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10 Don't Fail to Visit Los Angeles' Leading Clothing Establishment—The Only Clothing Store Occupying an Entire Block on the Pacific Coast W 4\r\ jT% &4 m o\ J\CT \ »CT Have Commenced to Swarm to =2 I La riesici visitof-s « the hub * % To Witness the Most Dazzling Show Window Displays Ever Seen in this State If you want to secure the Latest Sty[e i i ♦ __——————. [SfO OtllCf ) Clothingjor Self or Boys at The Lowest The visiting public cordially ever? L evenhi r g o this S weei!! r ßooded° P b y ' Possible Price KrS Such Stocks of Men's and Boys' Underwear, quartet col- $2 50 tO $10 r^J^^ < ' jl to save you many dollars in your furnishings. —jg B J15t0525 i ffi'eB U" ti j *~ -Boys and Children 2 Never before was such a fine spread of rich styles ffl fjm ll JliifHli ' boom this department we shall name prices this week Z3S» and EXTRAORDINARY Values placed before the people of Iff*;f ijyjjrpjgy| gj fully one-fourth to one-third less than you'd be obliged this state. See them before purchasing inferior goods at —• ml to pay exclusive hatters, whose only revenue conies from _^J£ »f>— high prices elsewhere is all we ask or desire. . . —— . *... ------ ■ ■ ; - -... , their hat department. Z^L ttSP Los Angeles' ■*n < ■ JSBL r-k r»>r»« nW —>*. 154-200 3 £ j§F Leading Clothiers Tfl,U I =T jflfßHl • IJ II I ■>! North Spring Street V E f Hatters and I Ifl I f l|l|||f 11 IU I f)| lk '* 3 |j : Furnishers |J. |j IJLLj W LJ U| 3 HUTCHISON AND THE SPIRITS He Dilates Upon Elsie Reynolds' Alleged Past The Kicker Thinks That the Ignorant and Foollah Have Not a Deep Insight Into Spiritual Matters In the last few days I have made sev eral attempts to lind the "masculine defender who would call Mr. Hutchi son to account" for his remarks con cerning one Elsie Reynolds, an alleged spiritualistic medium. I have heard of several of him, but all seem to be out of town at present. I am sorry that Ella Lucy Merriam threatens to quit saying anything on this subject, for there are several in teresting discoveries which we might discuss With great pro tit. I have discovered that this Elsie Rey nolds is tile same Elsie that was ex posed—in fact, very much exposed— during a "seance" at a house on the east side of Flower street, between Seventh and Eighth streets, about nine years ago. At that time some honest people pro vided several devices to enlighten their deluded friends and relatives who ■were communing witii Elsie Reynolds while she was attempting to Imperson ate certain departed mortals. One gentleman appeared with an electric lighting apparatus with shirt bosom attachment. Another gentle man had a candle in his pocket. To in sure against a suit for damages they had also constructed a cabinet at their own expense. At the tlmo of the seance, about thirty well-known residents of this city were present. The spirits "worked beautifully." While one "spirit" was regaling the audience with choice bits of information concerning spiritland, the gentleman with the electric light turned on that illuminator. It worked like the proverbial charm. It revealed the fact that the spirit in evidence was none other than Male Reynolds, robed only in a very simple chemise. Elsie Reynolds gave a Bcream, nnd some other "eagle-like oratory," and fled furiously; her brave "masculine defender" was overpowered by honest men and his revolver was taken from him; the seance broke up in confusion and light: several "believers" were cured; and Elsie Reynolds left the city for a season. Her escapades In San Francisco and Ban Diego are also interesting to stu dents of the weakness of humanity. Her career in San Diego was cut short by an arrest fjr obtaining money un der false pretense. Tn San Francisco the Chronicle made her record odiously clear. However, she could not withstand the attractions of the holy city very long, and she mode frequent incursions therein. At one time she occupied a house neaf tbe corner of Fifth and Spring streets, where she had a very ingeniously con ktructed apparatus in the shape of a wide, movable baseboard In the corner of the room where she kept her cabinet. The walls of the bouse were of brick, surd some bricks were placed In such a position that a blow upon the baseboard iln question would indicate that a solid Iwall was behind it. When partially sen bible "doubting Thomasess" had tested tbe baseboard by thumping it to their ■itisfaction, an attendant, or "mascu line defender" of Elsie, who was on the other side of the wall, quietly removed toe false backing: then Elsie entered tbe cabinet; the lights were manipu lated) so that they would not injure tha eyes of the angels from heaven and hades, whose chief business appeared to be to dance and sing and wave pep per- tree boughs and blue gum leaves before the "believers" at the bidding ef the saintly and chosen medium. Elsie Reynolds. At one of those seances, Elsie was again exposed. At that time she fled to a convenient closet, where some honest persons soon after found her ghostly varment which was coated with a chem ical preparation tnat emitted a faint phosphorescent light. Those honest persons are well known In business circles here, and have been at the same location for more than twenty years. If Ella Lucy Merriam or any other champion will controvert these state ments they will be substantiated by certain and divers doctors, merchants, bankers, and others who were my in formants, and who themselves aided at several expositions of the game of Elsie. Tn my former observations concerning this question I spoke entirely by way of general argument based on reason and science, and the hope of a hereafter which others than spooks and goblins and idiots might enjoy. Ella Lucy Mer riam seemed determined to stake the whole matter on Elsie Reynolds, and I trust that I have thrown a few lights on some of the dark passages of that text. I feel that I am Innocent of the charge of using ' eagle-like oratory." Men do not usually Incur the charge of scream ing—in fact, 1 know of but one mascu line chump in the city who even pre tends to "scream like the eagle bird," and he is beneath notice and Otis. Ella Lucy Merrlam says: "No men tal, moral, intellectual, nor physical phenomena is unattended by the exer cise of the human will." That is ut terly absurd. If it were true every sane man could believe that iron rust is butter and that solid iron is bread. Besides, what of dreams, and fancies, and sickness, and pain, and being knocked down, and of death itself ? The spirit bands that "are for the time being physical bands" for all purposes save bearing the light and touching the hands of honest skeptics, are the hands of rascals. The following alleged English from Ella Lucy Merriam's last reply is not clear to anyone that 1 know, and its ex planation would be much appreciated: To spiritualists death ceases to be speculation." Morality is not the stat us of a medium, but their organic, con struction." "A test is the presentation of some fact or event, even though triv ial, that betrays the existence of some invisible knowledge." "Air and its properties are in more rapid motion in light than in darkness, thus being more easily manipulated in the shadow." "Every mortal attracts to Itself sim ilar elements from the Invisible." "A test is not high-flown sentiment alone nor eagle-like oratory." These fearfully and wonderfully con structed specimens show 1 a clearness of mind that would delight even Professor Search, w hose own chaste and chased effusions they resemble hideously. We are continually told that we may be wise and learned In earthly lore, yet know nothing whatever of spirit lore. Therein 1 agree with all my antagon ists, but I do not agree with them in their corollary which intimates that the ignorant and foolish have deep insight Into spiritual matters and a monopoly thereof. The great and wise and good men of this world have been sadly neg lected by revisiting spirits. Considering the number of those who have been afflicted byvisits from spooks and goblins, and the fact that I have been on this earth a little over a quarter of a century without seeing anything but physical and chemical manifesta tions, I am led to tbe conclusion that my LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAT MORNTNG. APRIL 21, 1596, eyes are mates and that each is next lo the other. My offer of J2O for the privilege of shaking hands with a spirit at a large public seance and $1000 for sight of a proof" of spirit of mortal still holds good. Yours truly, EDWARD L, Hl-TCHISON'. One W cv ol Seatonlng Lumber The distinction is enjoyed by Spring field, Mass., of possessing the largest lumber and wood-working establish ment east of the Mississippi—P. H. Potter's—who, it seems, is an ardent and successful advocate of what is termed the "common-sense system" of kiln-drying, a theory which is consid ered very simple and sound from a prac tical standpoint. The kilns are con nected by a shaft, in the middle of which is placed a fan, six feet in diam eter, which makes 300 revolutions a min ute. The whirling of the fan produces a partial vacuum in the kilns, and the air, laden with moisture from the par tially seasoned lumber, is drawn through the flues and brought into contact with cold pipes, which condense the mois ture, then through a steam coil, after which it is sent whirling back through the kilns again. Subjected to such treatment, lumber is ordinarily sea soned to satisfaction in six days, but in the case of southern pine, oak or other descriptions of c lose-Hbred wood, sometimes four weeks are required There are twelve sets of these drying kilns, reaching up two stories, and hav ing a capacity of 150,000 feet.New York Sun. Call tel. 243 for ambulance. Krcgelo & Presee, Sixth and Broadway. A LESSON FOR YOUNG AMERICA. RAMBLING THOUGHTS LEONARD FOWLER Crowds are always interesting. Thu broad streets ,„ lowing withj their stream of hums are to me the ar teries of civiliza, . Or, mayhap, they resemble the tides of the ocean running up the sandy beach. The light and the laughter is there, hut under it all is tbe undertow of sorrow and sadness and pain. A common impulse impels it in a common direction but each particle and atom moves in a diverging path. Each one is tilled with his own purpose, in tent upon his own efforts, giving no heed to nor having no thought fur the wayfarer, spectator nor each other. It is as if they were shpwrecked upon some surging main and the small boats insufficient to accommodate all. Fight ing, striving and toiling, they, while at atemptlng to gain their own ends, spend half their time and energy beating back their fellow toilers. It is a story com mentary upon the self-confidence of Christianized humanity. Surely there ia room for all. The bright sunshine, the green trees, the gorgeous flowers, the birds and the lapping, singing waves of the placid, blue, old ocean were sure ly made for all. I entertain this opin ion because there is so much of each. And after all this is all we can get—the sunshine, the birds and the rest of it. •theme men did not smoke cigarettes." And I think this Is what we must be striving for. Our ability to see it, of course, depends upon our mental condi tion. If we are harrassed with, petty cares and small worries, it is all beyond us. We cannot feel it because our bodies -mentally speaking—are benumbed by the trivial wounds and petty irritation. 1 11 such v condition it is beyond us to ap preciate the beauties of earth. Forget ting the true Creator in whom we have been taught to place reliance, we at tempt to rise superior to nature and the result is a constant groping in the gloomy corridors of our own vain con ceit. And by the way it is the small worries that hurt. It is the fine sand that, pen etrattrtg our flesh, irritates to madness; it is the pin In our clothes that spoils the day's pleasure. The whining voice of the house-cat spoils our night's rest while we slumber on undisturbed by the thun- ( lashings and muttering*: of the der storm* ft is our foolish friend and not the open enemy who hurts and In jures us. In other words it is the Inci dental, not the aeeidental, ills of life that c ause our degeneration. Am! it does cause our degeneration. Small worries harass and make us peev ish. Great prices are onobllng. They reach down into our very life-springs. They cause the In-art to throb. They muse a complete change, reflection anil thought. Not so with the little ones. They do not cause the blood to How in great, wide torrents. They do not cause a single extra heart throb. They sim ply abrade the flesh, and. causing us to think of them forthe time being, distract out attention from the more serious problems of existence, thus taking us away from the great, wide, beautiful world so full of music, gladness and peace. And this brings me back tn the origin al proposition. It is an art to enjoy life. We must have seen a rose before if we would handle it and beware of the thorns. And larking this experience all that money can buy is the sunshine the birds and the flowers. By purchas ing our Immunity from these petty ills, these little cares, these thorns on the rosevine. these pin points of liCe. it pur chases the rosecolored glasses through which we may see the purple color of the distant Catalinas, or the shimmering waves of Ihe blue Pacific. Niagara's Forces. On the sth of next month the power nf the dynamos at Niagara Falls will be transmitted to New York city, a distance of -402 miles by wire, and at the same time the roar of the great Falls will also be transmitted by the Bell telephone. This 162 miles will be by far the longest dis tance over which electric power has over been transmitted, 110 miles having been hitherto the long-distance limit, and that in Europe. But in mechanics one thing leads to another; one success to another. One of the first uses of the Niagara Falls water power waa the manufacture on a great scale of aluminum, a few years ago a rarity, a wonder, now becoming as com mon a metal aa copper, and the same wa ter power will be used to demonstrate hitherto unheard of resources in electricity. So the world moves—Kansas City .Star. Campaigning on a Low Level Mark Hanna bas bargained for the right to make tbe tariff laws of the country. He is now buying the power to tax the Ameri can people. Mr. McKinley is merely an incident of the deal. It is necessary that there should be some person like McKin ley at the head of the government in order to carry out the scheme of farming the taxes of Mark Hanna and his associates. In the very nature of things a campaign based upon such motives, conducted for such a purpose and by such persons, must be on a low plane. Tbe crawling vulgari ans who have planned to buy the presi dency for McKinley and tbe power of taxa tion for themselves have necessarily dragged the campaign down to their own level.—Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Silver Monometalllsts. Says the Utah Republicans: A "Protec tion tariff, as long as the money of the country is held, otm.'e for ounce, 100 per cent higher than the money of the orient and Spanish-America, is important to save our farmers and manufacturers from a competition which they are helpless to meet." If this means anything it means that our silver is held 100 per cent higher than ths value of >the metal contained in it by its practical convertibility into a dol lar in gold, and that the only thing that can save our farmers and manufacturers is to let the silver dollar fall one-half to its bullion value. The gold coin would then be worth just as much aa it is now, and the dollars of silver would be worth only half as much aa the dollars of gold. Yet these Republicans pretend to favor bimetallism, pretending that two kinds of dollars, one worth twice aa much as the other, will cir culate side by side. They know better. They know they are silver monomatallists and not blmetalliats at all.—Chicago Chron icle. A Liberal Estimate The Chicago Times-Herald (Independent Republican) thinks there is no good reason wby the money plank of the St. Louis plat form and the money plank of the Chicago platform should not be identical, word for word, aa "96 per cent of the people of the United States are in favor of a single mon etary standard and that standard gold." Rheumatism in the back, shoulders, hips ankles, elbowi or wrists is caused by accumu lation-of acid in the blood. Hood's Sarsapa rllla neutralizes the acid and cures the rheu matlsm. Hood's Pills are the bast family cathartic and liver madlela* Harmless and reliable. SIGNS OF THE TIMES ZANONI In the ancient times the people be lieved that the "stars in their courses governed, or had influence over, all th i affairs of mankind: consequently their wise men or priests were consulted on all Important occasions, even in nation al affairs, such as crowning of kings, etc. Why should not humanity listen to the same oracle at present, and then pass judgment as to whether it,is true or false. April gist the earth enters the zoadi cal sign Scorpio, which is .expressive of a malignant force upon this planet, especially as the planet Saturn is ie. the same sign and is ruler of the pro ceedings of this period. On the above date we will find tiie planets in the zodiac, hellocentrlcally, as follows: Neptune in Gemini, Ura nus ami Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Leo, Mars in Aquarius. Earth in Scor pio, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in Tau -1 rus. Sun in Taurus, aioon in Leo. The deductions to be made from all these planetary positions and combinations is significant in more ways than one. It will produce an'intense effect up- I on this planet, mankind included. Beginning at this time we have the worst planetary combination so far tills year (and for some years past) the effect of which will last quite a while in the future. It will be a fruit ful time for murder, suicide, robberies and riots. Disputes, religious and po litical, and news from abroad will In form us of fresh disturbances, military manoeuvers, etc. Individuals will not be Inclined to say much, but will use physical force at the least provoca tion. Highly nervous persons should b» careful during this period and not get excited, but try and keep control of themselves: keep cool. Business may be disturbed by tbe acts of the malcontents, but aside from this we may look for more than usual ac tivity In wholesale and retail lines. Speculators will make deals without reason or judgment, which will affect the market and cause great fluctua tions. Children born during this period will be daring and brave, with an abundance of vitality and energy, consequently are not liable to die young from infantile diseases. Are you thinking of putting on the yoke of matrimon*? If you do not want discord in its worst aspect, in tbe con jugal relations, better listen to the stars and wait a little longer. Party Plana Contrasted The plan of Democrats is to call a eon- 1 vention to agree on a platform, and then select a statesman to illustrate, and, if elected, to assert the principles of that platform. The plan of the Republicans i» to get the nomination, by unfair means if necessary, and then concoct a platform with delusive promises to every faction from which they expect to get votes. Thi differentiation explains why one party a noisy, while the other party is siraplis waling for the convention at Chicago ty nominate the candidate who will, if fairo ness and reason triumph, be the next preal • dent of these United States.—New York- Journal. One Explanation The gains which the Democrats made in the municipal elections in Ohio this soring are explained by the attention which the McKinley managers are devoting to states which properly belong to other favorite sons.—Kansas City Star. The Nickel Creamery Has the largest plant for making butter and ice cream In the city. 542 S. Spring.