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4 The Herald By The Heeai.u Publishing Company. Tar. Herald owns a full Associated Praia franchise and publishes the complete tale graphic news report received dally by a special leased wire. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT: 20ft New His* street. Telephone 150. BUSINESS OFFICE: Bradbury Build'.ag, SOT West Third slreet. Telephone --'IT. EASTERN OFFICE : 411 and 45, Tribune bnild- Inr. New York. TERMS OF fIUBSCIUFTION. BY Uktt, POSTAOE Pftr.PAID. Bsily edition, Sunday deluded, one ysat ftf.oo Parts of year, per month SO Paily and Sunday, one tear 8.00 TO CITY ST BSCKIB KKS. PaiW, delivered, Sunday nxeepted, per tno. 70e Daily deli'ered. Snnrlav included, par mo. SOo Sunday only, per month 20c Address TBE HERALD. Los Anaeles, Cal. POSTAGE KATKS OV THE HRRAI.D. 48 pages 4 cents 82 pages 2 cents SB pages Scents 2S pages scents 24 pages- 2 cents Its pages 2 cents 12 pages THF. WEEKLY HERALD. Twelve pages, one year .SI.OO fafr-Persons desiring THE HERALD dellv rrea at their homes can secure It by postal card request or order tnreufh telephone Ne. »47. Should delivery be irregular please make Immediate complaint at the office. gey-All Communications to The Herald oa matters editorial and literary should be ad dressed to W. S. Creiehtor . editor-in-chief. Write Ihe Truth as you see itt Fight the Wrong ns you Und it: Pub lish all Hie News, and Trust tho Brent to the JuderniPnt of the Pennle WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 11, iSos ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY The Herald will be equipped at tlio beginning of tbe new year with a Splendid new press anil Ibo latest mechanical facilities for turning out a handsome newspaper. In cel ebration <>C Ibis event it lias boon decided by the Herald management to Inaugurate for isihi a subscrip tion rate which will be a material cut from the present monthly price of eighty cents. At ilio same time, subscribers will act a bettor journal in every particular than they have bail heretofore, and will still tind it an nntramellcd and fearless friend of itie people. THE CHANCE FOR CHARITY Tun Herald was yesterday informed by the First National bank of Los An geles that the Times had signified its acceptance of Tar. Herald's $1000 chal lenge by depositing a check for the requisite amount with the aiiove-men tioned institution. We do not under stand that the deposit was made in the free and irrevocable form adopted by The Herald in making Its deposit. This, however, is a mere technical mat ter of probably no consequence. We presume the Times is acting in good faith, and that if the verdict of the ar bitrators to whom the subject of con troversy shall be submitted is rendered against our contemporary—as we be lieve it will be—the award to tbe Free Kindergarten association will be cheer fully allowed. Today representatives of the Times and The Herald will meet to arrange the details of arbitrating the issue be tween the journals. A PROTECTIONIST (ILORIFTPS FR<SE TRADE At a recent banquet of the New York chamber of commerce one of the speakers was Hon. .lulius Caesar Bur rows, United States senator from Michigan. Mr. Burrows, being an or thodox llepublioau, is of course a pro tectionist through aud through. But, anomalous as it may seem, on the oc casion referred to he advocated aud eulogized absolute free trade. Not ex actly free trade between nations, though ho said nothing against that kind of freedom in commercial trans actions. His particular theme was free trade between the states. He glorified the wisdom of the founders of the republic because they had pro vided in the constitution for unre stricted interstate commerce. He ex ultingly declared that our forefathers had wisely "swept away state lines and opened a national highway stretching across tho continent as broad as our domain, over which our domestic com merce might pass unshackled and un impeded to tbe marts of trade." Then the Michigan orator proceeded to • how, by statistics and other facts, to what enormous proportions our in terstate commerce had grown in un at mosphere of abs lute freedom. The eloquent speaker's statements were heartily applauded by his intelli gent audience, which was composed largely of ostensible protectionists, like himself. It did not for a moment seem to occur to either Mr. Burrows or his hearers that his speech was a dead give away for protectionism. Opponents of a restrictive tariff have agaiu and again challenged its advo cates to show why, if the policy of trade restriction between states is a good thiug, it woultl not be an equally good thing between nations. No an swer to this question has ever been given. None cau be given. It is a poser for every champion of interna tional tariffs. Within the vast domain of the United States there are many varieties of climates and soils and natural deposits, everyone of which, by Iho application of labor to tho earth's resources, contributes something to wards supplying the wants of the peo ple. Some things that can be produced profitably on the Pacific coast cannot be produced at ail in tlie east. Some things are produced in the east to bet ter advantage than they could be on this coast. The south is a natural Held for cotton, sugar cane and some other products to which the northern stateß are not adapted. In the north many things are easily produced which could not be raised or manufactured profit ably, if at all, in the south. Such are the wise provisions of nature, estab lished at the dawn of creation, and be fore such a thing aa a tariff or importa tion was known or thought of. These conditions were found here when the continent was first settled. They have continued to the present time, and there is no probability tbat they will be annulled or modified during tbe coming centuries. Hence, our fore fathers were indeed wise in providing for the free interchange of all products between the various portions of what was then and what has since become the domain of tbe United States. But what is true of this one country as to diversity of natural resources is likewise true of various countries throughout the world. The human racs needs some of the products of every country in the known world. No one continent or subdivision of a con tinent can supply the wants of the race, even so far as relates to one use ful product. The entire world is a vast workshop, in which labor applied to natural elements produces an in finite variety of things which minister to the wants, desires, tastes aud happi ness of all classes. Geographical lines ami political statutes, all of which are man-made anil not the creation of na- ture, cut no figure in the operation of latural laws. Tbe trading instinct is nherent in the human character; ami hough often ignored and hampered jy legislative folly it everywhere and at all times seeks to assert itself. Every unnecessary restriction placed upon it is sure to result in friction, unrest, human stultification and wast ed energy. We strongly suspect that Senator Burrows is at heart a complete free trader, but ot course he would not say so above a whisper while he is a shining light in the grand old party of restric tion and sham. Should he accept the logic of his own utterances and admit that free commerce between nations rests on the same basis of truth and justice as unrestricted trade between the different subdivisions of our coun try, his light would soon cease to shine in the tents of Republicanism. Human nature is so weak and human ambition for political honors and power so strong, that very few public men jtre willing to forego tbe emoluments or of fice for the success of a principle. Vet what Mr. Barrows said at the New York banquet concerning in terstate tree trade oannot be unsaid. His speech will be read by many thou sands, among whom, let us hope, are a few hundreds at least who will improve that opportunity to have thoughts. And when they become impressed with the advantages and blessings derived from unhampered commerce through out the length and breadth of this land, they may be impressed also with the idea that such freedom might be safely extended so as to include na tions as well aa states. Were all the prominent liepublical leaders to give utterance to their rea sentiments on the tariff question it is more than likely that many of them would say, as did .lames A. Garfield: "1 am in favor of that kind of protec tion which will lead to ultimate free trade." In their heart of hearts they must know that, in tbe language of a great philosopher, it is "not through restriction, but through freedom that the path of progress runs." SAN FRANCISCO CONVENTION FIGHT The failure of Han Francisco to secure the next National Hapublican convention will of coarse be regretted by every one anxions for the advance ment of California. The leathering of the great convention in the leading city of the west would, as we have re peatedly pointed oat, have Berved the cause of California's development most handsomely. The admitted importance of securing so important an event just ified every effort put forth iv San Francisco's behalf. That the cause of the Golden Gate City was not nearly so hopeless as a few individuals and fewer journals in sisted, was demonstrated by the fad that San Francisco led in three out of the five ballots—one informal and four formal—taken. The effect of this contest has been to place San Francisco squarely in the list of cities considered eligible for convention purposes. Her facilities for entertaining visitors and for dis tributing news are now before Jhe public of tlie United States, and when great convocations are being located iv the future San Francisco will receive the consideratiou that has long been justly her due. An important incident of the fight made by the gentlemen who went to Washington to present the claims uf the Pacific coast metropolis was the liberal advertising that the resources and advantages of this slate, and the liberality of the people who populate it, received. There is little doubt about the proposition that a multitude oi representative citizens of the coun try learned more about California and the inducements it offers both the homeseeker and investor than they had found out in all their previoua careers. In this work of ventilating the glories and virtues of the Golden state we may be sure the Los Angeles delegation performed its share. Sin Franoisco can enjoy the conso lation of knowing that at no time in the balloting did she get below second in the race. In each ballot she passed such formidable competitors as Chi cago and St. Louis. While a defeat, it was by no means a discouraging one. The position she maintained to the finish entirely warrants working and hoping for batter results next time. If sullicieut money can be raised by popular subscription to build a modes cottage for Dr. Barber- superintend ing physician of the county iiospita at a salary of .f-">U per month--Tut Herald might donate one of its bes' LOS ANGELES HERALD: "WEDNESDAY MORNEJG, DECEMBER 11. 1895. G. " PUrC SUre " eve land is * Baking Powder, Only rounded spoonfuls are required— not heaping spoonfuls. Lancaster lots to place the building on. Everybody subscribe. Help the poor. "He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." PLRE WANTONNESS | The wanton destruction of private . property by the burning of buildings j and crops and the wrecking of trains, '< that is being carried on by the Cuban i insurgents, presents a phase of their I insurrection that is not only repugnant to civilized people, but is certain to | prove unfortunate to the rebels by de ! priving them of the sympathy and even | incurring the animosity of many who t are naturally inclined to wiah for the 1 success of the rebellion. While ot course disorder, damage j aud destruction are more or leas inci j dent to internecine strife, the utter ! disregard that the Cubans have shown 1 for private rights and property is j j wholly inexcusable on the score of war I measures or necessities. It is evident j from the information received from i the "Pearl of the Antilles" at various | times since the opening of the war, ' that the tendency so manifest in the ! people of that region to go Ito excess and to destroy in discriminately is running riot. Lieutenant Winston L. Churchill, | who is a brother to the Duke of Marl | borough and an officer ot the British | army, has been with a part of the Span l ish army operating in Cuba, for the | purpose of studying the conflict from ' the point of view of a disinterested soldier. He concludes a lengthy letter I written to the New York Journal, de scriptive of his experiences, by advert ing to to the regrettable feature of the insurrection we have noted. His esti mate of the bad policy and principle of suoh uncivilized conduct is well | made in the following words: '■But I don't believe that the world's j history shows a single instance of a j nation having won independence ; merely by burning property, wrecking | trains, firing into sleeping camps and j throwing dynamite. These are not the acts on which a nation can be founded. It was not thus that the American peo ! pie won their independence from the j English crown. I t was not by paltry ! acts ot brigandage, but by hard ' fought actions in the Held, which, < although often defeated and over | whelmed by better disciplined troops, ' manifested the sacred nature of the I cause for which they were prepared to ! sacrifice their lives.'' The failure of Ban Francisco to se : cure the Republican national conven ! tion was due to ,the non-concurrenoe lof the Los Angeles Times in the pro i ject. California wanted it bad; but I the Times said "no,"' and that set j tied it. The Herald salutes the new morn ! ing Journal with right good will. Like an honest knight it wears its visor up and discloses a good countenance. I We shall have many a tilt on the silver i question, but in all our fencing may | the time never come when we shall be ; moved to take the buttons off the foils. ; AT THE THEATERS f i The Bcrbank—Young Mrs. Winthrop i drew a fair-sized audience last evoning, , and the piece was given in a manner that 1 showed the production to be about the best iin the i'rawley company repertoire. Miss ; Belle Archer, for tlie first time, has been ' assigned a role that gives ber latitude to I show her ability as an emotional actress. ; Sho easily carries oil the honors of th I lady characters and is rewarded by fre i quant signs of approbation by the audi -1 ence. Mr. Arbuckle also distinguishes , himself, and us usual, portrays hiu part ; perfectly. Young Mrs. Winthrop will be i presented for the last time tomorrow even ! ing. On Friday night Captain Swift will i receive its initial rendition, and it will go ! the balance of the week and at matinee on I (Saturday. •ft * !> Illinois Hm l Tonight will lie a reuular , Trilby night at Illinois bail, corner Sixth . and Broadway, The joint entertainment on h> pnotisni. between Professors Tyndall and 8011, promises no end of fun and in ' structiou as well. Mr. Hell will talU on hypnotism and its use. aud tv demonstrate the facte laid down Tyndall will draw peo j pie from the audience and make them do his bidding. They laugh, cry, sing or pray ,at his will, ami while under his control the , subjects will do some very funny things. Hypnotism baa recently attracted a great i deal of interest and Prof, Hell has long ■ been a close student of tbe subject, and ! being a fluent speaker may be depended ■ upon to give some valuable instruction on ' the subject, all of which will lie illustrated in a practical way by Prof. Tyndall. i Tickets are on sale during tbe day a. 001 i South Broadway, » « V QRPHEL'M Last night a crowded house i auain greeted the favorites at thel trpheum. : Topach and Steele scored another hit in j their blackface act and Frank Moron con* ; \ ulsed the audience and kept them in roars |of laturhter. Clifford and Hutb wero ac i corded a reception seldom recorded in any I Los Angeles theater, or elsew here, lor that I matter. Kot only were they encored again I and again, but they bad to respond to two ] curtain calls. The Amnions Clerise troupe I gave some choice musical solos, duets and | trioß. Bayard llros., with their trained grizzlies were well received. Ande and Omne in their very clever slight of hand tricks made a hit, so did the graceful Sadi Alfaradi. Tho bill will run all the week and at the (Saturday and Sunday matinees. Dartmouth college library has recently I received a new and interesting likeness of I Haniel Webster, the gil t ol Mrs. C. D. j Stuart of Huntington. N. V.. and probably ! the last taken of the great statesman. It lis a tlaguerrotype, of large si»e and profile I view i taken in 1851. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder | WorM't Hair Highest Medal and Diplcraa. THE POLITE WORLD ' . The ladies of St. John's Episcopal church are holding a '"Midway Bazaar in New Music Hail on South Spring street. The ! doors were thrown open to the public >es terday morning and the entertainment I will continue till Thursday night. Nothing has been forgotten in making tlie affair a ! visual as well as a social and financial success. That it is the former a casual glance around tlie hall will testify. Artis- I tistic booths presided over by lov ely women and girls, good music and refreshments of various kinds go to make up a whole that cannot fail to please the most critical. T hose seeking gifts for Christmas will find i many useful and fancy articles and all most reasonable. Directly opposite the door is tho American booth, gaily deco rated with national colors, Hanked by stands of arms and imposing with shields and banners. The ladies are in colonial and costumes of the present date, and make a charming and patriotic picture. lAt this booth fancy articles of every de scription will be disposed of under the di rection of Mrs. J. K. t'amels, assisted by Mmcs. J. N. Hays. E. L. Hwaine, J. P. Mc- Clure, Willis I'arris. T. P. Robertson, the Misses Margaret Shanks, Florence Will iams ami Stone. One of tlie booths that attracts the most attenlion is the Mexican, where hot tamales are served from the hands of fair senoritas. The booth is com posed of cornstalks, brightened by Indian blankets and Indian pottery hanging here and there make an artistic setting for the ladies that aie kept busy serving tlie tempt ing edibles, who are: Mrs. Crutcher and Miss Grier, directoresses: Mm. Page, the Misses Vosburg, Miss Gertrude Mason ,M is* Elizabeth Alexander, Miss Evelyn Gwynne, Mrs. Willoughby Rodman, :Miss liriggs. Miss Algae Kelsey, Miss Elsie Holiday, 'Miss Helen Reynolds. An exceedingly ef • fective feature of the bazaar is the Japan ese booth and tea garden. All sorts of curios, bric-a-brac, cups and saucers, Jap nnese dolls, Ac., will be found here in charge of Miss L. Lani Folsom, directress, Mrs. H. Lloyd Bleecker, Miss Cora Mather, Miss Daft, Miss Bleecker, Mrs. P. Webster. Miss Marian E. Folsom. Miss Hazen, Miss Winnie Bleecker, Southern hospitality is dispensed at the Creole booth. Gumbo fillet is served in the most tempting form by Misses T. J.. Winder. Wesley, Clark, McConnell, Sem ler, tlie Misses Bonsall. Huntley, Winder, Hunter and Libby. The Swiss booth is decorated «ith Swiss colors and climbing up the sides and roof of the artistic little villa are morning glories lending their bright colors to enhance the beauties of the scene. The costumes of the ladies worn j here are of Swiss design, fashioned out of i paper, as are also tho articles for sale, I which are varied and numerous. Mrs. | Posey is in charge here, with the able help | of Mrs. Van Gelson, the Misses Boles. Houghton and Bridges. Tlie vivid con trasts of scarletJand white surmounted by | the union jack and tastefully trimmed with holly and lierries is one of the most striking booths in the hall. Mrs. Sheldon Borden, who has charge of the booth, has gathered together some choice fancy arti cles of all kinds, including some exquisite hand painted work. The ladies who assisted her are: Mrs. William Allen, Miss Marie Burnett, Miss Frances Groff, Miss Dot Wellborn, Miss Violet Haas, Mrs. Harry O. Stephens, Mrs. E. A. Meserve. Miss Millie Kurt/., Mies Virgie Grier, Miss Lilian Welborn, Miss Mabel Hyland. The most complete of the collections and worthy of considerable attention is the art gallery. Among the curios is an ancient Japanese altar to the God Shinto, a Budd hist censer, an Armenian Bible MOO years old, specimens from Mt. Ararat, Russian, F.gyptian, Alaska, Japanese and Indian i curios, old paintings from the oldest ca thedral in Mexico. Mrs. H. B, Strange has ransacked the private collections of many of our best known citizens, and has succeeded in gathering together some rare ; works of art, including foreign curios, i wood carving, etc. Some of the leading I artists of the city have placed many of ; their best works in this exhibition. There | will be an extra charge of ten cents to this ! department. In charge of it are: Mrs. H. B. Strange, directress; Mrs. i Va.utlerwerker. Mrs. Mct'lellan, Miss Anita j Rhodes, Mrs. Frank E. Walsh, Mrs. Por ter, Miss Bassett, Miss Vi«*ien Jenkins, Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mrs. Wotkyns, Miss Minnie Cronkhite, The booths are so numerous and all so complete in every detail that a want of ! space prevents special mention of them j all. The bazaar is an undoubted success, and can well run today and tomorrow with assurance of big crowds. Mr. Willey'a orchestra rendered the fol lowing excellent programme last night, ! and an equally good one will follow this ! evening anil tomorrow: March, King I Cotton, Sousa; overture dramatic, Emil; Little Christopher, Arr. Tobani; Sultan's Guard. Goo; selection, Bohemian Girl, I ialfe; French horn solo. Titl's Serenade, clarionet obligato I the first time this has |cv er been given in this city), Arr. J. F. Willey: eocoanut dance. Herman; inter mezzo, Cavalieria Rusticana, Mascagni; medley, popular airs, Arr. J. F. Willoy; Stahat Mator, Kosini. The committees are as follows: Executive committee Mrs. Posey, Mrs. T. A. risen, Mrs. K. R. Folsom. Reception committee The executive, together with Mrs. U. W, K. Tayler, Miss I B.C. McCiillough. Secretary— Mrs. Crutcher. Treasurer- Mrs. McMillen, A Brilliant Reception The vanquished Company A of the Young Women's Christian Association gate a brilliant reception last night, at their looms on .South Spring street, in honor of Company 11, who have been their opponents for tbe past eight weeks, and to new members of the association. Com pany A can well take their defeat gracious ly as they have in consideration that since the two companies started two months ago to enlist new members to the association that the mrmlier has increased from less than Too to 1 IW>. A charming programme was arranged for last lights entertain ment. There was a very bright aud clever paper by Miss Murphy, adapled irom a speech of Daniel Webrter, Mr. W. Hall spoke on associate members, and Mrs. Z. 1). Mathllst, president of the association, gave an outline of the object and purpose of the contest, and with much feeling ex pressed her thanks to tlie young women for bestowing upon her a life membership to the association. The Ladies' Venetian orchestra dis coursed music in their usual delightful mammr the entire evening. Little Miss I -telle Me('lung and Miss 11 race Hender son acted as ushers to the many guess that were continually arriving from the hours of S to 11. Mrs. Mathuss, Miss Bales, captain of Company B„ anil Miss Erwln, captain of Company A., formed tho hospitable reception committee, as sisted by all members of Company A. The rooms were beautifully decorated with palms, pepper boughs, siuilax and a profusion of flowers. Tlio main reception room was especially noticeable. In here pepper branches and white and yellow chrysanthemums made a most effective combination. A band of graceful peppers across the wall was surmounted by white and yellow ribbon stuff, connected to floral letters A. and B, in the respective colors of the companies, and joining the ribbons at the top was Y. W. C. A., formed into a monogram of gold. In a cosy room lemonade was served by the Misses Simian. Ktussman, Black, Wise, Foss and Reese. Refreshments of a more substantial na ture were dispensed in the dining room by Mesdames Snedeker, Salisbury, Burks, Ball, Cleveland and Dr. Kate Moody. The evening was a charming success. Rev. I.arkiu iv a few happily chosen words con gratulated company B upon their victory, but the whole association is to he com mended on the large increase in their num bers and the way chosen to bring others to the association to enjoy its benefits. Mrs. Clinton FIsK Welcomed There was a delightful reception ten dered Mrs. Clinton B. Fisk, national pres ident of the Woman's Home Missionary Society, who is visiting on this coast, last night at the First M. E. Church, on South Broadway. The pulpit was prettily deco rated with poinsettas, and on the gallery was the American flag, draped in graceful folds. Mr. Green, presiding elder, occu pied the chair. Tho addresses of welcome which was extended by the different mis sionary societies of the city were brief, but all of unusual interest. Woman's Homo Missionary Society was presented by Mrs. P. H. Bodkin. Woman's .Foreign Society by Mrs. C. R, Crow. Woman's Christian Temperance Union by Mrs. Emma Cash. Rev. J. A. B. Wilson spoke of the Metho dist Episcopal Church. Rev, Will A. Kuigliten gave a most interesting talk on the Grand Army of tlie Re public. He reviewed the army career of General Fisk from the time he entered the army as a private of volunteers and left as major general. In 1888 General Fisk ran for president of the 1 nited States on the prohibition ticket. M rs. risk's remarks were charmingly presented. Her interest in all the missions was spoken and a gen eral resume of the work given. Music was interspersed with the remarks during tbe evening, and at the conclusion of the pro gram Mrs. Fisk was surrounded by her many friends who were anxious to extend a welcome. Here and There The last of the series of practical ad dresses which have been given under the auspices of the I.os Angeles W. C. T. U., will be held today at 2 ::«<» p. m. in the First Baptist Church, corner Sixth street and Broadway. Mrs. Mary S. Gibson will deliver an address on the subject, "Sys tematic Course of Reading for Children,'' followed by discussion. There will also be a parliamentary drill. All are cordially invited. Mrs. C. E. Kregelo will entertain inform ally today from three to six in honor of Mrs. Samuel Merrill of Indianapolis, but more recently from Calcutta, India, where her husband was American consul for four years. Airs. Kregelo will be assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Kregelo- Martin and Mrs. Le Grand Paine of In dianapolis. Mr. Robert T. Brain, one of Superin tendent Muir's most valued assistants, will be married on the 26th to Miss Annie May Watkins. The ceremony will |take place at I nity Church at t! :.'to in the evening. Mrs. Bartlett of Pasadena, with her daughter Annie, who have been spending the month past at Plaza Vista, left on ihe noon train, Tuesday, for City of Mexico, where tbey will remain for the winter. Miss Lizzie Annie Irwin and Mr. Kenyon Crandall were married December Bth by Rev. John A. B. Wilson, at the First M. E. church parsonage, 529 S. Broadway. The aid society of the English Lutheran church, will give a Christmas bazar at tbe church, corner Eighth and Flower streets, December USthand 17th. All are welcome. The Governess In Society The English daily governess' lot is not a happy one. The average salary in well-to do houses is not above $100 a year for about nineteen hours' work a week. On this salary the governess is expected to keep up a respectable appearance bellt ting her employer's house, keep more or less in touch with the progress of learning, and ilnally, keep well. And it is only in rare instances that she is acknowledged as a social equal even in 1.-.iddle-class houses. She occupies very much the same position as did the family chaplain a hundred years ago—necessary to a well-ordered establishment, but rather a contemptible fellow socially. A Safe Compliment It is expected that Mr. Crisp will be the caucus nominee of tlie Democrats for speaker of the house, though he has not yet shown any signs of financial repentance. The safest way to compliment a silver man is to put him up for something which every body knows he can't get.—Kansas City Star. Chollie's Scarf Large black silk neckscarfs, tied and ar ranged by hand, such as were worn by the "tine old gentlemen who signed the docla ration of independence,'' arc now affected by young men. A BURDEN A marshaled host against the sky, The hills are drawn in silhonetic; Aud hko a ghost of tome regret A noiseless crane g"js Hipping by. A bellied sail, the autumn moon - In quarter glideth slowly west: And insects, by some thought depressed, Faint, niournlul madrigals yet croon, 'Jhe world ot shadow' snd lo me Iho sounds of nature sweet and dim, Are but tne burden of a hymn That tills t.od's church, immensity! —Memphis Commercial Appeal. Beecham's pills are f< >r bilious ness, bilious headache, dyspep- S sia, heartburn, torpid liver, diz i ziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, ■ loss of appetite, sallow skin.etc, ; when caused by constipation; | and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills io* arid i 25c a box. Book free at your I druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co., i 365 Canal Street, New York. Aneiinl«»le«mnr»tb-nC.tino.onnboT.eii. I - - ! Anita Cream {^piexioo Anita Cream For the Complexion Anita Cream bor ths Complexion Anita Cream i or the- Complexion The Bast U the Cheapest BOSTON GOODS STORE TELEPHONE 904 239 South Broadway Opposite City Hall The Approach of Christmas is interesting; to all, and the question "What shall I give" takes the upper most place in everybody's mind. We have made extraordinary and suc cessful efforts to render the solution of the question easy, as a visit to the store will demonstrate. j Gifts of Usefulness and Beauty Abound in every department. From now on the display will be even more attractive than ever. To keep in touch with the Christmas spirit, you should visit the store daily. BOSTON oSSS. STORE J LONGO The Broadway Tailor 202 S. Broadway No,an * Smlth B,ock For This Month Only We are going to Make a Genuine Reduction in Prices. Suit—Former price $50, Reduced to $45 Suit—Former price $45, Reduced to. $40 Suit—Former price $40, Reduced to $35 Suit—Former price $35, Reduced to Suit—Former price $30, Reduced to $25 NOTE—AII Work Guaranteed to Be High Class. MANHOOD RESTORED^?™"*" !■ £3f LWW (4 t',,n ot a famous L'reneb physician, will quickly cure you of all n«>r ■ \\ . *v VA Wf m> **J Pt yous or cHiesaes ot the Rent rative organs, auoh as I.ost Manhood, H XZ. / 4mJj Insomnla,l'nins In the Back,Keniinal Emissions, Nervous Debility, fl t iafaW i taffCr Pimples, Pnntliesfl to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varicocele an.l I V '-/ Constipation. It atopa ail lossea by day or night. Prevents quick ie .J jirss of ili-eliurtte, which if notchecked leads to Spermatorrhoea and a Trrra all the horrors of Impotencr. ciTPIDKim cleanses theliver, the ■fj BEFORE AND all tn kidneys and the urinary orcansof all impurities, ■a" f!I7I»Ia>EJIE strengthen!! and restore! small weak organa. TheV™i sYifW.-rs are not cured l>v Heelers la because ninety per cent are troubled with ar ■■■■ ■■ 11 I■ ■ PH T'f IF VB la Hi" only knriwn remedy to cure wllhout an rmratlon. HOUOtrstlmmil iu awrit "a narantee given ami money relumed if six boxes does not etect a permanent cure. fLOOabOX,six forfe-Wihy mall. Mend formiKclreuliirantl testimonials. Address »AVol. MatDICISiI! C0..P.0. BoxSOT6,SsnFrancisco,Cal. IbrSalebi) Bold by OFF* VAUGHN 1 N. K. corner Fourth aud Spring streets. HOTELS AND RESORTS ww*^ . Opens Oct 30 A PASADENA'S MA3NIF»CIaTt '• " THE HOTEI ' r,w,:EN " 1 p rhe newesl and Unsit hotel in Loe parlo/end bathrooms; convenient , lj! „ || j*" 1 "'" 'i"" "d "asada'n^elVai *"" A* H. ROLfIES. Maneges, TTTK First-class and modern in all its appointments. Special accommodations for Tourists and permanent guests. ABBOTS FORD Jt x martin & son, props. S. E. corner Eighth and Hope Sts., IN iS Los An < elM Warmest, most even temperature all the year round in I lOTKIj the world. Beautiful panoramic view of the ocean and A ' l 1 mountains. Handsomely furnished, heated by steam, » n/i A 111 A strictly modern and I'rst-class throughout. Surf and Hot 1\ l\\jJ\LJxl\. § a j t Water Baths, a positive cure for nervous and rheu matic disorders. Open all the year. Ratess3,si7.?oandup. Santa Monica g RHE INHART, Prop'r. 1-7. krl X \r Alii SIXTH STREET. NEWLY FURNISHED; FINK IjAaA > IOXA caterer; Itirnaoe heat mk&« j. Hammond. I"77\ri'l«r A~T»/"« \ r I l" 1 (-OR SECOND ANDOLIVE: TOURIST HOTEL; ROOMS lOJ YAj An It 1 LJif single or to sulie. <ieo. K. weaver, Proprietor. It, \. weaver. Manager. • nn i\TTt /• i - vri> \ ¥ rooms from 25 cents to *i.oo per day 7 brJiAJNJLI UJbiW JLItAlv Perweeli, Sl.aptoM.oO_ Near the junotloa ol all the street car lines in tho city, BiSMWS Norih Main si ,10S. MOFi Al I, Proprietor. 7> r» i Vl\ 1> i t 'irif f FINEST ROOMS IN THE CITY AT 50e, 75c AND 91,09 It ' X AiN U 1 Al 11 11.7 perday; *j:i.ol> t0*7.00 per week; fllO.OOto *;10.0'.) per month, at ilie mm* *i» * Spnus itrcet, P. S. CONDON, manager.