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KINDERGARTENERS AT WORK at Our Correspondent Saw in a Train ing Sohool for Teachers. PLATING FBOG AND CATERPILLAR. All Sorts of Queer Games and Kxcr cises—The Teachers Must Take the Same Course as Their Future I'upils. (Copyright 18M, bjr B»rl.ell tr , Jolnuon k nactaellcr) "Churrug, churrug, churrugl" The visitor stands in amazement. "Churrug, churrugl" The game of leap-frog still goes ou Some half-dozen girls arc In the centre, .lumping about iv frog-like fashion, giv ing their mournful cry: others form a cir cle about them, and to a simple air tell a tnle of the frog and his life. Ii is n class of Miss Hunter's training School for young ladies who wish to be come kindergarten teachers. To be a member of that class means earnest work niicl plenty of enthusiasm for the cause. The onlooker may be amused. but to the pupils there is nothing ridicu lous in this game of leap-frog. One of thd prills, on being asked if she did not feel embarrassed, replied: "Why, uo, it's lots of fun. The tall (.'iris may feel so. but I don't. To me there is nothing awkward or embarras sing about these games." Then she re peated, "But it is such fun!" She con fessed, however, to stiff limbs when the day was done. She laughingly said that one could not .lump a hundred and twen ty pounds about a room without feeling it. The frog game is not the only one that is played. Another exercise tells tbe Story of the caterpillar. The caterpillars crawl about the floor; they retire to C - coons—represented by the corners of tin room; they flutter forth as gorgeous butterflies—the girls stepping lightly about the room and waving their arms gracefully to portray the actions of that insect. Again. Ihe life of the farmer is told by them. They show how be plows 11io fields, sows the seeds, and reaps the harvest; and when the day's work is done, the tired farmer lays himself down to rest (here Ihe young ladies and their teacher drop gracefully to the floor and rest at full length). All the games art not so boisterous, however, At long tables, entirely tilling tho room, sit the Kills, some cutting, some folding, pieces of colored paper. All sorts of objects are cut from the pa per by these deft lingers. They start with squares, circles, triangles and ob longs, pasting them in a book arranged for that purpose. Then the designs be come more difficult, and mosaic work, in colors to suit the paster's taste, is shown on the next pages; still one step further, and objects of life appear, One book contained a pier-glass, witli an eb tmy frame about it.—a source of much annoyance to the cutter and much mer riment to her friends. Her brother would persist in calling that glass a eof tin.—ln fact, in misnaming everything In the hook. Other girls fold papers into various shapes, making of a square of paper as many shapes as possible. The result of this work is also pasted in a Itook. Tho cutting is Intended to teach form and color, the folding to keep the Bug gers flexible. Rloeks and straws and seeds furnish other amusements. With blocks they represent ii locomotive, ut the same time learning all they can of its me chanism; they build a stone wall, and inquire inio the materials used; they call attention to the fact that a block bus six sides, eight corners, twelve edges,—things which we should all be able to tell Without a moment's thought, but regarding which we are apt to be so deplorably ignorant. Thus the play goes on. day after day, each pupil breathing into'her soul that sympathy with child fife so essential to successful kindcr gartners. Learning to be a klndergartner. how ever, is not all play. There is much hard study necessary. Of perhaps two hun dred applicants each year. Miss Hunter selects forty. To be a successful appli cant one must have either a high school or a college diploma: the candidate must have studied geometry, algebra, botany, music, universal history,—in short, must have had a thorough scien tific training. After entering, a pupil devotes one year to study of the system. Site at tends (lie school in the morning, learning the kindergarten occupations. She takes precisely the same course as a child, but completes in one year what a child does iv three. Miss Hunter lectures in the afternoon of two days each week. Tbe lectures are on botany, zoology, psychology, and other branches of science. While Miss Hunter lectures the girls take notes, from Which each is expected to write a paper. As the girls grow in wisdom they take turns at assisting in the kin dergarten connected with the training School; and toward the close of the term tho more courageous go a step further, serving as substitutes, in schools fo; poor children in various parts of the city. It is an embarrassing task to assist UNDER THE AWNING. Miss Hunter. The children are used to' a well trained teacher, aud are apt to view a novice with distrust. Tliey are, however, very bright, and respond quickly to the teacher's thought. With children from the poorer classes it is quite different, and many a substi tute comes back thoroughly dishearten ed.—it is such a difficult task to make language aud actions simple enough for the comprehension of tbe little ones. One of Miss Hunter's pupils tells bow sue requested a certain east side class to rise, and not a child moved. They didn't understand "rise;" aud not umil she had repeated her order iv the words "get up" did they obey. Yet, in spile of these discouragements, the girls look forward eagerly to the time when they will have classes of their owu. Miss Hunter, who is the daughter of I'resident Hunter of Normal College dearly loves bet work. For ten years she has been teaching l'roebcl's system, and it has no more enthusiastic advocate than she. If but a portion of her spirit is imbibed by the pupils, they will be fortunate indeed. In the class-room the very atmosphere breathes of her person ality. With what admiration did I watch her attack a- game which one of the pu pils had rendered almost llfeless.iind give it a vitality and charm to which the children responded Immediately, An opportunity to teach is never allowed to escape; the slightest incident is made tbe occasion for a practical lesson. One child, for instance, has brought a cake for luncheon. It is somewhat like a rose in shape. The children have their at lent ion called to it, and a tiny seed of knowledge is laid away to spring up by and by. After graduating, the girls from this school open classes of their own in all parts of the country. When it is remem bered that forty teachers graduate each year, it will easily be seen how far reaching is the good accomplished by Miss Hunter anil her school. HOD TWO GIRLS STARTED A KIN DEKUARTEN. This is what the enterprising head of a new flourishing kindergarten school in New York did when her father be came involved in financial difficulties, and she was thrown upon ber own re sources. The slory is told in her own words, and will be of especial Interest and value to young women planning similar enterprises. "My father was 70 years old, and out of a position. I had one younger sister aud no brothers, and I suddenly waked up to the realization that 1 was tho bread winner of the family, l bad an education, and a friend offered to join me iv starting a private school. My friend proposed to share expenses, and we went to work collect ing pupils and fixing up our quarters. We peddled our school from house to' house, so to speak; and we never hud the door shut ill our faces. We also wrote letters to our personal friends, and these brought us sonic pupils. Oil one of our errands we were so much attracted by a very pretty little boy that we spoke to him. To our dismay, we looked up and saw thai his mother had been watching the interview from a window above us. We explained thai we had a mania for children and were fascinated by this one of hers, at which she was so well pleased Unit site wound up by promising to send him to our school. iii this way we obtained many of our pu pils; und having enlisted a sufficient num ber to start our school, we set about fil ling up our rooms. Through the kind ness of the chairman of the board cf education wo were able to get a dis count on all school supplies. We lirst bought two largo pieces of awning cloth for $7.00; with this wi covered the carpets in the parlors and ball, and made an awning 50 feet long >>• IS feet wide. This last was my own ilea and proved a great success. We put it out in the back yard, attaching it to the fence by means of rings sew ed nine inches apart on the edge of the awning, and slipped over hooks driven into the feuee. We Used it for out door exercises In the mild weather of the early fall: also for sewing, reading and writing classes. Here is a list of our expenses: Kindergarten table $10.00 13 kindergarten chairs 6.00 Blackboard (with slight imperfec tion) 2.00 LOS ANGELES HERALD: , Blackboard easel 1.00 Kindergarten materials 3.84 Kindergarten hooks 2.W Complete set of maps, lv case l slightly imperfect) 8.00 Class sign for window Li.oO Ink, pencils and stationery 8.85 Drawing Materials 2.06 Printing (cards and circulars) .. 0.44 Awning and floor-cloths 7.50 RESPLENDENT IN RICH BROCADES. Song books 3.00 Total 960.01 These, properly placed, with the large back parlor for the kindergarten, and chairs and tables which we already hail in the house for the other rooms, trans formed our pretty parlors into bright, sunny, attractive school-rooms. We were anxious to have a carriage to cany the children to ami fro from the school; but as we could not afford this, wo secured the services of a bright young girl who called for the smaller children ami took them home, ami at tended to their wants during school hours. This we si ill continue to do,niuch in the satisfaction of o\ir patrons. We were compelled to borrow the AS BUTTERFLIES TUFA' FLUTTER ABOUT THE ROOM. money to defray our Initial expense*; but as we charged part pay in advance we were able to pay opr debts at the close of the lirst day of school. By scrupulously fullilling every prom ise wo had made in tho beginning, and giving good, conscientious instruction, besides making the pupils exceptionally and phenomenally happy, we have been very successful, and are gaining the confidence of the public more and more each year. The outlay during the first year, including servant hire and inci dental expenses, amounted to $250; while our income was. iv round num bers. $1,400. At the close of tlte school year, cele brated willi appropriate exercises and Ihe awarding of medals and prizes to the best pupils, we arranged a special summer course. During those three summer months, which should have been a vacation, we took our pupils on an outing with a fine tally-ho to some country place near by; so that it was not a case of "all work and no play" by any means. Our curriculum includes, besides the kindergarten and regular primary and grammar grades as taught in our best public schools, Fencli. German, music, sewing in all its branches las dressmak ing, millinery and embroidery), drawing, painting and physical culture." A set of triplets 24 years old are liv ing in tile town of Inez. Ky., where they were born. They are finely built men and remarkably alike iv appearance in every respect. Two are married. THE WOMAN OF FASHION. She is Resplendent in Rich Brocades That Suggest Wall Paper and Draperies. POSSIBILITIES IN PETTICOATS. Some Gowns Scon at a l'ashioiiubl New York Theatre—The Various Uses of Grass Linen—The Short Sleeved Shirt Waist. There are a great many materials in the market which one looks at and ad- |mires, but never thinks of buying. From a spectacular point of view they are very pretty, but it is hard to think *if any thing useful that could be done willi them. Those large figured silks and satins thai look like flaming banners hung up in the Windows are a puzzle to the utilitarian who cannot imagine an ordinary woman appearing in such garb. They look as if they might, make very pretty hangings or draperies for a win dow or the walls of a handsome boudoir where (here is room for a figure to spend itself before it reaches an edge or a seam. Bui after one has seen the effect of one of those Immense seven yard skirts made out of silk or satin with a corresponding colossal figure of leaves, or fanciful scrolls, or bunches of flowers ,then one believes that they are magnificent, and not at all out of keep ing, especially .when worn by a large woman. One of the most beautiful gowns I have seen was made of brocaded satin! de Lyons woven expressly for tho exhi bition of fine materials at the World's, fair. It was too daring for the season which immediately followed, and was, therefore, put away by the lady whoi purchased it to await the time when! such patterns should become fnshlona-j We. Since the advent of Hie brocades 1 hare been talking about the gown has been made up after an original design by Madame Krelle.- the lending modiste of Baltimore, The design waa necessar ily simple for such a pattern, whicli was a large bunch of red and yellow roses Willi green leaves ou an ivory white sat in ground. The skirt had numberless folds at the back and sides, but was sufficiently plain to show the figure web in front. The bodice Was cut low and trimmed with a bertha of splendid old point that cost dollars upon dollars a yard. The sleeves were short but full puffs of red velvet to match the red roses. But. the most, fascinating thing about this gown was the part that didn't show—the inside lining of the skirt, witli i it.s finishing Bounces at tho bottom. Tho • lining was pale yellow taffeta like the ■ yellow in tin 1 loses, and around the bot i tout were three Bounces of satin ribbon, 1 one each to match the colors In the pat i tern, namely red. yellow, and green; • when the skirt was raised these flounces i showed and the effect was exquisite, There is not a woman living who is not ' susceptible to the charms of a gown • with a pretty inner finish, or the fasci ' nations of lissome lingerie. These are i two tilings which even the fabled new ' woman will stop to admire. And now i that we are talking of lingerie, we i might as well remark that, extravagant ' though it may be. those silks with large ' patterns are used for petticoats whicli ' are so pretty that ladies who own them ' often wear them for dress skirts with ' dainty tea jackets for lounging purposes, i To be sure, they haven't so many gores |as a dress skirt, but they have flounces enough to compensate. First there is i the pinked flounce of soft taffeta; then • a ideated one of the material of the i skirt; then a fluff of accordeon pleated i chiffon veiled Willi exquisite lace. The . top may be finished here and there with i a tiny bow of ribbon. A pretty design i shown me by the Baltimore modiste was I finished at the lop of the upper flounce with a band of ribbon run through a puff of chiffon. To examine a few of ■ the skirts on sale in the large stores one i would infer that the cost of a petticoat ,s rely a mailer of flounces, averag ing about live dollars to the flounce. Silk skirls witli one flounce can be bought for from four to eight dollars according to the quality of the silk and the ele gance of the finishings. The nicest skirts have throe or four rows of cord ing m the Bounce, which add greatly lo their usefulness in keeping the edge of { the dress skirt in place. And right here, though it seems dreadfully out of keep ] ing wiih all this talk of elegant silks and laces which most of us can only dream about, let us come down to the j possibilities of ihe average purse in the matter of petticoats. A very nice dark skirt is made of black sateen. Everybody knows that, and everybody knows also that sateen alone is very limp and useless as a sup port to the present skirt. A flounce or two of moreen will remedy this difficul ty, making a useful and respectably ornamental petticoat which can be bought ready made for OS cents, and. if home made, should not be more than HO cents. Whole skirls of moreen are very use ful, but are rather stiff aud harsh.'Some sateen skirls have a flounce of moreen and another wide cne of silk corded around the edge to make it flare. These sell for tive dollars. As summer ap- ' proaches, we shall see fancy petticoats ] of grass linen to match the linen batiste 1 dresses of which everybody will have at ' least one. I Bui in Ibis discussion of petticoats we have digressed from the vision of magni ficent gowns worn by people of magnifl ! cent purse in the lobby of a magnificent j New York theatre. The majority of the gowns had those Immense figures refer red to above. The brocade was not gen -1 orally utilized in Ihe waist but formed only the skirt, being combined with pain 1 silk or satin or chiffon. A long cloak had a flounce around the i bottom and was lined with beautiful figured taffeta In a lavender tint. Fur ■ canes are always correct. Evening is « the only time when ermine is seen, now adays; it is too expensive for ordinary people as arc most of the things I have been talking about, but one likes : to get a Heeling glimpse of loveliness now and then even if it isn't possible to possess it. Some of tbe lliings we can have are the fascinating tilings made out of grass I Inen, or French linon batiste as the shop t folks say. They have thought of every-, thing. There nre handkerchiefs, hats, ami parasols of it. Siioes are not made: of the linen Itself, but conic in canvas ! to match. j MRS. RHODA HOLMES NICHOLLS. Shirtwaists galore are made of it. with big. full sleeves that are short with a three-Inch band reaching just below the elbow. Many of ihe new shirtwaists have these short sleeves—a fashion for which we shall be exceedingly grateful on hot summer days, and which we will bewail when it conies to donning the snowy evening dress wild its ivory set ting to our Bunbrowned arms. AN.ME LAURIE WOODS. 7 CLEVER ENGLISH-AMERICAN. A Woman Who Has Achieved the Highest Success as an Artist in Water Color. MRS. RHODA HOLMES NIOHOLLS V Brief Sketch of Her Career and Mm k -Her Varied Experience. / Wide Range ot Subjects and Breadth of Treatment. J!K. Rboda Hoi | mi's Xieholls, ia ~^ v accounted tha cleverest water* florist InAmer- lea. Sbe waa lx)rn ,n f ' oVPnt ry, •; -jr,'. '--* : '*"JL England, ou'.y (laughter of the ' vlcar of uttta • 'T-J&.i Hampton, a fashionable -' watt ting place. Her fath «*r, a graduate of Oxford, i>W%sffi> ,v:,s a I ,rofounu scholar. rVs%£» During her school dayn - drawing and painting were part of the curried- lun, l vocal and instrumen. tal music were not neg pSSffiffc lcctcd. though now Mr 4. Bfe§SM/f Nlcholla feels this a rait. ftSSfctfl use of time. Later, as an accom. plishment and with no thought of a professional life or of bread-winning, she studied art in one of the schools of Kensington Museum. Having passed through the elementary classes without special dis tinction, it was a surprise to herself at the end of several years that she carried off the Queen's Prize, sixty pounds per year for three years. To this amount tlie queen added ten pounds, a special gift, showing high approval. After one year's study Mrs. Ntcholls sacrificed this prize in order to go to Rome—attracted by the brilliant color of the sunny south. With Camerano site studied the human figure, and with Vertunni, landscapes. Evenings were spent at the Oircilo Ar> tlstlco, a club of professional artists— Spanish. Italian. French, German, Amef. ienn, Dutch. Each criticised his neigh bor. These Cosmopolitan critics made an era in Mrs. Nlcbolls' art life. The pose lasted five evenings, then place* were changed. This was the most prof itable period of Mrs. Nieholls' study. Two hours' work in water colors neces sitated freedom and dash, quick con ception of character and broad treat ment. These characteristics still con stitute- the chief charm of Mrs. Nieholls' work, and place ber in the front rank of artists. She was summoned before the queen of Italy to receive compliments and congratulations on her attainments. After thrfe years she went to South Africa, wltcre her brothers had an os trich farm of 25.000 acres, with the Quest flock in the world. The vast stretches of desert with its scorched veg etal ion. bordered by misty mountain lines, was n new revelation to her Eu ropean eyes. This artist had already been recog nized iv England, her work having been hung on the line at the Royal Academy exhibitions. Eater, Mrs. Nieholls. visit ed Venice again, where she made the acquaintance of her future husband. After a year's time Mr, and Mrs. Nieh olls were married iv England, and set sail at once for America, in 1884. On her arrival, her talent met with instant recognition. Substantial prizes were won in New York. Boston and Chicago silver and gold medals. The wide reach of her subjects is re markable: shining walls of Italy, shim mering sands of tho desert, the joyous water of the lagoon, ostriches, haughty Kaffirs, gay gondolas, monks and nuns, landscapes, interiors. More charming than all these motifs are her two chil dren, whom she occasionally introduces in her pictures. How she catches them is a mystery, for they are veritable but terflies, humming birds. Wills-o-tbe wisp. The titles of some of her pictures iii! oil) are Those Evening Bells.Uaugh ter of Eve. A. Pastoral, (in water color), The Scnrlei Letter, Searching the Scrip tures. The Indian after the Chase. The Churchman considered her a painter of religious pictures. Only seri ous subjects attract her: but iv every thing she finds joyous color. Mrs. Nieh olls Is the vice-president of the N. \". Water Color Club, member of the Wom an's Art Club of X. Y.,and also of Cana da and of the Aquarelle Club of Rome. Though not fond of society, she does not neglect it. —on account of her chil dren. She is often seen at late after noon teas and receptions, and is a mem ber of the Barnard club. Her house, on West Fiftieth street, is the now old-time three-etory-and-base ment affair, open on every side to sun shine and fresh air. This home is at the same time studio, class room, picture gallery and museum of curios. Mrs. Nieholls' pupils, whose name is legion, besiege her there till June locks the door and allures her to pastures green. Mrs. Nieholls is best known by her flower painting, because of wide repro duction. Her pupils bring so many beautiful flowers, which can not be re sisted, even Sunday mornings. Are ser mons to be found in stones, and not In flowers a* well? Sbo protests she will not be held to flower painting; nor will site renounce oil colors, for in that me dium her greatest successes have beea made. SUSAN M. KETQHAJfc