPEC I AL J? bargains from our immense list. Pour lots on Jefferson st„ near Main, with line 8 room hard finished dwelling. Will exchange all or part for good dotintry property. Two lots ou Second" st., Boyle Heights; two story hard finished dwelling, barn, lawn, hedge, fence, etc.; value $45 M, This is a lovely home, and we will exchange it for outside property or vacant city lots. One lot and 8 room dwelling, on Rockwood st.; a beautiful home, with gas and sewer connections, and all modern improvements. Will exchange for acreage—foothill lands near Burbank preferred. Eighty sores of good, level unimproved land. 8 miles from Winchester, in Riverside county, clear. Will exchange for home in Los Angeles. Thirty-six acres land, dwelling, bam, etc., near Anaheim, 1 mile from Santa Fe depot; has 15 acres hearing oranges, lemons and apricots. WHI sell reasonable, or exchange for city property nnd as sume, if justifiable. This is something worth in vestigating. The owner Is a Los Angeles business man nnd cannot g|ye the place attention necessary. A nice living end profit can be made here at once. Ten-acre fruit or -hard, Rnmono, 02(00. Ten-acre fruit orchard, |M miles from ASUIO, $2000. Ten acres at Duarte, 5-room house, etc., to ex change. WM. R. BURKE A CO., 14 and 17 2l3 l , N. spring st.. up stairs. FOR E XCH ANO E — 10>RO( >M ft t > USE, ao feet fro it, for a fruit ranch at or near Pomona, or an alfait'a ranch near Los Angeles. **■ • acres of farm land near Paso Rubles. San Louis oblspo county, for a small alfalfa ranch near Los Angeles, or a home In this city. 11-room house on Orand aye,, close In, for a fruit ranch. 12-room house on Second and Hope sts., for orange grove, A nice place in tills city to trade fur a home tn Pasadena. Business block and other productive property in Toneka, Kansas, fhr city or ranch property here. A tine residence In Seattle for residence here, will assume or pay cash dlOerenrp. .1. A. MORLAN, Chamber of Commerce. 22* W. Ilh st. 10-tf JpOR EXCHANGE— " 95300--The best 40 acres of walnut land In Califor nia, elegant for sugar beets or alfalfa either, located I'a mile sooth of Anaheim audi mile from Mira tions; want something In city. 915 is acres near Burbank, clear! trade for tl city or house; might assume some. I 00— "ice 5-room cottage on good graded street, clc c tv . will trade equity for lot or land; fneum hr Pea 001. & J- 1) acres, partially Improved, in San Gn b; el/ .Hey, clear; for house or lot. 39 — ti acres, Improved. 3 miles from Azusa, < cup for home in city; will assume 11030. f'% — 5 acres In 4-yei r old eucalyptus trees, ; tv es east of Redondo. ior lot in city. W. il. NEISWENDKR 17 213 West First Street ■pOR EXCHANGE— Kansas Oity, rented, close in, 910,000, Kansas City, 950,030, Chicago, from ?pi,o(o up. St. Louis, from 110,00J up. Lincoln, Neb., *;ojo. Peoria, 93500. Beatrice, 92.5*). All income places, for Los Angeles nrcounty. I We can suit you upon exchanges. Cull tn and see US. MEEKINS <V SHERWOOD, 17 118 1-2 S. Broadway. FOR*" EXCHANGE - 80 ACRES OF CHOICE farming land near Paso Robles, for a small ranch near the city, or a house and lot in the city. 240 acres In Central California for city property or a fruit ranch ; will assume. 12-room house on Second st. for an orange grove; will pay some cash 15 acres southwest, close in, for a residence in the city. Lots of other properties to exchange. Come in and see what we have. J. A. MORLAN, 17 No. 22s W. Fourth st. IjlOR EXCH ANO ACHES i'AT X.* i i.v land. large lake 10 to 20 feet deep, also several springs, log house, together with 640 nead of cattle and 01 calves, recently bran-led: far .re range and good feed; located !) miles from station on Santa Pc railroad, for Los Angeles property, CA RTER A BEECHEP,32i S. Broadway. 17 OBt OF 112 LOTS IN THE CLARK <fc BRYAN tract, there grs only olow-price lota left; tbey are on Tenth, at San Pedro st., for only SSio: the soil, locatio.i and surroundings aro flue, and this is your last opportunity for any such lot at this price; they must be sold thia week: terms to suit. CLARK A BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. FOR EXCHANGE -S3 LOTS IN TR At f All joining the Great Starch WoTKS In Dcs Moines, lowa, to trade for Los Angeles property. glad to talk with parties familiar with the prospects of the capital city of lowa on this trade. E. C. CHAPIN, 13ti S. Broadway. 17 FOR EXCHANGE--? LOTS IN BEST RESL dence section of Helena, Montana. On electric car line. Surrounded by very tinpst homes. Will put in some cash and trade for property here or will assume. LEONARD MERRILL, 120 S. Broadway. 17 Ft) It EXCHANGE OR, SALE—TWO OR three Rood sized pieces of the finest orange and fruit land in the wtat* of California, clear of encumbrance.'near Redlands; also 40 a-'res im proved land near Long Beach. J. C, WILLMON, 230 W. First street. 17 OR eYcIITnGE — SOME GOOD RERl dence property, S. W,, vacant and Improved and cash, for a close in location for building fiats. Will go as high in price as 910,000. and In elevation as Grand aye. west of this oflice. LEONARD MERRILL, 139 8. Broadway. 17 JjSOR EXCHANGE -2 clear lots In Chicago suitable for flats or resi dence, good location; for small houses or lots in Los Angeles. W. P. LARKIN A CO., owners, 110 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. 20-tf lildU EXCHANGE—BRING IN YOUK Ex change, we can mstoh most anything that bns honest values; none other wanted. F. 11. PIEPER A CO., 18 108 S. Broadway. 17*0 iV~ 'exchange- «::jo-a sevi n-room house on Thirty-seventh ht. near Main; want • IOOD cash, balance acreage, or neat home in other town worth 91200. E. C.COOK, 353 S. Main. 17 171 OR EXCHANGE—2 LOTS IN THE PRINCI -1 cal residence part of Setttia aye. for work team and heavy wagon and harness. CARTER A REECHEB. 328 S. Broadway. 17 G1 O OCT TODAY AND REE~CLARK A BRY r an's new Figueroa street tract, corner of Jefferson and Figueroa sts. It's a heanty nnd prices amazingly low. 17 Its OR EXCHANGE-* A tine income property at 1 San Pedro, 94000; for equity In city property. D. R.CLAY. New office. Stimson Block, 123 W.Third street. 17 If OR EXCHANG E—loo At' RES AL FALF A land near city nnd Minneapolis property for something In Los Angeles Or Vicinity, ROBINSON, Ramona Hotel. 17 I.IOR EXCHANGE--. A SUBURBAN HOME worth 92500, with 91000 Building nnd Loan debt, in Chicago to trade for Los Angeles home. 17 E. C CHAPIN, 196 s. Broadway. 1710R EXCHANGE—WILL EXCHANGE RES taurant and 6 furnished rooms for lodging house, store or property. Call P3!> East First st. 1» ¥108 EXCII ANGE -91500-TWOt IfOK E LOTS corner Second and Fremont sts.; 900) cash, hal ance acreage. E. C. COOK, 353 S. Main. 17 rpo'trade—a new sewing machine! I. standard make, oak. for roll top desk. Ad. dress M. box 30, this otlicc. 17 _ ~ MEDIUMS* WINO NA — SEVENTH "DAUGHTER OF late Dr. King, world renowned phrenologist and astrologlst. Consultation 25c, 50c. Life chart, nativities 91 upwards. 421 W. Seventh. mm TTIRENCH LADY, HEALING MEDIUM— JJ Treats all diseases; consultation free; life reading. Parlor 7, No. 355 1-2 S. Spring st. MRS. HOPKINS-MITCHELL. BUSINESS and test medium; has resumed business at 7m E. Fifth st.: call and see lipY, ~ PETROLEUM METERS. 17\OH I'KrHoijiTjM ! we J. ti. KOEBEELE, lis ». Hioudway. PE^ONAL.^^^^ I rpllk'MOST COMPLETE TRACT IN KVKRY I A respect that over put on the market is j ('lark A Bryan's Figucros Street Tract, cornet j Jellerson nnd Uigneroa strei is The lots are . hioml and deep, the noil mellow and sweet and the | location is more than complete for the price of only fiooi on these lots. 17 TT>ERBONAL- DO YOU WANT A HUSBAND? I. wife? to know what yon can do fn life. 1 now to avoid strife? something new j facts; sensational; stand from tinder; send ID cents for spec) men ropy to TEMPERMATOLOGIST AND SOLAR BIOL OGIST, loCk faOX 739, Los Angeles, Cal. 17 l"l ENTLEMAN; 3«; GOOD EDUCATION; LlT VTernry attainments, etc. First-class business man. oood position at present. Wishes to corres pond with lady between 20 nnd in. Object matri mnnv. Address CONSCIENCE, G box 60, this otbee. 17 IP YOU WANT A SWELL LOT TN THE swell part of the dty, for only $1000. and be in the swim the halance of yonr days, secure It In ClArk A Bryan's Figueroa Street Tract, corner Jef ferson ond Figueroa sts. 17 "T UENTLI:M A N OF REFINEMENT. 45 J\. years of age, wishes the acquaintance of re tined lady not over .'l5 years of age. Object matri mony. Address I, box 50, this oflice. 17 V LONELY GENT ~ WISHES THE qualntance of Intelligent lady as companion and I l iend, .1. Box 5'V this oflice. 1 7 CHIROPODISTS. SA. LANON — SURGEON CHIROPODIST; • pedicuring for ladies and gentlemen; 200 Stimson block, corner Third and spring; Sunday hours, io to 4, Mits. l.Tkknnkhy. MANICCRE~AND chiropodist; moles and hair removed by electric needle. Crocker block, 212 S. Broadway. 188 C. ST A PIER, CHIRO POD IST; LA dles' mssseuse. 211 W. First st., opp. Nadeau. DR. B. /ACIIAC, SCRGEON CHIROPODIST. 124 S. Main st., rooms 4 and 5. BICYCLES. WkTcoWAN, MGR. THOS. H. B. VAR • ney, coast agent for Rambler bicycles. Tele phone 1851. 427 S. Spring st. BICYCLE, BUGGY AND LIVERY—B. MOAT. Business removed to 222 E. Second st. SOME GOOD TIMES AT MESA The Visit of Latter Day Saints in Arizona There Wee ■ Orand Picnic, Some Good Lunches, Speeches, and a Grand Banquet at Night On the 3d of February Mesa was visited by two gentlemen from Utah, Professor Carl tt. Maeser and Professor George God* d&rd, in the interest of the schools, Sun day Schools and Young People's Improve ment Associations of the Latter Day Saints, or Mormons. After several instructive meetings, it was decided to hold a picnic excursion before they left, that they might have an opportunity to enjoy tiie magniticent land scapes clothed In verdure and the balmy climate of our beloved Arizona, the most choice and favored of all lands. Accord ingly by nine o'clock Tuesday, February sth, the streets were astir with vehicles well loaded with people of all ages, pre pared to turn their backs upon Mesa for a day's outing. The cavalcade, consisting of seventy two vehicles and of>2 people by actual count, proceeded east across the Highland and then northeast to a rocky butte about ten miles from Mesa. Here a halt was made upon a green and level glade and the starry Hag was unfurled from the top of a Paloverde tree. After a time spent in social conversa tion, the Mesa choir gave some choice musical selections and the Mesa Brass Hand rendered some excellent music. Bountiful lunches were then spread upon the grass and all partook thereof with a keen relish. The banquet concluded, the people were numbered and there were found to be 552 present, and it was re marked that with all this number no swearing was heard and not a whiff of to bacco smoke tainted the atmosphere- dur ing the entire day. All present then climbed to the summit of the butte, from which was viewed one of the most charming landscapes to be I seen anywhere, em brut .ng a sweep of over J a hundred miles. A few miles north was McDowell Mountain, and to the southeast I the Superstition Mountains, where the | famous gold mines are located. At our feet the landscape, as far as the eye could reach, was level iiiui dotted with Arizona landmarks, the giant or sentinel cactus. All this immense area, when irrigated and cultivated, will lie as tine fruit and agri cultural land as there is the world. While about two hundred were on the butte, Judge Hakeschristened it Goddard- Maeser Butte, in honor of Professor Mae ser and Professor Goddurd, who are largely interested in the educational advancement of the rising generation. The christening was sanctioned by three rousing cheers, and Professor Goitdard sang Utah's Best Crop, Our Girls and Boys. On descending to the picnic grounds,six teen little girls performed the doll drill very prettily, and was followed by more music and remarks from the visitors, who exprosst-u themselves as charmed with the country and climate. No doubt it will seem strango to those in the North and East to hear of a picnic at this season of the year, anil they would be still more surprised it' they could have been on the ground to see for themselves. There were calico dresses and sunhonnets, boys in their shirt sleeves and babies nnd little girls without wraps. While spread ing lunch the ladies regretted that they had not taken parasols to shield them from the warm sunshine, but in the en joyment of the occasion the discomfort of the hot sun was forgotten and all enjoye.l themselves to the utmost tnroughout the day. Professor Maeser investigated a cholla, or jumping cactus. He will investigate from a little distance hereafter. SANTA Ml %A Santa Monica, Feb. ltf. —J. R. Barack man was elected delegate to the state convention of the Maccabees at the last meeting of the local tent. George Williams was elected junior beadle and E. E. Barackman treasurer of Court Neptune A. 0. F. of A. at their last meeting. The ladies of the 0. E. S. give a fancy dress ball at the Arcadia on the 21st. Santa Monica Lodge I. 0. G. T. hold a public installation on Monday evening. Mrs. Ken Summerlield and' sisters, the Misses Collins, are at San Diego for a few days. N. E. Carrillo and James Collins are en joying a hunting trip in adjacent moun tains. 0. F. Sehader of the firm of Sehader cv Co., has returned from his Arizona trip j and purchased the Darricott property on the corner of Oregon avenue and Third street. He intends to improve it by build ing a fine business block on it. The rainfall here for the season is 11.17 inches. ELSINORH Elsinore, Feb. 16.—Mr. Joy of the South Ttfverside Land aud Water Company was here today inspecting the new flood-gates just finished. The lake has risen six feet in the last twenty days, and it is spread over an area seven miles long by three wide. Hunting never was better. There are ducks by the thousand. The naphtha launch Alma is now in run ning order, and Is enjoyed by many. The Lake View Hotel boats are in* Harry Clarke's charge and well looked after. The new sulphur well of Ilogcrs <fc Trap halien is down 126 feet and Hows 45,000 gallons in twenty-four hours. It is to be shot with dynamite tomorrow to increase the How. S. G. mils Improving S. G. Mills, the insurance surveyor whose eyes were cut out by Dr. Ellis, on Friday afternoon, was resting comfortably last evening. He had no hemorrhage, and Dr. Clark states that ltis ultimate re covery is assured. ORNAMENTAL OFFICER GONE Law Making iv the Arizona Legislature LAWS THAT WERE REPEALED The Merchants' License Tax Done Away With Hews from Southern California's Neighbors Across the Border—Phoenix Notes and Personals In the Legislature but few measures j have been, other than formerly, adWq | upon that materially amount to any thing. The ornamental office known as the Railroad Commissioner, has been abolished. The elective franchise, to women in Arizona, bill now rests in the hands of the committee on Territorial affairs in the council, which means that all that is wanting is an obituary to be read, when its remains will be interred, and not to be resurrected for two years, in keeping with what has become a time-hunored custom in Arizona legislation. The merchants' license tax law will be repealed, as the merchants of the terri tory are a unit for its abolishment. The measure to raise revenue, known as the bill to tax sleeping car companies, will pass the House, with amendments to the original. That which is disturbing the cautious law-maker most concerning it is to have it so perfect that the question of its con stitutionality cannot be questioned. In keeping with the time-honored bien nial custom a mining law is going to be worked through after the Colorado pat tern. The chances are that those who will vote for it will be subject to anathe mas until it is repealed, from the pros pector and poor miner. The act to create a board of health and vital statistics is in the judiciary commit tee's hands, but the differences that exist among the various schools of medicine, etc., are calculated to let the matter rest until a more propitious period. . A Boaid of Control for charitable, re formatory and penal institutions will be created. 'This move meets popular ap proval, A bill has been introduced to require foreign insurance companies to give bonds while doing business in this ter ritory to secure policy holders, in the sum of $15,000. Gambling, local option as to the sale of intoxicants and other measures for the motal good of the people of the territory will likely receive favorable considera tion. The bill, however, that is most interest ing to the law makers and the city daily papers, is that known as the printing biil for the printing of the proceedings of the Council and the House journals. There are three daily papers, one, the Gazette, Democratic and two Republican in this city, the Herald an afternoon paper and the Republican a morning paper. A bit ter war is being waged, the fight being a two to one affair, tne Gazette and Repub lican against the Herald. The combina tion against the Herald is termed an "un holy alliance." The Republicans iv the Southern tier of counties are as a rule loyal to the Herald which is a consistent Republican paper. The Gazette being Democratic and having a chance in the Council to check a i live Republican (printing |measure stands in the breach through the voting complex ion of that body, it being six Democrats and six Republicans; consequently, on strict party lines, the council is a tie. The Gazette and the Republican, however, carried the day by a seven to live vote. The House is different. It stands seven teen Republicans to seven Democrats. Hence, this bill is the topic mat is being discussed mostly on the streets, in busi ness houses, private residences, in the third house, where the "unholy alliance" has a force calculated to do almost any thing in furtherance of the combination's side, except—pulling the sack. It is the prevailing belief that the House will stand by the Herald. Since writing the above the bill has be°n up before the House, aud, after consider able maneuvering and parliamentary tac tics, it was tabled. Phcsntx Note* Mr. Wilson nf this city raised pears of the Idaho variety the past season tliat weighed thirty-three ounces. Hon. Alonzo Baily, of Globe, one of the lending Democrats of Arizona, reached Phoenix on Thursday. He has been bu>y shaking hands ever since. John Hughes, son of Governor and Mrs. Hughes, is expected daily from the Ka*-t. He lias been compelled to give up school study for a time, owing to trouble with his eyes. Baled hay sells here for 50 rents a bale; loose in bulk at $12 a ton; barley fl.7fi per sack, and wheat at 1 cent per pound, Par ties contemplating, prospecting in this vicinity can outfit from the Springs, The Verde Reservation has bun thrown open to settlement and a great many ] co pie availed themselves of the opportunity to obtain lands cheaply. About one third of the land was tiled on the lirst day 4 The lands embrace 10,000 acres, former y held as a military reservation on She Verde River, Yavapai county. To protect the cuttle interests of Ari zona, the retail dealers in meat in the ter* ritory—and through them the people—are already taxed unciviseioiiahly. flu* butch ers are* taxed and the cattlemen are not taxed. Is it not about time thai the rat tle industry was allowed to stand oil ite own bottom?—Journal-Miner. Doug Lemon lost a valuable watch in the train robbery, lt was sent tit Tucson for repairs, and in order to save fifty cents expressage he put a value on il of $."*), whereas the actual value of the time-piece was not less than $125. The watch has not yet reached it? destination; hence it is reasoned that it was either taken by robbers or blown to pieces. Hear I> r. McLean, pastor of Simpson M. K. Tabernacle today. Strangers in vited. Plumbing done of every description at I'urrey's, ltd X. Spring street. The North Star TO I'ROrZSaOR LSWtfl SWIFT OF MiU.ST LOWS OBSeitVATORT When twilight's purple veil ( s furled Beyond the western verge of day . And slowly o'er the darkened world The stars come forth in bright Array- When \ enus hides her burning face * Upon old Ocean's troubled breast Or. weary of lits marcn through space, Mars camps behind the mountain eros The sailor un tiie moonless sea, The pilgrim of the trackless plain, The bondman, panting to be free, Turn northward and take heart again* For there above unmeasured heights, * An emblem of eternal truth, Unchanged amidst the changing light! The North star lifts her crown of yi utta, Belf-ccntercd in the boundless bin* Calm dweller of the vest in Forever lender strung and 11 Serenely from her distant t She gazes down the vuieclcs* Wh le worlds are drifting a: And mighty constellations sw Around iter like an endless The ortitern Lights across he The glory of their dancing sp The Morning Mars beneath her • The chorus of Creation's years And witile the systems sink am. And planets to each other nod The light streams from her train As steadfast as the love Ott»o4. —James