Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE I Rates for advertisements under this rdtsvriflca lOli- f time. 5 cents per Hue; I week, 33 cents pei ne; 1 month, $1 per line. Houses and Lots IN OR S.M.F A CHARMING ROME BELOW Coal and value; good street., good neighbor hood. sOod lot and good house; everything abour It good except price, Which Is very 'much lower tlian the figure it coal or would take lo duplicate. Ir you vvant a home, Bright new comfortable, and elegant,for less money than you will ever get it again, Investigate this, for it means $1000 saved ou your purchase Here is another, an elegant 12-room, new house, decorated and papered* hard wood and interior finishing, tit for a palace, splendid neighborhood and grounds, every modem Improvement Vor sale, and less than cost sod will show the figures, You'll nor often wee such a bnrgatn; worth 810,000 any day. will sell this week for less than $sooa if you want so «;>od a homo and will let us show It to you you'll buy. We have good, better and best houses; prices to fit any hank account; our list takes In evervihlng from 91100 to $15,000 for a complete home. Wo have recently made a special Search for houses and lots that were exceptionally good and yet whose own ers were obliged, for various reasons, to sell lor actual cost or below, The results of that search we want to show you. IL will pay you to come to us for a home For sale lots, lots, lots—do yon want to build a cottage .' We've a lot for you, cheap and well lo cated. Do yon want to build a house? The lot you want we ere agents for. Do you want to build a mansion? We are right In It with the lot. location ami surroundings. Come In and talk ft over. Do you want to build for husiness? IVell located the building will pay. We've .lost the lot for It. WM. F. BOSBYSHELL, 6 107 South Broadway. DIOR SALE-HOUSES- S. Brown A Co., 200J< South Broadway. Room 18, Office hours, a. m., to 4:30 p. m. Houses built and sold on monthly payments. We have a choice list of houses In the southwest md lowest obtalnablo price and very easy terms. $1000 cash will take 5-room cottage near two electric car lines, one-half cash. Lot 40x166, cellar, barn,etc. 91200— Four-room house on Hoover street, lot 50x185 to alley, fenced, good Well of water; |60Q cash, balance time $i«oo—Five-room cottage, University car line, one-half cash. Bents for $15 per mouth. $1800—New modern 5-room cottage, close to two electric car lines; 9200 cash, Dal monthly. $2100—New fi-room modern cottage, cement walks, on car Hue, southwest, barn; $500 cash, balance long time, $2300—Nice 6-room modern cottage, gas, street sewered, etc.,, near two electric car lines; $400 cash. $125—Choice lot on Thirty-first, 60x148 to alley. $650— Beauty on West Twenty-third street; cash. Bargains lv homes from 4 rooms to 10. You can save money by seeing S. BROWN A CO., 6 200J4 South Broadway, Room IS. ■piOR SALE—SPECIAL BARGAINS— $3000—New 2-story house near Westlake. $12,000—Grand aye. residence, hot. sixth and Jeventh. $240 -Lots WoollOCOtt trnct, easy terms. $2100— Flower st.. bet. Twelfth and Pico. •40 per foot, Flower, north Of Eighteenth. $700—Towne aye, bet. Fourth ami Fifth, $1300—West side Alvarado, near Sixth. ■0000— Pearl St.. Ninth and Tenth ; 150 feet. $650 to $050— Central aye, Seventh to Four teenth. $1500—Thirtieth st., west of Flgueroa. $1200— Burlington, bet Tenth and Eleventh, •750—Santee at., bet Twenty-first and Twenty* third. $750—Girard St.; sewer, grading paid. $250 per loot, Hill St., bet. Second and Third. 800 per foot, Spring st, bet. Sixth aud Seventh. For these and many other bargains in houses, lots, ranches, alfalfa nnd fruit farms, also for money at (! per cent net on nrst>Class business property, apply to RICHARD ALTBCHTJL, 6 ISaJt* W. Second st, (Burdick blk.) INOR SALE-OWN YOUR OWN HOME— * $53 ('ash. $10 per month. NO INTEREST. Lots on Fourteenth and Newton sts., Us* miles from Spring and First sts.. in the ESTELLA TRACT. •265 TO $350. one block tnun cars, iv neighborhood of neat cot tage homes, where building restrictions aro en forced, thus protecting your property as well as our own; no shanty-1 own attachments permitted ; ir presents the combined features seldom seen of close-in property cheap, at prices nnd terms offered nowhere else in this city; cement walks laid aud paid for; no bonds or interest to worry you; other street improvements made when required. These lots are beauties, lie about one loot above grade, affording a perfect drainage) soil a sandy loam; no mud whatever; look at ail other tracts, then see the Estella. Remember, we charge ab solutely 110 interest, and every dollar paid into your lot; also, that our prices are 25 per cent, cheaper than surrounding lots. Title perfect; cer tificate wiih each lot. For all particulars apply to r. A. STANTON, 115 S. Broadway. Tel. 1164. tues-thurs-suu-l2t 1*4 OR SALE BARGAINS. 11000. - Bonnie Brae lot. . $t)0) -Thirty-llrst st. lot. $1500 6-room house aud nice lot, Thirty-first st. ?Isoo—Lot on Grand aye. $4530—45 ft. on Seventh closo to Main st. Several other real bargains. FOR EXCHANGE. 10-acre fruit ranch, good house, close to city, value 80000. Want city property. so acres Cliatsworth Park; 92600 against ft. Good 8-room house In city fur eastern property Minnesota preferred. Other exchanges. W. TT. GRIFFIN, 3- 22 if 136 s Broadway. INOR SALE—AN ELEGANT S ROOM MOD em house, brand new; southwest; on SO-font Street; convenient to electric lines; large, light and well-designed rooms; parlor, |4xlt>, dtnlugroom, Mxio; splendid bath, hot and cold water, pantry, closets, etc.; house finished In white pine;exter lor is especially pleasing in design: faces south, and is directly facing another Street; will sell for 99900, $Hon cash, balance to suit; other people Would ask $4>oo for ibis place, but owner says 1 "must do something with it quick." LEONARD MERRILL, Sole Agent, 6 240 Bradbury Block. TOOR RALE—S4OOO — VERY HANDSOME B _r room house, new; house is beautiful in de sign; oak entrance, painted Hours handsome woodwork, well finished, decorated reception hull. bath, pantry, closets, hot and cold water. 4 bed rortms, lawn and flowers; closo to 3 car lines; iv. Of my office; 23 minutes either on car or buggy; nice nighhorhood, nice class of people, no rented j houses; wih sell forabove price and on very reas- ! ooau'eteims, LEONARD MERRILL, 240 Brad bury Rlk. ,-, IjlOR HALE—A REAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME, 0-room cottage. In the southwest, less than a block from University line; the handsomest finish you will Und In any ti-ioum cottage in this city; floors polished, cove ceilings, porcelain bath, pat- j •nt Instantaneous heater; lot 50x150 tv alley; price, $3000, on most reasonable terms; small cash pay ment This Is a '-perfect little beauty." You can Imy the furniture which, as well as the bona ', is brand now. 5 LEONARD MERRILL, 21) Bradbury block. 171 OR SALE— 1 A BARGAIN 9f17.»-fi-room cottage, hard finished, on Boyle Heights, one block from electric cars. Street graded and curbed, lot 46x120 to alley, 8875 cash, balance lung time. This is a decided bargain. I S. BROWN it CO.. 5 20f[, l a S. Broadway, room 18. TOOR SALE—ON INBTALLMENTS; si.-, PER J. month, with $50 down, buys a 4-room cottage. , No. 506 Mo/.art st., Enst Los Angeles, near Kuhrts ■St. electric Hue; price $750, interest 10 per cent gross, which is included In the fin monthly in vestigate this snap, B, F. FIELD, 201 New High Tnor HALE OR EXCHANGE—A BEAUTI- J- ful new residence, H large rooms, bath, cellar etc ; all modern Improvements; well located in .SOuthwest part of city; only $8BC0; easy terms or w ill take good city lot in part payment 5 WREN it WREN. 321 W. First St. TjlOR SALE— ~ " 5-room house, Wall st , near Fifth, for cash cheaper than any property on the street. ' N. B. WALKER it CO., 5 3 126J4J W. Second st. TOOR SALE — HOUSES — PRETTY 5-ROOM V couage, S. W., just a block from l.'nlverslty line; nice yard, lawn and flowers; bath, pantry and closets; price only 92000, 9600 cash, balance easy terms 10 suit purchaser. LEONARD MERRILL, 243 Bradbury Blk. B INOlt SALE THOME ELEGANT NEW 4 room cottages w Ith hath aud closets at Ninth ■Qd Central aye; $15 monthly. Will double in value In 000 year. R. 1). LIST, 4- 13 I3B>£ W. Second. INOR KALE HAVE YOU PROPERTY TO : sell or rent .' If you want quick returns see me. Don't brim: any dend pieces or ask fancy prices. 1 sell nnd advertise everything that I handle. It A. NEWLYN, 231 Byrne building, tf Inoi: SALE - A good BUSINESS CORNF-H . win ttage. 8 largo rooms, had. pantry, bo*d, porches, pa Unit c 0401 : bom, Shrubbery, flowers, etc.; i) ittiii Picoata., Pico heights: cheap for cash j. McLean, pico uviguts, 7 171QR BALE 5050 HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS and bath; hart) finish; barn, grove, hedge, lawn, shrubbery and plants; 9860 cush. balance $5.25 per month. Must sell. Owner, 10th aud 11 fcts., Pico Heights. 6 TOOR SALE- nice i room HOUSE and X lot, 80X165, witli stable, trees, etc . neur Cen tral nv. el 'oirlu Hue, for 91260, in $io payments. R. VKlll. 11, room 88, Temple block, sun IUSI Ihurstf TOOR BALK-ON INSTALLMENTS, 4 Room J eotlageon E. Fourteenth st. RUN ELS it BL.MSDKLL, 317'j s. Broadway. 5 DO NOT PAY RENT, BUT BUY A HOUSE on tho installment plan from ALLISON BAR LOW, 123 S. Broadway. 12-13 If FOR HA LE—A NICE 5-ROOM. HARD- Fl V ished house; lot 38x113; trees and shrubbory. Apply 201 East Pico. tf FOR S XLE—R2AL ESTATE Rates for advcrtis.-.neii.-. uti ler Ih'.n classifica tion I time. 5 cents pt*( lice; 1 week, 3 1 cents p*tf line; 1 month, 91 i 1"'" *•**. Houses and Lots toob sale - New house Ruth aye.. Hear Fifth. 92000. l»:t Kearne st.. near Pleasant aye, hard fin ished house, I room*, on lot 88 feet front, 91l00; also 131*4 Kearnv, 5-: oom home, 4> foal lot, pHeS, 9700, 'The*,.' houses aro. on liluli ground, within easy walking distance of Santa Fe and Terminal depots; easy terms. Hard li ills.led house corner Sa* anniih and Michi gan, street newly graded and paid for. price, $Soo. Hard finished 5-room house, corner Michigan ami Evergreen, $803, 6 ROBERT M. PECK, 117 S. Broadway. IjlOR sLALE—9IBOO, monthly PAYMENTS— ' Reautlful new 5-room cottmre; bath, etc ; lane University cars to Thirty-eighth St.; go east to near Wesley aVO, Owner there from 1 to 4 oclock. 0 IJIOB BALE—ROW IS THE 'TIME To BUY * rooming houses. E. T. CASEY' it CO., llUfi S. Broadway. 6 City Lots JpOR SALE BY— -WILDE A STRONG— Workman Park Tract 9850 to $600 for large lots 50x140, having an outlook upon the beautiful HOLLENBECK P A UK. Streets graded, gas and city water. Tho finest resilience propcity iv tho city. It will pay you to take tho NEW ELECTRIC CAR on First st. and visit this property, as well as en joy the beauties of the park. It will only he a short time until the new car line will go out Fourth st. through the center of the tract, which will bring this property wilhin 0 minutes' ride of the center of the city. Make your selection while prices are low. Absolutely unsurpassed for beauty aud grandeur. WILDE A STRONG. $500 apiece buys tho choice lots facing east on Kohier st., bet. sixth and Seventh sts., and close to Central aye. The choicest clo ie In property lv the city. Terms, }.i cash, balance 1, 2 ami 3 years. Belter terms to those who will build at once. WILDE it STRONG. Don't forget to visit Hollenbeck Park today, and while there note the location of the choice lots we are offering. WILDE <fc STRONG. BUSINESS PROPERTY. $4300 buys 13 feet on SEVENTH ST., Close to Main. 'The cheapest piece of property on the street. See It tomorrow. WILDE A STRONG. $10,000—One of the finest business properties In the city; large 3-story brick and basement; build ing alone cost 916,000! location Al WILDE & STRONG. We have 2 of the choicest pieces of property on BROADWAY. One a corner and paying A hantlsirae Income. Let us show you these properties at once. WILDE A STRONG. 86000—A good property, close tn and paying 10 per cent net on 3-yenr lease. WILDE A bTRONG. HOUSES—HOUSES. $1800—Eleitant 5-room modern cottages, on Fas ten st., bet. Central aye. and Kohier; only $350 down, balance $24 a month. The finest little cot tages In the city. You will find them open, and it will pay you to go through them. WILDE A STRONG. $2600 buys a new modern 7-room 2-story house on Clinton aye.; a splendid bargain. WILDE A STRONG. $3350—0ne of the finest homes In the city; 7 rooms, new and modern; located In southwest. WILDE A STRONG. Don't forget the choicest residence property in the city is located in the Workman Park tract, facing on tho beautiful Hollenbeck Park. WILDE A STRONG. j If you want a nice home In the city call on us. WILDE <fc STRONG. COUNTRY PROPERTY. $3000 buys 10 acres on Western aye. As choice a piece of property as adjoins the city. WILDE it STRONG. $1500 buys 52>; acres on Arlington aye, 3 miles from Riverside; choice laud. 'Think of ft! Land within 3 miles of Riverside for $3.) an acre. WILDE it STRONG. $25 an acre with waters—Minn Sola valley land.on the Santa Fe railroad. As good alfalfa land as you can (md in the state Come in aud get one of the new pamphlets just published on Minneola. If looking f<»r farming land it will pay you to see Minueola valley beforo buying. WILDE A STRONG. 97200bnys 2'!' 1 acres at Rivera; 12* acres in snft sheli walnuts 5 years old ;10 acres In alfalfa; good b room hard finished house; a big bargala. I 3 . WILDE A STRONG, General Renl Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 228 W. Fourth St. 5 TJIOR SALE— ORANGEDALE Fine 50-foot lots on Twenty-third St., In If block ofthe electric can* covered with bearing orange treesi streets graded and graveled, cement walks and curbs; at $175 to $5'JO, on easy terms, see them before you buy. GRIDER A DOW, P 169 S. Broadway. -p»OR SALE-SPECIAL BARGAINS .5100—Beautiful lots on car line, $10 per month. 9210—Lots close In. 910 per mouth . $IV) -A beautiful lot on Peru, near Fifteenth st. $ aye.; this Is a beauty. •75)— Splendid lot on Win field st. ■OOO—Los AngeierOt ; this Is a bargain. LOTSPEtOH it NOLTON. 5 324 S. Broadway. I NOR SALE— ? FLOWER STREET Beautiful lot, west front, bet Twelfth ajtd Pico, 92100; several lots, east from , north of Eighteenth, at $-.0 per foot, bet. Ninth and Tenth, at $75 per loot, tooxios feet. Fur sale by RICHARD ALTSGHUL, 5 laajtf W. Second at., Burdlck blk. jmOR SALE— A lot at Westlake Park, on easy monthly pay ments, and build a house ou ft. Also ,'a-acre or aero lots near Fair Oaks aye, South Pasadena, on easy monthly payments, and build houses on them. 6 JOHN* M. C MARBLE. IRQR SALE— WOLFSKILL TRACT Towne aye., bet. Fourth and Fifth, $700; Towne aye., bet Sixth and Seventh,»}«oti. For sale by RICHARD ALTHCHUL, 5 12834 W. second st., Burdlck blk. 1710 R SALE—A GREAT SACRIFICE—MUST go at % its value, tbat beautiful lot two blocks west of Second and Spring bis., stiltahlt) for high grade flats or residence. Price only $6000. See GILBERT:, room 210, S. E. cor. of Second and Broadwuy, or address P, O. box 2IS, city. 320 tf FOR SALE — WILLIAMSON TRACT Glrnrd St., fronting north, grading, sidewalks and sewer paid, $750; easy term! If desired. For sale by RICHARD ALTHCHUL, 5 y-V. W. Second st., Burdlck blk. FOR SALE—CHOICE LOT ON BONSALLO »ye», east trout; elegant location Sot resi dence; will be sold ai a bargain for cash L. W. MITCHELL, " 32:1 K. Broadway. ■jIOB HALIv--?7Vw7'*LOT ON' SHORT ST., OP- A? posite Hewitt; st) feet front; terms lo suit; good building aud renting location; close to S. P. depot. For sain exclusively by RICHARD ALT HCHUL, 128J* W. Second st„ Burdick blk. B I NOB SALE -THE BEST VACANT CORNER . for the least money on Flguer >a at. McKOoN A YOAKUM, 234 W. First St. 11 LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 5, 1896. ' FOR SALE-REAL, ESTATE Bates for advertisements under this classiHen (loo—l time,s cents per line; I weL-k, 30 cents per line; 1 month, t/t per line. City Lots SALE- Hoover at., corner, HH.tiV to nllry adjoining Harper tract, only %Xtb i, or $1400 for half. Sixteenth st—We have a snap bargain tn two Inrge lots, cm h ."i-'jxiTb feet near Union nvc. Westlake nvc hctwecn Mnth and Tenth, 50x16) feel to alley, $140 i. San Julian It, 63x160 feet to alley near Tenth; can't ho duplicated, $193. sixth sc., corner S9 feet near Central park, 17500. Ninth st., near Central aye., 120x132 foot; here is a bargain ; *i rtW takes tt. Maple aye.. east or west front lots between Eleventh and Twelfth, $1053. Union aye., 130x140 feet near Fourteenth st. $2o;x>. Hilt atj corner Eleventh, 40 or 120x125 feet; can sell this deslrahle property cheap. Hill at., comer Eighth, 00x165 feet. As an In vestment for tiie future this property cannot be equaled, price considered. rigueron st., near Adams, 53 feet west front, only |50 per fool. BUI ot, between Fifth and Sixth. We have nn income properly (flats) on which we want an offer. Broadway—Our list shows a number of gilt-edge bargains between First and Seventh sts. If you arOlnterested We would take plensure in telling you about them. HINTON A WHITAKER, 5 123 W. Second St. TOOR SALE— *\rm -Choice lot Bonnie Brae tract; terms. For Sale -*155n cash—Two 6-room houses, close In. now rented foro3) per month. For Bate—Bosl per acre, half cosh, for 12 acres im proved un ?o ith line of ciiy; adjacent land held at $IUUO. For Salc-.?20;n. half cash, balance to suit, for 2,3 acres ou south line of city; on electric line. For Sale—sl2so for 5 acre? Improved, 3 miles south of city. For Sale-Elegant home with elegant appoint ments, {fIOOO cash, balance of 91250 011 time; two acres ground, everything complete. For Sale—*l3 i cash—Beemen and poultry men, here's your chance I 5 room house, some furni ture, 2-hOrse stable, plow, picks, shovels, etc. ; In cubator and brooder house, 15.\26 feet, glass inside and outside runs, hen houses, 10x12 feet, corrals, H-frame removable extractor, 2-ton galvanized iron honey tank, etc.. large sun extractor, etc.. 98 stands bees, 47extra hives. J. L- ADAMS, 5 125 S. Broadway. I JOB SALE—ORIDER it DOW'S a dams st. tr ac t the tract of homes hi choice residence lots unsold are now offered at 1800 to $1000 on easy psvments: 800 lots have been sold and over 250 homes built In tho past is months; a school building that cost over $J7,00U and a tine church are located in this tract; live miles of streets, graded, curbed ami sldewaiked; and lined with2ooolovely shade ami palm treeH; city water, electric lights, modern street cars with 10-mlUUte service; only 1! minutes' time from business center; four s<i-foot streets and one UMt-foot street; lot4Txl3j to alley ; high and sightly location; rich loam soli, no mud. Don't buy for a home nor tor an Investment until you see tho '■Adams st Tract." Free carriage from our offiOS, Telephone 1209, For maps, prices and views of this tract, call on or write to GRIDER it DOW, 9 l.'W s. Broadway. ■jpU>R SALE JUST THINK OF IT! The Alexandre Weill tractofferacholot* buiLliu* lota on Eighth, Ninth aud Twelfth streets, near Central avenue car line, 25x123 lo alley, at 9800, $325 and 9300, on small cash pav uu-nt und monthly installments of only $10. No interest charged ou deferred payments. Only one hundred lots left of tlte original four hundred, and when tbey have been disposed of such a chance to get a home within walking dis tance at low prices and upon easy terms may nev er offer again, Title absolutely perfect. An un limited certificate of title or a policy of insurance of the Title Insurance and Trust Oo; Issued with every agreement of sale. For maps, price list and all particulars address RICH \RD ALTSCHUL, 7-e o dtf \UH W. Second st., Burdlck blk. TOOR SALE-CHEAP LOTS— $350—Mignonette, near Beaudry, $325—Ceres aye.. near Sixth. •050—85-foot lot. Ceres aye., near Sixth. •000—Towne, near sixth. •060—Gladys, near Filth. $1030- 87j|XlL0. Towne. near Third. »7? a or6sfeet, E. 90oP--SanteOi near Washington; everything paid, fl 100— Maple aye., near Eleventh. noO— 40-foot lot, Wall, near' Twelfth. $053- One ofthe best lot* in South Bonnie Brae. 5(100 — Belmont aye., near Temple. 1 $4*6—Court Circle, corner lot. G. C. EDWARDS, 6 233 W. First. "pi OR SALE-CITY LOTS— $7500- 8 lots on South Main street; terms. 910,000—A very tine lot on Court, near Olive; terms. $75 per front foot—Lot 10711x176 feet, Flgueroa street. 92050—Tw0 6-room houses, close In, rented $20 per month. 91SO0- Bonnie Brae Tract, lot 50x150 feet. •8750- 2 aen s and 7-room house, close in, a beau tiful home. 88000—jl* acres very cheap, Gardner street. $15U-Lots on installments. Call and see us, for We will Sllityou. J. L. ADAMS it CO,, 5 125 s. Rrondway. "pIOR SALE GRAND BARGAINS $300- Large r,o-foot lot on Twenty-ninth st., in one block of the electric cars, at 9800—926 cash and tho balance at 910 per month ; street graded and grav eled ■ cement walks aud curbs, and sprinkled. Car riages from our oiiice. GRIDER A DOW, 9 180 s. Broadway. TOOR SALE— A GREAT SACRIFICE! Must go at two-thirds its value, that beautiful lot two blocks west of Second and Spring streets; suit able for high-grade h' Htf * or residence; price only 96090, See gilbert, room 2:s, southeast corner of Second ami Broadway, or address P, O. box 248, city. • 5 TOOR SALE— CLANTON TRACT $650—Choice resirience lots in this beautiful tract at $55;, with a small C.tstl payment, the balance ou longtime. The streets are all graded, graveled, with cement walks and curbs. Located on Four teenth st., san Pedro and clanton sts.; only a few minutes' walk to the business center. Free car riages. GRIDER A DOW. 1) 130 S. Broadway. I NOR SALE—6O-FOOT LOT ON CLEAN SIDE 1 W. Twenty-third at, cement curb and street graded, $000; &JXI6O feet lots southwest on Third &Ve.,910U; ten si>xlsn-foot lots on a 100-foot aye., southwest, iii Arlington Heights tract, 91000, one third cash, one, two and three years; 5 x 150 foot lot on west side Vermont aye, southwest, 9760; jot 46x120 on By ram st., near Tenth, $000; 2 lots. 60x147, on W . Twentieth, $350 each, 850 cash aud $15 per mouth, and hundreds of bargains in vacant lots and bouses aud lols. EDWARD ERASER, 210 S. Broadway. 5 J[lOR BALE— bot 60 fe3tea*ft First close to electric cars, $200. Corner Lot 50x100, Second and Franceses, $150. Lou on Michigan aye, street grading paid for, 9200 each. Fifty reet on Pleasant aye., 8700, St. John st. lot, $350. Fine lot, Bush st., north of Washington, $S5O. Lot Eamona St, $400. 5 ROBERT M. PECK, K7 S. Broadway. "pIOR SALE— •900—Lot 40x180, Ninth st, near Central aye. $500— Lot 40x125, Towne aye. ftiOO — Lot 60X180, Belong st., near Fourteenth. soso—Large lot, Ninth st., near Central aye IJl2OO— Lot 85x140. Ninth St.. near Central aye. $1000- 2 lots In oil well district lor cash, Come and buy cheaper than at any time. ii. B. WALKER tt CO., 5-3 Rio 1 ., W. Second st. fJIOR SALE-9500-CHOICE CORNER LOT, I? Sixteenth and Denver aye, good building site, near 2 car lines, $200 cash, balance on lime; line locution for a home L. W. MITCHELL, 5 32s 0, Broadway. 171 OR SALE—SPECIAL BARGAIN-$000; LOT * 50x175; street Improvements complete; half hlock west of Figucma, and north of Washington; best offer on the market. (1 JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 220 W. First. JJIOR S A LE— ATT E N'T lON, HOMES EEK EI IS; ; 3 or I more of the finest and host lots In the city can be bought iv the Green tract by calling at once on E. K. GREEN, «or. Union aye. and Ninth. 11 17* lO Jt SALE—WE SELL THE EARTH. RAS ? SETT A SMITH. Poiuona.Cal. 6-2U tf PO 61 -TR YWA NT ED - It AN t' H ERS WILL do well to call al. the I.os Angeles Pouln v yards cast of the river on Rio at., south, about Highest price paid in cash. J. Y. JOHN-SON, pro prietor 4-18 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Rates for advertisements under this classifica tion - I time. 5 cunts per line; I week, 30 cents per Hue; 1 month, $1 per line. Country Property JIOR SALE AND EXCHANGE— A. A. IRISH A CO., 236;.' S. Spring St. "20 acres 12 miles from Los Angeles; 150 acres In alfalfa, balancu lv corn and pasture: 4 artesian wells, 8 large barns, sh »ds and all outbuildings, One orchard, targe house; all fenced and croso* fenced: horses, cows and a'l farming Implements; place all free ami clear and will guarantee buyer 12 per cent on purchase price; down, balance any time; price for everything, $35,003. Come and investigate this bargain. I acres In full bearing walnuts, 2 miles from Rivera; house, barn, well, good water rights; fam ily orchard; on main road to I/»s Angeles; all free aud clear; largo Income every year; will ex change for good house nnd lot here, but it must, be worth $4000, as this place pays 15 per cent on that price. Fine 8-room house, near Washington St.. and 2 acres of land, for good alfalfa ranch of 20 acres near here; price $3500; mortgage $550. A lovely 8-room. nil modern, new house; fine Inwn, cement walks; In southwest part of city ; all clear; for small ranch. fi-room, all modern houil, large lot, on car line; for bee ranch, with Improvements; uear Burbank preferred. 3 lots, good corner; B-room house, rented at $20 per month; price 94600; mortgage9lsoo; want fruit ranch or alfalfa; will give good trade. 100 acres, 8 miles from city, all In corn, garden truck and alfalfa; 0-Dom house, large bam, all outbuildings; fenced and cross-fenced; artesian well, and water pipes all through the house und baru. Will exchange for a fine home in Los An geles. 21 acres in full bearing deciduous fruit; fine water right; sandy loam soil; near a fine little town; place in best oT shape; for house and lot iv city. Also 10 acres full bearing olives; fine water right; all free and clear; for city property. 4 acres, good 4-room house, good barn, chicken houses and Incubators; place all In fruit and straw berries; fine Windmill; a splendid Job with the place. $33 per month by neighbor place; all free and clear, for house nnd lot in city. 10 acres, fl miles from city, all In alfalfa, cut seven times last year; all free and clear, for house and lot hero. 10 acres, ono mile from Burbank, 3 acres In de ciduous fruits In bearing; 2 acres lv alfalfa, balance in watermelons, anil house and lot In Burbank, for southern Michigan or northern I ndiana property, and will assume. Now is a Chance for some of you eastern people to gel a home out here. 100 acres, some damp land, all under plow, and level; good housa and barns, line well of water, for good equity in house anil lot here. 97 acres near VerdugO, good house, barn and outbuildings; splendid water rights; part In lem ons and deciduous fruit, all free and clear; 0 miles trom here: for city property. 40 acres fine sandy loam soil, all set to decidu ous fruits aud almonds; house, barn und outbuild ings; fine water right, and all free und clear, and some cash for good house and lot here, 160 acres, most all under cultivation, 16 acres cherries, apricots and peaches, full bearing; 4-room house, barn, honey house, 86 stands of bees, so acres fenced; one mile from statlou; all clear, and will trade for house and lot here. 160 acres, all under cultivation, house, two barns, fine well; 10 acres damp land; balance fine land for almonds or deciduous fruit, for good east ern property. 60 acres. 10 miles from Los Angeles; 37 acres al falfa, 4 acres family orchard in bearing, balance in pasture and barley; 7 different enclosures fenced With wire; splendid water right; 8-room house. - barns, 4outbuildings,o floored hog houses; water piped all through place; 20 head Of thoroughbred cows, leglstered; 20 head registered hogs, 13 horses; all farming Implements, wagons and boggles; everything complete, and a lovely homo and money-making place; price, 98000 on terms. 13 acres, one milo from Rivera, 7 acres full hear ing walnuts, 3 acres alfalfa, 3acres potatoes; 5-room house, good barn and outbuildings; splendid water right, and all free and clear; will sell on easy terms, price, $2Suo. 8-room house, all modern; 2 large lots; on car line; house rented for $2o per month; for small ranch near Downey or Rivera. I have all kinds of exchnnges. and will try and give you v good trade or sell you n place you can make money on. A. A. IRISH ft CO., 5 280)4 8, Spring st. JIOR SALE— Ten acres, with water, at Vineland. on new loop line of Southern Pacific; two-story house, barn, level land in cultivation; close t > store, postofflce, church, .school and station, 91601. Twenty-eight acres at Vineland; ft* ncres tn grain, is acres in bearing peaches and prunes, 2 acres of berries; house, stable, shed and cistern; abundance of water; juice, 98300. Forty acres near ( ucamonga station, $800, 160 acres at Harold station, on Southern Pacific railroad: place Cleared and under cultivation; price, $2100. 5 ROBERT M. PECK, 147 S. Broadway. Business Property I nor BALE—2O ACRES IN walnuts, peaches, prunes and figs, near City, railroad, school and church: moist soil; as fine as the sun shines on; in bearing; healthy, vigorous growth, at $25 an acre and the cost only of preparing, plant ing and bringing to Its present productive condi tion ; this orchard needs no irrigation ; you are not wading In water and mud nine months out of the year, up to your center of gravity, to keep life iv your trees, besides paying as much for Water as I the profit on your crop; 1 have bad years of practi cal experience, and l know what l am saying when I tell you, Mr. Tenderfoot, that then* is not an acre of ground in this country of climate tiiat is worth mo c than $50 an acre; the only curse rest ing on this beautiful land is the outrageously ex orbitant price of raw land demanded by these Shy locks who are selling It, and you tenderfeet are the deluded Victims Who are furnishing the pound of flesh. Paste this In your hat and address OWNER, W. C. T. U. bldg., room 2. tf TjlOR BALE BROADWAY LOT, We have a choice piece of property on this fine street, centrally located, now in the heart of the business center. We are Offer ing this property at such a low price that Will make the lucky buyer a handsome profit within a short time. CLARK <fc BRYAN, 127 W. Third st 7tf WANTED^-MISCELLANEOUS "Mr ANTED—CARPENTER TO BUILD COT iV tage and lake cheap lot as part payment; also a customer for cheap, new 4-room cottage, close in with $50 to $100 cash, halance monthly payments. Call ou george harlan, 328 s. iiroadway. 8 -TTT AXT E D-Q UIC K!TO PU RCHASE ST ANI >- vv Ing gum-wood In tracts of 10 acres upward; give location, age of grove, and price per cord. Address J. L. ADAMS tt CO., 125 S. Broadway. 4t "TTTANTRD — 100 LADIES TO PURCHASE t\ Easter hats at your own figures ut auction, Monday, 2 oclock, 210 W. Second St. 5 WANTED— GOOD, LIGHT 2-SEATED BUG gy or surrey, cheap for cash. THOS. fi. ASHTON, 220 Byrne building. & WANTED — SECONDHAND SCREW-CUT tlng, foot-power lathe; Barnes' preferred. Address ti. box 40, this oifico. 7 WANTED— 288 BYRNE BUILDING WANTS to lend money on anything, from a needle to nn anchor. 5 WANTED— TO PURCHASE A SMALL gas engine or electric motor. Address 231 E. 27th st. 5 NtXT A NTED—A N OPEN TOP BUGGY, IX \\ gooil order, if a bargain. Address c. W. v.. 3u7 E. Second bt. 7 \\ T A NTED— A KEATING BICYCLE, 05 PAT- V» tern. Must be lv good condition und low price. M. box 80, Herald ofllce. tf PtjYSSCIAISS DRT DOHA KTNG, ENGLISH specialist; diseases of women; all irregulari ties restored; treatment confidential; cure guar anteed. 440 S. Broadway. 6-6-06 . —o——,—. MRS. E. C. DENSE, M. D.. HOMOEOPATH Electric bain, $1. One electric bath free, tor ladies only. 734', S. Spring at. Los Angeles, Cat. Office hours 10 to 11 a. m., 3to 4p. m. 4-14 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Rates for advertisements under this classlfiea tion—l time, I cents per Rue; 1 week, Jucents per line; l month fl per line. Country Property JjlOR BALE— A real barc&ln in the Lick tract 8 1-5 acres of very choice land. Most charmlngsituatinn tor a villa home. Ideated on Vermont aye. bet. the Sunset boule vard and the Santa Monica, electric car line. This fine property Is owned by a non-resident. Its nearness to the city and fine elevation make it specially desirable. We aro authorized to sell nt $400 per acre. DARLING <fe PRATT, Sole Agents, * Rrokers, Bradbury bldg. JN,OR SALE— 10,000 ACRES. Finest ranch in California, bordering on Pacific ocean, twenty minutes by rail from Los Angeles; perfect climate, no frosts, no hot winds, fertile soil; two water systems; suitable for oranges, lemons, grapefruit, olives, peaches, apricots, psars, wal nuts, prunes, corn, beans, etc* Will sell the wholo or In small tracts. D. FREEMAN. Owner, 5-1 5!)5 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. -pOR SALE VALUABLE WALNUT RANCH AT RIVERA, 62,' i ACRES 12U acres In trees about J5 years old. 42 acres in treea about 7 to 10 y|urs old. f* acres In Susquehanna peaches also in hearing. Tills ranch is In the walnut belt and is in the highest state of cultivation, abundant free water right; all necessary ranch buildings aud agricul tural Implements on the premises; Immediate possession If desired; liberal terms. Walnut pro perty is especially valuable; no known pests af fect the trees and the crop need not necessarily be marketed When harvested ;it will keep. The pro perty will be divided if desired. Apply to R. G. LUNT 4-17 227 W. Second st. IjSOU SALE HOLLY WOOD-HOLLY* WOOD. We offer at a bargain 5 acres set to bearing oranges and other fruits; house, barn, chicken corral, every thing ready to move right into and make a living and more; this la irtstless; raise beans, tomatoes nnd peas: we are ottering this at $2250. Also 10 acres set to bearing fruit; oranges, lemons, apricots and other varieties; house, barn and Ot her outbuildings; price, |4000; same locality as foregoing, Or, wo will sell you 10-oores set to 8-year lemons, now bearing; beautiful building Bite; In full view of 0.-can and mountains at Hol lywood; this we will sell at 94000, and is cheap. F. H. PIEPER &, CO., 105 S. Broadway. 6 I NOR SA LE WA TE 1 1 ! WATEII!W AT E R 1 - The key to the situation in California is, of course, water. 1 have 150 acres I hour's ride from Los Angeles; true citrus soil; absolutely frOStieSS, with water enough on the place for several hun dred acres, and land just below nnd ndjolnttigin cultivation, the owners wanting and heeding wa ter; part of this IVt Is set to navel oranges; it Is foothill hind, .sheltered from frosts; will well the Whole of it, or half, for $150 acre; the water is worth much more; this place Is Close to good town, Bohool and churches, In a rapidly improving dis trict, aud Is just the thing for a little colony of ii to 10 people. LEONARD MERRILL, sole agent, 240 Bradbury block. 5 "IN OR EXCHANGE — GO-ACRE ALFALFA JT ranch near city! price $10,000, part cash, part eastern property. For Exchange—? 4 per acre—(llo acres school land In oil belt, near Fillmore, fcmall amount cash, balance exchange. For Exchange— per acre—l2o acres near Vnl ley Center, San Diego county; 9853 cash, balance exchange. Wot Exchange—2) acres improved fruit ranch, Lankershtm townsite, for house und lot for equity, 92000. For Exchange—2oo acres growing barley, 4 horses, machinery and full ranch equipment, SiSM. 5 J. L. ADAMS A CO., 128 S. Broadway. IN OR SALE— ' SPECIAL BARGAIN COM PTON $12.5 per acre, from 2) to 110 acres, choice soil, plenty Irrigating water, two miles southeast from Comnton, mile from railroad; 75 acres alfalfa, nice stand as can be found anywhere; raises 7 to 10 cuttings a year, Twenty acres iv bearing pears and walnuts, balance corn. 0 room house, large barn, out. hOUBB, dairy, fcn.:ed, etc., everything lirst class. Cheapest Improved place in county. Owner going away. Must sacrifice. Investigate this rare opportunity. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, BOtO Ogent, 230 West First. 2-5 171 OR BALE—SPECIAL BARGAIN. COMP -1 ton, 9128 per acre; 20 to no acres choice soil, plenty irrigating water. 2 mllessoutheastof Comp ton. and 1 mile from railroad; 75 acres alfalfa, nice stand as can be found anywhere, raises from 7 to 10 cuttings a year; SO acres in bearing pears aud wal- | Huts, balance, corn ; 6-room house, large barn, out- : houses, dairy 1 etc.; everything first-class; cheap- I est improved place in the county; owner going away; must sacrifice; Investigate this rare oppor tunity. . JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, Sole Agent <I 220 W. First. '■NOR SALE 17 ACRES RICH SANDY LOAM 1 1 soil, 10 miles from Los Angeles; right in the town of Gardeno: 8 acres set to 8-year-old fruit; 8 acres in strawberries; 1 acre in blackberries; 5 acres of celery land ; farm-house ol -1 rooms, w ell and mill; plenty of water for irrigation; this place Is worth 9600 an acre, but tbe owner wants money badly, and says sell for $4250, and will make terms to suit. LEONARD MERRILL, 210 Biudbnrv block. 5 jjlOR SALE-COUNTRY PROPERTY— $i;si per acre—l 2 acres on S;intß Monica avenue. •1250—6 acres, 8 miles south of Jeffdrso n street. 93850—7)4 acres In East Whittier; buildings; or anges. •SOO—IO acres at Article. •8000—53 acres alfalfa land, highly improved, 12 miles from city; must sell, 5 J. L. ADAMS <fc CO.. 125 S. Broadway. ■snor BALE—MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE— V North half Of section 28, township U north, range 16 west, Antelope Valley, Kern county, 820 acres. No. 1 soil, level, no alkali, at $0 per acre cash. Worth $50 per acre, Title perfect. The healthiest part of California, 976 to the party fur nishing 1110 a buyer before the Bth day Of April next. Snap bargain. Address N. G. SEIDEL, 715 Howard street. San Francisco, Cal. a TJIGRSALE-PRICE: NOW, $1500; IN 30 DAYS, V $4300; In 90 days, 93500; Snores all set to straw berries, in Pasadena city ; iv the next so days $150 l will be realised from croj ; 2 good houses on tract, one of 5 and other of 2 rooms; barn, workshop; hedges all around; a veritable park-garden; this will do to talk about; call sec us; we have some thing more tO tell you about this. J. L ADAMS ct CO., 126 S. Broadway. 5 -■NOR BALE—4OO ACRES NEAR LANCASTER, _JJ very choice, level fruit and alfalfa school land, under certificate, 93.69 acre; 3jo acres near Newhall, 100 acrOS pIOW, Hue water, balance bees or erasing, 92.50 acre: several fine certificates and pat 'ut i ou laud in Victor, Minneola, Palmdole, Big Rock creek and other districts; school and gov ernment lends a specialty. WISEMAN'S LAND BUREAU, 221 W. First o TNOR SALE—9SOOO, 10 ACRES ALFALFA OR I garden truck land in city limits, all clean, level bottom, sandy sediment igurd n) soU; superb for dairy, vegetables, etc.; 7-room bouse, pari, lawn, trees, flowers, walnuts, peaches, apricots, etc.; laud in garden shape; fret! water In great abund ance for a'l tini"; we have exclusive saio of this: it goes quick. J. L- ADAMS *£ CO., 125 S. Broad way. 5 INOR SALE-SPECIAL BARGAIN—SNAP 1 100 to 850 acres near Covina, choicest land, with perpetual water right. $to per acre; very do slr ibie for subdivision; mortgage foreclos id, must sacrlflcofor less than half value; special induce ment as a wholo. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, Sole Agent, 5 220 W . First. "SNOR SALE—S-3000 FOR Osrj—ALL LARGE _I nuggets are found at bedrock. Here it is; i-sji buys 830 acres 37 miles from Los Angeles, two miles from station; (io fine fruit land, and two fine springs; plenty large oal; und sycamore trees; fjr hog. fruit or bee ranch, there is none better, see DAY, 119)4 S. Spring. 5 T7IOB SALE-SCHOOL LANDS—ONLY $1,25 J? per acre; no residence or Improvements re quired ; over 40000 acres sold. Wanted office man, with 9100: big money, see DAY, HOi S. Spring; established 1888. 5 "■N.GR BALE—9BOOOCASH BUYS 80 ACRES OF I* land; nil townsite and good as hunt around it held at $200 per acre; 18 miles trom Los Angeles. Inquire at Massachusetts Shoe Store. 120 W. First st. Im th, sat, sou FOR SALE-SAN GABRIEL—ONLY A FEW 5 and in acre blocks left; water right. Now is the time to buy. If you have or trads sea E. EC. ALEXANDER. 145 s. Broad way, i-' INOR BALE—7BACRES,IMPROVED; AIIUND -1 ance of water; on motor road, close to Hantii Monica elect! 1 • line, lessthnnoue mile from City limits; 5200 per acre. ELI GEORGE, 426 So. Olive st. 5_ WATCHMAKER J7IASE YOUR EYES, BUY A PAIR OF JJ Smoked glasses; assortment complete and prices lower than last year at W. J, GETZ's, Jew eler. ;i3n s. Broadway. Mo-7 STORAGE DRY AND CLEAN STORAGE FOR HOUSE hoId goods, piano*, trunks, etc. City Ware house, fi7s Upper Main St., C, T. SMITH, Proprie tor. Tel. 645. tf FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Rales for 1 adverlisements under this classifica tion -1 time. 5 cents per line; 1 w«eg, 30 cents per line; 1 month, fi per line, NOTICE OF SALE OF ORaV(TeS--sV;a7?F?D proposals will be received by tbe under signed at his office. No. 401 enrrier building, Ho of Los Angeles, until 12oclock noon Of the 15th inst.. for tho purchase, on the trees, of the crop of seedling oranges l>etongiug to the estate of alss Charlotte M. Rowland, deceased, being the pro duct of about 500 trees on eight acres, more or less, Included within the home place of the lute, Uhau lotleM. Rowland, In the RanchoLa Puento, w here oranges csm be Inspected. The pmciiaser win bo required to remove the oranges from Hie trees and premises .on or before the 15th day of May, 1S!»6. Terms of stole, cash tn the highest bidder. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved . ('HAS. FORM AN, administrator of tho estate of Char lotte M. Rowland, deceased. 15 IflOR SALE-RON'T YOU WANT TO BUY OR sell your office or store fixtures" You will be wiso to call ut headquarters of counters and shelv ing. B. CLIFFORD, 008 S. Spring. 4-1S 171 nn BALE -CHEAP, OR TRADE. MORSE'S . tailor square antl syw em for drafting ladles' and children's dresses, coats, jackets, etc. Address University P. O. Box 143, L. A. Co., Cal. 8 TNOB SALE—A HIGH-GRADE LADY'S RI JT cycle, cheap for cash. Apnly Saturday and Monday, 1223 s. Olive st. 5 SALE— DENTAL CHAIRS; BAR. _T gains; white, gold. Arehlo W. Stott, 239 S, Ii ill street. 5 T7IOR SALE-CHEAP; A FINE, 2-SEATED _T family carriage. Court House livery stable, (or. Temple and Buena Vista sts. 5 1710R SALE-AT A BARGAIN, HIGH GRADE bicycle: little used; can bo seen forenoons al 221 East Fourth st. 5 TIOR SALE-ONE: 2-TON SIDEWALK ELE vator at a sacrifice. Inquiro at the Herald business office. 12-tf AUCTION j EAST ER MILLIN ERY ; A LSO cloaks; tomorrow, 2 oclock, 219 W. Second st. 5 FOR SALE-OLD PAPERS IN QUANTITIES to suit at this office. EDUCATIONAL LOS AN(;ELEs'"?iI , IN corporated, occupies the entire fifth floor of the new Currier block, 218 W. Third st.; largest, oldest, bust; elegant and commodious rooms. In tensely practical courses of study, able ami expe rienced specialists us teachers, complete equip ments, perfect lighting and ventilation, rooms heated by steam, firs,-class elevator service; five courses of study—commercial, shorthand and typewriting, preparatory, telegraphy and assaying ; tne school IS thoroughly live arid progressive; It, Inspires ns well as teaches; day and evening ses sions; individual and class Instructions; successful graduates; ftndclass of students; visitors cordially welcomed; full Information,personal) v* or by mail, E, R. SHRADER, MVS. E. K. ISAACS, vice-pres. 1. N. INSKEEI*. sec. 2-20-7 \\TOODBURY BUSINESS COLLEGE (IN -11 corporate.l), 220 s. Spring St., is the oldest and largest commercial school In southern Califor nia ; the most beautiful college room.* and equlo ment to be found in the state; elevator for pupils* use; a large faculty of experienced and able in structors; open the entire year; both day and even ing sessions; a practical English course, a thor ough business course and a course iv shorthand and typewriting under an experienced stenogra pher. Write or call for 111usirated catalogue and full information. G, A. HOUGH, president; N. G. FELKER, vice-president. MEN AND WOMEN TAUGHT TO MAKE crayon portraits in spare hours at their homes by a new,copyrighted method: those learn ing my method will be furnished work by me by which they can earn to siu per week; send for particulars, n. a. gripp, German artist, Ty- j roue, Pa. jy2l MRS. ADELINE DUVAL MACK S SCHOOL ot* Elocution und Dramatic Art, 816 s. pearl st, formerly of Washington! D. C; special terms j to schools; thorough vocal training; private les- | sons or classes; also dramatic training fortheatri- i cal profession. 4-5-97 j TTIROEBEL INSTITUTE (('ASA DE ROBA8) training school for kindergarten; also school for boys and girls Of all grades; opens September 23d. Apply to MADAM E LOUIS CLAYER lE. 6-7-1 y IJOYNTON NORMAL. FOR TEACHE RS _> only, begins September 16th; teachers aided In getting positions; teachers, governesses and ! tutors supplied. Room 625 stlmson block. o-30tf T OS ANGELES TRAINING SCHOOL FOR JJ ktndergartners. Fall term September 18tb. MRS. N. D. MAYHEW, 670 W. Twenty-third st. O-Stf 171 TON SCHOOL FOR BOYS, NO. 13J W. PICO X-J tt HORACE A. BROWN, LL. B. TTARP STUDIO. MRS. J. M. JONES 1003 W. X I Seventh St. MASSAGE AND ELECTRICITY MY TREATMEN V HAS CURED MANY ; TT can cure you. It strengthens the nerves and builds up the Whole system. Health, strength and vigor is for you. whether yon be rich or poor. Ih> i pure blood carries millions of sore-productng ! f germs ;MRS. DR. MAYOR, 517 S. Broadway, j rooms 31-52. 10-2 T7IDITH AN WAV. FORMERLY OF BOSTON .1 A gives genuine alcohol rubbings that nre health ful aud refreshing; no rivals, 223 S. Main st., room 3. £-15 I7IBANKIE MASON. FROM CHICAGO, GIVES ' alOOhol baths. 142'j N, Main st., rooms 1-12. b MASSAGE AND ALCOHOL BATHS—2OB Winston st., upstairs, one block cast ofpost ofhee, between Fourth and Fifth sts. 6-0 *\f iss BEY IRVING, ARTIST; PHOTO-TINT ; iio. ing and mounting; new style. iJO N. Main ut., rooms 2 nud 5. 5-3 Tt/fAGNETIC TREATMENT GIVEN BY A \ JirX competent lady, sfUttJi E, Seventh, room 4. s-tt j Miss MAY RUSSELL—THE NEW HELL? man, room 7. 5-0 M" ' "Iss'<) lln-i'M"bo'i \\C r \ 3T"i;7siocoN rooms 3 and 5. GOht's mending. 12 M — iss may"" stone" gives "alcohol baths. 202 N. Malu SU, room 17. 5-22 SOUTHERN LADY GIVES ALCOHOL IO baths. 127 E. Third St., parlor 11. 5-15 ALMA WORTH, PACIFIC HOUSE, NO, 601 New nigh st., massage, 4-9 EXCURSIONS ONCE A WEEK PERSONALLY CONDUCT ed excursions lo Chicago. St, Paul, MlltneopO' 114 and all eastern points, leave Los Angeles every Thursday via Southern Pacific, Union Pacili'o "World's Iii toriai Line," and Chicago and North western railway, crossing tin; Stern Nevadas and passing all points of scenic Interest by daylight, upholstered tounlaJotarsof latest Pullman uattern, lighted by gas, and run through without change. Competent conductors aoco£ai>wuy each party. Fastest nine. Lowest rates. lor tickets and berth reservations, apply to J. 11. PEARMAN, Manager, G, F. Herr, T. P. A., 223 S. Springs!., Los Angeles, or to uny ugent Southern Pacific company. r> 3-0 3->HJLLIPS' PERSONALLY CONDUCTED . excursions via the Rto Grande and Rock isl and route, leave Los Angeles every Tuesday, cross the sierra Nevadas and pass the entire Rio Grande scenery by daylight; ulso via Southern 1 route every Monday, office, 13s S. Spring- st. BURLINGTON ROUTE-PERSONA LLYCOW ducted excursions to the east every Wednes day over the scenic Rue ol the world ; upholstered tourist cars without change. T. H. DOZ AN, agent. 222 S. Spring at., Los Angeles, Cal. PIANOS SALE-GREAT BAHGAIX— Upright Chlrkorins I'iano: fluo onditton; $17. ! lOUTBKBN CALIPoItM A MUBld CO., ai6-aiB w.'Jtird su tf 1 j FOR SALIC—GOOD VI'HIGIIT PIAXO. ; oi-gun, ISS; pittuo f'oi- lviit, &vii a. nromi wiiy. 3 7 it STtOB SALE-HUlBt SAtRtFIfE MY FINE V HailetoD upright piano tor $i7i. cull vi !»u JtoHton at. 3 7 tt T-.NAHE A XI) VOSE * SONS PIANOS AT XV BIBKKVM Puloa IS und 111, Flrtle blk. tf FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ITtoi; SALE itvhn k BUILDIN* has all : kind,itnd ftisodnt, of t" Rail ut Lhn lowest rules of Interest ou good securities. 6 FOll SALK—'96 COLCHBrA, MODEL m, never ridden; fully Euavnnteed: be»t cash oiler tnkesll. Address X, box 70. Itcruld. 5 ITtOIt KALE-SM STANDS OF BEES: LANiI. ■ strut' hive,, f2.60 per stun.l. 11KNHV EVERETT, IO7M s. Itroadwuy. CHIROPODISTS MISS . I 1. ALEXANDER, CHISOI-OBIST, . treets feet; gives suit glow, rmvcnujej hours, 0 v. DA, tosji. in. -Id und &M VS'iison block, Eirst Ulld Spring sts. b z DR. ZAOHAU—DISEASES OF THE FEET a.> 3 s. Spring st. u-2ti PLUMBERS FBAKKa! WRiNtiHANk-,' g.sttttcr, -'40 E. Mcond st. Tel. 136. 9 MEDIUMS 18 Ra tea for alvc rUaementa under thli r l***l|iM tion—4 Mnw',/> vents p*« Uti»; Mreek, SO^AWfIH line';. J month, *I per Htf l * A Lk i: It?" 'cLA I curd in. iimm, is meeting with woSnMijH success. Mho invites Hie most skeptical to M«H her power, All bijsiness affairs of life looked rmsM for tic advancement ot your future. Will otgadMßl n JcvrlopiHg class and ar*e*S readings dally IS«|H a. in. to sp. m. 31H, 1 , s. Hiring sU »|T^| MRS. MA.N'DKNA, tEACHEB OF OC47TJfIH ami metaphysical law; develops SptriegsVl and self-healing power; Mass and private faatf«fp| Hons; also clairvoyant o*rd reader. agtre4MfJH Palmistry; trial reading this week 25 centa. MBS* MANDKNA, 245 S. *prlf#g.M.. ro<*m 7. 4-11 W GREEN. S. D., CLAIRVOYANT, TEsft? • and business medium Diagnoses disease) without asking questions, and spiritual beale % (lives sittings daily; teat circles ou Monday 111 Friday evenings; developing circle on Wednesday I evening. 2*l', s. spring st, room 6. ofllce hours, Utos. ■ ■ 4-gf'^ MRS PARKER. PALMIST, CLAIRVOYASfjM and medium; life reading, business removals* law suits, mineral locations, love affairs, etc. Tabs) Third st. electric car to Vermont aye. and Vine s*. Second house on Vine, west of Vermont aye. 44km PROF. A. MYERS, THE PALMIST, HAS} returned to this city aud is located at hlsoaf parlors, The Norwood. 55(J South Hill St., where am~ will be pleased to receive his many clients ant) friends. 5-1 ■\fAl)\Mi; DEAN-FORTUNE TELLING B* ivX curds; one ol the greatest in tbe worlaf! reads correctly past, present and future; all bust* ness transactions, losses, lawsuits and all affetrt * of love. No. 205 E. Fifth St. 4-21 1 MRS. SANFORD JOHNSON, THE I NOB- | pendent slate writer and medium, given U sittings daily at 02 i s. Ixw Angeles st.. and holdg circles on Thursday evening, at 8 p.m., of each H week. Admission 50c. 4-18 £ MISS LULU HOLDEN, PSYCHOMETRIST ; and business medium. Sittings dally, ejp X cejit Sunday. Office hours—9:3o v. m. to 4 p. SS> circles Tnesdav and Saturday evenings, lrvlaft i House, 280 S. Hill St. 4-M | MILTON M. LYON, 224 SOUTH OLIVER ! ; clairvoyant, de\eloping medium; evening engagements by appointment; mo.llumlstlc pes* sons can consult me by mall concerning their do* * velopment. b-8 rpHE INSPIRED LIFE AND CARD READER) I has permanently located at the San Julias, top floor, moms 17-18; has mud cards for many years, and is the most learned medium in America* 4-22 V ;| I> E. O. FRAIM, PHYSICAL MEDIUM, t• Holds public circles on Tuesday anel Thursday evenings; private sittings given dally* 7U7 Merchant at., bet. Seven:U au.l Eighth stSL 4-12 I MME. NOItMAND, HEALER AND LlFE reading medium: develops medium power; seii-healing and how io become a medium at your own home. 22ti) a E. Seventh st. 4-f -\f ISS KATE LAM I'M AN,,TIIE CELEBRA* 1 ted youne trance medium, has returned for a month antl will give sittings dally at her home, 232. Winston St.; t.-st circle Monday night- Id; j MME. GRACE, CELEBRATED CARD READ er, tells past, present und future, Ladles,26 [ cents; gentlemen, 3ueents\ Parlors 24 and 21, 538 j Maple aye. 4-8 MME. STANLEY. CELEBRATED CARD reader; reads your entire past aud future; ■ ladies or gentlemen 50c. Purlor 12, 322 S. Spring, - «■« IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE OR WANT TO knew your future cons.ilt /.In gar a, the gypsy, jat 217 A Kill st. < mice hours 10 a. m. to 8 p.m. 5-1 B MRS. BARRETT ELLIS, CLAIRVOYANT j . card reader. Come and bear the truth. Dow- I j Bey blk,, room 17, Price, 50c. 425 £j | A f Its. HARNETT-SITTINGS DAILY; CIR. ; ; <ies Tuesday ami Thursday evenings. 438 s. j Main St., Opp. postotlice. 4-21 AGNES H, PLEASANCE, TRANCE ME* ilium, Is permanently located at tu4 S. Broad, way 10-tf . , ; .-, , , ■ , j MRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS, MATERIA LIZ* 1 ing seance Sumlav evening. 119. l a W. Flrsl ) su - 1 5 PA. DENTAL CO., A.".E STEVENS, MANA« ger. makes a specialty of crown and bridge work and painless extracting. A good set of tee Is jo. 226 H. Sprltlg. Tele-phono. Uftj. tf * DAMS BBOS.—DENTAL PARLORS, 280 if J~\. S. Snrlug f-t.; painless extracting and Riling; plato, $8, "i i* ail work guaranteed; establishes lo years; ndurs,B-5; Sundays, RM2, Is RANK STEVENS. 524 s - SPRING ST., open days and evenings; also Sundays; eleo* trie light. DR. KENNEDY. DENTIST, S. SPRING st., rooms 2, 0 and 7; painless extraction. | SPECIALISTS DR. DORA KING, GERMAN -ENGLISH special list; discuses of women ; all irregular!" j ties restored; treatment confidential; cure guar anteed. 440 s. Broad way , u-o-ms DR. R.G. COLLINS, OPTIIA LMIC OPTICIAN, with the Los Angeles Optical Institute; eyes examined free. 125 S. spring st, I> UPTURE C' RED WITHOUT DETENTION 1 from business DR. WHITE 114LL, HH'-j S. spring si. -is _ ; BLACKSMITH | TNRAXK W. H-OPPE PRACTICAL HORSE- ] V sheer, TclebhO ie r:IV- .carriage, ror.d nnd | , track horses shod iv fhe pest and neatest style; I only skilled work men .employed; corns, quarter cracks, contracted, weak or diseased feet of any ; kind successfully treated without extra charge; I cases of Interfering knee-k nocking, etc., receive . i personal attention; horses called for and deliv ered. All work gu a rah toed, 100 Wolfskill aye., LoS Angeles, Cal. 4-10 MACHINE MANUFACT r OR\ AT ON ME It KEY MAN UF AI :f U RTN G CO., 2.1 £ 286 E. Second st., mAnufacturers of special j machinery, tiles and models; only accurate work; ! guaranteed . ATTORNEYS-AT'LA W X>BOUSSJSAU A- Mi»NT(«)>IRRV, J3 Al toi'npys- r. t -1 .v v.-,' m Bmdbnry wk.. f.m Anxclc*- *» I 1 1 F DRESSMAKING DliKhSlis MAi')K PROM M TO cut, Htlwi, .fimib tor,l;dreß.m«k> Inglauithl. MttS tiltAV. S. ,UilL MUSICAL . t IJAIK.AIN IN A VHKIJ BTEI.V- I J > way ujirlubt plum.. Addl'os'a X., box 111), Her* MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I TlOil BALK—SOME UOO[>~BAKUAINB IN s >nd.|inad onfuiifl; uoo I mnkos. KOIII.KII j .till s sn, s. siirltr.' -. tf fASSAYERSI j CHEHISTS I S Wade & Wade 1 f | 100 1-2 Commercial SI. ! l y Beat r.rd Oldest. T.nborntory In Southern * } Dr. Pierces Galvanic 1 cii^un^^^^b IS THE LATEST PATENT: CONTAINS ALL Ir.mrovements and Is sold at n-ie-ba. r the price asked fjr Inferior, but much-ad vert iifed electric m belts. * ■ J The results accomplished* by Dr..-Pierces belt* f | are.sttiipiv wonderful, thousands of cases havljiv i been made where physicians and medicines t|H| i failed to give relief. The strongest possible evidence wjiJ be given >• :|i Imiulrcr* as to the efiicacy ajud sup«rterlty of Dr, i, Phr.-'s hells, and a tboreugk. agauiinatlon is 6' ■ comparison of these goods with *U others I* re- I speciality invited of all lutefdlag purchasers of lan electric belt. Call or write for Iroo '•Pamphlet No. 2." Address DNS, PIERCE * SON, 700 to 704 Sacrasjentp Street. Becond, third aud fourth doors, Sdfi Frahcisoe,Ogi imbl dfit \ . I