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m 1W %J Public Hind sin I For Sale Cheap ia/e Cheap g! 11 prices cuTin two The Harbor Question and the Clothing Question A Trera ™ Sa£rifi£e | m 1 SJ§p At Six Dollars and Seventy-five Cents < %%%%%%%%%^ly% / %%' / At One Dollar and Ninety-Five Cents |j| §_f& Men's Sack Suits, sizes 34 to 42, in my, blue or black d»/' *F Men's Wool Pants; QC fe*sp. Cheviots and Cassimeres, lined with farmers' satin; former J>o. /• J «# TlVna H a «Ka<« Sntt former price S3-00; •Dl.yO »8 price $10. Our Going Out of Business Sale Price J I liarDOr Vr?UeStlOll J Our Going Out of Business Sale Price &j §§§3 jl At Two Dollars and Forty-Five Cents §» gg2 At Eight Dollars and Seventyfive Cents # You w pj have with you always, but the f Men - S A „. Wool cheviot and Worsted Pants; A£ j| *ffS$J Men's Sack and Cutaway Frock Suits, in light or dark Cassimeres, Chev- V* former price, 54.00; SJ CwS iots and dark mixed Worsteds, suits that were made *° (S*Q HLZ W s~%- 4 jt • • Our Going Out of Business Sale Price §E Sale Price ' & * ClOt II 111 g QUeStlOll £ At Three Dollars and Forty-Five Cents | JWSJ Men's Imported Worsted and Cheviot Pants; rf» <J A J"" gg jeSS At Nine Dollars and Seventy-five Cents 4 . . *„,. ae „ fAa J «,m «,ifn k.,t * # former price, $5.oo; tDO.TtV ffe Ms» T As tar as we are COlKei tied Will be Wltll you DUt a T' o ur Going Out of Business Sale Price myw *v UK Men's Sack and Cutaway Frock Suits in gray and brown mixed, fancy m chnrt time for this is our W Sol JjJfS dark Worsteds and dark mixed Cassimeres, lined with line ' At One Dollar and Sixty-Five Cents gg i w !. lled S^ e: r l llese suits were made to sell at 513.50 and jy / £ Bovs'Union Cassimere Suits; AM a< C 18 gSjj $15.00. Our Going Out ot Business Sale Pr.ce # / OC* t former price, $2.50; JKI.OS S SMS 4 f\yril A Our Going Out of Business Sale Price SKfi At Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents i m !1 T « „ .. r . c - . 3$ Sgra # # At Two Dollars and Forty-Five Cents £» fm Men's Sacks and J and 4-ln.ttonQitaway Frock Suits Imported A *r # Boys'All-Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Suits; fl» i £ §j yw»f Worsted in gray, brown or black, silk-mixed Cassimeres and imported Scotch *L \A/Ith \/f\ll \ Wwrnriv umv \/ fig %M Cheviots cut sack or cutaway frock * Q£/ g™gjg Sale Price •PA.*O gg SKQC suits, lined with the best of twilled serge. 1 hese are the best of wearers 0 55 J«j jgjfw and are neat enough to please the most fastidious FA At Three Dollars and Forty-Five Cents S<J SrffiWl dresser. We guarantee the price of these suits was $18. 2KI A W -kit. ~ , , . <r j ■ j <-i •» c Sffi Our Gome CHit of Business Sale Price ... Now you can buy seasonable, up-to-date, ready-to- Boys'All-Wool Worsted,.Cassimere and Cheviot Suits, J wear, stylish clothes at remarkably low prices. ? SißSli^.' flncd^^of farmer,s $7 AZ B Sffig At Fourteen Dollars and Seventy-five Cents J Time is short, the expiration of our lease near at J bur Going Out of Business Sale Price <t ' u * TU H Men's Prince Albert Cutaway Frock and Sack Suits, imported Worsteds 2 hind, and sell we must. Note the prices. Can 5 At Four Dollars and Forty-five Cents igi gutt ! n Cl ;'y .°r Diagonal; colors black, blue and gray;'liued with the best J you duplicate them in the city for twice the ? Boys' Imoorted Clay Worsted Scotch Cheviots and Cassimere Suits S feilftj imported Serge. It you want the tinest made and most dll A PI f m j j tv ""P o ' l^1 - u > worsieu, atuitu v-ueviuo auu wtohucicouus, qhS perfect fitting suit buy one of these. Former price $20 IS 14 iS amount quoted. Echo and our customers answer with one or two pairs of pants; coat single or double stitch d%i A m 5« rLIm and $22.50.' Our Going Out of Business Sale Price.... I U + + edge, lined with best serge; former price, $6.00; »j 0 \Tf\ mr 8 Business Sale Price — — • • . . IMU .... — ——— H g|f The Greatest Slaughter Ever Heard Of 4/%%%%%*%%%%%%%%%%'%% vi If You Want to Save Money Now Is Your Time H "\\w\w 1 I 2™ Chicago Clothing Company, 2LTJZ. S II j ■..Nothing charged 125 and 127 North Spring Street j ... Nothing charged I THE POLITE WORLD The first notable social event of the past Lenten entertainments was Riven yester day by Mrs. E. P. Bryan and Mrs. A. F. M. Strong at the home of the latter on AJvarado street, where the two hostesses gave a very brilliant and beautiful recep tion. A wealth of flowers, modish Easter gowns and charming women made a whole that was wonderfully attractive. Between the hours of :< to 5, 150 or more guests enjoyed the hospitalities of the afternoon. The decorations were extremely artistic roses, carnations and ferns being used most lavishly. The stairway of the hall was hidden by a network of gold of ophir roses and behind this on tlie first landing was placed a string orchestra. Ivy, smilax and growing plants added to the bright effect of flowers. Mrs. John F. Peck pre sided in the hall over a delicious bowl of punch, assisted by Misse3 Minnie Bryan and Inez Clark. Delicately tinted roses heldjin perforated bamboo sticks reposed on the wall of the drawing room|and everywhere flowers were distributed to advantage. The arch divid ing the front and back room was made graceful by a display of smilax and pink satin ribbon held to either side by large bows. In the center a wide spreading bas ket of ferns formed a pretty adjunct. In one corner of the room a dainty arch of pink roses and ribbons extended over a small table holding a bowl of sherbet, which was dispensed by Mrs. J. J, Aiken, with Misses Millie Ciark and Hazel Noonan as assistants. The room was pro fusely decorated with pink roses and smilax. The dining room was refreshing and lovely with white and green The buffet was a mass of white sweet peas and roses. White carnations and ferns deco rated tlie table and extending over the whole were garlands of smilax reaching from chandelier to the intersection of wall and ceiling. Candelabra shaded with green completed the charming arrange ments. Dividing the room from the ball and drawing room were Nile green and while satin ribbons. The two hostesses were assisted by Mines. W. H. Reed of Kansas City, Wedemeyer. R. H. Howell, H. M. Safe, the Misses Strong and Miss Bryan. The afternoon was replete with p'easure and enjoyed by a large number of friends of the two delightful hostesses. In Honor of Bishon Johnson The right Rev. Joseph H. Johnson was the guest of honor last night at a very elaborate dinner given by Judge Winder at his home on South Hope street. Tho affair was stag, and notable for the number of prominent men representative of different •profeisions who were present. The double parlois were converted into tlie salle a man ger; the long table, at which twenty-Six covers were laid, extended from end to •nd of Mac two rooms. The board was laden with every delicacy of the season, and this with beat of vintage and with toasts sparkling with wit and repartee made an evening of unusual pleasure . The dec orationa were very effective, the rarest of flowers being used. The balustrade of the stairway was converted into a muss of Lady Banksia and la j marque roses, the tendrils winding in and out of the open woodwork. Tlie library waa bright with deep pink roses. Un the table pink was used exclusively. A tall banquet lamp and candelabra were embedded in pink roses, and scattered over the bowls of fruit were orange blossoms, their fra grance permeating the air. Wisteria framed the arched window and doorway, and banked on tlie mantel at the extreme end of the room were La France ro.-e*. The following gentlemen were invited to partake of the hospitality and do honor to the distinguished guest: Bishop Johnson, Bishop Montgomery, Bishop N'icholls, Rev. 1). Chichester, i'ev. A. S. Clark, Rev. Wyllys Hall. Rev. Dr. Trew, Rev. B. W. K. Tayler, Rev. John Gray, Rev. H. B. Restarick. Rev. Hender sen Judd, Rev. 1). F. McKenzie, Judge Wellborn, Judge Clark, Judge Van Dyke, Judge McKinley, Judge Shaw, Daniel Cleveland of San Diego, J. Bakewell Phil lips of Riverside, ('apt. C. K. Thorn. Dr. J. E. Cowles, Frank Sabiclii, Jay E. Hunter, Col. George H. Smith, Andrew Glasaell, John McConnachie, H. (.'. Parke of Detroit. John M. Winder. H. T. Lee, Dr. Samuel Mansfield, James Hayes, S. M. Haskins, Willis Parris, J. F. Towell, Dr. Wm. Le M. ! Wills, John Shirley Ward. Judge A. M. i Stephens, Ben Goodrich. Judge J. A. An ( derson, J. H. Shankland, W. J. Hunsaker, ! George W. Parsons, J. R. Scott, Dr. W. L. ! G raves. A Sunday Banquet One of the most enjoyable banquets of tho season was given last Sunday evening in honor of Mr. G. Sormano, proprietor of the Star winery, and well-known all over the coast. Mr. Sorinano started on Monday morn ing lor a three-months' trip to Italy, and the banquet was iv the nature of a bou voyage dinner. A number of choice spir its were present, and much speechmakiug was indulged in. The menu was something in the nature of a surprise to more than one bon vivant, and was as follows: Entries Salame dl tiologiu Champignons Touo a' Olio Ancliugue Riesling Consomme Vlendes Tagliarini al Verde a la Genoese Solo a la < albert Pouleue avec Truffe Asparagus a' la Koinana la'iaribalUini Salad Vms Chiantt Zinf Itesert Torcctti a' laTorino«e-Puriiuino Chou a' la Creuie l'omme do IMu Fruits I Cafe Noir VI ns Pflutorne champagne Monte CristO Those present were: M. Gori, the noted political and ami monarchical orator; Guy B. Barham, N. Mercadante, E. L. Hutchison, P. Puiaaegur, J. M. tuiaaegur, A. Baccilieri of Voce del Popolo; G. Sor inano; R. V. Musso, P. Sormano, M. Sor mano, A. Sicolo of New York, J. Apion, A. j Toriano, F. Giorgis, F. Vanoui, G. Borgi, j M. Cbiriot Meedamea A, Puissegtii', G. Sor ! mano, N. Mercadante, K. V. Musso, A. To- I riauo, M. Bruno of Santa Barbara, A. Si colo of New York; Misses C. Sormano, E. Owens and Mercadante. French Ball Tlie Social club of Court Franeaise of tlie Foresters of America Rave a grain! invita tion ball at Druids' ball on Sunday evening. The hall was elaborately decorated with flowers and with French antl American flags. ;>early all of the prominent l rencii- Aniericans of the city were present with their families. Many invited guests enjoy ed the hospitality of the club. Dancing began at an early hour of ilia evening and continued till a somewhat earlier hour of the morning. Among those present were: LOS ANGELES HEBALD: THTTRSDAT MORNING, APRIL 1896. J. Apion, P. Eachardies, 6. I.acour, P. I Uervochou, F. Seehla. U Pedy, C. L. Ferry, I J. Eyraud, G. Degiorgis, J. Viole. P. i Cazaux, C. Faure, G. Sorinano, J. B. Am- i estoy, FJ Eseaig, V. Charbonnier, T. Molle, j J. B. Maeselin, J. Harotcarena, H. Clary, E. Barclay, J. M. Puissegur. J. Puis segur, J, Florentine, J. Terrile, I. Lougo, F. Puissegur. G. Grabet, M. Bon- ! nabel, P. Puissegur, N.Quirolo, N. Eyraud, { P. Sormano, P. Turou, F. Clos, E. L. Hutchison: Minos. Grabet, Barclay, Ante- | stoy. Eseaig, Florentin, Couget, Morzini, ! Boisseranc, Christian, Ballade, Sormano, P. Turon, Eschardies, J.Viole, J. Ludquet, F. Brock. Blanchard, P, Sorinano, J. B. Masse lin, S. Vial, A. Toriam. MissesJA. Bernard, Bilaude. Ganclio, .M. Ballaude,C. Sormano, Filorentin, Couget, Masselin, Grand, G. Bernard, Boisseranc, Gouillarden-Higuey, Hauret, Bourdet, Erecca, Robert, F. Laffose, L, Monblanc, C. Monblanc. Luncheon at Claremont Mrs. Thomaa ti. Wood and Mrs. George ; Ferris of Claremont gave a luncheon on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Henry S. Wood of San Francises. The rooms and table were elaborately decorated with gold of opliir roses, daisies and ferns and pink sweet peas, while tlie hall wae trimmed with lilacs and wiateria. The delicious viands were enjoyed from three tables that were decorated alternately in yellow, green and white and pink, and the service of each table harmonised with the scheme of color of tlie flowers. Slaten did the cater ing. Those present were: Mines. Henry S. Wood, Richard Gird, Stoddard .less, George Jess, H. H. Wheeler, Brady. E. A. Padgam, Haskell, Saunders, Beat, William Hendricks, William Dole. Frank Palmer, H. S. Finney. V. 1). Simms. John Packard, ! Frank Hall. Wilbur, Burt, Howland, Scott, ' U. G. l'ierce. Surprise Party Mrs. J. T. Satterlee was given a very ! complete and delightful surprise on Tues day night at her home on Jeiferson street in honor of her birthday. A party laden j with tempting refreshments arrived en masse early in the evening and took poa- Hussion of the hostess' hottso and a j thorougly agreeable time was spent by all. Mr. H. L. Mouleux favored the guests with i a mandolin solo. Misses Mable and Maud Hill and Mr. E. Hill joined in with guitars, and some delightful banjo music was furnished by Mr. Guy Hill. Miss Louise Satterlee rendered several piano ' solos. Among those present were: Mr. j and Mrs. C. H. Hanchett of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. S. Monleux. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. John Bradbury entertained With a hox parly at the (li-pheum last night. Mr. and Mrs. John Bradbury entertained with a box party at the Orpheum Tuesday evening. Mrs. Albert Castle, nee Winston, will arrive today from Sun Francisco and will stay at the Westminster. The Misses Oryrien and Butterworth have invited their friends to a Leap Year party for April 18th, to be given at their country place. La Bow. The engagement is announced of Miss Rebecca Laventhal, daughter of K. Laven thai of this city to Mr. M. Voorsanger of | Philadelphia. They will receive Sunday I and Monday between - and I! a' 1151 I South Hope atreet. Miss Juliet Graham, one of Long l!»ael.'s best known and most esteemed young I society women, who haß been absent sev eral months visiting in Chicago. North Carolina, Florida and other places, is at present visiting at Old Point Comfort, V*. Miss Graham will return home to tlie beach about the '-'sth instant. Excursion Pleasure, business, acenery. Only $11 round trip, if you are ugly you go free. If handsome, a chromo and peket. For full particulars call 1.M4 S. Broadway. Hemet Land Co. Call tel. 243 for ambulance. Kregelo A Breaee, Sixth and Broadway. ' HOTEL MEN'S ASSOCIATION TO BE HANDSOMELY ENTERTAINED BY PASADENA CITIZENS A Brilliant Reception at the Vallay Hunt Club House—Report of Good Work Done by the Presbyterian King's Daughters. Notes and Brevities Pasahena, April S.— About fifty repie tentative citizens gathered in the new rooms of the board of trade this af ternooti to discuss the matter of entertaining the Hotel Men's association, which will arrive hereon the 17th inst. T. P. Lukens wat chosen chairman and F. P. Boynton, the secretary of the board, acted as secretary af the meeting. Remarks were made by Messrs. Lynch of San Diego, James and Holmes of the Hotel association explana tory of the itinerary and plans of the mem hers and what would interest them about Pasadena, after which various arrange ments were suggested for their entertain ment, a drive about the city forming one jf the chief features. On motion a committee was appointed to make arrangements for the drive about the city, composed of tlie following mem bers: Messrs. Edwin Steams, W. G. Bene dict,.l. S. Cox, B. F. Ball, S. Washburn Elliott, C. D. Daggett, E. H. Royce, Lyman Allen. All citizens' are asked to lend theii assistance by tendering the use of theii carriages, as the number of the visitors will be very large, probably about 350, antl Pasadena should sustain her reputatiot For hospitality besides leaving a good im pression of the beauties and advantages ol the city, such ns can only be secured by a Irive about lier residence district. All wbc will furnish carriages are asked to report to the secretary of the board as soon as possible. On motion Mr. and Mrs. Kosenbaum were appointed as a committee to attend to the iloral decorations, they to appoint their assistants. The party will stop at the iireen and visit the Echo Mountain house then go to Los Augcles to see the opening )f La Fiesta. THE RADEBAuGH RICEPTION The reception tendered by Dr. J. M Kadebrugh, J. S. Torrance, W. It. Staati md N. W. Bell to their friends at the Val ley Hunt club house last evening was at alaborate affair, and one of the most sue •essful social functions of the season. Tht early part of tiie evening was given over ir l musical program, and the enjoyment oi social conversation. Alnend's orchestra furnished music, a male quartette recently from Salt Lake gave several seletions. Miss Berenice Holmes of Los Angele, sang, antl Mr. Bierlich gave a cello seleo lion. An elaborate collation was served after which dancing was enjoyed until ait early hour this morning. PRESBYTERIAN MEETING The annual congregational meeting ol the Presbyterian church was held lasi evening in the chapel, there being a large attendance of members and friends of the shurch, wiio partook of the supper pro vided by the ladies, after who i the ehc tion of officers was proceeded with. Tut following wero chosen: 11. M. Luts ant S. L. Acldemaii to vacancies on the boart nf trustees, the remaining members heinn E. L. Farriu, C. S. Cristy, 0. W. Stiiuson F. C. Bolt and C. W. Brown. Dr. Georgt Deacon was re-elected elder for three yean and H. M. Lutz for the two years' term U. C. Johnson was chosen to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Col. O. S Picher. Tho report of the trustees stated ihej had increased the insurance to $30,000 Increase in the church membership for the year, 56, The King's Daughters, although smal in numbers, have done noble service it aiding by sewing, 'contributions, etc. many poor families. The treasurer of the Woman's Aid society reported collection, for the year (including balance of $211 April 1. 18!>5,| amounting to $043.40. Of litis sum $7!) 1.11 was disbursed fo'vari ous purposes connected with church work, leaving a balance on hand ot $148.33. C. 8. Cristy, treasurer of the church, re ported total receipts for the year of -*10, --055.30, $4598.12 of wltich was from pew rents, 11355.36 from basket collections, $2030.71 from Sunday school building fund, etc. After all disbursements a bal ance of $452.50 remains on hand. BREVITIES A number of guests of the Evanston Inn ' enjoyed a trip over the electric road to Santa Monica and the Bea yesterday, fol- I lowed by a lunch, among those participat- j ing being Mr. anil Mrs. House, Harold Kotise, Wm, W. Smith, Geo. C, Hemp- i stead, Mrs. Geo. H. Daniels, Mrs. L. ti. j I Hamlin, Mrs. S. B. Toby, Mrs. J. H. Pater- I | son, Mra. L. B. Pry, Mrs. VS. A. Blodgett, J . Misses Avis and Amy Blodgett, J. B. j Greenwood, Ada Sherling, Augusta Foster, Fannie I'oole, Julia Howland. About 300 people witnessed tlie second rendition of Gounod's Galiia at the taber nacle last evening. The program, which was given hy the Pasadena Choral society, was in two parts. The tirat, Gounod's Gallia proper .ended with tho Itiflammaiu*. During this part Mrs. \V. 11. Clanp sang Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which was highly | appreciated by the audience. The second part included Robyn's fiomance by Mr. IC. IH. Clark, a substitute for the piece on the I { program, which was encored, Mr. Clark j | responding with I'eirre's Serenade. Mra. ! !K. W. Glbha sang an Ava Maria. The | I Conservatory Toneweavers sang several j numbers that wore greatly enjoyed. A i zither solo was given by Mrs. Severance, tire. W. B. Clapp rendered Cavalina. The j Misses Welter, accompanied by Mrs. Sev i erauce, gave a trio, guitar and zither, and the program was closed by a selection from the Toneweavera. I The second day's session of the Los Au i geles county \V. C. T. U. convention opened this morning at 0 oclock at the Baptist church, which was well tilled. After the reading of the minutes and the usual praise service, the present officers i were unanimously re-elected as follows: j Mrs. Emma Cash, president; Mrs. Mary [A. Kenney, vice-president; Mrs. J. Ter- I ! penning, corresponding secretary: Mra.! ' Laura T. Carter, recording secretary; Miss j Lva S. Keese, treasurer. A report was | j read by the committee on credentials. At j last evening s session Mrs. Scott of Red- I lands delivered an interesting address ; upon the subject, Tlie Battle Is Ours, i Music by Misses Ntttt. Bolinger and i Messrs. Smith and Parker was highly ap | predated as were the renditions of Mrs. I Huebner. An excellent program has been ! prepared for tomorrow. At .the annual meeting of the mem hers of All Saints' Episcopal church j last evening the treasurer's report was I read, showing tiie financial status, aud I officers of tlie vestry ami trustees were ! elected as follows: Dr. J. M. Kadebaiigh, I senior warden: L. S. Hoi ter, junior warden; i Webster Wotkyns, K. H. May. Geo. A. 1 Backus. Louis Blankenhorn, C. J. Willett, I E. E. Gaylord. ! Captain Fiuiay of the Salvation army j marched through the streets last evening ! playing loudly on a concertina. He was ! arrested by Officer Qollniati for breaking I the recently enacted ordinance against 1 marching in procession to the accompatlia ! ment of music. The defendant pleaded ' not guilty, saying that he committed the j act to test the ordinance, and his trial was I set for next WednesdaJ. The captain has ! retained A. It. Metcalfe to defend him. j Subscriptions are being received by Bruce ! Turner, who has been appointed school 1 ceosor, for the payment of expenses of a j complete census of the town. At the meeting las' evening of the Knighla of Pythias Dr. N. A. Dalrymple and T. D. Allin were chosen to represent the lodge at the grand meeting in San Francisco in May. Mr. John B. Phillips, treasurer of the Pittsburg i 'iepatch. has bought Colin Mew art's handsome properly on Arlington drive, and will erec; a tine residence this summer upon the spot. Mr. and Mrs. Gougar were so pleased j with Pasadena that they have purchased a tract of land on the comer of Hill avenue ' and East Colorado atreet. Walter Vail visited Santa Ana and Orange yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders of Michigan who have been the guests of Mrs. Witbam for the winter, leave Saturday for their home. Dr. Lewis Swift, Mount Lowe's eminent astronomer, was in town today. W. C. Stewart and family expect to ar rive in Pasadena from Europe about the loth inst. L. P. Lukens goes to San Jose tomorrow to attend a meeting of the normal school boarJ. SANTA ANA Santa Ana, April B.—Gray Garrett Southern was today found guilty of the i murder of Mariano Cuero on the night of | October 12, 1801. The trial has occupied I the courts for the past ten days aud the defendant has made a desperate fight throngh able attorneys for his freedom, but the evidence against him was too plain. He murdered Cuero iv cold blood, simply because the old Mexican or half 1 ndian dared to cross a line that he had drawn in the dust between them. Cuero stepped across the line, pre sumably to give Southern a drink, when a bullet from a forty-five cal bre Colt's pistol killed him, Theevidenee in the case was very convincing, as there was one eyewitness to the crime and others who were on the scene of trouble soon alter the shot had been fired, so that their evidence bore out that of the eyewitness. I Judge Towner couclutled his charge to tho jury just before noon today. At 8:30 they filed into the courtroom with a verdict of j guilty of murder in the second degree. ! Southern formerly lived in Tazewell and I Cumberland Gap, Term., where he bore a j bad reputation, having many times been arrested for violating the law. lie has previously been charged with killing a man, but was not convicted. A notice posted here by the United States land register that township S south. ; range 7 west, S. B. M.. this county, will be ; thrown open in a few weeks for settle ' ment is creating rather unusual excite i ment, for the reason that the Trabuca gov ernment reservation covers ahoot half of the land proposed to he thrown open, i Besides this, Madame Modjesk.Vs beauti i ful mountain home at Arden is in town i ship live. It is not believed, however, that I her land will be affected by the action of | the United States land office, as that por- I tion of tho township has already been sur j veyed and she has a patent from the gov- I eminent for the land. SAN BERNtKDINO I San Bernardino, April s. — A veritable [ shoplifter's retreat was discovered at Cot ton this morning, when the officers raided ! a house tenanted by Mexicans, and the re | suit is the recovery of a quantity of silks 1 stolen from C. Conn's Star dry goods house jiu this city, and of several pieces taken I from Shibley's store at Colton. | The hub city is overrun with Mexicans j just now, many of them being discharged [ railroad employes, and their presence is I manifested by deeds of violence and crime j that keep Ihe Colton officers busy. A man i named Parfrio Mendoza was cut in the I throat Sunday night in a drunken quarrel, I and is now in the hospital, suffering with a 1 serious wound. His assailant is unknown. MOCKED WITH TROUT ; Tlie board of supervisors had datcr j mined to put 100,000 more trout In the | streams in the county, and yesterday com , missioned Postmaster J. li. Boyd to aecure j tho fish antl see that they were placed in I the various creeks and rivers frequented jby Ushers. The trout will include two va j rieties, about 7">,000 to 80,000 of them : being rainbows, while the balance of the { order will be brook trout. Mr. Boyd gives ■ the following list of streams in which the I tish will be placed: San Antonio canyon. I Cucamouga creek. Deer creek, Lytle i creeK, Cable creek. Devil canyon. West I Tw in creek. Little Bear creek, Deep creos, City creek, Plunge creek, Satita Ana river and Mill creek. Judge Otis, before whom the I abeas cor pus petition of Judge Huse has been ! argued, has determined to summon some ii of the witnesses to whom Mr. Gallardo I and Judge 11 use have referred, and today ordered subpoenas to issue for Dr. Hollistef of Santa Ana, and Joseph A. Johnston and A. P. Truesdell of San Francisco. Tne former is a physician in whom Gallardo re* poses great confidence, while the latter have been connected with Judge Huse in a business way. Ihe parish meeting at St. John's church last night elected the following officers: Vestrymen, Messrs. J. K. Schermerhorn, C. W. Mettler, Samuel Parish, J. A. Lamb and K. M. Towne; treasurer, Mrs. R. W. Porter; clerk, J. A. Lamb: J. K. Schermer horn was chosen senior warden. Mr. aud Mrs. A. M. ICenniston, who have been absent from the city for nearly a year, most of tbe time being spent in San Francisco, are expected to re turn during the week. They will probab. ly spend the summer in the Yosemite val ley. LONG BEACH LONa Beach, April 8. —The board of city trustees held a special meeting this morn ing, at which resolutions strongly denounc ing the proposed Santa Monica harbor ap propriation were unanimously passed. John Barker has built and will introduce a number of bathing cars and other seaside novelties here this season. The suit against the Long Beach Devel opment company for the recovery of the two hotel sites on the bltilT and the long, narrow strip of land under and between the hlcff and high-water mark, will be heard by the supreme court on the 23d of this mouth. The amusing farce, I'roposing Under Difficulties, was excellently rendered Mon day evening at Forester hall to a good sized audience by a talented lot of the elocution pupils of Pomona college. Miss Nellie Jaussand of I.os Angeles bait taken rooms at M.s. P. R, Griffith's Prim rose Lodge cottage aud will spend a month at the beach. Mrs. B. K. Graham, who has been resid ing for tlie past two months in Garvanzi, was here Tue-day looking up quarters preparatory to her speedy return to the beach. (). M. Dameron of Lis Angeles, accom panied by M. H. and Mrs. Overton of St. Paul, Minn., were delighted beach visitors Tuesday. MOUNT LOWE Mount Lowe, April B.—it distinguished party of San Francisco people, consisting of Gen. J. W. Forsyth. L". S. A.: Lieutenant and Mrs. J. F. Hell. A. D. ('.: Lieut. J. F. Heynolds Landis, Major A. K. Bates anil Mrs. C. G. Trent and Mrs. Fie Baumpas of i Boston, came up to Mount Lowe ott Tues day evening and remained until Wednes day. General Forsyth and Professor Lowe knew each other during the war. Mount Lowe is now a full fledged money ■ order postolflce. Among those making extended sojourn at Alpine tavern are Mrs. J. M. Hale, Los ; Angeles; Mrs. H. G. Bennett, Pasadena; ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gray and W. W. Gray of Illinois. Sol Pragar of Los Angeles, accompanied by his wife, is here for a visit of a couple of weeks. He is seeking relief from the ; asthma iv the clear atmosphere of Mount I Lowe. O. F. Lowe of Hampton, lowa, ia a guest , of his brother, Professor Lowe. Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, April B.—The city elee- I tion resulted as follows: Mayor, F. M. j Whitney; coitncilmen -llrst ward, G. C. '■ Welch: second ward, N. D. Smith; third ; ward, C. K. Lataiiiack; fourth ward, A. S. ! Cooper, and nftn ward, W. S. Day: mar i ahal, I>. W. Martin; assessor, W. A. Hig | gins: tax collector. W. S. Maris; police j judge, S. S. Price; library trustees,S. B. P. . Knox, H. F. Moguire, .1. F. More, E. C. | lloeder and J. M. Short; freeholders to i draw up a new city charter, J. L. Parker, ;R. B. Canfleld, H. G. Crane, T. 11. Dawe, ; G.H.Edwards, A. Goux, J. C. Hassinger, C. L. Hunt, A. Ott. A. M. Bins, E. S. Shef ' field, J. W. Taggart. E. C. Tallant, B. F. j Thomas and A. B. Williams. I All prires ol waliraper g.eailv reduoed 4 j A. fccltitrom, s.'4 South Spring street. 7