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MARKETS OF THE WORLD Local, Eastern and Foreign Commercial Dealings WALL STREET SPECULATION Argentine Wheat and the Decline of Farm Products The Administration and the Position of Sil ver—Changes Noted in Prices of Prod ucts Produced Locally Argentina lias been a very formidable oompetitor for the wheat trade ot Europo in the past year. In 1894, that country exported 57.600,000 bushels; in 1896, 37,600,000 bushels, while this year it ls estimated at only 20,000,000. A speaker at the Midwinter fair in San Francisco made the statement that owing to cheap land, cheap labor, cheap transportation and the premium on stold, Argentine farmers growing wheat on a large scale could lay the grain alongside •hip at tidewater for 16 cents a bushel, gold. A line ot railroad runs from the foot of the Andes to the ship's side, 212 mile* over a plain so level that there is not a curve in Its whole length, nor a cut nor a fill of over three feet. The descent is so uniform, only enough steam is required to ■ ton and start and control the brakes. The American Economist presents the following table showing the changes in prJj ces of farm products since 1892: » Value. Total Values. 1891 1895 1891 1595 Cents. Corn, bit... 40 6 26 4 $836,489,228 .$567,509,106 Wheat, bu. S3 3 50 9 513,472,711 237.938.998 Rye, bu.... 54 S 44 0 25.542,000 11.964,826 Oats, bu... 31 5 19 9 232,312,267 163.655,008 Cotton, lb. 8 6 7 6 297,377.014 259,164,610 ,Hay, tons. 8:» 535 411.110,000 393,185,615 ! Pet'OS. bu. 67 3 26 6 83,476.000 78,984,901 ■Wool, 1b.... 17 II 9 0 52,868,256 26,486,705 Barley, hu 54 0 33 7 40,600,000 29,312,4)3 R'kw't, bu. 5.1 4 4 5 2 6.948.000 6,688,825 T'b'co, lb. 8 4 7 2 40,000,000 35,574,000 Totals $2,539,434,476 $1,810,712,597 Annual losses on crops In four years, $728,721,879. The annual production of wheat in this country is 510,000,000 to 520,000,000 bushels 1 Year. Of this the exports amount to 133. --000,000 to 150,000.000 bushels a year. The average corn crop is 1,750.000.000 bushels. The loss at 33 cents a bushel on wheat and 14 cents a bushel on corn is a very serious one. Seeretar/ John G. Carlisle in a recent letter to Mr. Patterson, a member of con gress from Tennessee said: "Since the beginning of this administra tion, nearly $110,000,000 in gold has been produced in exchange for other forms of currency. Of this amount. $8,913,812 has been procured in exchange for silver coin, and $10,015,330 in exchange for silver certifi cates. The department has never refused to exchange silver for gold when It had sliver that could be lawfully used for that purpose, ana If it had so refused I am wholly unable to see how it could be con sidered a discrimination against silver. Is a refusal lo pay out gold in exchange for silver a discrimination against gold? If not, it of course follows that a refusal to pay out silver for gold is not a dfscrlm inarion against silver. "In response to your verbal inquiry con cerning the coinage of standard sllverdol lars during the present administration, you are advised that it amounts to the sum ot' $6,662,000 up lo the 15th day of this month, while tiie whole amount of such dollars coined In this country from the establish ment of ihe Mint. In 1792. up to February. 1878. a period of eighly-six years, was $8,030,000." Current Quotations In local produce eggs are higher, extra select, all candled in a small way, selling at 13U cents. In vegetables onions are $1.75. string beans 7 to 9 cents, and summer squash cents. In fruit strawberries are 6 lo 7Vj cents. BI TTER—Local creamery, 2-Ib squares. $50400; coast creamery. fancy, 2-lb squares. 30<S35c: coast dairy, fancy. 2-lb squares, roois, 27 1 , 3 usoc; do 1%-lb. 2(|fjs22V4c: do good to choice, 17V4@20c; cooking, lSrfj) 17'4c. CHEESE—LocaI full cream, large, 12V4c: northern dillu. SUfdlOc; half cream Si/Tie; Young America. VPAc; do (S-lb hand made), lltfee. All Tm' more cased for shipment. EGGS—Choice. California ranch. 1291814. VEGETA BLES —Artichokes, per doit, 20c: asparagus, per lb, 5f8>70; beets, per 100 His, 9uo; cauliflower, per doz. Hoc: celery do, 55c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, 60c: carrots rin. 90c; chilis, dry. per string. 80c; Mexi can, per lb, 15c: green, per lb, 12c: cucum bers, per doz. $1.50; egg plant, per lb, lie; garlic do, 6'fo 7c; leeks, per doz, 15e; let tuce do, 15c: itiuslirooms, per lb, 32c; on ions, green, per doz bunches, 30W40c; do, yellow Danvors. per 100 lbs. $1.75; parsley, per box. 50c: parsnips, per 100 lbs, 75c; peas, green, per lb. 4o; radishes, per doz, bunches, 20c; rhubarb, per box. 85cry<$l: spinach, per lb. 15c: string beans, per lb. 7«f9e; tomatoes, per box, $1,B0©1.85; tur nips, per 100 lbs, (sc: watercress, per doz. bundles, 40c: mushrooms, per lb, 17V£c; summer squash, per lb. 12y»o. GREEN FRCTTS-Pears. $2 per box; strawberries, apples. pine apples, per doz: bananas, $2.25 per bunch. CITRPS FRUlTS—Oranges, navels, 12,75 03.00: Mediterranean sweets. $1.7502.00 seedlings. $1.25fM.50; lemons, fancy Eure ka. $1.75912.V11; Eureka and Lisbon. $I.7sCfji 2.00; uncurcd, $1'0■1.25; limes, per 100. 50c. HONEY AND BEESWAX—Honey comb, I'M i'u lie per lb; strained, 4#Sc;.bees wax. -12c per lb. POULTRY-Hens. $4.5004.75 per doz: young roosters, $4.6004.75; broilers. $3.75T0 6.00: old roosters. $4; ducks, $!.50@3.50; tur keys. 1115/ lie per lb. HAY —Wheat, $10tfill: barley. $8® 10; wheat and oat. $10«|2; alfalfa. $9«10. . MILL STUFFS—FIour, Los "Angeles. $4; Slockton brands. $1.10: Oregon. $1: Eastern. $4.0005.50; bran, per lon. local, $1S: northern, $15.50; shorts, per ton, local, $19: northern, $17: rolled bar ley, per ton, $15: cracked corn, per cwt, 90e: feed .neal, per cwt. 95c. DRIED FRITITS-Apples—Sun dried, sacks, per ib, 4v50; boxes. 5(&7c: evapo rated, fancy, Mnc. Apricots—Fancy. 11c; choice. 9c. Peaches—Fancy, impeded. 6c; choice. 3c. Nectarines—Fancy, Sf!j9c; choice. o<n"7e. Pears—Fancy evaporated, 7fo9c. Plums—Pitted, choice. 7ffl9c. Prunes— Choice boxed. 3ißsc; sacks, 2ttsc: fancy, 10c. NUTS—Walnuts—Los Angeles, 7c; med ium soft, 10c; soft-shell Los Nletos, fancy, 10fc12o.' Almonds—Soft shell. 10c; paper shell. 12c: hard shell, 6c, Pecans—l3&lsV4. Filberts—loQl2l4C. HIDES AND WOOV-Hides. as they run, 11c per lb; sound kips, 9c: bulls and stags He; calves, 15c. Sheep pelts. 6tHlsc. Wool- Spring clip, good 4iS6c; inferior, 3(fi"3V.c. TALLQW—B«'3kc. LIVE STOCK—AII per lb-Beeves, jMOSO' calveß. 808i4c; sheep, i%rw 3c; lambs, iQBo: hogs. 3%ii4c. DRESSED MEATS —All per Ib—Br-«f. r,« 6}ic; veal, 6ty7c; mutton, lamb, 8# 10c: pork, Oe. CURED MEATS—EagIe hams. 9",ic; Rex hanms. 10014 c, ay. 1114 c; selected pig hams, 7>fi9e, ay, 9V;o; Diamond C picnic hams, 50 7o,av, 614o; fancy Rex boneless breakfast bacon .(wrapped). 1314 c; Rex boneless breakfast bacon, lOUc: Diamond c break fast bacon backs, 8c; Rex boneless ham, sugar cured, OVsc; Rex boneless butts, 0e; Rex dried beef (sets), 10c: Rex dried beef (Insldes), 1114 c; Rex regular dried beef. 9c; smoked tongues, per Ib. 16c: light medium y .eon. Se: medium bacon, tic: dry salt clear dallies* 160.20, ay. Se; dry salt short clears, 85040, ay, 6%c: dry salt: dear backs, 6c: Rex pure leaf lard,tierces, «V4c: ivory lard compound, tierces. 6*40: Rexoline, tierce basis, 6}4c: Cottolene. tierces. 7%c. RAISINS—Fancy clusters. $1.25; 4-Crown L 1, clusters. $1.100 1 25 ; 3-Crown 1,1,. per ';°x. 90cS$l: Sultana, seedless, per box, 90eO *} '• -l;* rown loose muscats, per box, 60$ 70c; 2-Cfown loose muscats, per box. 500 0.10: ordinary loose, per box, 45055c -2-( rown loose, In sacks, per lb, 214&9*4 c: ,1-Crown loose, in sacks, per Ib, 2Vn2*,c' 4-( rown, per Ib, BV4ft,4c: Sultana, seedless' laney bfchd, per Ib. 60«',sc; Sultana, seed less, choice, per lb, B!4<a4c. Fractions: Half boxes 25c. quarter box es .! r .-;%;HH higher than wholes. B IGb-f. alifornla white, per lb, 406 c; Cal ifornia, black, per Ib. 404V?c; California vmm ' Per ' im P° r ted Smyrna; iJ}^^ (^ c i ca ? h)-calcut(a. 505V4; po tato bags. 4: dried fruit sacks. 100 lbs. 6UO iacks 30 wah,llt ba ß 8 ' 14 @ 16 : wool At HlB^\ ED PI=AS-Pink. $1.50 I? 4rl»«.iifP'l.'.iff.' 75 ®' 00 ' Ll » (| y Washington. $1.,002.00; wh te. small, $1.7502.90: garvan cos. small. $2.0002.50: gatviiicos large H. 5004 00; gree,;.field peaS: 00: black eyed beans, $2.2502.60; lentils imnortßd |70-8; lentils. California $3.6004 00 PO ted ' f^ T K2S?d?-£rS r , ,n°° lb «' Burbinks, 80® ■i e: Ne vada. $l5j)1.l0; common grades, Stoii iiw SWGet ' * 1 Bur »and Bcwl! Real Estate Transfer* R. L. Gi:?t! tc Fred ■ .- 1-* « , if part of "west of" $$»."'''"' Webster Llndsley to R. A. Guthrie, lot 9, block 41, Electric Railway Homestead association tract; $250. Jane F. Baker to P. A. Clapsaddle, lot 18, Walker tract; two. George and Eudora J. Young to J. New ton Brymer, lots 8, 10 and 12, block 2, Mala bar tract; $1500. „ James M. and Elizabeth O. Davis to Er nest and Franz Blchtor, lot 7, block G, sub No. 1 of lands of Azusa L. and W. Co.; {700, Mahalla Morris tp Mary H. Wlnslow, lot G, Axford at Landreths' sub; $1300. Lutlcla and John H. Linkletter to Var num V. Jerome. In town of Downey; 12000. MttStln D. Crawford ct al to E. Burton Stone, lot 15, block 18, and lots 32 and 34, block 20. Brooklyn tract; $150. Richard and Amanda H. Green to Emma 8. Springer, lot«. Park Villa tract; $1500. Margarita and Thodor Jurgenseni to Lewis A. Wllmot, w%_ of lot 7, Frank Nel sons' snh of w%, block 44. San Pedro; $130. Edward F. and Mary C. Claypool to Newton Claypool. undivided % of lot 5, Ross sub. Berry & Elliott tract; $5000. Sellna F. Barlow to A. W. Lemesnager. lots 7. 8 and 9. block 122. San Gabriel Valley L. ft W. Co.'s sub; lot 7. block 1. Glendale: lots 1, 2, 3and 4. block X. Ela View tract: lot 17. block O, of L. A. Improvement Co. a sub; $1500. ~ _ August and Mathilda Melsted to Ida F. Christie, lots 2 and 3, block 1, City Center tract: $16,000. G. L. and Annie H. Chamberlln to Albert Lr. Davis, lot 3 of £ L. Chamberlin's re-sub of John Rey tract: $1000. • Isaias W. and Esther Hellman to Mary Kolb. lot 4. block 1. I. W. Hellman'e Six teenth street tract; $660. Wlllard and Ellen Fowle to Catherine Tivernnan. w 33% foet of lot 15, block R, Aliso tract; $500. Hosea H. Rlstine to Fannie and Minnie Morrison, agreement to convey lot 11, block E. Crescenta Canada: $1000. Mrs. R. O. Butterfield to Catherine M. Buehler. s% of lot 10, Buchanan ft O'Neal's " Emms P. and George H. Little to Addison B. Naah. ntt of lot «, Reeds sub of w% of ne%, see. 1. 2s, 14: $8000. ... . James F. Murphy et al to Mrs. Julia A. Holladay, lots 19 to 120, replat of John Rey tract; $2000. ..'«.. Board of trustees of San Gabriel school district to D. R. Brearley. commencing at se corner of sec 36. 1 n. 12 w: $300. Valentine and Louise Bresson to John Pcyrenel, lot 97, Myers tract: $250. Gail and Helen M. Borden to Willie B. Johnson, beginning at se corner Fourth and Olive streets; $3000. Emma and G. G. Kirby to Ferdinand Reis Jr. and William 8. Pardy, trustees of Pacific tSates S L ft B Co.. lot 71, Grlder ft Dows Adams Street tract: $1100. Ida F. and Henry Christie to August Mel sted. part lots J, 2 and 3, Diet* B Alams street tract: $2600. _ , y P. w. Dorsey to Susan M. Doraey, lot 12, Hodge tract: $1600. . , G. W. and Louise M. Tubbs to Charles F. Smith, lot 40, block B, Washington street tract" $425 Moses Ricker to Jennie C. Ricker, lot 18. W. B. Rogers' sub: lot 2. block N, Cres centa Canada: blook 17, Harvey & Ricker s add to Whltllei f $7000. _ William W. Seamon to Alice R. Seamon. undivided % intereat in nw% lot 17, Sierra Madre tract, and other lands; $3000. George I. Cochran to Agnes Tooker, lot 2, block 11, Herald 2d sub: $1. Elijah and Emma Cash to Charlotte Cash Miller, lot 11. block 6. Marathon tract; $8.0. J. G. and Emily Whittaker to Adam and Maggie Pleasant, lots 53 and 53V,. Whit taker. Richardson * Ernest sub; $1000. Soloman tnd Ella P. Hubbard to Luther Hill, lot 17. block 30. Electric Railway Homestead association tract: $350. Total, $47,524. ON 'CHANOE Buslneis Transacted and Prices Paid at Hosse and Abroad NEW YORK. April 14.—A further in crease in trading was noted today in the slock market and there are indications of commission house buying to a moderate extent. Interest centered In the Indus trials. London came lower for Americans, but the local market opened animated and strong. Trading was affected by the con siderations that have recently been noted, the seasonable weather, ease of money, weakness in exchange, more encouraging advices aa to the crop outlook and a belief that no disturbing elements are likely to occur In the near future regarding the Cuban question. The market at the outset was quiet, but the movement decreased Later and the afternoon operations were only of moderate interest. The reports denoting the substantial position of the sugar industry and buying of the stock by the pool have caused considerable anx iety on the part of the shorts, as the manip ulators appear to be able to manipulate the price at will. Sugar rose 1% per cent to 123, closing with a net gain of a point. The advancing tendency in the general market was checked at times by profit tak ing, but the depression was only momen tary. Such of the railways as were active fluctuated with narrow ranges. In the final dealings general realizations caused fractional recessions and Imparted an easier tone to the closing. The ex changes recorded slight gains as a rule. Railway bonds were active and higher on a wide distribution of business. The more substantial gains were scored ihe usu ally inactive issues. Central Washington firsts trust receipts jumped 1% per cent to 52 on the prospects of favorable treat ment in the Northern Pacific reorganiza tion. Government bonds were strong on sales of $85,000. CLOSING STOCKS. NEW YORK, April 14.-The following are the closing stock quotations: Atchison 16% do pfd 145 Adams Ex ....148 N V Central 96% Alton, T H 58 N V ft N X 4R do pfd.... — Oft W 14% American Ex..U3 Ore Imp 1 Baltimore ft O. 18% Oregon Nay 22 Canadian Pac. MVt OSL&UN 3% Canadian 50... 50% Paclfls Mail 27 CenPac ISV» PD ft E 2% Ches ftOhla .. 16% Pittsburg 160 Chicago Alton .154 Pullman Palace .167 CB & Q 78% Reading 12% Chicago Gas... 69% US. Rubber 2ti Con Gas 135% do pfd S4 C C C& St L.. 35H R G West 18 Col C ft 1 2 do pfd 45 Cotton O C... 14% St L&B Fist pfd — Del Hudson ...127 Rock Island 71% D Lft W 16914 St. Paid 7(1 Dftß (i pfd.. 47(4 do pfd 125^ n& c fC0.... is% st. p& 6 :i9' 4 Erie 2d pfd .. 38% do pfd 122.. Erie 14% Southern Pac ... 19li. 'do pfd id 23% Sugar Relincry .122% Fort Wayne ...160 Ten 11 ('ft I 81% G N pfd 110 Texas Pac 80 C ft E I pfd ....100 T ft O Cen pfd.. 75 Hocking Valley l«Vi Union Pac 8% Ills Cen 95 v S Express .... 48 St P ft D 24 w St L ft Pac. 714 K&Tpfd 27 do pfd 18% L B & W 18 W F Express .. 99 do pfd.... 70V4 Western Union .. 84 Lake Shore ....14714 W&LE 9% Lead Trust ... 25',; do pfd 98 L ft N 50<4 Minn &St L 19 L ft N A HA Dft RG 12", Man Con 111% General Electric. 37% M ft C 15 Natl Linseed ... 19 Michigan Cen.. 95 Col F ft 1 29% Missouri Pac. 24% do pfd 100 M ft O 22 TT ft Tex Cen... 2% Nash Chatt .... 68 T A A & N M — Natl Cordage .. 4% St L ft X C 5Va do pfd.... 9% do pfd 10 N J Cen 107% SoR R. 9% Nft W pfd 5% do pfd 30% North Am Co.. 5% Am Tobacco ...84 North Pac I<4 do pfd 98 UPD&G 3% Am Tft C C 0.... 93 Com Cable Co.. 160 it s cordage pfd. 19U Am Sugar pfd. .102 U S Leather pfd. H% Northwestern ...164*4 BOND LIST. NEW YORK. April 14.—The following were the closing quotations on bonds loduy: IT S 11 4s cotip.ll7!i r* P lsts 0f'95... .100 II s ,"?w4s —117V4 T>& RG7s tig ll , TT H fi* reg....113% Tt ft R G4s Mtt TT s 5s c0up..113% Erlejnds (4% IT 8 4s leg... .IORV2 G 11 ft 8 A 65... .105 V S 4s reg ....109 GH&SA 7s. ...100 t! S 4b c0up..109 H ft T Gen. 55..10S Pac 6s> of '95..103 H ft T ,Cen Vs.. 103% A a C ass A....106 M JC T Ist 45.... 84% Ala Class 8....106 Si X T 2d 45...,58% Ala Class C....100 Mut TTnlon 65....114 Ala currency.. 100 N .1 C Genl ss..lis La new con 4s 98 N T» Ists 114"J Mods 100 ]>T p 2ds 110"'. NC6s 122% Northwest c0n..139% NC45.... 103 do S F deb 55.110% 8 C non-fund.. 14 R G Went lsts.. 74% Term n set 65..86 St P consols 75.12S Term 11 set us. .108% St PCft P W 55.113 Term 11 set 35..— St L & S F Gen 65107 Term old 65.... 60 St Lft 1 M Gen 5s 77% Va centuries... 60% Texas.Pac lsts .. 88% Va deferred.... 5% Texas Pac-2ds .. 23% Atchison4s 78% IT P Ists of' 96. ...1041.1 Atchison sec A 46 W S 4s 103% Can So2ds 104 *• ORft N lsts 109% So RR 5s 91Vi N P 3ds 74% L ft N 4s 7714 SAN FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS. SAN FRANCISCO. April 14.-The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alta ' 7 Julia 4 Alpha Con 6 Justice 2 Andes 25 Ken tuck Con — elcher 39 Lady Wash Con.. — Belle Isle — Mexican 30 Best ft Belcher .. 45 Mono 11 Bodle Con 38 Mt. Diablo — Bullion 3 Navajo _ n.jln'-r Con ?0 OeoMnntol I'm, OA Caledonia 3 Ophlr 87 LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MOBNING. APBIL 15, 189 ft. Con Cal ft Va.... 155 Overman 8 Challenge Con .. 23 Potosl 22 Chollar 33 Savage 26 Confidence 70 Scorpion -i Con Imperial ... 1 Sierra Nevada .... 65 Con New York.. — Sliver Hill 1 Crown Point .... 29 Silver King — Exchequer 3 Union Con 40 Gould ft Currlc. 13 Utah Con 6 Grand Prize .4.,, — Yellow Jacket.... 29 Hale ft NorcroßS.l2o MONET QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK, April 11.—Money on call easy at 303V4 per cent; last loan, 3; closed 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6140* 614 per cent; sterling exchange heavy with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.88140, 4.88% for demand and $4.87%04.88 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.8804.89 and $4,890 4 90 'SAN FRANCISCO. April 14.—Drafts, Sight. 5: telegraph, 714. LONDON, April 14.—Consols, 110*4. SILVER BULLION. NEW YORK. April 14.—Bar sliver, 6814; Mexican dollars. 55%. 1 SAN FRANCISCO. April 14.—Bar sliver, $8%; Mexican dollars. 55'i056. „.„, London, April 14.—Bar silver, 30 3-16 d. TREASURY STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, April 14—Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $270,603,293; gold reserve, $127,820,766. BOSTON QUOTATIONS. _ ~ BOSTON, April 14.—Atchison. 1614; Bell Telephone. 202; Burlington, 78%; Mexican, 9%; San Diego, CHICAGO MARKET The Day's Transaction* on tho Bo»rd of Trade CHICAGO, April ll— There was Just a fair speculative trade in wheat. Tne start was strong at %©%c advance, and gradually sagged back %c. rallied %c, de clined l%c and closed steady. The early firmness was Influenced some by the higher cables, both English and continent al, Liverpool, according to public advices, showing %d advance. Berlin and Parts Also showed moderate gains. There was a falr-sixed out inspection and crop dam age claims from Ohio which also imparted some strength to the situation. At the advance offerings were larger, especially of July, there being considerable selling by the elevator interests and exports mak ing a disappointing showing, caused early buyers to sell and prices receded. The weather continues the all-important fac tor, the warm showery conditions in the winter wheat states having a bearish in fluence. Another influence which aided the decline was the sharp drop in prices at St. Louis which was said to be due to the change in the rules regarding the delivery on contracts of Kansas hard wheat. Northwestern receipts were much larger than a year ago, and there were selling or ders here from that section. The signal service preuicted favorable weather for the winner wheat belt, but not so for the Northwest, where snow flurries and colder weather are indicated. Advices from parties now traveling through the Southwest stated that the crop in Southern Indiana and Illinois looked much better since the late rains. The market rallied on the good buying by room traders. The very free selling at the advance caused tho sharp reaction to Inside prices. When hold ers wanted to realize they found there were no buyers and a heavy feeling result ed, the very limited export clearings and the fine growing weather making buyers cautious and longs sold. There was a little more doing in corn. Prices kept within 'ie range. The close was steady at yester day's price. Oats were active only at In tervals. The feeling was easier, influenced by free offers and sympathy with wheat. Provisions were upheld for a time by the demand for pork by those who were short. That sustaining Influence was not sufficient to bold up lard and ribs in the latter part of the session. CHICAGO. April 14.—The leading futures closed as follows: Wheat No. 2—April. 64%; May, 60; June, CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, April 14.—Today's transac tions in cattle were at barely steady prices, with comparatively few sales above $4. Choice cows and heifers. $2.500 3.70; bulls, $1.750 3-25: calves in liberal supply at lower prices. There was a fairly good demand for hogs today, all kinds except light weights average 6c lower. Sales were on a basis of $3.350 3.80 for heavy.. Prices were, steady at $2.750 3.75 for poor to strictly choice sheep and $3.8504.60 for lambs. Western sheep comprised the bulk of the offerings and sold largely at $3.6008.86. Most of the lambs were Western and Mexicans. Corn No. 2—April, 29%; May, 30%; July, 31%; September. 32%. Oats No. 2—April, 19; May, 19%; July, 20%: September. 20%. Casli quotations were as follows: Flour, nominal: No. 2 spring wheal. 6t%: No. :i spring wheat. 65065%; No. 2 red. 67%©69; No. 2 corn. 30%: No. 2 oats. 19%: No. 2 white. 21%0<22%: No. 3 white. 20021%; No. 2 rye. 37; No. 2 barley. nominal:-No. 1 flaxseed, 92; prime timothy seed, $3.25: mess pork, per hbl. $5.6.yn8.60; lard, per 100 lbs. $1,950 4 97%; short ribs sides (loose). $4.4004.45; dry salted shoulders (boxed), 4%01%; short clear sides (boxed), 4%04%: whisky, distil lers' finished goods, per gal, $1.22. Rects Shpmts. Flour, bbls 9,000 12.000 Wheat, bushels 21,000 60,000 Corn, bushels 118.000 56,000 Oats, bushels 169,000 173,000 Rye. bushels 2,000 5,000 Barley, bushels 39.000 23,000 On the produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creamery, 10O17e, dairy, 10O16e. Eggs were firm at 9010% c. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS Call Board Prices oi Cereal* snd Shipments Received SAN FRANCISCO. April 14.—Wheat steady: December. 108%: new seller. 105%: barley steady; December, 73%; May, 72%; 65%; July, 65%. Flour, family extras. $8.7503.85: bakers' ex tras, $3.5508.65; superfine. $2.8503. Wheat, No. 1 shipping wheat, 107%: choice, 110; milling wheat, 11714012214. Barley, feed, fair to gootl. 70071%: choice. 72%073%; brewing. 800 86%. Corn, 86%: bran. $14.60. Oats, milling. 7608214; surprise, 900 100: fancy feed. 8814087141 good to choice. 75080; poor to fair. 6i1»072'»: gray. 7214080. Receipts—Flour, qr sks, 1575; wheat, clis, 1050; barley, ctis. 7505; oats. ells. 200: do Oregon, 665; beans, sks. 457: corn, ells. 1605; potatoes, sks. 3205; Onions, sks. 53; bran, sks, 1757: middlings, sks. 480; bay. tons, 270; straw, tons. 10: mustard, sks, 160; wool, bales. 829; hides, number, 655; wine, gals, 111,300. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE. SAN FRANCISCO. April 14.- Middlings. $17.50O!19.50; bran. $14014.50. Hay, wheat, $8011.50; wheat and oat, $7.50010.50; oat. $7.50010: alfalfa. $709; barley. $709; clover. $608; compressed. $7.50010.50; stock. $60/ 7.50; straw. $15055. Potatoes, river bur banks, 85085: Oregon burbanks. 350)70; early rose, $0040; new potatoes, 760100; on ions. $2,110. Various—Los Angeles tomatoes, $2,500 1.75; string beans, 10; Los Angeles green peas, 208%; garlic, 40:5: dried peppers. 100 12%; mushrooms. 15080; asparagus. $102: do choice, $2.2502.50: dried okla. 12%015; rhubarb. 86076; cucumbers. 560d.00. Fresh fruit—Apples. $1.5002.50. Citrus Fruit—Mexican limes. $5,5006; lemons. $2.500 5.50; do fancy. $2.250 2.50: Cal ifornia seedling oranges. $1.250 2.75; navels. $20 2.75; fancy, $30 3.30; Hawaiian bananas, $102. Dairy products—Bttlter. fanev creamery. 14; seconds do, 13013%; fancy dairy, 12-0 13: seconds do, 12. Cheese—Fancy mild new. 909%: fair lo good, 7140814; young America, 8010; East ern, 12011. INfff CURES AN ItEVESTS Coughs, Cold*, Sore Throat, lojluenza, Bron chitis, Pneumonia, Swelling ot the Joints, Lumbago, Inflammation RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, FROSTBTES, CHILLBLAINS, I EADAC E, TOOTHACHE, ASTHMA. DIFFICULT BREATHING CURES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minute,. NOT ONE HOUR after read inf thia advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. A half to a teaapoonful In half a tumbler ol water will in a (ew minute* cure Crampa Spasms. Sour stomach, Heartburn. Nervou, neia, sleeplessness. Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentrv. Colio, Flatulency and all internal palna There la not a remedial acent in the world that will cute Fever and Ague and all other Malarious, B'lious, and other fevers, aided by RADWAVS PILLS, so quickly ai RADWAVS HEADY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle bold by Draggistt §an Marcos Hotel SANTA BARBARA Especially desirable for persons visit ing the Flower Festival WALTEK RAYMOND, N. 8. MUIXAN, Proprietor. M»nager. Eggs—Store, 12; ranch, 13014; duck eggs, 12W16. Poultry—Live turkeys—Gobblers, 14'ij) 16; hens, 14016; roosters, 2404.50; young do, 1708; small broilers, 12.5004; large do, 25.60; hens, *45»4.80; old ducks, 4.5005.50: young do, $708.50; geese, 21.2501.75; old pigeons, 81.5001.85; young do, 81.5002. BOSTON WOOL MARKET. ROSTON, April 14.—Business has been confined to the sales of small lots in the wool market here this week. The market shows an entire lack of demand and with this feeling prevailing prices are somewhat fluctuating and the buyer in need of wool has no trouble in securing what he requires at his own figures, if they are anything within reason. Dealers are now in hope of improvement in the market for the new clip and prospects of doing better after the fall elections. Dealers express the opin ion that the election of a Republican presi dent will help values. California wools: Northern spring, 10fi>13: scoured, price 31fi> 83 cents; middle counties spring. 10rai2e; Bcoured price, 30@31; middle county spring, 10O<12c: scoured, price, 30031 c. Australian wools: Scoured basis, comb ing, superfine, 47050 c; combing, good, 43iii 46c; combing, average, 40043 c. AVAILABLE GRAIN. NEW YORK, April 14.—Special cable and telegraphic dispatches to Bradstrect s indicate the following changes in avail able supplies. Saturday, April 11. as com pared with the preceding Saturday: Avail able supplies: Wheat. United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, de crease 1,586,000 bushels: afloat for and in Europe, decrease 1,696.000 bushels; total de crease world's available supply 3,382.000 bushels: corn. United States and Canada, east of the Rocky mountains, decrease. 83. -000 bushels: oats. United States and Can ada, east of the Rocky mountains, increase 131,000 bushels. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. LIVERPOOL. April 14.—Spot wheat clos ed firm with a fair demand: No. 2 red win ter, 5s 7%d; No. 2 hard Manitoba, 5s 7a: No. 1 California, 5s 7%d. Futures closed stead v. V t d higher; April. 5s 7d; May. June and July. 5s 7!4d; August and September, 5s 7<Ad. Spot corn closed steady: American mixed new, 3s Had. Futures closed rim;, HOlid higher; April. 3s Id; May, 3s Hid; June. 3s July, 3s 2Ud: August. 3s Id; September, 3s I%<\. Flour closed firm with a fair demand; St. Louis fancy winter. 7s 3d. Pacific coast hops at London £115s. PETROLEUM. ' NEW YORK, April 14.—Petroleum quiet; United States. 21.23 bid. SOOTHERS PACIFIC COMPANY TIHE TABLE—MARCH 22, I*9* Leave for DESTINATION Ar. from *BB} wtts* {w w agg} wa» {*SS 2:05 pm 18. Fran., Sacramento ( 7:3i)am 9:2Spm / and East, via Ogden \ 1.30 pm 8:25 pm Portland. Or 1:30 pm 2:80 pm EI Paso and itiaat 1.09 pm Pasadena A 7:69 am 7:60 am " 8:86 am A 8:88 am • N 9:50 am 9:20 am • * ■ 10:40 am A 11:25 am " l:»pm 12:20 pm " A 8:05 pm 1:55 pm v 5 ; 01 pm 5:30 pm " A 7:38 pm A t:lopm " coom 1 Riverside, f »:55 am • :20 am l:f»pm 2:80 pm ' San Bernardino 4:4* pm 4:50 pm I and Colton I 6:35 pm • :oo am i j 8:49 am 9:20 am Pomona 9:86 am 2:30 nm ■ and i:oopm 4:30 pm Ontario 4:44 pm 5:25 pm J I *:*> pm 5:0o am Ctalno *:W am 4:30 pm " 9:55 am 5:25 pm " *:85 pm 9:00 am I Covins , 8:50 am A 2:30 pm' r and J I A ::00pm 5:25 pm i San Dlma* 1| 9:35 pm 8:05 am 1 ') Monrovia [ AS :21am A 11:20 am! I Arcadia I 9:50 am A 3:05 pm f and 1 A 1:10 pm 6:15 pm ] Duarto [ 4:55 pm 7:35 am Santa Barbara 12:15 pm 4:00 pm M 30:10 pm A f-nsnm 1 Santa Ana and f . JjfjH? MlwSief { 10:05 am > Whlttler ( 8:00 am A IfSSSi { MSSK A 9:10 am Tnstln 9:o4am s:lopm •* A 6:20 pm 5:05 pm J San Pedro 5:15 pm 0:00 am Santa Monies, 810:00 am " 7:45 »m «. " 3:45 am 1:10 pm 12;12 pm 5:16 pm & 4:20 pm 0:00 pm 14 5:10 pm 9:00 am Soldier*' Home 12:12 pm «:00 pm " 6:10 pm 9:ooam port Los Angeles 12:12pm 6 10:00 am M n g:*i pm 1:10pm 11 5:10 pm A 1:40 pm: Catallna Til and A '.l:.oam A 9:4 ft am Ctiataworth Park A 4:5 pm ('hat«worth Park—Leave from and arrive at Blver Station, San Fernando street, only, a Sundays excepted s Saturdays and Sundays • nIT " THE INSIDE TRACK. AM B.P. Co.'s trains stop at First street (except the four San Francisco trains) ami Commercial street (except tho H:25 San Francisco evening train), in the business renter of the city, saving time and street car fares to passengers. General Passenger Office, 22» S. Spring street. pACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP CO. Good all, Perkins & Co., General Agents, San Fran. CISCO. Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Or., Victoria, h. C.j and Puget Sound, Alaska aud nil coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES TIME TABLE FOR APRIL, 1898. Leave San Francisco "Tor— i Port Harford IS. S. Corona, April 7, 13, 23; Santa Barbara May I. Bedoudo Port Los Angeles.Jß. 8. Sunt & Bona, April 3, 11, Newport IH, 27; May 5. San Diego For— Is. S.St. Paul, April 5, 13, 21, East San Pedro—l 29; May 7. Ban Pedro and way 8 S. Knreka, April 1, 9, 17,10] port m ■ M*y **• s_ Leave Port Los Angeles and Redondo For— S. S. Santa Boss, April 5, 13, 21, »); May 7. San Diego S. S. Corona, April 1, 0,17, 25; M»yt_ For— 8. S.Santa Boss, April 7, 15, San Francisco 2*; May I. Port Harford !S. H. Corona, April 8,11,19, 27; Santa Barbara ! May 5. Leave Han Pedro and Fast Han Pedro. ~For- |S. 8. Eureka, April 4,12, 20, 28; San Francisco I May fl. and S. H. St. Paul, April 8, 16, 24; Way p0rta...... ■ ■. • I May 2. Cars to connect with steamers via San Pedro leave S.P K.K. Arcade depot at 5:05 p.m. and Ter minal r.k. depot at 5 p.m. Cars to connect via Redondo leave Santa Fe depot ut. 9:50 a.m., or from Kedondo Hallway depot at 9:05 a.m. Cars to connect via Port Lob Angeles leave S.P. 8.8, depot at l: 10 p.m. for steamers north bound. Plan.t of steamers' cabins at ageut's office, where berths may be secursd. The company reserves the right to change the at earners or their days of sailing. For passage or freight as above or for tickets to and Iron, all Important points In Europe, apply to W. PARRIS. Agent. Office: U*H W. Third St., Los Angeles. Redondo Railway DEPOT: Grans aye. and Jefferson at. In effect January 1,1899. Leavo Los Angeles j Leave Redondo for for Hedondo Los Angeles 9:05a.m Dally 7:30 Dally 4:80 p. m Dally, 1:00 p. m Daily I For passenger aud freight riles apply at depot, corner Grand avenue and Jefferson street. Tele phone West 1. T. T. ntltlmtV Pr..Me:>t_ L. J. PERRY, Superintendent. [ T!;« Only I3PECIA.I.r!aXS In So California for | |l DISEASES OF MEN ONLY | I { I We have the largest practice on the Pacific Coast, treating ever? form of Weakness icnd Private Diseases ef M*moa»> at*)* -\ \ We Never Ask for a Dollar Until Cure is effected. ■ f \ WK GPAkAKTBB TO CUBE j-— * \J Jf\, \— fNa P,in ' r ■&* um *to* > ** jB ft No matter how large or of how long standing, and yoa can pay os when you arrwrared. If tdd ciaattoaU, wets*. |X | i Corner Third and Main St., over Wells, Fargo & Co.'s. Private side entrance on ThJsl tlMt X LINES OP TRAVEL SOUTHERN jKRr* C IA JH m%\\ Trains leave and arrlva a* La Grande Siation aa IKilol ■ Trains via Pasadena arrlva) ' Downey btc, ntatioh 7 mtn- T93BSw£SPSD uti>a earlier westbound and C3CwMs*svZ¥l leave 7 minutes later easL> bound. CHICAGO LiniTED To Denver, Kansas City, Chicago. St. Louie, Leaves daily 8:00 pm.-Arrives daily* :05 pm. CHICAGO EXPBESS—DAILY. To Denver. Kansas City, Chicago, St. Loan. Leaves 7:10 am.—Arrive* 6:00 pm. SAN DIEGO TRAINS. Lv. a>:oOa. m., 5:20 p. m; Ar. al:05 p.m.. 7:15 p. au SAN BERNARDINO TRAINS. P—Leave 7:10 am. a»:20 am., 0:00 am., at:O0 pro. 4:45 pm., B:oopm.*, O—Lv. ali:oo am., 6:20 pm. P— Arrive 8:65 am. a»:45 am., al:oopm.. 5:00 pm., (:06pm.,6:80pm; O—Ar. ii:ooam.,7:l RIVERSIDE AND REDLANDS TRAINS P—Leave 7:10 am., aS:2O am., i:00 am., a 4:00 pm., 4:46 pm; O—Lv. all:0» am., 5:20 pm. P—Arrive a»:45 am., aiK» pm., 8:00 pm., 6:05 pm* 8:50 pm.; O—Ar. II :00 am., 7:15 pm. PASADENA AND AZUSA TRAINS. Leave-7:10am.. a 8:20 am., c:» am., 1:38 pm., MtW in., a 4:46 pm., ai:80 pm., Bpm. Arrive—a7:BBam,, 8:56 am., a»:45 am., 1:00 pm., 4116 pm., 6:00 pm., 6:06 pm., 4:60 pm. MONROVIA AND INTERMEDIATE, leave-all:20 am..aa»:oo am., 1:85 pm., a4:oopm.. isVMI pm., as:Bopm. , Arrive—a7:6B am.,8:55 am., t.i:oo, 4:15,6:50 pm. ANAHEIM AND SANTA ANA. leave—as:ooam., 6:00 am., 4:18 pm., 5:50 pm. Arrive—6:Bo am., al :06 pm., 8:05 |im.,7:i5 pm. BEDONDO BEACH TRAINS, leave—9:6oam., 6:o6pm; Arrive—B-.29am ,4:4* pa SANTA MONICA TRAINS, leave—7:lo am., 10:00 am., 5:05 pm. Arrive—9:ss am., 4:40 pm,, 9:50 pm. FERRIS AND SAN JACINTO TRAINS, leave— P *9:00 am., O—all .00 am. Ar—Pal:ooanda6;osnm. O—all:00am.. »7:15 p«* ELSINORE AND TEMECCLA TRAINS, leave P—a9:am. Oall:00am. Arrive P—al:oopm. O—all:00 am. EBCONEIDO. FALLBROOH fcr—aß:oo am., a6:2opm. Leave—a9:oo am. Arrive—al :05pm. Arrive—a7:i» pm. P—Via Pasadena. O—Via Orange, a—Dally, except Sunday. aaSundaye only; all other train* 4*117. Ticket office, 129 North sprlac el. and la flrande atatlon LOS Ufu TERMINAL ST IN EFFECT NOV. 18, 1895. Lot Angeles depots: East end First street an* Downey avenue bridges. ""Leave Los Angeles for Leave Pasadena for Los Pasadena. A ngelos. b 7:10 a.m b 8:10 a.m. c 7:55 am c a S:loa.m a io:2r>a.m. a 11:80 a.m a i2:4flp.m. a 8:80 p.m ft 4:35 p.m. a 6:20 p.m. ■ a 6:00 p.m. Downey avenue leaving time 7 minutes later. Be* twfcen Los Angeles and Pasadena—Round trip 25c. LeaveLOS Angeles tot "Teave Altadena .11incttan Altedena Junction. for Los Angeles. a t:loa.m a 10:10 a.m. c 11:80 a.m c 12:2* p.m. a 8:80 p m... liiz^i ' * P m - All trains start from First street depot. "Leave Los"AngelesTor Leave Glondale for Los Gleudalo. Angeles. b 7:osa.ra b 7:57 a.m. c 8:20a.m c 9:i2a.ra. a 11:80p.m a 1:27 p.m. a 6:05 p.m. .....). _*..... a 5:52 p.m. Leave "Los Angeles tor Leave East San Pedro"" Long Reach and East for Ban Pedro. Los Angeles. a 9:00p.m a 7:20 a.m. a 1:10 p.m » 10:30 a.m. a 6:00 p,m ..._•■» 3:45 p.m. Between E. San Pedro and Long Beach 10 minutes. CATALIN A Steamer for Avalon connects with 1:10 p.m. train daily, except Sundays. BUBIO CANYON AND ECHO MOUNTAIN. Trains leave Los Angeles dally at 9:10 a.m., cII.SO a.m., and a 3:30 p.m. Fine pavilion and hotel. Grand scenery. Telescope and searchlight. a Dully b Dally except Sunday, c Sundays only, d Saturdays only. stages meet tho 7:10 a.m. train at Pasadena for Mt. Wilson on new tr*»ll. Passengers leaving Los Angeles on the 7:10 a.m. (rain for Mt. Wilson can return same day. Special rate;, to excursion nnd picnic parties. Depots east end ot First street- and Downey are*. Bue bridges. City ticket office, (Jreenowald s cigar store, cor ker Second and Spring streets. General offices, First street depot. T B BVUNETT, General Manager, W. WINCUP. Gen. passenger Agent. PASADENA AND LOS AN*■ EI/ES ~..„,„ ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Cars leave Fourth and Spring streets. For Rubio Canyon and Echo Mountain— 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00; 1:00, 11:00 and 4:00 p. m. Returning It aye Echo Mountain—B:oo and 9:00 a.m.: 2:00,1:00 and 4:16 p.m. For AUadena— 8:00 and every nour until 10 p.m. Returning leave Altsdena-0:»t0 a.m. and hourly until 0:30 p.m. For Pasadena—Every Fifteen minutes from 7:15 s.m. to 8:00 p.m. Hall hourly before and after these hours. Office, 222 W Fourth street. W. D. LAKKABEE, SupL E. P. CLARK. Gen'l Manager. Mm/ Diseased We cure Emissions, MK| Dr. White PERRY, MOTT & CO.'S LUMBER YHRD AND PLANING MILLS i 138 Commercial Street, lo* AOf.iee, Cm. LOS ANGELES' Representative w nolesale and Retail Dealers, Business Men and Firms ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW W. H. aOW, 205-208 Wilson blk., Spring It. BARBERS' SUPPLIES AND GRINDERS STEINEN 4 KIRCHXF.II, lEO N. Main st. BICYCLES "KEATING," Tlawley, King & Co., 210 N, Mala, DRUGOISTS—WHOLESALE F. W. BRA UN at CO., 405-407 N Main; tel. 954, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LTIDWIO <fc WAGNER, Mott Market, tel. 550. GROCERIES—WHOLESALE HAAS, BARTJCH * CO., 820 to 320 N. L. A. at, HOTELS ABBOTSFORD INN, cor. Bth and Hope; tel, 117 a LAW, COLLECTIONS, MERCANTILE RBPTS STANDARD COLLECTION & MERCANTILE Co.. (inc.) 8100,000, 211-212 BtlmsOn. A. C. Brun ei son, att'y. LIPB AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE BANKERS' ALLIANCE OF CAL.. 218 Court st PHOTOGRAPH—LANDSCAPE F. H. MAUDE A CO., 11l W. First St. REAL ESTATE NORTON A KENNEDY, 184 s. Brdwy; tel. 685. SADDLES, HARNESS AND SADDLEWARR 1. P. MORENO, 220 Allao St. SAFES, SCALES, REFRIGERATORS CHAS. W. ADAMS, BSB N. Main. Tel. 1847. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOOL COMPANY COIINSTABLE * COUTTS, 156 N. Los Angeles. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALiIERS BOOTH A ROW. 256 S. Main St. Tel. 1349. WATCHMAKER AND OPTICIAN O. BTOESAK, 511 8. Spring St. bet. 6th and (th. WINES AND SPIRITS J. F. A. LAST, 129 and 131 N, Main st. YARN HOUSES NEW YORK BAZAAR. 148 N. Spring at. Directory of SOUTHERN HflTPl Q l CALIFORNIA HU 1 CL»J j HOTEL WETROPOLE ggg CATALISA I UuTEI IDPIIIII SANTA MONICA. 6. RHEIN* ! nUItL Hnbnllln heart, Proprietor. HOTEL HBUHIBtCK ga^" 8 " uilTEl Dllilllll SPRING AND THIRD STS., j IIUI LI MRUIM Los Angeles. riSer DHOP '' | HOTEL PORTLAND j£ggg BPMya BT " HOTEL BRUNSWICK American-European plana, i HOTEL HOLYROOD Cochrane, proprietor. TUC DmIiT.II MAIN AND NINTH ST., RIVER, lilt KUIttLL side. E. J. Davis, Prop. hotel l n ßTiTpim;r sT co " mAD ° HOTEL AtfALON gg^ SANTA CATA^ UfITCI DDIWvTCD •'• X - o-brien, propu iIUILL DnCnOlLn Fourth and V Sts., San Diego. V AND TUMORS. \V Hi aVAaaSy No Knife or Pais I 3J « Bar No r '*J 11,1 c,lred ! fIS aßf sJBa Write for 63-pnge Br*~jgS 1 Treatise and Home %9aaaaM \testimonialsof many woalerfal cures, nostl7 aon*aw in women's breasts. 8. R. CH A Ml f Y. M. D. II CaMBrHiipilsl.4iSW.Tsr.thS H \J Z. J V Oflee, »11 W. Flratst 10s anqcles. cat.. PLEASE SEND THIS TO SOME ONE WITH CANCER OR TUMOR. JlyL DfcWONQ HIM, who ha* practice.*! modi cine in Lot Anjteles ior 21 years, and Whose office is at 639 Upper Main street, will treat by niedictne all diseases ol women, mea tnd children Thedoctor claims that he ha* remedies tha: are suparior to all others as ft ■pecitic for troubles of women and men. A trial will convince the aiek that Dr. Wong aHini'B remedies are the must efficacious that can be prescribed. Dr. Won? Him is a Chines* physician of prominence km i a gentleman •» responsibility. Ilia reputation is more than well established, and all pemons needing his services can rely on his skill nnd ability. A cure is Guaranteed in every case in which a recovery is possible. Herb medicines for sale. DR.WONGHIM HERB DOCTOR 6)9 Upper Main St., Los Angels J, M. Griffith, Pres. John T tirimth. V.-Pree F. T. Griffith, Secretary and Treasuror. Geo. K. Waltes, hupt. of Mill. J. M. GRIFFITH COMPANY, Lumber Dealers, And manufacturers of IMC Mill work 01 Every DescripiioiL Oeeis Windows, Blind, and Stairs. M 4 M. ALAMEDA ST.. Lea Augales. Oak m ''ig d is a non-poisonous remriiv for Gnnnrrhorn, < J,r '''. Spermatorrhiea, MmuWiu l to Whiten, unnatural di«- JBjaW onsrsnucd « chargea. or any innumniit- BtabW aot ia strleiare. w tioo, irriiation or uhu-ra aWaSertysaw asaiagisa. tlon of mucous mem lKlrHEEv>S3CHtaiC.lCri. b ™ n <-"- Ken-astringent. IggaoM'SluT'o mm 8»el4l by nranUU, n a. a r «"nt in plain wrapper, TaavV by eipress. prerjalj. for %VasaBBBBBBBa!t!rB f, l , a> 'i" r 3 * > - n • SI JSS. wirS'iw -- — LEGAL NOTICES RBSOLVTIONNoTiiS A Resolution of the Board of TranW tees of the City of Lioiitr. Beach, giving notice that sealed pro* posals or bids will be received Mr sale of a Franchise for tbe erec tinn and maintenance of a Tele phone and Telegraph system in th* City of Long Beach Whereas, application has been made for a franchise to erect and maintain poles, wires and other conductors for the trans, mission of electricity for telephone and tel egraph Tiurpbsee In and upon the streets, uileys and public highways In the City ot Long Beach, and to exercise tho privil ege of operating telephones within said city, fo? a term of fifteen (15) years. Now. therefore, be It resolved, that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise In the Daily Herald, a news paper published in the City of Los An- Kelcs, State of California, for ten (lni consecutive tlays. and two weeks In tho Kye. a newspaper published In the City of Long Jleach, the following; notice of inten tion to award a franchise irrantlnjr the aforesaid privileges to tiie highest bidder in the following words, towlt : NOTICE OF BALE OF FRANCHIBH Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the City of Long Beach, County of I.os Angeles. State of California, has received application for a franchise to construct, lav down, operate and main tain an electric telegraph plant and sys tem, witli all the necessary appliances. In the public streets of the city of Look Heach for the period of fifteen years, ana that It Is proposed to grant the same to the highest bidder, and that the said Board of; Wustees will on the 21st day of May at t :30 o'clock p. m. meet in the city hall of the City of Long Bench, in open session for the purpose of opening sealed propo sals for the purchase of a franchise of the character and for the term set forth below, at which time and place said franchise will be awarded to the highest bidder. The following is a copy of the ordinance which is proposed to be passed awarding to tiie successful bidder the aforesaid fran chise, towlt: ORDINANCE NO. "An ordinance granting to ■. successors and assigns, the right to place, erect and maintain poles, wires and other conductors for the transmission of elec tricity for telephone and telegraph pur poses in and upon the streets, alleys and public highways in the City of Long Beach, and to exercise the privilege of operating telephones withi.i said city. The Board of Trustees ot the City ot Long Beach do ordain as follows: Section 1. The City of Long Beach herehv grants to , succes sors and assigns, the right and privilege lo place, lay. erect, maintain and operate in the streets, alleys and public highways within said city, poles, wires and other con ductors for tiie transmission of electricity lor telephone and telegraph purposes. Section 2. Such wires or conductor* shall bo stretched upon poles or other fixtures above Rround in a workmanlike and proper manner: said poles shall be erected at the edge of the sidewalks In saiii city in a good substantial manner, and shall he kept painted. The Board of Trustees of said city shall have the right to cause said grantee to move the location of any pole whenever in their judgment the public convenience shall require the location of the same elsewhere, the ex , peuse of said removal to be paid by said grantee. ' Section 3. The said grantee or assigns may make all necessary excavations In snv of the ssaid streets, alleys or public high ways for the purpose of erecting and main taining poles or other supports for said wires or conductors, or repairing the same, and said work shall be done In compliance with the rules, regulations, or dinances or orders which may during the continuance of the franchise be. adopted of the said city, and the same shall he done to the satisfaction of the said Board of Trustees. Section 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall he construed as in any wise to prevent lite proper authorities of said City of Long Heach from sewering, grading, paving, re pairing or altering any of said streets or thoroughfares herein mentioned. Section 5. In consideration of the rights herein granted the said City of Long Beach shall have the right to suspend and maintain upon Ihe poles placed by the said grantee, successors or assigns in th* streets and thoroughfares aforesaid any ami all wires which said city may require lor lite alarm and police telegraph ser vice. Section fi. The rights, privileges and franchises herein granted shall continue and lie in force for the period of fifteen (151 years from and after the adoption and publication of this ordinance. Section 7. The clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolution and cause the same to he published twice in the Eye. a weekly newspaper published and circu lated in the City of Long Beach, and there after it shall be in full force and effect. Adopted this— day of , 1596. . president of Board of Trustees of City of Long Beach. I hereby certify the foregoing resolu tion was adopted this nth day of April, IWMS. FRANK E. COOK. City Clerk of City of Long Beach. Stockholder's Meeting. Office of the San Joie Ranch Company,) Rooms 1 and '.!. California Bank Building \ Los ANtiiti.Es. Cal., Aprils, 1898.1 Th- regular Annual Meeting of the stockholders ' of the Son .lose Ranch Company will be held at the compimv'H ofHce. rooms Nos. t and 5, California I Hank Building. I.os Angeles, California, Tours, t day, the mill rtnv of April, 1896, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. i for tiie purpose of electing a Board of Directors for | the ensuing year, ami the transaction of such 1 other business us may properly come before such, meeting. B A. B. NOLTON, Secretary. Stockholders' Meeting rfIHBRE WILL BE A SPECIAL STOCK. I holders' meeting of the Los Angeles Petro leum. Smelting and Mining company, called by tba board of directors ay their meeting on Marcs 81, 1899, to he held at rooms 114 and 115, Bryaon block, on Wednesday. April 22, I sua, at 10 am., tor tba purpose of removing a director and other Import ant business relating thereto. Hy order of the board of directors. E. J. REED, Secretary. Los Angeles, Cal., Anrll 1, 1898. IB —_ __—. Notice of Dissolution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tha partnership of Christopher Hickson and P. .1. Stack, under the firm name of Hickson X- Stack, at No. 121 East First street, was on the second day of April, 1896, dissolved, said Hickson having purchased the Inter est of said Stack. The business will be continued by C. Hickson. CHRISTOPHER HICKSON. Stockholder's Meeting. The Animal Meeting of the stockholders ot the L. a. Oil Burning and supply Co. will be held In tho oftlre of the company, corner Alhambre av en tie and Date street, Los Angeles. Calif., OS M»» day, April so. IBIHI. at 2 o'clock p. at. John j. BACtaaivrl, wmj&em