Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Houses and Lots FOR SALE — GRIDER & DOW'S , ADAMS-STREET TRACT THE TRACT OF HOMES. 300 50-foot lots facing on Adams st. 82 feet wide; Central aye., 80 feet wide; Twenty-eighth st., 100 feet wide; al»o Twenty-seventh and Twenty-ninth sts. ; all lined with lovely palm and shale trees. Five miles rf curbed, graded and graveled streets sprinkled daily by the city; wide cemont walks; rich garden loam soil; the healthiest portion of the city; high and sightly location; grand view of the city and mountains. The daily trade winds blow fresb from the ocean. Half a hundred homes built Iv six montbs. A school house to cost $17,000 and a church, one ot the finest in the city, are now being erected on this property. Visit the tract ami compare it with other subdivisions. Onr prices are $300 and up, on easy terms. A double electrio line runs through the property. Take the Vernon cars, corner of Second and Spring streets; 12 minutes ride from the business center. EFor view of the tract, mups nnd full information, write or cal! on us. Free carriages. Tel. 1299. GRIDER & DOW, 139 S. Broadway. 30 FOR SA'LFT— WE WILL Sell you one of the most attractive houses on Grand avo., modern in every particu lar; unique in arrangements, and superb ly linished in polished hard wood AND TAKE As part payment one or more well located building lots in the southwestern part of the city; will be sold at a surprisingly low figure for cash. W. S. CARTER* CO., 29 328 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— WE WILL Sell you a bouss of any size and in any location you may desire upon terms to suit, installments or otherwise, OR Sell you a lot and build a house accord ing to your selected plans. W. S. CARTER & CO., 29 328 S. Broadway. FOR SALE— WE WILL Sell you for $2500 an elegant S-room mod ern house ; artesian well, barn, tine lawn anil flowers; on lot, 100x132, on which $1500 can be borrowed; located in the southwest. W. S. CARTER it CO., 29 328 S. Broadway. FOR — SALE — BISAU TIF U'L 10-ROOM house, all {modern improvements; large lot, good barn; all new and clean; don't wait as I am sure this will sell. Also, new 8-rnoin house, near cars, southwest; lot 73 feet front; largo barn; this is a bargain; $1500. Also, nice 7-rooiu house in the Harper tract on 28tb st.; $4000. 11-2 E. A. MILLER, 237 W. First st. FOR SALE—WE BUILD~A HOME ON easy payments; you can have a5 room cottage for $1000, or a larger and better one for $1250. Houses built to suit; plans free. Good lots near Central aye. and Fourteenth st. for $350. HOL WAY LAND CO., room 14, California Bank bldg. tf FOR SALE^ISOO—MODETtN 5-ROOM cottage, bath, hot and coid water, pantry. fruit trees, lawn, llowers, electric and cable ears, graded streets, sewer and good location. For this gilt-edged propo sition see COYNE & CO., Los Angeles Theater bldg. 9-4tf FO II S A LE""— CHOICE RESIDENCE property on Angeleno Heights, over looking city and parks; magnificent marine view; price from $5 to $10 per front foot; lotß 100 to 200 feet in depth. S. K. LINDLEY, 106 S. Broadway. tf FOR - OF 5 ROOMS, hall, pantry, etc.; lot 55x125, with stable, on Brooklyn aye., near Soto. Price, $1100, for a short time; worth $1500. F. A. HUTCHINSON, 213 W. First st. 11-4 FO R S A LE—slBoo, MAPLE AYE.. NEAR Adams St., 8-room houso with bath, mantel and grate; fine lot. good barn; fruits and Howers; cement walks; sewer connected. V. B. KETCHAM, room 12, S. Spring st. tf FOR SALE—HOUSESIN ALL PARTS of the city,from $550 to $15,000; terms to suit puichaser; if you wish to buy, call and see what I nave before buying. E. 1, 230 W. First "st. tf FOR SALE — INSTALLMENTS — $100 cash, $20 a month, including interest —on Pico Heights—4-room cottage one block from car line. J. ROBERTS, 129 S. Broadway. tf FO It 8 ALE—S22OO—ONE OF TH E best 5-room modern cottages in the city; everything first-class; lot 60xj28, facing two streets; on W. Eleventh st.; close in. tf POR SAI7E--5 TO 14 ROOMS; RESl dences from $1000 to $7000; all parts of city; very tine bargains; terms to' suit. MORRIS & LEE.32B S.Broadway, tf FOR - SALE-^ROOMEf) - HOUSE AND lot on Sixth near Wall; cheap. Ap ply to JOSEPH SCOTT, 121 Temple st. 31 FOR - sXIE~|6W» — S-ROOM - HOUSE I for $4000; choicely located, large lot. R. D. LIST, W, Second. 11-2 FOR "8 A LE—WE ~SELi7ThE EARTH? BASSETT & SMITH, Pomona, Cal. fi 26tf City Lots FOR SALE— A lew nice lots on Maple aye., Santes and Los Angeles sis., bet. Fourteenth and Sixteenth sts., from $800 to $1350. 2 choice lots on Bonsallo aye., 1 choice lot, $2100. 1 choice lot on west side Bonsello aye, $1050. 2 choice lots in South Bonnie Brae, $1300 each. M. F. ODEA, Fourth and Broadway. 28 FOR SALE-1F YOU HAVE ANYTHING to buy, sell or exchange,you will find that it pays to advertise In The Herald want columns. The popularity of these small advertisements and The Herald's large and rapidly increasing circulation insure results. FOR SALE-CHOICE LARGE LOTS, beautiful trees, on| electric car lino; homes built en installment plan if de sired; special inducement to next party building. NILEB, Washington st. and Maple aye. 11-19-5 FOR SALE—A FEW~MORE OF THOSE lovely building lots for homes on E. Ninth St., in Hlscock & Smith's second addition; prices, $200 to $350; $10 down, 810 per month. Apply on tract or to C. A. SMITH, 213 W. first St. tf FOR SALE-WANTED POR CASH, VA cant lots, houses and income prop. irty. If you want to sell I have cash bltyets. JOHN L. FAVKOVICH, 220 W. First st. 28 FOR SALE—WE BELL THE EARTH— BASSETT ot SMITH, Pomona, Cal. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE City Lots FOR SALE—DO YOU WANT A FINE country residence? Do you want 5 to 100 acres in the San Gabriel valley? Do you want a city residence? Have you got something to sell or trade? Have you got some capital to invest where it pays big profits? E. K. ALEXANDER, 7-25H 145 S. Broadway. For sale-thk ow"n er has~~oh" dered sale of Angeleno Heights prop erty at tbe following very low prices: $250 to $500 for lots on Douglass street. $250 to $500 for lots on Edgeware road. $300 to $500 for lots on Kensington road. $250 to $409 for lots on Elysian Park aye. $250 for lots on Everett Place. $250 for lots on Lagtina aye. Look at this property, or call at 106 S. Broadway and inspect map. S. K. LINDLEY. tf I'OR SALE—LOTS NEA R PICO~ST. electric car line, from $150; terms to suit. J. ROBERTS, 120 9. Broadway, tt Business Property $250 WILL PAY FOR A PROSPECTIVE business lot on Angeleno Heights, 50 x2OO feet, fronting car line; 10 minutes from Spring st. S. K. LIN D LEY, 106 S. Broadway. tf Country Property FOR SALE—GRIDER * DOW'S THE GARVEY TRACT, Grange and Lemon Land. 400 ocres of the best orange and lemon land in Southern California; surrounded by lemon and orange groves; sheltered by foothills; no frost, fog or cold wind; semi-tropical fruit anil flowers thrive all winter; spring water piped to each lot and deeded with the land; grand \ iew of Pasadena anil the whole San Gabiiel val ley; near schools, churches and railways; only a short drive from Los Angeles; the nearness to business center makes this property desirable for suburban resi dence, and ita value will increase rapidly. Mr. Hellman of the Farmers and Mer chants bank has bought 20 aores in this tract, and now makes it his boms. See this property and be convinced that wo havo better land at lower prices and on more favorable terms than any in the market. P'or maps, views, prices and terms write or call. Freo carriage to tho tract. GRIDER & DOW, 30 139 S. Broadway. FOR SALE—NOT ICE" TO HEAL Es tate dealers—The best evidence that it pays to advertise in the Herald is the fact tbat nearly all the leading dealers in the city are represented in its ' "for sale columns, and tbey find that it pays. These advertisers are not experiment ing. They are wide-awake business men. They have thoroughly testerl Tlie Herald as an advertising medium and are so well satislied with tbo results that they stick to the proposition. FOR SALE-LARGE TRACT OF LAND just the thing for colonization, near railroad; abundance of water; price, $17.50 per acre. ERNEST G. TAYLOR, 214 S. Spring st. 28 FOR SALE-WISEMAN'S LAND BU rau, esablished iss.s; school and gov ernment land headquarters; don't delay; school lands are the cheapest anil finest investment in tlie world; lands in all counties, only $1.25 per acre; easy terms; send lor circular and information, 221 W. First st. 29 POR SALE—OLIVE ORCHARD 6flo acres only $750; $350 cash ; near this city; apple orchard, $175 per acre, full bearing, easy terms; alfalta land $110 per acre; 10 acres peaches and apricots, $1500; no rnonev down ; liva years' time. A. W. WRIGHT, 30!) W. Second st. 28 FO R SALE ACRE ORAN GE ranch at Duarte, tbe blue ribbon orange section ;10 shares of stock in the best water company in Southern Cali fornia. Apply to A. STEVENS HAL STED, room 117 Biyson blk. forTsale by m. f. g'dea, Fourth and Broadway. 5 acres improved, good house, bearing orchard, $3800. 19 acres, San Gabriel, 3000. 28 FOR SATE — ALFAITfA LANDS 4 miles of city in parcels to suit ptir < baser Terms to suit. E. E. PARSONS, room I No. 320 W. First, st. tf WANTBD--RBAL BSTATB WANTED - HOUSE AND LOT BE tween $iOOO and $2000, for Icash; must be a baragin. E. E. PARSONS, room 1, 230 W. First st. ti FOR FOR RENT-50 ACRES OF WINTER vegetable land at frostless Cabnenga; with water. NORTON & KENNEDY, 134 S. Broadway. tf CARPET CLEANING PION EER S TEAM~ CA R PET WORK S— Carpets made, refitted.sewed and laid. 208-210 E. Seventh st. Tel. 217. 11-20 ST EAM CAR PBT~b LEAN ING, SEW ING and laying. JOHN H. RICHARDS. 120 N. Spring; tel. 1343. 8-9tf CAIiPETS"I:LEAN"Eb _ FROM"2O PER yard; laying, 3c. R. BROWN. 608 S. Broadway. PEjRSONAL PERSONAL—PALMISTRY; 1 HAND read free: every hie den mystery re vealed; life from cradle to grave without mistake; 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. lil_ W. Third st. jj.g PERSONAL — RECIPE, WILL Posi tively remove wrinkles, smallpox pits; for sale cheap; hours 9a. m. to 1. "18 Temple st. 11-d MILLINER V MISS M. HASS JS NOW LOCATED with Wagner's Kimberly at 158 N. Main St., and has a tine line of millinery goods; everything new and lirst-class. 11-lm FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A FINK millinery business. 204 S. Main st. 10-24 BICYCLES BICYCLE InsYrUCTIONS Cential Pa'k Cvclery, 518 S. Hill St., bet. Fifth aid Sixtb. Renting and re pairing. 11-1 S.'ITRSEN _ & CO.HAVE THE AGENCY for the Relay bicycles, 223 W. Fifth st. 12-H IUIRDRESSERS^^ LOS ANGELES HAIRDRESSING FAlL lors — Shampooing and the scalp treated for falling hair; cutting, curling bangs aud manicuring; prices low. M. E. WOOD, room 28. 211 W. First st. 11-19 RESTAURANTS CHICKEN OR TURKEY DINNER TO day, 25 cents. PEERLESS RESTAU RANT, cor. Fourth and Broadway. 8. O. EIKENBERY. proprietor. " tf ETC. KNIGHT* BROS., PATENT "SOLICI tors; free book on patents, 308 Stim son blk. 9-22-6 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR GOOD BARGAINS in second-hand organs; good makes. KOHLER .fc CHASE, 233 S. Spring st. jLOS AISTGELES HERALD: MONDAY MOROTISTG, OCTOBER 28, 1895. MEDIUMS Rates for advertisements under this classifi cation—! time. 5 cents per line; 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month, $1 per line. PROF. FOWLER, THK PItESCIE NT marvel, whose scientific exhibitions hiive magnetized tbe whole country, has opened parlors at (148 Hill St., where he will be permanently, located. Prof. Fowler may be consulted upon all matters of business, speculation, love, courtship, marriage, etc. I'rof. Fowler's strange powers aro such as to be beyond tbe province of clear explanation. He does not even pretend to explain them himself. Ho does not claim to deline them. They may be psychic, divinatory or spiritual. Whatever tbey are, their results speak for themselves. In this skeptical age people want proof, they will not be satisfied with mere assertion. The wonders being dally wrought by this marvelous man aro proof ot the truth of his claims. The doubter sees and is convinced. Prof. Fowler answers all questions involving affairs of tha heart, business and domestic life and of loved ones far and near. More wonderful still, he not only answers such interrogations, but rap divine tbo question before It is asked. He frankly announces that no fee will be accepted if you are not satis lied in every wav witii the results of tlie consultations. He driveß doubt from the mind and slays skepticism at the h'rst t'lunce. Parlors, 648 Hill St.; hours, fl to (I. Sittings—Ladies, 50)1 gentlemen, $1. Prof. Fowler makes charts of your en tire past, present and future life. The charges are within the reach of all. Les sons given in hypnotism. 28 DPS. J. li. AND MIIS. LKVEtTcLAIU" vovants, test mediums, menial nnd magnetic healers; all diseases diagnosed clairvoyantly free; we invito the invalids to come and test our power; sitt'ngs daily; developing circle Tuesday night; seance every Friday night. Tbe Menlo, 420 S. Main St., rooms 4 and 5. 11-4 MMErSIMMON S—M EDIUM A NT)lilTcT netic healer; past, present and fu ture; has no equal; all who are in trouble should see me; brings the sepa rated together; never fails. Office, 124J_ S. Spring. 11-21 DR. SI. MiIEHT.ENBRUc"h7TEST~~ME dium and spirit beaier. Test circles on Tuesday and Friday evenings; devel oping circles Wednesday evening. Ad mitsion, 25c. At the Ingleside, 324}_ S. Spring. 11 11 MRS. A. E. HA PL AND, ThE NOTED psyebometrist—Business and test me dium; life readings from jewels, $1; de veloping circlo Wednesday evening. 334 S. PI ill st. 1-6 REMOVED — MRSTPA RKPR, CLAll£ voyant and life reading medium, business, removals, lawsuits, lovo affairs, mineral locations, etc. 236>_ S. Spring St.. room 4. 8-30tf . MrTaNDMRS. W. H. KIN CJ~R H AYE arrived in tho city. They are well known mediums and magnetic healers. Sittings daiiv. SSS_ S. Spring, room 0. 11-12 MRS. WALKER, GREAT OLAIRVOY" nut and card medium ; business affairs a specialty, sittings daily. Rooms 3 and 4, 316;. a. Spring St. 11-16 MRS. MAUD~ FRIETAG, BUSINESS test medium; sittings daily; circles Monday and Thursday evenings; room 12, 324 V. S. Spring st. 11-11 MRS? JENNIE \VARREN. TEST _Te~ dium, has been from her birth a won derful medium; sittings daily. 344 S. Hill St., room 30. 11-7 THEM EI HUM, MRS. BARNETT, WILL give sittings daily at 613 E. Sixth st. ; circle Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 12-22 MADAM GEORGE, MAGNETIC HEAL er and life reading! medium, develop medium power. 1123 S. Main St., room 12. 11-1 MME. DUVAL7 THIS WONDERFUL clairvnynnt and medium, gives sit tings daily. S. Main st. 12-26 ; MRS. LENZBURG, SPIRITUAL ME dium; 0 to 5. 701 E. Ninth St., cor. Clark- aye. 11-3 DRESSMAKING^^ MBS. HUMPHRBY ~ HAH REMOVED her dressmaking establishment from 4Yr}.2 8. Spring st. to 125 W. Fouith, on the lirst rioor; no stairs to climb; every thing first-class ; prices reasonable. 111-30 MRS." SONNE — DRESSMAKER OF Boston; 16 years experience; go out by the day or taxe work home; reasona ble prices. 444 S. Hill st. 11-3 MR ST C. A. _ MA X W er; specialty cutting and fitting good dresses; prices reasonable. 216!-. W. Sixth st. 11-23 MItsTLA~VIXNEXNI)I<ntSON- Dressmaker. Prices reasonable; all work guaranteed. 322 S. Spring st., room 0. 11-11 DRESSMAK". ing establishment; perfect satisfac tion guaranteed. 535 V. S. Spring St., Le grand bldg. 11-27 MR S. SA DIE BROWN, THE MOST fashionable dressmaker in the city. German-American Bank bldg., First and Main sts. 11-13 MRsTHriCMircTvirxrDRESSMAKER. 211. W First st, room 16, Los Ange les. Prices from .$350 up; lit guaranteed. 2-20 WAN TED — pItESSM1 AKER: EXPERT icnced ; will give satisfaction ; $2 per day. 257 S. Hill st. 11-18 M RS. A. L. CA R LETON, PARI SIA N modiste; work guaranteed. 130 N. Spring NURSERY LOS A NGELES ' NuTISERY-TrtEEK plants, seeds, bulbs and cacti; lowest prices. BJ_ S. Broadway. FRAXK~A. WEINBHANK, PLUMBER and gas litter. 210 E. Second st. Tel. 136. Grider & Dow's CLAHTQN I miilS TRACT is within If ill nil f ten MiHMtM walk of the UUlljlJ , postoiTice,-~»T larije lots, fiont . nig h'otirt'-entli and San Pedro Jfl strccls; two Electric roads; IU graded and graveled streets; ni wide cement walks: shade ■ Dill Iff trees planted; special induce- ■ nil fl ill ments to those who will build H at once. Lots $550 nnd up, on ■ ia. easy terms, Free cai ringe to ■ Jj the tract. Telephone 1299. ■ „ GRIDER & DOW. 1 PIUD. 189 S. Broadway. | ♦ job : I PRINTING I ♦ Executed With Neatness and f ♦ Dispatch at the , I Herald Job Office \ ♦ 309 W. SECOND ST. | ! J J. W. HART, flanager. | j J LINES OF TRAVEL §unset Limited Season of 1895-96, WILL RUN TInZICB M MEEK BETWEEN son Francisco. Los Anoeies ono New oneons. OVER THE GREAT SUNSET ROUTE Leaving San Francisco TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Los Angeles, Wednesdays and Sundays First Trip From Los Angeles, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1895 The most com Die te, modern, elegantly equipped and perfectly arranged Vestibule! ' Transcontinental Train in America. New j equipment, especially designed and built for I this service. Direct connections in New Orleans for all I Eastern points. Quick time. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. TIME TABLE—OCT. 7 , 1805.' Leave for j DESTINAUON j Ar. irom 2:00 pm (S. Fran. .Sacramento* 7:30 am 8:15 pm land East, via Ogden j 1:49 pm 8:1.5 pin .... Portland, Or I:4Bpm 2:30 pm ... .El Paso and East ... 1:00 Dm 8:00am..1 Riverside, f.. 0:55 am 9:lft am . I Redlands j.. 1:00 pm 2:Hopm .. f San Bernardino! .. 4:50 pm 4:45 pro ..J and Cj.ton ... 6:30 pm 8:00 am 1 f 8 45 am 0:15 am I | 9:55 hiii 2:30 pm > Pomona ■! 1 :<«o pm 4:45 pm I and I 4:50 pm 5:25pm J Ontario 1 6:30 pm 8:00 am Chino 8:45 am 4 :45 im " 9:55 am 5:25 pm " 6:30 pm 8:00 am! Covina, 8:45 am 5 :25 pm 4 :50 pm 8:45 am Monrovia 8:18 am 82:25 pm " Bl;28 pm A :15 pm " 4 .-0 pm 8:10 am Santa Barbara 1:48 pm 2:00 pm " 10:10 pm 0:00 am ) Santa Ana ( 0:02 am s2:oopral > and }. sl;l7pm s:lopmi ) Anaheim ( 5:20 pm o:ssam ...i Whittier i 8:10 am 82:00 pm ....> and . si :17 pm 5:10 pm Fulton Wells (... 5:20 pm 5:10 pm ....Tusiin 0:02 am 9;lsam i Long Beach t... 8:21 am 1:00 pm > and } 11:15 am 5:05 pm ) San Pedro ( 4:22 pm 9:05 am Santa Monica 7:50 am " 8:50 am J10:00 am " 12:12 pm 11 A4:OU pm 1:10 pm " f4:80 pm 6:15 pm " 5:15 pm (i :15 pm " 0:05 am Soldiers' Home. 12:12 pm 0:15 pm '* 5:15 pm 9:05 am Port Los Angeles 12:12 pra 1:10 am ... " .... 5:15 pm H 8:80 ami Chats worth Park.., s 5 -.00 pm Chats worth I'ark—Leave from aud arrive at River Station, San Fernando street, only. sSundays excepted, a Sundays only, t Sat urday only. J Saturday and Sunday. THE INSIDE TRACK. AU S. P. Co.'s trains stop at First street (ex cept the four San Francisco trains) and Com mercial street (except the 8:ln San Francisco evening train), in the business center of tbo city, caving time and street car fares to pas se ngers. SANTA CATALINA ISLAND Connecting with Wilmington Transportation Company's ocean excursion biearners: Leave 'Arcade depot 0:15 a.m. Tuesday and Fridayand arrive from 11:15 a.m. Wednes day and Saturday. ""Geneial Passenger Office, 220 £ sprint: at. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Trains leave ai.d arrive at Trains via Pasad?na ar- rive ~,)U 'dey-ave. station 7 »<%^_!v minntea earlier westbound TUPil^r 1 " minute i later The Grand Canyon of the Colorado Is reached in no other way. CHICA „ O limjxed. ' Through to Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, Si Louis and East. Leaves 5:00 pm. Arrives 0:50 am. OVKRLA g J) Through to Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, Si Louis and East Leaves 7:00 am. Arrives 0:30 pm. BAN DIEGO TRAINS, Leave 8:15 am; 4:25 pm. Arrive 1:20 pra; 6:45 pm. BAN BERNARDTNO, REDLANDS AND MIOH LANDB LOOP. J P—Leave 7;ooam 9:00 am; 4:45 pm, s:oopm. O— Leave all :\ 5 am: 4:25 pm. P—Arrive 9:50 am, 9:55 am; al:00pm, 6:30 pm. Q—Arrive 10:15 am; e(> :45 pm. RIVE~RSII)K J AND COL'IoN TRAIN 1 -* P—L aye 7:00 am, 9:00 am; 4:49 paa. O—Leave all !l5 ara; 4:25 pm. P—Arrive al :0O pm ; 6:30 pOL O—Arrive 10:15 am ; «i:45 pm. MONROVIA AZUBA AND INTERMEDIATA' Leave 9:00 am ; I:3Ti pm, 5,00 pra, a 5:30 pia, 6:50 pm. aa6:ls pm. Arrive a 7 :35 am, 8:55 ara, 9:50 am; cl:00 pm, 3:55 pro, 0 :30 pm. PAS AD KSA TRA IN 8. Leave 7:00 am. 9:00 am; 1 35 pm, 4:45 pm, 5 :Oo pra, a 5:30 pm, atl .50 pm, aa6:ls pm. Arrive a 7:35 am, 8:55 am, 0:50 am, 0:55 an' al:00 pra, 3:55 pm, 6i30 p.m. ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA TRAINS i Leave 8:15 am; a2;oopm, 4:25 Dm. ' r " ye _ w:4S a '»'» l:-0 pm. 6;45 pm* SIGOONDO BEACH "TRAINS Leave 9joo am, 10:00 am; 1:20 pm, 5:25 pus,i Arrived :29 am, 11:50 am; 4:40 pm, 6:10 pm; RANT A MO N fCA AND OCE A N PARK TU AI NS Leave 9:00 aro, 10:00 am, 1:20 pm, 5;25 pm| Arrive 8 :20 am. 11:50 am: 4:40 nm. 0 :10 wmt "BAN JACINTO AND TISMECULA TRTAINB"" P— Leave aO :00 am. O—a 11:15 am P—Arrive :00 pin. ! faTTb'Kook TRA 158 LeaveaB:ls am. Arrive a 0:45 pm. I BBC ON DIDO TRAINS Leave aS :15 am ; aaa4:2s pm. Arrive a 1 :20; aaa6:4s pni. ! P—via Pasadena: 6—via Orange; C— except Sunday from Highland Loop; D—Sun day only from Highland Loop; a—dally ox oept Sunday; aa -Sunday only: aaa—Saturday only; all other trains da'.ly. Por rates sleeping car reservations, etc., oall ! on or address E. W. McUEE, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. 120 North Bpring street aud La Grande station. : CiMl. Mil. MfllHOßd FRENCH LINE TO HAVRE. COMPANY'S PIER (NEW) NO. 42 NORTH river, foot oi Morton st,, New York. Travelers by this line avoid both travel by : English railway and the discomfort ol cross!cj the channel in a email boat. La Bourgogne, August 3. La Touralne. August 10. La Normandio, August 17. LaGascogne, August 24, La Champagne, August 31. La Bourgogne, September?. La Touralne, September 14. La Gascogne, September 21. La champagne, September 21 La Bourgogne, October 5. La Touralne, October 12. La Gascogne, October 19. La Champagne. October 20 i.a Bourgogne, November 2. LaTouraine, November 0. New Yoric to Alexandria, KgTpt, via Pari* first class. $160; second class, »lU>. For freight or passage apply to A. FORGET, Agent, No. 2 Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FUftAZI A CO., agents. 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco. Tickets ar« lor sale by aJJ tailread and steamship oMcoa. Please sand thfft to someone with Cancer OR SEND MB THEIR NAMES. LOS ANGELES TERMINAL RY IN EFFECT OCT. 21, 1895. i.os Augelesdcpots: Fast, end First street and Downey-ftvenue bridges. Leave I.os Angeles {or Leave Pasadena tor .'asadena. Los Angeles. it 7:10 am B 8 :10 am o 0:10 am c B?30 am A 7 :55 am a 10 :26 am a 11 :30am a 12.35 pm a 2:00 pm , a :3:20 pm a 4:45 pra . a 0:00 pra Downey-avenueieaving t me 7 minutes later between I.os Angeles and Pasadena—Round trip 25 cents. Leavo Los Angeles for Leave Altadena .luno- AHedena Junction. tion for Los Angeles. a 0:10 am a 10:10 am c 2:oopm c 3:00 pm a 4:45 pm a 5:40 pm All trains atarr from First-street depot. Leave Los Angeles ior Leaveiilcndnie ior Lo™ Glendate. Angeles. jrs 7 :00 am .. J b 7 :57 am o8:20am . c9:l2am ; a 12:35 pm • a 1:27 pm < a 5:20 pm. I ~ a 0:19 pm j Leave Los Angeles tor Leave hast aau Pedro lyonp Reach and Last for I San Pedro. Los Angeles. A9:oft pm a 7:20 am a I ;05 pm Al0:;to am a 5 :00 pm I A3:45 pm Between Ea3t3an Pedro aud Long Beach 10 minutes. RUBIO CANYON AN ECHO MOUNTAIN, Trainsleave Los Angeles daily at 9:10 a. ay c 2:00 p.m., and 4:45 p.m. Fin a pavilion and note!. Grand scenery Telescope aud search light. CATALINA ISLAND The Terminal railway train at 1:05 p.ra, daily except Sunday, makes close connectlo n with steamer for Citalina. Return ing arrives at Los Angel es 11:35 a. m. j a Daily, B Daily excapt Sundays. 0 Sua days only. i> Saturdays only. Stages meet the 7 :10 a. m train at Pasadena for Mt. Wilson on new trail Passengers Leaving Los Angeles on the 7 :10 a.m. train for Mt. Wilson can return same day. Special rates tooxcursions ana ptcnic partie*. Depots east ena of First street and Downs/ avenue bridges. City ticket office, Greenewald's cigar st 3._ corner Second and Spring streets. General offices. First-street depot. T. B. BURNETT, General Manager. W. WINCCJP, Oou. Passenger Agt. I pAOIFIO COAST BTEXMBHIP" CO. I Goodall,Perkins & Co., General Ager.ts, San ( Francisco. i Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Ore., Victoria, B.C, and Puget Sound, Alaska and all coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES. TIME TABLE FOR OCTOBER, 1893. LEAVa SAW FR.iNCTSCO. For — ! Port Har'ord S. S. Coronn, Oct. 0, 14. 22, J Santa ilarbara | 30; Nov. 7. Redondo I Port Los P. Santa Rosa, Oct, 2, I Newport 10, IS, 20; Nov. 3. Ban Diego ...,| For— 18. S. 8T Paul, Oct. 4, 12, East San Pedro .. 20,28; Nov. 5. fcan I'cdro and way.S. B, Eureka, Oct. 8, 10, ports I 24; Not. 1. LEAV~E~"POKI' LOS A~NG X i.F.3 AND REDONfO. lU, 8. Santa Rosa, Oct. 4. For— IV, SO; 28i Nov. 5. San Die-t0... S. P. Corona, Oct. 8, 10, 24, I Nov. i. For— S. S. r-nnta Rosa, Oct. 0, San Francisco 14, 2-, 30; Nov. 7. t Port Harford ... S. 8. Corona, Oct. 2, 10, . Sa:ila Barbara. in. 2«i: Nov. 3. j " LEAVE SAN I'KI-KO AND E APT BAN IMS OHO. ' For— s. B. Eureka. Oct, 3, 11, ' San Fran el SCO and. 1!., 27; Nov. 4. Wav ports 9. s. St, Paul, Oct. 7, 15. | 23, 31: Nov. 8. Cars to connect with sTeamers via San I'edro, leave S. P. R, li. (Arcßde Depot) at 0 p. m., and Terminal K. R. depot at 5: 15 p. m. Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depot nt 10 a. m., or from Redondo Railway depot at 0 n. in. Cars to connect via Port Los Angeles leave E. P. R. R. depot at 1:10 p. m. for steamers north bound. Plans or steamers' cabin* at agent's office, I where berths may be secured. Tho company reserves the right to change tbe steamers or thMrti*ys of sailing. For passage or freight as above or for ticket! I to and from all important points in Europe, apply to W. PARKIS, Ag.m, Office:. 123? i W. Third *t , Los Angeles., i Redondo Railway DEPOT: Grand aye. and Jefferson st, In effect 5 am. Thursday, Sept. 26. 1895. Leave Los Angeles Leave Rodondofor» for Redondo. Los Atlgeles. 8:10 a.m. Sunday only 6>:45 a.m Sunday only 9:05 a.m. daily 7 :30 a.m. daily 1:35 p.m. daily 10:45 a.m. daily 5 :45 p.m. daily 4 :30 p.m. daily i For passenger and freight rates apply at depot, corner Grand avocua and Jefferson ! street. 'Phone, West 1. L. T. GARNBEY, President. J. ft. BUTTON. SuperiutendouU i — — — SUTTON & CO.'S | DISPfITCH LINE FOR PORT 10S ANGELES i Direct, taking freight for all Southern Call* ! fornia points The fast Al clipper ship « CHAS. E. MOODY," I Leonard, matter, is now loading nt pier 10, Fast River, New York, about October i Ist for Port Los Angeles, and will have tne ! usual prompt dispatch of this line. For rale- of ir. Ight, etc . apply to SUTTON & CO., 82 South st, N. V., or to BUTTON dt BEE EE, 30S Market st., San Francisco, Cal. DP.. WONG HIM, who bas practiced mettfc cine In Los Angeles for 20 yearn, anS whose ollice is at 030 Upper Main sttsct, will treat by medicine all diseases of women, men and children. The doctor claims tint ho hag r medics that are superior to all others ait specific for troubles o! women and men. A trial alone wiD convince the sick .hat Dr. I Wong .lira's remedies are more effloaCtOUl than can lie prescribed, Dr Wong Him is a Chinese physician of prominence and a gentleman of responsibility. His reputation is more than well established! and all persons needing hll services can rely on his fckill aud ability. A cure is guarsnted in every case in which a re covery is possible. Herb medicines for sale. DR. WONG HIM HERB DOCTOR, 639 Upper Main Street, Los Angelej, THE PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 110 West Second Street, LOS ANGELES, Supr*" l * B Business Houses daily with .11 infer mation ia tbeir line, covering tb. (alto. GOUL LOS ANGELES Representative Wholesale and Retai! Dealers, Business Men and Firms ANALYTICAL CHE/IISTS AND ASSAYERI WAi>E ii WADt, Commercial at. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW W. II SHINN, 205-1108 Wilson blk., Spring Bt BARBERS' SUPPLIES AND GRINDERS 6TKINEN A KIRCH NER, 130 N. Main St. JOSEI-U JAEliliß. 462 S. Main, bet 2d and 3d. BICYCLES "KEATING," Hnwley, Kingi Co., 210 N.Main BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS FOWLER &. COl.wr.LL. 110 \V. Second »U Ht AjS WO«K«, PACIFIC BRASS WORKS, Up. Main, cor. A>flM BOOTS AND SHOES H. C. B** n&y, 352 8. Spring st. CHIROPODIST Dr. Zaeiran, diseases of thu feet. 253 8. garlng. CROCKERY TAC. CROCKERY & TIN* CO., 228 N. L. A. St CA3T-OPP CLOTHINO B. GREENG \RT, buy and sail. 107 Commercla It. LEVY pays highest prices, 131 t£. first tt, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY BOTTB & rU KLPS, 338 S. Main. Tel. 127«, CARRIAGE WORKS THE TABOR CAR'GE WORKS, KIT W. Fifth St. CEMENT CONTRACTORS, IRRIGATION GRAY BROS. & N, B'war. Tel. 238. DRUGGISTS—WHOLESALE F. W. BRAUN & CO.. 40" 407 N. Main; tel. 954 DENTISTS L. D. SWARTOUT. 211 W. First St. Tel. 11)58 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES r.tmWTG* WAGVICR Mott Market. TeL 55a GROCERS—WHOLESALE HAAS, BARUCU A CO., 320 to 320 N, L, A. St. HORSE SHOERS J. GOODWIN & Spconer, 325 K. Los Ang dcs st, LAW, COLLECTIONS, MERCANTILE REP'TS STANDARD COLLECTION & MERCAWTILH CO., (inc.) $190,000. 211-212 Stimson. A. C Itroderson, atl'y. HOTEL BROKERS ASSOCIATED HOTEL IN VESTMENT BUR_*rf, 102 S. Broadway; buy, sell and lease. HOTELS ABBOTSFORD INN, cor Bth A Hope. Tel. 1176 HARNESS MANUFACTURER OTTO RDF, 323 s. Main, New Tiirnverein halL LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE BANKERS' ALLIANCE OF CAL . 118 Court st. LIVBRY STABLES CALIFORNIA STAHLES, 373 N. Main st "eL 4* MANTBLS,TILES AND HARDWOOD LUITBIiR HENRY BollßM ANN, 514 g. Spring St. Tcl.7«a PHYSICIAN DR. WARD, Byrne Bl'dg, Rm. 216. TeL 7S. RESTAURANT COSMOPOLITAN/ 219-2 11 W. Second St. REAL ESTATE NORTON & KENNEDY, 134 S. Brdwy; tel <?82 SADDLES, HARNESS AND SADDLEWARB J. V. MORENO, 220 Aliso St. SEWING /TACHINE REPAIRING 11. V. BILLINGS,424H S. Spring st. Tel. 1348 SAFES, SCALES, REFRIGERATORS CHAS. W. ADAMS, 338 N Main. Tel. 1347. WATCH/1 AKER AND OPTICIAN «. STOE3AK. 511 8. Spring at. bet. sth andOUa WINBS AND SPIRITS. C T. A. LAST, li!) and 131 N. Main st, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS B. S'LE'Jl'., 404-40« N. L. A. St. jfi 224. STORAGE PACIFIC WAREHOUSE. 801 and 803 E. First SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOOL COMPANY CO UNSTABLE Si COUTTS, 180 N. Los Angeles UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALrtERS BOOTH <fc ROW, 251, S. Main si. Tel. 1349. UPHOLSTERING AND CARPET CLE ANINO JAMES F. ALLAN, 513 Soutb Spring street. PHOTOGRAPH -LANDSCAPE ». 8. MAUDE ii CO.. 211 W. Firstst. P« UIEGf Of OBSIEIK tAND Private Maternity Institute (Incorporated.) This is the only in- ; stitute ot thu kind in the west, 1 whero ladies who expect their con finement are under tne earn of reg ular physicians and trained nurses, and lind perfect seclusion. FE MALIC DISEASES A SPEf TALT\ for students of obstetrics ('midwifery-) We wish to way that with tins Institute five tegular physicians are connected: al*o a ' lying-in; so that students will receive practi- j cal and theoretical lessons. Male and iemalu i students admitted. DR. H. NEWLAND, Superintendent. 1315 W. SEVENTH ST. Office Hours 8-10 1-^ Notice of Sale of Franchise. Notice is hereby given that the Board of I Trustees of the city of San Pedro has received ! an application for n frnhchisc for theconstruc tion and operating of an electric light and power system, and the right to enct poles, lay conduits, etc.; for the transmission of electricity ior sucn purposes within the limits of said city of San Pedro, and that tlie said Board of Trustees intends to grant sncli fran chise, and thai, it will on the 2-d day of No vember, 1895, and up to 8 o'clock p, in. of said day, receive and open sealed bids for the purchase of such franchise, the sale and granting of the same to be to the highest bid der, and in accordance with and upon the terms and conditions .set forth in such franchise, ami in this notice. Said franchise which said Board of Trustees proposes to grant is of tho following character. tO-wit; thu right and privilege to and maintain poles and un j dergrouml conduits and manholes in the pub lic streets, alleys ami thoroughfares of the city of San Pedro, county of Los Angeles, Stateof California, and to run wires through, over and along the same, all ior the purpose of trans mitting, furnishing, supplying and distribut ing of electricity for lighting am: power pur poses onlfor the term of twenty-live years, upon the terms ami conditions ot said fran chise, a copy of which is on tile in t he oilice of I the city clerk of said city of San Pedro Any person presenting a sealed proposal for j the purchase of sunt franchise shall enclose therewith a certified check upon some respon sible bank for tho full amount of the bid, which cheek shall be made payable to the or der of the president of tlie Board of Trustees of said city. J. D. CONNOR, Dated this l*th day of October, 1895. 29 City Clerk of the City oi San Pedro. Notice OF THE FILING OF J HE REPORT OF THE commissioners appointed for the opening of Tenth street from 1 08 Angeles street to the east line of the Hammel nnd Denker tract, in compliance with Ordinance No -700, new se -1 ries, together With the plat Of the assessment ! district. i Notice !■ hereby given that a oertlned coDy lof the report, assessment list and plat of the ! commissioner* appointed to assess benefits ami ; damages and to have penoral suptrvisiou of 1 the proposed work of opening of Tenth street from Los Angeles street to the east line of the Hammel and Danker tract has been filed in the Office of the undersigned. All sums levied and assessed In said assess ment list are due and payable immediately* 1 he payment of said sums is to lie made to me, in my office, within thirty days from the first publication of this notice. All assessments not paid before tho expira tion of said thirty days, w.ll be declared to be come delinquent," and theleafter live percent, witc the costs, of advertising, will be added thereto Dated at I.os Angeles, this 25th day of Octo ber.A. D. 1895. P. A. HOWARD, Street Superintendent. By J. W. VoriOS, Deputy. 23-10t Notice of Assessment PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BU&ISM8 OF THE Antelope Valley Marble company, Fair mont. Los Angeles county. Notice is here by given that at a spec >al meet ing of tlie board oi directors of the above named corporation, held on the 2Hd day of October. 1 -00, tor the purpose of levying an assessment for the purpose of paying expenses ami conducting the business oi said corpora tion, an assessment of >i cents per share was | levied upon the subscribed capital stock oi i snid cor 1 oration, payable immediately to tho secretary of said company, t t-wit: John ileb man, at the company's ollice at room 40t Stimson block in Los Angeles City, state of California. Any stock upon which this assess ment shrill remain unpaid on the 30th day of November, 1895, wilt be delinquent and ad vertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Tues day, the 17th day of December, 1895, at pub- Ue auction, at said room 401 Stimson block, to pay the delinquent assessment, together wi'ii costs of advertising and expenses oi sale. By order of the board of directors, JOHN RRBMAN, Secretary of *aid Company. Notice to Stockholders SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAILWAY COM pany. The annual meeting of the stock holders'of the Southern California Railway Company will be held at the ollice of the com pany, in the city of Los Angeles, on Thursday, November 7, 1M95, at 11 ocloak elect a board of directors for the ensuing year, and to transact such ot her business as may prop erly come bofoie the meeting. Q. il OL iHRHOFF, Jn, Assistant Secretary. Los Angeles, Cal., OctoDer 24, 1895, 11 7 i A VERY NARROW ESCAPE An Aeronaut's Dangerous Flight in a Parachute ATTACHED TO A BALLOON Was Unable lo Cut the Rope Which. Bound Her lakes Mer First Ascent and Strikes ■ Tall Chimney—Mot Seriously Injured. A Large Crowd Everyone who attended the balloon as cension at Westlake Park yesterday after noon got liis money'a worth of pleasure and excitement. Besides the regular as cension and drop with a parachute, there was a thrilling accident which came near resulting seriously for Madame Earl ston. There were two large not air balloons witii parachutes attached and it was intended to bare a race in making the descent. About 4 oclock the balloon in which Richard Earlston ascended was cut loose from its moorings und rose steadily into tbe air witii the long parachute and tra peze trailing below. The aeronaut per formed a series of feats, nanging by his feet ami changing from one position to another, until be bad readied a height of about 1200 feet, when ba out the rope which held bis small ah- crafi to the bal loon and came sailing down. A strong wind blowing from thu south had carried him in the direction of Flag hill. Tbe descent was made without a waver, an tbe balloonist alighted safely on the open hillside near tbe corner of Union avenue and Fourth street. In tlie meantime the larger balloon in which Madame Earlston was to ascend was matie ready and she too rose into tbe air, resting in tho ring of tbe parachute beneath. The great inflated oanvas shot up rapiuly io a perpendicular direction anil then floated off to tho north as the iirst one bad done. Thousands ot facts wero turned upwards to see which-of tbe two contestants would go the higher and which would descend the more quickly. As a consequence of Mr.Earlston's earlier ascent iiis balloon had reached its highest point and lie had made the drop while ihe other was still going upward. All interest then centered on the woman aerialist. it was evident that she had reached a greater height timn ber bus hand, and everyone <ias ready to cheer the lady victor, wben it became apparent that something was wrong. "Why does she not cut loose." was the questoin iv tbe minds of all. "Has sbe become frightened?" was tbe next suggestion, as tbe crowd watched tbe grea< balloon drift farther and farther away. Its force had already been spent and it was slowly sinking us it was carried along by.tbe wind. Now sbe is directly over the point where her husband alighted, and he shouts wildly to her to cut loose. Ue is not heard, or if be.ird not obeyed; and tlie balloon and its occupant drive son ward toward a glove of tall trees. Mes.u --l while it is coming nearer and nearer to | tlie earth. Over the tops of the trees it i sailed, but fortunately missing thero. I Then it passed out of sight behind a hill and tbe crowd of spectators wero left in . dread for the woman's safety. Hundreds bad already run to the top of neighboring hills and as many as could j followed in carriages and on bicycles, i The awe-struck husband followed as fast as be could on foot, and reached the top of tbe nill just in time to see his wife dragged against tuejroof of a tall house. Bha struck on the chimney and slipped down tbo incline of tilp roof to a lower portion of tlie house, and from there fell to tile roof of the veranda, and was swept down to the ground In an adjoining lot. Bystanders (quickly rescued tbe balloon and Mrs. Earlston was rescued from ber perilous position. A shout went up from tbe crowd when it was learned that she bad sustained no serious injuries. Her head was badly bruised about the right temple and one ankle was slightly sprained. Her nerves were unstrung, but aside from these no harm had come to her. Mrs. Earlstan was seen shortly after her fall in her dressing room in tlie West lake restaurant. .She said this was the liist time she had ever gone up iv a bal loon, hut she continued, "I shall try it again soon and I'll endeavor to do better next time. No, I am not very badly hurt, hut 1 was awfully frightened when I came down, Santa Claus like, on tnat chimney." The parachute was examined for the purpose of learning why it was that it had not come loose when it was intended it should. It was totind mat the rope which is attached to the bottom of the brlloon and which holds the parachute was only partially cut by tho knife through which it passes. The knife ops rates very much like a pair of long prun ing shears, tbe blade being brought against the rope by tbe nulling of a long cord running down to the aeronaut's wrist. Mrs. Kailston Had been unable to sever the rope which held her to tbe bal loon, partly from a lack of strengtn, but principally because the Knife was very dull. The sheet iron top of the chimney of the bouse at 166 South Union avenue, where Mrs. Earlston struck, was badly bent, showing the force with wbicli she fell. Had it not been for the peculiar construction of the house, affording as it did a gradual fall with its graded roofs and porch, the results would have un doubtedly been more serious. MORE BICYCLE RIDERS ARRESTED I The New Ordinance Is Still Being Violated by Some Tlie good work is still going on. Two more were gathered in yesterday for vio lating tho new bicycle ordinance, and there are yot many others to come. T. B. Jaivesson was caught on West Seventh street by Officer Blackburn, who sent him to tlie police station in short order. Richard Honntag was tbe other. In company with liis wife be was scorching at,a lively late on Main street, near tbe ] Washington gardens. Officer Kitcb placed , him under arrest. Tlie patrol wagon waa I sent fur. lint when it arrived it was de i ciiled not to send Mr. Sonntag in it to j the station, ao Otticer Kico escorted him ! down on the street car, while Mr. Cox 1 aiuJ Billy returned alone. Sonntag took the matter good natured : ly, probably because he had the money ! tv put up bail, An Important Discovery In medicine, one that fully equals that of I'astcur in tne treatrnnt of hydropho bia, or tno Keeley and Wherrel trentment for it ebriety. has been made by a physi cian of this city. Alter ten years of patient investigation and study Dr. I'eebles, of 41$i_ South Spring .street, has discovered a system of hypodermic treatment tbat will radical ly cure syphilis and scrofula in from one to three months. The remedies are not given by the stomach, but are introduced directly into the system, and act by immediate contact in tlie blood on the peculiar and specitic poison that causes tbis disease. Female and Rectal Diseases Also rupture treated by Dr. C. Edgar Smith' northeast corner Main and Seventh streets. If you want a cup of good Cocoa or Chocolate you should use Huyler's. All grocers. 7