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10 ON THE VERGE. > jlasiilliu sell in n tbe sunset embers, £ CramhHag. fall adown the skies. 1 Autumn mnfloa and remembers, W Banding Btorn regretful eyes. <Si Tbo Imperious pnrpla burning From bar cheek bath burned away, *4 And her bosom feels but yearning For tbe golden yesterday. J Though bar kingdom fall aannder f Through, aodltioua winds and frost, r ~ And the drams of winter thunder * And aha sees that all is lost, J, Tat her royal pride insureth That none whisper word of acorn I . Haggard, battled, she enduretb, I With a spirit upward borne. ■yes that love her grieve serenely At tha pathos ol it all, w Ia her bounty free but queenly, v Now unbending tn her fall. v . —E. A. Valentine in Youth's Companion. 3 MULVANEY'S TALE. My friend Private Mulvaney told me this, sitting on the parapet, when we were hooting butteriiies together. Ho had theories about the army and colored clay pipes perfectly. He said that the young soldier is the best to work with, "on ac count ay tho surpassin innoclnse ay tbo •MM." "Kow, listen!" said Mulvaney, tkrow lng.hlmsolf full length on the wall in the sun. "I'm a born soutt ay the barrick room. The army's mate an dhrink to mo, bekase I'm wan ny tho few that can't quit Ut. I've put in sivlntecn years, on the pipe clay's lv the marrow ay mo. Ay I Ohd have kept out ay won big dhrink a month, I wud hove boon a hon'ry lift'nint by. this time —a nuisance to my bet-tiers. • laughin shtook to my. oquils an a curse to, raegtlf. Bom fwhat T am, I'm Prlvit Molvaney, wid no good couduc' pay an n drgtenrlnthirst. Always barrin me little Mnd Bobs Bahadur, I kuow as much •bout the army as most men." I said something horo. "Wolscloy be shot 1 Bettine you an mo •B that butterfly net he's a ramblin, inco herlnt sort ny a divil, wid wan oi on the ejttune an the ooort nn tho other on his Messed sllf—everlastln'ly plavin Snysar •h Alexandrier rowled into a lump. Now, Bobs is a' sinsible little man. Wid Bobs •n a few 3-year-olds I'd swape any army •v tbe earth into a jhairun nn throw ut •Way aftborward. Faith. I'm not jokinl 'Tis tbe bhoys—the raw bhoys, that don't, know fwhat a bullut manes, an wudn't oSre ay thoy did—that dhu the work. They're orammod-wld bull mate till tbey fairly ramps wld good llvln, an thin, ay they don't fight, thoy blow each other's bids oft. 'Tis tho trut' I'm tellin you. They shud be kept on dul bhnt an kljrl in the hot weather, but thcro'd be •'niut'ny lv 'twas done. "Did ye ivcr hear how Prlvit Mulvaney tuk tho town ay Lungtungpen? I thought not! 'Twos tho lift'nint got tho credit, but 'twas mc planned the schamc. A lit tle before I was inviluded from Burma me an four an twinty young wans undhcr a Lift'nint Brazenose, was rulnin our ui jeshina thryin to catch docoits. An such double ended divils I nlver knew! 'Tis only a doh on a Snider that makes a dacoit. Widottt thim he's o paceful culti vator, an felony for to shoot. We hunted, an wo hunted, an tuk fever an elephinta now an again, but no docoits. Evcnsbual ly we puokarowed wan man. 'Troie liim tlnderly.' sez the lift'nint. So I tuk him •Way into tbe jungle, wid the Burmese In terprut'r an my clanin rod. Sez Ito the man. 'My paceful sqalreen.' sez I. 'you •hquot on yonr hunkers an*dimonstrate to my frind horo whore your frinds arc whin they're at homo.' Wid that I tntrojuced him to the clanin red, on he comminst to Jabber, the interprut'r interprutln in hc tweens, an mo helpin tho Intelligence de partment wid my clanin rod whin tho man misromimhered. "Prlsintly I learnt that acrost tho river, •bout nine miles away, was a town just dbrippin wid dabs an bohs an arrows an daooits an elephints an jinglos. 'Good!' sez I. 'This otfioe will now close.' "That night I went to the lift'nint nn communicates my information. I never thought much of Lift'nint Brazenose till that night. Ho was shtlff win books an tbeonrles, an all manner ov thrlinmln'a no manner ay use. 'Town did ye say?' sez he. 'Acoordln to tbo theourles ay war, we shod wait for re-enforoemints.' 'Faith!' thinks I, 'we'd betther dig our graves thin,'for tbe noarest throops was up to their shtocks in the marshes out Mimbu way. 'But,' says the lift'nint, 'sinco 'tisa speshll case. I'll make an execpshin. We'll Tisit this Lungtungpen tonight.' "The bhoys was fairly woild wid de lolgbt whin I totild 'em, an, by this nn that, tbey wlnt through the jungle liko buck rabbits. About midnight we come to the shtrama which I had clone forgot to minshm to my orflcer. I was on ithc.-.d Wid four bhoys, an I thought that tbo iift 'nlnt might wnnt to the-ourize. 'Sbtrip, bhoys!' sez I. 'Sbtrip to tbe buff an shwim In where glory waits 1' 'But I can't shwim!' Ml two ay thlm. 'To think I should live to hoar that from a bhoy wld a board sohool odukashln!' sez I. 'Take a lump ay tblmber, an mc an Conolly hero will ferry ye over, ye young ladies!' "We got nn ould tree trunk an pushed off wld tho kits nn the rillus on it. Tje night was chokln dhark, an just as vo was fairly embarked I heard tho lift'nint behind ay me cullin out. 'There's a bit ny • nullah here, soor,' sez I. 'but I can ftiol tho bottom already.' Si) I cud, for I was not a yard from tho bank. " 'Bit ay nnullab! Bit ay nn esbtuary!' sex the lift'nint. 'Go on, ye mad Irish man! Sbtrip, bhoys.' I heard him laugh, on tbe bhoys begun shtrippin an rollin a log into the wathar to put their kits on. So me nn Conolly shtruck ou - . through the warm wather wld our log, an tho rest come on behind. "Thut shtrame was miles wokie! Orth'ris, on the rear rank In,-, whispers we hod got into the Thames below Shecr ness by mistake. 'Kayo i n shwimmin, yo llttlo Way guard,' sez I. 'on don't;;» pokjn your dirty jokes ot the Irriwaddy.' 'Si linoe. mini' slnrta out tho lift'nint. So we shwum on into the black dhark, wid our chests ou the log.?, trustin In the soairus an tho luck ny tho British army. "ftvenshually we hit ground—a bit uv sand —an a man. I put my heel on the back ay him. He skreeohed an ran. "'Now we've done it!' soz Lift'nint Brazenose. 'Where tho divil is Lungtung pen?' There *vas about a minute an a half to wait. Tho bhoys laid a-bould ay their rifles an some tbriod to put their belts or:. We was roarchin wid fixed baynlts ay coorce. Thin we t new where Lungtung pen was, for we had hit tho rivor wall ny it in tho dhark, an tho whole town blazed Wld thlm mesein jingles nn suiders liko » cat's bock on a frosty ni.adit. They was flrin all ways at wanst, hut over our bids Into the shtrnme. " 'Hovo you got your titles?' sez Bra. senosc. 'Got 'em!' soz Orth'ris. 'I've got that thief Mulvnney's for all my back pay, an she'll kick my heart sick wid that bluuderin long shtock ay hers.' 'Goon!' yells Brazenose, whippin his sword out. 'Goon an take tlie town! An thu Lord have mercy on our sow Is 1' "Thin tho bhoys gave wan dlvostattn howl an pranced into tho dhark, fet-lin for the town, an bllndin an stiSiu like cav alry rid in masters whin tho grass pricked their bare legs. I hammered tho butt f_t toxue bamboo thing that felt wako, an the rat come an hammered oontagioua, while the jingles was jingling, an feroehus jells from inside was shpllttin our ears. Wo was too close under tbe wall for thlm to hurt us. "Evensbually, the thing, whatever ut was, bruk, an the lis an twinty ay us tumbled, wan afther tbe other, naked as we was borruD, into the town of Lung tungpen. There was a raeally ay a sump shus kind for a whoile, but whether they tuk us, all white an wet, for a new breed ay divil, or a new kind ay daoolt. I don't know. They ran as though we was both, an we wlnt into thlm. baynlt an butt, shrlekin wld laughin. There was torches in the sbtiusts, an I saw little Orth'ris rubbla his showlthor lvry time he loosed my long shtook Martini, an Brazenose walklu iuto the gang wld his sword, like Diarmid ay the Goldon Collar—barring he hadn't a stitch ay olothin on him. We dls klvered elephinta wld daooits under their bellies, au *kat wld wan thing an anoth er, we was busy till mornln tnkin posses sion ay tha town of Lungtungpen. "Thin wo bultod an formed up, the Wttnmen howlin in the houses an Lift'nint Hraieuoso blushin pink in the light ay the mornln sun. 'Twas the most ondaslnt p'rade I iver tuk a haud In. Foive an twinty prlvits an an orflcer ay tho line iv review ordher, an not as much as wud dual a tt* botuue 'em all In the way of olothin! Bight ay us had their belts on pouches on, but the rest bad gone In wid a handful ay cartridges an the skin God gavo him. Thoy was as nakid as Vanus. "'Number off from tho right!' sez tho Uft'nlnt. 'Odd numbore fall out to dress. Even numbers pathrol tho town till ro lievod by the dressin party." Lot me toll you, pathroUlh a town wld nothing on is an expayrience. I pathrolled for tin min utes, an begad, before 'twas over, I blushed. The women laughed so. I nlver blushed before or since, but I blushed all over my carkiss thin. Orth'ris didn't pathrol. He soz only, ' Portsmlth barrloks nn the 'ard ay a Sunday I' Thin ho lay down an rowled anyways wld laughin. "When wo was all dressed, we oounted tho dead—sivinty-foive docoits besides wounded. We tuk flvo elephinta, a hun der' an tivinty suiders, two hunder' dabs, an a lot ov other burglarious thruck. Not a man ay us wns hurt—except may be tho lift'uint, an ho from the shock to his dn sinoy. "The headman ay Lungtungpen, who surrinder'd himself, asked the interprut'r, 'Ay tho English fight like that wid their clo'es off. what iv the wurruld do they do wld their clo'es our' Orth'ris began rowl in his oyos an craokin his flng6rs un dancin a step danoe for to Impress the headman, ilo ran to hrs house, on wo 6piut the rest ay tho day carryln the lift'nint on our ehowithers round the town, an playln wld tho Burmese babies—fat, little, brown lit tle divils, as pretty as pictures. "Whin I was invalided for the dysent'ry to Indio. I sez to the lift'nint, 'Sorr,' sez 1, 'you've tho making In you ay a great mail, but ny you'll let an ould sodger spake, you're too fond ay thoourisin.' Ho shuk hands wid mo and soz: 'Hit high, h'.c low, there's no plasm you, Mulvaney. You've Been me waltzin through Lung tungpen like a Red Injun wldout tho war paint, an you say I'm too fond ay tho ourisin?' 'Sorr,' sez I, for I loved tho buoy, 'I wud waltz wid you in that con diahun through hell, an so wud the rest ny the men!' Thin I wlnt down shtrama in tho flat an left him my blessln. May the saints carry ut where ut shud go, for he was o fine upstaudiu young orflcer. "To reshume: Fwhat I've sold Just Ehows tho use ay 8-year-olds. Wud 60 seasoned sodgers have taken Lungtungpen In the dhark that way? No! They'd know tho risk ay fuvar an chill, let alone tbo shootin. Two hunder' might haw dona ut. But tho S-yoar-olds know little an caro loss, an where there's no fear there's no danger. Oaten thlm young, food thlm high, nn by the honor ay that greot, llttlo man Bobs, behind a good orflcer 'tlsn't only daooits they'd smash wid tholr clo'es oil —'tis con-ii-nontal ar-r-r-r-mlesl They tuk Lungtungpen nakld, and they'd take St. Pctbersburg In their dhrawers! Bogad, they would thnt! "Hero's your pipe, sorr! Shmoke her tindorly vrid honey dow, nfthor lottin the rook ny the canteen plug dlo away. But 'tis no good, thanks to you all the same, fillin my pouch wid your chopped bhoosa. Canteen bacuy's like tho army—it shpoils a man's taste for mollder things." So saying, Mulvaney took up his butter fly not and returned to barracks.—Rud- I yard Kipling. David Livingstone and His Family. The Janet Livingstone who diod in j Edinburgh was a younger sistor of tho ex- I plorer, ooming next to him in a family of five. She had many quaint stories of David's boyhood. Once, astat S, he staid out beyond tho prescribed hours, and, re turning home, found tbe door barred, this being the punishment for tbo second transgression of the kind. David mado no fuss, and his father, when he opened tho door somo time inter, found the young hopeful sitting ou the doorstep munching a penny loaf. "I'm having my supper," ho observed resignedly to his astonishod parent. "Mother has shut me out." Livingstone senior was as great a philos opher as his sou. Uno day David brought homo tho news that a heavy duty was to bo put on tobacco. Noll Livingstone, who was not a rich loan, was just lighting his pipo as the news was broken. He put it down unlit. "If we havo got to give it up," he said, ' wo may as well begin now." He never smoked again.—London Realm. Home Cnre For Rheumatism. Although tho herb teas, which our grandmothers usod to make may be laughed fit in those later days, no ono can doubt that thoy were often efficacious. 000 of those old timo remedies, which has benr. used of late with markedly good re sults, and that In moro than one case, is sunflower tea. Tho romody lias cured stubborn cases of rheumatism in elderly people and left thorn free from this distressing pain. To prepare the tea procure 2 quarts of blaok sunflower seeds and steep thorn all day in a caiion of water; then strain. White sends may be used instead of the black if the latter cannot be obtained, but nra not considered quilu so strong. If tho seeds cannot bo gathered, thoy may be had ot a seed store, or possibly at a druggist's. The doso to be takon Is a toaoupful right and morning, tlil the wholo proscrip tion is taken. More than one person will tostify to their euro by this simple inonixs. — House ik ecpor. An Almost Incredible Story. Mr. W. B. Suttle, at a moetiug at Roch dale, England, told the following almost Incredible story: "In a certain club a man recently had a fit, and bets wore at once made as to whether or not he would ro sover. A doctor was sent for, but on the ground thut his assistance would prejudice tho chances of tho bettors, the doors wore barred and he was kept outside." Mr. Suttle declined to name the club publicly, but it is said bo did so privately to tho president of the society. A similar story is told cf n fashionable Loudon club in tho lust century. First Ilalloou. The first balloon was made hy a Jesuit, about 1820. Tho idua was revived in France by M. Montgolller, lv 1783, and ia traducod In England tho following year. . : ' 3 . a . ... . .■ ■ . .' ENVIRONS OF MUSCAT. • Region of Horrible Smells, Favor Gorme and Swarms of Flies. The environs of Muscat are especially Interesting. As soon as you issue out of either of the two gates whioh are con structed in the wall which shuts the town off from the outer world you plunge at onoe into a new and varied life. Just out side the walls is the fish nnd provision market, reeking with horrible smells and alive with flies; hard by Is a stagnant pool Into which is cast oil tho offal nnd filth of this disgusting market. The water In tho pool looks quite putrid, and when the wind comes from this quarter no wonder it is laden with fovor germs nnd mophitlo vapors. Consequently Muscat is a most unhealthy place, especially when tho at mosphere is damp and rain has fallen to ■tir up the debrts. Outside tho walls the sultan Is In tho habit of distributing two meals a day to the Indigent poor, and, Inasmuch ns tho Omanes are by nature prouo to laziness, there Is but littio doubt that his highnoss' liberality Is greatly Imposed upon. As you emergo, not unwillingly, from this region of flies and smells, you come ocross a series of villages built of roods nnd palm branches nnd Inhabited by mem bers of tho numerous nationalities who come to Muscat in search of a livelihood. Most of these are Bellooohees from the Mok ran coast aud Africans from tho neighbor hood of Zanzibar. Tho general appearnneo of those villages is highly picturesque, but squalid. Here and there palm trees, al mond trees aud the übiquitous camel thorn aro seen lutersporsed among tho houses; womon In rod and yellow garments, with turquoise rings in their ears nnd noses, peep ot you furtively from behind thoir flimsy doors, and as you proceed up tho valley you And several towers constructed to protect the gardens from Bedouin incur sions, und a few comfortable littio villas built by Banyan merchants, where they can retire from tho heat and dust of Mus cat. The gardons are all cultivated by Irriga tion nnd look surprisingly green and deli cious lv oontrast with tho barren, arid rocks which surround them. Tbe wells nra dug deep in the center of the valley in the bed of what elsewhere would bo a river and are worked by a running slopo nnd bullocks, whioh draw up and down skin buckets; these empty themselves automat ically into tanks connected with the chan nels whioh convey the woter to the gardens. —Contemporary Review. "SOUL OF THE ARMY." Antonio Jose de Sucre's Services In Aid of Venezuelan Liberty. Antonio Jose do Suore was called by Bolivar "Soul of the Army," and to his prowess ns a fighter tho liberator owed much of his success. Ho wos born in Ven ezuela in 1793. At tho beginning of tho country's struggle for independenco ho served on tho personol staff of General Mi randa. Then Miranda's star sank. Suoro joined Bolivar in 1814. Bolivar sent him to the West Indies for aid for the revolu tionists, and by pledging his personal cred it be secured a large quuutity of ammuni tion and 10.000 stondof arms. He was tbo hero of the battle of Pichincha, which end ed Spanish rule iv Ecuador. He marched with Bolivar across the An des, and it was his daring spirit and great generalship that brought success to that remarkable expedition. With 6,800 men he met and defeated the Spanish with 9,300 men on the ploteou of Ayocucho, captur ing the Spanish viceroy and breaking Spanish rule in Peru. When the upper Peruvian provinoes formed the state of Bolivia, Suoro was placed at the head of government, and it was at his requost that Bolivar promulgated his code. He com manded tbe Ecuador troops in tho war with Peru nnd defeated tho Invaders. He retired to private life in 1829, but was elected president of tho Colombian congress in 18S0. Returning to his homo when congress adjourned, he was shot from ambush and killed. His death was, no doubt, tho work of his political ene mies. His remains lie in tho Church of San Francisco, iv Quito, although the gov ernments of Venezuela and Bolivia havo each asked the honor of oaring for his dust.—New York Moil nnd Express. Barristers* Wigs. The most recent portion of a junior bar rister's attiro is the wig and bos boen add ed in comparatively modern times In tho t.iiuo of Charles 11, when wigs wero first introduced from abroad, the military men and barristers helped to 6et tho fashion iv all questions of mole attire. They wore wigs in court varying with the fashions of the hour, as long as wigs wore worn, and when tho rest of the world gave them up at tho end of the last century barristers retained them and still do so ns v distinc tive part of legal costume. In 1705 a peti tion was presented to King George 111 by tho master peruke makers, alleging that their trado was falling uff, as wigs wero going out of fashion, and that but for the "counselors" (the old name for barristers/ thoy would soon havo no customers. They prayed his majesty to devise some relief. Tbo king returned a gracious nnswer. Somo wag, however, struck by tho ludi crous side of the petition, published a bo gus petition from tho body carpenters Im ploring his majesty to wenr a wooden leg and to enjoin all his servants to appear in tlie royal presence with tho same graceful decoration. Tbo wigs now in use nt tho bar are chiefly inado of goats' hair, aud aro ornamented with throe rows of littio curls going round the head aud closely fastened to tho main structure and two little tails behind, falling a littio below the collar. Until BO years ago nearly nil the bar wigs wore pomatumed and powdered, but this fashion, for obvious reasons, has gradual ly declined, and only a very few now favor it.—Pall Mall Gazette. Power of the Sun's Heat. Architects and builders have long boon aware of the fact that bridges and build ings of all kinds expand iv summer and contract in winter, but no scientific ob servations were ever mado on that scoro untii quite recently. Experiments made on tall monuments in both this country aud Europo during the beat of tho past suin ruor show thot tho perpendicularity of such structures is badly affected by the rays of tho sun. At ono timo tho Washing ton monument was found to lean nine inches out of plumb. This peculiarity, it was said, wos duo to the greater expansion of the side upon which tho sun's rays fell. —St. Louis Republic. The Home of Cholera, Tho marshy ground of the Ganges delta, with its vast, masses of vegetation decay ing under n tropical sun, is the native home of tho cholera. In thnt pestilential region the cholera and plague are found every year and all the year round. Every cholera epidemic which has desolated Eu rope, every visitation of tho plague, is bo liovotl to have started from the mouth of the Ganges. Ualmpurtant. Tho telegraphist rapidly ran his pencil over the messngo handed to him by tho lady: "Dearest, I arrived hcre6afoly. Send mo £4 and v kiss." "Three hnlfponce more, madam," ho said. "Thcro aro three words too many with this nume and address." ' Thon leave out the last three," replied the lady promptly.—Strand Mogaslne. Subscriber ol ' IS A Free Want Ad X 11 |||| R The Herald V l^l t Any subscriber to this paper, old or new, may In- Wvlwi^ g ' sert an advertisement under the classified heading ' l&Sl'f&f? jMSFk ''' r'' * of ';For Exchange—Miscellaneous" upon the fol- Xl 1 ( _S> $$k&& Tt vkw^M^'A4>l loW, The C^dmt n iler must not be a dealer in the it If^sfs WW I I * article advertised. l&&,ftfF» IP>FJi U $%Zs%t yfeT&k The advertisement must not contain more than liwils. \\Wmm lX Swir*** R yiMN'V-''''! 60 words, and will appear but four times. R <rft*<r*tJr WW t> X! 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Tho Los Angeles Herald I < $ 4> Is the Only Daily Newspaper <!> <$> <S> <$> <^> N/ Of its political faith within five hundred miles of Los Angoles. It readies thous- X and. of merchants, bankers, lawyers, doctors, retired capitalists, well-to-do me- vfy V' rhanlcs and politicians who take no other dally publication. Retail merchants are Jf A\ crowding theadvt-rtislnircohininsof The Heridd, realizlns iliat it is the medium and $7 the only medlom through which can reach one-half the people # || " | I In Southern California I f , # ||| %^#^>^ ||| %#^>^^# CARPETS 326-328 330 South Main St. Rugs, Curtains, Furniture, Etc Immense Line, New Goods, Low Prices. Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS STATE LOAN & TRUST COMPANY OP LOS ANGELES CHPITKL PRID Ul" IN GOLD COIN $500,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interut paid on time deposits. We act as trustees, s lardlaua, administrators, etn> Kafe deposit boxes torrent. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: H. J. WOOLLACOTT. President; J. F. TOWELL, First Vies President! WARE Br* f * T VTrUf>V Second Vioa President; JOHN W. A. OFF, Cashier; M. ». iJSWIs. Assistant C»sBI«3 OIIOROB H. BONEBRAKE, is. F. PORTER, F. G HOWES, B. H. KOWXU* P. U. QjUUUC W. P. UABDNEB. B. r. BALI, 1 " OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Farmers' and Herchants* Bank of Los Angeles, CaL /„. tA ~~\ tine nw) 11. W. Hellman. President; H. W. Hellman. Capital (paid up) 2™ „„„ Vice-President; H. J. Fleishman. Cashier; S Buiplusand reserve $620,000 | Hellman. Asslsiant Cashier. Directors—W. H. Perry, 0. W, Childs, J. F. Franclj, c. 8., Thorn, C. Ducommun, H. W. Hellman, A. Qlassail, T. L. Duque, I. W. Hellman. Special collection department. Correspondence invited. fafe deposit bozss lor rent THE NATIONAITbANK OF CALIFORNIA ——— AT LOS AKUII.KS DIRECTORS. 0 H. CHURCHILL, JOHN WOLFSKILL, fIKORUB IRVINE, W. 8. DK-VAN* E. F. 0 X I.OKICE, M. 11. SHERMAN, N. W. STOWELL, T. B. NKWLIN, O.T.JOHNSON. FREDO. M. C. MARBLE, JOHN E. MAR BL» f 1.~ Merchants' National Bank rf/Tf l*! AffPllJ- OF LOS ANGELES ™hIII l&W3&LsfY%* t, NADEAU BLOCK '-■TllmW*' W. L. GRAVES President A§/W W r —«— •> -' ~WtUII WILLIAM F. BOSBYSHELL Vloe-l'res'.Csnl » _\ S\ / HL C. N. r1.1.N 1 Caahle* W/-J y>* W w. 11. HOJ.LIDAY Assistant Cashier _ ft y J /Wj ATT * Capital, »ini(l In (told coin fcW.OOJ flMMs#il>4l/jr_r-7ii_f- r bur s and undivided profits 2SVJOJ Authorized capital 6»,njo ny LOS ANUKLES. DIRECTORS Capital stock .. . .... '<°JSSJ L. N. Breed, H. T. NeweU, William H. Avers*, Surplus and undlv.ded profits over.. "JO.OO} flUas JloS'man, W. 11. Holliday, Wm. F. Bosby- T. M. ELLIOTT, President. shell, W. L. Graves, Frank Kader, D. Remtclc, W. O. KERCKHOFF, V, President. Thomas Goss, F.. P. F.osbvslieil. FRANK A GIBSON, Cashier. . . G. B. SHAFFER, Ass t Cashier. a- "■ ■ i a."'"IT-,.. UNIOK BANK OF SAVINGS F. Q. Story, H. Jovne, CAPITAL PAID IN $20.500 J. D. _ k W.c Patterson, 223 s . Sprinfl st-i LOS ANGELES, CAL. Tsn public funds or other preferred deposits re OFFicena and directors* *"' ""* M. W. Stimson Wm. Ferguaon W. E. Mc.Vno . Trcst. VrcePiest. Csihiar -r oa mrrvTv* », T mv,t „.C. G. Harrison S. H. Mott R. M. Baiter A&GELES NATIONAL BANK. A. E. Pomeroy S. A. Butler United States Depository. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Capital tOTO.IOO } " —"■ m **—— BUrplU3 r - KBMAIf-AMISBWAN BANK, Total 1542 600 Cor. Main cl'd First sts., Los Anselus, Cal. poNEERAKE Presidsnt fortius anl'undlVldad pi-eM\T."""". M wABRES GILLKLEN Vlca President F. C.HOWES Cashier Victor ronet Presidenti 1.. W. Bllon, First Vice E. w. COE Assistant Cashier rrealdent; p. N. Flint, Second Vlc« President; M. N. Avery, Cashier) P. F. sonumacner, Assistant, DIUEX'TOItS- Cashier. l>ireclors—Dr. Joseph Kurtz, L. W. Georse H. Bonebrake, Warren Glllelen. P. M. Bllnn, Hnfo ZUbtr, O, 3».Flint, H. W* Stoll, il. tT- Green, charles A. Marrlner. W. 0. Brown, A. w. Avory. C. Brcdla, Victor Ponet, I. A. Lothlaa Francisco, L. P. Johnson.M. T. Allen, F.c. Howes. Emanuel Eyraud. Interest allowed on de;,ost's This hank has no deposits of culler the conntvor Nf''*u-v '< v, ne'i t. . -r,...- city trroasorer, and therefore no preferred creditors. TAIN STREET SAVINOB BANK ' ; JSX AND TRUST COMPANY LOS* XMrißtißs RIVINOS R\NTK' junction of Main, Spring and Templesta, (Temple Block), l.os Angeles. 230 N. Mainsu Capital paid up 8100,100 I Officers and directors: T. l» Duque. President; JE. Plater, Pres. n. w. nellmsn, V. Pres. I-N >-~„ Nlly;i , V ice Prestdeni; J. V.WacbteL W. M. Caswell, Casliler. Caahler; 11. W. Hellman, Kaspare Cohn, H. w. D rectors—l. w, He;imr*n. J. E. Plater, H. W. O'Melveny, J. B. Lankershim, v. T. Johnson, Abe Tleilman, I. W. Hellman. Jr., W. M. Caswell. Hans, \V.G. Kerckholt. Interest paid on deposits. Money to loan on flret. Money loaned on real estate, class real estate. Five prr cent inn rest naiu on term deposits. 1 Hardware , 0 % Discount For Cash on Builders' Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Cook Stoves. Tinware and Graniteware I rS?" <|t^ ~nt Thomas Bros. 230 South Sprinn: iitreet