Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH QUOTATIONS ON STOCKS, BONOS, MONEY, PRODUCE AND MINING SHARES Dealing In Stocks Restricted to Operations of Scalpers, but the flarket Is Favorably Alfected by Higher. Prices for Americans Securities at London New York, March 2d.—Speculation in stocks was again today restricted, the to tal dealings showing only an insignificant increase over Wednesday's slim total. Prices moved irregularly and at the voli tion of tho scalpers. Of commission house operations there was not a trace. The in dustrial shares were attempted to be gal vanized by the usual conflicting rumors and suggestions, but even they lagged un responsive to the ordinarily effective ma nipulation. At the same time an under tone of strength, chiefly due to the cover ing ol short contracts, was apparent de spite sales at intervals to take profits and the putting out of the new lines of shorts. The early dealings were on a very moder ate scale, but the market was favorably affected by higher prices for American se curities in London, where the fortnightly settlement was in progress, The improve ments, as a rule, however, were confined to fractions, and a reactionary tendency developed later in the day. Decided strength was noted in a few of the usually inactive shares, Consolidated Gas being the more prominent at a rise of '_' per cent. Some surpriso was expressed over the non reflection in prices of an advance in actual rates of sterling exchange in the forenoon to a point encouraging speculation as to probable revival of gold exports within the next two weeks. An advance of a half cent in the posted quotations for long and short sterling announced by a leading drawer had, however, a depressing effect in tho rate operations. A general shading in prices occurred, which imparted an easier tone to Hie closing. In most cases the leading shares left off without note worthy changes. Kailroad bonds were firm on dealings of *717,000. The ad vances ranged trom %ta'2 per cent. Gov ernments were slightly higher on transac tions of .sl7r>,ooo. The Now York siocic exchange w ill be closed on Good Friday. Closing Stocks New York, March 'J!! —Following are tho closlnp: s'.ouk quotationi: Adams Express..l 47 iNorlhwostern.... lOJM Alton.'!'. 11 Si N. VV, pid 145W Am. BUgar pfd. 101) N. V. i entral .... BO Am. Express il" N. V. AN. X 39« Baltimore 40.... 17 Ontario* W 14',, Oan. PaolHo 54 Oregon imp 2 ('an. Kouth 40 Oregon Nay 20 Cen. Pad He 14' i Orecun S. I 'J'4 Clie=. A Ohio l.'.Ji Paoiflc Mail 20', Chicago * Alton ..153 P. D.iStK.... Vt)i c. H. * q 74'k Pittsburg 100 Chicacotias 07'„ Pull. Palace 155 Con. Has 150J, Heading 9?s c. C. C. * hi. I. .. 35 i s. Rubber..., 2rt tlOlo. Coal * I ... 2« B.f). W 18 COt. Oil C«r 15!ilB. G. W. pfd 45 Pel. Hudson 125 P.oclt island 09V, 11. 1» W 1«0'» St. Paul 74.$ P. &R.G. pfd ... 411 st. Paul r.fd 125' t Distillers 17., si. Paul A O 87W Erie 2d pid 2K', St. I' a- o. pfd ...12811 Erie 14 1 s southern Pac ... 18', Fort Wayne 100 Sugar Helincry.. .114 r : rt a Northern pid.. 108 Term. c, A Iron.. 2?Ji C. AE. 111, pid...100 [Union Pacillc... 6>j Hocking \'al 15 I. S Express. ... 43 Illinois Cen 94 IVY.St. I. * P 094 hi. Paul* Ii 21 iWabash pid 10*4 K. * T. pfd 25 %\ " ells Far«o 95 I.E. * w 17', w. Union 83 1.. E. &W. p!d. .. ("tt'.'W. * 1.. E DU Lake Shore 140 W. * 1.. E. pfd.... 33 Lead Trust 'i 4 i\i Minn. *. St. L.... 19 l.ouis. ANnsh.... 49 : ', I). * It. 0 12>{ I.ouis. *N. A... . s.i lien Electric 36% Man. Con lOtU'Nat'l Linseed ... lOti Memphis* ('..... !5 Colo. Fuel * 1.... 20 : ! i Mich. Central.... 93 C. F. & L pfd 100 Mo. Pacillc 23 U. 4T. t: l!i Mobile * 0hi0.... 24 iT., St. L. AX. 0 .. 5 Nash, ('natt OS T., SU..A ICC.pfd 10 Nat'l. Cord 5 So. It 1! .' . B'i; Nat 1. Cord. pfd.. I'VSo. It. It. pfd 28»J N.J. Central ....104 1 , Am. Tobacco .... 83), N. AW. pfd 0 Am. T. old 100" North. Am. C 0... 5 I Am. Tel. * C CO.. 92 North. Pac .. .. l!SjlI. 3. Cordage,grd 19U North. Pac. pfd.. 1192 U. 8. Leather pfd OOyJ Texas pacific 7J4 Cent. Cable Co. ...155 Tot * O.cen. pfd 70 j bond List New Yor.K, March 25.— Following are the closingquotationi on bonds: I,'. 8. new reg llii'vD. * 11. G 7s 113 V. 8. new coup>. * It. U. 4s 88 U. 8. Os reg 1184 Erie 2ds 71 U.S. 5s coup 113', G, 11. *8. A. 1i5...108 V. ii. 4s reg 108J4 G. H. A 8. A. 75... 103 I". 8. 4s coup IK)', If. * T. 0. 5s 108 U. 8. 2s reg 95 j H. * T. CO". 100' Paciiic Os. '93 . .102 |M. K. *T. Ist 4a. 84 ; '„ Ala., class A 100 M. K. *T. 2d 4s. 57 Ala., class H 100 Mutual U. Os 114 Ala., class C 103 N. J. 0. G, 01.... UO'i Ala. Cur 100 N. P. lsts 118}? 1.1, N. C. 4s 90 IN. P. 2ds 110' i Missouri Ot 100 x.p.Sds 73 N. C. 6s 122), N. W. C 139' , N, C. 4s 103 IN, W, 8. F. 5s ...111 8. C. non-fund... ',iR.O, \v. lsts 75 Term. n. s. (15.... 85 ist. p. con. 7s 128 Term. n.s. 5s 11l |Bt.P.C.*.P.W. 55..118)4 'Term. o, s. 05.... 00 st.L Al M. O. Ba,. 80" Ya. Cen 01WSt.L. *S. F. G. Us..lot! \a. Cen. did 0 {T. P. lsts 89 Atchison 4s 76!4|T. P. 2ds 22>4 Atchison'.lilt A... 54* 4 i; p. i>ts, '!M....10:»» can. So 2dl 104 .West shore 4s 105-; li. *N, 4s 78 O. K. *N. lsts. ..100' . C. P. lsts, 'D5....101%|80. U.K. 5s 90' I San Francisco Hinintr, Stocks San Fn*KCISCO,Uarcb -itj.— The official closing quotation* for miuins Blocks today were as iolluws: Alta 10; Julia 5 Alpha Con 8 Justice 10 Andes SlKentuckCoh 5 Belcher 27 Lady Wash. Con... 5 Besttft Belcher.... 66 Mexican 52 Bodie Con 28 Mono 0 Bullion it Occidental C0n.... 00 Bulwer Con It'i Opliir 115 CaleUinia B,Overmau 15 cliollar 40 Potosi 40 Confidence . 05 Savage 30 con. Cala. & Va... 160 Scorpion 5 Con. Imperial 1 Sierra Nevada 08 Crown Pol tit 45 Union Con 0 7 Exchequer 1 Utah Con 7 Uould & Currio ... 30 Yellow Jacket 40 Hale & Norcross... 115 The London florket N>W YORK, Marrdi 28.—The Evening Post's London financial cablegram h.:ys: The stock markets werj irregular today, the principal features being tho tirmcess in Kallirs ou the latest political news from Ihe Transvnßl and the urnvingactivity and strength of the West Australian mines. Consols have been weak but closed strong. Americans were good, clos ing al the beat, A lew buyers attracted by tiie low price ot Americans ore picking thorn up, but at prfrjent the movement in that di icction ii insiguificant. The only feature of the Bank of England's weekly return is the dieation that the government is disbursing cash for navy and other purposes. This is shown by the in public deposits aud Hie fall of £417,000 in coin and bullion, while only £50,000 net was exported for Ihe week. The Purls market was irregular to iirm ami the Berlin market firm. A Chinese loan is ex pect Odin London or Berlin tomorrow. Money Quotations New York, Mnreh2o.—Money closed on call cusy at 3 to per cent; last loan. 3, closed at 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, s'tfti per cent; .sterling exchange iirm, with actual business in bankers' bills at #4.8*4' ,Ttfi »'4.BSV£ for demand, und 60^4, for 00 days; posted rates, $4 BS(#*LBB'is aud *~B7@ ir-l 87' a; commercial bills, $4.BU>g, silver cer tificates, 68 : )h'£00. Han Francikco, March 20. —Drafts, sicht, 5; telegraphic, 1%. Lonuun, March 20.—Consols, 109 13-10. Silver Bullion New YORK, March 20.—Bar silver, Mexi can dollars, 50. Ban FraNCIBCO, March 20—Bar silver, 68=',;; Mexican dollars, 50 to 06%. London, Mutch 20.—Bur silver, Sl^d, Treasury Statement Washington. March 20.—Today's statement of ihecondition of the treasury shows: Avail able cash balance gold reserve, ir128,243,588. Boston Quotations Boston, March 20. —Atchison, H%; Bell Tele phone, 203; Burlington, 74U; ban Diego,—; .Mexican Central, 10-'^. Petroleum New York. March 20. ~ Petroleum was dull; United. *1.38 bid. All prices of wallpapsr g.eatly reduced, X A. Kctstrora, 324 South Spring street. -2— LU O wTL awa y tnat St* /O L > clothes - dc - TO CZ 4j CP ~g fcv 9t^J?; C 3 1 I Iff C: A breaking £T> i IU = U rub, fub, / pr. wr rub - What ffP 'V'tgO £te {/ U does the work 170 %Cc of washing /r <£S amount to, when all you have to do is to put the things in to soak and boil—and then just rinse them out? That's the Pearline way of ivashing— easy for women and easy for clothes. In all kinds of clean ing, too, you get rid of that tiresome rubbing. Any one can see what it saves. And remember, no matter how you use Pearline, it's absolutely and entirely harmless. 494 CHICAGO MARKET The Day's Transactions on the MoirJ ol Trade Chicago, March 26,-The wheat trade waa of rather smaller volume, but fluctua tions fully as wide 88 yesterday. Opening sales were at l „to' ~ lose and sold oft % to % more, rallied 1 lol',, changed some and closed at a net gain of l i- The name of Armour was at the bottom of all the fanci ful causes for the day's strength. That Armour & Co. have themselves or their agents chartered vessels to load about IJOO.OOO bushels red winter wheat is gen erally accepted as among the influences brought to bear on the market early, which had depressing tendencies, were tho indif ferent Liverpool cables, they showing no sympathy with yesterday's rally on this side and then reports from West ern and Central Kansas gave very flatter ing accounts to tho condition to the grow ing wheat, and another influence was the large cash business yesterday. Export clearings at the Atlantic seaboard showed up well, forming a total of 4811,000 bush els wheat and flour. The corn market was again dull but the price advanced in sym pathy with wheat and small receipts. Oats were llrm. Sympathy with wheat was to some extent the cause of tho advance, yet good buying by shorts waß tho lrfain cause. The market was active throughout tho en tire session. The provision trade was light and the feeling was heavy. The packers were sellers of July and buyers of May pork and fibs. The week's packing in the west was 225,000 head. Pork wound up at a decline of 2\{ cents for the day; lard also lost 'Z\i cents and rib] un changed. The loading futures closed as follows: Wheat-No. 3, March, (12; May, June (14; July. b"IJs. Corn—No 2, March, 28%: May, 2P».: Jl ">'- 3 ° : '-t ; September. 31; 9 . Oats —No. 2, Maiqh, lH r -„; May, VBfyL; July, 20%; September, 20>». Cash quotations were as follow*: Flour—Nominal. No. 2 spring wheat, 02(a) No. 3 spring wheat, No. 2 2 rod, 08W96601 No. 2 corn, 28H<i28i{0| No -2 oats. 10c; No. 2 white, 20W to SOjKCI No. a white, ISJs to ltlKc: No. 2 rye, 35 : ' ie; No. 2 bailey nominal; No. 1 flaxseed, 89J£c; primo tlmothv seed, 98.30; mess pork, per bbl., to 8.80; lard, per 10(1 lbs., *s.o7sii short ribs, sides, loose, $5.70 to 5.75; <lry salted shoulders, boxed, \\ 2 lo 4 : ' B e; short clear sides, boxed. 4s£ to 4§£c; whisky, distillers' llnishod goods, per gallon, $1.23. No. 2 yel low corn, 28 : ' rt to 28v ( ic. Receipts ana shipments were: Flour, bbls 7,000 4.000 Wheat, bu 21,000 77,000 Corn, bu 157,000 85,000 Oats, bu 280,000 210,000 Rye, bu 4,000 2,000 Barley, bu 54,000 81.000 On the produce exchange today the butter market was llrm; creameries, 14 to 21c; dairies, 9 to Kic; eggs were llrm at 0 tolOc. Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO, March 20. —Caltle are about as low as at any time (his season, but choice stuff ex cepted ami fat beeves are more than $2.00 1 er 100 pounds lower than a year ago. Common to strlctiv choice dressed beef nnd shipping steers sold today at $3.40 to 94,30, Cows and heifers active, few selling as—low as $2.00; 'nulls, $2.50 to$8.80; oalvts, V 3.00 to $5 50. Trade in hoirs was again quite animated, prices ruling strong nud largely 5 cents higher. Common to prime heavy and medium weights crossed the scales atsß.Bo 1093.00, chieily at $3.80 for good packing droves, and fancy assorted light sold at $4.00 to $4.10. Sheep—Receipts of sheep and lambs con tinue abundant. Trade was active at steady prices. Common to prime sheep were saleable at $.'.BO to $4 00; westerns predominated and tiansactinns were largely at $3.40 to $3.85; lambs sold at $3.75 lo $4.80, few going below $4.00. LOCAL PRODUCE Wholesale and Retail Markets Corrected Daily Thursday, March 26, Business was fairly good today with very little change in quotations. Eggs show no change; hay is weaker for alfalfa aud stiller for wheat and barley. Spring vege tables are coming in in somewhat fuller supply and prices grow correspondingly weaker. Quotations follow: Eggs—Choice California ranch, lOillSlUtjO, Vegetables— Sweet potatoes, $1.80; tomatoes, 81,60 per box; beets, 75c per 100 Idb; cabbage, 70 to 80c; carrots, 75c: greenonions,2ocdoz,; lettuce, la to 15c per dozen bunches; onions, new yellow, >?'1.40; turnips, 75c; string beans, He; green peppers. 15c per lb; beans, lima, 88.25; navy,#-.10; pint, $1.40; green peas, 3c per lb; atparagus, tic per lb. Htitter—Croamery, fancy, 2-lb siiuares, 40c; 'JH-oz squares, HOo; coast creamery, '28-m squares, 117)410; dairy, fanoy, 2-lb squares, l!7'.,«Muc. Crecn Fruits-Tears, $2.00 per box: straw berries, Via; apples, $1.50 to $2.00; pine apples, $t>.oo per dozen; bananas, $1.75 to $2.25 ncr bunch. Citrus fruits -Orange*, navel', $2.00 to 2.75; Mediterranean sweets, $1.25 to $2.00: seedlings, ?1 to $1.25. Lemons, Fancy Eureka, $1.50 to $1.75; Eureka and Lisbon, $1.50 to $1.75; uncured. $1. Live slock-llogj—Per 0we.,83,73 to $1.00. Beef cattle—2.,®;tc. Mutton—3@sc par lb. Veal—sV, to 7c perlo. Honey aud beeswax—Honey—Comb, to lienor lb.; strained, 4 to 50. Beeswax— 42c per lb. Poultry-Hem. $4.00 to $1.50 per doz.: young roosters, $4.00 to $1.50; broilers. $3.00 to $i.oc); old roosters, $4.00; ducts, $1.50 to 55.50: turkeys, 10c to 11c per lb. Hay—Wheat, $10 to $12; barley, $9 to $11; wheat and oat, $10 to $12: alfalfa, $11 to $12; new alfalfa, $10. Fresh Meats—Butchers' prices for whole car casses: lleci- 4' ito o'-c per lb. Veal—s to 7c Mutton to s'.,'c. Pork— to Oc Mill stuff i-Flour,Los Angeles, $4 .20: Stock, ton brands, $4.55; Oregon, $4.00; bran, per. ton, local. $1H.00; northern, $15.50; shorts, per ton, looal. $20.00: northern, till.01). rolled barley, per ton, $15.00: cracked corn; perewt., OOc; food meal, perewt. 95c. Provisions—Hams. Rex, per lb, lie; pic nic. boneless, 9c. Bacon, per lb 8c; Rex breakfast, 10'««: light medium, 8c; medium, 7c. Driodbeel—Perth sets.lOe; lntides, llt^c. Lard—Per lb., ivory compound, tierces, ujj.c; rexolene, OV-io; pure'leaf, O^c. Cottolene—Tierces, 7^je. Dried Fruits—Apples—Sun dtied. sacks, per lb, 4 to sc; boxes, 5 to 7c; evaporated fancy, 0 to 7c. Apricots—Fanoy, 11c; choice. 9c. Peaches—Fancy unpeeled. 4c; bleached, sc. Nectarines—Fancy, 8 to 9c; oholce, ti to 7c. Pears—Fancy evaporated. 7 to 80. Plums- Pitted choice, 7to 9c. Prunes—Choice boxed, 3 tosc; sacks, 2 to 3c; fancy, 10c. Nuts—Walnuts—Los Angeles, 7o; medium solt, 10c; soft-shell Los Nletos, fancy, 10 to 12c. Almond.---soft shell, 10c: paper shell, 12c; hardshell, tic. Pecans—l 3to 151,0. Fil berts—lOto 12..0. Hides and Wool—Hides, as they run, per lb; sound kips, 9c; bulls and stags, tic; calves, 15c. Sheep pelts—3 to tic. Wool— Nominally, 2!< to 4c. Liverpool Markets Liverpool, March 26.—Spot wheat closed dull with a poor demand; No. 2, red winter, 5s sd; No. 1 hard Manitoba 5s 3',d; No 1 California, os.V.d. Futures closed dull, 14d lower; March, 5s 4'id; April, Os 4kd; May, June and July, 5s *%d; August, 5a ad. Spot corn closed dull; American mixed. 2a HS'd. Futures closed dull; March, 2a ll'.d; April, 2s May, 3s !,d; June, 3s Id; July, 3a Ujd; August, 3s ]%d. Flour closed llrm; first bakers', Minneapolis, 17a Hd. Hops at iondon—Pacific coast, £1.19. LOS ANOELES HERALD: FRIDAY MOR2STNG-. MARCH 27, 1896. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS CallßDir.l Prices ol c.-reils anJ Shipments Received Sax Francisco, March 20.—Wheat very dull: December, May, $I.OS. Flour—Family extras, $3.78 to $3.85: bak ers'extras, (3.55 to $3,03; superfine $2.85 10 $3.00. Wheat—No. 1 shipping, $1.07!,'; choice, $1.08? ito 91.10; milling, $1.30 tosi.2i;<. Uarley-Feed, fair to good, to 70c; choice, 71 1 .0 to 72J 2 c; brewing. 80c to Corn -f)2Ufl< 8ran—913.0% Oats-Milling, 75c to 82! a 'c; surprise, 90 j to 95c; fancy feel, 821 3 c to 85c; good to choice, 75c to 80c; poor to fair, 07!, cto 72!0C: black, for seed, nominal; gray, to 80c; red. for seed, nominal. Receipts — Flour, quarter Racks, 17,399; do Oregon, 1521; bar'.ev, centals, 7425; beans, sacka. 15: com, centals. 2470; pota toes, sacks, sacks, 3695; do Oregon, 12,09-'; onions, sticks, 80: do Oregon. 034; bran, sucks. 1139; middlings, sacks, 027; hay, tons, : 200; straw, tons, 14; flaxseed, sacks, 87; wool, : bales, 319; raisins, boxes, 900; quicksilver, Masks, 70; wine, gallons, 03,200; hides, num ber, 348. San Francisco Produce Followingare San Francisco quotations on produce,currdctsd dally by Associated l'resi special wire; Middlings, $1G.OO@18.50; bran, $13.508 13.00. Hay—Wheat, $8.00(311.501 wheat and oats, $7 50(3110.50: oats, 97.50 *10,00; alfalfa. $7.00 faVD.OO: barley. $7.0049.00; clover, $li.O0([0 8.00; 03mpreMed.97.50910.50; stock, $0.00 @7.50; straw, 35(fiS,'»5c. Apnles—No. 1 grades, 85c@$L.25; common, 00<(S75c; fancy,51.50(312.00. Citrus fruit—Mexican limes. $5.80*8.00; California lemons, common, do good to choice, $1.50C(52.00; do fancy, $2 50; California oranges, seedlings, na vels, $2.00(82.76: do fancy, $3. Tropical fruit—Hawaiian Bananas, $1.00 fa) 2.00: RlueMelds, $2.00*2.50; pineapples, $2.50 (a)5.0O; Persian dales. 4v,cssc. Clioese—Fancy mild new, 11c; fair to good, 9(rj)l0c; eastern, 12@14c; Young America, 11 Gil 2c. Potatoes—Salinas' Burbanks, river Burbanks, 80(94001 Oregon Burbanks, 40($(>5e; new potatoes, river reds. 50(o,(tOc; early rose. 40(3l50c; new, $1@1.50; Merced sweet potatoes, $2.75(0)4.(10. Onions—California, 00;rtS5c; Oregon, 85® $1.00. Vegetables—Los Angeles tomatoes. $l<# 1.25: string boons, (itdlioc; Los Angeles green peas, ; bay do, cabbage, 40 (a,soc: garlic, 4fa)3C; g(een peppers, —; dried do 10c; mushrooms, s((fct2! a c; asparagus, 50cf(551.25 per box; do, choice. $1.50(311.75; dried okra, 12N'0J15c; rhubarb, 25300 c; cucumbers. 50c'ct$I.OO; egg plant, Lougworth strawberries, $1.00Jji1.23; common do, 40(<$t>0. Butter—Fanny creamery, l(l>2"a)17c; fancy dairy, 14Ml8o; seconds. K'laiaUJio. Eggs — Store, 10!i@llc; "ranch," ll@12;ic; Duck eggs. ll($12c. Poultry—Turkey gobblers. ll($14t hen,, 14(a)l5c; roosters, young. $5.50(a0.50; roos. tcrs. old, $4.00; broilers, small, $3.00 f*4.00; broilers, large, *5.00(d>5.50; hciu,s4.oo @5; old ducks, $.">.OO'£M.OO: young do. $7.00!»8.00; geese, $1.50(32.00: pigeons, old, $1.50(0)1.75; pigeons, young, 1.73(g12.00: gray goese. $1.50; white ge rifi, 50c; hare, 75e; brant, 50o; rabbils—cottontail, $1.25; do bush, $1.00. LOCAL BANK CLEARINGS l.os March 25. Followingare the Los Angeles bank clear ings for the current week: Day. Exchanges. Balances. Monday $223,730 79 $10,371 74 Tuesday 148.298 73 28,318 02 Wednesday 132,489 07 23,659 43 Beecham's pills are for bilious- J j ness, bilious headache, dyspep. . sia, heartburn, torpid liver, diz- ; ziness, sick headache, bad taste | in the mouth, coated tongue, i . loss of appetite, sallow skin.etc, ' when caused by constipation; • and constipation is the most: [ frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills io*and 85* a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal Street, New York. Annual sales mora than 6.0C0.000 boxes. LJTATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF LOS t*> AngMes. We. the undersigned, do lur.'by certify that we are parvners transacting business In llil's state. In llio city of Lcs A n ;eie 1, county of Los Angeles, under the nrm name and style or "Kurcka Rrlck company," of Los Angeles, Cali fornia; that the names In full of all the members ot such partnership ere Geo. M. Reach and Chas, C. Frampton, andthat the places of our respect- 1 Ivo residences are Hit opposite our le-peellve ■ mimes hereto subsorlbed: Witness our hands and seals this i-th day of March, itfia. Names. Residences. OKO. U. BEACH l.os Angeles, Cal. CHAN. CI. FRAMPTON l.os Angeles, Cal. state of California, oounty of Los Angeles, sa. On this 12th day of Much, In the year on.' thou sand eight hundred and ninety-six, before me, N. Llndenfeld, a notary public lv and for said conn- 1 tv of Los Angeles, state of California, residing 1 therein, duty commissioned and sworn, personally ; appeared Ueo. M. Reach aud Chas. C. Frampton, ; known to me to be the persons whose names aro : subscribed to thewlthlu instrument, and ackuowl- ; edged that tliey executed tbe same. In witness whereof, 1 have li( r.'iinlo net my hand and affixed my onicial seal, tho day and ;. ear lirst i above written. ISeal.J N. LINDENFBLD, Notary Public in and for Lea Angeles County, state of California. law-it j rflllE HERALD PI'BLISHI.VO COMPANY, A 1 corporation, duly organized and existing un der and by vir'ue of the lawsof tho stale of Call forula, and having its principal place of business in the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, state of California. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the hoard of directors of the above.named corporation, held on the eighteenth day of March, 181)0, an as sessment of seven <«7.00) dollars per share was levied upon the capital stock of the said corporation, payable oil or before the 28rd day of April, 18110, to the treasurer of the said corporation, the First National bank, at Its hanking house, in the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, stale of Cali fornia. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid ou the 24th day of April, 1800, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at pub lic auction, and, unless payment is made before, w 11 be sold on the Hth day of May, 1890. at 12 1 do 'k to., to pay the delinquent assessment, to gether with cost of advertising and expenses or sale. V. K. RULE, Secretary of Herald Publishing company. Los Angeles, California, location of ofll 'c. Date of service and first publication, March 20th, 1896. a 20 law fr 41 Stockholders' Meeting THE ANNUAL MEKTINO OF THE STOCK holders ofthe Precipice Canyon Water coin- . pany will be held Wednesday. April 1, 1896, at 10 oclock a. m., at the office of the company at Ln manda Park, Los Angeles county, California, for the purpose of election of directors to servo for vhe ensuing year, and such other business as may come before the meeting. By order ofthe president. i 31 HERMAN BLATZ, Secretary. I EUREKA OIL CO. 2^r»^h~Broalway Producers and Dealsrs In OIL. FUEL OIL. OIL. p n B How to Oet 11 li I All the News | 1 All the Time 1 | ——— § Sir >j£ jsf Life is so short and uncertain that 2s| no one can afford to spend several hours in the morning vainly trying W JXI to find out what happened yester- day. But people who persist in |v| reading the average cumbersome £«| t££ sheet of the present age are com ss peiled to do so if they want to keep sv| abreast of the times. Readers who ;f| are thus wasting a large portion of their existence in wading through the dismal and uninteresting details w dished up by the. blanket sheet ££| newspapers should subscribe for |H I The Herald 1 This great journal prints all the news all the time. It is never W "scooped." In its columns will be g| 2sk found the world's events for the previous twenty-four hours, pre- f§| sented in such a concise and con- densed form that it is a pleasure and not a pain to peruse them. In The |p 2s| Herald you can glean all the news jftk m II In a Few Minutes if HI Compare it with any other Cali- ls£ fornia newspaper, not only in price ||| but in contents and style of make- |$| |g| up. Why pay nearly twice the #i| amount for an inferior journal ? |vj On and after April Ist The Herald g£ H| will cost but |v| 50 Cents $5.00 || |$| a Month and a Year |$i by Carrier by Mail ||| Branch offices are established in all the important towns in Southern w California, from which it is dcliv- w ered daily by carrier. If such an agency is not convenient, send |p and receive it every day by mail for W one year. This reduction, which |H will make The Herald the ; | Best and Cheapest S lv| Morning newspaper on the Pacific |v| Coast, will go into effect on the first of April. This is an era of d 5 cheap newspapers throughout the east, and the proprietors of The Herald have determined to give |*| W the people of Southern California |d| H| all the advantages enjoyed by east |H crn readers. « ||| I The Sunday Herald 1 Will be especially notable and ex- |f| M£ cellent, and will challenge compari- of son with those issued by any paper $m m on the coast. The Herald's bat- |g tery of Mergenthaler typesetting 2ss machines will soon be in effective |a| operation, and a newspaper printed |g| on a bright, neat, new, clean dress of type will be presented to its |v| £JS£ thousands of readers every morning. 2§| I 1 The Only Doctors in Southern California Treating Diseases of ExclusivelyJ To show our Honesty, sincerity and ability, we are willing to WAIT FOR OUR FEE UNTIL CURE 13 EFFECTED. We have the largest practice on the Pacific Coast treating Every Form of Weakness and Private Diseases of Men AND NOTHING ELSE. We publish a Pamphlet which we will send free, securely sealed, explaining our methods an home treatment, without stomach-drugc ing. It contains rules lor diet, exercise and sleep aed s) record of caaee cured. Our symptom blank which we send ou application Is as satisfactory as % personal interview. , Write to us for ad rice; you will not regret it. All correspondence sacredly confidential. i ! Cor - " >ain ani ™rd Sts -' orer W "" s £fg C *- LOS * No£Le$ ' C *L> \ LINES OF TRAVEL SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY TIME TABLE-MARCH 22, IffM Leave for DESTINATION Ar. from ' Kasthound \ t i M iu4 i Westbound ■ Wednwday [ \ Saturday . 8:00 pm) uriiaus 7:45 pm ' Westbound ) 8.,,,..t t P Kft"M>o"nd Saturday I i Wednesday S:lspm J HanFranciaco 2:Bopm ":05 pm! is. Fran., Sacramento *; 7:3' i urn 8:25 ]>ni< / and East, via <>gdeu •. | j .3u pin 8:28 pm; Portland. Or ; i :30 pm ! 2:30 pmi El Paso and East ] :09 pin | Pasadena A am ' 7:.V)am •' I P:ViHtn A 8:25 am " I 0:5') am 0:20 nml " '• 10:40 uiu a 11 :<IB am i " 1 1:85 pm 12:20 pm " : A 3:05 pni 1 3:53 pni( " 5:(Jl pm . 6:20 pm I " A 7 :2* pm A 6:10 pm! " ■ 8:00 ami "I Riverside, \ OiSfi am 0:20 Am I Rediands. !' 1:00 pm 2:9opm f Ban Bernardino 1 4:48 pm 4:83 pm J and Colton U 6:35 pm 8:00 am ■ fi 8:.V) am * 9l_oam Pomona 9:iVi am » 2:30 pml :■ and \ ! 1 :on pm ' 4,30 pm 1 Ontario ! 4:48 pm » 6:25 pm I' 6.88 pm 8:00 am Chi no 8:50 am t 4:30 pm: " H:5". am fttWpm] " 6:85 pill 8:00 am|) Covina B:4oam } A2:J'J|)ffl J- nnd J A 1:00 pm 5:25 pint) Pan Dlmas ( , 6:35 pm ' BpH am | Monrovia A 9:24 am A 11:20 am 1 1 Arcadia I ! 0:50 am ' A3:ospm!f and j A 1:10 pm * 5:15pm 1 1 Duarve U 4:5."» pm , 7:85 am | Santa Barbara i 12:15 pm ' 4:Jtipm M I 10:i0pm A f/iifliS > Santa Ana and f x lift SS A 1.0., urn r Atinliehn A 1 - ld lm i 5:10 pm!) Anaheim H 6:20 pm 10:05 am l Whittier fl 6:00 am i A »:fc} - F-Uenweu. { ' A 0:10 nm Tustin 0:04 am ■ 5:10 pm *• | A 5:20 pm l ?;?opI!I ! l 11 uIX'Z 6:05 pin > baniortio | 6:15 pm 0:00 ami Santa Monica } 810:00 am| " j 7:45 am j *' I 8:55 am 1:10 pni " 1 12;12 pm 1 6:15 pm " S 4:2U pm 6:00 pm 5:10 pm * 0:00 am Soldiers' Home ■ 12:12 pm t 6:00 pm! " 6:10 pm f 0:00 am port Los Angeles 1 12:12pm » 8 10:00 ami " | S 4:'!0 pm W 1:10 pm " ; 5:10 pm t A I:4opm Catalina Island | A :i:'.onni x A lt:4oain, Chatsvvorlh Park i A 4:15 pm f Chatsworvh Park—Leave from and arrive at » River Station, Ban Fernando street, only. S a Sunday s excepted ti Saturdays and Sundays only. TH F. TNRIDK TRACK. x Allßl.P. Co. "strains stop at Klrst street fexrept * the four Ban Francisco trains) and Commercial street (except the 8:25 Sun Francisco eventn? * train), In tho business center of the city, saving t time and street ear fares to passengers. Oeneral Passenger Office, 839 s. spring street. LOS ANGELES TERMINAL RY. » IN EFFECT NOV. 18, 1895. Los Angeles depots: East end First street and £ Downey avenue bridges. » Leave Los Angeles for LeaveT'aßadena for Los % Pasadena. Angeles. i t> 7:10a.m t> 8:10 a.m. Z c 7:56 a.m 0 6:85 a.m. 3 a 8:10 a m a 10:25 a.m. f auitoa.m a i2:4op m. f a S:Bop.m a 4:36 p.m. J a 6:20n.m a 0:00p m. > Downey avenue leaving time 7 minutes later. Be \ tween Los Angeles and Pasadena—Round trip 26c. ' ""Leave Los Angeles for Leave Aitadena.function * Altfdena Junction. lor lA)s Angeles. ? a 9:10a.m a 10:10 a.m. a cll:80a m 0 12:20 p.m. \ a 8:80 p.m a 4:20 p.m, ' All trains start from First street depot. i " Leave Los Angeles for Leave GTendale for Los -7 Glendale. Angeles. ? b 7:06 a.m b 7:57 a.m. 5 c 8:20 9:12 a.m. ' a 12:35 pm a 1:27 p.m. " a SOT p.m a 6:52 p.m. Leave Los Angeleß for [ Leave East San Pedro r Long Beach and Eaati if \\' for ? San Pedro. Lob Angeles. f a 9:00p.m a 7:20 a.m. > a 1:10pm a 10:S0a.m. 4 a 6:oop.n> a 8:46 p.m. f Between E. San Pedro and Long Beach 10 minutes. J CATALINA f Steamer for Avnlon connects with 1:10 p.m. v train dally, except Sundays. f RtTBIO CANYON AND ECHO MOUNTAIN. C Trains leave Los Angeles dally at 9:10 a.m., ell 1:30 5 a.m., and o3:80 p.m. 4 Fine pavilion and hotel. Grand scenery. 7 Telescope and searchlight. ? a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sundaya 3 only, d Saturdays only. 7 stages meet the 7:10 a.m. train at Pasadena for ?■ Mt. Wilson on new trail. 3> Passengers leaving Los Angeles on the 7:10 a.m. 7 train for Mt. Wilaon can return same day. y Special rates to excnralon and picnic parties. Depots east end of First street and Downey ave -1 Hue brldgea. 4 City ticket office, Greenewald's cigar store, cor \ ncr Second and Spring streets. 3 General offices, First street depot. 7 T B. BURNETT, Oeneral Manager, > W. WINL'UP. Gen Passenger Agent. \ wn Generaie Tronsaiiontiaue 5 FRENCH LINE TO HAVRE. 5 COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), NO. 42 NORTH / Kj River, foot of Morton street, New York. _i Travelers by this line avoid both travel by En* 7 glial, railway and the discomforts of crossing tha channel in a small boat. / La Oascogne, March 14. > La Touraine, March 21. La Bourgogne, March 28. -7 La Bretagne, April 4. C La (lascocne, April 11. \ La TouraTne, April 18. 4 La Bourgogne, April 25. 7 La Bretagne, May 2. v La Oascogne, May 0. 3 La Touraine, May 16. / La Bourgogne, May 23. > La Bretagne, May 30. v* La Oascogne, June 6. •f La Touraine, June 13. S. La Bourgogne. June 20. \ La Bretagne, June 27. /m La Oascogne, July 4. 4 La Touraine, July It. 3 New York to Alexandria. Egypt, via Parla, flrtnV C ciaas. 8161: second-class, (117. ? For (relgbt or passage apply to A FORGET, Agent, "? No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. > J Jp. FUOAZI A CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery 4 avenue, San Francisco. Tickets are for sale ay all 7 I railroad and steamship offices. I BAKER IRONWORKS \ 900 TO tWO BCK.N A VIST A ST., _ bStl KNOBLBS, - CXblsaOaMtaS * lAlel.tM ar. OIOMsH. lei, ia*. LINES OP TRAVEL A SOUTHERN - "* CALIFORNIA tt Trains leave and arrtvasf ljSjff-rrVjgj Mm Pasadena arrive jjSJr&VitvrctSaTi Downey aye. station 7 mln^ ilies earlier westbound mam vfr_fs_V»P2_jj[_ minutes later east" CHICAGO LiniTED ITo Denver. Kansas .Clly, Chicago. St. lonia. Leaves dally 8:00 pm.—Arrives daily6:o9 pas. I • ■ — CHICAGO EXPRESS-DAILY. To Denver. Kansas City. Chicago, St. LoaaV Leaveß 7:10 am.—Arrives 6:00 pm. SAN DIEOO TRAINS. I Lv. a 9:00 a. m., 5:10 p. m; Ar. al:0S p.m., 7:19 p. a. SAN BERNARDINO TRAINS. P—Leave 7:10 am., aS:2O am., 0:00 am., a4:«l pro, 4:45 pm.. 8:00 pm.; O—Lv. a)l:00 am., 5:2* pm. P—Arrive 8:55 am. a 9:45 am.. al:00 pm., 8:00 pa* 6:05 pm., 6:50 pm; O—Ar. 11:00 am., 7:l6pm. RIVERSIDE AND REDLANDS TRAINS P— Leave 7:10 am.. .8:20 am., »:00 am., .4:00 pm, 4:46 pm; O—Lv. all:00 am.. s:2opm. P-Arrlvea»:4sam.. al:00pm„ 5:00 pm., 6:05 pa* 6:50 pm.; O—Ar. 11:00 am., 7:15 pm. PASADENA AND AZUBA TRAINS, Leave—7:loam., a 8:20 am.. 9:00 am., 1:3o pm., MM pm., a 4:45 pm., a 5:30 pm., Bpm. Arrive—a7:sB am., 8:65 am., a»:45 am., 1:00 pm.,, 4:15 pm., 5:00 pm. 6:05 pm., 6:50 pm. MONROVIA AND INTERMEDIATB. Leave—aB:2o am., oa9:00 am., 1:85 pm., a4:oapa.^ an i i"' pm., a6:3opm. Arrive —a 7:68 am.,8:56 am., al:00, 4:15, 6:50 pm. ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA. 1 Leave—aS:C,o am., 9:00 am., 4:15 pm., 5:10 pm. Arrive-S :60 am., al :0S pm , 6:05 pm., 7:15 pm. REDONDO BEACH TRAINS. Leave—9:so am.. 6:06 pm; Arrive—B:2t am., 4141 pal SANTA MONICA TRAINS. Leave— 7:10 am., 10:00 am., 6:05 pm. Arrive—B:6s am , 4:40 pro , 6:50 pm. , PF.RRIS AND SAN JACINTO TRAINS. Leave—P a 9:00 am., O—all.OOam. Ar-P al :00 and a 8:05 pm. o-all:00 am., «7:li mm ELSINORE AND TEMECULA TRAINS. Leave P—a9:ani. O all :00 am. Arrive P—al:oopm. O—all:00 am. ESCONEIPO. I FALLBROOK ' - X*v—a»:oo am., a 5 :20 pm. I Leave—a9:ooam. Arrive—al :05 pm. | Arrive—a7:l» pm. P— Via Pasadena. O—Via Orange, a—Dally, except sundav. aaSundays only; all other trains' dally. Ticket office, 129 North Spring at. and la) orande station JpACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Goodall, Perklhs * Co., Oeneral Agents, San Fran* claco. Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Or.. Victoria, B. C, and Puget Sound, Alaska and all coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES TIME TABLE FOR MARCH, Ist*, Leave San Franclaco , For— T~ 2 Port Harford !s. 8. Corona, March 6, 14, O, Santa Barbara 1 80: April 7. Kedondo Port Los Angeles.. S. S.Santa Rosa, March 2,10, Newport IS, 26; April 3, San Diego ' — Is. 8. St. Paul, March 4,12,20, East Han Pedro....' 28; Aprils. ■Ban Pedro and way S. S. Eureka, March 6, 16, 24| ; ports I April 1. ____ Leave Port Los Angeles and Redondo For— S. S. Santa Rosa, March 4,12, 20, 281 April 5. San Diego S. ts. Corona, March 8, 16, 24: April 1. For— Is. S. Santa Roaa, March 8,14. San Francisco 1 22. SO; April 7. Port Harford S. s. Corona, March 2, 10. It, Santa Barbara I 26; April 8. Leave San Pedro and East San Pedro. For— S. S. Eureka, March 8, 11, It, San Francisco 27; April 4. and S. 8. St. Paul, March 7, li, 21, Way ports 81; April 8. '"Cars to" connect with steamers via San Pedre leave S.P.R.K. Arcade depot at 5:05 p.m. and Ter minal R.R. depot at 5 p.m. Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa re depot at 9:50 a.m., or from Redondo Railway depot at 9:05 a.m. ' Cars to connect via Port Los Angeles leave B.P. R.R, depot at 1:10 p.m. for steamers north bound. Plans of steamers' cabins at agent's office, where berths may be secured. The company reserves the right to change the steamers or their days of Bailing. For passage or freight as above or for tlekete te and from all Important points In Europe, apply te W. PARRIS. Agent. Office: 125. w. Third St., Los Angeles. Redondo Railway DEPOT: Urana aye. and Jefferson bl In effect January 1, 1898. -— . ■ % Leave Los A ngelea Leave Kedondo for for Redondo Los Angeles o:nsa.m Daily 7:30 a.m Dally 4.30 p.m DallyjB.-00 p.m Daily For passenger and freight rates apply at depot, corner Grand avenue and Jefferson street. Tela- Phone West 1. i,, t. GARNSKY, President. R. L. PERRY, Superintendent. PASADENA AND ANG^LES.^^^ Cars leave Fourth and Spring streets. For Rublo Canyon and Echo Mountain— 8:U0 ( 9:00 and 10:00 s-m.; 1:00, 3;00 and 4:00 p. mi Returning have Echo Mountain—B .00 and 9:0O a.m.: 2:00, 4:00 and 4:4 d p. m. For Altadcna—B:oo a.m. *nd every hour until 10 p.m. - Returning leave Altadena-b:3O a.m. and hourly until 9:30 p.m. For Pasadena—Every Fifteen mlnutai trom 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Half hourly beforo end after these hours. Omce. 222 W. Fourth street. W. D. LARRABJbJGa Supt. R. P. CLARK. Qen'l Manager. 9