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• 4 NO ROOM FOR THE FAKIR Dr. A. J. Shores' Crusade Against This Class of Medical Pretenders Had the Desired Effect—Several Have Left the City and Others Are Packing Up—A Grateful Public Congratulates Dr. Shores Upon the Stand He Takes Against the Misfits of the Medical Profession THE REHL MND THE I7VvITHTION Not Content With Attempting to Copy Or. Shores' Method of Treatment, the Catch penny Imitators Endeavor to Follow His Style of Advertising OF rsH7VV.eL.ESS PRKCTITIONERS , What can possibly be nure gratify- nnd wV will gladly and willingly an ing to one who performs a kind public swer a ' questions as to benefits de pot than enthusiastic expressions of rived. {thanks from the public itself ? During Tbo success of Dr. SHORES' treat ihta many years of experience as a ment, like all other good things, has 'specialist Dr. A. J. SHORES has al- caused so-called specialists to try and 'ways stood between tbe sick and the imitate it; not satisfied with thi.t, tbey medicul mountebanks, who take tbe have even attempted to oopy his sys formei's last penny and give nothing tern of advertising, in return. The iratne"3e practice ac- The st.nding of the Dr. A. J. SHORES •quired by Dr. SHORES in the West Co., as physicians and business men cm anally be poocintEd for, not only are opei to investigation, and the phy ion aooount of tba success of his treat- sicians composing the staff are never ment, bat because of his honesty with ashamed to announce their names and the public. Dr. SHORES does not credentials to the public. Dr. SHORES belong to the mushroom variety of proposes now, as at all times in the specialists—coining into existent-? in a past, to befriend the siok. .oity in one night, and disappearing tne It was with this sole objsot in view Inext; be has been with yon over a year, that Dr SHORES reduced his rate to land today is recognized as the m. st an outside limit of $3.1)0 per month 'successful specialist in the Weßt in the until cured, to all patients who applied {treatment and cure of Catarrh and before November Ist. Remember that Chronic Diseases. treatment and consultation are abso- Dr. SHORES does not conceal him- lutely free, the only charge being for self behind the mythical name of some actual medioines used, which in nn institute or firm, but transacts all oase shall exceed $3.00 per month until 'business over his own name, which has cured. 'become familiar in every household in Public appreciation of Dr. SHORES' California. In this connection it might efforts in behalf of the sick and suffer, be well to state that the State Medical ing is best demonstrated by the orowds Board is investigating the business of grateful patients who daily throng 'methods of certain so-called doctors in his parlors. On all sides are heard jtbis city. words of commendation for Dr. ' The success of Dr. SHORES' method SHORES' treatment and his attitude lot treatment is too well known to call toward the grand larceny practitioners, for speoial mention, as is attested every Don't pay your hard-earned money to 'week by published testimonials from medical misfits who only aggravate -people who livo here in your midst, your troubles. (NQ Treatment Free. ffjO tfJQ Treatment Free. (Tift only charge will be for jeV only charge will be for I II laetual amount of medicine! gl 1 .Iff laetual amount of medicine! 11 I a #l* uge( i < which in no rase shAlli M% M al#l Juted, which in no ease shall I /If r T w exceed ?3.00 a month until" Hr exceed $3.00 a month untllT^ cure 1. cured. I L_ ■ , WILLIS E. KELLER, Architect and Building Superintendent, 1406 Wright street, Los Angeles. Read carefully tbe testimonial of Mr. up gas and the food did me no good. Willis E. Keller. Mr. Keller is a well- My liver was bad, having constipated known architect of Los Angeles, whose bowels all the time. This was mv con word is as good as his bond, and who dition when I came to Dr. SHORES, will gladly answer all inquiries as to after having doctored constantly for the benefits derived from Dr. SHORES' six year 3 at a oost of miny hundred treatment. Mr. Keller says: dollars. I can now say I am like a "I have been a great sufferer for six different man; no distrsss in stomach, years with Catarrh of Nose, Throat bowels regular and no more vomiting and Stomach, hawking, spitting, drop- nor dropping in the throat, and I oan ping in the throat every morning till I heartily recommend Dr. SHORES to would vomit many times a day. What all catarrhal sufferers." I did eat greatly distressed me; belched FOR YOUR BENEFIT. It you cannot come to Dr. SHORES' parlors for treatment, you will find his rcme Has on sale at all drug stores in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California. DR. A. J. SHORES' COMBINATION CATARRH CURE ia the only package in the market that contains a thorough systematic and local course of treatment. This remedy was discovered and perfected by Dr. A. J. SHORES, and is considered by the medical profession to be the only intelligent and practical Catarrh Core manufactured. Each remedy of Dr. A. J. SHORES' COMBINATION CATARRH CURE contains sMie month's treatment of the Nose and Throat, Stomach and Blood, A package of Liver Fills and Dr. SHORES' latest instrument for the administration of tbe medicine in the nose and throat. Next to treatment in the office, under the personal care and advice of Dr. SHORES, tbe Combination Catarrh Cure is recommended. DR. A. J. SHORES' KIDNEY A\D LIVER CURE Is a positive cure for all diseases of the Liver, Bladder and Kidneys. Don't buy a lot cf unreliable, unscientific compounds tbat are represented to cure ON SIGHT or sooner. Dr. SHORES is a physician under whose care his remedies are prepared, thus •voiding tbe dangers of taking too strong medicines, tiiat in many cases are much worse than the disease itself. DR. A. J, SHORES' TOXIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER >!■ at remedy that has been tested in some of the most obstinate blood troubles, and in no case has it failed where the patient gave the proper assistance for nervousness, tired and emaciated feeling, sluggish blood, pimples or impure blood indications. You Will not regret this Tonic or Blood Purifier. DR. A. J. SHORES' ASTI-CONSTIPATIOS PILLS. We ask you to try them and they will recommend themselves. DR. A.. J. SHORES CO., SPECIALISTS, CORNER FIRST AND BROADWAY, OPPOSITE TIMES OFFICE. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism. Asthma, Kidney Diseases, Skin Dts> Bases, Bronchitis. Liver Complaints, .Nervous Debility, Nose, Throat and Heart Trowels. Steal ale Complaints and all other forms of Chronic Diseases. liOS AXGEiLES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNTNG t OCTOBER 6, 1895. ANAHEIM'S WATER COMPANY Great Opposition to Covering Any More Territory TOO MUCH OF A LANDSLIDE A Proposal That the Beet Growers Disorganize The Plan. It Is Thought, Will Be Re lected—New Notes and Per sonal rtentlon ANAHEIM, Oct. 5.-It is generally conceded that tho vote to be taken Octo ber 19th by the stockholders of the Ana heim Union Water company upon the question of admitting more territory to the water district will result in an over whelming defeat of the measure. On Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock a meeting is to be held in Fullerton to which all who are opposed to annexing the new territory have been invited. A proposi tion to take in a few hundred acres would have gone through all right, but MOO is a bigger landslide than the shareholders are willing to submit to. A call has been issued by H. H. Bart lett, acting secretaty of the Anaheim Co operative Beet Sugar company for a meet ing ot the stockholders to be hold Novem ber 0th i foi the purpose of ascertaining tbe sentiment of the membors of the company as to the advisability of contin uing or discontinuing the crganiaztion. It ia now thought that tbe vote to "stand by the guns" will be unanimous. It will requires two-tnidrs vote of the stock to carry a proposition to disorgan ize. It is not costing tho company any thing to maintian its present position and there is now nothing to lose and everything to gain. The Anaheim beet company will doubtless continue to live and have a being. Tbe Anaheim beet growers are holding a meeting in Kroeger's ball this after noon with closed doors. The object of tbe meeting is to form a beet-growers' asso ciation. NOTES. A council of the Fraternal Aid associa tion was organized in Garden Grove last night, starting oat with a membership of twenty-two. Dr. F. G. Flournoy of this city trod upon a walnut shell lying on the side walk Thursday evening, which caused bim a fall in such a manner as to break his right wrist. It was a most unfortu nate accident, as the fracture is one which wiil sause a permanent weakness of the wrist joint. Richard Kennedy, a lad 10 years of age, son of W. Kennedy, was thrown from a buggy into a barb-wire fence Wednesday evening, which resulted in his being considerably sciatched uo. The wound was inflicted by a barb piercing his face just back of tbe light eye. The accident was occasioned by a vicious dog attacking the horse the boy was driving Under the direction of Supervisor Pot ter considerable improvement is being made on the main road between Ana heim and Santa Ana. Wiil Priest, one of the Fullerton swift bicycle riders wbo has won several time prizes, came into Anaheim nt a too rapid pace yesterday, colliding with a wagon and knocking off the front wheel of bis bicycle. Fortunately the young man es caped with a sprained wrist and several bruises. While it is generally supposed tbat Deputy Sheriff Jack Landell is sick at the home of his father, Judge J. W. Lan dell, tho truth of the matter is Jack is doing a little detective work. School opened in the new Magnolia dis trict west of town last Monday,with fifty one pupils in attendance. The Anaheim Fruit Growers' associa tion will meet in the city ball Wednes day at '1 p. m. for tbe purpose of electing a new board of directois. Leslie Herald, one of the gradnatea of the Anaheim school last year, is attend ing the Throop institute in Pasadena. Dr. Bailey.who has been absent in San Diego for "a month, returned nome WcdnesJay. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heeger and Mrs. Fall and daughter of Tustin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce a few days since. Revival meetings are being held in n big tent on West Center street under the direction of Rev. Hawkins, a traveling evangelist of the Christian denomina tion. Adventists are also holding tent meetings in town. Rev. F. R. Holcomb of Fullerton bas been appointed to tbe charge of the Methodist church of this city and will preacti each Sunday at a. m. Attorney H. W. Cbeynoweth goes to San Francisco tomorrow to be absent for a week or ten oays. Miss Lulu Bailey, one of the most charming of Anaheim's daughters, re turned Wuanesday from Houston, Texas, whither sho went with her father, Dr. Bailey, last May, he returning two months ago. City Trustees McWilliams and Lewis have'been junketing for the purpose ot learning something about tbe electric al ternators. They will report at next Tues day evening's meeting of tho board. ——- MOUNT LOWE Halcyon Oays on the Mountains—Visit of Col. Lee and Party ECHO MOUNTAIN", Oct. 5.-A large number of guests enjoyed the cool breezes and balsamic odors of the mountains to day. Colonel James O. C. Lee, deputy quartermaster-general, U. S. A., now sla tioned at San Francisco, and Mrs. Lee, were escortoa by their friends, Samuel B. Lewis, president of the Hayden it Lewis company, I.os Angeles, Mrs. Lewis and Miss Lila Lewis, They were astonished at the magnitude of the enterprise, as one feature after another was presented to their «iew, and were overwhelmed by the grandeur of tbe scenery through which they were whirled as they pro ceeded over tbe Alpine division to tne great pine forest between tbe two ranges, where the Alpine tavern is rapidly as suming shape. It will be ready for dedi cation by tbe chamber of commerce in a few weeks. Union racitio Passenger Agent J. H. Pearman of tbe Los Angeles office gjve a great treat to bis Boston friends. 6. A. Finch, manager of tbe Phillips Kock Isl and excursions, and S. S. Hopkins, man ager of the Judson California excursions. The mountain road was a revelation to them, and they will know what to say to travelers herafter about the wonders of the Mount Lowe railway. Asked what the prospects of tourist travel are for the coming winter, they were emphatic in the opinion that the approaching tourist movement to Southern California will he larger than in any previous season, and a larger proportion than heretofore will come with a view to investing and mak ing permanent homes. Two couples, unacquainted with each olher, came from Central Pennsylvania, namely, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Martin of Allentown. friends of Deputy Sheriff Sheldon, and Mr. and Mre. 0. M. P.ooke of Winfleld In Union county. They free- Iv admit that tbe Sierra Madres outclass tbe Alleghenies In wild and ragged scenery. Mr. and Mrs. George Staffier Jr. of San ta Cruz are testing tbe truth of some exj trsordinary accounts they have heard about this region, and are convince,l the half had not been told thero. Mrs. Staffier frequently snapped her kodak, in order to carry back credible proofs of tbe things she saw, for as Salem Scudder says, "the apparatus can't lie." Robert M.Symons of Chicago happened In the other day on his brother, O. G. Symons, the talented artist who painted the magniticent relief picture of tbe Mount Lowe scenery now on exhibition at Broadway and Third stieet in Los An geles, lie was accompanied by his wife and they had a good visit. William G. Miller registered from Ed inburgh, Scotland, Dr. R. C. Hallowed and Julia M.French were from Aqua Cal iente, Cal., and Mr. und Mrs. S. Brown and son from Sacramento. Dr. Lewis Swift gave an interesting lec ture to the assembled visitors today. He has received a letter from Professor E. E. Barnard, saying that he is getting out a finely illustrated work, in which Swift's last comet will have a conspicuous place. THE LAW AT LONG BEACH A Bicycle Ordinance Violator Wbo Paid No Fine A fHalstwleJ Association Organized—The Con gregational cnurch Social—social ana Personal Notes, Etc LONG BEACH, Oct. s.—The board of city trustees a few months ago passed an ordinance prohibiting bicyclists from the use of the sidewalks on their mounts, making it a misdemeanor and providing penalties In tbe shape of lines in case of its infraction. A short time after its passage a special officer, Baker by name, arrested a ruler whom he saw violating the ordinance and took him before tho recorder, who fined him $.5. Now certain members of tbe board of trustees, who are not troubled with any more sense than the law allows,had no idea tbat a::y "bluff" ordinance of theirs would ever be taken seriously and enforced, so they got to work on tho recorder and had him give what they called a "floater," which, in this case, amounted to a total remis sion of the tine. Tbis was not the worst of it.for when the recorder's bill of costs, amounting to $3, for trying the oase was presented it was immediately allowed by this immaculate trio of city trustees, and the ordinance tbis council passed was not only successfully violated, but the taxpayers of the city were made to foot the cost. The local and visiting ministers met on Monday at the Congregational parson agj and arranged a Ministerial associa tion, with Dr. S. H. Weller as president and Rev. S. C. Kendall as secretary. Matters of local interest were discussed and a movement set on foot to promote understanding among tho ennrches of this growing town. Thoy will meet again the third Monday of this month, when business of importance to all the churches will be attended to. Tbe regular monthly social of tbe Con gregationaltsts will be held in the church Friday evening, the 11th inst., when a programme of exceptional merit will be presented. The socials of this church are very popular and enjoyable affaiis and are always largely attended. Dr. J. McCoy of LuS Angeles made a professional visit to this place Thursday. Mrs. Dr. H. M. Williams, who has been visiting her daughter. Rev. Mrs. A. Inwood, at Santa Paula, Ventura county, returned Thursday. The following new-comers have taken apartments at Mrs. C. L. McOutcheons' r'unnyside cottage: Mr». H. C. Oakley, Ontario: Mrs. S. A. Charles. Miss Min nie Charles Whittier, and the Misses M. Andrews and M. Bedell, Pasadena. Rev. E. A. Heal* of Ontario paid the beach a visit last Tuesday. O. O. Wells moved his shoemaking es tablishment Thursday to Los Angeles, where he will resume his business. The Santa Fe is expecting a heavy travel tnis winter, both to and from Cali fornia, as arrangements have now been made to put on a tourist sleeping car line from Los Angeles to St. Paul, via Kansas City and Dcs Moines and »he Chicago and Great Western. This car will run Mondays. And also on Thursdays a tour ist car, Los Angeles to St. Paul via Kan sas City, Ottumwaand tbe Wabash and the Milwaukee and St. Paul line. In ad dition to this the daily line of sleepers to Chicago and Boston will be continued anil a weekly line to St. Louis will be es tablished. Trains 1 and 2, which have heretofore run without Pullman palace sleepers, will, after the new limited train goes on, have palace sleeping cars be tween Los Angeles and Barstow, connect ing at Barstow with tbe through palace sleeping car which runs from San Fran cisco to Chicago. Tomorrow • • • J/ICIL-L. BB • • • A Great Day for fieri Every item reduced to the low tariff rate. You can find no easier way of making money than by buying here tomorrow Free Wool Prices $10.22 and $12.22 For Hen's Suits In regent cutaways, double and single-breasted sacks, round and square corners, in blue and black cheviots, and in neat stripes, checks and small plaids, solid and illumin ated colors in worsteds, cassimeres, thibets, meltons, clay diagonals, suits the equal of which will cost you in any other store in town $18 and $20, We offer you choice for $10 and $12. If you value money don't buy until you have seen our free wool prices. Misfit Clothing Parlors 124 West First Street, near Spring Wilson Block OIL BOOM AT SUMMERLAND Town Lots and Everything Else Jumping Right Along SANTA BARBARA EVENTS The Story Sounds Like the Exciting Days of '87 The Board ot Trade .Taking Great Efforts- Local News Flatters and Per sonal Mention SANTA BARBARA, Oct. 5.-An im portant factor in the growing importance of this seaside resort is the wonderful advancement of the town of Summer laud. The successful development of the oil wells has created such business activ ity tbat the railroad company is builld ing a number of oil tank cars for ade quate shipping facilities, and will soon build a new depot and establish freight agency and telegraph office at Summer land. Today's Advance contidently pred icts grand results and makes strong dec larations which personal observation fully sustains. The value of property is steadily increasing and lots are now at frcm four to eight times the prices paid for them eight years ago. When oil was first discovered tbe price of lots was fixed at $100 each, hut the enteiprising com munity, to encourage investors and assist in tbe upbuilding ofthe promising spot, have prevailed upon Mr. H. L. Williams to offer 100 lots at $75 each, and this ar rangement will he in effect for the next thirty days. This step is one of the many plans just introduced by the new board of trade for the purpose of acceler ating progress. A company bas been formed to construct a large wharf and good inducements will be offered steam ships linos to make this a stopping point for their various steamers. flic enterprising body that is pushing these improvements was organized tbis week, as follows: l'resident, J. Warren Darling; vice-presiaent, W. H. Megin ness; secretary, D. 0, Ash mini; treasur er, A. L. Bourquin; directors, B. F. Main, C. Van Horn, E. Clifton Fisk. j The president appointed tho following I standing committees: Adervtising. lo cation and exhibition—X. Clifton Fisk, Taomas, H. L.Willins; finance—B. Freston, F t Lee, H. L. Williams; mem bership—J. A. Fowler, W. H. Meginness, J. A. Wilcox, S. Cooper, C. Van Horn. The following were present and sub scribed to the constitution and by laws as active members: J. Warren Darling, i Charles Van Horn, D. C. Ashmun, W. H. Meginness. E. Clifton Fisk, A. Lee. F. Lee. T. W. Hallv. Thomas Harm, A. L. Bourquin, O. H. Southwark. J. F. Tuf fen berg. J. A. Fowler, C. A. Loom is, C. E. Northrup, J. A. Wilcox, Stewart Dar ling, W. D. Wheeler, Byron Preston, .Samuel Cooper, H. D. Rundell, Pnilup Rue, O. N. Woodruff, B. F. Main, H. L. Williams. O. W. Fisk. W. J. Miner, W. B. Morris, 11. B. Allen. The object is to enter into harmonious action for the development of the re sources of Summerland and to advance its business interests. A connected system hss been devised by the board for tbe sale of town lots. Mr H. L. Williams will enter into a con tract with each buyer to repurchase the pronerty at the price at which it was sold if, within three years, said purchaser, af ter prjper efforts in tbat behal.', fails to dovelop oil upon the lot within 1000 feet of the surface. Summerland also makes some preten sions toward manufacturing industiies, two being now Ij operation and others in contemplation. As a large number of our citizens own lots there, tbis glowing prospect has attracted wide attention ia the Channel city. NOTES. Monday is the day fixed for the excur sion to this city from the various towns in Southern California. A bureau of in formation bas been established at the office of D. W. Pierce, 715 State street, and visitors will have no ditticulty in learning all about accommodations and points of interest. As the Ventura fair will be in progress at the same time.stop overs will be allowed and many will no doubt avail themselves of tbis privilege. Local officers yesterday Brrested Ada line Le l'age nnd Edward L. Rnngod, wbo recently abducted a Los Angeles girl named Adrian Pavlides. Deputy Consta ble James T. Tryce arrested the woman at a French laundry in tbis city and Con stable D. W. Martin found the other two on the county roan near Refugio. MissLorena M. Garfield leaves Monday for a month's visit to ber sister at 1317 S. Hill street, Los Angeles. A BOMBSHELL Exploded in The Camp of The Medical Profession THE SICK SHALL BE RESCUED Dr. Price & Co., the Eminent Experts, Make A Most Magnificent Offer To the Public Treatment Free to All Who Come —No Charge for Medicine of Any Kind—Everything Absolutely Free—This Offer Holds Good Until October 15 only—Dr. Price will cure You Without Money, Without Cost Los Angeles in the past ha been overran Dr. Price <fc Co. treat tbe hardest and with pretenders that have disgraced the most obstinate cases with the most won profession of medicine. The public has ~crful success. The system of medicine been gulled right and left, while the sick " s , od works results tt,at " c almo9t m " B . . . ... cal in cases tbat bare been given up by and disabled have been worked for every al , other physicians. Wb have but one cent the trattic would bear. Dr. Price & office, and do not trust our treatment to Co., the eminent specialists, have deter- cheap hired doctors. All sick get the best mined to stop this fearful and awful trib- psrsonal attention known to modern mod utc levied upon the unfortunates. iral ssience. DR. PRICE Of Dr. Price & Co , the Well-Known Specialists, Who Gives Treatment and Medicine Free Till October 15. Dr. Price, of Dr. Price & Co., whose Dr. Price & Co. treat all chronic dis reputation for kindness and benevolen ;e eases. is just as great as nis fame a. a special- o oma before October 15th, for every. i»t is wide, in order that all may be ... ... . . healed, makes a grand offer of free treat- thln - medicine ana treatment, free until ment to all who come to their offices in then. the Byrne building,corner of Tbird street Do not forget tbe name and place, and Broadway. We know that there are hundreds of people in this city today who are going ry i> I%r\ls*>T* H l~i A down to an early grave by tlio 1 Mill if I If fill treatment the) got. But do not bo mis- I 111111 L JT. 11l lead any longer. With the free treatment l lifll 11 111 111 I of Dr. Price & Co. there no longer re- I j I||lJ| (V mains any reason why any one should be *J »• I IllVsW \A VV t duped. Dr. Price it Co. will cure you as they nave cured hundreds of others, or if R vrne Riijldinp- Cor Third and you can't be cured they will tell you so. Dvrl,t DUIIUM!}!,, W> I fllrU anj Dr. Price has no self-interest in advising Rmarlivait | nc Anrrolac you; his judgment is not warped by the DrOaiJWay, LOS /UlgCliS, glitter of a dollar, for medicine, treat- r If " ment, everything, is iree. WlllOrflltV New School House on the Adams Street Tract The new public school building to be erected on Twenty-eighth street, in Grider <t Dow's Adams street tract will contain ten large rooms and will cost, including tbe grounds, nearly $20,000 It is ol Romanesque architecture and the design is elegant. It will present an imposing appearance and compare favorably with any school building in the state. In its appointments it is thoroughly modern and up to date. This section well illustrates the growth of our city. Only eighteen months ago it was a vegetable garden, but now there are miles of graded streets, on which 2000 shade trees have been planted, electrio lights have been put up and city water piped in all directions. In Grider & Dow's three subdivisions alone over 2SO homes have been erected, and building progresses at such a rate that by tbe time the new school is ready for ocoupancy there will be enough children in the locality to fill it to overflowing ll\T&tA OXYDONOR