Newspaper Page Text
8 A DAY OF COLLEGE SPORTS Details of the Intercollegiate ♦ Athletic Events TRAINS FROM OTHER TOWNS Colors of Four Colleges Will Float at Athletic Park Order of Events as Arranged and Assignment of Officials to Have Charge of the Track Occidental - Vamerack! Tamerack I Zip: Boom! Bah! Lacra! Lacra: Ha! Hal Ha! Oc ei den tal! Zip! Boom! Bah! Pomona- Kah I Kali! Kali! Zip! Boom! Ah! Viva La! Viva I,a! Po roo-ua ! chsffev Hip! Boom! Ah! Boom! La! Ka! ( haffev ! Chattey ! Kah ! Kah ! Rah ! V. S. < . Rah : Rah! Kali! V S. (*. Ah! Boom Rah ! tSoom Kah ! Kah I Kah ! Rah I Official colors- Occidental, Muck and cold; Pomona, blue and white; V. ft C, crimson; chaffev, olive and gold Officers of the Intercollegiate Athletic Asso ciation for I*93—President, Charles H. Ward, Pomona Collcee; vice-president, Harry L Martin, '9H. I. S. C ; secretary, Herbrrt 1. Priestley, Ciiaffey; treasurer, William K. Park e 'Do. Occidental. This is the great, day of Southern Cali fornia college sports. This is the field day when the four great educational institu tions of Southern California send their trained athlete* tn ■ ssoetlng where they will contest fur supremacy in faces and games. This is the day when thousands will gather to witness: the contests of strength, endurance and ability and to wave handkerchiefs and banners and Mow tin horns- the intercollegiate field day. At. I'M o'clock Athletic Park will pre sent a gay ami festive scene, and the first event will 1m; announced amid the ringing shouts and yells of the enthusiastic spec- ; tators seated in full view of the track. The executive committer has nt last coin- j pleted all arrangements, and all the ofti- B. J. Priestly, captain. T.. K. Toland. .t. F Ap l.ynn. (team Iralner.) W.J. i utter. Andrew Noble. DennU H«am. I.e. Knoles F. U. Braden, THE TEAM WHICH WILL REPRESENT CHAFFEV COLLEGE rial * selected. Vot the field pAcers bette men could not be ctxpaen, us the majority are well-known in utthletic circles. They are as follows: Releree l>r. H Bert Fr.'tis. fudges -c. r. Lyndell. I'neo Bessmg, Dr. w. F. Timers J. W. A. off, W. K. CWIBi one to be announced. .-tarier— A. C. Way. Scorer- Sherman Day Atlliounccr Frank llutchius. clerk of course- It. i . stiueliliehl. The field officers ars: oratid marshal —Williamui Edgar MeKee, OsvMnrtol, Marshall I liarlcs II Ward, I'omoua; 0. C. Mueller, Occ denial At a Uljtf. boor thocntries were received, and are as follows: One hundred yaid-iun--F. L. Fairbanks, '9S. occidental; F. Nance, '99, Pomona; M. 11. Seely. I. s. i.; CO. Toland, chaffey. I. ('. A. A. record for 1891, 104-.J sec. Sis reeii-pound bainmet th row—W . H Kant ■ur Occidental: L. M. Tolman. '90, Po mona; Charles caner. '97 t 0. 8. C.; G, E. Ap I.vnn, Cbaffev. 1. (.'.A. A record ior 1894, 70 feet I wo-mile bicvele—(jeorue Donaan, '98. Oeci. dental; It. II smith, 'in*, Pomona; 11. I. Mar tin, F. 8 C ; Dennis llcaru, chaffev. Filly yard dash Vi a. F.dwards. '97, Occi dental: I. L. Whitney, '97. Pomona; Chester Kobtnsou. I" s. c., c. «,. Toland, chafley. 1. C. A. A record tor 1894, 5 4-."i sec. Mile run 1., E. Lynn, '95, Occidental: H.M. Yoorhees,'oo, Pomona; Elmer E tlliott, *W, C s. c. Andrew Noble, ensffey. Pole Vault—A B, Bell,'llS, occidental; II Bloau.'OOi Pomona; Georjre Shanahan, 'ou, c 6 C; T. C K. holes, chaffey. 1. C. A. A. rec ord lor 1(94, 9 t'eel - inches'. Iwo hundred ami twenty-yard inn—W. A. F.dwards. '97, Occidental; F." Nance, '99, Po mona; H. >!. S«ety, '(hi, V. 8. C.| W. J. Cutter, t halfay. I. c. A. A. record tor 1894, Ufi sec. one utile walk— F.. 11. Miller. '98, occidenlal J. R Bent,99, Pomona: W. c. Twiss. '95, I . P. L'.J F. B. Braden, I haHcy. I. c. A. A. record for 1894, si Barn, ai sec. High jump—Ncal Murray, 'UO, Occidental, 1. I. Whittle,,97. Pomona: Philo Jones. '9S, I . £. C.; C.G. Toland. rhaffey. 1. t' A. a. record for 1894, .'j feet :i inches. one mile bicycle -tieorge Donaan, 'N. oc. cidental; E H. smith, '9», Pomonu: J. D. Funk, '98 L". 8. C ; bennis Ileatu. chaffey. I. c. A. A. record lor 1891 '_' mill. ;14 '_•-.*. sec. Four hundred aud iorty-vard dash—A E. Jnluor.h, '98, Occidental; I. M. Tolimtn, '90, Pomona; Klnier K. Elliott, '9b\ V. H, C: W J. I utter, rhaffey. I.e. A. A. record lor 1594, 59 '.'-5 see. At last Chaffs) College team lias been heard from and verifies the Claim that the team which enters today expecting to win new laurels for Chaffey'* crown of sue ccss, 's the hesi. all-around lot of athh'tcs Which the school has turned out since the nig foottiall game they had with the Stan ford two years ago, They arc the youngest of the four teams, averaging ahout hi year*. To show Ihe new development of athletic material in educational institu tions In Southern California, only three oi the team have ever been in any con test of this kind. ti. X A i Lynn, the Chaffee giant, lie being It feet 1 Mich it: height and weigh' iv : 'Jin pounds, sprained bis wrist while practicing the bummer throw a short tiint alio, and has ilist recovered. l>e;iut> Ileum is finding bis legT on Athletic track dinler competent bands, and will do sonic spieudid aiuatettr work in tile bicycle event-. I 11. Hraden bus put in some well spent, time in getting ready for the mile walk. Chaffey » Captain claims that if he docs mil win he will give the men some har.l pushing* • . i.. inland is now doing the 00 --yttrd dash iv less than ,"> seconds. VV. .1. Cutler la a loiig-wiuncd eitap. i-a.-d. Tuesday he made bit imi-yurd dash in less than 21 seconds. In the 410-yard dash he retains an enviable speed through out the race. Andrew Xuhlr is keeping up his loputa; lion for the mile run. T. 0. Knoles every day has been clearing* the bar at J) feet 8 inches. He has a very graceful vault. Chaft'ey comes expecting that her team will carfv a goodly number of medals home with her, and from the looks of her team it is evident that her hopes have some basis. Arrangements have with the different railroads for extra* coaches*on all the trains running into the city this morning, and it is expected thai the out side trains will constitute a large number of the crowd at Athletic Park. Pomona and Chaffey colleges combined have a special train to themselves and will ar rive early this morning. \t S p. ni. in tho Westminster parlors the medals will be presented to the suecessfal eon test a nts and the handsome intercollegiate silver cup to the winning team. The Pool Tournament. Tbe tenth game of the pool tournament was played at the Brunswick billiard hall [yesterday afternoon between L. A. Kinley of Los Angeles and I>. W'iuue Kilmer of j New York. The SCO re ended in Kinley's ' favor by 100 to Kilmer's W». The game was I very Interesting and many difficult shots ( were made by both players. The game this afternoon will probably , decide the touruameni between A. v.. Richardson of Denver and l». Wlnne Kil mer of New York. Should Mr. Kilmer win this game it would make it a tie, he having won three games and lost one, Mr. I!ichardson having won four games and lost none. If Mr. Richardson should win the came it would decide the Tourna ment in his favor. The betting is about even on today's game. A WILL TO BE CONTESTED Fraud and Conspiracy Alleged by Mrs. Sanchez Mr*. Reynolds' five-Thousand Dollars May Go the Way of the Oyster in The Fable Mr?. C. Reynolds died in this city last Sunday Leaving some property which is worth probably $9000. A COUple of days after her demise Mrs. B. Pay riled a peti tion in the Superior Court for the probate of a will alleged to be the last one made by the deceased. Yesterday Knearnacion Sanchez appear ed on tbe scene witli a paper by which she opposes ihe admission to probate of Mr-. Fay's alleged will of Mrs. c. Reynolds, and she has many reasons to give 'for tbe request. In the tirst place, she says that neither Mrs. Pay nor ber brother, I. 11. Uomiaguel, nor her daughter. Attilia afaxon, all of whom would he benefici aries under the will purporting to have been made by the deceased woman, are biood relatives, but that she herself, although not a relation to the late Mr-. Reynolds, was her god-daughter. When the lady died whose property is now in a fair way to go to the lawv'ers, -he had no known heirs. According to Mrs. ICncarna. iou Bandies' version of the status of things, at that time, she and the Sisters of Charity of this city were however, the sole legatees-of Mrs. Rey nolds' estate, by virtue of a will which was never revoked. Unfortunately this will is not iv Mr- Sanchez's possession and she apparently does not know where it is. a- Oof express herself ill) the subject. She -ay-that it is being searched for. and Hun is all that there is tangible about this will which she declares to lie lb dy true one. Then come allegations of fraud and conspiracy against Mrs. Pay her brother and her daughter, who are accused of having used undue Influence With the deceased while she was of un sound mind in order to get her property niter her death. It is also alleged tluii the will which Mr-. Pay offers for pro bate was not signed by the testatrix nor witness,.d by two witnesses, and that if it is not a forgery, it Was obtained by un lawful influences entirely. The petition of Mrs. Sanchez avers ton that Dominguez dictated the will, hut by reason of ambiguity in the document it does nor appear to whom he dictated it, whether to a stranger or to testatrix her self. Mrs Knearnacion Sanchez prays that the public administrator he appointed special administrator to Mis. HeynldV estate. * Mrs. Barham's Will The will of UUle Wallace Barbara, the second wife of Police Commissioner Guy B. Burbam, was tiled yesterday for pro hate. Decedents' holographic 'testament dated July 8. 1193, i eaV( , s ,„ h( „. surviving husband all her property, the omission of the name or testatrix's daughter. Helen Louise, in ii,e win being intei ial, as deceased was satisfied thai ihe father would lidly lake care ami provide for hU child 1 he estate is valued tit 19000, Mrs. Emily Thorite, who resides at rolSdo, Wash , says she has never been able to procure any medicine for rheinua tism iii;.t relieves the pain so quickly and Brteotually as Chamberlain's Pain Halm, and mat she |,a;i also used it f or ame back with great success. Por sale by Off tt \ aoghn, Fourth and Spring t t. Hoiltsoman, 2iJ North Main, eTrug _ Plumbing done of every description at i'urrey s, ltd X. Spring street. •Jj0cnv«lopo»50t:: ).j ream writing paner at l.atn<siadlor, till, N. Main ;it.. opp. Hakcr bluck. huiu-, 10c roll, 3HB 8. Spring. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORXIXG, FEBRUARY 22, 1895. SUNDAY CLOSING UP AGAIN i The Commissioners Don't Want the Ordinance Violated ! DOUBLE LICENSES DON'T 00 — Agents Who Sign Petitions Must Give Proof of Authority A Petition and a Recommendation for a Branch Police Station on Boyle Heights The present Police Commission believes, that the present Sunday-eloHhig saloon ordinance lea good one. uml the members l are determined to see that it is not vlo> j latod. ' The queation of granting restaurant 1 licenses to saloons came up yesterday. Charles Kngelke, who was recently grant ed a transfer of license for a saloon from Joeremann ft Brunohl, at 2M Baal First street, asked to have %\ restaurant license transferred to him. The application was favorably reported on by Chief (Mass hut al yesterday's adjourned meeting of the Commission the question was raised whether or not the granting of a restaur ant license to a sidoonkooper did not sim ply give him the privilege to sell liquors It seemed to he the sense of the Com mission that each ease of this kind should be investigated, and if it was found that the restaurant license simply allowed the saloonkeeper to violate the ordinance, the application for a License should be denied. The application of Mr. Kngelke was there fore referred hack to the Chief. The first opportunity for an application of the rule adopted by the- Commission that agents signing for non-residents on petitions should have their authority so to do came yesterday. Fred Arbogart asked for a saloon license at M \ Commer cial street throe weeks ago. The petition then lacked a majority of the frontage of the street It was sent hack, and yester day was sent in again with a majority representation. A porcon of this was signed lor hy an agent, who ,101 not prove his authority. Again the petition was re ferred back. Cbiel < iinss reported favorably upon the petition which was sent in for a branch police station on Boyle Heights. Tbe pe tition was signed hy nearly every resident ol Boyle Heights. The Chief favored the building of .1 bouse which will tain the (ire engine company and the branch police »»' together. The matter was ri ferre to the < 'ouneil. . The petition „f ,1„. \v. C. T. P. regard ing the proper separation and attention of prisoners m the City Jail was also re. ferred to ihe Council. A petition was sent In by residents on Eighth and Ban I'edro streets asking that the license granted to .1. Sresovieh for a saloon on the corner of these streets he revoked Ihe hceiine was granted for the Eighth street entrance, and Sresovion promised to keep the San Pedro street en trance closed, lie has D ot done so and tbe residents are objecting. The chief was instructed to investigate the matter and if the fads as stated in the petition are found to he true, the license will he revoked. The City Attorney gave an opinion that tbe special officers and the Chief are ex empt iron, the payment of 12 per nth to the beneficiary fund. The opinion was ™ ed 1 ause the Council is ahout to make tbe specials regular men. The vacanev on the special lisl was tilled by the elec tion oi George sparks. The application of Vicente Botelo to be a regular officer and that of G. G. Brown J? .j'l'l/oint i special for service in " d district were received, and Sotelo's Chief BltJWn'i referred to the Saloon licenses were granted to MoGin MBBrothers, transfer from Then I'imm. 1518 san Fernando; Ihe.,. Pimm, transfei from Fred Arbogart, 617 North Main street: Iwnil Ovonvig, transfer from Guenther ,t Bernard, 385 South Sorina street. ' • The hill of the Onion Ice Company for 813, lor lee furnished to the police station in January, was denied, because the police station hail used no ice in January Applications for license were "received iromt baric KeUey, transfer from Mar tin Forrest, lAMSan Fernando street: P Hltntl, new license, for 290 Bust Fifth street, and M. K. Curran, transfer from A. 11. Hrockamp, 102 South Main street and referred to the Chief. Battered With a Shoiel The complaint charging Frank Trapp With an nssauit witli a deadly weapon up on W. W. Alward. near Florence, was ilis. missed yesterday hy Township Justice Young, hut Trapp was lined ISO or ten days imprisonment for battery. A shovel, which was t hie instrument claimed to have been tho deadly weapon, might become so according to tiie place where it is used, but in this case it was shown that Trapp used it upon the broudest part of Alward's jeans, whore there was no danger of pro ducing concussion pftthe brain. The Way to reach catarrh is through the h.ood. Hood'stsaraaperlila. by uuriiying the blood, removes the cause of the disease ami permanent;;' cures catarrh. Take only Hood's. Hood's Pills act uitily. yet promDlH' Hid euechveiy, oa the Urer and uowals, ■oc' ! KNOWLEDGE ' Brings comfort and iuiprovement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with leßs expenditure, by more promptly I adapting tiie world's best products to ' the needs of physical beintr, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the rented v. By rnp of Figs. Its excellence is due to it* presenting in the form most acceptabll, and pleas ant to the taste,tbe refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system ! dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ! and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfact ion to millions and I met with the approval of the medical ! profession because it acts on the Kid neys, L;<"er and Bowels without weak ining them and ii is perfectly i'ree Iroui every objectionable substance. Syrup of Xi rs is for sale by all drug, j gist's in6oc and $1 bottles, 1 but it is man- j ufactcred by the California Fig Syrup i Oo.only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Pigs, Hid being well informed, yon will not Kjcept any substitute it' offered. WHERE EXAMINATION P*f>r , r"'| AND CONSULTATION IS TlVt'ti' And honest, intelligent treatment and reasonable prices are given. Private Diseases of Men, Bticb a« BtricturA Syphilis, Meet, Oonor rhtea. spermatorrhea. Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood) Night Emissions, Decayed Faculties, etc., etc. cured by the OLDEST ami most SL'Ct ESSTTL specialist on the Coast. NERVOUS, CHRONIC, PRIVKTE. Kidney. Bladder. Blood and Skin Diseases Successfully treated and quickly cured. LUNGS AND HEART. Our SPECIAL BURGEON, recently from the larpcsi Chicago hospital (diplomas and certifi cates to he seen at otßee. lias made diseases of the heart and lung* a life study. Successful treatment hy the lateM methods.' DIAGNOSIS made by ihe aid of the microscope. CATARRH. A special department by an experienced Specialist on all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. HOWE TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for instruclons for home treatment. DISEASESTOF WOHEN. A special derailment devoted exclusively to the treatment of all female diseases Consultation and Examination FREE. OFFICE HOCUS: 9to 4 and 7to 8. Sunday, io to 18. *JA | S. fIAIN ST., I Rooms 1, 3, 5 & 7. . _ pACIFIC ("OAST STEAMSHIP CO. Goodatl, Perkins & Co., General Agents, San Francisco. Northern routes embrace lines for Portland Ore , Victoria, It. c and Puget Sound, Alaska and all coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES. TIME TABLE FOR. FEBRUARY, 1895. I.EAVK HAN FRANCISCO. For— Port Harford s.s. Corona, Feu. 8 1« 21, snnta Barbara Marco t. Redondo Port l.os Angeles S.B, Santa Ros-i, Feb. 4, 12 Newport 20, 28, .March 8. San Diego ,j For- s.s.coos Hey, Feb7TTi47 East San Pedro 22; March 2. Han Pedro and nvs.s. Eureka, Feb. 2, 10,18, porta 2U; March (i. LF.AVB POUT l.os AKOKLBM AND RKIMINDO. For - -.s. Sanla Rosa, Feb.B, 14, 82; March 2. San Diego S.S. Corona. Feb. 2,10, 18, i 2U; March 6. For— 8.8. Santa Rosa, Feb. 8,16, Sen FranClseo 24: March 4. Port Harford 8... Corona, Feb. 4. 12, 20, Suuta Barbara.. March 8. I.I'.AVKSAN PKhRn ANI> HAST SAN PBDJtOI For— s.s. F.nicfca, Feb. 5, 13721" Ban Francisco March]. and s.s. OoM Itav, Feb. !>, 17, way ports 2.".; March ft. cars In connect with steamers via' San' Pedro leaves. P. P.. 14. Arcade depot at , r > p.m. anil Terminal It. It. depot at 6:ft p m. Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depotal to a. m. or from Redondo railway de pot at 9 a.m. Cars to connect via Port l.os Angeles leaves. P. It It depot at I :10 p.m. for steamers north bound. Plans of steamers' cabins at agent's office, where berths muy be secured. Tho company reserves Ihe right to change tbe steamers or their days yf Failing. ■ omr~ For passage or tre'ight as above or for tickets to and from all important points In Europe, apply to W. PARRIS, AgcnU onice No. r.!4 \V. Second h reel, Los Angeles. Redondo Railway NO. 14—IN EFFECT SA. M. MONDAY. JAN 14, 1880, l.os Angeics liepot: Corner Grand avenue and Jefferson street. Take Grand avenue cable or Main sin c! ami Agricultural park horse cars. Trains leave Trains leave Angeles Redondo ior for Reoondo. l.os Angeles. t,:o."ia, m. daily 7:80 a. m. daily. 2:: lop. in. d ily. 10:110 a. m. daily. 0:30 p. in. daily. 4:10 p. in. daily. AS:(l. r j a. m. A«: 45 a. m. ASaturdayi und Sundays only, 7:80 train from Redondo i'u the morning makes run up Iv 45 minutes, s:Botrain Cum Lot Angeles in the evening iii 'kes run down in 40 minutes. For rates on freight and passengers apply al room TM Bradbury building, curner l bird and Broadway t'Plione 18,14), ur at depot, corner Grand u\euite ami Jefferson si. t'phone No. 1 West., li. McFAUJLAND, President. J. -V SUTTON. Superintendent Eureka PACKING leads all others for steam, water or any other purpose where GOOD .. Packing is wanted. If thej tell you some other "ll just as good," Don't Believe It! INSIST ON HAVINO the "Eureka." ihe Mm Supply Go. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS, 105 N. Broadway, - Los Angeles, #THE# Snow Steam Pump WorKs OF BUFFALO, N. V., Have established a branch for Pacific Coast at lt)s N. Broadway, L. A., They manufacture the high est grade of Steam Pumps for every service, and can be had at above address at mum pries It will PAY to communicate before buying elsewhere. 11 ■1! THE ED/lONDS IS THE ONLY Automatic Burner. Will Save You from 35 to 50 per :ent In cost of fuel over any other. Has low water alarm. Absolutely Safe. H MfICHINIRY SOPPLY CO. 105 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, iENEBAL WESTERN ACENTS. LOS ANGELES TERMINAL Iff. IN EFFKCT FKR 18TIL 1895. .oh Angeles depots: East end First-Street and Downey-avennc bridges. Leave Los Angeles fori Leave PVsadens for Pasadena. Los Angeles. to ;'.,'} a in .b 7:15 a in 7;10a.m a 8:05 a. m k 8:00 a.m a 0:05 a.m v 9:00 a.m a 10:30 a.m , 110:30 a, m aIS :30 p.m i\2 :2o p.m '■ a 1:45 p. m i 1140 p.m a 3:00 p.m i 9 :00 p.m... a 4:05 p.m i 4 :00 p. in a 5:20 D m i 5:20 p.m A 7:05 * 8:20 p. in A 8:05 p.m ill nl2:is a m ' 0:80 p.m clO:15 p m )pwnay-evenue leaving; time 7 minutei later, .eavc Los Angeles lor Leave Altadene .tune- Altadena Junction. tlon far l.os Angeles i 0:00a.m i a 10:10 a m ,lO:;iOam L .... al2 :O0 a.m . 1 :10 p.m I a 2:10 p;m i 4 rOO p m. a 0 :oo p. m All t iitius siart fiom First-streetdepot .cave Lor Angeles lor Leave lilendiHs for Los Ulendak'. Angeles. : B 7:2 1 a m t Sijfi a.m a 0:07 a.m '2:00 p.m a 2:45 p.m i 0:20 pm a till 9 pro .eav*- Los Angeles fori Leave E£ast Bau Pedro Long Beaoli ami Kant for Ban I'edro. Los Angeles. t B 7:2* a.m t 9:00 a.m c 7:50 n.iu 1:00 p.m . ..(12: O a m i 5:15 p.m B 8:40 p m • 9:00 pm c 4 15 pm Jetween Kaat Bao I'edro and Long Beach 10 mlnut es. RUBIO CANYON AND ECHO MOUNTAIN, Tralnt leave Los Angeles dally at B a.m.. .0:80 a.m , 1 :40 p ni. and 4 p.m. " Fine pavilion and hotel, Grand scenery. The Wilmington Tt a asportation steamers lonneet for Avalou »t Bait san Pedro with rain leaving Los Angeles o:sft a.m. daily ex •ept Eunday, returning at 8:40 pm, except kunday< v pally, v Daily except Sundays, c Sim la*! onty. HtSges mccl the 8 a m. and 12:25 p.m. trains it Pasadena for Ml Wilson on new trail. Passengers leaving Lo* Angeles on the 8 a.m. .rain for .Mi. Wilson e»n return sume day. special rates to excursions and picnic partie*. Depotseasrondoi First street and Downey tvenue bridges. City tick el nttice t.rcen wald's cigar store, :orncr .Second and spring streets. Oencral offices, I- irsi-xtreet depot. T. R BURNKTT, General Manager. W. WIM FP, (ien. Passenger Agt, nt. Lowe Railway FOE TIME TABLB BBS LOS ANGELES TERMINAL RAILWAY. IMPORTED Steam! Domestic Coal BANNING COMPANY. ;oiumbian Coal, $8 per ton, in bulk, delivered. [ELS. 36 and 11U7. Ml e/L 111 sfillNU DX AUCTION SALES LOS ANGELES AUCTION HOUSE J. <;. oarpnfr Prop. C. E. Harrow. Auctioneer. GRAND OPENING AUCTION SALE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY tttk, 1895, At 10 A. M.. . At Salesroom, 502 SOUTH HAIN STREET, WILL SELL, without reserve, a household oi t.*i rooms, constating of Furniture, Carpets, < leneial 1 im tnsluiiijs fie. oot'TlfKKN CALIFORNIA RAILWAY— 0 (Pant a Fe Route t IN EFFECT FEBRC \f.N in, 1895. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Los An geles (La Grande station) First street and Santa Fe avenue. Leave lor LO.s ANOELEE. Arr. from 6 :O0 p m .. .Chicejro Limited... 9:35 a.m 7:00 Express 8:10 p.m 9*lo h. m .San Diego Coast Line. I: 15 p. m 4 ;30 p.m .San DlegO Coast Line. 6:45 p.m 7:ooa.ra Han Hernardino 9:35 a.m 9 £00 a m 4.0)55 a.m a ! 100 p.m ▼» Al JO p.m 6:00 pm Pasadena 0:30 p.m 7:00 a.m Riverside 4.1:35 p.» 9:00 a.m .Via San Bernardino. 0:30 p.m a 11:00 a.m Riversidesnd San Ber- 10:15 a.m 4:20 p.m nardino via Orange. 6;io p.m a 11:00 a.m Redlands A Mentone 10:16 am 4:20 p.m via Orange & Klvefs'« a6;45 a.m 7:00 a.m ..Redlands, Mentone.. h!»:3S a.m 9 :00 a. in and 4.0:55 a, in a-1 :00 p. in ... .Highlands U :35 pm &:00pm via Pasadena. ... 6:30 pm 7:00 a. in Monrovia, Azusa.. a 7:35 am 9:00 a m I g;SO a.m 1 ■•*» K m b0:35 a.m a 4 ;00 p.m and 49:55 a.m *$ -gO p.m a 1 A 5 p.m 40:80 p.m $:A a pjn 0:50 p.m Intermediate Stations, 0:30 p.Yn 7:00a.m Pasadena I a7lBB a.m 9 :00 a. in Pasadena 8:50 a. m a io :.>o <).in Pasadena 9;35 a,m 1 iB5 Pasadena a»:55 a.m A4:oop.m Pasadena A 11.59 a.m 5:00p.m Pasadena j a 1:35 p.m As.;top.m Pasadena ' 3:55 p.m ti:so p.m' Pasadena j "6:80 p.m S:lsa.m Santa Ana 8:18 A"J:Oop.mj Santa Ana. 1:15 p.m 4:90 p.m ..SantaAna : 0:45 p.m 7:09 a.m Santa Monica I 9:45 a.m 10:15 a.m Hanta Monica. 8:45 p.m 4:45 p.m Santa Monica. 6:34 p.m 10:00 a,m Redondo I 8:29 a.m 4 :40 p.m Redondo 3;45 p.m a 7 [00 a. m San Jacinto via Pas'd'a Al :35 p.m 49:00 a.m San Jacinto via Pas'd'a a0;30 p.m a 11:00 a.m 8. .laeinto via Orange a 0:45 p.m a 9 :0o n.. m Temeeula via Pasada aI :3d p.m a 11 :0o a.m Temecula via Orange Art:) 5 a.m Eseondfdo via coast 1. a 1:15 p. in ni :20 p.m Kscondldo via coast L a Daily except Sunday. r Sunday only. D Saturday only. All other trains daily. Trains Via Pasadena line arrive at Downer avenue station 7 minutes earlier and leave 7 minutes later. Palace vestibulcd sleepers, unholsterfd tour lit earl, through to Kansas City and Chicago daily. Personally conducted "excursions tv Kansas City, st. Louis, Chicago. St. Paul, Min neapolis and Boston every Thursday. For rates sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or ad dress E. W. M'GEE, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. 129 North spring street, and La Grande Station, Los Angeles. JNO. J, BYRNE,General Passenger Agent. £jaw-> This time table is published by THE HERALD for the convenience of its readers and the traveling public. Other railroad companies pay for the publi cation of tludr time tables. The Southern Pacific company refuses to pay for the publication of its time table in THE HERALD because this paper is criticising the corporation's policy oppodng a harbor at san Pedro; ita attitude toward the Nicaragua proposition; its attempt to oppress and rob the people oi Pasadena, and its tyrannous dis crimination against the interests of tbe people of the San Joaquin valley. OOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. TIME TABLE- DECEMBER 20, 1894. Arcade Depot, Los Angeles. Leave for. Destination. ATrive! Friday, j "sunset Limited" I Saturday, 2:10 a m y... New Orleans .. j 8 :10 p.m (Sec foot note.) Saturday, t * Friday, 8;40 p.m i . .san Francisco, j 1 :l<o a.m 2 :i 10 pm Sa ii Fran A Sacram'to 7 ;30 a.m 7 :45 p. in San I ran A Sacram'to 1 ;48 p m 2:00 p in Ogden A- Fast, 2d class 7:30 a.m 7 :i5 p. m Ogden A Last, Ist class 1:48 p.m 7:45 p.m.....Portland, Ore 7:30 p.m 5 ;30 Bl Pasti aud East.. 7 :00 p.m BMO a.m... Deming and East... 7:00 p.m B:3i)a.m Banning 7:00 p.m Redlands 59:20 a.m 8:30 a.m Redlands a 10:10 am 10:30 a.m Redlunds j 4:58 p.m 4:30 p.m Redlands 7:00 p.m Colton I 89:20 a.m 8 :80 H.m cnlton a 10:10 a m 10:30a.m Colton 4:58 p.m 4-30 p.m ...Colton 7:00 p.m Riverside* i 19:90 a m a. m Riverside a 10:10 a.m 10:30 am Riverside ! 4:58 p.m 4 ;3o p.m Riverside 7:00 p.m san Bernardino a 9:20 am S;3on.m .San Bernardino Al0:10a.m 10:30 a. in t-an Bernardino 4:58 p.m 4:30 p.m . .San Bernardino....! 7:00 p.ra Chino j a 8:45 a.m 8:30 H.m Chino I so:2oa.m 4 :30 a.m chino. a 10:10 a.m a 5:25 p.m Chino I 4:58 p.m * :50 a. m Monrovia 8:20 a 2:15 p.m . Monrovia A 12:45 p.m 5:15 p.m Monrovia 4:20 p.m 7 :30 a. in . Santa Barbara ( j :48 p.m 2 :00 p.m.... Santa Barbara.... 8 :35 p.m 9:40 a.m Santa Ana A Anaheim 8 :44 a.m Al :5o Santa Ana A. Anaheim Al :09 p.m 5:10 p.m Santa Ana A Anaheim 4 :29 p. m 5: op.m Tustin ! 8:44 a.ra 9:10 a.m Whittie*r i 8:44 a.m ai ;55p,m Whittier. Al:oWp.m 5:10p.m Whittier ! 4:29p.m 9:25 a.m Long B'h A San Pedro 8:15 a.m 12 ;55 p.m I ODg B'h & San Pedro 11:54 a m 5:03 p.m Long B'h & San Pedro 4:20 p.m 9:30 a.m Santa Monica 8:00 a.m 1 :10 p.m santa Monica j 8:51 a.m 5:15 p.m . .Santa Monica ' 12:12 p.m 6:00 p.m.. .Santa Monica ! 4:50 9:3oam . Soldiers Home 8:51 a.m 0:00 p.m.. Soldiers' Home ! 4:50 p.m 9:30 a.m < Port Los Angeles i 12:12 p.m \ and > I 4:56 p.m 1 :to p.m (North B'ch station) f ChatswOVtfa Park 1 j AB:3oa.m J Trains start from' a 2:40 p.m ] River station iSan [ i.Fernando st) only. J ssi.itdays only. ASmidays excepted. All other other trains daily. C ATA LIN A ISLAND. Connecting with W. T. Co.'s steamers at San Pedro. ~~Leave. j Arcade Depot. I Arrive. .Daily, except 12:55 p. ra Sundays I 11 :&4 a.a "Sunset Limited"—East bound, arrives and departs River Station only. Westbound, ar rives and departs Arcade depot. Passengers fan board vestibule sleepers of Sunset Limited ht Arcade depot Thursday evenings, 8 until 12 o'clock, midnight, 'tickets can there be bought and baggage checked until midnight; after midnight at River station* All of the seaside and local interior trains stop at the new station, corner of First and Alamcdu streets. 1 he trtdn arriving from Santa Monica at 8 a. in stops only at The Palms and University be tween Santa Monica and Arcade depot. General passenger office, 144 S. Spring st. collie ioiie liiittw FRENCH LINK TO HAVRE. /COMPANY'S PIER (NEW) NO. 42 NORTH \u river, foot of Morton St., New York. Travelers by this line avoid both travel by English railway and the discomfort of cross ing the channel iv a small boat. t.a Normandie, February 23. La champagne. March 2. LaGascognc, March 9. La BourgOgne, March 10. La Normandie, March 23. La champagne, March 30. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Fads 1 first-class $100, second-class $110. For freight or passage apply to A. FORGET, Agent, No. 2 Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FUGAZI A CO., agents, 5 Montgomery aye., San FruncUco. Branch office, 19 Mom goinery st. 'I icltets are for sale by all railroad and steamship otllces. BAKER IRONWORKS 1)50 TO WH> BI'E.NA VISTA ST., LO« ANOBLSS, - CKHPOHNIK Adjolulng aP. Urouudi. Tti. 134,