Newspaper Page Text
EDUCATIONAL Ratei for advertisements under this claislfl cntion —1 time, .', cent- per line; 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month, *l per line. WOODBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE (IN corporated ) 220 S. Spring si., is the oldest and largest commercial school in Southern California ; the most beaut itil college rooms aud equipments to be found in the state; elevator for pupils' use; a large faculty of experienced and able in structors; open the entire year; both day and evening sessions; a practical English course, a thorough business course, and a course in shorthand and typewriting under an experienced ste nographer. Write or call for illustrated catalogue and full information. G. A. BOUGH, President; X. G. FELKER, Vice president. THE LOS AXGEI.ES BUSINESS COL lego (incorporated) will move on or about September Ist, ami will occupy tbe entire fifth floor of the new Currier block, 213 W. Third st.; rooms arranged and fitted up especially for this school; every thing new and delightful; light and ven tilation perfect; electric elevator; strong corps of teachers; practical courses of study; modern and progressive methods; charges reasonable; successtul graduates. For full information address the college at 144 S. Main st., until September Ist. MEN~AN'DWOMEN T MIGHT TO M AXE crayon portraits in spare hours at their homes by a new, copyrighted method. Those learning my method will be furnished work by me hy which they can earn $8 to $10 per week. Send for particulars. 11. A. GKIPP, German artist, Tyrone, Ta. jy2l ST.HILDA'S HALL, SCHOOL for GIRLS —GLENDA LE— (incorporated) six miles from Los Ange les; ninth year begins September 25th. MISS K. V. DARLING, 12-13 Principal. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR BOY'S and young men -3d year opons Sep tember loth in Vogel block, Becond floor, cor. Broadway and Seventh streets. Thorough instruction; firm discipline; highest references. A. B. BROWN, A. M. (Yale), Principal. 9-10 THE GIRL'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL will re-open Sept. 20th, at 1918-1920 -1922 Grand aye., near Washington St., in new and cniaived quarters. Collegiate, academic, preparatory and primary. At tracive home for boarding pupils. Kin dergarten in charge of Miss Quinan. Ad dress MISS PARSON'S and MISS DEN- X EN at 1020 S Olive st. tf _ froebellnstitute <ca«a da RosasTj Training school for kindergarten ; also school for boys and girls of all grades; opons September 23d; Apply to 8-7 ly MADAME LOUIS CLAVERIE. BOYNTON NORMAL FOR TEACHERS only. Begins September 10th. Teachers aided in getting positions. Teachers, governesses nnd tutors sup plied. Room 525 Stimson blk. 6-30tf MARLBOROUGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 805 W. Twonty-third st. Boarding Knpils, $500 per voar; day pupils, $100. eopens October 2:i. MRS. GEO. A. CASWELL, Principal. 10-1 LOS ANGELES TRAINING~SCIIOOL for kinucrgartners. Fall term Sep tember 18th. MRS. X. D. MAY'HEW, 676 .W Twenty-third st. 6-Btf PIANO HARMONY INSTRUMENTAL tion and orhestration taught by PRO FESSOR A. WILLHARTITZ, room 14, 212 S. Broadway 11-3 | NATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL—Tui tion $25, payable after students gradu ate. 312 Byrne block. 5-2 ST.VINCENT'S COLLEGE, GRAND AY. A boarding and day school for boys and young men. Fall term begins Mon day, September 2d. 11-10 MISS MARSH'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS' (incorporated), 1340 and 1342 S. Hope St. Eighth^-—» i»-.a in " —i.temhar 18th. 9-6 ETON SCHOOL FOR BOYS. NO. 136 W. Pico sc. HORACE A. BROWN. LL.B. MEDIUMS Rates for advertisements under this classifi cation—l time, 5 cents per line: 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month, $1 per lino. THE WORLD'S FAMOUS MEDIUM AND palmist, formerly known throughout P'urope and America as "Svra," thochild medium; greatejt living medium inde pendent slste writer of thd age; it de ceived through fakirs,would-be mediums, come, Syra will give you a free test to prove her cowers; she tells just what you w, ni to know; if you are sick or in trouble she can help you. 771 Wall St. ARB IVED—PROFESSOR SEMAN, THE celebrated delineator of character, palmist and medium; tells past, present, future and whether the one you are going to marry will make a happy companion; any one having a reading will be entitled to have the talent of onechild or the pho tograph of a friend rjad free. 83 __ 8. Spring st., room 1. 9-23 FROF. D. G. CLARK, FROM ALEXAX drin. Jamaica, medium of Christian spiritualism aud magnetic healer; sit tings daily; test circles Monday evening; developing Thursday. 520 S. Spring st. 12-6 PROF'.D.G.CLARK, FROM ALEXAXDI na, Jamaica,medium of Christian spir itualism and magnetic healer, sittings daily; test circles Monday evening; de veloping Thursday. 020 South Spring st. 12-6 REMOVED—MRS. PARKER, oLAlR voynnt and life reading medium, brsiness, removals, lawsuits, love affairs mineral locations, etc S. Spring St., room 4. 8-30 tf. MltsTllß. M. E. BEIGHEL, CLAllf voyant—Tells past, present and fu ture; also gives alcohol baths and mag netic massage for rheumatism. 139 X. Spring st., Royal House, room 19. sec ond floor. 9-B X wox derful^fTystaiTßEADlNG medium, with clairvoyant sight; past, present and futttie given ; advice in all business matters, 108_ S. Hill St. 10-23 MME. STAIvt.BY—CELEBRATED FOR tune reader; tells your entire past and future by cards; also hair dressing and manicuring parlor. 315 W. Second st. 3m MRST^MAUDE FREITAG—A CLAlR voyant and ciairaudient medium; business affairs a specialty; sittings dailj. Room 10, 245 S. Spring st. 9-15 miss kate"h:lampmTn; TEST trance medium, has just returned from her visit ut Catalina and will give -.tilings daily. 422 W. Seventh st. 9 BUSINESS CARDS. $IPER'IOOO~OTHER printing in proportion. PACIFIC PRINTING PLANT, 217 New Hlgo st. Tel. 1400. 8 E. hTgROVE, DOCTOItOF MAGNET ics and occult scientist; 609).; S. Spring, room 18. 10-5 MRS. WALKeTR—GREAT CLA ant and card medium, just from the east. Room 11, 308]_ S. Spring st. 9-13 drT^chiVesix6erT - MEDIUM gives sittings daily at 324>_ S. Spring St_ 9-21 AGNES H. — DEAD trance medium; sittings daily at rr*. idencea. 034 S. Broadway. 9-15 do not fall to~get figures from Vandergriff & Crippen on your plumbing and sewer work. No. 223 W. Fourth at. 9.9 FRANK A. WBINSHANK. PLUMBER and gasfltter. No. 240 E. Second st. Tel. 136. MILLINERY BROADWAY MILLINERY — YOUR . choice of 100 trimmed hats from $1 up. 358 S. Broadway, cor. of Fourth. FINANCIAL Rates for adyertir ements under this classifi cation—l time, 5 cents per lino: 1 week, 30 cent, per line; 1 month, s*l per line. PACIFIC LOAN CO. ~ ' ' (Incorporated.) Oldest establishment ill Los Angeles. Thoroughly reliable. Loans made in any amounts on all kinds of collateral security, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, merchandise, safes, etc. Also on pianos, furniture and household goods,in either private houses, lodging hoarding houses or hotels, with out removal from premises. Partial pay ments received; money quiok; business confidential. Private office tor ladies. W. E. DE GROOT, Maneger, Rooms 2, 3 and 4, 114 8. Spring at. UNION LOAN COMPANY— Stimson Blook. Loans money on all kinds of collateral security, watches, diamonds, sealksins and furniture in lodging and noardiug houses and on pianos without removal; also on bonds, stocks, mortgages; low in terest; money at once; business confi dential; private office for ladies, room 112, CLARK A. SHAW, manager, rooms 111 and 112, first floor, Stimson blk. MOXEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, sealskins, etc., also on pianos, merchandise, iron and steel safes, furniture in lodging houses, board ing houses ana hotels without removal; also on city and country property; low interest; can have money at once; busi ness contidential; private office for ladies. GEO. S. ROBINSON, 233 W. First St., rooms 2 and 3. THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN Society of San F'ranclsoo will make loans on improved city and country prop etrv. On loans of $5000 and under, cer tificates of title from the Title In surance and Trust Co. will be ac cepted making the expense on such loans very small. Building loans a specialty. Apply to R. G. LUNT, Agent, 227 W. Second. 6-15tf L. B. COHN— The Los Angeles pawnbroker, 146 N. Main st. loans money on diamonds, watches, jewelry, firearms, pianos, li braries anil all other collateral securities; also seiis unredeemed pledges for mousy loaned and one month's interest added; make no mistake; it is the reliable L. B. COHX, tho Los Angeles pawnbroker. 9-10 MONEY TO LOAN OX CITY OR COUN try real estate; lowest rates; personal notea or security, warrants, discount mortgages or any negotiable papers. For sale, tiist-class guaranty mortgages, in terest (i net. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 220 W. First. S-24tf POINDEXTER & WADSWORTH, BROK ers, 305 W. Second St., buy and sell mortgages, stocks, bonds and any good securities. If you wish to lend or borrow or invest in real estate, call on us. Col lections made and property managed for non-residents. 28tf NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT Company—Loans money on all kinds of collateral security; money quickly; business strictly contidential. " Rooms 95 and 96 Bryson blk., fifth floor. JOHN MITCHELL JONES, manager. 7-3 lyr MONEY TO LOAN—BY MOORE & PAR sons, 229 W. Second St., in any sum, at low rates, on botn city ana country property; aiso have choio 6 per cent mortgages guaranteed for sals. 6-Btf. MONEY TO LOAN IX SUMS TO SUIT, on any good collateral; business strict ly confidential; loans negotiated on city and country property. W. E. DEMING, 211 W. First st., room 15. TO LOAX—"A BARREL OF~_6n_Y on real estate, diamonds, pianos, 1 edging houses, hotels and all f.rst-clasa collateral loans. S. P. CREASIXGER, 116 S. Broadway. 10-1 WANTED — $1000-ON FIRST MORT gage on cqocl land will-, house, etc., near Santa Monica, 10 per cent net. POIN DEXTER _ WADSWORTH, 305 W. Second. ' 12 MONEY LOANED OX DIAMOXDS, wntchs, jewelry, pianos, live stock, can rages, bicycles, all kinds of personal and collateral Security. LEE BROS, 402 S. Spring st. flOtf MONEY TO LOAX IN ANY AMOUNT— No commission charged; current rates of interest. MAIN' ST. SAVIXGS BANK & TRUST CO., junction of Main, Spring and Temple. 9-20 MOX E V LOAX~ED AND HOUSES built by monthly payments. Mechan ics' Savings Mutual Building and Loan Association, 107 S. Broadwtiv. 8 WANTED—MONEY r ; IJII.OOO ON STRICT- ly gilt-edged property; income 12 per cent on $40,000. W. S. CARTER _ CO., 328 S. Broadway. 8 TO LOAN—UNLIMITED .AMOIJNTIyOR small loans; no commissions; light expense. Security Loan und Trust Co., 223 8. Spring. TO LOAN-MONEY IN SUMS TO SUIT at reasonable rates. WILLIAM F. BOSBYSHELL, 107 S. Broadway. tf MONEY LOANED AT 6 PER CENT. Mechanics' Savings Mutual Building and Loan Association, 107 S. Broadway. 8 IF Y(Tu~wXNT _ MONEY ON ~SMA'LL monthly payments, see R. E. IBBET SOX, 107 8. Broadway. 8 J TO LOAN—SIO'W TO $10,000 OX REAL estate security. ALLISON BARLOW, 123 S. Broadway. tf 'i-7 WANTED TO BORROW _ $4fIOO—FIRST .MORTGAGE ly nigh-grado income country prop erty; conservative valuation, $15,000; in come $3000 to $4000 per annum ; gilt-edge loan, lo per cent net. MOORE it PAR SONS. S.E. cor. Second and Broadway. 3 STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES FOR BALE-BUBSCRIBE~FOR SHARES in the thirteenth annual series of the Savings Kind and Building society of Los Angeles, established in 1883. Office rooms, 101-102 Wilson Blk, First and Spring sts. lt-BO HALMISTRY PALMISTRY—RETURNED, THE CEL ebrated European occult scientist, Prof. A. Myers, palmist, psychometrist and phrenologist, woo has examined the bands of most of the crowned heads of Europe, has arrived in Los Angeles and intends to romain here for some time. By palmistry he reveals accurately the past, present and future of the individual; gives descriptions of every member ot your family, the deceased as well as the living; also the description of tho one you have married and tbe one you will many; tells country of birtn, age and how long you will five; describes perfect ly your present circumstances, and no matter haw dicfHult they are by his ad vice you will be able to avoid obstacles and bo aided to success. As a psychom etrist he is unequalled." He will looate any ailment or disease more accurately than autopsy would do, and by this gift and power has helped many who had given up all hope. All who are about to make a change should consult him, ns his advice ia reliable anu beneficial. Tells past, present and future in general for $1. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Free—free.. Free medical diagnosis from Bto 10 a.m. Readings from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. Parlors, The Norwood, 656 S. Hill st. cor. Sixth. 10-5 THE REGALIA Ijb]. manufacturers of general lodge sup plies, society and military goods, flags, banners, badges, gold and silver embroid eries, gold and silver fringes, tassels, cords, braids, stars. No. 203, 210 and 212 N. Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. A. TEN NANT GRAY. 9-14 LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING* SEPTEMBER 8, 1895. BUSINESS PERSONALS Rates lor advertisement-under this classifi cation 1 time, 5 cents per line: 1 week, iSO 1 dents pet line; 1 month. »1 per month. PERSONAL JUST LIKE FINDING money—That's what peo|>lo say who have tried a small ad in The Herald. They don't cost much, hut the results arc sim ply marvelous. In this popular depart ment The Herald has made a gain of more than 200 per cent during the past few months. Big circulation counts. The Herald has it. If you want to talk to half of the people in Los Angeles and in other parts of Southern California, try a small ad. In additiun to the immense and rapidly increasing circulation of The Heiald, its sales by newsboys, on trains, at hotels and summer resorts, make it THE advertising medium of the Pacific cast. Look over these small advertisements today. They will interest you and may make you some money. Tomorrow try one. The results will be both surprising and satisfying. o—a tf PERSONAL — ARRIVED — PHOF. SE man, the celebrated European delinea tor of character, palmist ami medtim ; tells past, present and future and whether the one you are going to marry -.'ill make a happy companion; anyone having a read ing will be entitled to have tbe talent of one child or the photo of a friend reed free of charge; if you are in poor neal'h or in trouble or about to make a cunnge, do not fail to consult him, as bis advao is vo,\y beneficial. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. 331)_ S. Bp- n , room 1. 8 PERSONAL—COFFEE, FRESH ROAST ed on our Giant roaster; Java and Mocha. 850 1 Ralston cereal coffee, 100; 5 lbs. good tea, $1; can coooa, 15c; 8 lbs. rolled wheat. 25c; 0 lbs. tapioca, 250-, 5 lbs. rice, 25c; 8 lbs. corn meal, 15c; 50 lbs. flour, 90c; 10 lbs. advent flour. 25c; 4 cans oysters, 25c; 3 cans clams, 25c; 11 lbs. beans, 25c; Boston mackerel, 10c; salt salmon, 15c each; 5 lbs. pure lard, 40c; bacon, pork, 8c; apple butter, 5c lb. ECONOMIC STORES, 409 S. B-oadway. PERSONAL—RALPHS BROS.—GOLD Bar flour. 95c; city Hour, 80c; granu lated sugar, 20 lbs $1; brown sugar, 22 lbs $1; 7 lbs rolled whoat or oats, 25c ; sardines, Ft hoves 250* tomatoes. 2 cans 15c: 7 bars German family soap, 25c; 5 gallons oil, 95c; gasoline, $1; 2 packages morning meal, 15c; lard, 10-lb can, 70c; Cal. eheeae.lOc. No. 601 S. Spring St., cor. Slxto. NEWLAND & KEI LEY, real estate and general commission business, room 217, Byrne bldg., cor. 3rd and Broadway, will handle all kinds of business proposi tions; furnished rooms aspecialty; save your money and time by calling on this ugency. MARY TEMPLETON KELLEY, 9-6 lm Manager. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR FE male irregularities from whatever cause; It never fails to give relief or money refunded; thirty-live years experi ence. Address DR. A. J. GIEBXER, oliice 114 S. Spring st., rooms 9 and 10. 8-30 tf PERSONAL — REMOVAL 8A LFl— Screen doors, only Ifl; stepludders, 150 a foot; ironing boards 35c; house re pairing and all carpenter work neatly done. ADAMS <t SHELDON, 619 S. 8.-oadway. Tbl. 966. tf PERSONAL—SO RUNNNG FEET OF wire fence, 10 feet high with gate. Is in good condition and is suitable for ottice, store or factory partitions. Will be sold cheap. For further particulars call at tbe business office of The Herald. tf LOVERS OF- THE BEAUTIFUL should call at 504 S. Broadway and inspect the East Indian embroideries, miniatures on ivory and other lovely wonts of art. 11-3 PERSONAL—THE LATEST STYLE RE gonts' suits made by crack eastern tailors for $35. we will sell for $15 if we can lit you. Misht Clothing Parlors, 223 -225 W. Second St., between Spring and Broadway. tf PERSONAL—HARRY, DID YOU SEE the nobby pair of pants I bongot for $3.50 at the Mislit Clothing Par lors, 223 -225 W. Second St., between Spring and Broadway? tf FERSOiVAL-WHY PAY A MERCHANT tailor $35 for a suit when you can get tbe same thing for $15 at the Mislit Cloth ing Parlors, 223-225 W. Second St., bet. Spring ana Broadway. tf personal — misfits and ux calied for garments at less than half your tailor's prices at the Mislit Clothing Parlors, 223-225 W. Second St., bet. Spring and Broadway. tf PERSONAL — LADIES' AND GENTS' misfit store, bighost cash price paid for new and second-hand clothing; mas querade suits for rent. TTLTOX, 030 S. Spring. 8£ PERSONAL - THAT WERE made to ordor for $12 we sell for $0 at tho Mislit Clothing Parlors, 2-1-225 W. Second st., bet. Spring and Broadway. PERSONAL—NOW IS THE TIME TO look over your wardrobe and send your fall and winter clothing for repair, dying or cleaning, to E. W. RETT'S. Merchant Tailor. 414 S. Spring st. 7-27 PERSON AL— LA DIES IN CON FIN E , luent can lind a home with tbo best cove; strictly confidential, Address post office box 50), city. 12 g PERSONAL—DR. L. SCHIIEsTNOER. healing and test medium, cures to bacco, morphine and opium habits. 324% S. Spring st. 0.21 PER3ONA~L —S. AXELFORD PAYS highest prices for gents' cast-off cloth ing at 105 N. Los Angeles st. Send postal. _______ 1-9.98 PERSON A L—PA LM ISTR V j 1 HA N D read free; every hidden mystery ro vealed ; life from cradle to grave without a mistake; 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 111.v W. Third st. 9-9 WIN DOW SHADES AT TlTl~MAT ting Mart, 504 S. Broadwuy, near Filth st. Lowest prices in town. 10-3 a PE RSO N A L—SEE "Fl TZ G eTTa"ETL about your painting ami papering. No. 222 Franklin st. Tel. 1449. 9-10 PERSON AL — H AIRDRESSING, 25c; shampooing, 25c; bangs cut nnd curl ed, 15c. 352 8. Broadway. 9-20 FRESH~BREA'd7 TWO LOAVES I'OR 5 cents, at M. M. WALTER'S, 128 E. Fifth st. 10-10 PFHIS()N AL—PROF ST. CLA I R, SCIE.V tific life render. 1241,; S. Spring. 10 DRESSMAKING MISS bassemeyf:r~haB removed her dressmaking parlors from 371 N. Main St., to 211 S. Broadway, where she has litted us elegant parlors and will be ready to receive Sept. 4th. 9-30 MRsVIL _rpEItC IVA LTbRKSSMA KIS IL 139 N. Spring tt.. room 10, Los Ange es. Prices lrom $3.50 un; lit guaranteed, 2-28 WANTED —BY AN jj EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing in families; can give references. Address 202 St. Louis st. 8 MRS. TREIIY—FRENCH DRESSMAK ing, work and fit guaranteed; con tract. 127 E. Third st. 2-22 MRS. A~h. C.AIXLr2 TON, PA RIS IAX : Modiste; work guaranteed. 139 N. Spring. LAW C. F. CRONTN, ATTORNEY AT LAW; offices, 13 and 14, German Bank bidg., cor. Main and F'lrst. sts.; practices in all the courts; atlvice free 10-7 _ VICTOR MOXTGMOF^RY— At(orney-at-Law. 132 Stimson block, Los Angeles. 10-1 PECK A - FOLEY, ATTORNJ_YS AT- ' Law, 8 and 9, Moore blk, 110 Court st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Rates for advertisements under this elanllfl- 1 cation—l time, 5 cents per line; I week, 30 chills per line: 1 month. S>l per line. HOW THE*"HERALD' 3 WANT ADS GROW 1 s Daring the two months Ending August 15, 1894, I THE HERALD PRINTED st t 49,518 lines S —Of want advertisements r During the corresponding two months 1 a of the present year.ending August 15,1896, c these ponulai advertisements reached f The enormous aggregate of —123,815 lines —A gain of— 1 79,227 < Lines. I To interested advertisers further ten. < ment is unnecessary. i FOR SALE— ~ i Lodging house, 19 rooms $1000 Lodging house, 10 rooms 375 Lodging house, 12 rooms 750 ' Lodging house, 31 rooms 1750 Lodging bouse, 39 rooms 2000 , Lodging house, 8 rooms 475 Lodging house, 10 rooms 950 , Lodging house, 20 rooms 2000 : Lodging bouse, 34 rooms 1700 j jjOogmg iicuse, 25 looms. 1250 , Lodging house, 44 rooms 1700 { Lodging house, 17 roomß 1000 j Lodging house, 20 rooms 1000 Bakery 250 ■ Restaurant 200 Restaurant 450 ' Restaurant 350 | Half interest in restaurant 250 , Bakery and ice cream 200 Fruit store 300 Candy kitchen 350 E. W. RE ID it CO., 120 W. First st. 8 FOR~SALE— ..; ~ I [$250—Grocery store; well located. < $275—Fruit and grocery store. I $800—Broadway grocery store. ' $050—Creamery; central location. 1 $1000 — \& interest fish business. $1000—Rooming house; 23 rooms. $1200—Restaurant; worth $2000. $1500— Interest in large laundry. $2500—Carriage works, including build ing. $2700—Grocery end building. $1000 —Family hotel closj in. $10,000—Stationery and music store. ' $20,000-2000 cattle anil range. 1 Investigate our bargains before buying. 1 THE BRIGGS-FRADY CO., < 8 230 W First st. buTlt7~easy payments. If you own a lot clear, will build house and loan money lor its cost taking mortgage for amount; or will sell lot and erect a house for a smell cash payment, balance monthly to suit. For full particulars call or wfito HOLWAY LAND COMPANY', room 14 Cal. Bank I bldg. Plans free. 9-1 tf FOR SALE—WE BUILD FOR $1000. (easy payments), a thoroughly con strucleu 5-room cottage, with bath, has large unfinished room above, witb stair tvav. For plans and information see or write HOLWAY LAND COMPANY room 14 Cal Bank bldg. 9-1 tt I'OR SALE—S7SO — A GOOD FlRBT class bakery, now doing a fine paying business; present owner has cleared $3000 per year in this stand for several years, and business now is as good as ever. N. B. WALKER & CO., 12.5'rf W. Second st. 8 it 11 FOR SALE ~)O~RUNNING FEET OF wire fence, 1Q ft. high, witb gate. It is in good condition and is suitable for oftice, store or factory partitions. Will be sold cluap. For further particulars call at the business office of The Herald. FOR SALE—IF YOU WANT TO BUY~A bakory, candy store, ice cream or sorla water business, see the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUPPLY CO., dealers in ' bakers' and confectioners' supplies. 123 S. Los Angeles St., city. 11-13 FOR SALE — BRAND NEW RES tauraiit in Pasadena; good reasons for selling as proprietor must lcavo town; this is a bargain. GANO HENRY, office,Natick house, if ! FOR SALE—SBOOO—STATIONERY AND Bazar; well located and established j on best street in S. F. Apply CUN- • N INGHAM, CURTIS k WELCH, 327 Sansome St., San Francisco. tf , FOR SALE—A BIG BARGAIN, A $1200 * lodging house and restaurant for $600; J doing business of $25 to $30 por daw M. P. BOWEN, 410 W. Fifth st. 8 , WAN'I'ED— EXPEIiIENCED MAN TO 1 tako charge of our rental department, j Address with references, 8., box 40, Her aid office. 8 1 WANTED — PARTNER WITH SOME I means that wants lirst-ciass, safe, < money-making business. 655 S. Olivo St., I room 5. 9-21 FOirSAL"E-$lO.OOO TO $5~a0~007 7n~Tl-;77 est in old established business which I pays good profit, ALLISON BAR LOW, 123 8. Broadway. tf $800— grocery with s rooms con. nected; loni* lease; well-established cash trade. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First 1 St. 9 ' FOR EST A U R A N T WE I , L located: a snap; or will exchange for ' a lot in Los Angeles. 303 E. First st. 8 $800- BAKERY"," I.A RG l 7 OVK N- 810 1 cash trade; prominent corner; old es- i tabhshed. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 9 ; $325 PARTNER WANTED IN A GOOD \ paving grooerv store; !Gorman pre ferred.' BEX WHITE, 221 W.First St. 9 t FOR ; I cash see tha BRIGGS-FRADY CO. 1 336 W. First st. if S I FOR SALE"- W/Tn'TED - PARTNER; first-class metal engraver; no capital 8 required. Address 230 K. Second st. 6-8511 FOR~~BALE—TO SELL YOUR BUSI- » ness, or houses to be removed, go to MORRIS it LEE, 328 S. Broadway. Otf , FOR SALE—FINE GROCERY STORE. 1 Allnewgoodß; choice trade; $1400. , I. I). BARNARD, U7'_ S. Broadway. 8 } DRUG STORE—BEST TOWN IN TBE a state; price $1500, or by invoioe. I. r D. BARNARD, U?J_ S. Broadway. 8 r ELEGANT" LODGING HOUSE, FINE [ furniture. 8 rouius, central. $850. I. y D. BARNARD. in. S. Broadway. 8 j FOR SALE — IIFiTI RING PARTNER'S interest in an established real estate t office. Address C.,box 40. Herald office. 8 t $~H0 WITII SERVICES, TO INVEST IN ! some legitimate opening. Address 1 A., box 40. Herald office. 8 FOR EXCHANGE—NEW' '05 BICYCLE T, for horse and buggy. Call 236 W. = First st. 8 BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR BALK—BBO 7. E. First at., near Santa F'e depot. 8 TO - SELL 6UT*YbUR BUSJNEBB~S"EB c I. D. BARNARD,U7X S.Broadway, tf v, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOX SALE— BY MOORE & PARSON'S. A FEW SAMPLE BUSINESS CHANCES. $.(0,000. A rare chance. A proposition that appeals to the investor; a manufac turing piout, stock company, incorpo ratad; goods indispensable to street car lines, and in general use on coast; fast superseding nil others; best In existence; the world before it; present company lack sufficient capital. We freely say that this is strictly first-class. $20,000 to $50,u00. Old established and solid business plant in city desire man to take active interest; desire to enlarge and extend. 'Ibis will stand fullest in quiry. Commercial standing and references the very best. $0000—An elegant grocery store with a big and growing trade; $85,000 last year, at invoice. $1000—Half interest in a new business enterprise; bread by a new process: a big success: there's money in this; practical man at the head. $11000—An established nnd thoroughly equipped business of manufacturing soda and mineral water, etc.; large line, build ing, lot and small cottage included; this is an inviting held for a rustler, and will invoice $10,000 today. $8000 —Half interest in a business which pays $300 per mouth net in summer, and $oo:i to $700 In winter; old eetaolished; no chances to take; open to inspection. $1000—Half interest in' a mighty fine paying thing, right in fine location; not allowed to publish any particulars, but call in. $1500—Partnership in a highly profit able and extensively advertised article that is attracting great attention: a win ner; owner wants a hustler who will go to San Francisco und work north half of state, or stay here and let him go; this is something that will stand inspection. MOORE & PARSONS. S. E. Cor. 2d and Broadway. 8 FOR SALE—WE aT{E RAPIDLY GETI - ting our bicycle proposition in shape, having in the last ten days interested considerable new capital. Wo still want from $5000 to $10,000, in addition to wnat wo luwe, to put the business properly on its feet. This is the opportunity of a hundred. The business in its present shape is paying bi«. The additional cap ital will make it pay a least 50 per cent the coming year on the investment. We would like to talk to you about it. and believe we can show you facts and figures that will astonish you. O'BRIEN INVESTMENT CO., Bradbury bldg. FOR SALE—WE WANT TO SELL FOR a customer of ours a rooming house; tbe owner is a lady, who, having ample means outside of this house, is anxious to sell it; house contains 18 rooms,iswell located, close in and is paying about $75 a month. O'BRIEN INVESTMENT CO., Bradbury bldg. WE WANT TO INTEREST A Busi ness man of ability in a first-class op portunity to make money in a well estab lished arid highly profitable manufactur ing business in this city: the business is on a firm financial footing, and is in ev ery way Ve_ desirable. O'BRIEN INVESTMENT CO., Bradbury bldg. FOR SALFf-T - ——_-—— GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE. $2500—We havo a well established good paying bokery business for Bale in cluding stock, fixtures, delivery wag ons, horses, harness and all complete In every detail. This is one of tbe best in the city and pays well. Full staff of competent hands. Anyone with good business ideas can success fully handle this. Owner must sell as health has failed and his physicians positively forbid his continuing the work. CORTELYOU it CiIFF\EN, 8 402 S. Broadway. IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY.TAKE some stock in the Mechanics' Savings Mutual Building and Loan Association, 107 S. Broadway. 8 FOR BALE - HANDSOME SUITE cheap; also several bedrooms from $0. Now house, new furniture, modern. 401) W. Seventh. 8 FOR SALE—AT ONCE; WELL-KNOWN good-paying oftice business. Inquire 101 _ S. Broadway, room 5. 8 - ' FOR SALE—LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE—LODGING HOUSES— 13 rooms, Hill st ; $1250 15 rooms, Spring st 1250 10 rooms, Temple 550 0 rooms, Main st 000 30 rooms Wall st 2200 10 rooms. Broadway 1050 8 rooms, Second 550 23 rooms,near S. P. depot 850 And many others which I consider lirst class bi rgains. Call ami see me if you want to make a good investment. S. P. CREASINOER, IHi Broad way. 8 FOR ' SALE-SNAP; $2500; LODGING ho.ise of thirty rooms, nicely fur nished all rooms occupied; low rent and long leaso; best central location in the city; owner going away. If you mean business this is the bast buy for :he amount asked; lease, is worth the money. Also large list of good paying lodging houses of all Bizes; before purchasing elsewhere call and see the bargains that 1 have to offer you. • , JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 8 220 W. First. FOR SALE— , BARGAINS. Lodging bouses of all sizes and prices; before purchasing elsewhere call and see what wu have to offer you. 220 W. First. 9 FOB. 8A I.E —2 LODG ING HOUSES. 22 rooms; all furnished; occupied; low rent, only $1400. 33 rooms, $2400; I years' lease; rent $125; very central: nicely fur nished: moneymaker, morris it lee, 328 S. Broadway. 8 WA NT ED~~LADY WHO HAS HAD experience in taking charge of hotel to take care of a first-Class hotel in Los Angeles. I. L. CLARK, room 223, Byrne blk., cor. Third and Broadway. 8 WANTED—LODGING HOUSES OF TEN to fifty rooms. If yuti nave ony to sell for cash call at once. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 9 220 W. First. LOST AND JjOUND LOST OR STOLEN—A SEAL LEATHER pocketbook containing $40 in cash and two (2) railroad tickets reading fiom San Francisco to Denver via El Paso, Tex., and return to San Francisco. if finder returns same to this oftice intact he will receive good reward. It be returns book with papers and tickets no questions will be asked. 'Transportation on tickets has been stopped. 8 LOST—YOUR PROFIT AND GOOD work by not having P.H. Fitzgerald to do your painting, paper hanging and tinting. STAR SIGN CO.. 222 Franklin Bt. Tel. 1449 8 FOUND-GOOD MECHANICS; GOOD honest work. STAR SIGN CO., painting, paper hanging, 222 Franklin st. Tel. 1419, 8 WATCHMAKER iHE PLACE~TO HAVE YOUR WATCH repaired—you get a guarantee worth Bometuing. W. J. GETZ, 330 S. Broad way. H-20 FOR EXCHANGE Rates for advertisemeata under this classifi cation—l time, Scents per line; 1 week, 30 centa per line; 1 month, 91 per line. FOR EXCHANGE CITY AND COUNTRY. BARR & CLAY REALTY CO., 117 S. Broadway. DO YOU WAXT A RANCH FOR YOUR EQUITY IN YOUR LOS ANGELES PROPERTY? OR DO YOU WANT A RANCH AND HARD CASH? WE CAN GET IT FOR YOU, EX CHANGES ARE OUR SPECIALTY. 367 feet fronting on California St.,in very best residence portion ofl'aeadena; grounds lovely, covered with fruit and flowers. Will exchange this gilt edge property clear, for Las Angeles property and assume, or part ij cash. Come anu see us for particulars. $4000—Beautiful 2-story house, all the modern Improvements, good stable, lovely grounds, fruit, flowers, etc, on corner southwest; rents for $32 per month. Will exchange for good im proved fruit land,. $7000—Business block in heart of best business city in South Dakota. Will exchange clear for good acreage here, $9000—12 acres in the oldest orange sec tion of Pomona close to city, nearly all in navel oranges; splendid water right; 7-room cottage; good outbuild ings; fine income home. Will ex change for Los Angeles or good east ern city property. (25) $GOOO—IO acres solid navel oranges; finest corner in Covina; 00 lemon trees on outside walk; 20 shares water. Will exchange for city property and as sume. (20) $3500—Five acres in city of Long Beach, nil in full bearing; berries, variety ot other fruits; 5-room cottage; good water right. Will exchange for city property and assume. (22) $8000—20 acres in Aznsa; a grand plaoe; 8 acres in 14-year-old walnuts,balance in best navel oranges, lemons and variety of fruits; 00 shares water, new 4-room house, large barn, etc. Will exchange, for city property. (24) $9000—Close to city; a heavy incjme fruit ranch,nearly all in full bearing; good improvements. Will exchange for city property,or part eastern and part cash. $5300—40 acres half mile of Perr.s;27acres deciduous fruits; 3 acres alfalfa; B room brick house, finished in red wood; water under pressure, piped to land and house. Will exchange for E. Nebraska, E. Kansas, lowa, Missouri or Ohio good farm. (20) $18- Ranch of 1760 acre*, close to Colo rado Springs, Coloraao, titlo perfect; 400 acres cultivated and wire fenced; tine soil, splendid springs, abundance of water tor siock: good improve ments. Price, $18 per acre; incum brance $11,500. Will exchange equity of $20,180 for good acreage in Cali fornia. BARK _ CLAY REALTY CO., 117 S. Broadway. 8 FOR EX CHANGE"^- By JOHN H. COKE, 207 S. Broadway. 9-room house, East Los Angeles; for lemon ranch. 80 acres alfalfa land, 12 miles from city; for bouse and lot in city. [ A choice lot on W.Seventh at.; for fruit , ranch near Pasadena or Cabuenga. ! 2 oottoges, East Los Angeles; for house and lot in soutnwest part of city. 20 acres. Vermont aye., near city line, and store building on Boyle heights; for house and lot on or near W. Adams St.; can be outside city limits. 80 acres, foothill ranch ; for cottage and lot in city; will assume. 60 acres, highly improved, near Fros no; for rauch in Southern California. 20 acres near Compton, and some cash ; foi city business property. 5 acres, with 6-room house, miles from city limits, and $800 cash; for house and lot; must be in fair location. 7-room house, East Los Angeles; for lemon orchard. 40 acres, producing large income, with houses, bam, norses, farming imple ments, everything ready for ranching, free and clear oi incumbrance; will ex change for a lemon orchard. 7 acres at South Pasadena; for city property. 2 bouses, 10 rooms each, in the north westernpart of the town, houses new; will exchange for inside or ranch prop erty. Fine bouse on Bonaallo aye.; to ex change for bouse and lot nearercity; will give a good trade. Large house and lot on S. Hope st.; to exchange for other property. 7-room house and a well-boring ma chine; for ranch. 10 acres, with fine residence, just out side the city ; for property in tho city. 6-10 acres, San Diego county ; for Los An gela property. JOHN H. COKE, 8 207 S. Broadway FOR SALE OR EXCHAXGE- Just received a choice list of Xebraska farms; will sell these at prices ranging from $5 to $8 per acre; price being simply principal and Interest to date on mort gages foreclosed on the lands owing to last year's loss of crops; crops this year are booming. 'There is better value in these improved farms of 100 to 320 acids each, with their present prospects, than anything you can put money into. If you have not got the cash, what will you exchange for some of these farms? H. H. BIXBY' cfc CO., sole agents, 8 li 7 S. Broadway. WHAT DO YOU WANT? California property for eastern, or east ern for California property? iUuich for town property,or city property for ranch? Real estate for merchandise, or merchan dise for real estate? A good 20-acro home, $1500; well improved, good buildings, ar tesian well; near Santa Ana. Write for my printed list of 500 exchange and sale bargains. S. H. COLVIN, Santa Ana, Cal. O-SOSun tf FOR EXCHANGE —I WILL TRADE 15 acres l)_ miles soutli of Downey at the low price of $50 per acre all covered with young growing willow wood, wortn $250 or $300, and growing more valuable all the time; for a good-si; c I, nice gentle driving buggy horse; will allow $250 for the hoise if he is worth it. B. M. BLYTHE, 132 S. Broadway. 8 FOR EXCHANGE—MUSIC OR LAN- , guage lessons by proiessional Euro pean teacher lor anything useful. 1431 Wright st. g FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE— SOME OF MOORE & PARSONS* EX CHANGES. $10,000-STOCK BOOKS, STATIONERY and music; has coo.ity contract fof stationery; will exchange for Los An geles city property or a good ranch. $9800-320 ACRES ADJOINING RIVER- Hide. unimproved; all good, tillable land; 2 miles from Alessandro water ditch; this land yielded a.tremendous crop of barley this year; is offered at tho low price of $30 per acre, and will take lirst-class Los Angeles or eastern property of equal value; this is a fine proposition, and we do not hesitate to recommend it. $2500-WANT A GOOD LOT OR LOTS for $2000 equity in 7-room house OB Twenty-first St., close to electrlo line. $0000-30 ACRES OLIVE LANDS At Glendora; 15 acres set to olives; foe Los Angeles. CHICAGO INCOME AND UNIM PROVED PROPERTY FOR GOOD PROPERTY' NEAR LOB ANGELES, RIVERSIDE. COLTON, OR SAN BERNARDINO. $8500 - A BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME at Sierra Mad re 1 ajre ground; fine improvements; 9-room bouse; good barn: gas machine, in fact a home for any family of refined und cultivated tastes; wish to exchange for Los Ange les property, as owner's business is here. GOOD LOS ANGELES AND SAN BER NARDINO CO. LANDS, CLEAR, TO EXCHANGE FOR ST. LOUIS PROPERTY. MOORE cfc PARSONS. 8. E. Cor. 2d and Broadway. 8 Ftlß; EXCHANGE—ELEGANT REBl dence and large grounds, cor. Ver mont and Jefferson sts. Fine barn and all conveniences. For good,clear property in or near the city. Fine 11-room residence strictly modern, situated in New York's finest suburb. Only 40 minutes' from New York city ball. Is a corner, 215x110. Steam heated and every cenvenience. Fine shade trees in front. Will have a photo of this soon. Price $25,000. Would trade for Los Angeles or close in property. 80 acres line land adjoining the city of Pueblo, Colo., and right in tbe grow ing direction. Can be advantageously subdivided. This is rapidly growing in value and is offered clear. Will take good property in city or nearby acreage in exchange. Should go quiok. I have good residence property In the city to exchange fur lots or acres witbin city limits. J. F. JENKINS, Room 219 Nolan cfc Smith bldg., cor. Bsc ond and Broadway. 8 FOR EXCHANGE — $6000—Good income property on Templa st. for unimcumberetl acreage near the city. $1800—New 6-room bouse on Twenty-first; all modern conveniences. Want va cant lot close in. $1400 — 5-room house, 2 large lots on E. First st. $30,000—Acreage west of the city. WIH exchange part or all for income prop erty close in. H. J. SIEMER, 213, W. First st. 8 FOR EXCHANGE— Stock in a good water and land com pany for property. The company has a good reputation and the stock a true value. He will exchange for property with some incumbrance, or will pay jash difference. Come In and see our state ments. It is all right. WALTER E. BROWN, 8 205 W. Third st. FOR EXCHANGE- FOR IMPROVED city property or choice farm property in Illinois or 10wa.200 acres of A No. 1 land 2!_ miles south ot Peiris, a thriving town in Riverside oountv; land fenced and cross-fenced; level: abundance of water, 8 feet of surface; house, large barn, 2 wells., windmill; location very healthful; soil the very best for grain, alfalfa or fruit. Own ■ er absent and offers this I property at $10,000, a remarkably low price. HIN'TON cfc WHITAKER, 8 123 W. Second St. FOR EXCHANGE—S7SOO EQUITY IN eight 5-room cottages In fashionable section of Oakland, for any clear pio party. $4500 —8-acre navel orange grave, in full bearing. North Ontario; desires city lots clear. $4500—2-story brick block, Montgomery City. Mo.; has plate glass and iron front; now bringing in a good yearly rental; wants any good Los Angeles property. TAYLOR cfc BURKE, 8 420 S. Main st. FOR EXCHANGE— ~~ BUSINESS BLOCK. $35,000. Handsomei3-story building, situated on a corner, paying gout monthly income ; 3 stores. 40"rooms above; will trade for lands, improved or unimproved. O. A. VICKRKY * CO., _________ UP). S. Broadway. FOR EXCHANGE IS acres near Verdugo postoffice, bearing fruit, $7000. 10 acres near Sepulveda, bearing fruit, $3500. 20 acres set to alfalfa, house 8 rooms, $0000, with windmill; hay last year sold for $"000. GANO HENRY', office Natick nouse. tf FOR EXCHA NGE—2 MODERN Cour tages, one a 5-room the other 7-room cottage, together with 2 lots, each 50x150; lawn, flowers, cement wain; situated southwest, near electric oar line; equity for house and lot or lot less valuable or Missouri land. F. H. FIEPEK & CO., 108 S. Broadway. 8 F'OR - EXCHAXGE — 9-ROOM HOUSE southwest, mortgaged for reasonable amount, for clear country property or vacant lots POIXDEXTER <fc WADS WORTH, 305 W. Second St. 12 F'OItTSALE OR EXCHAXGE-OXE OF the best patents ever invented; used in every household. Will exchange for city or_ anch property. D., 215 W. Fifth st. 8 FOR~EXCHXn<TE-5^ ranch clear; with 5-room hard-fin ished house; income last year $900; want city property; will assume. MORRIS & LEE, 328 S. Broadway. 8 FOR EXCHANGE—2 SELL OR KX chan-.e 7our city property or ranches go to MORRIS cfc LEE. 328 S. Broadway. 7-1-tf FOR EXCHANGE— NEW~S7O SEWING machine for good horse. H. J. SIE MER, 213 W. First. 8 PAT£NTS^CWYRI(W PATEN TH FOR INVENTIONS OBTAIN ca in all countries; bought and sold. S. J. DAY &CO., patent attorneys, room 85 Bryson blk. tf iCNIGH T BROS., PATENT sTSfLKTH tors—Free book on patents. 308 Stim son blk. 9-22 HAZARD _ TOWNSEND. 9 DOWNEY blk. Tel. 47, Los Angelas. I 9