Newspaper Page Text
12 LET THERE BE MORE LIGHT Investigate the Charges Against tbe Orphans' Home A MATTER OF PUBLIC DUTY 0017 Justice to tbe Management as Well as tbe Children The Names of Witnesses Will Be Furnished It They Are Wanted—A Number ol Inaccuracies Corrected There are no new developments in tho matter of the charges against the manage ment of the Protestant Orphans' home, at the corner of Yale anil Alpine streets, yes terday. As was expected, the Times fol lowing in the lead of tlie afternoon papers Thursday, came out yesterday morning in a column article on the abuses exposed in the home. The article in iiuestion was headed "Exaggeration," and while be littling tbe charges made by Mr. Dunn, does not even attempt to deny that tbe practices complained of existed. As a matter of fact, tbe charges made by Mr. Thinn and published in The Hkrald. have not been denied. 0:i tho contrary, even Mrs. Stephens, the president of the board of managers, admits that the most serious allegation, the chastisement of the eleven - year-old girl Pearl Grant, by a boy of about her own age was true, and the only justifi cation is that the matron who permitted this to be done was discharged, In tbe matter of the red pepper story. Mrs. Stephens does not deny this, but only says that she knew nothing of it until tho publi cation, when Inquiry was made, and then it came out that something of the sort might have been practiced by a former em ploye, though not in the manner precisely set forth. As a matter of fact, in place of the Dunn charges being disproved, they have in some particulars, at least, been confirmed by those in a position to know whereof they speak, towit. the president of tlie board of managers, and several of the attendants. As regards these charges, there is but one course to pursue. They wero made by William F. Dunn, an apparently reliable man. with satisfaciory credentials to his standing. They were published by Tin: HkksLU without any attempts at sensa tionalism, and. after being verified, with out malice, and with an honest desire to have the matter thoroughly investigated. There is no feeling on the part of THE HERALD in the matter, no disposition or desire to do anyone an injustice, nor to de- J tract in any way from tlie good that has ' been done by the ladies wiio have this ! charily in charge. It is a plain matter of I public policy. The Orphans' homa is a i public institution, supported in a great ' measure by the state. If abuses have been , permitted to creep into the is only right that they lie exposed and eradicated, as in any other pubi c institu tion. There is only one way in whicli this can be done, and that is by a full and im partial investigation by a commission or a committee appointed by the board of man agers for this purpose. The Herald has stated plainly and unequivocally that it is in possession of the names of parents and children who say that abuses have been committed. Several in stances have lieen given iv es pecially flagrant cases, antl these have been, in at least the main points, corrobo rated by the home management. Tilt: HERALD has furthermore stated that the information in its possession will be fur- | nisbed to the home officers, it' they wish to i enter on a systematic investigation. This | is a fair proposition, and in ttie interest of j the public it should be taken no. Tlie re sult will lie given to tlie public, and if it is shown that the home management has been maligned, or that there is any per sonal notice actuating those making the charges, these facts will be freely and fully given. Tbe HERALD has no interest in tiiis matter except the public good, and to tha' end will devote such space to the inquiry as is necessary to do justice to all parties concerned. It is a matter of vita 1 public importance, and in view of the admissions already made by tho president of tiie board of managers, these charges cannot be lightly passed over. In the interview with Mrs. Stephens, printed in the Times, that lady is quoted .-is saying that the abuse of children in the home was under a superintendent who was only on probation for two months, and for such display of poor judgment as allowing a 12-year-old boy to wiiip au 1 1-year-old girl witii a strap on her legs below her dress, this superintendent was at once re moved. It is alleged, however, that this same woman was just previous to her ap pointment as superintendent on probation, the matron in the nursery ward over the babies It is also alleged that it was under this same matron mat Mrs. Wright found i her little 1-year-old child sore and bruised, i which child was seen by the wife of a jus tice of the peace in this city, who said that j the cuild's backj'rom its waist to its knees was so bruised that a pin could not have been laid on while Mesh. It is also alleged th it the present matron over the boys has sanctioned ihe whipping on the bare flesh of these children, and that proof of this can be furnished if it is wanted, 11 is further stated that it is the present matron who has kept two small boys in the window cellar, about tour feet deep, where there was no glass but i istead of glass a heavy wire screen, subject to the draught incident to such a place on a cold day in January, from before dinner until after dark, with nothing to eat but bread and water, without coats on; and when the boys cried with cold and anottier boy in his compassion for ids companions took coats to them, the boy who did this humane, merciful act was whipped for it by the ma tron now in charge. A lady wiiowas in the Sunday school that day saw the boys in the hole, and there are a host of witnesses to the re«,t of the ad air. Mr. Dunn is mentioned by the Times as still leaving his children in the home. They have just recovered from a conta gious disease in the home, and his little boy also has now a head disease whicli is liable to keep him in the hospital for some time to come. The Times says Mr. Dunn is an able bodied man, when his right hand is so crippled (hat he can hardly use a table knife: and also that he does not pay a penny toward the support of his children. This is not a fair statement. Mr. Ihmn keeps hia children in good clothes and is under a written contract with Mrs. Steph ens to pay in a future time for the chil dren. In this connection it should bo stated that parents are paying what they can for their children, some as much as $5 per month for eseh child, yet tbe state is also paying Ifi per month for each child, and the Times in the article about the Highland's asylum gives the steward's re port as saying that the raw loot! costs but a trifle over 10 cents per capita per day. Now, this is for adults, l-'or the children in the Orphans' home it must be much less. As the state pays 20 cents per day to keep each child, why should the parent pay at all? Yet nearly all the parents keep their children in clothing. The Times' statement that relatives of the children have boen teaching in the Sun day school as a mere pretext to see their children is also untrue. (hie of tlie fathers had taught fifty Sundays flu past year, and there were only four relations teaching stall. The only confusion was when the irregular teacher came iv and tho classes had to be divided for them. Another statement is not true in the Times. Mr. Dunn never slated tbe abuses to any lawyer except to ask what court such crimes of cruelty cime undo", and J but one pre»cher over read tbe charges and ! that oao advised Sir, Dunn to go to the I Herald. ALL DAY CHURCH MShTINij Held at the Pour-fotJ Uosp-l Tab eras 21s Yesterday An all day meeting, under the auspices Jof the Gospel tabernacle, was held yester , day at the Forresters' hall on North Main j stree'. The services, which were divided j into a morning and afternoon session, were attended by representatives of different denominations. The object of the meeting was to teach that directness of faith, which is tlie belief of the Four-fold Uospelchurch, to induce Christian workers today to follow I the precepts of Christ who, when on Ihe earth, ministered to both the body and ihe j soul. The morning session was opened witii ! prayer by the Rev. IV. C. Stevens, pastor jof tne Gospel tabernacle. Key. H. .1. Pter j son of Newark, N. J., and Mrs. I'ierson, , who are both engaged in evangelistic work. | were the principal speakers at both ses sions. In the morning cv. I'ierson gave I a Bible reading, opening with the text, Baekial 47. and following with contiguous teachings taken from various portions of ■ tlie scriptures. Mrs. Pierson followed I w ilh a similar line of Instruction begin ning her exhortation with Mark xi. hi the afternoon Mr. Pierson drew les sons from his practical teachings of the gospel in his every day work. HeMted in stances in evangelical paths when it was , useless to try to gain the at tuition of the j poor to religious instruction. He referred to methods resorted to among the poor in New York and other large cities, where : Christianity was applied with great success ,by first administeting small quantifies of i : bread and coffee to the cold and hungry. ■ Mr. Pierson believes that with a slight | 1 wanning of the physical nature there is ; : better hope of inspiring spiritual anima- j ■ tion. Mrs. I'ierson followed with a practical i talk on Prayer. She thought that most people failed in receiving answers to prayer I from a lack of understanding God's will, i I She dwelt on the Bible teaching, " Whats >■ : i ever vf> desire, believe that ye ii ive." j After tie ad-.lic-.sis the Key. Stevens ■ opt ned me meeting lor an expression of i testimonies. Men and women, young anil old. testitled to a belief in Christ and a de sire to follow in His footsteps Many sec tions of hymns were sung between the avowals of faith. A pre-millennial conference will be given at Pencil hall next Tuesday and Wednes day under the leadership of Dr. Brookes of St. Louis, antl wiil be followed by all day meetings on Thursday and Friday, under Hie ausp.ces of the Christian alliance. Dr. Price's as purest and strongest of : baking powders, is most economical. TO A PAL'PUR'S GRAVE Minnie Judy Will Rest io Oo: Unless Claimed by Relatives Coroner's Inquest Upon the Bjdv of the Westlake Suicide—No New Pacts Are Developed Coronet Campbell held an Inquest yes terday morning at the undertaking rooms of Orr cc Hinos upon the re:nains of Miss Minnie Judy, the unfortunate girl whose body was found in Westlake park last Wednesday morning. Nothing that would tend to throw any light on the motive for the deed was ad duced, and from present appearances the whole affair seems likely to remain wrapped iv mystery. An autopsy disclosed the fact that the woman was not enciente, and also that she was alllicted witii certain troubles pe culiar to her sex. Her physician, who had i treated her ailments for some time, was put upon the stand and stated that Miss ] Judy often complained of her lot and said i life was not worth living. Remarks of a similar nature bad been I made to Mrs. Kobinson, tiie lady whose ac ! qiiuiutance Miss Judy formed while aboard j ttie steamer on the trip from the north to this city. A gentleman who did not give his name called at the morgue in the afternoon and identified the body. Ho had known Miss Judy in Portland, in whicli city she iiad boarded at the same house as he. While there siie iiad seemed of an exceptionally i sunny and I a >py" nature an. I had , always conducted herself in a becoming ! manner. Fred Park, the Santa Fe fireman, who it I 1 is said had been c tiling on Miss Judy, and ' who was reputed to have in hia posses ion I a letter from the dead girl, did not appear ! • at tlie inquest, as lie is out on the road on ! his run. He had informed Mrs. Robinson, i however, tha' while lie had paid some at- ; tention to Miss Judy, they were never en- ' gaged and he knew little of her intentions. I Upon a ring which was taken from the middle linger of her left hand was an in- I scription engraved, "From Fred to Miti- j the,''but this it is denied was a present from Park to the girl. At a late hour last evening no word had been received in reply to the telegrams which had been sent to the brother and married sister of the deceased, who reside iv Oregon. The body will be kept for one or two days in the hope that instructions may be received whioh will save the re mains from a pauper's grave. Should no one come forward this will have to be their disposition, as all the money left by de- j ceased was 10 cents. After hearing the evidence the jury returned a verdict of suicide by drowning, in accordance with the facts. a free want ad To Every Subscriber of "Tho Her ald" Any subscriber to this paper, old or new, may insert an advertisement under the classified heading of "For Exchange—Mis- upon the following conditions: The advertiser must not be a dealer in the article advertised. The advertisement must not contain more than sixty words antl will appear but four times. Jf you have a book, gun, revolver, mu sical instrument, clock, watch, piece of furniture, collection of stamps, coins, jew elry, horse, dog, cow, poultry, bicycle, buggy, harness, whip, saddle, picture or any other article of the sort that you want to trade lor something else it won't cost you anything to runthead. In The HEBHLD and make tbe exchange. Answers may be sent in care of the Hr:t:ALti (to one of its box numbers) or direct to the address of the advertiser. The rate for each insertion after the fourth, and to all who are not regular Herald readers, is 5 cents per line per in sertion. Special Santa Barbara Excurslun Friday and Saturday. March 13th and 14th. Southern Pacific. One fare for round trip; tiv-e day limit from principal Southern California points. From Los An geles, 13.35. Jlonrnvia Day Excursion Wednesday. March 11 th. Free drives through a beautiful country and Baldwin's ranch. Trains leave Arcade depot 8:05, 1 ' :110 a. in. Southern Pacific round trip ,";0 cents. Kedondo Beach Trains Via Santa Fe leave daily at 9:50 a. m., ">:O0 p. m.. Saturday and Sunday round trip, oO cent*. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MOKNINGr. MARCH T, 1896. hi "I WE recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior to all others. It is indispensable for finest food. — United Cooks and Pastry Cooks Asso'n of the United State* THE FIESTA COMMITTEE Is Agreeably Surprised by an Olfer of Assistance From a College The Floral Parade Committee to Oo to santa Barbara To.lay in a Body to Pcrlect Details The Fiesta committee received a most pleasant surprise yesterday in the follow ing letter from die Los Angeles Business college: Mr. C. 1 1 . Willard, Secretary Chamber of J Commerce: My Hear Sir—The season for 'Li Fiesta festivities is fast approaching, j and we understand that you are to have i some historical floats which will require a ' number of characters. We would like to proffer to you and your committee ihe services of our students to j represent these dil r erent characters. Wo | have an attend inee of ab.iut 225 students I from which to draw, and w > bdieve out of j these a sufficient number can be had to represent tii r> different characters upon all >oi;r historical floats during the Fiesta week. The managers of this college will be glad to render you any as sistance in their po-ver. The public spirited ofTer of the man [ airers of the college has solved one of the J m"st perpleging propositions the fiesta i management has had untjWr consideration, j With tue aid of the s.uJeuts the floats will Ibe well manned and tho offer has been I thankfully and gladly accepted. The Hag to be used by the school children lat the patriotic celebruion at Sixth street par., uas been donated by Mr. John F. i Fran -is as a tribute to and in honor of the j sciiool children of this city. The tlag will ibe the largest in Southern California i and its dimensions will be limited only by ! tho support that the I'2o-foot pole can give i it. When the iriars and Stripes are thrown j to the breeze in the af ternoun of April 24th I they will be seen for miles around. Tho committee having in charge the ' floral parade held a meeting yesterday afternoon and decided to go to Santa Bar bara today in a body to consult with the floral committee of that city in regard to I the details of that important event. I Tue premium and nrize list will be ready ' forpubliei'y tomorrow, Mr. B. Wachtela. the well known artist, \ has painted the different floats in oil, from 1 which the plates have been made that will ,be used in the official program and souve | nirof the Fiestas The best art critics who j have seen Mr. W.ichtel's paintings and the I engravings, have unanimously pronounced i them one of the most art stic pieces of j work created by paint and brush. THE FKIDAV MORNING CLUB s'jmntr P. Hunt Lectures on Ca ifornia flls -6.0n Architecture At tho weekly meeting of tlie Friday Morning club yesterday Sumner P. Hunt, a rising young architect of Los Angeles, read a piper in the interest of the Landmarks club, entitled California Mission Archi tecture. A short time ago a public meeting of the Landmarks club was held to create an in terest in its work—that of perpetuating for all time to come the historic ruins of Southern I California, particularly the old Spanish missions, as landmarks of the first civilization of this coast. At thai meeting a most interesting essay was read on tlie romantic phase- of the old missions, whicli threw about these relics of crude toil and monuments of religious zeal a beautiful halo of a historic and pictur esque past. Realistic details wero given by means of vivid pictures that drew the im initiation to those early days when thy church fathers made the first religious home for the unschooled Indian who lived within and around these w dls that today are fast crumbling away from vandalism and neglect. Yesterday to continue the interest Mr. Hunt took up particularly the architectural features of tho missions, whicli were pre sented in an interesting and instructive manner. He said: "San Juan Capiat, ano is taken as the representative of the mis sion buildings. The architecture is clearly the renaissance of Southern Kurope and quite aa much Italian as Spanish. It has absolutely no touch of the Gothic, and judging by its details, none of the Moorish. It has a suggestion of the Spanish- Moorosque in its heavy wall effects and in the grouping of the buildings. A notable feature which has no precedent in European work, is the gable treatment. fc>an Luis Key is the best illustration of this, although the most familiar is the San Uabriel bell tower, it would seam that the mission builders, appreciating their shortcomings in the working of detail, became very sen sitive to beauty of outline. At Monterey, however, the facade of the main church is beautifully carried out in a renaissance treatment of the Roman Doric which ad mi's of no criticism. The color had much to do with the suc cess of the style, the white walls accentuat ing lights and shadows ot the strong sun shine, and the rich red of tlie tile roofs forming a Hue contrast to the brilliant hues of mountair and sky. The altars and chancel screens favor tiie lonian order and tho work is thoi'jujdy good. The interi ors, iii their elaborate decoration and high coloring, however, savor of the barbaric ideas of the untutored Indian. As a whole, the old structures are magnificent speci mens of vaulted masonry, but aro lament ably deficient in wooden construction, which accoun's for the general unroofing allV/ork wiS • of tho buildings and their untimely decy. Great interest in the subject and iv tlie advancement of the Landmarks cub was shown at the conclusion of tho address. ■ and many questions concerning the work ings of the organization were asked, i In reply Mr. Hunt stated that it was not I the object of the club to restore any por | lion of the ruins. It was merely a renewal Ito the extent of conserving them in thair , j present state from farther crumbling and ; | decay, » He scid San Juan is now in process of re- I pairs for which .f'JoO will be required. We ! have nearly that amount now. Ouo thous and dollars will be needed toconserveall of ihe seven buildings. Many persona in the easi who have visited the missions, an.l noted the apathy of in respect 1 to these historical legacies, bave very gen erously come forward with oliers of as • i sistance, believing that they owe to tiie i country, a duty of retaining the only ruins i lin the I nited States. The Catholic church, j to whom the missions belong, has also met j all propositions half way. It has given a gratuitous lease of .*au Jum for ten years and an option by which the flub if disposed and able at tho expiration of the lease may become the purchasers of this mis sion, which is the foremost ot the old land marks. Try our port and snerry wines at 73 , cents per gallon. T. Vache & Co., Com mercial and Alameda streets. Telephone 30' J. Call tel. 243 for ambulance. Kregelo & Bresee, Sixtt. ana Broadway. JOTTINGS Our Home Brew Maler & Zobeioin's lager, fresh from tholi brewery, on draught in all the pr.ncipal nt loons; delivered promptly in bottles or ke?i ofljte aud brewery, 414 Alirostroet; telephone 81 - Haniman Fish Co., .-an PeJra Fresh lisk and lobsters shipped direct to nU j points in Arizona, Texas and Mexico, from | tannery in i-an I'edro, at lowest wholesale | \ rices. Pabst Beerl Pabst Beer! On draft Obmpio Hall, 121 W, First it, W, Garms, prop. Tel. 'J74. Finest commer tia) lunch. Leave orders for bottled beer. Eagle ' rand Oysters Call lor the Kagle lirand oi fresh frozen cysters. Your grower has them. They are * great delicacy. Free Dispensary For the poor dai.y. Drs. Lindley and Smith, Broadway and Foui th. Ptrtle Ulocic. U'e are making « trrea. run on our now ISDLi model bicycle for the low price of tr'tij. Haw ey, King i Co., 210 North Main street Have you seen our Columbus Buggy Co.'i | bicycle for lh9o? Inspect, bamp'.os, 210 N, ; Main bt.. Hawley, King & Co. Advance Davis scwine machines removed to 407 s, Broadway, opposite Chamber Com merce. Big Tree Carriage Works, 128 San Pedro St. Concord business wagons a specialty Pabst Be r! Faust Beer: On draft at Joe Anio J'«, :ns S. bpnn; st Ijr. D. S. Diffcnbai her dentist, rooms 4 and 5,110 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. - Dressmakers—Ail fashion books at L&n; fisdtcT's, 214 South Broadway. Everything on wheels, Hawley, King & Co., 210-212 N. Main street. Sewing Machine* rented £2 per month. 407 South Broadway. Columbus Buggy Co.'s buggies are high grade. ' r. Harriet Hiiton. 424 .S. Hill street, _ — _ BIRTHS Notices under this head free. ANGELICAN—On Friday, March 6, wife i.i Jean Angleman, a daughter, weight p 1 • pounds. MARRIAGES Notices under this head, without comment, free. DEATHS Notice* or (tenths, without comment, tnsertM under this head free. Funeral noi loss li) cents per Dug. SMITH—In this city, at Uray cables hotel, March n. lhWfl, Mrs. Anna It. Smith, mother Of M*B, M. K. Kiel ami Miss s. It, Smith. Remains will he taken to si. Louts and buried ,/»m the residence of Mrs. .1. p. Finney, No. 14 avenue. St. Louis unit .Fort Madison, la., papers please copy. 1 Peck & Chase Co.. JfHE BROADWAY ■ » 39 a BROADWAY. ■ ■agjßug ■ ■ "aj Ever Troubled With Your Eyes ETer tried us? We have fitted glasseg to thousands to their eniire satisfaction. Why not give us a trial? We will satisiy you. Eyes tcited free. Lowest prices. S. Q. MARSHUTZ, SdentHlc Optician 245 6. fpring street, opp. Stimson Block Establi; hed her* nine years. ftW~ Look lor th* Crown an th* Window. Poland Addres3 Rnrkr parish's i\ WLn DHUG STORE, W„- SO] S. BKOADWAV. water TuL g^s. You Will Put Your Foot In It If you do not come and see the shoes and the prices. You will probably put your feet in a pair of the shoes if you do come. ———^—- - Commencing We will sell the entire stock of shoes made Wlm by the alhambra shop, manufag- TURING CO., and bought by us at Fifty Cents on the Dollar These Shoes are so well known that it is unnecessary to describe them, so will simply say that they are made of Calf, Kip, Russet, Kangaroo, Seal, Etc. Wheelmen Engineers . Miners Firemen ' Ranchers Motorneers m^M-^tf' Police Conductors ' • •• Teamsters (iraders ' " '•^. r ,.^^L And For Dress Wear Lots of Boys' Serviceable Shoes The Sale Will Continue Until Every Pair is Sold Massachusetts Shoe Store 129 West First St. = Near Spring St. MINNEOLA VALLEY ON THB With Water, $25 an Acre Sgk TERMS: $10 an acre down ; balance, 3, 6 and 8 years. y^filpl*^ Interest, 6 per cent. From !-4th to i-ioth the price of other land with water. Minneola Valley is situated on the main line of the Santa Fe Railroad, 150 miles from Los Angeles. The valley is 15 m iles wide by 21 miles long. The soil is decomposed porphyry, exceedingly rich and very deep. Land and water to suit the times. WfttAn. jC £4 Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, WUQc OC *?lrOFlg, 228 W. Fourth St., Chamber of Commerce Building. Dr. Pierces Galvanic I IS THK LATEST PATKN T; CONTAINS ALL improvements and Is sold aionohalf the price asked for Luferlor, but much-advertised electric pelts. The results, accomplished byPr. Pierces belts are simply wonderful, thousands of cures having been made where physicians and medicines had billed to give relief, The strongest possible evidence will be Riven to Inquirers as to the efficacy and superiority of Dr. Pierces belts,and a thorough examination and com par Ist , these goods with all others Is re spectrally invited of ail Intending purchasers of an electric belt, (.'all or write for free "Pamphlet SJo.l" Address DRS. PIERCE & SON, 700 to 704 Sacramento Street. Second, third and fourth floors, San Francisco,Cal. 1896 SPRING AND SOURII poheim ja The Tailor h I Has much pleasure in ft announcing the arrival IwH l oi his New Stock for the r H HJT incoming season. The I Mil . Styles ar? complete and I ■IjM artistic in every way. I IHM Hi Is to Ordor Ofl 1 111 from **v Pants to Order Cc from w& wr All garments shrunk before making. The largest Tailoring Establishment In Los Angeles. 143 S. Spring St., Bryson Block J. F. Henderson. Manager. Eureka Oil Company Office, S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Fuel Oil de- Pl IPI livered in city and f.o.b. cars l WLL, Los Angeles. Write or call on us for lowest prices and Oil information. WIL ' E. L. Allen, President . mtm Opens Oct 30 parlor and iiathroomr convenient mr*T 'Mall Bl*lll aWtsffcrXli-'o throe lines >( steara railway) ts^*^_--\__jmQ\™ i ' ir^V-^'*- l? >-Tt\ lj(1H Angeles and , j- —r^j^Y^SSl-r-. modern convenient.. t aTinJf!ir**iaV' Q , a . QREEN, Own.r. X H. HOLiIES. Manatt* Tourists Should read the Los Angeles Daily Herald. If you are in and *he city for a few days only and want to keep posted on Residents affairs, local, state, national and foreign, send in your order. jn Fifteen cents will furnish all this for seven days, delivered at Southern your room, hotel or residence. The Sunday Herald is a California magazine which will furnish you a week's reading for 5 ctS First-class and modern In all its appointments. .Ixl.ll/ Special accommodations for Tourists and permanent ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD INN CO., rvrvr Southeast corner Eighth and Hope Sts., ljN JN Los Angeles Warmest, most even temperature all the year round In HOTEL the world. Beautiful panoramic view of the ocean and mountains. Handsomely furnished, heated by steam, AT2P, A. FIT A strictly modern and frst-class throughout. Surf and Hot Salt Water Baths, a positive cure for nervous and rheu matic disorders. Open all the year. Raiess3,si7.*oandup. Suits Monica First-class Orchestra. S. RHEINHART, Prop'r. The P°P ular HOTEL METROPOLE open, and regular steamer service every day except C\TAI INA Sunday, commencing Feb. 8, 1596. See railroad iV time tables in Los Angeles daily papers. Full in- Ter a "vtt\ formation from BANNING CO,, 222 S. Spring v strect _ Los AngeleSi Cal Hardware 10 „ o Discount For Cash on Builders' Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Cook Stoves, Tinware and Graniteware Thomas Bros. 230 South Spring Street