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OVER THE LINE IN ARIZONA Celebration of the Fourth of July AN ATTEMPT AT MURDER A Quiet Fourth In Phoenix—AH at Prescott Robert Tribolet Was Killed by Mexican Soldiers—Lodge Officers Installed at Phoenix Associated Press Special Wire. PHOENIX, July 4.-A dispatch from Kogales says: Information reached here this mcrning Which no longer leaves a doubt of tbe killing of Robert Tribolet by Mexican sol diers near Frontreras. General Caneda of Hermosillo passed through Nogales and Informed the Mex ican consul here of the killing without commenting upon tne quick way of deal lag with the supposed roboer. The Mexican officers, since the late law Was passed regarding tne robbing of ■tagea and Strains, act as police officer, iudge, jury and executioner. Le Qarrett, a carpenter, was locked up In tbe county fail last night on a chirge of an attempt to murder Deputy United States Marshal SlanKard. That the mur der was not actually committed is due to the alertness of tho officer, for Garrett's preparations were elaborate. Tbe motive was revenge. For some time past Garrett lias been quite attentive to an estimable young lady, the daughter of a well known resident of the city. The lady's father knew very little of Gar rett and was wurned by Mr. Slankard to break off the relation. This happened day before yesterday, und Garrett was in formed the same day that bis attentions were no longer desirable. That night he called at the sheriff's office, where Mr. Blankard may usually be lound, and in quired fur him. He happened to be else where at that time. Garrett inquired and Was told where tbe officer lived. He called at Mr. Slankard's house, and upon making a threat 10 shoot him was dis armed by Mr. Slankard. Garrett then made an attempt to get possession of the officer's six-shooter, which had been put back in the belt. That was where Garrett's real trouble began. Mi. Blankard, who still bold the shotgun, struck nlm on the head with it with so much force that the weapon was broken in two at tho breech. Garrett fell and lay for several minutes senseless, and as soon as he recovered sufficiently to walk he was taken to jail, where a charge of attempted murder was lodged against him. ! He will have a preliminary healing be fore Justice Kincaid tomorrow. Tho shells taken from the shotgun were rilled With buckshot. There was a tag on the gun showing that it bad been procured •t Dorris*. Garrett said at tne store he Wanted tbe gun for half an hour to kill a dog. Phoenix is very quiet for a Fourth of July day. Most of our citizens have gone northward to attend the festivities in Prescott. The only demonstration of any kind in this vicinity will be a dance at Day's rancb tonight. The installation of officers of Phoenix Lodge No. 6. A. 0. TJ. \Y., took place last ttigbt. The installation corenionies were followed by a banquet and addresses by several of the members. There were pres ent from Tempe lodge No. 10, M. W., J. Hondrix; financier. Dr. Brack; receiver, James Finch, recorder, George Roth rock and others. Phoenix lodge is one of tbe most flourishing in the west, enjoy ing a membership now of 101, The new officers are: P. M, W., 0. M. Frailer: M. W., 0. Wiley; foremnn, Georgo McFall; overseer, W. S. Gillani: recorder, J. D. James, jr.; financier, H. D. St. Claii; receiver, A. W. Lamm; guide. F. B. Muss; inside watchnianj J. K. Burnett; outside watchman, John Howlett. Mrs. W. H. Hatcher, living in Capitol addition, is seriously ill. Mr. F. J. Peck returned yesterday from a'niouth s business trip to Los Angeles. Mr. F. J. O'Brien of the Republican, left this morning for Prescott to partici pate in the Fourth of July cereomnies and to attend tho annual session of the Arizona Press association. Superintendent Hamblin of tbe terri torial insane asylum lias been notified by tbe board of control that the notice of the removal of Steward Eugene Hackett has been recalled. The pumping plant furnished by L. D. Copcland to a uuluny of Dunkards ut Aguu Fria, has been put in running or der and is now suppyliiig a great amount of water to this luouity. Territorial Auditor Leitch yesterday made an arrangement for the care of the capitol grounds until tbe next session of the legislature. There was already due about $500 for labor on the grounds. This amount has been paid. Mr. C. B Jeffries, the fruit shipper yesterday received a telegram irom F. A Thomas & Sons, Chicago, to whom he recently sent a car of grapes, saying tbat the samples were more than satisfactory. Tbe firm desired a cur daily. Outbound passengers by tbe M. and P. Jast night were: Mrs. G. P. Bullard, for .os Angeles; Misses Anita and Milluni Cox, for Los Angeles; James Henry and A. Levy, for Los Angeles; J. P.Swejney, for Golton; Effie Van Burt and daughter, Mrs. L. P. Brown, Mrs. J. M. Morrc and Bam De Bow, for Tucson; Mrs. Frank Baxter, for Sentinel. Last night Assistant Marshal Briggs found an old Mexican lying helpless in the rosd in the southeastern part of town. His name is Jose Maria Custillo. who had been thrown out of a wagon by a runaway team. The officer picked him up and helped him along the road until they were met by friends of tbe old man. He was severely and possibly seriously wounded. PRESCOTT The Third Days Celebration In the Capital City PRESCOTT, July 3.—The third day of tbe celebration began today, tbe weather being delightful, with tbe exception of a high wind, but everybody was on the tiptoe of expectation of the day's pro gramme. The streets are crowded with thousands of visitors, and each in-com ing train brings hundreds from all parts of tbe territory. How tne city manages to provide quarters for the immense mul titude is a mystery, but still no com plaints have been heard. Tbe city is gaily decorated with bunting and the national colors float from all the promi nent buildings. One of the most amusing features since the celebration began was the arrival of Dhief Goodman of the Phoenix fire de partment and the mascot. Tbe goat Stepped from the train with dignity and decorum and was cheered by the vast multitude assembled to bid him wet come. The races opened at the track with a disagreeable wind blowing, but in spite pf that fact tbe grand stand was crowded. The first mile bicycle race, class A. was won by Long of Phoenix in 2:46 4-5, with Kastner of Prescott second, and Kel ly of Phoenix third. | The baseball series went to the Browns if Albuquerue, the Presoott team having ruled out on a protest by the judges. The two-mile handicap bicycle race was Won by Kiehl of Presoott. in 5:48 4-5. , Sarpris*, owned ky George Loring of Phoenix, won the two first heata in tne three-minute trotting race. Considerable money changed hands on the 100-yard foot raco between BW w , e " and Peck, the former winning in 10' - Peck seemed to be a favorite and many were disappointed in bis losing the race, although he was close at the heels of Bid- The Last Chance mill is to be rebuilt. The machinery has been ordered. Governor Hughes passed north yester day to deliver the Fourth of July oration at Flagstaff. , Miss Pauline and Bertie Johns are In from the Crownod King and are the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornbecko. The corner stone of Scopel's two-story stone business home will be laid with appropriate ceremonios the afternoon of July 4th. The judges for the week's races are: Jako Marks, Colonel J. F. Wilson and George P. Thornton, and tbe timers are: L. F. Hale, J. B. Hoover and George H. Cook. He v. Windes. who built the first Baptist church in Prescott. is endeavoring to have one erected at Jeromo. The United Verde Copper company has donated a lot. A select and appreciative audience greeted Mrs. O. 0. Williams in her humorous s-slections at Pattou's opera bouse last evening. The entertainment was good throughout. Tho town goat of Phoenix arrived on yesterday morning's train. The goat is the Phoenix tiro department mascot and was received in Prescott with much en thusiasm by his visiting comrades. George Schuerraan is interested in some splendid gold, silver and copper proper ties in the Jerome section, among them being the Toughnut and Wonderitil. He is now prcpaiing to patent both of these properties. The official handicaps for the two-mile bicycle race today are as follows: A. W. Kastner, H. C. Burmister, J. M. Lang, scratch; J. M. Kelly, 70 yards; O. E. Bellas, 140 yards; D. Cannon, IGO yards; E. Ralston. 170 yards; Cal Williams, 200 yurds; F. W. Sissons, C. H. Coble, 220 yards; Ed Kiohl, 210 yards. George Arthur Allen it is rumored lately received a letter from tbe "Dean Fwince" in which he appoints G. A. A. to tbe title of Marquis of Prescott. He will however use his old title of Lord Do livcrus. His lordship's coat of arms is a bot'le of Canadian Club rampant on a sculret field with a wreath of mint above. His famous motto: "Mint julep is queen of the dry" is well known. The prince in his letter mentions that mother is well and hearty. He says that he believes in old age but tbat mother and Bill Glad stone are running it way down into terra firma. John D. Boyd is in from the Payson section where he reports much activity in mining matters. Thomas McGraw has had twenty tons of ore from his claim crushed at Coleman's mill, wbich yielded $65 per ton in gold; he has about thirty tons more of such ore on the mine dump. At a depth of 75 feet the vein from wnicb the ore is taken is two feet wide. Mr. Yarnoll has had 75 tons of gold ore worked at Hill it Samuels' quartz mill which yielded $75 a ton. Several other mines nearby have thirty ton lots of $50 rock which will bo worked at tbe same mill. Fine looking ore is being taken from the [Golden Wonder mino which has a 30-inch ledge. The last lot of ore taken from this vein was worked at Cole man's mill and yielded $80 per ton. POSTAL TELEQRAPfI Negotiations Looking to the Purchase of Its Control CHICAGO, July 6.—The Times-Herald says that $15,000,000 has been offered for a controlling interest in tbo Postal Tele graph company, that tbe wires of the cor poration may be used to destroy the Bell monopoly. The report is that the Stand ard Telephone company, oacked by the Standard Oil and sugar trust interests, is negotiating for either tbe purchase out right of the Postal company's plant or of n controlling interest in the stock of that company. It is stated that an offer of $15,000,000 was made for the plant of tbe Postal company, that being the par value of all its capital stock. This offer was declined and the next offer was made for a control ling interest in tho company. Negotia tions in furtherance of this offer are said to be still going on. A Refutation Editor Heald :—lt is an vinpardonablo affront which has been offered by the Roy. J. A. B. Wilson of the Eighth-street Methodist church of New York to Spain and to Spaniards; and we cannot believe that those who support him approve the injurious attacks which this evil-disposed man has made on tho Spanish government from his pulpit, with the unpardonable purpose of encouraging the insurgent Cubans, inventing for his purpose fulso nnd repugnant statements such as could come only from the lips of a filibuster, and not from tbe lips of a worthy minis ter of the Gospel. Here are some of his words: "Let tbe government ot the United States recog nize these Cubans as belligerents and re ceive tneir representatives at Washington as soon as they have a government to represent," etc. The Rev. J. A. B. Wilson should take a machete and march to the rescue of his fiiends from the tyranny of Spain. All sensible men, whether Americana or not, will have seen by this timo that the Spanish authorities, including Cap tain-Gerneral Campos, have already shown too much consideration for tho insurgents who have ruthlessly spilled so much blood in this lawless uprising. | PROF. A. CUYA3. Patriotic Triplets MOUNTAIN VIEW, Cal., July 6.-Mrs. Harvey Smith gave birth this morning to triplets, three little girls, two weighing seven pounds a,id one-eighth. To dis tinguish the oldest from the youngest, red. white and blue ribobns were used re spectively. Mother and babies are doing finely. Our National Household. When the new woman rules. —vChioago Times-Herald, LOS ANGELES HERALD: STJTSTDAY MOKKTETGr, eTTJLY 7, 1895. SCHOOL TRUSTEES MEET Pasadena Teachers Elected and Salaries Fixed THE TERMINAL FRANCHISE There Will Be but Five Trains a Day Hereafter A Cracking Parly Drives to Baldwin's. Hennloger's Flats to Be Improved. News Notes PASADENA, July 6.—The board ot school trustcos met at the Wilson building this morning, and after organizing by electing Mr. Hartwcll president and Mr. Walker secretary, proceeded to elect tho teachers to serve during the coming school yoar. The following were ap fointed to teach In tbe scnools desig nated, positions in the other schools not being filled as yet: James D. Graham, supervising princi pal and principal Wilson high school and grammar school, $1800. Wilson high school—Mrs. Theodore Coleman, vico-principal, nine months at $110, $900; L. L. Evans, nine months at $105, i $015; Laura A. Tinkham, nine months at $90, $810. Wilson grammar school—Lydia A. Bur son, nine months at $75, $075; Murietta E. Bailgley, nine months at $75, $675; Miami Martin, nine months at $75, $675; Juli ette C. Woodruff, nine months at $75, $675. Grant school—William B. Fracfcelton, principal nine months at $90, $810; Mar tha J. McNair. nine months at $70, $630. Miss Lang of the Lincoln school and Miss Stcars of the Washington school were interchanged. No further selections were made and the board adjourned to Wednesday next, tbe lOtb at 10 a. m. In addition to the above business arrangements were made for the neces sary repairs and improvements of the buildings during the avcation, and other routine matters were dispatched. The Terminal Franchise PASADENA, July C—At last night's meeting of the city council of South Pasadena the report 6f the committee was adopted fixing up the matter of the Ter minal franchise. At the next meeting of tbe council a new francnise is to be ad vertised for the benefit of the company, the terms of which are that it shall run for fifty years; that it shall impose no re strictions upon the company as to tbe number of trains to be run or the rate of fare to be charged; that tbe use of either steam or electricity is allowed; that trains shall be required to stop in South Pasadena at Meridian avenue only, except when flagged. In consideration of this franchise the Terminal company has paid into tbe treasury of South Pasadena $1000 in cash and has deposited in the First Na tional bank in escrow $700 more, wbich is to be held until the suit between South Pasadena and [tho Terminal, now pend ing in the supreme court, shall be de cided. If it is decided in favor of tbe city the $700 is to be paid into its treas ury ;if in favor of the company tbe amount is to refunded to tbe company. The change in trains goes into effect tomorrow and hereafter there will be but five trains per day. The beach trains will run as at present, one in tbe forenoon and two In the afternoon each way; and in addition trains will leave here for Los Angeles at 10:25 a. m. and 5:10 p. m. Trains for Pasadena and Altadena will leave Los Angeles at 9:10 a. m. and 4 p. m. All trains are through trains—no locals hereafter. A Moonlight Social PASADENA, July 6.—Dr. and Mrs. Fordyce Grinnell kindly gave tbe use of their spacious grounds and pleasant home for the moonlight Bocial of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church, which was enjoyed by about 200 guests last even ing. Tne grounds were dotted over with merry gorups of young people, who em ployed the time in social cenverseation, in games and in having their fortunes told by the Gipsy fortune tellers, who unfolded the past, present and future to the great amusement of tbe listeners. An enjoyable musical programme was given and light refreshments were served during the evening. This will be the lust social of the season for this society. Reckless Railroaders PASADENA, July C.—The electric rail way company is being criticised, and iustly, too, for the reckless manner in which the cars ure allowed to be run through the business part of tbe city, where the danger to life and limb is greater by reason ot the fact that tho crossings are often crowded and the streets filled with vehicles, that pedes trians are apt to be run down by these cars going at the rate of twenty" miles per hour, or therenbouts. At least they are run entirely too fast for safety, as several people who have nariowly es caped being run over can testify. The cars should bo provided with fenders, but, since they are not all the greater care should be exercised to avoid accidents. A Coaching Trip PASADENA, July C.—A party of fifteen, who are all lovers of whist, who have been in the habit of meeting during the winter months to engage in their favorite game, were treated to a coaching trip last evening through the courtesy of J. 8. Torrance, one of the members. The par ty, numbering fifteen, drove to Baldwin's and through San Marino, and returning, /// Stock Reducing x % / Sale \ Hundreds of eager buyers conceded our first week's unloading sale the greatest ever held in the history of the mercantile business of Los Angeles. But you must attend our second week to see the genuine surprises we have for you. New, desirable goods only offered, and at prices lower than the merchant that buys on credit can buy them. King Cash buys all our goods. That's why we can sell at these extra low prices. Come, be posted on fine, ready-to-wear tailored Clothing at prices that gladden your heart and leave your purse still heavy. —f See the Suits We Offer •••=— UP TO DATE SUITS UP TO DATE SUITS UP TO DATE SUITS UP TO DATE SUITS Men's ■•'w Men's Men's '•'•w Men's """tw SweU f Now Nobb y F Now Tai,ored f Now f Now 155.35 ($9.85 ($13.65 1^r517.45) $10.00 $i 5.00 $20.00 $25.00 Balbriggan Black and SHIRTS, Neckwear HATS, PANTS, HATS, SUITS, Collars, SUITS, Tan SOX ' n Madras, from best full shape, children's children's children's best4-ply odds and Underwear » Percale, i_|i erS? fur Alpine, sizes, sailors, washable, linen, end- cs regular regular irish Linen, re Sr S ' re S ular 4to 14, regular 10 styles, all styles, 4t. • £0c kind. l?c kind. regular 75c and $1 l».$0 kind regular $1 kind. regular l£c kind, j worth | $l.Sokind. kind. — $1 kind. — $l.?okind — up tOSS. I Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price I 25? B_j 91 c 39 c 95 c 2_ 50 c 95 c | 8T '2 15 BROWN BROTHERS, ,ZZ, K. HAKERS OF LOW PRICES. K. t__ a _ p __ a _HßßH— ——^ partook ol a deicious little supper at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Wetherby. Among (bo party were Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. WotKyns. Mr. and Mrs. F B Wctherbv, Mr. and Mrs. hirnl Kay ser Mr. and Mrs. F. B. C.iMs, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Sherk and J. S. Torrance. Brevities PASADENA, Juy 6. — rienninger's flats, as announced yesterday, are to be im proved by the recent purchaser. Harry C. Allen,g who, will convert this natural beauty spot into s still more delightful stopping place on the way up the moun tain. He will unite with the Mount Wil son Toll Road company in making a wag on road of the trail and in developing tbe water which is there found in great abun dance and in various other improvements. Bialey's horse tot>k a spin all by him self this morning Without nurting any thing but the cart to which be was bitched. Marshal Buchanan received word from Pomona today that Archie Hill, colored, who is wanted hero to answer to a charge of assault, had been arrested there and this afternoon be went over for the prisoner. The death of Rev. E. H. Sweot occurred tin smorning at his home on tbe corner of Fair Oaks avenue and Illinois street. Fu neral services will not be held until the arrival of the deceased's brother from Dcs Moines. lowa. Mr. A. L. Rymer and Miss Laura Mil ler were quietly married by H. Elliot Ward, pastor of the Christian church, ut bis residence, corner ot Orange Grove av enue and Vernon, Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock. Both of the young people ore residents of Pasadena and will remain here. Tho funeral of Mclinda G. Barlow will be held nt the residence of Mrs. G. B. Willard, Loean street. North Pasadena. Sunday, July 7th at, 2 p.m., Rev. Wachab officiating. Friends invited. Trespassing Turkeys Hoffman Van Hone was tried by Town ship Justice Young yesterday on the charge of hav>ng unlawfully executed a turkey belonging to James H. Layton. Half of San Fernando was in to the trial. But Yon Hone said the turkey, a whole flock of them, were eating his peaches and he shot, two of them. They invaded his demesne and he resented the ourtage with deadly effect as aforesaid. When his honor heard tbe whole story ho ex onerated the shooter and dismissed the case. For Fiesta, 1896 The Merchants' association, under whose auspices tbe Fiesta of 1R95 was so successfully carried out, has madej in quiry as to the feeing existing as to an other Fiesta to be held in the spring of 1896. Out of 100 postal cards sent to rep resentative business men asking if tboy were lavorablc to the celebration next year, ninety responses were received, all but three of which were favorable to the plan. Accidentally Killed At an inquest held ,yesterday by Coro ner Campbell over tbe remains of Emil Rapphelt,,the rancher killed at Redondo last Thursday night, the jury brought in a verdict of accidental death. Rapphelt was standing at his horses' heads endeav oring to prevent them from becoming frightened at a passing train when in the j struggle one of tbcm threw him against the moving cars. A numer of bones were broken and he was hint internally. A Big Fire BYRACUBE. N. V., July 6.—A special from Oswego to tho Herald says that fire in that city destroyed property to the value of $54,000. Mrs. Bond, aged 60, is missing and is believed to have perished in tbe flames. Now Lock the Stable Door i ST. LOUIS, July 6.-W. n. Leigh's Furniture 1 Coo.ness I i —a~a _ — - = TPHERE IS NOTHING of the "flash" about our advertising, * because the truth is modest, but you will like the goods and us better when you do come. The helps we have in furniture of the Summer sorts go far to make life worth living, and prices as we make them on this class of goods cannot help but command the ad miration and respect of your pocketbook. ■ Good comfortable Hammocks - $149 I j Men's large arm Rattan Rockers Large size Hammocks in red, white or Ladies''large arm Rattan Rockers - - $3-22 gold with Valance, at - - «P«J— — & so 5Q j Reclining Chairs, adjustable - . — Settees for porch or law.. * %P_tV^ — | Rattan Comfort Rockers at _ prices _ . REMEMBER—"The simple believeth every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going." These goods will stand looking at*. Los Angeles Furniture Co. 225=227=229 South Broadway racing stabe has been stolen from the fair grounds. Mr. Leigh is the father of Eugene Leigh, who, with Bob Hose, campaigned tbe famous Cifford as a 3-year-old. The horses Btolen are Uncle Abb. Back Knott. Kossraore, Bansacb, Besedn, Pow Wow, Fedora and Cora. Uncle Abb was a very promising 2-year old. The whole bunch is worth about 15000. Was an Incendiary SAN FRACISCO, July 6.-Joseph Ferir, proprietor of a vegetable store on Scott street, whicb was destroyed by liro early yesterday morning, has been arrested on a charge of arson. The build ing had been saturate d with coal oil and tne fire was plainly incendiary. The police have found a coat which Ferris wore on tbe night of tbe fire and which was smeared with oil. In Geneva, Switzerland, the street rail way system is expected to earn enough in the next hfty years to turn over the roads at the end ut that time to the city without compensation, y _ 4i-7VY c B\JRNEV'S #> KIDNEY S BLADDER CURE A SWORN STATEMENT: A MR, McBUUNEY: I have been a victim of Bright'a tGS& disease for'2o years. Was treated by eminent physi . ■'•'■'dEMf clans, but they gave me no relief, ['found relief from Ct* '"^Jitf^Ml^lw^^- 1 one l '" sc °* your medicine, und two-thirds of a bottle rure<i moot H right's disease, dyspepsia nod relieved chronic rheumatism. 1 am confident that if ! had \ i-fffßlrtttf not taken your medicine 1 would now be In my grave. y • i*" is ' 'am 10 Lio most any kind °* "ork ia my ERASTUS ROOT. vHSKpat § l REFERENCES: Rev. Paxton, pastor First Pre-by- T&ll&tV&M/ V t terian Church, Rivera; Samuel burke, J. P., Rivera,: C A J. C. Salisbury, Los Angeles; Mr. Howes, cashier Lea " °'V \ Angeles National bank. " j \ Personally appeared betoro me ERASTUS ROQt / I who, being duly sworn, deposes and says thai tfei I above statement is true in every particular. Subscribed and sworn to betore me this 31st day of June, 1895. D. C. McOARVIII. Notary public in and for the county of Lob Angeles, state ol CallftcUfc || 5