Newspaper Page Text
12 WILL ANY ACTION RESULT? More Talk About the Salt Lake Railway THE PLAN OF CINCINNATI The Railroad Commissioners. Fruit Rates and Refrigerator Cars The neetingol the Chamber ol Commerce--A Big Palm Tree-.The Pire st Wilmington There was a meeting Of a few prominent citizen in the assembly chamber of the Chamber of Commerce building las', night, for the purpose of considering; what could be done toward building a railroad to Salt Lake City. The meeting war. called to order by Colonel J. SI. C. Marble, and Mr. Ward was elected secretary, Among the citizens present were Charles Koi rrst'r, Captain Cross, J. H. Braly, Joseph Bixby, W. H. Workman, j. H. llurkc. ML K. Avery, J. F Sartori and otliers. The proposition presented to the nicotine; was that the people of Los Angela! should •end a committee to Sacramento to urge tbe legislature to pass a law similar to the Ohio law, which allowed the city of Cin cinnati to build the Cincinnati Southern Hailroad and then lease it to the highest bidders. It was shown in the discussion thai Cincinnati was receiving .in income nf over $1,01>J,1100 a year from the road it built, besides Retting all the trade along Ihe line for its merchants, and it was ch-arlv indicated that if allowed to do so Los Angeles city alone could build the railroad to Salt Lake, and inside of ten years be receiving a revenue from it. The plan of taxation has already been discussed and in the proposed bill the only change would lie to make the rate of taxation tower. It was timilly decided to appoint a committee to draft a bill, mod eled after the Ohio bill, and present the B line to the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday afternoon with the idea of getting that body to indorse the proposed bill. It was also decided to call a general meeting of citizens for Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock, at Assembly Hall, Cham ber of Commerce building, to discuss the proposed legislation. On the committee to draft the bill and present it to the Chamber of Commerce Messrs. Workman, Marble, Ward, Allen and Davis were selected and the meeting then adjourned. As there are but sixteen more days of session for the present legislature it. is necessary that if anything is to he done with the proposed hi'l prompt action be taken. Not a day can bo lost safely, for Ran Francisco is waking up and it is'by no means certain that the pro moters of the proposed Ran Joaquin Val ley Hailroad may find a way to Salt Lake City rather than to Los Angeles unless the" people of this southern metropolis show some spirit and grit. Discussing Fruit Rates. The Railroad Commissioners have at last awakened to the fact that there exists in California such a class as "thepeople," who are shippers of freight and who have rights which the Southern Pacific is hound, if it oheys the law, to respect. The following telegram is self-explanatory, but tbe Railroad Commissioners want to hear witnesses on the other side, and this they will probably do. The special says: San Francisco, Fch. 18.— There was a full attendance at the meeting of the Hoard of Railroad Commissioners this afternoon. The Assembly resolution call ing upon the Commissioners for a detailed statement of the charges for transporting fruit overland, with particular reference to the charges for refrigerator cars, was taken up. J. C. Stubbs, W. H. Mills and C. F. Smurr, representing the Southern Pacific Company, and several agents of refrigerator devices were present. Upon invitation W. H. Mills said that he came to make an answer to the resolution. He -did not represent the Southern Pacific Company, but came as a student of the industrial resources of this state and the intiuence of transportation upon fruit shipments. Mr. Mills then tiled a statement concerning the cost of moving fruit and also concerning the ap paratus used. It set forth that Mr. Per kins has invented a device for using ster ilized air, which preserves fruit and saved $100 per car as compared with refrigera tion. Mr. Perkins experimented with a carload of fruit which was moved from Oakland to New Orleans and back at the expense of the Southern Pacific Company. The car was absent lift eon days. The experiment was satisfactory. If that device had been put in general use tWO years ago there would have been a saving of $1,000,000 to California this sea son. Mr. Mills thought, there, ought to be a fund or legislative appropriation which would enable the Hailroad Commission ers to investigate devices of this sort cal culated to save money for the producers. The secretary read the communication presented by Mr. Stubhs, which con tained a statement of rates charged per car, the weight of ice, etc., and set forth that the transportation companies have nothing to do with refrigerating charges. The railroads, said Mr. Stubbs in his communication, favor the ventilated cars. The company does not own refrigerator cars. The best car is yet to be made which will make shipping of deciduous fruits cheaper. Mr. Stubbs was of opin ion thut refrigerator car charges have been too high. He said that the charges for transportation are about as low as they can be made under all circumstances. The board also heard other gentlemen concerning green fruit shipment and re frigerator charges and discussed the sub ject at considerable length. Trying; to Bring Them In Chicago, Feb. 18.—R, D. Caldwell, chairman of the Western Trunk Lines committee, left tonight for St. Louis to confer with the Missouri Pacific and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas regarding the membership of these lines in the com mittee. The attitude of the Hlo Grande Western in declining to become a member as long as the Union Pacific allowed its side trips which are allowed only because the Rio Grande Western gives stopovers at Salt Lake City, is likely to cause further com plications in the West and it may be some time before they get straightened out. The Bocfc Island and the Burlington, which arc eastern connections of the Kio Grande Western, are disposed to take an amicable view of tbe situation ami the chances are that the trouble will be ad justed within a short time. A Big Palm Tree Trainmaster Prior on yesterday bad re moved from the Los Angeles yards and shipped to Fresno for transplanting one of the gigantic palm trees that have been grown there. The tree when ready for shipment weighed eleven tons and is one of the most magnificent specimens of its species in the state. It was 15 years old a rtiouth or two ago, and being in splen did condition, will no doubt live many years in the genial soil of Fresno. Tbe Wilmington Fire The wisdom of equipping switch engines in railroad yards with bose reels and lire pumps for use in case of fire was fully demonstrated on Sunday afternoon last. About 2 o'clock a telegram sent simul taneously to the Southern Pacific and Santa Fc railroad, offices here announced LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1895. that McDonald's warehouse at Wilming ton, near San Pedro, was on tire, and that numerous freight cars belonging to both roads, as well as other property belonging to citizens and adjoining the warehouse was iv danger. Two switch engines, fitted with lire apparatus, one from the Santa Xc yards and one from the Southern Pacific, were sent on a rash to Wilmington and arrived there tn time to save most of the properly. A number of freight cars were partially deetroved and the warehouse and its> con tents was a total los-. All the burned property was fully insured. But for the switch engines there is no telling where the tire would have stopped,as Wilmington is but poorly provided with tire appara tus. Notes end Personals 1). R. Kohinson, first vice-president of the Santa Fe system, is in the city with his family and will remain here some time. They tied Chicago when tbe 30 de grees below' zero arrived for an apparently unlimited stay. Sixty passengers went to Catalina Isl and yesterday, tiiostot them carrying guns and bent on "getting a shot at a wild goat. From thirty to forty carloads of oranges leave this city for the Eastern markets daily now and "the business is steadily in creasing. TIIE NORTHWEST DISTRICT Action ol the Northwest Improvement Association at Lnst fleeting The regular meeting of the above asso ciation was held at the hall, corner Mon treal street and Bellvue avenue, last Tues day evening. The committee on Temple street im provent was, by request, discharged and a new one appointed, with instructions to canvass the district thoroughly and re port at an early date whether the majority of property owners favor a compromise grade or to have the present ordinance revoked anil commence new proceedings. The committee on streets and four others were appointed a special commit tee to confer with the commissioners on extension of Hill street (formerly Caste lar) to Bcllevue avenue and sec that the rights of property owners in the assess ment district are protected. The com mitec on health and sanitation reported several nuisances and were instructed to ask the Health Officer to have them abated. The special order of business being the proposed regrading of liellevue avenue preparatory to the extension of the elect ric railroad, a long discussion on that question ensued, which was, on motion, continued until next meeting. The special Order of business at the meeting this evening will be the regrading of Bcllevue avenue, prepartory to the ex tension of the electric railway. All who are interested are urged to attend. Evangelist Mad.tine Tbe revival services at the First Chris tian Church have begun in earnest. In the meeting large and attentive audiences are listening to the inspiring sermons and touching appeals of the eloquent evangel ist. He is addressing church members this week and arousing them to a sense of their obligations to God and their fellow men. Ho preached last night upon Consecra tion. He set forth the higher, suprcmer joys of the Christian life as compared with deadening and ruinous effects of sin. in becoming Christians, God only asks man to give up that which is hurtful and that he live in harmony with the law of God, both in the realms of the physical and spiritual world. The congregation was much moved by his earnest appeals for consecration to" the great work ot the Master. Professor Colyer, who is a fine singer, has charge of the music, which is es pecially inspiring and helpful. Eight Chinese Vagrants. Eight Mongolians, all of whom are cither owners of female slaves or living of their illicit earnings, were arrested in Chinatown yesterday upon warrants by Officer Roberts. The complaints were sworn to by Officer Rich, who stated that they have "no visible means of support, ami that they wander around the streets aimlessly at "late and unseasonable hours of the night. They were released by each giving a bond for $100. Chinese property owners qualified on each bond. nEnORANDA. Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stimson block, first Moor, rooms 120, 130, 141. Special attention given to obstetrical cases and all diseases of women and children. Electricity scientifically used. Consultation hours Ito j. Tel. 1227. S. Conradi, jeweler and watchmaker, j 113 S. Spring street, makes a specialty of I line watch and jewelry repairing, dia | mond setting; an elegant line of optical I goods. A fine stock of watches and ! jewelry always on hand. I Teachers of the public schools can buy ; portraits of Washington, Lincoln, Colum- I bus, and of all the authors, for decorating j schoolrooms, at Lichtenbcrger's Art Em ] porlum, 107 North Main street. I.os Angeles Cure Rath and Massage in- I stltute, 630 South Broadway, gives first class massage treatment and all kinds of baths. This is the cleanest place in town for taking baths. We also give first-class vegetarian diet. Adams Bros., dentists, 230 1-2 South Spring street. Painless filling and ex tracting. Best sets of teeth from $6 to $10. Hours: Bto 5; Sundays, 10 to 12. The Citrus Fair this year will be greater, grander and more beautiful than [ ever before. Hazard's Pavilion. Febru ary 28th; ten days; 25 cents admission. Mathushek and the Briggs sweet tone pianos for sale and to rent at No. 118 Winston street. A. G. Gardner, practical piano tuner. Dr. \V. H. Ward, Mueller block, Fifth and Broadway, rooms 24 and 25. Res., I 1033 Flower st. Tel., office 1421; res. 118. Insure in the Phoenix Assurance Com pany of London. A. C. Golsh, agent. Office, 147 S. Broadway; telephone 020. Dr. E. J. Hadfield, of Philadelphia, surgeon and physician; office Bradbury bldg., tel. 125; res. 539 Olive, tel. 1168. The Advance Davis sewing machine is the best. Office, 128 South Main street. Sharp & Samson, funeral directors (in dependent), 536 8. Spring St.; tel. 1029. Sewing machines, in good working or der, for $5 each. 128 South Main street. All kinds of sewing machines to rent; 128 South Main street. Rooms $2 a week and up. U. S. Hotel. Photos, any size, $1. Plaza Gallery. ' The Famous Cassasa Band. JOTTINGS. ■ Trunks and Leather floods. All styles and varieties. Largo stock always on hand, and repairing a specialty. J. c. Cun ningham, 236 S. Spring street. Tel. 818. Wagner's Kimberley, 158 N. Main, opposite old court house. Specs and' cye-glaßses a specialty. Fine watch and jewelry repairing. Also diamonds and nne jewelry at lowest figures. Wagner, the old re liable jeweler. Our ilome Brew. Maier & Zobelein's lagor, fresh Irom their brewery, oil draught in ail the principal sa loons; delivered promptly in bottles or keuti. ' Office and brewery, 414 Aliso street; tele -1 phone 91. The Plnest Flavored Oysters In bulk and cans, 00 cents, full quarts; fine, fat and juicy. Cans 50 cents. Discount to hotel*, aud restaurants. Fred Hanlman's Mott Market 1 —i Stylish nillinery. Mrs. C. Posch will be found at No. 313 S. Spring st, just below Ramona hotel. Ladies, see my New York spring styles. 1 Mrs. Secord, massage for ladles. Robarts b.k., cor. Main and Seventh st. Room 47. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest XJ. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTE Ulf PURE LOCAL MENTION Corsets fitted at the Unique. The Cassasa band is coming. ?Agcnts wanted at Webster's, Maceabee j Temple. The finest eastern maple bowling alleys at 222 South Broadway. Roses that will bloom in the spring tra la at Lyon & Cobbe's, 440 S. Broadway. Life reading, II; satisfaction guaran teed. Fanny Green, 144 8. Main, room 8. The greatest citrus fair ever held in the state will take place in Hazard's pavilion February 28th, for 10 days. Ladies, we will allow you !r37.50 for your old machines. No Treadle Sewing Machine Company, 750 South Olive. Social dance by Professor Payne Tues day night; all friends invited and all members of the school; Illinois Hall, Sixth and Broadway; music. Schoena man-Blanohard orchestra. Grand ball. All are invited at Armory Hall. Tuesday evening, February 19th. Conducted by Magnolia Lodge No. 34, 1). of H., of A. 0. U. W. Admission 50 cents, admitting gentleman ami lady. Thomas Morgan, who entered the Goss residence a few nights ago and stole a lot of valuable silverware, was yesterday hooked upon a charge of burglary, by De tective Alible. Some hay, set on fire by children, called the fire engines to the corner of Maple avenue and Twenty-seventh street yester day afternoon. About $8 worth of the hay was destroyed. Reading by Miss Addie L. Murphy and Miss Anna K. Robinson, assisted by Krauss Quartette Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 19, Y. M. C. A. "Hall, 209 South Broadway. Tickets 50 cents at Blanchard Fitzgerald's. No extra charge for re- served seats. The young ladies and gentlemen of the city with a predilection Tor the stage have decideil to organize a local dramatic club and give performances from time to time for the benefit of charitable institutions. The classic drama is the study to be en tered upon, nnd Mr. I. J. Duggan of the Burbank theatre is to be the tutor. Santa Catalina Island steamer connects daily, except Sunday, at San Pedro with Southern Pacific Company's train leaving Arcade depot at 12:55 p. m. The steam ship Falcon is being painted and reno vated. For the next ten days the Wil mington Transportation " Company's staunch and fast ocean tug Warrior will make daily trips, Sundays excepted. The company reserves the right to change steamers and their days of sailing. The Petroleum Fields of California is the suggestive title of a lecture before the Science Association this evening at the Chamber of Commerce Hall, it will be given by William V. Watt, associate in the field of State Mineralogist Crawford, and author of an elaborate treatise on the oil fields of Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. He has been examining the Los Angeles and r-ucnte oil districts and can talk interestingly on his theme. It will be illustrated by lantern views. Admis sion free. The Anheuser Restaurant, At 243 South Spring street, sets commer cial lunch from 11 to 2 and 5 to 8 p. m. Finest delicacies always on hand; also dishes ala carte. The celebrated Anheu ser-Busch St. Louis beer always fresh on tap. Charles Bauer, proprietor. This is the scoson to gel the best val ues and attention in fine tailoring from H. A. Getz, 112 W. Third street. Dr. D. 3. Diffepbacher, dentist, rooms 4 and 5.119 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. E. L. DOHENV, manager. J.A. CONNON, Sunt. DOHENY OIL CO. #FUEL OIL.* IN ANY QUANTITY at market prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our I oil contains no benzine, nahptha or other dangerous explosives. We furnish Maier-Zobelein Brewery, Los Angeles Cold Storage Co .Cudahy Packing Co., and many other consumers, to whom we refer. Can be burned with any style of burner. Telephone 1472. Wells and Office cor. Douglas &W. State sts. DR. TALCOTT & CO. THE LEADING AND ONLY SPECIALISTS In Southern California treating Diseases of |y| £ Exclusively To show our honesty, sincerity nnd ability to cure tbe diseases ol which we make a specialty, we require r*o MONEY In Advance Fop JWEDICINE or> TftJHATmEfIT, but will rjuaut UNTIL WE CURE YOU We have abandoned the treatment of all diseases except Private Weaknesses and Diseases of Men. We think that we thereby attain the highest possible degree of success for tbe speedy, thorough and permanent cure of these cases, i Our offices are the most pri vate and elaborate in the city, and contain every Instrument and remedy known to science for our special treatment. Our specialty consuls of the quickest, easiest and cheapest treatment of alt forms ot Weakness, Acute aud chronic Discharges, Blood Taints and Stricture aud Gleet, the results of badly treated Gonorrhoea and surgical diseases ot ninu. Our'little book ou the nature and treatment of those diseases, together with rules far diet, exorcise and sleep„scut securely sealed, free. We make it part of our business to keep all matters regarding our praotice sacredly confidential. If you want to get well, call upon us for 8 freo consultation and examination. If wecan not ours you no power on earth can, for we understand every feature of the diseases ot which we make a specialty. Car. Main and Third Sts. Over Wells-Fargo Ex. Co. Private entrance on 3d-St- HANDSOME TABLE SILVERWARE What Is Now Being Used In the Hoffman Calc. The Empire Chandelier in the description of the Hoffman Cafe in Sunday's Herald, one of the most at tractive features was inadvertently omitted. The immense chandelier that is suspended in the center of the bar was designed aud furnished, by a local firm i that has lately taken the. lead In the iniiii ' ufacture of gas and electric fixtures. The chandelier is made to supply twelve gas and twelve electric lights, and is of the latest style, called the Empire. It is fin ished inartistic manner and has highly cut glass globes called stalactites. The handsome and elaborate silver table service was purchased from Messrs. Mey berg Bros., ami the beautiful soup tureci s, sugar bowls, forks, spoons and knives, a d, In fact, all the silverware that makes dining room so attractive, was selected by that linn. i 0. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler I county, West Virginia, appreciates a good thing and does not hesitate to say so. He j was almort prostrated with a cold when Ihe procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me prompt relief. I lind it to be an invalu able remedy for coughs and colds.'' For sale by Off A Vaughn, Fourth and Spring streets; C. F. Heinzeman, 222 North Main street, druggists. You save about one-fourth trading with the Red Kite Furniture Co., North Main and Plata (Old Pico House). Fitzgerald, house and sign painter, 222 Franklin; telephone 1449. Low prices. MARRIAGE LICENSES^^ Alberto Yaldez, Pomona 35 Dolores Laustanan, Los AngCies 25 F, Mari-'ii Davis, Pasadena 30 Mary J. Burgcson, Pasadena 23 Wedding invitations and announcements, ; visiting eards, etc.. engraved or printed. Work j done on premises. Leo & Bro , 14.0 N. Spring I . ===== DIED APFFEL—In Los Angeles, Monday, at lip m., Mrs. John Apffel, aged til years, born in Woerlli, Alsace. Funeral will take place from her late residence, 851 Maple ave., at 3 p. ra.. Ji).h fust New Orleans, Dubuque and San Francisco papers please, copy. ! BARHAM -la Los Angeles. February 17, 1895, Li Hie Ellis, beloved wife of Guy B. Barham, a native of Los Angeles, aged 25 years, i Funeral at 11 a. m today from 825 Alvarado ] street. ■ REYNOLDS—In this city, February 18, 1895. I ' Mrs. Catarina Reynolds, aged 80 years, i Funeral from tho residence of Mrs. B. Far, I 4S*i Dueomniun street. February 20th ai ii j p.m. Services will be held at the church of ' Our Ladv oi Angels. Interment Calvary cem- I Story, Friends invited. _ FUNERAL JV?"^^£^5_ Members of Court I.osAngeles No. 422, Inde pendent Order of Foresters, aro hereby notified to meet at our lodge room. In new Turner Hall bUlldlnft. Wednesday. February 20th, at 1 p.m. ■ sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother | E. (i. L'ol'uv. All brother Foresters invited. Guy 8. Allen, jr., C. 11 O. H. Nunnaley, R. H. \ Leading Funeral Director | J FIFTH & BROADWAY J 135 SOUTH SPRING ST. ;< SPECIAL FOR Today, Tuesday, Feb. 19th, Tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 20th. TFTIRTY PlE r ES—nearly 1000 yards—all-wool, 36 inches wide — m COVERT DRESS SUITINGS Z^Cj ALL AT ONE PRICE sammaW %f PER YARD. All the newest 6PRIXG COLORINGS to select from-tans, browns, blacks, two shades in blue, garnet, cardinal, modo. This barga'n cannot be duplicated. FAIL to visit our Domestic Department. We ar> offering extra values IB Ducks, Piques. Percales, Dimities, Japonettes, Challles, White Goods etc. Our prices cani.ot (a eqt aled. This advertisement smangnd every other day. It will pay you to watch this spate, f will be hard to duplicate »ny of our offerings, Goods delivered tree In any part of I ssadc a. Mail orders solicited. } •*■ FtiXEN & CO., 135 S. SPRING ST. QRIDER & DOWS Adams=st. Tract. See this tract and compare prices and the street improvements with other tracts before buying/ , Thrrehundre.lSO-foot residence lots, fronting Adams a reet, 1 wenty-seventh. Twentv-eigbth and Twenty-ninth streets, nt $X 10 and up. i Streets are graded and graveled; cement walks and curbs; beautiful street tree* and palms on all streets Building restrictions!, and undesirable cla'sof bui dings not perm ttod. Visit ihis tract and sec the many beautiful homes being huit. (lr.,nd view ol the mountains. Rich garden loam. No mud: 30 feet higher than Figncroa street. Don't fail to see the lots fronting BEAUTIFUL ADAMS STREET. Twelve minutes ride Irom Second and Spring streets, on the new double electric, line down, Cenral avenue Agents at our branch office, cornor of Central avenue and Twenty-ninth streets. Free catrlago from our office. For maps and prices call on Grider & Dow, 109 I=2 S. Broadway ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«>♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«»^ X THE LOS ANGELES | ! Gas and Electric Fixture I J MANUFACTURING CO. f : i : Z ! j~ SALESROOMS ♦ :WE ARE NOW IN A POSITION TO SHOW I In former premises, ♦ AND MANUFACTURE A MOST ] ~.,.„,.. _ „ . . ♦ ♦ ...«„>■ ■ •si* nr rniTiinrn 138-140-142 S. Main st. ♦ | MH6NIFIGENT LINE OF FIXTURES Z!tt!&tmr t «. Of All Descriptions at a ♦ ♦ VERY MUCH REDUCED PRICE. 131 133135 S Los Angeles st. { ♦ I PERSONAL CALL WILL REPAY YOU. ♦ J Copper, Brass, Silver Metal Work In J T And Nickel Plating. Brass and Iron. X O ♦ ♦♦♦♦ »♦»»♦♦»♦ ♦♦♦♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HWKRDED Highest Medals Offered _ in America. a s\ f i _S isast jEjr World's Fair Convention of Pho \ togrnph-rs and World's Exposi. tion. Chicago, '93. Highestpre- I V f — f \ *G . miums Los Angeles Fair '8«>1. 'ii'J,'93 And also awarded the highest piemium. for last fair, * ending Oct. 20, '84. Cloudy Weather Preferred Our Awards are the hignest awarded to any photographer, speaking vol umes for the superiority of Stsckel p U /VT Ofl PAPHV Photographs. Wa ojpevsry class of rllV/l IV™ » ■ ■ P *%{\ cy CT#a.». •?#»*» 6LV Oppnit* to# Angeles Theater ££\J «3. jprJllK and Hollenbeck Hotel. I>H. WHITE'S V** I DISPENSARY DR. WHITE. the oldest «■ tablished specialist, has de- A voted more time, as city pa- BB ZtQJw pers show, to ibe exclusive treatment of •.cEun.t and chronic rlisrnses ol men and ivomon thnn any other rulvor- Using physician city. Blood and skin diseases, red spots, pain in bones, sore throat and mouth, blotches and eruptions of the skin, ulcers, paiaful swellings, etc ; kidney and bladder diseases, frequent micturition, scalding, in flammation, gravel, etc.; organic weakn si, undeveloped organs, impediments Ao mar riage, nervous debility, impaired memory, mental anxiety. Absence of will power, weak back, lost vitality, melancholy and all dis eases resulting from excesses, indiscretion or overwork, reeemt ©r old, speedily, thoroughly and permanently cured. "Where shall I go to get cured?" many a sufferer asks, not know ing whom to trust. Go where thousands of others have gone and be restored to perfect health, the comforts of home and the enjoy ment of society—to Dr. White's old-established office, located eight years in Los Angeles. All lingering chronic diseases that have been neg* lected or have failed to yield to the treatment of less skillful hands soon get well under Dr White's superior treatment. Patients wishing speedy relief and sure cure should consult Dr. White, whose long, extensive experience en ables him to apply the proper tiealment at once without useless experiments, thus saving the patient much time and expense. Office and private laboratory, 1128 North Main street Los Angeles, Cal. Out-of-town patients treated by mail and express. PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Fine Gold Filling. Crown and Bridge Work. All Operations Painless. TEETH, PER SET, $S. STEVENS 4 SON, 107 N. SPRINQ ST. P.ooms 18 and 111. OPENING OF THE CALIFORNIA SALOON 418 South Main Street. Chas. F. Kuhl is the proprietor of this hand some resort snd is well supplied with a large 6tock of choice wet goods. Mr. X uhl is an old lime saloon man In this city and knows how to please all coiners. You are invited to attend tho opening SATURDAY NIGHT. C. F. HEINZEMAN, Druggist and Chemist, 222 i. MMIN ST., 10S SMGELES. Prescriptions cafefulb- compounded day or night. 'TIS A LUXURY TO READ When what you read is entertaining end when yon don't ha»*e to strain your eye a perusing it. You can afford to be recsless with anything but your eves; you can afford to taks chances with anything but your sight. We make all sor s of glasses for all sorts of eye., and for. their expert cxamin tion no charge is mad:'. You will find in our fine stock everything to improve one's eyesight in the wav ol glasses. PACIFIC OPTICAL CO., Scientific Opticians, 187 N. Sprinj st. forget number. All 'TO ' 312 South Sjiringst., below Third. i,« E.C.TRUESDELL D. D. S. Room 133, Stimson Block. Artificial Teeth A SPECIALTT. Difficult and irregular cases solicited Gold and porcelain crowns aid bridge work. Fine gold fillings. AH work first class in every particular. , DR. CATON'S RELIABLE (gb, TANSY PILLS \v* v f Bring safety, com trt and health. ffS" Look out! There Ire imitations! V _J Don'ttakeauv rials. See that you J get Dr. Caton's, tie original and J *v only absolutely sife and certain x preparation. Drui atores, or by qP^SFE&> B eaied. mall for $t Advice free. . ' ACattji Specific Cj. Boston, Mass. / jf FURNITURE. GARRTS AND STOVES .gffjlj Sol ' on Kas - Peyments. dSBSm m Invalids' Chairs and Children's OlfltES Carriages rent'l by ihe day, week ouuonth. T. MARTIN, k\ S. Spring S*.