OCR Interpretation

The herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, December 30, 1895, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042461/1895-12-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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The most prominent and hy far the most
enjoyible event of tho week was the ex- i
rollout game of lacrosse played between '
tbe I-os Angeles and the Riverside teams
on Chrism is day. The large crowd pres
ent were introduced to a game that is com*
paratively unknown here and fully signi
fied their approval of it. A movement is
now on foot to establish an amateur la
crosse league in Southern California to
play a series nf games.
The remarkable exhibition that Fred
Began and lack tfrizier gave at the gym
nasium of the Los Angoles Athletic club on 1
the evening of last Tnursiay was one of
tbe rankest fizzles that two men ever put
Upon a long-suffering public. No blame of
nny kind can be attached to the club,
whose high reputation in things of this
kind cannot he questioned. No doubt Ihe
two gentlemen who aro responsible for the
affair will find other and more profitable
fields to work, for here in Los Angeles
their occupation is g inc. In the matter of
the biejcle sho* on extended notice of
fumre intention in ihe matter is given be
The Herald will heroifter publish each
week the various records that the different
teams havo madi up to the date of public*
tion. TheSteirns team held all the rec
ords last year, but they will be hard pushed
this year with the aggregation that tho
Syracuse people have gathered together.
When the pacing machines of the former
team arrive, then the work will commenco
hot and heavy, but at the present moment
the people at the Coronado track seem to
have ttie best of the g une. Suafer has tlte
advantage in that be a'ready has his quad
und quint, and the effects of the big ma
chine pacing are already felt.
Dad Glet-z mi opened tlie flail by cracking
tlte ilrst record, but *hafer Immediately
cot back again hy breaking his mark.
Hamilton has showed that he can get away
quicker from a slanding star than was at
llml supposed, and even he Can Und no
fault wttß tbe pace tbat is given bint. Up
to elate the ."-yracuse people havo pecuretl
five world's records, while the Steams team
has two. They are as follov.a:
syiiai tw:
Ono-lhird mile, standing start, unpaced
—W. VV. Hamilton, |4 I.
One-third mile, standing start, paced—
W. W. Hamilton, -.'.iH 3-5.
Two-thirds mile living start, paced—W,
VV. Hamilton, 1:0H 11 !>.
One-half mile tandem, flying start, paced
—Cauby Hewitt and W. A. Taylor, :50
Two-thirds mile tandem, flying start,
paced—Canby Hewitt and W. A. Taylor,
J :08.
One-third milo trip et. flying start, un
paced—W- M Randall, J. M.Cambpell, VV.
J. Edwards, :37.
One-half mile triplet, flying start, un
paced— E. I'lhricht, b". E. chefski, W. Hat
ton. :84 1-fi.
The recor.ls made by the Steams team
on Saturday will hardly be accepted owing ,
to the conditions under which they were
The first cycle show that was ever held
in Los Angeles came to an end last Satur
day evening. When the shortness of the
time available for the necessary prepara
tions and the many incidental difficuliies
are taken into consideration, 'he affair
soems to have been a very successful one.
At all events it sarv d the purpose, that of
awakening an interest in cycling for its
own sake, and ao the object of the affair
was accomplished.
As a consequence of the success of the
'>ioyelo exposilion thero is now on foot a
orojecc 10 establish a bicycle board of
tratio in this city. In a conversation be
tween Fred Lyon of the Tufts-Lyon Arms
company, D. ' . McGarvin and J. Tod
Cook, boib of the East Side Cycle club, the
subject was broached. Interviews with all
the leading dealers in town showed that
they were highly in favor of such a move
ment, aud the nffdr Is now well under
way. The name of the association will bo
the Cos Angeles Cycle Hoard of Trade,
and it will consist of twenty chairs, which
will have r fixed value. Future elections
to the hoard can only be made in event of
vacancies occurring. Those having the
matter in charge will proceed immediately
whh the organization of the affair, and will
hold a banquet about January 15th, when
all the remaining details will be perfected.
The primary object of the hoard will be to
handle cjcle expositions In future years,
the success of the first one making it expe
dient to give one annually. The board wll
also control tho rnarke price of high grade
wheels, and regulate the installment pay
ments, as is done in all the larger cities of
tho country whore these boards of trade
exist. All the most prominent dealers in
tho city have sig idled their intention of
joining the association, declaring their be
lief in its usefulness tn the trade. Home of
the doalers who were seen on the subject
and answered favorably were the Tutlle
Mercantile company, Stephens A Hickok,
Tuf is-Lynn Arms company, L. W. Fox Cy
cle and Arms company. Hill Cycle com
pany. Overman Wheel company, and sev
eral others. Such an ssociation rami In it
help but be of great use to the trade, aud
Ton rice's Ton, BX.CHARLESTON
incidentally to the public who are . j the
hah' 1 nf hnying wneei,,
H> reafter the cycle exposition wi 1 he
heiii later in the year, so as tn enttb 9 all
the 1 eaters to exhibit their latest mtdels.
In bi vt-rul cases at the last oyols show the
new .nod.-Is hail not arrived, and ihe ex
bibitore were fain to content themselves
with rilanlaylne to tho curious the patterns
of last year. The date for next yeur " ill
he some 'imo in January, and theiffiir
will be under the entire control of the Los
Angeles Cycle Hoard of Trade.
The game of lacrosse that was played
here on Christnus day between the Los
Angeles und Riverside teams aud was won
hy the former, has stirred up a good deal
of interest in the game. The game is so
little known ami so much less understood
that it might be well to givo some idea of
the origin of tho gamo und how it is
Lacrosse is the national game of Canada
and is of aboriginal date. The Canadian
Indians nlayed the game betwee i the dif
ferent tribes usually with a good deal of
violence. The name was given to the game
by the early French settle s, on account of
the stick used In playing reeeinbli ig a
bishop's crosier or crosse. The wdte men
cli nil inter 1 from the game tho brutal fea
tures, and grailn illy refined it. In 1867
the National Licrossn Association of Cana
da was formed at Mirnreal and a set of
rules was drawn up for the government of
the ga no A team of Can,dian Indians
introduced the game into England In the
same year; the game caught the popular
fancy for a time and several amateur clubs
were formed. On Febrti-uy 12, 1868, a
set of rules, slightly different from the
Canadian, were adopted by the English
Lacrosse Association.
As to the game itself, it cannot be com
pared to any other game, suck as foothill
or hockey, better koo-vn as ah uney, for by
the rules it is forbidden to st itte or even
touch the ball with either the hands or
feet, i he crosHe somewhat resembles a
racket bit ti ed in fives, and is a stick with
a surved end, the hook so formed being
Strung with network, which must not hag.
The ball is of solid India rubber, not more
than nine inches in circum'erence. The
grounds must ba level, aud the size re-
quired is about 200x100 yards. The dis
ttnee between the goals is settled cither
by agreement or depenls upon the amount
of available space, and consist of two up
right posts six feet high aud a lite j distance
apart. rCuch team of players consists of
twelve men, anil they are stationed s nie
what as in foothill, the names of the th Her
ein positions being as follows: Goal, point,
Cover point, flrsi defense, second defense,
thiid defense, center, If st a Hack, second
attick. third attack, outside home and in
side home. A game is commenced with
the teams lining up in the proper order,
the ball being placed in the middle, and
two players try for it with their sticks, 1119
play actually commencing when either one
succeeds in driving it towards hi* oppon
ent's goal. A game is scored when the
h,il is driven through the opposite goal.
Thero is no off side as in footrtatl, and
throws may he made by one player to one
of his own side who is nearer the enemy's
The chances for individual play are
greater in this game than in any other
where a team is required. The long throws
hat are madn and the splendid chances for
flue runs, dodglntt die opposing team and
carrying the hall balanced on the net of the
cro.se, the quick work in the s'riminaccs,
the clever catches of fast-coming balls, and
then the crowning leat of shoo.ing the hai l
between the goal posts, all Combine to
make up a game that is attractive to the
veriest tyro in field sports, as well as to
the more hardened expert. Ita a tractive
qualities were well tested at ho last game
played in Lis Angeles, and when A. 11.
Way in ide that Splendid throw of ninety
yards, scoring a goal, the crowd showed its
appreciation by roaring out its applause.
The game simply c moot be equalled as an
enteitaiument for those who are fond of
held sports aud yet have not the time to
devote to the cultivation of them.
There is every probability tha a lacrosse
league will be formed in Southern Califor
nia this winter. A series of games will bo
arranged aud the club having the highest
percentage at the end of the season will
bear the tide of eh millions and have Ihe
cust idy of the banner that goes with the
name. Krom the class of men who indulge
In the pastime it would be quite impossible
t jet a cleaner, more honest sport than
he game of lacrosse.
The Southern California Coursing club
has dually d.-cided on th 1 grounds for the
coursing match ou January 4th. The field
is at Aliso, two miles below Santa Ana,
whero thero are plen y of rabbits aud good
level country. A meeting was held yester
day evening at 100 South Main street,
wilh a good attendance, aud the following
lieltl officers were elected:
Judge, B. I. 11 ill.
Slippers, William Cota; Tom Rice.
Field steward, I 'aye Cahill.
Flag Stewart, S. Preston.
Clerk of course, W. v\ . Barber, Jr.
Entries are coming in fast, and some of
the best dogs in this part of the state have
been entered hy their owners. Tom Rice
has entered his famous dog Tom, who as
Charleston, was the winner up in the
coursing match of 1802. Benton J. Hall
ha« put up Lynwood, a speedy animal, and
Fred Biuxham has a piir hard to
beat in Ponto and Wallace. Among
other entries are W. K. Barber's
Jennie Ha Hi; H. Preston's Garvanzi;
W. Powers' abandon Bells; F. llnrtiieti's
Snort; J. J. Collins* Limerick; Wil iam
Cota's Trilby; H. Cahill's Steve; iV..
Michaels.Hi's Fleet; W. Bantion's Senrch
and tannic; I. Parell's Gypsy; .1. Reli
han's Corbett; M. De Groot's Mnxy, and
Eugene O'Shea's Gioenmeat.ow Dam. 'I he
list of entries will close on January 3, tlie
clay before the mulch is to take place. En
tries are to ba made with Martin Murphy,
106 South Main street.
1 hero in in L is Angeles the gentlemm
who Owned the firat wheel that was ever
ridden in the afreets of Chicago. His mime
is Jac Humphries, anil he Is one of Tut,
Hekald'b editorial sialf. I he first wheel
that tuts gentletntu possessed was a 48-
Inch Coventry, and he rode it on ihustreets
in the year 1876. Mr. Humphries waa a
source of unmixed joy to the small hoy
whenever he appeared, and the amount of
?h.tiling that he had lo endure would have
caused Job, of Biilical fam», to lose Ids
reputation. "Where's yer ladder?" "Ain't
itcnhlup there?." "(lit yer stove with
yer?" and such like remarks Moated niter
him ft* he went down the street. When
M•. Humphries forsook his ordinary ho
then procured the first safety that was rid
den n Chicag ', a Singer, and appeared
with it in June, 1887.
Some two years later an attempt was
made to locate Mr. Humphries' ancient
ordiua'y by the Chicauo ( yd ng club, aud
after much re-eared it was unearthed a"d
now adorns the matte! in th) smoking
room of the club who d seovered it. The
old safely has disappeared, in the manner
that safeties have, and no amount of re
search would be able to locate the ancient
There is a strona probability that neither
Frazier nor llogan will receive any part of
the purae thai they were boxing for on
Thursday night. The exhibition was in
everyway such a poor o ie that the direc
tors are dissa isfled and may refuse to
give the men the money that they did not
box for.
Tho Los Angeles lacrosse 'earn will go to
Riverside ou ft** Year's day to pi IV the
team there a return match. Th • Riverside
men think that they can defeat the local
boys if they havo a different judge, they
being very much dissatisllc I with the de
cisions of tho one who oillciated in Los
Mr. W. K. Matthews, the owner of Mc-
Zeus, will take the training of his clever
hoi-s- into his own hands after this and will
hereafter take up his reside ice at Agri
cultural nam. Mr. Ma'thews intends to
send McZstfS over the g »nd circuit next
year if dio animal comes out of his wimer
iv good shape.
The Al lira Tennis club nf Eist Los An
geles held its annual single tournament'
B.in Muss defeated Ray Sunnier, the
runnei-up, after a very hard game. The
score for the live sets that it was necessary
to play was 5-7, 4-6, B-2, 7-5, (i-4. Kuss
now holds tho ehailei go medal of tne clnb,
as the former holder, Fred llouser, tiid not
defend it.
George Seymour has taken the Thistle
agency given up hy blind Clbricht. Tho
latter will be wilh the -teams racing
team during the winter and eaily spring,
and will very likely he put on ihe national
circuit next year. During th • record hunt
he will be sent for all the distance events.
The Steams team with their triplets will
be used to pace the varioiiß open events in
the coming Pasadena races. Tho team
will probably be Randall, Shefski and
rlatton, and they are very likely to put the
time at somehing approa-hmp reeoid.
Tho Ixis Angeles Athlttic club i» ul oadv
making arrangements for a great athletic
entertainment for the opening of its new
club rooms. Among other tilings there
will probably be a boxing exhibition be
tween Professor Billy Gallagher and tho
best man that the club can Und to put
up against him.
V? II Knippenherg has just received the
smallest wneel hat has ever come o Los
Angeies. It is a tiny Syracuse for the use
of Little Crioison Rim Knip, and is com
plete iv every (let-ail. lacking that clumsi
ness of appearance that seems to he a nec
essary feature of all the wheels that are
in 'do lor cliildren.
There will be a b'g intercollegiate held
day on February Had, in which all the
colleges of Southern California will com
pete. The list of enines from the various
institutions promlasa to be larger than at
any previous tneetii g.
The records made by the -'learn?, foam
at Santa Monica will probably not bo ac
cepted, as they were not in life on a recog
nized track. Chairman Gideon informed
Robert Welch, the coast representative of
the UatlOUal racing board, thai nice atten
tion must he paid to tletails in all iho
attempts for rec irds that might bo made
by the eastern teams wintering in Cali
Tho baseball outlook for next year, as
far as a California state league is con
cerned, is anything but bright. 11 the right
man could be induced to lake hold of 'ho
affilr there would bo little doubt of the
ultimate success of Id* matter. Cannot
some kind friend take "D >c" asidn and
gently whisper to him that ho would fill
tho roll of manager to the complete satis
faction of all concerned?
The California club and the Alibnls r orrl
Inn base bill teams will again wrestle
with each oilier on the diamond on Snitn
day afternoon for the benefit ef charity.
As all the proceeds of the game will go to
some one of the recognized charitable in
stitutions ihe game will no doubt be largely
The three clubs having the cycle exp"si
sitlotl ill clvirge made a handsome prollt
from the affair. Hereafter, the show wiil
be in the hands of the cycle board of tiade
that will be funned in tho immediate
future. It will be nude one of the regular
unniial events in the c> cling \v a Id.
It dlanils will open th- New Year with
some sporting events. The entire tlay will
he taken no with athletic gam' s. Including*
a baseball game and a number of bicycle
races, chiefly for the looai nders.
Lucky Baldwin's colt Ramiro won tho
simwood stakes for two-year-olds at tho
Ingleside track on Saturday The distance
is ihree-quartera of a mile, and the colt
won by a head, the greit Crescendo only
getting fourth place. Tne stake is worth
$ 17."»0. A few more good wins und
■•Lucky" will be an his feet again, H«
probably finds that it pays to run hij
horses straight iv honest c >m|>any.
Dr. Carver at Westlake Park Yesterday
The Public Given an Opportunity to Witness
the ilarvellous Silt St lag 4 ol the
World's Champion
The shooting exhibitions given hy Or'
Carver at Westlake park every day for the
past iveek have nut diminished in popular*
ity as was Bhown by tlie large attendance
yesterday afternoon. Iho program was
similar to that given every day, and con
sisted of trick shooting at Hying targets,
shooting from the back of a running horse,
With the many variations practiced by the
champion atone. The m >st favored part
of the exhibition is that in which the doctor
and his trained horse. Hoc, unite their ef
forts to perform the wonderful feat of
breaking a number of blue rock pigeons
thrown simultaneously into the air. All of
the champion's shots are made with the
utmost ease, some of the most difficult
being executed without the slightest ap
parent i ffort.
While the casual onlooker seems to ap
preciate the titling and shooting more than
the ordinary shots made while standing,
old marksmen prefer the lightning 11' ing
done by the doctor when lie tosses five
glass balls into the air wuh his left hand
aud oreaks every one of tnem betore they
reach the ground. Another marvelous
feature is tho irick of brtaUing small ob
jects thrown directly at the mraksman's
head. It takes more than ordinary skid
to hit a brick with a rifle while It is flying
through the air. and when it comes: to
smashing several of the fragments before
they have descended the feat naiural'y
creates surprise. Fin dly, when the small
est piece is literally blown to dust by ihe
unerring aim of the skilled marksman, the
wonder of the spectators knows no bound .
I he wizard of the gun has been a draw
ing card at the paik. and so has his lift c
mare wiiich makes the high dive into the
lake. Her performance jes'e-tlay was
beautifully executed. The intelligent ani
mal made a brave jump from her high
stand and went into tho water hea l first,
as clean ns an arrow. Then she circled
around und swam to shore, where an eager
crowd awaited her.
Muring the afternoon the Los Angeles
Military hand rendered an excellent pro
gram of twelve musical selec ions. Alto
gether Ihe entertainment was exception
ally goad,equaling,if not surpassing, ninny
of those given In the larger cities.
Hammam Balhs
Still giving them at 2110 South Main.
Announcement in papers later when we
open the new bathe, 212 South Broadway.
Miss Ciimmings, die inspirational
speaker, of Boston, iectured to a good au
dience yesterday afternoon on the subject
Christ as a readier and a Medium.
Carpels and Draperies
Uood lace our la ills, 60« h pair.
fin Irish point iace curttunn, 50 a pair.
k c iifiu-imiutv portiere*, fii a p-ur.
Smyrna CUffS, 7 i 0 aoli.
Angora rims $ J BAOb,
Jiir aln t rtrpet BOfl nor j fcrd.
'Jupe try Bfuw#la, i">o.' per yard*
Btair carpet, *uir per vara. *
Moqueiif I'ftrpet, tgl per yard.
V. A» JVDU. 40.i 80uth Uroa-lw ay
" fully because tbey weaken you slowly, gradu.
ally. Do not allow tliis waste of body to make
you ft poor, flabby, irn mature man.Health, strengto
anil vizor is for you whether you he rich or poor
Tho Great Iludynn is to be had only from the Hud
son Medical Institute, Thia-wonderful discovery
was made iiy tlie specialisis of tho old famous Hud
son Medical 1 nstltuto. It Is tan strongest nnd most
powerful vltallacf mads, tt Is so powerful that it
jls simply wonderful bow harmless It Is. You run
get It from nowhere but from tbe Hudson Medio*]
; Institute. Write for circulars and testimonials.
This extraordinary Uejuvenator is tbo mott
wonderful discovery of tlto Q;' n . It has licet en.
Vrsed by tbs loadim; scientific m:ii.ol Kuro ioaud
sHUiplTAlf li purely vegetable,
rtopr. p ror&etnrenaai of tho dis
ci .rr;o In twenty days. Cure 1.0.5T SIAK
fiotin, constipation, dlasliietsi foiling ieusatlous
nervous twitching nf (He »yt ■ nod oilier parts.
I ttttenijlheni, Invigorates and tours tbo ontlrt
j system. Tt ii nscheup as any oil."-remedy.
JIEO* a'AX oure3 debility, nervousneati Pinto
Bions, and develops and rest, res : ?ak orgahe
Pains IU tbo book, losses by day or night stopped
quickly. Over c.coo private Indorsements,
PreDiatureness means impotent--* In tbo first
sincfo. Jt lsut-\vmptrnn of seminal we akness c,t.\
barrenness. 2t dad be stopped in twenty days bj
tl.euseot Iludyan. ilv'.ilyan cos.s no more lhat
u:iy other remedy.
Belli' fer circulars nnd testimonials.
TAOTS-O TSr,eOB-lm:)iir» bloOd duo tt
et lons private disorder.! carries myriad! of sore
producing (terms. Then eomcssnrc tin out, pimples
copper oolbred spots, Ulcere in mouth, old sores kill
fallimr bair. You ecu save n trip lo lint Fprtntrn Ii
writing" jr 'Blood 800k 1 to tbo old pb.V3LiaU5 0f tb
Stockton. Market antl Cilia Sts.,
Blscussca Hv the International Labor I dues,
tlorlai Assnciati n at Length
Tho meeting :;f the l abor Educational
association yesterday, was we I attended.
The Subject dl-CUSSed W*Sl What Kcono-
Ittlc Chana-e is Necessary to rovitle Man a
Proper Environment, The opening lap t
was presented by w H. -mart, who quoted
Kai l MarS to ihe effect that the economic
question underlaid all others \ that the so
cial and Intellectual condition of a people
corresponded With absolute correctness to
their economic Condition*
\ very interesting discussion followed.
The paper evidently expressed the general
Opinion. Next Sunday ttio club will discuss
Direct Legislation.
Court Los Atvte'es
There will be a public Installation of of
ficer* of Court Los Ahgsles. Nc. 432, inde
pendent Order of Foresters, at Tnrnverin
hall, Ity 1 South Main street, on Thursday
evening, January it, 1896. Music will ba
provided and refieebmetits served.
The itev. Dr. Dennim occupied tf 10 pit!
pit in Immahuel Presbyterian church I
yesterday morning. A large congregation 1
listened tn hia nine discourse From the \
passage in Job, Hath tho rain a fatbei? |
Tne sermon was ah eloquent defense of ;
the orthodox Interpretation of the script- j
tins anil denounced with great force tho '
modern materialistic doctrine of tbe origin j
of the earth, as embodied in the scientific \
teachings of mdiv.
Beecham's pills are for bilious- :
ness, bilious headache, dyspep
sia, heartburn, torpid liver, diz
ziness, sick headache, bad caste
in the mouth, coated tongue, J
loss of appetite, sallow skin.etc, !
when caused by constipation;
and constipation is the mos. 1 :
frequent cause of all of them.
Go by the book. Pills tO») and
25* a box. Book free at your
druggist's or write B F. Allen Co.,
365 Canal Street, New York.
Annual «a|p a muro than 6.000.00,1 boxes.
The oldest D spensary on th* coast. Kstablished
K5 year., iv all PRIVAI'E DISEASES Olf M idC****"*^^
Not a Dollar wW Jak
Need be Paid §' J JSSSNSm
CATARRH aspep.Mtr. We cure the wont cast)
(specials rgeo i friirn San Francisco Dispensary f&'-fc^?' '''^^^Sw^ftWfc*
In cons ant alt-- dance. Examinations wUU W h ]^^\v'^i\\\mS^^^m^
: microscope, im I tiding analysis, j^^^'J;.■^■ r ''\' '^^r^^^^\^mi^^^
Tbe poor treat?"! free Irom 10 to Ifl Fr!<lay«
worst eases of re'i or private <i;>easos with All-
No matter what jronr (ro hie is, cosie and talk /N^^ra^^S^^^^M
J % When Others a *'
| Eminent Specialists
''''*|p 241 s * am '- os An seies,
Catarrh, Kidney, Bladder and Liver Troubles
All Chronic and Private Diseases of Men—Cures Guaranteed or no pay.
OFFICE HOURS—O to 3; evmln?s, 7to 8 »<l n.r. >n.«
L If you want a sure relief tor pi!.itii=i in tne back, siit, cnest, or
9 limbs, use an 7
I A 11/+rtr'l/''e Porous |
\ O Plaster I
7 Bear in Mind—Not one of the host cf counterfeits ar.d lrr.ita- \
V tions is as gfocd ss the genuine. H
*£ - as,
Are You Aware \
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S \ v >■ By
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\A Best Paper in /// p
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<m /V/ / 14 cont3ins al! \ \S\ w
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$+§, fact the SUNDAY HERALD is the People's Popular / «fr
Jra \ Paper. This great paper, together with the DAILY / VKgf,
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