Newspaper Page Text
8 City Branch Agencies THE HERALD IS order lo accommodate the public Th. H.nlt baa established branch agencies, where capias af Ike Dally and Bnaday will be on sale and sdses ttshMj and subscriptions taken and forwards* te th. main office as won aa received Tbese branch agencies do net tnetud. lbs ka» Snd. of book stores and new. stands In aU pails sf tk. city when Th. Herald la also lor aala BOTIiE HEIGHTS F. don NELL, Newsdealer, 2101 East flub j atreet. BAST I.OS ANGELES MRS. E. C TH ACKER, Newsdealer, 8M North Daly street. SAN FERNANDO STREET M'KINNIE'S PHARMACY, I US Saa V*t> nando street. WESTIjAKE park DONALD A. ROSS, Newsdealer, 2100 Wsse Seventh street. UNIVERSITY H. L. PARK, Drugs, Stationery, Ma. Postofltco bttlMlug. SOUTH CENTRAL AVENI'E CHICAGO PHARMACY', corner central avenue and Twelfth street. , CHURCH SOTICES HT. PAI'I/'s CHURCH, EPISCOPAL, OLIVE st. opp. the pork. Open every day In the year. Dully service at 10a. m. The clergy " ill respond lo all calls for the office* of the church for strang ers or visitors, without respect to creed; burials, marriages, baptisms or visitations of the sick. Use of the church cheerfully given free for funeral •errlees. Tel. 143 red. o -err*J.*coi,viiT.TfrviTvl-;s EEOTtf.!i. Ta3 ii • practical Instructions in spiritual science and phllosophv Friday evening at h oclock In ban quet hall. Odd Fellow building, 220;* S. Main st. Replies to questions from the audience. Friends please tutu out. Xt SPECIAL NOTiCES FIESTA DECORATIONS— SPECIAL NOTICE I am ready to submit and execute plans for :iil kinds of l.ii Fiesta decorations. Estimates furnished for decorating any building or store front in tbeclty- Notwo designs will be alike, and l respectfully solicit your decorating patronage. Will eolorln «*andeseent or it.ts globes in Fiesta shades and have secured from the executive committee of I.a Fiesta the exclusive riuht lo place Japanese lant ern decorations on and along the following streets : Main street, from Plazn to Sixth; Spring, from Temple to Sixth; liroadwny, from First to Sixth, aud First, Second. Third, Fourth Filth and Sixth atreets, from Main to Broadway, lanterns to he placed every four feel npart. For information as to price and' for estimates, call on or address ED. B.Webster of the rustle hustle ad vertising CO., 244 8. Broadway. BI'SINEsm NEWSPAPER-THE DAILY Journal: a business newspaper, publishing ail the county official records, real estate transfers, mortgages and liens, building news, contract work, financial news, and all news relating to the re sources and development of Southern California and the great territory of the southwest. One dol lar per month, or in advance $10 per year. 227 W. First St., Los Angeles,Cal. t.-I tf NOTICE— THE LOS A NOBLES CITY WATER Co. will strictly enforce the following rules: The hours for sprinkling are between the hour* of • and s oclock a. m. and ■> and - oclock p.m. For a violation of the above reguiatious the water will be ahut off and a fine ol fi will be charged before ii o water will be turned un agnin, 4-28 \BEPTOLLN— DR. CYRUS BOSON'S Ale Iftged cure tor consumption SCOttS to be proving Itself a success; cases treated at cost of the remedies used tor niie month, hy DR. PILE l Nr.TON. The Wlnthrop. 39 880 s Spring st. Gt ENTLEMENS' MENDING BUREAU, i 3 T Plrtle bis., cor. Fourth and Broadway. Mending, cleaning and light repairing; buttons furnished; buttonholes made. AH orders neatly nnd promptly attende-i to. charges reasonable. 4-13 IVKKV.s COSMOS Hie M. K. lyatenx For ' cants a month you caaread 30 leading magazines at home, call at 4M S. Broadway. M OS. DAVIS. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. • Housea built for cash or installment plan. Money to loe.n to parties conteea plating building 4» *. Broadway. Tel. im Main. :n tf rpHls is TO NOTIFY ALL PERSONS THAT 1 I will not pay .warn bills or any other debt made by Fied McCaru. CHARLES McCARN, 4C9 Bernard st. U rpHE SUPREME LODGE OF THE FH A JL ternal Brotberliood. rooms 88 and at, Plrtle blk. A first-class organizer wanted. 4-21 *■ ' - 1 111 ■ " ——■■ ■■ i, -. BDUCA TtONAL _____ LOS ANQEIjES BUSINESS COLLEGE, IS corporated. occupies the entire fifth floor of the new Currier block, 212 W. Third st.: largest, oldest, beat; elegant and commodious rooms, im tensely practical courses of study, able and expe rienced specialists as teachers, complete equip ments, perfect lighting ami ventilation, rooms heated by steam, first-class elevator service; live courses of study—commercial, short band and typewrit Inc. preparatory, telegraphy and assaying: the school is thoroughly live and progressive; It Inspires as well as teaches; day and evening ses sions; Individual and class instructions; successful graduates: tine class or students; visitors cordially welcomed: full information, personally or by mall. E. R. SHKADEII. pres. E. K. ISAACS, vice-pres. L N. I.NSKEEP. see. 2 "^; rrr oodbur y business college ( mi i corporated). 336 S. Spring st., is the oldest »nd largest commercial school in southern Califor nia; the most beautiful college rooms aud equip ment to be found in the state; elevator fur pupils' use; a large faculty of experienced ami abl" in structors; open the entire year: both day and even ing sessions; a practical English course, a thor ough business course antl a course in shorthand and typewriting under an experienced stenogra riher. Write or call for illustrated catalogue and nil Information. (J. A. HOUGH, president; N\ O. FELKEIt, vice-president. MRS. ADELINE DUVAL MACK'S SCHOOL of BIOCUtIOU ami Dramatic Art, sins. Pearl st, formerly of Washington, D. C.; special terms to schools; thorough vocal training; private les sons or classes; also dramatic training for theatri cal profession. 4-VM7 In ROE BEL INSTITUTE (CABA DE ROSA Si training school for kindergarten; also school for boys and girls of all grades; opens September 13d. Apply to MADAME LOFDs CLAVERIE. 8 71y BOYNTON NORMAL, FOR TEACH ERS only, begins September 16th; teachers aided in getting positions; teachers, governesses and tutors supplied. Room 525 Stimson block. ti-3Hf LOS ANGELES TRAINING SCHOOL FOR klndergartners. Fall term September IMb. MRS. N. D. M A VII EW, »i7i) W. Twenty-third su ti-stf IS TON SCHOOL FOR BOYS, NO. IM W. PICO As: HORACE A. BROWN, LL. B. HARP STUDIO. MRS. J. M. JONES 1008 W. Seventh st. fi-h DESTISTS PA. DENTAL CO., A. J, STEVENS, MAX A ger, makes a specialty of crown ami bridge work and painless extracting. \ good sc. of teeth •/>. 2268. Spring. Telephone IIS). tf ADAMS BROS.—DENTAL PARLORS, gAOlf S. Siirltig st.; painless extracting and Hliing (date, fg, 98, #10 ■ all work guarnnleetl; established ti years, hours, 8-5; Sundays, UM2. fJIRANK STEVENS, s. SPRING ST., JE opendaysand evenings; also Sundays; elec tric light. DR. KENNEDY. DENTIST, 'OS'; s. SPRING St., rooms 2, '• and 7; painless extraction. CHIROPODISTS Miss .i. f.'alexanuer. < iiiiiopobist; treats f,vt; plvcssalt glow, ttiaeaao.i lionrs. 9 a. ni. to Hp. m. 315 anil l-'lii Wilson block, First and Muring sts. 5 - DR. ZACHAC—DISEASES OK THE FEET 353 8. Bpring st. S4SI JPATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, ETC. PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS OBTAINED In all countries: itoiigtit unit sold. s. J. BAY St CO., patent attorneys, room at, Bryson blk. if KNIGHT BROS.. PATENT SOLICITORS; free book on patents, m Byrne blilff. S-23-. PALMISTS PROF. A. MYERS, THE PALMIST, HAS returned to tbis city and Is located at Ills old parlors. The Norwood..v»ll south 1111 l St.. where he will he pleased to receive his maoy clients ami friends. JJ HOUSE-MOVING \tf. MIAIPKR,' HOUSE MOVKR-orricK? . lIS N. Broadway. HELP WANTED—MALE Rates for advertisements under this classifica tion -\ time, 5 cents per line; 1 week. 30 cents per Hue; 1 month. 91 per line. HUMMEL BROS. tVco" Successors to PETTY, HUMMEL *t CO., KM PLOY ME S I AGENTS, .*:00-30- W. .Second st., In basement California Bank Bldg. Tel. aoy. Ofllce hour* from 7 a. in. to 7:33 p, in., except Sundays MEN S DC I'AHTMENT Experienced lan]tor, married man. *4."> per month: (C. \V. Rider please call;) Swede for or> Chard work. etc.. *2n etc.; man and family, slraw herry pickum, 3c per box, muatcamp; experienced fthoeiriakfr, sowed work; shocmakei-, repair work. HOTEL DEPARTMENT Three wuiiressrs. lir-tt rla3s hotels, ciiy. $'J0 etc.; (Plain fimk for II people, fin etc.; cook for rehtan rant, fidate,: rlrs cuis«* ■ tared ironer. country, j etc. and fare; extra waitress for t-'iesia week. HOUSEHOLD DKI'ARTMV'.NT Nurse alrl, 2 children, fts sto«; nurse for baby 7 months,fioetc,t ranch cook. nueneme,("JO etc.; house girl,oarvanxa,f)o etc; 3 for sunta Ana, ■SOandflfi itCt,uo children; Oerman house cm. Twelfth *r.. ate : yiri to country, nice home, fhi anil fare; hOUSS gM near Wesihikc. 2 tn famlh-. fit) etc , also one for intmly of .i. *'Joeti'. 11l MMRL BROS. * Co. TirANTED—TKN P.OYs OR YOUNG MEN if from i-ach school or cOllasja in the city to ' work a jiort'.on of rhe time for The Herald. Twesi | ty-fivt l cents in cash will he paid for each new i name, nnd every canva-Mer will have nn OppOrtU i nily to win one or tr.oie of the following prizes: 1 One ?ion tirst-clnss bicycle, a cold imiainic-cnsi 1 tvateh, a six mouths' scholarship In a hnsinesi colletre, double-harreied brecfh lomlinjt shotjrun, j 1 fa) suit of ciovhes, ISO overcoat, round trip to Ban I Uieeoor Uatatltia and return. Bltuor of the tat- i ;er Includes a free dinner at the t'uronado Hotnl ; or Hotel de Avaion. n tf i WANTKn - BPLKNDW OPPORTUNITY II for jippolntnient for younc men in railway mall servhe, Kxamination:* soon in every state. I'ft'ticulars all government positions free. NATIONALCORRESPONDENCE INSTITUTE, Washington, D, C. fri^ — 1 ■-■— - — 1 "l\ T ALVTED HOUSEGIRL, FAMILY, Ml); 4 1 T> German house Kiris. $25; house Klrl. ianiiiy j 2,920; houseatrlS) Pasadena, f25, |20, |1A; young frirls, city. MO, ill- second itirl. »>. CROWN CITY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. l'Jl', s. Rrond way, i f ■\\7-ANTF.D-.SALKSMKN-SlOO TO $123 PER II month and expenses: sample line; position permanent, pleasant and desirable. Address, with IVamp, EING MV'ti CO., F. 7;t, Chicago. 7--2) \\ r ANTED — YOU U PATIONAOE. RELI II able help rurtiished promptly. RETD'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. I9S w, First st. tf X%T ANTED--JAPANESE BOY TO HKLP IN If boardins house end OOOktng. < ;til 30(>t'om mercial St. 10 (ROOKS' AND WAITERS' FREE EMPLOY ment Bureau. i.>;" 4 s. Main St., rooms 4 and .i. Hi XHT ANTED—HELP FREE—27 SITUATIONS, iV s. Broadway. c. NPTTINUBR, ~X%T ANTED—BARBER WANTED. 103 ARCA- If dlasts Steady job. 'o HELP WANTED—FEMALE AAT ANTED—GERMAN HOUSE GIRL, 828; H second girl, |2o; 4 hi family, f&0; aiu family,B2B; German girl to commence 18th, 120; housekeeper, f-f- ; house girl, Hill st.. 840, 4ln family: girl to go home at nights, ?2U: Swedish girl, 2 in family. *2o; Flgueroa st.S'*»; nurse girl. |10; 2 in family, Santa Ana. lioi - In family, coun try, 018; Alhambra. ?.a If yon want work we cau supply you. CRoWN CITY EMP. OFFICE. 121% s. Broadway. tf ■fir AN TED- WE MUST HAVE HELP WE if pay men and women ftO to |18 per week for i eSsy home work. No bOOkS or peddling. Steady I employment guaranteed. Send stamp for work i 1 and particulars al once. HERMANN A se\ • MOCR, 213 South Sixth St., Philadelphia. Ta. ■1-7 31 a wk TCAXTFO- V*- \ FAR-OLD GIRL TO ASSIST \f in housework; low wages, good home; to be Mk*> one of family. K. Fifth sr. 5-8 SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE \rr ANTED —AN EXPERT BOOK-KEEPER * f aa well as tirst class bualness man; mar ' tied, &p?aks German and English, ai refer ! ences and bonds, wants position as book-keeper, | cashier or collector: must have work. Address t G. A. M.,208 Bush St., San Francisco. CaL 9 | \tT ANTED— YOU NO ENGLISHMAN— ! tt work of any kind. Used to handling horses, i good coachman; leaving place this week; good references. Apply T, hnx 80, Herald office. 9 T*T ANTED —SITUATION BY JAPANESE Tf to do llOOklng; bad experience In family. City or country. Address V., box. 20, Herald office. 10 ■ \T r A NTE D - - JAPANESE COOK. GREAT f T experience and steady, w ants a place. Ad dress W«, box 10, Herald office. 1 ! A"ir ANTED — DRI'GGIST, PH. G.. WANTS f\ situation; speaks English and German, ■ Address 884 Clay st. il \ SITUATIONS WANTBD-PBMALB XV7" ANTED—HOUSEWORK RY TWO COM -11 patent girls. German and American by : the lOth or 18th. Address W., box 30, Herald office. y \TrANTED—POSITION TO WORK BY THE Tf day, week or month. Address MRS. E. M. PLACE,7TBW. sixteenths:. lo ■\TT~ ANTED—HOUSEWORK BY GOOD HER if man cook. Call or address room 0,121 Ij s. ] Broadway. 8-tf, WANTED-—PA RTNER ! \*7"ANTED—PARTNER — WITH $8000 OR i ff upwards, secured by stock alone: business i legitimate, established and a. monopoly ; no oxpe { nonce essential, but partner can bo actively cm i ployed and handle his own money. Address V | box '">. Herald office. IT, WAN! ED-AGENTS I "IV" ANTED-AGENTS, 283 N. MAIN ST* ff room 28. tt MISCELLANEOUS \%T ANTED—LADY WOULD LIKE ROOM fI mate; board in house if desired; would take child to board also. 888 Buena Vista st. 10 ITTANTED-A KEATING BICYCLE, 03 PAT 1T tern. Must be In good condition and low j price, M. box 80, Herald office. tf ■ ! i j 08T —ON EsTKELLA AYE., NEAR !AJ 't'weniy-rlrst st, gold spectacles; win Under , | Kindly return to 1988 Estrelta aye., and receive [ i reward. ii It IST- ■ BAY HORSE, »i YEARS OLD. RE- A turn to mifl Whittierst . lor reward. N MASSAGE AND ELECTRICITY A f V TREATMENT HAM CURED MANY; IT -*fi can cure yon. It Strengthens the nerves and * btltlds up the Whole system. Health, strength and vigor Is lor you. whether you be rich or poor. Im pure blood carries millions of sore-producing germs ,MRS. DR. MAYOR, 817 s. Broadway, rooms 81*82, 10- * i IJI DITH ANWAY, FORMERLY OF BOSTON _j gives genuine alcohol rubbings that are health ■ j fill and refreshing! no rivals. S, Main St., I > room 3. 2-18 MASSAGE AND ALCOHOL B A THS— 201 Winston st.. upstairs, one block east ofpost office. between Fourth and Fifth sts. 0-8 i Af iss REV IRVING, ARTIST; PHOTO-TINT •fI ing and mounting; new style. 1-0 N. Main St., rooms '1 and 8. 8-3 MAGNETIC TREATMENT GIVEN RY A competent lady, E. Seveuth, room i. 4*9 MISS MAY RUSSELL—THE NEW HELL man, room 7. .l-ti MIBS*OLLtE MOOREr 181* roomi 3 and 5. Gent's mending. 12 Af ISS MAY STONE GIVES ALCOHOL = baths. 102 N. Main St., room 17. 5-22 SOUTHERN LADY GIVES ALCOHOL baths. 127 E. Third st., parlor 11. 5-15 I 4 1 RACE ROBINSON - - NEW HELLMAN, \JT Main street, room 8; massage. 22 ALMA WORTH, PACIFIC HOUSE, NO. Ml New High st.. massage. 4.0 BLACKSMITH FRANK W. JIOPPE, PRACTICAL llORSE shoer. Telephone 1808, Carriage, rnr.d and track horses shot. In the best and neatest style; ; only skilled workmen employed; corns, quarter* i I cracks, contracted, weak or diseased feet of any t i kltal successfully treated without extra charge; cases of Interfering knee-knocking, etc., receive ' personal attention; horses culled for and deliv ered. All work guaranteed. 4Ju Wolfskin aye., J Los Angeles, Cal. 4-10 1 11 ■■ ■ ■ ssassgsßßS ■ . " ■ ssa 1 , i^Xrfyy^ POULTRY WANTED - RANI HERS WILL do well to call at tlie Lob Angelcti Poultry yards »>ast of the river on Rio St., south, about 3(tn. Highest price paid in cash. J. V, JOHNSON, pro prfetn: 4-19 LOS ANGELES HEBALD: THITBSCAY MOKOTM}, APH-lL 0, 1896. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Rates for advertisements under Hits olassiliga tion- l timr, fl ™m« per line; 1 week. :to cents per Ine: 1 mouth, f I per lint. tflO* SALE-WANTED A RELIABLE MAN witii ism* knowledge ol machinery, win, anoutisuu; can earn 113 ft per month clear; owner . imut leave cliy. Address tf., box s>, Herald f orhce. ~ J , | If! 0 * SALE- A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS j a. mm a little push will secure a bvstttesa new In I Inoeiiv thai will net the purchaser from fiooto r- v per moiuii. Address V, box 40, Herald otiti c. SALE SI ALE WASH MAM'KAITUKI i a w ill bear the rullent tnvesttiiiuioii; $530, | I. I>. BARN ARB, MX s Broadway, n X,-11)R SALE-A NEAT BARBER SHOP IN A .1 good location; lino pavinjj trade' * i'» I. I>. BARNARD, 117', s: Broadway.' !l IrtOß BALK- HARDWARE HI sinkss in a country town. A choice IB Veatn :: •■.Mm. I. D. BERNARD, it: s. Broadway. n liWR SAI L "11. 111 SINKSS LOCATED IN thrtvlAM country town ; sure banraln • *7on. 1. B. BARNARD, it:', s. Broadway. ' » moßArco, Finns, ice crkam, Etc ■ I splendid husluess; tnvolc,., 1230, \| \1 HONEY A- MY MRS. «M s. Mam il. 1 TTIOR BALE—PATENT 1 OR salE; QUICK X raturnaantl otenronta Address si.aytun WALKER, Riverside, i nt. 4-HMe |*Rt'lT, CIGARS, st'MMEt: DRINKS, ETC.! 1 choice location; price, ItotX MAIIONEY & MY Kits, till s. Main si. g "IVOR BALK-CITY NEWSPAPER ROCTES. JT Apply C. tl. BPRENO, Herald business offloe. tf 0 BOY, BELL OR EXCHANGE PROPERTY mi en lo BEN white. ;l'i w. Ursi si. n To BELL OCT y ocr BUSINESS SEE I D* I Barnard, or', s. Broadway, ' * "** " ' fO*? SALE—LODGING HOUSES IT" it BALE- LODGING' II til's p. ill- |2 rooms; L nicely furnished, clearing overs4l] a month net profit; to be aold at a bargain: don't miss nils rare chattel, Bee BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st, « T,-<OR SALE LODGING HOUSE OP 13 ROOMS 1 offered today ay half value; see tins bargain. BEN WHITE, 22! W. First st. II FOR SALE- LODGING HOUSE: GOOD REA son for sc Ming. Coll or address 104 s, I.os An uclcs street., cor. First. _ SPECIALISTS DR. IK)RA KINO, GERMAN - ENo£fsH specialist; diseases of women : all irregulari ties restored: treatment confidential; cure guar anteed. •Hi s. Broadway 6Xw DR. R.G. COLLINS, OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN, with the Los Angeles optical Institute; eyes examined free, lit s. spring st, RUPTURE I't'REU WITIKU'T DETENTION from business. DU. WU ITEIIILL. lis'-, s. spying si. .Is _ WATCHMAKER YOUR BYES. BUY A PAIR OF A smoked giasses; assortment complete find prices lower thin last year at W. J. oet/'s, jew eler. 33eS. nmndwav. 1-15-7 The Herald, 50c a Month by Carrier MEDIUMS j3SoF!" feed bell— LKCTERER AND PSYCHIC TEACHER, Gives Private Lessons ta Occultism. Pupils in phrenology prepared for public work; i astrological and phrenological charts written. j Mediums developed on the true plane. As an electro-mental beater, pain and disease disappear under bis touch aud the sunshine of his philosophy ns If by magic. Consultation frer —strictly confidential. Hours,'.) to 12,1:80 to 5; evenings by appointment, if MR B. WALKER. ( 11 A IRVO V A N T AN D card medium, is meeting with wonderful 1 success. She invites the most skeptical to prove i her power. All business affairs of life looker! Into, 1 for the advancement of your future. Will organize a developing class and gives readings dally from 9 1 a. m. to Bp. m. 816'j s. spring st. 9-17 . WJ' GREEN, s. 0., CLAIRVOYANT, TEST ! Tf • and business medium Diagnoses disease without asking questions, and spiritual herder. Gives sittings daily; test circles on Monday and Friday evenings; developing circle on Wednesday evening. 288}$ Si Spring St., room »i. Ofllce hours, • tO 5. 4 27 MRS. PARKER. PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT and medium ; life reading, business removals, law suits, mineral locations, love affairs, etc. Take Third st. electric car to Vermont aye. and Vine st. Second house on Vine, west of Vermont aye. C-3) MADAME DEAN—FORTUNE TELLING BY cards; one ol tire greatest in the world; reads correctly past, present and future; all busi ness transactions, losses, lawsuits and uli affairs of love. No. 20s E. Fifihst. 4-21 MRS SAN FORD JOHNSON, THE INDE penrient slate writer and medium, gives Sittings daily at MBS, Los Angeles St.. and holds circles on Thursday evening, at 8 p.m., of each Weak. Admission hOc. 4-13 MISS LULU HOLDEN, PSYCHOMETRIST aud business medium. Sittings dally, ex cept Sunday, ofllce hours—9:Bo a. ni. to 4 p. m. Circles Tuesday and Saturday evenings. Irving House, BO s. Hill st. 4-2t rpllE IN SIM RED LIFE AND) 'AUD REA DElt 1 lias permanently located at the San Julian, lop rioor, rooms 17-ls; lias read cards for many years,ami Is the most learned medium in America. 4-22 "|£ E. o. PR AIM, PHYSICAL MEDIUM. A\*> Holds public circles on Tuesday and Thursday evenings; private sittings given daily. 787 Merchant st ~ bet. Seventh and Eighth sts. 4-12 AT ME. NORM AND, HEADER AND LIFE* I JfLl reading medium; develops medium power; | Self-healing and how to become a medium at your I own home. E. Seventh at. 4-0 MISS KATE LAMPMAN, THE CELEBRA ted young trance medium, has returned for a month aud will give sittings daily ut her home, 282J4 Winston st.; test circle Monday nlgln. 10 MM E. GRACE, CELEBRATED CARD READ or. tells past, present and future. Ladles, 20 rents; gentlemen,fiocants. Parlors -i and2V r,2ti Maple aye. 6>6 MM E. STANLEY. CELEBRATED CARD reader; reads your entire past and future; ladles or gentlemen 800, Parlor in, ajis. spring. 4-17 IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE OR WANT TO knew your future consult Zlngara, the gypsy, vi 217 S. Dill si. Office hours 10 a.m. to H p.m. 5-1 AfF.s. BARRETT ELLIS, .CLAIRVOYANT _aVL card lvadcr. Come und hear the truth. Dow ney blk., room 17. Price, BOC. 428 MRS. BABNETT—SITTINGS DAILY{ ClR olssTuesday and Thursday evenings. 433 a. Maiu st., opp. postoflioe. 4 >2I AfRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS. MATE RIALIZ .AfI lug seance this evening, 800. 220 S, II ILL ST.; Sittings daily, St. v A ONES H. PLEASANCE, I'RANCE ME dium, Is permanently located ut 084 S. Broad way IM-tf STORAQB _ DRY AND CLEAN STORAGE FOB HOUSE* bold goods, pianos, trunks, etc. City Ware house, <i7fi uppOr Main st.. U. T. SMITH, Proprie tor. Tel. 048. tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I.l(>R~"kA 1,F.-KO>l X GOOD B A ROAINS IN Bt'rond-hand orKiins: koo I miikea. KOfILKR & I'HAKJi. 2SB S. Hprinu St. tf ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW BBOUMEAU * AttornftyH-ftt-Lp.w, .0.1 Brutlfotiry blk., f.og Angole.. tf MUSICAL BARGAIN IN A way upright piano. Address X., box 10J, Her aid Ogee. CARPET CLEANING SI E A M CARPET CLEANING. SEWING "AND laying. JOHN IL RICHARDS, ISO », Spring. Tel. 1818. ftl tf FOR RENT—HOUSES Rates for advertisements under this classifies lion—l time. 5 cents per line; 1 week. M cents per line; 1 month, *1 per line, HI*:NT —8-ttOQM 1 -Tat. WITH FUR" A nltura for aale cheap; low rem; also 8 rooms, unfnrnlshed; would rent the 8-rootn flat together, ?ni per mouth j bath and gas. 226, t i' E, Seventh st, RENT —8 ROOM HOUSE, 128* VICTORIA ! JLy st, ALLIbQN BARLOW, 12as. Broadway, ir FOA? RENT—ROOMS 17\OH RENT FURNISHED SUITE, FRONT and back parlors, very deatrable lorgentlemsn i aitd wire or two gentlemen, In a modem flat, on ! electric line, tivc mtttntes south from city hall; ' electric lights, gas, hath and telephone; front 1 rooms; no children. Address No. 1 COLONIAL FLATS, Eighth and Broadway. :'. "IJIOR RENT—ROOMS FURNISHED. SINGLE V or en suite; bads 26 cents and upwards. RUss j HOUSE, cor. Los Angeles and First sts. I ll 1310R RENT- ELEGAN n.V PURNtSHRD rooms, transient, close in ; a!s-> singh* rooms, j Tin; WAVERLI, lit? E. Third st, 429 j— — — 1,-soil KKN T - i.i.t N. MAIN ST..TII E DENVER] nicely furnished rooms. 81,60 per week and up. I ward : center of city ; ttfia to «1 g day. ft-11 tf I "CIOR KENT THE MARIPOSA, S'Jl E. BEO- I r Olid st.; furnished rooms, 91.25 per week up; j lodging, ■-•sc, .Tic and 8)0 per night. 10-1 tf laOH KENT FURNISHED, TWO FRONT rooms; also outside n>onts, ft.o'j per week,. Hit 1 S. Spring st. 4-14 "plORv RENT—NICEL\ FURNISHED FRONT I rooms; also housekeeping rooms, lhig*»J E. fourth st. !> IJS.OR KENT HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED rooms; 4L50 to ?i N ITTINOER'S, 461 s. Hope tf j T7IORRENT- NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS JC for housekeeping, 828 B. Broadway. St^tßtf FOR RENT—STORES RENT—TWO' STORES, COB. NINTH j.r and Tennessee, Imp.lre of McGARRY A I INNER, w. second st., or at D. F. McGAR | RY'S COAL OFFICE, Ninth and Alameda sts. 31 1' TIOH PENT-PART OF STORE. WITH FINE show window, on Broadway*, excellent toda* 1 tlon for jeweler. Inquire at SOB S. Broadway, tf I aasW ■■ ■ ■■■ " ■■■■ ■ ■. ■ ? RENT—THE LOUISE B J built for a flrst-clnss lodging house; 50 roomß. Apply to OWNER, at premises, 520 Broadway. ]-tf FOR RENT—MISCELLANEOUS IjtOß RENT—MAY IST, B ACRES IN FRUIT, with 8 room double house; make a fine chick en ranch: cor. First and Soto sts. E. A. HITCII -1 NSON, 880 s. Broadway. v IjlOR RENT—LODGE ROOM AT TURNER . hall; every llrst and (bird Friday of each month. Inquire of janitor. 14-tf MACHINE MANUFACTORY ArON SERKEV MANUFACTURING CO., 284* 280 E. Second St., manufacturers of specut machinery, dies and models; only accurate work ; guaranteed. FINANCIAL I PACIFIC LOAN CO.—LOANS IN ANY Amount on al! kinds of collateral security, diamonds, jewelry ami seal skins, also on pianos, furniture and household goods in private, lodging and boarding bouses or hotels without removal. Partial payments received. Money quick: business conhdonilal; private Office for ladies. W. K. DE* GROOT, manager, rooms 2 and 4,114 S. Spring St. LTNION LOAN CO.— ) Stimson Block. LCgns money on alt kinds of collateral security: watches, diamonds, seal skins and furniture in lodging and boardinghOUSCS and on pianos without removal; also on bonds, stocks, mortgages; low in teres! : money at once; business confidential: prl vale office for ladtes; r«iom ill. CLARK K. SHAW, manager room's m and 112 first door; stimson block. tf rTVHE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN so- A clety of San Francisco will make loans on im proved city and country property. on loans of fSOUOand under.certificates of title from the Title Insurance and Trust Co. Will h*» accepted, making the expenses on such loans very smalt. Ituildtng loans a speeialtv, Appiv to R.O LI NT, Agent. 227 W, Second. _______ 8-lStf "VTOT UNTIL YOC HAVE LEARNT— .*A What WO are! Who we are! And where we are! Have you discovered the cheapest place in the city to get money on household furniture, dia monds, live stock, warehouse receipts and all good collaterals. 320 Byrne building. 12 ON EVERY SATURDAY EVENING AFTER March 38 the state Loan and Trust < ompunv win be opened from 7 to 8:80 p- m., for the benefit Of ivs Interest bearing depositors, which are re ceived ut 8, I and -"i per cent per annum. The safe deposit department will also be open during the same hours to accommodate its pa irons. 5.4 T B. COHN— ThOLoa Angeles Pawnbroker, I4«N. Main st.. loans money on diamonds, watches, jewelry, firearms,pianos,libraries ahd ail other collateral Securities; also sells unredeemed pledges for money loaned and ono month's interest added; make no mistake, it is tlie reliable L. B. COHN, the Los Angelas pawnbroker. 9-10 JjV)H SALE - School bonds of 1 !allfomta< School bonds of Arizona. City'water bonds of California. I Corporation mortgage bonds. I 11 By NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA. I ~\m ON BY TO LOAN, LONG Ol! SHORT TIME, I _*>!_ on furniture, pianos, diamonds, watches, 1 jewelry. live stock, carriages, real estate, etc.; private ofllce; business confidentiul, for ladles or gentlemen. CHARLES c. la Mil, 330 s. spring st., Stowell block, roomsooando7. 4-8 MONEY TO LOA N 1N AN V AMOUNTS . on diamonds, watches, Jewelry, pianos, safes, lodging-houses, hotels ami private household furniture j low Interest; money quick; private Office for ladies. (J, M, JONES, rooms II aud 18, 242' 0 s. Broadway, adjoining city hall. 4-ltt TJOINDEXTER dt WADS WORTH BROKERS, .a 3115 w, second st.. buy and sell stocks, mort gages, bonds and any good securities; if you wish j lo lend or borrow i>r Invest iv real estate call on us; collections made and property managed for non-residents. OJtf MONEY TO LOAN CITY OR COUNTRY property. 51j to 8 net; personal not_*s or se- I ourtty; mortgages bought and gold. If you have I money to loan or wish to borrow any amount call ! on JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, 220 W. First. tf N'ATTONAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. loans money on all kinds of collateral secu rity; money quickly; business strictly confiden tial. BoomsoBand 00, Bryson block, fifth floor. JOHN MITCHELL JONES, manager. 7-3-iyr rpo LOAN—MONEY IN SUMS TO suit AT X reasonable rates, william f. BOBBY sii ELL. 107 s. Broadway. 10-IBtf MON E V LOA NE D ON HI A MOM DS, watches, jewelry, pianos, live stock, car riages, bicycles,nil kinds ttf personal and collatei-Al security. LEE BROS., 402 S. Spring st. 8-21 Till) LOAN-FN LIMITED AMOUNT FOR I X. small loans; no commission; light expense. SECURITY LOAN AND TRUST CO., 223 S. Spring st. ~\f ON E V TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS IVX ranch properly. BUCHANAN Ay ALLYN, 182 W Broadway, it rilO LOAN-?10Q0TO 810,000 ON REAL ESTATE X security. ALLISON BARLOW, 138 S. Broad* way. tj-nj PHYS/C^ANS^ DR. DOHA KINO, GERMAN specialist; diseases of women; all Irregulari ties restored ; treatment confidential; cure guar anteed. 440 s. Broadway. o*B*9o MRS. E. C. PENME, M, D.. HOMOEOPATH Electric bath, OL One electric bath froe, lor ladies only. 734', S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Office hours 10 to it a. m.. 3to4p. m. 4-15 _ ASSAYERAND CHEMIST . riMIK BIMETALLIC ASSAY OFFICE AND X Chemical Laboratory, 121 H, Main st. R. A. PEREZ, E. M„ Manager. 4-10 FOR EXCHANQE—REAL ESTATE Rates for advertisements under this classifica tion- I time. 8 cents per line; 1 wpo k. cents per line; l month. *t per line. JjlOR EXCHANGE PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE HY HEN WHITE 43 hoii'-cs ami lots everywhere. so rancbas, improved and un improve 1. SA unimproved lots everywhere. to lodging houses ami hotels. ■ sell and exchange property- ..r nil kinds. Ms) your property at oncn. Apply lo BEN WHITE, 221 W. First «-t. ;i INOR EXCHANGE 12-HOOM FLATANDLOT 01 feet front. clos» In; also cool 1" room ! house and lot near car line tor land or vacant lots. ; It. VERCH, room R0 Temple b!o?k. ( ran tuts thurs it INOH EXCHANGE—WE HAVE A RANCH of 820 acres in Ventura county to exchange for I lips Angeles property. What have voir:. BCcii jAN AN A ALLY N, 182 8. Broadway. i I.IOK EXCHANGE - A MANUFACTURING X proposition In Washington and Oregon for ( atlfornia ranch property, valued at 810 «>■) to Si-V IW. Address D, pox 60, thtg ottlcc. 1^ EXCHANGE - worth of Ol choice, clear, Los A ngi les proper tv for good * hlcago property. F. A. HUTCHINSON. 880 s. Bfoadwa}*, it "CIOR EXCHANGE- EXCLUSIVE AGENCY I for eastern manufacturer Will take city or country property for part payment. Address s'- E., Herald oltlce. ]NOR EXCHANGE (.000 IMPROVED PROP erty, clear, in Los Angles for Baltimore. Md.. property. B. a. HUTCHINSON, 880 S, Broadway. I SOB EXCHANGE WANT ANTELOPE V.M, ley property fur city. See HEN WHITE, 221 W First si. .1 FOR EXCHANGE — MISCELLANEOUS Under this heading subscribers to the Herald ma.v Pisert an advertisement of (!) nerds or Ipsa, lour times, free of cost, provided the advertiser is HOI a dealer in the article or goods advertised. EXCHANGE - NEW LAIMEs- ' k"em' 1 tnglon bicycle, worth $80, pneumatic. In per fect order. Want first class typewriter. Address with description. C. W. TILLINGHAST, 1 -11 i Omaha st. {% EXCHANGE—FEED AND SALE ST A - I ble; buy and sell on commission horses, want ons, harness, hnv and grain. Advances made. StauS for rent day or mouth. S. Broadway. 5-7 17IOR EXCHANGE-HIGH GRADE DOUBLE hreeah loading shotgun ; none bet ter made ; 10 gauge; want horse, harness ami carriage. Address v., box in. Herald office. 10 JpOR EXCHANGE* A FINE BANJO. WORTH 826, to exchange tor a ;t* or Win chester rifle. Call on or address J. IL, 222 S. Broadway. j-^ IflOR EXCHANGE—A No. | FRESH COW end calf for double-seated or "|ump"-seatod buggy, or what have you 10 offer? 818 w. Four teenth st. v IjlOR EXCHANGE—MARLIN 82-40 SAFETY ritie for horse nnd harness, or carriage of some description. AddressT, box 20, Herald. 10 INOH EXCHANGE-800 2-YEAR-OLD LEMON trees for exchange for what have you to offer? Address, OTTO waun EE, 825 Temple. u> 17108 EXCHANGE -GENTLEMAN'S GOLD . watch, nearly now, for lady's watch. Address or call at 771 Helena nvo. forenoons. 12 I3IOR- EXCHANGE - FINE NAVIDILLO Blanco olive trees to exchange tor ncreage. see BEN WHITE, 281 W. Ff I*Bl St. (I 17IOR EXCHANGE—LADIES' AND GENTS' new bicycles in exchange for vacant lot. Address X, box 80, Herald office. «t tNOR EXCHANGE - WANTED -TO Ex change, second-hand open buggy for light Sprjng wagon. Inquire hi IMS Vlgnes St. BUSINESS PERSONALS 1> ERSi 1 N AL—J USTLIK EEI S D PnoM ONEY. That's what people say who have tried a small ad. in Tlie Herald. They don'; cost much, but tiie results are simply marvelous, m this popular de partment The Herald has made a gain of mors than 300 percent In th" past few months Big cir culation counts. The Herald has It. If you want to talk to half the people in Los Angeles and other parts of Southern California, try a small ud. in addition to ihe immense and rapidly increasing circulation of The Herald, its sales by newsboys, on trains, at hotels nnd summer resorts, make it the advertising medium of tlie Pacific coast. Look ovdr these small advertisements today. They will interest you and may make you some money. Tomorrow try one. The results will be both snr prlslngand satisfying. o-itf I>ERSONAi, FRESH ROASTED COFFEE— Mocha and Java, SBot Ralston cereal coffee lOO] 8 lbs good tea. 81: 8 His rolled wheat. SSc; 12 lbs white beans, 250; ii lbs eastern buckwheat, SSc; can cocoa, lac; can corn beef, lOcj can jelly. 8c; l lbs peaches, 26c; s lbs prunes, 25c; H) lbs raisins. SSc: 5 boxes sardines, 38c; 3 cans salmon, 380 ; 50-1 b ■ack flour, 90c; 00 bars soap, 01; pork. Oc; bacon. Hie; puro margarine, ;toc a roll. ECONOMIC j STORE, 40!! S. Broadway. PERSONAL -RALPHS BROS.—GOLD BAR flour, 01.00; city flour. 90c; granulated sugar, lit lbs., 91; brown sugar, 20 lbs., SI; s lbs. rolled wheat or oats, 23c; sardines, 5 boxes, 28c; toma toes, 4 cans. 3Bo; 7 bars German family soap, 26c; B gallons oil, o.'ic; gasoline,oBc; 3 packages morning meal, 25c j lard, 10 lb. can, 03c; 12 lbs. beans, 25c: 6 lbs. rice, 25c. 000 S. Kpriug st., cor. Sixth. 5-20 WE DO IT-MAKE HANDSOME FLUFF rugs of your worn-out carpets. Call or write for circular. PACIFIC RUG MANUFAC TORY, oil s. Broadway. 8-28-97 I PERSONAL—B, MORRIS PAYS THE HlGH esi price for gents' second hand clothing; Send postal; Will call. IHJi Commercial st. «18 PERSONAL IPERSONAL1 PERSONAL — NEW PROCESS — IRREGU larttles, from whatever cause, cured without medicine, instruments or pain; sure cure; $1 treat ment; home. 819 Grand aye. t-3-0 PERSONAL— HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ladles' and gent's second-hand clothing. MRS. BESSIE,7OO)6 s. springs!. 4-38 ~ FOR SALE—LIVE STOCK IftOß. BALE-ONE ' HORSE,"" H V EARS OLD good for (Carriage or express wagon, cost $123 will sell for 820, Musi sell immediately. 223 E Fourth St. 0 174.0R SALE —A FINE. FRESH JERSEY COW " and calf ten days old. COAL OFFICE, 'J'_2 San Pedro. 0 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE OF SALE OF OR A NOES—SEALED proposals will he received hy the under signed at Ids office. No, 4 M Currier building, city OX Los Angeles, until 12 oclock noon of iho 13th Inst., for ihe purchase, on the trees, of the own of seedling oranges belonging tO tbO estate of Mrs Charlotte M. Rowland, deceased, being the pro duct of about 500 trees on elgbt acres, more or less, included within the home place ol 'the late Char lotte M. Row land, in the Raneho La Puentn, where oranges can be Inspected. The puiohaser win bo required to remove the oranges from the 1 rees and premises on or before the 15th day Of May, 1800, Perms of sale, cash to the highest hldder. The right to reject any and till bids is reserved. CD As. FORMAN, administrator of the cmato of Char lotte M. Row hind, deceased. 15 171 OR S A LE— 1 »ON 'T YOC WANT TO BUY OR * sell your office or store fixtures'.' You will be wise to call at headquarters of counters and ahelv ing. R. Clifford, iiiis s. Spring. 4-is 1740R SALE-200 STANDS of BEES: LANG -1 straf h|ves, 82.50 per stand* 11ENRY A EVERETT, 107'j S. Broadway. 12 IJIOR SALE-ONE 2-TON SIDEWALK ELE -1 vator al a sacrifice. Inquire at the Herald business office. l_*tf ITIOR SALE- DENTAL CHAIRS; BAR. 1 gains; white, gold. Archer W. Stott, 23it S 11 ill street. 0 IJIOR BALE—CHEAP, FURNITURE OF fi room fiat 533' - Los Angeles at., bet. Fifth and sixth. 0 I.IOR SALE-OLD PAPERS IN QUANTITIES : to suit at this office. EXCURSIONS ONCE _T*WEEK PERSONALLY CONDUCT-" ed excursions to Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapo- US and all eastern points, leave l.os Angeles every Thursday via Southern Pacific, Union Pacific "World's Pictorial Line," and Chicago and North western railway, crossing tho Sierra Nevadas and passing all points of scenic interest by daylight. Upholstered tourist cars of latest Pullman puttern, lighted by gas, and run through without change. Competent conductors accompany each party. Fasteßt time. Lowest rates. For tickets and berth reservations, apply to J. 11. PEAKMAN, Manager. O. P. Herr, T. P. A„ 223 8. Spring st., Los Angeles, or to any agent Southern Pacific company. a 3-« PHILLIPS' PERSONALLY CONDUCTED* excursions via the Rio Grande mid Rock Isl and route, leave Lob Angeles every Tuesday, cross the Sierra Nevadas and pass the entire Rio 1 Grande scenery by daylight; also via Southern route every Monday. Office, 13. S. Spring at. BURLINGTON ROUTE—PERSONALLYCON dUOted excursions to the cast every Wednes day over the scenic line oi the world; upholstered tourist cars without change. T. 11. DUZAN, agent, 222 S. Spring at., Los Angeles, Cal. PLUMBERS IIBANK1 IBANK A WF.INBHANK, I'l,r Ml 1 1011 A.M) g.slttttr, S« B; SMfltiil si. T«, ltd, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Dales for advertisements under this classlliea r ion--i time, 8 cents per line; i week, 3d cents pei ne; I month. *}X per line. Houses and Lots TJS.OR SALE— J 1 BARGAINS, fiooo- Bonnie Brae lot. MOO Thh ty-tirsi st. lot. 81800 i» room house nnd nice lot. Thirty-first st. i OtSOO Lot on Grand a. c, *4.*>nt- IA ft, on Seventh rlose to Main st. (several oitur real bargains. Hill EXCHANGE, 10-acre fruM ranch, good house, dose to city. , value 80000, Want city property. SO acres l hatsworth J'ark ; 12800 against 11. Good s-room house In city for tasisrn property Minnesota preferred. otherexuhangea I w. ii. ORIEEIN, if puts Broadway. [ fNOH SAM. IW.a«0: GREAT BARGAIN; .| 1 that beautiful.large. 2-story residence of II I j rooms,and one commodious cottage of .** large room--, elegant grounds, magnificent palms, double corner, I blocks west of Elgileroa Street; 181 feet on Washington, 'I'M on Norwood St., 220 feel on Park drove aye.; Jdrcei Improvements ail made, paid for; owner lives easts win sell for half actual cost, half present value-, K i!t edge. T. WIESfiN DANGer,227 w. Second Et ii TTtOR SALE ?m»o fIOO CASH; It A LANt 'E |I 0 I .1. per month; a new, cosy 4-room hard-finished ( ! cottage; hsll and porch; |o%'ely lot 80x186; lawn, fipWers and fruit; Twenty eighth si., near Central aye. No sense in paving rent when you can pick up a bargain like this. G. W.CONNELL, owner, ■ •-'■hi'v Broadway, mom 26. t> IjlOH sale -THOSE ELEGANT NEW t room cottages « itli bath and closets ay Ninth and Central aye; 015 monthly. Will double in value in one year. It. I>. LIST, 4-13 mSti W. Second. ■jIOR SALE—A <.OOD BUSINESS CORNER ; I with cottage, 6 targe rooms, hall, pantry, bath, porches, patent closet; barn, shrubbery, flowers, etc. :D and Pico sts . Pico Heights; a bargain. 11600. J. McLEA.N. Pico lleicbls. Hi IflOß BALE —NICK 4-ROOW HOUSE and lot, 88x185, with smblc, tree:*, etc., near Cen tral ay. electric line, for (H2BD, in 1)10 payments. A. \" ERCH, loom 88, Temple block, sun tues thura if U\ CASH, S'jno AT PER *~" f \ * month, iui\ s 4-room house and bath; hard finish; lot nicely Improved. Address OWN ER, Tenth and il sts., Pico Heights. 0 sale AT A BARGAIN - 11-ROOM X house on Temple bet. Pearl and Premout sts. tali on ii. KIVEL, 127>« S. Los Angeles st. 22 DO NOT PAY RENT, BUT BUY A HOUSE on the Installment plan rrom ALLISON hah- LOW, 128 s. Broadway. 12-18 tf -j.-sou BALE—A NlCfcJ 5-ROOM, HARD-FIN -1 ished house: lot 88x148; trees and shrubherv. Apply 201 East Pico. If City Lots SALE—OWN YOUR OWN HOME— X 080 rash. 010 nor month. NO INTEREST, Lots on Fourteenth ai.d Newton sts., \M miles from Spring and First sis., in the KSTELLA TRACT, 0208 TO 0850, ono block from oars, In neighborhood of neat cot tage homes, where building restrictions are en. forced, thus protecting your property as well ns our own; ra> shn ni v-i ov. n attachments permit ted: it presents the combined features seldom seen of close-in property cheap. »t prices and terms offered nowhere else In this city ; cement walks Laid and paid for; no bonds or Interest to worry you; other street. Improvements made when required. These lots are beauties, lie about one foot above giade, affording a perfect drainage; soil a sandy loam; no mud whatever; look ut ai! oilier tracts, then see thO Kate!la. Itemember, we charge ab solutely no Interest, and every dollar paid goes inio your lot; also, that onr prices are 28 per cent, cheaper than surrounding lots. Title perfect: cer tificate with each lot. For ail particulars apply to P. A. STANTON, 118 8. Brondway. Tel. 1104. tues-thnrs-sun-IJL 1.-soR SALE—GRIDER ds DOW'S A I)a Ms ST. TRACT THE TRACT OF HOMES 64 choice residence lots unsold are now offered at 0800 to |100oon easy payments; 600 lots have been sold and over 250 homes burn in the past 18 months; a school,building that cost over anil a tine church an- located in this tract i five miles of streets, graded, curbed and sldewalkod; and lined with 2000 lovely shade and palm trees; city wjiier. electric lights, modern street curs with 10 minute service; only tl minutes' time from business center; four 50-foot streets and one 100-fOOt street; lot 40xl3'J to alley ; high and sightly I location; rich loam soil, no mud. Don't buy for a home nor for air investment until you see -ihe "Adams st Tract." Free carriage from our office. Telephone 1209. For maps, prices and views of this tract, call on or write to GRIDER 4 DOW, 0 ltft s. Uroadway. JWB PALE JEST Till NIC OF m The Alexanore Weill tract offers choice building lots on Eighth. Ninth and Twelfth streets, near t'entral avenue car line. 25x120 to alley, at if.Mii. OJli-t and 8850, on small cash ' pay t ment and monthly Installments of only i |10. No Interest charged on deferred payments. | (inly one hundred lots h'tL of ihe original four ; hundred, ami when they have been disposed of i such a chance to get a home within walking dis< ; tance at low prices and upon easy terms may nev ;er Oder again . Title absolutely ' per feet. An uir j limited certificate of title or a policy of Insurance 1 of the Title Insurance and Trust Co. Issued with I every agreement of sate, Eformapa prloe list an.l [ all particulars address RICH MID ALTSUHUL, 7-codtf r |28Jtj W. Second st., Ilurdick blk. j 2^ 0R SALE— CLANTON TRACT (850—Choice residence lots in this heautiful tract at 1860, with a small cish payment, the balance on longtime. The ntreets arc all graded, graveled, with cement walks and curbs. Located on Four teenth St., San Pedro and Clan ton sts ; only a few minutes' walk to tlie business center. Free car riages. GRIDER & DOW, 9 13H s. Broadway. -poi: SALE GRAND BARGAINS 8800—Large CO-foot lot on Twenty-ninth st., Inone block of the electric cars, ut 0800—926 cash and the balance at ?10 per month ; street graded and grav eled * cement walks nnd curbs, and sprinkled. Car riages from our ofllce. ti RIDER it DOW, 9 13!> s. Broadway. jjioß BALE— O R A N < i E D A LE— Flne6o-fbOt lots on Twenty-third st., in 'j; block of tlie electric cars; covered wftli bearing orange trees; streets gjrftded and graveled, cement walks and curbs; at 547. ; > lo 1800, on easy terms. See them before YOU buy. GRIDER £ DOW, 0 13-1 S. Broadway. I NOB HALF. A ORE AT BACRIFXOB—MUST go at U its value, that beautiful lot two blocks west of Second and Sprint,' sts., suitnhlu for high grade Hats or residence. Price only #<000. Bee OIXiBERT, foom 216, S. E. cor. *if Second and Broadway, or address P ( O. box 248, city, _ _<» tf InOB BALK—IF YOTJ wish TO BUY ANY property in the city for investment or specu lation, or place or borrow money on good city prop erty yon may make money by consulting Richard Altsobul. i.:i : 4 w. second st. tu-tnr-sat-tt ITIOR BALE—SPECIAL BARGAIN—B9OO; EOT . 60x178: street Improvements complete; half block west of Figueroa, and north of Washington; best offer on tho market •i JOHN L PAVKOVICH, 220 W. First st.™ TNOB BALE—ATTENTION, HOMESEEKERS; X .'l or i more of the finest and host lots in the city can be bought in tlie Green tract by calling at once on E. K. GREEN, tor. Union avc. and Ninth. ii fTVMt BALE—I26OO—BLOCK OF 12 LARGE X lots, near university electric cars; owner must sell: low price; a good buy. 14 T. WIESENDANGER, 227 W. Second st. _»0 rr_ 1" N'H'K LEVEL LOT, READY EOR •TpoOv/ building, sewered and graded; Bart lett st., near Pearl si.: worth double; sure invest ment. See BEN WHITE. 221 W. First st. 9 ITIOB SALE-HE A UTI FELLY SITUATED 1 lot on Boulevard' tract very cheap, if taken nt once; going east; will not refuse a respectable offer. Address J. KING, 6:14 Bellevue aye. U ofcQKrt- I/OT 0K DART LETT ST., BEW* ffitlOU ered and graded; worth double; only 7 blocks from this office. Apply to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First St. it INOB BALE—THE REST VACANT CORNER : for the least money on Figueroa st. McKOON & YOAKUM, 284 W. First st. 11 ffiS 1 1 /".-LARGE LOT, JEFFERSON ST. tip XIU tract. BEN WHITE, 221 W. First street. 0 tf) BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE PROPERTY, Jd go to BEN WHITE, 221 W. First st. 0 ITS. OR SALE—WE SELL THE EARTH. BAH -3 SETT A. SMITH. Pomona,Cai. 6-2. if Country Property J.IOR SALE-0128 PER ACRE, 10) ACRES ; finest alfalfa ranch, 10 miles south of Los An goles, on 8. P. R. 11.; buildings, fences, wells, im plements; grand income vow; gilt edge. 14 T. WIESENDANGBIt, 227 W. Second St. INOR SALE—IBOOO CASH BUYS 80 ACRES OF 1 land; all ' OWnsltS and gooil as land around it held st fooO per acre; 18 nslfet from Los Angeles, inquire a\ Massachusetts shoe store, 120 w. First II Imth. sat, sou FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Rates for advertisements under this class! ft . - tion—l time, fl cent*, per lino; 1 week,Boem's per line; 1 month, *1 per line. Country Property JpOR SALE- * 10.000 ACRES, Finest ranch in . 'nlifornlu, bordering on Pacttl* OOCftO, twenty minutes hy rnll from Eos Angeh".; perfect climate, no frosts, no hot winds, fertile soil; two water systems; suitable for orariprs, lonir.n*, grapefruit, olives, poaches, apricots, pears, wal nuts, primes, rom, beans, CtO. Will sell the whole or In small tracts. D. FREEMAN. Owner, W "M B. Spring at., uos Angeles. XpOK BALE VALUABLE WALNUT RANCH AT RtVBRA, i ggjf ACRES— |2hJ acres In trees about 18 years old. 42 acres in trees about 7 to 10 years old. H acres In Susquehanna peaches also in bear Inf. This ranch is in the walnut ball and is In the' cultivation, abundant free water right; all necessary ranch buildings and agricul tural Implements on ihe premises j Immediate possession if desired; liberal terms* Walnut pro perty is especially valuable; no known pests af fect the trees and the crop need not necessarily b.4 marketed when harvested: ii will keep, The pro pert \' will be divided if desired. A ppiy lo It. ti. LENT ■117 227 W. Second st. TO OR BALE— X 1 SPECIAL BARGAIN COMPTON (128 per acre, from '-■ to 110 acres, choice aoil, plenty Irrigating water, two miles southeast from Compton, mile from railroad :75 acres alfalfa, nice stand as can be found anywhere; raises 7 to to cuttings a year, Twenty acres in bearing pears and walnuts, balance corn, U room house, lar;«» barn, out houses, dairy. etc., everything first class. Cheapest improved place En county. Owner going away. Must sacrifice. Investigate this rare opportunity. JOHN L. PAVKOVICH, sole agent. 220 West first. 0 IJIOR SALE -20 ACRES ALL IN BEARINO fruit except two acres good alfalfa land. Good ■'•■room hou-.,', barn, sheds, etc. Deeded water right; no expense. Beautifully located, owner non-resident, don't want renters, will take city property or small payment; bal. to suit. Any thing to show good faith and Insure rood car*'. Prlceoosoo. sole agent, J. v\ JONES, 182 Broad way) trout. H IjlOR SALE -SPECIAL BARGAIN—SNAP - 1 Hut io ii.'))! acres neat Cevlha, choicest, land with perpetual water right, per acre; very ne«« strable for subdivision: mortgage foreclosed, must sacrifice for loan than half value: special induce ment as !i whole. • JOHN L. PAVKOVICH. Sole Agent 220 W. First st. IjlOR sa LE—SAN GABRIEL—ONLY A FEW 1 5 and 10-acre blocks left; water right. Nov is the limn io buy. If you have anything tosslt or trada 800 E. K. ALEXANDER, Hi s. Broal way. if Business Property 171QR SALE-20 ACRES IN WALNUT.-*, : peaches, prunes and figs, near city, rai'.roci, school and church: moist soil; as linens tho Slt.i shines on; in bearing! healthy, vigorous growth, at *'J."i an acre and the cost only nf preparing, plant lug and bringing to Its present productive condi tion ; this orchard needs no irrigation ; you are not* wading In water and mud nine months out of tho year, up to your center of gravity, to keep life in your trees, besides paying as much for water a* the profit on your crop; 1 have had years of practi cal experience, and I know what I am saying when I tell you, Mr. Tenderfoot, that there is hot a ■ acre of ground In this country of climate that is worth mo c than ISO an acre: the only curse rest ing on this beautiful land Is the outrageously e\ oroltaftt price Of raw land demanded by these shy locks who are selling U, and you tenderfoot ar** the deluded victims who are furnishing the pound of flesh. Paste this in your hat and addresn OWNER, W. C. T. I', bldg.. room 2. tt ■gIOR SALE — BROADWAY LOT. We have a choice piece of property on this fine street, centrally located, now In tha heart of the business center. We are offer ing this property at snch a low price that will make the lucky buyer a handsome profit within a short time. CLARK & BUY AN. 127 W. Third st. 7tf PIANOS KNABE AND VOSE A BOVh PIANOS AT BIRKEL'k Parlors 18and i». I'lrtleblk. tf _ B/C VC LES SLA RSEN A CO. HAVE THE AGENCY • for Relay Bicycles, 223 W .Fifth st. 8-iu lassayersl Wade & Wade j | 109 1-2 Commercial Si. \ V Best and Oldest Laboratory in Southern jt V California X LOS Representative h ..jissale and Retail Dealers. Business Men and Firms ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW W. H. BHINN. 208-303 Wilson blk.. Spring St. BARBERS' SUPPLIES AND GRINDERS STEINK.N A KIRCIINF.It, K0 N. Main St. BICYCLES "KEATING," Hawley, King A Co., •-•10 N. Mala, DRUQOISTS- WHOLESALE F. W. BRAt'N A CO., 403.407 N Main; ML 954. BRUITS AND VEGETABLES LLDWIG A WAONER, Mott Market, tel. 650. GROCERIES-WHOLESALE HAAS, BARTJCH A CO., 320 to 326 N. L. A. at. HOTELS ABBOTSFORD INN, cor. Bth and Hope; tel. 117* LAW, COLLECTIONS, HERCANTILE REP' TS STANDARD COLLECTION A MERCANTILE Co., Unci »n, >~„>, 211.31, Stimson. A. C. flrod erson, att'y. LIPB AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE BANKERS' ALLIANCE OF CAL., 211 Court st PHOTOURAPH -LANDSCAPE F. 11. MAUDE A CO., 11l W. Fir»t at. REAL ESTATE NORTON A KENNEDY, 134 H. Brdwy; teL MS. SADDLES, HARNESS AND SADDLE W ARB} J. F. MORENO, 220 Alisost. SAFES, SCALES, REFRIGERATORS CIIAS. W. ADAMS, 338 N. Main. Tel. 1347. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOOL, COMPANY COLNSTABLE A COUTTB, Io« N. Lo. Angeles, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALHERS BOOTH A ROW, 2.56 S. Main st Tel. 1849. WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN O. STOESAK, 511 R. Spring at. bet. Sth and 6th. WINES AND SPIRITS J. F. A. LA ST, 120 and 111 N. Main it. YARN HOUSES NEW YORK BA/AAR, 143 N. Bprlng St. Stockholder's Meeting. Office of the San Jose Ranch Company,) Rooms 1 and 3. California Bank Building.S Los AHOlLtt, Cat.., April (i, lt>!)ti.) Tlin regular Annual Meeting of the stockholder, of tho Ban Jose Ranch Company will be held at th. company's olllco. rooms Nos. l and 2, California Bunk Building, J.tts Angeles, California, Thurs day, the 16th day of April, 1896, at 2 o'clock, p. ni., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of inch other business as may properly come before such meeting. lot A. B. NOLTON, Secretary. Stockholders' Meeting mHERB WILL BE A SPECIAL STOCK- X holders'mceilng of the Lo, Angeles Petro leum. Smelting and Mining company, called hy the board of directors at their meeting on March 31, 1896, to be held at rooms 114 and 115, Bryson block, on Wednesday. April 22, 1886, at 10 a.m., forth, purpose of removing a director and other Import ant business relating thereto. By order of the board of directors. K. .1. HEED, Secretary. I.os Angeles, Cal., April 1, 1886. |, Stockholders' Meeting WHERE. WILL HE A SPECIAL STOCK- X holdeis'meeting of tlie Los Angeles Petro leum, Smelting and Mining Company, called by the board Of directors at their meeting on March 81, 18811. to be held at rooms 114 and 115. Hrvsou block, on Thursday, April 16, 1896, at lo oclock a. m. It is specially requested that all stockholders he ia attendance, its business of importance ia lo ba avranaactfQ. By order of the board of directors. E. .1. REED, Secret.rv l.os Angeles, Col., April H