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4 The Herald Jh/THE HKRAt.D Publishing Company. m — — ~~ WILLIAM S. CREIGHTON Editor-in-Chief THE HERALD owns a full Associated Press tranehtae and publishes tho complete telegraphic stews report received dally by a special leased wire. ■WTORIAL DEPARTMENT: 731 East Fourth street. Telephone 141 BUSINESS OFFICK. Bradbury Building, 21! West Third street. Telephone M". TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By Mail, Payable In Advance Del!*/ and Siindav, t month tJOAi pally and Sunday, three months I.So Dallvand Sunday, six months 3.(10 Dally and Sunday, one y*ar T.OJ TO CITY SfßsrlttßF.RS. PaUr, delivered. Sunday im-liuteri. per month Cc Sunday only, per month -Jc POSTAGE RATES ON THK. HERALD. #pages 4cents 82 pages Scents spages.5 pages. Scents US pages 2 cents ■Mass S cents IS pages 'i cents sects Iceut THE WEEKLY HERALD. lWelve pages, one year 91.00 Addreas THE HERALD, Los Angeles, Cat. XatjF-Personi desiring THE HERALD dellv. ares'at their homes can secure It by postal anrd'roquest ar order through telephone Mo. •47. fboula delivery be irregular pleas- tasks immediate camplalnt at tbe offxt. Tbe Herald Publishing company hereby of fers ■ reward ot ten (slOl dollars for the arrest mat conviction ol anyone found stesllng a •spy or copies of THE HERALD from wher ever the same may have been placed by carrier tor delivery to patrons. Write the Truth as yon see Hi Fight the Wrong as you And it: P«b*> lleh sill the News, and Trust the Bveat to the Judgment or the People FRIDAY, MARCH 27. ISO 6. The true ring of the Silver Bugle is spoilt by too much wind. The Mills of Texas do not grind slow, and they do grind exceeding coarse. Menelik is after the lire. He wants forty millions of them before he will let up on the Romans. Mrs. J. Coleman Drayton has at last acquired a divorce, but she gets it with a character incumbrance that will probably make her a non-negotiable quantity in the matrimonial market. The report comes from Bombay that Mark Twain has recovered his health. The significant statement is also attached that he has sold the copyright of his new work for $50,000. So it is apparent that Mark is still a very live humorist. For his restoration to health and fortune, the millions who have caught the sunshine that gleams through his work will be glad. The man who makes the world laugh can be ill spared. Now that tie Broivn-Davidson acanlal has gone into retirement, after making the atmosphere of Sac Francisco oderiferous and driving a weak-minded Oakland woman to an insane asylum, the only thing that prevents the newspaper men of 'Frisco from dying of ennui is the exhilar ating contest between the Examiner and Chronicle. When it is over the latter paper's proprietor will feel something like some of the parties to the other mess. The San Diego American says: "The McKinley boom, like all oilier booms based on fictitious values, will burst." The McKinley boom may burst all right enough, but the American is mistaken when it says that it is based on fictitious values. It is based on the value of the government's power of taxation which Mc- Kinley has pledged to the tariff trusts and monopolists in the event of his nomina tion and election, and there is nothing fictitious about that value. Notwithstanding the enormous amount of building Los Angeles has been the scene of the last few years, the work still goes on. The average of buildings of all kinds since the opening of the year lias been equal to that of any similar period of former years. The indications are strong that the total number of permits for March of 1896 will exceed that of the same month in 1895. which was counted as an excep tionally busy month. As empty houses of • fairly desirable kind are as scarce as heretofore, it is plain that this extraordi nary building is the symptom of an ex traordinary growth in the city's population. In fact, if the crowds seen on Spring, Broadway and Main streets during a fine day—which means, of course, about every day—afford any criterion, one might al most be justified iv supposing that Los Angeles had about doubled up in popula tion the last twelve months. We are growing to be a farm boy's appetite. The passage by the house of an amend ment to the legislative bill providing for a change in the method of compensating United States district attorneys and marshals is a step in the right direction. The manner in which the change is wrought may not be the host, and as Sena tor Hoar claimed, the object is of sufficient importance to justify separate treatment. But the change alio dd be made, and has already waited too long. The offices affected are among the mo3t important in the federal civil service, aud they should be filled by men prepared to give their entire time and attention to the duties of the positions, while the salaries should be sufficiently remunerative to en able the employment of men fully compe tent for the performance of those tluties. Tbe fee system of compensation has always given rise to abuses of authority and neglect of duty. The temptation to misuse official power in order to apparent ly earn a fee has too frequently been yielded to. while probably almost as often an officer thus paid feels himself at liberty to neglect a public duty when the perform ance of a private one will net more profit than the fee allowed for the other. Fob a while it seemed as though the English government might,in an unostenta tious sort of way, relinquish the scheme of • Soudan expedition because of the appa rent unpopularity of the project in Eng land, but the course of the sultan in ap pealing to Russia and France for aid in regulating affairs in may stimulate the government to persevere in its cam paign. If the sultan really did desire to check the British advancs in the territory tbat ia nominally governed by the khedive, be has taken a very unwise step. The in tervention of Kuasia, England's traditional enemy, and France, against which a large part of the Kngliah people yet cherish sentiments of hostility, will serve to arouse tbe national pride of the British and to enlist in bahalfof the Soudan move ■sent a good portion of the people now op posed to it. Tbe English will look at the matter very much as a multitude of southerners viewed the cause of the so uth in the civil war. They were opposed to their state's sec "ding, but nevertheless be lieved in the right of secession, and when that right was denied they were ready to tight for it. It is plain that England does not feel as isolated as she tlid a few months since. She has patched up things with Germany, Austria and Italy have not been estranged for a long while and seem more friendly now than ever, and she has apparently relieved herself of the pros liects of trouble with this country over the Venezuelan boundary affair. It is doubt ful if the Russian bear and the French eagles will deter her inarch on the strong hold of the Mahdi. What the latter may do is by no means certain. The interior of Africa has not always been the most favor able spot in the world for the soldiers of Great Britain or Europe. The signal vic tory of King Menelik'is not the first, and m iy not be the last, of Africans over in vaders. CARLISLE THE CANDIDATE On Sunday, November 10, 1895. The Hi kai.d ran up the name of John G- Car lisle over a double-leaded editorial urging, with some insistence, his availability as a Democratic presidential candidate. It may not be deemed a matter of imperti nence to now declare, in view of recent po litical developments in the east indicating a movement favorable to Mr. Carlisle's candidacy, that The Hkkai.ii's nomination of the great Kentttckian was based solely and precisely on the grounds set forth in •he aforesaid editorial utterance. There has been no pipe-line communication be tween The Herald and the White House at Washington, through which was "tipped off" to this paper the excogitations of Pres ident Cleveland touching the man after his own heart to wear the civic crown "richer from the brows of one who uttered nothing base." And fiir; it known. The Herald management owes no debt for individual favors to the present administration, save such as is due from every country-loving citizen to an able and conscientious public servant who has consecrated his time and toil to what he conceives to be the best in terests of the commonweal. It may or may not be true that Presi dent Cleveland is solicitous that Secretary Carlisle shall become his residuary legatee. But he is The Heb-iLu s choice for the nomination to be made at Chicago. The reasons for its constancy to Mr. Carlisle can be repeated, without modification, from its issue of November 10, 1895: The Herald lu»s no hesitancy in declar ing that it discerns upon the Democratic horizon but one man who fulfills all the requirements of the situation, both at large and in detail. The best production of Ihe post-bellum, or new, south, in all the elements that go to constitute a statesman, is John G. Car lisle of Kentucky, ex-congressman, ex speaker of the house of representatives, ex-senator and present secretary of the treasury: a Democrat who has been con tinuously ascending the political ladder, and. mounting from point to point, has occupied no position that he did not adorn; a statesman who, all things con sidered, and irrespective of party, is the brainiest and worthiest among those who might aspire to wear the great mantle which Grover Cleveland will doff for his successor in the presidential chair; a man of whom it may be said, as was written of the Roman F'abricius," 'Twere as easy to turn tbe sun from his course as Fabricius from the path of honor." Secretary Carlisle is Democracy personi fied. He is a platform in himself. He Btands for fidelity to the letter and spirit of the federal constitution; consecration to the interests of the mass of the people against the spoliations and encroachments of the protectt . few; devotion to home rule, personal liberty, national economy and sound money; aspiration for the peace, progress and universal fraternity of our common country. The Herald affirms advisedly that no man—not even the president—possesses to a greater degree than the secretary of the treasury the confidence and respect of the financial and commercial world. His atti tude for the maintenance of the national credit, by preserving the parity of all American dollars,inspires unqualified con fidence in his reliability as a financier, and his unequaled powers in logical analysis of financial fallacies affords assurance that he will continue to be tbe potent factor he has already proven in dissipating mone taiy vagaries in the south and middle west. As an expounder of the Democratic doc trine of a tariff levied for public purposes only—to gather the maximum of revenue and afford the minimum of protection to private interests—Mr. Carlisle is conceded to he in the front rank, if not the first and ablest between the two oceans. Carlisle measured against McKinley would make up the issue between the two great parties upon the tariff question, with out reference to the glittering generalities of party platforms. 1 hat the great secretary, as the first presidential candidate from the south since the war, and one, too, of whom the whole section is justly proud, would carry every southern state; will not be reckoned a doubtful proposition by intelligent politi cians." AT THE THEATERS Los Theater—Tha opportun ity for tine spectacular effects, tlte per sonality of his satanic majesty and Goethe's grand lines are the prominent features which render the tragic story of Fauat an attractive and popular play. Morrison's company have for many years enjoyed a wide reputation in this produc tion. They carry extensive and elaborate scenery, including those electrical elfects which are so suggestive 0 f the powers of the evil one, and the company is on the whole a capable one. The Mephisto of Mr. W. L. Roberts is incomparably a superior portrayal to that of any other member of the combination, lie has a line voice and exceptionally good elocutionary powers; he makes an allur ing and shapely devil; besides these nat ural advantages Mr. Roberts has made a very clever study of the part, and his act ing is characterized throughout by a subtle and virile force. With the rest of the company there is a damning tendency to mouth and rant, which sadly depreciates the merits of their acting. Mies Olwe Martin, as Marguerite, has considerable hlltrlonio ability, and on several occasions, notably in the jewel scene, before the Virgin's shrine, and in the dungeon, rose to great moments. Could site cultivate a more natural voice antl less forced intonation. Miss Martin's work would be much better appreciated than at present. The same fault spoils the Valen tine of Mr. Nichols. His acting was strong in the duel and death scene, but his rani inz destroyed the illusion. Ulysses IS. Davis, who essayed the part of Faust, hag little conception of its op portunities; his acting was very unreal and disappointing. Mrs. Vanderhoff sup plies some capital comedy in the part of Martha; the frisky flirtations of the old nurse with the devil always affords a pleas ant relief from the graveness of the trag edy, and in last night's production proved the be*t bits of acting during the evening. H l'he staging of the play is line through out, aud the electrical elfects add very much to the brilliancy and weirdne3s of the scene. The su iden blazing of the cross over the cathedral, when Mephisto exults over the fall of Fauat, the garden scene, the duel, the orgy of the sprites and bogiei on tne Brocken,and the tlnal recep tion of Marguerite by the angels, are all produced with vivid and impressive effect. During an entr'acte a spirited two-step "Niagara," the composition of Nat. D, Mann, the business manager of ihe com pany, was played by the orchestra, and was greeted with well-meritea applause. Faust will be repeated this and tomor LOS AJTGrEIiES -HERALD. FRIDAY MORNING-, MARCH 27, 1896. row evenings and at a special matinee on Saturday. DUO OrtrHEi'M.— Another crowded house greeted the strong bill presented at this popular resort last night. Every act was roundly applauded while the big favorites were recalled several times. The Ander sons divided honors with Chas. B. Ward, who was at his best last night and ren dered his character songs with a snap and a vim that made him a greater favorite than ever and earned him a series of en cores. The Fillipis. the giddy dancers from gay "Paree," will closo their engage ment on Sunday night, as they have eastern engagements which they cannot cancel. It is seldom that such artists are seen here, and it is well worth one's while to see them. The Atlios family also leave, and to miss seeing their great acrobatic feats is to miss a great treat. The bill is a strong one throughout and worthy the patronage of the best people who have attended so liberally this week. Box parties have been in vogue with soci ety anil are becoming even more popular. « tr w The Bi'Bbank.—Carleton's successful production of the tuneful opera, Fra Diav olo, was repeated last night. It was pre coded by the lively operetta. The Charity Girls, in whicli Miss Clara Wisdom made a decided hit. The double bill makes a pleasant evening's entertainment, and to night The Charity Girls will be again pro duced, followed by the Bohemian Girl. Mr. Carleton closes his popular engagement to morrow with performances of The Mikado at the matinee and The Lily of Killarney in the evening. HENRY CLEWS' LETTER New York, March 31, 1800. Wall street has heen somewhat dis turbed during the past week by the call of the treasury for'JO percent of the proceeds of the late loan deposited with the banks. The banks were in a well-fortified position to meet the demand, but it is perhaps not surprising if they have been willing to make the most of the circumstance.. For the last two weeks, commercial failures have been more frequent, which has in creased the caution towards discounts, and the usual April transfers of money to the interior, for effecting the settlements due at that period, will soon be here; odd to which the fact that the banks do not usua'ly disregard fair occasions for advancing their rate of interest—these considerations have made possible an advance in the rate for call loans, and have put a check on time loans, and caused some contraction iv the discounting of commercial paper. The "bear element iv simulation has not failed to turn th»se circumstances to ac count, and has especially sought to en courage distrust aa to the condition of commercial credit and to excite apprehen sion of further failures among merchants. At the moment, the hanks have no special interest in discouraging these tactics, as they help the upward tendency in the rate of interest; but, at the same time, there is in banking circles no real apprehension of any approaching stringency, and the feel ing is general that, when the funds return which may be withdrawn for the April set tlements, the money market will setilo into an easy condition and so remain until, at least, the autumn outflow o,' currency sets in. It is not surprising that this new tempo rary factor in the market has been attend ed with some selling of stocks and that the bears have made it an occasion for putting out free lines of shorts. The bulls have not regarded these conditions as favorable to buying, and have therefore offered no resistance to (he attacks of their opponents but hope to find their opportunity when the time comes for covering the short The market has also been sensitive to the new moves on the chessboard of F.uro pean politics. From such vague accounts as the diplomats are willing to let out, it seems that international relations and therefore international policies are under going some highly important changes. The press accounts appear to take it for grant ed that, at last. Great Britain has really untered into partnership with the dreibund. Iti respect to what matters, or to what extent, she has committed herself to the joint policy of Germany. Austro-Hungary and Italy, nothing is yet certain. But as her purpose seems to be mainly to provide an offset to the threatening atti tude of the Franco-Russian alliance, and as colonial policies now enter largely into all the current international disputes, it would seem highly probable that if there be a new alliance it may cover an earnest and comprehensive common policy. An agreement between England and the three great powers of central Europe would Beem to afford an invaluable guarantee of future peace on the European continent; but, for the moment, and until the policies of the quadruple alliance come to be known and estimated, there is ample reason why the financiers of Eu rope should maintain an observant attitude and await the upshot. Hence, this new course of events lias caused a halt in business on the foreign bourses; prices have declined for national securities, and Americans have suffered in sympathy with these conditions. There is good reason to hope, however, that if this reported new alliance is an accomplished fact it may prove*to be the beginning of a general European revival of confidence, from tviiich this country, as one in the family of nations, could not fail to reap its share of advantage. One factor that should contribute to a recovery of confidence is the marked im provement in the relation between our im ports and exports of merchandise which has occurred within the last two or three months. The exports nave shown a large rate of increase, while the imports have, on the average, materially declined; the result being a condition of the balance of foreign trade much moie in our favor than for any time during the last two years. This means a cessation of the over-impor tation which has been glutting our markets and encouraging distrust of credits iv cer tain brandies of trade; while it shows a healthier condition of the export markets aud of the agricultural interest. Moreover, it lias an indirect but import ant bearing upon the condition of the treasury finances. It means, so far as it is due to tho commercial movement, a probable reduction in the exports of spe cie; and as it is the exports of gold which constitute the chief necessity for drawing it from the treasury, the less gold is need ed for export purposes, tho less will be the amount of noteu presented at the sub treasury for redemption. This probability, so far as it represents a better regulated condition of our foreign interests, is a mat ter of congratulation. And yet there aro considerations whicli make the conversions of notes far from being the unmitigated evil they have been considered. The notes converted are held in treasury (so long as they are not needed to sup ply deficiencies of revenue),and can be ex tinguished without obstacle or further out lay, whenever congress chooses tosoorder. There are. at present $103,000,000 net of the two kinds of legal tender iv the hands of the government. Tho treasury also holds $128.000,04)0of "free" gold, and has silver bullion, held against the notes oi 1890, which at its present market value is wonb over $90,000,000. These two sums, aggregating $218,000,000, are offsets against the notes ami have been legally provided for the sole purpose of liquidat ing them. Thus, the liquidation of $323, --0011,000 of leg-l tenders is already pro vided for, and only $1(10,000.000 remains for oilier treatment or offset. It will thus be seen how much b?tter position the finances are iv. for dealing with the legal tender question, than is generally supposed. In this situation of affairs, it becomes a very interesting question,—how long it will take for the treasury to gain control of this balance of $1(10.000,000 of notes through the current process of con versions? If the exchanges of notes for goid were continued at the average rate of tbe two last yaars, $ I 10,000,000 of this residue would be in control of the treas ury in the spring of 1897,—assuming that the income of the government covered its expenses. These are matters for reflection and for congratulation. A governihent whose de mand notes are under its control to this •Hxtent is not a fit object for the sneers and discredit that foreign critics choose to cast upon ours. The fact is plain that, almost unconsciously and cer tainly from no great sagacity of manage ment, the treasury question, and with it the broader currency question, is on the way to settling itself by an unexpected process. Members of congress would do well to weigh in advance the situation which this drift is developing. It will come with a very imperative force and will not wait for the completion of the slowly hatching schemes of currency theorists. It will, moreover, compel a settlement of the broader aspects of the currency ques tion in a very summary sort of way. This is one of many influences which, little ob served, are working together to bring in a run of better regulated business than wo have known for the last generation. Henry Clews. PERSONAL Martin Kellogg, president of the Berkeley slate university, is in the city. L. H. Palmer of the Santa Fe railway, at Topeka, wdth his wife, is in the city. P. W. Kauffman and daughter of Ven tura are in town attending the teachers' in stitute. Philip Hersehfeld of this city was regis tered at the Grand hotel, San Francisco, yesterday. F. H. Liebknecht of the Dr. J.C. Ayer company of Lowell, Mass., is spending a vacation in Los Angeles. Harry Adler, a San Francisco traveling man and a brother of Mr. Adler, manager of the London Clothing company, is in the city. Governor Lionel A. Sheldon is at Wash ington city, assisting in promulgating a national platform for the American Pro tective association. Charles H. Brown of Brown Bros., the Spring street clothiers, has returned from San Francisco, where he attended the wedding of his brother. A. L. Brown, brother of Brown Bros., the Spring street clothiers, passed through tho city yesterday with his wife on the way to Coronado. It is their wedding trio. Manning W. Browne of Fort Wayne, Ind., arrived here on Wednesday to accom pany his sister. Miss Hatne Browne, to Tacoma to attend tbe funeral of their father, Henry M. Browne. John B. Butcher of the New York stock yards, director in the New York Central, who hos been for some days awaiting the arrival of the Vanderbilt-Depew party, left the Palace hotel, San Francisco, yes terday, to meet his confreres iv Los An geles. 1). Guthrie, Mrs. Guthrie and the Misses Guthrie with M. H. Robertson and Mrs. Kobertson are in the city. Messrs. Guthrie and Robertson are prominent Canadian capitalists, long resident in Montreal. They will spend some weeks examining the resources of Southern California. The party visited the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. John Mentmore. one of the old staff of the Westminster Review and later one of the brilliant correspondents of tbe London Standard, was in the city yosterday. Mr. Mentmore iscompletely broken down from overwork and lung trouble, which causes his friends much anxiety. It is hoped that complete rest and the climate of Southern California may result in his restoration to health. Robert Holland, for many years in the employ of the Consolidated Railway com pany, by the officers of which he is much respected, left for New York yesterday en route for England to attend to some im portant matters. Mr. Holland has the reputation of being one of the best judges of horseflesh on the coast. A number of Los Angeles men, including old-time em ployes of the company, wore at the depot to bid Mr. Holland bon-voyage. Cornelius Vanderbilt's apparent reserve to representatives of the press is due to no churlishness nor to any desire to offend. "I am not at all well, and have been run ning down for some time," lie said to a HERALD representative yesterday morn ing; "and this trip is taken under my doc tor's advice, who has laid an injunction upon me to talk as little as possible. lam feeling much better since leaving Chicago, and nhould I continue to improve I may stay in Southern California longer than I originally intended." Mr. Vanderbilt's feebleness is very marked, but he does not exhibit any of the invalid's irritability. Republican harmony in Arizona is so visible that it would require a cross-cut saw to sever it. If there is one thing the Arizona Republicans love it is to fight.— Phoenix Gazette. The Boers are not all confined to South Africa, as Arizona ia blessed with more or less Republican hoers who are doing con siderable ruling just now.—Phoenix (A, T.) Gazette. GOSPEL TRUTH Why Tell a Lie and Get Caught at It True Merit Always Stands the Test. A Few Instances to Prove It. Many More Where They Come From. Testimonials are not <s£S & i much good in a horse f1 i h*\\ V* J»ATI ou want to buy a Xl «fpHp norte to trot in l hrce lfmlnutOi. Trot the horse, / IjfjV thß '- ,cll 'the story. / / I \ oo Every day we get lot *~J , r^s j J ters saying, *Mf wo only UV V.knew that No-To-Bao vl jjl I would cure the tobacco \ll JW J J habit we would gladly '--'dZ** give iive times the price." We often wonder whether such people really want v cure. Why? t imply because we absolutely sell No-To- Bac under a guarantee to cure and at a price within tbe reach ot' all. Your own druggUi guarantee! it, ao you don't have to take our word Over 20 000 druggist! sell and guarantee No-To-Bac; over 1,000,000 boxes no;d, over 300.000 cures; over 10.000 testimonial letters with requests to publish. Here are a few: MINISTER SAVED AFTER HI YEARS, Tyrone, Ark., sept IU, 1895. Gentlemen: t muatsay that for «ii years I biive been a perfect slave to tobacco, nnd cmi safely say. as a minister ol the gospel, that two boxes of No-To-Bac has completely cured me ut any desire for tbe poisonous weed, to tbat i feel like a man once more in life, Yours truly, REV. J. A. PRESTON. DRIVEN OUT OF TEXAS. CLOVBRDALR, md , August 10. Gentlemen: one year ago while living in Henrietta, rexas, 1 became so nervous from the use of tobacco that it was a burden to me to keep still in one place any length ol time. 1 nought one box of your No-To-Ban and us. d it according to directions, and gai tied 15 pounds in two weeks, it cured me of tbe use of tobacco and also cf nervousness for whicli lum thankful- Yours respectfully, j. X FRAIZER. HAD TOBACCO HEART FAIMJRB. Jamestown, tt, Y\, September S5, isoo. Hear Sir: i have been cured oi the use of to bsceo by taking No-To-Bac I never Hit bet terin my life than riebt now. I nta forty-nine vetrs oid and do not know what sickness means now. 1 used to be sick while using lv bneu bii<l had spells of hea r t fuilure, but it is all gone, thanks to No-To-Bao. Very truly yours, JAMES U. BATEMAN. YEARS OP TOBACCO BATING UaLEKA, Kan..July *J7. 1895. Gentlemen: A year ago I sent to you for three boxes of No-To-liae, and before two were use I all desire for tobacao was gone, and blui c tobacco has not entered my mouth and this after not chewing but eating it for years. I used over a pound a week. 1 can say to a' l who desire to quit tobacco r erma nently. give No-To-Bac an honest trial and you will IUO -cced. Respectfully. W. H. BOYCE. Now, frankly, what more can we do or say? Jt is for you to act. Just try today; the Tight time is r ght now. Ii you don't like toellug better after the first week you can learn tobac co using over aga'n. <Jet your booklet, Don't Tobacco spit and Bmoke Your Lite Awaj. Written guarantee;: iree saronle mailed for the asking* Address 1 lie Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. SURE CURE for PILES Itching sod Blind, Bleed tne or tnvtz tun PHtl IMMu unt* to OR. 80-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. ««»■ fna, fciisoro* tumor*. A posim-p cure- UIMSMfI «ut tree, rrieo We. Druuuu or mul. DU.. IiOsA.N AvO, fall*.. Pa. The "Monadnock" VisLors at Coronado will bo allowed to go oa board Ihe MonadnocK dftll 7 during the stay of the huge monitor. This monitor is the finest on tho const and is expected to remain m Cor onado hut a short time. The crew has just Riven tho decks, guns and everything about the vessel a thorough cleaning and polishing. The flagship ot the Pacific squadron, the Phil adclphi i, and also the Alta commission vessel, Albatross, are still at Coronado. To be per miited togoanonvd these immense ironclads is a tlcat. It is well worth a trip to Hotel del Coronadd to sec these formidable floating arsenals, and the sooner the better. Now Don't Blame Anybody but Yourself If You Come Too Late Come Yourself And tell all your friends about it. Notlv ing like it was ever attempted before in this section. The Great Bargain lOf the Year Combination Pocketbooks and Purses Another lot worth up to $1.50, Cfl/-» choice at OUC Still another lot worth up to C t f\{\ f3, choice at «P I .UU Don't Miss the Opportunity If You Are a Money Saver BURGER'S CUT RATE STORE 213 South Spring Street Hollenbeck Hotel Block Manufacturing Jeweler, Silversmith and Optician Cahuenga Lands XT • AUCTION On April 4th We will sell at public auction, without reserve, about 60 acres of that Fine, Frostless Land On Sunset Boulevard About two miles west of .... HOLLYWOOD.... This land is near the new electric power house now being built for the Santa Mon j lea electric railway, anJ a town is being j located at that point. WATER IS PIPED on All This Land For full particulars see Poindexter & Wadsworth, 305 Wast Second St. j l.os ANGELES. I i Ever Troubled With Your Eyes Ever tried us? We have fitted classes to i thousands tv their entire satisfaction. Why not give us a trial? wo wIU satisfy you. fcyes tested irctt. Lowest prices. S.Q. MARSHUTZ, Scientific Optician i 245 6. Fprlng street, npp. Stimson Block, tstabiishod here nine years. £tf~ Look lor tha Crown on the Window. j Eyes Tested r Drs. Thompson & Kyte Graduates in Optics ! Eolid gold frames, warranto! .. 81.75 ; Bteel, nickel, aluminum or alloy frames. 23c First quality lenses, p-ir pair $1.00 Give us a trial; we will surely please you, both in prices and work. BOSTON OPTICAL COMPANY 328 W. Second St., bet. Spring and Broadway, Los Angeles. Sia Fifth St., San Diego. One Day j More Owing to the big rush and our inability to meet all the wants of our many customers and the public, we have concluded to extend our great Special Soap Sale To Saturday, March 28th. The following prices will be foi that day only: American Family Soap, 5 cakes, 16 oz. each 25 Cent* tiold Seal Laundry Soap, 5 cakes, 16 oz. each 25 Cents Clairette Laundry Soap, 8 cakes 25 Cents Queen Lily Laundry Soap, 4 cakes, 16 oz. each 25 Cents j Babbitt's Laundry Soap, 6 cakes 25 Cents Oerman Family Soap, 8 cakes 25 Cents Oold Seal Borax Soap, 5 cakes 25 Cents Wool Soap, 4 cakes 25 Cents Electric Soap, 1; cakes 25 Cents We will also place on sale Sea Foam Soap, the greatest shampooing soap in the world, made at Cologne, Germany. This soap formerly sold at $1.00 per dozen; price for this sale, 6 cakes for 25 cents. Don't Hiss This Oreat Opportunity. 216 and 218 South Spring Street. Do You Want an Alfalfa Field ? If so, we can sell you land in 10, 20, 40 and 100 acre tracts that will make the finest Alfalfa Fields in California at An AcreTwith Water Terms —$10.00 an acre down ; balance in three, six and eight years; interest at 8 per cent. You can prepare the ground and plant it for $\o an acre-, and pay for your place the first year. Located on main line of the Santa Fe Railroad. For maps and full particulars call on Wilde & Strong, General Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 228 W. Fourth St. Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles. 3pJP*S They Are Coming The Oerman=American Staff of Physicians WttSlmWmW And Surgeons Will Arrive Honday, March 31st All Suffering from— CHRONIC AILMENTS Should consult those who by science are enabled to strangle disease. Closing Out . . • Rogers and Meriden Genuine Triple Plate Knives and Fo*-ks, per set .. .$} 25 Tablespoons, per set $2.25 Carving sets fi m\ $1.25 up Teaspoons, per set *?1.20 ill percent Discount on All Goods for the next 30 days Thomas Bros, a MS* HOTELS AND RESORTS s m Opens Oct 30 V^j^n^^^^r^^^m''a^tf^^ji-j H MOORESQU* PALAOX- - THE hotel °reen«i n y I Bfy'^fo'n^lrr * Ir«f rho newaatead h.t.l la Los .T wSffJiEsi'T' l 'sUia'* Anrel.a count? '"ir fo moor fllmfluY lnHlMmH||llT»M and spacious rooms. »uh private „— m V m parlor and bathrooms; m '» "iffl lE'lB *Va Wt tomree linos ol .team rallwayi * «• no^n°MMa« First-class and modern in all its appointments, i- H rj Special accommodations for Tourists and permanent ABBOTSFORD abbotsford inn co.. Southeast corner Eighth and Hope Sts., lN Los Angeles Tourists Should read the Los Angeles Daily Herald. If you are in and the city for a few days only and want to keep posted on I Residents affairs, local, state, national and foreign, send in your order. in Fifteen cents will furnish all this for seven days, delivered at i Southern your room, hotel or residence. The Sunday Herald is a I California magazine which will furnish you a week's reading for 5 cts CAWT The popular HOTEL HETROPOLE open, and reg. oAJN 1 A ular steamer service every day except Sunday, com nlT A I TXT A mencing Feb. 8, 189*5. See raiiroad time tables in Los A 1 i\Ll IN A Angeles daily papers. Camping privileges, etc., free mi A NT. t0 Patrons of W. T. Co.'s steamers only. Full infor- Xk- v m ation from Banning Co., 222 S. Springst„ LA., Cal. HOTEL RAMON k^ p^^^^^T£u^ll^