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4 SEASIDERS AT LONG BEACH The Attractions Offered by This Favorite Resort BATHING AND CHAUTAUQUA Flaking, Boating and Bathing Liberally Patronized the Preparations for the Assombly—Some of tbe People Who Are Enjoying Life at This Beach LONG BEACH, July 6.-This week was tnarked by more activity than has char acterized any of the preceding weeks of the season. Every day there were fresh arrivals of visitors, who have come to spend a tew days, weeks or months at What is unquestionably one of the finest beacb resorts in tho world, so far as nat ural advantages are concerned. Tho number of people who indulge in the health-giving exercise of surf bathing is steadily incieasing. tbe daily plungers including net only men, but women and even very email children. At the present rate of increase the season is likely to be one the liveliest ever known here, so far H beach enjoyments go. |As for fishing it is daily becoming more and more a special attraction. The long, broad fishing wharf, extending out far beyond tho breakers, affords accom modations for hundreds of people who go there and angle for fish successfully and Without being disturbed by railroad trains and locomotives, nor by the load- i ing and unloading of freight on account of vessels alongsi c. At the sar.'.e time tbe wharf is piovidcd with excellent fa cilities for the mooring of fishing boats and pleasure yachts, of which thero is a good-sized licet in almost constant use through the day. Some of the recent catches of fish from or near the wlmrf were enormous. And no better qualities of fish were taken out elsewhere on the southern coast. Tbe trustees, at tbeir last meeting, made a special policeman of the park J;uardian, with power to act. The idea s a good one as it will probably result in shutting off certain kinds of nuisances which have been observed within the grounds recently. The Chautauqua assembly, which will open at tbe tabernacle, July 18tb, and continue until tbe 25th, bids fair to draw large audience.) and prove very successful in every way. Rev. S. H. Weller, the president, and G. H. Crow, the secretary, are busy as bees making preparations, and Professor Cornell of Los Angeles,who will conduct the musical exercises, is also spending much time here in prepar ing for the event. The programme for the entire ten days comprises a continu ous feast of good things. The ladies of the Fresbysterian church announce an entertainment on the 11th Insc. to assist their aid society. Nothing stronger than lemonade and financial aid will be tolerated on that occasion. Ira A. Carr of Pasadena is here for tho season. Our Pasadena neighbors general ly prefer this beach to any beach they have at the "Crown of the Valley." Mrs. Jennie Rich, formerly of Colum bus, 0.. is with Mrs. R. E. Lockhead and daughter, at the Bay State cottage. Misses, Nellie and Daisie Blythe of Dow ney were among the numerous beach visitors on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. <J. A. Cory of Los Ange les are stopping at the Woodbine and enjoying the ocean air and breakers. They are accompanied by Miss Graco Hersee, the young elocutionist well known to fame. t Dr. Bryan of Pomona visited his family here this week. They are at the Wild Waves cottage. E. A. Bennefield, now of Los Angeles, was here the Fourth, renewing old ac quaintances. H. Pittman has returned from Victor firmly impressed with the supcriorty of Long Beach as a place of residence. The wife of the very much disappeared Henry Stovell is still here. It is under stood that she knows tho whereabouts of her invisible husband and corresponds with him. Dr. Weller Sunday evening quietly tied the matrimonial knot lor Frank P. Moore and Jennie Griffin of i_,os Angeles. The united couple left Monday for (.'atalina. Miss Miney Sievers Ayres of Wellesley Colleee,Wellesley, Mass., formerly a teach er ofaphysical training in Stanford uni versity, is spending the season here and living' at Primrose Lodgo cottage. Henry Harrison, Long Beach and Ali mitos agent of tbe Terminal road, will make a brief humorous speech at the 1 - brary dime social at the Alamitos ranch house tonight. A large attendance and a most enjoyable time are expected. POMONA The Water Question Will Be Dissected on Monday POMONA, July o.—One hundred and four Pomonans left on tho Santa Fe low rate excursion to San Diegojtoday. Tbe death of Littleton Fryer occurred at Spadra yesterday and the funeral took place today. The deceased was one of the pioneer settlers of Spa Ira and was well known throughout the Pomona val ley. A pleasant farewell party was tendeied Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McCleary, who in tend removing to Los Angeles, by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. White last night. " Mrs. White was assisted in receiving by Mrs. James Beckett, Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs. Sumner and Mrs. Northcraft, her daughter. The spacious home in the Packard Vineyard tract was thronged with guests to bid Mr. and Mrs. McCreary God speed. The question of the advisability of Po mona owning her own water supply is so vigorously agitated by our citizens that the city trustees have conclue 1 to call a mass meeting in the opera house for Mon day night at 7:80 o'clock foi the purpose of discussing the subject. The committee appointed by the board to investigate the different sources of water obtainable re ported that an inspection of the Backet & Fleming, Seavcr, citizens and Alkire water developments disclosed an bund ance of water. It advised that City En gineer Sanders ascertain the exact meas urement and other necessary data and report at the mass meeting. SAN PEDRO The Fourth Among the Jolly Tats and flariners SAN PEDRO, July o.—The Fourth was celebrated both here and on Terminal Island in the most, patriotic manner and although not the home of the "four hun dred" or the habitation of the million aire, shows that in point of loyalty we refuse to be left bohind. The Palos Vor des Wheel club paraded on the evening of tbe Fourth through tbe town and around the adjacent residence hills, their wheels being prettily decorated with lings, floweis ana Chinese lanterns, the effect of the whole being most fairylike and creating much ciedit on the managers. Fireworks thero were galore on the even ings of the .'id an I 4th both, showing that when it comes right down to celebrating, our f itizens havo "money to burn." Fritz Wildwaid, Postmaster Dodson's \ni the Hotel Cluronoe were the chief points from which sky rockets ascended, pin whe»ls whirled, roman Candles blazed and red and blue lire burned. A big bon fire on Front Ftreet helped throw li-hi on tbe surroundings also. Tbe different vessels in port were all bedeoked witb bunting and in the evening lanterns and quite a liberal display ot fireworks was mode from them. After the morning's parade in Los Angeles a large delegation of G. A. R, men came down and spent the residue of the day on Terminal Island. Fishing, boating and bathing were freely indulged in L>>- tbe numerous visitors and a new string band made eloquent music in the dancing pavilion to which the younger element tripped the light fan tastic in the most approved fashion. Taken all in all one of tne jolliest holi days possible was enjoyed, unmarred by anything in the way of license or riot. A patriotic concert was given by Professor Angeloty and orchestra at Fritz's on Wednesday evening. | Operator St. John of the Southern Pa cific company is enjoying a well merited vacation of ten days. Among other places he will visit Mount Lowe and Santa Barbara during his absence. Patriotic services at the M. E. church this morning ond platfoim speeches in tbe evening. Special and appropriate music. Miss Markv Gillis spent tho Fourth in Los Angeles "to the despair of her many friends and admirers. DmTy, the ferry man, did a land office business on tho Fourth. He made sev eral excursions with the launch to Dead Man's Island and Wilmington. SANTA MONICA AFFAIRS Successful Appearance of a Dramatic Club Some of the Cottagers Who Are Summering There—Numbers of Hotel Arrivals SANTA MONICA, July 6.—Among the many artistic deorations in honor of the Fourth here that by Mr. J. J. Carrillo in fiont of bis office and stable in Utah avenue wera worthy of spec ial mention. The Santa Monica Dramatic club's initial appearance at the Soldiers' home on July 2d was a most pronounced success and reflects credit on their dramatic ability, and of Col. W. C. Burton, the author of the play, in his skill both in arilling and selecting those best adapted to the parts. The play produced was the Idiot's Re venge, which was so well received that there is a clamor for its production at home. Tbov have consented to give it here July 11th at the north beach bath house lecture room. Senator and Mrs. S. M. White have rented tli6 Bancroft cottage on Ocean ave nue for the season and will arrive Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Botts of Los An geles are summering on South Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Bouet and Miss Alice Gardner of East Los Angeles are at one of Mrs. Shorbes' cottages on the beacb. Mrs. C. W. Felts and family of Barstow arrived here on the 3d. intending to summer here, guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Dales. Street Superintendent P. A. Howard of Los Angeles is enjoying the summer here with his family. His deputy. Mr. J. R. Blanchard, who is an old-tinier at our beach, is also a frequent visitor here. The recent ones at the Arcadia are: C. E. English. J. N. Bessonett, Alhambra; L. R. Phillips, Spadra; E. L. Stenglo. Azusa; G. Q. Dewey, Burbank; 0. Z. Morehouse, J. E. Morris and wife. A. C. Lang, Pasadena; Walter James, Bakers field; Mrs. Lulu Blood. J. A. Townsend, Ontario: C. E. Ellsworth, Urbana. O.; I. R. White, San Francisco: C. Rives, L. D. Putnam. 11. G. Holabird, Howard D. Massock, J. Thomas, J. M. Butcher, wife and daughter, Will D. Hamburger; F. Davis, W. J. Tollock, Miss Dora James. A. B. Bush. C. P. Alexander, H. J. Fleiscbman, L. Leod, E. A. Braun, C. A. Neil and wife, Mrs. C. S. O'Brien, Miss M. Riley, Leo S. Wilke, William Sturgill, O. D. Burns, F. L. Spier. J. Cohen, Los Angeles. At the Atlanta tbey 3re: F. E.Bland, George Brown, C. J. Nicholl, A. G. Reis and lady, 0. A. Barnes, G. E. Neelv. wife and family, J. L. Stringham. wife ana faimlv, E. H. Conluin, J. E. Stock well, J. G". Johnson, F. Whittaker, W. H. McKeag. Los Angeles; L. R. Conklin, Glendora; C. E. Laoordie, R. Pattie, F. J. Downing. Riverside; F. J. Downing, Miss Myra Sperrow, Cora Tracy, Pasa dena. At the St. James are: H. O. Haines. Miss Edith Haines, Miss Maud E.Haines, Miss Gracie Burr, Miss Maire Roesle. F. Schemill, J. H. Tibbetts. C. E. McStay, H. Bundy, J. C. Piatt, J. 0. Dotle.G. H. Kice, W. H. Hatton, Los Angeles; Miss A. L. Gorvenn. Walter Stalbain, rasa dena; P. E. Mitchell, Downey,; Charles M. Chalmers, San Francisco. At the popular Jacskon are: Charles Ott, United States steamer Philadelphia; E. G. Cnllender, C. M. Hough, V. M. Burr, Dr. A. C. Swavely, Hugo Victor, R. C. Victor, J. W. Woodman and lady, J. B. Bogcrt, (1. P. Reil, N. B. Vickery, M. I'aige, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bateman, Mrs. Nellie Dewing, Los Anegles; M. E. Snordy, Compton: C. S. Van Ette.i, F. Wilkinson, Miss M. Line, K. Frost, Etl wanda; F. E. Sturges.wife and daughter, Albuquerque; F. C. Metcalf, Monrovia; S. A. Wagner, Midge Wagner, Cleveland; George Chtimers, Seattle; 11. R. Park, San Fanrcisco; Miss Ellen Watiger, Oil City; Helen Salter, E. G. Tyler, Pasadena and others. Lumber Mill Destroyed EUREKA, July C—At 0 o'clock this evening fire started in the Pacific Lum ber company's mill at Scotia that nearly Wiped tha plant out of existence. Tbe mill, machine shops, store, cook house and all the lumber in the yards are to tally destroyed, f'he hotel, saloon, pub lic hall, livery stable and a few dwelling houses are all that remains of a thriving village. This was the largest redwood milling plant in the county Broke His Neck PHOENIX, Ariz., July fi.—Last even ing J. A. Miller,a farmer, late of Flowery Branch Ga., 101 l from a hay wagon,break ing his neck. Miller was an invalid, afflicted with curvature of tho spine, and the jolting of the wagon threw him off. He was prominently connected and leaves considcralbo property. The Dey After the Fair. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MOKNTNGr, JULY 7, 1895. SUMMERERS AT REDONDO The Big Hotel the Scene of Much Gaycty THE HAWAIIAN AMUSEMENTS Plenty of Prominent People Among Recent Arrivals riany Features to Please Sunday Visitors. Pleasing Music - Notable Visitors REDONDO, July 0.-Hotel Redonao hna been tbe scene of more then usual activity during tbe past week. Begin ning with last Sunday when trie Santa Fe railway deposited over 4000 visitors to this fuvorito beacn, the capacity of this great caravansary was tested to its ut most. Levy, tne great cornist. and tho royal {Hawaiian band were the special features on this occasion. Again on the Fourth both railways carried crowds to tbe sea. once more was the hotel full to the brim. Another crowd is exapctod tomoirow and preparations have been made to ac commodate all. The Santa Fo will rur. trains ervey hour commencing at 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. from the city, and the Re dondo railway will have a similar schedule. All told there will be about twenty-five trains to Redondo. Last Sunday's musical programme will be duplicated. The Hawaiian band will make their last appearance in California prior to their departure for Manhattan Beach. They will be stationed on tho piazza of tho"Hotel Redondo, on which seats will be placed sufficient to accom modate a thousand or more people, while throughout the spacious grounds benches and settees will bo arranged. The pro gramme will begin at 11a.m. and con tinue until noon, during which time var ious native songs will be rendered by tho islanders. During the dinner hour the hotel orchestra, tbe famous Ribagllati quintette, will discouisc their choicest Spanish and Guatemalan airs At _' o'clock on the horel veranda Levy, the world renowned, will render his favorite melodies that have made him famous. In addition to this charming musical en tertainment there will be high diving, surf riding by the Hawaiians and later in tbe ony "a balloon ascension. Al together Redondo proposes being right in it. Expectations of the hotel management are being realized. Never before in the history of Redondo has it contained as many permanent guests as now, and I am informed—in fact have seen the ap plications—that durina the coming week there will be an influx of at least twenty families. Among those to arrive lam able to mention Mr. F. S. Hicks and family; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Plater, Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Wightman, Miss Wightman, Miss Sullivan, Mayor and Mrs. Kader, Mrs. Baker, Mr. J. 0. Wildtr and family. Ci'y Attorney Dunn, who is here for the slimmer, has so far recovered irom his rheumatic attack that he has aispensed with bis crutch and now simply sports a cane. Dr. Granville MacGowan. Mrs. Mac- Gowan, Colonel Freeman G. Teed and Mrs. Teed, with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunn, favored a pleasant little dinnei party last night. William P. Hicks, one of the earliest and most constant guests of this hotel, is most comfortably ensconsced in his charming cottage on the bluff. The Saturday night train leaving Los Angeles at 7 and returning the same night, promises to be popular. This service is inaugurated by tho Santa Fe to enable city folks to enjoy the regular Sat urday night hop. Even now as the Santa Fe has recently put on an evening train for Saturday to accommodate the many who wish to es ca c tho heat of the city for a few hours and return by midnight, enabling one to enjoy the fine music and dancing at the hotel or the evening fishing from the wharf, which is often considered the best of the day. Among the many who are now located at the hotel for the summer months and who are well known in Los Angele3 arc: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunn. Mrs. H. M. Henslev, Mrs. William N. Thornton. Mrs. 11. E. P. jenks, Miss Prentiss, Colonel H. G. Otis, L. E. Mosher. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilde. Jules Levy and family, F. K. Rule and family, F. 0. Gay and family, Miss Devereaux, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs.J.M. Shawhan, Hon. W. M. Garland, Clarence A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Reno, Miss Georgia Cas well, Mr. and Mrs. H. 11. Metcalf, Mrs. L. A. Morse, Miss O. E. Thomas, Mr. and Mis. Colin Stewart. Captain J. P. Moore and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Pridham, Mrs. Colonel John O. Wheeler. Wedding announcements, engraved or printed: mail orders carefully filled: sam ples free. H. M. Lee & Bro., 140 X. Spring. SANTA ANA The Great Building Boom Which Has Struck the Town SANTA ANA, July o.—ln the past two or three months many improvements have been made here. Elegant new houses have been built by the following parties: C. M. Holmes, J. P. Boyd, A. Y. Wright, R, L. Bisby, Mr. Carpenter, Dr.Reynokls, B. L'tley, J. A. Flagg, Mi. Bryan and a number of others. Beside these, quite a number will commence the erection of dwellings in a very short time. Moore & Son have erected a fine grist and feed mill that is a credit to the city. Wuest, Price fc Co. have put in a great many im provements to accommodate their trade. F. J. Rogers nas also put in a feed mill and store house for crude oil. A new bicycle factory has recently started up putting in new machinery and a fine engine. The excursion to San Diego today has been a great success as far as numbers were concerned. Four trains of nine or ten cars each, all heavily loaded, passed through this city, all bound for San Diego. About 75 or 100 people went from this city. Charles C. Fifd gold to J. C. Nichols the south 10 feet of tbe north halt of lot S block 24 in Santa Ana for 1150. The venire for superior court trial jurors has been made returnable July 22d. 5 Judge George E. Freeman went tb the San Juan hot springs today, to be gone several days. Maj. and Mrs. C. 8." McKelvey went to Los Angeles today. The major has busi ness in connection with the military ex aminations in that city. Oranges ire moving in and around Tus tin faster than for a long time. The bicycle corps of Company F will drill Monday night for tbe first time with twenty wheels. ANAHEIM " The Water Company Directors Hold a Special rVettag ANAHEIM, July 6.-At a special meeting of the Anaheim Union Water company todny, Directors JRyaii, McFwd den, Spencer, Nebelung and Crowthcr were present. In the absence of President Amerige, Vice-President Ryan occupied the chair. Under the besd of reports from special committees Director Spencer reported that the work of cementing about three hundred feet of ditch at tbe Southern Pa cific depot was being performed. The finance committee reported a total ex pense account for June of $8607.91. Sec retary Blennerhassett reported the water sales for June to be 9725.C7 for Anaheim and $1660.90 for North Anaheim. Treas urer Ooldwater reported a cash balance on hand of (6734.16. On motion of Direc tor McFadden a committee of three direc tors was appointed to thoroughly inves tigate every source of expense to which the company is subjected and to recom mend such retrenchments as were deem ed advisable and safe. The same coninii" tee was empowered to investigate divers grievances of water consumers. On mo tion the chair appointed Directors Mc- Fadden, Nebelung and Growthers as members of said committee. Engineer Lum reported the flume work at the head of the water system to be progressing well, that the work on flumej even would be completed today and that flume eight would be finished in about eight days. On motion an order for the delivery of $2000 in bonds of the company to contractors for work was passed. On motion of Director McFadden the rate for water for the month of July was reduced from $1 per hundred inches per hour to 80 cents. "The beets first load of beets for the campaign of the present season was brought in Friday morning. During tho day thirty-two loads were received. The Anaheim beet is again proving its great superiority. Mr. if. Duetch of Los Angeles has re quested his agent in this city to notify tenants occupying his property at [the northwest corner of Center and Lemon streets, to vacate by the first of next month. The gentleman's reason for this order is chat he inten is to soon com mence building two stores seventy-tive feet west from "the corner. It is under stood that Mr. Duetsch has a proposition from a party to build a three-story hotel on the seventy-live feet on tbe corner. A Compass W hlch Will Guard a Ship New York Times: A New York elec trician is negotiating with the navy de partment in regard to a compass of his invention, which he claims will avert all danger of collisions at sea. The compass is connected with a very powerful mag net, which is also in connection witb the ship's dynamo. The moment a ship en ters the magnetic field of the vessel car rying the compass, which is caculated at about Bix miles, the needle is deflected. Tbe deflection closes an electric circuit, which rings an alarm bell and gives warn ing of the approach of the other vessel. The magnet is prevented from affecting the ship's steering compass by a fence of narrow strips of brass aiound the com pass. Tbe inventor says the idea sprung out of an exproicnee of his own on board an ocean steamer. He was looking at the compass when he noticed that the needle shook and turned halt way around. He asked an explanation of the captain, who,pointing to a steamer four miles off. sqid : "That steamer is loaded either with steel rails or canned goods. It has de flected our needle by magnetic (attrac tion." The Necessary Wrap on Dressy Occasions No matter how warm the weather the light wrap must play an inevitable part in any of the many out of-door functions in evidence just now. A dainty mantle is of black satin, with touches of cream guipure and a neck ruffle of white chif fon ; its lining is of white. Another is of shot silk, covered with accordion-plait ed frills of fine black Cbantiily. A third is longer than the other two, and is of peach colored faced cloth, the yoke and high collar being of Bengaline, veined with stripes of pearl and silver passemen terie; it has a lining of shot mauve silk. —New York Evening Sun. It Looked That Wav Nodd—l've had the plumbers in my house for a week. Todd—What are they trying to do? Nodd—Judging from appearances I should say they wore trying to make my cellar over into an aquarium.—Puck. , Difficult for Him Tenderfoot—l am very anxious to avoid trouble while out here. What is the best thing vo do in order to keep out of quar rels? Native—Look so all-fired quarrelsome that everybody will be afraid of you.— Judge. Neglected Education "When we got to the house,"said the fireman, "we found the piano ablaze." "Did you turn tho hose on it?" "Alas, no! You see I had never learned to play on the piano."—Judge. "~Ratifdaj men »te interested in the ex periment in electric motors made by the The Latest New York Styles At less thanjxdusKre hat Istores_ can afford to sell them. All Straw Hats Reduced Agent Youman's Hats Harris & Frank, 119 to 125 N. Spring St. I BAKER IRONWORKS 950 TO 'JtiO 11U EN A VISTA ST., LOS KNCBLBS, ' CHLIPOHNISS Adtnlntnn S. P. Grnnnda. X«L 12*. Now York and New Haven roed on the Nantasbet Beach branch. It has been demonstrated by tbe trial trips that sixty miles an hour can be easily made by electricity, and that when tbe power is fully on 100 miles an hour will be quite as easily accomplished. It is further es timated thut on a road fully equipped with electricity the traveling time table between New York and Boston will be reduced to two hours. As railroad men are generally conservative in their talk no general expressions have been made concerning the likelihood of electricity's supplanting steam as a motive power, but the experiments at Nantasket are not tbe less keenly v, a ched. CLAIM ALIBIS The Sutpected Oregon Express Robbers Say They Were Not There ROSEBUG, Ore.. July 6.—John Case and James l'oolo were seen today in tbe corridor of tho county, jail here, together with Albert Poole, held for cattle steal ing. Both assert tbeir innocence of corn complicity in the train hold-up, Poole re marking that he could not hold up a train under any circumstances, and such a plan had never entered his mind. He says he camo down from his home to Canyonville, where arrested, to spenu tho Fourth, and on his way to Roseburg to give himself up on account of a cattle stealing indictment. He says the people around that section are much prejudiced against all tho i'oole boys, of whom there are seven, on account of cattle trouble, and are willing to sacrifice anyone for a reward. Ho is confident he can prove be was not near the scene of the hold-up Monday night. John Case, the man identified by the trainmen as the most active robber, says bo has evidence to show at the examina tion next Monday that he was not in the vicinity of the robbery on Jnlv Ist. On tho Fourth he had come down to Canyonville for a package of coffea and was returning to the ranch with it when arrested by Quine. Case is about six feet tall, slender, light redd'ah-brown mustache, blue eyes, thin face, prominent nose, low. pleasant voice, not very talka tive. Neither seemed the leaßt nervous, and confident ol acquittal. A Poor Counterfeit WASHINGTON, July 6.—The secrot service has received a new counterfeit $5 certificate. The chock letter is "D" series 1891, J. Font Tillman, registrar of the tresaury, D. Morgan, treasurer of tne United States.Giant head, small scolloped seal. The note is a wood-cut production and much shorter and narrower than the genuine. The face of the note has a dark grayish appearance; the numbering, though good, is a heavy dead blue, de void of luster. The portrait of General Grant is very poor and moth-eaten in ap pearance, the nost is beaked, mouth com pressed, moustache and beard scratchy,, choppy and straggling. Fair Postponed VENTURA, July o.—At tho meeting of fair directors today tho date for holding tho fair was changed from October 1 to Octoebr 8. It is to last live days. Purses of SIOOO for the free-for-all trot and $1000 lor the free-for-all pace will be given- A Favor Indeed "So you like him?" "Yes. He did me tbe greatest favor one man can do another." "What was that?" "Ho married my homely daughter." —Truth. The asbes of tbe defunct Press club were raked over in Judge Owens' court room yesterday afternoon by a number of local journalistic lights and it is expected that a new organization will result. A committee was appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws a nd it will re port to the meeting next Saturday at 4 p. m. in the same place. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who lire bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds, headachea and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acta on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak rjing them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and SI bottles, but it. is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co.only, whose name is printed on every package, also tho name, Syrup of Figs, md being well informed, you will not tecep t any substitute if offered. TOE POHEIM THE TAILOR Jfr MAKES THE BEST CLOTHES £*V IN THE STATE At 26 PER CENT LESS THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. TajlMl^ Sl'l IS Mace to oner from $20 HwP' FA MS Mam to crier Rom $5 IM| FINE TAILORING l§§| ATMOTifJIIATE ritTCBB MVHn. :s for luSh und Sample, of Cloth sent free. No. 143 S. Spring St. X.OS AHnEI i" PERRY, nOTT& CO/5 LUMBER YHRD and Pl,a.nino MILLf, 13f> Commercial it.. Lo a nee lea, Cat- POLAND Aaa "" FOR ROCK "ARTHOLOMEW & CO., WATER ™"'lsB&SSium f% Dr. TAYLOR Improved Move / i 1 ment euro Insti / X \ tuto, 755 S. Broad / 2 way. >'or treat- L~7 p <A A\ ! I » ment of Chronic r %Jpjl^^:-:-P-) DLeaßes. Consul [~ ■<^rV 6W '-' tatlon free. DURINGJCLYANDAUGUST, iDr. Shores Says; Catarrh Yields More Readily to His Treatment. [Climatic Conditions Now Greatly Assist the Treatment anil One Month During the Present Season of the Year Is Better Than Three at any Other Time. Are you alok? Do you know what your Yields Readily at thU time of the year to !tro„b.ei.? Do ,o„ wont to know? Do you ft ' want to be cured ? Do your ears dlsoharge ? I Read carefully the following Hat of aymp- Are the eara dry and .only ? ,„„,.„ ~, w«fc««. Do tho eara Itch and burn? torn, and If they fit your oa»o mark them L tho wax dry In the ear.? and brine or aend them to Dr. Shares. Pa- la thero a throbbing In eara? itlenU should take advantage of this favor- iP'™* r^&lll&*}?* f ' _ _ I ' ... nave you pain behind eara r able season of the year and taKoonemonth a j, tnoro nbusslng aound heard? treatment now and you will not be bothered Do you have a ringing In the eara? in th. fall with eon.tnnt cold. and .or. tnroata, caused by catarrh. Do you have earache oeeaslonally ? Arc the sounds like atoam eseaplngf nil a ■■ it | ITI I Do you oonatantly hear uoleea In the ears, Latarrh of he Head and Throa. f^^^«^^fs& , Wl u,u HUUU UIIU lIIIUUII Bo you hear better aomedaya than o»her.' L The Usual Starting Point In tho Progressive J2? the noises In the aata keep yon awake* Inflammatory Invelosnient of All tho Wh*ri you Blow yOtir no** dp trtaoargeraeai Mucous aurfaoea. Ylell. Moodily at this V *our hearing worae when you have 1 time of the year to Dr. Shores' Specialty ooldl ? Treatment. Five Dollars a month—medicine, free. Ia the breath foul ? gVyi;:.SS? ? ? Catarrh of the liver, Do you blow out Boaba? _ „ _ , . - Ia the nose stopped up ? An Inflammatory Envelopment of the Mne- Does your nose discharge? ous Surfaces of the Liver, SympathetM Does the note bleed easily? With Catarrh of the Stomaoh. Jleldt 1. there tickling In throat? Readily nt this time ot the year to Oti Do crusts form In the nose? Shores' Specialty Treatment. I. the noee tore anil tender ? A re you Irritable ? Do you snaaxe a great ilaol ? Are you nervous t I. this worae toward night ? Do you got dlzxy ? Does the noao itoh and burn ? Have you no energy ? Ia there pain in front of boad ? Do you have oold feet ? Ia thero pnln across the eyes ? Do you feal miserable ? I. thore pain in back of head ? Ia your memory poor ? ■ I. your sense of smell leaving ? Do you get tired easily ? Do you hawk to clear the throat? Do you have hot flushes? Ia there a dropping In the throat ? Is your eyesight blurred ? I. the throat dry in the mornings ? Can't you explain where ? Are you losing your aense of taste? Hove you palu In the back? Do you aleep with the mouth open? I" your flesh soft and flabby? Does the noao atop up toward night? Are your eplrlta low at times? Five Dollars a month-medicines free. 1» there a bloating after eating ? Have you pain around the loins ? pi i f 1| fl I 1 I T I Do you have gurgling In bowels? Catarrh of he Bronchia Tubes. is!sSSl4H^. t Do you have cense of heat in bowels ? in Inflammatory Condition of the Bronchial Do you auffar from paine in temple.? Immediately Sympathetic With Catarrh of Do you have palpitation of the hear«? the Throat. Yield. Readily nt this time of Is there a geaeral fcollng of laeattnde? the year to Dr. Shorea' Specialty Treat- Do these foellutra affect your memory ? ment. Five Dollars a month-mealolno. free. Have yon a cough ? ISSmoV Catarrh of the Stomach. Do you take cold easily ? , , . «, I. your appetite variable? An Inflammatory Envelopment of the Mnc- Do you cough until you gag? ou« Surfaces of the Stomaoh, Usually Una Are you low-.pirltecl at time.? to Catarrhal Pol.ons Reoejved Jdrcctly Do you raise frothy material? From the Throat. Yield. Readily at tht. Do you .pit up yellow matter ? time of the year to Dr. Shore. Specialty Do you cough on going to bed ? Treatment. Do you cough In the morning. ? Is there nausea ? I. your cough short and hooking? , Aro you oo.tive ? Do you .pit up little cheesy lumps? I. there vomiting? Have you for fatty roods? Do you beloh up ge«? I. there tinkling behind tho palate? Are you light-headed ? Have you pain behind breastbone ? Ia your tongue coated ? Do you feol you ore growing weaker ? Have you water brash ? I. there a burning pain In the throat? Do you hawk und spit? , Do you oough worae night and morning? la thero pain aftor eating? Do yon have to alt up nt night toget breath? Are you nervou. and weak? Five Dollars a month—medicines free. Do you have elok headache.? i Do you bloat up after eating 7 n i I f || |/i J Is there disgust for breakfast? Catarrh of he Kidneys, F^S^iSSi J Do you at times have diarrhea? An Inflammatory Invaloyment of the Muo- I. thera rush of blood to the head ? ova Surface of the Kidneys, Sympath.tlo Is there constant bad taate In mouth? With Catarrhal Poisoning of the Blood. Ia there gnawing aenaation In esomneh 7 Yield. Readily at this time of the year to Bo you feal aa Ifyou had lead in stomach? Dr. Shores' Specialty Trortment. When yon get up suddenly are you eUrxy ? Do your hands and feet .well ? When stomach I. empty do you feel faint ? I. this more noticeable In the morning.? Do you beloh up material that burnt Are they cold and clammy ? throat? „ .» . , I. there pain In small of back? When stomach 1. full do you feel op- Is the urine dark and cloudy ? pressed? » _ Doea a form when left standing ? Five Dollar I a month-medielne. free. Ia there a desire to get up night ? Do you see spot, floating before the eyes? This means you. Are the eyes dull and staring? Dr. A. J. Shorea extend, a oordlnl Invlta- Ia there a bad taate In mouth? tlon to all suffering from oatarrh or any Have you pa|n In top or head? ohronie ailment to oall at hia parlors and Ia your hair getting gray ? rooelve a trial treatment and medicines free, If ao, la it .livery whlto ? Come now smd be cured. , lathe akin dry and harsh? _ „_ - _ M A SuSSrlS,™, Utt. A. J. ufIUMO uU.. I. the .kin pale ana dry ? Has tne .kin a waxy look ? T —_™ Do you ccc unpleasant thing, while aaleep ? SPKCIAIjISI »♦ Have you chilly faeling. doaru the back? 1% She le«VeSuSo° hea a vy b ? e ? CORNER POST AND BROADWAY, Five Dollar, a month-medielne. free. OPPOSITB TIMBS OFFIOi. Catarrh of the Ears. «SSE^ n Inflammatory Kngorgamsnt of the Air Debility, Nose and Throat. Heart Trouble. Tube Extending From Throat to Middle Female Complaint., and all other form, or Kar, Caused by Catarrh of the Throat. Chronlo Order to Show Cause Why Order of Sale ot Real Estate Should Not be Made. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY of Los Angeles. State of California. In the matter of the estate of Arthur Darby et al , minors; Jannie Darby, tho guardian of the persons and of the estates of said minors, having filed n petition herein duly verilicd praying for an order of sale of real estato of said decedent, for the purposes therein set forth. And an order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made, having been made May 28th, 1 S!>s, nnd an error hav ing occurred in the publication thereof, It is hereby ordered that ! aid order of May 2Sth, 1895, be, and the samo is hereby set aside; and, It is hereby farther ordered by the said Court that all persons Interested in the estate of said deceased, appear before the said Superior Court on Tuesday, the 23rd day of July, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of saUl day, at the court room of said Superior Court, Department 2 thereof, in the court house, in said County of Los Angeles, state of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said petitioner to sell so much of the real es tate of said deceased as shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks In The Hkrai.p, . a newspaper printed and published in said County ot I os Angeles. Dated June 30, 1885. W. H. CLARK, Judge of the Superior Court Notice Fixing Time for Probate ot Will and for Letters of Adminis tration, With the Will Annexed IN Till! SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE of California, in and for the County ot Los Angeles. In the matter of the estate of John S. Downey, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Thursday, the 11th day of >v Iy, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m„ ol said day, at the Court Room of said Court, De partmcnt Two thereof, in the City of I.os An geles, in the County of Los Angeles, be, and the same Is hereby appointed the time and place for proving the last Will and Testament of said John 0. Downey, deceased, and hear ing the application of J. Downey Harvey for letters of administration, with the will an nexed; and any person interested may appear and contest the said will, and may tile objec tions in writing lo tho granting of letters of administration, with the will annexed, lo said petitioner. Dated June 24,1895. T. E. NEWLIN, Clerk. By C. W. Blake, Deputy. 7-tt • Election Notice-School Tax NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE qualified eleeiors of Los Nietos School District, county of Los Anccles, ftate of Cal ifornin, that an election will be held on the 2"'t!> day of Tuly, A. D. J895. at which will be submitted the quesi'orf of voting a tax to the amount of Twelve Hundred Dollars for the purpose of building and furnishing an addi tion to the School House in said Los.Nietos f chool District. The polls will open st tho School House from one o'clock p. m. until live o'clock p. m. The fudges lnsp -ctor appointed to con duct the election are: John Seppi, jud.e; W Umkhardt. judge; K. A. Sanchez, Inspector. of Los Nietos School Distrit t, lAn Angeles County, California: Max Schwed, B. Guirado, J. H. Martin. Summons in Divorce IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATB of California, ia and for the coauiy of Los Angeles. Mrs. A. I.ea, plaintiff, vs. Albert 0. Lea, de feudant. Action brought In the Superior Court of the etato of California, in and for the county of Los Angeles, and tho complaint filed in said county of Los Angeles, in the ollioe of the cleric of said Superior Court. The people of the state of California send greeting to A. O. Lea, defendant. You aro hereby required to appear in an ac tion brought against you by the above-named plaintiff, in tho Superior Court ot the state of California, in and for Los Angeles county, and to answer the complaint flleS therein within ten days (exclusive of the day of servioe) after the service on you of this summons. If served within tnis county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days. This said action ia brought to btaiu a JuJg. mcnt and decree of court, dissolving the bondl of matrimony now existing between the plain tiff and deftindunt, upou the grounds ol the defendant's failure to support plaintiff for more than two years last past, or provide her with tho necessaries of life, having the ability to so do, and for costs of suit. Referanea Is had to complaint for particulars. And you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear nnd answer the said complaint n( above required, the said plaintiff will oauso your default to be entered and will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. ' (ilven under mv hand and tbe ieal of tv Superior Court of the atate of California, la and lor the county of Los Angeies, this !iOth, day of April, in the yoar of our Lord ona thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. [L. 8.1 T. E. NEWLIN, Clerk. By A. M. Shaver, Deputy Clerk. Stockholders' Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THR board of directors of the California Bewtr Pipe company has, by resolution duly passed on the 6th day of May, 1805, called a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation to meet on Saturday, August 10, 1895, It 1 o'clock n. m., at the oltlco of the company, be ing 24S liroadway, in tho city of Los Angeles, I.os Angeles county. State of California, said place of meeting holms the principal place where the board of directors usually meet. Paid meeting of stockholders of said corpora tion iscalled for tne purpose of considering the propriety of reducing the cnpltal stock of this corporation from $750,000 to $115,-00. '1 hat the shares he reduced from 7500 of $100 pershaie to 1199 shares ot $100 ncr share. It is further ordered that the foregoing order be published In The Herald, a newspaper pub' lislied in Los Angeles city, as provided by law. Dated this dth day of June, 1895. & H. MOTT, 8-10 Secretary of said Corporation. Notice to Creditors J /STATE OF JOHN MILNER. DECEASED. ll Notice is hereby given by the under signed executrix of the last will and testament of John Milner, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against tho slid deceased, to exhibit tho same with the .necessary vouchers, within ton months ofter the tirst publication of this notice to the said executrix at her residence, No. 721 W. Wash ington st., in the city of Los Angeles, Califor nia. Dated this -7th day of June, A. D. ISOV ANNA MILNER, Executrix ot the lost will and testament ot John Milner, deceased. 7-24