Newspaper Page Text
8 • . • OF THE HERALD Ik arterte aocasenodato the public The —M •■a established breach efenclea. where oeaHaa «f eke Doily tad mbr wUI be on ule and MM •Ma. e»a enbeortpttoae tsjatas, m re, ml—« O. •fee a*eU o«ce as eoen as received nejnhruchaceoctes do aM UeM. the M» •MS «T book store, sad news steads Ie ell fsM •fifteen, where The Herald U elso for MM, avOIXB HEIGHTS S. DONNELL, Newsdealer, MMBeMM street. BAST I.OS ANGELES MRS. E. C. TH ACKER, Newsdealer, M Kerth Heir street. •AN FERNANDO STREET ICTCINNIE'S PHARMACY. lUS ftlhf Bead, street. WESTLAKE PARK DONALD A. ROSS, Newsdealer, MM We* Seventh street. VNIVERSITY m. Ie PARK. DrufS, Btationery, Mb Postofltce boildlnf. SOUTH CENTRAIj AVENUE CHICAOO PHARMACY, corner Centre, avenue and Twelfth street. EASTER DAY AT CHRIST CHURCH— Flower and Pico sts. As usual, the high festival of Easter day will be fittingly celebrated at this church, with the spe cial services prescribed by the book of common prayer. There will be a celebraiion of the holy com munion at s oclock. a. m., which will accommo date those who cannot come at a later hour, or who may not he able to remain throughout the mid-day service. At ll oclock a. m. there will be morning prayer. Sermon and holy communion. Tbe rector will preach from Second Tlmothv, 2:8. Remember that Jesus Christ of vhe seed of David was raised f root the dead, according to my gospel. He will be assisted lo th«* service by the Rev. W. D. U. Shearman of Monrovia. At the It oclock service the choir, under the direction of Mr. William W. Stephens, eholr xnsster, will render the following music. Processional, Hymn 121. lntroit, (t ('lap Your Hands, Dudley Bock, Kaster anthem, old English chant, Te DiHtra, Festival, Dudley Buck. Hymns ill and 115. Offertory, selection from Stainer. communion otttce, Kyre. Recessional, Hymn 112. Children's festival service at>?:3o p. «• This church Is free and open to all comers, as is the usual custom. Two hundred additional sittings provided. FIRST SPIRITUAL SOCIETY (INCORPOR aLed i. Memorial hall, 1. O. O. P. building, 9BX 8. Main street. Special Easter services to-, day, conducted by W. J. OolvtUe of Boston. Pro gram: 2:*) p. m. Hymn, congregation; invoca tion. Dr. Carpender; anthem, The Resurrection, choir; violin solo, E. A. Whitf law ; lecvure, W.J. colvllle. subject, the Real Nature of the Spiritual Body and the True Resurrection: tenor solo The Resurrection, c. W. Lewis; tests and messages, by mediums preseut: intern (impromptu), W. J, Col vllle. Evening, 7:30 Piano solo, \V. A. Turner; invocation, Dr. Cnrpender; anthem. Hear Our Prayer, choir; baritone solo, selected, Mrs. Cath erine Pierce; violin solo, E. A. Whltelaw; soprano solo. Home, So Blest, Miss Lizzie Adams; lecture, V. J. Colvllle, subject, Forty-eight Years of Mod ern Spiritualism, What New Blessings They Con ferred on Humanity; soprano solo. Consider the l.iltes, Mrs. Emma A. Lunt; closing poem (hn proinptu), W. J. Colvllle. Note—The impromptu poem given by Mr. Colvllle at the close of each meeting will he taken from a variety of subjects given by the audience. If you have a subject to Offer writs it out und haul It up in time, show this program to friends who have not been to our meetings and usk them if there is any excuse In the world for tbeir remaining in Ignorance, when positive knowledge of the future, plus nn bourns musical entertainment or a high order can be en joyed for a dime by coming to our well ventilated, carpeted and furnished hah, seated with inviting chairs. W. .1. Colvllle's subjects for Sunday, April 12: 2:.TOp. m.. Real Life in the Spiritual World; 7:30 p, m.. The National Drift, social. In dustrial and Religious, imirjmptn poemufter each lecture. E. A. Whilelaw, solo violinist. 5 JTROFESSOR FRED BELL LECTURER AND PSYCHIC TEACHER Lectures every Monday evening at 8 oclock at his parlors, 83, :il and 32, Plrtle block, corner of Broad way and Fourth s s. subject Monday evening, April tl, Spiritualistic Phenomena, the Origin of Easier Festivities. Discussion invited. Ths pub lic welcome. Admlsslou 25 cents. N. B.—Private lessons given In occultism, which will prepare you to successfully meet all life's bat tles. Pupils tn phrenology and psyiognomy prepared for public work by Prof. Bell, who Is an expert In these sciences, as well as an experienced elocu tionist- Astrological and phrenological charts written; rates reasonable; mediums developed on the true plane. Prof. Bell Is also a wonderful elertro-mental liealer. Pain and disease disappear under his touch as If by mrgic. Consultation free: strictly confidential. Hours, 9to 12, 1:30 to 5; evenings by appointment. 5 rpHE HARMONIAL SPIRITUALIST ASSO- X elation meets every Sunday afternoon and evening In New Music hall, 231 s. Spring st. At t:M a conference or mediums' meeting will be held, under the supervision of Mrs. Cowell of Oakland. These meetings have become very In teresting and Instructive. A* 7:30 Mrs. S. Mason James of Fruitvale. Cal.. will speak arid assist Mrs. Cowell In the evening's services. A public christening will be an interesting feature. Con tralto solo, Mrs. Emma Sherwood; piano solo, Mrs. Sanford Johnson. During the evening Mrs. i'owell will give tests with names ami messages from friends in spirit, proving conclusively to the Unprejudiced there Is no death. Without the phe nomena of spiritualism there is not a glimmer of light beyond the curtain of death. With them •very grave becomes a thoroughfare. N. B.—On next Sunday, 12th Inst.. the grand and well-known inspirational Rpeakerand test medium, Mrs. Aua Foye. Chicago, begins her engagement as pastor of this association. 5 lURST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FIOUE roa and Twentieth sts. ll a. m. aermon by the f ast or, Rev. Hurt Estes Howard; subject. Life and lent h— A Meditation. Music, organ volunlarv. Cuius Animam, stahat Mater; Christ Our Pass es ver. Wheat; Christ. Is Risen, Buck. 7:3u p. in., r raise service; organ voluntary, offertory. Batiste; brtst Is Risen, Kotzsrhman; trio, Hear Us, O Father, Owen; solo, The Loid Is Risen, J. JC. thick, Messilti; The Lord Hath Appointed a Day, Tours; solo, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth, JMrs. Burdette, Messiah; violin solo. When;' Ere You .Valk.frnm Handel's oratorio,Semllie, Rich ard J. Ferrar; Jubilate, Ward: solo, On Wings of Living Light. Miss Stoneman, Bartleite; Flight of the Holy Family. Buck. Lillian Fellows Bur dette. soprano: Adele Stoneman. alto; J. H.Zlnck, tenor; D. H. Morrison, bass and director; Blanch Sogers, organist. 5 a SHE TRUTH SEEKERS MEET AT lti7'. . North Main street today, Sunday. Confer ence meeting at 10;; to a. m. Tests will be given and circles formed. This meeting is tree to at]. Evening meeting at 7:30. Christening of a child by Mrs. Browney. followed by Miss Nellie A. Ward with recitation. He and She. Come and hear this girted lady recite. Our president will ■peak under Inspiration a poem for the occasion. }ll*e Galbreath will give tests, followed by Mr. William Oreen with full names. We wish all members to ho present, as there Is business to transact. Admission free. 5 gT. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL, OLIVE st. opp. the park. Open every day in the year. Ilv service at 10 a. m. The clergy will respond 80 all calls for the ofllces of the church for strang ers or visitors, without respect to creed; burials, marriages, baptisms or visitations ofthe sick. Use Of the church cheerfully given free for funeral Services. Tel. 143 red. tr SIMPSON M. E. TABERNACLE, HOPE ST., near Seventh ; beautiful Easter decorations; 11 S. m. sermon by pastor. Rev. C. C. McLean, D. D.; f:M p. in. Rev. Auna Shaw preaches; theme, ''Strength of character;" night collection at the door; Sunday scriool U:3l a. m.; Junior Epworth league, sp. m.; Epworth league, 8:10 p. m.; cordial n vita tion to all. fi EASTER SERVICE AT 330i a H. BROADWAY at 7:45. Inspirational lecture by Miss Cum tniags; subject, Jesus and His Work. Reading by Mats Woods. Song by Mrs. E. A. Lunt. Piano ■elo, Pre* Owen. Songs by Mr. Rnrnett and Little Joe. Tests by Mrs. Barnett. Admission free, fi CHURCH OF JEHUS CHRIST OF LATTER Day Saints in hall at 245 South Spring street, ttaaday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 7 :30 p. m, TWe evening Elder J. D. Irvine will speak on the subject "Are Faith and Works Necessary u»Salva tion" All are Invited—no collections. fi TTiIKST UNIVERSALIS'! 1 CHURCH, CALE JT donla hall. lit*!, s. Spring st. Rev. A. A. Rice, pastor. Sermon, ll a. m. Sunday school, 12:15 p.m. d PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Twenty-first at. Services Sundays at ll a. m. SBS Tsv ft am. aye v. IS", j, «tf»Awa, psstor. sun tf NOTICES CHtTrtt'H or THE cor. Third and I.It) ata. Key. J. ». Thomson, PMtor. Hundar ov 11 a. m. ».t>b>th school, .:S0 a. m. Ka.ler sernion, i hrlst as vhe Herpent In the W(ldern ,ss; 7:99 p. m. Eaater tier mon. How Christ Kept I jem . 6 IMMANI XI. I'RKSK-STKRIAN CnURCH, cor. Tenth and Pearl ats. Faster sermon at 11 a. m. by the paator. Rev. \V. J. Chichester, D, D.. with appropriave Easter music. Evenins service at 7:80 p.m. Everybody welcome. 5 THE NEW CHUI9TIAXITY CHIRCH (Swedeuborcian) meets at 1192 Maple aye., 3 p. m. B.v. W. W. Welsh, pastor. All wel come, sun 4-2(1 REV. BURT ESTES HOWARD, PASTOR OP the First I'isMbvteriait.corner Finueroa street, will preach today at ll a.m. an 4 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN AI.MANI't; MEETS EVERY Wednesday »t!:S0 at i"oresters' hell. N. Main St. sat-tf Q ARBAfiE COLLECTION BEGINNING MONDAY', APRIL 6th Gsrbage will be collected on the following days In the districts below named. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS East Les Aneeles and Boyle Heights, Macy, etc.— Macy to Fifth sts., Inrlnslvtj between tho river and Los Angeles st.; Tenth to. Washington, west of Main, Includes Tenth st., but not Washington. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY'S From Buena Vista to river, north of the plaza. From Fifth to Twelfth, east of Main, In cludes Twelfth. From Washington to Twenty-fourth, Inclusive, west of Main. From Tenth to Eighth, west of Main, includes Eighth. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAY'S From Twelfth to Jefferson, east of Main. From Twenty-fourth and Main, south and west, to city limits. From Eighth and Main to cttv limits, between Seventh and Eighth as far west ns Olive st., then between Eighth and Sixth as far west as PSSTI, then between Btgnth and First to city limits Clay, Olive, Grand aye., Hope and Flower sts. between Sixth and Temple: Court, First, Socood, Third, Fourth. Fifth, between Hill and Pearl, and Temple and Sand between New High and Pearl; j New High, Buena Vista, Broadway, Cnstellar and I Hill as far north as Rellevue, north of First nnd j west of Pearl and north of Rellevue and west or ' Buena Vista. MONDAY'S, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Between Seventh and plaza on Los Angeles, ( Mainand east side of Spring. » TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS 1 West side of Spring between Seventh and Temple, | Franklin, Temple and Broadway between Seventh and Temple and Hilt between First and Seventh, j The above are the boundaries'of the districts ; where garbage will ho collected on the days named. All alleys and streets embraced by these bound aries will be collected at the same time. For further Information apply to J. B. FRANK- i LIN, 12V£ W. Second. Telephone, Malu 4D5. j FIESTA DECORATIONS— . SPECIAL NOTICE , lam ready to submit and execute plans for nil E kinds of La Fiesta decorations. Estimates furnished for decorating any building or store front in thecity. No two designs will be alike, nnd I respectfully solicit your decorating patronase- Will color In- l candescent or gas glbb?s tn Fiesta shades and 1 have secured from the executive committee of La Fiesta the exclusive right to place Japanese lant ern decorations on and along tbefollowlug streets: Main street, from Plaza to sixth: Spring, from i Temple io Sixth; Broadway, from First to Sixth, ( and First. Second, Thlnl. Fourth Filth and Sixth stroets, from Main to Broadway, lanterns to be placed every four feet apart. For Information as to price and* for estimates, call on or address ED. , B. WEBSTER of the RUSTLE HUSTLE AD- 1 VERTISING CO., 214 S. Broadway. ROBERT BRUCE CHAPTER, ROSE CROIX, No. «, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of , Freemasonry, will hold special convocations at Masonic Temple on "Maundy-Thursday," the 2d inst .. at 7:30 p.m., for the purpose of extinguishing the lights, und on "Easter Sunday," the sth inst., to relight the same at 7:15 p.m., sharp, according to the ancient customs of the rite. Every member < of Rose Croix (Eighteenth degree) should panic!- i pate In tbe celebration of the "Mystic Banquet" and In peace and loving "kindness" eat together the bread an 1 drink tiie wine, which the perform ance of duty requires, sojourning brethren are fraternally Invited to attend. Send or bring early "Red Roses" for both services WILLIAM LUNDBERO, 82 deg., Wise Master. • JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 1 82 deg., K. C. C. H„ Secretsry. 2-5 BUSINESS NEWSPAPER-THE DAILY , Journal; a business newspaper, publishing all the county official records, real estate transfers, mortgages and Hens, building news.contract work, financial news, and all newN relating to the re- , sources and development of Southern California and the great territory of the southwest. One dol lar per month, or In advance $10 per year. 227 W, First St., Los Angeles, Cal. 6-1 tf LADIES— BUY* ONLY THE LIGHT-RUN nlng New Homo sewing machine, tiie most ridlfthle and popular machlnpon enrth; Moore head * Burro are sole agents for Southern California; if you wish to buy a cheap machine, call nnd see our "Whites," "Standards." "Ideals" nnd "Do mestic," $15, $20 and $''»; huv at headquarters, 349 S. Spring it., near Foubb. MOOREHEAD A BAR RE. Hiin-tf NOTICE— THE LOS ANGELES CITY WATER Co. will strictly enforce the following rules: The hours for sprinkling aro between the hours of 6 and 8 oclock am. and 6 and ftoclock p.m. For a violation nf the above regulations tbe water will be shut off and a fine of '2 will be charged before tbe water will be turned on again. 4-29 A BEPTOLIN—DR. CYRUS EDSON S AL xV. leged cure for consumption seems to be proving Itself a success: USSM treated at cost of the remedies used for one mouth, by DR. PILKINGTON, The Wlntlirop, 80 330 S, Spring st. ("i ENTLEMENS' MENDING BUREAU, 53 JT Plrtle blk.. cor. Fourth and Broadway, blending, cleaning and light repairing; buttons furnished; buttonholes made. All orders neatly and promptly attended to. Charges reasonable. 4-18 NOTICE— THE SHINGLERS' ASSOCIATION will have an open meeting nt Council of Labor hall Wednesday evening 7:30, April 8th| good speakers tn attendance; all interested in vited. 0 PASTURE— WE HAVE GOOD ALFALFA pasture for horses, l mile from University station ; want 25 head or horses to pasture. RUN ELS .£ BLAISDELL, 817 X S. Broadway. 8 THE SUPREME LODGE OF THE FRA ternal Brotherhood, rooms 25 and 26, Pirtlo blk. A iirst-class organizer wanted. 4-21 npHE ANGEL MEDICINE CO., THE OREAT JL est blood purifier, will start tomorrow to sell. 5 TTT ANT TO HANG PAPER AT 10 CENTS A VV roll. 328 s. Broadway. GOODWIN BROS. 7 IF YOU WANT A SITUATION REGISTER with E. E. CASEY A CO.. Il.Vj S. Broadway. 6 LOST— STOLEN OR STRAY ED -A BLUE and white greyhound with four white legs and j six inches of tail, white; also a white nose; liberal reward for return of above atSlßJf* Hoquenust. 4t ITHURSDAY1 THURSDAY,MARCH 31—A ROUND BROOCH . set with diamonds, miniature In center. In itials "M. A. C." and date engraved on back; finder wilt receive reward upon leaving It with HtNTON A WHITAKEB. 12.1 W. Seioud su 7 lOST— ON SPRING STREET BETWEEN J Billiard block and Los Angeles theater, gold buttercup pin with stone. Please return to lie s. Broadway. 5 STRAYED— FROM SANTA MONICA, MARCH 27. small black mare about 4 years old. Re turn tos. MEYERS, sin E. I7th st. t and receive re wurd. fi BYRNE BUILDING HAS FOUND *m4mi*' some money to lend out at the lowest rate of Interest on good collaterals. 5 lOST — KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CHARM J marked L. E. Return to 674 Philadelphia st ior reward. 6 PATENTS, COPYRIOHTS, ETC. PATBNTmVo k" vSvStfftSSS' OBTA 1 N Kit In all countries; bought and sold. s. J. DAY dt CO., patent attorneys, room fte, Bryson blk. if V-Klent BROS.. PATENT SOLICITORS; * r?s bccl: en patents. 424 Byrne b!4f. MM liOfl ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 6. 1890. HELP WASTED—MALE Rates for advertisements under this classifica tion—! time, 5 cents per line; 1 week, 30 cents per line; 1 month, fl per line HUMMEL HROSrA ' Successors to PETTY, HUMMEL * CO., EMPLOYMENT AGENTS, 300-802 W. Second st., in basement California Bank Bldg. Tel. 509. Oitce hours from 7 s> m. to 7:33 p, m., except Sundays. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Miner. 82 ere. day; German or Swede ranch hand, fis etc.; shoemaker, men's shoes 18,50 per pair; man and wife, ranch, $20 tos2setc,; German or Swede to work lv orchard, $15 etc.; American work small ranch, |13 etc.; man and Wife, orchard, 885 etc.; bosrd some men a' $12 each per month; tinner; shoemaker, piece work; chore boy who can cook for 2, 810 etc, HOTE L DE PA RTMENT. Restaurant waiter. ?ti; boy. country hotel. *12 etc.; all-round cook, country, *•>"■ etc.; laundry marker, 810 per week; extra waiters, |2JW per day. HOTEL DEPA RTMENT. Chamberinnid. country hotel, $20 etc.; chamber maid, rooming house; ?li, no room; advertising solicitor, gooil commission; waitress for beSCh, 82250, cook, boarding house, city, 825 etc; wai tress. Arizona, 825, tare here; cool; under m years, country, 83> etc; paatrv cook, 885 to $40 etc; lirst class starch ironer. $1.25 per day, city, and ?2» pet month, room etc. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT. Cook and nurse, family 4, country, flO and $20 etc., references required: house girl, one person, No etc ; 4 girls to assist. $10 etc.; Bto assist, $8 etc., light places; house girl. Eighth street. $15 etc.; Brand avenue, ?20 etc.; Tehuchept. ?lMete.; Olive street, $20 etc. ; nurse for child 5 months, 915. etc.; Herman house girl, Twelfth st reel. $20 etc., girl to assist, country, fit, good home; houseglrl, Buena Vista, ?2J, etc.: Hoover street. $2o etc.; house girl for one month, light place. $20 etc.; ranch cook; a miles out. $20 etc.; ranch cook, Hueiieiiu>. 820. employer here 10 a. m.; girl to as sist. East Los Angeles. $10 etc.; saleslady for no tion*, ItnlngH and trimmings department. 8 HUMMEL BROS. * CO. "TIT ANTED—TEN BOY S OR YOU NO MEN It from each school or college In the city to work a portion of the time for The Herald. Twen ty-live rents In cash will be paid for each new name, and every canvasser will have an opportu nity to Win one or more of the following prizes: One $100 first-class bicycle, a gold hunting-case watch, a six months' scholarship in a business college, double-barreled breech-loading shotgun, no suit or clothes. $2) overcoat, round trip to Ban Dlcgo or Catalina nnd return. Either Ol the lat ter includes a tree dinner St the Coronado Hotel or Hoteldc Avaiori. 3 11 if \\ r ANTI.D-MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK TV at home; I pay $s to |18 per week lor mak ing crayon portraits; new patented method: any one Who can read or write can do the work ut home in spare time, day or evening; send for par ticulars and begin work at once. Address If, A* OKI PP, Oerman artist. Tyrone, Pa. 2ut-sun WANTED— ORRERMAN,SALESMAN. Poß ter. hotel runner, commission representa tive, clerical man and wife $75 mechanical opera tor, grocer, teamster, boll boy, shirtmaker, store gin, waitress, chambermaid, housekeeper for mail, pantry girl. E. NITTINOER, HUH s - Broadway. TTTANTED — SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY H for appointment for young men In railway mail service. Examinations soon in every state. Particulars SDOUt all government positions free. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTE, Washington, D. C. 8-15 "YVANTED —E. T. CASEY & CO,, 113'; S. vv Broadway. We have opened In conneciion with our business chances an employment depart ment and solicit a share of your patronage. We will give the same our personal attention and supply your wants. 6 TTTANTED-HOUSEGIRL, FAMILY, |30; 4 VV German house girls. *25; house girl, family 2,820: house girls, Pasadena, 826, 82i>. $15; young girls, city, $10. $12, $15; second girl, 120. CROWN CITY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Hi)*' S. Broad way. 11" TVrANTED-DISTRIIiUTORS (LADIES OR vV gentlemen) in every town snd oity in the I*. S. to pass free samples "f ten; big money. Ad dress with stamp, THOMAS A ANDERSON, South Bend, Ind. fi "TTTANTED—SALESMEN—BIOO TO $125 PER vV month ami expenses: sample line; position permanent, pleasant and desir-ihle. Address, With stamp, KINO MF'O CO., F. 73, Chicago. 7-21* WANTED— M EN TO DISTRIBUTE SAM pies; $5 per 1000; steady employment. For further particulars address with stamps, s. a. a. 68 Harris st., Atlanta, <ia. 5 WANTED— TRUSTWORTHY PERSON TO travel; salary, 0780 and expenses; reference. Enclose self-addp*ssed stumped envelope, MAN AGER, box P, Chicago. 5 "TTTANTED —A RE LI ABLE MAN HANDY V V with machinery, with 3loon cash, can make flSfi per month clear. Address \V„ box 80, Herald oflice. ti "TTTANTED—SALESMEN TO SELL ON COM TV mission the best six gloves pro luoed in (his country. HUN ICKE GLOVE CO., St. Louis, Mo. 4t-sun TTT ANTED—YOUR ' PATBONAGE. Ft ELI v V able help furnished prompt lv, HEI D'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 128 W. First St. tf TTTANTED—IF IN NEED OF HELP OF ANY VV kind Call on E. T. CASEY & CO., 113,'j S. Broad way. fi WANTED — HOTEL AND HOUSEHOLD help. E. T. CASEY & CO., UBH S, Broad way. 5 TTT ANTED- AGENTS, LADIES AND VV gents; Monday, after'J a. m. 647 l a s Broad way . 5 "TTTANTED—HELP FREE—27 SITUATIONS, VV 32m a s. Broadway. E. NITTINOER. HELPJVANTED— FEMALE TTTANTED—A LITTLE GIRL PROM 12 TO V V 15 years old to take care of 2 little babies in a small family of 2, Apply 213 Wilmington at. 5 TTTANTED—IS-YEAR-OLD GIRL TO ASSIST VV in housework; low wages, good home; lo be like one of family. 215 E. Fifth Mt. 5-8 TTT ANTED—WOMAN TO WORK IN FAM VV ily; permanent home und small salary. 20 Bryson block. 5 TTTANTED - LADIES, AT AUCTION OF V V Easter hats tomorrow, 2 oclock, 210 W. 2d st. 5 WANTED— ONE CHAMBERMAID, GER man preferred. 204*1 commercial st. 5 JiiTUATiOWS WANTED—MALE TTTANTED — ~ HON EST AND VV sober colored man of 20, thoroughly acquaint ed witli ail domestic duties, waniß a place in pri vate family as porter or coachman; IOW wages to begin with. Address G, box 30, tins ollice. 7 WANTED - YOUNG MAN, GOOD SOLIC- Itor and owner of a ttrst-classdellvery outtit, wishes position with some reliable business house; will work for small wages to begin with. L, box 70, Herald. fi TVTANTED- AN EXPERIENCED BOOK- V v keeper, correspondent, etc.. desires em ployment; Wtllaccepi any honorable employment at living wages; must have work. Address X Ray, this oflice. 7 WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, A SITUA tton as coachman and gardener; is a good milker: can furnish best ot references. Address H. DEWEY, 821 ! , W. Fourth st. 7 "TTTANTBD—AN AMERICAN MAN, AGED V v 32. wants position in any capacity; thorough business education; cau do anything. Address F, box 10, this ottos. o T\*"ANTED-S|TUAT!ON — BY AMERICAN VV man and wife, on private place or ranch; no children; reference. Address, D, box SO, Her ald. SITUATIONS WANTED^EMALE^ t\ r anted"—- yo en oIaDY wish c a to Vv exchange her services before and after school for board and room In private family. Ad dress F., box 20, Herald ollice. 6 WANTED— SITUATION AH HOUSEKEEP er; widower's family preferred. Address MRS. WHITE, 116 Bryson block, or call at 1310 W. Twenty-third nt. WANTED— BY A WIDOW A position AS useful companion to a lady living in the country near Los Angeles, $20. Address L,, box 1)0, Herald ofllce. 4-0 TTTANTED —HOUSEWORK BY GOOD GER. VV man cook. Coll or address room 6, UAH S, Rroadv%ay. 64ft ™„ WANTED—LIVE STOCK WANTED- A P»W lIOfID BKUVICEABLE horses: will Irtulp land. I ttgv. 15 arrt'H ol Rftwl land in Han Lulu Obispo county, Us>l.l 11 iwres under culttvullon, and will (five the fw)t party a bariialn. Apply at BOttthMFß California C'l't-ainery Co., 313 X Broadway. tl" -I.T-.\XTKU-2a) HYRNK 111 IMHNU WANTS \\ to lend ntouey on live atoek. I WANTED—REAL ESTATE MrAXTKH -IKYOtJ WANT TO I't'm 11 ASK TT anythln. and hare not .qOHgh inouey, see 22. R\ RN£ BI'lbUINIi; ll will help you Ollk t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Rates for advertisements under this classifica tion- i lime, ft cents per line; 1 week, 80 cents per me; t month, 84 per line. IpOR SALE-88300- HARDWOOD LUMBER yard, business will Invoice this amount: rent flu pjr month; will exchange for city property as hl«h as f.V>oi>, pay ilift'crence lv cash; owner retiring; fino chance' to get good busi ness for property. sSft'W My custonipr has a nice paying business here which he will trade for Los Amides property worth this amount, an orange grove or land within tlve (ft) miles of this city. Rare chance. See him. ?|ooo will gcfoue-hcli" Interest In an old estab- I Ushed business; Investigation will show the only reason for wanting a pitrtner is to increase the trade now making good money. 88ft0 Merry-to-round, oriiiinnl cost 53.",r0. now in gOOd running order, set up; terms, ?Jfti cash, bal ance will make entirely to suit you; engine alone OOSt price asked; if you want this machine see H, aud you will c rialniy buy ft. ?3ft ( >- Rarber shop. :i chair combination, near postohii c. doing good business; will trade for good Stylish horse and buggy and cash. Can offer line opportunities to buy, sell, ex change or trade. Apply to JOHN JONES. JR., 8 20K Byrne bldg. J74GR SALE lt:ikery and grocery now doinc $400n business per month ; clearing §10 jier ilav; long lease, low rent: cheap at f7ft'). N. 11. WALKER *fc CO. 6-8 l2"i' a W, Second St. Ijion HALE—TO GO INTO business THERE 1 Is always a risk; you may make money and you may not. We can invest money nt 3to 10 per cent n month wit bout any risk: are you satisfied with that. If bo, see R. A. N tfiWXA N, 23t Byrne Building. 8 1-»OR S.XLE WANTED A RELIABLE MAN 1 witli some knowledge of machinery, with about |900; can earn |l2ft per month cleur; owner must leave ciiv. Aildress F., box S., Herald otllce. 11 IJIOR BALE—A GO*ii> BUSINESS FOR CASH, / will from $2.*HHI to B).HHJ*> cash; ililnn In cline assured to a live business man; will stand tiie closest Investigation. Fur lull particulars sco D. C. GRAY, 203 N. Main st. 7 FOR SALE—OR EXCHANGE—A SMALL manuhlOtUrtng business; will exchange for double team or camping out tit or will sell cheap for cash. Apply at 634 N\ Main st., Los Angeles. 7 VLADY OR GENT WITH A LITTLE money cill make two or three hundred a month, full ou Dr. M., 187 E. Colorado street, Pasadena, for information today or Monday, o TIIOR SALE--8150 WILL START A LADY OR X gentleman In a well-paving manufacturing business; till articles on hand. Call or address UttJi W. First st., room ;i. 6 I pOtt SALE-tlftO WILL BUY A FlRST class fruit ami tobacco store; good location, good business and Cheap I'mit; living moms in rear. M. box 40, Herald, 8 TpOR BALE-ONE OK TIIE BEST WEEKLY X newspnpers in Southern California; will bo sold fm-a song. Cnn you sing? Address N., box to, Herald oflice. o SALE-LARGEST INTEREST IN ES I tabllshed business. Weekly receipts |1000. Price ijtnoo. M. E., box 188 station C, Los Ange les. 2-4-5 t CREAMERY, BAKERY. ETC.; CHOICE / business, good location; InvolceB4fto; rent 81"> per month. MAHONEY A- MYERS, 420 s. Main It, ti KESTA CH ANT AND DELICACY; CHOICE location; everything new ; long lease; price 840 U. MAHONEY A MYEItS, 420 s. Main st. ti 17SOR SALE—FISH AND POULTRY BUSI- J ness, choice location; a great bargain; IflOO, 1. D. BARNARD, 117 S. Broadway. 5 I.IOR SALE-MEAT MARKET- \ POSITIVE .1. sncrlllci ; elegant fixtures; big trade; 822 ft. 1. D. BARNARD, 117 A( s. Br.)adwuy. ft TlOlt SALE—AT SANTA MONICA-RESTAU- X rant and rooming house; big b:irgain; *<■'<<. I. D. BARNARD, JI7' f S. Broadwuy. ft ITIOR SALE-OIL RUSINESS LOCATED IN ? thriving country town; sure bargain: ?700. I. D. BARNARD, 117' a s. Broadway. ft IISOR HALE -RESTAURANT(.CHEAP RENT, long lease, good condiiiou and location, A bargain. L, box 60, Herald othec. 7 ITIOR SALE—GOOD PAYING GROCERY business, 110 E. Fifth street; owner must leave city ou account of his health, ft IjlOR SA LE—BLACKHM ITH SHOP AND tools for sale. Corner First and Lakcshoro aye 5 FOR SALE—RESTAURANT, CENTRAL Lo cution; cheap rent, long lease; a bargain for 8860. G., box 2i, Herald. 4t 1710R SALE-PATENT FOR SALE; QUICK ? returns and niii protits. Address SLAYTON WALKER, Riverside, Cal. 4-25-0 C IrONE FRUIT AND CIO A R BUSINESS; 1 price $100. MAHONEY & MYERS, 420 S. Main st. (j SALE-CITY NEWSPAPER ROUTES. X Apply C. G. BFEENG, Herald business office, tf 174.0R SALE-JOB PRINTING OFFICE FOR : sale. Address H., Box 80, Herald office. 8 FOR RALE-CIGAR STAND, 1215; RENT, (10. 312 N. Main St. 6 rpO SELL OUT YOUR RUSINESS SEE I. D. X BARNARD, 117', s. Broadway. BUSINESS PERSONALS pERSONAL— Til E SOUTHERN CaTiFORNIA CREAMERY COM PA NY 813 S. BROADWAY, OFFERS THE FOLLOWING INDUCEMENTS In order to Introduce tbeir line ice cream, cottage oheese.SWeet skimmed milk aud butter that can not be heat. Sweet skimmed milk, 10c per gallon; line cottage cheese, 8 lbs. for 2fte.; fresh butter, churned fresh every morning. 2ftc per lb. ; fresh buttermilk daily. Iftc per gallon. Now we will of fer A No. 1 Icecream at 76c per gallon, delivered to any part t;f the city, commencing next Sunday. Send in your orders at once. OUR CREAMERY AND OFFICE IS 3135. BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 831, MAIN, tf I PERSONAL— JUST LIKE FINDING MONEY. , That's what people say who have tried a small ad. hi The Herald. They dOtt'l cost much, but the results are simply marvelous. In tills i>opular de partment The Herald has made a gain of mors than 300 per cent In the past few months. Big cir culation counts. The Herald has It. If yon want to talk to halt the people in Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California, try a small ad. In addition tn the immense and rapidly increasing circulation or The Herald, Its sales by newsboys, 00 trains, St hotels and summer resoris, make it the ttdverl Isiug medium of the Pacific coast. Look ovdr these small advertisements today. They will interest you and may make you some money. Tomorrow try one. The results will bo both sur prising aiiilji»Hsryiiig. a-Htf IJERSONAj. -FRESH ROASTED COFFEE— Mocha and .lava, 86o; Ralston cereal coffee 160] ft lbs good tea, fl; s lbs rolled wheat, 26cj 12 Ids white beans, 26C| 0 lbs eastern buckwheat, 25c; can cocoa, 18c; can corn beef, 10c; can jelly, ftc; 4 lbs peaches, 25c; 8 lbs prunes, SS6c: io lbs raisins. 26c; 5 boxes sardines, 260] 8 cans salmon. 25c; 50-1 b hack flour, 00c; ft'j bur* soap, 81; pork, sot bacon, 160 i pure margarine, Hue; a roll. ECONOMIC STORE, 40S S. Broadway. I>ERSONAL-RALPIIS BROS.-OOLD RAR flour, 61.00J city flour, OOc; granulated sugar, 19 lbs., |1; brown sugnr. 2) lbs., 81; S lbs. rolled wheat or oats, 2ftc; sardines, 5 boxes, 25c; toma toes, 4 cans, 2ftc; 7burs*iernmn famllv soap,2ftc; 5 gallons oil, two; gasoline, 86cj 3 packages morning meal. 26c: lard, IU lb. can, 66ci 12 lbs. beans, 860; 6 lbs. rice, 25c. »W0 S. Spring st„ cor. Sixth. 6-20 TJEMSONAL—DID YOU SEE THE ICE AND X Cold storage company "sjparade? The harnesses were made at the U. S. Harness store, U. S. Hotel block, 2-4-5 WE DO IT-MAKE HANDSOME FLUFF rugs or your worn-out carpets. Call or write for circular. PACIFIC RUG MANUFAC TORY, till s. Broadway. 8-28-87 PERSONAL— WE GIVE YOU QUALITY. We give you wear. We give you style. Wo give you satisfaction. U. S. Harness store, IT, S. Hotel block. 2-4-6 PERSONAL— B. MORRIS PAYS THE HIGH cal price for gents' second-hand clothing; send postal; will call, ill \£ Commercial st. B'lB FOR SALE— SALE-A YOUNG 1 harness and surrey, ail for S3ft. Owner has no i use for ssme. Aildress EUGENE ROOS, ttOH Downey, Bast Los Angeles. ti FOR HALE—IF YOU CAN'T SELL YOUK live stock right away and need money, see 220 1 BYRNE BLDG. 5 I Xjsoß SALE -A oood FRESH JERSEY COW, X gives 4 gal milk daily ; very cheap for cash ;at iii n. peati st. 5 ! SALE - YOUNG PONY AND CART I X rheap. Apply 838 Mo-ntreoi st. 8 FOR RENT—HOUSES Rates for advertisements under this classlflca lion—l time, 5 cent* per line; 1 week, 80 cunts per line; i month, fl per line. 213» Norwood, B rooms, J27. 3«2 Michigan, ft rooms and stable, fflO. 726 Turner, ft rooms, Sift, TftO'j Han Julian. 4 roonis. I*7. 5 ROBERT at, PECK, 147 s. Broad war. RENT - RENT RKDITKI), MS TO to MB.8). Two elegant houses iust com- I pleted, corner of Washington and San tee ; 8 large Isunny1 sunny rooms; bath* mantel, grate, patent sanitary closet, large front porch; ham, two horses aud carriage. Owner at hou«ei al 10a. m. Monday. 8 ROOM V LAT. WITH I-Tit. nlture for sale cheap; low rent; also ■*> rooms, } unfurnished; wouldrenl the n-room Bat together, I fid per mOUth) bath ami gas. 226}, K. Seventh st. ' "Ljsol: RENT-NEW 8-ROOM ROUSE; BARN, J; Has, Military plumbing, seweraa".; ih> co-tspooi; on 9 car lines. Owner corner Tth and Beacon, close liy. (i -IJSOB RENT—THE CHEAPEST PLACtT IX X town for mutinies, linoleums anil window shades. THE MATT INC. MART, S:M S. Broad way. •J-sfll! RENT — WIOOM FLAT, ONE HLOCK .1 from Times office; cheap rent; fnrnlttire for sale for hall what It Is worth. BIN W. FlfSI st. 5 Is or. saV.'e"-wk "ITXc ti "t he "l*a ho est list of rooming houses for .ale In the city E. T. CASEY dt CO., 113', H. Broadway. 5 IriO.l TIENT-COTTAGE OF 3 BOOMS, FCR ' nlshed compieie Tor housekeeping. Apply to day. 080 Flower street. 5 FOR RBNT-IXAT op .-, ROOMS, PARTLY furnished; heu.sekecplhjr privilege, allowed. 5.".3 S. Mnlu st. (I I 7IOH KENT—A MODERN WIOOM ROUSE, " nicely papered; rcasounhlo rent. I3in Flu neroa st. las if T7IOK RENT-SROOM HOUSE, 12SII VICTORIA X st. a lliso.n BARLOW, in s. Broadway, tf IjlOR HUNT-s-KOOM HOCSK; (MO So. Hill st. RAYMOND, 1037 S. Hrondway. 7 WPS )il!.Vi-s.|»i<iM llolMH-tai-l'jFK, X Banker Hill ava. 5 FORRENT—ROOMS IjlOß RENT—FURNISHED SUITEi FRONT and back parlors, very desirahlo foru-cntlcninn and wife or two gentlemen, tn a modern lint, on c'eetric line, live minutes south from city hall: electric litfhl*, Kas, bath and telephone: front rooms: no children. Address No. 1 COLONIAL FLATS, Eighth and llrolulwny. 6-8 IriOK RBNT—ROOMS FCRNISHED, SINGLE or en suite; beds Scents and upwards. BUSS BOuSB, cor. I.os Aneeles nnd First sts. 4VII IjlOß RENT—E LEO ANTL V FURNISHED ? rooms, transient, in; also single rooms. THE WAVERLY. 127 E. Third St. 4 25 I7IOI! KENT-IM N. MAIN ST..THE DENVER; " nicely furnistied rooms. 91.50 per week and up ward ; center of city; 25u to f 1 n day. 9-1-1 tf TjSOK RENT—THE MARIPOSA, 321 E. SEC- X ond St.; furnished rooms, ,1.23 per week up; lod£ln|{, 25c, 33c and 51c per night. 10-1 tf 171011 RENT—FURNISHED —LA ROB RAY window room, larc" closet, bath, breakfast served if desired. 868 ST Hill st, 0 I [SOU RBNT—FURNISHED. TWO FRONT rooms; also outside rooms, St.s'J per week, 111!) S. Spring st. 4-1, 12 OR 4 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING a |4.60 and 96 aroom; gentlemen Or ladles; 316 Clay St. 5 FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED rooms; ,1.60 to fi. NITTINGERS, 451 8. Hope tf FOR RENT—2 FCRNISHED HOCSEKEEP- Ingrooma. 201 San Pedro, cor. Second, o I*iOR RENT-NICELY FCRNISHED ROOMS . for housekeeping, 02(1 s, Broadway. 2-25tf 1.-ion RENT—FURNISHED FRONT ROOM X on car line. 537 Wolfskill uvc. l-2G-tf T/lOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED FRONT X rooms. 215 F,. Fifth st. 5-s FOR RENT—STORES 1,1011 RENT-TWO STORES ox MAIN ST. ; north of Seventh kl. ; suitable for grocery and plumbing store.! living rooms, too, Inquire of McGAKRY <v. I XNHS, 227 W. Second St. 5 IjVIR RENT-TWO STOREs"ciMt.~ — NINTH X nnd Tennessee. Inc|iiire of MeOARRY .fc I 227 W. second at., or at 1). F. M('CAR RY'S COAL OFFICE, Ninth and Alameda sts. 31 IJIOR RBNT—FART OF store. WITH FINE ■how window. On Broadway; excellent lothV tion for jeweler, Inquire at 600 s. Broadway, tf IJI.OR RENT- FINE STORE, OOOD I.OCA tion: lirst-clnss stand for delicacy or notions. Apply, 880 W. 7th street. 5 FOR RENT—2 BRICK STORES, NEW AND cheap. Apply southeast corner Los Angeles und Third his. 5 ■jriOß RENT—ONE STORE, 553 S. OLIVE ST. FOR^^N^T—LOD^OJIOL^ES^ IJIOR BALE-LODGING HOUSE j GOOD HEA -1 son for selling. Call or address 104 S. Los An geles street., cor. First. 4-35 FOR RENT—THE LOUISE BLOCK. NEW; built for a first-class lodging house; 50 rooms. Apply to OWNER, at premises. 520 Broadwuy. l-tf RENT — MISCELLANEOUS FOR ROOM AT TUHNFR hall; every first and third Friday of each month. Inquire of janitor. 14-tf FOR EXCHANGE—MISCELLANEOUS Under this heading subscribers to the Herald may Insert an advertisement of (H words or less, tour tlmeß, free of cost, provided the advertiser is not a dealer In the article or goods advertised. ITiOR EXOlfA^*OE^-^^BILVER "WATCH, full jeweled movement, aud a heavy gold tilled chain and solid gold charm, nnd 1 heavy solid gold ring set with a large opal, for furniture or carpets. Address, J.'. O. box 348, Los Angeles. 7 1710H EXCHANGE—MULE TEAM, YOUNG, . gentle, well matched mid good travelers, will pay cash or exchange Jersey cow or new delivery wagon with top or Hrst-eiass driving and delivery horse. Railroad and San Eernando sts. ti I[soit EXCHANGE A WELL ESTABLISHED grocery, valued at about &1000, will exchange for a lot valued ut about 8800 or $400 and balance casli or for house and lot. or for all cash, inquire at KM E. Third st.. Los Angeles. 5 I*OR EXCHANGE —SHOOTING GALLERY outfit, comprising rifles, revolvers, targets lamps, etc, for a team of horses or mules. Ad dress WILLI A MS' CI >-OPE RATI YE FEED YAltr, 723 Buena Vista st. 8 IjlOR EXCHANGE—A 868 DAVIS 9BWING machine as good as new for a hammerlcss double-barrel shotgun. Must he In good order Address or call at HIT West 23rd St., city. 5 I7IOR EXCHANGE—A GOOD, GENTLE FAM ? Ily horse, free driver, lor cows or a large, work horse. Call or address WM. BOSBYSHELL, 107 S. Broadwuy, or cor. Magnolia and Highland aye. 6 ITIOR EXCHANGE - CAMPINO OUTFIT, : Rant ranch wagon and mules, will exchange Hue driving horse, ft years old, nnd new grocery wagon with top. Railroad and Han Fernando sts. 6 Ijs.Oß EXCHANGE — COOK STOVE AND trunk for good tent; also good printing press, type, cases, etc , for good, double-barrel, breach loading shot gun. Railroad and San Fernando sts. (I I[s.Oß EXCHANGE—FEED AND OOOD CARE of horse for use of horse few hours each day on city delivery wagon. 558 S. Los Angeles st., I<os Angeles. 8 I7UHI EXCHANGE—A NO. 1 FRESII COW ? and calf for double-seated or "jump"-seated buggy, or what have you to offer? 318 W. Four teenth rt. 0 ITIOR EXORANOE-800 2-YEAR-OLD LEMON ' trees for exchange for what have you to offer? Address, OTTO WARNKE, 328 Temple. 10 FOR EXCHANGE —FOR CITY LOT OR SALE at asacrlllee a good upright piano; only short time In use. 1323 S. HIH st. 8 FOR EXCHANGE — WANTED —TO Ex change, second-hand open buggy for light spring wagon. Inquire at 218 Vignes su WANTED — ROOM AND "jJOARD IN"ltE spectable Spanish private family; terms must be reasonable. Letters to H, box 30, this » office. f 6 W^"ante d -partner-partner want ed with j}3fto in the best payiiui employment and business chance olllco lv tiie city Adoress D, box IK>, Herald. ft ASSAYER AND CHEMIST * r|S.HE BLMETALLIC ASSAY OFFICE AND X Chemical Laboratory, 124 8. Main st. K. A. PEREZ, K. M.. Manager. 4-10 FOR EXCHANGE—REAL ESTATE Rates for advertisements undpr this classifica tion—! time, ft cents per line; I weo k, SO cents per line; 1 month. $1 per line. V.l OR EXCHANGE OH SA IS-"mVVeSTERN JT addition, adjoining Baptist college grounds, be yond West Lake park Here Is an opportunity to buy iv afashlonuhle and rapidly growing section of the city at acreage prices. Also mv oust side add I tion. over 203 acres; tun acres are in gum trees planted sS veil years ago. In *!>4 I sold the wood uncut for 01400; last yearl sold the wood On the part not cut the year before tor $1450. This ground will pay s per cent on what 1 will sell il for I now and lft per cent in 5 years; the yield Increases wll h age. hfs within fl miles of the center Of th • city. If you want productive acreage property with a good iutore. being available lor residence, ■ this Is your opportunity. 1 Also urn acres fruit and alfalfa lands at $23 per | acre. This around Is situate In the finest and ! richest section or ihe slate, being five miles di ; reclly east of FutlertOh, and under the union Ana heim water ditch. Also 70 acres crnln laud near Perris. Also i acres Immediately sou:h of city in Lugo trad. As I am obliged to sell, here Is an opportunity to get property at a great sacrifice. HENRY T. HAZARD, No. 0, Downey blk. | JjlOH EXCHANGE—CITY— i ?i7ft to 8400—Lots in East Los Angeles; what I I have you? ,™ [ 12000—5-room house, modern. Victor Heights j tract. **7fto each —2 (In" lots, Relmont aye. FOR EXCHANGE—COUNTRY. $3200-040 acres oil land near Ventura. flOJO—Equity 180 acres, Son Diego eountv, near Valley Cent, f, ■8001] Equity ft. l acres alfalfa land. 12 miles from city; highly improved: will take part eastern. ftOOS—Kqttlty 20 acres, Riverside county; 2300 trees 8 years old. 18830—All clear, 100 acres. Kent county; wants city, ftroom cottage. Long Reach ; wants city. 95500—55 acres near Hartford, on Southern Pa ne railroad; wants Missouri land. $2120— .vj acres, sa:i Bernardino country* win ns- SUine. ,*7ft»—lo acres. Articla. j/jooo —20 acres in urapeland; make nn offer. *7ftfK)—2i) acre-. Sun Bernardino county; 10 to oranges 4 years old. 10 to apricots and peaches 8 years old; wants lodging house, feed stable or store lv city. J, L. ADAMS <t CO., 5 128 s. Broadway. 1710 R EXCHANGE -C A HUE NOA VALLEY lands, improved and unimproved, to exchange for city improved. AMONG OTHERS: 5-inom house and ft acres lemons, near Hollv wocd. to exchange for city. 8-ro itn house, 2 stories, and ft acres mixed fruits, near Hollywood, for city. 7 acres unimproved foothill, near Ilo'.lywood, for city. Two 5-acre tracts, part unimproved, pnrt In lem ons and deciduous. Cahncnga valley, lor city. 4 acres, Prospect park, Cahuenga vnlley, for city. Cahtieuga vnllev headquarters. MOLL * WHEELER, 5 12ft W. Second st. ."F° X J:x( HANf,K ~ 10-room house, Adams si., for nn Improved ranch. a-room cottage, Twenty-fifth st.. for land, ft-room c Mtnge near Hoover, lor land. 7- room cottage for land, lu-room residence, southwest for land. B-room cottage, ti. Fourteenth, for land. 8- room house for land. Any of tbe above can be exchanged for good COUtttry properly to about one half tne price of ihe city. RUN ELS A BLAISDELL, ft-s Bl7*a s. Broadway. IsOR EXCHANGE—4B-A ORE RANCH IN Santa Barbara county. Good house and out hull dings, lft acres deciduous fruits, hearing, ami 400 acres unimproved, all good land, total value ?!*,o>n, mortgage $aouo at ; per cent net ; want busi ness proposition lv this state or Arizona. L. w. MITCHELL, 5 32s s. Ilroadwny. . IJIQ R EXCH ANG E— ls-a c R E RANCH IN 1 : Riverside county• New 8-room house, barn and outbuildings, artesian water, 4 acres decidu ous fruits; want rooniinghouse or some business proposition bore or In Arizona, L. W. MITCHELL, 5 828 s. Rrondway. I.IOR EXCHANGE—B2O,OO3; HIGHLY 1M- J proved ranch In the city limits, Month, for hotel tv any good town or city, same value; this ranch is south of the Central aye. 1 ate additions. L. W. MITCHELL, 5 32 s S. Hrondway. (>R EXCHANGE—OOf)TTN<)RT 11 E RNCAL -1 ifornla and Oregon lands, clear, for city or country property; would take a looming house or any good property and assume. L. W. MITCHELL) ft ;us s. Hroadway. IflOR EXCHANGE—SOME VACANT LOTS ' for house and lot, and will assume from MOO to $J2OU; ft room house, barn, good lot, 88000, for ranch close to city, clear; B-room cottage, barn, good location, near Peur, ifJOiHi, for small ranch; some good fruit ranches at Ontario for City. ED WARD ERASER, 218 s. Broadway. 6 1710R EXCHANGE—DESIRABLY LOCATED . property in Los Angeles at actual cash value for an alfalfa ranch within fifteen miles of the city ; want something worth about |IU,OOOtO 112,00 t ; lor guotl reasons am offering this really choice property for alfalfa property. Leonard MER RILL, IHO Rradnury Blk. ft ISOR EXCHANGE. FOR CLEAR LAND IN 1 Calif., (vtxl-11, with two houses, rented $30 per mouth, on north Fort st., St. Paul, only a minutes walk from business center, and 100 feet from car line; price, -*sft to. Incumbrance, !?JftiM», due in IftOS. See DAY, litt,'. S. Spring st. ft TjlOR EXCHANGE—GOOD 9 ROOM CITY X residence; good Income property. Incum bered; for Northern California or Oregon ranch. L. W. MITCH EL, 5 328 s. Broadway. FOR EXCHANGE — EASTERN INCOME property, no Incumbrance, for resilience in city or foothill ranch; would nstume small amount. L. W. MITCHELL, 5 S. Broadway. T7-OR EXCHANGE - 183-ACRE FARM 30 X miles from Richmond. Virginia; 10-room house and other bu hlings; good orchard, timber and water;cheap at fJOOO] want a home in Califor nia. See GEO. HARLAN, 328 S. Broadway. 5 FOR EXCHANGE—I2-ROOM FLAT AND LOT «4 feet front, close in; also good 10-room house and lot near car line for land or vacant lots, R. VERCII, room 80 Temple blo.'k. sun tues thurs ti ITIOR EXCHANGE - A MANUFACTURING J proposition in Wash!ngton and Oregon tor California ranch properly, valued ut $10,000 to $15, -000. Address J), box 110, this office. 12 IjlOR EXCHANGE-WE II AYE CLIENT ' who Is building ft cottages on E. Fourteenth st.; will exchange half, balance mortgage. KUN ELS «t BLAISDELL, 317' a S. Broadway. & FOR EXC HANG E—sfto EQUITY IN LOT near electric car line, balauce to be paid quar tsrly. Want horse, huggv, cow or watch. Ail dress 11., box 10, Herald office. ft ITIOR EXCHA;NGE-EXCa\.USIVE AGENCY J for eastern manufacturer. Will tnko city or couutr>* property lor part payment. Address S. E., Herald oiiice. fl-tf FOR EXCHANGE-BICYCLE FOR A GOOD, fresh milch cow. GEO. HARLAN, 32s s. Broadway. 8 FOR EXCHANGE—IOO ACRES CHOICE OIL land for Jewelry. Sco DAY, 119,' a S. Spring, ft P^^Ol^L^ PERSONAL — A TRADESMAN OF GOOD charater desires acqalntaiice with a girl, pleas ant and of good nature; age about 2ft; object, mu tual enjoyment for beginning. "Why do you go alone and lonesome then?" C, box i«), Herald. 5 PER SO NAL— N OT ONLY LOS A NGELES people, but people from all the neighboring towns llnd It wise and pleasant and satisfactory to trade at the U. s. Harness store, U. s. Hotel block. 2-4-5 I >ERSONAL—GENTLEMAN, IN BUSINESS, of 29, considered good looking, worth $1200, wishes the acquaintance of young lady not over 22, must be good looking; object matrimony. Address E, box 40, Herald office. 7 PERSONAL— YOUNG MAN, AGE 20 YKARS well connected, desires to meet lady who would enjoy having a good time during coming summer. Address X, box bO. Herald office. 5 PERSONAL— DID YOU SEE THE ICE AND Cold Storage company's parade? The har nesses were made at the U. B, Harness store, U, S. Hotel block. 2-4-5 PERSONAL - NEW PROCESS - IRR EG Ce lerities, from whatever cause, cured without medicine, instruments or pain; sure euro; $1 treat ment; home. 819 Grand aye. b-3-« PERSONAL— YVIIAT'S YOUR EXCUSE FOR putting up with nn ill fitting harness when you may have the best for ahout the same money. U S. Harness store, U. S. block. 2-4-5 PERSONAL- THOSE THAT WANT MONEY at tho lowest rates of Interest on anything will find that by calling 011 230 BYRNE BUILD ING they can bo accommodated. 5 PE BSON A L—IIIGII EST PRICES PAID FOR ladles' and gent's second-hand clothing. MRS. BESSIE, 70*)? i S. Spring st. 4 28 BICYCLES _ I ISA 1, B—TN 1: W~TsIW NA PoLKO> ;" UN IT doubtedly best bicycle made; coat. 0126; pric.», $00. The Savoy, room 2, Fourth and Hill. •» ' LARS EN A CO. HAVE THE AGENCY H. for Relay Stoycles. 223 W. Fifth st. 8-10 financAl Rates for advertisements under this classlflca tion—i time ft cents per line; 1 week, 80 cents per line; 1 month, 91 per line. Wo have come from the east and have tod much money, entirely too much money for the alse Ofthe city. * We can't make money hy holding It In our hand, so you can have it at your own price and pay H back as follows: The Installment plan, Building association plan, Or your own plan. 229 BYRNE BUILDING. WHY MONEY is n>;kdko QUICELY: First—There may be sotM unforeseen disaster. Second-There may he sickness. Third-some good investment where you may want an Option and do not want to sacrifice any thing. Kuch things happen in everyone's life, and we are the people to help you and give you what you ask. WHAT WE LB3b MONEY ON. We lend money on anything, from a shoe 3trlt:g to an elephant—libraries, household goods, pianos, 'diamonds, fixtures, live slock, warehouse receipts, ™ ts. HOW WE CAN HELP YOU. If yon have a chattel mortgage with any other company we will pay it off and Charge you less in terest and give you all the time you want to pay it in. Another good feature of our company Is the pro tection from notoriety which we give our patron - No loud, flashy advertisement on our office doors or windows, not a letter to Indicate our business, nothing hut the number In red letters on our door. [so you can enter our office without the fear Of those passing by knowing « hat you are after. All business strictly confidential. Last, but not least, l in- interest. Our rates are em rates, and if you have good collateral you will And ns the best in the city, because we have tag) much money lying Idle in the bank which we must invest. INVESTMENTS. If you have money to invest we will lend It out at good interest lot yon, without any risk, fOr a small commission, sec us; it win pay you and save yon many dollars, If you have money to In vest or want to borrow. Our offices are In th •Kyrnc building, cor. Th'r.l and Broadway. Nos. H2H and SSI, second floor. Remember the number, It Is In red letters on the door, 229 211 BYRNE MUILDING, 6 Eos Angeles, cat. IJACIFIC I.OA N CO LOANS IV ANY amount on all kinds of collateral s'curltv, diamonds, Jewelry und seal skins, also on piano*, furniture and household goods In private, lodxin* and hoarding houses or hotels without removal. Partial payments received. Money quick; business confidential; private ollice for ladles. W. E. DE oroo'i, manager, rooms 2 and 4, in s Sprlngst. IrNION loan CO.— J Stlmson Hlock. Loans money on all kinds of collateral securit v | watches, diamonds, seal skins and furniture In lodging and hoarding houses and on plalios without removal: also on bonds, stocks, mortgages] low In terest ; money at once; business confidential; pri vate otllce lor ladles; room 111. CLARK K. SHAW, manager roonis in and 113 lirst floor; Stlmson block. tf rpilE HERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SO- X clety Of ssn Francisco Will make loans on Im proved city ami country property ■ on loans oftMOOattd under, certificates Ol title from the Title insurance and Trust Co. will be accepted, making the expenses on such loans very smalL Building loans a Specialty, Apply to Jt. O. LU NT i Agent. 227 W. second, tl-lfttf ON EVERY SATURDAY EVEN!NO AFTER March 2s the stale Loan and Trust to npany wlll be opened from 7to BiSOn, m., for the benefit Of its Intern -t -hearing depositors, which are re ceived at 9, l and ft per cent per annum. Tne sufe deposit department will alao be open during the sume hours to aecommo.late Us pa trons. M TR. COHN— J« The Los Angeles Pawnbroker, 141 N. Main st .loans money on diamond*, watches, jewelry, firearms, pianos, libraries and all other collateral Securities; also sells unredeemed pledges for money loaned and one month's Interest added; make no mistake, it Is thr reliable L. B. COHN, the Los Angeles pawnbroker. 9-10 y R BALE— School bonds of California. School bonds Of Arizona. < ilty water bonds of California. Corporation mortgage bonds. II By NATIONAL RANK OF CALIFORNIA MONEY TO LOAN, LONG OR SHORT TIME, .on furniture, pianos, diamonds, watches, jewelry, live sio-k. carriages, real estate, etc., private office; business confidential, for ladles or gentlemen. CHARLES G. LAMB, SIM fe. spring st., Stowell block, rooms «6 and «7. 4-S ■\ fON E V TO LOA N IN ANY A MOU NTS .ivl. on diamonds, watches, jewelry, pianos, safes. lodging-houses, hotels and private household furniture; low interest; money quick; private office for ladies. O. M. JONES, rooms 14 and lft, 242' a s. Broadway, adjoining city hall. 4-1S IJOINRENTER1 JOINRENTER & WADS WORTH, BROKERS, tOO w. Second st.. buy and sell stocks, mort gages, bonds and any good securities; If you wish tn lend or borrow or invest in real estate call o i us; collections made and property managed for non-residents. 2?t.* fi!O fc >t AVERAGED EACH WEEK FOR ♦ _— •) the last four years by placing |10. Dividends paid weekly; can withdraw any time. Chance of a lifetime. C. E. COOPER A CO , Coy. Ington, Ky. sun 4t IF YOU HAVE ANY FIRST-CLASS SECU ritles, mortgages, bonds, stocks or notes for sale, or wisli to make an Investment Of this kind* address R. ALTSCIII'L, 123', W. Second St., Bur, dick blk*. Wed A Sun tf MONEY' TO LOAN-CITY OR COUNTRY property, 5' a to 8 net; personal notes or se curity; mortgages bought and sold. If you have money to loan or wish to horrow any amount call on JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 220 W. First, tf NATIONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. loans money on all kinds of collateral secu rity; money quleklv; business strictly confiden tial. Rooms W and M. Bryson block, fifth floor. JOHN MITCHELL JONES, manager. 7-8-iyr ~\TOS EY' WANTED-$12,000-ON CITY FROP -IVX ertv worth $25,000; property well located; Is enhancing iv value steadtly and will continue; will pay current rate. 8 per cent net. LEONABD MERRILL, 210 Bradbury Blk. 6 rpn LOAN-MONEY IN SUMS TO SUIT AT .1 reasonable rales. WILLIAM F. BOSBY SHELL, 107 S. Broadway. IP-lStf T WANT "ALL THE MONEY I CAN GET. X Have you any to lend? I can guarantee you I'rum Bto 10 per cent per month without risk. R. A. NEWLY N, 2;SI Byrne Bldg. LOANS AND DISCOUNTS—WM. G. TAL* cott, Sid Bradbury block. Thirty and 60-day loans on bonds, collaterals, negotiable securities; rates reasonable. 4*lo cod MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry, pianos, JJvo stock, car riages, bicycles,all kinds of personal and collateral security. 'LEE BROS., 403 S. Spring st. 0-21 rriO LOAN—UNLIMITED AMOUNT FOR X small loans; no commission; light expense. SECURITY LOAN AND TRUST CO., 228 8. Spring st. MlO LOAN — 9300, 8 PER CENT; TIME TO I_ suit ; real estate. Address F, box 00. this of fice. * rilO LOAN-fIOOO TO OIO.OOION REAL ESTATE X security. ALLISON BARLOW,I2S S. Broad way. V™' - WAN! BP—AGENTS WANTED— AGENTS COIN MONEY WITH the new dice wheel; every saloon and cigar store huvs one at sight; get a dozen and rent them out; WW sold In Sun Francisco alone; sample game 60c. FORESTER NOVELTY CO., No. 180 Ban some st., Sab Francisco. 0 TIT ANTK D-AO KNTS-OE AL DIRECT WITH W us—we manufacture large line of aluminum •roods and new specialties that sell; Illustrated cat alogue free. MANUFACTURING C 0.,1.3-25 Ran dolph st., Chicago. 6 OK NTS—GOLD, GLASS SIGNS, NAME plates, numbers; readable the darkest nights. Write for samples. THOMAS A CO., Engle wood, Ills. 8-4t-sun WANTED - THREE OR FOUR GOOD agents to solicit for the M. K. system. In quire at 481 Broadway. 4 WANTED—TWO b URnIsHeIT "ISSwSSX, one or 5 rooms and one of 6 rooms; mast be close In aud reasonable r mt. (tall or address S. BROWN & CO., 208;, i s. Broadway, room 18. 5 ANTED - WANT NICELY AND COM pletely furnished house, 7 or 8 rooms, for S or 4 months, from May Ist. Adults only. Address X, box 60, Herald ofllce. 6 WANTED — A 5-ROOM COTTAGE, VERY close In. 225 N.Hill st. I CLEANING STEAM CARPET CLEANING, SEWING AND laying. JOHN 11. RICHARDS, 120 N. Spring. Tel. 1 a tf* s-0-tf HOUSE-MOVING AF. SLOPES" HOUSE • U3 N. Broadway.