Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Rales tor advertisements under this einssiflcn- i tiou-i tinie... nents per onell weeg. sjcants per ' line j | mO»t li. I] per line. Houses and Lots V. BOSBYSHELL A CO., 107 SOUTH BROADWAY, REAL ESTAI E DEALERS. * ' tfyoucanM find what you want in our list, atid r rice's rt> suit, it 's because what you want isn't in allfornla. Look over these selections, and remember THERE ARE OTHERS. WE HAVE HOMES, WE HAVE LOTS, WE HAVE At'Rl> FOR SUBDIVISION, WE HAVE THE BEST RANCHES, HOMES. HOMES. HOMES. No. 166-On West Thirtieth st.; a most attractive place; beautiful lot: complete house; t5OW>. No. 164—7-room cottage on E. Adams; modern im provements, barn, flowers, trees, shrubbery, cement walk; only 82100. No. 188— A complete hnusa of 7 rooms, fine sur roundings, on Forrester aye. It's yours for 13800. No. 168—A perfect love of a 6-room cottage on For rester, with barn, nice grounds, fenced, on electric line; It's a gift at ?2200. No. 147—7-rOOm cot tage on Ruetia Vista; lot 60x117; will trade for lots or country property. No. 146—This Is exquisite; aIH-story 7-room cot tage,with bath; lot 50x160 to alley; Shrub bery, trees, etc. If taken this week, ooly fftOOh No. 148—A nice 8-rooin house, with bath, only (8000. West End Terrace. No. 141 -Neat 5-room cottage and good business lot on E. First st., Boyle Heights, 60x140] very attractive at the price, |2500. No. 188—Superb location on Augoteno Heights; lot 60x160, with elegant, cozy home of 7 rooms, barn, tic s, shrubbery and flowers; it's a treasure at 13800: cost 14000. Ro. 181—ThlB won't lost at tho price; 5 room cot tage, newly papered] lot 60x120 on Twenty first St., west of Main; *170'), cash or half cash. No. 133 Al Baal Los 4ngeies, S-story brick 6-room house OR Grillln aye; lot 60x167. Will 82000 tempt you? No. 118 -OH Hoover st , lot 60x110, with fi-room house, bath, screen porch, lawn, flowers, etc. A great dHve at $2<KK>. No. 115 This is almosl a gift -only 11600 for 5-room cottage, with lot 60x196and two additional rooms; on Washington st. Don't lose it. No. 100—2-story 7-room house, wdiite-pine finish, bath, closet . screen porch; oil Clinton St.; will take lot iv part payment: only *2«tno. No. 88—A beautiful s room house, in splendid neighborhood, new; mantel, hath, closets; lot 50X180] you can't duplicate in this city for the price S6B K)j it won't last; if you w ant it call quick. No. 86 A weh equipped modern home, R rooms, With carpels and shades, on Jefferson St., near cars; trees and shrubbery, windmill; it ought to go quick at 1,8800, or will rent fur nished. No. 74 An elegant home and beautiful, well equipped grounds in fruit, shrubbery and trees, 106X288] rme modern 0-room house—a perfect gem | 86600, NO. 88—A lovely home with $2500 worth of furni ture, 12 rooms, modern, on W, Seventh st.; house, lot and furniture, 6g6oQi NO, 61—A line \2 large-room house on Lovelace, near Washington, with lot 60x168; good barn and beautiful grounds; cheap at 80000, No. 18—A modern mansion, 9 rooms, all modern Improvements, papered, 1 grates, brick foun dation.good barn; 10t65x200] splendid loca tion, southwest; f66OQ If sold soon. NO. 82 11-rooni bouse on s. pearl, near business, all in fine condition ; beautiful grounds; cost 68500; take i his bargain for 86500. No. 86—A most delightful home on W. Thirtieth at , near cars; beautiful grounds; 9 rooms, elegantly finished ; (6000 will buy it. WM. F. BOSBYSHELL & CO. 107 S BROADWAY. J OTS. LOTS. LOTS. No. 84—In Harper tract, 91450; 60 feet front, worth 82000, No. 128- Washington st. tract, 50x150, to close on estate—f6Bo. No. 154—East frontage of 150 ft. on Hope St.. near Eighth; splendid location. No. 1 1 lots in blocks X and L, Nob Hill tract, near Sixth st. Take the four for $2500. No. 16—Fine lot iv Bonnie Brae tract, cast front, near Ninth. * No. 23—Fine building lot on Jefferson st , South west, $fi(>o. No. 25—Choice lot on W. Thirty-first at. cheap at £650. No. 26—Beautiful lot In Waverly tract at #760, No. 81—East front; 2 lots on Vermont aye. No. 84—Nice 80-ft. front lot on Westlake aye. No. 88—100 ft- front Iv Nob Hill Extension. No. 88—100 ft. front on Westlake aye. No. 40—60 ft. front Nob Hill Extension, only 11600. No. 47—Fine business lot, cor. W. Washington, IiOOO,Ot will trade for bouse and lot near Temple. No 48— Best business corner on Broadway, paying nearly !> per cent; only |50,000. No. 68—600r 100 ft., cor. on Vermont aye., suita ble for business for 6850, No. 69—Fine 10l on Ronnie Brae-. No. 70—A beauty in Bonnie Brae. No. 78—Fine building lots in Walnut Grove tract, very low. Nos.Df, OJI, 94 and 9i—Tho sightltest location In the city; Northwest; ocean and Oahuenga valley view; very low to parties who will build. WM. F. BOSBYSHELL & CO. REAL ESTATE, 107 S. BROADWAY. F. BOSBYSHELL A CO. 107 S. BROADWAY. ACRES TO SUBDIVIDE. No. B.l—ll acres near Pico Heights, well located; big money In it li subdivided. No. 167— Nearly 21 acres; at present forms a splen did orange ami lemon ranch; within block of streetcars; lies well; good soil; n beautiful spot for subdivisions; easily handled; look it up. WM, F. BOSBYSHELL *!fc CO. 107 S. BROADWAY. ■yrr"M. f. bosjiyshell & co, 107 S. BROADWAY", REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RANCHES. RANCHES. RANCHES. No. 1091—Houso nnd 9-acre ranch at Alhambra; (0000. No. 1002- Rouse and 5 acres at Alhambra; ?6000. No. 1008—17-acre ranch near RaymondHotei; 10 acres In oranges, lemons and olives. No. 1004—10-acro ranch in Fresno county, near Reedley; will sell or trade at 51500. No. 1006—14-acre ranch with 10-room modern house, near Pasadena; $11,500. No. 1006—18-aoro ranch in Altadona, mostly lem ons; 2'j' shares water stock with each acre; will Kelt all or part, cheap, No. 1007—10-acro ranch on Azusa road; 250 gum trees; 6160 per acre. No. 1008—74 acres near Eagle Rock; sandy loam; excellent fruit land ; will sell or trade for city property. No. 1009—18 acres near Long Beach; good alfalfa land; 81300. No. 1010—40 acres good alfalfa land near Long Beach at $.1500. No. 1011—4U acres adjoining No, 1099; gooj alfalfa land nenr Long Beach, at 84600. No. 1612—A largo selection ot choice alfalfa land near Long Reach, at low figures, in tu-ncre tracts .1 good lots and comfortable house at Long Bench for |l 100, is hits at Santo Monica to trade for City property. A beautiful orange and lemou ranoh of nearly 2i acres; other fruits in profusion; near 'Vernon Streetcars; ranch can be made to pay64oooper year, or can be subdivided to advantage . look this up. it wilt pny >ou. CALL ON OK ADDRESS WM. E. BOSBYSHELL A CO., REAL ESTATE DE VLERS, JO7 B, BROADWAY. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Hates for advertisements under tills classifica tion -| time, 6 cents per line; tweak, -i» cents per line; 1 mouth *1 per line. Houses and Lots QULVERS REAL ESTATE BARGAINS* Here are a few of Culver's special offerings. •5000—Corner on Seventh st.: 120 feet frontage by 117 feet deep; this aide of Union aye. 8:700—60 feet front corner on W, Seventh St. $2300—60 feet front on V. seventh st. ?2200—Central aye.. fi room cottage: lot 165x215; barn and well; one-tblrd cash, balance 1 and 12 years at 7 per cent net. JG-5-For a 36 foot lot In the Wolfskin tract. $.-,lo—Wolfskin, 25x110; close to the Arcade depot. $625—25x110, Towne aye.; only $625. We have thp largest frontage on Towno aye. Tor sale at only f27 a front foot. House and lot on E. Eighth st., near power hons*\ forssnn; part cash, balance 810 per month, without interest. Don't go longer without a home. 9760—60X180, close to Figneroa at , or can have 150 frontage at same figure. Snap bargain. 11500—A business lot on Fifth st.; afIOOO improve ment will bring $'.'•"> a month rent. 10 acres In oranges, paying over f 1000 a year net in come, for $6000; house and barn. $•1500—Cash; aO-rnnm modern house In southwest portion of the city] rented at 842.50 per month to good tenant. 84500— Business corner, close in, on good thorough fare; 2-story 8-room house rented for 885 per month. $50 cash down and the balance in 1, 2 or .1 years at !1 per cent gross If you build on the lots at. once. We have 6 lots 26x120 each, and you have only to ask for one and it Is yours. ( ome and sec us at once If you want to get a home, |1300—8350 ensh and **M.IO a month for one Of those charming new 5-room cottages In the Wolfs kin tract. This small monthly payment In cludes interest and principal and Is only 7 per cent net Interest on deferred payments. They are almost ready for occupancy, and Ihe first who comes has choice. If you have *!150 In your pocket and know a snap with your eyes open come uud see us to morrow. Never buy dirt from anyone but CULVER, 212 S. Broadw ay, i' ziz £jULYKR~ 212 P. Broadway, Advertises, free of Charge, all bargains Listed with him, 6t -pOR SALE CORNER PICO AND FLOWER STS. IVe have the exclusive sale of this eleganl corner, 160x167, Which is centrally located and is exceedingly desirable for flats or stores. Thereare two double track electric car lines in front of this line corner whicli make-sit very prominent. The owner will, for a short time, make the price 88500, which is unques tionably a great bargain CLARK * BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. 7tf JjlOR SALE— $1800 _ A BARGAIN YOU CANNOT DUPLICATE. Will build cottage (plans to suit) 5 rooms and path, On Seventeenth Bt*, between Union ov. and Bush st., graded, curbed and sewered,and sell for one.fourth cash, balance easy terms; would build any alse house desired, FRANK RECORDS. s 880 S. Broadway. I7U>R SALE—BBBOO—AN ELEGANT MODERN 6-room cottage Iv the South Ronnie Brae, finished in yellow pine, beautiful hall, double par lors with Sliding doors, porcelain bath with room i all elegantly tiled, back hall and large kitchen with 6-foot tiling, gas throughout. This is bran new and very cbeap. Good barn and yard nicety improved. Easy terms. F. B, WILLIAMS, !!00J£ s. Broadway, room 2. s 171 OR SALE - FURNISHED, LAURENCE house. Ocean aye., Sunta Monica; 21 rooms* thoroughly overhauled and Improved; take Los Angeles property as part payment. Apply ou premises. 1310R SALE—4)PJ MONTHLY BUYS A BEAU .. ttfulnew4-room cottage, Ninth and Centra] avenue. R. D. LIST, 128)$ W. Second. 8-28 I7»OR SALE—A NIC E 6-ROOM, HARD-FIN- Ished house; lot 88x148] trees and shrubbery. Apply 201 East Pico. U 1 TV' NOT PAY RENT, HIT lII*Y A HOUSE on the Installment plan from ALLISON B \ R LOW, 128 S. Broadway. 12-18 if "EIREE OF COST — YOUR CHOICE OF 200 X standard hooks, handsomely and substantial ly nound in doth. For particulars see two column announcemen in this issue. f|lo Rl*Y OR SELL ANYTHING THAT IS X saleable try the want columns of The Herald. A few cents invested in this manner may make you many dollars. City Lots VjlOR BALE— S3 Lois al *}I0:>0 each iv CLARK A BRYAN'S San Pedro St. Tract, Cor. Eighth and San Pedro streets We have 12 lots fronting ou San Pedro st.. in the heart of the city. San Pedro Street 13 |H) feet wide and Is fast building up insubstan rial business blocks. This property at the price Is simply a sacrifice, but in order to close the subdivision we are willing that the purchaser* should reap the benefit, lie member only \2 lots left at SlOWeabh. CLARK A BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. 7tf VOR SALE-A FEW MORE OK THOSE 6 lovely building lots for homes on E. Ninth St.. in Hlscock A smith's second addition; prices, 8800 io 8860- 810 down, • I Oner month. Apply on traci or to C. A. SMITH, -13 W, First It. 1 tf LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1536. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HutpsiMp advertisement* under this elsnssMca i tion— i tfmv, 5 cent* per line; 1 week, J* i cents par line] i month. 61.00 per line, C/fy Letts JT'Oic lAtfi. HOUTH BONNIE BRAE. We have several lots at low prices hi Ibis (itie iract. PIGUEROA STREET TRACT. Vor large lots, fine suit nnd the tontest neigh* Borhood in tho city,you should by all means ccc this tract, six new boa sea now In course of construction and others to follow. In order to make this the most desirable tract fbr tine hOQses In the city, we have limited the etnas of improvements to cost not less We will sell you fine bus mi graded and sewered si reels for only $ioon. Now Is the lime to get in on the ground floor, as we expect to advance the price as soon as a few more lots are sold. CLARK * BRYAN, 12? W. Third si. 7-tf 1' 710R SALE—" 111111 1 ' " A NEW DEPARTURE Wo now offer tv furnish purchasers of lots In the Alexandre Weill traci at their option, with policies Of Insurance of ihe Title Insurance and Trust com pany fur the full amount ol the purciraae price of the lots bought, or with unlimited certificates Si title guaranteeing the title in Alexandre Weill, free and clear of all encumbrances. Lota from MOO up on small cash payments and easy monthly installments Without interest. Clerks, working men, laboring men. mechanics, inotnrmen. con ductors, engineers stop throwing aw 'ay your money mi rent and remember the same payments will in a few years make you the proud possessors of your own homes. .Inst ask your wife about it and get all the particulars from RICH ARD A LTSCHUL, sole, W. Second si., Burdlck blk. tf cod ITIOR DESIRABLE HOMES " Sen those large lots. 60x150, for£2so and up In Conger's Wilson tract. Take notice. All lots haYS wide alleys, city water, graveled streets, cement walks, choice shade trees, building clause ; only 15 minutes from business center, on double electric car line. Easy terms. I*B6 if H. M. CONGER * SON", 128 8, Itroadway. JjlOR SALE-CITY LOT - A SNAP The cheapest lot on Vermont aye.. Only lfiO feet from Adams si., for $575. W, H. DICKINSON, 147 s. Broadway. » I NO It SALE SPECIAL RA R( JAIN; $2750 FOR . 8 lots, 250 feet west from Flgueroa st. and near Washington, must be sold at once. JOHN L. PAVKOVICfI, sole agent. 22s W. First st, 8 *a£ h >T \~ NEW HAMPSHIRE ST., NEAR *P Mm 4 ?» Pico. Wit hero tract; adjoining lots sell at 8460 s , this lot must be sold ; price, 1275, BEN WHITE. 221 W. First st. 7 FOR SALE -GILT EDOE LOTS ON .TKFFER -800 and Hope streets. Eight room bouse and bd on installment. MRS. E. E. THOMAS, BTB W. Jefferson. 8-18 V° v SALE I LOTS, 46x140, BETWEEN .r Court and Temple sts., on Newball st : price 8275 each; see them. 117 S. Broadway, 11. li. RfXRY az co. vS I.IOR SALE- THE CHEAPEST LOT ON ' Adams st.. In (.rider tt how's Orangedate trad, 60x160, price 8700. P. L. Ml I DELER, 286 W. second st. v 1.1 OR SALE-CORN ER, 80 I-' EET I» N TW E NTV seventh st., $l<> per front footi also one small two-Stamp quarts mill. Room 60 National hotel, at6ao p.m. y "[7«ORSALE-t H V LOT—HERE IS ANOTHER JU of mv famous snaps, a lot only 148 feet from Adams til. for (886, W. 11. DICKINSON, 147 S. Broadway. 8 ft 1 fc> "T EOT - JEFFERSON ST. TRACT, 0 1-«*.* 60x160: sure investment; barguiti. Apply to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 7 I IOR SALE-NICE LEVEL LOT, SEWERED ami graded, near Alpine and Pearl sis.; only 1860. REN WHITE, zil W. First st. 7' «.» BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE PROPERTY — go to REN WHITE. 221 W. First St. ll REMOVED W. S. CARTER, FROM 828 S. Broadway to 416 s. Main st. « Business Property J7AOR SALE— BROADWAY Lor. iVohavea choice piece of property on this line street, centrally located, now in the I heart of the business center. We are offer ing this property at such a low price that will make the lucky buyer a handsome profit Within a short time. CLARK *fc BRYAN, 127 W. Third st. 7tf VOR SALE WE SELL THE EARTH. IIAS- I 1 SETT * SMITH. Pomona, Cal. 6-26 tf rpELL YOUR NEIGHBOR ABOUT THK 1 Herald. IL is a ureal newspaper. Send a sample cony east, occasionally. If you don't want to send your own paper, call at tho office and have them mailed direct, free of cost. Country Property I NOR SALE 20 ACRES IN WALNUTS, peaches, prunes and tigs, near city, railroad, school and church: moist soil; as line as the sun shines on; tn bearing; healthy, vigorous growth, at 826 an acre aud the cost only of preparing, plant ing and bringing to its present productive condi tion i this orchard needs no irrigation; you are not wading In water and mud nine months' out ( ,f tho year, up to your center of gravity, to keep life iv your trees, besides paying as much for water as the profit on your crop; I have had years of pr.ici | - cal experience, and I know w hat l am saying when 1 tell you, Mr. Tenderfoot, that there'is no; an acre of ground In this country of ctlmato that is worth mo c than 600 an acre; the only curse rest ing on this beautiful land is tbe outrageously ex orbitant price of raw land demanded by these shy looks who are selling it, and yon tenderfeet are tho deluded victims who are furnishing the pound of flesh, l'aste this In your hut and address owner, w. c. t. u.bldg.,room2. tt TTiOB SALE BEST BARGAIN IN 'COUNTY I Ins, luor2sucrps choice alfalfa land, close to the city, southwest, on Vermont aye.; 68Q3, 81000 and 61600, bah' cash. 2% acres, highly improved home place, with 10 -room house, bath, cement walks, lawns, fruits and flowers, With dove house, barn, tool house, chicken bouse and yards for chickens; worth 86009, will sell 10r84200, cash and time. 5-room house, 1 acre hind, a good home place in City, f0r61600, 8200 cash and 6)6 per month, with hundreds ol other good buys In houses, ranches and lots. EDWARD ERASER, 10 3)6 B. Broadway. JjlOR BALE— NAVEL ORANGE ORCHARD. S;j o o o_ A BIG BARGAIN, Ten acres in full benrlns navel oranges, at Co vins. The place will pay for Itself in two years. WILDE A: STRONG. * 14 223 W, Fourth St., Cham, coin. Bldg, IrtOß SALE PAIR OAKs. EAIR OAKS. Find the advertisement elsewhere in this paper nnd read what Edwin K. Alalp & Co, say about the finest fruit land proposition In this state, and then tor full particulars of bind and excursion call nt room iuos«j s. Broadway. CHAS. L. II LRU a RD, Local Agent. tf IjlOR BALE—I27S ACRES IN ORANGE COUN . ty, partly Improved, plenty water, large, flue house and barn, gralnerlea, etc, well, windmill and tank ; price 625 per acre for the tract, part cash, balance to suit; see the agents. 147 B. Broadway U. H, BIX BY it CO, s VOR SALE -SAN GABRIEWONLY A FEW jr 6and 10* acre blocks left; water right. Now Is the time to buy. If you have anything to sell or trade see E. K. A LEX AN HER. IT> S. Broad way, tf ITIO R SALE ORANGE GROVE AT RED- 1 : lands, yielding go >d Income Terms easy, ddress "OWNER," P.O. hot isi. Los Angeles, B*t6 TTM'R SALE—WE SELL THE EARTH. HAS- X sett A SMITH, Pomona. Cal. DETECTIVE AGENCIES •\\MfEN IN NEED OF A SHREWD MAIS f*l to trace flown a troll or to locate nnv Indi vidual, apply to the GLOBE DETECTIVE AGENCY, Pacific coast office, 101 1 , s. Itroad way. i-21 I 1 71 REE oi' COST-YOUR CHOICE OF 200 standard hooks, sVndsoiuely and BUhstaii j tially bound In cloth. For particulars j column announcement In this paper. fflO B| \ OR SELL ANYTHING THAT is W. ssleable, try the wool column, of Ihe Herald. ! A few cents invested in this manlier may make ■ you many dollars, WATCHMAKER Fl AS E YOUR EXEs BUY j smoked glasses; assort ment complete and prices lower lb an last year at W. J.GE I /,'S. jew . eler, 886 s, itroadway. 1-15-7 Directory of SOUTHERN HOT PI Q CALIFORNIA all/ 1 LLO HOTEL METROPOLE \'Zj A!srx CATALtNA HOTEL ARCADIA ** HE * HOTEL HOLLENBECK BECoyD mmm £S^ 0 THmD ABBOTTSFORD INN S." aon HOTEL PORTLAND tiZSZ tr *™ a '*' HOTEL BRUNSWICK A morli-an-European plans. HOTEL HOLLYROOD < IoQbTMM, proprietor. TUC DfIUICII >1 AIX AMI MM If ST., RIVER int HVfIUL tfcto B. J.Davis,Prop. CARLTON HOTEL IL Z^ J ' nl " ltA »° HOTEjjMOI. FOR SALE—UVE STOCK "EaOR BALK -CHEAP, SINGLE-FOOT SAD r iiio botsa, owner reaving town, must sell quickly. inquire at No* 808 w. Twenty-third st. t* I."M>K SALE -ONE FINE ERES|[ COW. O'JT : Darwin aye, F"nst Eos Angeles. *. IVtEE OF COST — YOUR CHOICE OF 300 standard hooks, handsomely and substantial ly bound In cloth. For pari ieulars see two column announcement in tins issue. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS SALE—GREAT BARGAIN— upright Checkering Piano; fine condition; 8T75. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MXSfC CO., 316-818 W. Third St. fjAOR sale swap OR INSTALLMENTS \ _F bicycles, vehicles, blacksmith tools, farm Im plements, musical Instruments. 130-egg incubator, Barnes circular saw machines. E. MOAT, 822 E. Second si*. in SALE—NEW WHITE, NEW HOMK * Eldrtdge B and other makes, at 820 to 833, on ih" no :■ gent plan: *i hit week payments. Willi c SEWING MACHINE, ollice 288 S. Spring. 8-28 BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AND IN ALL LAN gusges bought and sold. Yonr choice In 7000, ami stationery of all descriptions. GINSS, 818 B, Main st., near Third St. 3-25 SALE—ONE 2-TON SIDEWALK RLE* JT vator at a sacrifice. Inquire at the Heral I business ollice. 12-tf ITtOR BALE—A HANDSOME SODA FOUN- J tain, (400; easy terms. 250 E. Thirtieth at. B IJIOH BALK—4-BURN Ell OA SOL IN E s'l'OV E. : Apply SOS s. Broadway, n ITiOR BALE—A NEW TOP BUGGY; 878, COST _ 8125. 250 Kmt Thirtieth st. m TmORgJALK—OLD PAPERS IN QUANTITIES X lo suit at this ollice. rpo BUY OR SELL ANYTHING THAT is 1 saleable try the want columns oi The Herald. A tew cents invested iv this manner may moke you many dollars. MASSAGE AND ELECTRICITY I7IDITH ANWAY, FORME RLY OF BOSTON, j gives genuine alcohol rubbings that are health* fui and refreshing; no rivals. 223 s. Main st., rooms. 3-15 M ASSAGE AND ALCOHOL BATHS -203 . Winston sr.. upstairs, one block east ol* post ollice, bet. Fourth and Fifth sis, ti -Q Miss REV IRVING, ARTIST; PHOTO-TINT lng and mounting; new style, l2oN.Maln si., rooms - atid 5. 4-9 Miss FRANKIE MASON, FROM CHICAGO, . gives alcoholic baths. L42Ji N. Muju st. Room L 12 MAGNETIC TREATMENT GIVEN BY A competent lady. 23f1, , fi E. Seventh, room 4. ti T jl\ RSI IN AT, - JULIA MANSFIELD, MAM .I curing parlor. 130 N. Main st., room 8. ;io M ISS MA V BT<» N E Gl YES ALCOHOL . baths. 208 N. Main st., room 17. 5-22 SOUTHERN LADY GIVES ALCOHOL baths. W7 E. Third St., parlor U, 3-15 "YOUNG LADY GIVES ORIENTAL BATHS. X J-u N. Main st., room 16. 3<) 1 oLA LIVINGSTON. Lis -: N. SPRING ST., .LJ room 3; Massage. 8-17 Miss MAY RUSSELL—THE NEW HELL man, room 7. 1,1 REE OF COST—YOUR CHOICE OF 203 * standard books, handsomely and substan tially bound in cloth. For particulars set* 2 column announcement in this paper. SPECIALISTS CIUBB OF HI'ITI'HI-; (hTaRANTEED BY A sate, speedy, painless and permanent method, without detention from business, by nil. WHITE HILL, UOJs;s, Spglngst. oilieu hours, 10 v. m. to 4 p. in. 4-14 W. RICHMOND, MAGNETIC PHYSl clan; years' experience; oflice, 104 Dow day block, 819 N. Main st. Consultation free. DR. R. G. COLLINS, OPTH A LMIC OPTIC IA V. with tho Los Angeles OptlcaJ Institute; eyes | examined free. IKS s. spring at. ITMtEE OF' COST—YOUR CHOICE OF 200 Btaildard books, handsomely and stlbstau- I tially hound iv cloth. For particulars sec 2 i column announcement in this paper. CAPITALISTS m i SAI.K-Tll CA 1' IT ALIs I s ; 1 \l AYE .1 about f 128,0000f the very best centrally local, cl j Income property In this city, all rented and paying j not less than 8 per cent net, and clear of incum brance: my interests an- largely in another conn try, and desirous to sell at almost the purchasers' price; time to suit; no agents need apply Ad dress !> , bOX 50, Herald Office. eo\l .1-H CARPET CLEANING QTEAM CARPE'I I s|;\vi\ii and laying. John h. iuciiauds, 120 n. Soring) tel. 1848 , H-<i if LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Foreclosure Sale, SHERIFF'S sale. No. 24,050. Albert C. Jones, trustee of the Lot Angeles Fur niture Cum- any. plaintiff, vs. Julia E, Btrfne.Uen, W. strlnc, hi. r husband, aud V. W. Ouerclo, de fendants, order of sale and decre ■of foreclosure nud sale Under and by virtue of an order of sale and de cree of foreclosure and sale, Issued out of t'u* superior colir( of the con lily Of Los A ngeh sot tho state ot California, on the 3d. day of March, a. D. 1806, In the above entitled action, wherein Albert ic. Jones, trustee of vho Los Anseles Furniture contp my, the above named plaintiff, obtained a judgment and deer >t foreclosure and sale against J ulin E. Strlne, et al*-. defendants, on the 2tst day Of February, A. I». 1888, lor the sum of thirteen hundred thlrty-ttve and 34-100 dollars, gold Coin of the United States, whioh sdd decree was, ' on the 2ttb day of February, A. D, 1890, recorded ;in Jndgmen book 50 of said court, ot page 9, ism ' commanded to sell ail those certain lots, pieces or { parcels of laud situate, lying and being 1 in the : county of Los Angeles, state of California, mil i bounded nnd described as follows 1 Lots forty -it ' (48) and. forty-seven (47) of section thirty-one (St) of tbe Polmdale Colony lapds, in township sis (0) ; north.range eleven (11) west, s. is, n. i tl the j county of Los Angeles, state of California) as per map recorded in book eleven (ii) pages eleven 111 > I undtwelve (12), Mlsceilaneous Records of .said county, ex 'eptiug thcrefrota the northwest quar ter of said lot forty-seven (47), Together with all \ and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ! appur enances thereiinio or in tint who I appertaining. Public notice is hereby given that, on Monday, the :i'th day of March, A. I). 1808, at 12o'clock m. > I of that day, In front of the court house door ot the ; | county ol Los Angeles, UroadwO> entrance, 1 will. 1 i iv obedience to said order of sale and decree of j ! foreclosure and sale, sell tin l a hove deacrlbed prop- 1 erty, orao iniion thereof ns may be necessary i<» ' satisf)*sald judgment, with Interest and costs, etc.. lo the hluhent anil best bidder, lor rash, gulfj 1 ol the United States. Haled Ibis Httl day of March. l»!i<;, JOHN BURR, Sheriff of l .os a ngeles »'nunty. By C. W. FLEMIN'O. Deputy Sheriff. t 111 lOH H'N, DAVJBA HARWELL, 7*14-21 28 Attorney* for Plaintiff Notice* I mHE CALIFORNIA IMPROVEMENT \NU 1 I Commercial Company. I t he annual meeting of the California Improve* I men 1 and < 'omtnerclal Company will he held ou the 7tll day of .March, 1888, at TIOO OutOCk p. in. at manehard tfc Fitzgerald's hall, n.p. s. HprlngsL, for 1 in* eieei ion uf iifHcers of said company uiid for the transaction of all other business that may I come up before the board. j. j;. MULLEN, I ii-io-6 Secretary. NEWS FROM PASADENA TOOK EVERYTHING IN SIGHT Found Fault Because There Was No More THE ORIGINAL PIE BITERS Lick the Platter Holding Pasadena's Political Pie The Inner Circle ol the 0. 0. P. Ring Choo*» All ths Delegates-New. Note* lor Non.Politician. Pasadena, Maroh 6.—The "only orig inal," the "pieeaters," those who take "their'n straight," the genuine "blown in tbe bottle"—iv fact, the G. O. P., with a ring around it ( principally ring, in truth) —met this evening in four caucuses, one in each ward, aud nude publio the names previously selected to compose tbe Republican oonvention which meets on the 1 Oth inst. Tbe Second ward meeting was pre sumably a fair sample of all. Here the "ring" marshaled its forces in great shape, and displayed more gall and a bilker miw for pie t Inn even its well known ravenous appetite had been credited with. To be specific, six men out of about 100 iv attendance nomi nated twenty out of the twenty-five delegates, and of these six, four are city officials, and the other two well known as etrictly in "de push," one famishing for a certain office. These "nominators" are Pieeaters Rossiter, Weed, Cox and Buchanan, with Vail and Hester as boosters to "push it along;" and they did their duty so well that live other names were barely al lowed to squeeze in edgewise, just to have a faint suspicion of keeping up appearances. Of course these five were according to the wishes of the pieeaters also, and one might suppose they could, by a Herculean effort, manage to curb their appetites to a sufficient extent to allow some of their friends, at least, to help cut the pie. No. Tbey tried to swallow it whole, spilling a few crumbs in the process. City Attorney Arthur and Judge Bose took care of the Third ward, and the pieeaters were well represented in the others atso. THE HENDEL KILLINO The killing of Wm. Hendel by J. A. Barker yesterday morning, and the events that led up to it have formed ihe main topic of conversation upon the streets today. Coroner Campbell arrived at about 2 ociock this after noon and proceeded at once with the postmortem examination, the opera tion being performed by Dr. Swear ingen. It was found that one of tbe bullets bad entered close to tbe shoul der blade at the back, and ranging downward came out at the front. The other entered at the side and shattered the spinal column. This indicates that Hendel was in a crouching position when the shots were fired, which is said to tally with Barker's story of the shooting. The jury selected to hold the inquest was as follows: OW. Benton, E. Por ter Ashley, (J. S Howard, Chas. Grimes, V. McOowaD, W. Basore, G. W. Bsed, J. M. Plant, S. E. Miller. Officer Beebe, Marshal Buohanan and Dr. Sweariugen were examined by the jury and very little additional informa tion elicited beiideH that published in The Herald yesterday. When the offi cers went up after the body of Handel Mra. Barker was found at the bouse aud gave directions to the officers for tiudiug the body, which was some 600 feet from the bouse in the brush. It | was found that Hendel had no weapons upon him, indicating that he bad gone up there to S9e Barker's wife, but not with the intention of killing anyone. At :i:is the jury returned the follow ing verdict: Death resulted from gunshot wounds inflicted by one J. A. Barker with in teut to kill. Barker requested Attorney W. S. Wright to defend him, and that gentle man will probably accede to his re quest. Mrs. Barker at one time worked in tbe family of Mr Wright as a domes tic. Mrs. Barker told Marshal Buchan an that when Hendel Bret showed him self at tbe ranch he came up to the house while Barker was away and talked with her, asking her why she testified to such lies about him at his trial. She told him she had testified to nothing but the truth, and then warned him that he had batter get out of the way if he didn't want trouble with her husband. . A BURGLAR!. A burglar effected an entrance to the Western Union telegraph office at LEGAL NOTICES Nott'cs of Foreclosure Sale QAiiAH J. PETTITT, PLAINTIFF, VS. MRS, o Annie McDonald and Peter McDonald, bur buaband, Defendants. Sheriff's sale, Not 24,582,—0rder of sal" and de cree of foreclosure and sale, Duller and by virtue or an order of sale and de cree ol foreclosure and sale, issued out Of til c super* lor court ol the. county of Los Angeles, of the state ' iof California, on the ard day of March, am 1408,1u | the above entitled action, wherein Sarah J.Pettltt, i the above named pluiutiff, obtained a Judgment ■ and decree of foreclosure nnd sale afralnst Mrs Annie McDonald et ah, defendants, on the gut day | Of l-'el r.iary, A 1* IB'HI, for the siun <if four bUU- I dred slxtv-iuie and :I-i<hi ts4«l."■■*> dollars. «old coin | of tic Fulled State**, whicli said decrc ' was. on tlie 24th day of February, A.D i s .i», recur led In Judg ment honk so of said court, at page 7. i am com manded to SOU Idl those certain pieces nr parcels Of latut sltuate ( lying and being iv the count j ol Los Armeies, sme of California, nnd bounded and de. scribed as followsi Lots Nob. six (8), eighteen iisi, ' seventeen (17), In block five (5) of the Roulevnrd I rraer. as per map thereof recorded iri book l". page ! 86,0f Miscellaneous Records ot said Los Angeles j county, together with ail and singular the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances there- I ! unto belonging or in anywise appertaining Public notice is hereby given that, on Monday, ; the 80th day ot March, A.D. 1888, at 18 ocloek m i>f that day, m front of He court hOUSS door of the } county oi Los Angeles, Broadway entrance) l win. In obedience to said order of sale and decreed! | foreclosure and sale, sell the ahove described \ro,, -i crly, or so much t heron as may he necessary to i satisfy said judgment,wltll interest and costs, etc., ; to the highest and l>est bidder, for cash, gold coin 1 ot the l llited Slates. I Dated this oth day of March, IsOfl. .IOILN ITCRR, Sheriff o( Los Angeles county, \'.\ V W. FLEMING. Deputy Sheriff, | creighton, i>.\V!*s a da UW ell, attorneys ! mi- plaintiff. T-lt-21-2ii Dissolution of Partnership—Notice 1 npHE COPA RTN ERSR IP np a. 1\ Ma» - ; 1 Laehlau and John I. Reynolds, proprietors of i the Pacllr Carriage Works, al 188 North Los An- Hides street, and known under the linn name ot MucLachlau a Reynolds, Pacific carriage Works, ha- this day heeii dissolved hy mutual consent. A. p. MncLachlan continuing said carriage work* in the future, and to whom ail accounts one Hftld firm must he paid, and to whom all hills UgainS! said (inn should he presented. JOHN d. REYNOLDS. 8 A. l\ MACLACHLAN. the corner of Fair Oiks and Colo rado, last night, and succeeded in ab stracting about $50 from tbe cash drawer. He pried open the drawer with a chisel. A man who has been hanging about tbe place for some days trying to borrow money was at ones suspected, and being placed under ar rest was searched, and also bis room, but no evidence was found tending to implicate bim. The officers are work ing on other duos. t'NIVERSALIST SOCT.4L The monthly social of the Univers alist church was held last evening in the vestry of the church, and a merry time was enjoyed by quite a large ! gathering of the members of the I church and their friends. The ladies lof the church have divided the nism j bership of their society into groups ac cording to the initials ot their names, i the entertainment last evening being ; uider tbe auspices of the C'a and D's. i Each guest was presented with a neat I littla basket made of orange peel and ' filled with violets. Punch was served, j Mrs. Cahill and Mrs. Obamberiaiu pre j siding at the tables. Au excellent rnusiaal program was rendered. The first number, a flute solo by by Mr. Goodrich, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. Gordon; sec ond number, for the violiu and piano, Miss Elith Pierce as violinist and Mrs. J. O. Cshill as piano accompani ment; a piano solo by Mias lua Gjod win, afterward plautation melodies by Mr. Goodrich and Mrs. Gordon, flute and piano. The programme was rendered very acceptably and was well received. Tbe j art gallery formed an inteiestiug part jof the evening's entertainment. Quo tations were passed around after being j cut iv two, Mid when matched the re i suit was that eaeli lady had a gentle | man partner with whom to visit the "art gallery," where the works of art were grouped upon tables. An old pair of shoes labeled "The Castaways;" a bunch of hay bearing the name "Ihe Horse Fare;" a pot of melted lard was 'The Decline of Greeoe;" an old potato grater labeled "Napoleon was great but this is grater;" and old-fasbi jned gen uine hook skirt, one of olden times, was named "Man's Horror." Mra. Crily bad charge of this department and made it a complete success. AN OLD FOLKS' CONCERT The old folks' concert at the Baptist churoh last evening was a great suc cess. The eostumos were appropriate and good. The evening commenced with selec tions by the orchestra, composed of Messrs. Johnson, Sutton, Parker, Woos ter, Biddle, Nelson, Taylor, and Miss Camper, pianist. The program comprised hymns, cho ruses, songs, quartets and trios that were popular a century ago. Solos were sung by Misses Bollinger, Martin, Boos, Mrs. Chicken, Messrs. Edwards and Brook way. The chorus was composed of the fol lowing: Misses Sroat, Bellinger, Em ma, Lydia and Annie Boos, Ferguson, Simons, Irwin, Matthews, Nutt, Martin, Kerr; Mmes. Chickens, Jones and Mat thewß; Messrs. Cole, KM lie. Taylor, Sroat, Slaydeo, Boos, Boberts, Brock < way, Edwards. Mrs. Alice Freeman : Vail was pianist and Mr. Frank Turner \ organist. The entertainment was of very de cided merit. BREVITIES While crossing the Southern Pacific 1 track Wednesday evening at about 8 ocloek John K. Vlier fell forward on his forehead, striking the rail and, it is feared, causing concussion of the brain. The accident occurred on Green street, and Mr. Vlier had hia bunds in his overcoat pockets, so that he could not break the fall. Ho lay unconscious for j some time, aud the results of the blow i may be serious. A pleasant evening was spent iv music and conversation at the home of j Mr. aud Mrs. F. V. Hovey on Lincoln avenue yesterday, tho occasion being iiu honor of Mr. O. Young of Grand i Rapids, Mich., who is an old school i mate of Mr. aud Mi - ;-. Hovey. Mr. i Young contributed several songs in tenor. Among the guests were: Mrs. Cass, Miss Maun, Miss King aud Mr. , Stone of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. ! Ward, Mr. A. G. Saunders and Mr. and I Mre. Wltham of tbia city. , Ssveral new members were initiated at the enuual business meeting of the W. C. T. U. yesterday. Some officers were elected, the remainder to be elect ed at the next meeting. Most of the session was taken up with the reports lof the secretary, treasurer and the I heads of the several departments. Mr. Hugh McMahon Ins received the I sad news by telegraph of the death of Mrs. E. D. Stewart, who will be remem bered as having spent some weeks here last winter, during Mr. aud Mtb. Stew art's wedding trip. The death occurred on last Wednesday at New Cumber ! land, W. Va. There is little doubt that among the victims of the Genesee tire iv Utica, N. | V , were Mrs. Wood and daughter Mary, who were the wile aud daughter of Mr. | John Wood of Utica. Tney were quite j prominent in Basadena society four i years ago, having lived then in Senator j Arnold's house on Ollcott place. A social aud art exhibition was given last evening at the Uuiveraalist church. A musical program was also enjoyed, ( ' and souvenirs were distributed in the i form of baskets cut from oranges aud I tilled with violets. Mr. L. Thrall his purchased the Sturge house ou North Summit avenue, near Washington street, through the agency of Charles F. llauiliu. Professor Fred H. Uriger of the Will iams Business college leaves for the east next week to fill a position iv the Woods college at Wilkesbarre, Pa. The class m sacred literature held its regular meeting this evening at the Baptist church. The th«nie for the eveniug was "Alexander; i'reparations iv Eastern Civilization." There was initiation iv the O E. S. this evening and tomorrow evening the officers will go to Los Aug les to ex emplify their work before the Acacia chapter. Tho recitals at-the conserva'ory of music will be discontinued for the present owing to lack of time on the I part of the management I The Pasadena Land and Water com ; pauy bsgau the work this tnoruiug of j coveting their Orange Grove reservoir. MissMattle Dickinson has returned from her visit to Ontario Biid will be tbe guest of Mrs. C. B. Seoville for two 1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. 1. Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lameree of Rochester, N. Y„ are visiting here. C. W. Buchauau is drawing plans lor a cottage to be erected for Mrs. Klizs. betn Drury on North Raymond ave nue. B. O. Bruce goes east Monday for about a six weeks' business trip ts) Pittsburg and other cities. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Br&gdoa of Au burndale, Mass., are among recent ar r.vals here. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Yore of Los Ange> les was among today's visitors in Pass* | dena. There will be a narlor meeting at I Mrs. Drawbaugh'B,2B9 North Eaolid i avenue, Friday, the 13th, from 2 to 4 I p.m., for tbe benefit of the ttansom I home. All are invited to come and j bring a pound of something for tbe home. Citizen's Call 1 Pursuant to the request of 600 citi zens, the comm ttt se met and organized. . aud the following call was unanimous ly adopted: "All citizens who favor a non-parti san management of our city affairs, aud who desire the cleanest city gov ernment on a Btriot business basis, in the hands of the best men available, without regard to party affiliations, aro invited to meet in their respective nrectncts on Saturday evening, March 7,18%. at 7ißo ocloek, and appoint 25 delegates in each precinct to represent them in a convention to be held Mon day evening, March 0, 1896, at 7:30 ocloek in the tabernacle, to nominate candidates for the various city offices : to he filled at the approaching election. "The fallowing meeting places are designated for tne several precincts: I "First precinct —Lake Vineyard I Water company's ollice, 185 E. Colo rado. "Second precinct — Brick building east Bide of Fair Oaks north of Union street. "Third precinct—Recorder's court room, city hall. "Fourth precinct—New Mills build j ing, Eouthweßt corner Colorado and Delaoy streets. "Fifth precinct—South room Smith : buiidiug, southwest corner Fair Oaks ! and Oreen. "Sixth precinct—DeHay's blaok ■ smith shop, is S. Broadway." PRESERVATION OP FORESTS 'T do not know any subject more im portant than the subject of forestry and the preservation of tree life," said j Mr. Morton, the secretary of agricul ! ture, to a Boston Herald correspond j enl. "I think that it should be taught !in all the schools. Forests are an abso ! lute necessity for the maintenance of i human life. The whole animal king j dom would perish from the earth if i plant life and growth were intermitted j for a single summer. The assaults on ! the forests of Michigan. Wisconsin and i Minnesota—states which furnish one- I third tbe total lumber product of the union—are shown by tbe recent census investigations to be in tbe nature of organized extermination. The census bulletin which I read some time ago stated that at the present rate of con sumption by tha lumber mills of those , three states the quantity of timber j owned by them would not last more than four or five years. This is a most serious, a most vital matter, j "We must preserve the forests if we , are to avoid tbe long drought, tbe ' drenching and disastrous floods and the tornado and the cyclone. Only 10 ' per cent of tbe globe's surface is coy ■ ered now with forests. Twenty-flv3 i per cent of Europe is so covered. ; Bussia has 426,000,000 acres of , the United Stateß, 465,000,000 acres; i Brazil, 1:15.000,000 acres. There are only 1,808,000,000 acres of forests in the world. The forests of Bussia aro steadily diminishing with the ino.eaee of papulation, and particularly with the emancioation of the serfs. Bussia is clearing 7,000,00(1 acres yearly. The alone has 27,000 wood police in the crown forests who cut 150 fagots, orl'.j tons of wood, mostly firewood, daiiy. The average per policeman yearly is valued at $219. "Franca gets a part of her wood sup ply from Germany. France has in creased her own forests in the last forty years steadily. She has 7,000,000 acres more now than she bad in 1818. In that interval 9,000,000 acres of waste mountain lauds have been planted. The government of France has planted largely in Algeria. In Qermany the reproduction of the forests is studied as a science. There are forest acade mies there, lor the education of forest managers. Eventually there must be I more attention given to forest culture iv the Uuiied States." INGENIOUS BANK SWINDLERS Ths recent experience of a cloak dealer in New York, who cashed a check for $100, after the signer of the check had withdrawn her deposits from the bank, has brought np, among bank ers, a n umber of etoriea about queer swindlers. George B. Vandes of tbe Indiana National tells of a swindler who is a regular customer of that bank and his been for three years. He travels through northern Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. He has a number of catalogues printed, purpor ting to bo from some Indianapolis louugs company. These are profusely illustrated with half tone engravings, aud the goods are represented as being the best. He goes into a town, re gisters at the best hotel, and then starts out among the retail furniture d alers to sell lounges. Few of the dcs let s have over heard of the firm tbe man el iims to represent, but they can hardly doubt its existence when its representative shows them his catalo gues and quotes prices to them. His prices are considerably less than such lounges can be bought for anywhere else, aud be al ways succeeds in taking a number of orders. After he has loaded up bis book with orders, he usually presents a check, purporting to be sigued by the Indian apolls firm, and asks that it be cashed. Tne cheek is always for tbe same amount—sß7.6s. He gets it cashed and disappears. This man carries ou his business so systematically that an av erage of one check every twenty days is received at the Indiana National bank. Mo3t of the furniture dealers who cash these checks eend them to their local bankers; then they are sent to St. Louis and Chicago, and finally they reach the bank ou whioh they were drawn, usuallj two or three weeks alter they were cashed. Recently ens readied the bank only two days old, aud al once Mr. i andes tele graphoi to the man that had cashed it, hoping to catch tho swindler. The man hail goue, however, and tbe Indiana National received a bill for the tele gram. And still the checks come in.— Indianapolis News. Around the Orange B:lt-'$s.6.1 The new ticket on the Southern I'aeilic'a ! inside track. Los Angeles by Oafton and : return. Stops at Pasadena, Duarte. Co- I vina, Pomona, Itiverside, ban Bernardino. I Remands, etc. Ten-day limit. 9