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LOCAL FIELD OF COMMERCE Trade Is Dull Except for Farnv ing Tools THE ORANGE MARKET GOOD The Demand Increasing and Prices Steadily Advancing The Outlook for Oil Continues to Improve and Ample Rains Guarantee a Good Season 11. W. Burnham, manager for 11. G. Dun * Co., furnishes the following review of local trade conditions: Trade still continues quiet. Tlie only line reporting any increased activity is that of agricultural implements. The coming of tho long retarded rainfall will doubtless stimulate business in all chan nels and Improve collections. Tho tons of the orange market is good; demand increasing, prices advancing. Dried fruit continues dull, prunes only ehowing any strength of value. The local oil industry continues steadily on the up grade. Tho city jobbers' ranks are to be swelled by tho immedia'.o establishment of branches of two largo concerns, prominent In business circles of tho north. There have boon three commercial fail ures during the past week, liabilities $ 15, --000 and assets -155000. R, G. DCS & Co. WEATHER AND CROPS All the Late Conditions Reversed—Good Prospects Ahead Following is die United Slates depart* mont of agriculture climate and crop bul letin of the weather bureau for tho week ending Monday, March 1!, 1890: Tho warm, dry weather which has been tbe prevailing feature for several weeks past, continued until the I st day or March, when tho weather became appreciably colder, and was followed on the 2d by a decided fall in temperature aud copious rains which, in tho more elevated places, turned into snow- The storm continues at the close of this report, with heavy ruins in the valleys and snow ill the mountains. The rains came ut a most opportune time, as grain was beginning to suffer in places and Irrigating orchards had already begun. These rains will save the crop, except in a few of the very dry places, and will obviate ihe necessity of irrigating and will also in sure water for summer use. W hilt) tho Btorm was of inestimable value aud allayed apprehension of a dry season, yet tho very cokl weather which accompanied the storm lias caused somo loar lest the deciduous fruit trees were in jured, as tho abnormal warm weather of February mado almonds, apricot and oeacii trees bloom freely. Tho effects of tho Btortn will bo given in the next bulletin aa tho greater number of the reports for ihis issue was received beforo tlio rains be gan. PAN LUIS Or.lSl'O COUNTY l'lowing and seeding is still in progress and the soil is in good condition, hut grass feed requires rain. Almonds and apricots are in bloom. Tlie general conditions aro good. VENTURA COI'NTV Bardadale—Very dry windy weather pre » ailed the past week until Monday, when show fell for an hour, something almost unknown here. Kain cannot now make heavy grain. West Sfttaooy—The extreme winds which prevailed during the week have greatly dried out the ground. Highest tempera ture HO degrees, lowest 3'.t degrees. I.OS ANC ELKS COUNTY Los Angeles City—Warm, dry weather, with desert winds until March Ist, when tho temperature fell appreciably, and on the 2d tlie drought was broken by a rain storm, which continues at tho close of this bulletin. Iho rainfall on the 2d was 73-100 of all inch, which made 0.77 inches for the season. Highest temperature, 81 degrees; lowest. Tin degrees. Lancaster—some grain is shoiving tho effects of the drought. Most of the week was cold and windy. Snow fell in tlie mountains Saturday night. La Canada—Ory northerly winds pre vailed, which dried the ground consider ably. Grain is looking well. Almondsand some varieties of peaches are in bloom; frrape vines havo begun to break their buds. Highest temperature, 72 degrees; lowest, ■I 7 degrees. Pasadena—l lemarkably hot, desort winds prevailed for tho lirst few days and then it rapidly cooled oft. A light sprinkle of rain fell on Saturday. Sunday was cool and windy, and Monday morning ushered in a fine rain, which continues. Tho grain crop is probably saved, and though the snow may injure the blossoms on fruit trees, it is of vast benefit to all. Duarte —The week passed without rain, and unless rain comes soon the grain and hay crop will be total failures, as well as all other crops outside of irrigated districts. Highest temperature 81 degrees, low est -II! degrees. Pomona —Warm and clear, with occa sional clouds till February 29th, when a dash of rain fell. Monday was blustering and clouds accumulating. Fro3t morning of March 2d. Rainfall on Ist and 2d, 1.00 inches; for iho season, 0.82 inches. PAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Kedlands —Exceedingly dry weather, with drying winds front tho north. Hay and grain outside irrigated lands in bad shape from lack of rain. Peaches and apricots In blossom. Orange and olive tree plant ing going on. RIVERSIDE OOtJHTV Moreno—A warm dry ween has advanced tlie bloom of apricot and peach trees; bar ley has hardly kept alive. Saturday was cloudy and it stormed in the mountains, but only a few drops fell in tlie valley. ORANQE COUNTY Tustin—There was some indication of rain during tho week, but no precipitation here; only strong, cold west wind on the Ist. Barley continues to look fairly well as a whole, but some of it needs rain and much more will also need it soon. Tlie rainfall to date is 5.06 inches, and much of ihe ground is hard. Irrigation will com mence in a few days if rain dooß not come in mean while. Capisirano—Highest temperature during week, 74 degrees; lowest, Oi! degrees. SAN DIEGO COUNTY ICscondido—Dry winds prevailed through the valley and farmers are very anxious in regard to their crops. Apricots, peaches and oranies aro blooming. Garden vege tation is not in as good condition as de sired. San Marcos—Almond trees are lieuvily covered with blossoms; the days very cloudy and warm wilh occasional east wind. Valley Center—The past week lias been warm and dry. the temporattire ranging from 70 to so degrees in the middle of tho •lay. On March — the temperature fell to DO degrees; Iho day was cloudy and .00 of an inch of rain fell, with appearances of a change for the better. LOCAL PRODUCE Wholesale and Retail Markets Corrected Daily Wi DNFsnAY, March 4. Retail trade was good today, though wholesale lines report little movement. Eggs are linn with prospects of higher prices. Dairy products are steady, the sunnly being only moderate. Prices are likely to be maintained only so long as tho condition of the roads keeps the farmers at home. Fruits and vegetables are in good sup ply, with a littio tendency to lower prices since tho rain has made the coming crop a certainty. tiuotations follow: Eggs—Choice California ranch, 1- to 13c. Vegetables—Sweet potatoes, $2.0u; tomatoes $1.5n per box: beets. 75c per 100 lbs; cabling-, 70o; carrots, 78oi «reen onions, 300 per aoseni lettuce, IS to 15c per dozen; onions, nen yellow, -ft 50; turnips, 75e; string beans, 1 'c; green peppers. 15c p-r lb: beans, lima, MS liff; 10; pink, S-l 40; green peas per tb; asparagus, 14>40 per lb; mush room-, 15c per In. cirecn Fruits-Pears, $2.00 rcr hox: straw berries, 14e; apples, 51.28 to $1.65; pine apples, $i»."O per dozen; bananas, $2.'.i> to $2.75 per bunch. citrus fruits --Oranges, navel', $2.00 to 2.75: Mediterranean sweets, $1.75 tn $2.00: seedlings, fl to f1.25, Lemons, Fancy Eureka, $1.5<) to $175; Eureka and Lisbon, $1.50 to $1.75: ÜBSured, £1, Uuttcr— creamery, lancy, 2-lb sipiares, 550| L'H-ox squares, 4tol coest creamery, 28-oz squares, 41c; dairy, fancy, 2-lb squares, 50c. Mill stuffs-Flour,Loa Angeles, $4.20; stock ton brands, 94.60: Oregon, $4.00; bran, per ton. local. $18.00: northern. $15.50; shorts, per ton, local. $20.(11); northern, 116.001 rolled barley, per lon, $15.Oi): cracked corn, perewt, 000 l feel meal, pere.tvt. 05e. Poultry-Ileus. $4.00 to $LSO per doz.: young roosters, $11.5 i) to $1.00; broilers. $.1 00 t053,801 old roosters, 94.00; ducks, $1.50 to *3.80: turkeys. 100 to lie per lb. Provisions—Hams. Rex, per lb, 11c; pio nlc ti -; boneless, 10c. Bacon, per lb Hex breakfast, 10c; light melium, 7c: medium, (ie. Dried beef—Per 11) sets, 10c; Insldes, llV<n, Dry as t pork—Por lb., clear bellies, So; short clear. 6%0; clear ljacks, fWiO. Pickled pork—Per half bbl. 80 lbs., $3. Lard—Per lb ,ivory eomprund, tierces, 5?io; rexolene, t»'..c: pure leaf, t;^ t c. Cotloleno ~Tiereos, 7J a c Live stock—Hogs—Pel cwt., $3.15 to $4.00. Beef cattle—:lc to 4c. Mutton—3o par lb. Veal—3Vj io 4c per lb, Honey aud beeswax—Honey—Comb, 10!.J to lie per lb.; strained, 4 to sc. Bees«ax-42c per lb. Fresh Meats—Butchers' prices for whole car cases: Beef— t>i to8«0 Iter lb. Veal-5 to 7c Mutton -4*.j to BWOi Pork—s'„ to u'c. 1 ried Fruits-Apples—Sun Oiled, sacks, per lb, 4 to sc; boxes, 5 to 7c; evaporated fancy, 7 to 7Sc. Apricots—Fancy, Uc; choice. Be. Peaobes—Fancy impeded. 4c; bleached, sc, Nectarines—Fancy, 8 to Uc; choice, ti to 7c. Pears—Panoy evaporated, 7 to 90. Plums — Pittedchoice, 7to 00. Prunes—Choice boxed, 3 toscj sacks, 2 lo So; fanov, lOe Nuts—Walnuts—Loa Angel 7c; medium soil, lOe; soft-shell Los Nielos, fancy. 10 to 120, Almonds—Soft shell, 10e: paper shell, 1-c; hard shell, lie. Pecans-13 tb lu'._c. Fil berts—lo to 12'..'e. Ilidesand Wool—Hides, as they run, ll'jc perlb; sound kips, H' je; hulls aud stags, lie; calves, 15c. Sheep pelts—3 to tic. Wool— Norn nally, 2., lo SC. tjiaiuiind bay—Barley, per cental, feed, 75c; seed, 75c. Corn—Per cental, 85c. Wheat- Per cental, $1.25. Hay-Per ton, nllalla, $0 00 to $12.00: barley, $lo.()0 to $llui>; wi cat, $10.00 to $12.00; tamo oats, $10.00 lo $12.00. Son Francisco Produce Following aro Sau Francisco quotations on produce corrected daily by Associate! Press special wiie: Middlings, V10.00@18.50l bran, $11.50 m, 12.00. Hay — Wheat, 11.50; wheat and oats, *7 fiord IK 50: allalfn. 97.00t9.00j barley, $7.0049.00; olover, 9&0U@4.00: c mpressod, $7 50(1)10.50; slock. f1j.0037.50i straw, $3.60(84.00. Potatoes—Salinas Burbanks, BO@OOo; river Burbanks, 30«it350 ; Oregon liurbank's, 40@85o; river reds, oOiftjUOc; Moreed sweet potatoes, $1.75. Los Angeles tomatoes, 750A51.25; tomatoes, $1 50. string beans, lOe: green pels, Los An geles, 3 i.40: do boy. 6@80; cabbago. 4(>@600; garlic, BW@4Uc; green peppers, 15c; dried peppers, BlOc; mushrooms, 15r$30c; aspara gus, (i;7c; dried okra, 12 l :.e(,isc; rliubarb, 50@75c Apples—No, 1 smiles, 35c®51.00; common, 5007,75 c; fanoy, RL'4510)1.60. Citrus fruit—Mexican limos, $0 00'i65.5K; California lemons, common, $1.0060 .2;>; do good toe loice, $2.00; do fancy, $2 50«n.2.75; CaUforntaoranges, ssedllngs, 00c#$l.lo; na vels, $1.2531.60, 'irop.cQi fruit—Bananas, $i.core:2.oo; pine apples, $2.50(0,5.00; Persian dales, 4%(j*50. Butter—Fancy creamer., 2107)22e; seconds, 2fi(*jlc; fancy da rv, i9@2ou; seconds. 18® 19c. Cheese—Fancy mild new, ll@l2ci fair to good, 9@loc; eastern, 12(it>i4o. Kggs — store, lOsftHoi ranch, ll®l2o Poultry—Turkey gobblers, 12@1S; bens, 12@14o; roosters, young. $11.50 - 7.00; roos ters old, $3.50(11)4.00; broilers, small, $1.50 (0.1.00: '.rollers, large $6.0030.(10; bens, $3 5d@1.00; ducks, $i.500) .00; geese, $1.50 Hfil.7s; pigeons, old, $1.75(152.00; pigeons, young, $2.0U@2.25. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Wm.Srm. y. March 4. 1890. Mary and Ti F Ball, Hannah li and F X Har ris to John O Burger—Subdivision 59-40; $2000. (ieorge 1 Coclirau to Chris Hansen—Lot 44, block 7, Herald second subdivision; $1. Same to John J X Kothcry—Lot 117, block 27, same sub; 81, i) boron lv iiaseoiu to Iphio Ileckert—Undi vided half interest In lot 5, block J, Sau Pas qual tract: $025. Ipliio Heokertto Frances E F'obes—Same as above: 5825, Same (o ijcbonih X Bascom—Lot 8, block 11, Tebbett'a subdivision. 25-40 nnd 48-9; $4no. Mary L Malhews to Ida M and Cora A Math- OWS—Commencing on west line of Spring street 200 feet south of southwest corner oi Eighth aud Soring streets; $10. George W Ogle to John R Bigham—Lots 19 and 2j Ogle & Crabb's subdivision of Rice trt; $31111. Fiank W Taylor, guardian, et al. to Edward C and Ellis W Taylor—-Lot 27, ext oi Nob mil tract; $1000. Christian Sorenten to Mary s stimson—Lota 7 and 3 and east hall oi 9, block M, Crescents Canada tract; *2500. Mary S and Abncr M Stimson to Christian Sorensen—Lot 14. Park villa tract; $2500. Ella V\ ood et al to Melvin E Richards in— Lots 430 428 and 430 Ford's Tomple s rest ad dition to Los Augeles; ?300. Henry Tand Mrs F.liza Newell to Llisha Puddy and Laura E Hnbbcll—South half of lot 2, block 97. Santa Monica; $1000. \V liiam and Frances McDonald to John A Wood—Soutli ast quarter of northwest quarter of lot 4, block-22 Highland Park traot: $125. Joun and Emma McDonald to Catharine Young—Lo 7, block F, New Fair Oaks Avenue tract;: $1200. Charles Pratt t} Jacob Beifsohnolder—Lot 6, Parcels' subdivision of John Thomas tract; 1450 F W Wood et al to Edward Thomas—Lots. 00 ami 10. block 8. Park tract; .SIOOO. Pacific. Land Improvement company to Southern Pacific Railroad company-Part oi lots 08 and 34, block "9, lying east of bound ary between lands of first parly and landsof G X Woodward; $1500. ' J s ami l.ueha Roners to Edward L Dohoney and Samuel Cannon —Lot 2ft, Los Angeles Im provement company's subdivision of lot 9, In lot 8. block 39, Hancock's survey; $500. II 8 and Jennie Diff-nderfcr to same—Lots 8, 9 an«l 10, block 1, subdivision of lot 8, block 80, Hancock's survey; lots 13 anil 11, block 7, Turk tract; *8000. Frederick and Helen Eaton to Florence E Thresher—Lots7B,79 and 80, extension Nob Hill tract; $1500. John F aud Kannie C Humphreys to J B Woods Jr— Block 11, Humphrey's First Addi tion to Boyle Heights; $'500. Charles J and Jessie Cawley to George Brere ton—Lot 8, Stevenson's subdivision of part of Carey i lace tract; $700. A I. and Ida V Fanner to .1 W Lacey—Lot 7, block Doi J VV browning's subdivision! ffiloCO. Stephen M and Emma Qearhart to to Louis M and Alice Blalsdell Lot 0, block 4, subdivi sion of Harvey rancho; $3500. • una M and Cnas p Foikertb to Emella Boi ler—lot 24, Hiscock & Smith's lirst addition; $10 Robert and Dena Rasch to w II Maokle— Lot 5, block H, Chirrotlo tract; $000. li It Bundy et ux to Mrs Sarah M Barden — Lot l, block 70. Burbank, lot 2, block B, Mc- Farland'fl subdivision oi Marengo tract; $750. William T Holmes lo ih orge J Hopkins—Lot 3, 1! J Holmes' subdivision; $1000. I. Land Nellie F Bowen to Deu Skogland— Lot 4, block 7, Berkeity tract; $100. Pboobe il Dunn cl al, by John liurr sheriff, to State Loan and Tr.'Bt c unpany of I.cs Ange les—West \_ of northwest 1 i oi southeast '_, section 8, township 1 south, raugelOwest; $1385.55. Samuel Ilestoii and Mary Boston to J H Zer res—Lot 21, block 11, of A j Painter's subdivi sion ; $500. Abraham W and Caroline B Jackson to Hon ry F spencer-West 15 1-8 fee tof lot 29, and cast 31 5-0 feet of lot 31, block 19, and west tSii fe t oi lot 17, Kills Irae.t; $3000. Elisabeth M and George R Crow to E B Ham ilton— B ginning at northeast corner of lot 2, subdivision oi lands of Cordelia Mallard; JJOOO. SfMMAItY Deeds 25 Nominal 57 Total $48,332 05 LOCAL BANK CLEARINGS „,, , , l.os, Morch 4. Following aro Ihe Los Angeles bank clear ings for tbe current week : Day. Exchanges. Balances. Monday $ 180,034 04 $ 23,057 10 Tuesday 153.883 31 143,00 24 Wednesday 217,350 08 25,912 15 LOS AXGEEES HERALD: THTjTIST3aY MORiTtiTO-, MA»CiI 5, 1596. THE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Money, Stock, Bond and duce Quotations WALL STREET SPECULATION Chicago Reports a Dull Dsy in the Wheat Pit The English and European Markets Pepcrt Lower Prices and the short 3 At* tempt to Sell Associated Press special Wire. Kkw York, March 4.— Following aro tho closing s'.ock quotation*: Atebit-on 16V X. W.pfd 145 Adams Express.. 147 N. V. central I*7 Alton.!' II ... 57 N. Y. AN. E 40 Am. sugar p!d... I0i?i Ontarioft W is;-. Am. Express 110 Oregon Imp 9 Baltimore A 0.... lo'i Oregon Nay \~M Can. Paoiflo 68J4 Oregon h. 1. v Can. south 80 I'aclilc Mall 27!^ Cen. l'acitie l.v, p. p. ft c :j t he. .i Ohio ]( Pittsburg I<>o Chicago AAlton..lsß I'ull. Palace 157 C 11. ft () 7(l' i Head ng IK' ; ChicngoOas 117'■ 0. s. Kubbcr I 5» Con. lias 155 U. H. Hub., Bid... 81!,, C. C li. ftst.L... 37U 8.0. W 17 Colo. Coal ft 1.... :i IS. O. W.pfd 41 Cot. oncer 10>4 Kot'k Island 7.-'; Pel. Hudson Vtl'A St Paul 7S'« P. U W IBS'j St. Paul Did. .1-1> :, 4 I). ftU.U. pfd ... 4ll'„St Paul ,1:0 .... 41',. Distillers 17JJ St. 1' .to. pfd 121 . CoiuCableCo 15.1 Southern Inc... 111 1 ,, Eric it; 1 , sugar Refinery.. .no's Erie p'd 2S; a i'l'cnn. Coal .v. i... '-'It; 1 : Fort Wayne If>2 Texas PhcKlc 8m (a Northern pfd.. 108 T.ft O. C. pfd... 80 Nortlttvesiern.... 104 \V. P. D.AO *'i Chgo ft E I pfd... 08 I Union l'aciiic ... BH Hocking Val 17 0. s Express, ... 43'j, Illinois Cen 06 W.Bt, L.AP. 7 St. Paul ft l> IIS .Wabash pfd Vo»i K. ft T Bid lill's Wells l argo 06 UK. ft \V §0U W. Union . HIM h. K. ft W. pfd.... 7BW W. ft L E ll}t| Lako shore 148 W ftL. E. ptd.... 117 Leal Trust 'MM Minn, ft Bt, 1 20U Louis, ft Nash.... 51', D. A it. G i:t Louis, ft N, A . . Oljitien Electric HB% Man. Con ....105>J|Nat'l Linseed ... 17 Memphis AC 15 Colo. Fuel ft 1.... SOW Mich, central.... 95 0. P. A I pfd 07 Mo. M% H. &T. V. '~ .Mobile ft 0hi0.... BSWIT,, si. I. ft K. 0.. 5 Nash, enatt o.i IT., faLL.AK.Cpfa lo Nitl'l. Cord s'. So. R I! ." 10 Natl. Cord pfd.. 10' 4 So. It H. pfd 3V H N.J. Central 107 „ Am. Tobacco .... 7(>;„ N. ft W.pfd .... 7. Am. T. „ld 100 ' North. Am. C 0... 5., Am Tel ftOCo.. lis North. Pac . i\ S. Cordage, grd 2014 North. I'ao. pld... 17 [U. 8. Leather pfd UP ~ Bond List New York, March 4.—Following are tho olos. Ing quotations on bonds: li. 8. new reg 1 0% C. P. lsts, '05 ....100', V. S. ne a coup ..lIBX D. AR. 0.7s 113 V. s. 5s reg 112... i). 1v.R.0.48 8 i I.', s. 5s coup 11 - - 1 .. lino 2ds "*5 U. B. 4s reg. ...108 O. 11. .v. S. A. 1i5...)0J U. is. 4s coup 10 '.; (1. 11. ,t 3. A. 75... 100 t), B.2sreg 00 H. AT. C. 6s 110 Pacific tis,'oß ..l()2 H. AT.C."O». lot! Ala., class A 103 It. K. A T Ist 4s, e;\ Ala., c ass 1! 108 |M. X AT 21 Is. Bl}2 Ala., class C 100 Mutual C lis 115 Ala Cur 100'»iM. J. 0. a.-65.'... 110 I.n. N. C. 4s 08U S. V. lsts 117% Missouri t!s 100 ' \\ P, 2ds ..lib, N. C. lis 122 is. w. c 133 N. a 4s 101 ' S. W. S. F. 5s ...101 8, C. non-fund... 1 J CO. W. lsts 70W Term. n. s. tis .... 85 [fit. I. Con. 7s 128 Term. n. s. 5s ...111 jSt. P.C.i.l'.W. 55..11'.1!i Term. n.s. 3s ... 'St.LAI M. 11. 55.. 73 Term. o. s. Os (10 'St.!,. AB. X O. lis .103 Va. Cen 01'; T. P. lsts 81) Va. Cen. did. ... —IT. P. 2ds 23.; Atchison 4s .... 70'. s IT P. lsts, '96....10,% Atchison 2ds A... 27' West, shore 4s 100 Can. So Jds 104 o. K. &N. lsts. ..11l L A N, 4s 79% 80. U.K. 6s 92.; N. P. 3ds 80 ,| San Franclso "lining Stocks San Francisco, March 4.—Tho onicial closing quotations for mlnin;: stocks today wore as follows: Alta 12 I Crown point. ... 33 Alpha Con 1< lould & Currlo... 3* Andes 2t;' [aleA Norcross.... 135 liclt'lier li ; dexican,. 6fl He«t & Belcher.... 88peoidentel C0n.... !»l Jiodie Con 1' , 'njitr 125 Bullion 11 Overman 13 Bultrer Con 1. . >..,- 41 Caledonia t j avage 3(1 Challenge Con. . 2! j -ierra Nevada 88 chollar o* Inion Con. 66 Confidence y I fellow Jacket, 31 Con Cula, .t Va... 111. | Ahasiestment of 30 cents a share has been levied on Con. Cal. .v. Va. Boiton Quotations Boston, March 4 — Atchison, Bell Tele phone, $-02; Burlington, 7(1'; MexUau Cen tral, llflii Ban liiego, 7. Money Quotations NEWYORK, Mareb -I.—Money on call easy at 2! .j. and 1 per cent; last 10an,3. closed at 2U and "per cent; p line mercantile paper, (> per cent; sterling exohange tirm, with actual DusineaS in blinkers' bills at #4.37 : ' x t<> $4.88 for demand, and 1i.88%j to $ i 37 for »ny days; posted ra es, $4 S"Lj lo $4.83% to $4,89; commeroial bills $I.BG'. i ; sliver certificates, 08% to tii). JfBANCXSCO, March I.—Drafts, par. Sliver Bullion .New York, March I.—Bar silver, 68%; Mexi can dollars, 55' 2. San Francisco, March 4 —Bar silver, 63%; Mexican dollars, 55% to 50. CHICAGO MARKET The Day's Transactions on the Board of Trade CHICAQO, March 4.—ln wheat another dull day was reported, the market at times ruling exceedingly slow, the range for tlie session being confined within a %c range. The market, although opening where it left off yes'erday, manifested some weak ness early, duo largely to the lower cables, both English and continental, and the de liveries in the northwest, which wero fairly generous, being about the same as a week ago, but 157 cars larger than those of a year ago. There was very Utile improve ment in the speculative business, outside trade being almost at a standstill and with foreigners doing practically nothing at die seaboard, holders found little en couragement and liquidation and short selling resulted. Trading in corn was ex tremely quiet and fluctuations narrow. Provisions were a distinct disappointment. Pork closed 10c lower, lard 7; and ribs 5c lower. The leading futures closed as follows: Wheat, No. 2—March, 63!ic; May, Olijjc; June. 87c; July, 07'4c. Corn, No. 2 March, 23Jic; May, 301,0; June, 31% a; July. 32>c. Outs, NO, 2—Ma eh, May, 21c; June. 21VgO; July, 2lHo< Cash quotations were as follows: No. 2 spring wheat, No. 3 do., 03085HC1 No. 2 red, No. 2 corn, 2844028JiCi No. 2 oats, 19 v; No. 2 while, 21'; @2'2c; No. 3 white, 20! 4 (921%c; No. 2 lly'o, 389*0] No. 2 barley, nominal; No. 3 barley, 37igi350; No. 4. barley, 25ff1290; No. 1 flaxseed, 89..c; prime tim -thy seed, 98.5093,80; moss pork, per bbl, 19.62%99.761 lard, per 100 lbs, $5.301<15.32>ii short ribs, sides, looie, $5.05 «a>.lo; dry salted shoulders, boxed, 4?yC; short clear sid 8, boxed, s's(nls' .c; wb'-kv, distillers' finished goods, per'gallon, $1.22.' Chicago Live Stock TTsrket CHICAQO, March 4. — Cattle—There was the strongest kind of a cattle market today, re ceipts being much smaller than usial lor Wednesday. The demand was so g. od that long beforo noon n arly all the good cattle were taken, prices being fully 10c higher aa a rulo. Receipts of Hogs today showed a material .ailing off,and buyers wero obliged to pay a further advance of Bo 10 10c. Tie sheep trade today was brisk st $2.00® 3.05 for common to choice sheep, few selling below $3. Liverpool Markets LtVF.Rroot,, March 4.—Spot wheat close' quiet, wilh a poor demand; No. 2 red winter, ssß%d; No 1 hard Manitoba, 5s 7%d; No. 1 California, 5s Od. Futures closed easy, ;.,d<(Sld lower. March, 5s 7d; April. 5s 7Hd. spot corn closed quiet; American mixed, new, 2s lljsjd. My prices for wallpaper beat all the city. A A. hckatrom, 824 South spring stieet. if | Cloth Bound Books f pf I Given Away i t AA I Rare and Valuable f | § IZUUI — iiUui § §jl To Select From S| A carload of valuable, standard works will be presented !ja£ ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COST, to subscribers of the |^ J Daily Herald || j§| Sunday Herald |I -Weekly Herald || «f Conditions: Any subscribei. old or new, will receive his choice of one of the fol- lowing 200 volumes hy sending Si .ob tor a year's subscription to the WEEKLY HERALD or fi.Bs for three months subscription to the §__Z /vCs DAILY HERALD. To those who prefer the SUNDAY HERALD to either Of the other editions, a book (and the SUNDAY HERALD J-A? for ore year) will be sent on receipt of $2.00, postage prepaid by the 2vS ss/w HERALD. These works have sold until recently forsl.oo each. 5P> The list comprises 200 titles of entertaining books, selected for <o> their popularity and evcry-day demand. They are neatly bound in the best cloth, with head bands, and stamp:d with new and original de- <ta'C sign in polish pattern and genuine GOLD, EEI jI __ ~> MM Ut: TITLE. AtITIICr.. I rrn. mil. AmWK. 1 Adam B'de George Eliot 105 Knight Errant 2 Addie'a Husband Bertha M. Ciav 106 Lady And.ey's Secret..Mlu It. E. Braddon 3 A.sons Fables 10 ~ Lady Castlemalne's Divorce 4 Airy, Fairy Lillian Tlie Duchess Bertha It. Clay 5 Allan Qiiartermain H. Itider Haggard los Last Days of Pompeii Lord Lyttoa tl Anderson's Fairy Ta1c5....11. 0. Anderson 109 Lady Vahvorth's Diamonds 7 Arabian Nights' Entertainment .-The Duchess" 8 Arnndo Motto, The Mary Cecil Hay 110 Lamplighter, Tho ... Maria 8. Cummins 9 Assignation (The) and other Tales ... 11l Lastof the Mohicans..J. Fenimore Cooper Edgar Allen Poe 112 Life Intersil. A Mrs. Alexander 10 As in a Looking Glass F. C. Phillips 118 Life's Remorse, A "The Duchess" II At Bay Mrs. Atoxsnder 114 Like No Other Love Bertha M. Clay 12 At the World's Mercy . Florence Warden 115 l.orna Doono R. p. Blackmoro 13 At War With Herself Bertha M. Clay 110 Lot Wile. A Mrs. U. Lovett-Cameroa 14 Avcrll Rosa tt. Carey 117 Love's Wo'ifare Bertha M. clay 15 Bad Roy Abroad Walter T. Gray 113 Miawa's Revenge U. Rider Haggard lti Bad Bey and His Sister.... Ben). Brondaxe 119 Marvel ..Th,. Dochess" 17- Bad Boy at Home Walter T. OrSy 120 Masaulello Alexander Dumas 18 Baron Munchausen Tin lolph It tspe 121 Master of Eallantra", The 19 Beaton's Bargain Mrs Alexander Robert Louis Stevcnsoa 10 Belle of Lynne The Bertha M. clay 122 Master of the Mines, The 91 Between Two Sins Bertha M. Clay Robert Buchanan 22 Beyond Pardon Bertha M ciav 123 Matt; A Tale of a Caravan 23 Birds of Prey Miis U. E. Braddon Robert Ituchansn 24 Black Beauty Anna Powell 124 Mental Strug.le, A "The Duchess" 25 Blind Love Wilkie Collins 125 Merry Men, The.. P.obert Loul- Stevenson 21! Brcezio l.angton Hawley Srairf 126 Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the 27 firenda Yorke Mary Cc il Hay Czar Jules Vcrna 2S Rroken Wedding Ring, A..Bsrtlia M. clay 127 M'sstng Husband, A (ieorge R. Sims 89 Buffalo BUI Ned Buntllne 128 Modern Circe, A "Tho Duchess" 30 By Woman's Wit Hi""- Alexander 129 Mohawks Miss M. E. Braddon til Camilla. Alexandre Dumas 130 Molly Bawn "The Duchess" 89 Cardinal Bin, A ttughConway 131 Mona'schoice Mrs. Alexander fit Cell No. 13 X Edwin B. Trafton 13.' Moths Ouida 34 Charlotte Temple Mrs. Rowton 133 Myster ous Island, The Jules Verne 35 Child's History ot England 184 Mystery ol a Hausom Cab... Fergus Hum* Charles Dickens 135 Nameless Sin, A Bertha M. Clay 30 Christmas Stories 136 Natural Low in the Spiritual World .. 37 Clrc vmstantlal Evidence...Hugh Conway Henry Drummond 38 Clique of Cold Tho F.miie Gnboriau 137 New Magdalen, The Wilkiu Collins 39 Cloven Foot, The ....Miss M. E. Braddon 133 Nicholas Nlckleby Charles Pickens 40 Council of Ten, The . ...Kylvanus Cobb. Jr i 130 Nora's Love Tost Mary Cecil Hay 41 Crayon Papers, Th 0.... Washington Irving j 140 o:d Man's Darling, An ts Crooked Path, A Mrs. Alexander j Mrs. A. McV. Miller 43 park Days Hugh Conway i 141 Mamsolle'sSecret 44 Dark House, The, or A Knot Unraveled I From the German of E. Marlltt n. M. Fcnn ( 142 Old Myddloton'.s Money...Mary Cecil Hay 45 Dark Marriage Morn Bertha M. Clay 143 Oliver Twist . Charles Dickens 46 Dawn 11. Rider Haggard Hi ostler Joe; and other Recitations .. 47 Deer.layer J. Fenimore Cooper G. R. Sims 48 Deldeei or, The Icon Hand 143 °" r Bessie Rosa tt. Carey Florence Warden t4fi Pathfinder, The J. Fenlmoro roper 49 Despera'e Woman, A Adah M. Howard I*7 Perilous secret. A. Charles Read* 80 Dick's Wanderings lulian sturgls I*3 Phyllis "The Duchess" 51 Dick's Sweetheart "The Duchess 149 pilgrim's Progress, The.. . John Bunyan 82 Donald Dyke, the Detective ,5 ° Pioneer, The —J. Fenimore Cooper Harry Rockwood I*l Pomfret Mystery, The A D. Vinlon 53 Donovsn.... .EdnaLyall IW Portia "The Duchess" 51 Dora Thorns Bertha M. clay 153 Prairie, The J. Fenimore Cooper s', Doris "The Duchess" 164 Prince Charlie's Daughter..Be tha M.Clay 86 Doris' Fortune Florence Warien IBS Prince of Darkness,A....Florence WardSu 57 Dorothi'l Venture Mary Cecil Hay 15(1 Princess of Thule, A William Black 63 Dreadful Temptation, A lr >7 Privatcersman, A Captain Marryat Mis. A. McV. Miller 153 Queenie s Terrible Secret 59 Driven to Bay Florence Mairyot Mrs. A. McV. Miller 60 '.I he Duchess "Tbe Duchess" 159 Redcomed by LOTS'., .. Bertha M. Clay Ul Duke's secret, The Bertha M. Clay 100 Reptoachof vnncsley, The..MaxwellGray 62 Dynamiter, 'ihe...Robert Louis Stevenson lnl Robinloa Crusoe Dani dDe Foe 63 Fast Lynne Mrs. Henry Wood 12 Rob Roy Sir Watter Scolt 04 Evil Genius Wllkl* Collins 103 Romola George Eliot 65 Fair Hut False Bertha M. Ciav l'i4 UoryO'Mooro Samuel Lover 06 Faith and Uuttfaith... M '' Ihe Duchess' 1. 5 scarlet Lett r, Tho. .Nathaniel Hawthorne 67 Fumrly Affair, A Hugh conway ltiti set in Diamonds Bertha M. Clay 68 Fatal Phryne. The F.C.Phillips 1(17 8110 II Rider Haggard 69 File 115 (A Detective Story) 188 Sketch Book, The ...Washington Irving Harry Harper IU9 story of an African Farm, the 70 Bive Weeks in a Balloon Jules Verne Olive Schrclnei 71 Flag of Distress, The....Capt. Mnyno Reid 170 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. 72 For Another's Sin Bertha M. Clay Hyde .. Robert Louis Stevenson 73 For Faith and Freedom.... Walter Besant 171 Swiss Family Robinson 71 Forging tho Fetters Mis. Alexander Mon olleu and Wyss 75 For Mamie's Sake Grant Allen 172 Tale of Tiro Cities, A Charles Dickcne 70 Foul Play Chanos Reads 173 Tents otshem. The Grant Allen 77 Friendship Ouida IH4 1 hat Beautiful Wretch . . .William Back 73 Frozen Pirate, The .' W. Clark Russell 175 Thorn in Her Heart, A Bertha M. Clay 79 Good-Bye Sweetheart.. Rhoda Broughton 176 Thorns and Orange Blossoms 80 Guilt River. The Wilkie Collins Bertha M. Clay 81 Gulliver's Travels Dean Swiit 177 Tom Brown's School Days 82 Guy Kenmorc's Wife. Mrs. A. McV. Miller ... Thomas Hughes 83 Grimm's Household Fairy Tales 173 Tour of tho World in Eighty Days Grimm Brothers Jules Verne 8* Gypsy Blair, the Detective 179 Treasure Island.. .Robert Louis Stevenson . Jlldson V. Taylor ISO Two Fair Women Bertha M Clay 85 Handy Andy Samuel Lover 181 Two Orphans, Tho R. D'Enuery 86 Haunted Lite, A Bertha M. Clay 18J Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the 87 Her Martyrdom Bertha M. clay Sea Jules Verne 88 Her Mother's Sin Bertha M. Clay 183 Two Years Before the Mast B9 Hidden perils Mary Cecil Hay R. H. Dana, Jr 90 His Wife's Judgment Bertha M. Clay im Uncommercl»lTraveller..CharlesDicken« 91 Hon. Mrs. Vcreker, The — "Tho Duchess" Vagrant Wife, A Florence Warden 91 House of the Seven Gables, The ISO Vicar of Wakefield, The.Oliver Goldsmttn ~ . Nathaniel Hawthorne 137 Wedded and Parted Bertha M. clay 93 House on tho Marsh, The iss We Two Edna Lyall Florence Warden iso Wee Wltle Rosa N. Carey 04 Hoyle'l Games Hoyle 190 When a Man's Single J. M. Rarria 95 In the Golden Bays Bdua Lyall 191 White Wings William Black 9li Ivanhoo Sir Walter Scott 192 wife's Crime, A Miss Grace Hatpins 97 Ivan the Serf... Eylvanus Cobb, Jr. 193 wife In Name Only, A Bertha M. Clay 05 Jane Eyre Charlolte Bronte 194 Willie Rellly Wm. Carlton 99 Janet's Repentance George Eliot 195 Witch's Head, Tho H Itider Haggard 100 John Halifax, Gentleman — Miss Mulock 1911 Woman Against Woman 101 Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson Mrs. M A. Holmes 102 King So omon's Mines..ll. Rider Haggsrd 197 Woman's ace, A Florence Warden 103 Kith ard Kin -...Jessie Fothergtll 198 Woman's Temptation, A.. Bertha M. Clay 104 Knickerbocker History of New York.. 199 Won by Waiting Edna Lyall Washington Irting 200 World Between Them Bortha M. Clay a_m~ ~ 3« ♦ ' These books are all that is claimed for them In binding, contents and *$> general makeup, and should not be confounded with the trashy, paper bound literature costing 6 to 12 cents per volume. <jgs 2v<\ Subscribers will not have to wait. Books will be mailed on the same day subscription is received. Remittances should invaria' ly be mad? by P. O. or Express Money Wv-7 Order, Bank Draft or Registered Lettsr. Address 2y^[ m The Herald, i Los Angeles, CaL City subscribers may call at the business office. i%/jyes OF TRAVEL Sfc SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Trains leave and arrive at Trains \ :a Panadenaarrive leave i minuted latir east> CHICAGO LlttlTED To Denver. Kansas City. Chicago. St. Ixmis. Leaves dally a:0<) pm.--Arrives d»ilyo:o.j pin. CHICAOp KXPRKS^-nAILY. To Denver. Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. Leaves 7 :;u am.—Arrives |;uU pm. SAN DIE GO TBAINS. Lv. aJ»;fID a. m„ 5:2) p. m ; Ar. ul :j5 p.m., 7:13 p. m. B A V BEBNARDINO TRAINS. P—Leave 7:10 Km. ftS:-'0 urn.. UfflO am.. a 4:03 pra., 4:4.» pm., pm.; O-Lv. al l :ot> am.. 8)29 pm. P—ArriveS:MaM, a9:4fi am.. »1:$0 pm., :»-.n pin., pm.,6;M pm; O—Ar. if:0o am., «M pra. RIVERSIDE AND REDLANDS TRAINS P—Leave 7:10 am., at:3o am,, OKJO am., MIOP pm., 4:45 pm; <)- Lv. dUiOQ am., "i:2O pm- F—ArriveoUi4Aam., alKlOpm., a;j> pm.,e;o> pm., U:3O pm.; O- Ar. 11:00 am., 7:15 pm. PASADENA AND AZUSA TRAINS. Leave—7: n mv,.. lts:9D nm., 9:0, i am., I :S8 pm., a'.:oo nm.. a4T:4* pm., aOiaO pm., spm. Arrive—a?:SSam., 8:1* am.. w:4B am., 1:00 pm., 4:l~t pm., .»;f>)pni„ 6:05 6:50 pm. MONROVIA AND INrr.BMKT)IATE. Leave-aB:SQ am., sUOiOO am., 1:3-' i pm., MiOO pm., aa4-i'i pin.. pm. Arrive—attfta am.,ids am., ai:»X), 4:15, 0:80 pm. ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA. Leave—aB:Uoah) ,9:ooam. 4:2. r > pm.. 6:2 it pm. Arrive—B:Bo am., at ; 5 pm ,5:05 pru., 7:15 pni. REDONDO P.KACH TRAINS. Leave—!»:soam., s:;ispm; Arrive—^:2Uam.,4:lo pm HANTA MONICA TRAINS. Leave—7:lo urn., 10:00 am.. 6:08 pm. Arrive—B:sB am. ,4:40 pm., 6:80 pm. PKRBIB AND SAN JACINTO TRAINS. Leave—P a< :Oj am., o -au :»> am. Ar—l' ul :(w und ati:u,"i pm. o—all : f w am., a 7:15 pm EL9INORB AND TKMECULA TRAINS. Leave P—ao:am. O all :00 am. Arrive p—al :00 pm. O—alllOU am. EBCON DIDO, [ PALLBROOK Lv—a9:oo am ,as:2opm. j Lenve—ai»:ol> am. Arrive—a 1:03 pm. JAi rive—a 7: i 8 pm. p—Via Pasadena. O—Via Orange, ft—Dally, except Sunday. aaSundaya only ; all other trains daily. Ticket ofllce, 12i> Norili Spring st. aud La urunde station LJOVTIIKRN PACIFIC COMPAN V n TIME TABL" -MARCH 2,_1898 Leave for I destination I Ar. from "■ i Kewor.ean, \ We ? : g^ Wostbouni t c 1 i ' l Kattbotind Wed * sat; ■ Frai'ic ico " Su " lt 8;l8 pml 1 BM i,rilllU9UJ (, 2::;o pm 2:i'o pin p S. Fran.. Sacramento f ■ 7:80 am S :25 pm ) and East, via ngdeu { li.mjum 8:28 pm Portland, or n :00 am 2:80 pml El Paso and East liOOpta Pttfiadona A 7:58 am 7:5 ) am ■' 8:88 am A 8:88 ami « 0:51 am 0:20 am H 10:40 nm 12:30 pm " 1: ' l " > pro A l :30 jim " A 8:03 pm 8:88 pm " 5:01 pm 8:20 pm! " A ":M pm A 0:10 pm " 8:00 am! 1 Riverside, f 0:55 am 0:20 ami I Redlands. J IKM pm 2:Bopm |" San licrnardiuo i , 4: is pm 4:80 pm! ! and Colton ( i B:$S pm f:00 am] | [ 8:80 am 8:20 am I romona 0:55 am 2:30 pm; y nnd ■! 1:00 pm 4::J0 pm I Ontario j 4:4S pm 5:25 pm J {\ 0:35 pm 8:0 i) am Chlno 8:50 am 4:Bopm *' B:sBam 5:25 pm " 0:81 pm 8:00 urn Covlna am A 2:80 pml " 1:00pm 5:25 pml " 8:88 pm 8:05 am Monrovia A 8:20 am A 11,20 am Arcadia 9tßo am A Btosphl and Al:)0pm s:lspm Duarte 4:Bspm 8:00 am Santa Jiarhara 12{35pm 4:86 piu " 10:10 pm AIISSgS } 8a \ A 1116 pm 5:10 pm I Anantun ( BUOpm 10106 am | Whittle I i B:i»hiii A 2,Sffl} { A^iZ A 8:08 am Tustln i 0:00 am 5:10 pm " I A 8:20 pin i&SSJ MnPMrt, \\ l )m 1' :0i) am' Santa Monica S 10:0'J urn " 7:45 am 1 " 8:50 am 1 :io pm " I 12;12 pm 5:15 pm " S 4:25 pm ftOQ pm " 5:10 pm 0.00 am Soldiers' Home ! 12:12 pm *i:0i) pm " j 6:10 pm 0:0oam Port Los Angeles 12:12 pm S 10:00 am: " 8 4:25 pm 1:10 pm " 8 uoprn A 1:15 Jim Catalina Island ! A 11:15 am A !':4llani Chatsworth Park A 4:15 pm Chatswortb Park—Leave from and arrive at River Station, Sat) Fernando street, only. a Sundays excepted s Saturdays und Sundays only. THE INSIDE TRACK. AM S.P. Co.'s trains stop at First street (except the four San PranCfSGO trains) and Commercial street (except the 8:25 San Francisco evening train). In the business center of the city, saving time und street cur lures to passengers. (iencral Passenger Office, 220 S. Spring street. Limited Season of 1895-90, WILL RUN TSn£lCe 7* WEEK BETWEEN son Francisco, los nngeies m m oticods, OVER THE GREAT SUNSET ROUTD Leaving San Francisco TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Los Angfles, Wednesdays and Sundays First Tiip From Los Angeles, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 189! Th* most complete, mo4ern, elegantl, equipped and perfectly arraaged Vestibule! Tr nscontinental Train In America. Mew equlpn eni, especially Ueil.neJ aud built lot this service. Dlrrct connection, in New OrUau lot aB i Eastern points. Uulck time. Redondo Railway DEPOT: Grand aye. and Jefferson tU In effect Jumiary 1,1393. Leave Los A ngctet ! Leave Rertnndo for for lledondo Los Angeles 8:05a.m I>allv'7:ao Daily 4:30 p.m bally a:00 p.m Daily For passenger and freight rates apply at depot, corner Urand avenue and Jefferson street. Tele phone West 1. L. T. (iAUNsI-:\, Presides* i. N. BUTTON, Superinteudeiit. ASA DEN A AND LOS ANC, KLKS~~ "",..„ IiLF.CTRIi; RAILWAY. Cars leave Fourth and Spring streets. For Rublo Canyon and iicho Mountain— 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 a.m ; 1:00, 11.00 end 4:00 p.m. Returning Itave Echo Mounlain-8:00 •nd9:t Oa.m : '1 :00, A :O0 and 4:la p. m. For Altadena—B:oo a.m. and every hour until 10 pm. Returning leare Altadena-0:"0 a.m. and hourly until o:3u p.m. For Pasadena—Every Filleen minutes from 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hall hourly belore • nd after these hours. Office, 222 W Fourth street. W ]>. LA UK ABLE, SupL E, I\ CLARK, Gen'l Menager. 11 LINES OP TUAVEt, IN EFFECT NOV. 18. 1885. LosADffclcs depots: Fan «mi<l First ntreetmaf Downey avenue bridge*. ' Leave Los Anceks for |Lea"ye Puidini for Lo* Pasadena. Angeles. b 7:10 a m | I JO a SB. C >:Ki tn C 8:30 a m. a 0:10a.m a 10:25 a.m. a II :30 k m a lZ:4Op as. a 3:30 p.m I a ilp g,, as:2op m ■ a B:Bttp.W. Downey »v»nuc leaving time 7 minutes Later. >to* Iween Lo* Angeles anil Pasadena— Koond trip 24c. Leave Loa Angeles Leave Altadena JnactftM Altedena .Junction. for Los Angeles. a 9:10 a.m a io-.ioa ny c ii:Wa.m c i2:2op m. n 3:30 p.m ...m 4iW\?.m. All trains start from First street depot. Leave Los Angeles fur Leave" Gleaoale for 'Lsti '41endale. Angeles. b 7:05a.m b 7:57 a m. o 1:20 •:12a.m. aI2:SB p.m a i :27 p.m. a 5:05 p.m » ItMp.m. Leave Lnt Angeles~7or | Leave East Ban Pedro *~ Lone (leach and East i for San Pedro. Los Angeles. n 1:00 p.m a 7:20 a.m. a l:io p nt a 10:30 a.m. a s:on pm. a B:4* Between E. San Pedro and Long Beach lOmlnutag, CATALINA Steamer for Aralon connects with 1:10 p ss» train daily, except bimda3*s. RUBIO CANYON AND ECHO MOUNTAIN. Trains leave Los Angeles dally at 9:10 a.m., ell :1s) i a.m.. und a 3:30 p.m. Floe pavilion and hotel. Grand scenery. Tcleseope nnd searchlight. a Daily, h Dally except Sunday, c Sundays) Only, el Saturdays only. stair's meet the 7:10 a.m. train at Pasadena for Mt Wilson on new trail. Passengers leaving Los Angeles on the 7:10 a. as* 1 train forMt. Wilson can return same day. Special rates to excursion and picnic parties. Pepors east end of First street and Downey im Hue bridges. City ticket office, O reenewald's cigar store, cogs ncr Second and Spring streets. General offices. First street depot. T B. BLRNETT, General Manager, W, WINCIP, Gen- Passenger A*safe.. . pACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. tioodall, Perkins ft Co., General Agents, San Praa* cleco. Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Or.. Victoria, B. C, and Puget bound, Alaska ana all OOast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES TIME TABLE FOR MARCH, 188*. Leave Hun Francisco For- j 1 . Port Harford 'S. R. Corona, March 8, 14, 29. Santa Kiirbaru 1 30: April 7. R.'dondo ...| Port Los Angeles..'S. R. Rant a Rosa, March t,1% Newport 1«, 20; April 8* Sun D I ego I ... • . For- Is. Paul, March 4,11,20, Kast San Pedro | 28; April 5. San Pedro and way S. H. Eureka, March 8,18,24; _ p0rt5 .........._. . ~| April 1. . ■ Leave Port Los Angeles and Redondo For— Is. s. Santa Rosa, March 4,12, I 20,28; April 5, San Dit-go [S. W. Corona, March 8, 16, 24; I A prill. For— Is. S. Santa Rosa, March 6,14, Pan Frnnclsco 22.30; April?. Port Harford !s. 8. corona, March 2, 10. is, Santa Barbara | 2ti; April 3. . Leave ban Pedro and East San Pedro. For— |S. R. Eureka, March 5, 11, 10, San Francisco 27; April 4. and ,S. s. St. Paul, March 7, 15, 28, Way ports Si; April 8. Curs to connect with steamers via San Pedro leave S.P, R.R. Arcade depot at 5:05 p.m. and Ter minal 11. R. depot at 6 p.m. Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa,Fo depot ut 0:50 a. in ,or from Redondo Railway depot ut 6:05 a.m. Curs to connect via Port Los Angeles leave B*P; R.R, depot at 1:10 p.m. for steamers north bound. Plans of steamers' cabins at agent's ofhce, where berths may he secured. The company reserves the right to change tha steamers or their days of sailing. For passage or freight as above or for tickets ta and from all important points In Europe, apply ta W. PARRIS. Agent Office: ggj W. Third St., Los Angeles. comrade Si Transaiioniiaue FRENCH LINE TO HAVRE. COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), NO. 42 NORTH River, foot of Morton street, New "York. Travelers hy this line avoid both travel by En glish railway and the discomfort* of crossing tho channel In a small boat. La nascogne, March 14. La Touraine, March 2L La H'Hirgogne, March 28. La Bretagne, April 4. La < lascogne, April 1 v La Touraine, April 18. liv Bourgogne, April 28j La Bretagne, May 2. La Gaacognc, May 9. La Touraine, May Is. La Bourgogne, May 28* La Bretagne, May 50. La Gascognc, June 6. La Touraine, June 13. La Bourgogne, June 'm\ l,a Bretagne, June 27, La Oascogne, July 4. La Touraine, July 11. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, flute elans, 8101 ; second-class, fl 17. For trolght or passage apply to - A. FORGET, Agent, W No. 3 Bowling Green, NewYors:. J. F. FUGAZI * CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery avenue, San Francisco. Tickets are for sale by all railroad and steamship offices. LOS ANGELES* fcrresentatlvo Wholesale mat Retail Dealers, Business Men and Firms J I W. H. BHINN, :oj-008 Wilson blk., Hprlng si. BA9BRBS' SUPPL'RA AND ORINDBU BTEINE.V A KIKCHXER. 180 N. Msln iv BICYCLES "KEATING," Hawley, Kine « Co., 210 Iff. Mala, | CAST-OFP CLOTHINO B, GREENGART, buy and sell, 107 Coomirslll. DRUaOISTS—WHOLES ALB V. W. BRAUN A CO., 40J-407 N. Main • ML Mt. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LUDWIO 4t wauN E R Molt Market. Tel. 88* OROCERS—WHOLES ALB HAAS, BARUCH st CO., 310 to 326 N. L. A. St. HOTELS ABBOTSFORD INN, oar. Ith A Bop*. Tel, U» HARNESS MANUFACTURER OTTO RUr, 123 a. Main, New Turnvereln halL | LAW, COLLECTIONS, MERCANTILE REP'TSi • STANDARD COLLECTION A MERCANTILE CO., (Inc.) |ioo,«M, iv stimson. ▲. C. are*? erson, att'y. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE BANKERS' ALLIANCE OY CAL., 218 Court SS. LIVERY STABLES CALIFORNIA STABLES.B7B N. Main St. Tel. «W MANTELS. TILES AND HARDWOOD LU.IBBS, HENRY BOIIRMANN, 514 S. Spring St. Tel. 7«J PHYSICIAN DR. WARD, Byrne Bl'd,, Rm. JlB. Tel. 78. PMOIOQRAPH LANDSCAPE F. H. MAUDE A CO., 211 W. First St. RBAL ESTATB NORTON & KENNEDY, 184 S. Srtnj; tat. Nfcl SADDLES, HARNESS AND SADDLBWARS J. F. MOBENO, 220 Aliso It. SEWINO /IACHINE REPAIRINQ IL V. BII.LINUS, 4SUs 8. Spring st. Tel. IMS. SAFES, SCALES, REFRIGERATORS CHAS. W. ADAMS, 333 N. Main. TeL 1847. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOOL COMPANY, COUNSTABLE A COUTTS, ISO N. Los Angele*. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALHERS BOOTH .V ROW, 250 fl. Main St. Tel. 1849. WATCHITAKER AND OPTICIAN O. STOESAK, 511 s. Spring sv bet. ttb and «fc WINES AND SPIRITS g. F. A. LAST, i 2» and 111 N. Main st. WINES. LIQUORS AND CIOARS B. FLEUR, 40M06 N. L. A. St. Tel. 224. YARN LOUSES (TEW YOLK BAZAAR, 148 N. Spring St. C P. HBINZBriAN. Druggist and Chemist 222 N. Main St., Los Angeles Prescriptions larciui v compoundad 4*7 or Dlfbt.