Newspaper Page Text
8 JThe Herald "Want" Ads Five cents per line for single inser tion, or $1.00 per line per month. • CHURCH NOTICES BT. PAUL'S CHURCH. EPIBCOPAU Olive St., opp. the park. Open every day in the year. Daily service at 10 a. m. The clergy will respond to all cslls for the offioos of tbe church for strangers or visitors without respect to eroed; burials, marriages,baptisms or visitations ol the sick. Use of the church cheerfully ■ Wen free for funeral services. Tel. 143. Red. tf THE DAY HOME OF THE GUAR" dim Angels for little children, con ducted by tbe Sisters of Mercy, is moved from 8. Main to Bovd st., bet. Wall and Pan Pedro, No. 310. " 19_ SPECIAL NOTICES LEWIS A ALDEKSON— 312 South Main st. Don't get stuck on chairs. Everybody nowadays wants oak chairs and tbe town is chuck full of chairs made of elm to Imitate oak,but we sell the genuine solid oak chairs as cheap as the other fellows ■ell the elm. Just take a glance at our ■olid oak. high-back chair for $1. It's a corker, sure. For all tbe best bargains in ail kinds of furniture go to LEWIS ci ALDER SON, tf 312 S. Main_st. Wanted—ladies, 1 v \ oTT value your complexion why do yon neglect It? Madam Bauve's New Skin Food ami Wrinkle Ironer needs only a trial to con vince tbe most skeptical that it surpasses anything hitherto placed on the market. All facial blemishes removed;mai! orders promptly attended to; liberal offers to agents. Ladies can be treated at their homes or hotels. Consultation free. MADAM BAUVE, late of Paris, 341', S. Spring st., room 45. 12-3 HYIjEIA TOILET POWDER—PURE white; tbe only healthful, harmless, odorless, positive deodorant for local perspirations and all odors or irritations of tne skin. Instant, lasting, curative; for infants or adults; " 4 lb. package, 35 els. postpaid. Throat Tonic Gargle, puri fies tbe teeth and breath. Receipts for it and Dandruff Cure, 25 cts., or all three 50 ets., postpaid. A. A. CAMPBELL. 230> 2 E. First st. Los Angeles, Cal. Agents wanted. Euclosa stamps. 10 " BUSINESS NEWSPAPER—TrtE DAILY Journal, a business newspnpsr, pub lishing all the county official records, Teal estate transfers, mortgages and liens, building news, contract work, financial news, and all news relating to the re sources and development of Southern Cal ifornia and tbe great territory of the southwest. One dollar per month, or in advance $10 per annum; 227 W. First st,, Los Angeles, Cal. 0-1 tf NOTICE—THE LOS ANGELES CITY Water Co. will strictly enforce the fol lowing rules: Tbe bours for sprinkling are between the hours of 0 and 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 and 8 o'clock p. m. For a violation of the above regulations tbe water will be shut off and a una of $2 will be charged before the water will be turned on again.■ * THE SAFE DEPOSIT BCXES OF THE State Loan and Trust company are Inclosed in a tire-prool and burglar proof vault with time locks and brilliantly lighted with electricity; alcoves attached for tbe private examination of valuablos, with writing materials; a young lady in attendance. TREATMENTS^ DR. ELLIOTT, MAGNETIC HEALER, Cuies all ailments by magnetism; con sultation free; satisfaction guaranteed; come and test this wonderful power; office 215 S. Spring St. 3-1 DRI PHILLIPS HAS ARRIVED IN the city and is located at 355)4 S. Spring St.. where be treats magnetically the following diseases: F-czema and all skin and scalp diseases, rheumatism, neuralgia, and all aches ana pains; no battery or medicine used. 2-2 mo begs to inform the ladies of Los A ngeles that sbe has just rcturnod from New York and is prepared to show and give the latest styles in dresses, wraps, etc. The Muskegon, cor. Third st. and Broadway. 11-12 FOR BALE-50 RUNnTnG FEET OF wire fence, 10 feet high, with gate; is lv good condition ami is suitable for office, store or factory partitions; will be sold cheap. For further particulars, call at business office of The Herald. tf WANTED—PART lEsTBOU ITOHA YE stores fitted up should call at car penter shop, 222 S. Los Angeles et. We make a specialty of store fitting and Jobbing. FOSTER & DYEMAN. 16 Person a l-n c w pi; ocesh-irreg ularities, from whatever cause, cured Without medicine, instruments or pain; sure cure; lady attendants; low fees. 819 6. Grand aye. 12-1 JIBS. DR7"K. A. ADAMS. ELECTRO niagnetic healer; women and child ren a specialty. 245 S. Spring, room 6. Consultation free. 1-15 Prof. St. lTfe reader and palmist; tells past, present snd futuure satisfactorily or no charge. 124)4 S. Spring st., loom 11. BROADWAY FUEL DEPOT, 432 S. Bruadway—domestic coal, all kinds, good quality, full weight and fair prices; ring up tel. 472. V. B.~KETCHAM - REAL ESTATE broker and rental agency. Room 12, 124)4 S. Spring st. tf MISS CORA ATKINSON—HAIRDRESS ing and manicuring, 25c; shampoo ing. 25c; bangs cut and curled, 15c. 443 8. Broadway. 10-26 REMOVED-J. " PHILLIPS. LONDON tailor, from W. Second st.. is now lo cated 113)4 W. Third St., bet. Spring and Malnjde. 11-11 v °IHk ONLY STORE IN THE CITY carrying East Indian works of art and •nrios. 504 S.Broadway. Moderate pr ies li-3 JAMES G. CORTeTyOU\ EXPERT Reasonable rates. 402 S. Broadway. 39 a"f. sloper, house mover,; of^ Bee 112 Center place. PERSONAL TERSONAL-pTI?MISTRY; 1 HAND read free; every bidden mystery re- life from cradle to grave without s,ietake; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 111)4 W. ' ird it. 12-9 SCRSONAL — RECIPE. WILL FosT tively remove wrinkles. smallpox fits, for sale cheap; hours 9 a.m. to 1. 18 Temple st. H-9 PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ETC. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS OBTAIN ed in all countries; bought and sold. S. J. DAY A CO. patent attorneys, room 88, Bryson blk. tf Hazard a townsend, o downey bIK. Tel. 17. Los Angeles. 3 CHIROPODISTS RENOWNED CHIROPO dist, Dr. Rabat Dunze —I havo prac tised in all parts of the world; no knife •r acid uned; only one price charged. 119)4 W. First it., opp. tba Natick bouse. 10-27 HELP WANTED — MALE Rates for advertisements under this classifi cation—l time, 5 cents per line: 1 week, 3D cents per line; 1 month, $1 per line. HUMMEL BROS. A CO., Successors to PETTY, HUMMEL A CO., EMPLOYMENT AGENTB, 300-302 W. Second st., in basement California Bank building, Tel. 509. Office hours from 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. except Sundays. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Buggy washer, $20.c tc; man and wife, $41 etc."; man to work on section, woman to help with cooking;lirst-olass tanner, one with experience and some capital; bricklayer; herd hoy, $10, etc.; bricklay ers, $4 per day;t>oy for merchandise store, country, $10, etc.: ranch band. $15, etc.; cabinetmaker, $2.50; carpenter. $2.50. HOTEL DEPARTMENT Hotel help, please call;paitry cook and baker, hotel, $50, etc. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT German second girl, four in famiy. city, $20; houscgirl, Siena Madre, three in family, $25; houscgirl, Fernando, two in family, $20; woman cook and BeconJ girl. $25 and $18; house girl, one week's work, $tiweek; house girl, four adults, city, $20, employer here 9:30; six girls country places near Los \ngeles, $20 and $25; colored houscgirl, $20 month; house girl, three adults, no washing, $20; ousegirl, Pomona, small family, $iO. HOTF.L DEPARTMENT Chambermaid, city, $15, etc.; two wait resses, city, $20 each ; lirst-class chamber maid, city, $20 month; waitresses, Red lauds, San Bernardino, $20 each; girl to wash dishes, $10 month, loom, etc. girl (o do chamber work and waiting, San Diego Co., $20 month, fare paid; wait resses, Redlands, $20 nion'b, employer here. HUMMEL DUOS, A CO. EASTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 115 i„,furnishes hotels, restaurants and families witn competent help at short notice. KEARNY it CO. tf WANTED—MEN AND " WOMEN TO work at home. i pay $8 to $10 per week for making crayon portraits. New patented method; anyone wbo can read or write can uo the work at home, in spore time, day or evening. Send for particulars and work at once. Address H. A. GRIPP, German Artist, Tyrone, Pa. 18 wante'd-male" A HO tsl, restaurant and household help. None but competent and reliable help furnished. HOTEL GAZETTE EM PLOYMENT BUREAU, 3 waitresses lor country, rooms 11 and 12, Manhattan bldg, 137 S. Broadway. Tel. 285. If WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO J lives with his parents to learn the clothing business; must be bright and ambitious: about 18 years old with refer ences. BROWN BROS., 249 and 251 S. Soring st. wanted-saTesmen IN AND OUT of Los Angeles to sell our goods to grocers; good commission or salary; ref erences required. R. X. V. CO., 201 S. Main st., St. Louis, Mo. 5-otf WANTED—SALESMEN—SIOO TO $125 per month and expenses; sample line ; position permanent, pleasant and desir able. Address, with stamp, KINU MF'G CO., F. 73, Chicago. 7-29 WANTED—YOUNG - BOY Wi:i.l, quaioted in city, for soliciting and delivering; board included. Address H, box 70, Herald. 17 WANTED—A FEW MEN~OF GOOD A dress can tint employment by apply ing at room 22. German-American Bank bldg., First and Main sts. 3-24.96 WTNTKD-A PARCEL BOY. APPTyT with references, l-.AGLESON 6t CO., 112 S. Spring st. 10 X W A NT E D— HELP " I'll EE—27 SlTUA tions. 411': S.Broadway. E.Nittinger. HELP WANTED--FEMALE _ WANTED—WOMAN FOR CHAMBER work and plain sewing to go home at night. Apply at 395 W. Twenty third st. bet. Grand and F'igueroa. 16 WAN I'ED-COOK ~ AND GENERAL house worker. Apply at 017 W. Eleven ib. 17 WAX T E D—G ER MA N GI RIT TO DO general bouse work. Apply 1051 W. Washington st. 17 situations want ed-male^ wanted —by a respectable man with good references, a steady job at gentleman's house or hotel to make him self useful. Carpenter by trade, or any light work. Address ii, box 10, this office. 17 WANTED—WORK OF~ANY KINDTbY young man with references, bank or mercantile. No. 400 Main, room 11. 16 S/TC/.4 TIONS WA NTED-FEMA LE WAN TE D -• A~IT 6slfijN AL nurse of 7 years experience under the best phy«icians In Donver city would ac cept position In any disease or either sex. Address NURSE, Pox 80, this office. 10 WANTED—BY THOROUGHLY EXPE rienced seamstress on dressmaking, cutting, fitting and all kinds of family Bewing, wo;k at her home; prices mod* crate. Address 11, box 40, Herald office, 10 WANTED—AGENTS A MAN IN EVERY SECTION TO SELL staple goods to dealers: experience unnecessary; best side iine, $75 a month salary and expenses or large commission made. For sealed particulars send scamp. Clifton Soap Muuufactuirng Co., Cincin nati, O. WANTED — A FEW EXPERIENCED solicitors of good address can find em ployment by applying to SPRENG A LEVERING, Herald "dice. tf WANTED-TO RENT^ROOMS WANTED— TH RE E (3) light housekeeping, scuth of Sixth street preferred, Address 50, this office, 10 WANTED—ROOM AND BOARD WAI^TED—A LL PERSONS'"" H A VING respectable houses oi hotels with • rooms for rent kindly call at room 217, Byrne hide, 3d and Broadway. 0-0 lm MISCELLANEOUS WA NTETj-aVIioRSE POWER ; line engine. No 236 E. Second st. tf physicians . one elSctrio "baJS free, fo"r ladies only, given by MRS. E. G. PENSE, M. D., Homoeopath; electric : baths |1; ollice hours, 10 to 11 a.m., 3 to 4 p.m. 734)4 S. Spring at., Los Angeles, - Cal. 27 . DR. ~Li'll IA MUMA GEADUA TE ; in medicino and surgery; 15 years' bospilal and private practice; consulta tions free. 138 S. Spring. 10-16 : MRS. DR. j7H~.~SMiTH—SPECIALTY j midwitery; ladies eared for during con finement at 727 Bollevue aye. ; calls promptly attended to; tel. 1119. ' DB. KWONO— The eminent Chinese physician and - surgeon; office, 11334 S. Broadway, near ' First st. i J. C. BTOUT. M. D., SURGEON AND physician. 32114 S. Sjring st. 11-4 JSPIRVTUAUSM BEN M. BARNEY. TEST MeIoTUM and spirit healer; test meetings Sun . aay al Music hall, 231 S. Spring st., 2:30 . and 7:30 p. m. ; private sittings daily at j residence from 10 a. m. to 4p. ; d« , velopment in mediuniship and spiritual . science. Residence, 402 W. Seventh st. 7 cot. Hill st. 3.19 IiOS A-NGEKES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MOBXTNG-. OCTOBER 16, 1895. FOR RENT—HOUSES Rates for advertisement under this classifi cation—l time, r> cents r* r line: 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month,^lJieMtne. FOR ~FeNT-ON W "iU{OADWAY BE tween FOignth and Ninth. 5-room flat, $Ls;furniture conispletw for sale for $400: snap. CORTELYOU A GIFFEN, 402 S. Broadway. tf FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISH ED bouse: sunny and lovely location; small family. Address 323 W. Twemy third it. IT S MATTINGS AND LINOLEUMS Ex clusively at the Matting Mart, 504 S. Broadway, near Fifth st.; lowtit prices. _ J 1 " 8 _ F"oITREN OO M~~I tol* SE; BARN; all conveniences. Call 1300 C.irard st. bet. 12 and 3 o'clock. 17 FOR RENT—VICTORIA. 752 S. SPRING furnished and unfurnished rooms. 11-2 FOR RENT — WILEY HOUSE HAS changed hands thoroughly renovated: furnished and unfurnished rooms, single or en suite; no children. No. 517 S. Broadway. H'-2'i RENT—ALL PERSONS DEBlR ing furnished rooms or board please cull at room 217 Byrne blk., cor. Broad way and Third St.; information free. 9-6 lm irOR bbnt^eaWifuiTljnfuen istied sunny front room; bay win dow; large closet; new building; north east corner,.Bixth and San Penro. 16 FOR RENT — NICELY FURNISH KU rooms, center of city. CHICAGO HOI'SE. Entrance, 142 S. Maiu St., 188)4 S. Los Angeles st. 11-20 FOR RENT—FINEST [ROOMS IN THE city at 50c, 75c and $1 por day; $2 to $7 per week. At Grand Pacific, 423 S. Spring st. 10-20 FOR RENT - HANDSOMELY M*R~ nishod rooms, with private baths; references required. CALDERWOOD, 308 S. Main st. 18-1 FOR RENT—TH EMA Rl Posa" 321 ET 2nd St. ; famished rooms, $1.25 per week up; lodging, 25c, 35c und 50c per night. 10-ltf FOR RENT-133 N. MAIN ST. THE Denver, nicely furnished rooms, $1,50 per week and upwards; center of city; 25c to $1 a day. 9-14tf fo>r^renx-new~flj^ 542 Ceres aye., bet. power house and Arcade depot; $5 per month. 17 OFFICES and furnished rooms. „ Tlie Windham 109)4 S. Broadway. 11 lb FO R RE NT — THRK E FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; 521 Wall st. 10 FOR RENT — rooms; lowest rates, at tho Menlo, 420 S. Main St. Tel. TtiO. tf_ FOR RENT — NICELY FURNISHED sunny rooms at low rates. No. 043)4 N. Main St. lm FOR RENT—I 33 N. MTiN STTTthE Denver; rooms 25c night for men; center of city. 8-12tf FOB BENT—PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, cheap. No. 550 S. Spring st. FOR RENT - NEWLY FURNISHED rooms. 113 S. Olive st. 16 FOR SALE---MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—AT A GREAT SACrTfCE? tne furniture of a 7-room house; or iginal cost nearly $3000; everything ele gant; upright piano, fine over-stuffed parlor nieces, exqnisito dining room out fit, porcelain dishus ar.d silverware; A-l bed room sets, hair mattresses etc.; house 4 blocks from city hall; can be leased by tha party buying the furniture; extra line large yard, full of (lowers ; liara is a decided bargain for some one rant ing a nice home just ready to step into, complete in every way, tine and cheap. Address for full information and price, H., box 90, Herald office. tt FOR SALE—NEW AND SECOND hand pianos on easy terms; largest ronting stock in the city; tuning and re pairing promptly attended to by compe tent workmen. " KOHLER A CHASE, 233 S. Spring st. fl-titt FOR SALE-2 STORE SASH, 8.7X10.2; 2 sash doors, 3.5x8.10 witn transoms; also 2 sash doors 3,4x9.6 and 1 window ami frame, 4.0x80 ft., with weights; 2 rails 40 lbs. 28 it. long. Call 1016 Santee st. 1(1 FCRSAI.E—I WEHER, 1 CELEBRATED Baus, 1 Hazelton, 1 Standard. 1 Jacob Doll and other tirst class pianos; little used; cheap for cash, or on easy terms. 500 S. Broadway. 10-titf FOR SALE—DARK PAISLEY SHAWL, " almost new ; cost $85: will sell for $50. 322 W. Fourth et. 18 FOR SALE—FURNITURE OF A 7 looni hunse. 311 S. Broadway. 23 FURNITURE FOR SALE^VN D~ H"o~USE for rent;(i3o 8. Hill. 20 FOR ard engine. 323 Aliso St. !)-4tf DENTISTS DR.""sTEVENs7 A. J., REMOVED TO opp, Los Angeles theater bldg—Four years in Los Angeles. Fine gold crowns (small) $0; best silver tilling, $1; best set teeth, $10; best gold plate, $35. Pain less extracting. 11-29 ADAMS BROS. DENTAL PARLORS 239)4 S. Spring st.; painless 3xtraet ing and tilling; plate, $0, $8, $10; all work guaranteed; established 10 years. Hours 8-5, Sundays 10-12. ALBANY DENTAL PARLORS—GEIi ma n American Rank bldg. A set of teeth $6; best S. S. white teeth, $10 per set. J. E. LA FORCE, DENTIST, 188)4 S. Spring St., Los Angeles; rooms 7 and 8. 3-4 W. H. MASSEK, D. D. S.. HAS Asso ciated himself with A. I. Have, D. D. S„ 115 W. First st. 2-22-0 F. 11. CUNNINGHAM, DENTIST. RE moved to Stimson blk., cor. Third ahd Spring. Tel. 45. FRANK STEVENS, 324)4 S.SPRING ST. Open Sundays and evenings. Electric light. DR. KENNEDY. DENTIST, 108)4 N. Spring st., rooms 2, 0 and 7. Pain less extraction. JUST RECEIVED AT 444 "SOUTH Spring st., line stock of imported and domestic woolens,from which we are pre pared to make up suit in latest styles and at the lowest prices. We are also pre pared to show one of the best lines of woolens in tbe city; suitable for ladies tailor-made suits. Give us a call; will please you as well as save you money. E. W. BETTS. tf_ emiw.~llndT" merchant tailorT room 328 Wilson blk., cor Spring and First sts. ; perfect Ut guaranteed. 11 20 C. F. CROISIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW; offices, 13 and 14 Bank bldg., cor. Main and First sts. Advice free. 12-10 vlotor moWgomery- " Attorney-at-Law. 132 Stimson block, Los Angeles.lo-1 PECK A FOLEY, ATTORNE YB-AT- Law,B and 9, Moore blk.. 11J Courtjd. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS in second-hand organs; good maksis. KOHLER A CHASE, 233 S. Spring it. tl MEDIUMS Rates for advertisements under this classifi cation—l time, 5 cents per line: 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month. Sl peril 11 c. DIt?TIdSrNTON THE FAMOUS ME dium, independent slate writer, oc cult scientist and palmist bas arrived. AH in trouble should consult him through his clairvoyant sight and ad vice; lie can change trouble into happi ness. Tells when to act in important affairs; tells what business you are best adapted for to be a success: gives you lucky days and months; guarantees to develop your mediumistic and occult powers. 774 Wall St., cor. Eighth. DRS. .I. B. AND MRS. LEV ET, CLAlll voyants, tea; mediums, mental and magnetic healers: all diseases diagnosed clairvoyantly free; we invite 1 lie invalids to come and test o.r power ; sittings daily ; developing circle Tuesday night ; seance every Friday night. The Menlo, 420 S. Main St., rooms 4 und 5. 11-4 KNOW THYSELF IS THE FIRST.'STEP to all knowledge. Complete written nativities by mail, when furnished with the place, date and hour of birth. Answer questions of marriage, journeys and diagnose diseases by the stars and planets. Two questions answered, 25 cents. P. O. box 282, Los Angeles. 19 DR. If. MUBHLEN BKTJ CH, TEST ME dium and spirit healer. Test circles on Tuesday and Friday evening; devel oping circles Wednesday evening. Ad mifljion 25c. At the Ingleside, 8. Spring. 11-11 MMFiTsiMMONS—MEDIUM AND MAC> netic healer; past,present and future; has no equal ;all wno are in trouble should see me; brings the separated together; never fails. Office 124)4 S. Spring. 213 MBS. A. K. HARLANTSTPfsYOHGME trist. test medium, from San Fran cisco. Sittings 11, Jewelry, photographs read. Circles Monday, eves. 25 cts- 453)j S. Spring s"t. 1-0-9-', REMO V E D—MRS* PARKER, CLAIR 7oyant und life reading medium, business, removals, lawsuits, love affairs, mineral locations, etc, 238)4 8. Spring st., room 4. 8-30tf A WONDER CRYSTAL READER AND trance medium will give messages at a distance if $1 and a lock of hair is sent. Gives sittings daily. 900 Beech St.. cor. Twelfth. 10-25 MR7~AND~MRB. W7ll. KING HAVE arrived in the city. They are well known mediums anu magnetic healers. Sittings daily. 3284 S. Spring, room 9, 11-12 TRANCE MEDIUM--~M ISS E ATE~LAMp\ man has removed to Hat No. 4, cor. Eighth and Broadway, where she is jeady to give sittings daily. 11-15 MRS. MAUD FRIETAG, BUSINESS test medium; sittings daily; circles Monday and Thursday evenings; room 12, 824)4 S. Spring st. 11-11 MRSTJENNIE WARREN, TEST Hit dium, has been from her birth a won derful medium; sittings daily. 344 S. Hill st. room 30. 11-7 THEMEDIUM, MRS. BARNETT.WILL give sittings daily at 810 E. Sixth St.; circie Tuesday and Thursday evening. 10-22 M^DA^nfE^RG^T^L^ er and lire reading medium, develop medium power. 123 S. Main st., room 12. 11-1 AGNES 11. PLEASANCE, THE Yei.E brated dead trance medium; sittings daily at her residence. 034 S. Broadway. 10-1/ MRS. LENZBURG, SPIRITUAL MED !u™; 9 to v. 751 E. Ninth st., cor Clark aye. 11-3 DR. W.E. HOUGH, MAGNETIC HEAL er, now permanently located at 4504 S. Spring it. 10-20 MADAM DEaN—FORTUNE TELLING by cards, business and love affairs a specialty. 516 E.First st. lm EXCURSIONS EXCURSIONS THE EAST—THE favorite personally conducted excur sions of the Santa Fe route leavo Los An geles every Thursday morning at 7 o'clock; Pullman upholatered cars run without change from Los Angeles to Chi cago and Kansai City, with annex cars to Boston; the great point to remember is that you save at least ono full day's travel by taking the fast train of the Santa Fe route; attentive conductors accompany the parties; through berths reserved and more dctuiled information obtained at the company's olfice 129 N. Spring st., Los Angeles, or through any agent of the Southern C'aliornia railway. JUDSON'S POPULAR EXCURSIONS - Every Monday over the Rio Grande Western and Denver ft Rio Grande rail way; scenic route; personally conducted; newly upholstered cars through to Chi cago, New York and Boston; finest equip ment, best service, quick time. Office. 212 S. Spring St. PHILLIPS' PEP. SON ALL V ed excursions, via the Rio Grande and Rock Island routes, leaves Los Angeles every Tuesday; cross the Sierra Nevadas and pass the entire Rio Grande scenery by daylight. Ollice, 138 S. Spring st. MAGNUS' CUT KATE TICKTHToF lice, 22S S. Spring St., opp. L. A. theater ; regular tickets at reduced rates to all points east; railroad tickets bought and sold WHAT IS A DOLLAR TO A MAN IF it will strengthen and invigorate him? Vapor bath, with electricity will do it; lure cure for rheumatism and insomnia. 820)4 S. Broadway. 12-3 RETLMINEU—DRTsIRS. OUIDA art, electromagnetic specialist; also scientilio massage and alcohol baths, healtbiul and refreshing. No. 245 S. Spring. 18 EDITH ANWAY OF BOSTON GIVES massage that is delightlnl and refresh ing: also alcohol haths. 35»)4 S, Spring, room 12. No rivals. 12-15 MlbS MAY STONE——— Alcohoi baths 188)j N, Spring 2-23 Room 22. KIT TIE EDWARDS—MASSAGE AND alcohol baths; 138)4 N. Spring at., room 11. 11-7 SEE MYRA fUIEY"i r 01! SUPERIOR manage and vapor bathß; 774 Wall, 4-15-96 g MaQNETIO "aND MASSAGE TREAT ment at 203 Winston st. np stairs. 12-15 MISS LOLO PRESTON JUST FROM the cast —Massago and alcohol baths E. First st., roomi 2 and 3. 10-iO ALMA WORTH,ALCOHOL BATHS AND massage. Select patronage solicited. 138)4 N. Spring, room 4. 10-21 COG MYRA GREY, 774 WALL ST. 11-7 Miss GLADYS IRVING. 180 IL MAIN St., room 8. Alcohol baths. 11-11 MISS "MAY RUBSEL, ROOM 7, NEW Hellman block, 120 N. Main st. 11-12 MAG N E TIC 7\ N D MESSAGE - TREAT ment at 208 Winston st.up stairs.lo-14 MRS, DR. LEON. 120 X. MAIN ST. "tf V MISS M. HASS IS NOW LOCATED with Wagner's Kiniberly at 158 N. Maiu St. and has a fine line of millinery goods; everything new and lirst class. 11 lino FOR SALE IHFI«~CH~ANGE-A FINE millinery business; 204 S. Main St. 10-24 W^TCHMAKER^ THE PLACE TO HAVE YOUR WATCH repaired—you get a guarantee worth something W. J. GETZ, 336 S. Broad way. 11-20 RESTAURANTS Rates for Advertisements under this rlasslfl cation -1 timo, a cents per line; 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month, VI per line. HOTEL SAX XAVIER- Dining Koom. Southwest cor. Seventh and Broadway. EMERSON, Proprietor. Reeular rueals, 96 cents; bill of fare changed 3 limes a day: hoard hy the week, $5; meul tickets $4.50. 10-18_ HOTEL HA FEN CA FE, ill S. HILL st.—Tbe best meal IB the city, 25c; electrio cars pass tha doors every 5 min utes. 10-10 CHICKEN OR TURKEY DINNER TO day 25 cents, PEERLESS RESTAU RANT, cor. Fourth and Broadway, S. O. El KEN HER V, Prop. If _ EDUCA TIONAL WOODBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE (IN cojporated). 220 S. Spring St., is the oldest and largest commercial school in Southern Caluornia; the most beautiful college rooms and equipments to bo found in tbe state; elevator for pupils' use; a large faculty ot experienced and able instructors; open the entire year; both day und evening sessions; a practi cal English course, a thorough business course and a course in shorthand and typewriting under an experienced stenog rapher. Write or call for illustrated cata logue and full Information* O. A. HOUGH, president; N. G. FELKER, vice-president. LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE (Incorporated). 212 W. Third st.—The oldest, largest, best equipped school of its kind in the city; thorough courses of study; experienced teachers, modern methods, new and delightful rooms reached by elevator; success graduates; day and night sessions. Write or call for full information. THE GIRLS' - COLI7eGIATE SCHOOL (MISS PARSONS and MISS DEN NEN, principals), 1918-1020-11)22 Grand aye., near Washington st. Collegiate, academic, preparatory, primary and kin aerg irten departments; attractive home for boarding pupils. tf ST. HILDA'S HALL,SCHOOL for GIRLS —Glendale— (Incorporated) six miles irom Los Ange les: ninth year begins September 25r,n. MISS K. V. DARLING, 12-13 Principal. FROEBEL INSTITUTE (Caiada Rosas); training school or kindergarten; also school for toys anil girls ol all grades; opens September 23d. Apply to 8-7 ly MADAME LOUIS GLAVERIE. HOYNTON NORMAL. FOR TEACHERS only; begins September 16thj teachers aided in getting positions; teachers, gov ernesses and tutors supplied. Room 525 Stimson blk. 6-30tf COLLEGIATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 707" S. Broadway, cor. Seventh. Tbo cir culat gives details. A. B. BROWN, A. M. (Yale). 10-27 FRENCH TAUGHT RAPIDLY BY MY modern method. I'ROF. GAB. BUR NER IN. B. L., B. S., Academy of Paris. 410 Crescent aye. 10-24 LOS ANGELES TRAINING SCH'JOL for kindergartners. Fall term Septem ber 18th. MRS. X. D. MAYHEW, 670 W. Twenty-third st. 0-Btf FIANO~hXrMONY INSTRUMIiN EC tion anil orchestration taught by PROFESSOR A. WILHARTITZ room 14, 212 S. Broadway. H-3 AN AMERICAN LADY (GRADUATE of Prof. Cortina) will give lessons in Spanish. Address P. O. box 242, Los An geles. 23 MRS. E. HABERKORN, TEACHER OF elocution and modern languages. Studio 43, Pirtle bldg, Fourth and Broad way. 12 0 ST. VINCENTS" COLLEGE, GRAND aye. A boardin,; and day school for boys and young men. Fall term begins Monday, September 2d, 11-10 SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN, 110 W. Second St. Open daily. i:ton~school FOR' BOYS, n0713«~w7 Pico St. HORACE A. BROWN. LL.B. FOR EXCHANGE FCH EXCIIANGE-15 ACRES CHOICE land; close to city southwest, on main avenue price $4500. 2\4 acres, 10-room house; bath, barn, cement walks, lawn, fruits, shrubs and liowors; a line place on corner, southwest; will be spld at 16000 J call and see; hundreds of others. Exchanges in ranches, houses, lots and anything needed. EDWARD ERASER, 210 S. Broadway. 17 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE — 60 acres of choice fruit or alfalja land; will sell In 20-acre tracts or more cheap for cash; down, balance on two years' timo, without interest; or will exchange for Southorn California real estate. Write what you have at once. G. WILL KLIXDEEA, Tipton, Cal. 17 FOR EXCHANGE—SO ACRES, ONE OF the best ranches in tbis county and very finely improved, with fruits,alfalfa, lem ons, etc; buildings, witn water on the ranch ; worth the price asked ; close to city; will take part clear eastern property, price $50,000. For n bargain call on ED- WaP.D ERASER, 210 S. Broadway. 15 FOR EXCHANGE—S2SOO; jIN THIS county, 20 acres; 5 acres planted to apricots, 3 yeers old; 10 acres alfalfa; 3 acres grapes; tbo remainder reserved for grain etc.; 20 shares of water all paid up; want paying business in or near this city. H. J. SIEMER, 213 W. First st. 20 FOR EXCHANGE SEVENTY, (70) lots near Pico st. electric car line, valuo $15,000; subject to mortgage $5000, for three years at 8 per cent, with release clause, for good country property, clear. .!. ROBERTS, 12!) S. Broadway. tf FOR EXCHANGE—IF YCU HAVE property anywhere and wish to ex change it, call on me und you will re ceive an offer. Oregon, Washington and eastern property a specialty. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First st. tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE—3O ACRES bearing apple orchard in Michigan; five town lots and 10 to 80 acres line fruit lands at Fincinitas, San Diego county. W. ft. LAWTON, Station D, Los An geles. 17 FOR EXCHANGE - SEVENTY U7O) lots near Pico street electric car line; value $15,000, for good country property clear. J. ROBERTS, 120 B. Broadway, tl FOR EXCH ANGE—A NEW ELGIN watch, gold filled case, for a shot gun, 12 itaugo must be In good order. H. O. MILLER, Herald office. Third st. 16 FOR EXCH A NOP,—A FINE HORSE, new buggy and harness, cash value $200; will trade for a good lot, J. ROB ERTS, 120 8. Broadnay. tf FOR EXCHANGE—2 SELL OR EX change your oity property or ranches go to MORRIS & LEE, 328 S. Broadway. 7-12U FOR EXCH ANGE-BALED HAY FOR Jersey cow. R. D. LIST, 188W W. Second. 11-2 2 EXCHANGE PkOPERTY QUICK GO to HEX WHITE, 221 W. Fiist. 22 CARPET CLEANING rkT- Carpets made, refitted, aewed and laid. 208-210 E. Seventh st. Tel. 217. 11-20 STEAM CARPET CLEANING, SEWING and laying. JOHN H. RICHARDS, 120 N. Spring"; tel. 1343. 80 tf CTrPETS CLEANED FROM 20 PER yard; laying iic. R. BROWN, 608 S. Broadway, FINANCIAL Fates for advertisements under this classifi cation -I time, 5 cents per line; 1 week 30 cents per line; 1 month, $1 per lino. PACIFIC LOAN^COT-^ (Incorporated.) Oldest establishment in Los Angeles. Thoroughly reliable. Loans made in any amounts on all kinds of collateral security; oiaroonds. jewelry, sealskins, merchandise, safes, etc.; also on pianos, furnituro and house hold gooas in cither private houses, lodging houses. Boarding houses, or ho tels, without removal from premises; partial payments received; money quick; business confidential; private office for ladies. W. E. DE OROOT, Manager, Rooms 2, 3, and 4, 114 S. Spring st. UNION LOAN COMPANY— Stimson block. Loans money on all kinds of collateral security; watches, diamonds, sealskins and furniture in lodging and boarding bouses and on pianos without removal; also on bonds, stocks, mortgages; low interest; money at once; business confi dential; private office for ladies, room ■ 112. CLARK A. SHAW, Manager, rooms 111 and 112 first floor, Stimson block. MONEY TO LOAN ON watches, jewelry, sealskins, etc.; also on pianos, merchandise, iron and steel safes, furniture in lodging houses, boarding houses and hotels, without re moval; also on city and country prop erty; low interest; oan havo money at once: business confidential; private of fice for ladies. GEO. 8. ROBINSON, 233 W. First St.. rooms 2 and 3. THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN Society of San Francisco will maka loans on improved city and country prop erty. On loans of $5000 and under, cer tificates of title from tbe Title In suiance and Trust Co. will be ac cepted, mukini; the expense on such loans very small. Building loans a specialty. Apply to R. G. LUNT, Agent. 227 W. Second, h 15tf L. B. COHN — The Los Angeles pawnbroker. 140 N. Main St., loans money on diamonds, watches, jewdry, firuurtna, pianos, li braries and all other collateral securities; also sells unredeemed pledges for money loaned and one month s interest added; mako no mistake, it Ib tbe reliable L. 13. COHN, the I.os Antelcs pawnbroker. 12-10 MON E V TO LOAN ONTiITY""OR COUN~ try real estate; lowest rates ; personal notes or security, warrants, discount mortgages or any negotiablo papers; for sale, lirst-class guaranty mortgages, in terest 6 not. JOHN L. PAVKOVtTCH, 220 W. First St. 3-24 tf POIN DE XT EI Ik WADSWORTH. ors, 305 W. Second st., buy and sell stocks, mortgages, bonds end any good securities; if yuu wish to lend or borrow or invest In real estate, call on us: col lections made and property managed for non-residents. 28tf MONEY TO LOAN. SAFE FIRST-CLASS mcrtgages for sale. Close and prompt attention to collections. In collections money mustcomo! Advice about mort gages and collections Lee. Apply at room 208, Byrne bldg., Third and Broadway NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT Co—Loans money on all kinds of col lateral security; money quickly; business strictly confidential. Rooms 95 and 96, Bryson blk., lifth lloor. JOHN MITCH ELL JONES, Manager. 7-3 lyr TO LOAN-MONEY IN SUMS TO SUIT at reasonable rates. WILLIAM F. BOSBYSIIELL, 107 S. Broadway. 10-13-tf MONEY TO LOAN —BY MOORE A FAR~ sons, 229 W. Second st., in any sum, at low rates, on both city and country property; also have choice 6 per cent mortgage, guaranteed, for sale. 63-tf MONBY TO LOAN IN~B UMS"TO SUIT, on any good collateral; business strictly con*' 'ential; loans negotiated on city and country property. W. E. DEM ING, 211 W. First st., room 1. MONEY LOANED ON D LAMON DS~ watches, jewelry, pianos, live stock, carriages, bicycles, all kinds of personal and collateral security. LEE BROS., 402 S. Spring st. ; 20tl WANTED—TO BORROW SMALL SUMS of money from private individual at 10 per cent net; good collateral security. Address E, Box 70, Herald office. 10-otf TO LOAN—UNLIMITED AMOUN l" FOR email loans: no commission; light expense. SECURITY LOAN AND TRUST CO., 223 S. Spring st. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, fIOOO TO $20,009, private funds, 7 to 8 per cent net. M'GAHVIN & BRONSON, 220W S. Spring. 11-15 MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY GOOITsFT-' curity. E. C. CUBBoiCO., 127. W. Second st. 11 18 TO LOAN—»1000 to $10,000 ON~ REAL estate security. AILISON BARLOW, 123 S .Broadway. _____ ' 0-7tf WANTED-TO BORROW $1500~ON Ap proved realty. Room 1, 230 W. First ■t tf MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. F\ H. TRUE, room 535 Stimson block. 10-28 STOCKS, BONJiSjAND MORTaAOES FOR BALF:—SUBSCRIBE FOR BHARF:S in the thirteenth annual series of tho Savings Fund and Building Society of Los Angeles; established In 1883. Office, rooms 101-102 Wllsoti Mock, First and Spring sis. 11 20 SPECIALISTS OVER 2000 CANCERS AND TUMORB Cured without the knife witbin the last thirty years. Hospital accommodations for 80 patients. The g>eatest cures of the nineteenth century. Send for testimoni als. Send name of anyone with cancer. Our Cancer Tonic hy express, $5,00. Hours 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. DRS. GARRISON ,fc CO., tf 553 8. Broadway. FREE — A CURE THAT CURES-I have cured thousands who suffered as you do. of emissions, irapotency, nervous debility, varicocele ana shrunken parts, caused by self-abuse, hy a simple remedy which cured me, recipe for which 1 Will send sealed free to any sufferer. Address witb stamp, DAVID B. EM METT, box 870, Englewood, ill. 7-4 Dlt7it7G7 COLLINS, OPTHALMIC OP tician, with the Los Angeles Optical In titute; eyes examined free. 125 S. Spring st. FORSALE^--UVE^STOCJ(^^ FOR BALE-IP YOU WANT A~GOOD horse come to the Blue Front Barn company. Third and Los Angeles at"., where you will get a better horee for the money than you van get any place in town; every borse guaranteed as repre sented. JOHN McPHEItSON. _11-1T FORbALE—A CHEAP FOR cash ; warranted to give five gallone of milk. Call at 1521 Redwood st., between Hawthorne und Tennessee sts., Alcxandie Weill traot. «_ Fl)irs.A"LE--OOOD FAMILY lIORBE- Weight about 1000: or would exchange for paperhanging or painting. No. 128 W. Thirtieth st. '7 LOST AND^FOUND LosrTTlXbY's gold watch, "fob attached, tinder will pclase return to Herald offloe; suitable 18 FOUND—SAM. THE HOR6E CLIPPER, at Tally-Ho stables. N. Broadway. 11-12 BUSINESS PERSONALS Rates for advertisements under this clafsirl cation—l time, 5 rents per line: 1 week, 30 cenie per line; 1 month, f\fl per line. PERSO money—That's what people say who have tried a small ad in The Herald, lhey don't cost much, but the results aro smiply marvelous. In this popular de partment Tho Herald has made a gain of more tban 200 per cent during the past 'r, W "■"■"bs- Rig circulation oounts. the Herald has it. If you want to talk to hair tho people in Los Angeles and other parts of .-southern California, try a small ad. In addition to tho immense ii r , a i P .. v '""easing circulation of The Herald its sales by newsboys, on trains, at bote s and summer resorts, make it Ihe advertising medium of tbe Pacific coast. Look over these small advertisement* today. They will interest you and may make you some money. Tomorrow try one. "The results will be both surprising and satisfying. 6-3tf PERSONAL—THE LADIES' SAFBAbT soroer. It is absolutely reliable, easily adjusted and does not beccm? misplaced. It can be worn when desired by special olronmstances without tho knjwledga of another. It is simple to use and inipires confidence to the woman using it. It ia reliable ana IBlentltloaUy made and aoes not injure the health. It is medicatea with one of the best antiseptics, which gives it power to prevent and destroy putrefaction or what Is tiie same thing, the bacteria upon whicli putrefaction de pends. We guarantee "The Ladies' Safe Absorbor." It will be sent securely sealed in plain wrapper upon receipt of the price, 50 cents, or three for $1, (which we guarantee to Inst for one year), with full directions. No circulars. LADIES' SUPPLY CO., La Crosse, Wis. 0-14 00 PERSON A L—COFFEE, FRESH, ROAST ed on our giant roaster; Java and Mooha, 35c; Ralstun cereal coffee, 15c; 5 lbs. good tea, $1; 8 lbs. rolled wheat 25c; 0 lbs tapioca, 25c; 5 De. rice, 25c; 50 lbs. flour, 00c; 10 lbs. corn meal, 15o; 4 cans oysters, 25c; 3 cans clams, 250; H lbs. beans, 25c: 5 lbs. leaf lard, 40c; Bos ton mackerel, lOo: 3 salmon bellies, 10c; bacon, 10c. pork. 8c; apple butter, 5c 16.; brooms. 15c; wash tubs, 250. ECONOMIC STORES, 400 S. Broadway. PERSON A L—RALPHS BROS.—GOLD Bar flour, 05c; city flour, 80c: granu lated sugar, 20 lbs. $1; brown sugar, 22 lbs. $1; 7 lbs. rolled wheat or oats, 260; sardines, 5 boxes. 2oc; tomatoes, 2 cans, 15c; 7 bars German family soap, 2661 5 gallons oil. 960; gasoline, $1; 2 packages morning meal. 15c; lard, 10-lb. can, 70c: Cal. cheese, lOo; No. 001 S. Spring St., cor. Sixth. PERSONAL—SO RUNNING FEET OF wire fence, 10 feot high with gate. Is in good condition and Is suitable for office, store or factory partitions. Will be sold cheap. For further particulars call at tho business office of Tbo Herald. tf A WONDERFUL MEDICINE FOR FE malo irregularities from whatever oause; it never fails to give rolief or money refunded; thirty-live years' experi ence. Address DR. A. J. OIEBNER, office 114 S. Spring st., rooms 0 and 10. 8-30-tf. PERSONAL — A~ "mXd~i7o(l SCARE. The home-seekers' advance guards are here. Do you want to sell or rent? You nud better sco tbe tenderfoot trom tbe Windy City about it. V. li. KETCH AM, room 12, 124)4 S. Sprint? St. Open even ings. tf ■ PERSONA L—A DAMS (fe BOWEN, KARPENTURZ, Will remove from old S. Broadway to 742 S. Main. Screen work, ollice lilting, lioubo repairing and building. Shop tel. 906; 'es. Blue, 531. LOVERS OF THE BEAUTIFUL should call at 504 S Broatlway and in spect the East Indian embroideries, min iatures on ivory and other lovely works of art. 1 1-3 PERSONAL.—THK LATEST STYLE Regents' suits mode by crack eastern tailors for 185, we sell for $15 if wo can fit you. Mislit Clothing Parlors. 124 W. First st., near Spring, Wilson block. tf PERSONAL—HARRY, DID YOU SEE tbe nobby pair of pants I bought for 18.50 at tlie Misfit Clothing Parlors, 124 W. First st., noar Splrng, Wilson block. tf PERSONAL—WHY PAY A MERCHANT tailor 135 for a suit when you can get the same thing for $15 at the Misfit Clothing Parlors, 124 W. First St., near Spring, Wilson block tf PERSONAL — MISFITS AND &TP called for garments at Ibbs tban half your tailors' prices at tbl Misfit Cloth ing Parlors, 124 W. First st. noar Spring, Wilson block. tf PERSONAL-PANTS THAT WERE made to order ior $12 wo sell for $0 ot tbe Mislit Clothing parlors, 124? W. Fir it at., near Spring, Wilson block. tf PERSON A L—MATT I NOS AND LlN<£ leums exclusively at the Matting Mart, 504 S. Rroadway, near Fifth st.; lowest pricee. 11-8 £aDIES' MISFIT STORE, 848 SOUTH Spring—Highest cash prico paid for ladies second-hand clothing. Send pos tal. 1-6-96 PERSONAL —S. AXELFORD PAYS highest price for gents' cast-off cloth ing at 105 N. Los Angeles St.; send pos tal. 1-9-98 REMOVED — PATS "& PARKERS real estate firm, from 413 S. Spring, to 132 S. Broadway. tf MACHINERY, DIBS" TOOLS AND models. J. YON SERKEY MANU FACTURINC. CO., 23ti E, Second st. tf DRESSMAKING MRS. HUMPHREY HAS REMOVED her dressmaking establishment from 415)4 S. Spring st. to 125 W. Fourth, on the first floor; no stairs to climb; every thine tirst class; prices reasonable. 10-30 STAMPED UNIiNS AT CHICAGO prices. Miss Alice Jenks has re turned to tho oity and will bo glad to sea her old trlends at 446 S. Broadway, alter noons. 10-20 INTItODUCE THE Victoria dress cutting system we will teach it for 10 days free of charge at 308)4 Spring St., room 4. lo MRS. SONNE -- DRESSMAKER OF Boston ;10 years' experience; go out by the day or take work home; reasona ble prices. 444 S. Hill st. mTisTcTa. MAXWELL-DRESSMAK er; spcolalty cutting and lining good dresses; prices reasonable. 216)4 W. Sixth 10-23 MRS. LA YINNE ANDERSON — Dressmaker. Prices reasonable; all work guaranteed* 322 8. Spring St.. room 0. 11-11 MRS. SADIE 11ROWN7 THE MOST fashionaole dressmaker in the city. Gerroan-Anierican Rank bldg., First and Main at. 11-13 MiisTH. M. PEROIVAL,DRESSMAKER, 211 W. First st., room 16, Los Ange les. Prices from $3.50 up; fit guaranteed. 2-20 MRS. 7a7~L. - CARLETON. PARISIAN modiste; work guaranteed. 139 N. Spring, NURSERY _____ LOS ANGELES NUR6ERY — TREEu plants, seeds, bulbs and cacti; lowest prices. 340 S. Broadway. BICYCLES _____ 8. LArYe'n'& Co!ThAVETHE AGENCY for tbe Relay bicycles, 223 W.Fifth et 12-11 FRANK A. WEINSIIAN~K, PLUMBER and gas litter. No. 240 E. Second st. Tel. 130.