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THE HERALD It la BvtdeneeEverywhere / yyor ONL V ON SUNDA V THE HERALD does business ever? d»» in tho week. c«»t your eye on the want ade In any Issue. Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow ](you did not see it in The Herald It did not happen VOL. XEIV. NO. 154 MURDER, RAPINE AND DISASTER PERMEATED THE VERY ATMOSPHERE YESTERDAY TOXICOLOGICAL TRAGEDY Thompson and Martin Drank and Are Dead THERE WHS DEATH 111 IKE WINE A Colored Coward Compounds a Cruel Cup INTENDED VICTIM ESCAPES The Negro Evidently Wished to Kill Another Negro, But Failed His Bottle of Doctored Wine Falls Into the Hands of Two White Men Thompson Died Half an Hour After Drinking, While Martin Survived Him Less Than Three Hours, Both Suffering; Greatly Before Dls. solution A most terrible tragedy occurred last evening in which two innocent men fell victims to the unsuccessful uttompt of a fiend to wreak vengeance on an unsus pecting onemy. The method taken to be rid of this enemy was one ol tbe most cruel and barbarous known, and consisted of send ing a token of friendship in wliicn was ecreted poison auflicient to have ended the lives of scores of mortals. Through some unforseen accident the plan of revenge failed Ot success in the direction intended, hut two men now lie cold in death as a result of tho attempt. Their names are W. J. Thompson and O. 1.. Martin. Both wero railroad men and both drank from the fatal bottle ot wine, and within half an hour the first was dead, while the other survived him less than three hours. Both of these men were the unsuspect ing and unintended victims of a scoun drel who had desired apparently to use one of them as a means to convey the bottle of poisoned wine to the individual who bad aroused bis enmity. The name of the dastard who sent tbe liquor to the men ia unknown, but be is a colored man and the object ot his con senting hatred is another colored man i uined Gardner, who is employed as n porter on the Santa Fe road. What aroused tne enmity cannot be stated. In all probability it was the re sult of a quarrel over a woman, but bo that as it may, the crime is probably tbe most monstrous that has ever come to the notice of the local police department. A clue has already been secured as to the perpetrator of the double crime, and it is expected that the murderer will soon oe apprehended. The tragedy occurred last evening, be tween tl and 7 o'clock, at the Downey av enue depot of the Santa Fe railroad. There were only four people there at the time of the unfortunate aff ifr, but Mar tin lived long enough to relate all of the circumstances. Thompson wns employed as the station agent, and Martin was superintendent of the cars that ht ttled gravel from the bot tom of the riser. Both men nad been living at tho depot building for the past few months, their families being absent. The builuing consists of four rooms, waiting room, ticket otliee, store room and baggage room. The store room wits in the middle of tho building, and there tho men slept and prepared their meals. Shortly after 0 o'clock little Frank Ec cles, a boy about 111 years of age, walked up to Mr. Thompson and handed him a bottle and told him to give it to Gardner, tbe negro porter who ran on a chair car. The station agent took the package and tho boy went away. As all the trains had passed, the two men started to get their supper in the storeroom. While tqey were eating Thompson suggested to Martin that they take a drink out of tho bottle, and to this the latter assented. Thompson removed the label and stopper and took a big drink of the stuff, nearly half a pint, and without a word passed it to Martin. The latter then took a mouth ful and at once said: "That tastes as if it had quinine in it." Thonipion replied: "No. I guess it's poison," and almost immediately after fell upon tbe lloor and began writhing in agony. Martin was also seized with pains but bad strength lo walk to the door in the rear antl call for help. There were two ladies at the depot, one the wife of a con ductor and the other her friend. The name of neither was obtained. They ran around ami saw that Martin, who had come out on the porch, needed aid, while through the partially opened door they noticed Thompson lying on his back and writhing in agony. The ladies ran out screaming and hurried up on the viaduct calling loudly for help. Heated on a pile of lumber under ttie bridge were Ed Kccles and Dennis Sheedy, who at once ran to the depot, a distance of about ten yards and went to Martin.s; "Give mo a drink, I've been poisoned." he gasped and the men forced some liquor down his throat, after which they laid him on the lioor and began working on liim. Thomas Eccles and his brother Robert were standing at the walk acor6s the street at the end of„the viaduct, but were attracted by the cries of the two women and they also hurried to the scene of the tragedy. The boys at once saw that Mar tin was undergoing great suffering and while one started to assist the others in rubbing him his brother ran after a doc tor. Thomas Eccles went into the room wbere Thompson lay, for the purpose of The Specter of Desolation Was Abroad in Our Land and Found Many Unsuspecting Victims in Various Parts of the Country, Some of Them in Los Angeles, Others in Cities of Middle West and East beating some water and getting anything that would have relieved the suffering man. By this time a largo number of persons had arrived and while some worked over Thompson the rest did whnt they possibly could for Matin. Both of the dying men hail heated water to make tea or coffee for their meal, and Kccles took tbis and put salt into it and tried to force sonio down the throats of the men, but they did not seem to be able to take any, or else did not wish to. Old Mr. Kccles and Mr. Sheedy took a tin cup of hot water and poured a little down the throat of Martin, but finully be asked them to stop and said, "JJow 1 feel bet ter. Send for my wife and children, as 1 want the.v to be oy my side." Between the throes of torture he succeeded In tell ing all of the circumstances of getting the bottle of wine and how they had opened it and drank some of the con tents. He bad not, to judge from his talk, seen the boy hand the bottle to Thompson, and the first he knew of it was when the latter suggested that tney di ink. The men kept rubbing Martin until the flesh was broken. He complained eon• tinunr.sly of the cramps in the calves of bis legs and urged tbem to redouble their efforts. Thonision nas too fur gone lo be able to talk or throw any lignt on the affair. And try as much as possible, the men were unable to revive hini and he grad ually sank into a comatose condition, ami by the time Dr. Hancock arrived was breathing his last. The physician gave hint a hypodermic injection, but the man was doomed and almost within half a minute after he said "Pull my legs apart." and then rolled over dead. Kvery effort was made to save tho life of Martin and tor a snort while it appear* eJ as though they would be successful. Dr. Wing, tbe physician of the railroad, arrived shortly after Dr. Hancock and to gether they did all that, was possible for Martin, Sweet oil was poured down his throat and eager hands rubbc.l and beat his tlesh in the desire to see him saved. But it was not lo be. Martin drank the poisoned wine about 6:15, About a o'clock ttie spasms began to abate ana ins twitching hr-enme less, and the physicians expressed tbe hope that there was a chance for him to pull through. He gradually calmed down, but at 6:20 o'clock Martin breathed his lust and had gone with his companion as a sacritice to the fiendish work of a black coward. The news of tins most horrible affair caused a large crowd to gather. .Shortly after ttie two men fW discovered the police department was notified, antl De tectives Goodman and Steele were detailed on the case. It was not long before tbe lirst nnd one of the most important clues as to the identity of the fiend was dis covered. At tho foot of the viaduct and about lifty yards from the depot is a saloon called the First Chance, run by Anton Cordano. From him were learned facts tbat will in all probability land the murderer in the nanda of the law. (Jo» --dano stated that shortly after b' o'clock a colored man entered the saloon carrying a bottle in his hand and asked for a piece of string to secure the piece of paper that was around the glass. Cordano produced I lie string, wherepon the fellow said: "You tie it forme." The latter held the bottle while Cordano put the string around the paper. The darkey then asked for a card, saying lie wanted to put the address on the package. Curdano handed him one of his business cards. Taking a pencil in his left hand the negro wrote tho following: "Mr. Gardner, chair car porter, Santa Fe." He then handed the card to Cordano and asked if he could read it. Cordano looked and replied in the negative. Tbe chirogrophy is ve.y illegible and requires considerable study before ono is able to decipher the words. The negro took a short piece of string and tied tbe card to the neck of the bottle and walked out of tbe saloon. He went down San Fer nando street towards the Southern I'acilic depot, but crossed the street about two ulocks below the saloon at the apex of the junction willi a small street. Here lie found young Kccles, and going up to tlie hoy asked bitu if he would not like to make lo cents. The boy Baid yes, and was told that he could earn it by carry ing the package to the station master at the Santa Fe depot. With these words the boy was given the fatal bottle and lie started toward the bridge. The neero followed closely be hind. Young F.ccles went and handed the bottle to Thompson and the latter said thnt it was nil right. The boy re turned to the negro, who was standing at the south end of the viaduct and told him that ho hud given the package to the station master. The negro thereupon handed him 20 cents and immediately turned and walked rapidly dow.i San Fer nando street toward the sotiih. Young Kccles then went his way little thinking of the awful tragedy tbat was soon to bo enacted. After the polico arrived on tho scene of the tragedy they took Immediate charge of the bottle, the paper that had been around it, the card, the label and the tin foil cap over the stopper. Tho bottle is an ordinary quart one and had been tilled to tbe muzzle with the poisoned wine. It is a bottle similar to the kind that contains blue ribbon beer, starting at a large bottom and tapering gradually to a small neck. Around it was a label marked ".Sherry Wine." The cap over the stopper bore the print of the Cucamonga winery. No test was made hst night of the con tents of the bottle, but it is supposed to contain sherry wine mixed with a laree quantity of either strychnine or arsenic. The color is slightly greenish, but to an ordinary observer would not bo taken for other than what it was labeled. The name of the man lor whom the fatal bottle had been Intended is Gard ner. He lias run on the Itedlauds flyer for the past few months, but about Hires or four days ago was changed to the San Diego route, where he had since been. No doubt the intended murderer had nut been aware of tbis change and sup posed that his intended victim was still on the run, and by leaving tlie bottle at the small station lie would be more apt to receive it. than at La Grande depot, an i besides it would not attract so much attention. ' Even bad Gardner still been on the Redlandl run yesterday he would not have been banded the bottle, for tho rea ssert tbat it was not given to Thompson until about an hour and fifteen minutes after the train for Redlandl had gone uy. The bodies were removed to the under taking parlors of Kregelo A Uresee,where the coroner will probably hold an inquest today or tomorrow. Both of tho murdered men had fam ilies, that of Thompson having just re turned from the seashore, while tbat of Martin is at tilendora. At 11:1)0 this morning Detective Good man arrested a negro named W. Bugbee on suspicion of having been the man who sent tne bottle, lie was caught in the vicinity of Rosedale. THE HERALD LOS ANGELES, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1895.-TEN PAGES. POISON FIEND, RAPIST, MURDERER AND ROBBER AT WORK Many Killed and Injured by Railroad Accidents, While Two Men Die in Los Angeles From Drinking Poisoned Wine MORE OF THE TESTIMONY Blanche Lamont's Sister Maud Testifies CROSS-EXAMINE MRS. NOBLE Never Sought Durrant's Attentions for Her Niece Durrant Said Blanche Had Confidence In All and Believed I vi , on to Be Gjod Associated Press Special Wire SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11.—The trial of Theodore Durrant is becoming moro interesting. The district attorney has proved the death of Blanche Lainont and has established that the body of the girl iv Emanuel church was her corpse and that the clothing hidden in tbo rafters of the edifice was worn by the girl on the day she disappeared. The prosecution is now putting in evi dence connecting the prisoner with the crime. The witnesses for tne people will be called in chronological order, the intention being to form a chain, the links of which will be testimony show ing the movements ot the murdered girl and the defendant on that fateful third of April. Tbe district attorney tried by various pretexts to ascertain the weight of Blanche Lamoutat tbe time of her death, the object being to show that she was not too heavy to be carried by one man up into the church belfry. All questions looking to this will lie objected to by the defense as heresay and overruled. Final ly, however, when Maud Lamont, sister of the murdered girl, was on tbe stand, the fact was elicited that last September Blanche was weighed and her weight found to be 110 pounds. Her sister said thnt she had gained about seven pound.,. Tbis was a point for tbe prosecution. The autopsy surgeon had testified on cross examination tbat althouggh tbe corpse had not been weighed he considered the weight to bs about 140 pounds. The prosecution will now show that when the surgeon viewed the corpse tne girl had been dead ten days, and tbat with morti lication the corpse bad become swollen so as to appear heavier than was actually the case. The defense fought the intro duction of this evidence hard, but it was allowed by the court. Tbe lirst witness today was Mrs. Noble, aunt of Blanche Lamont. On cross-ex amination stic denied that she had said to Durrant. wnen her niece first came here from Montana: "Now, Theodore, I wish you would make it as pleasant and agreeable as you can for these girls of mine." The witness an id the only oc casion when Durarnt had taken Blanche out alone wns in the afternoon. Then they had been to the park and had re mained awny so long that Durrant vol untarily apologized, although the wit ness had not been anxious at their ab sence. "After Blanche disappeared," the witness continued, "Durrant came to my house with Dr. Vogel to consult übout her absence. He turned to me and said: "Blanche was such a good girl; believed veryone else was as goad as herself, ami in that Way she might have been carried off." Maude Lamont told about Durront's attentions to her sister, corroborating her aunt's testimony on that point. Maud positively indentified the ring with a chip diamond as hers. She said sho had exchanged with Blanche, each wear ing tho otner's ring This was one of the rings returned to Mrs. Noble wrapped up in a newspaper on tho edge of which were printed the names of George King, the church organist, an I Prof. Scherstein, the elderly music teacher. This same ring wus positively identified at the preliminary examination by a second hand dealer named Oppenheim as one ottered to him for sale by Durrant after Blanche disappeared. The witness identified the clothing found in the belfry as worn by her sister on tho morning of ber disappearance. Adjourned until tomorrow. DRAOGED TO HIS DEATH James L. Lynch's Neck Broken and Skull Crushed PHOENIX, Ariz., Sept. 11.-James L. Lynch, a beekeeper living sixteen miles west of Phoenix,was dragged to his death this morning. He, with a Mexican, cor nered a horse by tbe fence and threw a rope over his head. The horse ran, and the loose rope forming a balf hitch over the man's wrist, ho was dragged for half a mile. His neck was broken, iiis left eye knocked out and bis skull crushed. The coroner's jury summoned found as above. They also censure the parties very severe ly for removing the body before tbe jury arrived. This is the seoend time within a week that a body has been moved without au thority. Miller, who was tound shot last Saturday night, was hurried off to the undertaker's before the coroner arrived. HIS RIBS SHOT AWAY A Gush in the Side Exposing Heart and Lungs WILCOX. Ariz.. Sept. 11.—A serious and pcrahps fatal accident befell two citizens, Joe Screbl and Joe Nennhu ben, this afternoon about 1 o'clock. Thoy had been out duck-shooting on the lake about eight miles west of town and were returning across the edge of the lake, when the horse they were driving became balky and refused to go. Strehl, who was driving, took the hammerless shot gun, whicb had both barrels loaded, hy tho muzzle ami strung tiio horse a heavy blow, shattering the gun to atoms and discharging; the contents of which they received, Strehl received the principal injury, re sulting in a gash in b s leit«sida of about ten inches in length and exposing his heart and tunas. Nennhuber, who re ceived part uf the double charge in his right arm , side and tbigo, earned his companion for about two miles, hut had to abandon him and come to town for assistance. Both are now restiiiK com paratively comioriabie,their wounds hav ing been d'essed by the surgeon, but the belief is general that Strehl cannot pos silby live. Ahout four inches of three ribs were copmletely shot away and bis lungs are injured, as is shown by the es cape of breatn through the opening in his side. RAILROAD ACCIDENT Ex-senator Washburn Injured—Narrow Es cape From a Terrible Disaster GLEXWOOD, Minn., Sept, 11.—Train No. 107 on the Minneapolis, Sault Ste. Marie and Pacific railroad had a narrow escape from a terrible disaster between Belgrade and Brooten. Miss Mary Brand of Cassclton N. D., it is feared, was fa tally injured, and ex-Senator Washburn received a seveie wound in the head. The three real coaches of the train were derailed, two rf ilieni rolling down an embankment into a ditch. The accident >v:is piecipitated by the breaking of the forward axle of the dining car. Although Mr. Washburn's wound is an ugly one. he will recover. Miss Brand's arm is broken and it is believed she has internal injuries of a serious nature. The colored norter on tbe sleeper had his band crushed, and several others were injured, though not seriously. On the arrival of the train here Senator Washburn and Miss Brand were taken to the Parker house, wnere Physicians are attending them. The train had passed only four feet beyond a high bridgo when the acci dent occurred. DEATH TRAVELS ON THE RAIL Two Passenger Trains Collide at a High Speed Four "Xfe' (filled ~oiiTrlght'iri3" Five InJu'redT It Was a Head.End Collision -I ha Names of the Dead ST. CLOUD, Minn., Sept. 11 Passen ger trains Nos. 2 and 3 on the Great Northern had a head end collision 'at Meloy this mcrning. Both were run ning at. a high speed and came together wdtli terriiic force. Tho deaa are: J. K. Emerson, engineer of No. 2; James Thiibideaux. iireman of No. 2; Ira Hines, engineer of No. 3, and both baggage men, one of whom is thought to be H. Hawkins. Five are injured, including throe mail clerks, one brakeman and one passenger on No. 3. W recking crews were hurried to tbe: sceno from B.trnesville and St. Cloud and j doctors from St. Cloud, Fergus Falls and Alexandria. Not since the terrible Nelson collision, j three years ago, nas the Great Northern : experienced so dreadful a wreck. It was a hejd end collision and occurred at 1:40 a. m. No. 2 eastliound passenger train, wdiile running comparatively at high speed, met No. 3 eastbound train. The point when l the accident occurred is on j top of Pelican hill on a heavy grade | Just how the wreck happened does not | appear. That tbe death list is small is < miraculous, as both engines, mail and baggage cars are complete wrecks. All tho dead are residents of St. Paul. A Chicago Ex-Fireman a riurderer CHICAGO, Sept. 11.—John Orun, an ex firenian, said to be ono of tiie survivors of the fatal cold storage lire at the i World's Fair, shot anil killed Joseph Conlon in front of the hitter's homo, 304 Austin avenue, about midnight last night. The cause of the shooting, it appeals, was an imaginary grievance which Oran bad against his victim. The only witness to tlie affair was Miss Agnes Conlon. She said her brother was sitting on the front steps of their house when Oran and Ills wife passed. Oran stopped to talk lo her brother. Tne couversa:ion became loud aftei a few minutes, when suddenly she heard Ol mi say, "Joe, if you don't leave me alone 1 will kill you. ' The next moment Oran pulled a revolver, and Bred ! three shots in quick succession. Only I one ol the bullets took dffoot, and it j struck Conlon in the left breast. He fell i to the ground and died in a few minutes. Town Wiped Out by Fire WICHITA, Kan., Sept. 11.—Word | reached here lace tonight that a disas trous fire is raging in Conway Springs, a town of 1-UO inhabitants in Sumner county. Half of tho business center, in ending the postofflce, has been destroyed. The town is practically without lire pro tection and its buildings are mostly light frame structures. A strong wind is blow ing. If is feared that the whole town will be swept away. Attempt to Rob a Train ST. LOUIS. Sept. 11.—A special from Klnmundy, 111., to the Post-Dispatob, says three train robbers attempted to rob tho northbound Illinois rain about two miles north of tills city last nigt. They were riding on the plat form of the express car. They cut the nell cord and then attnekad the cai with sledge hammers. Hearing the noise the passengers applied the air brake and brought the train to a stop. This fright- i ened the robbers, who jumped off and made far a corn field. Several shuts were fired at them by the train crew, without effect. THE ACCESSORY CONFESSES Particulars of the Oceanside Horror at the Mussel Beds THE CORONER INVESTIGATES His Jury Renders a Verdict of Death by Parties Unknown Crime the rtotive for Another- Stlles Was Assaulted Before Being Associated Pross Special Wire. SAN DIEGO, Sept. li Further de tails of the horrible tragedy at the mussel beds, north of Oceanside, received today, indicate that the murder of Mrs. L»roy R, Stiles and her father, J. B. Borden, yesterday, was Committed by a half-breed and a white man, strangers in the vicinity. Stiles and Borden, the latter SO years old, went iisbing some distance from cam]i, where the former recollected seeing two suspiciuus characters hanging about the eunip. He sent Borden back to remain with Mrs. Stiles. After fishinp about two hours Stiles returned and found both lying dead. The old man was shot through tbe left s'de and also through the head, and Mrs. Stiles was shot through the head. It cannot be learned whether or not Mrs. Stiles was assaulted, but a man who gnar led the camp last night gave tho opinion that she was, though ho did not disturb the situ ation of the body or anything about the camp, pending tbe airival of the coro ner. After Stiles' horrible discovery be started with a team for Oceanside to notify the authorities. On the way he was accosted by a half-breed, who asked for a ride. Stiles was not armed and be lieved ttie negro intended co kill him. He refused to give him a ride. Farther down the road lie met a rancher who took a note to Oceanside, Stiles returning to guard the bodies. Stiles described tbe negro as of rather light complexion, good sizeu and dressed in blouse cluthes or overalls. The white man wu i small and of sandy complexion. He was not in signt when the negro asked Stiles for a ride. The coroner, in company with the district attorney and Deputy Sheriff Jen kins and a posse, went to the scene this morning ami an inquest is now being held. OCEANSIDE, Cal., Sept. 11.-About 3 p. m. yesterday word was received here from Los Flores that a murder had been committed at ttie mussel beds, about two miles north of this place. Mrs. Stiles and J. G. Borden oeing the victims. The coroner at San Diego was communicated with and ho telegraphed that he would be up on this morning's train and hold an inquest. Constable Brookman started from here about 0 u'clock to take charge of the bo.iies. Postmaster Wentze of this place drove up to the mussel beds last evening and brings back some par ticulars of the murder. It appears that Mr. Stilos and his father-in-law. Borden, started to go fish ing yesterday morning about a mile from camp at about !) o'clock. Mr. Stiles noticed two men walking toward his camp, and he said to Mr. Borden, "You had better go hack to camp, as Mrs. Stiles may he alarmed if she sees strange men around." So the old man. who was So years of age, went hack. On return ing to cum]) about 11 a. m. Stiles found the dead bodies. They had been shot. The mussel beds aro about ten miles north of this place and in a lonesome place. A few people live at Los Flores. two miles tbis side of them, where there is a creamery. From the disordered condition of Mrs. Stiles' clothing it is evident that rape was committed. Mr. Stiles farms near Fall brook, Mrs. Stiles was (il years old. iler spectacles were still on. Tbe Stiles family were camped in a tent. From the appeaarnce of the place it seems that wticn the old mm returned ho went through the front entrance of the tent and stood his walking cane just inside, and near it a can he had carried sonic lunch in. He then must have stumbled over the dead body of his daughter (he was very near-sighted) as his glasses wore found" near there, and lie was heard ivy the party who killed Mrs. Stiles, who "shot htm twice—once in the head and again iv the stomach. Mrs. Stiles was snot in the head, and may also have been shot in tho body. If it was the two men seen near the place who committed the deed, they can easily bo identified, as the section men gave them their breakfast that morning and talked to tbem quite a wnile. One was a man aix feet high, d3rk complexion, might bo a mulatto. The other was a smaller man, light hair and had a small hand valise. The men separated, as later in tbe day the smaller man was seen coming south. lioth men were respectably dressed. ADMITS GUILTY KNOWLEDGE The coroner's inquest, held this after noon, over the bodies of .1. D. Borden and Elizabeth Stiles, murdered at the mussel beds twelve miles north of here yesterday, reports that they came to their death tio.n gunshot wounds a; the hands or parties unknown. The evidence shows thut two suspicious characters were in the vicinity at the time of the crime. One of tbe men was tall and the other short. Later—The short man arrested at Fall brook today admits his knowledge of the crime, and says his companion did tbe Killing. The bodies were takon to Fall brook this evening. FURTHER PARTICULARS. SAX DIEGO, Sept. 11.—Details of the murder of Mrs. Le Roy R. Stiles and her father, J. 15. Borden, at their camp on the beach, twelve miles from Oceanside, only serve to make the crime the mjre mysterious, no possible motive bcine known for the barbarous killing of tbe aged couple. k One man who is believed to know some thing about tbe murder, if be was not actually concerned in it, is already in custody, anil officers are hot on the trail of his companion, who is thought to have been tbe actual perpetrator of tho foui deed. This morning several officers went to the scene of the tragedy. They lound the hrdies undisturbed. At the "entrance of the tent lay the corpse ol Mrs. Stiles. She had evidently bien killed without warning. Her face was powder burned and a wound in the left cheeK marked tbe spot where ihe fatal bullet had en tared. An examination showed that an other bullet lind passed through her left arm and entered her side. There was no Indication tuat an outrage bad been attempted. The body ol old Mr. llorden was found in the center ot the tent. He bad been shot through the head and ab domen. No attempt had been made to plunder the tent or rob the bodies. An inquest was held. Tbe principal witness was Le Roy B. Stiies, the bus band of the murdered woman. He tes tified that his father in-law, wife an,: himself had come down to the beach an camped. Yestedny morning Mr. Borde und Stiles started fishing, leaving Mrs. burden at the tent. They saw two men on the bluff, one tall and heavy set and the other very small. Mr. Stiles told Mr. Borden he bad better return to camp and watch the place. Before noon Mr. Stiles returned. He found his wife and her father dead in tho tent, having been shot, The officers made a careful examina tion of the tent, but could discover no motive for the murder. Borden's pocket book had not been taken. Before the inquest was concluded one of the suspected men, the short one, was arrested, but his companion has not been caught. The verdict of the coroner's jury was simply that the deceased came to their deaths a. Ihe hands of unknown persons. A posse is scouring the country for the other man. A THIEVING BARBER Stole Prom Ills Employers but Is Finally Captured A clever bit of work was done by De tective Hawley yesterday which resulted in the arrest of George Vatlient and tbe recovery of a lot of stolen property. Val lient ia a bsrber who bears a very un savory reputation, and he has been wanted for numerous petty crimes, but until yesterday succeeded In evading ar rest. He nas been stealing systematical ly at different places in tbis city, his practice being to hire out as a b rber and then rob his employer. Day before yesterday Vallient sought a position in the barber shop of J. St Mer rill, whose place of business is near tne corner of Seventh street and Grand ave nue, saying that he would like lo get work on Sundays. Instead he was given a chair yesterday morning. During tho noon hour Mr. Merrill left the place in Val lieut's charge, and upon his return found the man missing, together with the money from tne till, amounting to abort,s2 and three of his best razors. On tno previous day Vallient stole a ladies' gold watch and chain from an other barber. John Laidout, whoso shop is at 329 North Main street. Detective Hawley went to work on the ease, but was unable to lind his man at his residence on tho conrer of Howland and Forrester streets. It appears that the fellow has been skipping about from lodging house to another. The otlicer linally located him in a house on L.os Angeles street, where lie lay in wait and captured him at 10o'clock last night. On his person and in his room were a number of stolen articles, all of which wore recovered. Vallient has made a con fession of his guilt. TRIED TO COMMIT RAPE E. G. Toleman 'lakes a Bad Break and Is Now in Jail E. G. Toleman waa arrested Tuesday ■light by Detectives [[Goodman and Steele for assault to commit rape. The lady who was the object of his attacks is Mrs. H. Langley, who resides on Olive, near Fifth atreet. A bout 10 o'clock t iat evening Mrs. hangley was Walking along M.iin street by the p;istotlint?, when T< leman ap proached and asekd her to accompany him to iiis room, ishe hurried along, go ing up Fifth street, the man still follow ing her. At the corner of Olive ho caugnt up and graspij her by the waist, insist ing that sue should accompany him. She screamed loudly, and ex-Mayor Henry T. Hazard, who happened to tie in thejpa vilion, ran out, and took Toleman to the bicycle school, where he summoned the pattiri wagon. Toleman was arraigned before Justice Morrison yesterday on a charge of assault to commit rape. Toleman does not deny Having made improper proposals to Mr.**. Langley. out saysthnt ha thought she waj v stteet walker. He will be examined tomorrow at 9 a. m. A Father's Crime John Martina and his duugher. a girl about l!> years of age, were arrested at S.m Gabriel yesterday by Humane OtHccr Hu ten ins ami Deputy Sheriff Martin, brought to this city and looked up on a charge of incest. tlt is alleged that the girl has already given birth to ono child by her father and is again pregnant. The details ol the case are too revolting to be published. It is stated that the at tention of tne officer! Nad been called to the matter on previous occasions, but nothing was ever proved against the couple thai would warrant their arrest. host Their Purse Two young ladles came into the police station last inght and reported to an offi cer the loss of a pocket book containing $11.20. They had been in an oyster 11011*0 with a couple of gentlemen, so they said, and after leaving the place found that the purse was missing. Retaining to Ida restaurant they made inquiry for Ihe lost articie, but were unable to hud it. A detective who investigated the matter was eaually unsuccessful. i The Weather Is Cooler yyQ WONDER the People Talk About THE HERALD'S want ads. They are growing, crowing. Compare them- Not only on Sunday! On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The people like THE HERALD for the news PRICE FIVE CENTS THEIR BODIES IN SHREDS Bits of Flesh Hanging in the Treetops Fill IN » 10 PIECES A Caisson Containing Sixty Pounds of Powder Explodes BODIES BLOWN OVER HOUSES Flesh and Pieces of Bloody Uaiforra Scattered Along tbe Street A Colored Driver Blown Three Hundred Feet by tbe Force of tbe Explorlon A List of the Injured and Dead—Alt Were Members of the First Kentucky Artllery and Louisville Legion. Graphic Details ot the Explosion Associated Presi Special Wire. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Sept. 11.—A nor. accident, resulting in the death ol four and the wounding of several mem bers of the Louisvide legion, occurred shortly after 5:30 this morning by the ex plosion of a caisson, ibo dead are: Corporal ft, L. ROBINSON. Private CHARLES BIECHNER. " " Private M'BRIDOE. Driver W. ADAMS, colored. The wounded are: Sergeant Fred Conn, Private E. William Hobbs. The accident occurred on Broadway, between Third and Fourth streets, where the (First Kentucky artillery were sta tioned for,the purpose of firing a morn ing salute. Eye witnesses say the explo sion was caused by dropping the oaissou on the friction primer of the piece. ;Two bodies were blown over the housetops and horribly mangled The wounded nere removed to hospitals. The two horses attached to the cannon were so horribly mangled that they will be killed. With the exception of the colored driver the men were members of Bal'.e-y A, Kentucky National guard. The whole left side of Conn's fa :e was blown off. Even if he should reoover b«* will be blind and horribly dial (nreo. Hobbs was badly burned about.t'e f;toe and bruised. Fortunately few people were on the street, owing to the curly hr, or the list of killed and injured would un doubtedly have been greatly increased. Every window in the block was blown out. Nearly everyone in the neighbor hood was alsoep. and the noise created a panic. The body of the colored driver was mangled almost beyond recognition, and fell on the front porch of a residence fully 300 feet from tho place wiiere tbe explosion occurred. Bits of flesh and pieces of bloody uniform wero scattered all along the street, clinging to tree-tops and in shattered windows. A leg and half a coat were found one block south of where tbe explosion occurred. They had been blown clear over a three-story and basement house. Several mangled legs and arms were found on the tops of ad joining houses. It is believed that the body of Private Hutchins was blown to pieces, as it has not yet been found. The body of Howard Irwin was so badly mangled tbat it was almost impossible to gather it up without a shovel. It was found a block away. g The battery was on the way to Phoenix bill for the purpose of tiring a salute. There were sixty-six pounds of powder in the caisson. Ilichard Cogin, wbo was about two blocks from the caisson when it blew up, said the buildings, even at that distance, were shaken and windows shattered. In a few minutes every one in the THE NEWS J3 V TELEGRAPH— Emanuel cliureb tragedy—Mussel beds triple murder- Sporting events —Chicago shooting— Ex-Senator Washburn injured—Cais son explosion at Louisville—Man dragged to his death—Train collision on the Great Northorn—Fire at Mer ced— News trom Santa Monica, San Bernardino, Santa Ana, Lijng Beach, Pasadena, Anaheim and Pomona— Baseball notes—The committee ac« cords the victory to the Defender— World's record beaten—s3,ooo,ooo gold deposited—Ex-Congressman MeShane charged with conspiracy to defraud— Damaging showers in Nortbern Cali fornia. ABOUT THE CITY.—Real estate and building; a review of tho week; home builders at work—Meetng of the board of tire commissioners—Session of the police commissioners; Theodore 'Pimm's hearing continued until Tuesday next—The investigating committee has its evidence against Rabbi A. Blum; a special meetinf of the boatd of education to be called at once—The newsboys given a treat by J. H. Roller of the Los Angeles Creamery company—Meeting of the board of county supervisors yesterday — l.ocb va. Blnni; hints at tho exist ence of an immoral watch and the in vestigation—The polite world — Meet ing of the directors ot the chamber of commerce—A serious joke fnr house painter Seegar—Last night's sacred Heart church fair- Edith Lem mert, formerly of this city, leaves her husband in Cincinnati—A barber steals from his employers and is ar rested—A toxicological tragedy; two white men succumb to a negro's doc tored wine. WHERE YOU nAY 00 TODAY 3RPHEUM.—At 8 p.m.; vaudeville. BUHBANK.-At » p.m.; The Colonel'" Wives. S