Newspaper Page Text
The Herald CITY NEWS IN BRIEF TBMPERATURE—Report of observations taken at Los Angeles Deoember 8. Tbe tsroracter is rod heed to sea level. tH'm|W'd vaii wiior. 89 INW 1 icipar 7!l |NW 4 lolear a. m. p. in. Maximum temperature. 711. Minimum temperature, 42. FOItECAST-Dcc. B.—For Southern Cal ifornia: Fair; slutionary temperature; fresh northerly winds. At the Socialist meeting at BUM South Spring street last night tho Labor Ex change was discussed by Mr.Clark of San Francisco, L. D. iicclitel and H. M, l.cacb. Both aides of the question wero expounded and tho socialistic doctrine of vp.liies explained in full to the complete satisfaction of those present. A balloon asoension was the attraction et tbe park at the terminus of the Tem ple street cable road yesterday afternoon, and in consequence the carrying capacity of that line was taxed to its utmost. A promenade concert at Westlake park in tbe aftrctioon also brought out several thousand people. The drive through Elysian park is one of tbo most attract ive in Southern < ali forna.and from tho hills some of tbe best views in tbe oily can be had. Several teams went over the road yesterday. It. J. Sugart was arrested yesterday morning on Main street by Officer Wilk erson for having created a disturbance. He was released upon depositing .flO. The board of library trustees meats tbis afternoon and tbe board of educa tion holds its regular session tonight. "leorge Green will he tried in the police court today for beggng. 11c wns arrested by Officer Sheets on Main atreet. Henry Law, aged 01 years, died yes terday In I'll Monte. Ho was a former resident of San Bernardino. James liurns and John Clark stole a couple of pairs of pants yesterday after noon from the clothing store of (Tine, al tne corner uf Main and First streets, and were iv i he act of making a say with them when Urficir itohn noticd tho suspicious looking package under the arm of Burns «nd placed the two under arrest. Lovers of lino art are always oa the aloit for something new. A new line of etchings, mezzo-tiiits engravings, car bons, photos and gravures have just been received at H. C. I.iclitenbergcr's art em porium, 107 N. Main st., for tho holiday trade. Dr. Peebles lias recently cured several bad cases of syphillis and scrofula by hy podermic injection tbat for years re sisted nil other forms of medical treat ment. Enquiries answered and references given at -llo'.j S. Spring. The Security Loan and Trust company of '.'.'lll South Spring atreet issues its debenture bonds for any amount, large or small. They are secured by high grade mortgages, and the fact of their being in come producing makes them dosirable investments. tt. itcbecca Lee Dorsey,Stimson block, lirst lloor, rooms 129, 130," 131. Speoial at tention given to obstetrical cases and ail diseases of women and cbildren. Eloe trlcity scientifically used. Consultation hours, Ito S. Tel. 1277. It will pay yoj to visit tbe Queen Shoe Store. UlL'-10l North Mam street, and see the extreodinary low values for tine shoes that are being offered there during this (December) month. S. Conradi, jeweler and watchmaker, lit S. Spring street, makes a specialty of tine watch and jewelry repairing and dia mond setting j an elegant line of optical goods. A fine stock oi watches and jewel ry always on band. Aums HrOS., dentists. 239}j South Spring street. Painless filling "and ex tracting. Best sets of teetb from $6 to tlO. Hours, Bto 5; Sundays, 10 to 12. . Fourth annual gift sale now on at the I Queen Shoe Store, 102-104 North Main I street. Oo to the Grand Pacific restaurant, 314 South Main street, for dinner today. Moffatt'a millinery for stylish hats. 329 S. Spring. With every saie of $2 wcrth ot shoes and upwards tbo Queen Shoe Store, 162-104 North Main street, will give a handsome Christmas gift. l'iano house, A. G. Gardner. 118 ston street. New and second-hand pi anos for sale and to rent. First-class tuning. Subscribers to assemblies are requested to call for tickets at Woman's exchange, HHJij Broadway. Tore taffies, fresh every ball hour; fif tesn flavors. John C. Nevin, 205 South Main street. Sharp & Samson, funeral directors (in dependent j 530 South Spring street. Tel. 1029. Boom? $2 a week and up. U. S. hotel. THE PLANET MARS Mr. Baumgardt Says the Martian World Is Not Inhabited Itev. Hurt Bates Howard of the First Presbyterian ohurcb, corner of Fignoroa and Twenty-first streets, bus inaugurated a new departure in church work m bar ing lectures at stated periods by well known local speakers on scientific sub jects. These lectures will bo given once or twic3 a month, in tho evening, and will doubtess prove an attractive feature. The lirst of these lectures was givou last evening by Mr. B.I;, liuumgard t.seeie tary of the Southern California Science association, wbo took for his subject the planet Mars. The discourse, which tho speaker delivered from copious notes, wus an interesting one and wus closely followed by the audience from the bo ginning to the end. After a general de scription of tho heavens and tbe planet ary system Mr. Baumgardt got down to his subject, thut much-disenssed world, the planet Mars. Tbo speaker tooa issue ivith most of the modern astronomers in the matter of tbo inhabitation of Mars, arguing that the climatic conditions that prevailed on tbat planet were such that it was impossible for animal and vege table life as we understand it to exist on thut planet. Tho great changes ot tem perature whioh took place, amounting to thousands of degrees,rendered lite im possible in tbe Martian world. Mr. Baumgardt then went into a discussion of some ol the theories they advanced regarding Mars and pointing out tbe er rors into which astronomers bad 'alien, and closed with a seven; rap at some of tho ehurohes for not keeping up with modern progress, claiming thut science was being retarded it not throttled by what he called religious fanatacism. EDUCATIONAL LABOR ASSOCIADON Regular Meeting and Discussion of the Emi gration Question The International Educational Labor association met ut tbe usual place and hour at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon. A new constitution and set of by-laws was read and adopted,after which the regular discussion was taken up. The question, ia foreign emigration huitful to the in dustrail interests of the United States, was ably bandied by J. 11. Armstrong, who waa tbe leading speaker in the de bate. Ho apoko in substance as follows: "Foreigners, while they have a perfect right to whatever portion of the globe they may'eel inclined to live on. yet there are occasions when restrictive meas ures are quite in touch with justice, not only to the American out Ihe foreigner loming upon these shores. Tbo glitter ing indticsments blazoned abroad make tbe Europeans discontented until they sell out their lithe homes and como to this country. They fare worse by coming here because the American lubor market is almost always congealed. T he sweating hells of New York, numbering many hundred--, would scarcely continue In ex istence if emigration from foreign coun tries would cease. Women from Hungary and Germany and ot'jer European coun -1 tries—young strong and fair—keep the sweat shop supplied with cheap labor und tho potter's field with victims of man's inhumanity to man. Forty-five thousand women marched to the poor man s burial ground last year and this deplrrable fact alone ought to close tbo doors to immigration for at least a de cade or two." S.E. Fulton, John Rubson, I'rof. llicli raond, I'rof.Clark anil others spoke in fa vor of free and unrestricted How of popu lation to and from Europe. J. D. Steel, Depuy 13. I lurk and others thought that a partial restriction of emi gration would bo a good thing for for eign and native born working men. The discussion for next Sunday will be on What is the Truo llasis of Money. I'rof. Clark will lead. Tho regular out door meetings will be continued. SEMI-TROPIC LODGE, I. 0. 0. P. A Orand Ball and .supper Arranged for Tomor row livening Semi-Tropic lodge I. 0. 0. F. will cele hrato its fourth anniversary tomorrow eve ning. A grand ball nnd an elaborate supper will be givon for the exclusive benefit of thu members of Semi-Tropic lodge and thol»' families. Tbe lodge has grown so large that many of the members ure not acquainted with each other, and thia affair has been arranged for the purpose of a more gen eral acquaintance among tho members, ns well as to celebrate the anniversary of the organization of the lodge. The program will bo as follows: Opening odo of the order. Address—Mr. H. Y. Quackcnbusb. Address of welcome—Kdward Hutchi son, noble grand. Violin solo—Mrs. O. Sormano; aeeam panist, M:es Cecilia Sormano. Grana march; dancing; supper. MAYNE KEEPING VERY QUIET Under the Advice of His Attorney He Avoids the Reporters Colonel Copeland Arrives Prom San Diego and Will Prepare lor Some New iToves In ITayne's Case Clifton E. Mayne now has a very still tongue in his head. His attorney, Col. James L. Copeland, bas arrived from Sun Diego to look after the inter»sts of his client. Colonel Copeland is one of the mjst shrewd criminal lawyers on tbe Pacific coast, and ho is doing everything in his power to save his client, for he is firmly of the opinion that he is not guilty of the crime for which ho has been sentenced to serve for twenty-livo years in San Quentin, Colonel Copeland is moro convinced than ever that Mayne is the victim of a conspiracy hatched, conceived and carried cut by tho "Blind Wuite Devil" of San Francisco, out of motives of revenge for exposures Mayne may have made to the Wallace grand jury of Buckley's street car franchise dealings. Mayne was in consultation with Colonel Copeland yesterday, as was also W. J. Murphy, who is associated with Colonel Copeland n tho case. Mayne's physical condition does not improve. Ho bad a light hemoirbnge yesterday morning. This was lollowed by a fever, but later in the day it wore ofr. Last evening ho was resting easily. Special Notice to Builders In making estimates for building, re liable contructcrs consider not only how cheaply they can buy material, but also tbe quality of tho articles used, g Messrs. W. V. F'urrey Ai Co., tbe old time tried and never found-wanting batdwaro dealers, at 165 North Spring atreet, ure noted for threo things, viz: The large anil well assorted stock of builders' hardware they curry, extremely low prices and tbe reliable quality of their goods. Consult them before buying; it is well worth your time and money. To See California You Must Oo around tto kite-shaped track. Ex cursion tickets allowing stop-overs on sale at all Santa Fe ticket oltices. JOTTINGS Our Home Brew Malar .Si Zohe'.e In's fresh from their brewery, on draught in all the principal sa loons; delivered promptly in bottles or tops. Office and brewery,4ll Alisostreet; telephone 01. • Clcctric Oil Stove Or hot air furnace; tako your choice to heat jour house this winter. Naucrth <fc Cass Hard ware Company has them, 326 S. Spring st. Hanlman Fish Co., San Pedro Fresh fish and lobsters shipped diiect to all points in Arizona, Texas and Mexico, from cannery lv San l'edro, at lowest wholesale prices, Water Pipe Wo offer at a bargain twenty thousand feet 7» s screw casing. Consult, Consolidated I'ipo Co., 873 to 889 Stevenson aye, near Santa Fo depot. Eagle Brand Oysters Call for tho Kagle Brand o( Ircsh frozen oysters. Your grocer has them. They are s, great delicacy. Pabst Beerl Pabst Beerl On draft. 01> mpic Hall, 121 W. First St., W. Germs, prop. Tel. 274. Finest commer cial lunch. Loavc orders lor bottled beer. Free Dispensary For the poor daily. Drs. Ltndley and Smith, Broadway and Fourth. JMrtle Block. Have you seen our Columbus Buggy Co.'s bicyclo for 1896? Inspect samples, 210 N. Maiu St., Hawlcy, King & Co. Builders, Take Notice Lumber at reduced rates. Get our prices Ganahl Lumber company. Save Undertakers' Commission Hire your hacks for funerala, $2.00 each from Gus Graham. Stand, Arcade depot, lei. 553. Pabst Besrt Pabat Beerl On draft at Joe Arnold's, 358 a Sprlnj St. We are making a great run on our new 1896 model bicycle lor the low price of $05. Haw ley, King «fc Co., 210 North Main street Advanco Davis sewing machines removed to 407 S. Broadway, opposite Chamber Com merce. Sewing Machines rented $2 per month. 407 South Broadway. Big Tree Carriage Works, 128 San Pedro St. Concord business wagons a specialty Dr. D. & Dlffenbacher, dentist, rooms 4 and 5. 119 a Spring st., i.os Angeles. Everything on wheels, Hawloy, King & Co., 210-212 N. Main street. Dressmakers-All fashion books at Lang, stadtcr's, 214 South Broadway. Columbus Buggy co.s buggies are high gtade. Dr. Harriet Hilton. 421 8. Hill street. LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1895. GOING TO MAKE A REDUCTION The County Surveyor Will Re duce His Deputies CASE OF CORONER CAMPBELL General Belief That Ihe Perjury Prose cution Will Prove a Farce The Real Principle Involved in Hauling the Coroner lip by a Round Turn Will Be Lost Sight Of Tho county surveyor, Edward T. Wright, makes the announcement that tbe force of deputies in bis ollico will be materially reduced on the Ist pro*. This intelligence will be ijnite pleasing to the taxpayers of Los Angeles county. Mr. Wright has hail an extraordinarily largo force of deputies, and the county has regularly footeil tho bills caen month. The fact that the unnecessary force is to be eliniinaetd und the expanse corre spondingly reduced is gratifying infor mation. Tho Herald proposes to con tinue to exert itself until other officers follow the example of Mr. Wright. It is universally believed by all lawyers who have been consulted that tbo coro »jr, Dr. George W. Campoull, cannot be convicted on tho indictment tho grand jury has presented against liim for per jury. The reasons for this can be easily stated. Tho basis of tbe indictment is that Dr. Campbell, when ho presented a hill for 15 for aach ono of sixty three cases of death which lie investigated but found no occasion to hold an inquest, and swore that the cluims were correct, justly due and unpaid, swore falsely. Now there is no question about tbo fact that the Sri fso Dr. Campbell claimed and collected in crcryone of those cases was illegal. Hut Was Dr. Campbell alone to blamo? He certainly was not. The district at torney by his deputy, Ueorge M. Holton, endorsed every ono of those claims as a legal charge against the county. Major Donnell now admits that there is no sec tion of the statute authorizing tno coro ner to collect a fee. Yet he continued to permit the coroner to collect it just the same, and, in fact, sanctioned its col lection. It is by this system of careless ac qulesence on the part of the district at torney's oflice tbat the county has in times gone by been mulcted in tbe sum of thousands of dollars. Claims havo been approved in utter defiance and vio latoin of tho statute. This practice is what Tbe Herald and every taxpayer de sire, to see rendered unpopular. Dr. Cambpell will, whon tho time comes, in ail probability plead that lie did not commit perjury, as lie supposed the claim he was putting in was legal. He will point to the fact that the district attorney "OK" the claim us legal and that his predecessor in ottice received it. This will probably result in the doctor being acquitted of the perjury allegation if his ease ever conies to trial. Tben it will be claimed that the doctor is a very much abused individual. Tno fact remains, however, that Doctor Campbell lias in bis possession money that tbo district attorney states was secured from the public treasury on an illegal claim. The doctor has not paid the money back. He is still clinging to it. Tne district attorney bas taken no steps to recover it. It haa been suggested that it is about lime for the county law department to take steps t i get back that money. The amount is small but tbo principle involved is an important one. It :s this. Is a party who has secured money from the public treasury illegally to rest in the peaceful possession of the unlawfully obtained coin? If.he is. then it is virtually putting a premium on dis honesty in public oflice. Tho prosecution of Dr. Campbell on the perjury indictment is going to be a roaring farce. It will come to nothinp, and then wben it is knocked out tne principlo which is really at stake will be lost sight of. It is a very clever scheme, but it was put rather crudely by some incompetents and will fall to tbe ground. The main point tbat the people want to see gained is for Dr. Campbell to restore money he bas collected tbat he is not entitled to, and they further desire that in the future tbe doctor avoid making liis oflice unnnecessarily expensive, and also thut he approve no more illepal de mands of bis stenogiapher. Nobody de sires to peisecute Dr. Campbell or to send him to the penitentiary. Still tbe doctor should have it in some way impressed upon his mind that be must do the right thing by the people wbom ho was elected to serve. The grand jury In the next return mado to tho court will, ao it is hinted, report some indictments which, whon the ar rests are made upon them, cause some further revelations as to the sateless and diahonost manner in which tbe funds of the county clerk's office wero Handled during the incumbency of Trow bridge H. Ward. There will be others involved besides Frank Lowiy, but just who tee parties arc cannot be stated now. Mr. Ward's friends havo been making a great rustle during tbe past few days for some reason or other. The grand jury will report Wednesday. A FAMILY STRANDED Three Thousand Hies From Their Home and " Dead Broke " All sorts of queer applications for as sistance come before the board ol super vlors and it takes a good deal to disturb the equanimity of the members of tbat august oody. Hut they were hardly pre pared for a modest request preferred Sat urday afternoon. The county legislators bad got through with business and wero sitting around discussing the grand jury, politics and otber subjects of public in terest, wben a man looking somewhat the worse for wear came into the room, and asked to see the chairman. He was referred to Mr. Francisco to whom he made known bis business. His name lie said was 0. O. Barron, and became from Ozark county, Missouri,bv wagon. Cali fornia, he said, was a great place, but all he wanted was a little assistance to get buck to old Missouri. In answer to questions, he said that be bad two Awarded Highest Honors—World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DH * CREAM BAKING POWDER ;Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. wagons, four horses, live children and a wife. Hie wife, he said, was paralyzrd, and bo tnought traveling around awhile woind help her. He hud somo money when ho started out, but he found travel ing was much more expensive in Cali fornia tban he hod anticipated, and con sequently he had "gone broke," and was stranded. He said he did not want to be come a chargo on tho county and be thought it would be cheaper to assist nim on his way. Mr. Francisco suggest ed that ho sell his outfit and uso tiie money to pny railroad faro, but Mr. Bar ron demurred to tbis. He referred to the low price of horses, an.i said that he did not think bo could clear up more than $10 for the whole of his possessions. He hud been helped along before and he could not see why it could not be done again. Mr. Barron whs finally referred to the Associated Charities ami also told to call at the newspaper olbces and tell his story. The family iscmiped on College street, between Mam and San Fernando, back of Jones Bros. laundry, where they can be seen today. Balloon Ascension The balloon ascension at the end of toe Temple street car lino yesterday after noon was witnessed by a large crowd. Prof. Hagar went up for the lirst time In his new balloon and dropped witb the pnruchnte from a height ot nearly half a mile. Scarcely nny wind was stirring and tbe gn at pas bag rosa and descended within view of everyone. AT THE HOTELS G. H. Clegg of Anaheim Is"at"Tbe"Na deau. August Andreae of New York is at the Nadeau. J, H. Clancy, the postmaster of Ven tura, is at the Nadeau. Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Ilrunson of Joliet, 111., are at the Hollenbeck. H. J. Hark and wifo of Lafayette, Ind., are at tho Westminster. F. A. McKlhono and wife of Dallas, Tex., are at Ihe Westminster. A. Hamburger, tbe dry goods man of San Francisco, is at the Nadeau. H. I'osener, a well-known merchant ot San Francisco, is at the Nadeau. D. J. Canary, the uQtod trick bicycle rider of Chicago, is at tho Hollenbeck;. Stephen Woodward and F. Woodward of London, England, are at ths Hollen beck. Dr. E. L. Duett, tbe resident surgeon of the Soldiers' Hume, is at the Hollen beck. Mark Plaisted, the editor of the River side Daily Enterprise, is at tbe Hollen bocK. U. S. Grant and wife and Mrs. Jesse P.. Grant oi San Diego are at the West minster. Mrs. J. R. McPherson, Miss McPher son and maid of Washington, D. C, are at tho Westminster. Late arrivals at the Abbotsford Inn are J. E. Cook, Spencer Srnitn, New York; Mrs. George Kafer, Mrs. Halpb Sheldon, Cincinnati, Ohio; Charlotte Wheeler, Kalamazoo, Tex. PERSONAL Horace D. Perry, formerly of this city nnd now of Evansvilie, Indiana, ia here on a combined pleasure and business trip. J. M. Meyer, a resident for many years of Juiapa, state of Vera Cruz, Mexico, will make his permanent home in this city. His arrival here is expected soon. The high school alumni will meet to morrow evening at tho residence of Miss Mary Foy, 851 South Pearl street, instead of at tbe his!) school building as on former occasions. Mrs. Fred A.Cooper has returned from San Francisco, where she has been visit ing relative* for about three weeks past. She was quits ill while there but is now | fully recovered, a tact which ber many ' friends will be glad to learn. George W. Robinson. M. IL, after a fe* months' visit to his former home in New York City, has returned to Los Angeles. He spent two weeks in Atlanta, visiting, of course, (the exposition. The doctor speaks enthusiastically of the Los An geles exhibit. The Allahabad, India, Pioneer of tbe date of October 9th, announces tbe death of Minnie, wife of .lames Craw, woo formetly reside! in Han Diego and Los Angeles and who is a brother of Alexan der Crat-, tho state entomologist, who lives in this city. A Lovely House New and modern and by modern wo mean up-to-date place of live rooms with a line big cellar and small barn, cement walks anil pretty yard. This place is No. 619 East Twenty-first street, one block east of Central avenue and goes for $1850. SHOO cash und balance $25 a month and this includes interest. If you want a nice bouse here is your chance for what you pay rent. l.angworlby Co., 220 South Spring street. If you live out of town send ,or samples and prices of our wed ling invitations. We know how to co this work just right and will please you. U, M. Leo tt Bro., ldo N. Spring stieet. I Am Glad To tell whet Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for cie. I had the grip and its ill effects settled all over mxv bS£jW5&, me. I had cramps In my legs and '' e< i uen *'y * k a( i $y cles. I also had X Hood's Sarsapa fflraffilllW* riila - °" c t>o"le cured thecramp, AHi and Bnot h er has /iv\ I helped my stom- I trouble greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and use Hood's Pills which are the best I ever took." H. A. Melvin, Sisters, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today.- A Useful Christmas Gift The New No. 2 . <, •' SMITH=PREMIER R p lT w Is just Ihe thinp to fi:i the bill and make your boy or girl happy. More used in I.os Angeles than all other makesconibincd. Recommended byeverybody. I co. E. ALEXANDER & BRO.. Oentril Agists WM. H. B. HAYWARD, Mgr., i Tel. 794. 914 & Broadway, l.oi Angeles. ; San Krancl*eo oeien. 'MR si. THE SECRET OF A BEAUTIFUL SKIN i IS FOUND IN CUTICURA SOAP Solo throughout tho world. Brlttlh d>pot: F. Ness. • k*t * Sows, l. Kinj, Lnßden. Pottis Decs A»u CntM. Cusr., Solo Pre*™.. Boston, V. 8. A. Composinr; s complete staff of Expert rhys! ciens. Medical Authors and Professor.-. They arc incorporated for $250,000. If your ease is incurable they will not take your money but frankly tell you the truth. Always secure the best Their Expert Specialists treat diseases tis follows: ONE TREATS Cataarh nnd Bronchial troubles for $5 a month, including all medicines and one week's trial treatment Free. ANOTHER J HEATS Private and Nervous diseases of men only, anil all correspondence and treatment is strictly confidential. A THIRD treats diseases o£ the stomach and Liver: removes Tapeworms, cures Kidney and Bladder troubles and treats diseases of women. A FOURTH treats diseases ol the Skin and Scalp, Eczema end diseases of the blood and circulation. A FIFTH, their surceon, performs all opera tions, treats cases of deformity, spinal trouble, rickets, hip joint disease, removes Fistula, Piles, Rupture and Cancer without using the knife. Consultation always Free. Write if you can not call personally, The English and German Specialists Byrne Uulp'lng - Los Angeles ' FOR HEALTH f CLARKEsX and I PURE ) STRENGTH xf\ BEST rA \ \ V^iSKEY/ Tr*di supplied by F. W. BRAUN &. CO LOS ANGELES. CALIF. JOE POHlll THE TAILOR J> MAKES THE BEST CLOTHES IN THE STATE JrJT At 25 PER CENT If SS % jK ; THAN AMY OTHER HOUSE. I^KS SUITS Hade to order from $20 flfi-t PA!\TS Made to order Com $5 I■! FINE TAILORING fill ■ATMOI>Z'ItATE FKICEB 1 ittjj 4& for 1 fMltll and Samples of Cloth aent free Tor nil or Hers. No. 143 S. Spring St., LOS ANGELES. J. F. Henderson, Manager il NEff DOCTOR IN TOWN Dr, Wong Young' The eminent Chinese Physician and Surgeon, coraes to Loft Angelta direct from Canton, China, where he ha,a been tho Attending Phy sician anil Surgeon (or ten years in the canton | Hospital, and the Doctor has tho best diplomas ! in ibis country from some of the treat, colleges !in China and Europe., The Chinese Herb j Treatment has been the wonder ior mary ages, I and thousands can testify to the many* cures j in Los Anneles tbat have been wrought by the j less-learned Chinas* doctors. J)K. WONG YOUNG has had more experience than any | other Chines* doctor in this country, and he is ably assisted by M K. WO NO V OMi, who speaks the English lantruage fluently, and there is no possible chance for a mistake in the diagnosis. CHARGES REASONABLE, Men, 'women and children treated. j Office—Residence, 116 E. Seventh St. Hours, Bto 11 a. m.. 2tosp. m. Evenings and Sundays by appointment. le lft SouilreTn Mi During this season of the year tho most pieasant route, to the entire east, with no high altitudes or snow block adea, is via EL PASO and the HS I II ill. THROUGH PULLMAN PALACE AND TOURIST CARS DAILY Between California snd Chicago, St. Louts tat Arkansas Hot Springs without, change. For in • tenv't'"" ani'lv u,..|v ncpnt of X P. Co.. or tS T. F. FITZGERALD, Traveling Pass. AgL, 121 California st., San Francisco, Cal. BANNING CO. WJBi Hand-picked, South Field Wellington Lump V M* ■ Delivered. Cement and Catalina Island Soapstor.e. Agents for SANTA CATALINA IST AND. a i M for w. T. Co'a ocean excursion steamers, tugs, yachts and pleasure launtdics. Tciepuoue J i 1 .. REDUCfiD FEE 1 i§ p TODAY CALL TODAY P I TYNDALLi I AT HOTEL RAMONA m The Morgan Oyster Co. 0. C. MORQAN, ilanager Wholesale ana Retail Dtalcrs In Fish, Game, Poultry, Oysters ... And All Kinds of Shell Fish .. . Packers of the celebrated EAGLE BRAND of fresh froz;n Oysters Telephone 185 Stalls I to 9 Golden Eagle market P. O. Box 856 .. . 329-333 S. riain St., Los Angeles ____________ AMUSEMENTS New LOS HNC6LES THEATER C. M. Wood, Lessee. H, C. Wtatt, Manage* 3 Nights and Saturday riatinee, Beginning THURSDAY night, dec 12. the Nan*. leon ot Necromancers HERRMANN...the great In liis marvelous entertainment _ _. tho Hypnotic Sensation "TRlLBY,"aidcd by Ultm I HERRMANN in her bewildering Spectacular Danco Creatious. " SEATS ON SALE MONDAY, DEC. 9. PRICF.S-2DC, 50c, 75e, $1, $1.00. SOUTH MAIN ST., S\ Performance every ev'g, JBet. First and Second. fl(r\..A. \- including Sundays XaSVj^^^^^ A liiil resplendent with rare novelties and specialties. BADI ALFARABI, The Peerless Russian Equilibrist—ANDO and OMNEand LITTLE ALL HIGH I, Celebrated Oriental Wonders—BOG AHD BROTHERS nnd their Trained Grizzly Boars, and a Grand Olio oi Novelties. MATINEES StTI'RDAY nnd sPXHAY. BURBHNK THEHTER Fred A. Cooper, Manager MAIN STREET, between Fifth and Sixth. rionday Evening, December 9th. La<t week but one of THE FRAWLEY COMPANY (from the Columbia Theater, S. F.,) Monday, lucsJny, \\ ednesday and Thursday evenings, " Young Mrs. Winthrop." Friday, Saturday and Sunday nnd Saturday Matinee. "CAPTAIN SWIFT." Popular Prices, 150. 800, Sdo and 00c. Loge soats, 75c. Box seats, $1.00. Monday evening. December 10th. "LOST PARADISE." " gXHIBITION HND SKLE OF Oil and Water Color Paintings BY ELMER WACHTEL During this week, ending I STUDIO 110 WEST SECOND STREET, Saturday, December uth. i Between Spring and Main Streets. ILLINOIS HHLL™ Cor. Sixth and Broadway "Hypnotism; Its Use and Abuse" Tyndall as Svengalli I By PROFS. TYNDALL AND BELL Makes You Laugh TWO NKirITS-December nth and uth-Wednesday night, Prof ,, , v- Bell on Hypnotism; Its Use, with demonstrations by Prof Tvn. Makes You Lry dalL Thursday night, Pro! Bell on Hypnotism; Its Abuse, with — •Smm ■■■■■■■■■■■nanal demonstrations by I'rof. Tyndall. Admission to any part of tbe house. 25c. NEW IrTIENNH BUFFET, 114110. Courtstreet, Los Angeles, Cal rW ADMISSION - FREE m With Family Entrance and Family Departments. Refined Entertainment Saturday Every eveninrr from 7:30 to 12 o'clock, consisting of a choice selection of vocal and instrumen tal music. Matinees Monday nnd Saturday from 12 to 1. Every Friday Amatour Night. At the New Vienna may always be found the lending European datlyand weekly papers, includ ing London Times, Paris Figaro, Berliner Tageblatt, Wiener Freie l'resse, etc., etc. Finest cuisine, commercial lunch and meals a la cart • at nil hours. THE PHLHCE Corner First and Spring sts., under the proprietorship ot GUNTHER & BEKNHARD, has re opened tho season as a FIRST CLHSS CONCERT HHLL With the celebrated BERTH-FAMILY, formerly with Vienna Buffet. FIRST CLASS KITCHEN OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT. ALL KINDS OF DELICACIES. \ /ISIT THE Big Toy Department ofthe Grimes=Stassforth Stationery Co., at Old Boston store, N. spring st. 'I ' /~~\ \/ O of every desorlptlon, Games, Christmas Cards and Calendars, I'hotogreph I I I V N Albums, Leather Goods, eic. Also, the usual stock of these goods at tne old 1 1 <-> stand in Temple blk. plenty oi salespeople, quick service, prompt delivery. right prices. '* ENGINES. BOILERS, PUMPS, OIL WELL MACHINERY AND TOOLS. MIXING. HOISTING, IRRIGATING, LAUNDRY. Iron and wood working Machinery Beating, Packing. Wood Pulleys, Drnamos. Motors tM Electrical Supplies. THE MACHIMUHY KCrPLY CO., 105 N. Broadway, tkmtilift ■ ———. Something New This May Benefit You If you have upon your face a mole or Ugly hair, or murk or wart thai troubles or blemish - tiiat disllgurcs. or painful cancer, ulcer or old ! sore of any sort or kind, from any cause, no I matter what nor where, we can tiie same re move and cure, without the aid of acid, elec tricity or knife, without the shedding of one drop of blood or causing pain, or leaUng in its place a scar. Home Health Co. ROOM 42 TIRTLE BLOCK, Fourth and Broadway. J. M. Griffith, Pres. John T. Griffith. V.-Prei. ! F. T. Griffith, Secretary and Treasurer Geo. It. Waitcs, Supt. of Mill. ' J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, i Lumber Dealers, j And manufacturers of 1 Afiisiic Mill work 01 Every Descripiioo. j Poors, Windows, Blinds and Stairs. M 4 N. ALAMEDA ST.. Los Angeles, CsA Anita Cream Beauties Complexion wHE THAT WORKS EASILY WORKS SUCCESS FULLY." 'TIS VERY EASY TO CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO DR. WONG HIV, who has practiced medi cine in l.os Angeles ior years, and, whose office is at 630 Upper Main street, will treat by medicine all diseases of women, men and children The doctor claims that he has remedies that are su parlor to all other!* as a specific lor troubles o! women and men. a trial will convince the sick that Dr. Wong Hint's remedies are the roost eitinaeious that can be prescribed. Dr. Wonp Him is a Chinese physician ol prominence and a gentleman uf responsibilttv. His reputation is more than well established, nnd ail persons needing hi* services can rely on his skill mid ability. A cure ia guarantee i in every case iv which a recovery is possible. Herb medicines ior sale. DR.WONGHIM HERB DOCTOR 639 Upper Main St., Los Angele] POLAND " FOB ROCK BARTHOLOMEW & CO. WA TER 2:16 West First. 8