Newspaper Page Text
CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Cempkratcse—Report ot observations taken at Los Angelas, April 4. The barometer Is rad used to s.a level. a. m. Maximum temperature, 68. I Minimum Temperature, 51. Rainfall for season, 8.00. #sathbx Report—United states department of agriculture weather report, received at l.os Angelas, April 4, 1896. w NW W £ SW tr. E Saw Francisco. April 4.—For Southern Cal ifornia: Sunday—l'artly cloudy in northern portion; fair In south portion; iresh westerly Winds. Fancy loquats— A It house Bros. Fresh mushrooms—Althouse Bros. * Northern asparagus—Althouse Bros. Dr. Wills' asparagus—Althouse Bros. Rooms $2 a week and up. 0. S. hotel. Easter cards at Langstadter's, 214 South Broadway. Orr <fc Hines, undertakers, removed to 647 South Broadway. Tel. Main 65. Sharp & Samson, funeral directors (in dependent,) 536 South Spring street. Tel. 1029. Removed. R. W. Morris, dentist, Nolan and Smith block. Broadway and Second street. Tbe entries for tbe dog show olose this week, on Saturday at 113 West First street. For easter services at the First Presby terian church see notice under church notices. Ladies Easter millinery, also cloaks. Auction tomorrow, two oclock, 219 West Second street. The old and well-known pharmacist, C. H. Hance, has accepted a position with the Owl Drug company. The firm of Pullen & Whitney, Brattle boro, Vt.. writes to inquire if a factory for the making of overalls would pay in this city. Strictly fine watch and jewelry repairing. We solicit the most complicated work and assure the bom results. W. A. Freeberg & Son, 400 S. Spring. A vagrant named Harry C. Harvey was yesterday brought to the county jail by Constable Slater of Pasadena to serve a fifteen-day sentence. Aerial navigation will be fully demon strated by the wonderful aeronaut, Prof. Earlston from the Wilshire tract at West lake park, this afternoon. Bishop Montgomery will open the fair arranged by the Sisters of Mercy at Turner hall on Tuesday evening, April 7th, when a grand concert will be given. Ladies who came too late for the last sale at the White House 215 S. Broadway, will have another opportunity. A big sale opens Monday. See display ad. Adams Bros., dentists, 239*4 South Spring street. Painless filling and extract ing. Best sets of teeth from $6 to $10. hours, 8 to Bl Sundays 10 to 12. The Chamber of Commerce yesterday received a contribution nf Washington navel oranges from Wm. Chase, Glendale, and a bunch of dates from the Santa Ana chamber of commerce. The magnificent Gold of Ophir roses on the premises of Horatio N. Rust, Esq., couth Pasadena, are now in bloom. Mr. Rust states that visitors aro welcome to drive into the grounds and see them. Do not drive nails into your walls. Call at L'chtenberger's Art Emporium 107 North Main street and get his figures for room mouldings. They will ornament your rooms and preserve the walls. Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stimson block, first floor, rooms 133, 134,135. Special sttention given to obstetrical cases and all diseases of women and children. Elec tricity scientifically used. Consultation hours. Ito 5. Tel. 1277. Aerial navigation will be fully demon strated by the wonderful aeronaut. Profes sor Richard Earlston, trom the Wilshire boulevard tract at Westlake park on Sun ay afternoon. A public reception will be given at Kra mer's ball on Thursday evening to the Episcopal bishop of the Los Angeles dio cese, Joseph Horsford Johnson. Hours, from 8 to 11 oclock. On the evening of the 15th, at Illinois hall, the Woman's Relief Corps and Ladies of the G. A. R. with the Daughters of Vet erans, will give a reception exclusively to the boys of '61 and '65 and their families of this city. The mayor and aldermen of Minneapolis who have been visiting Southern California during the past few days were driven about the city yestetday. In the afternoon tiiey were photographed in a body in Central park, and last evening they left for the north. Free exhibition of Sy mons' great paint ing, Sunset from Mount Lowe, with snow scenes and numerous other views just taken along the line of the Mount Lowe railway, at ofllce of Mount Lowe Springs company, dealers in the purest of all waters, corner Third and Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Deputy United States Marshal Oaks placed J. E, Jelik in the county bastile as a United States prisoner. Jelik wrote a postal card to a Mr. Hampton, on which was written libelous matter. He is held for unlawfully using the mails. The fire department responded to an alarm from box 8J», at the corner of Fig ueroa and Twenty-third streets, at 0:110 last evening. It proved to be but a chim ney flue ablaze, which was put out in a jiffy, no damage being done. One of the most exciting games of foot ball played this season took place yester day morning between picked men from the Baptist college, high and Cambria schools. Their opponents were the Steams and Sixteenth street boys. The game was won by the latter team by a score of 4 to o. Tho city has established a horse market between Aliso and Macy streets, and the principal dealers have moved their busi ness into that district. Upon this showing being made in the city court yesterday morning, all the suits against the corral men were dismissed. The Ancient Order of Hibernians of this city will give their twenty-second annual ball in Turnverein hall. 321 South Main street, on Easter Monday eve. The com mittee of arrangements have done every thing to make the ball a success. A good time Is promised to all. An important meeting of those taking K art in the "Cradle Songs" will meet the oard of managers of the Los Angeles Free Kindergarten association, Monday, April 6th, at 'i oclock p.m., at Friday Morn ing club room. Any one having articles characteristic of nations to be represented, such as wooden shoes, cradles and bits of peasant costumes, please report at meet ing Monday. Joseph Boylson has associated himself with Mr. Booth at 256 S. Main street, in the undertaking business, under the firm name of Booth A Boylson, where those re quiring anything in their line would do well to see them before going elsewhere, as they keep everything in their line as good as the best, and as cheap as tbe cheapest, and will give their personal attention to all business entrusted to them. 0. Uucommun, one of the oldest and bfst known merchants of Log Angeles, died at his residence on South Grand ave nue, after a long and painful illness. He refused to give up until the last moment, and insisted on going out, although his condition was such as to cause the greatest uneasiness. Mr. Uucommun built the hlock bearing his name at the corner of North Slain and Commercial streets, and tie has conducted bis business at this place for many years. Mr. Uucommun was rather eccentric in many ways, and lie persisted in conducting his business on the lines of the old timers, and refused posi tively to make any changes. He accumu lated a handsome fortune, and at the same time contributed liberally of his means to charity. His wife has Reeri prominently identified with charitable work for years past. Fi nest fountain, best drinks, most ex pert dispenser at 206 South Broadway. Mrs. E. Flint has removed her dressmak ing establishment to 247 S. Broadway. Tonight Rev. Anna Shaw preaches in Simpson tabernacle. Collection at door. The attaches of the district attorney's and sheriff's office were yesterday enter tained at a bullshead breakfast at the Eintrsoht. The United States flagship Philadelphia will be anchored off Santa Monica today. Large crowds will doubtless visit the re sort. After this date the fare to Redondo Beach, via the Kedondo railway, will be 35 cents for single and 70 ceots for round trip. Saturday and Sunday excursion rate at 50 cents, as heretofore. Beautiful Easter decorations at Simpson M. E. tabernacle at 11 a. m.; Easter ser mon by the pastor, Dr. McLean, at 7:30 p. m.; Rev. Anna Shaw preaches at night. Collection at church door. The Kaweah for newly furnished sunny rooms en suite or single, call at 254 South Broadway, corner Third, Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. C. D. Reynolds, Pr op. Electric cars to all points. Althouse Bros, on First street are receiv ing seventy-five to 100 boxes of fancy rhubarb direct from the growers up north on every steamer. They buy in large quan tities. That's why they can sell it so cheap. Remember that the Z. L. Panne)ee Co.. carry the best assortment of dinner and toilet sets to be found in the city, and their prices are right. They always have on hand a fine line of novelties in decorated china, silverware and cut glass, and all ar ranged in such a manner that it is a treat to call and examine their goods, even though you do not care to purchase. Z, L. Parmelee Co., 232 and 234 South Spring street. Died Prom His Injuries Sidney Barnett, the youth who was so badly injured by a falling pulley at a der rick near the Ninth-street bridge the other night, died yesterday at the Sisters' hos pital from peritonitis, which ensued from the terrible bruise he received in his stom ach and side from the missile. He was taken the day previous from the receiving hospital to where he could have every at tention, but his case was hopeless. Coroner Campbell will hold an inquest this morn ing upon the unfortunate lad's remains. Cut His Scalp An unfortunate, named Fred Smith, was brought to the station at an early hour yesterday morning, and placed in the hos pital for treatment. He was pursuing his devious way homeward with a brick in his hat, when he fell to the sidewalk on Broad way and cut his scalp, which bled profuse ly. He was patched up and discharged. God Blesa Our Horn. And if you don't happen to have one we can supply the deficiency in alt kinds and sizes and at very reasonable figures. We have several in different parts of the city that can be purchased on the installment plan with little or no cash down and the balance at about what you are paying rent, Langwortby company, 226 South Spring street. Zuber Taken Home. Adolf Zuber, who was badly slashed with a knife Friday evening by a discharged employe, William Nolan, was yesterday removed from the receiving hospital to his home at 1543 West Eighth street. It is expected that he will soon recover from his wounds, which being inflicted with so small a knife, are superficial, except the one gash which penetrated the walls of the abdomen. He, however, had a most nar row escape from death; a fraction of an inch deeper and the in testines would have been cut, making a fatal wound. RUPTURE Professor Joseph Fandrey, Kuropean specialist, formerly of Berlin, Germany, now permanently located at 821 South Broadway, Los Angeles, is a practical rupture specialist and manufactures the latest patent trusses (his own invention) for curing rupture, also corsets for curva ture of thn spine, female supporters, etc. Each case will be made to fit. Over forty almost helpless cases of from two to twen ty years' standing, some twice broken, are today cured and have no more use for truss. Patients from twft'to seventy-five years of age. Information and testimoni als will be sent free on application. Illustrated Lecture Tonight at the big tent, corner of Third and Wall, a lecture will be delivered to men oily, the lecture being illustrated with the aid of the stereopticon. After the lec ture the customary vaudeville entertain ment will take place. Garbage collection daya have been changed. See ad. on classified page, "Spe | cial notices." JOTTINGS Special Easter Dinner 4 to 7:.i0 p.m., 28 cents, at The Ralston, SIB West Third. The Ralston quartette (.1. Bier i man, violin; F. M. LTser, piano; L, Opid, cello; W. E. Strong, clarinet) will render the follow ing program : 1, Overture, Morning, Noon and Night, Suppe. I 2. l.a Media Nocho. J. Aviles. 3. The r»lms, Faure. 4. Selection, Gasperone, Mollicker. 5. Largo, ilandel. 6. * Waltz. The Morning Journals, Strauss. 7. Melody, in F, Rtibcnstein.,. 8. Selection, The Gypsy Bcron, Strauss. Decorations by a Chicago artist;' Our Home Brew Maier * Zobe'.eln's lager, fresh from tholi brewery, on draught in all the prinolpal sa loons; delivered promptly in botiles or kegs. Office and brev.ery, 411 Aliro street: telephone 91. Hani man Fish Co., San Pedro Fresh tiah and lobsters shipped direct to all pointsln Arizoua, lexaa and Mexico, from cannery in tian Pedro, at lowost wholesale rrlces. Pabst Beerl Pabst Beerl On draft. Olympic Hall, 121 W. First st, W. Garms, prop. Tel. 274. Finest commer cial Innch. l.enve orders for bottled beer. Eagle Brand Oyatara Call for tbe Eagle Brand of fresh frozen oysters. Your grocer has th?m. They are a great delicacy. Free Dispensary For tha poor dally. Drs. Lindley and Smith, Broadway and Fourth, Plrtle Block. Agency for Pabst Beer Agency for Pabst beer. Phci..b Battling Works, or. Fifth and Wolfskill sts. Hawley, King A Co., 210 N. Slain st, agents genuine Columbus Buggy company's buggies and bicycles. Advance Davis sewing machines removed to 407 8. Broadway, opposite Chamber Com merce. Largest variety Concord business wagons and lop delivery wagons.' Hawley, King 4 Co. Pabat Beerl Pabst Beerl On draft at Job Arnold's, 358 8. Spnn: at. Big Tree Carriage Works, n) San Pedro St. Concord business wagons a specialty . H'iJ'i S i "Ifsabacaer, dentist, rooms 4 and 5, 119 8. Spring sU, Los Angeles. 4? lj>s. Keatings-"3«5 daya ahead ol them all." Hawley, King 4 Co. Everything on wheels, liawley, King A Co.. 210-212 K. Main St. ' ' Sewing Machines rented $2 per month. 407 South Broadway. Dr. Harriet Hilton. 424 a BUI street DLOS ANGELES HEBAjLD: SUNDAY MOBNING. APBIL 5. 1896. THE MUSICAL COLUMN While the week has been a quiet one as far aa musical events are concerned, all the city choirs have been busily engaged in the rehearsal of elaborate music for ths Easter festival. At the cathedral this morning Beethoven's grand mass in C will be sung; during the offertory KsginaCoeli, 1 by Lambilotte, is to be given, and a violin solo, Mendelssohn's Andante, will be played by Mr. Arnold Krauss before the sermon. Professor A. J. Samra, who pre sides at the organ, will be assiated by an orchestra in Kretsckman's grand inarch. The quartet, consisting of Miss B. Roth, Mrs. S. Paine. Messrs. S. Thrower and J. Scott, will be assisted by a choir of sixteen voices. The orchestra will be constituted as follows: First violin, Arnold Krauss; second violin, H. Tupke; viola, H. E. Ham ilton; 'cello, L. Opid; bass, R. Eulenberg; first cornet, W. D. Deeble; second cornet, H. P. Moore, and trombone, A. Birklein. Mr. William W. Stephens, the efficient choir master of Christ church, with the aid of carefully selected voices, has prepared and will render an Easter festival service in keeping with the importance of the high festival. The following is the program for the morning service: Processional, hymn 121; introit, 0 Clap Your Hands, Dudley Buck; Easter anthem, old Englist chant; Te Deum Festival. Dudley Buck; hymns 111 and 115; offertory, from Stainer; communion office, Eyre; recessional. Hymn 112. The great service list prepared by the rector and organist of St. Paul's church has been compiled with a special regard to the best cathedral usuages and to the unity of musical interpretations; as set fortli in the design of the composers. The morn ing service is to be devoted almost entirely to oratorio, in conjunction with Weber's mass in E-ilat during the communion ser vice. The even-song will be characteristic of the highest type of Anglican church music, the old school being represented by Dr. Wesley's anthem, Blessed Be the God and Father, and the new school by Stain er's Daughter of Jairus and the canticles by Dr. Martin's splendid setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. At the 11 oclock celebration of the Holy Commun ion the following will be the order of music: Organ prelude. See, the Conquer ing Hero Comes, from Handel's Samson; processional hymn, The Strife Is tl'er; in troit and credo from Weber's mass in E flat; responses, Elvey. The following se lections from Handel's Messiah will be given during the olfertory: Solos, The People That Walked in Darkness, Mr. Marion Wigmore; I Know That My Re deemer Livetli, Madame Martinez; chor uses, Since by Man Came Death, For as in Adam All Die, By Man Came Also the Resurrection, Even So in Christ, and the Hallelujah chorus. Stainer's Sevenfold Amen will be sung. Full choral evening prayer and holy confirmation, the Right Rev. Joseph H. Johnson, D. D„ officiating. The solos at this service will be Fame's Les Hameant and 1 Sent You Fortli With Mourning, from Dr. Stainer's Daughter of Jairus. Mr. Frederick Stevenson, the choirmas ter of St. John's Episcopal church, has pre pared some very fine music for today's services. Much of it is Mr. Stevenson's own composition, and will be heard at St, John's for the first time. The anthem in the morning will be Gadsby's Lol the Win ter Is Past. Sullivan's beautiful hymns will also be a feature of the morning serv ice. The offertory anthem at evening will be Stainer's They Have Taken Away My Lord. Oower's choral services will be sung at both services. At St. Vincent's Catholic church Hum mel Fs mass in E-flat will be sung, and Ga lena's Regina Coeli will be the proces sional anthem. Romandy's Veni Creator, written expressly for this occasion, will be sung by Mrs. J. Rubo, with violin obligato. The soloists at the service will be Misses R. Davis and Lillie Scanlon, Messrs. W. Jochurn, C. Clark. M. Killiam, Joseph F. Nuelle and Josef Rubo. Prof. it. W. Wilde will preside at the organ and Signor Dion Romandy will assist. Prof. C. S. Cornell has arranged an at tractive program of music for the services today at tbe First Methodist church. A chorus of thirty-five voices will assist the quartet, which is composed of Miss Maude Wentworth, Mrs. Edith Brown Young, 'Messrs. Granger and 0. S. Cornell. Buck's .Christ the Lord and Stainer's They Have 'Taken Away My Lord will be sung at the -morning service, when Mrs. Richard Mc- Knight will also give the solo Witli Verdure ( lad, from Haydn's Creation. At the even ing service the music will be as follows: Chorus, As It Began to Dawn, Buck: Now ■When Jesus Was Risen, Lyons; llecit. and 'Aria, Mrs. Young aud quartet and chorus; chorus, "Tis Done, Williams; solo. The Morning Breaks, Williams, by Miss Went worth; chorus, He Lives, the Folds of Death Give Way, Williams, and solo, The Resurrection, Shelley, by C. S. Cornell. » * » 11 is good news that the promising young violinist, K. J. Ferrer is to give another concert before he leaves for Brussels to re new his studies with Ysaye. Mr. Ferrer, who is a native of California, has, far the last Aye years and a half enjoyed the tu telage of the best violinists iv Europe, and is, today, regarded by Ysaye as one of his star pupils. Mr. Ferrer's second concert will be given at the Blanchard- Fitzgerald music hall, next Thursday evening, when lie will play Wieniawski's Legende, Zar zycki's mazourka, and with Mias Blanche lingers, Grieg's sonata, op. 8. Mrs. Adele Wightman will give a couple of delightful guitar solos, and Mrs. Tolhurst will be the vocalist of the evening. A distinctly at tractive program has been arranged, and no music lover can afford to miss hearing the young violinist, who, undoubtedly, will make a name for himself. Miss Anna Fuller, the talented and ac complished soprano, is to be heard in con cert at the Los Angeles theater on Monday evening, the tilth instant, During llie last six years Miss Fuller has devoted her self to the highest development of her line voice with the enlightened zeal of a true lover of music. A native of Maryland, her rich voice early attracted attention; for several years she was first soprano at St. Stephen's church, Philadelphia, which po sition she resigned to go to Italy to study under Vannucini at Florence. Subse quently Kandegger of London, Mine. Al lot of Berlin, where Miss Fuller made a very successful debut before the Berlin Philharmonic society, Mme. de la Grange of Paris and Toeraleff of Leipßic, under took the cultivation of her powers. During last summer and fall Miss Fuller sang in a series of grand concerts in London with great success and in other musical centers of both England and Germany won the highest praise from the critics. The Mv - sical Courier said of Miss Fuller last No vember: "She is must thoroughly equipped for the career she has chosen and her progress will be watched with in terest." While an ardent student of Wag ner and gifted with a sufficiently grand voice to interpret the Meister's works, Miss Fuller can sing a simple ballad or a plantation melody very charmingly, and her concert, when no doubt she will give proofs of her versatility, will be a distinct musical event. * « * The history of the best known popular songs during the last few years is full of FREE 135 SOUTH SPRING ST. Tomorrow, Monday. March 6th 5030 ysrds—nearly 100 rjlcci-s—French, Scotch and American Dimities and Imported Batistes at 10c, 12' 3 c, 14c and l~>c per yard. Beautiful combinations in high colorings. The choicest Wash Good weaves of tho season. Sample patterns displayed in show window. In our Dress Goods Department we offer 50 pieces Imported German Novelty Dress Goods at 50cents per yard. The most desirable assortment ever offered at this price; worth one-half more. , PAPER PATTERNS TEN CENTS EACH FIXEN & CO., 135 South Spring St. remarkable interest. The song-writers who chance to catch or reflect the notes of the (lay are too often the victims of cir cumstances, and it is as often as not that they hit on a popular song simply by the merest accident. It would be difficult to find any one better versed on this sub ject than Charley B. Ward, who, besides being the author of The Bowery Boy and The Band Played On, is a specialist in this sort of song. "Charley Graham." he said the other day. "sold Two Little Girls in Blue for a $10 hill, and the publishers made over $35,000 out of it. Daisy Hell was written by an Englishman while stopping in New York. The Urin that ac cepted the song paid his passage luck to England. The song suddenly sprung into extraordinary popularity there at the time of a royal marriage and subsequently waß reproduced in this country with such great success that the publishers cleared $30,000 out of it. The composer had luckily pro tected his interests, and raked iv $11,000 in royalties. The largest royalty ever paid yet has been on Sweet Marie. Raymond Moore was on his way to San Francisco with Thatcher's minstrels to appear in Africa. One afternoon he was a heavy loser in a game of poker. Cy. Wurman's lines on Sweet Marie were about all he had left in his pocket. He sought consolation from them in the rear of the car. A melody came to him, he summon ed the leader of the orchestra, and in an hour the music of the beautiful ballad was accomplished. It is curious how a song sometimes jumps into popular favor. Joe Flynn as one of a song nnd dance team had been singing Down Went McGinty for a year and a lit If without any particular notice. He had offered it in vain to pub lishers in New York, Philadalphia, and Boston. At last an obscure publisher in Brooklyn undertook to publish it. Joe went off on tour and returned in a year to And in place of the insignificant home of the publisher a fine big block. The pub lisher had made a fortune out of it. Ta ra-ra-ra Boom-do-ay was an adaptation of a negro song, Ting-a-ling, etc. Henry J. Saynrs heard it one night in a dive and licked it into shape. Lottie Collins' hus band happened to be the advai cc agent of tbe company with which Savers was travel ing. Lottie Collins got hold of the song, produced it in England as her own and even appropriated royalties on it. The evolution of some of these songs is really interesting. The colored men get hold of a melody and distort it. The white man gets it again and produces it in a new form. Take The New Bully, you can trace that easily enough back to that famous song Maid of Athens. Fe lix McClannan hud the greatest difficulty in persuading a publisher to accept Com rades. Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back had already achieved pop ularity when what was the surprise of the New Yorkcriticstoflnd it embodied in The Shop Girl as a new song. 'J. he managing editor of the New York Sunday World sent for me one day and said he wanted a song for his next issue, I presented to him a number of scores, but he did not like them. I then hummed over to him the air of The Band Played On: he liked it,and the thing was really given birth it, ten minutes. After tlte Ball? Yes I know all about that. Charles K. Harris looked after a cigar stand in Milwaukee for his brother-in-law, and at odd moments used to amuse himself with the banjo. I was with him one day when his mother came up and lamented that lie waistod his time in such a way. His brother declared he would sack him, but he wrote After the Ball and iv a year had bought his brother's place and put up a $00,000 building within a block of it." Stray Chords Mrs. .losefa Tolhurst will sing the offer tory solo at the First I'resbyterlan church of Pasadena this morning. Tiie coming of Anton Seidle and his mag nitlcent orchestra to the coast lias been postponed, but it is hoped they will be here in September. The soloist, Emil Sauret, has left for Europe. Rath Koese will put Americans who visit Baireuth next summer under obligations to him, as s ho has given the city $40,000 to build a fine concert hall. Massenet composes his music without the aid of a piano, and, liguratively, hides himself in a cupboard on the night that any opera of his is produced. He is a splendid raconteur and is very popular in Bohemian society of the first order. On dit that Jean de Ueske is really going to be married in May! This time the threatened bride-elect io the Countessedo Miramaille—a widow, rich and handsome, and young! But who knows. M. Jean de Keske, no doubt, but he won't tell! On Friday evening next, the 10th inst., Mrs. Valentine of the I.os Angeles Conser vatory of Music will give a pupils' recital at the rllanehard-Fitzgerald music hall. Horr Thllo Becker gave one of ilie most successful pupils' recitals of tiie season last Tuesday. Herr Becker lias some very promising talent amongst his pupils. The brilliance of Mrs. BotsfOKPS execution was much admired, and the precocious talont BIRTHS Notices under this head free. ASHLEY— April I, 18'Jfi, to the wife of W, B. Ash ley, a daiiK liter. lU'ItKE—To the wife of John O. Burke, an SJtf pouml daughter, 780 Lit vers street, Enst l.os Angeles. DEATHS Notice! of deaths, without comment, inserted under this head tree Funeral notices to cents per line. BA RNES— At Los AllKcie-4. April 4, IS'rfj, W. W, Barnes, a native of Wilmington, N, C, aged Bfi years, died suddenly, Philadelphia and Florida papers please copy. DUCOMMUN—ApriI 4, at S Ab p. m., Charles Louis Ducomiunn. Funeral notice will appear later. FOItP—On April 2nd, at his iioni", Kdgemont, Bellevue avenue, C. W. It. Ford. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon at 2:80 oclock at I'nity church, corner Third and Hill streets. Boston, Lynn. New York and Ban Francisco papers please copy. ALLKN— Friday morning April ."Id. William Je rome Allen, aged 25 years, beloved son of Mr. ami Mrs. W. 11. Allen, at the family residence, No. 813 \V. Twenty-third street. Servicer. Hunilay. 3p. m. Friends Invited. In terment private. 1 Peck *t Chase Co. !*HE BROADWAY ~; > UND£RTaK£RJ i 3» a broadway. of little seven-year-old Paloma Schramm is simply wonderful. I'll Tell Papa On You is the title of a new song by Fred Lone and is written in a sweet, flowing and graceful style, with a pleasing and effective accompaniment. The Retail Clerks' association gave a pleasant musical evening at Foresters ball last Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Ricord will sing the beauti ful solo, I Will Extol Thee, from Costa's Eli, at the Simpson tabernacla this morn ing. The soloists engaged for La Fiesta music are Mrs. Maude Berry Fisher, soprano: Mrs. Charles Hickman, contralto, and Mr, Andrew Bogart. The Dudley Buck Concert club will fur nish the music at the Masonic services at the Simpson tabernacle this afternoon. An Easter concert will be given this evening by the children of the Plymouth Congregational church. A program of special vocal and instrumental music will be given. Mrs. Jennie Kempton will give a pupils' recital all 140 S. Pearl street on Thursday afternoon. F. Sharp. If you smoke for pleasure use Sweet Mo ments cigarettes. A superior article. Excursion Pleasure, business, scenery. Only $3 round trip. If you are ugly you go free. If handsome, a chromo and ticket. For full particulars call 244 S. Broadway. Hemet Land Co. The Greatest Slaughter Sale Ever Attempted In This City. We can't begin to enumerate the extraor dinary bargains wo have in store tor you. Come and see tor totirsclf. You can buy from us at one-third and one-half oft the regular prices. That's enough, ain't It? We are de termined to close out erery dollar's worth of goods iv our store to change our business. To morrow all of our solid gold rings at about the price of old gold, Children's Rings, solid gold; regular price £I.SO, closing out price 75b Ladles' Solid Oold Rings, set with real Doublets, former price $2 and $2.50; closing out price.... $1.00 Ladies' Solid Gold Rings Tiffany and Belcher mountings, real emerald, ruby or sapphire doublets, former price S5; closing out P rlCB *2 and $2.50 Genuine Diamond Rings, set in ltk gold; former price, 8">; closing out price ¥2 50 Ladies'line Cold Rings, set with 2, 3, 4or 5 stones, real doublets, worth up tofflO: clos ing out price $3.00 Genuine Cluster Diamond Rlners, 12 dia monds set in Ilk gold, worth $-.'5: closing out Price 515.00 solid Gold Hines, Opals, Rubles, Emetalds or Sapphires, set with 2 karat stones, worth up t057.50; reduced t0,.., 92.50 Come and buy your Jewelry at one-third and one-half the prices that jewelers ask. BURGER'S CUT RATE STORE, 213 SOUTH SPRING STREET Hollenbeck Hotel Block. Manufacturing Jew eler. Silversmith and (ipticinn, CsBs BEATS LIVER j PILLSj Arthur S. Bent j 651 Bdway, Near 7th .Made by Indiana Bicycle Co.. Indianapolis. Ever Troubled With Your Eyes E.ertrledus? We hare fH'ed glass»s to I thousands to tbeir entire satisfaction. Why not give us 11 trial? We wfh satisfy you. Lyes tested free. Lou esc priocs. 5. a. MARSHUTZ, Scientific Optician MB 6. Spring street, opp. Stlmson Block. Lstablitbed bar* alae years. ggf- Loos far ths Orswn sa tb* Wlatsv. J Here is the Solution puzzle % fTo Our "'' r ~ $ fllMiat Wets* 7 When we opened our new Spring A X Stock of Clothing for Men and <& V Boys Selected X X As it was with the greatest of care V <$> from ..' Stylish <§> Makers of repute, we felt certain <§> our Sales <^ For this season would increase beyond <§> V all previous Spring X X Sales, and we were right. Already < G> we are Something W SOver 20 per cent ahead in our Sales <$> For the months of Jan., Feb. and i March as compared to the Same a j V Period of '95. We are more than \ I satisfied with Such I A good beginning, and j <§> feel Sanguine 4fc SThat the admirable stock we have <4> when...... i Sold X At such right and reasonable prices j \ as we | Sell ', <§> At, will without doubt prove a win <§> ning card for the rest of the j Season & SOur stock of Boys' School Suits and i <§> Novelties and elegant ! Straw X /N Sailors excite the admiration of all I who I See ▼ <§> Them. Rich or poor, you can de- V <& pend on it that this Store w <£> Will treat <§> you Squarely i<S> I i We regret that no one succeeded in winning the prizes, there- fore, with an endeavor to please all, we have donated the amount <§> of the prizes in cash (| 10) to the Newsboys' Home, and there- X ceipt for same will be published in Tuesday's Times. Will try X, and give you something easier next time. HARRIS & FRANK, Props. f 119-121-123-125 North Spring Street f 1 Ladies' Hrs. Wilmot Department J Parcher On ground floor. Ev- Manager Ladies' De [ erything new. Hours, partment, Is again at 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, the bathi ' and haS except Sunday. Also 1 cured Laura Collins, 1 open Tuesday and Fri- i\ who Is the best sham day evenings. JmWmL\ P °° er °" the COaSt " Gentlemen's Department Open Every Day and All Night Including Sunday. We give all kinds of bath.3 and rubs in both j departments. H. O. Brooks, Proprietor. J The i ' IS THE MOST $ £ Fascinating and Delightful Musical £ fW Instrument of Modern Days. aw '■ You are master of it without a half hour's practice, and need i_) no musical education whatever to render perfectly a Verdi _) T| Overture, Strauss Waltz, or "The Band Played On." £ Geo. J. Birkel, Sole Agent 5 1 Parlors 18-19 Pirtle Blk, Fourth and Broadway, s# j EUREKA OIL CO. Wffi Sos'h Bresdwsy PERRY, MOTT & CO.'S Pro Incurs »ud Dealers In L\J 7*T BER V 7-5 R D nn piipi nn nn and plasixg mixs I WIL.. rUUL, UIL« 136 Commercial Street.'Loa Aagslea, Cal. 7