Newspaper Page Text
2 CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT PLEASED THE PEOPLE AND BROUGHT MANY RECALLS Art Union ;lembers Draw for Prizes—A Pleasant and Proltabte Wild flower Luncheon - A Bicyclist and His Baby Come to Grief—News Notes Pasaden a, March 20.—The concert given by the Choral society of the conservatory of muaic at the Universalist church last night was well attended by an audience which waa enthusiastic in its reception of the program offered. The llrst part con sisted of the sacred cantata, Gallia, and the well-known Inliammatus, the second pert being devoted to solos, duets and quartets, aud the work of the Toneweavers, aa they were styled, sixteen young ladies, whose voices were accompanied by the guitar anil mandolin club. The chorus was composed of about seventy-five ladies and gentlemen. The organ was skillfully •manipulated by Mr. T. W. Wilde of l.os Angeles, the piano by Miss Ellsworth and Miss Marshall. Mrs. I'lapp carried the solo parts in Gallia and the Inflatnmatus las well as singing several solos in the sec ond part, sustaining tier reputation po well that she waa frequently recalled. Mrs. Gibbs was also encored as was Mr. Cornell. i Mob. Clapp's solo was the Cavatiua from Las Hugenots, Mrs. Gibbs sang the Aye Slslria by Mascasni, and Mr. Cornell gave Hatidell's Honor and Arms. Mr. E. H. Clal'k's violin solo was well rendered and 'he .received an enthusiastic encore, re sponding with a selection of Pirini's. The work of the Mandolin and Guitar club was highllv appreciated by the audience and 1 they ii esponded to encores, as did the Tone weavefs, whose work was vory creditable. The eticore fiend got in his work indis criminately, as usual, which had tbe effect of making a very long program. It was I announc ed that the next and last concert of the season will be given June ltd, when Haydn's JCreatiou will be presented. ART UNION EXHIBIT. The sect nd day of the annual exhibition of tbe Pass dena art union brought out a good attend nice of art lovers to view the work of th c local artists which is very creditable. This evening the drawing for pictures by ft >c lay members of the union took place, wvien six members chosen by Jot selected or. c *U.:> picture and five $10 --pictures. STbe artists n 'presented are A. M. Farn nam, four pic to. res and several $r> sketches; W. L. Judson, eighteen paintings in oil, -mostly landscapes; H. I). Nichols, seven 'watercolors: Julius Lodovici, fifteen pic tures covering a variety of subjects; Edith White, sixteen c ntries, principally flower pictures: Mrs. E ateman one, San Juan Capistrano: Alice Bell Dane, four fruit and flower pieces; Mr.i. Ellen B. Fan. seven oil paintings, including flowers, Indian baskets and still life pictures: Miss John son, four interior stn dies in oil; Marie A. Key, twelve water colors of fruit, flowers and landscapes: Mrs. Packard, one, "Peb ble Beach:" Miss Meeker, two, fruit and flowers. Each artist entered from one to five $5 sketches. A WItDFLOWEK IA"N<'HEON Tbe wildflos cr luncheon at noon today in the Sunday School room of the Presby terian church was a decided success and reflects meat credit to the management of Mrs. H. L Stewart, under whose auspices the affair was given. Over $35 were netted, and the supplies and tables, each of which latt.Br seated from four to six people, were ta.xed to their limit of utility. The tea and .coffee tables were presided over by Mrs. Ei nil Kayser and Mrs. Shir ley Vance Ma rtin, assisted by Mamie Holmes and He len Visscher. The poppy table was in charge of Misses Caldwell and X dith Gardner: the acacia, Misses Perkins and Ltly Dodworth; fern. Misses Ball at d Young; lupine. Misses Bangham and Jutonfort: buttercup, Miases Bolt and Fife; peach, Misses McClintock and Lutz; wilti forget-me-not. Misses Visscher and Front; baby blue eyes, Misses Church and Katlterine Gardner, while tho email table for tiie sale of wildflowers was presided over by yAlarjory Bolt and Glad ys PROCItI SKIVE ETJOHBI Mrs. John E, Jardine gave a progressive euchre party Tueeiay evening at her home on Garfield avenue in honor of her nunt, Mrs. E. W. Peck of Burlington, Vermont. Yellow daisies and ferns decorated the re ception room, while the drawing room was enveloped in wild mustard and brodea, aud the dining room with Duchess roses. At the close' of the games a collation was served. The guests were Mesdarnes Patton, Pttr cell, Swanwick, Gibbs, Adams, Warner, Allen, Shoemeker, Le Grand, Betts, E, W. Peck, G. H. Peck, J. H. F. Peck, Cattern, "Winston. Hutchinson, Bichosky, Williams. Black, Morse, Abbot, Story, Misses Fur ceil, Adams, Stoneman, Allen, Edith Alien, Craig, Eleanor Craig, Newton, Black, White, Shoemaker, Deverne, Talent and Henrietta Talent. nßEvreriEK The rioneer stationery business owned : and built up by Mrs- Al. J. Suesserott at 30 East Colorado street lias been sold out to A. N. Fessenden, a young man from Boston who is <iuite well known in Pasa dena, having spent much time here during the last two years. Airs. Suesserott suc ceeded to the business after the death of her son fome years ago, and now retires on account of ill health. George A. Sham, aged 27 years, died at the residence of the family on North Fair Oaks this morning from a hemorrhage. The remains will be taken east for inter ment in Chicago, Saturday evening. Mr. Sham came here stiveral years ago, and has since lived here off and on to try and recover his failing health. He leaves many friends who deeply sympathize with the bereaved mother. W. I. F, Randolph lias been arrested for perjury and was arraigned before the re corder thts morning, when he was held to answer in the sunt of $1000, Dr. Hodge going on the bond. It is alleged that he failed to substantiate the statements sworn to in his complaint against Dr. ( Ireen, who was tried and acquitted upon Randolph's complaint of cruelty to his norse yesterday. The time for examination was not set. Marshal Buchanan arrested yesterday three Mexicans, Daniels, Solicido and Homos, for stealing wood on the liugus place northeast of tlio city. They were examined before the recorder this morn ing and will be tried at a date not yet de cided upon. While riding his bicycle this morning on Raymond avenue with his infant son iv a basket at tiie handle-bar. Prof. A. J, Mc- Ciatchie was thrown to the ground with the child. The cause of the accident was • dog, which rata in front of the wheel. The infant was picked up unconscious, or nearly so, and both he and Frof. Mc- Clatchie were carried home in a passing carriage. The infant is not thought to be seriously hurt. The party of Xew York millionaires and railroad magnates, Messrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, John Hone and George ii. Fearing, came up from Los Angeles about noon by the Southern Pacific and went up to Echo mountain, the guests of Prof. T. S. C. Lowe and Manager Clarke of the electric road, who bad a car waiting for them on Colorado street. The party took lunch and remained the afternoon. The train in which they came is made up of four cars, one of which is that of General Manager Kruttschnitt of the Southern Pacific. There was a large crowd assembled at the corner to see the party of distinguished people. Mrs. Helen M. Cougar, who is to lecture at the Methodist church on Saturday even ing under the auspices of the W. C. T. LT., will take for her subject Organized Muscle ys. Organized Money. Mrs. Cougar is well known as an unusually fine platform orator and will doubtless be greeted by a full bouse. Professor Charles F. Holder is in receipt of the sad news from Washington, D. C„ of tbe death of his grandmother, Mrs. John : C. Gove, who was an old resident of Pasa dena and will be well remembered by tnaur here. She has been prominent in W0 tasjetr ef Priesxie ever atone the late war as a philanthropist and stout advocate of education for the freed man Mrs. Gove was on the point of starting.fctr Paaadena with her daughter, Mrs. J. B.,Holder, in tending to make this her home. Her bus band died during the past yoar. The following party enjoyed a tallyho drive and picnic in canyon yester day: Mrs. Hurt of Los Angeles, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. McGregory, Miss Steven son, Mr. Vroman and Bruce Turner of ■ Pasadena and Mr. F.lwell of Boston. A party of her friends were pleasantly entertained Tuesday evening by Miss Bertha Sroat at her home on South Moline avenue, in honor of ber birthday. Music and games were enjoyed and a dainty sup per served. Tho guests were: Misses MacMahon, Simons, Byington, Messrs, Price, Nilson, Knignten and Hoggins. The following named enjoyed progres sive hearts last evening at Evanston Inn: Mr. and Mrs. Rouse. Mrs. A. H. Heed, Mrs. Lancaster, Mrs. George H. Daniels, Mrs. th B. Hamlin, Mrs. C. A. Blodgett, Misses Shilling, Greenwood. MacCloom, Capell, Blodgett, Howlaud; Messrs. Hemp stead, Smith, Fry and DeHawkes. The death of George Dane of Chicago occurred last night on N. Los Robles av enue. The young man had been here some years. F. Hennessey of llochester, N. V., is staying at the Carlton. Gen. A. K. Z. Dawson of Deadwood, is in the city for a few days. Mrs. H. R. Warner of San Gabriel, was a visitor in Pasadena today. S. W. DeWitt of Washington, D. C, is registered at Hotel Green. Mrs. Joseph Grove and daughter. Miss Hazel Grove, of New York, are guests of Mrs. F\ H. Jones of Wichita avenue. Prof. A. J. McClatchie is anticipating a lecture tour through Southern California, leaving tho latter part of this week. Miss Pearl Wickens of Madison avenue will entertain her young lady friends, Sat urday afternoon, March 28th. Mrs. Helen If. Gougar will lecture at the M. K. church next Saturday evening;. Suhjeet: Organised Muscle vs, Organized Money. Tick ets at C'rillip's. *ic SANTA ANA Santa Ana. March 20.—Mr. and Mrs. Mennig yesterday celebrated their golden wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James McCord, on North Main street. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mennig of Dcs Moines, la.; Mr. Mennig of Pasadena, Miss Pereival of Dcs Moiues, Mr. and Airs. McCord, Rev, J. P. Cooper and wife and other friends and relatives. David Himes, a San Francisco capitalist, one time resident of Tustin, is spending a few weeks here on business. The city council's committee on lights employed George E. Nolan as expert elec trician, and to report condition and value. His report is now ou file, and his conclu sions coincide with those of the average citizen in stating that $3000 would be a fair valuation; but that the investment of that sum by the city would not be a judi cious one. Tlte handicap bicycle race on Saturday will start at 3 p.m. A large number of prizes are offered. There will be a game of baseball Satur day at Athletic park between the Santa Ana team and W hittier school. J. T. Nottrse, secretary of the chamber of commerce, has in charge the petitions to ascertain the views of citizens on the city ownership of electric light, and has so far found seven to one in favor of city owner ship. Leo Stephen, will not down, after be ing fined $250 for selling liquor without a license, ihe board of supervisors will to morrow appear in the superior court to show cause for refusal to grant license. SAN PEDRO San Pedro, March 20.—The thresher shark caught by James Mason and Charles Lowerance at Redondo yesterday is said to be a rare specimen in this vicinity, though another specimen was captured hereon the 3d day of July, 18H4, by F. It. Blanchard and Mr. Offerman, engineers of the steamer Jewel. It was carried aboard the steamer and there placed on deck for exhibition. It measured sixteen feet long, tho body being only five feet long, while tho tail was eleven. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kellogg left yester day for Colorado Springs, Colo., where they will take up their future home. A large number of sheep shearers are at work on Palos Verdes ranch, shearing the largo flock of sheep owned by Mr. A. Amar. The steamer Pasadena, Captain Hamil ton, arrived yeßterday from Eureka: 320.. (100 feet of lumber for K. C. M. and L. Co. The Pasadena hatl a collision with the steamer Noyo, north of San Francisco. The steamer Tilaniook, Captain Hansen, arrived from Humboldt: 334,000 feet of lumber to the Southern California Lumber company. D. P. Clay of Los Angeles was here yes terday looking after his property on Tenth street, CORONADO CoKON.\no, March 26,—Miss L. L. Whit lock came down yesterday with a party of fifteen for whom she is acting as chaperon. A large number of railroad people and special car parties have arrived during the past few days. Among them are H. F. Marcy, president of the Fitchburg road, accompanied by his family; Don A.Par dee of New Orleans and Joseph H. Durkee of Jacksonville. Fla.. with party: Benjamin Brewster, vice-president of the Chicago, Rook Island i& Pacific, with Mrs. Brewster, Miss Brewster and F, F. Brewster; Thus. C. Peck of Columbus, 0., chief clerk for the "Buckeye Route in the general pas senger and ticket department of the Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo railway, accompanied by his wife: John C. Stuart, superintendent of the tlalena divi sion of the Chicago and Northwestern rail way, accompanied by his wife and daugh ter: and Mrs. W. K. Gillett, wife of the general auditor of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe in Chicago, with her son and party. LONG BEACH Long Beach, March 20.—The Thought Exchange Club will have a public meeting on the 31st, the anniversary of modern spiritualism. C. Payson l.ongley and wife of Boston will tako part. The municipal ticket is completed. Thore are five candidates for trustees, namely, Mlntxer, Wilson I incumbents), J. J. Kort, K. Alraind and C. W. t'osa hoom: for city clerk. Frank E. Cook. Harry llarndollar, H. H. Stephenson: for treas urer, Amos Walton antl present incum bent. A. W. Goodhue: for city marshal, N. T. Kinman, J, C. Baiter antl Joe Morgan- Mrs. Lulu Hughes of Downey, sister of Mrs. I. L« Feltmau of this place, is spend ing a few tlays as tho guest of that lady. Mrs. Gale and Miss Doiison of ltedlands, who have been the guests of Mrs. R. P. Griffiths, Primrose Lodge cottage, left for home yesterday. Robert Eubanks and daughter of Los Angeles spent yesterday nt the beach. ANAHEIM Anaheim, March 86.—After his runaway accident yesterday Philip Davis lay on the ground ab -v" three hours with his arm broken and f ace badly wound6d before asoistance re d blm. He is resting as comfortably . r as could be expected. • Joseph Oma vitclnnan at the crossing below town, hi sturned from Fresno, whither he was c d by the death of his wife. Will Lawrence, c -ator at Shorb sta tion, was in town sev 1 days this week. Mr. Botsford raadl sale recently of thirly acres of his i iroved Placentia property to an eastern p-'ty at $400 per acre. George Bauer, one of Anaheim'* native sons, is homo again after a prolonged ab sence. Rev. Kinney of Los Angeles and Rev. Allen of Norwalk were guests of friends in Anaheim the first of the week. A Pleasant Surprise ; You'll be SUprised to find how much bet ter Tip Top is than any cough remedy you have every used. Better in effect, better in taste, better every way. It is because Tip Top is so much bettor than all others tbat it's so popular. Price 50 cents. All sVnsggists sail v liOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MARCH 27, 1896. TOTAL DEPRAVITY Ths Brown Case at San Fernando Worae Than at First Reported Sheriff Burr yesterday returned from San Fernando with the four children of Kdwin E. and Sarah Brown, to secure the possession of whom the father applied for a writ of baoeas corpus. The sheriff found the condition of affairs was even worse than was reported. Brown is an old sol dier, hnd draws a pension of $12 per month. There are four children, three boys and one girl, the latter about thirteen years of age. Some three or four years ago Mrs. Brown left her husband and went to live with a man named Mohan. After some months Mehan tired of the woman, and she then went to San Fer nando and took up with a half-negro nam ed Dominguez, wdth whom she has since been living. They have been occupying a half-ruined adobe house, almost the sole furniture of which is two old, rickety beds. The woman and Dominguez occupied one. while the girl and a Mexican named Anto nio Mareno occupied the other, the chil dren sleeping ou the floor. Mehan had also followed the woman to San Fernando, and he also cohabited with the girl. When the sheriff got to the house the family were almost in a state of destitution, the only provisions found being half a sack of flour. When the children were taken before Judge McKinley several witnesses were were examined, and the fact tbat the little girl bad been ruined was brought out. As sistant District Attorney Williams at once swore to complaints against Mehan and Moreno on a charge of rape, and they were arrested in the court room and taken before Justice Young, where they were held in ¥2000 bail each. They will be ex amined this morning. The habeas corpus proceedings were continued until 2 oclock this evening, in order that a place might be found for the helpless children. THE LIQUOR INTEREST NOT INVOLVED General C. P. A. Talks About the Vote for Annexation General C. F. A. Last, who is president of the Lets Angeles county auxiliary branch of the California State Protective association, says: That the statement of Colonel J. B. Neville that the threatened suit to set aside the annexation election is being investigated by the association, or tbat tbe association has any connection with it whatever, is entirely and utterly false. If John W. Mitchell has been en gaged to conduct this litigation, says Gen eral Last, it is by private individuals. It is true Mitchell is the attorney of the asso ciation, but his engagements to it do not, it is stated, preclude him from accepting other legal employment. John W. Mitchell returned to the city from San Bernardino last night and when interviewed stated positively that the as sociation had nothing whatever to do with the contemplated suit and that the state ment of Neville was entirely gratuitous and without the slightest foundation in fact. Mr. Mitchell says he has not been able to go thoroughly into the facts of the recent election on account of being called from the city, but what little he had beard led him to believe thai there were great irregu larities. There will be a meeting at Mitch ell's office today at 10 oclock, when the facts will be submitted by tiie citizens of the annexed districts, and the final de termination as to the contest will then be determined upon. ROBERT M'LEAN CUMNOCK Gave Another Resiling Last Night at Turn verein Hall The second reading given by Professor Cumnock, director of Northwestern Uni versity School of Oratory, occurred last night at Turnverein hall before an audi ence even larger than the one that greeted him Monday evening, when the hall was nearly filled to overflowing. The hall was prettily decorated in callas and green, and the game charming young women did duty as ushers as on the previous occasion. The program last night contained nine selec tions that were given with the most satis factory naturalness, the reader changing 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents a flonth a flonth a Month a Month 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents a Month a Month a Month a flonth $5.00 ~ " $5.00 a Year a Year Better Than Ever a Year .... and the .... a Year $5.00 Subscription Price Is Reduced $5 - 00 a Year * * * * — — * * * -**'** a Year TO $5.00 $5.00 \ r [El [El fEj gj «r ear | a Year |50 cents I+l $5.00 | $5.00 1 I li 1 $5.00 a Year | a MOtlth M a Year a Year m I I Ej II I $5.00 Iby Carrier I+S by Mail 1 $5.00 a Year 1 i i ] a Year $5.00 * ' m 55.00 a Year hTI v w a Year ss .„ The Herald a Year a Year 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents a Month a flonth a flonth a Month 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents 50 cents a Month a Month a Month a flonth from humor to gravity as the character de manded with as much facility as if con versing. There are many "elocutionists.'' but few artists, and l'rofossor Cumnock comes certainly under the latter descrip tion, and discriminates with nicety the dif ference between art and artifice. The program opened with Portraiture of the Miser, from Dickens. The Gowk's Krrant was a humorous little story of April fool's day; then came a scene from Henry V, and Henry's wooing of Kaiherine of Arragon; the Death of Dr. Maclure, from lan Maclaren; a Sketch from the liiirlington Hawkeye, The Charge, Humor and Wit, both by Lover. Criticism of any of the readings would be that they were (lawless in the intelligent interpretation which I'rof. Cumnock gives them, it is decidedly refreshing to Und a reader whose conception of his profession is not measured by a mounting of pieces and one who loses sight of stagy affecta tions. All the Defendants Discharged A case of disturbing the peace that has caused much talk in I'niversity, was tried before the justice at Kedondo yesterday. Some time asto Frank Warner, Jesse Mc i ombs, Charles Wettenfali, Roy Warner, George Henderson, Clare Dalley, John Manville and John Wetz, youths living in I'niversity. were arrested on complaint of one Dr. Campbell, on a charge of disturb ing tho peace. The doctor was courting a girl in tho neighborhood, and he claimed that the boys' talking disturbed him. He alleged that, after abusing the hoys, tie tired a shot at them, and afterwards swore to a complaint against them. As there was some feeling iv I'niversity over the matter, a change of venue to Redondo was taken, and yesterday all of the defendants were acquitted. Deputy District Attorney McComas rtpresented the people, while W. I. Hiatt looked after tha interests of the defendants. Proposed Benefit Public interest seems to be aroused on behalf of May Nannary ana the Dailey company in their present unfortunate position, and means are being provided to very materially assist them in their pres ont necessity. The remaining members are not in a happy financial condition, and Miss Nannary is confined to her home by sickness and will be for some time. Many parties have interested themselves on be half of these players, and Manager Wyatt has been requested and will doubtless ac cent the management of such an enter tainment. A large number of volunteers have manifested a desire to assist these players, and it is highly probable that a monster benefit will be arranged for an early date at the Los Angeles theater, PRESCOTT PKE3COTT, Ariz., 26.—Sholto Douglas and John Coker passed through Prescott tins morning on the train bound for Phoe nix. This is tho initial trip of their "thou sand miles of back sauce.'' They came by train direct from Los Angeles and ad mitted to friends that the horseback part of the program was a fake, as they stated they intended leaving the train at Glen dale, nine l miles from Phoenix, and to ride on burros from there to Phoenix. Sholto's satire occasioned considerable merriment at the depot as he strutted on the platform during the ten-miuu'.e stop of the train. Architect Edbrookr Dead Chicago, March KB.—AY. J. rxiDrooke, the well-known architect, is dead, aged 51). He was supervising architect under Har rison's administration and supervised all the buildings at the world's fair designed for government exhibitions. His handi work was also seen at the Atlanta exposi tion. He bore oil the honors in both de signing and building the state capital building at Atlanta. Among his most notable works are the Notre Dame uni versity structure at South Bend, Intl., and the Tabor grand opera house at Denver. He was a brother of F. F,. Edbrooke of Denver. There are undelivered telegrams at tbe Western Union Telegraph ollice, corner First and Spring streets, for Harry L. Kahn. K. .'. Inwood and F. W. Tinsman. MUNYON MR. A. Melsted Cured of RHEUMATISM Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Kidney Trout-lee, Biood Diseases <and All Nervous Complaints and Throat and Lung Affections Positively Lured by Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Rem edies Ask Your Driijfgist for Munyosi's Guide to Health- Buy a 9S*Cent Remedy antl Cure Yourself Mr. A. Melstead, llti and 11S West Porond St., Los Angeles, Cal., h»H this tosay of Mun yon's Kemedies: "For years i have suffered with acute rheuniatism, which has affected me in various puns of the body. I have tried umn v so-called 'cures,' but never realized any benefit. I have spent hundred! or dollars with doctors, and had become quite discouraged, when Tin; tfIRALD made Its free distribution of your Rheumatism Cure. I determined to make one more effort to get relief, and, contra ry to my expectation.-, 1 had not taken more than three doses before I began to improve, and before I had finished the little vial every ache and pain hail disappeared. I (iiniiot say too much in praise of these wonderful little peilets " Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never fails to relieve in one to three hours, nnd cures in a few days. Price, -su. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion ana stomach trouble. Price, 25c. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price, 25c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night ■WeatS, allays sjrenoss, and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and oil forms of kidney disease. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness and builds up tho system. 25 cents. ». Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure-price 25c.—eradicates the dis ease from the system, nnd the Catarrh Tablets —price '25c- .cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Asthma Cure and Herbs relieve asthma in three rr inutcs and euro to five days. Price 50 cents each. Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache lv three minutes. Price 3D cents. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures oil forms of piles. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impuri ties of the blood, price 250. Munyon's Viralizer restores lost powers to weak men. Price fl. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, 25c. a bottle. Personal letters to Professor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia Pa., answered with free medical advice for any disease BANNING CO. ZiSSi Hand-picked, South Field Wellington Lump WV/.f\ L. Delivered Cement and Catalina Island Serpentine and Soapstons Agents for SANTA CATALINA ISLAND, also for \V. T. Co.'s ocean excursion steamers, lugs, yacht, and pleasure launches* Telephone 3. PERRY, MOTT & CO.'S LUMBER VKRO AND PLANING MILLS 136 Commercial Ptreot, l.os Anpelcs, Cal. I VHfede §jjf| Paris f J Pioneer Broadway IHf Potomac Block |> | Dry Goods House 221-3 S. Broadway ! No Effort I / Has been spared to make the Spring and Summer season the most V successful in the history of our business, and we are confident that X X tiie values offered will surprise and delight everybody. *' <§> Ladies' Silk Waists Kid Gloves <§> Willi detachable collars, box ' High-grade 3-ollip chamois Gloves- X pleats ai.rf cuffs nunc ol /J. _ heavy embroidered, backs ia o N s' <4i> striped tsffets silk in 8 pretty J> / ; white and yellow: Xt?r /£v X coloring.; each *X * I pair CJ 'ajC # <|> New Veilings Novelties in Belts <§> f r^^„' ,^^''■, VciU ' ,8, Patent „ c f I R? di f S L • Par asols f f Black Hosiery M u.> * f X Our buying power enables ns wis, with double 2)2.7'? V <&•> to offer tha regular l!Boquality rl "" e * <£> fast black Hose at "20C Cheaper ones and better ones in X v*> l 1""' white, pongee and fancy colors. r4» <§> = -44== <§> \\/«c.!-i Clll -r- Checks, stripes and oorded effeoti, In t largo (fit »r» T wash bilks $1.50 DR. LIEBIQ & CO/S WORLD'S DISPENSARf NO, 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET. -sstS 3 ""'*' s^ The Oldest Dispensary on the coast Established 20 year.. J:i all PRIVATE DISEASES OV UEH, .? h^^gSjSS^Wr/S^ Need" be Paid UNTIL CURED. CATARRn i\ spe.flaity. Wo cure the wortt cam s*^^v^^^*^^ Special surgeon from ; m Francisco Dispensary In constant Examinations with . - The poor treated free from 10 to 12 Fridays. Our long experience enables in to treat t oM«eciot or nnv:uo diseases with -'.Ji- jj^^pgi^ ■■^^y^^^^^^^M No mats«T what your trmihlo is, corao and tallc With us; you w ill not regret it. lure guaranteed for drain*, nniltv»i. 133 soutiFmaln street, s rSacf M il£ !NG mnr B-^'loteX^W -— Y T o,ltll last year * of Lost Rla " hoo( '' il&ra L Nightly Emissions, and nil Seminal weakness of rJwT JSisS rT wtfe" 9rir au y na t ur < arising fro:a disease, over-indulgence ? '-Ja : * (7 ' or abuse of any kind of eithei s HsvetheDrug '6|&€?sv f t3&l&t\S >3!!* I: ' rf ' how you testimonial* c: address with stamp fir TIlS.' ; s 4*K and we will send them A:t Elilli cf 7mth, t^saj c **- a; - : -- P er l: ' lt! ■ 1 : usQer r ' Euaraa- i t« to cure or mr.uc', reft: led Prepared only by A\u^^ m*zzz Qi&un zmui wm? a. arau forus.luA l or sale by THOMAS & feil.lfi.Mi LuS, Corner Temple and spring .streots. The Massachusetts Benefit Life Association of Boston L.sues policies $IC(X> to SFHU.OOO at lowest possible roles consistent witli safety. Alio ;jiHO )to $900 on monthly payments, specially adapted to persons oi small meuna. Jn ease of peitna* neut tottii irisablHtf wo pay half the face of policy. Gush surrender values; noii-forfeiture clause: no lestriutions on residence or (ravel. We want an agent in everytowu m Southetl C'alllornia. I-'irat-class iudueciucntH. CorrdHpondoneo i.oiiciied. J. H. HANbY, Oeneral Agent, Currier Building. 212 \V. Third st,, Los Angeles, Cat BREAKFAST INCOMPLETE WITHOUT IT A JOHN ROLLER |m H /W S 3 aa West Second stre?t SL tL. » / m. IV JR IrF:CRKAM AND SHERBETS A SPECIALTY Tronipt delivery to all par 1p of city. %m SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT 1 A Paint for Floors L J U. R. BOWBRS & SONS, 431 S. Sprinj | •• • . .. ••iasiSaBHOIB llessf $85 life nothing BETTER |j^»||MADE if/ Arthur S. Bent j \ty 051 Bdway, Near 7th Made by Indiana Bicycle Co., Indianapolis. jl mil SUMMER IP JOE M POHEIM J|| The Taiior Has much pleasure in jp^lPy ol his New Stock for the 3 OKM Incoming season. The R BJfHI Styles are complete and BJirII artistic in every way. 8 lp3 Si Is to Order $20 lif ffi Pants to Or.'.er djt^ All garments shrunk before malting. The largest Tailoring Establishment in Los i AnS'des. 143 S. Spring St., Bryson Block J. F. Henderson, Manaeer. Glass & Long Blank Book Manufacturers 213.215 New High St., Los Angeles, Cal. EUREKA OIL CO. 204. Soulh Broadway Producer? and Dealers in OIL. FUEL OIL. OIL. ANGCLBS. CAL. PLEASE SEND THIS TO SOME ONE WITH CANCER OR TUMOR. | Jjpfe, WEAK, ! 1 wki> \ NERVOUS, : I Wm&A DISEASED 1 MEN, I YOU NEED HELP - DR. WHITE | vate Disease doctor in tho state. Gonorrhea, i | Gleet, Stricture. Seminal Weakness, Ner f vous Debility, Blood Poisons, Impotency, 12 Varicocele. skirt ami Kidney Diseases snc -9 ly treated. Medicine prepared in pri ! Hvate laboratory. Both sexes consulted In j I confidence, Dr. While has no hired suhsti : Htiites —you sec tbe Doctor only. Dr. White ' Bis tbe on 1 v Specialist iti tiie state who exclu* [ BsivHv treats private, nervous, and chronic ■ diseases. Cures guaranteed in all curable ; jSi-nscs. If you have any sexual trouble con* ; H.iultPr. White. .Scientific Treatment. Rea \ I con able charges. Medicine sent to any ad ; Hdress, Dispensnrv, j[g 138 North Main Street, Los Angeles. BLOOD POISOW A SFECIALTYJKKfS ..nry syphilis permanently cured In UM 36 days. You can bo treated at Homo rot the eama price under Hame guaranty. If you prufor to eonio here we wilt coiitrao| to pay railroad fare and botel bills, and n« I cnarge.if we fall to cure. If you have taken rner» oury, iodide potash, and atlll have aches an<| ralna. M UOOUSPatches In mouth, here 1 nroat. Pimples, Copper Colored Spots. Vlceia oa any pan, of the body, Hulr or KwbroitJ i>lit,!tisthlßSyidi:;iUollL<>*»l»>*Ol s ONtlll.t wo guarantee to cure. We acllcittho mi st obsti nate cases mi'! cEialleuere the world for a case Mb cannot euro. -I'hls disearo has a.<raya Dallied the skill of the most eminent physi •iaiia. SjnOO.OOO capital bohlnd our uniondl aona I caarauty. Absol lit c juroofu sent sealed oa .pplicSf.;;. Addrcßß COofi KKMEDV CO, iu'. - Masonic 'Xemple CHICAGO. ILL. Poland Address PARISH'S /X OCA DttUQ STORE, Water R0^ yxY -