Newspaper Page Text
The Herald "Want" Ads The popular advertising. Five cents per line, or $\ per line per month. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r,ates for advertisements under this classifi cation—! time, 5 cents per line; 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month, $ 1 per line. FOR SALE—ONif C)F THE cated grocery stores in the southwest; sales about $2200 per month ; reasonable rent; horses, wagon, etc.; will invoice stock; this will stand the closest investi gation and will pay any one looking for > business of this kind to see 8. BROWN & CO.. 2311 Union aye. and Twenty ihird sr. «_ FOR 8 ALE—THF; BEST PAYING meat market in the southwest, clear ing $350 per month; if you want some thing in this line that will stand the closest investigation call and see S. BROWN & CO., 2311 Union aye. and 'Twenty-third st. 27^ FOR SALE-CIGAR STORE AND BlL liard ball; 1 billicrd and 2 pool tables; pood stock of cigars and tobacco; on t-'rrinc st.; a rare bargain ; clieap rent; all for 5650. J. C. FAULKNER, 205 S. Broad way. tf FOR SALE--IF YOU WANT TO BUY a bakery, candy store, ice cream or soda water business, see the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUPPLY CO., dealers in bakers' and confectioners' supplies, 123 fc'. Los Angeles St., city. 11-13 FOR SALE, TRADE, OR EXCHANGE — A fine ranch of 460 acres; 200 acres under cultivation ; plenty of water; will fane eastern property. Address FRANK ELIJAH, Bishop, Inyo county,Cal. 11-2 FOR~S ALE-TSBOOO—STATION ERY~AN D bazar; well located and established in best street in San Francisco. Apply CUNNINGHAM, CURTIS & WELCH, 327 Sansom St., San Francisco. If FOR SALE—I~WILL MAKE~AN OFFEU on any business, personal property or collateral you may wish to exchange for real estate. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First St. tf. $125—PARTNER WANTED-GOOD PAY ing restaurant; price $250; but $125 can bo paid as you make it in the busi ness. Apply BEN WHITE, 221 W. First street. 20 FOR - OPPORTUNITY! $SCO will bundle new $1000 grocery In booming part of city. Call on WHEEL ER, southwest corner of Seventh and Al varado sts. 28 FOR SALIC—SSOOO WILL BUY 20 CHOICE lots on Angeleno Heights, size 50x150 feet; or these lots will be sold separately for $250. S. K. LINDLEY. 100 S." Broad way. 24 ¥OK~~ SALE-I HAVE SEVERAL ranches for rent in Los Angeles nnd San Diego counties. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First st. tf WANTE -TO INVEST from $200 to $300 in some busines:; where I could realize my working power. Address U, box 60, Herald. 24 W ANTE D—A PAR T NER IN A LEG IT I mate business; most have $500 cash. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, No. 230 W. First st. tf FOR SALE—DO YOU WANT TO BUY a business; do you want to sell out? If you do, cal! on J. C. FAULKNER, 205 8. Bioadway. 11-0 GROCERY WITH RESTAURANT Ll" -cense to sell liquor; pays well; long lease: low rent;piice $300. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 20 WANTE~D TO MAKE CONTRACT with responsible parties to (ink oil well. Call at room 2, Los Angeles the ater, tf $225~bTk~f;ry7l ARG E OVEN^HORS eT wagon, big route, city only $225; worth $400. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First ■t. , 26 FO R SALE —W A N TEDT" HOX"EST~ INs tellisent man with $125 to take half interest in butter and egg market. TAY LOR & BURK, 426 S. Main St. 24 FOR SALE — WANTEiT_r first class metal engraver; no capital required. Address 230 E. Second st. 6-25!f FOR~SALE—A COFFEE AND LUNCH room; neat place close in; $190. I. D. BARNARD, 117). S. Broadway. 24 FOR SALH-A FRUIT" STATIONERY and cienr store; big bargain ; $175. I. D. BARNARD. 117). S. Broadway. 24 FOR SALE-BATHS, BARBER SHOP and cigar store: partner; $850. ■ I. D. BARNARD, 117. S.Broadway. 24 FOR SALE—GROCERY STORE; $650; will trade lor lot in city. J. C. FAULKNER, 205 8. Broadway." tf FOR SALE-$250-FRUIT STAND7BEST location in the city. See J. C. FA IT.KNER, 205 S. Broadway. tf FOR~SALE--TO~ SELL " YOUR BUBI -ness, or houses to be removed, go to MORRIS <fc LEE, 328 S. Broadway. Gtf $375~~ SALOON — chance, but must sell on account of sickness. LEN WHITE,22I W. First st. 26 $850-BAKERS~ATTENTION~ BAKERY, large oven; big rash trade; bargain. Apply BEN WHITE. 221 W. First »t. 26 1275-CORNER CIGAR. FRUIT AND candy stnro; trial given. HEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. 2(i to~sell ouTT"our~~bljsiness SEE I. D. BARNARD, U7K S. Broadway. FOR FOR SALE-$3OOO-ONE OF THE] best 40-roomed hotels in the city; ele gantly furnished ; large airy rooms; baths, gas; close in; none hut principals need apply. Address M, box 70, this office 25 FOR SALE--HOTEL AT REDONDO; S3 rooms all completely furnished: rent paid for 37 months: all you have to do is to pay water rent; all Tor $950; this is the hest bargain on earth. Sec J. C. FAULKNER. 205 S. Broadway. tf THE CEL ebrated European occult scientist, Prof. A. Myers, palmist, psychometrist and phrenologist, wno has examined tho liands of most <:f the crowned beads of Europe, has arrr/ed in Los Angeles and in.ends to remain here for some time. By palmistry ho reveals accurately the past, present and future of tne individual; gives descriptions of every member of your family, the deceased as well as the living; also the description of the one you have married and the one you will marry; tells country of birtn, age and bow long you will live; describes perfect ly your present circumstances, and no matter how dictiiult tbey are by his ad vice you will be able to avoid obstacles and be aided to success. As a psychom etrist he is unequalled. He will locate any ailment or disease more accurately than autopsy would do, and by this gift and power has helped many wbo had given up all hope. All who are about to make a change should consult him, aa his advice is reliable anu beneficial. Telia past, present and future in general for $1. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Free—free. Free medical diagnosis from 8 lo 10 a.m. "Readings from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parlors, The Nor vuod, 550 S. Hill St., cor. Sixth. 10-5 Hauses and Lots FOR SALE GRIDER & DOW'S ADAMS-STREET TRACT THE TRACT OF HOMES. 300 50-foot lots facing on Adams st. 82 feet wide; Central aye., 80 feet wido; Twenty-eighth St., 100 feet wide; al«o Twenty-seventh and Twenty-ninth sts. ; all lined with lovely palm and shale trees. Five rnilos 1f" curbed, graded and graveled streets sprinkled daily by the city; wide cement walks; rich garden loam soil; the healthiest portion cf the city; high and sightly location; grand view of tne city and mountains. The daily trade winds blow fresh from the ocean. Half a hundred homes built 111 six months. A school house to cost $17,000 and a church, one ot the finest in the city, are now being erected on this property. Visit the tract and compare it with other subdivisions. Our prices are $300 und up, on easy terms, A double electrio line runs through the property. Take the Vernon cars, corner of Second and Spring streets; 12 minutes ride from the business center. ' For view of tho tract, maps and full information, write or cal! on us. Free carriages. Tel. 1299. GRIDER & DOW. 139 S. Broadway. 24 FOtTsATjdT^ $450o—Good 9-room house, close to Wash in ton st. and Grand aye. $2100 —New 8-room, double house; east front; graded street; nr. investment of $1100 will not 16 per cent. $6500--First-class bouse, 9 rooms and large reception hail; heated by range; good barn, largo lot, east front, Union aye., near Twenty-third st. See this. $2SCO—New and modern 8-room house, east front, on Santee st.; large lot. $8000—Fine house, 12 rooms, large lot, on Figueroa st., just north of Adams. This will be sold cheap. JSooo—Good 10-room house, with barn; large lot; on Se.entu st,, to Pearl; fine view. $15,000—See this place in the Bonnie Brae. SEE ME FOR FIRST-CLASS HOMES. WM. F. BOSBYSHELL, 24 107 8. Broadway. FOit"B A LE-T GOOD INVESTMENTS, PAYING GOOD interest. 40x100 feet, 6-room house on Fifth street, close to Los Angeles St.; paved; bargain. 40x100 with 4-room house en Winston st., near Los Angeles; ask about this. A first-class boarding house, 20 rooms; lot 30x118; clean sido'Templo st.; close in. Make an offer. Lot 60xl"0 on Temple.near Bunker Hill. WM. F. BOSRYSIIEL.,, 24 107 S. Broadway. FOR SALE—W. FISHER, 227 W. SEC ond st. $1000—10 feet Central aye. $2200—New house, income $360. $650—Corner 135x150 feet. $1600—fi room house, Gladys aye. $1000-Ten actes, 704 fruit trees. $450— Lot, Kohler tract 43900—60 feet Grand avenue. $2500 —50 feet Flower St. $250—Lot, W. Twenty-eighth St.; elec trio care, , $0500—Grand house, 9-rooms, Flower st. SlO,OOO —85 acres, near city line. $17,500—50 acres, W. Adams st. $8000—Grand house, southwest, 1 acre. $12,800— 320 acres, rich land, railroad. T. WIESENDAXGER, 227 W. Second St. Tim tf FOR SALE — 100x165—Corner lot in Bonnie Brae tract; $3000 16 lota in Muy tract; each, $300 . 10-room house on Santee st; lot 40x150; $1500. 100x200 feet in Highland park; $1000. Bargains in country propetv. FRED W. POTTS, 24 225 W. becond st. FOR BAI.K-9 ROOM HOUSE. BARN, etc. ; Hill st. ; lot 50 x 165; $9500. Six-room cottage just completed on Starr st.; lot 50 x 165; $2750. Choice lot in Ellendale park, two blocks west of Hoover st. ; 50x175; $1300. Lot fronting on Adams St., in Bris waiter tract, 40x165; beautiful cottago now being erected on this lot; $2100. New 7-room liouso on San Joaquin st opposite Westlake park; lot 50x173: $4000. Apply to FRED W. POTTS, 225 W. Sec ond st. tf FOR SALE-WEIWILD A HOME ON eßsy payments; you can have a5 room cottago for $1000, or a larger and better one for $1250. Houses built to suit; plans free. Good lots near Central aye. and Fourteenth st. for $350. HOL WAY LAND CO., room 14, Cal. Bank bldg. tf FO MODERN 5 ROOM cottage, bath, hot and cold water, pantry, fruit trees, lawn, flowers, elec tric and cable cars, graded streets, sewer und good location. For this gilt edged proposition see COYNE & CO., Los An gles theater bldg. 9-4 tf FOR~B~ALE~S4Oo~FOR A CHOICE ('ORr ncr 10t,04x150 feet, Angeleno Heights, fronting Elysian Park aye. car line, prospective business property. Must be sold. S. K. LINDLEY, 100 8." Broad way. 24 FOR SALE -HOUSE OF"?)" ROOMS," hall, pantry, etc. lot 55x125 with stable, on Brooklyn aye. near Soto. Price $1100 for a short lime; worth $t5OO. F. A. HUTCHINSON. 213 W. First st. 11-4 FOR SALE-HOUSES IN~AI,L PARTS of the city,from $550 to $15,000; terms to suit purchaser; if you wish to buy, call am' see what I havo before baying. E.E.PARSONS,room 1, 230 W. First "st. tf FOR SALE - INSTALLMENTS — $100 cash, $20 a month, including inter est —on Pico Heights—4-room cottage, one block from car line. J. ROBERTS, 129 8. Broadway. tf FOR SALE --"so2oo— ONE OF THE best 5-room modern cottages in the city; everything first class; lot 50x128 facing two streets; on W.Eieventh; close in. tf FOR SALE—S TO 14 ROOMS; REBl deuces from $1000 to $"00u; all parts of city; very fine bargains; terms to suit MORRIS it LEE, 328 S. Broadway. tf FOR SALE-ONLY $1200, NICE 5-ROOM cottage, choice lot. Mapie aye., near Adams st. V. B. KETCHAM, room 12, 124% d. Spring. 10 20 tf FOR SALE—S6OOO — 8-ROOM HOUSE for $4000, choicely located, large lot. R. D. LIST, 123). W. Second. 11-2 FOR SALE—WE SELL THE E ARTH; BASSETT it SMITH, Pomona ,Cal, 0-26 tf City Lots FOR SALE-A 10-ACRE ORANGE ranch at Duarte, the blue-ribbon orange section; 10 shares of stock in the best water company in Southern Califor nia. Apply to A. STEVENS HALSTED roorji 117, Bryson blk. FOR _ SALE-T250"-CH6ICIiirEs7DENCE lot, 50x150, prospective business prop erly on Angeleno Heights,lo minutes from Sprina st , fronting electric car line. S. K. LINDLEY, 106 8. Broadway. 24 FOR SALE-LOTS NEAR PICO BTT electric car line, from $150; terms to snit. J. ROBERTS, 120 8. Broadway, tf UOS A-TGrELES HERAED: THTJRSDAY MOB-TTN"Gr, OCTOBER 24, 1895. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE City Lots FOR SALE—ONLY $000-WE HAVE 2 fine lots on Snntee st. and lon Maple aye., near Washington St., at the extremely low price of $900 each. This property is worth far more money, but the owner wants to realize at once, hence the ereat sacrifice. CLARK Ai BRYAN, 127 W. Third St. FOR SALE-FOR THE BEST OLOSE in property at low prions, see those fine lots in the Clark ,t Bryan tract at Ihe corner of Eighth and San Pedro sts.,. where so many fine houses have sprung up like niushrt oins within the last year. Terms easy and interest low. For further particulars see the owners, CLARK _ BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. FOR SALE-IF YOU WANT A HOME close in and where your property is steadily increasing in value, which you can buy on easy terms and low interest, get a lot in the Clark & Hrvnn tract it the corner of Eighth and San' Pedro sts., and be prosperous and happy. CLARK ife BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. FOR SALE — BROADWAY LOT. We have a line piece of business prop erty on this street at a very low figure. Call at office for particulars." CLARK it BRYAN, 127 W. Third St. _ FOR SALE— Spring-st. corner; let your money dou ble while you sleep; 100 per cent pre lit in tbis investment. See us for particulars. CLARK Ai BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. FOR SALE— A great big, fine lot on the clean side of Twenty-fifth st., near Grand; that is the cheapest offered on any nice street from First st. to the Pacilic oceau. If not fa miliar with the location and elegant sur roundings, let us drive you out. CLARK & BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. SPRING STREET. If you want a nice income investment that will grow better us long as you live and your posterity after you, let us have your attention on a piece of Spring-st. property; it pays well and is worthy of your consideration. CLARK & BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. MANUFACTURING SITE. We own 2 acres of land that is most de sirably located for manufacturing pur poses, being situated so that the S. P. R. k. and the Santa Fe R. it. both cross the tract, and nre within easy access for ship ping. If you desire something of this character," by all means let us show you this line location. CLARK A- BRYAN, 127K W. Third st 21-24 $000—FINE CORNER, > EAR ELEC tric cars, on Eighteenth st., graded and sidowalked. $125—Good lot, clean side Eighteenth st.; street graded. $10C0—A fine corner on Mnple aye.; front north and east. $750—A fine lot, 52)_x176, on Seventeenth st.; graded. $1150—A bargain on Fifteenth St., near Main; must sell. $3000 —A large lot on W. Seventh, near Pearl: this is a choice location and a bargain. $1100 to $1800—Some fine lots fronting St. James parte; streets macadamized and sewered: these prices few days only; aline park at expense of city. $1800—Fine lot on Twonty-third St., near Figueroa. $2000—75x150 to alley in South Bonnie Brae. $2300—A fine corner, near Pearl and Sev enth sts. $3600—50 feet on Westlake aye., between Eighth and Xintn sts.; east front and right among the best houses in Bon nie Brae. WM. F. BOSBYSHELL, 21 107 S. Broadway. FOR SALE ACREAGE, VILLA SITES At Lower Prices I'er Acre Than Ordinary 50-foot Lots. This tract is on West First St. and Ver mont aye. These acreage homes are for business and professional men ; have street car accommodations and good water. 'The Hock line electric railway will be completed through the tract in 00 days: is the shortest line from Los Angeles to the sea, and right in tbe path of the city's growtn. For turthei particulars ap- Pl FRED W. POTTS, 225 W. Second st. tf FOR SALE—DO YOU WANT A FINE country residence? Do you want 5 to 100 acios in the San Gabriel valley? Do you want a city residence? Havo yoi got something to sell ot trade? Have you got some capital to invest where it pays biu profits? E. K. ALEXANDER, 145 S. Broadway. 7-25tf FOR SALE— $100—Lots on electric road to Santa Mon ica; 15 minutes' ride from center of city. $1300—Beautiful corner; Santee st. $4000—95 feet on Olive St.; 2 houses; cheap. A line business corner on Main st. A fine business lot on Broadway. LOT'SPEICH it NOLTON, 24 324 8. Broadway. FOR SALE- IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING to buy, sell, or exchange, you will find tuat it pays to advertise in The Her ald want I'he popularity of tnese small advertisements and Tho Herald's large and rapidly increasing circulation insure results. FOR SALE— A bargain; make an offer on one cf the 3 lots, northeast cor. of Fifteenth ami Hill, or the second oi third lot east of tbe corner. W. F. BOSBYSHELL, 24 107 S. Broadway. FOR SALE—OR EXCHANGE—2S, 40, 225 acres line fruit and grain land just what you want; in the Siini valley; want property in or near city, lor a busi ness. Address D. FARGO. 1048 Tern ole st. 10-27 FoiTsXle-Ta^f'ewm lovely building lots for homes on E. Ninth St., in Hiscock & Smith's second addition; prices, $200 lo $350; $10 down, $10 ncr month. Apply on tract or to C. Al Smith, 213 W. First st. tf FOR LARGE LOTS beautiful trees , on electric car line; homes built on installment plan if de sired; special inducement to next party building. NILEB, Washington St. and Maple aye. g 11-10-5 City Lots FOR SALE- HINTON & WHITAKER, 123 W. Second St. West Beacon 5t.—86x155 ft. to 20 ft. alley on southwest corner Tenth St.; this choice lot is offered at a low prico; you will make no mistake in this location if you want a ouiiding lot for a home or speculation; call and get particu lars. West Seventh st. —50x166 ft. to alley, west of Pearl on the hign ground overlook ing the city; let us show you this lot; price as well as location will suit. Burlington aye. two coiners on Ninth St., each nearly 100 ft. front: location considered, Ihe prices we aro author ized to name, are low. Westlake aye. near Ocean View—We still control 75 ft. east front in this line neighborhood, which we still offer at $2250. We have sold 400 feet recently to five of the prominent citizens of the city, who will build homes. Let us show you this lot before you decide whero to locate. Alvarado st. —50x150 ft.; east front; beau tiful view, at only $1500. Bonnie Brae St., near Seventh; east front, 50x150 ft. to alley, $1000. Bonnie Brae st., near Eleventh ; eaet front, 100x150 ft. to alloy, $2600. Burlington aye. in South Bonnie Brae tract, east front, at $13oO; and west front at $1250. Tearl st., near Pico—soxlso ft., east front, $200u. Hope St., near Eighteenth—losxlss feet to alley, east front; will sell in two lots if preferred. Park Grove aye., near Washington st.— Lots on this pretty street for $1100 each. Eleventh St., near Burlington aye., only $1000. San Julian st., in Child* tract, at $900. Hill St.. near Eleventh—soxlso feet to alley; a bargain ats4ooo. F'igueroa St., nearly opposite Eighteenth; street paved; 100x155 ft. to alley; a cheap buy at $5500. Seventeenth st., between Toberman and Union — 105x176 feet; only $1750. This is a sure bargain and the cheap est lot in the vicinity. The now elec tric road is improving this locality rapidly. Fourth st.—22o feet front between Crocker and Omar aye., only $7500. Main St., near Adams, on corner—lllx 150 feet, $5000. A suro profit in this property at the price. Hill st., southwest corner of Eighth. Call and get particulars. For subdivision—Six acres on new elec tric car line; will subdivide to very good advantage; a good profit in this; only $4500. ' HINTON & WHITAKER, 24 123 W. Second st. FOR SALE—BONNIE BRAE TRACT— Call and examine our list before pur chasing in this section. If you wish a lot, we have the very cream at tho low ost prices. If you have country property clear and will assume, we can "make you the best trade ever heard of. If you wish a splendid home finished and complete, we can sell yon a large 2-story, 9-room house for $5500, so thoroughly modern and convenient as to make your wife the hap piest woman in the world. KEENAN e_ WELLS, 132 8. Broadway. 21 FOR BALE—LOTS " ON COMMOX wealth aye, on the new traction line; will increase 25 per cent inside of 60 tlsjs. A fine lot on Eighth st.; close in. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAND AND LOAN EXCHANGE, 219 W. Fourth 5t.25 FOR - SA LE—wE~SELL THE EARTH BASSETT & SMITH. Pomona, Cal. Country Property FOR SALE—NOTICE TO REAL Es tate dealers—The best evidence that it pays to advertise in The Herald is the fact that neatly all the lead nig dealers in the city are represented in its "for sale' columns, and they find that it pays. These advertisers are not experiment ing. They are wide-awake business men. They have thoroughly tested The Herald as an advertising medium and are so wed satisfied with tne results that they stick to the proposition. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ATGLEX daIe—A paying fruit ranch, 35 acres, o0 shares water piped, 600 bearing or anges, 1000 bearing apricots, 500 beating peaches, 250 bearing prunes, 2.50 French prunes, 2 years old: 300 apricots, 2 years; 200 Kelsey Japan plums; 4-room house, bam, etc. Tbis is a place that anyono can make money on and is growing better and more valuable all the time; will take houseand lot in the city us part pay, balance on easy terms. A. K. Crawford, 205 S. Broadway. 9-13Su-Thtf FOR SALE-LARGE TRACT OF LAND just the thing for colonization, near railroad; abundance of water; price, $17.50 per acre. ERNEST G. TAYLOR, 214 S. Spring Bt. 28 FOR SALE-DO YOU LIKE THE country? Then that 60-acro walnut ranch or one of thos? tine villa lots will likely suit you ; come in for infoi matlon of surrounding lands. CAL IFORNIA LAND AXD LOAN EX CHANGE, 219 W. Fourth st. 25 FO R~~~S A~L E — AL FALF A LANDS ~4 miles of city in parcels to suit pur chaser. Terms to suit. E. E. PA R SONS, room 1, No. 230 W. First st. tf L ESTATE^ WANTED —WE HAVE SEVERAL customers who want to buy sor 6 room cottages, very cheap, in good loca tions Have you such? Let us dispose of them. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAND AND LOAN EXCHANGE, 219 W. Fourth st. 25 WANTED—A HOUSE AND LOT, B_ tween $1000 and 2000, for cash; must be a bargain. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First st. tf WAN T~Kl!-DFOR CASH. A COTTAGE with modern improvements; not to exceed in prico $1800. Address 1., box 10, this office. 27 ' FOR RENT-LAND FOR RENT-SO" vegetable land at frostless Cabuenga, with water. NORTON & KENNEDY, 134 S. Broadway. ti A TTORNE YS- 4 T-LAJ* C. F. CRONIN, ATTORNEY AT LA~W. offices, 13 and 14 Bank bldg., cor. Main and First sts. Advice free. 12-10 VICTOR MOWGOME R " Attorney-at-Law. 132 Stimson block. Los Angeles. 10-1 FRANK A. WEiNSHANKT PLUMBER and gas litter. No. 240 E. Second st. Tel. 136. FOR SALE"-^ISCELLANEOUS^ FOR SAr.E-TWO BOILERS 48 IN. x 18 ft., one boiler 60 in. 116 ft. Also sev eral small steam pumps, and one small automatic cutoff fde engine. ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO. OF L. A., Seventh st. and Snnta Fe tracks. P. O. Box 213. 10-20 tf FOR SALE-NEW . AND BECOND hand pianos on easy terms; largest renting slock in the city; tuning and re pairing promptly attended to by compe tent worlmen. KOIILER & CHASE, 233 S. Spring st. 9-6tt FOR SA i.E - ARCHITECTS AND draftsmen, attention: I have a brand new case of Swift's drafting instruments; at a bargain. 10. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First st. tf FOR SALE OR EXCH A N G&—FOR city lots, a grocery stock and lixtures $700; here is your opportunity. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First st. tf FOR SALE-CHEAP—A GOOD TOOL table. Enquire 1440 San Fernando et. 30 FOR SALE—ROSEWOOD PIANO, $125; pianos to rent, $3. 506 S. Broadway. PERSONAL—FOR SALE; DARK PAIS ley shawl; new cost; $85; sell for $40. 322 W. Fourth st. 24 FOR" 8 ALE - C HEAP; GOOD LADY 7 ! nicycle. 744 E. Eighth st. 20 2 ETC. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS OBTAIN ed in all countries; bought and sold. S. J. DAY Ai CO. patent attorneys, room 85, Bryson blk. tf HAZARD it TOWNSEND,"".I DOWNEY blk. Tel. 47 Los Angeles. 3 WATCHMAKER THIS PLACE" TO HA YE YOUR WATCH repaired—you get a guarantee worth something W. J. GETZ, 336 S. Broad way. 11-20 DIAMOND DEALERS dFaMONDS-A LOT OF~THE FINEST diamonds, from % to _j carats, at very low prices. W. A. FREEBERG, 400 S.|Spring st. il-18 STORAGE STORE YOUR GOODS IN THE CITY WAREHOUSE. 675 Upper Main st. ; free from rats and mice and dampness. Take cable cars. C. T. SMITH, Proprie lor. 4-18 PATENTS, COPY, ETC. ' KNIGHT BROS., PATENT"s6llCl tors—Free book on patents, 308 Stim son blk. 0-22-K BICYCLES 8. LARSEN &CO. HAVE'tHE AGENCY for tho Relay bicycles, 223 W.Fifth st. 12-0 ASSAYERS CHEMISTS Wade & Wade, 109 1-2 Commercial St. w Best ami Oldest l aboratory In Southern California. I Grider & Dow's RLANTON "tract" n*!*- I STTHIS TRACT is within IfMSilfl * ten mitmtM walk of the UU!l|lj , postoiTice, fl7 large .oU,ftont , rag Fourteenth and San I'edro Ift | streets; two Electric roads; IU I graded oi'.d graveled streets; ' wide cement walks: shade Dllifff ■ trees planted; special induce- D Ull li ' m< " nts to tnose w ' no will build lat Ollce Lots $550 and up, on — j ertsy terras. Free carriage to 3 j the tract. Telephone 1299. H GRIDER & DOW. g (lu!l(G. 139 S. Broadway. U ® ® ® ® ® W® ® ® ® ® ®®® ® ® If Ie n ® ® ® 11 is a ® ® ® „ ® ® ® & That Greater Results Come S» %& From than From >k +0£ All Other Mediums Put ® ® ®"\ m xtL. ® * Together ® ® ® ®%, * ® ® ® ® ®>x ® ® ® ® ®n\ ® ® ® ® ® ®vy Notice of Sale of Franchise, Notice is hercbv given that the Board of Trustees of the city of San I'edro has received an application for a franchise for the construc tion and oj eraiing of an electric light and power system, ami 1 lie right to erct poles, lay conduits, etc.; tor tho transmission of electricity for sue a purposes within the limit a of said city of San Pedro, and that the said Board of Trustees intends to grant such fran chise, and thai it will on the 3**tf day of No vember, 18!».~>, and up to 8 o'clock p. in of slid day. receive and open pealed bids for tlio purchase of such franchise, the sale and granting of [lie same to he to tne highest bid der, and in accordance with and upon the terms and conditions Bel forth in such franchise, ami in this not icy Said franchise which said Board of Trustees proposes to grant is of the following character, to-wil; tho right and privl ego to erect and maintain poles ami un derground conduits and manholes in the pub lic streets, alleys and thoroughfares of the city Of San PrdrOi county ot Los Angeles, State of California, and to run wires through, over and along ihfl same, all for the purpoi-e of trans mitting, furnishing, supplying and distribut ing of electricity for lighting ana power pur poses onl'. for tho term of twenty-live years, ujion the terms and conditions of said fran chise, a copy of which is on tile In the otfice of the city clerk of raid city of San Peoro Any per-on present ng a sealed proposal for the purchase of *a;d franchise shall enclose therewith a certified check upon some retpon sihle bank for the full amount of the bid, which check shall he made payable to the or der of the president of the Board of Trustees Of said city. J. D. CONNOR, Dated this Iftth day of October, 1895. liO City Clerk of the City of San Pedro. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING Ths Showing Made by the Offi cial Statistics A REVIVAL OF BUSINESS A Few Stores and Many Buildings Are Commenced The Dealers' Reports of Business Done In Real Estate—A Loin-Delayed Street- Opening Case Seventy-two permits for new buildings were issued during the week ended yes terday, the total cost of the proposed buildings being estimated at $73,329. The number of permits Bhows that building has recoivea a new impetus,tor it exceeds that registered last week, and the amount to be invested indicates that the builders are largely of the home ouiiding class who do not possess princely incomes, but are workers newly arrived in the commu nity. While the sto'e and lodging bouse builders are not altogether without repre sentation, their number is small. It. I. DeHail took out a permit for the con struction of a four-story brick building to be used for stores and rooms, on First street/near Wilmington, at an outlay of $<1000; W. O. Bridges is engaged in the erection of two two-story buildings on Main street between Holly and Kailroad streets, which will cost $2000, and this concludes the list of store buildings rep resented in this weeks' permits. The United Btothren have amassed sutlicient of this world's goods to warrant them in tho erection of a $0000 church, and a permit was taken out for tne build ing of such a structure at tbe southeast corner of Hope and Pico streets. M. E. Richards will expend $3000 in the con struction of an engine hous9 on First street near St. Louis. Mrs. Ed. Botello has let the contract and taken out a per mit for the building of a two-story frame Hut to cost $4000, and to stand at tne cor ner of Twelfth and Olive streets, which is the extent of the week's operations in tbo beginning of buildings for public uses. The reminder of the list is made up of dwelling houses averaging about $1000 In cost, though there ore a fair number of buildings costing more money. Among the latter are the dwelling houso of Louis Gottschalk at the corner of Georgia Bell and Eighteenth street, to cost $3500; the residence of L. L. Bowen, Sixteenth and Bush streets, to cost $3000; that of J. \V. Webster, Adams, between Main and Maple, to cost $2800, and that of M. E. Hichards, a two-story frame building to be erected on Seventeenth street between Grand avenue and Hill streets, at a cost of $2500. Of dwellings evidently intended for sale for rent, inasmuch aa they are built in groups,!. S. Ewing is putting up three houses at the corner ot Tenth and Blame, at a cost of $2720, and Sperite Bodero, who is building six dwellings at the corner of Ord and Castelar streets, to cost $3UOO. In addition to the buildings included in the list for which permits were issued, Mackay A Young are now at work on their $180,000 job of providing comfort able houses in which the young Los An geles idea shall be taught how to shoot — which amount, it may not 'ie out of place to add, would have oeen very much larger had not some excellent and effect ive figuring been dono by City Superin tennent of Buildings Strange and the members of the city council. Not yet begun, but the plans are ready, is the construction of tbe new city jail, to he located or First stteet west of Broadway, and which will represent an outlay on the nart of ihe city of about $00,000. Bids will be opened lor its con strucion on the Ist aay of the coming month. Taken all together, the week's build ing record is a pleasant one fcr patriotic citizens to contemplate. it ia a large growth and a healthy one,free from symp toms of boom and speculative over-huild ing, and indicative of growth in produc tion and in business as well as in popu lation. STREET IMPROVEMENT The Begfnnlng of the End of the Figueroa Street Fight For twenty years or more an intermit tent war has been carried on among in dividuals, in the counoil and in the courts relative V> the. opening or abandonment of Figueroa street at its junction with Sixth, in order that a large section shut eff from easy access to the city might be mads available to the home-builder who has not been taught to regard the longest way round as the shortest way home. The Figueroa street light has made a good deal of city history—too much to detail here, and at best the average citi zen directly or indirectly interested is chiefly concerned with tho outcome. Tnere is a large tract of beautiful builo ing sites, extending from Pearl street to Westlake park and from Orango strcjt to First street, which has lain idle and prac tically unsaleable all these years for lack of an outlet to I'earl street - Tne first step to remedy matters was taken when it was determined to do a ratner formid able job of grading, including all the streets on the Woolen Mill tract from Beandry avenue to Bixel street and from tho southerly line of the tract to Third street. The land owners and the council have taken the necessary preliminary steps, and though Ihe sudden and severe illness of the contractor lias delayed the signing of the contract, it is hoped and hslieveu that the matter will bo carried through to prompt completion. The Figueroa street quostion will be then half solved, to be completed by tbe opening of Sixth street in accordance with the petition of Johnson and others, presented at tho last meeting of the coun cil. This opening entails some expense, hut less now than will lie the ease at any time hereafter, and sooner or later Sixth street must be opened front Fremont ave nue straight tliroogh to the city limits. Even if the old Figueroa street were re vived and fought through to a successful finish by the council the stretch of land from Fremont avenue to Crown hill would still be without practicable outlet. It has been a long tight and at times a bitter one, but a stage has been reached which gives reasonable grounds for hope tbat some oi I lie prettiest territory in the city limits will come into the market duly provided with street facilities. AMONO THE DEALERS Reports of Sales Made and Improvements Proposed S. P. Creasinger reports the sale to Alva Hay ward of lot 16, block A, Lutes tract. Walter H. Lyon has sold through Poin dexter it Wadsworth a lot in the Waverly tract, on Thirtieth street, to F. ti. Calk ins for $025. C. A. Houser has purchased a lot on Bailey street, near Brooklyn avenue, from 0. W. Smith for $00u, and will build at once; Smith Bros., agents. J. K. Crouch has purchased a lot on Bailey street, Near Brooklyn avenue,from C. W. Smith for $500, and will build at once; Smitb Bros., agents. Wilslnre Bros, have purchased two lots in the Angeleno Helgnts tract and one in the Daily tract, from Francis Stirling for $3500; Gowen, Eberle & Co., agents. Mrs. N. B. Orasty has purchased a Una orange and deciduous fruit ranch of ten acres near Olandale from Mrs. Alice M. Ayers for $0000: Grider & Dow, agents. The Denver Building company baa pur chased a lot on the southwest corner of Pico and Ah-arado strec s, from William E. Anderson, for $450; L. H. Mitchell, agent. O. A. Vickery & Co. have sold seventy five feet front on South Beacon street, between Tenth and Eleventh, for Judge Anderson and E. A. Miller to J. H. Call. Consideration $2000 cash. Mrs. Marie L. Barrett has purchased • lot on Twenty-second street, between Main street and Grand avenue, for $1000. L. H. Mitchell, agent Mrs. Barrett, be gins the erection of a handsome two-story colonial cottttgv today. C. Raphael lias purchased lots 14 and 26 in the Wilhnrd tract, being the corner of* Wilhard and Olvmpia streets, for $1500. There are fifty feet on Olympia street and 316 on Wilhard. The proba bilities are Mr. Raphael will build on this additional ground. Gowen & Eberle agents. P. Fitzpatriek has sold to J. A. Heia ier the north 110 feet of lot 1, block M, Jones tract, corner Union avenue and Pico street, for $1045. Mr. Heisler in tends to improve the property at onoe for business and residence purposes. M. F. ODea agent. M. P. Grove has sold his property on tho corner of Tenth and Hill streets to C. J. Fox for $0000. C. J. F\>x has also purchased tbe northeast jorner of Sev enth and Grand avenue from Mrs.Honor ine Marion for $12,000 cash. C. E. Chapman has purchased a lot in the Sherman tract from Cortelvou at Giffcu for $425 and will move a houaa on it. Mrs. Maude Lussier has purchased, through the agency of Forbes & Hollar, the corner ot Sixtn and Deal born struts, 105x337 feet for $630. . James D. Sanderson has purchased ten acres on South Main street from Mrs. Mary Myers, througli the agency of Forbes .t'Hellar, for $7000. Judge John D. Bicknell has purchased, through the agency of Hinton & Wblta ker, seventy-two leet on tne north side ot Seventh Btreat, between Bixel street and Lucas avenue, from W. K. Kemper, for $5000. Through the same aeency Mrs. J. I). Bicknell has purchased 100 feet on tha southwest corner of Westlake avenue and Fifth street from Fred Eaton, for $4000. Dr. Canndel has exchanged twenty acres near East Riverside for lots in Pico Heights and Kansas real estate valued at $2600. Lindley « Milice agents. Through A. H. Neidig's real estate agency tbe well-known Calkins & Dun bar ranchn near Benson, Ariz., was sold to a Los Angeles party Saturday. Con sideration $10,0C0. F. A. Bummers, through the same agency, bought forty acres set in walnut* near Bell station. Consideration $16,1*00. Los Angeles Real Flstate exchange re port the following sales: Six-room cot tage on Wilson street to C. D. York, con sideration $1500; also live acres of land in Acton to E. P. Tuttle, price $50 . R. E. Evans has purchased 160 acres of William G. Grant, near Fairmont, fur $2500, through the agency of A. A. Irish. Judge J. I. Beardon has purchased a house and lot on tho corner of Mott street and Michigan avenue from Captain Partridge. F. A. Hutchinson, 213 West First street, agent. William Noble, solicitor for H. Schil ling, has purchased a lotun the northeast corner of Tenth and San Pedro streets from Clark A; Bryan for $1000. Lockhart & Locknart, agents. A sale of the northesat corner ol Seventh and Grand avenuo was inane through the agency of Whitaker & Whit aker. Charles J. Fox was the purchaser. Price paid, $200 per foot. Tbo same firm has sold for Mrs. Bertha Morsch to C. G. Haddock a lot 00xlB5 feet, with eight room dwelling on the west side of Hill street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, for $7500. The Toe-Much-Bullding Cry The Builder and Contractor has the fol lowing appropritte remarks to make apropos of the fear expressed that Los Angeles is likely to see more houses built than can be profitably used. The absurdity of such a cry with rents advancing! Some general apprehension exists among certain owners of property and certain houses of money that Los Angeles is being overbuilt, and that as a result rents are liable to decline and ptoporty to remain vacant. If these grasping, incredulous ana dis satisfied people could take the pains to make a round of the real estate offices, or consult the long columns of advertise ments in the daily papers tbey would discover that the demand for houses at tiiis time is far m excess of tbe supply. Great rows of Hats are beginning to ap pear in the city and the bid for oo cupancy by houseless tenants, fills t'lem almost before they are tinished, and rents have in the past year advanced an aver age of 25 ocr cent and land value has :n many places gone up 100 per cent. The immediate cause for tbis great riso in land values is the great influx of popula tion brought about by tbo springing up of the oil industry. For latest building news read the Builder and Contractor. Oilice 13- Broadway. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs, Douglass, tbe two colored women who in dulgedin a raco through tno city Tuesday, were in Jus tice Owens' court yesterday to answer to a charge of fast driving. They wera giv en until tomorrow to plead. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet* ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products t,i the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy. Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its «>reieiit:ng in the form most acceptabl', and i an t, to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the syßtem dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and pcrmaneutly curing constipation It has g\ven satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acta on the Kid neys, Live!" and Bowels without weak ling them and it is perfectly free trom every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in GOc and $1 bottles, but it. ia man* ufactvied by tho California Fig Syrup Co.only, whose name is printed on every package, also tho name. Syrup of Figa, tad being well informed, you will aot Aficept <vi» substitute it' offered. 7