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INTERESTS JUDGE WIDNEY AND VERY LIKELY A MULTITUDE OF OTHER PEOPLE A Caustic Communication Prom Hon. Zach Montgomery, and Another From "One Who Knows the Record"-A Proposition to Reopen Rogerio Recha's Case Editor HesaLPl to The Herald of the 29th mst., Judge B. M. Widney again at tempts by glaring misstatements to divert the public attention from the real issue of this controversy. The writer has reason to believe that there was land-grabbing secretly attempted In the present congress antl believes that an open attempt was made to get an honorable Mil through this congress in favor of the settlers, but was defeatetl by the land-grabbing element being in the majority, for foar their nefarious practices would be exposed. The learned judge's continual howl about outside matters, If persisted in, will cause the public to conclude that ho is in the condition of those of whom it is said— "Whom the gods would destroy they llrst make mad,"' and that as a squirmer he is a howling success, and founding a theo logical seminary will hardly Bave him. His harping on ••James*' or "Joe"' Montgomery will avail nothing, nor his statement that none knew of the petition to congress, when in fact this petition was endorsed by the signatures of thousands of the citizens of this and adjoining counties. It is for the judge to prove that Mr. llammel, who signed the affidavit, and tho one who appears on the records as deputy sheriff are one and the same person. It is for the judge to explain how the judgment of 1883, after it had been squelched by tho court, was made to do duty under date of 1885. The learned judge should also know that there is poor ground for his statement that the case was declared a fraud and the title to the roncho declared valid, when if he knows anything tbe case is now pending in the supreme court. As the judge weeps for the poor unfor tunates who have invested their means to test the validity of this grant, I will ask him what he gave to poor old Bogerio for the land to found a seminary, and whether the many allegations regarding the various transactions concerning Bogerio aad this rancho which he has heretofore been asked about are true or not, and if not, why does he not reply and deny them V The judge appears to be anxious to learn the identity of the writer. Let us see wheth er he really means business. "Justice" made a proposition and the writer will do so also, by which he can learn all he de sires. Do not seek to cloak yourself with the armor of David, but gird yourself with the shield of Goliath, which fits you better, stipulate to reopen the case of Kogerio, and the writer will come forth with his purse and counsel and defend the justness of Ro gerio's cause and the cause of all those In dians who have been unjustly deprived, aa the writer believes, of their lands. Now, judge, you occupied the bench in this county, and, as a just judge, dare you reopen this cause and try it on its merits? and if not, why not? One Who Knows the Record, March 30, 180(i. hmj. zAcn MONToOMERr writes. Editor Hebai.d :—ln your paper of yes terday, March 20, I observe an article signed by K. M. Widney and headed: "Judge R. M. Widney Replies to the Com munication of One Who Knows the Rec ord." I have not the honor of a personal ac quaintance with Judge Widney, but from Uiat gentleman's high reputation, both as a distinguished jurist and a devout and pious churchman, it is impossible to avoid the suspicion that the article in question must have emanated from some other source. It reads as if it were either the work of some rattlebrain crank, who might, perhaps, have imagined himself to be Judge Widney, just as a crazy man sometimes imagines himself to be the president of the United States: or the crowned ruler of some great empire; or else it may have maliciously been palmed off over the unauthorized signature of R. M. Widney by some enemy of his, who took this method of bringing the judge into public ridicule. And here are some of my reasons of thinking so. One of the universally recognized marks ot insanity is the confused and incoherent manner in which a mind diseased jumbles together different subjects that are wholly unconnected with each other. And it will be observed that the writer who signed the name of "It. M, Widney" to Ilia effusion, while claiming to reply to a Erevious communication published in The 1 eralp over tho signature of "One Who Knows the Record," so mixes up said last - named communication (a document with which I bad nothing to do) with a recent petition of mine to the president and congress, asking for a repeal of the limitation law passed in 1891, and with my letter to the Settlers' league touching the same subject, that ap peared in The Herald on the 23d inst., as to render it difficult to tell whether tbe so called Widney was criticising said petition to congress, or said letter to the Settlers, or said article signed "One Who Knows the Record." Not only does this pretended Judge Wid ney get his subjects most inextricably confused one with another, but he gets the names of those upon whom he seems de sirous of pouring the vials of his wrath even worse confounded than bis subjects. For example, the so-called Judge Widney says: "I have been waiting for the irrefutable evidence of the fact that could not be an swered, and now refer the public in Cali fornia to the statement of Hon. James Montgomery, printed in The Herald of March 23, 1890, in which it is boldly stated that there is an organized league for the purpose of attacking patented grants to heal up the titles and let the league members and others get the land." Now while it is true that in The Herald of March 23d there is a letter addressed to the Settlers' league by the undersigned Zach Montgomery, I have been unable to find in that issue of The Herald any com munication from Hon. James Montgomery on that or any other subject. I believe it is true that during my recent absence at Washington my son James did take tho Hon. Judge Widney pretty se verely to task for some of his published strictures on his then absent father; but it is to be hoped that the judge did not there by become so rattled and unbalanced in mind tbat every time since then, when he reads the word Montgomery in print, he imagines that James is after him agaLi. Further on this same would-be-thought Judge Widney, true to the real or well feigned Instructs of a diseased mind, con verts James into Joe, where he says: "To quote Mr. Joe Montgomery's lan guage in Thf. H kkald of the 23d," etc. And then he proceeds immediately to quote not the language of Mr. Joe Mont- f omery (a more creature of the poor fel ow's imagination), nor the language of Mr. James Montgomery, but the language of the undersigned. Now it is not possible that all this inco herent raving can be tho work of this dis tinguished jurist, Hon. Judge K. M. Wid ney. If his true characteristics are at all comparable to his his high reputation, sucli as he himself will acknowledge it to be, the real Judge R. M. Widney Is a man of towering intellect. His is a thoroughly trained and well-balanced legal mind, the material of which great judges are made. If anybody doubts that such is the high reputation borne by Judge Widney I will refer him to the Judge himself for the truth of my statement. Now such being the case, bow is it possi ble to believe that Judge Widney could have written the above-quoted article? |i Instead of writing an article for the press, as it is represented tbat Judge Wid ney did in this Instance, wherein both his subjects and names are so confoundedly confused, let us suppose tbat the judge had been trying a criminal case wherin tbe fatber of tbe family stood charged with some crime; does anybody suppose that the distinguished Judge Widney could have so far forgotten himself ond the responsi ble duties of his hi;:h ollice as to viriually charge the jury to llnd a verdict, if at all. not against the accused father, but against Ids eon, bearing a totally different Christian name? Or if we could suppose it possible for so eminent a judge, in his sober senses, to make Buck a blunder in the first part of his instructions to the jury, and to leave it uncorrected, must we go still further and believe that after having shifted the re sponsibility for the crime from the parly accused to hi* son James, he would, before concluding his charge, turn round and vir tually tell the jury that after all it was neither tbe accused father nor Ins son James,but Joe ( a mere mythical character) that was the guilty rascal? No, no, Mr. Editor. Ido not believe that any man at all worthy of the high reputa tion for intelligence and a well-balanced judicial mind, such as Judge Widney him self will admit be is entitled to claim, ever could have written the article in question. Ky inserting this you will both vindicate the injured Widney, and those persons, both real and imaginary, against whom some poor, deluded creature has been ranting over Judge Widney's name. ZACH MONT'iO.MEUY. Los Angeles, March 30th, 1 son. THE STOCK EXCHANGE Formally Organized Last Evening—Directors Elected for the First Year The Los Angeles Mining and Stock ex change was formally organized last even ing at tbe office of the Los Angeles Petro leum. Smelting and Mining company. No. 330 South Broadway. The exchange is organized to encourage and advance min ing industries and to maintain a stock board for tbe listing and sale of mining and other stocks. Tbe principal place of business is Los Angeles, and the associa tion is to exist for fifty years. The capital stock of the corporation is $25,000, di vided into 250 shares of $100 each, and no member shall hold more than ono share, though he may transfer his share to any person who may be acceptable to the boar,d of directors. The meeting last evening was called to order by Major H. M. Kussell, with P. L. Grilfln acting as secretary. Major Russell, chairman of the member ship committee, reported that something over sixty names had been secured, al most every one of whom were in attend ance. The first business transacted was the selection of a board of directors, and the report of the committee appointed to pre sent names for nine directors was pre sented. There was soma discussion as to the method by which the directors should be elected, but it was flnaily decided to take a ballot, taking the thirteen names re ported by the committee as a basis, tha members having the right to substitute any other names that they may desire. Following is tho result of the first ballot, the nine names receiving the highest num ber of votes being declared the directors for the ensuing year: A. H. Judson, J. A. Fairchild, Charles Weir. H. M. Russell, F. C. Garbutt, E. K. Alexander, deorge W. Parsons, P. C. Griffin and E. S. Loy. After some general talk it was moved and carried that the membership list be kept open for one week longer in order tbat the exchange may start.out with the full membership of 100. With tbe accessions last evening tbe ex change now has a membership of seventy two. On motion the old committee on mem bership was discharged and a new com mittee appointed, as follows: Charles Weir, E. K. Alexander and A. G. Barllett. After continuing the committee on se curing quarters, the meeting adjourned to next Saturday evening at the samo time and place. ' SIXTH DISTRICT REPUBLICANS Committees Meet and Report Progress on the Prlmsrv. The Sixth District Republican''CoiP gressional committee met with the various assembly sub-committees of this county at the Hollenbeck hotel yesterday afternoon. It was decided during the meeting to have the names of the election ofUcers.tlie pol ling places and time for holding the various assembly conventions, reported in writing to Luther Brown, the secretary of the congressional committee at Pasadena, not later than April 10. For Cradle Songs A meeting in the interest of the Cradle Songs entertainments was held at the home of Mrs. C. M. Severance on Thurs day morning which in enthusiasm and ac tivity augured well for a most successful issue for tbe cause for which they will be given, the benefit of tbe Free Kinder garten association of Los Angeles. There will be a series of three entertainments, each one equal to a concert, a recitation and a tableau. They will be given at the Los Angeles theater April 11 and IS witli a matinee on the 15th. Season tickets will be sold for $1.50, including reserved seats. Separate prices of admission are 50 cents, reserved seats 25 cents addi tional. As the programs are varied for each performance the season tickets are most desirable. Mrs. Tan Nuys has started the loges superbly by two on tho first night and one for the matinee, and it is hoped that the other staunch friends of the kindergarten will rally and follow suit with other loges and boxes. The regular monthly meeting of the kin dergarten board will be held to-morrow at 2 p. m. in the Friday Morning club rooms, and all members are urged to he oresent. Any one having wooden shoes < f p ■ isants, cradles, etc., are requested to n pot them. Colored L. T. L. A little band of colored children belong ing to the Loyal Temperance Legion gave an interesting entertainment in the Maple avenue M. IS. church, Friday evening. The superintendent. Miss Emelia Parkinson, opened the program. The members re peated the triple pledge against alcohol, tobacco and profane language, after which they sang Temperance Boys and Girls Are We. The accompaniment was rendered by an orchestra of four little colored hoys about 8 years old, on tbe piccolo, guitar and two violins. Professor Stabler of University gave a temperance lecture, illustrated with experiments, which was found extremely interesting to the little band. Miss Ada Hawkins sang a solo to a guitar accompaniment, and Miss Minnie Fainter gave a recitation, both of whicli were highly appreciated. Mrs. L. S. Blanch ard made a few brief remarks, and the program closed with a motion song by the Im T. U Woman Suffrage flectlne; An enthusiastic meeting was held in the chamber of commerce yesterday morning by the Woman Suffrage club, preparatory to the coming conventions, to take place in Music hall on Wednesday and Thursday next. The club was called to order by the S resident, Rev. Mila Tupper Maynard. 'be petition work ot the amendment was discussed in regular sequence, and several addresses were made. Mrs. McComas spoke briefly relative to the organization of a Los Aneeles county campaign committee, and Mr. Denis of Long Beach addressed the meeting in legard to the personal work required in the campaign. An elaborate program for the two-day convention has been prepared. Rev. Anna Shaw will be the leading spirit, and numer ous addresses are in preparation by notable women of Southern California. Only a Trivial natter Sheriff Burr, when asked by a Herald reporter yesterday about tbe charge of the Downey delegation that he bad been to a baseball game, and also drank beer on Sunday, at Downey, laughingly replied that be was sorry that the delegation had made so much out of so little. He visited Downey with his sons, who are members of the San Fernando baseball team, to play a return game at that place. He also had a few minutes' conversation with a gentle man there on a business matter, and he did take a glass of beer. The saloon was not open, no.' was there any crowd. This is all there is to the case. It was a trivial matter, and be waa astonished that any attempt had been made to make capital out of it. Garbage collection day* have been changed. Bee ad. on classified page, "Spe cial notices." LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, l«98. MAIN STREET PAVING CASE IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED BEFORE JUDGE YORK No Testimony Ofi:red by the Defendants— Mirshsll, the Burglar, Given Another Sentence In San Quentin—The Monte Vista Malicious Mischief Cass The case of Susan Welch vs. P. A. How ard, street superintendent, and better known as the Main street paving case, was before Judge York yesterday. It is claimed by the plaintiff, who is an inter ested property owner, that the bid of John T. Long, to whom was awarded the con tract for the improvement of the street, was not the lowest and best bid. Two other bids were presented, but on account of some technical defect in the proceed ings, these bids were returned to the parties making them unopened. Later tho tract was awarded to Long, and it isal«gedthat his bid was some $10,000 higher than thoa3 of the two which were re turned. It is also claimed tbat the law under which the work is being done is unconsti tutional. The defendant put in no testi mony, and at close of plaintilf's evidence, the case was submitted, plaintiff being given two days in which to file brief s. A temporary restraining order has been granted, stopping further work on the street until the case can be decided on its merits. Supreme Court Opinion.*, ______ Two supreme court opinions were re ceived at the office of the rlerk in this city yesterday for llling. In the case of I. V. lons, plain ti IT and respondent, vs. D. F. Harbison, defendant and appellant, the judgment and order appealed from are reversed, with direc tions to the court below to enter judgment for the defendant upon the findings and enjoining the plaintilT from asserting title to the premises under his said quit claim deed. The opinion is written by Commis sioner Haynes, concurred in by Commis sioners Searlea and Belcher and affirmed by Justices McFarland, Temple and Hen shaw. The action was brought to quiet title to forty acres of land in San Diego county. In the case of Andrew J. O'Conor, re ceiver of the Consolidated National bank of San Diego, respondent, vs. W. H. Clarke et al., defendants, Frank A. Kimball, appel lant, the judgment and order appealed from are affirmed. This is an action upon a bill of exchange, endorsed by the defend ants and Frank A. Kimball. The bill came into possession of tlte plaintilT bank in the regular course of business, and on suit being brought judgment for the full amount was given plaintilT. The Reyniert Case Mrs. Emilie Rosalie Reymert yesterday filed ber petition for letters of administra tion on the estate of her late husband, James D. Reymert, who died at Alhambra on the 25th of March last. The estate consists of real estate and personal prop erty valued at $11500. Judge Reymert be fore his death disposed of most of his prop erty. Mrs. Reymert has also filed an affida vit for an order of court to have opened the safe of the late Judge Reymert, the key of which, she says,was taken possession of by James D. Reymert, jr., the son of deceased, and that she has been unable to find him, although diligent inquiry has been made. Far Appointment as Guardian Mrs. Etta M. Richards has filed ber pe tition for appointment as guardian of her minor children, Bessie E.,and Waldo G. Richards. The children have a two-thirds interest in a lot valued at $1100. The pe tition was granted by Judge York. Marcus ti. Settle, jr., has filed a pe tition for appointment as guardian of the person and estate of bis father, Marcus G. Settle, sr., who is now 77 years of age and incapable of managing bis alfairs. Walter E., and Olive L. Stanton have filed a petition for the adoption of Anna Stanton, aged 0 years. The petition was granted by Judge York. The nonte Vists Case Tiie trial of the Monte Vista malicious mischief case consumed the entire time in the township justice's court yesterday. It was finally given to ths jury at 4 oclock and under the instructions of the court, a verdict of acquittal was looked for in v few minutes. For some reason, however, the jury took a contrary view of the case, and after being out for a couple of hours, were brought into court, when it developed that they stood eleven to one for conviction. They were again sent back to their room, although the foreman stated that there was but little prospect of an agreement. The jury finally disagreed and WLJ di_ obarged. Committed to Whittier Bertha Fetrie, aged ill years, was yester day examined before Judge Smith, and on being adjudged an incorrigible, was ordered committed to the reform school at Whit tie;. This is the s?cond time the girl has been before the court. The lirst time, on her promise to do better, she was dis missed and taken home by her parents. She soon lapsed into her evil ways and in co.p.ei'uence was again in charge. When asked if she wished to go to Whittier the girl said that she did, as many of her friends were now there. For a Writ of flandate Cora L. Mathiason yesterday filed her affidavit for a writ of mandate against L. B. Doan, the collector of the Big Cock ir rigation district, to compel the said Doan to at once execute to her a deed to certain real estate, to-wit, the northwest quant r and the west half of the northwest quarter of section 18, township 5 north, range 10 west, S. B. M„ in said district, and which was sold to pay delinquent assessments. Motions to Set Aside. In department one, yesterdcy, before Judge bmilh, a motion to set aside was presented in the case of George h\ Curlew, charged witli assault witii a deadly wea pon, and continued until Monday. In tho case of Fred Hunks, charged witli burglary, the motion to set aside was ar gued and denied, after which the defendant pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set for May 7th. Bail was reduced to $000. Continuance Granted The case of Scott vs. the Los Aneeles Hallway company, injunction proceedings to restrain the railway company from pro ceeding with work on the San Fernando street viaduct, and to compel the removal of the same, which it is alleged is an ob struction in the street, and seriously dam ages abutting property, came up before Judge Van Dyke yesterday morning, and was continued to Tuesday next, at li p. m. A New Citizen Peter tfrederikson, a native of Den mark, was yesterday admitted to citizen ship by Judge Wraith, on taking the usual oath. Ellas Peterson, a native of Norway, ap plied for admission to citizenship before Judge York, but not being sufficiently posted on the laws and institutions of tbe country, his application was denied. Suing for Divorce The divorce suit of Mrs. Josie B. Will iams vs. P. H. Williams was partially heard before Judge Van Dyke, and con tinued to Tuesday for further testimony. Divorce is asked on the grounds of deser tion and failure to provide. Pleaded Not dullty Sam Wilton and William Mulcahy, charged with grand larceny, entered their pleas of not guilty beforo Judge Smith in department ono. Wilson's trial was set for May Oth and Mulcahy's for the follow ing day. In the case of the county of Los Angeles vs. George W. Blanchard et al,, a suit to rondemn certain land for the extension of Vine street, from Vermont to Western avenue, southwest of the city, judgment was yesterday given by Judge YorU, val uing the property in question at $200 and the benefits ut $100, aud condemnation is adjudged on the payment of $10 to Fred crick Glass, one of the defendants. Damage for False Imprisonment John Scott yesterday brought suit against B. F. Pritchard for $10,500 for false imprisonment. On the 21st of Feb ruary Pritchard had Scott arrested on a charge of embezzlement, and he was re strained of his liberty for twenty-four hours, tjcott alleges tbat he had to pay $250 attorney's fee in obtaining his dis charge, and that his business suffered from neglect while preparing for trial to the same amount. Iv addition hs asks $10, --000 for injury to his feelings and credit in the community. Suit Against the Sheriff May I. Gould has instituted suit against Sheriff Burr for $1500, the value of cer tain property siezad by the sheriff under attachment. PlaintilT alleges that the property co siezed was her separate estate, purchased with her own separate funds, and was, therefore, not subject to levy in the premises. Five Years In San Quentln James Marshall, the daylight burglar, was yesterday sentenced by Judge Smith to Aye years in the penitentiary at San Quentin. to commence at the expiration of ttie other sentence. There are still two more charges pending against Marshall, on which conviction is virtually assured. Additional Time Granted In the cases of John Donley and James Harrison, convicted of burglary, Judge Smith yesterday granted twenty days ad ditional time in which to present bill of exceptions. Rape Fiend Arralgntd Delos Vegas, tbe Santa Anita canyon rape fiend, was yesterday arraigned before Judge Smitli in department one. He will plead Monday. The Petition Denied In the matter of the habeas corpus pro ceedings of Ike Ernst, Judge Smith yester day denied the petition and remanded the prisoner. More Time to Plead G. B. Bryant, against whom there are two charges of burglary, was yesterday given until Monday to plead by Judge Smith. Appesli Continued. The appeal cases of William Wiggins and William Peterson were yesterday con tinued by Judge Smith for one week. Colonel Davis and family and Mrs. L. Luke of Helena, Mont., are at the West minster. COVERED WITH HUMOR ■When I was thirteen years old I began to have ■ore eyes and ears, and from my ears a humor spread. I doctored with five different skilful doctorf, but they did rae no good. My disease was Eczema. By this time it hud gone all over my head, face, and body. Nobody thought I would live, and would not have but forOtTTIODtU Remedies. I used four boxes of Citticuwa, five cakes of Cuthx'RA Hoaf, and three bottles of Cuticlra Resolvent. My hair all came out at that time, but now it Is so thick I can hardly comb it. I ara sixteen years old, weigh 130 pounds, and am perfectly w ell. Miss IRE AN GRANDE L, Clayton, N. Y. Sr-MDT Ccas Treatment. — W«rm batht with Crr ticuba Soap, jEcntle spplicitiont ot COTlflttßA (oint ment), and mild doaeu of Oi ticuba Risolvkkt, greatest of humor cures. Sold throughout the world. Price, Coticuha, Me.| Soap. 2.1 c i Resolvent. 50c. md fi. Potter Dituo and CifMH. CO BP., Sole Props.. Boston. HSp* *' llow to Curs Every skin Humor," mailed free. I N.B. BLACKSTONE CO. | I Dry Goods. I •gft >4 Wbra* ro Housekeepers— «9| For Monday and Tuesday only we offer the following great in fcglj ducementsand invite a careful inspection of quality ana prices: 60-inch Turkey Red Damask, fast colors, per yard... 20c m >g 60-inch Cream Damask, heavy, per yard... 25c m f Special values at 40c, 45c, 50c and 60c. 64-inch Bleached Linen, heavy Damask 50c value, for 40c m •$3l 64-inch Bleached Linen Damask, very heavy, 75c value /A fg*r Ifor1 for m m 68-inch Bleached Linen Damask, very fine, $1 value, ffi|> raj Heavy Scotch Bleached Damask, two yards wide; ready AA |g5~ •flgj seller at $1.25, for VlfC fBT •W 150 dozen, full selvage, 5-8 Napkins, good weight, all QAf. linen, per dozen /"v jj^J. "TOJ Large size, German Satin Damask Napkins.. $1.10 » 118 Hemmed Linen Httck Towels, sizes 18x33 in, per <|»| AA fig -)gf dozen 3)I.Ull t Heavy Linen Huck Towels with fringe, 20x40 in., I'll each Jgrt. Extra heavy Damask Towels, combed fringe, size 25x fig, *r*S\ 52 in., a genuine bargain, each £OC flgj IK Full size Marseilles Pattern Quilts, hemmed and ready z p fij ■o(Mji for use UOC •fe*lr Comforts, Blankets and Sheeting to please everybody and |^ SB prices that will suit all purchasers. 8" —- g 8 N. B. Blackstone Co. g f; Telephone No. 259. 171 and 173. N. Spring St. ffifi, Martin's • . Furniture ® -CRRPETS- ® Matting, Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Stoves FREE —A Beautiful Bronzed Melal Clock with every $10.00 crsli purchase-FREE Open Monday and Saturday Evenings. 531-533 SouthJSpring Street The Massachusetts Benefit Life Association of Boston 1 sues oollcics B1CO) to Sill)OUO at lowest posslblo rates consistent witli safety. AlBos;(tK>to Sent "otal d i»6iFuy we pay half the (oeeof polity, surrender values; iion-forfelture clause: no rStficttoßll on residence or travel. *We went an in everytown In boutUcrn California. First-class inducements. Corrdspondence solicited. J. H. HANtY, Oeneral Agent, Currier Building, 312 \V. Third «!., Los Angeles, CaL Men's >/T\ Suits y^-s\ — for ..;: f J V BusinessNN^-^^ We are offering some phenomenal values here in all wool goods, such as Clay Worsted, Vicuna, Cheviots and Cassi mere. For fit, style and workmanship they are as good as money can buy. If it is saving $2.50 to $5 you are want ing, come around and see these wonder workers. = Furnishings It is quite natural that you want the best your money will buy. Have you tried us? If not, don't delay, but come to us, and not only will we save you money, but will supply you with the newest and best in the market. If you don't believe it, ask your friend, he knows. Big Selection Ho"f Our Prices For Man or Boy 4*_7 L VCL W lid Lb 25 cents to $1.50 Brown Bros. 249=251 S. Spring Street. Makers of Low Prices. ! 1 «§>! # <§> ; X Dr. Frank Woodbury read an i 1 interesting paper on this subject at X , X the Medico - Chirurgical College of J I V Philadelphia recently, from which we jj X quote the following: V "As to the physiological action, I I *' desire to show you that Kola acts as j y ' * a Brain, Heart, Kidney and Arterial ; Stimulant without raising the blood Jr j pressure. The appetite is improved i by the use of Kola, and the tone of I /|-v» the stomach, so that its digestive <§> I fIG power increases under its steady use. W SThe subject of the physiological ex- <§> j periment do;s not feel the effects as <§> <§> J\ Ola. much as from the use of tea or eof- <§> fee as a nervous stimulant, but he <&> observes more cheerfulness of spirits 4> <$> 1 Xltt an d mOK inclination to exertion, es- I Specially to outdoor exercise. After a I debauch Kola has been found to rap- <^ <$> afld ' £ "- v res t° re tne nervous system to its <$> normal condition. It tones up the shat tered nerves.strengthens the circulation Jjg and puts the patient on his feet again. "As an aphrodisiac, Kola deserves 1 a position in the lirst rank, though it \ a ]\/[f±fslr , ingtl ;lcts not so niuch as a direct stimu- {, X. but of the organs as it does by en- JJ V abling the subject to escape the sense 1 •* / exnaustlon an d extreme debility S<£| v USCS which nervous patients, especially, are XI X apt to complain of." V # 4*l <§ — M S*m Yin Kola .... As prepared by C. Laux Co., con- <1> I tains all the medicina virtues of the 4 I Kola Nut and is pleasant and agree- I x ii 4 able to the taste. *X ' Put up in pint bottles at $1 each; XI j or six for S5. I C. Laux Co., I 3